TANTRA Tantra connects you to your true self. It creates a union between your inner and outer world. This brings more authentic relating and intimacy to all your relationships, most importantly to the one with yourself.

TANTRA ) (#2V - irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com of... · Tantra is a journey from mind to body, from thinking to feeling. It encourages you to think less, feel more. Brings you into your

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Tantra connects you to your

true self. It creates a union

between your inner and outer

world. This brings more

authentic relating and intimacy

to all your relationships, most

importantly to the one with


What is Tantra?

Sexual energy is the life force that moves through us all. Sexual energy is not just for sex! It’s

the most powerful energy we have, it directs and effects our daily lives, motivation, confidence,

our sense of self, it is our entire identity. With Tantra, we have the opportunity to use it in the

most productive and effective way, to give us the super fuel we need. We can access this

vitality, excitement and liberation to enhance our daily experiences, our confidence and

direction. In our working lives, to deepen our connection in relationships, in friendships and in

emotional and sexual intimacy. To enable us to communicate our needs, our feelings and to

identify how to best use old emotions that keep us in fear, in old patterns of relating. In this

space, you have the freedom to respond, rather than react, to bring an aliveness and honesty

to all your relating. In this, you become your own best friend, expand your awareness of your

inner world, and move this to your external world. You balance the male and female polarities,

you become more whole, grounded, centered and at home in your body, in your heart and

soul. You come home.

Sex, sexuality and all that surrounds it, in the media

and in society, has long been used to shame, control,

abuse and degrade. It’s a mess! A horrible mess that

has an impact on our daily lives, our families, how our

children view their bodies, their sexuality and

relationships. The very nature of our relating, intimacy

and connection can be distorted by the aggressive

unconscious understanding and portrayal of ‘Sexuality’.

The truth is, it’s not going to change a great deal, but

you can choose something else. How about you bring

it back to the healthy empowering force that it is for

you? You can enjoy all the benefits this force has to

offer. You can truly connect with an expansion of your

mind, body and soul, it lives within you, it is your birth

right, though you may have previously disowned or

given your power away in your past intimate


Tantra shows us that love is not an emotion but a state of being, a quality that resides within us all. A love that is our guide, our teacher, our mentor and our everlasting source of energy.   Our sexual nature is as unique to us as our fingerprints. It holds our beauty, our deepest expression of who we are, how we express ourselves in our inner and outer worlds.  It is our greatest teacher when we allow, when we trust. It shows us how to relax into our being. 

You can choose to reclaim this vital energy to bring you back into your life, your heart, and your relationships. Bringing more conscious awareness and sensitivity to your mind, body and spirit. We need it now, more than ever to support our busy lives that demand so much of us.

We all have so much conditioning surrounding Sex,Sexual Intimacy and Sexuality. We can live in shame, guilt, fear, feel lost and numb in it all. Most men and women share that they feel confused in it all, they feel the pressure of expectation and it’s clear that there is no real experience of the other. As in all areas of our lives we live with many masks and identities, fearful of showing our vulnerable self, our true nature. We condition ourselves to a version of what we feel we should be, for society, family, friends, lovers. For this we sacrifice so much freedom, joy, bliss and liberation, we sacrifice who we are. I invite you to become who you are.

Tantra is a journey from mind to body, from thinking to feeling. It encourages you to think less, feel more. Brings you into your body, into your life with an open heart, trust and freedom. In Tantra, we relax down into our sexual energy rather than build it up to a peak. We re- direct it through the body so it can be re-absorbed and re-circulated. This gives us the vitality and excitement, the energy needed for all that we are all that give to our lives.

We all have a unique Tantra journey, it lives in us all. I invite you to begin yours in a loving, supportive space with me and many other like-minded women as we come home to our hearts.

"If you feel the call of your soul, if you want to return home, to start again, begin a journey with Tantra. It will bring you home to your heart, to the essence of who you are. It will weave through your life with the truth, the courage, and the deepest wisdom of your being."

Releases limitations on your

sexuality, your most powerful

energy force

Growing and healing your


Learn how to communicate your

boundaries, desires and needs

Tantra brings a connection to

emotion in the body, to mind

body and spirit, moving in a

natural loving energy

Heals intimacy issues/blocks

Creates greater intimacy with


Greater sexual relating

Alleviates the fear of being

vulnerable during being touched,

bringing more awareness and

confidence to sensual touch.

Brings more energy to the body,

helping let go of negativity and

fear, of being in the body.

When we are engaged with a

deep intimacy of ourselves, we

are more present in our lives, in

our body.

Benefits of Tantra

What happens in a Tantra Bodywork Session?

Each session is very different, as we are

all so unique, especially when it comes

to working with our life force energies,

our sexual energies. This energy is as

unique to us as our fingerprints so each

person has a different experience.

It may be that after the detailed

consultation (our time to talk, share,

connect, look at where you are starting


It could be that guided meditations, different

structures and exercises to open the body, open the

heart, is enough. It may be that touch is needed fully

clothed, or in a more traditional massage without


We start where you are at, in your comfort zone and

together we work it out. Sessions can be light and

fun, enlightening, deeply healing, emotional and

always bring deep insight and relaxation. I am guided

by you, you are guided by me. Its an opportunity for

you to come back to your heart, into your feeling

body, your energetic body, into your life.

 Increased self-confidence and vitality

A way of growing and healing your


Consciousness and connection with spirit

Learning to communicate your

boundaries, desires and needs

Moving towards rich, pleasurable

relationships and heart-centred sexual


Learning that you are strong enough to hold

all you feel

Allowing yourself to be tender and vulnerable

Living with passion and love

Specific techniques to enliven sexual energy

and move it through the body

Connecting your sexuality, heart and spirit 

Connects you to your inner world, your true


Benefits of a Bodywork Session?

- Graduate of ISTA Tantra Practitioner Training

- ISTA Level 1

- Sexuality Awareness

Katrina Clark Qualifications

With Love, Kat xx

- Adv. Diploma Gestalt Psychotherapy

- Diploma Remedial Massage

- Reiki Master/Practitioner

Visit www.phoenix-tantra.co to book a session or contact me today