eWON Application User Guide AUG 028 / Rev 2.1 Talk2M Pro - Account Configuration How To Content This guide uses an example to learn you step by step how to configure your Talk2M Pro account using eCatcher. It adresses the notions of users, user groups and roles with their relevant permissions, as well as the devices and device pools.

Talk2M Pro - Account configuration manual

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This guide uses an example to learn you step by step how to configure your Talk2M Pro account using eCatcher. It adresses the notions of users, user groups and roles with their relevant permissions, as well as the devices and device pools.

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eWON Application User Guide

AUG 028 / Rev 2.1

Talk2M Pro - Account Configuration

How To



t This guide uses an example to learn you step by step how to configure your Talk2M Proaccount using eCatcher. It adresses the notions of users, user groups and roles with theirrelevant permissions, as well as the devices and device pools.

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Table of Contents

1. Hardware and software requirements.................................................................................................3 1.1. Hardware requirements.............................................................................................................3 1.2. Software requirements..............................................................................................................3 1.3. eWON Firmware Version..........................................................................................................3

2. Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 4

3. How does it work?..............................................................................................................................5 3.1. Users, User Groups, Pools and Roles.......................................................................................5 3.2. Possible roles on a given group ...............................................................................................6

a)Operational and admin roles for users belonging to this group..............................................6 b)Admin roles on other groups..................................................................................................6 c)Roles on pools.......................................................................................................................6

4. Account configuration example...........................................................................................................7 4.1. Account Administrator...............................................................................................................8 4.2. Groups of Site A .......................................................................................................................8 4.3. Groups of Site B........................................................................................................................8

5. Talk2M Pro Account at first connection.............................................................................................10 5.1. Install eCatcher on your PC....................................................................................................10 5.2. Connecting to Talk2M.............................................................................................................10 5.3. Groups and Pool created by default........................................................................................11

6. Account configuration Step by Step..................................................................................................12 6.1. Step 1 - Create Group "Site A – Administrators".....................................................................13 6.2. Step 2 - Create Group "Site B – Administrators".....................................................................15 6.3. Step 3 - Rename the default group "Administrators" ..............................................................15 6.4. Step 4 - Create a pool called "eWON Pool S".........................................................................17 6.5. Step 5 - Create group "Site A - Users"....................................................................................18 6.6. Step 6 - Create a user in group "Site A - Administrators"........................................................20 6.7. Step 7 - Modify the labels of the custom headers....................................................................22 6.8. Step 8 - Log in as user of the group "Site A - Administrators".................................................24 6.9. Step 9 - Create a user in the group "Site A - Users"................................................................25 6.10. Step 10 - Add eWONs into the pool "eWON Pool S".............................................................27 6.11. Step 11 - Login as user of the "Site A - Users" group............................................................30

7. Appendix A.......................................................................................................................................31 7.1. AutoCreation function..............................................................................................................31

8. Appendix B.......................................................................................................................................34 8.1. Proxy server configuration.......................................................................................................34

9. Appendix C......................................................................................................................................36 9.1. Mail sender, short message (SMS) sender.............................................................................36

Revisions............................................................................................................................................... 37

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Hardware and software requirements Chapter 1.

1. Hardware and software requirements

1.1. Hardware requirementsIn order to follow this guide you will need:

1 eWON with VPN capabilities (for example : eWON 2005/4005CD, etc.)

1 PC with Windows OS and an access to the Internet

1.2. Software requirementseWON configuration software:The eWON is configured through its web server. So all you need is a standard Web Browser software like Internet Exploreri or Firefoxii.

Additionally we suggest you to download the eBuddy utility on our website : http://support.ewon.biz .

This utility allows to list the eWONs on your network and to change the default IP address of an eWON to match your LAN IP address range. With eBuddy you can also easily upgrade the firmware of your eWON (if required).

Other programming software:eCatcher V 3.2 or higher – VPN tunneling utility required to access the Talk2M


You can download it here: http://support.ewon.biz/softwares.htm

* Note: since version 3 of eCatcher, the software package to access the Free+ and Pro services of Talk2M is the same. It is the user account that defines which service is actually activated.

1.3. eWON Firmware VersionThough applicable with little differences to earlier/later versions, this guide (screen snapshots) is based upon eWON firmware version 6.1. Would your EWON still feature an older version, eBuddy has a convenient function to upgrade the firmware of your eWON.

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Introduction Chapter 2.

2. Introduction

Talk2M Pro (stands for Talk to Machines Professional version) is an Internet Service designed to face the growing needs for broadband and wireless access to perform remote maintenance on distant equipments. The key added value of Talk2M Pro is the full integration of IT security standards by allowing an Internet communication tunnel between the user and a remote machine without any IT network security issue on either side! This major breakthrough allows an easy deployment while hiding the complexity of the IT network infrastructure.

On demand or permanently, the eWON can establish a VPN connection to one of the Talk2M Pro VPN servers using UDP or TCP https ports on one side. On the other side, the user establishes a secure VPN connection to the Talk2M Pro server. This server acts as a relay to interconnect both VPN tunnels.

eCatcher (the Talk2M Pro Client) connects to the Access server in order to select to which VPN server it will connect to and receive information about the account, devices, user credentials, etc.

Communication with the Access server is made via a Web Service implemented in XML-RPC protocol (over HTTPS).

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How does it work? Chapter 3.

3. How does it work?

3.1. Users, User Groups, Pools and RolesOne main difference with the Talk2M free version lies in the fact that Talk2M Pro offers the possibility for different users to access different eWONs at the same time. With Talk2M Pro it is also possible for example to give a user only access to a certain numbers of eWONs and to define if this user can manage the other users or not, etc.

In Talk2M Pro the different User permissions which can be applied are managed using Groups, Pools and Roles.

A User belongs to one or several Group(s).An eWON makes part of one or several Pool(s).For every Group you can define the different Roles which will define the permission applied on the Users attached to this Group.

Example of eWON user organization:

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3. How does it work?

The rights of the User Group Manager group depend directly on the rights that the Administrator gives to a Group Manager: user administrator, user modificator, etc. In our example, the user group manager is entitled to manage the Users Group.

The Users group rights depend directly on the rights that the User group manager gives to a Group. In our example the Users group have the roles device administrator, device modificator and device operator.

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3. How does it work?

3.2. Possible roles on a given group

Operational and admin roles for users belonging to this group

Group Role PermissionsSms Sender Send short message (SMS) via relay.talk2m.comMail Sender Send emails via relay.talk2m.comCreate Pools Allow to create device poolsCreate User Groups Allow to create user groupsAdmin of this group Add/Edit/Delete users of this group

Admin roles on other groups

Group Role PermissionsUser Administrator Edit/Delete User Groups

Add/Edit/Delete Users on selected groups

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3. How does it work?

Roles on pools

Group Role PermissionsDevice Administrator Create devices from scratch

Add/Edit/Delete devices in poolConnect/disconnect devices in poolWake-up wireless modem eWONs in poolView device web page through M2Web

Device modificator Edit devices in poolConnect/disconnect devices in poolWake-up wireless modem eWONs in poolView device web page through M2Web

Device Operator Add/Edit/Delete devices in poolWake-up wireless modem eWONs in poolView device web page through M2Web

Device Viewer Wake-up wireless modem eWONs in poolView device web page through M2Web

Important note:

The default Administrator Group is a group of super administrators. The users allocated to this group will have ALL the permissions on users, groups, devices and pools. This is visible in the default Administrator Group details shown below:

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Account configuration example Chapter 4.

4. Account configuration example

In order to explain how to configure the Talk2M Pro account, let's assume that we want to create the following structure :

This Talk2M Pro account should allow to manage 2 different sites, site A and Site B.

To realize this we will need to create the different groups and pools using eCatcher and to apply the necessary roles on each group.

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4. Account configuration example

4.1. Account AdministratorOn the Group “Account Administrator” following roles must be applied to allow the management of the groups “Site A- Administrators” and the “Site B Administrators”.

Group “Account Administrator”:

– Account modificator

– User Administrator on Group “Account Administrator”

– User Administrator on Group “Site A – Administrators”

– User Administrator on Group “Site B – Administrators”

4.2. Groups of Site A The Groups of site A will for example have following rights:

Group “Site A – Administrators”:– User Administrator on Group “Site A – Administrators”

– User Administrator on Group “Site A – Users”

– Pool Administrator

– Device Administrator on Pool “eWON Pool S”

Group “Site A – Users”:– Device Operator on Pool “eWON Pool S”

Configured like this, a user which belongs to the group “Site A- Administrators” will be able to manage the different users of the Site A and also be able to configure the eWON pools and to create the different eWONs.

If the user belongs to group “Site A - Users” then this user could only connect and disconnect the eWON which belongs to pool “eWON Pool S”.

If a user makes part of both groups “Site A – Administrator” and “Site A – Users”, then this user will be able to manage the different users and eWONs of site A but also be able to connect/disconnect to the eWONs of pool “eWON Pool S”.

4.3. Groups of Site BThe Groups of site B will for example have following rights:

Group “Site B – Administrators”:– User Administrator on Group “Site B – Administrators”

– User Administrator on Group “Site B – eWON Configurators”

– User Administrator on Group “Site B – Users Group 1”

– User Administrator on Group “Site B – Users Group 2”

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4. Account configuration example

Group “Site B – eWON Configurators”:– Pool Administrator

– Device Administrator on Pool “eWON Pool X”

– Device Administrator on Pool “eWON Pool Y”

– Device Administrator on Pool “eWON Pool Z”

Group “Site B – Users Group 1”:– Device Operator on Pool “eWON Pool X”

– Device Operator on Pool “eWON Pool Y”

Group “Site B – Users Group 2”:– Device Operator on Pool “eWON Pool Y”

– Device Operator on Pool “eWON Pool Z”

Configured like this, a user which belongs to the group “Site B - Administrators” will be able to manage the different users of the Site B.

The user which belongs to the group “Site B – eWON Configurator” will be able to manage the different eWON Pools and eWON devices.

The user which belongs to the group “Site B – Users Group 1” will be able to connect/disconnect to the eWONs which make part of the pools “eWON Pool X” and “eWON Pool Y”.

The user which belongs to the group “Site B – Users Group 2” will be able to connect/disconnect to the eWONs which make part of the pools “eWON Pool Y” and “eWON Pool Z”.

If a user makes part of groups “Site B – eWON Configurator” and “Site B – Users Group 2”, then this user will be able to manage the different eWONs and pools of site B but also be able to connect/disconnect to the eWONs of pool “eWON Pool Y” and “eWON Pool Z”. But this user will not be able to connect to the eWON which makes only part of the pool “eWON Pool X”.

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Talk2M Pro Account at first connection Chapter 5.

5. Talk2M Pro Account at first connection

5.1. Install eCatcher on your PCTo be able to access your Talk2M account, you will first need to install the eCatcher software on your PC.

The software can be downloaded from our support website http://support.ewon.biz/softwares.htm

A simple installation wizard will guide you through the installation of eCatcher.

5.2. Connecting to Talk2M

You are supposed to have received the credential for your Talk2M Pro account.

Start eCatcher and log in to your Talk2M account.

Enter the Username, Password and the Account name which you received for your Talk2M Pro account.

Note: If you need to connect through a Proxy server please refer to Appendix B Proxyserver configuration

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5. Talk2M Pro Account at first connection

Once you are logged in, depending on your access rights (*), you will have access to all or some of the icons of menu bar.

Devices Lists the eWONs linked to this AccountAllows to connect or disconnect to an eWON.Allows to add an new eWON to an existing eWON Pool

Users Lists the Users/Groups created for this AccountAllows to add new Users or new Groups to the account

eWON Pool Lists the eWON pools created for this AccountAllows to create a new eWON Pool

Account Gives access to the information of your Talk2M account.Settings Connection type information (UDP, TCP, Auto, Proxy)Help eCatcher/Talk2M help fileExit Allow you to disconnect you or to close the eCatcher program.

(*) Some icons do not show anyhow if your account is a Talk2M free account.

5.3. Groups and Pool created by defaultWhen you subscribe to a Talk2M Pro account, following groups and pool are created by default (note that the Free+ account has nor Groups neither Pools):

● A default Group named Administrators with the following roles:

All roles and permissions

Note 1: this default Group cannot be deleted it can only be renamed. The roles and permissions of this default group cannot be edited.

Note 2: The first user associated with the account creation is automatically a member of the Administrators group. Changing the group to which this first user has been allocated is possible as long as at least one (other) user has been allocated to the Administrators Group.

● A default Group named Users with the following roles:

Mail Sender, SMS Sender Device Administrator on the default pool Device Pool

● A default eWON Pool named Device Pool .

You can use these groups and pools as they are or change them at your best convenience.

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Account configuration Step by Step Chapter 6.

6. Account configuration Step by Step

We will now explain step by step how to create the left part of the Talk2M Pro account structure shown in the above chapter

As described above, we will need to create following groups and roles:

Group “Account Administrator”:

– Having all permissions

Group “Site A – Administrators”:– User Administrator on Group “Site A – Administrators”

– User Administrator on Group “Site A – Users”

– Pool Administrator on Group “Site A – Administrators”

– Device Administrator on Pool “eWON Pool S”

Group “Site A – Users”:– Device Operator on Pool “eWON Pool S”

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

6.1. Step 1 - Create Group "Site A – Administrators"

Go to the Users button and click on the New Group button.

Enter the group name and click Next.Note: The "This group is managed by" field points automatically to the "Administrators" group. This is the only group that currently has the "User Administrators" roles.

In the next screen you can allocate the roles devoted to this group. Checked boxes are as example, not for reference.

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

Click Next when ready.

The group and the pool on which we want to create the roles do not yet exists, so we will not add any role to this group for the moment. We will have to add the roles later.

Click Next (1) and Finish (2).

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

6.2. Step 2 - Create Group "Site B – Administrators"Create the second Administrator group on the same way as the one just before

6.3. Step 3 - Rename the default group "Administrators" By default the user admin makes part of the group “Administrators”. We will just rename now this group to match the Talk2M Pro structure we want to create.

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

In the User window select the group "Administrators" and click on the Detail button.

The roles "User Administrator" on group "Site A – Administrators" and on group "Site B- Administrators" have been added automatically (if not it is a display refresh issue, they will appear after the next steps).

Once the detail window opened, click on the Edit button. Rename the Group name in “Account Administrators”. Click Save.

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

6.4. Step 4 - Create a pool called "eWON Pool S"

In the Pool window click on the New Pool button.

Enter the Pool Name and optionally a Description.

In the This Pool is managed by field, select "Site A – Administrators" as this is the group that we want to have "Device Administrators" role. Click Finish.

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

6.5. Step 5 - Create group "Site A - Users"In the User window click on the New group button.

Enter a Group name and optionally a Description. In the This group is managed by drop down field select the Group "Site A – Administrators". Click Next.

Check the boxes SMS Sender and Mail Sender and click Next.

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

Leave the Role on groups zone empty, because this group does not need to manage other groups. Click Next.

Click on Add (1), from the Role selection box, select eWON Pool S (2), check the box Connect to eWONs using eCatcher (3), click OK (4) and Finish (5).

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

6.6. Step 6 - Create a user in group "Site A - Administrators"

In the User window click on the New User button.

Enter the User Name, Email address and the Password.

To be valid the password must fulfill a certain syntax. If the password respects the minimum syntax requirements but is considered too weak, a warning icon will be displayed. However, you can keep the password as it is.

Click on Next

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

The Custom Fields 1 to 3 allow to enter additional information that will be shown to the users. These fields can also be used by the filtering function that is available for the user list display.

The Custom Field titles/headers can be modified for each eCatcher account (see § 6.7 Step 7 - Modify the labels of the custom headers)

Click Next.

In the User belongs to Group drop down box, select the group “Site A – Administrators” (1), click Add (2) and click on the Finish button (3).

The new user is now created and belongs to the group “Site A – Administrators”.

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

6.7. Step 7 - Modify the labels of the custom headersIn a given Talk2M Pro account, the users and devices have 3 custom labels (appearing as column headers) that can be renamed. This allows to add custom properties but also to filter out the devices or users on these criteria.

By default these labels (column headers) are named Custom Field 1, 2 and 3. You can edit these label names to fit your application.

To do this, open the account (1) info page using the Account menu and click on the Edit button (2). Note: the Account Name itself is not editable!

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

In the Account Details window, go through the following steps:

1. Rename the Device custom field name 1 § 2 into Country and Production Type (for example).

2. Rename the User custom field name 1 & 2 into Department and Country (for example).

3. Click on the Save button to apply the changes.

Now if you go to the user list for example, you will see the renamed headers. The same applies to the device list.

Note: For the field AutoCreation and pool used, refer to Appendix A

For the field Mail/SMS Relay requires authentication

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

6.8. Step 8 - Log in as user of the group "Site A - Administrators"

Click on the Exit (1) button ans select the option Log out (2). Enter the newly created account credentials (3) and log in (4).

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

6.9. Step 9 - Create a user in the group "Site A - Users"

Go to the User window and click on the New User button (+).

Enter the User Name, Email address, Description and the password.

Click Next.

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

Fill out the Custom fields and click on Next.

In the User belongs to Group window, click on Add (1), in the selection box select the group Site A – Users (2), click OK (3) and Finish (4). The new user is now created and belongs to the group Site A – Users.

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

6.10. Step 10 - Add eWONs into the pool "eWON Pool S"

In the Devices (1) window click on the New eWON button (2).

Enter the eWON name and description (1) and select the type of the connection (2).

Click Next (3).

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

Fill out the custom fields (1) and click on Next (2).

From the eWON belongs to Pool window, click on Add (1) select the pool eWON Pool S (3) and Finish (3).

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

At this stage, the Talk2M key configuration wizard opens automatically:

To connect your eWON to the Talk2M Pro server you will need to configure the Talk2M connection settings on each eWON. There are 3 methods to configure the Talk2M connection, the most common one is via the Activation Key.

Copy the Activation Key on your clipboard by using the button next to the Activation Key field.

Connect to the relevant eWON and in the Talk2M part of the configuration wizard, paste the Talk2M key you have on your clipboard.

Do the same to create 2 additional eWONs.

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6. Account configuration Step by Step

6.11. Step 11 - Login as user of the "Site A - Users" groupUse the Exit button to log out. Then log in using the other user (JDE in our example).

Go to the Devices page and note that newly created eWONs are visible and can be accessed by this user.

Use the Connect and Disconnect buttons and notice that the user can establish or close the VPN connection to the selected device.

Note: This user does only has restricted rights. He can only connect or disconnect an eWON. He cannot add eWONs or users.

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Appendix A Chapter 7.

7. Appendix A

7.1. AutoCreation functionIt is possible to have an eWON created automatically in Talk2M from the eWON configuration wizard, without using eCatcher. This method should be used carefully because there is a risk to dump an existing eWON by inadvertently using the same device name. Also one have to make sure that the device name used is matching a syntax that is understood by the different type of users.

The AutoCreation function will work provided that:

1. The Talk2M Account Details have been configured to allow AutoCreation. If eWON pools have been created, you can select the pool to which the newly created eWONs will be attached. In the example below, eWON pool S has been selected.

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7. Appendix A

2. The user in Talk2M belongs to a group having the right Device Administrator on the pool created in the previous step.

AutoCreation procedure:

Access the eWON web site, open the configuration wizard, configure the Internet access of the eWON (1). Start the Talk2M part of the configuration wizard. Disregard the text saying you should first create the eWON in Talk2M first (2).

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7. Appendix A

Click on the Register by eWON name button (1), fill out the Talk2M registration fields (2) ans click Next (3).

Continue the configuration wizard normally until the test is successful. After the wizard was completed, open your Talk2M account with eCatcher and, in the device list, you now see the additional eWON that has “Auto created on, date...” as description.

If the device is not appearing and/or that the test in the eWON configuration wizard was not successful, check the following:

● The Talk2M account is configured to allow AutoCreation● The user account used is belonging to a group with Device Administrator


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Appendix B Chapter 8.

8. Appendix B

8.1. Proxy server configurationLaunch eCatcher and click on the Settings button. You need to have the appropriate rights otherwise this button is inactive.

The following window will open, which will show you the current connection settings for the eCatcher Pro software.

To change these settings, click on the Edit button in the menu bar.

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8. Appendix B

In the Connection drop down, select TCP through Proxy serverIntroduce the Proxy server name, port, user name & password

Click Save when finished.

If the connection through the proxy does not work, check the following:

● That the Server name (or address) can be resolved – try to ping it

● That the configured port has been opened

● That the username/password (to access the server, NOT the Talk2M credentials) are correct – check on the server itself in case of doubt

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Appendix C Chapter 9.

9. Appendix C

9.1. Mail sender, short message (SMS) senderThe actions consisting in having an eWON sending Mails or short messages (SMS) using the Talk2M server as relay are not restrictive as long as the check box Mail/Sms Relay requires authentication is not checked in the Account Details window as shown below (the other fields are described in Account configuration Stepby Step Step 7 - Modify the labels of the custom headers).

When this box is not checked (default), all users can have the eWONs sending Mails and short messages (SMS) through the Talk2M relay. When checked, only the users belonging to groups for which Mail sender and/or SMS sender have been enabled will be able to have the eWONs sending a Mails or short message (SMS).

Enabling to users to have eWONs sending Mails and short messages (SMS) is configured at the group level, in the Global roles as shown here below (Group “users).

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RevisionsRevision Level Date Description

1.0 04/05/2009 First Release.2.0 09/07/2012 Update to eCatcher V 3.1

2.1 20/09/2012 Update to eCatcher V 3.2 (roles, screenshots)

i Microsoft, Internet Explorer, Windows and Windows XP are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation

ii Firefox is a trademark of the Mozilla Foundation

Document build number: 225

Note concerning the warranty and the rights of ownership:

The information contained in this document is subject to modification without notice. The vendor and the authors of this manual are not liable for the errors it may contain, nor for their eventual consequences.

No liability or warranty, explicit or implicit, is made concerning quality, the accuracy and the correctness of the information contained in this document. In no case the manufacturer's responsibility could be called for direct, indirect, accidental or other damage occurring from any defect of the product or errors coming from this document.

The product names are mentioned in this manual for information purposes only. The trade marks and the product names or marks contained in this document are the property of their respective owners.

This document contains materials protected by the International Copyright Laws. All reproduction rights are reserved. No part of this handbook can be reproduced, transmitted or copied in any way without written consent from the manufacturer and/or the authors of this handbook

eWON sa, Member of ACT'L Group. Subject to change without notice.Talk2M Pro - Account Configuration (How To) Page 39/39