TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN NEWS VOL.1346,12 FEBRUARY,2013 – 1 COVERING TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN, CANUNGRA, TAMBORINE AND UPPER COOMERA TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN 1346, 12 FEB 2013 ESTABLISHED 1958 Future of Goat Track hangs in the balance Loss of trade will be a two-way street for businesses at Tamborine Mountain and Canungra, with the indefinite closure of the Goat Track road. For the full story, see page 3. Expect the Best CONGRATULATIONS TO YEAR 12 2012! ENROLLING NOW: - Year 8 for 2013, 2014, 2015 - Year 7 for 2015 (some vacancies in other year levels) 80 Beacon Road North Tamborine 4272 • Ph: 5545 3644 [email protected] • www.tmc.qld.edu.au T A M B O R I N E M O U N T A I N C O L L E G E V I C T O R Y V A L O U R

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1346, 12 FEB 2013 ESTABLISHED 1958

Future of Goat Track hangs in the balance

Loss of trade will be a two-way street for businessesat Tamborine Mountain and Canungra, with theindefinite closure of the Goat Track road.For the full story, see page 3.

Expect the BestCONGRATULATIONS TO YEAR 12 2012!ENROLLING NOW:- Year 8 for 2013, 2014, 2015- Year 7 for 2015(some vacancies in other year levels)

80 Beacon Road North Tamborine 4272 • Ph: 5545 [email protected] • www.tmc.qld.edu.au






Page 2: Tamborine Mountain News


ERRORS & OMISSIONS – While every care is taken with thecopy and advertisements, Tamborine Mountain News cannotbe held responsible for errors or their effect. Positioning ofclassified and display advertisements cannot be guaranteed.Tamborine Mountain News reserves the right to alter,abbreviate, omit or re-classify advertisements for any reason.The Editors at all times reserve the right to edit or omit newscopy or letters submitted for publication.Readers are reminded that letters to the editor must bear a fullname, address and signature and should preferably be typed.The views expressed in Letters to the Editor and non editorialcopy carrying the author’s name, are not necessarily those ofTamborine Mountain News nor is responsibility accepted foraccuracy of information therein. Inclusion of an advertisementfor a product or service should not be seen as an endorsementby Tamborine Mountain News.

TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN NEWSPO Box 118 North Tamborine Qld 4272Phone 5545 3170 or 0431 722 177

[email protected]@bigpond.net.au

Managing Editor: Gary StubbsNews Editor: Lisa Stubbs

Graphics/Design: Penny AagaardPrinted in the Scenic Rim by Beaudesert Times

Our masthead features the Great Barred Frog(Mixophyes fasciolatus), a ground-dwelling amphibiannative to the rainforests of the Tamborine Mountain area.


Member of AACMA– 30 years clinical experience –

49 Main St, North Tamborine


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186 HARTLEY RDOPEN 6 DAYS ~ PH: 5545 1646

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Are you feared?YOU HAVE FAILED!Have you earned respect?


Domestic ViolenceTelephone Service

1800 811 811Sponsored by the Zonta Club of

Tamborine Mountain Inc

NATURALLY enough, The Frog does notmind a bit of wet weather, but in the

aftermath of ex tropical cyclone Oswald,there has been plenty to make anyamphibian hopping mad.Like most other Mountain dwellers, The

Frog lost power on the afternoon of Sunday,January 27 which, in hindsight, wasprobably just as well for soon after a massivebranch shed by a gum tree on a neighbour’sproperty took out the power and phone lines,rendering both a tangle of spaghetti.There’s nothing that defines the Australian

landscape as much gum trees, but they donot belong in residential areas – even here onthe mountain.

So it took all The Frog’s powers of self-restraint not to phone the former neighbourresponsible for their planting on the boundaryline and holler loudly “I told you this wouldhappen one day” – particularly when TheFrog had to fork out for the electricity to bereconnected to the house when power waseventually restored to the street.As The Frog discovered, it is the

householder who has to pay to have thepower reconnected if the disruption to supplyoccurs on their property, even if whatevertook out the power line came from next door,or anywhere else for that matter.Without power or a phone line, The Frog

sought solace in ABC Radio from a battery-powered set, but that soon became a sourceof irritation.

Clearly, neither of the two tadpoles wouldbe returning to school as planned that week,but The Frog could not believe it when ABCannouncers, and even the QueenslandPremier, urged listeners to check theEducation Queensland website for schoolclosures or to refer to the Energex site to seewhen power might be restored to their suburb.Well duh, it does not take a Rhodes

Scholar to figure out that if people do nothave electricity or a phone line they are notgoing to be surfing the net anytime soon.And even the smartest of smart phones,

which can access the web, is next to uselessonce the battery is exhausted and there is noelectricity to recharge it.So much for technology and the latest

gadgetry on which we have become sodependent and whose loss in a post-Oswaldevent can seem to compound the “disaster”.Many people lost their landline connection

even though they had not lost their telephoneline itself because their new fangled phonerelies on electricity.After the reinstatement of the phone line at

Toad Hall, The Frog was able to croak awayto friends and family, albeit in the dark.Having stubbornly hoarded the old slimlinetelephone for 10 years, it was back in service.The first call that came in began with the

cyclone warning signal, which was nothingshort of alarming. It was a message from theScenic Rim Regional Council saying that theVonda Youngman Centre would be open formeals until 9pm that night. How lovely!Unfortunately, this proved completely

incorrect, much to the disappointment of theentire Frog family, as there was neither a soulnor a sausage in sight when they arrived.Indeed, during the past 10 days or so, the

Vonda Youngman Centre has earned thenickname Depression Central, as people havequeued for hours for their assistancecheques, only to be turned away.The system was unutterably shambolic.

After receiving ticket number 864 on theFriday, The Frog was fortunate enough togain entry to the hallowed hall on Mondayand somehow managed to emerge, after amere three-and-a-half hours spent hoppingfrom seat to seat, with a cheque.However, in that time The Frog watched in

dismay as the queue grew to the full length ofthe Vonda Youngman Centre driveway, withelderly people and pregnant women standingfor hours in the blazing midday sunshine.It was much the same the previous day

when, according to The Frog’s sources, 400people were processed and 400 were turnedaway.That was the day Premier Campbell

Newman visited the Mountain, and it mighthave boosted his approval rating – and localmorale – if he had taken at least a fewminutes to detour from his media sideshowat Curtis Falls to press the flesh at the VondaYoungman Centre.It’s enough to make The Frog nostalgic for

the days when a certain Premier might haverolled into town and reassured us with a smileand a “Now don’t you worry about that.”

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Page 3: Tamborine Mountain News



For more information on Council services and events, please visit www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au or phone 1300 360 555.



For further information visit...www.liveatthecentre.com.au

Boonah Cultural Centre 5463 1524

Disaster response and recoveryCouncil would like to thank residents for their patience, support and understanding following the event of Saturday 26 January 2013 and the days that followed.

The region’s infrastructure has once again su�ered signi�cant damage, with road and bridge crews working tirelessly to reinstate road access to all a�ected properties, and parks and gardens crews working diligently to restore parklands and facilities for community use.

Disruptions to the road network impacted on Council’s ability to provide routine waste collection in the week that followed, however waste services have now resumed throughout the region and will continue as normal.

Scenic Rim’s road network is currently operating at a lesser standard and Council would like remind road users to drive according to road conditions while restoration works are completed. Council is committed to restoring our region’s infrastructure to a pre-disaster condition and will prioritise on the basis of accessibility and public safety.

Community �nancial assistanceAny enquiries relating to �nancial assistance available following ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald should be directed to the Department of Communities on .

Social media updateCouncil would like to thank the community for the tremendous uptake, support and feedback provided via Council’s Disaster Management Facebook page. Please be aware that as this page is now on stand-by, it will only be updated if any urgent information related to disaster events or other emergencies needs to be communicated. If you wish to receive further updates about Council news, activities and other information, please visit and like Council’s main Facebook page available at www.facebook.com/ScenicRimRC. Alternatively follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/ScenicRimRC. Visit Council’s website to view our social media terms of use.

RADF Expressions of Interest – closing soonCouncil is seeking your assistance in the preparation of the Scenic Rim’s bid to Arts Queensland for the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) allocation for 2013/14. If you are a professional or emerging artsworker in the Scenic Rim with a creative project in mind, you are invited to submit an Expression of Interest to Council. Application packs are available at Boonah Cultural Centre, The Centre Beaudesert and Council Customer Service Centres. Be quick, as applications close on 15 February 2013. For further information visit www.liveatthecentre.com.au or contact Council’s RADF Liaison O�cer Mark Paddick on .

,closing Friday 22 February, 12pm

,closing Friday 22 February, 12pm

, closing Friday 22 February, 12pm

For further information please call or refer to www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/employment


by The Hon Jann StuckeyTue 26 Feb 6pm $30Dress: CocktailTicket sales close 19 Feb.

Thu 14 Feb 9.30amIncl. morning tea $5@ The Centre Beaudesert

Boonah Cultural Centre all $5(times under �lm titles)

Fri 15 Feb 7pm ($5 for double)

Sat 23 Feb 7pm

Tue 26 Feb 10am & 1pm

Wed 27 Feb 1pm & 7pm

Mon 25 Feb 11am

A Love A�air … Greek Islands. Continues until 17 Feb @ Boonah Art Gallery

15 Feb – 11 May30th Anniversary Exhibition by Qld. Wildlife Artists Soc. Inc. @ The Centre BeaudesertAll invited to opening 6pm 15 Feb. RSVP 5540 5050A Moment in the BushOil/Acrylics by Susan Dryden23 Feb – 24 Mar@ Boonah Art Gallery

Applications for next round of RADF grants are now open. Close COB 29 March 2013 for projects commencing after 1 June 2013. For more info, go to www.liveatthecentre.com.au RADF link.

are now available.Musical Mornings subscriptions now on sale.


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Future of Goat Track hangs in balance

SPECULATION is rife in the Tamborine and Canungracommunities that the Goat Track road – a Main Roads

responsibility – may never re-open, following massive damage inthe wake of ex Tropical Cyclone Oswald.Tamborine Mountain Chamber of Commerce President, Chris

Kite, said he was concerned businesses at Tamborine Mountainand Canungra could lose out if repairs to the road linking the twocommercial centres stalled.“The road has been closed about half a dozen times in the past

five years,” he said.“We need a permanent fix.“Obviously, there would be a few people from Canungra who

would want to shop at the new Tamborine Mountain shoppingcentre, so we may lose a few people to the Gold Coast.”Canungra Times editor, Keer Moriarty, was also concerned

Tamborine Mountain traders may suffer with the future of theGoat Track in limbo.“The loss of business goes both ways,” she said.“I know a lot of people who go up to Tamborine to shop for

clothes, for instance, because we don’t have the boutiques youhave up there and maybe people will go to the Coast because theywon’t want to travel further.”For Teena Woodall, who lives at Tamborine Mountain and runs

the Nag Nanny horseriding school at Canungra, the road closure isa major concern.“People underestimate just how many people used the road and

how many children come up to the Mountain from Canungra togo to school,” she said.“When it has been shut down before, Canungra has suffered.”Not only is the closure of the Goat Track inconvenient, forcing

people to travel via Henri Robert Drive or the Canungra Valley toTamborine Village road, it also hampers emergency services.“The Goat Track is the quickest route for ambulances,” said Ms


Not much action on kerbside clean-up

WHAT’S happening with the kerbside clean-up on TamborineMountain?

After a promising start in the Eagle Heights area, the clean-upby the end of last week appeared to have stalled.The community expected Council to move quickly to remove

the tonnes of debris that either came down during Oswald or wasremoved due to safety concerns.There is hardly a street on the Mountain that does not have

great mounds of material that needs to be removed urgently.This material is fast becoming a haven for snakes and other

vermin and in the current hot weather conditions it also representsa fire hazard.People are looking for some definitive advice on just what is

happening. They simply want to know whether the kerbsidematerial will be removed and when.

Page 4: Tamborine Mountain News



LAWYERSEst. Brisbane 1974

Est. North Tamborine 1985

Cnr Main Street & Capo LaneNORTH TAMBORINE [email protected]

PartnersVarro ClarkeMargaret Steen

ConsultantStephen TrainSpecial Counsel

OFFICE HOURSMonday to Friday8.30am to 5.00pm

Tel: 5545 1033 (7 Days)Fax: 5545 1011

BRISBANE OFFICELevel One, 293 Queen Street


SCENES reminiscent of the GreatDepression have been played out at the

Vonda Youngman Community Centreduring the past week, with hundreds ofpeople queuing for hours at a time foremergency relief payments.Pregnant women and elderly members of

the Tamborine Mountain and surroundingcommunity waited for hours – often inblazing sunshine – then to be turned awaybecause there were not enough staff toprocess their claims.The Scenic Rim Regional Council’s

disaster management facebook pagequickly became a forum for many to venttheir frustrations.“It’s just a typical government joke,”

posted Scott Anderson, in response tocomments by Iain McAllister.Mr McAllister had described the ‘system’

in which the claims were being processedas ‘a farce’.“My wife and I waited and were offered

a ticket on Friday, being told that we wouldneed to come back on Monday,” he said.“On Monday, my wife left the two under

fives to wait, to be told to come backtomorrow at 9.30am and be seen prettyquickly.“We arrived at 9am to see a line

stretching well into the car park and todiscover the centre had been opened hoursearlier with about 100 people ahead of usand an impossible five to six hour wait (Ihad to go to work).“For the next two days I am working and

my wife will not be able to wait in line forfive hours with a baby and a four-year-old.“We have called the hotline twice –

firstly on Thursday last week – and have noreponse.”For former army officer, now Division 1

Councillor Nigel Waistell, having to assistin administering such an ‘archaic’ systemwas a major embarrassment.“I appreciate that people were frustrated

with me and the system and I thank you foryour patience,” he said.While many people were frustrated by

the inefficient system, they were gratefulfor the efforts of hard-working Departmentof Communities staff.The claim period ends on February 28.

While claims are no longer being processedat the Vonda Youngman CommunityCentre, the Department of Communitieswill operate at the Tamborine VillageMemorial Hall on Friday, February 15 from10am to 4pm.

Lengthy queues and delays cause anger, frustration

The ever-present Cr Nigel Waistell explains the latest situation to a patient group of claimants asthe hard-working team of Department of Communities staff arrives by bus from Beenleigh.

Take care during clean-up, says Deputy Mayor

Deputy Mayor Virginia West has urged residents and volunteers to take careduring cleanup activities following the wind and flood damage caused by

ex-cyclone Oswald.“Clean-up work can be demanding on the body and, at times, distressing forthose who have been directly affected,” she said.“People should be aware of the physical and emotional toll this might take on

them and those working around them.“Take regular breaks and ensure you stay hydrated, particularly if working

outdoors for long periods,” she saidCrWest also paid tribute to the many volunteers who have generously given

up their time to join Council’s Green Leaf Army and assist with the clean up.The Green Leaf Army was hard at work on Tamborine Mountain on Fridayand over the weekend.

Page 5: Tamborine Mountain News

A rare opportunity to purchase 2670m2 with two titles in NorthStreet, North Tamborine. One title is a clear vacant block ofland, the other has a cottage that presents in good conditionwith a North facing aspect just a short walk to town.The options are endless, live in one while you build your dreamhouse next door, then sell off or keep as an investmentproperty, rent out the cottage and land bank the block, buyboth and have a really great garden, the choice is yours.The vendors are encouraging offers prior to Auction. This is adeceased estate that must be sold. Don’t delay in arrangingyour inspection.Key Features: • 3 beds, 1 bath upstairs

• 1 bed, toilet & vanity down• Sunroom & lounge• Kitchen dining• Single lock up garage• 2 water tanks• Blocks approx. 1335m2 each.

Will sell individually but the house must be sold first.Auction Sunday 24 February 2013 – 11am on siteAddress 30-40 North Street, North TamborineOpen Saturday 10.00-10.30Proudly marketed by Emma Hawker 0439 754 344

38-40 North Street..........................................10.00–10.30am82 Sierra Drive....................................................2.00–2.30pm

22 Kidd Street.................................................11.00–11.30am20 Magnetic Drive..............................................1.00–1.30pm

Shop 2, 15 Main Street, North Tamborine, 4272, Queenslandm: 0439 754 344 p: 5545 4000 www.professionalstamborinemountain.com.au

Auction – 2 Titles in North Tamborine

Open Homes – Saturday 16 February


TheMountaintopHair Shoppe

Phone: 55451491Main St., North TamborineMon, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9am–4pmTues & Sat 9am–12 noon



Gary Brooks BPhty BHMS Physio./Exercise Scientist

Steve Schamburg BPhty Physiotherapist


Ph: 5545 0500

1166--1188 MMaaiinn WWeesstteerrnn RRooaadd NNoorrtthh TTaammbboorriinnee

THE Big Blow certainly was the worstthat we have experienced in the 35

years that we have been on the Mountain.Indeed our friends who moved here fromDarwin say that it was even worse thananything that has hit that city since CycloneTracy. On the Saturday we were blocked in by

our favourite Sydney Red Gum across thedrive, but we were very happy to hear fromour daughter, Alisa, that a clearanceincluding sunshine and blue skies hadalready reached the Sunshine Coast.However, the worst was yet to come. The full force of the ‘express train’ hit

our place in the early hours of Sundaymorning and amid all the shuddering andnoise and wildly waving branches, thewind suddenly swung round to the northand we watched a whole row of jacarandas

and liquid ambers come down and blockthe rest of the drive. The next day the SEScame and cleared our way to the road withtheir usual cheerful efficiency – many,many thanks. The next Sunday, just as we started on

the clean-up with the welcome help of ourson David and friends, Doug and SueHeidke and Harvey and Linda Ruglen, itturned into a very special day. A 4WDunexpectedly arrived with a family of ‘treearmy’ volunteers, Scott, Ake and AngelinaThomson who had come up from Nerang tosee if they could help in any way on theMountain. Fortunately they found us first.Everyone worked flat out all day and the

Thomson family just would not leave untilthe job was finished. Thanks everyone.

Joy and Richard Pratt

The Big Blow brought in some wonderful helpersVolunteers David Pratt, Harvey Ruglen, Sue and Doug Heidke, Ake, Angelina and Scott Thomson.

Page 6: Tamborine Mountain News




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Amazing GraceDDeeaarr GGeeooffff,,WWhhaatt aa bbeeaauuttiiffuull oolldd hhyymmnn wwee ssiinngg ffrroomm ttiimmee ttoo ttiimmee!! IItt mmoovveess oouurr ssoouullss aanndd aawwaakkeennss ffeeeelliinnggssbbuurriieedd ffoorr yyeeaarrss.. TThhee wwoorrddss wweerree wwrriitttteenn bbyy JJoohhnn NNeewwttoonn wwhhoo ssppeenntt mmuucchh ooff hhiiss eeaarrllyy lliiffee aassaa ssllaavvee ttrraaddeerr.. NNeewwttoonn wwaass ssuuddddeennllyy ccoonnvveerrtteedd ttoo CChhrriisstt aafftteerr aa vviioolleenntt ssttoorrmm aatt sseeaa wwhheenn hheeffeeaarreedd ffoorr hhiiss lliiffee.. HHee eevveennttuuaallllyy bbeeggaann ttoo ssttuuddyy tthheeoollooggyy aanndd bbeeccaammee aa mmiinniisstteerr iinn tthhee CChhuurrcchhooff EEnnggllaanndd.. WWiikkiippeeddiiaa ssaayyss tthhaatt tthhiiss hhyymmnn ccoonnttaaiinnss ‘‘aa mmeessssaaggee tthhaatt ffoorrggiivveenneessss aanndd rreeddeemmppttiioonnaarree ppoossssiibbllee rreeggaarrddlleessss ooff ssiinnss ccoommmmiitttteedd aanndd tthhaatt tthhee ssoouull ccaann bbee ddeelliivveerreedd ffrroomm ddeessppaaiirrtthhrroouugghh tthhee mmeerrccyy ooff GGoodd’’.. WWhhaatt aann aammaazziinngg mmeessssaaggee!! LLiiffee iiss ffuullll ooff ppeeooppllee wwhhoo llooookk ffoorr aannddlloonngg ffoorr ssoommee kkiinndd ooff ddeelliivveerraannccee,, rreessccuuee,, rreeddeemmppttiioonn,, oorr cchhaannggee ffrroomm tthhee wwaayy tthheeyy aarree ttoo tthheewwaayy tthheeyy wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo bbee.. HHuummaanniissmm pprroommiisseess tthhaatt yyoouu hhaavvee tthhee ppoowweerr ttoo ddoo iitt yyoouurrsseellff.. YYoouummaayy nneeeedd ssoommee hheellpp aanndd gguuiiddaannccee tthhrroouugghh eedduuccaattiioonn,, sseellff--hheellpp pprrooggrraammss,, ssppiirriittuuaall ddeevveellooppmmeenntt,,oorr ootthheerr mmeetthhooddss ooff ggeettttiinngg uupp eennoouugghh mmiinndd aanndd wwiillll ppoowweerr,, bbuutt eesssseennttiiaallllyy yyoouu hhaavvee tthhee ppoowweerrttoo cchhaannggee yyoouurr ddeeeeppeesstt ddiiffffiiccuullttiieess.. TThhaatt’’ss oonnee ooff mmaannyy ppllaacceess wwhheerree bbiibblliiccaall ssppiirriittuuaalliittyy aannddhhuummaanniissmm ddiiffffeerr.. TThhee WWiikkiippeeddiiaa ddeessccrriippttiioonn ooff ‘‘AAmmaazziinngg GGrraaccee’’ ssaayyss tthhaatt tthhee mmeessssaaggee iinn tthheehhyymmnn iiss oonnee ooff bbeeiinngg ‘‘ddeelliivveerreedd ffrroomm tthhee ddeepptthhss ooff ddeessppaaiirr tthhrroouugghh tthhee mmeerrccyy ooff GGoodd’’((iittaalliiccssaaddddeedd)).. DDeelliivveerraannccee ddooeessnn’’tt ccoommee ffrroomm oouurrsseellvveess,, iitt ccoommeess ffrroomm GGoodd.. AAnndd eevveenn mmoorree ttoo tthhee ppooiinntt,,tthhee mmeerrccyy ooff GGoodd iiss ffoouunndd iinn aa ssppeecciiffiicc ppllaaccee.. IItt ddooeess nnoott ffllooaatt tthhrroouugghh ttiimmee aanndd ssppaaccee lliikkeessoommee rraannddoomm iimmppeerrssoonnaall ppoowweerr wwaaiittiinngg ffoorr uuss ttoo ccrryy ‘‘mmeerrccyy!!’’ BBeetttteerr tthhaann ssaayyiinngg ggrraaccee iiss ffoouunnddiinn aa ssppeecciiffiicc ppllaaccee iiss ttoo ssaayy iitt iiss ffoouunndd iinn aa ppaarrttiiccuullaarr ppeerrssoonn,, JJeessuuss CChhrriisstt.. NNeewwttoonn wwaassnn’’ttccoonnvveerrtteedd ttoo mmeerrccyy aanndd ggrraaccee.. HHee wwaass ccoonnvveerrtteedd ttoo CChhrriisstt,, tthhee CChhrriisstt ooff tthhee bbiibbllee.. HHee ffoouunnddggrraaccee iinn CChhrriisstt.. TThhiiss wwaass aammaazziinngg ggrraaccee bbeeccaauussee iitt ccaammee ffrroomm aann aammaazziinngg SSaavviioouurr.. NNeewwttoonn ccaammeettoo kknnooww CChhrriisstt bbyy ffaaiitthh.. HHee kknneeww hhiiss lloovvee aanndd ffoorrggiivveenneessss,, hhee kknneeww tthhaatt JJeessuuss CChhrriisstt hhaadd ggiivveennhhiiss lliiffee aass aa ppeerrffeecctt ssaaccrriiffiiccee tthhaatt ppaaiidd tthhee pprriiccee ffoorr hhiiss oowwnn ssiinn aanndd rreebbeelllliioonn aaggaaiinnsstt GGoodd.. TThheeggrraaccee ooff CChhrriisstt rreeppllaacceedd tthhee wwrraatthh ooff GGoodd.. JJoohhnn NNeewwttoonn kknneeww tthhaatt hhee hhaadd eeaarrnneedd tthhee wwrraatthh ooffGGoodd bbyy tthhee lliiffee hhee lliivveedd,, bbuutt hhee ffoouunndd CChhrriisstt,, aanndd iinn CChhrriisstt iiss aabbuunnddaanntt,, aammaazziinngg ggrraaccee.. JJoohhnnNNeewwttoonn wwrroottee mmaannyy ootthheerr hhyymmnnss,, hheerree aarree aa ffeeww lliinneess tthhaatt eexxpprreessss hhiiss ttrruusstt iinn CChhrriisstt:: ‘‘JJeessuusstthhuuss hhiimmsseellff ddiisscclloosseess,, ttoo tthhee wwoouunnddeedd ssiinnnneerr’’ss ssiigghhtt.. II hhaavvee lliiffee aanndd ppeeaaccee ttoo ggiivvee;; II hhaavveewwrroouugghhtt ((wwoorrkkeedd)) oouutt ffuullll ssaallvvaattiioonn:: ssiinnnneerr llooookk ttoo mmee aanndd lliivvee..’’ TThhaatt’’ss AAmmaazziinngg GGrraaccee!!YYoouurr BBrrootthheerr,,KKiimm

Advertisement. Kim Dale, Minister, TM Presbyterian Church: [email protected] or PO Box 5, North Tamborine 4272.

Sybil Snake slips in to the Secret Garden

TAMBORINE Mountain’s Secret Garden bookstore provided the perfect stage forSybil Snake to make her international debut.

The character is the latest creation of best-selling children’s author SarahBrennan, who was on hand to launch the latest in her Chinese Calendar Tales series,The Tale of Sybil Snake, in the lead-up to 2013’s Year of the Snake.Hong Kong-based Sarah is the daughter of Mountain residents John and Helen

Brennan and said she was thrilled to introduce her gorgeously wicked snake toTamborine’s youngsters.Her tale of mystery, missing treasure and the power of love draws on the story of

China’s only female emperor Wu Zetian and the popular Chinese legend of LadyWhite Snake.

Best-selling children’s author Sarah Brennan, meets two of her young fans.

Page 7: Tamborine Mountain News


THE word cyclone meansa turning wind with one

eye. It is a term derivedfrom the name Cyclops, aone-eyed creature fromancient Greek mythology. Inmeteorological terms acyclone refers to an area ofclosed circular fluid motionalmost always centred on anarea of low atmosphericpressure. Some cycloneshave a cold core (eg polarcyclones) but the cyclones we are familiarwith in Queensland from December to Aprilare warm core cyclones.In North America tropical cyclones are

known as hurricanes (from the name of awind deity Huracan) and in Asia astyphoons (big wind in Chinese)Tropical cyclones form over very warm

seas that have a temperature above 26.5degrees C to a depth of at least 50m. Theremust also be high humidity, atmosphericinstability, and a pre-existing point ofdisturbance and strong wind gradientextending to the upper atmosphere.Another vital factor in the dynamics of

cyclones is the Coriolis effect, whichdescribes motion in a rotating term ofreference. The Earth rotates on a northsouth axis and air flowing to a point of lowpressure tends to spiral anti-clockwise inthe Northern Hemisphere and clock-wise inthe Southern Hemisphere. The shape of theearth affects the strength of the Coriolisforces; it is weakest at the equator andstrongest at the poles. Within approximately 8 degrees from the

equator the Coriolis force is too weak toestablish the circular equilibrium of a cyclone. The energy driving a tropical cyclone is

derived from convectionand condensation at thecentre of the storm. Themoist hot air above thewarm sea rises into theatmosphere; the watervapour condenses andreleases latent heat into theupper atmosphere. Colderair replaces warm air abovethe sea and this convectioncycle intensifies, causingthunderstorms, high winds,

turbulence, torrential rainfall, rough seasand storm surges. The low pressure at the centre sucks up

the surface of the sea and this, plus theeffect of wind and waves can lift the surfaceof the sea over 5m. The highest storm surgerecorded was 14.6m produced by CycloneMahina in 1899. After the storm, fish anddolphins were found on top of 15m cliffs.The highest wave recorded was by anAmerican warship during a typhoon in1933, it measured 34m. In the centre of the cyclone is its eye,

which may be from 10 to 100km across.The widest recorded cyclone was Tip at1100km and the smallest was CycloneTracy at only 50km wide. Once a cyclonepasses over colder seas or over land it tendsto dissipate.The Saffir-Simpson scale classifies

cyclones into categories 1 to 5 based onwind speed and storm surge, Category 1 iswindspeed above 119 km/h and storm surgeabove 1.2m. Category 5 is windspeed above250 km/h and storm surge above 5.5m.Cyclones cause devastation but they are

also a key component in our weathersystem. Nadia O’Carroll

Tropical Cyclones

With something for everyone... travelling placesWith something for everyone...

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Dapsang Dr, North Tamborine.

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Page 8: Tamborine Mountain News

EMERGENCY GRANT PAYMENTSI was embarrassed last week having to assistin the administration of such an archaicsystem. I appreciate that people werefrustrated with me and the system and I thankthem for their patience. The staff provided bythe Department did a marvellous job and wewere very well supported by Council andcommunity volunteers. Thank you to you all.I have been consulting with the office of JonKrause, the local State Member, reference theability of people being able to claim and the 1800 number, and thefact that community members are being referred back to theRecovery Centre. His office has agreed that the process could beimproved and they are communicating with the responsibleDepartment. The claim period ends on 28 February and I willplace notices in the library window if we receive any updates. Inaddition, Council will publish updates on the Council’s website.STORM DEBRIS GREEN WASTEStorm debris green waste can be deposited at the temporary greenwaste site at the Sports Centre on Long Road. Any assistance youcan provide Council by taking your waste to this site is appreciated.ADDITIONAL CAR PARK FOR THE DISABLEDTowards the end of last year, I requested Council to considerestablishing a second car park for the disabled outside TamborineMountain State School. The request had the support of thePrincipal, the police and some school community members.Council reviewed the situation and decided that a second car parkfor the disabled was not warranted. Concerned at this decision, Iasked the Chief Executive Officer to review the decision. TheChief Executive Officer had a discussion with a communitymember and agreed to conduct a review. As part of that review, theChief Executive Officer spoke with the Principal and it wasagreed to conduct a School Community Survey. Disappointingly,only 16 school members responded to the survey but 14 were infavour of the proposal. I am now waiting for the Chief ExecutiveOfficer’s report and I am hopeful that a second car park for thedisabled will be established in the near future. REPORTING OF FAULTS OR REQUESTSIf you have a fault to report or a request for a service to be correctedor improved, there are various options open to you. These are:1.Phone Council on 07 5540 5111 and speak to one of theCustomer Service Officers.

2.Visit the library and speak to the Customer Service Officer.3.Phone me and I will report it for you.Whichever option you choose, the issue is recorded on theCouncil’s Reporting System and is allocated a reference number. Ireceive a printout of this report monthly which allows me tomonitor the progress of your report. If you have not received anyfeed back within a reasonable time frame, you can contactCouncil. I am currently reviewing the reporting system withCouncil officers to see where improvements can be made.BUDGET FINANCIAL YEAR 2013/14Last year’s budget discussions were dovetailed with our inductiontraining and I do not feel that we were able to give the budgetdeliberations the attention they deserved. On Tuesday 12 February,we are being briefed on how and when the budget process will beconducted this year. In addition, I have submitted a number ofprojects to be costed and included in budget deliberations. If youhave any projects which you would like to be considered, pleasecontact me. All submissions have to be made by 28 February.CONSULTATIONI have moved the consultation in the library to the second Mondayof each month. The next consultation will be on Monday 11February, 4pm – 5.30pm. I am also available for one on onemeetings at your convenience.


Councillor’s CommentNigel Waistell – DivisioN 1

DVA, Work Cover and EPC registered, Health Fund Rebates available

Rebecca BellB.Phty(hons); Grad Dip Clin. RehabPhysiotherapist

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Page 9: Tamborine Mountain News


TROPICAL CYCLONE OSWALDOswald caused damage across the ScenicRim – in the east storm damage, roadclosures and power outages caused damageand disruption, while in the west this wascompounded by major flooding. Thanks toemergency services, Energex crews, SRRCofficers, the many volunteers andcommunity members who worked tirelesslyand assisted in so many ways during thisdisaster. Although the cleanup is underway,this is only the first step towards recovery for the region.QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT EMERGENTASSISTANCE GRANTS$180 per person ($900 maximum per family) can be claimed upto 28 February from Department of Community Services at theGold Coast (open 7 days 8.30-5.30; Thursday 10.30 – 5.30) andat their Beenleigh and Logan offices. DCS officers will beproviding an outreach service on the SRRC mobile library whichwill be at Tamborine Memorial Hall Friday 15 February 10am-4pm. Please bring driver’s licence, Medicare card and proof ofresidency such as a rates notice (DCS Tel 1800 173 349). Whilethese grants could be claimed at the Vonda Youngman Centre, thesituation was totally unsatisfactory as people had to wait forhours, while others had to be turned away. Any person who wasnot able to devote a whole day to this time-consuming exercisesuch as workers, business owners, parents etc had virtually noopportunity to claim. DCS officers, cheerful council staff and awonderful team of volunteers did their best and the vast majorityof people were good humoured and patient but this was a poorlyplanned, under resourced exercise. I do hope lessons are learnedfor future reference. THE GOAT TRACKThis road was extensively damaged during the storm and isclosed, with most traffic diverting to Henri Robert Drive, a steeproad which is now even more difficult thanks to the continuousrelay of water tankers which choose to ignore the advisory signs.The Goat Track will be costly and complex to repair and such aproject could be expected to take many months. However, I wasdisturbed to hear concerns that it may be closed permanently.During the Premier’s visit I managed to ask him to give anassurance that the Goat Track which is an important road for ourarea would be re-opened. He was reluctant to comment onspecific roads but at least it was brought to his attention. I havealso written to the Minister for Main Roads requestingconfirmation that the road will be re-opened. GREEN LEAF ARMYThis is being formed to help clean up after the storm and flooddamage. To join register at www.emergencyvolunteering.com.auor call 3002 7600 These comments represent my personal views.Council website: www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au

Councillor’s CommentNaDia o’CaRRoll – DivisioN 2 MT. TAMBORINE

PHARMACYFriendly Professional Service

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Be sure your car issafe for all weathers.

Councillors’ Contact DetailsCOUNCILLOR NADIA O’CARROLLEmail: [email protected]: 5540 5402 Mobile: 0418 221 453COUNCILLOR NIGEL WAISTELL

• Home: 07 5545 0223;• Mobile: 0423 931 075;

• Email: [email protected]; and• Email: [email protected]

Happy Valentine’s DayTamborine Mountain

It's time to spoil thatspecial person in your life.

Bring a copy of this adand receive 20% off

selected jewelleryfor the month of February.

Page 10: Tamborine Mountain News


For a wide range of home decorator items

THE red chandelier at the heart of Lesleigh Hill’s new RougeHome Décor shop says it all.

“Red is my favourite colour,” says Lesleigh (left), admittingthat it provided the inspiration for the name of her new venturein the North Tamborine Shopping Square.Lesleigh stocks a wide range of home decorator items, from

practical pieces such as electric kettles and toasters to wareswhose only purpose is to transform a house into a home.“I wanted to stock things that I’d like to go into a shop and

buy,” she said.“Basically, anything that takes my fancy.”That means there are plenty of pieces in red, although

Lesleigh knows that not everyone shares her love of such avibrant colour that lends itself so well to modern decor.So for those who prefer something a little more muted,

Lesleigh has plenty of items in neutral tones that are equally athome in a country kitchen or French provincial style setting.Her Rouge Home Décor has plenty to offer home-makers or

shoppers looking to spoil themselves or others with birthday,wedding or housewarming gifts.Her range includes top quality saucepans, bakeware and

utensils, some small appliances and manchester items, such assheets, towels, pillows and bathrobes, all by leading names.Anolon, Caningvale, Tontine and Sheridan are some of the

top brands which will be available to those who would rathershop locally than off the Mountain.“The good news is that my prices will be no higher than in

shops on the Gold Coast, so by shopping here, people willactually be able to save on the petrol they would have usedshopping off the Mountain,” said Lesleigh.She is also offering a 10 per cent discount to anyone who

mentions her advertisement in the Tamborine Mountain News.

A red letter day as Lesleighrealises home décor dream

The perfect location for home-makers, or for those looking for a birthday, weddingor housewarming gift

Top quality saucepans, bakeware and utensils, small appliances, and manchesteritems such as sheets, towels, pillows and bathrobes – all by leading name brands

Anolon, Caningvale, Tontine and Sheridan are just some of the top brands whichwill be available to those who would rather shop locally than off the Mountain.


We are in the new North Tamborine Shopping Square.


Page 11: Tamborine Mountain News





50% off everything with a dotMenswear, Womenswear, Bisley work wear

Shoes and Accessories.*Floor stock only, limited time.



OPEN 9-2

DON’T MISS OUT.We have Switched to the new North

Tamborine Shopping Square. See you there!

Change of name to matchnew look for boutique

LIKE a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, thepopular Clobber clothing shop on Main Street

has metamorphosed into the Switch Boutique at thenew North Tamborine Shopping Square.After three years of operating Clobber with her

daughter, Emma Gough, Bron Haldane believedthe new boutique needed a new name to match.So, with the switch to the new location, Switch

Boutique seemed a perfect fit.The new shop – with its grand opening this week

– has an entirely new look and ambience, with thenew location providing a change of fashiondirection, still with the same friendly servicecustomers have come to expect from a local,family-run business.There is still plenty on offer for more mature

ladies, but Switch will also be catering for ayounger market so young girls need not go off theMountain to find something to suit.The new boutique will expand its range of

accessories and add shoes to the mix.Locals will be more than well looked after, with

a 10 per cent discount on their purchases.“Make sure you come in and get your VIP card,”

said Bron.Switch will continue to specialise in bamboo and

hemp clothing which is as cool and comfortable asit is environmentally friendly.The boutique is also Tamborine Mountain’s

exclusive agency for The Good Oil range of

organic personal care products made from hemp seed oil.There are still some bargains to be had as Clobber’s red spot special relocation

sale continues at the old store on Main Street.There will be further reductions on specially marked sale items, for cash only

sales between 9am and 2pm daily.

Bron Haldane (right) with daughter Emma Gough and granddaughter Jess.

Page 12: Tamborine Mountain News


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BEFORE commencing her universitycareer, Tamborine Mountain College’s

2012 Dux, Mary Mineo, has already beenrecognised as a high achiever.It came as no surprise to the College

staff when Mary recently received the SirSamuel Griffith Scholarship - valued atapproximately $24,000 – which is awardedonly to exceptional students.A 2012 College Captain, Mary received

the school’s most prestigious award, the RJand MG Nicholls Award for the MostOutstanding Student at Speech Night.She also gained guaranteed early

admission to Griffith University’sBachelor of Exercise Science pre-Physiotherapy course. As a Sir SamuelGriffith Scholarship recipient, Mary hasautomatic membership to the GriffithHonours College.There, she and other exceptional

students will develop skills in high demand

by employers - leadership, teamwork,communication, community engagement,intellectual curiosity and the developmentof research and work skills.“Congratulations Mary, you have made

the most of your education,” said Collegeprincipal, June Melbourne.As College Captain, Mary gave her all

and was rewarded for her efforts and shehas thanked her teachers, College staff andMrs Melbourne for providing the supportand encouragement she needed to succeed.For the College’s class of 2012, it was a

rewarding year, with 72 per cent ofstudents achieving OPs of up to 15, 48 percent achieving OPs of up to 10 and 16 percent achieving OPs of up to five.“Another great year on the mountain for

our young people, making the most of theopportunities given to them by theirparents and the College,” said MrsMelbourne.

TMC Dux receives coveted scholarship

Hats off to principal

TAMBORINE Mountain State Schoolprincipal, Jason Smith, wants his

students to get ahead, so he made surethey all got a hat.To show just how serious he was about

sun safety, Mr Smith teamed up with theCancer Council Queensland and boughtevery student their first school hat.The blue bucket hats with the school’s

logo ensure the students have high levelsun protection when playing outside.“Sun safety is important for our school

because our students are here during peaktimes for ultraviolet radiation, which is10am to 3pm,” said Mr Smith.“Wearing wide brim hats, sun

protective clothing, sunscreen andkeeping in the shade as much as possibleare good habits to get into and weencourage parents and staff to set a goodexample for our students.” In a show of support for Mr Smith’s

initiative, the school’s P and C hascommitted to buying each Prep student ahat at the start of every school year.

Mary Mineo with (from left) TMC co-founder Mrs Maureen Nicholls, PrincipalMrs June Melbourne, and Assistant to the Principal Mrs Fiona Stevens.

Page 13: Tamborine Mountain News



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WOW, what a storm! Police at NorthTamborine station worked

throughout the disaster and I and SeniorConstable Hargreaves worked the nightshifts over the weekend and we wererunning around in the midst of ex-cycloneOswald’s effects on the mountain on theSunday night. Whilst very busy with tryingto get to fallen power lines, trees andflooded roads, it was made all the moredifficult with the number of people outdriving around in what can only bedescribed as extremely hazardousconditions. Trees collapsing everywhere,pulling down power lines, falling overroads and on houses – why would anyonewant to be out there? In saying that I’msure people were trying to help friends andloved ones, neighbours and the like andthat is to be commended. We did,however, encounter people just out for asticky-beak and their presence on the roadsis not wanted, or warranted at those times.We even saw a mother and two young kidsout, just on dark walking alongMacdonnell Road, also people at the CurtisFalls shops getting photos, as well as justdriving around looking at fallen trees. Wewere extremely thankful that nobody washurt unlike what happened in other areas.Please, stay at home until everythingsettles down. GREAT HELP FROM MANYSOURCESWhat a great community though! The

Firies were like machines, racing from onelocation to another chopping up trees,clearing roads and providing assistance toanyone in need. Neighbours helpingneighbours, strangers helping strangers,everyone doing whatever they needed tomake life more comfortable during andafter the storm. Without power, manypeople are put in dangerous situations – it’snot just about melted ice-cream, spoiledmeat and warm beer – although that ispretty bad! It’s also about people onmachines to help them breathe, and keepthem alive. We were well assisted by ourVolunteers in Policing, SES, surf lifesavers and other Police and emergencyservices helping with distress calls, welfarechecks on the elderly and doing whateverwas needed to make sure everyone wasOK. Great work by everyone involved andyou know who you are.

UNLAWFUL ENTRY OF CARS INBEACON ROADDespite the fact we haven’t seen a huge

amount of crime recently we have alsobeen concerned with a spate of recentunlawful entry to motor vehicles occurringwithin the Beacon Road area. It seemsmany vehicles were unlocked and have lostitems of value. We have, for many years,been utilising our Volunteers in Policing toeducate people about vehicle security andleaving valuables on display in their cars. Iwould doubt very much that most membersof this community haven’t in one way oranother been given a ‘friendly reminder’ orat least heard about this initiative. Wereally need people to be proactive with thesecurity of their vehicles; it is, after all, avery easy thing to do, normally involvingthe simple pushing of a button. Hide yourhandbag, camera, briefcase, GPS, mobilephone or whatever else is in the car thatmay entice an offender to convert thoseitems to their own use. These crimes areopportunistic, probably locals or kids whojust can’t help themselves, but if theopportunity isn’t there they may move on.TAKE CARE AROUND SCHOOL ZONESConstable Blundell has also asked that I

once again mention the parking around theschool zones. The problem areas are CurtisRoad and Long Road at the TamborineMountain State School and School Road atSt Bernard State School. It is very, very,very simple: look at the signs, obey themor cop the ticket. It is not rocket science.We shouldn’t have to explain ourselves; thesigns do that quite well. We will be vigilantagain this year as we always are. Please bean example to your kids as they will loserespect for you if you get caught doing thewrong thing. The kids look up to you andus – the last thing they need is to see usgiving you a ticket – that’s not good foranyone. P-platers beware around the streetsafter school as well; you too arerepresenting your school when driving toand from and we will be watching you verycarefully.Don’t forget: if you wish to report a

crime that is not occurring then andthere or you wish to record a job orrequest for Police, you can contactPolicelink on 131 444 24 hours a day.

Tamborine Mtn Police Newsby Senior Constable Brendan Edwards




Page 14: Tamborine Mountain News


Katydid Nymph – Family Tettigoniidae – The Knoll NP

MYvalued contact at Queensland Museum was happy toattribute the family, but wanted to consult an expert on this

group who may have more of an idea as to its identity. The katydidnymph was moulting; another of those ‘never seen the like’encounters. To me its colouring and appearance look eerilyaquatic, like a ‘flying fish’ out of water, but with legs.

Frames from video footage celebrating Tamborine Mountain’s biodiversity.Peter Kuttner

One small place on earth

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ATa well attendedfunction last

Wednesday night thenew ‘DiscoverTamborine Mountain’song and video waslaunched at Delivino.The project is the

creation of DetlefHasenbein, owner-

operator of the local marketing companyDiscover Tamborine Mountain (DTM). “Over the past four years DTM has

worked hard to promote TamborineMountain as the ideal short-term, self-driveholiday destination and the video will helpto get this message across” said Detlef. The project was entirely funded by DTM

and made possible by the strong supportfrom most local tourism operators forDTM’s various promotional tools.“We used funds derived from the highly

popular tourist map we issue annually, ourown DTM brochure service and the DTMwebsite,” said Detlef.The song – which was composed and

performed on the night by local song smithLaurence Manitzky – struck an immediatechord with the audience. Detlef (above) said the new video

aligned nicely with the lyrics of the song.“It was never meant to have a

‘commercial’ theme, rather aiming atvisitors wishing for a peaceful and ‘natural’

break, creating the desire to discoverTamborine Mountain.The video can be viewed at

http://www.discovertamborine.com.au/DISCOVER TAMBORINE MOUNTAINGentle thoughts as a breeze blowsTouching the moon the bright city lightsHappy to be on a hilltop Greeting the sky and the magical sightsIn the evenings where the stars swingThe mornings where the birds singWeekends where the days bring top...top ideasDISCOVER TAMBORINE MOUNTAINDISCOVER SIGHTS TO BEHOLDDISCOVER TAMBORINE MOUNTAINIT’S A GREAT LIFE STYLE, NO NEEDTO BE TOLD –THE GREEN BEHIND THE GOLD!Forest walks in the fresh airDance with the water meandering byLooking up where the clouds meetTelling the world why I’m feeling so highIn the evenings where the stars swingThe mornings where the birds singWeekends where the days bring top...top ideas(CHORUS)Saying ‘hello’ to folks as you goSharing things true blueFeeling your spirits starting to climbSeeing your dreams come true(CHORUS)

New song and video helps others discover Mountain

Tamborine MountainBUSH VOLUNTEERS

meet on the first Saturday of the month.To find out where we will be working

contact Len on 3355 7288 or 0428 335 572.

Page 15: Tamborine Mountain News



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No wordswill comeASyou chatter away with your friends

and family – stop, and think for aminute, what if you had much to chatterabout, you opened your mouth but nowords came out. You were stuck, mute orleft with a stuttering mess that left youcompletely and utterly humiliated.Many of us will have seen the recent

movie The King’s Speech and youprobably felt sorry for the King. I satwatching it and during the initial scene ofhim attempting to make a public speech onEmpire Day I was wreathed in sweat – thehorror of it came back to me in full force.I was transported back into my childhoodwhen, for some unknown reason I acquireda stutter at the age of about eight and lastedwell into adulthood and, to this day, canstill catch me out.The reason for my stutter was never

discovered. My mother thought itstemmed from a fall from a garden swing– I thought perhaps it was as a result of afall from a pony when I lost consciousnessfor a brief period. Maybe that was toglamorise it a bit.The stutter all but took over my

childhood and early adulthood. I learnedto hide the humiliation, when in my teens,having to take written lists down to thelocal village shopkeepers, whom I hadknown all my childhood. And I tried toignore the jibes from my own siblings whocould never understand that I did not do iton purpose and could not imagine that thewords would simply not come out. School days were very difficult and I

was a natural target for the classroom wagswho would imitate me trying to get a wordout. I would act dumb when asked aquestion in class, even when I knew theanswer because it was easier than trying toget the words out. The new school yearwas particularly difficult as all the newteachers insisted on us calling out ournames – I would start to dread this halfway through the school holidays. I gotround that by sitting in the front row of theclass and being active or disruptive untilthe new teacher knew my name. I also learned that by taking a deep

breath with a word before the difficultword I could get them out – it sounded abit like a steam train - but it worked – untilthe listener said “Pardon, I did not catchthat”!!The difficult words began with hard

consonants like B D G J K M N P Q S and T.My maiden name began with B and until

you dread having to state your name, youdo not realise just how many times in a dayyou state your name, especially at work.Imagine being a secretary and your worstenemy is the telephone! Each new job Ihad, it may be a few days before I gotcaught out, but I never forget the

humiliation of the first time the new bossrealised I had a speech impediment. Nerves also play a large part in a

stammerer. People, usually those closestto me, who did not or would notunderstand, could reduce me into astammering mess when I had all butconquered it, by saying in front of agathering something like ‘don’t startstammering now’.Surprisingly, there was an upside to all

of this. I became a bit of a loner and lovedto walk; I would put my thoughts down onpaper and learned to enjoy writing. Ialways had plenty of opinions. I learned toenjoy my own company and have no fearof loneliness. Another plus was the abilityto change the word to one I could utter, butnot the meaning of what I was trying tosay, in a hurry.Surprisingly I joined a political debating

club in the Swinging Sixties and I wasallowed to say my piece whilst sitting inthe chair and gradually I grew inconfidence to make a speech and get onwith it – somewhat haltingly at first – butit improved. In hindsight I probably grewout of it – but even today it can still catchme out unawares. I also discovered that ifI knew I was expected to say something inpublic I would worry about it and thatwould make it worse. So, I would ignorethe fact and just not think about it – Ifound that worked for me.When I recently gave a reading at a

family wedding, and I have it on tape, I sitback and think: not bad for an old girlwho, in her youth, was afraid to open hermouth.

Elizabeth Jobson

Elizabeth Jobson


THIRD AGETAMBORINE MOUNTAIN.A volunteer association forretirees. Learn, teach,socialise. 5545 0043.

Page 16: Tamborine Mountain News


Letters to the EditorReaders are reminded that letters to the editor must show full name of writer for publication.

Dear Editor, As a community we do need to consider if

there are lessons to be learnt from our recentexperiences but we need to be careful thatour responses do not set us up for otherproblems.Mayor Brent has been quoted as saying:

“One of key lessons of this latest calamity isthat we review the tree clearances aroundtrunk power lines on Tamborine Mountainand surrounds...” I am not sure whatexpertise Mayor Brent has available to himbut I would suggest removing any trees forthis reason alone would be ill-advised. Tamborine Mountain relies on its

vegetation for many different benefits,including absorbing some of the impacts ofheavy rain and flowing storm water. Openingthe canopy by the removal of trees couldexacerbate existing problems or lead to newones. The tree which caused so manyproblems near the Curtis Falls intersectioncame from Joalah National Park so a

clearance process would not have affected it. My experience was that I had very

recently had a several large dead or dyingtrees removed from within my garden. Allthe major damage that occurred in the wildweather, such as trunks and branchessnapped off tall trees and one tree uprooted,happened where trees were more vulnerablebecause they had lost the protection of thetrees which were taken out. In another areawhere the vegetation is quite dense there wasno significant damage, even though it isexposed to an open paddock. Elsewhere,mature trees without the protection ofsurrounding vegetation also fell, victims ofthe wind. As a resident who has chosen to live in

this beautiful area, I am prepared to acceptthe intermittent difficulties caused by theeffects of weather for the pleasures of livinghere. Am I alone?

Jennifer Peat




Dear Editor,After Cyclone Oswald hit Tamborine

Mountain, almost all residents werewithout power and had lots of tree or housedamage. At Community Care, we hadconcerns for our elderly residents, whowere isolated and afraid because of thestorm and the devastation it had leftbehind. A local resident, Julia Davenport(Jay), contacted me and within 12 hourshad made up over 60 food and carepackages with the help of her friends,Elizabeth Gruenter, Jushon Setschnjak andRowan Watson. A very generous cash

donation, to make up the care packs wasdonated by Sarah Vagg. These carepackages were then delivered over a fewdays by myself, David Husbands, JanMussett and Ann Williams. I would justlike to say a BIG thank you to all involved,from myself, Community Care and theresidents who received the packages. Itwas definitely a great effort and a greatteam to work with! THANK YOU!!!

Jo HoldenVolunteer Coordinator & AdministratorTamborine Mountain Community Care

Dear Editor,Many acts of kindness and practical help

over the last few days have shown themountain folk are a special lot; and weshould all feel proud and, yes, grateful.Take that bloke down the road for

instance. He rapped on our door withinhours of the big bang, his wife bearingsoup, and offered us one of his pine treesthat had fallen over and crushed ourgarage, and would make good firewood.He would chop it up for fifty bucks, soupfree. Most kind! Well, I told him what hecould do with his tree, but kept the soup,which was excellent.Then a rather peculiar phone call came

in. "Lions here." A cultured voice, like SirDavid Attenborough. I wasn't having any

of this. “Hold it brother”, I exploded, “I’msorry chum, we can’t help with your lions.We are running out of meat ourselves. Trythe local Kindy, I'm sure they can spare acouple of diabolical Pre-prep monsters torelieve the strain.” The line clicked off.But why the hell didn't the cops set up a

beribboned kiosk at the fig tree end tosnare all those low-landers who turned upfor a good Schadenfreude gawp? A set feeperhaps, to fund their Blue Light Disco?New handcuffs? New thumbscrews?Yes, it's been a rotten week, nothing to

laugh about really. But with the love andconcern that's been generated we will soonbounce back. Might even be better for it!

William Broadhead

POLITICAL APATHYON ALCOHOL AGEDear Editor,With regard to the carnage on our roads

and the instances of ‘king hit’ injury ordeath, surely it is obvious to anyone withhalf a brain that components of the problem,at least where young people are concerned,

include alcohol, speed, and inexperience.Does anyone dispute that since 1974, whenthe legal drinking age in Australia became18 for all states and territories, there hasbeen an exponential increase in drivingdeaths and alcohol fuelled violence?Of course a complementary factor in

this matter is the legal age at which one


Members of the TamborineMountain RSL Sub Branch are

advised that due to water damage in the RSL meetingrooms, the Annual General Meeting has been put back

to SATURDAY 23 FEBRUARY 2013.The meeting will take place in the Bowls Club diningroom starting at 1000 hours and will be followed by


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Page 17: Tamborine Mountain News


EMERGENCY NUMBERSAA Help Line.................................5591 2062Alcoholics Anonymous: ................5545 3331...............................................or 0416 155 456Energex .............................................13 62 62Fire (ask for Southport Control) ............000Fire (T.M. Rural F.B.) ..............0407 747 999Fire Permits ..............................0408 199 271Police ..............................................5545 3473Ambulance ................................................000Ambulance (non-urgent) .................13 12 33Domestic Violence (24 hrs) ......1800 811 811Child Protection (24 hrs) .........1800 177 135Lifeline................................................13 111413 HEALTH .................................13 43 25 84S.E.S. .................................................132 500Emergency PhysiotherapyNeil Bell ..........................................5545 1133T.M. Community Care Service: Home Careand Transport needs ......................5545 4968Blue Nursing Service ..............(07) 3287 2041Roslyn Lodge..................................5545 7822T.M. Medical Practice.....................5545 1222Eagle Heights Medical Centre ........5545 2416QML Pathology Nth Tamborine .....5545 3873Pharmacies: North Tamborine.........5545 1450

Eagle Heights .............5545 1441Tamborine Mtn Physiotherapy & SportsInjury Clinic ...................................5545 0500Tamborine Mountain OptometristNicky Carr......................................5545 0277Dentists:Dr Don Harvey .............................5545 2788Dr Claudia Rodriguez....................5545 2522Podiatrist: ..............5545 3311 or 0418 963 969Veterinary Surgery ..........................5545 2422Beenleigh Comm. Health ........(07) 3827 9811Beaudesert Hospital ........................5541 9111T.M. RURAL FIRE BRIGADEFor burnoff notifications, membership & generalenquiries ............................Phone: 0407 747 999For Fires and Emergencies................Phone: 000Training Meetings are held at 7pm, Wednesdays atthe Rural Fire Station, Knoll Rd.


5545 3170 or 0431 722 [email protected] ADSFFuullll CCoolloouurrFull page (A4) .....................................$280Half page ............................................$150Third page ..........................................$120Quarter page.........................................$90Sixth page.............................................$70Twelfth page .........................................$50Front page ..........................................$150Back page ...........................................$300BBllaacckk aanndd WWhhiitteeFull page .............................................$220Half page ............................................$120Third page ...........................................$90Quarter page.........................................$65Sixth page.............................................$50Twelfth page .........................................$30BUSINESS DIRECTORY:3cm B&W 6 issues ...........................$603cm Colour 6 issues ...........................$756cm B&W 6 issues ...........................$966cm Colour 6 issues .........................$1089cm B&W 6 issues ..........................$1389cm Colour 6 issues..........................$174


SUPER WORKBY OUR FIRIESDear Editor,Cyclone Oswald had devastated northern

Queensland towns before slowly degradingas it worked down the coast. We had plentyof warning, but many were still poorlyprepared for the massive rainfallsexperienced, and those winds! The winds built up on Saturday 26

January and the rain fell in earnest onSunday. By Sunday evening roads wereclosing and our brigade members joined theAuxiliaries, operating from the Ambulancebase on Main Western Road as this was theonly appropriate facility with a powergenerator and radio setup still operating. We concentrated on keeping the main

access roads to and from the mountainclear of fallen trees and debris, but nearlyall roads were eventually unusable becauseof slips, flooding and multiple trees downon Tamborine Mountain Road. HenriRobert Drive continued to give access toNerang and the world throughout the eventdespite some trees down and was usedseveral times by an ambulance transferringpatients to hospital.As Energex rapidly became

overwhelmed with broken power lines andSES had difficulty reaching their station,the local firies and ambos were on theirown for the next day of wild weather. Wemanaged to clear some driveways andprevent access to fallen power lines butconditions remained dangerous and thecleanup could not start until the windseased on Tuesday. The Rapid Damage Assessment (RDA)

team of senior fire officers carried out aquick assessment of the mountain on

behalf of the Scenic Rim RegionalCouncil, with a view to future tasking ofteams for the cleanup. Councilsubsequently tasked SES, VolunteerCommunity Educators and Surf Lifesavervolunteers with visiting each household fordetailed data on their damage status. TheVCE’s from the Rurals were door-knocking from Tuesday till Saturday anddid not get one complaint from residents,simply thanks for checking in with themafter the storm.Our brigade teams continued with

multiple chain sawing jobs on theWednesday and Thursday, usually taskedby the SES team at their base, and thencontinued the theme with a busy day for ateam cleaning out mud-filled houses in theLowood area, north-west of Ipswich.The conclusions drawn are that we truly

are becoming an “all risks” force, and thatthe mountain must always retain thecapability to operate all emergencyservices entirely independent of anyexternal agency.While power and fixed line telephone

services failed dramatically, radiocommunications other than strictly localwere also affected. The bright spot was thegenerally good communications via themobile phone network – if you had a phoneand could charge it, there was helpavailable. The local ABC radio station on97.1 fm or 612 am, as the EmergencyBroadcaster, kept a running commentaryon developments.The Brigade thanks you for your

continued support. Roger Sutton 1st Officer,

TM Rural Fire Brigade

can obtain a driving licence. The lawshave changed slightly over the years, andvary slightly between the states, butgenerally the unsupervised legal drivingage is 17 or 18.When I was young (I am now

approaching 76) the legal driving age was17 and the legal drinking age was 21.Which meant, ideally, that young peoplegenerally had up to four years of drivingexperience before being allowed to drink.I, in common with other young men at thetime, grew a moustache when I wasnineteen so that I looked a little older andcould visit a bar or public house withoutbeing challenged. Girls learnt to apply ajudicious amount of makeup to look 21.Nevertheless we all had had a couple ofyears experience driving before drinkingalcohol in any significant amounts.In the USA (which is often cited for

having the most cars per head ofpopulation) the legal driving age isgenerally between 15 and 17. The legaldrinking age varies from state to stateranging between 18 and 21 but the averageage is about 20. Again it can be seen thatyoung people have at least a couple ofyears driving experience before they canlegally drink alcohol.

The figures here should be setting offalarm bells, loud and long, in the halls ofgovernment. But are they? It would appearnot. Our politicians wring their hands andpropose numerous costly campaigns andineffective programs but unfortunately theyappear to be either asleep, blissfullyunaware of the true causes of the problems,or are too interested in being re-elected thanto take a chance by changing the law. Ofcourse it would take courage, dare I saystatesmanship, to take on the alcoholindustry. In spite of Australian Medical

Association warnings that the human braindoes not mature till into the twenties andthat alcohol has a definite effect ondeveloping brains, politicians have donenothing. I am no wowser. I enjoy alcoholin reasonable moderation but for the life ofme I cannot understand why all the majorpolitical parties cannot get together andarrive at consensus with regard to raisingthe legal drinking age. Give young peoplea chance to gain experience in driving andin life generally before giving them carteblanche to consume alcohol. Alas at themoment it would appear that politicalapathy reigns supreme.

Roland Lindenmayer

Page 18: Tamborine Mountain News


Tamborine Mountain’s PoliceSergeant Mick Jones captures arare moment as the road at CurtisFalls becomes a raging torrent(above) and as workers pull outall stops (below) to remove fallen

trees from the road nearThunderbird Park.

Vikki Rabe’s photo shows whygum trees do not belong on

suburban blocks. For the record,just one 30-centimetre section ofthis fallen tree branch weighed

almost 13 kilos.

Page 19: Tamborine Mountain News



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THERE are no secret ingredients toAdam Routledge’s Tamborine

Mountain Pizzas – only fresh ones.This year, Adam is celebrating his

20th year in his Main Street pizzeria,after making a tree change to theMountain from the Gold Coast in 1993.British-born Adam learned his craft

from Roberto Rigatoni, whose StevensStreet restaurant at Labrador wasregarded as one of the Gold Coast’spremier pizzerias during the 1980s.There he learnt that a quality pizza

needs fresh, quality ingredients.Adam sources his meats from an

Italian wholesaler on the Gold Coastwho understands his needs for thefreshest ingredients and his mushroomsare bought directly from a local grower.The pizza dough and ingredients,

including the meats, cheeses and

vegetables, which are grated and sliced,are prepared fresh each day, seven daysa week, with all sauces prepared on site.Adam offers 21 flavour combos in

four sizes, from the family-sized jumbo15-inch to the 11-inch pizza for one ortwo people. The biggest sellers are thespecial pizza with the lot, and themarinara, mushroom, vegetarian, canecutter and prawn pizzas.“I use only whole, fresh Pacific

prawns, none of that imported rubbish,”said Adam.As well as producing some of the best

pizzas on the Mountain, Adam has alsoturned out a batch of pizza chefs whohave taken their skills around the world.One of his longest serving ‘apprentices’

is Michael Wickson, who began workingalongside Adam 13 years ago and is nowstudying an honours course at university.

There’s no secret to Adam’s success

Page 20: Tamborine Mountain News








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Chartered & CPA Qualified StaffSHOP 3, 15 MAIN WESTERN RD NTH TAMBORINE

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Yes, you can.Hire your buildingequipment fromMITRE 10

North TamborinePhone 5545 1170




DENTURE CLINICJOE RUSSELLRegistered Dental Prosthetist


Shop 10 Eagle HeightsShopping Village

Veterans AffairsProvider

5545 3128





Eagle HeightsCleaning ServicesAffordable RatesFree QuotesMMoobb:: 00440000 445522 005544 PPhh:: 55554455 22005544For all your Domestic & Commercial Cleaning Needs

Dave and Daniel Pearson


KLEANING K9s1st Saturday of the month from Feb 2013.

Mobile dog grooming:hydrobath, brushouts,

clipping & more.Bookings: Ph Robyn on 0431 430 094



Total service, from small improvements or changesto a complete overhaul. Creative budget solutions or

more upmarket if you like.Phone 0437 436 552 all hours.

Why it pays to advertise in the News

• Unbeatable advertising rates –from display ads, to businessdirectory, to classifieds.

• Best and brightest coverage ofnews and events on and around the

mountain.• A more readable and invitingproduct in which your ad is more

likely to be seen and read.Tamborine Mountain News

PO Box 118North Tamborine 4272Phone Gary Stubbs

5545 3170; 0431 722 177Email:

[email protected] [email protected]

Page 21: Tamborine Mountain News






Ph 5545 3793 • 0407 696 068

All Glass ReplacementGlass & Mirror cut to size

Security Screens - Shower ScreensInsurance Work Welcome

Free Quotes




Lic. No. 59907

ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORSDomestic • Commercial • Farm

Installation • RepairsPhone: 5545 2166Shop 4, 15 Main Western Rd,

North Tamborine (opp. Pharmacy)BANKCARD, VISA, MASTERCARD




• postholes • pads • trenching • tank holes• clearing • burnoffs • landscaping

Specialising in:


Ph: 5545 1979


G.J. Baldwin & Associates P/LTamborine Mtn Electrical

ACN 010980695 Lic. 36447

ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORSDomestic/Farm/CommercialShop 4, Tamborine Plaza

Ph: 5545 1207

TAMBORINE DAVELandscaping & Fencing

• Rubbish Removal• Chainsaw work

Ph: 5545 2183 or 0428 713 465


andTOTAL PICTURE FRAMING SERVICEPh 5545 2402 – Opp. St Bernard’s Hotel Open Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm

Saturday 9am – 12pm



Stunning, originalladies fashion from around

the world• Estate Jewellery • Antiques

• Shoes, accessories & much, much more.

Gallery Walk, Eagle Heights5545 0859




Decks ~ Re-stumping ~ Pergolas~ Any timber repairs ~

Local tradesman25 years’ experienceObligation free quotesCALL GRAHAM0448 634 180

PROFESSIONALREFLEXOLOGISTAching/burning feet, bunion pain,sore legs, sciatica, headaches,tension, general pain, women’s healthHEALTH FUND REBATES • Helen, 0413 919 212




P: 5545 4783 M: 0413 233 530

For hair that looks good beyond the salon doors


CLIPPERS NESTLadies & Men’s HairdressingShop 4, Southport Ave, Eagle Heights

Ph Michelle 5545 1291 for appt



Gym and Class Facility – Open to Everyone8-9, 39 Main Street North Tamborine

T: 07 5545 4774 • E: [email protected]: www.mainfitness.com.au

Gym and Class Facility – Open to Everyone8-9, 39 Main Street North Tamborine

T: 07 5545 4774 • E: [email protected]: www.mainfitness.com.au

Page 22: Tamborine Mountain News

Specialising in:-• Maintenance• Plumbing • Draining• Roofing • Gasfitting

Ph: Dave Angel at Nth TamborinePh: 5545 2369 all hoursMobile No: 0419 677 008

Lic No 047179



Ian Lloyd Licensed Plumber

• Plumbing• Drainage• Roofing• Guttering• Pumps

QBS Lic No. 62248


Ph: (Mob) 0417 437 143A/H 5543 6884




Gyprock, ornate & suspended ceilings,fancy cornices, ceiling roses.

All Aspects of TradePhone BRETT CLEARY

5545 0115



PANEL & PAINTPH: 5545 2319

Private and insurance workTotal Car Care




Acreage MowingPrompt Reliable Service

Now Available atTamborine Mower Repairs

5545 18920428 451 892

eco paintersbsa licence 1043639

domestic/commercialpaint finishes • colour consultingPhone Derek0414 478 787tteell//ffaaxx:: 55554455 44772266

MMaajjoorr CCrreeddiitt CCaarrddss AAcccceepptteedd


RRooyy TThhee PPaaiinntteerr

HH:: 55554455 22332233MM:: 00440044 448866 557799




Tamborine Mower RepairsSuppliers of new & reconditioned

• Mowers • Brush CuttersJOHN DEERESpares & Service

Ph 5545 1892 or 0428 451 892




GROWERS OF:Premium Blue Couch, Greenlees Park and Kikuya Turf.

• Farm pick-up or delivered • Weekend pick-ups mustbe ordered by Friday • Inspection Invited.

Ph: All Hrs 5543 6133/5543 8441

TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN NURSERYLLeett uuss pprriiccee yyoouurr llaannddssccaappee ppllaanntt

nneeeeddss.. BBuuyy ddiirreecctt ffrroomm tthhee pprroodduucceerr..QQuuoottee ccoommppaarriissoonn wweellccoommee..

OOPPEENN 77 DDAAYYSS.. 117766 LLoonngg RRdd,, EEaaggllee HHeeiigghhttss •• 55554455 44999999

JJoohhnn’’ss MMoowwiinngg• Acreage mowing• Brush cutting• Green waste removal

PPHH:: 00442288 661155 883333



5545 33905545 33905545 3390U-Drive Dingo Hire with Attachments


bagged fertilisercrusher dustroadbasesandstonestreated logsconcrete blendsleepers to 4.8msands, barks

bagged mulchesdrainage gravels

decorative gravelssoils


stepping stonesrailway sleepers




nt for

6m3 loa


Large blocks for retaining wallsor heavy-duty control solutions

Hartley Road, Nth Tamborine



Affinity LandscapesAffinity LandscapesIs your garden ready for spring & summer

entertaining?Would you like to attract wildlife?

Do you want envious friends & neighbours?

LLooccaall hhoorrttiiccuullttuurraalliisstt && lliicc’’dd ssttrruuccttuurraall llaannddssccaappeerr• Design • Water features • Stonework • Planting

• Paving & retaining walls• Contemporary, native & formal gardens

MOB: 0411 805 589 – AH: 5545 3360

The country fashionshop for men

Gallery Walk, Eagle Heights

RM Williams • Jacaru • Brigalow• Drizabone

Dress and casual jeans and shirts• Oilskin coats • Hats • Boots • Belts,

and more...

INTERESTED IN JOINING THE SES?Contact the Duty Officer on 5540 5131 or visit

www.beaudesertses.com.auFOR FLOOD OR STORM EMERGENCIES

PHONE 132 500.

Page 23: Tamborine Mountain News


UNPARALLELLED OPPORTUNITY WORKINGFROM HOME ~ PART OR FULL TIME ~ABSOLUTELY NO RISK ~ GENUINEOPPORTUNITY SELDOM KNOCKS TWICE!FREE TRAINING & SUPPORT. PH 0409 771 885.ATTENTION!! What’s on the bottom of your watertank? Dead rats, snakes, toads or worse. Minimumwater loss extraction cleaning system now availableby The Tank Doctor 0407 649 659 or 5545 3693.AUTO AIRCONDITIONING, for cars, trucks, &machinery. Re-gas for summer. Full service, leaktest, diagnostics. We come to you. Phone Dave on046 848 5545.BOOKS AND MAGAZINES FOR SALE –New/second hand and local authors. Excellentselection $3–$5. Piccabeen Landcare Bookshop, belowJoseph the Greengrocer, Main St. 5545 1847.CHIBALL – MOVE WITH THE SEASONS!The ChiBall Class is based on the philosophy ofTraditional Chinese Medicine and is a beautifulfusion of modified Tai Chi/Qi Gong, Yoga andPilates with ChiBall Dance, Muscle Release andRelaxation. The movements help to unblockmeridian pathways and contribute to an improvedsense of wellbeing. This “Exercise to music class”will leave you rejuvenated and still balanced andrelaxed. Suitable for all ages! Class: Wednesdays9–10am, at the Mt Tamborine Showground Hall.Fee: $10 per session. Just bring a non-slip Yoga

Mat and a smile! Contact: Dagmar van der Lem. Ph:0434 547 184 email: [email protected] is a fully-equipped chook pen on25cm wheels with a superb mobility system. It is foxand rat-proof. Models for up to 4 hens - $400; for 6hens $450. Ph: 0418 758 295 or 5545 2206FLATMATE WANTED:Modern, spacious house.Coast views, Sunny: 1 or 2 bedrooms available for bed+ office. Non-smoker. Phone 0400 005 741FOR SALE Large variety of herbal products, driedflowers, and oils etc. Ph: 5545 0625.FOR SALE – 2 king single beds with woodenbedhead and base, reading light, bookshelf andstorage. $200 each, Phone 5545 3601.MULCH: Excellent quality. Aged, clean mulch.$30/metre delivered. Ph: 5545 0467.NATUROPATH, Nutrition advice, herbalist, 0417 630615 www.ntpages.com.au/therapist/11495PAINTER, PROFESSIONAL, licensed and local.Small to large. Decks, Roofs etc. Call Roy on 55452323 or 0404 486 579.TRADITIONAL REIKI CLASSES Reiki,massage, iridology by appointment. Change yourlife for the better. Phone Jan 0418 281 227. 20 yearsexperience.VOLVO MECHANIC, Volvo service/ parts andgenuine diagnostics. Ph Volvo Dave 0423 334 336

PONY EXPRESSMOUNTAIN WATEREst 1985 - Maurice & DebbieFriendly, Reliable Delivery$140 per load

BSC Approved

Ph: 5545 3935 or 0417 644 4987 DAYS A WEEK







Vic Palmer

REMOVALSIncorporating Tamborine Mtn Removals

Ph: 07 3287 4326Mobile 0408 743 244


Rock and TimberRetaining Walls

•• EExxppeerrttllyy BBuuiilltt •• AAllll EEaarrtthhwwoorrkkss•• EEnnggiinneeeerr ddeessiiggnneedd,, wwhheenn rreeqquuiirreedd

•• CCeerrttiiffiiccaattiioonn •• BBSSAA LLiicceenncceedd 11111111993399

Office: 5543 8584 • Mob: 0432 281 075Email: [email protected]




Windows,Screens, Tracks

Mob: 0427 808 341

Email:[email protected]

Free Quotes

VETERINARY SURGERYEstablished on the Mountain since 1990

AAnnddrreeww PPaaxxttoonn--HHaallll BVSc.CChhrriiss CCoorrccoorraann BVSc. (Hons)

Small & Large Mon - Fri 8am - 6pmAnimal Practice Saturday 8am - 1pm

A fully equipped veterinary hospital right here onthe Mountain providing quality service includinghome visits, x-ray, ultrasound, in-house blood

tests, surgery, pet grooming, hydrobath and a fullrange of pet food supplies.2 Main St, Nth Tamborine

5545 2422 all hoursA/H Emergency Service Always Available

• Pumping of septic tanks • Enviro system• Grease Traps • Sullage • Holding Tanks

and commercial hourly hire


Ph 0422 545 443 • Ah 5543 1784

CanungraCnr Pine Rd &Franklin St5543 5622All Hours

Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm. Sat 8.30am-11.30amA.H. EMERGENCY SERVICES ALWAYS AVAILABLE


VALUERVALUER – MALCOLM BISHOPPIndependent Property Valuer, all purposes.Assessments market value, compensation,

property settlement, stamp duty, GST.Registered Valuer Queensland No. 734.

Member Australian Property Institute (Valuers)PO Box 107, Eagle Heights 4271Phone 5545 0022 Fax: 5545 0200





FFoorr aallll aaggeess aanndd lleevveellss

Lee Chang Tye – 0420 349 744email: [email protected]

PPUURRIIFFIICCAATTIIOONN SSOOLLUUTTIIOONNSS• Water Treatment • Waste Water Treatment • Sewerage PlantMaintenance • Pump Sales/Repairs • Designs & Modifications

GGLLEENN HHAARRVVEEYY 00441122 336666 886677 •• 11330000 330022 667766gglleenn@@bbiioowwoorrxx..ccoomm..aauu



Here’s why you shouldcall “Power Pumping”�� You’ll enjoy our friendly staff�� You’ll like our fast response time�� You’ll enjoy our reliable service�� You can trust us, we’re LOCAL

• Septic & Sullage Tanks• Grease Traps • Holding Tanks

• Treatment Plants • Pumps • BafflesP: 5545 2692 M: 0408 633 260Tamborine Mountain resident & business for over 20 years.

Page 24: Tamborine Mountain News