Take off with history! Welcome to March 1! Historical brains engaged…commence ignition! World History: American History: Word of the day: Bonus Corner: : Napoleon, exiled on the island of , escaped and began his march on s. He would eventually rule France. leon had charisma. People followed because they believed in him. What er or famous person do you feel has isma and why? Physical feature : A geographical elemen a given region. What physical features in the community and state where you liv The first National Park was lished on this day. It was filled with rs, hot pools and lots of wildlife. is the park’s name? What National have you visited or hope someday to ? What organization am I? 1. I was established on this day in 196 2. I provide support for people all ove the world. 3. Those who “do the work” usually sign up for a two year commitment. 4. My title rhymes with geese door.

Take off with history! Welcome to March 1! Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

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Take off with history! Welcome to March 1! Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!. World History :. Word of the day :. 1815: Napoleon, exiled on the island of Elba, escaped and began his march on Paris. He would eventually rule France. Napoleon had charisma. People followed - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Take off with history! Welcome to March 1! Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

Take off with history!Welcome to March 1!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1815: Napoleon, exiled on the island of Elba, escaped and began his march on Paris. He would eventually rule France. Napoleon had charisma. People followed him because they believed in him. What leader or famous person do you feel has charisma and why?

Physical feature: A geographical element of a given region. What physical features existin the community and state where you live?

1872: The first National Park was established on this day. It was filled with geysers, hot pools and lots of wildlife. What is the park’s name? What NationalParks have you visited or hope someday to visit?

What organization am I?1. I was established on this day in 1961.2. I provide support for people all overthe world.3. Those who “do the work” usually signup for a two year commitment.4. My title rhymes with geese door.

Page 2: Take off with history! Welcome to March 1! Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

Take off with history!Welcome to March 2!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1714: Bach became concertmaster at the Weimar. This job required the 28 year-old to create a new cantata every month. It is amazing to imagine that kind of talent.If you could possess any talent, what wouldyou select and why?

Archaeology: The study of the remains of past civilizations and the analysis of that evidence. Archeologists must examine remains very carefully. It is extremely repetitious, detailed work (so that no evidence is destroyed or lost). Would you be interested in this profession? Why or why not?

1807: Congress abolished the importing of slave labor to any port in the America. Although the North quickly abolished slaverytotally, the South was not willing to do the same. Why do you think the South was so hesitant?

Who am I?• I was born on this day in 1904.• Most young people have read my books.• My books are often quite repetitive.• My real name was Theodor Geisel.• Even if my name implies it, I am NOT a doctor.

Page 3: Take off with history! Welcome to March 1! Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

Take off with history!Welcome to March 3!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1943: In the Battle of the Bismarck Sea, theJapanese lost 3000 men, 8 transports and 4 destroyers. They determined that they would never concentrate resources like thatin one spot again. Why did it make the battle easier for the enemy?

Isolationism: The policy of remaining distant from other nations, allowing no travel or trade to occur. Japan chose this policy earlier in her history. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of this policy?

Anne Sullivan was hired to teach a blind/deaf/mute 6 year old. She had many challenges but eventually taught her young student to communicate. What was her student’s name? What technologies oftoday could possibly make teaching a child like this easier?

What invention am I?• My inventor was born on this day in 1847.• His name rings a bell!• I am used constantly when people want to keep in touch.• You can really dial people in!

Page 4: Take off with history! Welcome to March 1! Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

Take off with history!Welcome to March 4!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1782: Johann Wyss, a Swiss author, wasborn on this day. His most famous writing was “Swiss Family Robinson”, the story of a shipwrecked family who built a tree house to keep themselves safe. If you could have your own tree house, what would you like tobe part of your dream design?

Place: Characteristics of a location that include identifying elements. What are the descriptors of the place in which you live?(Climate, topography, jobs people do, activities your community is known for, etc.)

1789: The Congress convenes as the newConstitution takes effect and only 22 of the 81 senators and representatives were in attendance. Create a list of clever excusesthat the 59 missing congressmen could have used.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, inaugurated on this day in 1933, once said, “Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.” What did he mean by this statement?

Page 5: Take off with history! Welcome to March 1! Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

Take off with history!Welcome to March 5!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1953: Joseph Stalin dies after 29 years of leading of the Russian people. Many credited him with saving Russia from NaziGermany but he also was responsible for the death of 8-10 million Russians. Why do you think he was allowed to continue his rule, even if so many were dying?

Holocaust: The destruction of 6 million Jews during World War II. The world was horrified when this event came to light. What do you think we as Americans could do to prevent this from ever happening again?

1922: Annie Oakley breaks all records by destroying 98 of 100 targets at the Pinehurst Gun Club. Imagine you are her boyfriend and you want to break up. You fear her reactions. How would you plan to “let her down lightly?”

What was my invention?• I was invented by John van der Heyden.• I was invented in 1637.• I can be sprayed when I’m needed!• I am very helpful if you see a flame!

Page 6: Take off with history! Welcome to March 1! Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

Take off with history!Welcome to March 6!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1913: A Danish physicist developed early theories on how the atom was structured. By 1945, scientists were able to rearrange the structure and create an atomic bomb. What do you think has been the greatest scientific discovery that was for the betterment of mankind?

Competition: Companies that provide similar products aimed toward similar consumers. The American economy is dependent on competition. How do multiple companies producing the same product keep pricing fair?

1836: The Alamo is defeated by the Mexicanarmy, killing almost all of the 184 Texan defenders after a 13 day stand off. The Alamo has long since been an example of extreme bravery and patriotism . Name an event in American History in which persons showed bravery and/or patriotism.

Aspirin was patented on this day in 1899. What is it derived from?a. Tree sapb. Bark of a willow treec. Ground up leaves of a sycamore d. Pine needles

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 7!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1820: British astronomers form the RoyalAstronomical Society to encourage celestial research. Man has always beenfascinated by the heavens and the mysterythat they hold. What great mystery do you hope to find the answer to in your lifetime?

Compass Rose: The symbol on a map that shows direction (which way North is). Whatpart of the United States do you find most picturesque and why? (Like the Northwest, etc.)

1911: The first coin operated locker was patented in 1911. They were used at bus, train and plane terminals to store itemstemporarily while travelers awaited the next leg of their journey. Imagine what the storage of the future will look like. Sketch and label your innovation.

It is a strange world in which we live! In 1897,John Kellogg tested his new invention,Corn Flakes cereal, on patients of the mental hospital in Battle Creek, Michigan.Obviously they were well liked and have been popular ever since. What is your favorite cereal and what makes it your favorite?

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 8!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1917: The Romanov rule came to an end on this date. The people of Russia reached thefrustration point over the food shortage and staged riots. What changes in behaviordo you notice when you are hungry?

Bi-lingual: The ability to speak two languages. Most Europeans speak multiplelanguages. Why do you think Americans,for the most part, only know one language?

1857: Female garment workers in New YorkCity stage a riot over working conditions. The riot was quelled but conditions failed to improve. This was before the “40 hour”work week limit and it was either too hot ortoo cold. Days were long and unpleasant. Pen a note one of these young women might write home.

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (Supreme Court Judge, born on this day in 1841)Do you agree or disagree? Support youranswer.

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 9!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1945: U.S. planes bombed Tokyo, Japan.Over 100,000 were killed but in addition, much of the city burned as a result of thebombing. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor which brought us into the war. Did we go too far or was it fair? Support your ideas.

Impeach: To force a person out of office because of misbehavior, dishonesty or unfair practices. What kinds of things do you think a president of the United States could do that merited his/her removal from office?

1822: Charles Graham of New York patentsfalse teeth. How do you think dentistry wasdifferent in the 1800’s?

Bobby Fischer, born on this day in 1943, became the first American to win the World Championship of chess. Have you played chess? What makes chess hard?What makes chess fun?

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 10!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1922: Gandhi was arrested and put in prison for leading a rebellion. His type of rebellion was peaceful. Can change happenthrough peaceful means? Think of something in your life or history that changehappened peacefully.

Sedition: Crime of inciting a rebellion.This was the charge leveled at Gandhi. Heserved only two years of his 6 year sentenceand was released. Do you think it is fair (or not) for convicted prisoners to be released early? Defend your stance.

1908: The first Mother’s Day is celebrated.Mother’s Day has become one of many holidays that are enjoyed in the United States. What is your favorite and leastfavorite holidays and why?

Born on this day in 1940, Chuck Norris once said:“A lot of times people look at the negative side of what they feel they can't do. I always look on the positive side of what I can do.”What does that tell you about how he runshis life?

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 11!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

105: The Chinese invented paper. They usedvegetable fibers. Imagine how long it probably took to make a sheet of paper. Describe how you would change the wayyou used paper if it took so long to create.

Money: Currency; items established to have a certain value, used to exchange for goods and services. Money is designed with symbols or famous persons on it.Imagine a new United States bill is being considered ($25). Sketch what it might looklike. Who would be pictured on it?

1861: The Confederacy adopted their constitution on this date. A month and aday later, the first battle of the Civil War began. What are the benefits and the drawbacks of breaking from your country and starting your own?

1818: Published on this date by a 21 year oldauthor, this book was said to be the first science fiction novel. The title is the name of the monster created from dead body parts.His most distinguishing characteristics were his large forehead and the bolts that held him together. Who was he?

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 12!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1945: On this day, at age 15, Anne Frankdies in a Nazi concentration camp. Her life was brief but her diaries inspired many.What would you like to be your legacy?How would you liked to be remembered?

Employment: Having a job. The varietyof job and career possibilities continues to expand. Describe a job you would love, a job you would hate and the most unusualjob you have ever heard of.

1894: The first bottles of Coca Cola went on sale. So many other varieties of soda have become available and popular. What’s the most unusual soda you have ever tasted? Which kind is your favorite?

What place am I?• I became an English colony in 1609.• I boast a tropical climate. • I am an island in the Gulf of Mexico.• Life on the island is quite laid back.• My island group is north of Cuba and southeast of Florida.

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 13!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1519: Cortez, a Spanish explorer, lands onThe Mexican Coast, makes friends with the Incas and makes plans to attack the Aztecs.How do you think Cortez justified attackinga native group in their homeland when hewas far from home?

Investments: Where money is placed in hopes of making more! When you invest your money, it is in support of companiesor friends that you feel will be successful and thus, growing the amount of money youinvested. What kinds of products/companiesare you most confident in and would invest?

1865: The Civil War was winding to a close.The North definitely had the upper hand.The South began to recruit African Americans to fight for their side. Create a response to this event. You can create it asa Northerner, Southerner or slave.

What was my job?• I was born in 1936.• My name was Clarence Nash.• I loved cartoons!• I talked with a obvious lisp.• I gave “life” to a famous quacker!• My quacker’s friend had initials of M.M.

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 14!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1979: Albert Einstein is born in Wüttemberg,Germany. As everyone knows, he was brilliant but surprisingly, he had issues beingsuccessful in school. Why do we occasionally find that exceptionally bright persons cannot successfully complete classroom tasks and expectations?

Physical map: A map that shows topography. On a physical map, what major physical features are shown near your city?

What is shown in your state?

1903: This is for the birds! On this date, President Theodore Roosevelt establishedthe first bird sanctuary at Pelican Island,Florida. What is your favorite bird and why? Why do you think the Bald Eagle isour national bird?

Einstein once said:

“If A equals success, then the formula is A equals X plus Y plus Z. X is work and Y is play and Z is keep your mouth shut!”

Do you agree or disagree?

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 15!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

44 B.C.E.: Julius Caesar was stabbed to death by the Roman Senate and his bestfriend, Brutus, was part of his death. He looked at his friend and said, “Et tu, Brute?”Which means “you too Brutus”? How doyou deal with betrayal? (Tears, anger, etc.)

Social responsibility: Our appropriate actionsin order to make the world a better place.What types of things do you do that you feel are positive contributions to society?What do you hope to do someday beyond what you do now?

1892: Jesse Reno patents the first escalator. Elevators and escalators are greatsavers of energy and time but unfortunately, much of America is over-weight. Justify keeping or abolishing elevators and escalators.

Andrew Jackson, born on this date in 1767 and the 7th U.S. president, once said: “Fear not, the people may be deluded for a moment, but cannot be corrupted.” What did he mean by this?

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 16!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

37: Roman emperor Tiberius had a rough day! He was almost dead and suddenly sat up and asked for food! Unfortunately, one of the guards, anxious to be rid of him, smothered him! Describe your worst day.(Certainly, Tiberius has you beat!)

Suburbanization: The growth of cities on theoutskirts of major cities. It the 1800’s, mostof the wealthy lived in the center of town and the poor live on the outskirts. Now thatis mostly reversed. What factors do you think created this transformation?

1802: West Point Academy was founded in order to train young men in the theory and practice of military science. The military now includes women in their ranks.What is your opinion of including women in The military?

Robert Goddard, passionate about rocketry,created a rocket, fueled by liquid fuel. His first successful launch went 60 miles anhour for 2.5 seconds. It climbed 41 feet andwent 184 feet away. What year do you thinkthis happened? Make a guess and support It with reasoning!

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 17!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1762: The first Saint Patrick’s Day paradeis held. Detail your parade experience. You might have been in it or watching it.What has been you favorite parade thatyou have viewed or been in?

Financial institution: A building or websitethat loans money, banks money or investsmoney. Is your money safe if you put itin a financial institution? What do you do with money you receive?(Do you save, spend, or invest?)

1898: The first successful submarine wasLaunched off Staten Island, New York. Submarine life is exciting for some and scaryfor others. Would you like to spend timein a submarine? Describe why or why not.

What am I?• I was patented in 1845 in Britain.• I am used by people of all ages.• I am a band but play no music.• I can stretch to fit.• Some young people use me as a weapon!

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 18!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1584: How terrible was Ivan the Terrible?He had the reputation that he fathered thousands of children and took the lives of many of those he helped conceive. Pen a letter to the judge who is determininghis fate. (Even though this is the day he died!)

Location: Where a place is. Absolute location is exact (like address or latitudeand longitude) and relative location is wherea place is compared to something else (south of Russia, across the street from the school). What is your absolute and relativelocation right now?

1942: The War Relocation Authority beganmoving all Americans of Japanese descent to be placed in gated and guarded locations.This policy was quite controversial. Why were some offended and other supportedthis decision?

Grover Cleveland, born on this day and was 22nd and 24th president was quoted as saying:“Though the people support the government; the government should not support the people.”How would US policy change if this were our belief?

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 19!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1800: We know Ben Franklin learned quickly about electricity via a kite and key experience. There was also a German scientist named Humboldt who made a similar discovery via electric eels. Needlessto say, SHOCKING! Pen his reaction to his CURRENT experience.

Juvenile court: Decisions concerning personsunder the age of 18 who break the law.Why do we have a separate court systemfor juveniles? Do you feel it is justified?

1931: In hopes of getting Nevada out of financial trouble, the state legalized gambling. Now many states have some form of gambling for the same reason. Do you think it is an appropriate way to make money? State you opinion.

Bruce Willis, born on this day in 1955, once Said, “I believe in justice, and I believe in people being held responsible for their actions.”Do you agree with him or not? Defend yourstance.

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 20!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

71: A total eclipse of the sun turned Greece into darkness. In ancient times,most people had no knowledge of these types of events. Create a dialogue betweentwo Greek citizens as they describe and explain this phenomena.

Democracy: The form of government in which representatives are elected to speak for the people’s needs and desires. We operate within a democracy. What difficulties does a democracy have in sucha large country?

1917: Woodrow Wilson called a special session of Congress after the Germans sank three of the U.S. ships. His request was to declare war on Germany. What would be the justifications to declaring warand remaining neutral?

1852: Harriet Beecher Stowe published “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” which was quite controversial and portrayed slave owners ascruel and inhumane. Abraham Lincoln, in 1862, said about Stowe, “So this is the littlelady who created this big war.” What war?Was that a fair assessment?

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 21!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1617: Rebecca Rolfe, once known as Pocahontas, dies in England of unknowncauses at 22 years of age. Pocahontas took a brave stance, averted certain bloodshed and allowed the British a toe hold in the New World. From a Native American standpoint, was she a heroine? Explain.

Import: To bring goods and services in from other nations. America has always had a history of exchanging goods and services with other nations. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this open trade?

1965: Martin Luther King Jr. began a peaceful protest for rights of African Americans by marching from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama. With 3200 other marchers, they were protected by the Alabama state police. Three years later, he was assassinated. What made thisman so loved and hated?

Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the following words:“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” What does he hope for?

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 22!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1429: Joan of Arc wrote letters against the British which inspired France to defeatthe British. Obviously, when captured andtried by the pro-British group, she was branded as a heretic and burned at the stake at age 19. What was the nature of her character?

Heretic: A person who defies the church and is “anti-Christian”. In the Middle Ages(600-1300), those that opposed the churchwere labeled and excommunicated (kickedout of the church which provided shelterand protection). Why do you think the church feared opposition?

1765: The Stamp Act was introduced on this day and angered the colonists. Britain wanted to raise revenue so they taxed any type of document (including newspapers). Most papers were anti-British. Pen a letter to the editor in response to the British plan.

What am I?• I was a popular TV series (and movie). • My main character was an actor born on this day.• We traveled, “Boldly where no man hasgone before”.• One of the key characters has major ears!

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 23!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1919: Benito Mussolini founded the fascistparty in Italy. Although he cooperated withthe reigning government for a while, he soon took over as dictator and dealt with all opposition brutally. He leagued with Hitler during World War II. Would the twomen trust each other? Infer a response.

Patriarch: The male lead of a household or county. Think about your home, your schooland America. Are they patriarchal (that means the men are in charge) or are they matriarchal (that means the women are in charge)?

1806: On this day, Lewis and Clark head east for home having explored much of the West. The winter spent in the Northwest (at Fort Clatsop) was wet, cold and they were often hungry. Write a diary entry that either one of these men might have written as they departed Fort Clatsop.

On this day in 1775, Patrick Henry stated thefollowing: “ I know not what course others may take but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”Is freedom that important for you? Discuss those things you would fight to the death for.

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 24!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1882: German scientist Robert Koch discovers the bacteria that causes tuberculosis (which he received the Nobel Prize for and led to the cure of tuberculosis). If you could determine the cure for one disease, what would it be andwhy?

Market price: The value that is deemed appropriate at a give time. If an item is plentiful, the market price is lower than whenit is less available. Share items that the price has either greatly increased or gone down considerably. Think about why.

1989: The Exxon Valdez ran aground in Southern Alaska, eventually spilling 11 million gallons of oil and polluting 700 miles of coastline. There were many attempts to minimize the damage but theywere unsuccessful. If you were determiningthe punishment for the oil company, whatwould you decide?

Joseph Barbera was born in this day. Below are hints for his cartoons he created:1. A cat and mouse.2. A family living in the early history of time.3. A futuristic family.4. A dog detective.5. A bear from Jellystone Park.

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 25!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

461: The city of Venice, Italy is founded. The city, built with waterways for roadways,is often visited and enjoyed. How would life be different if every area of town (andevery residential block), were surrounded by water?

Self-interest: Motivated to do things for personal gain or advantage. What makesthis concept difficult in a family, classroomor nation?

1865: In the last major battle of the CivilWar, Robert E. Lee attacked Fort Stedmanand sustained 3,000 casualties of his troopsof 11,000. The South surrendered shortly after this significant loss. The war lasted four years. What might a person noticeabout military men who had battled that long?

What famous rhythm and blues singer wasBorn in this day in 1942? Her songs include:• “Natural Woman”• “I Say a little Prayer”• “Chain of Fools”• “RESPECT”

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 26!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1859: Ever heard of Lescarbault? He discovered a planet (they named it Vulcan)and later realized it was an asteroid. If you discovered a planet, and hopefully a real one, what do you think would be a good name and why?

Resources: Raw materials or humans who can be used to produce or utilize. We oftenuse raw materials to build something but human resources are also valuable. We use ideas and labor to accomplish whatever goal(s) we set. What personal resources do you possess?

1953: Dr. Jonas Salk develops a vaccine for polio. The year before, there were 58,000 new cases and 3,000 deaths. Salk’s vaccineeradicated the disease. What does the term “eradicated” mean?

Sandra Day O’Connor, born in 1930 and went on to become the first female Supreme court judge, once stated: “We don't accomplish anything in this world alone... and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one's life and all the weavings of individual threads form one to another that creates something.” What did she mean?

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 27!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1977: Two jets collide on a runway in the Canary Islands as a result of terrorist actions.Death total was 582. We have fewer of these types of events in the last 10 years. What do you think has contributed to better aviation safety?

Refugees: Persons who are displaced after awar or disaster. Refugees often flee to a neighboring country but many times, the receiving country does not have enough resources for their own, let alone for an influx of more. How can the United Statesbe of assistance?

1964: The second largest earthquake occurred on this date, registering 8.4 on the Richter Scale and creating a tsunamithat killed 125 people. A tsunami createsa surge at the shoreline so the water just keeps coming and stops much farther inland that normal. Share what you see ifyou were viewing this from the cliffs above.

What happened first on this date?• The year was 1905.• There had been a murder. • They had an idea who committed the crime.• The case was solved by using this type of evidence.

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Take off with history!Welcome to March 28!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

72: At Masada (in Southern Israel), theRoman Army surrounded the Mesa. The Jews who were on the Mesa weighed the odds – victory or becoming slaves. All 960of them decided “no” to both and took theirown lives. Why is slavery generally feared?

Resource allocation: The amount of resources given to each unit (family, person, household, etc.). During World War II, many items werein short supply so they were rationed. Families were limited on how many gallons of gasoline your family got in a week. What would change at your house if this limit were imposed?

1973: The last of the American troops in South Vietnam leave for home. The war was a controversial decision. There was no clear victor and many young men returned home to scorn as Americans did not agree with the conflict. This was hard for the men who risked their life. What can we do to keep our military feeling appreciated?

Reba McEntire, country music star born on this date in 1955, said: “To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone.”What did she mean by each “bone”?

Page 29: Take off with history! Welcome to March 1! Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

Take off with history!Welcome to March 29!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1940: The Japanese set up a government inNanking, China. They had invaded China in 1937 and now wanted an arm of their government there. The Chinese leader placed in charge was a puppet of the Japanese government. Describe what that means.

Property rights: The legal entitlement of landownership. If you owned property, what could you do with it? What limits would beplaced on your choice?

1885: Must have been a fun night in Atlanta,Georgia! Dr. John Pemberton was brewinga concoction that he called his “brain tonicand intellectual beverage”. The brew con-tained cocaine and soon exploded. He took out the cocaine, perfected his brew,and went on to made a successful batch of what beverage?

Born on this day in 1943, John Major servedas British Prime Minister 1990-1997. He was once quoted as saying:“The politician who never made a mistake never made a decision.”Does this change or ratify your impression of politicians? Do you agree with Major?

Page 30: Take off with history! Welcome to March 1! Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

Take off with history!Welcome to March 30!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

240 B.C.E.: Chinese observers said they say a “broom star” which is the first recordof seeing Halley’s Comet.Is that a good descriptor?Rename it as you see it!

Interdependence: The condition in which people rely on each other and is necessary for existence. What do you rely on that only others can provide for you (and you cannot provide it for yourself!)?

1981: President Ronald Reagan was shot by John Hinkley, Jr. Reagan was not awarehe had been shot when he was shoved intothe limousine. Imagine his surprise when he found out! Pen what he might have said!

This painting, entitledStarry Night was painted by Vincent vanGogh, a Dutch painterborn on this day in 1853.What do you like about it? Describe this style of painting.

Page 31: Take off with history! Welcome to March 1! Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

Take off with history!Welcome to March 31!

Historical brains engaged…commence ignition!

World History:

American History:

Word of the day:

Bonus Corner:

1889: The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France is dedicated on this day. It was built for the Olympic Games and was built by GustaveEiffel. He also designed a structure for America. What did hedesign?

Due process: The steps that are available through the court system so true justice is done. Do you think our justice system is fair or does it overcompensate in favor of the criminal? Cite examples.

1880: Wabash, Indiana is the first Americancity to convert completely to electric street lamps. How would life change in this mid-western community following this?

Cesar Chavez, Mexican-American who organized farm labor, was quoted as saying:“Preservation of one's own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.”What does this tell us about him?