Tally.Developer 9 Release 3.0 Release Notes February 18th, 2011

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Tally.Developer 9 Release 3.0

Release Notes

February 18th, 2011

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The information contained in this document is current as of the date of publication and subject to change. Because Tally must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Tally, and Tally cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. The information provided herein is general, not according to individual circumstances, and is not intended to substitute for informed professional advice.


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Version: Tally.Developer 9 Release 3.0 /7.0/February 2011

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1 Enhancements in the Curent Release 3.0

1.1 Multi Version Default TDL Loading ..............................................................................5

1.2 Optional Default TDL Loading ....................................................................................5

1.3 Managing TCP's .......................................................................................................6

1.4 Hyperlink and Navigation Enhancements .....................................................................6

1.5 Error Handling .........................................................................................................7

1.6 Syntax Coloring Improvements ..................................................................................7

1.7 Other Enhancements ................................................................................................8

2 Enhancements in the Previous Release 2.0

2.1 Function Browser Introduced .....................................................................................8

2.2 Action Browser Introduced ........................................................................................9

2.3 Property Window introduced for all browsers ...............................................................9

2.4 Auto complete for Actions and Events .........................................................................9

2.5 Licensing Processes Simplifications .............................................................................9

2.6 TCP Decompilation Enhancements ............................................................................ 10

2.7 Dictionary Manager Tool Available Now ..................................................................... 10

3 Enhancements in the Previous Release 1.1

3.1 Activation and Licensing Changes ............................................................................ 11

3.2 Web Control Centre Enhancements .......................................................................... 12

3.3 Unlock Key from Web Control Centre ........................................................................ 13

4 Enhancements in the Previous Release 1.0

4.1 Activation and Licensing Changes ............................................................................ 14

4.2 Syntax Color Changes ............................................................................................ 16

4.3 Secure Compilation ................................................................................................ 16

4.4 Decompilation as a Service – Available from Web Control Centre .................................. 16

4.5 User Creation and Assigning Decompilation Rights ..................................................... 18

5 Enhancements in the Previous Beta Build 44

5.1 Project and Editor Enhancements ............................................................................. 21

5.2 Tools Menu Enhancements ...................................................................................... 22

5.3 License Menu Enhancements ................................................................................... 22

6 Enhancements in the Previous Alpha Build 38

6.1 Usage of Command Window .................................................................................... 23

6.2 Tally.Developer 9 Command line parameters ............................................................. 23

6.3 Project Related Enhancements ................................................................................. 24

6.4 Hyperlink Enhancements ........................................................................................ 25

6.5 Auto Completion Enhancements ............................................................................... 25

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6.6 Preferences Enhancements ..................................................................................... 25

6.7 Build Menu Enhancements ...................................................................................... 26

6.8 ToolTip Support for Schema Browser and Project Explorer ........................................... 26

6.9 Changes in Syntax Coloring .................................................................................... 27

6.10 Editor Enhancements ............................................................................................ 27

6.11 Help Menu Enhancements ..................................................................................... 27

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1. Enhancements in the Curent Release 3.0

The technology support provided for Solution-ability and Integrate-ability of Tally.ERP 9 is available as an entire set of services in the form of what we call it as “Tally Development Environment (TDE)”. The environment comprises of

Tally Definition Language(TDL) integrated with Tally.ERP 9 Platform The Tally Development Suite productized as Tally.Developer 9 (TD 9) Set of Tools - Integrated with the Development Suite Associated Support

As we are already aware, Tally.Developer 9 is a comprehensive development Suit designed specifi-cally for programming in TDL (Tally Definition Language). Tally.Developer 9 comes with its unique features in terms of

Easy programming by Syntax Colouring, Tagging and Navigation of code, Auto Completion, Project Management and so on

Ease of debugging with error listing and diagnosis Build, Compilation / Validation / Execution of Code from within the product Authorization techniques for TCP (Tally Compliant product) ensuring IP protection, control

license usage and minimize revenue leakage. Easy Distribution mechanism using licensing and subscription renewals Easy customer serial management Access to the Complete Tally source code as a reference Instant references to TDL Language API’s such as Schema, Definition and Attributes, Func-

tions, Actions and so on Ability to extend multilingual support to the product, customization, modules in localized lan-

guages with the powerful dictionary manager tool Rich set of TDL language documentation and programming samples Access Support Center Tools that help to develop and test external application's integration with tally (Tally connec-


Extending these capabilities further, the latest Release 3.0-Beta comes to you with major enhance-ments as listed below

Multi Version Default TDL Loading Optional Default TDL Loading Managing TCP's Hyperlink and Navigation Enhancements Error Handling Syntax Coloring Other Enhancements

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1.1 Multi Version Default TDL Loading

The developers working on tally platform are usually engaged with developing solutions for different versions of Tally.ERP 9 and validating the codes as per the default TDLs of that specific version. The latest release will support loading of Default TDLs of any Tally.ERP 9 version. The reference for the validation, error listing and compilation of the TCP will be as per the version of the Default TDL loaded at that instance.

On Tally.Developer 9 installation, the Default TDL of the latest ERP 9 version available in the folder will be loaded. An option “Use Default TDL from Tally.ERP 9 exe path” is provided in Tools -> Preferences -> Compiler/Execution Options tab where the Default TDLs can be loaded from the Tally.ERP 9 exe path as configured for the current project execution.

The naming convention followed for the Default TDL helps to identify the version of the source code which has been loaded. For ex: If the source code is loaded from Tally.ERP release 2.0 the Default TDL project will be named as “Default TDL-Series A Release 2.0”. Its displays the project name properly along with the Series and Release information of Tally.ERP 9 version.

Both evaluation and paid subscription users will be able to load the Default TDLs of any past or future Release of Tally.ERP 9. However, in subscription expiry mode loading of future Release source codes will be restricted.

1.2 Optional Default TDL Loading

Many Third Party Applications use Tally's rapid application development environment to render various complex reports using Tally Definition Language (TDL). Tally.ERP 9 acts as a front end appli-cation for various external databases to retrieve and manipulate information as and when required. Tally, being a comprehensive business application loads all the TDL's required as per the functional aspects of the Application. In cases where the third party applications require using Tally purely as a development platform, loading of complete application TDLs may prove to be expensive in terms of startup time.

This release onwards the application TDLs are segregated as

Base TDL Files - This contains the commonly required templates like styles, variables, buttons which can be used by any report which is rendered.

Default TDL Files - This contain the TDLs which are specifically meant for functional require-ments of the Tally.ERP 9 application.

This has enabled us to launch Tally.ERP 9 using the minimal Base TDL files avoiding the overhead of loading the Default TDL files. This can be achieved by using the command line parameter/NODEF.

In line with the above enhancement, the product Tally.Developer 9 Release 3.0 will also support the command line parameter/NODEF. The developer who is working on developing third party applica-tions need not refer and load the application TDLs as well. In such cases, the application needs to be started with only the Base TDLs using the option /NODEF, where he will be able refer to Base TDLs only for reusing the existing templates and styles provided.

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C:\Program Files\Tally.Developer9\tallydeveloper.exe /NODEF

1.3 Managing TCP's

The various options provided within Project Properties help in enabling the authorization techniques for TCP (Tally Compliant product) ensuring IP protection, control license usage and minimizing revenue leakage. It was already possible to specify the Author Name, the customer serial numbers and the product GUID and this information is bundled along with TCP when it is generated. These information can be retrieved back when the TCP is decompiled again. In line with the above, the following enhancements have been done to ensure better manageability and as per requirements of the Market Place which will be announced in near future.

TCP Versioning

It will now be possible to store the version details of the TCP being deployed for the customers. The option is available in Project Properties -> Build Options tab. The version no is visible to the customers in the TDL Configuration screen where it is being used .It also can be retrieved back when the TCP is decompiled

Output TCP location

For better manageability and file organization, the developers would prefer to use separate locations for storing the working source files (“.tpj, .txt,.tdl”) and the output files(“.tcp”) to be deployed for customers. An option has been provided in Project properties -> Project Details tab where the users would be able to specify the Output Location ie the path where the TCP being generated will be stored

Serial Listing during TCP generation

Since authorization is a crucial factor for the developers as well as customers using the TCP, while building the TCP the customer name and serial no’s for which it is enabled is listed in the Output window. This will enable the developers to cross check again and minimize any errors at the final stages of deployment as well.

1.4 Hyperlink and Navigation Enhancements

Major enhancements in this area, has made almost every piece of code navigable across various projects. In the latest release

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Navigation using Ctrl+Click

The navigation using Ctrl+Click has been enabled for collection, variables, inline variable and system formula identifiers also. All references used as an attribute value, function/action parameter or within an expression will navigate the user to the respective definition.

Now the navigational experience has been extended to Action and Function parameters as well.

If multiple definitions of the same name exist across multiple projects, then the listing for the same along with the file name is provided to the user. This helps the user to choose the particular defini-tion to navigate to.

Attribute and Definition References

Attribute and Definition References option has been moved to the Navigate menu. A new reference tab has been added under the output window. This is especially dedicated to Reference Search and will list the search results within this tab. All references found are navigable in both directions i. e next and previous references using the keys Ctrl+R and Ctrl+B respectively.

When Reference search is done, the result indicates the searched string along with the number of references found. Same is implemented for Search window also.

1.5 Error Handling

Error handling has been considerably improved where the system is intelligent enough to highlight errors corresponding to incorrect no and type of parameters in Actions and Functions, incorrect attribute values etc.

It is now possible to understand the reasons for error by right clicking on the error text. The option “Explain Error” is available for the same.

1.6 Syntax Coloring Improvements

Syntax coloring has been enhanced further so that each and every component of the language can be uniquely identified. The following changes can be observed as per the changes

System formula color is changed to Black in Bold The color of keywords i.e, fixed attribute values, datatypes & operators is changed to Process

Blue The blue color used for as Attributes and Modifiers is used for Actions and Functions as well The error text is marked with sqiggly underline.

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1.7 Other Enhancements

With an aim to ensure continued support for TDL and Tally.Developer 9 for the developer com-munity we had provided the access to Support Center from the help menu earlier. This release onwards users will also be able to access Online Help available in the help menu. Using this they will be able to address common problems faced by developers and will be updated with the latest changes on Tally Development Environment.

The various configurations setting applicable for the Browser windows like Definition, Action, Function, Schema browser do not require a restarting of the application.

2. Enhancements in the Previous Release 2.0With each release of the Tally.ERP9, the TDL language is enriched with new capabilities. These capa-bilities make it possible to introduce new features and functionalities in the Tally.ERP9 application. There have been major changes and revamps in the Default Code in order to deliver the Remote Edit Capability in the product. It is advisable to refer to the source code and the section on “TDL Enhancements for Remoting” within TDL Reference Manual to develop and modify customizations working in Remote Edit Environment.

Our continuous efforts to provide you with the Source Code of Tally.ERP 9 along with major Enhancements for making the life of TDL Developer easy has enabled us to provide you with the latest version of Tally.Developer 9 Release 2.0.

In order to extend the Multilingual Capability of Tally.ERP 9, the Dictionary Manager Tool is being provided to you, which will revolutionize the usage of Tally.ERP 9 across the world where emphasis is on using their own language for all official purposes.

With every Release, we strive to provide you with the best possible documentation and help available within the Development Environment itself.

In this direction, the following enhancements have been done in the current Release.

Major Enhancements

Function Browser Introduced Action Browser Introduced Property Window introduced for All Browsers Auto complete enabled for Actions and Events TCP Decompilation Enhancements Dictionary Manager Tool Available Now

2.1 Function Browser Introduced

In addition to the Definition and Schema browser, Functions browser is also available in the applica-tion now. The introduction of the function browser will provide the application developer an instant reference. The Function browser displays the list of all the predefined functions available in the TDL which can be viewed alphabetically or category wise. The Function Browser displays the descriptions pertaining to the usage, number of parameters along with parameter description in the correspond-ing Property Window.

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2.2 Action Browser Introduced

In addition to the Definition, Function and Schema browser, a Action browser is introduced in this Release. Action browser provides Alphabetical, Category Wise and Definition wise the listing of all the actions available. This option to enable the same is provided in the "Preferences" menu. The property window displays complete information for all these Actions along with the various Parame-ters which it takes.

2.3 Property Window introduced for all browsers

A new window is added below the Browser window in the Tally.Developer 9 application. The property window displays the details of the selected item in the Browser window. Based on the selections it displays the details like number of files, alias, category, return type, mode etc.

For example, if the project name is selected in the Project browser then the property window displays the details like Project Name, Product GUID, Total number of files etc.

If a function name is selected in function browser then the property window displays the details like total number of parameters, mandatory parameters, category, execution mode and return type etc.

The Help Strings corresponding to the usage of any Attribute, Function and Action is provided in this window.

2.4 Auto complete for Actions and Events

Auto Complete option is enabled for Actions and Events as well. The usage of this option in the editor window enables the programmer to get a complete listing of Actions/Events available in the current context on pressing the Ctrl + Spacebar keys.

The syntax coloring now applies for Actions and Event Keywords.

2.5 Licensing Processes Simplifications

The Licensing operations are simplified and more elaborate messages are displayed after each oper-ation.

Work In Temporary mode option is removed from the product since the user can now procure the Unlock key from the web site itself by using the Self Support option.

2.6 TCP Decompilation Enhancements

As we already know, that the TCP decompilation facility is available from Website. This generates a zip file corresponding to the TCP file after decompilation. The zip file will now include the ".tpj" file (Project file) along with the ".txt" and ".tdl"(Source files) as well.

On successful decompilation the following details will also be available on the screen. i.e. the Tally Developer Serial No and the Tally Serial Nos for which it was compiled is also made available.

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Figure 1.1 TCP Decompilation

2.7 Dictionary Manager Tool Available Now

A new tool Dictionary Manager is introduced which will enable the developer community to translate the default product as well as user TDLs in any language available across the world. With the usage of this tool you can now extend multilingual support for Tally.ERP 9 in German, Portuguese, French, Oriya, Assamese and in any language of your choice.

The Base Dictionary for the Default Product is available in the installation folder itself. The respective filenames for Tally.ERP 9, Tally.ERP 9 International and Stat are TallyBase.dci, TallyIntlBase.dci and StatBase.dci The application can translate the strings used in the default product and customized TDLs in specific language and create a final dictionary file (.DCT) to distribute it along with the product and the TCP.

The dictionary files also can be secured by providing the authentication details. The process of securing the .DCT file is similar to the TCP compilation.

The Dictionary Manager Tool is available in the Evaluation Version as well. The primary intent is to enable users to understand the usage and functionality. However, the final Dictionary File creation is limited to inclusion of Ten published Strings Only.

Minor enhancements

Version and Release information is displayed in the left portion of the Status bar. In all the browsers, Tree View now provides the functionality to expand and collapse any of

the items on right click. The Keyword color is changed to “Process Blue Color”.

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3. Enhancements in the Previous Release 1.13.1 Activation and Licensing Changes

Activate and Re-Activate menu contains two separate menu items to Activate/Re-activate a single site and multi site license till Tally.Developer 9 Release 1.0.

Now the Activation and Re–Activation process is enhanced. This release onwards these menu items will not display separate options for single site and multi site.


The activation process is enhanced to display single site activation screen by default. Instead of dis-playing two separate options for activation of single site and multi-site license, a button “Multi Site” is added in the Activation screen.

Now Activation doesn't have any sub menu. If the user is using a multi-site license, then he can click on the Multi Site button to activate/reactivate multi-site license.


After surrendering the license Tally.Developer 9 will be in educational mode. To work again in full license mode the user has to Re-activate the license. At present, the re-activation is a two step process:

1. Select the Re–activate option from license menu and then provide valid Tally.Net Account ID and password. After the validation, the User will receive an Unlock key.

2. The Unlock key must be entered to complete the re-activation process.

The re-activation option is enhanced in the current release to activate the application immediately if the authentication details are valid. The Unlocking step has been removed so now onwards no UNLOCK key will be sent by email after reactivation.

After re-activation the application will be in full license mode.

Please refer the document “Getting Started with Tally.Developer9” for the detailed explanation of re-activation process.

3.2 Web Control Centre Enhancements

Reset password

All the Tally.NET accounts have an Account ID and a password. When the account is created, a system generated password is assigned and the flexibility is given to the user to change the Tally.Net password later. It so happens that the user may not change the password for long time.

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In case the user has forgotten the password and does not have the activation mail in which the password was sent, he can request to reset his password online. The present Reset Password operation is a three step process.

1. On selecting the Reset password option, a confirmation link is sent.

2. The user has to click on the confirmation link and

3. A system generated password is sent to the user.

After receiving the system generated password the user needs to login to the web control centre and then change the password.

Now the Reset password process is made as two step process:

1. On selecting the Reset password option, a confirmation link will be sent to the specified email id as shown.

Figure 1.2 Reset Password mail format

2. Now the user will be prompted to select the password on clicking the confirmation link as shown.

Figure 1.3 Reset Password Screen

3. Enter the new password in the fields, New Password and Repeat.

4. Click on Save button.

Now onwards use the new password while logging to Tally.NET account.

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Change password

The user has the flexibility to change system generated Tally.NET password anytime. For enhanced security now the user is forced to change the Tally.NET password, once he logs in to the Web Control centre for the first time.

The change password screen is displayed when the user performs any of the following operations for the first time.

Remote Login Login to control centre Login to support centre Login to the Tally web site

Figure 1.4 Change Password Screen

Steps to change password are as follows:

1. Enter the password received in the activation mail in the field Old Password.

2. Enter the new password in the fields, New Password and Repeat.

3. Click on save button.

Now onwards use the new password while logging to Tally.NET account.

3.3 Unlock Key from Web Control Centre

The users are aware that activation is a two step process, viz., Activation and Unlock. After activa-tion the Unlock key is sent to the email id provided as Account ID. But due to the network or service provider settings the Unlock key gets delayed.

Now the user can get the Unlock key directly from the Tally web site. Go to this link http://www.tally-solutions.com/tallyweb/modules/sd/license/CGetUnlockKeyCtlr.php to reach Unlock page. On

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www.tallysolutions.com , go to Support -> Self Support -> Get Unlock Key. The page will be displayed as shown:

Figure 1.5 Unlock Page

Now enter the serial number and click on submit. The unlock key will be displayed in the page itself.

4. Enhancements in the Previous Release 1.0Introducing you to the Gold Release of our Product “Tally.Developer 9 Series A Release 1.0”. As a developer on Tally Platform we have been using the prior versions of the Tally Development Environ-ment(comprising of Tally.Developer 9 Alpha/Beta,Tally Developer 2.7) and completely understand the importance of Source Code protection

The Gold Release comes to you with major changes on the Licensing framework and Security aspects of the source code. We have provided with the options of “Secure Compile” in the product itself.Decompilation is provided as a Service from the Web Control Center to allow only the author-ized users with the facility of Decompilation.

The Support Center provides the developer with the ease of query posting/resolution from within the product interface itself .

4.1 Activation and Licensing Changes

In Tally we have the concept of Multi Product, Multi Site Licensing Framework. From this Gold Release onwards Tally.Developer 9 also follows the same licensing principles.

We can have a better understanding of the Framework by breaking it up into the following

1. Multi Product Licensing

2. Multi Site Accounts

Multi Product Licensing

All products of Tally follow a common licensing principle. Generally in the multi user environment, the license is activated on a system on which the license server is installed. It is now possible to use

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a common license server for all the tally products. The same license server can be used to perform licensing operations pertaining to any of the tally Products.

Only one serial pertaining to each product can be activated using the same License server.

Multi Site Accounts

In Tally, multiple sites with different Tally products can be activated under a common centralized account. These accounts are called Multisite Accounts. The sites can be centrally managed by the Account Administrator and locally by the Site Administrator. Different products with different serial numbers/different flavors can be activated at each site.

In context of the above licensing framework, the options “Activation” and “Reactivation” in the License Menu is enhanced.


The Activation menu item now has an option “First Time Activation”.

Activation screen is now displayed on selecting the option “First Time Activation”. In the activation screen the user has to enter the details like serial number, activation screen and email id.

If an account already exists for the specified email id a resolution screen is displayed. In this case two options are given to the user.

1. To activate Tally.Developer 9 as a separate site under the same account .

2. To specify a new email id altogether. In this case Tally.developer 9 will be activated under a new Account.


The reactivate menu item now has two options “Reactivate Single Site license” and “Reactivate MultiSite License”. In case the reactivation is required for Tally.Developer 9 which is the only site under a particular Account then we need to select “Reactivate Single Site license”. In case reactiva-tion is required for Tally.Developer 9 which is activated as an additional site under Multisite Account then the option “Reactivate Multi-Site License” is to be selected.


Prior to this release the Update and Surrender option didn't require any authentication as we didn't have the concept of Accounts.Now the option Surrender and Update are enhanced to ask for authen-tication details like Account ID and Password.

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The user must enter the valid Tally.NET account ID and Password which which was used for Activa-tion.These operations can only be performed by the authorized user.

4.2 Syntax Color Changes

This release onwards color Mulberry is used for better readability to mark the values of attributes, if it is a definition reference, keyword or string. In earlier releases, Orange color was used for the same.

4.3 Secure Compilation

As the developer community is aware Tally Developer allows Compilation and Decompilation of file. Compilation is a process to create a TCP, which is an encrypted file and can be compiled to load with specific Tally.ERP9 serials. Decompilation is a process to retrieve the source code of the original file(s) from the TCP. Decompilation can be done using the Tally Developer serial which is used for compilation.

There were some instances where the TCP files have been decompiled by unauthorized Tally Developer serials. With an aim of enhanced source code protection and security of TCP, the TCP format and Decompilation process is changed which prevents the decompilation by unauthorized Tally Developer serial.

We have introduced a new flag “Secure Compile” as an option in the Project Properties. When this option is selected then the TCP generated is a secured TCP and is compatible with Tally.ERP 9 Release 1.6 onwards. This can neither be loaded with Tally.ERP 9 Release 1.6 and below nor can be decompiled using earlier versions of Tally.Developer 9.

If this option is not required user can deselect the “Secure Compile” flag. In that case the TCP generated will be compatible with all versions of Tally.ERP 9 and can be decompiled using prior versions of Tally.Developer 9 also.

The File conversion option of Tally Admin tool now migrates the TCPs to new format and marks them as Secured TCPs by default.

4.4 Decompilation as a Service – Available from Web Control Centre

For enhanced security the decompilation option is removed from Tally Developer application. Now decompilation is available as service from Web Control Center. This facility is available only for valid Silver/Gold subscription users. Users with free evaluation serials are not authorized for using this service.

The Decompilation service allows the user to decompile one TCP at a time. The decompiled file is available as Zip file which can be downloaded and saved on the user system.

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Steps for Decompilation

To decompile a TCP, Log in on the web control center with your valid Tally.NET Account id and follow steps as given below:

1. Select the option TCP Decompilation from the section Licensing as shown:

Figure 1.6 License and Configuration

The Decompilation screen is displayed as shown:

Figure 1.7 Decompilation screen

2. Click on Browse button to select the TCP.

3. Click on DeCompile. Following message is displayed:

Figure 1.8 Decompilation success message

4. Click on the link Download File to save the decompiled source code. The decompiled source code is available as zip file.

While buying the TDE subscription you can specify your existing Tally Developer 2.7 serial number. In this case the Tally Developer 2.7 serial will be automatically linked to the new Tally.Developer9 serial number and will be available under a common account .Within this framework user will be

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authorized to decompile TCP's which are compiled by either Tally Developer 2.7 serial or Tally.Devel-oper 9 serial number.

More than one Tally Developer 2.7 serial or Tally.Developer9 Alpha/Beta serial numbers can be linked to the new Tally.Developer9 serial number by sending a request to [email protected].

You need to migrate the TCP's using Tally Admin tool to the Tally.ERP 9 format in order to decompile it from Web.

4.5 User Creation and Assigning Decompilation Rights

The account administrator can create user and assign them Decompilation rights. This is a two step process :

Create security level and Create User and assign the security level.

Creating Security Level

Log in on the web control center and follow the steps to create security level:

1. Select the option “Create Security Level” from the section “User Management” as shown:

Figure 1.9 User Management

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2. The Create Security Level screen is displayed as follows:

Figure 1.10 Create Security Level screen

3. Specify the name of the Security Level.

4. Now select “Manage TCP Decompile” from section “Allow the following facilities” as shown:

Figure 1.11 Create Security Level screen

5. Click on the arrow head button to add “Manage TCP Decompile” in the section “Already allowed following facilities” as shown:

Figure 1.12 Create Security Level screen

6. Click on the button “Save” to create the security Level.

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Create User and assign the security level

After creating the security level, follow the steps to assign the decompilation right to a user.

1. Select option “Create User” from the section “User Management” as shown:

Figure 1.13 Create User option

2. A Create User screen is displayed as shown:

Figure 1.14 Create User screen

3. Select the security level created with “Manage TCP Decompile” and enter the users Tally.NET email id.

4. Select the check box Remote User if the user is allowed to remote login.

Support Centre Enablement – Help Menu

Tally Developer users send their TDL or Tally Developer related queries and enhancement requests to the Tally Developer Support Desk email ID. For sending the queries the user has to switch to other mail client applications like Microsoft Outlook Express or to the email service providers site.

Now a new option “Support Centre” is added in the Help menu to allow the user to send TDL or Tally.Developer 9 issues to [email protected] from Tally.Developer 9 appli-cation itself.

When the option “Support Centre” is selected it directly launches Support Centre screen/interface of Tally.ERP 9 applications. The Tally.ERP9 exe path must be specified in the Tools > Preferences and then selecting the tab “Compiler/Execution Option” before selecting support Centre.

As soon as the Tally.ERP 9 support centre interface is displayed, it asks for user id and password. By default it displays the Account ID/Site ID used to activate the Tally.Developer 9. User has the option to log in using the Tally.ERP 9 Account Id and password also. If the user logs in using the same Id

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then the emails are directly sent to the TDL Support Desk ID ie; [email protected]. If the user logs in using the Tally.ERP 9 Account ID then the emails are sent to [email protected].

5. Enhancements in the Previous Beta Build 44Introducing you to the Beta version of our product Tally.Developer 9. From this release onwards there will not be any major changes on the features and functionalies of the product.

In the current build we have mainly made enhancements in the look and feel of Preferences. The settings are more user friendly. Certain capabilities like migrating customer serials, UDF validation have been added. Proxy Configurations, Work in Temporary license mode and Configure License provides the user with various licensing configuration settings.

5.1 Project and Editor Enhancements

Enhanced General Preferences

The entire look of the Preferences is changed. The Preferences window now has three Tabs for Edit/Styles Options, Explorer Options and Compiler/Execution Options. Earlier all the options were displayed in one window under the respective Group. New option Enable Smart Indenting is provided to automatically indent the next line as the previous line.

Projectwise Preferences

A new option Active Project properties is added in the File Menu. It allows to specify Project wise Preferences. The Project Properties window contains three tabs Project Details, Build Optionsand Compiler/Execution Options.

UDF Validation

As the TDL application developers are aware that the developers can use the UDFs in the range 1 to 9999 and 20001 to 59999. The UDF range 10000 to 20000 is reserved for Tally for the internal usage. Tally.Developer 9 displays error message in the build window while compiling or building the Project if the specified UDF index value is beyond the range.

Even if the option Ignore Errors is selected in the Project Properties and the UDF index is not in the valid range then Tally.Developer 9 will not create a TCP.

Right Click in Edit Window

In the editor window on right click a pop up menu is displayed. The menu contains shortcuts for many editing operations like copy, paste, include etc.

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Right Click menu in Edit Window is enhanced with two more options Go To Parent and My Includes. Now the user can navigate to the included files or back to the parent file by selecting the file name from the pop-up list.

5.2 Tools Menu Enhancements

Migrate Serial Option

Now the application developer is provided with an option to migrate the customer serials that are maintained in Tally Developer 2.7 with just a click.

In the Tools menu a new option Migrate Customer Serials is added to migrate customer serials available in Tally Developer 2.7 to Tally.Developer 9. When the option is selected from the menu a dialog is displayed to select the folder in which the Tally Developer 2.7 is installed.


The Preferences option is enhanced to provided a Tab window with properly organized feature selection. New option Enable Smart Indenting is provided to automatically indent the next line as the previous line.

5.3 License Menu Enhancements

License menu is enhanced to include options Work in Temporary License, Proxy Configurationand License Info.

Work in Temporary License

The newly introduced Work in Temporary License option allows to work in full license mode as soon as the license is activated. A user can work for seven days in temporarily license mode till the license is Unlocked.

After selecting the option Work in Temporary License, the license must be unlocked within seven days of activation else it gets surrendered. The license then has to be Re-activated. The License is suspended after three Re-activation. Once the license is suspended, it can’t be activated again and the user has to buy a new license.

Proxy Configuration

The proxy configuration settings can be done from Tally.Developer 9 by selecting the newly intro-duced option Proxy Configuration from License menu. The user can specify the URL of the server through which the internet sevices are available to him. The username and password can be provided if required.

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Configure Existing License

The option Configure Existing License now provides radio buttons for Single user and Multi User selection. The appropriate options are enabled/disabled based on the user selection.

6. Enhancements in the Previous Alpha Build 386.1 Usage of Command Window

Execution of OS commands

Now we can execute all OS commands through command window. Output window has a new tab Command, which shows an edit box and allows execution of OS commands. The output of the same is available above the edit box. Ctrl+E or View Menu -> Command Window can be used to activate the command edit box. This can be used to execute all the OS commands.

%f is allowed as a replacement character for the current file name. If GUI based applications needs to be launched without blocking Tally Developer, start prefix

needs to be used. Special command ? displays the help. cls command can be used to clear the window. Up arrow and Down arrow can be used on edit box to navigate between recent commands

executed. Double clicking on an existing executed command line will bring that command into the

edit box. Double clicking on a command prompt will open the folder shown in Windows Explorer,

double clicking on any other “data” lines will copy the line text to clipboard. Help will display all the OS commands and its description

Starting an Application

Any application can be started by specifying the command in the command window. The shortcut key Ctrl+E opens the command window and it executes any executable files. Multiple Projects and files can be opened by specifying command line parameter using the command window.

Following are a few examples:

To open notepad through command window type notepad.exe and Enter. To open Tally.ERP 9 from Tally.Developer 9 type tally.exe. Suppose, you are working in a TDL project which is under source control and it allows the

command line options like checkin, checkout etc, then Command window can be useful from Tally.Developer 9.

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6.2 Tally.Developer 9 Command line parameters

Now command line parameters are introduced for Tally.Developer 9 also. Tally.Developer accepts following command line parameters.


This parameter will start Tally.Developer 9 without loading Default TDL.




“C:\Tallydeveloper\tallydeveloper.exe” /NODEF

By using the above example, it opens a new instance of Tally.Developer 9 without default TDL


This parameter will open Tally.Developer 9 with the specified .tdl or .txt file. The path of filename is optional, if the specified file is in the Tally.Developer folder.




“C:\Tallydeveloper\tallydeveloper.exe” “/FILE:Browse URL.txt”

The above command line will start Tally.Developer 9 with Browse URL.txt.


This parameter will open Tally.Developer 9 with the specified TDL project.


/PROJECT:<Path/project name>


“C:\Tallydeveloper\tallydeveloper.exe” “/PROJECT:C:\Demo TDLs\Demo TDLs.tpj”

The above command line will start Tally.Developer 9 with Demo TDLs project.

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6.3 Project Related Enhancements

In Project properties window the buttons Add New Files and Add Existing Files are added. Add New Files create a new file and adds it to the project. Add Existing Files is used to add pre existing files into the project.

Added two new tool bar buttons for New Project and Open project to create and open project.

Added one menu item called Close on the right click on Project or File name.

6.4 Hyperlink Enhancements

Hyperlinks are now added for following definition references. Tabulated below are the definitions and corresponding attributes values for which hyperlinks have been provided.

Definition Attribute ValuesCollection New Object Object Reference Collection Source Collection Collection ReferenceField Object Object ReferenceLine Repeat Field ReferencePart Repeat Line and Collection

ReferenceReport Object Object ReferenceReport Fetch Object Object ReferenceReport Prefetch Object Object Reference

6.5 Auto Completion Enhancements

Auto Complete is now enhanced to work with the following cursor context. Ctrl+Space will display the list of possible keywords in a list box depending on the current cursor context. Likewise Auto-completion feature is also added for all the attribute values which accepts constant keywords.

Definitions System Definitions Attributes Modifier Location Keywords Attribute Keywords inside Modifier & Local Definition keywords inside local

6.6 Preferences Enhancements

Now the option preferences has been moved from Edit menu to Tools menu. Now the preferences dialog box can be accessible through Tools -> Preferences. The following are the enhancements in prefernces dialog box.

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Explorer sections - Now we can activate or deactivate the folder structure view in project

explorer using preferences. If the option Folder-wise view in Project Explorer is selected, then it will display folder wise structure for projects. Otherwise all the files will display as it is. The application needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

A new section Styling is added which takes care of changing the keyword case. Keywords can be set to display in predefined case by preference. For example we can display keywords (“NOT”, “OR”, “AND” in upper case) and “If”, “Then” and “Else” in Title Case and so on.

The new section "Execution" is added which takes care of configuring and executing Tally with the project/tdl specified.To execute the Project/File in tally with/without the TDLs specified in the INI file in the

working directory. In preference dialog box, if the Ignore TDLs form INI check box is selected or /NOINITDL command line is specified in the Command Line param edit box, the ini specified TDLs are not loaded in the tally that is launched.

For ignoring the INI specified company from getting loaded. In preference dialog box Ignore companies from INI check box can be selected or a command line argument /NOINILOAD can be specified in the Command line param edit box.

Additional TDL to be loaded can be specified with /TDL command line argument. Like /TDL: tdlfilename.tdl. Multiple files can be specified like this in the Command line param edit box. Using this command line parameter the Tally Developer executes multi-ple files, ie., currently opened project and command line specified project.

Similarly, Additional companies can be loaded with /LOAD command line argument. Mul-tiple companies can also be specified.

The option Restore Last Project and Files on Startup is provided in preferences to restore the last project and files on startup.

6.7 Build Menu Enhancements

Execute Tally

An interface has been given to execute a project/file from Tally.Developer 9. User can execute a Project/file by right clicking on a Project/File in project explorer window and select Execute menu item. This option has been incorporated only with Tally.ERP9 Release 1.5 or above.

Also, If any file is open in Editor window, and if the file is not a default tdl file then the user can execute the file directly by just selecting the Execute Tally (Ctrl + F5) option from the Build menu. But, in case, if this file is a part of some other project, then instead of executing the file, the project is to be executed. In case, an active project is there, but there is no active file, then selecting the “Execute Tally” option from the Build menu, executes the current active project.

List Syntax Errors

Build Menu now has a List Syntax Errors item. This option is used to check all the Syntax errors found during tagging, which are shown in RED color

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6.8 ToolTip Support for Schema Browser and Project Explorer

ToolTip has been introduced for Schema browser. Following informations are displayed as tool tip:For Objects : Alias is displayed as tool tip

For Methods : Type is displayed as tool tip

For Collection1. Simple Collection : Type is displayed as tool tip

2. Compound Collection: Reference object is displayed as type in the tool tip.

ToolTip has been introduced for Project Explorer also. Now it is showing the complete hierar-chy information about the TDL file if the option Folder-wise view in Project Exploreroption in Preferences is selected.

6.9 Changes in Syntax Coloring

All Attribute values, which are expressions, are now validated against syntax and marked RED if errors are found. All operator keywords are marked with Blue color. All constants like Quoted Strings, Unquoted Strings, Numbers, Keywords, Identifiers etc. are marked in Purple color.

6.10 Editor Enhancements

Horizontal Splitter and Vertical Splitter Adjustments

Horizontal Splitter and Vertical Splitter Adjustments are improved. Now both output window and Project Explorer can be completely hidden by dragging to the window edge. Splitter will not be lost when dragged outside the window.

Right Click on Edit Window

Right Click menu on Edit Window is enhanced with many more options. Now the user can add new file to the current folder using the option Include New File from the right click menu of Edit window. Similarly, you can add existing file using the option Include Existing File from the same menu. The other options added are Compile This File, Go To Line Number, Search etc.

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6.11 Help Menu Enhancements

Now Help menu has been added with two more documents named Steps to Run TDL Samples and TDL Reference Manual. Using these options the user can open the documents directly from the Help menu, instead of going to Tally.Developer 9 folder to refer the documents.

Please refer “Getting Started with Tally.Developer 9” document or help file for details on usage and functionality of the various enhancements in the current build.

Also refer to Quick Reference for the complete listing of shortcut keys available.

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