mi»MijmeeememSm i_.ss Highland Recorder n tOCALNEWS. PERSONAL Brief I tem 8 of Interest to Home Polks About Their Friends And Acquaintances. Thursday morning was the cold¬ est of the season, the mercury reg¬ istering 12 above. People will hug the king-heater, scandal or no scandal. Mr J A Whitelaw left Tuesday morning on a business trip to New York. Mm. Andrew Cleek aud little daughter, Elizabeth, of Bolar, are visiting Mrs. ll. F. Slaven. Rev. W; S. Trimble will preach Sunday, the 8th, at Union Chapel ll a.m , and at Mr?. Howard Wil fen g's 2 30 p m. A full line of new and up-to- date Christmas goods at W G Hull, Mill Gap, Va. Mr and Mrs C T Fleisher and Mr John Trimble left Monday for a sojurn of the winter months iu Florida. Dr I H Trimble accom¬ panied them as far as Staunton, The fellow who paid 8\ cents for po.-k two weeks ago is now feeling panicky. The Sixtieth Congress of the United States was formal It opened with the usual ceremony Monday. Call on W G Hull for your Xmas goods. They are new. Dr 0 J Campbell has postponed his professional trip to Bath coun¬ ty and will remain here until after tbe holidays. H M Slaven has a full line of the best Fountain Pens. Call and try the points. Mr Will Waggoner, of Forks of Water neighborhood, butchered the largest hog of the season. It dressed 013 pounds. Send me all vour subscriptions for Newspapers and Magazines. I can save yon money on combina¬ tion orders. H M Slaven Misses Jessie and Amanda Rex¬ rode, of the Hightown neighbor¬ hood, were shopping in town Wed¬ nesday. Mrs Lafayette Eye, formerly of Highland, died at her home at Bar- tow on Tuesday morniug last after a long illness of typhoid fever, s She was a daughter of the late Jas. K Gum and is survived by her hus¬ band and one child. The remains weie brought to the family bury. ing-ground, near Mr Anderson Puffinberger's, and intered on Wednesday evening. A private letter from Dr J Luth¬ er Sheppe, of Baltimore, states that he will locate at New Hampden and take up the practice of the late Dr Jones. He is a brother-in- law of the late Dr Jones, and will be remembered by many of our people as a former merchant of Monterey, and, for some time, part owner of the Recorder plant. For Sale.A small farm near Monterey, containing 47 acres of which 25 acres is good meadow laud, a nice dwelling house, out¬ buildings, fruit and sugar orchards Good water in the yard. For par¬ ticulars address Mrs Jas Ryder, 4t Durbin, W Va. Mr 0 Wilson, while on his way from office to residence last Tues¬ day, slipped and fell on the side¬ walk sustaining painful, and per¬ haps serious injury. Neighbors were attracted by his calls and he was carried home. The injury was found to be in one of the hips, and a fracture of the bone was feared. Mr Wilson is one of the old men of the day, and he has been the victim of seven*! 'similar accidents within the last few years. I am alwavs willing to take vour second hand watches in on new goods, fi M Slaven. Nothing more suitable than a good graphopone for a Christmas present. I can sell you a first class machine for $20 and $30 and rec¬ ords for 25c H M Slaven Mr Clyde Hiner, whose big road engine has been stranded at Barlow on account of mud and bad con ditions generally, succeded in reaching Monterey with a load of grain on Monday morning. , Mr aud Mrs C C Hansel have gone to house-keeping, Mrs Ella Fleisher dividing up house-room with them. Monterey needs a few houses 'kto let." The difference between the fall of snow and the fall of the turkey market was that you could see the one and feel the other. If you want a good farm in Greeubrier. Pocahontas or Monroe county, West Va., write Ed L War¬ ren, Lewisburg, W. Va, for descrip¬ tions and prices. State size place you want. A Boon To Elbbrly Pkoplb Most elderly people have some kidney or bladder disorder that is both paiuful and dangerous. Fol¬ ey's Kidney Remedy has proved a boon to many elderly people as it stimulates tbe urinary organ?, cor¬ rects irregularities and tones np the whole system. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy at one* and be vigorous. Swad'ey Bros, Vanderpool, Va. Sold by all druggists, Monterey. The Bluegrass school trustees are making a move to secure some emergency teachers^ for that dis¬ trict. The determination of the State authorities to avoid this has not been adhered to in other coun¬ ties, and Highland has a right to resort to the same means, inas¬ much as she has failed, after due effort, to secure teachers regularly, authorized. She is confronted by a "condition," and while the "theo¬ ry" is a a good one, the concession ought to be made. We understand that two vonng ladies of Rockbridge will be Yere o take charge of the Woods Terry and Pine Grove schools Monday,, which wil) leave only a few vacan¬ cies in the Monterey district. .-.-«>-,- Educational J S Thoiias, Examiner and In¬ structor of schools for the third Circuit of Virginia, will speak (7:30 p rn) on the dates and at ths places indicatvd below; McDowell, Monday, Dec. 9th. Doe Hill, Tuesday, Dec. 10th. Crabbottom, Wednesday, Dec ll. Monterey, Thursday, Dec 12th. Au all-dat teacheis' meeting will be held at Monterey on Thursday, Dec 12, beginning at 0 o'clock. All teachers will be required to attend this meeting, but will not be re quired to make up the time thus lost in Uteir schools. Mr ffiomas, Supt E 0 Peale of Augusta rountY, and others from a distanc^are expected to be pres¬ ent. The public is invited. Jared L Jones, Diyision Supt. ... ..-¦.-.- Dedication of the New School Building at McDowell This building is completed, nnd school was opened Nov. 26th, and a dedicatory exercise held on the morning of the same day. Addresses were made by the fol¬ lowing gent'emeu on the subjects named: Opened bv prayer by Rev W C Young and an address by same, subject: The relation which should exist between teacher and pupil. J S McNulty.importance of po¬ liteness of scholars in the home, in the school and in every day life. John J Hiner.What constitutes a good teacher. Prof J K Pickering.Relations which should exisit between par¬ ents and teacher. Followed by instructians from the School Board in reference to the school property. On motion of WT Alexander, a unanimous vote of thanks was ten¬ dered the School Board of Stone¬ wall District for their untiring ef¬ forts aud their success in building this house for us. Also to our ef¬ ficient County Superintendent for his zeal in the matter, and his la bor in securing us an able princi¬ pal. Nor should the contractor, E A Hammer be forgotten, for he has done his work well, and given us an elegant building. We commend him to the public The exercises were enjoyed by all, and our school has started out in a very flourishing condition. We invite the public to visit our school, aud inspect our building. Very respectfully, W T Alexander Makes The Liver Lively Foley's Orino Laxative gives permanent relief in cases of habit¬ ual constipation as it stimulates the liver and restores the/ natural action of the bowels without irri¬ tating these organ* like pills or ordinary cathartics. Does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant tu take. Remember the name Foley's Orino Laxative and refuse substitutes. Swadley Bros, Vanderpool, Va. Sold by all drug¬ gists, Monterey. Bargain Sale We wish to close out our entire stock of millinery, and will sell our goods at cost from December 9th to the 14th at McDowell, Va. and Dec 16th to the 21st at Doe Hil), Va. We expect to open in the Spring with a full and new stock. Mrs CS Peterson, Miss Mayme Wilson. RECORDER HONOR LIST New And Renewal Subsciptions Since Our Last Issue New.Sam C Hevener,M( niere\; Robt. Newman, Monterey, RFD No. 1; C II Bonner, Warm Springs; G A Ralston, McDowell Renewals.James Botkin, Doe Hill; D B Rexrode, J G Hevener, Hightown: Ed Smith, BurnsviUe; John Wallace, Valley Center; P Edgar Hull, Eureka," Kan; NW Bussard, Bolar; J A Waggoner, G W Colaw, Monterey, R F D No 1; Harvv Waggy, PinkneY: E Petty, Elk tun, Va, Calvin Smith, Monterey -. «>-.- Dancing Proves Fatal Many men nnd women catch colds at dances which terminate in pneumonia and consumption. Af¬ ter exposure, if Foley's Honey and Tar is taken it will break up a cold and no serious results need be fear¬ ed. Refuse anv but the genuine in a >el'ow package, K. H. Trim¬ ble. Your home paprr only $1-subscribe ¦SSsSSsSSSSS»»SS»MSWS»»^MSSS»MSSSisrtSS|SSI^^ Appointed Judge Geo K Anderdon, on Nov. 27th, issued a vacation decree ap pointing L B Waybright to the office of Supt of the Poor of High- County, for n term of four year*, beginning Jan. 1st 1908, the Board of Supervisors having recommend¬ ed him. To Spend Winter Abroad Miss MarY Wier Jones, of High land county, who has been the guest of Dr. and Mts. C. C Jones, of this city for several nitfhlhs, left at noon to-dav for New York City She will spend the winter visiting various places of interest in France Germany, Italy a;id other countries in the Old World.--Staunton Lea¬ der, Dec. 2. FROH ncDOWELL Married Nov 20, Richmond. Va., Mrs. Lena Trelit Hull and Mr Wm. Green. At home after' December lat. Died Nov. 26, Mrs Polly Botkin, aged 89 years. Buried Nov. 27 iu family burying ground. Service bv Revs H. M. Roane and W. C. Young. Union Thanksgiving Service at McDowell in Methodist church, conducted by Rev H M Roane. Mu¬ sic by choir from both churches. Also Thanksgiving Services at Clover Creek Presbyterian church, by Rev W C Young. School opened Nov. 26. Inter¬ esting programme of music and addresses bv Rev W C Young, J J Hiner. J S McNulty, Prof Picker¬ ing. Teachers.Senior grade, Prof Pickering, of Washington, D. C., Intermediate, Miss Ida Quidore, of McDowell, Primary, Miss Margaret Jones, of Wier. Jacob Armstrong, Henry Keister, Ed Arbogast and Dr W It Siron fire off on a hunt to Cloverdale. The folks in and around Mc¬ Dowell gave Mr. and Mrs Young a Thanksgiving pounding last vVed nesday night. The glad surprise and appreciation with which they received the pounding ought to fully repay all who took part. J H Hidy went to Staunton to day to see his wife and bring her home if she is able to come. Pat. McDowell, Va., Dec. 3. A Real Wonderland South Dakota, with its rich sil¬ ver mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges and strange natural forma¬ tions, is a veritable wonderland. At Mound City, in the home of Mrs E D Clapp, a wonderful case of heal¬ ing has lately occurred. Her son seemed near death with lung and throat trouble. ''Exhausting coughing spells occurred every five minutes," writes Mrs Clapp, awhen I began giving Dr. King's New Discovery, the great medicine that saved his life and completely cured him." Guaranteed for coughs and colds, throat and lung troubles, by all druggists. 50c and $l,^Trial bottle fres. "-BOLAR ITEMS Dec. 3, 1907 Mr Louis McClung, of Clover Creek, visited friends and relatives on Jackson River last Friday and Saturday. Miss Fannie Helms, of Bular, spent Saturday night and Sunday with her brother, Mr R Q Helms, Little Valley. Mr Geo W Cleek, Jr. and Mr Willard Stephenson, of Monterey High School, spent Thanksgiving at their homes on Jackson's river. Mr Geo Bussardf of Warm Spring was seen in our midst last week. Mr Jerry Helms, of Clover Creek, visited his friends near Bolar la>t Sunday. Happy Kid Heres Good Advice 0 S Woolever, one of the best known merchants of Le Raysville, N Y, says* ,kIf yau are ever troub¬ led with piles apply Bucklen's Ar¬ nica Salve, lt cured me of them for good 20 years ago." Cures ev¬ ery sore, wound, burn or abrasion. 25c at all drug stores. -1 te*- FOR SALE.A nice home In Crabbot¬ tom containing a good dwelling house, barn and 5 acres ol improved meadow land. This is a very desirable place, convenient to churches, school, stores, etc. and a healthy community. For fur¬ ther partiuclars address I Q Simmons, 4t Crabbottom Fa. Pneumonia follows a cold, but. never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents pneumonia, Swadley Bros, Vanderpool. "Vs. Sold by all druggists, Monterey, Va. NOTICE To the creditors of the estate of Dr E J Jones, deceased. All per¬ sons indebted to said estate will please settle their accounts with the undersigned Administrator without delay, and all persons hold¬ ing claims against said estate may settle by presenting their claims properly proven. Respectfully, Andrew L Jones, Admr af * Dr E J Jones, deed, We have secured the agpney for Orino Laxative Fruit Svrup, the new latfttive that makes the liver lively, purifies the.breath, eurea headache and regulates, the digest¬ ive organs. Cures chronic consti¬ pations. Ask us about nv v K. H. Trimble. "" V ' \ <" THE ARCTIC REGION. Where Smoke Rises From the 8ea and Trees Burst Prom Cold. Explorers who penetrate the Arctic and Antarctic seas have a chance to observe one of the strangest phenom¬ ena In nature, that of smoke riling from the sea. Wherever the tempera¬ ture falls to 15 degrees below zero clouds of steaming vapor ascend from the ocean to be immediately frozen mto tiny particles ot ice and dropped once more Into the water. The same thing takes place on land, the vapor rising from the snow and even from the bodies of the explorers themselves. In this case, however, the ice particles fall on the ground and make a weird rustling, like the swish of a silk dress. At 40 degrees below zero the sap of trees is turned to ice, and the trunks burst asunder with a sharp report. These mysterious sounds and sights are awe Inspiring to all who do not know their cause, and they may ac¬ count for some of the strange tales that are told of the frozen north. Natural light at sea ls a much more common phenomenon. As the screw of a steamer churns tbe water under cer¬ tain conditions you may see the waves' glowing angrily where they have been disturbed. This is called phosphores¬ cence, and scientists are not agreed aa to its cause. WHISTLER AND MONEY. The Eooentrio Artist's Utter Lack of Business Instinct. The Dundee Advertiser tells a story illustrating Whistler's forgetfulnesa and utter lack of business instinct Being bard pressed for a debt and hav¬ ing finally been informed be would be sued unless a check for the amount was sent by return post, the artist mentioned the matter to one of his friends who lived near him. Explain¬ ing that he had a few pounds In the bank, the exact sum unknown, he re¬ quested his friend to stop at the bank on the way to business to ascertain what was required to make his ac¬ count good for a' check of slightly over $90 and to deposit that amount for him ns a loan. The friend was quite willing and in due time stood at the cashier's desk of Whistler's bank asking the amount of his balance and explaining the er¬ rand. The cashier waa interested. He went to the big book of balances, turn¬ ed over a few pages, wrote down some figures and in a moment placed them before the astonished friend. Whis¬ tler's balance was more than $30,000. The artist was delighted, but found lt difficult to remember when he had de¬ posited so much money or where he had got lt. A Beaconsfield Story. A lady who was his constant friend and benefactor begged Lord Beacons¬ field to read Mallock's first book and say something civil aboutTt Tbe prime minister replied, with a groan: "Ask me anything, dear lady, except this. I am an old man. Do not make me read your young friend's romaneea." "Oh, but he would be a great acces¬ sion to the Tory party, and a civil word from you would secure him for¬ ever," "Oh, well, then, give me a pen and a sheet of paper." And, sitting down in the lady's drawing room, he wrote: " 'Dear Mrs, ., I am sorry that I cannot dine with you, but I am going down to Hughenden for a week. Would that my solitude could be peopled by the bright creations of Mr. Mallock's fancy.' Will that do for your young friend V As an appreciation of a book which one has not read this is perfect. The Man Behind the Qua." Recruit (to instructor at rifle prac¬ tice).Please, zur, do 'e 'ave to pull much 'aider St thick 'ere five 'undred nor at tha two 'undred yards?.London Punch. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. Get DeWitt's. Sold by K H Trimble. The Ladies Missionary Society of the Monterey Presbyterian church will have a sale of articles, suitable for Christmas gifts, on Fridav and Saturday, Dec 6th and 7th, from 2 to 9 p m., in the Crummett build¬ ing. Those in charge hope, that the ladies of the county and town will call, and feel sure that they will find something useful aa well as ornamental. The Mission Band will have charge of the tandy booth. Light refreshments will be serv¬ ed, the proceeds of which will go towords the building fund of the new church. Public Sale of Personal Property. Having sold my farm. I will offer for sale, at my home near Meadow Dale, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17,1907 all my personal property, consisting df 9 head of horses.1 gray vi ork horse, 16 years old, 1 bay Denmark saddle horse 7 years old, 1 driving horse 8 years old, 1300 lbs, 1 four-year-old Denmark saddle mare, 1 combination saddle and driving horse 9 years old, 8 draft colts, viz: 1 mare 3 years old, 1 mare 2 years old, 1 yearling horse.1 brood mare ll years old, now with fold, blemish on ankle. 150 extra fine ewes, about 90 per cent of them not orer 3 years old Five Dur¬ ham milk cows., 6 open heifers.2 two- years-old and 4 yearlings, 5 two year old spayed heifers, 2 yearlings spayed heif¬ ers, 2 yearling steers, 1 pure-bred Here¬ ford ball, 1 brood sow a*nd seven shoats, 17 hay stacks aad 1 straw rick, All my farming implements, mower, buggy rake, grain drill, 1 big plow, 1 Syracuse hill¬ side plow; 1 cultivator, 1 double shovel, 1 harrow, 2 wagons, 2 buggies, 3 sleds, 1 wind mill, 1 sleigh and bells, 2 sets wag¬ on harness. 4 sets single buggy harness, 2 sets double buggy harness, about 50 bu. wheat, about 50 bu buckwheat and some other grain, about 30 bu potatoes, 2 iron and 1 copper kettle, 1 beaty organ, Sing¬ er piano, Davis sewing machine, 12-foot extension table, 5 heating stoves, 1 cook stove, 5 bedsteads, 1 folding bed. 1 parlor set furniture, 8 bedroom suits, and many other things too tedious to mention. Everything will go.no by-bidding. Parties requested to examine hay be¬ fore day of sale. Sale will begin prompt¬ ly at 9 o'clock. TEKMS.Sums of $5 and less, cash. Over that amount a credit of 10 months, purchasers giving negotiable note, inter- ' est from date, with two good endorsers. E. K. RODGERS The Family Physician The best medicines In the world cannot take the place of the family physician. Consult him early when taken Ul. If the trouble is with your throat, bronchial tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not, as he says. L4 We publish our formulas sj Wa banish aioohol «r_ from our medicines We urge you to yers consult your doctor Bilious snacks, sick-headaches, indiges¬ tion, constipation, dizzy spells .these are some of the results of an inactive liver. Ask your doctor if be endorses Ayer's Pills in these cases. The dose is small, one pill at bedtime. =-Made by tao J. C. Ayer Ce., Lowell. Xml- Preaching Appointments 1st Sunday.Hightown, ll a m. Green Hill 3 p. m.,Rehoboth 7:30 p m. 2nd Sunday.Straight Creek, ll a.m.. Monterey, 7:30 p.m. 3rd Sunday.Rehoboth, ll ara, Green Hill, 3 p. m., Hightown, 7:30 p. m. 4th Sunday.Monterey, ll a. m., Trinity, 3 p.m. A. A. Walker. I will preach at the following places on Highland circuit M. E. Church as follows: 1st Sunday, Union Chapel ll a. m. and Crabbottom at 3:30 p. m. 2d Sunday, Wesley Chapel ll a.. m. and Vanderpool at 3:30 p. m. 3rd Sunday, Asbury Chapel ll a. m. and Thorny Bottom at 3:30 p.m 4th Sunday,"Green Hill at ll a. m. and Fairview at 3:30 p. m. J A Brumbaugh, Paster Preaching services are held each month as follows: The lat Sabbath, Monterey, ll a. m. and Pisgah at 3 p. m. \ 2nd Sabbath, New Hampden at 1 ll a. m. , 3rd Sabbath, Pisgah, ll a. m., j Monterey, 7:30 p ra. 4th Sabbath, Hightown, ll a m. New Hampden, 7:30 p. m. W. S. Trimble At the Mill Patent Flour, good as Melrose $6 8o Straight Family Four - 6.40 Nice Graham Flour Car load of nice sweet corn Brand per ton - 35-00 Pay $1.25 a bushel for wheat. Monterey Milling Co. F0LEYSH0NCT«^IA1 /er children: safe, eura. Ko opiate* Commissioners's Office Monterey, Va, November 28,1907. To Charles P. Jones, Adm'r of Martin Dever, dec'd, Samuel Dever, Walter Gwin, Ruharaa Ecbard, Signora War¬ wick, John Andrew Moore, S Pierce Moore, R Lee Gum, Harry S Gum, Paul L Gum, Dennis H Gum, Eliza Law, Jas¬ per fi Dever, Eliza Campbell, the un¬ known heirs of Lee Dever, a son of Frances Dever, dec'd, Davis Dever, Ai¬ lee Barnett, born Dever, the unknown heirs of Georgia Lantz. dec'd, the un¬ known heirs of Minnie Fultz, dec'd, Hugh Dever and Bin a Henderson, born Moore. You are hereby notified that I have fixed upon Thursday, the 2nd day of January. 1908, at my office in Monterey, Va., to state, settle and adjust the fol¬ lowing accounts; First; An account of the transactions of the plaintiff as Adm'r of Martin Dever dec'd. Second; An account showing the per- sonal assets belonging to said estate. Thi rt*.; An account of the debts against said estate, together with theil respective dates, dignities and priorities. Fourth; Who are the heirs of the said Martin Dever dec'd, with the snare in hia estate due to each distributor, together with their respective residences. Fifth; What is a fair fee to the Pltff's Attorneys in this cause for instituting and conducting this suit. And report to Court together with any matier specially stated deemed pertinent by himself ar¬ ranged to be so stated by any party in interest. Which accounts are required to be taken by an order of the t'lrcuit Court for Highland County, entered on the ll day of November, 1907, in a suit in chan¬ cery therein pending between Martin Dever's Adm'r, Plaintiff, and Martin Dever's heirs, Defendants, at which time and place you are required to attend. Given under my hand and as Commis¬ sioner in Chancery of the Circuit Court of said county, the day and year afore¬ said, O. WILSON, Com'r. I Kl LL ths COUGH md CURE thc LUNGS *. Dr. King's New Discovery AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! OB MONF.Y REFUNDED. mthtt l^tmi ^Ws wet weather and cold weather makes foot protection necessary.better buy good shoes than COUGH MEDICINE Our Storm Proof Shoes have water proof viserlized soles. Always koep your pocket book heavy and your feet dry by buying your shoes from us. Armstrong Shoe Co. 27 W, Main St. Staunton, Va Walnut, Sycamore, Pop¬ lar and Lynn wanted $35 per M. for old growth walnut, sawed strong inch, 6, 8, lo, 12,14 and 16 feet length?, eoged and straight, 3 inches wide and up. $30 per M. tor young Walnut, sawed strong inch, 6,8, io, 12, 14 and 16 feet lengths, edged and straight, 3 inches wide and up, $37 ptr M. for extra good old growth butt logs, sawed strong 1 1-2 and 2 inches, 6, 8, ten. twelve, fourteen and sixteen feet lengths, edged and straight. X $15 per M. for all walnut lumber of 4 feet lengths. All walnut to be measured on the black side. $18 per M. for log run Poplar and Lynn Millculls out, sawed one inch and of even lengths 8 feet and up. $12.50 for Poplar and Lynn Millculls, sawed one inch and of even lengths 8 feet and up. $16 per M. for log run Sycamore with Millculls out, to be saw¬ ed strong inch, and the best logs 11-2 inches. The lumber to be delivered at our factory. PUTNAM & CO., Staunton, Organ mfgs., Virginia. In Connection With My STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, * I now have on handa good line of Wagons, harvest Machinery of te All Kinds. Crain Drills Harrows, Plows <*c. Will exchange the same for any kind of live stock at market value. J. M. JONES, Doe Hill, - - Virginia Cures Backache Corrects Irregularities Do not risk having Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not Bright's Disease beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. or Diabetes, Sold by all druggists.Monterey. Swadley Bros., Vanderpool, Va. DM CORE ,

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mi»MijmeeememSm i_.ss

Highland Recordern tOCALNEWS.


Brief Item 8 of Interest to HomePolks About Their Friends

And Acquaintances.

Thursday morning was the cold¬est of the season, the mercury reg¬istering 12 above.

People will hug the king-heater,scandal or no scandal.Mr J A Whitelaw left Tuesday

morning on a business trip to NewYork.Mm. Andrew Cleek aud little

daughter, Elizabeth, of Bolar, are

visiting Mrs. ll. F. Slaven.Rev. W; S. Trimble will preach

Sunday, the 8th, at Union Chapelll a.m , and at Mr?. Howard Wilfen g's 2 30 p m.

A full line of new and up-to-date Christmas goods at W G Hull,Mill Gap, Va.Mr and Mrs C T Fleisher and Mr

John Trimble left Monday for a

sojurn of the winter months iuFlorida. Dr I H Trimble accom¬

panied them as far as Staunton,The fellow who paid 8\ cents for

po.-k two weeks ago is now feelingpanicky.The Sixtieth Congress of the

United States was formal It openedwith the usual ceremony Monday.

Call on W G Hull for yourXmas goods. They are new.

Dr 0 J Campbell has postponedhis professional trip to Bath coun¬

ty and will remain here until aftertbe holidays.H M Slaven has a full line of the

best Fountain Pens. Call and trythe points.Mr Will Waggoner, of Forks of

Water neighborhood, butcheredthe largest hog of the season. Itdressed 013 pounds.

Send me all vour subscriptionsfor Newspapers and Magazines. Ican save yon money on combina¬tion orders. H M Slaven

Misses Jessie and Amanda Rex¬rode, of the Hightown neighbor¬hood, were shopping in town Wed¬nesday.Mrs Lafayette Eye, formerly of

Highland, died at her home at Bar-tow on Tuesday morniug last aftera long illness of typhoid fever,

s She was a daughter of the late Jas.K Gum and is survived by her hus¬band and one child. The remainsweie brought to the family bury.ing-ground, near Mr AndersonPuffinberger's, and intered on

Wednesday evening.A private letter from Dr J Luth¬

er Sheppe, of Baltimore, states thathe will locate at New Hampdenand take up the practice of thelate Dr Jones. He is a brother-in-law of the late Dr Jones, and willbe remembered by many of our

people as a former merchant ofMonterey, and, for some time, partowner of the Recorder plant.For Sale.A small farm near

Monterey, containing 47 acres ofwhich 25 acres is good meadowlaud, a nice dwelling house, out¬

buildings, fruit and sugar orchardsGood water in the yard. For par¬ticulars address Mrs Jas Ryder,

4t Durbin, W Va.Mr 0 Wilson, while on his way

from office to residence last Tues¬day, slipped and fell on the side¬walk sustaining painful, and per¬haps serious injury. Neighborswere attracted by his calls and hewas carried home. The injury was

found to be in one of the hips, anda fracture of the bone was feared.Mr Wilson is one of the old menof the day, and he has been thevictim of seven*! 'similar accidentswithin the last few years.

I am alwavs willing to take voursecond hand watches in on new

goods, fi M Slaven.Nothing more suitable than a

good graphopone for a Christmaspresent. I can sell you a first classmachine for $20 and $30 and rec¬

ords for 25c H M Slaven

Mr Clyde Hiner, whose big roadengine has been stranded at Barlowon account of mud and bad con

ditions generally, succeded inreaching Monterey with a load ofgrain on Monday morning.

, Mr aud Mrs C C Hansel havegone to house-keeping, Mrs EllaFleisher dividing up house-roomwith them. Monterey needs a fewhouses 'kto let."The difference between the fall

of snow and the fall of the turkeymarket was that you could see theone and feel the other.

If you want a good farm inGreeubrier. Pocahontas or Monroecounty, West Va., write Ed L War¬ren, Lewisburg, W. Va, for descrip¬tions and prices. State size placeyou want.

A Boon To Elbbrly PkoplbMost elderly people have some

kidney or bladder disorder that isboth paiuful and dangerous. Fol¬ey's Kidney Remedy has proved a

boon to many elderly people as itstimulates tbe urinary organ?, cor¬

rects irregularities and tones npthe whole system. Commencetaking Foley's Kidney Remedy atone* and be vigorous. Swad'eyBros, Vanderpool, Va. Sold by alldruggists, Monterey.

The Bluegrass school trustees are

making a move to secure some

emergency teachers^ for that dis¬trict. The determination of theState authorities to avoid this hasnot been adhered to in other coun¬

ties, and Highland has a right toresort to the same means, inas¬much as she has failed, after dueeffort, to secure teachers regularly,authorized. She is confronted bya "condition," and while the "theo¬ry" is a a good one, the concessionought to be made.We understand that two vonng

ladies of Rockbridge will be Yereo take charge of the Woods Terryand Pine Grove schools Monday,,which wil) leave only a few vacan¬

cies in the Monterey district..-.-«>-,-


J S Thoiias, Examiner and In¬structor of schools for the thirdCircuit of Virginia, will speak(7:30 p rn) on the dates and at thsplaces indicatvd below;McDowell, Monday, Dec. 9th.Doe Hill, Tuesday, Dec. 10th.Crabbottom, Wednesday, Dec ll.Monterey, Thursday, Dec 12th.Au all-dat teacheis' meeting will

be held at Monterey on Thursday,Dec 12, beginning at 0 o'clock. Allteachers will be required to attendthis meeting, but will not be re

quired to make up the time thuslost in Uteir schools.Mr ffiomas, Supt E 0 Peale of

Augusta rountY, and others froma distanc^are expected to be pres¬ent. The public is invited.

Jared L Jones,Diyision Supt.

... ..-¦.-.-

Dedication of the New SchoolBuilding at McDowell

This building is completed, nndschool was opened Nov. 26th, anda dedicatory exercise held on themorning of the same day.Addresses were made by the fol¬

lowing gent'emeu on the subjectsnamed:Opened bv prayer by Rev W C

Young and an address by same,subject: The relation which shouldexist between teacher and pupil.

J S McNulty.importance of po¬liteness of scholars in the home, inthe school and in every day life.John J Hiner.What constitutes

a good teacher.Prof J K Pickering.Relations

which should exisit between par¬ents and teacher.

Followed by instructians fromthe School Board in reference tothe school property.On motion of WT Alexander, a

unanimous vote of thanks was ten¬dered the School Board of Stone¬wall District for their untiring ef¬forts aud their success in buildingthis house for us. Also to our ef¬ficient County Superintendent forhis zeal in the matter, and his labor in securing us an able princi¬pal. Nor should the contractor, EA Hammer be forgotten, for he hasdone his work well, and given usan elegant building. We commendhim to the publicThe exercises were enjoyed by

all, and our school has started outin a very flourishing condition.We invite the public to visit our

school, aud inspect our building.Very respectfully,W T Alexander

Makes The Liver LivelyFoley's Orino Laxative gives

permanent relief in cases of habit¬ual constipation as it stimulatesthe liver and restores the/ naturalaction of the bowels without irri¬tating these organ* like pills orordinary cathartics. Does notnauseate or gripe and is mild andpleasant tu take. Remember thename Foley's Orino Laxative andrefuse substitutes. Swadley Bros,Vanderpool, Va. Sold by all drug¬gists, Monterey.

Bargain SaleWe wish to close out our entire

stock of millinery, and will sell our

goods at cost from December 9thto the 14th at McDowell, Va. andDec 16th to the 21st at Doe Hil),Va. We expect to open in theSpring with a full and new stock.

Mrs C S Peterson,Miss Mayme Wilson.


New And Renewal SubsciptionsSince Our Last Issue

New.Sam C Hevener,M( niere\;Robt. Newman, Monterey, RFDNo. 1; C II Bonner, WarmSprings; G A Ralston, McDowellRenewals.James Botkin, Doe

Hill; D B Rexrode, J G Hevener,Hightown: Ed Smith, BurnsviUe;John Wallace, Valley Center; PEdgar Hull, Eureka," Kan; NWBussard, Bolar; J A Waggoner,G W Colaw, Monterey, R F D No1; Harvv Waggy, PinkneY: EPetty, Elk tun, Va, Calvin Smith,Monterey

-. «>-.-

Dancing Proves Fatal

Many men nnd women catchcolds at dances which terminate inpneumonia and consumption. Af¬ter exposure, if Foley's Honey andTar is taken it will break up a coldand no serious results need be fear¬ed. Refuse anv but the genuinein a >el'ow package, K. H. Trim¬ble.

Your home paprr only $1-subscribe


Judge Geo K Anderdon, on Nov.27th, issued a vacation decree appointing L B Waybright to theoffice of Supt of the Poor of High-County, for n term of four year*,

beginning Jan. 1st 1908, the Boardof Supervisors having recommend¬ed him.

To Spend Winter Abroad

Miss MarY Wier Jones, of Highland county, who has been theguest of Dr. and Mts. C. C Jones,of this city for several nitfhlhs, leftat noon to-dav for New York CityShe will spend the winter visitingvarious places of interest in FranceGermany, Italy a;id other countriesin the Old World.--Staunton Lea¬der, Dec. 2.


Married Nov 20, Richmond. Va.,Mrs. Lena Trelit Hull and Mr Wm.Green. At home after' Decemberlat.Died Nov. 26, Mrs Polly Botkin,

aged 89 years. Buried Nov. 27 iufamily burying ground. Servicebv Revs H. M. Roane and W. C.Young.Union Thanksgiving Service at

McDowell in Methodist church,conducted by Rev H M Roane. Mu¬sic by choir from both churches.

Also Thanksgiving Services atClover Creek Presbyterian church,by Rev W C Young.

School opened Nov. 26. Inter¬esting programme of music andaddresses bv Rev W C Young, J JHiner. J S McNulty, Prof Picker¬ing. Teachers.Senior grade, ProfPickering, of Washington, D. C.,Intermediate, Miss Ida Quidore, ofMcDowell, Primary, Miss MargaretJones, of Wier. *¦

Jacob Armstrong, Henry Keister,Ed Arbogast and Dr W It Sironfire off on a hunt to Cloverdale.The folks in and around Mc¬

Dowell gave Mr. and Mrs Young a

Thanksgiving pounding last vVednesday night. The glad surpriseand appreciation with which theyreceived the pounding ought to

fully repay all who took part.J H Hidy went to Staunton to

day to see his wife and bring herhome if she is able to come. Pat.

McDowell, Va., Dec. 3.

A Real WonderlandSouth Dakota, with its rich sil¬

ver mines, bonanza farms, wideranges and strange natural forma¬tions, is a veritable wonderland. AtMound City, in the home of Mrs ED Clapp, a wonderful case of heal¬ing has lately occurred. Her son

seemed near death with lung andthroat trouble. ''Exhaustingcoughing spells occurred every fiveminutes," writes Mrs Clapp, awhenI began giving Dr. King's NewDiscovery, the great medicine thatsaved his life and completely curedhim." Guaranteed for coughs andcolds, throat and lung troubles, byall druggists. 50c and $l,^Trialbottle fres.

"-BOLAR ITEMSDec. 3, 1907

Mr Louis McClung, of CloverCreek, visited friends and relativeson Jackson River last Friday andSaturday.

Miss Fannie Helms, of Bular,spent Saturday night and Sundaywith her brother, Mr R Q Helms,Little Valley.Mr Geo W Cleek, Jr. and Mr

Willard Stephenson, of MontereyHigh School, spent Thanksgivingat their homes on Jackson's river.Mr Geo Bussardf of Warm

Spring was seen in our midst lastweek.Mr Jerry Helms, of Clover Creek,

visited his friends near Bolar la>tSunday. Happy Kid

Heres Good Advice0 S Woolever, one of the best

known merchants of Le Raysville,N Y, says* ,kIf yau are ever troub¬led with piles apply Bucklen's Ar¬nica Salve, lt cured me of themfor good 20 years ago." Cures ev¬

ery sore, wound, burn or abrasion.25c at all drug stores.

-1 te*-

FOR SALE.A nice home In Crabbot¬tom containing a good dwelling house,barn and 5 acres ol improved meadowland. This is a very desirable place,convenient to churches, school, stores,etc. and a healthy community. For fur¬ther partiuclars address I Q Simmons,

4t Crabbottom Fa.

Pneumonia follows a cold, but.never follows the use of Foley'sHoney and Tar. It stops thecough, heals and strengthens thelungs and prevents pneumonia,Swadley Bros, Vanderpool. "Vs.Sold by all druggists, Monterey,Va.

NOTICETo the creditors of the estate of

Dr E J Jones, deceased. All per¬sons indebted to said estate willplease settle their accounts withthe undersigned Administratorwithout delay, and all persons hold¬ing claims against said estate maysettle by presenting their claimsproperly proven. Respectfully,

Andrew L Jones, Admr af* Dr E J Jones, deed,

We have secured the agpney forOrino Laxative Fruit Svrup, thenew latfttive that makes the liverlively, purifies the.breath, eureaheadache and regulates, the digest¬ive organs. Cures chronic consti¬pations. Ask us about nv v K. H.Trimble. "" V'


<" THE ARCTIC REGION.Where Smoke Rises From the 8ea and

Trees Burst Prom Cold.Explorers who penetrate the Arctic

and Antarctic seas have a chance toobserve one of the strangest phenom¬ena In nature, that of smoke rilingfrom the sea. Wherever the tempera¬ture falls to 15 degrees below zero

clouds of steaming vapor ascend fromthe ocean to be immediately frozenmto tiny particles ot ice and droppedonce more Into the water.The same thing takes place on land,

the vapor rising from the snow andeven from the bodies of the explorersthemselves. In this case, however, theice particles fall on the ground andmake a weird rustling, like the swishof a silk dress.At 40 degrees below zero the sap of

trees is turned to ice, and the trunksburst asunder with a sharp report.These mysterious sounds and sightsare awe Inspiring to all who do notknow their cause, and they may ac¬

count for some of the strange talesthat are told of the frozen north.Natural light at sea ls a much more

common phenomenon. As the screw ofa steamer churns tbe water under cer¬

tain conditions you may see the waves'glowing angrily where they have beendisturbed. This is called phosphores¬cence, and scientists are not agreed aa

to its cause.

WHISTLER AND MONEY.The Eooentrio Artist's Utter Lack of

Business Instinct.The Dundee Advertiser tells a story

illustrating Whistler's forgetfulnesaand utter lack of business instinctBeing bard pressed for a debt and hav¬ing finally been informed be would besued unless a check for the amountwas sent by return post, the artistmentioned the matter to one of hisfriends who lived near him. Explain¬ing that he had a few pounds In thebank, the exact sum unknown, he re¬

quested his friend to stop at the bankon the way to business to ascertainwhat was required to make his ac¬

count good for a' check of slightly over

$90 and to deposit that amount for himns a loan.The friend was quite willing and in

due time stood at the cashier's deskof Whistler's bank asking the amountof his balance and explaining the er¬

rand. The cashier waa interested. Hewent to the big book of balances, turn¬ed over a few pages, wrote down some

figures and in a moment placed thembefore the astonished friend. Whis¬tler's balance was more than $30,000.The artist was delighted, but found lt

difficult to remember when he had de¬posited so much money or where hehad got lt.

A Beaconsfield Story.A lady who was his constant friend

and benefactor begged Lord Beacons¬field to read Mallock's first book andsay something civil aboutTt Tbe primeminister replied, with a groan: "Askme anything, dear lady, except this. Iam an old man. Do not make me readyour young friend's romaneea.""Oh, but he would be a great acces¬

sion to the Tory party, and a civilword from you would secure him for¬ever,""Oh, well, then, give me a pen and a

sheet of paper." And, sitting down inthe lady's drawing room, he wrote:" 'Dear Mrs, ., I am sorry that Icannot dine with you, but I am goingdown to Hughenden for a week. Wouldthat my solitude could be peopled bythe bright creations of Mr. Mallock'sfancy.' Will that do for your youngfriendVAs an appreciation of a book which

one has not read this is perfect.

The Man Behind the Qua."Recruit (to instructor at rifle prac¬

tice).Please, zur, do 'e 'ave to pullmuch 'aider St thick 'ere five 'undrednor at tha two 'undred yards?.LondonPunch.DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel

Salve. Get DeWitt's. Sold by KH Trimble.The Ladies Missionary Society of

the Monterey Presbyterian churchwill have a sale of articles, suitablefor Christmas gifts, on Fridav andSaturday, Dec 6th and 7th, from 2to 9 p m., in the Crummett build¬ing. Those in charge hope, thatthe ladies of the county and townwill call, and feel sure that theywill find something useful aa wellas ornamental.The Mission Band will have

charge of the tandy booth.Light refreshments will be serv¬

ed, the proceeds of which will gotowords the building fund of thenew church.Public Sale of

Personal Property.Having sold my farm. I will offer for

sale, at my home near Meadow Dale, on

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17,1907all my personal property, consisting df 9head of horses.1 gray vi ork horse, 16years old, 1 bay Denmark saddle horse7 years old, 1 driving horse 8 years old,1300 lbs, 1 four-year-old Denmark saddlemare, 1 combination saddle and drivinghorse 9 years old, 8 draft colts, viz: 1mare 3 years old, 1 mare 2 years old, 1yearling horse.1 brood mare ll yearsold, now with fold, blemish on ankle.150 extra fine ewes, about 90 per cent ofthem not orer 3 years old Five Dur¬ham milk cows., 6 open heifers.2 two-years-old and 4 yearlings, 5 two year oldspayed heifers, 2 yearlings spayed heif¬ers, 2 yearling steers, 1 pure-bred Here¬ford ball, 1 brood sow a*nd seven shoats,17 hay stacks aad 1 straw rick, All myfarming implements, mower, buggy rake,grain drill, 1 big plow, 1 Syracuse hill¬side plow; 1 cultivator, 1 double shovel,1 harrow, 2 wagons, 2 buggies, 3 sleds, 1wind mill, 1 sleigh and bells, 2 sets wag¬on harness. 4 sets single buggy harness, 2sets double buggy harness, about 50 bu.wheat, about 50 bu buckwheat and someother grain, about 30 bu potatoes, 2 ironand 1 copper kettle, 1 beaty organ, Sing¬er piano, Davis sewing machine, 12-footextension table, 5 heating stoves, 1 cookstove, 5 bedsteads, 1 folding bed. 1 parlorset furniture, 8 bedroom suits, and manyother things too tedious to mention.Everything will go.no by-bidding.Parties requested to examine hay be¬

fore day of sale. Sale will begin prompt¬ly at 9 o'clock.TEKMS.Sums of $5 and less, cash.

Over that amount a credit of 10 months,purchasers giving negotiable note, inter-

' est from date, with two good endorsers.E. K. RODGERS

The FamilyPhysicianThe best medicines In theworld cannot take the place ofthe family physician. Consulthim early when taken Ul. Ifthe trouble is with yourthroat, bronchial tubes, or

lungs, ask him about takingAyer's Cherry Pectoral. Thentake it or not, as he says.

L4 We publish our formulas

sj Wa banish aioohol«r_ from our medicines

We urge you toyers consult yourdoctor

Bilious snacks, sick-headaches, indiges¬tion, constipation, dizzy spells.theseare some of the results of an inactiveliver. Ask your doctor if be endorsesAyer's Pills in these cases. The doseis small, one pill at bedtime.=-Made by tao J. C. Ayer Ce., Lowell.Xml-

Preaching Appointments1st Sunday.Hightown, ll a m.

Green Hill 3 p. m.,Rehoboth 7:30 pm.2nd Sunday.Straight Creek, ll

a.m.. Monterey, 7:30 p.m.3rd Sunday.Rehoboth, ll ara,

Green Hill, 3 p. m., Hightown, 7:30p. m.

4th Sunday.Monterey, ll a. m.,

Trinity, 3 p.m.A. A. Walker.

I will preach at the followingplaces on Highland circuit M. E.Church as follows:

1st Sunday, Union Chapel ll a.m. and Crabbottom at 3:30 p. m.

2d Sunday, Wesley Chapel ll a..m. and Vanderpool at 3:30 p. m.

3rd Sunday, Asbury Chapel ll a.

m. and Thorny Bottom at 3:30 p.m4th Sunday,"Green Hill at ll a.

m. and Fairview at 3:30 p. m.

J A Brumbaugh, Paster

Preaching services are held eachmonth as follows:The lat Sabbath, Monterey, ll

a. m. and Pisgah at 3 p. m. \2nd Sabbath, New Hampden at 1

ll a. m. ,

3rd Sabbath, Pisgah, ll a. m., jMonterey, 7:30 p ra.

4th Sabbath, Hightown, ll a m.

New Hampden, 7:30 p. m.W. S. Trimble

At the MillPatent Flour, good as Melrose $6 8o

Straight Family Four - 6.40Nice Graham FlourCar load of nice sweet corn

Brand per ton - 35-00Pay $1.25 a bushel for wheat.

Monterey Milling Co.

F0LEYSH0NCT«^IA1/er children: safe, eura. Ko opiate*

Commissioners's OfficeMonterey, Va,November 28,1907.

To Charles P. Jones, Adm'r of MartinDever, dec'd, Samuel Dever, WalterGwin, Ruharaa Ecbard, Signora War¬wick, John Andrew Moore, S PierceMoore, R Lee Gum, Harry S Gum, PaulL Gum, Dennis H Gum, Eliza Law, Jas¬per fi Dever, Eliza Campbell, the un¬

known heirs of Lee Dever, a son ofFrances Dever, dec'd, Davis Dever, Ai¬lee Barnett, born Dever, the unknownheirs of Georgia Lantz. dec'd, the un¬

known heirs of Minnie Fultz, dec'd,Hugh Dever and Bin a Henderson, bornMoore.You are hereby notified that I have

fixed upon Thursday, the 2nd day ofJanuary. 1908, at my office in Monterey,Va., to state, settle and adjust the fol¬lowing accounts;

First; An account of the transactionsof the plaintiff as Adm'r of Martin Deverdec'd.

Second; An account showing the per-sonal assets belonging to said estate.Thi rt*.; An account of the debts against

said estate, together with theil respectivedates, dignities and priorities.

Fourth; Who are the heirs of the saidMartin Dever dec'd, with the snare in hiaestate due to each distributor, togetherwith their respective residences.

Fifth; What is a fair fee to the Pltff'sAttorneys in this cause for institutingand conducting this suit. And report to

Court together with any matier speciallystated deemed pertinent by himself ar¬

ranged to be so stated by any party ininterest.Which accounts are required to be

taken by an order of the t'lrcuit Courtfor Highland County, entered on the llday of November, 1907, in a suit in chan¬cery therein pending between MartinDever's Adm'r, Plaintiff, and MartinDever's heirs, Defendants, at which timeand place you are required to attend.Given under my hand and as Commis¬

sioner in Chancery of the Circuit Courtof said county, the day and year afore¬said, O. WILSON, Com'r. I



mthtt l^tmi ^Ws

wet weather and cold weather makes foot protectionnecessary.better buy good shoes than


Our Storm Proof Shoeshave water proof viserlized soles. Always koep your

pocket book heavy and your feet dry by buying yourshoes from us.

Armstrong Shoe Co.27 W, Main St. Staunton, Va

Walnut, Sycamore, Pop¬lar and Lynn wanted

$35 per M. for old growth walnut, sawed strong inch, 6, 8, lo,

12,14 and 16 feet length?, eoged and straight, 3 inches

wide and up.

$30 per M. tor young Walnut, sawed strong inch, 6,8, io, 12,

14 and 16 feet lengths, edged and straight, 3 inches wide

and up,

$37 ptr M. for extra good old growth butt logs, sawed strong1 1-2 and 2 inches, 6, 8, ten. twelve, fourteen and sixteenfeet lengths, edged and straight. X

$15 per M. for all walnut lumber of 4 feet lengths. All walnutto be measured on the black side.

$18 per M. for log run Poplar and Lynn Millculls out, sawedone inch and of even lengths 8 feet and up.

$12.50 for Poplar and Lynn Millculls, sawed one inch and ofeven lengths 8 feet and up.

$16 per M. for log run Sycamore with Millculls out, to be saw¬ed strong inch, and the best logs 11-2 inches.

The lumber to be delivered at our factory.

PUTNAM & CO.,Staunton,

Organ mfgs.,Virginia.

In Connection With My


* I now have on handa good line of

Wagons, harvest Machinery ofte

All Kinds. Crain Drills

Harrows, Plows <*c.

Will exchange the same for any kind of

live stock at market value.

J. M. JONES,Doe Hill, - - Virginia

Cures BackacheCorrects

IrregularitiesDo not risk having

Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not Bright's Disease

beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. or Diabetes,Sold by all druggists.Monterey. Swadley Bros., Vanderpool, Va.