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lord Ganesha, also known as Vinayaka, is the son of lord shiva and goddess parvati .he is worshipped As the lord of beginnings and eliminator of obstacles, Whether it is a religious ceremony (puja), a new vehicle, students taking exams, or beginning a business venture, it is Ganesha they pray to. Ganesha is the first icon placed into any new home or abode. he is also considered the god of intellect and wisdom.It is widely believed that "Wherever there is Ganesha, there is Success and Prosperity" and "Wherever there is Success and Prosperity there is Ganesha". he is said to be the most worshipped divinity in india Lord ganeshas huge body represents the cosmos or universe. his elephant head denotes superior intelligence . He has a single tusk, the other being broken off and seen holding his broken tusk which denotes as a symbol of knowledge.The right upper arm holds an axe, while the left upper arm holds a noose, The modaka or sweet in his hand is to remind us of the sweetness of ones inner self .He is often shown riding on, a mouse .In India, the festival to celebrate and glorify him is called Ganesh Chaturthi. it is celebrated for ten days. Lakshmi

Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, light, wisdom, the lotus flower and fortune, and secondarily of luck, beauty, courage and fertility. The grace of god is personified in her as one who brings wealth and prosperity ,both material and spiritual. She is consort to Vishnu.In the form of Bhudevi or Mother Earth, she supports life and nature. Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped by those who wish to acquire or to preserve wealth and for the well being and prosperity of the family.Lakshmi is depicted as a beautiful woman of golden complexion, with four hands, sitting or standing on a full-bloomed lotus and holding a lotus bud, which stands for beauty, purity and fertility. The meaning of the lotus in relation to Shri-Lakshmi refers to purity and spiritual power.Her four hands represent the four ends of human life: dharma or righteousness, kama or desires, artha or wealth, and moksha or liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Cascades of gold coins are seen flowing from her hands, suggesting that those who worship her gain wealth.Businessmen and women offer her daily prayers.A special worship is also offered to Lakshmi on the auspicious Diwali night the festival of lights.

Radha Krishna

RadhaKrishna the eternal gods and their love legends have been the most memorable of all times.Krishna's relationship with Radha, has served as a model for male and female love in a variety of art forms. Radha krishna's utterly rapturous love and their relationship is often interpreted as the quest for union with the divine and is symbolically represented as the bond between the wife and husband or beloved and lover. Radha and Krishna since childhood were close to each other - they played, they danced, they fought, they grew up together and wanted to be together forever. Radha-Krishna lyrics relates the various amorous delights of the union of Radha and Krishna in this ceremonious 'Gandharva' form of their wedding in front of five hundred and sixty million people, and all the gods and goddesses of heaven. So great were their love and this evergreen love theme has engrossed poets, painters, musicians alike as a symbol of love. Lord Krishna is the eighth and the most popular incarnation of Lord Vishnu.He was born in approximately 3200 BCE in Vrindavan, where he was brought up by the cowherd family. His childhood playmates were gopas (cowherd boys) and gopis (cowherd girls), who were greatly devoted to him.Radha, also known as Radharani . daughter of Vrishabhanu., Radha is one of the gopis (cow-herding girls) of the forest of Vrindavan . She is considered krishnas adi shakti (feminine aspect or power of God).

Giris Paintings

Giris studio, founded by J.yeamanthgiri and Y.latha ,have been making tanjore style of paintings to look unique in design and technique since 1990.Their works have been appreciated for its emotional impact and are found in private and public collections internationally. Giris vision of temple art has always been towards an experimental creative attitude rather than a traditional monotonous reproduction and this has been an inspiration for many of his students also. Their paintings maintain an exquisite workmanship with its skilled artists and craftsmen belonging to various parts of southern and northern india. Their designs, created are inspired from the ancient temples of India blended with contemporary elements to look unique in each different works. Each painting is done with immense dedication and skilled workmanship. The techniques and materials of the paintings have been carefully used to add to the perfection and beauty of these paintings. Both artistic and craftsmanship skills has been balanced in their paintings

The studio is able to take new concepts and create an outstanding work of art or decor for any private and public environment with a blend of traditional and contemporary look .They believe in the continually evolving possibilities of the medium.

Tanjore paintings evolution

Thanjavur or tanjore situated in tamil nadu is famed as the home of carnatic music,bharatanatyam ,temple sculpture , architecture and art .the tanjore schools of paintings flourished from the beginning of the 18th century to the close of ninteenth century the rotund and copiously jewelled figures in the paintings speak of the rich and glorious rulers or kings during those times.These paintings mostly picturise the jewels the deities have to wear, Describe postures and list the characters that have to accompany them inside a grand architectural design. These paintings are done on a (palagai) wooden base with embossed ornamental designs embedded with semi precious or glass stones. Then (reku) gold leaf (22carat), is transferred onto the embossing allowing the stones to be seen, this is then followed by a traditional color scheme. many other traditional decoratives are also used to give that rich look it posses. This old method is very permanent. This style of work from Thanjavur or tanjore, situated in the southern part of India is popularly known as tanjore paintings. they are one of the oldest known popular Indian art forms. This exquisite traditional art piece is been appreciated through out india for its unique technique and expression