Christmas 2013 Supported by Dooleys Catholic Club, Lidcome & NSW Sport and Recreation Hi Everyone, our newsletter is back. I hope to honour Janet’s excellent example and good work by providing us with TA NSW news and events. I really want to keep us all involved in what’s going on in the Transplant world of NSW. I hope to keep us informed, have regular dates for events, exchange ideas, photos, news or whatever, as a group, we think is important to stay in touch with each other. Thanks Sandra Walton NSW Christmas Party!!!! 20th World Transplant Games Durban South Africa The World Transplant Games in Durban, on the east coast of South Africa, was described by many as “the best games ever”! We had 35 athletes in our Aussie team which performed so well, we came 5 th in the medal tally overall! This was a fantastic effort as many other teams had over 100 athletes! The supporters were also there to yell and scream and share the Aussie spirit. The games were well organised, the Hotel Maharahni was beautiful with spectacular sunrises over the beach every morning while everyone dined on breakfasts 24 th November 2013 at 10am Carr’s Bush Park Kogarah Santa and Games, it’s a great day next to the water. Lunch: Free for members and $5 for Non members. A bargain! Bring your family and friends. BYO Drinks, chairs, nibbles Very Important: Have you RSVP? Contact Heather Edgell ASAP. that were incredible. The weather was great for all the sports, rather tropical for winter! The opening ceremony was truly amazing with dance, music and scenes which was inspiring as our Aussie team made their grand entrance in their blazers, dress uniform and Akubras. A common comment in the audience was how great the Aussie team looked. Not only did our team look great, we competed with the usual passion and were rewarded with not only medals, but with new and renewed friendships. The results can be found on the link to the 2013 Transplant games. www.wtg2013.com/results.htm Transplant NSW

TANSW Newsletter Xmas 2013

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Page 1: TANSW Newsletter Xmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Supported by Dooleys Catholic Club, Lidcome & NSW Sport and Recreation

Hi Everyone, our newsletter is back. I hope to honour Janet’s excellent example and good work by providing us with TA NSW news and events. I really want to keep us all involved in what’s going on in the Transplant world of NSW. I hope to keep us informed, have regular dates for events, exchange ideas, photos, news or whatever, as a group, we think is important to stay in touch with each other.

Thanks Sandra Walton

NSW Christmas Party!!!!

20th World Transplant Games Durban South Africa

The World Transplant Games in Durban, on the east coast of South Africa, was described by many as “the best games ever”! We had 35 athletes in our Aussie team which performed so well, we came 5th in the medal tally overall! This was a fantastic effort as many other teams had over 100 athletes! The supporters were also there to yell and scream and share the Aussie spirit.

The games were well organised, the Hotel Maharahni was beautiful with spectacular sunrises over the beach every morning while everyone dined on breakfasts

24th November 2013 at 10am

Carr’s Bush Park Kogarah

Santa and Games, it’s a great day next to the water.

Lunch: Free for members and $5 for Non members. A bargain! Bring your family and friends.

BYO Drinks, chairs, nibbles

Very Important: Have you RSVP? Contact Heather Edgell ASAP.

that were incredible. The weather was great for all the sports, rather tropical for winter! The opening ceremony was truly amazing with dance, music and scenes which was inspiring as our Aussie team made their grand entrance in their blazers, dress uniform and Akubras. A common comment in the audience was how great the Aussie team looked. Not only did our team look great, we competed with the usual passion and were rewarded with not only medals, but with new and renewed friendships. The results can be found on the link to the 2013 Transplant games. www.wtg2013.com/results.htm

Transplant NSW

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Transplant NSW/ Christmas edition / Page 2 of 4

NSW was represented by athletes of all ages including two juniors, Adam Smith and Nicholas Shugg. We were also joined by the Team Manager Anne Stein, Assistant Team Manager Margaret Hill and team doctors Dr John Moran and his wife Dr Robyn Yabsley. The Aussie team won a total of 27 Gold, 14 Silver and 12 Bronze medals of which athletes from NSW won 12 Gold, 5 Silver and 3 Bronze. All the athletes played really well and enjoyed themselves, as did the supporters. Gold medals went to Michelle Daley, Nicholas

Results of WTG Durban

The Miracle dinner was held at at Dooleys, Regents Park on 6th June 2013 decorated in Christmas in July colours. Dooley’s club was once again very generous and donated the decoration and also presented us with a cheque. Everyone enjoyed themselves with Greg.McCallum as our MC, the band, The 2 of US and our Auctioneer Brian all made the night a great success.

The Ben Harrison Shield was given to Reg Garvan from North Haven. Reg accepted this award

Miracle Dinner 2103

Our branch meeting was held on Sunday 15th September 2013 at Dooley’s.

13 people attended with 8 apologies. Lavinia, our Welfare Officer sent cards to those who lost loved ones. Back in March the Narrabeen Activity weekend was

Minutes of TA NSW meetings

Shugg, Lisa Cuthbertson, Michael Kennedy and Max Mohr. Silver medals went to Heather Edgell, Adam Smith, Nicholas Shugg and Max Mohr. Bronze medals went to Adam Smith and Lisa Cuthbertson. NSW Athletes who also competed were Ian Hill, John Purdy, Murray Rose, Clayton Walton and Michael Campbell-Jones .A special mention of Michelle Daley who came to her 1st World Games and came home with 5 Gold Medals. Well done Michelle and the whole Aussie team.

on behalf of his donor family. The Darby Ross Memorial Shield for Most Outstanding Recipient of the Year went to Clayton Walton who accepted this with great surprise. The Garry Lowe Shield went to our most outstanding supporter Greg McCallum.

Next years dinner is already booked for Saturday 14th June 2014.Any suggestions for a theme would be most appreciated so send me an email or ring, all ideas are welcome.

another great success. The Christmas party and the next games in Melbourne 2014 were also discussed. A copy of the minutes can be obtained from our secretary, Heather Edgell. The next meeting and event is in February 2014 at Kurri Kurri. Time TBA.

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Transplant NSW/ Christmas edition / Page 3 of 4

8th December 2013. Dooleys We will have a social gathering.

12th January 2014 at 930am. Sailing!!!!

22nd February 2014 Golf day Kurri Kurri

We are SAILING!!!!!

Attention families and kids!

This January is a great opportunity to get together and try Sailing thanks to Sailability NSW.


Sailability NSW will facilitate participation in sailing and boat usage at social, recreational and competitive levels on inland, estuary and ocean water, for people with disabilities regardless of age and level of disability.

This is available for only limited numbers of 20 and will be at Dobroyd, Sydney. As it is school holidays it’s a great time for the kids to try this sport.

We need to know numbers by the end of this week so if you can email me I can take names and let everyone know as soon as possible to confirm our booking. I know this is short

Calender events for 2014

NSW Team National Games Newcastle 2012.

“Melbourne here we come!.”

notice but it’s such a great chance to try this exciting sport.

We would love to have more events that kids and families will enjoy so I encourage everyone to join in.

As I said more events will be announced in the first newsletter next year.

I would welcome any ideas and feedback as to what we would like to share in our newsletter.

One idea could be a monthly list of Transplant Birthdays for those who would like to share and celebrate that special day.

I would like to encourage our members to get involved, come to events, welcome new members and have a great time.

If you have any event to promote, any stories, photos or just want to say hi, send them in to me for the future newsletters.

Next year we hope will be an exciting year for all of us.

The Australian Transplant Games will be in Melbourne from 26th September - 4th October 2014.

Keep an eye out for the next newsletter in the early part of 2014.

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Next year will be an exciting year as the games are to be held at Albert Park in Melbourne, Victoria from 27th September -4th October 2014.

The performance of the NSW team at the Newcastle games in 2012, earned us the Victor Chang Memorial Shield. So we want as many NSW members to go to Melbourne as possible and hopefully we will have a chance to keep the shield.

Each state needs a state manager. NSW has 2 managers, Margaret Hill and Heather Edgell.

Transplant Games Melbourne 2014

It was very sad to hear the recent loss of Matthew Mulhall. Matthew played in the Newcastle games and won a Gold and Silver medal in Beach Volleyball and Indoor volleyball. We are so sorry for your loss.

Lisa Forbes was originally from NSW but moved to Western Australia. We were sad to hear of her passing away. Our condolences to her family, from all of us in NSW.

Margaret Hill also suffered the loss of her Father and Aunty recently. Our sincere sympathy for you and your family Margaret.


Future events for TA NSW….

Chairperson: Mick Kennedy 0408463021 Secretary: Heather Edgell 9531 2589 Treasurer: Margaret Hill 4936 2722 Youth Officer: Anthony Edwards Welfare Officer: Lavinia Foote Morid Newsletter: Sandra Walton Email:[email protected]

We’re on the Web See us at:

www.facebook/Transplant NSW


There is a draft schedule of all the sports for the national games on the website which is now open.

Registration for the games is going to be open in January 2014.

More updates in our first 2014 newsletter.

The website link is:


Also it was a great shock for Monty Summers’ family to lose his Dad in Durban South Africa during the World Transplant Games. We are so sorry for your loss.

It is sad to farewell Dom Simovic, a member of Transplant Australia from Victoria. He attended many games, both National and the World Games at the Gold Coast. We send our condolences to Frankie, his brother and the rest of his family.

Our condolences to all the families and friends.

8th December 2014 Dooleys, Christmas gathering 12th January 2014 Sailing (Go for it, kids!!!.) 22nd February 2014. Golf weekend, Kurri Kurri . Stay tuned for more events for everyone! Latest News: Keith Galdino has been in Sutherland Hospital in Intensive Care for the last 2 weeks. We wish Keith a speedy recovery from all of us at TA NSW.