Tale of Zesteria

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  • 7/25/2019 Tale of Zesteria


    PrologueMt. Mabinogio Ruins

    After the into cutscene you'll get a quick overview of the controls, but you shouldn't have very much trouble with them if you've played a JRPG before. Controltheunknown boy around the circular paths until you reach a small set of steps nearthe objective marker and make your way to the mural for another scene. The boy,namedSorey, and his friend, Mikleo, discuss the nature of the mural and then decide to move on when thunder begins to rumble. You can choose to follow Mikleo to continueto another scene or head back the way you came, but the road will quickly crumble and you'll be forced to head the other way.

    After entering the lower section of the ruins you'll now have the ability to check your Menu and learn valuable information through the in-game tutorials. In addition,anytime you have another character following you on the map you can speak to them for additional dialogue or hints as to where to go next in the game.

    It's worth taking a look at your characters each time you gain a new one andoptimize them for your play style. Note that you can change the Support Talentsof

    your characters depending on your needs and many Support Talents also have skits attached to your proficiency level with them. For now, I suggest you change Mikleofrom "Snack Preparation" to "Treasure Detection" until you get your next party member.

    If you need any advanced information on the tutorials given in the game youshould find more information in the Gameplay section of this guide.

    Before heading to the save, check the plant on the south side of the straight path for a Sage, which will allow you to permanently raise a character's maximum HP by 10.These plants will appear throughout your journey and are often easy to miss bec

    ause they appear to be common environment items, so make sure to keep a close eye outfor the sparkling aura around them. You can now head to the purple orb, which will unfurl into a golden dragon symbol to represent that it is now active, and save yourfirst file of the game before exiting the area.

    After another scene that sets up your next destination, as well as some questions, head west toward the large cobweb and hit Square to activate Sorey's map action.Continue through another cobweb while you listen to some dialogue and when you try to attack the next cobweb a scene will occur that pushes you into your firstfight.

    Follow the tutorial to perform martial artes and chain them together to defeat the spider with Mikleo's help. After another scene that describes the enemy as aHellion, open your Menu and check the Artes section for more details about martial artes if you haven't already.

    Destroy the cobweb and enter the next room to find a chest on the west side withsome Ancient Earrings and then check if these are any better than your currentearring

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    s, either due to stats or due to additional skills. To the south is a stone rock, which Sorey should point out if you haven't changed his Support Talent from Point ofInterest Detection, that you can check to activate your first Monolith and thenopen the chest to the east for an Apple Gel.

    Continue through the door and downstairs to the next large room with the save and make sure to open the chest in the northeast corner for another Apple Gel. Atthesave you should be able to watch the skits The Cause of Thunder and A MysteriousMonolith and then you can check the Monolith on the south side of the area foranotherAP boost.

    Make your way upstairs via the southern passage and flip a u-turn in the large room to spot a cobweb blocking a chest with an Ancient Circlet for Mikleo. The next areahas an objective marker on the chest to your left, which contains an item thatyou will receive later no matter what you do here, and if you take the thin passage tothe north you'll find a Lavender. You can now take the stairs to another Monolith, a chest with a Life Bottle and walk to the edge of the platform where the objectivemarker is for a scene. Guess you have no choice except to backtrack to the save,

    so get a move on!

    Walk to the edge of the pit for a scene that will prompt you with a decision that simply determines the upcoming skit and then walk to the center of the bridgeandexamine the bridge to discover The Invisible Bridge. Depending on the decision you made a second ago the skit that follows will be one of the following:

    An Incredible Bridge (Discovered by Mikleo) - Choose "Yup, there's a staircase..." An Incredible Bridge (Discovered by Sorey) - Choose "Who would have thought..."

    You can now walk up the girl for another scene and then exit behind the large statue to leave the ruins, since there is nothing else here at the moment.Elysia, Home of the Seraphim

    After another scene you'll be on your way to the town, but rather than head straight for it you'll want to take the scenic route to collect the many treasures in thisarea. Start by heading around to the north side of the ruins' entrance to spot another Monolith and then check the northwest corner, to the left of the large boulder,for another Life Bottle. If you circle around the boulder you can find a Saffron in the grass and then you'll want to head down the steps to the east by backtracking

    a bit.

    Grab the Ice Pop from the dead end to the north and then make your way south, staying on the east side of the crumbled wall to find a Rosemary near the tree. You cannow circle around the south side of the wall for a chest with a Life Bottle andcheck the Monolith to the southwest, near the steps leading back up.

    Head southwest from the ruins and you should spot some goats, which you can check for the Hyland Goat discovers and The Elysian Goat skit, and then continue sou

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    th toa save point near another Monolith. You can now make your way north toward theobjective marker to reach the village for another lengthy scene that's pretty funny.

    Head north toward the Inn marker to activate the save and open a chest with a Natural Waistcoat and then make sure to grab the Verbena from the grass to the south ofthe pool of water, near some white flowers. Don't enter the house marked on themap to the north, since this will activate a scene, and enter the alley betweenthebuildings to find some steps to discover the Elysalark Nest and watch the Elysalark Fledglings skit. You can now enter the house to check in with Gramps, who isn'tall to please that a human has been brought to the village.

    There isn't much left to do in the village, so head back to Sorey's house to geta scene with Mikleo and the item that he snagged in the ruins. Head back outside tospeak with the girl, who still hasn't come to your house, and then watch another scene to learn more about her hometown.

    In the morning you'll head out to hunt the Prickleboars for supplies while Mikleo deals with his own business, so head back toward the ruins. After a scene with

    yourfirst Prickleboar, followed by a fight, you'll need to find and defeat more Prickleboars to collect all the hides. You'll know when you've reach the required numberdue to post-battle dialogue, so keep fighting around the ruins until you get this and then return to the village.

    Stop by the save outside Sorey's house for the Battling the Prickleboars skit and then enter your house for another scene about the state of the world below. Inthemorning, talk to the girl again for another scene and then make your way to Gramps' House to let him know that she will be leaving in the morning. After anotherlong

    scene, in which you learn Alisha's name, you'll need to hunt down the Hellion that has invaded the land by making your way to the objective marker near the ruins.

    Boss: ??? (HP: 1,113) - Unknown

    Weakness: Water

    Resistance: Neutral, Wind

    This is a tutorial battle for hidden artes, but that doesn't mean this bossis a pushover. The good news is that between Mikleo's water-based seraphic artesand

    Sorey's newly acquired Heavenly Torrent you should be able to dish out a lot ofdamage quickly, but don't go all out and get yourself in too much trouble.

    The key to this battle is to exploit the enemy's weakness to water by opening up a combo with Heavenly Torrent, which will allow all of your remaining hitsin thecombo to be Power Hits. This allows you to do maximum damage and boost any attacks that other party members dish out alongside you, no matter their element. Make sureto block when your combo is complete, since the boss likes to use Blazing Ax to

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    push you back while inflicting a lot of damage, and don't be afraid to back up when youneed to be healed by Mikleo's Resilient Aid.

    Drops: Windmaster Talisman: Tempest

    After another long scene, which goes well into the middle of the night, you'll gather your belongings and can leave the village toward the south exit for another scene. This will end the prologue section of the game and you'll be able to finally view the intro to the game.Part 1: The Path of the ShepherdAroundight Forest

    The forest is quiet and it's almost a straight shot to the other side, since youdon't have the map action that breaks the large boulders. Make your way throughtheforest while checking both sides of the road for vines that you can cut throughwith Sorey for a Life Bottle, Battle Boots, and Chamomile.Lakehaven Heights

    This is the last field before you reach Ladylake and unlike the forest it is infested with Hellions, so be on the lookout. Head east to the save point to watchthe

    skit To the Outside World and then follow the southeast wall along the outskirts of the area until you find a chest with a Life Bottle. The boulder nearby, with thesignpost in front of it, can be climbed to discover the Natural Lookout Point and watch the First Trip to the Land Below skit and if you head downhill and crossthestream you'll find a Monolith on the other side.

    After a quick scene at the objective marker continue downhill, but don't approach the carts by the bridge just yet. Instead, swing right to head south across adifferent bridge and then hug the right wall to find the Beautiful Butterfly discover near the waterfall. After watching the skit following the discovery headdirectly south to find a Verbena by a small tree and a chest with a Soft-Serve I

    ce Cream just beyond that. You can now grab the Monolith on the other side of theroad and return to the cart near the entrance to Ladylake.

    There are numerous people you can speak to here, including a dog that has a pretty funny conversation attached to it, but your main objective is to speak with theSparrowfeathers. If you speak with them again after the scene Rose will offer topurchase Alisha's Royal Knife for 1,000 gald and you can choose to sell it or not.

    Sell the knife if you want to get a fashion item later, since you can get the knife back, and walk away from the Sparrowfeathers to overhear some rumors from th

    enearby people. You can now speak to the guard on the bridge for a scene and thencan enter Ladylake for another scene.Ladylake, the Aquapolis

    After the scene, turn around and check the small alcove near the entrance to thecity for an Apple Gel in the chest and then head into the small alley between theclosed Equipment Shop and the Inn for another scene at the objective marker nearthe rug seller. Turn around to collect the Amber Waistcoat from the chest next

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    tothe NPC and then return to the main street and continue southeast. There is a large waterwheel on the south path, which you'll investigate later, but if you checkthe water's edge near the waterwheel you can get the discovery Ladylake's GreatWaterwheel and watch the Wonderful Water Wheels skit before heading northeast tothemarketplace. Watch as the kid tells off the old man and then follow him back into the alley to the west to learn his true identity.

    Return to the marketplace and head toward the church for some dialogue and thencheck each side of the crowded entryway for a Monolith and Rosemary. If you stand atthe back of the line you should be able to unlock the Great Sanctuary of the Sacred Blade discovery and watch the Sanctuaries, Blessings, and Hellions skit beforeleaving.

    If you didn't encounter the Hellion in the alley or follow the kid back intothe alley you'll get the Sanctuaries and Blessings skit instead.

    To the west is an objective marker for another scene with Hellions, which blocksaccess to a Monolith, but if you bypass them and head down the stairs you'll find a

    Void Ring at the bottom. Continue down the path to another set of stairs with aLife Bottle at the top and then backtrack the way you came and leave to the south ofthe Marketplace to reach the Noble's District. Make sure to grab the Saffron next to the entrance before you head toward the objective marker for another scene.

    You'll need to follow the dog closely, as it will die if you lose track of it for too long, so run back through the Noble's District to the Marketplace and thendownthe alley where the Hellions were fighting.

    Boss: ??? (2) (HP: 1,717) - Unknown

    Weakness: Water

    This is similar to the previous fight, but this time the enemy has more HP and is a bit stronger. Use the same tactic of exploiting the boss' weakness to waterand sidestep or block his attacks after a combo. Don't be afraid to use an AppleGel to heal or a Life Bottle if someone dies and you should be okay.

    Drops: Blessing Orb

    As the assassin's suggest it is about time you head to the Sacred Blade ceremony. Head back to the main entrance of the Sanctuary, getting the Monolith that isno

    longer blocked by the Hellions fighting, and then watch the quick optional scenebefore returning to the alley.

    The guard won't let you in at first, but if you have Alisha's Royal Knife you can show it to get in. If you sold the Royal Knife to the Sparrowfeathers you'll haveto head down the steps and bribe the group with 1,000 gald or an item worth 1,000 gald. If you still want the fashion item, give the Sparrowfeathers Gramps' Pipe toenter the back of the Sanctuary.

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    After another scene, make your way toward Mikleo to trigger the next scene withAlisha and once she leaves you can return to the main hall to continue the story.

    In the morning, Lailah and Mikleo will fill you in on what happened while you were out and you'll obtain the Divine Artifact: Fire, Sorey's "Shepherd" title, andLailah's "Prime Lord" title. Speak with the Innkeeper for a scene and then leavethe Inn for another small scene. You'll now need to slowly follow Lailah to enterthe area past the waterwheel, which you ignored before.

    There is a chest with an Amber Staff and a locked silver chest, that you'll needto come back for later, to the right of the entrance and then you can follow Lailahup the steps to learn more about the Shepherd's mission. The copper chest to theeast is also locked, until you get the Copper Key in a bit, so turn around andcheckthe Monolith for an AP and make sure to grab the Chamomile next to it before returning to the Inn.

    After another scene, in which you'll gain Sorey's Shepherd's Outfit, you can leave the Inn and check out the newly opened Equipment Shop for some great items an

    dcheck out the Fusion system. Before heading off to thank Alisha you should makesure to return to the Inn and watch the skits The Conscientious Mikleo and ShopforEquipment! at the save point, but don't forget that sleeping at the Inn will also unlock skits. Make sure to sleep at the Inn now to unlock the skit Feasting attheInn, about Seraphim not needing to eat, and then you can return to the Noble's District.

    Head to Alisha's house, where you encountered the fox-man, and talk to Alisha onthe terrace for a long scene. There is a locked chest in Alisha's courtyard, but for

    now you'll want to head back to the Inn and rest to get the Memories of Elysia skit.

    The next area will require Alisha's Royal Knife, so if you sold this to the Sparrowfeathers you'll need to get it back by heading to the Marketplace and agreeing todo a job for Eguille. Depending on the job you may get some unique Valuables:

    Job 1: Deliver some Weapon Parts to the Equipment Shop while walking very slowly. Job 2: Deliver a Work Order to the attendant in the back alley of the aqueduct area, past the waterwheel, and return the Work Report to Eguille. Job 3: Head to the Inn to memorize what dishes the Inn is selling and select

    the correct answers from a list.

    If you bribed the Sparrowfeather with Gramps' Pipe they'll also give you theTen Gallon Hat as compensation for the price difference.

    If you didn't sell the Royal Knife you can skip all of the above and head straight to the aqueduct area to meet your first Turtlez, who will offer to sell you mapsof the surrounding areas. This is the beginning of a sub-event that spans acrossthe whole world, so purchase the Adventure Map: City of the Lake for 100 gald a

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    ndthen speak to the Worker behind him. You can now check the large door to the south to enter the aqueduct.Vivia Subterranean Aqueduct

    The group will discuss Sorey's growing power and then you can head down the staircase for a scene.

    Boss: Slime Glutton (HP: 1,398) - Amorphous

    Weakness: Fire

    Resistance: Water

    Slimes are weak to Lailah's fire-based artes and this will allow you to exploit the weakness and create Power Hit chains for Sorey's attacks, which are uselesswithout the exploit. Consider waiting for Lailah to attack with an arte before blowing your SC on the enemy or take command of Lailah yourself and open up on the bossto maximize the AI's damage on Sorey. Watch out for the boss' Maul attack that it likes to spam when it gets low health, eating Sorey and causing a lot of damage, andkeep the combos going to quickly end this fight.

    Drops: Blessing Orb, Copper Key

    After another scene you'll finally be able to explore the ruins, but first you should leave the aqueduct and open the copper chest on the area outside the aqueductfor some Amber Boots.

    Return to the aqueduct and ignore the first set of steps leading into the water,since this is a dead end. The large door in front of you is locked, but after ashort scene you'll be able to present the Royal Knife to unlock the seal and check the Monolith on the other side. There isn't anything on this level, except en

    emies,so slide down the slope to encounter the Dark Turtlez Emporium and open a chestwith a Life Bottle.

    Grab the Amber Paper and then make your way to the objective marker to learn more about the Shepherds and Seraphim to obtain the Red Iris Gem: Tre. Check the largesword to discover the Altar of the Sacred Blade and then watch the The Sacred Blade Altar skit. You can now make your way to the next objective marker to unlockLailah's map action, allowing you to use the flames of purification on the torchto open the door.

    Follow the path west to a split with two chests to the north containing an AppleGel x2 and Amber Tiara and then continue southwest. You'll want to ignore theobjective marker for a moment and check the dead end to the west for a Soft-Serve Ice Cream and then backtrack for a scene. Fight off the large number of slimesanddon't be afraid to back up to avoid being surrounded until the tutorial kicks inthat teaches you how to armatize. Armatization is a huge part of the game and itallows you to combine Sorey's attacks with whatever seraphic artes the seraph hearmatizes with naturally uses, in this case it will allow Sorey's attacks to be

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    fire-based and allow him to cast her artes.

    After the scene you can continue north to a Monolith and then take the eastern stairs to find another Monolith and a chest with a Void Ring. Light both torcheswithLailah's map action and then head east toward the ladder, since the door to thewest is locked from the other side. Make sure to get the Sage near the ladder beforeyou knock it down and then exit the ruins.Ladylake, the Aquapolis (2)

    Before you return to Alisha's house you'll encounter the aqueduct workers for aquick scene and if you stop by the Inn you'll also get a scene about Mikleo. Youcannow return to Alisha's house for a scene with Alisha and Lady Maltran and then follow her to begin another scene. After the scene you'll need to head back to theSanctuary to catch up with Alisha for another scene that will make Alisha your Squire and obtain her "Princess Disciple" title.

    Before leaving town you should stop by the Inn and rest to see the Meeting the Seraphim skit now that Alisha has joined the party and possibly buy her some better

    equipment.Lakehaven Heights (2)

    Stop at the save, just beyond the bridge to Ladylake, and watch the A World Teeming with Malevolence skit before you head off to the Galahad Ruins.

    The ruins are to the far northwest, but without a map action you get later in the game you'll need to take the longer path to the north of Ladylake. Start by crossingthe small bridge to the north and head up the hill, u-turning around at the topto find a chest with the Sunglasses fashion item.

    Follow the road to the west while looking north to spot a Lavender by the trees,

    just south of the abandoned village of Kylfe, and then open the chest in thenorthwest corner of this area for a pair of Amber Boots. Head south to the saveand across the stream to spot a Monolith before looking west to spot a large wolfwith yellow accents on his head. This is a field boss, strong Hellions that roammany of the fields and dungeons, and should be avoided until later in the gamewhenyou are much stronger. Check the south slope for an Apple Gel and then head directly west, stopping to get the Sage near the large rock on a hill, to find theentrance to the Galahad Ruins.Galahad Ruins

    Start by using Lailah's map action to clear the malevolence at the entrance and

    then check the Monolith for an AP before taking the eastern branch. There is anotherMonolith in the next room that you can collect and if you clear the malevolenceat the end of the hall you'll find a chest with a Mango Sorbet. You can now backtrackto the entrance and take the western path to a dead end with a chest containinga Life Bottle. Continue toward the objective marker for a scene and then returntothe altar and examine it to discover the Altar of the Bow, followed by The ArrowPedestal skit.

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    In the next room with a Monolith you'll encounter another split, but this time you want to take the western path first. Check the dead end to the right to gather theRosemary near the crumbled wall and then exit down the staircase to the southwest to reach a new part of the ruins. This area is a dead end, so explore it to find alocked chest, Amber Garment, and Earth Ring and then return to the previous floor and take the eastern path to another staircase.

    Head all the way south first, through a set of large double doors, to reach a dead end with an Apple Gel and then backtrack and continue west. When you reach thesave you'll want to continue west to a dead end with a Saffron before you backtrack and continue to the objective marker.

    Boss: Giant Centipede (HP: 1,030) - Crustacean

    Weakness: Water

    Resistance: Fire, Earth

    The first stage of this battle is more about survival than defeating the enemies, since they are resistant to your armatized attacks. Keep slashing them wit

    hyour attacks in the hopes of keeping them occupied, but don't be afraid to backoff and heal the party with your Burst Gauge if needed. After some time a scenewilloccur and then you'll enter round two.

    Armatize straight away and stay at range while using your water-based attacks to push the enemies back. If an enemy gets too close you can cast Bubble Arrowtocreate a row of bubbles in front of you, but the main thing you want to focus onis not getting cornered.

    After beating the boss Mikleo will join the party and you'll obtain the Divine A

    rtifact: Water and Mikleo's "Sub Lord Friend" title.

    There are three skits that require you to create a certain snack item with Sorey, Mikleo, and Alisha's "Snack Preparation" Support Talent while all three characters are in the party, so equip this Support Talent on each character to get eachskit (one per character). In addition, you'll obtain Mikleo's "Sweet Tooth" title by

    eating 20 snacks and you can unlock the higher levels of this title by continuing to eat snacks throughout the story.

    Take the eastern path to a Monolith and Amber Circlet and then backtrack and take the western path to a dead end with the Devil Wings. You can now continue to t

    heobjective marker to obtain the Holy Water of the Falls and automatically returnto Ladylake.Ladylake, the Aquapolis (3)

    After the scene you'll be on your way to find Father Breunor, but first you'll want to stay at the Inn to get the following skits:

    Fushion Sounds Like Fun! ...Except for That Part. - Lailah will gain the "Fusion" Support Talent (you must have used the shops' Fusion system 10 times)

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    Champions on the Road - Lailah and Mikleo will talk about traveling with companions What's the Deal With Turtlez? - Sorey and Mikleo will talk about the Turtlezorigins Alisha's True Name - Sorey and Alisha will talk about Alisha's true name Local Cuisine - The group will discuss the local specialty Grilled Sweetfish(you must order Grilled Sweetfish from the Inn)

    Lailah's "Fusion" Support Talent can be leveled to unlock a skit, so it's agood idea to switch to this now.

    Head into the alley behind the Inn to the objective marker to find Father Breunor and then head to the Sanctuary's save point to watch the skit The Lady of theLake.You can now leave Ladylake and take the southern exit in Lakehaven Heights to reach Falkewin Hillside.Falkewin Hillside

    Falkewin is a pretty small area, but that doesn't mean there aren't plenty of goodies here. Head south to find a Monolith and then follow the north wall to a dead endwith some Chocolate Gelato. Ignore the objective marker near the water and headsouth to find a Verbena and Amber Spear and then backtrack to objective marker for a


    Boss: Oroboros (HP: 3,387) - Apodous/Dragon

    Resistance: Earth, Wind

    Both fire-based attacks and water-based attacks do the same damage against this enemy, but the range provided by armatizing with Mikleo is extremely helpfulinkeeping your party alive. Stay back and combo your attacks to keep the boss offbalance, preventing it from attacking, and use your Burst Gauge as needed to eitherheal or do additional damage. When he reaches low HP the boss will begin to use

    the skill Oroborus, which heals it, and it will start to spam Rising Coil Attack,which can be easily avoided by backstepping as it approaches. This won't be a quick battle, but if you keep on attacking and avoiding the coil attack you shouldbeable to beat it with ease.

    Drops: Anomalous Orb, Windmaster Talisman: Gale

    Ladylake, the Aquapolis (4)

    After the scene that follows in Falkewin Hillside you'll want to return to Ladylake and head for the Sanctuary for another scene to obtain the Ladylake: Proof o

    fRejuvenation and Alisha's The Pride of a Knight: Alt. Color. Uno will agree to become Lord of the Land and you'll get your first chance to check out the Boons that heoffers, though you'll need to fight within the seraph's domain to earn grade and unlock many of them.

    Make sure to check the save point in the Sanctuary for the Choosing the Right Offerings skit and then head to the Inn and rest for the skit Blessings and the Lord of

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    the Land. You can now head to the Noble's District to reach Rountabel Palace fora scene.Roundtabel Palace

    Follow the rude guard to a room on the western side of the palace and then headto the bookcase near Mikleo to discover the Rountabel Palace Bookshelves to obtainSorey's "Curious Cat" title, followed by watching the The Palace Library skit. You can now talk to everyone in the room, including the guard, to advance the story.

    Follow the guard once again to meet with Chancellor Bartlow in the main hall fora long scene. After rejecting Bartlow's offer you'll engage in combat against some ofthe guards, who are very weak, and then another scene will occur. After this youcan finally enter some of the rooms in the palace for items, while engaging theguardsdespite earlier comments.

    Head to the eastern section of the palace and check the rooms to find a Soft-Serve Ice Cream, Chocolate Gelato, and Life Bottle and then return to the western wing.There isn't anything in the rooms, so follow The Scattered Bones to the room atthe end of the hall to reveal a secret passage, but make sure to check the pot n

    extto the lever for a Rosemary before leaving the palace.Vivia Subterranean Aqueduct (2)

    Check the Dark Turtlez Emporium before heading to the dead end to the west for aMonolith and then check the first cell to discover the Ancient Underground Dungeon,followed by the skit The Underground Dungeon, and then grab the Life Bottle inside. This area is pretty linear, so head east to a dead end with two cells containingan Anthem Ribbon Tie and Lavender. Backtrack a bit and take the northern path and check the cells as you go for the following: a Monolith, Verbena, Apple Gel, and

    Elven Crown. You can now continue north until you activate another scene.

    Boss: Echidna (HP: 3,393) - Apodous

    Resistance: Earth, Wind

    Armatizie with Mikleo to allow you to attack quickly at range or go in withSorey and simply lay into her with martial artes, since she can easily be interruptedwith standard attacks. The trick is to keep the boss busy while your allies workon the Lamia minions, since she has the ability to do massive damage with her artesand Screw Driver attack. Don't be afraid to use your Blast Gauge to heal anyone

    that does get hit with her Screw Driver attack and keep the pressure on when shegetslow health.

    Drops: Anomalous Orb

    After the scene you'll need to light the nearby torch with Lailah's map action before continuing north. There is a silver chest to the west at the split, but you'llneed to come back for later. Head east and light the second torch you'll enter a

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    familiar part of the aqueduct, so make your way east to the ladder to reach theexitand return to Ladylake.Heading to Marlind

    Return to the Inn in Ladylake for a scene and then rest some additional times toget the skits The Shepherd and the Squire, discussing the palace ambush, and BlackCrystal Armor, discussing Alisha's armor (occurs 50% of the time when resting).You can now exit the city and check the save for the skit The Scattered Bones, theAssassin's Guild before walking south to Falkewin Hillside.

    After Alisha's leaves to check with the nearby villagers head to the save for the Fixing the Bridge skit and then head toward the objective marker to meet Neif.Youcan now check in with Alisha for another scene before you leave for Rayfalke Spiritcrest to the south.Rayfalke Spiritcrest

    Pick up the Sage at the entrance and then make your way to the save to watch TheSpiritcrest, the Dragon's Lair skit before you save. A few steps to the north is aMonolith and just beyond is a boss fight with a Mountain Troll, but your objecti

    ve is to merely survive for a short time before a scene triggers.

    Boss: Zaveid (HP: 4,509) - Person

    Resistance: Earth

    Like the previous fight with the Mountain Troll you're not intended to dwindle this boss' HP to zero, but just to deal enough damage that a scene will occur.Armatize with Mikleo and keep your distance as you lay attacks into him, but save your Blast Gauge for healing since you won't have time to pull off an attack with it.The key thing is to not allow Zaveid to get too close since his attacks can stu

    n you, so keep moving by backstepping or sidestepping his attacks when he gets in tooclose.

    After the fight you can choose to bury the poor man that Zaveid "saved", but make sure you chest the side of the large boulder for a Chamomile before moving on.Thepath is fairly linear, without a wind seraph's map action, so continue along thepath until you encounter a Male Assassin. This fight shouldn't be a hassle, since theassassin is merely a human, so defeat it with a chain of artes or by armatizingwith Lailah for a scene.

    Continue up the mountain, hugging the left wall to find a Monolith, and when youreach the the small shrine with an objective marker you'll want to head south.Hereyou'll find an Armadillo that triggers an event with Lailah, so make sure you kill it and watch the Lailah's Perfectly Normal Obsession skit before grabbing theSaffron. You can now head to the small shrine for a scene and then check it forthe Rayfalke Shrine discover and The Small Shrine with Flowers skit.

    Continue up the mountain for another Monolith and make sure to stop at the save

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    point for the skit The Mysterious Seraph before you continue for a scene. You'llbedumped into a battle with the dragon of Spiritcrest, but you have no hope of winning and should just Escape via the battle menu. Afterwards you'll meet Edna andcanthen head back down the mountain.

    If you buried the man that Zaveid killed then Edna will be waiting for you, if not you will bury him now and then Edna will appear. Either way, watch the scenesthatfollow to obtain the Divine Artifact: Earth and Edna's "Grown-up Child" title and then make your way back to Falkewin Hillside, automatically getting the Sorey'sInternal Comedy Routine skit before you leave.Falkewin Hillside (2)

    As you make your way back to Griflet Bridge you'll encounter the female assassinboss, who challenges you to a battle.

    Boss: Female Assassin (HP: 2,626) - Person

    Resistance: Neutral

    While you can run from this fight for a different scene afterwards it is pos

    sible to beat the assassin.

    Start the battle by armatizing with Lailah and wait for the assassin to runtoward you before you backstep or sidestep to avoid her attacks. Once she is inachain of attacks facing away from you, or finishes her attacks, unleash a comboon her and then immediately backstep when you're done. This will allow you to avoidher attacks at the beginning and end of your own combos and avoid the majority of damage. If you do find yourself getting hit and needing to heal you can eitherpopan Apple Gel or sidestep her attacks and quickly heal with the Blast Gauge. Be careful, rather than careless, and you should be able to defeat her.

    Another option is to let Sorey die and have your seraph kill the assassin, as she is unable to see the seraphim.

    Return toward Griflet Bridge for a scene that shows off Edna's dry humor and then check the save point for the Another Seraphic Mystery. You can now head to Neif anddecide if you'd like to perform your magic in front of the crowd or wait until midnight. The outcome will only change the reaction of the people to Sorey, but it isn'tthat vital a decision. After the scenes Neif will ask you to deliver some Plague Medicine to Marlind and you'll be on the other side of the river.

    Head straight for the save point to watch the funny skit, When Alisha Met Edna,and then make your way south. About halfway along the road you'll notice a rockwiththe Falkewin Squirrel discovery, followed by The Falkwein Squirrel skit, and then continue south a bit more to find a Chamomile.

    Since the south path will drop you into the main area just outside Marlind you'll want to backtrack to the save and take the northern path this time to cover the wholearea. From the save, head north to a chest with an Apple Gel and then start hea

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    ding east to a small shrine, which you can examine for the Roadside Guardian discoveryand The Roadside Shrine skit.

    To the south you should notice a large eagle covered in malevolence, which is the field boss Horus, so avoid it by hugging the left wall to reach the Monolith and thenhead southwest. There is a Verbena on the western wall that you can gather andto the south is a chest with an Amber Ribbon Tie. Make sure to check the Monolith onthe other side of the area and then head south into the next large area. There is a Lavender on the east side of the road, just as the road expands into the large area, and if you head directly west of the save point you'll find the Backpack fashion item. You can now return north and enter Marlind to the south of the boss.Marlind, the City of the Great Tree

    You arrive at night and after a scene and fight with some Hound Dogs you'll haveto start to work on cleansing Marlind. Turn around immediately and use Lailah'smapaction to purify the Hell Hound at the entrance of Marlind and then make your way to the Inn to view the following skits by sleeping there:

    Just Let Her Have This - Edna gains the "Fusion" Support Talent (you must ha

    ve proficiency lvl 12 with Lailah's Fusion) Good Food, Good Friends - Sorey and Alisha discuss the braised beef and potatoes at the Inn (you must order Pork and Potatoes from the Inn) The Wallflower Princess - Mikleo, Lailah, and Alisha discuss Alisha's training and past (occurs 50% of the time when resting)

    If you've seen the skit "Just Let Her Have This" then you can switch Lailahto "Snack Preparation".

    Check the Inn's back room for a Strawberry Waffle and then exit the Inn and headsouth to a Monolith. Check out the Equipment Shop for new items and fuse anything thatmight have dropped from enemies. You can now head south to the save and then we

    st to a dead end with another Hell Hound that need purification and a chest containinga Calcite Sword.

    As you head east from the save you'll see an exclamation point on the map that indicates another Turtlez that you can purchase a map from, so pay the 200 gald for theAdventure Map: Town of the Woods and then continue east to purify another Hell Hound. Ignore the Sanctuary for a moment and enter the large field to the east,purifying the Hell Hound straight ahead, and check behind the root of the greattree for a Monolith. There is a Rosemary on the other side of the great tree's root andto the south is another Monolith, next to the chest with Life Bottle x2. You can

    now continue east to find the final Hell Hound on the south side of the road, aLavender by the stone wall, a Monolith at the bottom of the steps, and a lockedchest in the southern courtyard.

    Back at the Sanctuary's entrance you'll find a Verbena by one of the trees and in the graveyard is a chest containing Alisha's Shabby Spear. You can now enter theSanctuary, but make sure to grab the chest with a Calcite Circlet just instead the Sanctuary gates. After the scene you can head to the save in the middle of to

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    wn toview The Scholarly City of the Holy Great Tree skit and then make your way to the roots of the great tree to encounter the Drake.

    Your party is no match for the Drake and seeks shelter in the Sanctuary again and after a rest period you can return to the middle of town and talk to the womanwithsome books for a scene. Follow the woman to the graveyard near the Sanctuary andspeak to her and then leave for another scene to obtain the Library Key. You can nowhead to the large building in the east for a scene and then check the save to watch the skit Coexisiting with the Seraphim before entering.Dumnonia Museum

    Examine the Monolith in the lobby for an AP and then take the south exit, sincethe eastern door is blocked from the other side. Enter the southern room with anAppleGel behind some cobwebs and head into the adjoining room with another Shabby Spear for Alisha. As you head toward the next door a painting will fall off the wall,revealing a sinister poem that you'll have to read to exit, and then attack thecobwebs blocking the western door. Exit to the east and enter the northern roomfor twochest with an Apple Gel and Life Bottle and then return to the south and collect

    the Saffron under the stairs before heading up to another Monolith.

    Open the chest with some Calcite Boots and then examine the statue on the otherside of the room for another creepy message. Exit north twice into another roomwith aCalcite Hairband behind from cobwebs and make sure to check the bust statue to discover the Statue of the Conqueror, followed by watching the A Statue of a Noble Beingskit afterwards. You can now return to the previous hall and exit the western door to reach the main staircase that leads to the lobby.

    Clear the cobwebs from the doorway and grab the Soft-Serve Ice Cream from the north wall before checking behind the staircase for a Monolith and the south wall

    for aRosemary. You can now head up the southern staircase to a new area with a singleroom to reach the objective marker.

    Boss: Knight Arthur (HP: 7,621) - Armored/Fiend

    Weakness: Neutral, Earth

    Resistance: Water

    You'll want to switch to Edna as your seraph by using down on the D-Pad andthen armatize with her to exploit the armor's weakness. This enemy is strong andwill

    quickly take your characters to zero health if you give him the chance, so castRock Satellite around yourself and go in for a combo with Edna's gauntlets. Don't beafraid to unleash a Blast Gauge attack at the end of each combo to inflict massive damage with Divine Basalt Blow and only back up when you need to get a heal fromyour allies. In no time you should have this boss on his knees, without any losses unless your AI does something stupid like attack at low HP.

    Drops: Anomalous Orb

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    After the scene you'll need talk to Atakk multiple times as you walk out of themuseum to learn more about what happened and when he's done you can return outside.Marlind, the City of the Great Tree (2)

    If you cleared all the Hell Hounds from Marlind then Edna will tell you to headto the roots of the great tree for a scene. Once Edna returns with Atakk you'resuppose to head south to Neif's house, but you may want to visit the Inn first and rest to activate some skits:

    The Unspoken Bond - Sorey and Mikleo discuss nothing... yes, the skit is just them talking about nothing in particular The Shocking Truth About Normin and Skills - Mikleo and Edna discuss Atakk'sname and the normin

    You can now head to Neif's house for a scene that will bring the Drake down andallow you to enter combat with it.

    Boss: Drake (HP: 7,075) - Dragon/Winged

    Weakness: Wind

    Resistance: Fire, Earth, Water

    The Drake is difficult due to the fact that it is resistant to most of the elements you have access to with armatization, but that doesn't mean you can't usemartial artes to exploit the fact that it is a winged/dragon enemy. Focus on spamming Sorey's Trihawk and Earth Dragon Fang martial artes, view his artes charttolearn how to perform these, and only armatize if you want to perform a Power Hitcombo or heal with the Blast Gauge. The main thing to watch out for is the Drake'stail swipe and flame breath, both of which can take your HP down pretty quickly,but if you stick to the above martial artes you should keep it locked down until the

    battle ends.

    Drops: Blessing Orb, Windmaster Talisman: Nimble

    With the Drake purified to obtain the Marlind: Proof of Rejuvenation you can nowaccess the Lord of the Land and then talk to Atakk to learn of the existence ofother normin in the world. This triggers the beginning of a sub-event in which you must track down all 49 Normin located throughout the world.

    Head to the entrance to the Sanctuary to find Reziss and then head to the save in the middle of town to watch the Putting Slots to Use and Lailah and Edna's Skill

    Lecture before continuing west to the bridge to spot Difens on the railing.

    Spend the night at the Inn to recover and in the morning you'll meet some old friends, who'll let you know about some mercenaries in town. Stop at the save on theway to meet up with Lucas at the objective marker for the Lailah and Edna's Skill Lecture: Groups skit and then pay Lucas 5,000 gald to protect the city. You can nowreturn to the save at the Inn to rest for The Woodsmen skit and leave town through the southwest exit.

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    The first thing you'll want to do is check the roots to discover the Flowers ofthe Great Tree, followed by the Blossoming Flowers of the Great Tree. You can now speakwith Lucas and rest at the Inn, since this will unlock some of the sub-events around town. After the scene, check the save for another Lailah and Edna's Skill Lecture:Bonus Skills and then leave the Inn. You can now head to the great tree and speak with Rohan for a scene to obtain Edna's Sweet Girl: Alt. Color and Mikleo's "RemedyPreparation" Support Talent.

    Since Alisha is no longer in the group you can switch Sorey to "Point of Interest Detection" and Mikleo to "Treasure Detection".

    If you head back toward the Inn you'll trigger another scene and then have one last chance to speak with the members of the city and begin some sub-events. Noticesome blue dots on the map or purple stars over certain individuals, well these indicate sub-event NPCs that you should talk to in order to begin or continue a sub-event.

    The man next to Rohan and the child in the middle of town will speak about some

    shiny stone in the Bors Ruins, but ignore this for now. The traveler near the center oftown will mention that Neif may have info about Iris Gems, so head back to the great tree and speak to Neif to the south. You'll automatically return the Library Keyto Neif, who gives you permission to take the Green Iris Gem: Eins from the Sanctuary. Head over to the Sanctuary and pick up the gem to automatically trigger asceneand the skit Watching the Earthen Historia - 1.

    Make sure to check the save in the middle of town for the Alisha and Maltran andThank You, Lord of the Land skits and then speak with Lucas for a scene and select

    "Yes". After the scene head to the save point for the skits The Way of the Shepherd and Lailah and Edna's Skill Lecture: Elemental and then speak with the Sparrowfeathersstanding nearby for another scene.

    Part 1: The Path of the Shepherd (Continued)Optional Section - Part 1

    The following sections cover the optional content and areas that you can progress/complete at this point.Collecting Iris Gems

    Warp to the Bors Ruins and backtrack to the first area to spot the purple star,near the discovery point, to collect the Red Iris Gem: Fyra to automatically trigger ascene and the skit Watching the Earthen Historia - 2.Kylfe's Ghosts

    Warp to Ladylake's Inn and speak to the guard outside to learn about a ghost inthe village of Kylfe, in Lakehaven Heights. While you can try to defeat this now, aswell as the Managarmr that wanders between the save near the Great Morgan Falls

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    and Galahad Ruins, you'll find this difficult with only Sorey and one seraph. Itisprobably best to come back to this later when you have all four party members and are at a higher level.Glaivend Basin

    Once you are ready to continue with the story warp back to Falkewin Hillside andexit to the southwest of the Bors Ruins for a scene.

    Check the pile of wooden logs to the south for the normin Rangus and then head to the objective marker at the command tent for a scene. There isn't much else inthe camp, since the chest is locked, so exit the north gate and turn around tofind a Monolith on the other side. There is a Dark Turtlez Emporium that you canstock up on before heading north and then head east to a large open area with aHoly Bottle, Apple Gel, and Saffron on the upper ridge.You can now backtrack and go west to find Lucas and his men for a scene and a fight.

    This fight starts off easy, with only a handful of soldiers, but as you are surrounded you'll probably need to armatize to overcome the swarm. Watch the scene that follows and then head toward the Dark Turtlez Emporium to reveal the skit The Truth Behind the Heroes.

    Before you head towards the objective you'll want to collect the treasure in thearea, so head south of the Turtlez to the first chest with an Azure Blue in the

    corner and then check smack dab in the middle of the aftermath for a Verbena. The last treasure is in the northeast corner on a high ridge and contains a Chocolate Rusk, so make sure to grab it and then head for the objective marker for another scene.

    After the scene you can head south for a Monolith, but there is nothing else youcan do except head toward the objective marker for another scene. Once again, you'll have no choice except to head toward the next objective marker on your wayup the ridge to trigger another scene.

    Boss: General Landon (HP: 9,901) - Therian

    Weakness: Neutral

    Resistance: Fire, Earth, Water

    Landon's weakness to neutral attacks means that Sorey's martial artes are going to be much more powerful than hidden artes or armatization. Because of thisit is best to just get down and dirty at close range, but you'll need to watch out for Landon's overhead slash and Body Press attack. If you find yourself or your seraph low on health you can quickly armatize to heal yourself back up, but make sure that you break the armatization so that you can continue to exploit Landon's weakness.

    Once you've dealt enough damage the game will introduce Mystic Artes througha tutorial, so do as it says to unleash Sorey's ultimate attack and then finish

    Landon off.

    After another scene head northwest up a small ridge with catapults to find a Chamomile and then enter the Rolance camp. Collect the Apple Gel in the chest between the two tents and make sure to check the Monolith in the northeast corner ofthe camp before you continue to the objective marker for a final scene.Part 2: The Burden of the ShepherdVolgran Forest

    After the scene you'll be walking very slowly and won't be able to collect any c

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    hest while in this state. Head straight to the objective marker for a scene andthen run back to the objective marker to see who was following you the whole time. After the scene you'll need to follow Rose to her hideout entrance for another scene before entering the ruins.Tintagel Ruins

    Check the corner of the room, behind the rubble, for a Monolith and then enter the room and check the circular door at the back for a scene. There's not much you can do without the seraph, so head to the northeast room and rest for a scene.In the morning a hilarious scene will occur and then you can head to the save for the Not Your Traditional Assassins... skit. You can now cross the hall and speak with Dezel before trying to leave the hideout for a scene.

    Head back to the save for the I Did Not Cry! skit and then approach the circulardoor again for a scene. To continue you'll need to talk to everyone and then press the four pressure plates located throughout the hideout. Start by pressing the plate in the corner of the Inn and then hit the one to the right of the circular door itself. With the guard moved you can now enter the northwest room and press the plate next to the rubble, but don't forget to speak with Wresst and collect the Sage as well. The final plate is on the south side of the main room, sohit it and then examine the door for a scene.

    Enter the room beyond the save for a scene and then check the door for another scene. There's no way out from the inside, as evidence when you check all the wal

    ls, so you'll need to speak with the seraph while Rose goes and finds more levers. Unfortunately, Rose isn't a very good lever puller and you'll need to speak with all three seraphs until she finds the right one. The following will occur depending on whom you speak with:

    Mikleo - The group discuss what the room might have been used for in the past. Lailah - A group of 4 Serpents will drop from the ceiling that you'll have to fight. Edna - The room will fill with smoke and you'll need to hit some pressure plates in the corners of the room in the correct order as follows - SE, NW, SW, NE- You'll know if you hit the wrong one because the plates will reset.

    After completing all three of sections above the door will open to a scene, followed by a fight.

    Boss: Dragonewt (HP: 11,718) - Dragon

    Weakness: Wind

    Resistance: Neutral, Fire, Earth, Water

    You'll have to fight this thing three times, but the first two are simply stall tactics while you wait for a scene to trigger.

    In the first two rounds you'll want to armatize with Mikleo and whittle away

    at the boss' health. The first scene will occur pretty quickly, but the secondwill require much longer. Stay armatized with Mikleo and use his range to damagethe boss while staying out of reach of his attacks, especially Head Splitter, and you should eventually get the second scene.

    You should start the third round with Dezel as your companion seraph, so quickly armatize with him to utilize his wind attacks and finally do some decent damage to the boss. Keep up the attacks and use your Blast Gauge to attack and theenemy should go down rather quickly.

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    Drops: Blessing Orb

    After the scene you'll obtain Sorey's Regular Clothes: Departure and the DivineArtifact: Wind and then you'll need to speak with everyone while you wait for Rose to wake up. Once the party is all together and you've obtained Dezel's "WindVengeance" title examine the room for the Dragon Corridor and then watch the Legend of the Dragons skit. Stop at the save to trigger the Aftermath of the War skit and then exit the room and head west across the gap.

    Dezel's "Windstepping" Support Talent is handy for quickly getting around, both in dungeons and in town, and there is a skit attached to your proficiency.

    Many of Dezel's events and skits are time limited due to story events, so make sure to try and get these skits as soon as possible.

    Follow the stairs to a circular path and then head left (clockwise) to a chest with Life Bottle x2 before you exit through the western stairs. This will lead outside to the Tintagel Ruins, but the only thing you can collect here at the moment is the normin Blokk, so return inside. Head through the middle path, using Wind Rush to the right to push a pressure plate, and then collect the Monolith inthe west on the other side. You can now follow the path around the room to another chest with Panacea Bottle x2 and then head for the objective marker.

    Pick up the Yellow Iris Gem: Dva to automatically trigger a scene and the skit W

    atching the Earthen Historia - 3 and then hit the pressure plate in this room before collecting the Soft-Serve Ice Cream and Saffron. Head east to another circular path and follow it to the dead end with an Apple Gel before entering the center area to find the final pressure plate. You can now exit the there side and check both dead ends for a Burning Dash and Chamomile before returning to the Dragon Corridor, where Oysh is waiting.

    Behind Oysh you'll notice that some platforms now extend between the statues, creating a path you can Wind Rush across. On the other side, collect the Silver Key that will allow you to open silver chests and then enter the back room for a scene. Afterwards, check the mural for the Mural of the Trial discover and The Pattern on the Mural skit before you collect the Rossweisse and Monolith in the room. You can now watch the If You Could See Them From the Beginning... skit at th

    e save and return to Oysh in the Dragon Corridor for a scene.

    With the Silver Key you can now return to that section of Tintagel Ruins via thewest path to open the silver chest with the Horns fashion item before returningto the hideout for a scene. Make sure to return to the hideout after the sceneand open the silver chest in the northwest room for 1500 gald and use Dezel's Wind Rush to reach the southwest room containing a Raider Blade and Donut.Volgran Forest (2)

    Exit the ruins area to reach the save for the skit The Strength to Fight and then continue south to the Huge Stump discovery in the middle of the area for the skit The Story of the Stump. Before heading to Lastonbell you're going to want toclear out Volgran Forest before you enter Rolance because once you leave it wil

    l be a long time before you go back.

    Start by checking the southwest side of the ridge below the huge stump to find aMango Sorbet and then head northwest to a dead end with a Sage. You'll want tofollow the wall south until the road narrows for a second and then check the nearby trees to find the Volgran Stag Beetle for the A Humongus Beetle skit. Continue south and check the huge rock to find Roon and stop off at the save by the Lastonbell entrance for the My Own Artes skit. You'll want to avoid the checkpointas you make your way to the Monolith across the road and then continue east.

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    Take the first dead end to the south for a Lavender and then follow the north wall, as if you were headed back toward the huge stump, to find a Middy Blouse behind some large boulders. Directly north is another Monolith for you to check andyou can then head east a bit before turning south to a dead end with the BlackTalismans for Sorey. Check the northeast corner of the area for a Rune Crest andthen head directly south to a save near Glaivend Basin.

    Continue southwest to a wall that you can follow up to a check with a Panacea Bottle and then follow it south to find another Monolith. If you head to the eastof the Monolith, into a large area that dead ends, you can collect a Verbena along the south wall, but other than that you're done in Volgran Forest. Head southto the save, where you first landed after the war, and cross the stream with Wind Rush to collect the Rosemary and enter Lamorak Cave.Lamorak Cave

    This area is currently optional, since you can't complete it without Edna's mapaction, but it's worth the visit for a normin and discovery.

    Take either path to the first room with a Monolith and Fluoric Boots and then head south along the linear path until you reach a split. Head east to a dead endwith a Lavender, since you can't cross the gap to the south due to a boulder, and then return to the split and head north to another room with a Panacea Bottleon the north side. You can now head west to the next room and exit to the north,since the south path will take you back to the entrance.

    Head through the southeast path to a room with a Verbena and Fake Snack and thengo north and east to a gap that you can Wind Rush across to find an Apple Gel,3200 gald, and Topknot. Backtrack across the gap and continue south to the nextroom and check the yellow stones on the east side for the Orpiment discovery, followed by the Rock You skit, and then continue south.

    There isn't anywhere to go to the west due to more boulders, so continue south to a large room with a Monolith and then take the northern path to a save and Fluoric Pendulum. This exit will take you back to the Bors Ruins, but since there is no need for that at the moment you can continue south. Follow the path until it curves north and then check the east side of the first room to find Gillium. You can't go east in the next room due to a boulder, so continue north to find 45

    00 gald and a Fluoric Headband and then exit to the south. This path would leadback to the first area, but due to a boulder in the way you'll need to collect the Monolith and then backtrack to the entrance the long way.Lastonbell, City of Artisans

    To enter Lastonbell you'll need to head to the southwest exit of Volgran Forestfor a scene that will grant you entrance into Rolance.

    Backtrack to the save for the Rose's True Name skit and make sure to get the Monolith across the way and then head to the Inn to rest to activate the followingskits:

    Fusion 101 - Lailah and Rose discuss fusion

    Interest and Experience - Dezel gains the "Point of Interest Detection" Support Talent (you must have proficiency lvl 12 with Sorey's Point of Interest Detection) Stop Agreeing With Me When I'm Trying to Argue! - Rose gains the "Item Ordering" Support Talent (you must have purchased # of items at the shops) Mikleo's Skill Training - Sorey will catch Mikleo trying to traing up his artes (you must have seen the My Own Artes skit) Inspector Improv - The group will discuss the inspection that happened whenentering Lastonbell Edna's Boots - Rose will ask Edna about her boots

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    Lailah's Gratitude - Lailah will thank Rose for saving Sorey during the battle Beef Bourguignon: Serious Business - The group watches Dezel stare at his meal (you must order Beef Bourguignon from the Inn)

    If you've seen the skit "Interest and Experience" then you can switch Soreyto "Snack Preparation" and if you've seen "Stop Agreeing With Me When I'm Tryingto Argue!" then you can switch Rose to "Item Ordering" to level its proficiencyfor a skit.

    Head south of the Equipment Shop to find a Life Bottle hidden behind one of thebuildings and then continue south. Follow the fence to a silver chest with 3000gald and make sure to check the fence near Mayvin to discover the Radishbell, followed by the Radishbells, A Hidden Menace skit. The woman nearby will tell youa little bit about the old man on the park terrace and to the north is a Turtlezselling the Adventure Map: Near the Border for 300 gald. Make sure to head up the steps to the terrace to find Plezur on the railing and then collect the Rosemary in the corner before exiting to the north for a scene.

    Head east down the alley and check the small grassy area for some Saffron and then continue to the Equipment Shop. Head west along the main path this time and you should get the Check message about halfway up to discover the Great Belfry ofLastonbell, followed by The Belfry skit, and then return to the Inn and head along the north alley this time.

    Enter the graveyard and immediately look right, between the wall and the hedge,to find Blude and then check the Monolith before you continue west to the Sanctuary to overhear some dialogue. Check the Monolith in the courtyard and then follow the cobblestone path to the east of the Sanctuary for a Melancholic Din. Ignore the objective marker for now and exit the Sanctuary to the save for the skitMemorizing the True Names and then hug the wall of the Sanctuary to find a Chamomile and Madeline. You can now head west and speak to the three NPCs marked on the map about a girl named Margaret and some murders before returning to the Sanctuary for a scene.

    Boss: Sergei (HP: 2,966) - Person

    The first half of this fight is rather easy, since Sergei doesn't attack much with his artes, but as soon as he reaches 50% health he'll start to spam them.Focus on lowering his HP with martial and hidden artes while sidestepping his attacks and when he reaches about half health you can unleash your Mystic Arte. If he's still alive after this you'll want to approach him carefully to avoid hisLion's Howl attack and finish him off.

    After another scene you'll need to head toward the terrace to the south to meetup with Sergei for another scene and then head back toward the Sanctuary and speak with the man with a purple star. Watch the Knights vs. Church, Dezel and theDogs, and You Can Do a Lot with One Stone skit at the save and then return to the Inn. Head to the save for the It Takes Some Getting Used To skit and then restto trigger the following skits:

    Taking a Side Trek - Discussing the many rumors around town Tactical Armatization - Dezel schools Sorey on artes and armatization Letting Her Hair Down - Rose will catch Lailah with her hair down

    You can now head toward the west gate to encounter the Sparrowfeathers for a scene.

    This is the first chance you have to encounter Heldalf, at Biroclef Ridge, to trigger the Alternate Ending. Although this is nearly impossible, given the fa

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    ct that you will be in a weakened state without the seraphim.

    Meadow of Triumph

    Watch The Actuality and Grumpy Dezel skits at the save and then start out into the huge landscape to collect the treasures. Start by heading south to a Monolithand then follow the wall of the area to a chest with a Fluoric Sword. Keep following the wall to a group of trees to find the normin Gaine and some Saffron andthen head directly west as soon as possible to a group of rocks with some Rosemary, directly south of the exclamation point.

    To the north is the boss Behemoth that you can try and beat, but it will likelybe too tough at the moment. Head back to the southwest to reach a save and thencross the gap and collect the Sage and Monolith on reach side of the road. Continue west, which is roadblocked by some guards, and then head north along the west wall and look up to spot the Goats of the Cliff and Steppe atop the large boulder for the Varying Degrees of Happiness skit. You can now continue north to a chest with 2250 gald before backtracking toward the previous save.

    Make your way northwest to a chest with an Apple Gel directly west of the exclamation point and then head toward the exclamation point. Grab the Madeline and check the Monolith and then make sure to save before you examine the structure nearby for a scene and then enter the Malevolent Crucible: Sanjiva. If you completethe crucible you'll obtain the Earrings of Radius and Sorey's Victory skit.

    Crucibles are arena battles in which one character will take on waves of enemies in the hopes of removing the malevolence. You can view more information onthese by checking the Crucibles section of this guide.

    Head northeast from the crucible, past the signpost, toward the large rocks to find a Verbena on the north side and then head southeast a tiny bit to open the chest with Holy Bottle x2 by a tree. You can now head to the northeast corner ofthe map to an upper ridge and check the leaning structure for the Collapsed Leaning Tower, followed by The Leaning Tower skit.

    Make sure to grab the Apple Gel from the chest and then follow the wall to the west until you are at the lowest point, near some trees, and search the area for

    a Lavender. Continue around the ridge until you can finally go north, grabbing the Sideburns fashion item from a chest, and then head all the way east to collect the normin Primor before entering Malory Forest.Malory, the Patinal Forest

    Enter the forest and grab the Sage on the right before continuing forward for ascene with the Scattered Bones. You'll need to speak with everyone while you wait for Rose to return and then watch the Rose's Background (Dezel) skit to obtainRose's Scattered Bones Boss and "Unfruitful Blossom" title. Although you can'tclear out Malory Forest yet, due to the boulders, you can get a normin and discovery point.

    Take the west path for the Mabo Curry Buns - A Big Hit! (Dezel) skit and then he

    ad north and Wind Rush across the water. On the north side near the silver chestwith the White Bunny Ears fashion item you can discover the Glenwood Rabbit andwatch the Yummy Bunnies skit and then check the area for 3500 gald and Chamomile before you backtrack. Head northeast to a clearing with a Monolith and then take the south path to a dead end and make sure to fight the Geo Roller to advancethe sub-event and unlock the Virtuous Circles skit. You can now grab the norminReleeph in the corner and then return north to collect the Life Bottle and Peach Gel before you exit to the next area.

    This area is basically a dead end, so head clockwise (east) around the area and

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    collect the following treasures before leaving Malory Forest: Peach Gel, SpikedShoes, Panacea Bottle, and Garish Pink Shirt.Pearloats Pasture

    To reach Pearloats Pasture you'll need to return to the Meadow of Triumph and exit through the west exit.

    Head south along the wall to a field with some farming forks to discover the Blighted Wheat and watch the A Bitter Harvest skit and then continue south to a Peach Gel and Chamomile. You can now head to the southeast corner to collect the normin Chein and then ignore the entrance to Pendrago.

    To the west is a wheat field with a chest containing a Sharpened Needle and thenfollow the map to the southwest. Boulders block the path to the southwest for now, so head north you can collect a Peach Gel and then continue northeast. Notice the line on the map that indicates the fence that you can't cross? Well, you want to hug the rock wall to the north of this to open the chest with a Cheesecake before you follow the road west.

    When the path narrows, due to a plateau in the middle of the area, check eitherside of the road for a Sage and Wind Ring and then continue to the save. Head northeast to some Saffron and then head southeast a bit before heading directly east to reach an upper area with the Dangeroma boss, which looks like a very smelly skunk. Head to the edge of the ridge to discover the Hyland Steer and watch th

    e skit of the same name that follows and then head northwest.

    There is a locked chest on the outside of the ridge, so ignore it and head straight for the save to the north to activate it for later. If you turn around you'll see the large crucible structure, so head there and check the Monolith on theback of the structure and use the save. Choose whether or not to complete the Malevolent Crucible: Kalasutra with Mikleo for the Noble Quantum and Mikleo's Victory skit and then head to the north side of the ridge for a Life Bottle. You cannow circle around it to find a Verbena along the north wall.

    To the east is the entrance to Gaferis Ruins, which I will be covering in a bit,so continue east to the wheat fields and search for the silver chest containingthe Shinba Inu Ears fashion item. If you head directly south of the chest you'l

    l spot the normin Fantum between the wheat fields, a bit to the left, and then head directly west to find a Rosemary. You can now circle around the south end ofthe area to grab the Spiked Shoes before returning to the Gaferis Ruins.Gaferis Ruins

    Like many other areas you'll be unable to complete it without Edna's map action,but you can still clear out some treasure and find a discovery. Start by heading down the left stairs and using Wind Rush to travel between the bars to reach the Glacial Earrings and then Wind Rush again through the eastern bars. Check thenorthwest corner for a Verbena and then follow the path until you reach a largeroom with a Monolith and the Opened Sarcophagus, followed by the A Bit Too Muchfor Rose skit.

    Head north a bit and take the west branch to the stairs leading back upstairs and then follow the path to a room with some more bars you can Wind Rush through to find some Fluoric Boots and a Life Bottle. Backtrack to the room and take thesoutheast path to a head end containing a Dark Bottle and Void Slasher and thenbacktrack downstairs.

    Head north at the split this time and Wind Rush through the bars for a Donut andthen head west to the next room. If you look at the western wall you'll spot three red diamonds that indicate the fire element can be used here, so use Lailah's map action to reveal a hidden door and collect the Shinba Inu Tail fashion ite

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    m and Jet Black Vest. You can now follow the southwest path to the stairs leading back up and out of the ruins and then exit Pearloats Pasture to the southeast.Pendrago, the Blessed Capital

    Head straight for the Fountain in the Square to watch the Fountain of Wrath skitand then grab Justiss, who is sitting on the south side of the fountain. You'llneed to approach the objective marker for a scene with Sergei before opening the chest with a Peach Gel behind you and then head to the Inn and rest for the following skits:

    It Gets Long - Edna complains about collecting Normins (you must have recruited 20 Normin to the Lord of the Land) Windstepping Isn't Easy-Breezy - Mikleo gains the "Windstepping" Support Talent (you must have proficiency lvl 12 with Dezel's Windstepping) Rose: Expert Storyteller - Rose tell a folk tale between a seraph and a hellion

    If you've seen the skit "Windstepping Isn't Easy-Breezy" then you can switchDezel to "Luring" to level its proficiency for a skit.

    Return back outside and head southwest to the stairs to find a Chamomile and Gaizer sleeping on a bench and then check the alley between the two houses for a Panacea Bottle. Continue north to a dead end with a Monolith and then backtrack tothe Inn and exit to the east. Grab the Rosemary on the right and then turn arou

    nd and head down the alley to the northeast to find a Holy Bottle. You can now continue south to the steps, but don't exit the area because the small path to the east will lead to a Turtlez selling the Adventure Map: Around the Capital for400 gald.

    Exit to the next area and check the southeast corner for a Strawberry Shortcakeand then head west, past the amphiteather, and then check the far tree on the south side of the area for a Saffron. The area to the southwest is the Shrinechurch, but before heading there you'll want to check in with Sergei in the Knight'sTower to the east for a scene. Before leaving the tower you should walk over tothe portrait on the northwest wall to view the Georg Heldalf skit and then you can return to the Inn for a scene.

    Head to the objective marker to the west to find Rose and after another scene you can rest at the Inn again for the following skits:

    More on Fusion - Lailah and Rose discuss fushion again (you must have seen the Fusion 101 skit) In Midst of the Turmoil - Lailah will catch Mikleo trying to training up hisartes (you must have seen the Mikleo's Special Training skit)

    You can now head to the Pendrago Shrinechurch in the southwest of the city and walk to the multiple objective markers for some scenes.

    After meeting Cardinal Forton, return to the Knight's Tower for a scene and thencheck the portrait again for the Portrait of Heldalf discovery to unlock the Ca

    ptain Heldalf skit. Head outside for a tutorial to learn the Lion's Howl arte and obtain the Rolance Travel Pass and then head back to the Inn for The Cardinaland the Pope and Food for Thought skits at the save. You can now head toward theexit to Pearloats Pasture for a scene and use Mikleo's map action, Spectral Cloak, to leave the city.

    You can head back to Lastonbell and stay at the Inn for the Vengeance skit.

    Cambria Caverns

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    To reach Cambria Caverns you'll need to return to the Meadow of Triumph and exitto the southwest. The easiest way to get there is to warp to the South Ridge location and then run west from there to where the guards were blocking the road.

    Watch the skit Doesn't Get Much Cooler Than This at the save and then head east,since the west path will lead you forward in the story. When you reach the split head north to find a Red Verbena, but don't bother continuing any more since the path is an exit only. Head south for a scene that drops you deep into the cavern and then continue south and Wind Rush twice across the gap to collect a Panacea Bottle. Wind Rush back and continue south to a circular split and then follow the path east to a dead end with 2430 gald and an Amphibole Tiara. You can nowreturn to the split and continue south to more platforms that you can Wind Rushover for a Peach Gel before reaching a section with multiple platforms and a lower area.

    You'll want to clear out the bottom area first, so jump down near the vines andthen hug the south wall to another set of vines that you can climb to reach an Aqua Ring. Jump down again and continue along the south wall to find a small passage leading to an Amphibole Dagger and then return to the starting area and walknorth a few steps until you get the ??? that indicates you can Wind Rush here.Wind Rush southwest to a cave with a Pound Cake and then return to the same large platform and Wind Rush to the cave to the north to find the Cast Heels. Returnto the small platform and Wind Rush southeast to the larger platform and then take the two small platforms to the east, since the single platform will crumble

    and drop you back to the lower level.

    Head down the east path about halfway until you see the small tunnel on the mini-map leading to a Butter Cookie and then continue north to a set of vines. If you have Sorey's Point of Interest Detection on he'll mention something in the area, but you might not see it right away. Back up against the wall with the vinesand look up to spot a giant fossil to discover the Petrified Colossus, followedby the The Mystery Fossil skit.

    Climb the vines and head southwest to a Monolith and then head northeast, sincethe northwest path will lead you back to the location where you fell into the depths of the cave. When you reach the lake area head east toward the purple starto grab the Green Iris Gem: Zwei to automatically trigger a scene and the skit W

    atching the Earthen Historia - 4 and then return to the save and head north. You'll notice the Nine-headed Serpent boss roaming this area that you can test yourskills on, but your destination is the northern cave. Inside, collect the Red Lavender and Red Sage and then look up at the ceiling to discover the Tiny Luminescent Organisms, followed by the The Luminous Lake skit. You can now head west from the lake to jump down and return to the cavern entrance.

    Head west this time to collect a Red Rosemary and then head for the save, makingsure to check small alcove just north of the save to find the normin Tempescht.Once you have activated the save you could head to Biroclef Ridge, but there isa sub-event you can complete first in Lastonbell.Lastonbell, City of Artisans (2)

    Head down the main street to speak with the two NPCs with exclaimation points and then rest at the Inn for the Where's Margaret? (Dezel) skit. Afterwards, exitthe Inn for a quick and easy fight with a Rougarou and then follow the guards out to the Meadow of Triumph for another scene.

    Boss: Breed Wolf (HP: 12,763) - Therian

    Resistance: Neutral, Fire, Water, Wind

    The Breed Wolf is powerful due to its resistance to everything except Earth,

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    so you'll want to armatize with Edna to even inflict any damage on this boss. Skills like Rock Satellite will help protect you from any unexpected attacks whenhe darts toward you and attacks, but you should avoid attacking him head on. Keep your Blast Gauge for healing, since the pause before your BG attack will likely get interupted, and focus on chaining attacks together when you have a PowerHit combo going. Once the Breed Wolf reaches 50% health its attacks will increase in strength and a pounch attack or Fatal Claw will easily result in killing you in one hit or at least killing the seraph and breaking armatization.

    Drops: Anomalous Orb

    After defeating the Breed Wolf you'll automatically activate The Sin of Resonance and Rose's Values skit and obtain the Lastonbell: Proof of Rejuvenation and Rose's Traveling Girl: Alt. Color.Biroclef Ridge

    Warp back to the South Exit in Cambria Caverns and exit to reach Biroclef Ridgefor a scene.

    Boss: Griffin (HP: 14,737) - Dragon/Winged

    Weakness: Fire, Earth

    Resistance: Water, Wind

    The Griffin isn't nearly as difficult as the Breed Wolf you just fought, butthat doesn't mean you should get cocky. Start the fight by armatizing with Lailah or Edna to take advantage of the Griffin's weakness and lay into the winged-beast in the hopes of interupting its attacks. The attacks you'll want to avoid is the flame breath, indicated by the bird rearing back in the air pretty slowly,which you can avoid by sidestepping out of its face and continue your attacks and the Whirlwind attack, indicated by the double red exclamation points. If youcan avoid or defend against these attacks you shouldn't have much trouble finishing off the Griffin rather quickly.

    Drops: Blessing Orb

    Check the north and south sides of the area for some Red Saffron and an Amphibole Pendulum and then check the southwest corner near the vines for an Earth Ring.Slash through the vines to continue west and then Wind Rush across the gap to reach the Amphibole Waistcoat nearby. The path directly north is currently blocked with a boulder, so take the southern path and activate the skit Life on the Frontier.

    Check the crates at the split to find Wundor hiding inside one and then take theeast path to a Sidekick Mask. Don't leave just yet, cause if you walk to the edge of the cliff behind the silver chest you can discover the Grifkyte and watchthe skit Grifkyte in Flight. Head back to the split and continue west this timeto reach the entrance to Gododdin, where you'll find a Monolith, but don't enterthe town just yet.

    Backtrack to the main area of Biroclef Ridge and head west this time to a save with 4000 gald in the nearby chest and then head up the slope to the north. Hereyou will find the Millionpede boss and two chests with a Strawberry Shortcake and Pound Cake. Test your skills in Lailah's Malevolent Crucible: Samghata to obtain the Grimgerde and watch the Lailah's Victory (Dezel) and then backtrack onceagain to the main area.

    Take the northwest path this time to reach a Red Sage, Dark Bottle, and the entrance to Yder Cave.

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    Yder Cave

    Although you can't complete this area due to needing Edna's map action there arestill plenty of treasures, a discovery, and a nomin to collect.

    Head west from the entrance to a split and stick to the west while looking southto spot a chest with a Panacea Bottle and then backtrack to the entrance. Takethe east path and follow the path south until you reach the southeast corner ofthe area with the Accurizer and then head north and take the first westward pathto a room with a Dark Bottle. You can't Wind Rush across the nearby gap due toa boulder, so backtrack to the previous room and continue west.

    Stick to the bottom of the area and when you can't go west anymore head north and take the first eastward path to find a Red Lavender. You can now head north into the next room and check the south wall to find Farrest sitting in the mud andthen exit to the west.

    The majority of the treasure at the beginning of this area is blocked by boulders, so follow the east wall all the way south to the bottom of the area and checkthe spiral rocks to discover the Helictites, followed by the A Helictite skit.Head west and at the first chance take the north path, followed by the first path eastward, to find some Red Verbena on the road and the Dragon Tail weapon in the next room. You can now backtrack west to the previous split and continue north to a room with a Peach Gel and Featherlight Steps and then follow the northwes

    t path to a save.Gododdin, the Forgotten Village

    Watch the scene when you enter Gododdin and then speak with each of your party members around town for additional information. While speaking with everyone youcan check the north and south side of the entrance to Gododdin to find Fethur and Tenshun sleeping on some crates and collect the Panacea Bottle x2 on the southend of the village. There's no point in trying to check the school for a discovery yet, since you have no party members to get the skit, so head for the objective marker in the northwest for a scene after speaking to everyone.

    Grab the Red Rosemary next to the Equipment Shop building and the Roll Cake to the north of the cave entrance and then head the Equipment Shop to find another T

    urtlez selling the Adventure Map: Southeast Frontier for 500 gald. With the group back together you can return to the school and examine it for The School in Gododdin discovery and Our Schooling skit and then rest at the Inn for the following skits:

    Deep Down the Fusion Rabbit Hole - Lailah and Rose discuss fushion again (you must have seen the More on Fusion skit) Never Needed Money Before - Sorey gains the "Item Ordering" Support Talent (you must have proficiency lvl 12 with Rose's Item Ordering) Yeah, But Who Started It? - Sorey gains the "Treasure Detection" Support Talent (you must have proficiency lvl 12 with Mikleo's Treasure Detection) Drink Your Stew Before It Gets Cold - The group will discuss Rose's mannersand stew (you must order Stew from the Inn)

    If you've seen the skit "Never Needed Money Before" then you can switch Roseto "Snack Preparation" and if you've seen the skit "Yeah, But Who Started It?"then you can switch Mikleo to any Support Talent.

    Once you are ready to continue, head to the south side of town for a scene nearthe boulder to learn Edna's Giant's Strength.Biroclef Ridge (2)

    If you return to Biroclef Ridge's main area and Wind Rush east across the gap, w

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    Follow the path to the north to a blue door Follow the path north and then head south and take the first western path toa blue door with a Panacea Bottle, Angelite, and Lavender Head west and then south to a red door Head west and then north to a yellow door with a Chiffon Cake and ResistanceShoes Head west and take the final southern path to a blue door Pick up the Small Green Tablet and exit to the south Follow the path south to a yellow door with the Hanging Hair (right) fashionitem and a Peach Gel and exit south Head east and then north and take the first eastern path to the save

    With all four elemental tablets you can now open the door and enter for a scene.

    Boss: Medusa (HP: 20,195) - Apodous/Fiend

    Weakness: Wind

    Resistance: Earth, Water

    Since Cardinal Forton is a Medusa type enemy you'll need to watch out for her Gorgon's Eye attack that will turn you to stone. Unfortunately, Panacea Bottles don't work on petrification and the only way out of it is death to the character whom is turned to stone. The good news is that Dezel is immune to petrificati

    on in both normal form and when armatized, so you'll want to armatize with him right away to make half your party immune and exploit the enemy's weakness.

    There isn't much strategy beyond this, so keep up your attacks to try and keep Medusa occupied and away from your other party members.

    Drops: Blessing Orb

    After the scene you'll obtain Rose's "Assassin" title and Dezel's "Shadow Seeker" title and can check the back of the room for The Crest of Maotelus discovery,followed by the skit of the same name. Head back toward the petrified individuals for the skit The Statue Victims and then exit the room and watch the MaotelusVanishes skit at the save. You can now follow these directions to exit the churc


    Head west and follow the southern path to a red door and exit to the east Follow the path east to a blue door with the normin Flaym Follow the path south and take the first northern path to a yellow door Head north to a red door into a new area Head north to a blue door Follow the path north and take the eastern path to a green door with a PeachGel and Kingly Waistcoat Head west to a green door and exit north to return to the main area of the church

    Pendrago, the Blessed Capital (2)

    Exit the church for a scene with Sergei and then head toward the Inn for anotherscene at the objective marker. Head to the Inn in the morning for another sceneand then check the save for the A Place Fit for the Five Lords skit. You can now rest at the Inn for the following skits:

    Know Your Enemy - Rose gains the "Luring" Support Tal