Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

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Page 1: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Tales from the Lab:Experiences and Methodology

Demand Technology User Group

December 5, 2005

Ellen Friedman

SRM Associates, Ltd

Page 2: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Testing in the Lab Experiences of a consultant

Taming the Wild West Bringing order to Chaos

HOW? Methodology- Capacity Planning,SPE, Load Testing, Discipline


What happens when procedures aren’t followed Detective Work

Page 3: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Agenda Introduction Software Performance Engineering and Benefits of Testing Back to Basics:

Workload Characterization/Forecasting Capacity Planning Building the Test Labs Testing Considerations

Scripts and test execution Some Examples Documenting the test plan and reporting results Summary

Page 4: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Software Performance Engineering Performance engineering is the process by which

new applications (software) are tested and tuned with the intent of realizing the required performance.

Benefit: Identify problems early-on in the application life-cycle Manage Risk

Facilitates the identification and correction of bottlenecks to Minimize end to end response time Maximize application performance

Page 5: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Should we bother to Test??


Page 6: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

What do we need to achieve? Scalability

Predictable scaling of software/hardware architecture Do we have capacity to meet resource requirements?

How many users will system handle before we need to upgrade or add web servers/app servers

Stability Ability to achieve results under unexpected loads and

conditions Performance vs Cost

Achieving SLA and minimizing cost

Page 7: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Testing throughout the application lifecycle

Cost of Fixing a problem late in the development is extremely $$$$$$$

Page 8: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

What is a Performance Test Lab?

A “facility” to pro-actively assess the satisfactorydelivery of Service to users prior to system Implementation or roll-out.

- A test drive capability.

Page 9: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Lab- What is it Good For? Before you deploy the application- create an

environment that simulates the production environment

Use this environment to reflect the conditions of target production environment

Page 10: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Evaluate system

Develop ScriptsTest Strategy

Execute Baseline Tests

Validate Baseline

Run Controlled Benchmarks

Analyze Results Report Findings

SLAs, Workload Characterization, Volumes

Obtain tools, methodology, build scripts

Run the tests in the lab and obtain baseline

Ensure that test scripts adequately represent the production environment

Testing Plan

Analyze Results

Page 11: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Evaluate System:Workload Characterization

Identify Critical Business Functions Define Corresponding System

Workloads/Transactions Map business workloads to system transactions Identify flow of transactions through the system Identify current and expected future volume Determine resource requirements for business-based

workloads at all architectural tiers Web server, Applications server, Database server

Page 12: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Evaluate System:Workload Forecasting Define key volume indicators for What are the drivers for volume and/or

resource usage for the system? Examples:

Banking: Checks processed Insurance: Claims processed Financial: Trades processed Shipping: Packages processed

Page 13: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Workload Forecasting:Historical Review Does the business have a set peak?

December for retail, and shipping Peak/Average Ratio? 20% or 30% higher?

Volume vs. Resource Usage Larger centers require greater computing resources Need to determine scaling of hardware/software

resources as a function of volume

Page 14: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Volume vs. Response Time Database Response Time as a function of Packages Per Hour (PPH)

Top 20

Top 10

Top 10

Top 5


Top 5


Top 5











0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Avg. Hourly Volume




e R




e t


Scale: Volume *1000 PPH

Page 15: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Service Level Considerations e-Business System:Tracking System for

Package Inquiries: WHERE IS MY PACKAGE?

Call center handles real-time customer inquiries SLA- caller cannot be put on hold >3 minutes 90% of all calls should be cleared on first contact Responsiveness to customer needs

Web-interface for customers Page load time and query resolution <6-8 seconds

Page 16: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Lab can be used throughout the Application Lifecycle

Testing throughout the Application Life Cycle Planning Design/ coding Development/testing/UAT Production Deployment Post-production-change management Optimization (performance and volume testing)

Labs reduce risk to your production environment Solid testing leads to cleaner implementations !!

Page 17: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

How many Labs? Where to put them Locations for testing in various technical, business,

or political contexts. The following factors influence the decisions you make about your test environment: Your testing methodology Features and components you will test PEOPLE, MONEY, Location

Personnel who will perform the testing Size, location, and structure of your application project

teams. Size of your budget. Availability of physical space. Location of testers. Use of the labs after deployment.

Page 18: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Types of Labs and their Purpose Application unit testing

Hardware or software incompatibilities

Design flaws Performance issues

Systems integration testing lab User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Application compatibility Operational or deployment

inefficiencies Windows 2003 features Network infrastructure

compatibility Interoperability with other network

operating systems Hardware compatibility Tools (OS, third-party, or custom)

Volume testing lab Performance and capacity

planning Baseline traffic patterns

traffic volumes without user activity

Certification Lab Installation and configuration

documentation Administrative procedures and

documentation Production rollout (processes,

scripts, and files; back-out plans)

Page 19: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Testing Concepts 101 Define the problem- Test Objectives

Limit the scope Establish metrics & analysis methodology

Tools/analysis Establish the environment

Design the test bed Simulate the key business functions Develop scripts and their frequency of execution

Page 20: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Testing Process 101 Ensure that Lab mimics production (H/W, S/W,

Workload/business functions being tested) Test measurement tools and develop analysis tools

ARM the application Instrumentation to provide end to end response time Instrumentation to provide business metrics to correlate

Execute controlled test Single variable manipulation

Ensure repeatability

Analyze data & repeat if required (e.g., tune system) Extrapolate Document Test set-up and results

Page 21: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Developing the script: Meet with the Business Team, Applications Team to

understand the workload. What is typical? What is most resource intensive. Determine the appropriate mix of work

Typical navigation and screen flow % of time each screen is accessed by user Number of users to test with, number of different accounts to use

(other factors impacting representative ness of test) Include cases to test resource intensive activities and functions Include cases where user may abandon session because r/t is too

long Test for time-outs

Page 22: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Load Testing Parameters Simulating Volume and distribution of arrival rate

Hourly volume- distribution is not uniform, “Bursty” arrival rate Web sessions are only about 3 minutes long

When is traffic heaviest? How long does the user spend at the site? Need to vary the number of users started over the hour/User Think Time

Package Shipping Example: Different from web site- more predictable Arrival rate: highest in first hour Limited by capacity of site to load the packages/speed of belts etc. Package scanning: some automated but still has human involvement

Page 23: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Note: reduction in read bytes/sec over time

X read bytes/second over time

How long should the test run?

Need to reachsteady state!

Test run is four hours here!

Page 24: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Creating the Test Environment in the Lab Creating the data/database

Copy database from production- subset it Manually key/Edit some of the data Create image copy of system for use in each run

Verifying the test conditions Utilize ghost imaging or software such as Powerquest or Live State to

save the database and system state between test runs May need to also verify configuration settings that aren’t saved in the image

copy Make sure that you are simulating the correct conditions (End of

Day/Beginning of Day/Normal production flow)

Scripting the key business functions Vary the test data as part of scripting

Vary users/accounts/pathing

Page 25: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

What type of staff do we need?

• Programmers• Korn Shell Programmers• Mercury Mavens?

Page 26: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Establish Metrics & Analysis Methodology Based on the testing objectives, what data do

we need to collect and measure? CPU, Memory, I/O, network, response time

What tools do we need for measurement? Do not over-measure

Don’t risk over-sampling and incurring high overhead

Create a Template to use for comparison between test runs

Page 27: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Build a Template for Comparison Before vs. After Comparison of Test Cases Collect the performance data- Metrics

CPU: Processor Metrics System, User and Total Processor Utilization

Memory: Available bytes, Page reads/second, Page Ins/second, Virtual/Real bytes

Network Bytes sent/received, Packets sent/received per NIC

Disk Reads and Writes/second, Read and Write bytes/second, Seconds/Read,

Seconds/Write, Disk utilization Process: SQL Server (2 instances)

CPU Working set size Read/Write bytes per second

Database- SQL Database Reads/Writes per instance, Stored Procedure Timings Log Bytes flushed per database

Page 28: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

CASE STUDY Packaging- Shipping System

Many centers throughout the country Same Applications Same Hardware

Testing in the lab is required to identify bottlenecks and optimize performance SLA not being met in some larger centers Suspect Database Performance

Page 29: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Building Facility Local Area Network 100Mb Ethernet




a C


r Loc

al A






IBM S/370Enterprise Server





One perfacility



Multiple perfacility



One perfaciltiy

Label Printer





Many perfacility

Windows 2KServer. Oneper faciltiy.


Windows 2KServer. Oneper facility.Runs SQLServer andMQ Series.



Two perfacility

Data Capture

Case Study Configuration Architecture

Database Server:• Runs 2 Instances of SQL (Main, Reporting)•Databases are configured on the X drives•TempDB and Logs are configured on D drive

Page 30: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Scanning the package on the Belt

IF SLA not met packages aren’t processed automaticallyAdditional manual work is required to handle exceptions

Page 31: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Case Study – Hardware

Application Server


Database 1

Database 2

• Database Server- DB #1• G3 (2.4 GHz) with 4 GB memory•Raid 10 Configuration

•Internal•1 C/D logically partitioned

•External (10 slots)•2 X drives- mirrored •2 Y drives- mirrored

• Application Server•G3 (2.4 GHz) with 3 GB memory•2 Internal Drives (C/D)

•Database Server- DB # 2• G3 (2.4 GHz) with 4 GB memory•Internal

•1 C/D logically partitioned •2 X mirrored drives

Page 32: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Case Study: Software and OS Windows 2000 SQL Server 2000

2 Database Instances Reporting Main Instance- Multiple Databases

Replication of Main Instance to Reporting Instance on the same server

Main Instance and Reporting Instance share same drives

Page 33: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Case Study:When do we test in the Lab? Hardware Changes OS Changes Software patch level changes to main suite of

applications Major application changes Changes to other applications which coexist

with primary application suite.

Page 34: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Checklists and Forms Test Objectives Application Groups must identify:

Specific application version to be tested as well as those of other co-dependent applications

Database set-up to process the data Special data Workstation set-up

Volume- Induction rate/flow(arrival rate) Workflow and percentages

Scripts/percentage/flow rate

Page 35: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Case Study: Hardware ChecklistHardware Database

Server Management

Server Application

Server Other

Disk Controller Settings/Type

Internal External

Internal: 5i Read/Write:75-25 External:6402 Read/Write:75-25

Same as Database Server

Internal: 5i Read/Write:75-25

Memory 4 GB 4 GB 3 GB N/A SQL Capping Per Database instance

Main: 38% Reporting:33%


SQL Priority per Instance

Main: Normal Reporting:Below

Normal (6)


Number of CPUs

2 2 2

Processor Type/CPU Speed

DL380 G3 2.4 GHz DL380 G3 2.4 GHz

DL380 G3 2.4 GHz


Disabled Disabled Disabled


Page 36: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Sign-offs on Procedures/Pre-flight Who?

Applications team Lab group Systems groups

Network Distributed Systems Database Performance

Page 37: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Script Development: Collected data from Production Systems Applications to include for testing and to be used to

determine resource profiles for key transactions and business functions

Volumes to test with Database conditions including: database size, database

state requirements (e.g. end of day conditions) Application workflow- based on operational

characteristics in various centersa. Job and queue dependenciesb. Requirements for specific data feeds to include


Page 38: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Case Study: Developing a ScriptMajor business functions for labeling and shipping:

Verifying the name and address of the item to be shipped Interface to other system and uses algorithms for parsing

names/addresses Route planning- interface with OR systems to optimize routing Scanning the package information (local operation)

Determining the type of shipment: freight/letter/overnight small package for shipping the item, and the appropriate route

Sorting the packages according to type of shipment Printing the “smart labels”

how/where to load the package Tracking the package

Page 39: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Case Study:Performance Testing in the Lab Production Analysis indicated:

Insufficient memory to support database storage requirements Resulting in increased I/O processing

OPTIONS Add memory

Not feasible requires OS upgrade to address more than 4 GB of storage with Windows 2000 Standard Edition

Make the I/O faster- faster drives or more drives Spread the I/O across multiple drives (external disk storage is expandable

up to 10 slots available) Separate the database usage across 2 sets of physical drives

Split the database across multiple servers (2 database servers) Easier upgrade then OS change

Change the database design (Expected in 1Q2006, testing now)

Page 40: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Planning: Testing out the configuration options Test out each of the options and provide a

recommendation SLA: 99% of packages must complete their

processing in under 500 milliseconds Each option was evaluated based on its

relative ability to satisfy the SLA criteria.

Page 41: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Validating the baseline:Taming the West!

If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it! (CMG slogan)

Page 42: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Case StudyWhat are we measuring?1. End to End Response Time (percentiles, average)

2. SQL Stored Procedure Timings (percentiles, average) SQL Trace information summarized for each stored procedure for a period

of time

3. Perfmon: System, Process, SQL (average, max)

CPU, Memory, Disk Process: Memory, Disk, Processor SQL: Database Activity, Checkpoints, Buffer Hit etc.

Page 43: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Validating the Baseline Data from two production systems was obtained to

produce: Test database from multiple application systems

Database states were obtained, system inter-dependencies were satisfied, application configuration files

Baseline test was executed- Multiple Iterations Performance measurements from two other systems were

collected and compared against baseline execution Results were compared

Database and scripts were modified to better reflect production conditions

Page 44: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Story: Creating a new Environment A series of performance tests were conducted in Green

Environment to evaluate I/O performance To be reviewed in presentation on Thursday 12-8.

Green Environment was required for another project. So moved to a new “Red Environment” Data created from a different source (2 different production

environments) Simulating high volume

What happened? Different page densities

Different distribution of package delivery dates Different database size for critical database

Red was much fatter!

Page 45: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Analysis to evaluate new Baseline Compare I/O activity for Green and Red

Metrics: End to End Response Time SQL Stored Procedure Timings SQL Activity

Database Page Reads/Writes overall and for each database (X drive containing database)

Log Bytes Flushed per second (each database)- D-drive (logs)

SQL Read and Write bytes/second SQL reads and writes is overall so it includes database I/O and

log activity Disk Activity

Overall Drive D/X Read/Write bytes/second

Page 46: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Comparing Overall Response TimeRed vs. Green and Separate Server

Comparison of Overall Response Time











d t

o E







e (




Baseline with 2X drives on infra (Red) 162 487 2090 3334

With separate UOWIS on G3 (Red) 139 229 376 455

Baseline with 2X drives on Green 140 342 1264 2304

median P95 P99 P99.5

Green and Red tests with 2 mirrored pair of X drives are baselines

Results of baselines should be comparable!!!

Page 47: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Comparison of Green and Red Environments (X drive –database)










Comparison of I/O load

Disk Read Bytes/sec

Disk Write Bytes/sec

Disk Read Bytes/sec 1,749,582.2 2,025,255.9

Disk Write Bytes/sec 1,970,798.9 2,721,957.5

Green X Red X

Read Activity 16% higherWrite Activity 38% higher

Page 48: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Comparison of Green and Red Environments (D drive –Tempdb/logs)












Comparison of I/O Load

Disk Read Bytes/sec

Disk Write Bytes/sec

Disk Read Bytes/sec 782,193.2 794,838.0

Disk Write Bytes/sec 748,012.4 847,548.3

Green D Red D

Read Activity 1% higherWrite Activity 13% higher

I/O activity is approximatelysame on D drive

Page 49: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Comparison of I/O LoadSQL Activity: Green vs. Red








SQL I/O Activity

IO Read Bytes/sec

IO Write Bytes/sec

IO Read Bytes/sec 1,756,679.8 349,037.6 1,863,101.8 546,619.5

IO Write Bytes/sec 1,687,543.5 1,100,355.3 2,228,971.8 1,410,978.4

Green SQL Report Green SQL Main Red SQL Report Red SQL Main

Increase in Reads in Red due to MainIncrease in Writes in Red caused by both

Page 50: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

I/O Load Change: Main Instance Separate server vs. Baseline










Main SQL Instance Comparison of I/O

IO Read Bytes/sec

IO Write Bytes/sec

IO Read Bytes/sec 644,121 365,173

IO Write Bytes/sec 1,372,557 1,342,689.5

Baseline Main SQL Main SQL Total (Sep Server)

Read Activity is reduced by 43% with separate server

Page 51: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Differences between Red and Green D Drive activity is approximately the same

TempDB and logging X Drive activity is increased in Red environment Most of differences are due to an increase in Reads on

X drive for Main Instance Implies that the database was much “fatter” Confirm this by reviewing Page reads/Page Writes per

database from SQL statistics Review database sizes (unfortunately didn’t have this data so

we inferred it based on I/O data and SQL trace data) SQL trace data showed more Page Reads for key databases

Page 52: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Red Environment: Comparing Three Days

Background Several large databases:

Main: UOWIS, PAS Reporting: Adhoc, UW1, Distribution

4-1: Replication turned off for UW1 database 4-4: Replication on for UW1 database 4-8: Separate server for UOWIS, replication turned on for UW1

Expectations 4-1 will perform better than 4-4 reduce I/O significantly

Expect significant reduction in Reporting Database I/O 4-8 separate server will separate out the critical database

Expect same amount of work performed as 4-4 but a reduction in Read Activity for UOWIS because data will now be in memory

Page 53: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Reviewing Log Write Activity










Report Instance Log Bytes Flushed/sec 4-1 130089.747 126,868.9 0 2047.714

Report Instance Log Bytes Flushed/sec 4-4 155477.904 71,688.3 80041.491 2226.194

_Total D490AD0 D490UW1 tempdb

Note: No log bytes – no replicationOf UW1 database on 4-4

Page 54: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

RED: Comparing Three Days Database Disk Activity









Physical Drive X- Read/Write Activity

4/1/2005-DB 1,002,805 2,504,735

4/4/2005-DB 2,025,256 2,721,957

4/8/2005-DB+UOWIS 2,487,183 2,487,031

4-8 UOWIS 109,825 758,731

Read bytes/second Write bytes/second

Note: 4-8 UOWIS results are for separate server

Increase in workperformed on 4-8 vs. 4-4

Page 55: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Comparing Database Reads/WritesMain Instance








Main Instance




1-Apr 53.2 103

4-Apr 37 113

8-Apr 13.5 98.6

Page Reads/second Page Writes/second

Page 56: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Comparing Database Reads/WritesReporting Instance








Reporting Instance




1-Apr 70.8 222

4-Apr 190.87 211.98

8-Apr 285.69 222.19

Page Reads/second Page Writes/second

Total page reads for reporting instance should remain constantWhy did it increase on 4-8?

Page 57: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Where are the differences on the two days?

GroupName nCalls totDurSec percentDURtotCPUSecpercentCPUavgDurMsecavgCPUmsecpercentBUSYavgReads maxReadstotReadsexec dbo.Usp_VERONICA_STORE_REP24836 2085.14 4.2 64.81 12.9 84 2.6 3.1 158.5 202 3,935,629exec dbo.Usp_VERONICA_STORE_REP24834 2011.81 4 53.02 10.6 81 2.1 2.6 96.5 524 2,395,784exec dbo.Uspx_DELETE_DB_TABLES_VIA_RETENTION_DAYS_REP60 784.67 1.6 52.67 10.5 13077.9 877.8 6.7 39335.2 40868 2,360,111exec dbo.Uspx_DELETE_DB_TABLES_VIA_RETENTION_DAYS_REP60 447.05 0.9 7.34 1.5 7450.8 122.3 1.6 16188.1 16560 971,284exec usp_InsertUserScan 4 13.01 0 16.01 3.2 3253.3 4003.3 123 236272.3 245575 945,089exec usp_BeltSummaryRpt 4 57.9 0.1 9.91 2 14475.5 2476.5 17.1 152164.8 169526 608659exec MR_SP_DatCapPrePkg 4 110.48 0.2 2.83 0.6 27619 706.8 2.6 143979.5 149696 575,918exec usp_InsertSvcClsSmy 4 8.39 0 8.57 1.7 2098 2141.3 102 143300.3 152793 573,201exec dbo.Usp_VERONICA_INQUIRY_REP19819 146.74 0.3 12.54 2.5 7.4 0.6 8.5 21.3 39 422,965exec dbo.Usp_VERONICA_INQUIRY_REP19817 199.55 0.4 11.1 2.2 10.1 0.6 5.6 21.3 39 422,885EXEC master.dbo.xp_regread 1 43198.71 86.1 34.89 7 43198714 34891 0.1 367225 367225 367,225GroupName nCalls totDurSec percentDURtotCPUSecpercentCPUavgDurMsecavgCPUmsecpercentBUSYavgReads maxReadstotReadsexec dbo.Usp_VERONICA_STORE_REP25114 2153.6 27.1 64.3 14.1 85.8 2.6 3 158.4 195 3,977,014exec dbo.Uspx_DELETE_DB_TABLES_VIA_RETENTION_DAYS_REP60 1088.47 13.7 46.79 10.3 18141.2 779.8 4.3 40564.5 44617 2,433,867exec dbo.Usp_VERONICA_STORE_REP25109 2422.07 30.5 57.71 12.7 96.5 2.3 2.4 96 149 2,411,099exec MR_SP_DatCapSummary 4 117.09 1.5 14.19 3.1 29273 3546.8 12.1 290699.3 371695 1,162,797exec dbo.Uspx_DELETE_DB_TABLES_VIA_RETENTION_DAYS_REP60 525.53 6.6 10.81 2.4 8758.8 180.2 2.1 16449.8 36120 986,986exec MR_SP_DatCapPrePkg 4 155.36 2 2.8 0.6 38840.5 699.3 1.8 176989.3 200580 707,957exec dbo.Usp_VERONICA_INQUIRY_REP20051 141.98 1.8 10.88 2.4 7.1 0.5 7.7 21.3 40 427,824exec dbo.Usp_VERONICA_INQUIRY_REP20046 175.34 2.2 11.79 2.6 8.7 0.6 6.7 21.3 40 427,616Exec D490DI0.dbo.MR_SP_DATA_MOVEMENT_CTRL12 536.79 6.8 194.62 42.7 44732.8 16218.7 36.3 25158.3 26310 301,900

Note: Differences in Stored Procedure- Total Reads (logical)Data Cap Summary and in Belt Summary Reports (not main functionality)

Page 58: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

What have we uncovered about test differences?

Processor usage approximately the same Amount of Write Activity per instance is same

Reviewed log bytes/flushed for each instance Reporting instance performed more I/O- more reads

Additional report jobs were executed on 4-8 and not on 4-4 Reports run 4 times per hour (every 15 minutes- causes burst in I/O

activity) When UOWIS database is on the same server (sharing same drives as other

Main Instance and Reporting Instance work) response time is higher

Response Time is directly related to physical reads and physical disk read performance

Spreading the I/O across more drives and/or providing more memory for the critical database instance improves performance

Page 59: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Testing Summary Need to create and follow a test plan which outlines

All pre-flight procedures Confirm that environment is ready to go Validate baselines Run tests in organized fashion following the plan

Do a sanity check! Do results make sense Otherwise search for the truth- don’t bury the results

Page 60: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Measurement Summary The nature of performance data is that it is long tailed

Averages aren’t representative Get percentiles

Need to understand the variability of tests conducted Run the same test multiple times to obtain a baseline

Helps you iron out your procedures Can get a measure of variability of test case so that you can determine if

the change you are testing is significant If the variability experienced between your base test runs is small that is

good- you have repeatability If the variability is large

You need to make sure that any change you make shows an even greater change

Page 61: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Reporting the Test Results:Template Executive Summary

Graphs of results- e.g., end to end response time Scalability of solution

Overall findings Background

Hardware/OS/Applications Scripts

Analysis of Results System and application performance

Decomposition of response time Web tier, Application, Database

Drill down again for details as necessary e.g., database metrics

Next steps

Page 62: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Summary Can’t always simulate everything - do the best you

can. Implement the change in production and go back to

the lab to understand why it matched or didn’t When you discover a problem,

Apply what you’ve learned Make necessary changes to procedures, documentation,

methodology- in the lab and recommend changes for outside the lab

Improve the process, don’t just bury or hide the flaws! Result: better testing and smoother implementations

Page 63: Tales from the Lab: Experiences and Methodology Demand Technology User Group December 5, 2005 Ellen Friedman SRM Associates, Ltd

Ellen Friedman, SRM Associates, Ltd.

Questions?????????Contact Info:

Ellen FriedmanSRM Associates, [email protected]

Part II. To be presented at CMG Conference Thursday 9:15-10:15

Session 512 Measuring Performance in the Lab:

A Windows Case Study