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Tamás Péter (D. 424) Mechatronika, Optika és Gépészeti ... INFORMATIKAI TÁRGYAK... · Web viewII. Programming Technologies. II.1 The machine code program. Code of algorithm

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Page 1: Tamás Péter (D. 424) Mechatronika, Optika és Gépészeti ... INFORMATIKAI TÁRGYAK... · Web viewII. Programming Technologies. II.1 The machine code program. Code of algorithm

II. Programming Technologies

II.1 The machine code programCode of algorithm steps + memory addresses:

MOV AX,1234h ;0B8h 34h 12h - number (1234h) to AX registerMUL WORD PTR [5678h] ;0F7h 26h 78h 56h - multiply AX with the data of the given address (extra segment)MOV [5678h],AX ;0A3h 78h 56h - write back the result in AX to the address

II.2 Program making programsSource code program >> Compiler/Interpreter >> Executable program

Generation of Languages1GL: machine code2GL: assembly (mnemonics)

Page 2: Tamás Péter (D. 424) Mechatronika, Optika és Gépészeti ... INFORMATIKAI TÁRGYAK... · Web viewII. Programming Technologies. II.1 The machine code program. Code of algorithm

3GL: high-level procedural:• FORTRAN, PASCAL, C

4GL: problem oriented:–Functional: LISP (LISt Processing),–Logical: PROLOG (PROgraming LOGics),–Database management: SQL,

–Object-oriented: C++, JAVA. C#, –Component based development languages.

5GL: natural languages???

Timeline of programming languages

Some interesting dates:• 1st: Eniac coding system (von Neumann and others - 1943)

• BASIC (Kemeny/Kurtz- 1964), Altair BASIC (Bill Gates, Paul Allen – 1975), Commodore BASIC (1975), IBM BASIC (made by Microsoft – 1981)

• Pascal (Niklaus Wirth /Kathleen Jensen – 1970)

• C (Dennis Ritchie - 1972), C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup - 1983), C# (Anders Hejlsberg – 2000, Java (James Gosling –Sun Microsystem – 1995)

II.3. Data and Programs

[const| readonly] type_name variable_name [,…][= starting_value]

Page 3: Tamás Péter (D. 424) Mechatronika, Optika és Gépészeti ... INFORMATIKAI TÁRGYAK... · Web viewII. Programming Technologies. II.1 The machine code program. Code of algorithm

Integers:byte / sbyte 0..255 / -128..127 1 byte ushort/ short 0..65 535 / -32 768..32 767 2 byteuint, int 0.. 4 294 967 295 / -2 147 483 648..2 147 483 648 .. 4 byte

Logical typeBool false..true 1 byte

Floating point (real number) typeFloat -3.4×1038.. 3.4×1038 4 byteDouble ±5.0×10−324.. ±1.7×10308 1.3, 2.1e6, 3.4F, 4.2L 8 byteDecimal (-7.9 x 1028.. 7.9 x 1028) / (100..28) 28, 29 digits

Letters:Char ’A’, ‘\n’, ’\t’(!!!) 2 byteString ”Apple” n*2byte

Enumerated lists:Enum enum number {one, two, three} // 0,1,2

enum thislist {a=6,b=11} // 0..15number.two

II.3.2 Basic algorithm elements

Page 4: Tamás Péter (D. 424) Mechatronika, Optika és Gépészeti ... INFORMATIKAI TÁRGYAK... · Web viewII. Programming Technologies. II.1 The machine code program. Code of algorithm

II.3.2.1 Concatenation

int i = 3; int j = 4; int k = i + j;

II.3.2.2 Alternation (selection)

if (i > j) { k = i - j; } else { k = j - i;}

II.3.2.3 Iteration (cycling)

i = 0;k = 0;while (i < 10) { k += i++;}

II.4. Subprograms, Functions

type_name name ([parameters]) { // function body








call fv

Page 5: Tamás Péter (D. 424) Mechatronika, Optika és Gépészeti ... INFORMATIKAI TÁRGYAK... · Web viewII. Programming Technologies. II.1 The machine code program. Code of algorithm

[local definitions, declarations][statemens][return [value]; // if exists] }

Usage modes:

function_name([param1, param2,…]);

i = name([param1, param2,…]);

int main () {}

II.5 Object, class (to be discussed in details in seminars)

Page 6: Tamás Péter (D. 424) Mechatronika, Optika és Gépészeti ... INFORMATIKAI TÁRGYAK... · Web viewII. Programming Technologies. II.1 The machine code program. Code of algorithm



Page 7: Tamás Péter (D. 424) Mechatronika, Optika és Gépészeti ... INFORMATIKAI TÁRGYAK... · Web viewII. Programming Technologies. II.1 The machine code program. Code of algorithm

II.6. Windows is an event-driven program



{e)EventArgssender, objectbutton1_Click(private void


{Form1()public{Form1 : Formpublic partial class

{WindowsFormsApplication1namespace Case

Message Loop



Message queue



Page 8: Tamás Péter (D. 424) Mechatronika, Optika és Gépészeti ... INFORMATIKAI TÁRGYAK... · Web viewII. Programming Technologies. II.1 The machine code program. Code of algorithm

Maximum CPU utilization ? Multiprogramming.

• Several processes are kept in memory at one time.

• Any process can take over the CPU.

• Process Scheduler is the component of the OS.

• Scheduling of the CPU is fundamental to OS design.

Scheduling Objectives:

• Share time fairly among processes• Prevent starvation of a process• Use the processor efficiently• Have low overhead• Prioritise processes when necessary

Page 9: Tamás Péter (D. 424) Mechatronika, Optika és Gépészeti ... INFORMATIKAI TÁRGYAK... · Web viewII. Programming Technologies. II.1 The machine code program. Code of algorithm

Windows NT-based operating systems (including Windows 8.x and 10.x) use a multilevel feedback queue. 32 priority levels are predefined. General rules:

◦ Give preference to short jobs.

◦ Give preference to I/O bound processes.

◦ Quickly establish the nature of a process and schedule the process accordingly.

All processes receive a priority boost after a wait event, but processes that have experienced a keyboard I/O wait get a larger boost than those that have experienced a disk I/O wait.

Page 10: Tamás Péter (D. 424) Mechatronika, Optika és Gépészeti ... INFORMATIKAI TÁRGYAK... · Web viewII. Programming Technologies. II.1 The machine code program. Code of algorithm

II.7. Windows pre-emptive multiprogramming

System and application waiting queues

Timeslice distribution with variable priorities



Primary scheduler










16 Bit appsapps

32 Bit apps


primarywaiting queue

16 bit appwaiting queue

32 bit threadwaiting


bit thread

32waiting queue

bit thread


System Applications

Waiting line


DevicesMouseKeyboardDisks Printer

Page 11: Tamás Péter (D. 424) Mechatronika, Optika és Gépészeti ... INFORMATIKAI TÁRGYAK... · Web viewII. Programming Technologies. II.1 The machine code program. Code of algorithm

II.8. Rapid Application Development Environment Component based development:


}BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;button1.Text = "alma";

{private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


{public Form1()

{public partial class Form1 : Form

{namespace WindowsFormsApplication1

using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Text;using System.Linq;using System.Drawing;using System.Data;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Collections.Generic;using System;

Page 12: Tamás Péter (D. 424) Mechatronika, Optika és Gépészeti ... INFORMATIKAI TÁRGYAK... · Web viewII. Programming Technologies. II.1 The machine code program. Code of algorithm

II.9. Microsoft.Net

Aim: Safe development



CLI Network solutions•


compilerime Tn Iust J



ommonCCILetc.Managed C++ J#JScriptVB.NetC#

New, CLR functions (garbage collection)


)anguageLarkup Mtensible Xe-(XML Data with multilevel type checking

Basic Classes

Operating System

machineCode runs on virtual amchines virtuális


Web/Windows user layer

Existing functions (file open)