1/ ^JQBfa S A N D ^ ' C ^ % ,NEWS TAKE Off THE IN" THE TEETH OF GALE Midnight Rescue by the Ft. Niagara Life Savers The, steel tug Donald Mac of Pait iT fishing' - business Capt. Morgan, 'whlo 1 wjtli T-hos' Morgan io.f Pott Stanley foe boners,., sa,id>he ( J>6lieved the t|fg went agiound because the' compass was not piofcerly adjusted before"" the boat left Toronto He was high in his -praise-of-the heoric efioi ts oC the Fort Niagara hie saveis TQhei c i e w c o n s i s t s of the following members Capt^ A D Nelson, Poit Ontario, N Y , T O Rice, Yourigs M Jo a f i i J^J iritin' Stanley, Ont went ashoie in Lalce town, jN Y , B S demons, Marble Ontario about four miles below Tt head Ohio G r A Lmgenfeltei, Evans Niagara Sunday night, Nov 22 Cap M^ils, K V , P r Brewei, Sandy tarn Tred Morgan of Port Stanley and Cieek, N Y , rre,d Kay, YoungstoVn his ciew of two men were lescued by N Y , Mason McCune, Elhsbuig, N Y the Ft (Niagara hfes,ayeis last mid no t pioperly adjusted before the boat night The tug was towed to Poit r A Crozier, "i oungstown, N Y—Ni Dalhousie this morning Both the agaia Tails Journal, Nov 23 i i rescuers and the iescued suffered con siderably from exposure Lookout Rice at the life saying sta tioii heard the alalia whistles and saw lights off the fort a t 7 p m and gave the alarm that a boat was close in shore —Capt—Nelson - and— the - life saving crew searched about the lake until 9 30 - o'clock but could discover nothing as the lights had disappeared Upon leturning to t^e station Capt, Nelson, werit to the lpokout and with his night glasses picked up a faint light four miles down the shore, I A second alaimwas given and after 'two horns 1 search through heavy seas the life' savers? got close to the strand ed tug drifting in the trough of the sea Capt Morgan, part owner of the boat, said the heavy seas, had un, shipped her rudder leaving^ them help less "When asked what assistance he •\ EDGAR PARSER DEAD One of the State'* Oldest Newspaper ""Men—Hi*~~Brother Established tKe" Daily Edition of the Oswego Pal- ladium \ Edga.r Parker; seventy seven years old, for fifty years editoi ^ofTthe Gene va Advertiser Qa | ze.tte and next,, tq ^He,nry Stowell, of Seneca Falls, the oldest active head of a weekly news papei m the State died at his home in Geneva Friday m the same house where he was born on Octobe 21st, 1837 Mr Parker m the late fif ties was a fellow apprentice of Clark Morrison m the office of the Geneva n„r»~++„ ml,- i~j..».— i i_ 1 _ i-»_^ INTERESTING PROGRAM Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, De- cember 7, 8 and 9, 1914 in City Hall The "Round Up'' to be hold at Oswe go, Oswego county, Dec 7, 8 and 9, in the City irall under the direction of the Bureau of 3Taim,er s Institutes of the State. Department of Agilculture pi onuses 'to be one of the largest agucultural meetings ever held in Os wego county Five such meetings, known as Farmer's Day will be held in New York State this Wintei, I At Oswego Monday, Dec 7, will be Fertility Day the subjects I elating to soil constituents, tile drainage, or •gallic matter, lime in agncultui e, com position* and value ot manure commer oral - fertilizer—cooperation, aiu—The" pay big profits when* rounded into shape by the" use of Animal Reptflaiqr It never fails to clcj>«e he system aidHigcst on anil aSsimiViUon <» that all the feedJBotsrto blood-arid muscle build intr 25c pkg to 2D lb pail at S3 00 £ The bens that are given J r ' Pr&i& Poultry Regulator can tJielp laying mora CBBS than those •who are not so fed because they are put In perfect condition 2oc pksr to 25 lb pail at $2 50 Sktufadiotf GuranleeJ or Money Back . JnFnltli}guarantee of F^attB Kcm^lieb i Oji H»T0you.rratt8lC0ii ronlti;\ B<- ^ BOSWQRTH & JOYNER GROCERS, SANDY CREEK^eo Gazette The latter came \o Oswego desired Capt Morgan said he would a few years later witih a, s brother, S like to have a tug from Port Dalhousie H Parker, who had established a daily come to tow hinvto the canal The life edition of the Qswego Palladium, and savers then returned to the station and Mr. Earker returned "to his home in got in communication with a, tug cap , GeneVa, where he died ^on Novembei tain at the canal but he refused to' 25, 1901 come out at that time as the wind had ' TJle p Ker famil h d ice from the first trip, and proceeded £*** ? ls ^ eebly J™ 3 ° nG ^- of L the tothedisableitugaga'in Upon reach- ?" sht SS* " L & f ^ P * * c U ing the tug the life- savers were re 5 * J^S, "& s < **. „ Gen ^ \ wer 5 quested by the. crew of the tug to ffi™S.?TW,tT " " f I " 4 take them ashore After a half nour 1 s ° i i S H £ e gave + to hl + s ofi hard vatic {he life savers, succeed.- c J>f a f 3 » of *««» .interest e.d-in-getting th^tug crew ^ t h m r - ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ . 8 ^ ^ life boat They then returned to. the **» r 5 and'despite theVfact that he, station where they arrived at 3 30 a m * ad \ een * Bm ™}i f ° r a * umb ? r . « . . . .. . of years hew continued to. contribute B 6 *^ 6 8v F* r BS ta ? d to J he tu S artfcles regularly He had teen con with the crew of the tug the next fined to his home for abnht two months m ° r ^V, 73 ? a u.^l sH °w a , y B ? for / aad thi s tell was unable, tOfjaat a the<,tUg Meteor from the caiial arrived V nt„ fnr-, t h P first hi.V,».'fl«,.-J Chicago has an irmy ot 200,000 The unemployed u « « u s iaiiieoc irom toe canw amveo vote f 0Pl the first tmfe, in, fifty six J^ 3^r~ T ~^ 0t v- IWe *S ^ e t U g years Ke.was » ?tauhch Denibcr^ ^1 W?* m a Qw i$/ un ^ * * e an ; and - KSWWtjn feSnry, an^ w^s chor and the tug Meteor then towed one of the most highly respected rest ner to tne oanai dent g of - th g oxfy ^ He ^ a J mem ber „The damaged boat is a new steej of the Episcopal church aha is v sur tug, launched two weeks ago, and. viyed by ^.fiis w i d o w and tHfee clii^ came from .Torontq ^hB 1 IS 75 f eet drfen^, to whom the sympathy of many long and has- a ljfoot Beam She was friends ttiroughout the State is ex bound for Port Stanley to/enter the tenHed V in Turittei*'*, Piahd Content Until December 12, we will give 5000 votes for each year paid in advance for the Sandy Creek News. For each year in arrears paid for we votes.; •B •< s m m u H 1 of •&<>*•. ' U ii#S : Hjtfo'. VT 23 •**v*n##». WJgSrr; Extra Heat, Jiist When Ytrn Ndedf It V y l T j i ai Pe^ctidn Smofcele$s Oil Heater in'the ^ v hduse ybu aire'^safeguarded when accidents happen to your heating System. g& *, <7 \ y ,2 jr-r^ SMOKELI iiAtms Cold snaps have no terror for,.^.«?u, .Ipr-j : ttie Perieijibii supplies just th«? extra, heat heeded to'make bedroom, bathroom^or sifin0 (room warm and comfortablS Burns kerosene"—esisy to handle and, inexpensive. Perfection Heaters are portable, heat quickly and are smokeless and. .^odorless.- At hardware,, furniture d.eaiefs and'general stores everywhere. Look {of the f Triangle Trade-rMark. * , > s ' -. \ " STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW /YORK '"•t'C A J W n y ./ Buffalo Boston same daytheie will be a special poul try session at 10 a m an'd 130 p m Tuesday, Dec 8, witf be Live Stock Day, matters peitamingi to essential points in good dairy cows, intelligent feeding, tuberculosis, swine husban dry, demonstration of essential points in a good horse from living animals There will be a special Women s Ses sion on Tuesday morning and after noon at which borne topics will be, taken up "Wednesday, Dec 9, farm topios jand horticultural subjects will be discussed A splendid corps of speakers have been selected including Di J F De vine, Consulting Veterinarian, State Department- of Agriculture, Professois jCavanau^h and Rice, State College of Agriculture, Professors' Herrick, Par rot, S'tewart, Smith and'VanSlyke of the State Experiment Station,! Mr Akjn, Glens Tails, James A D S Finlay, Glens Tails H B Expending, swine breeder, Dundee Jared Van Wagenen, Jr, Lawyersville and Mr Mitchell, representative of the Bu reajU ot Co operation, State Depart meat of Agriculture Miss Helen Knowlton of the Domestic Science Department,. Cornell University and Miss Sara B Huff, of New York City will conduet-tlie Special Women s Ses- sion The most practical and up todate information on, agriculture available qn, eyery subject of interest to farmers ,in _pswegp county will be preSente'd Opportunity to ask questions and ob tain the advice of experts on any farm problem will be afforded 1, / „ PRQGRAM In cli£trgfe of Jarefl Vah Wagenen Ji Coriesfcrbncleiits—Oswego county, B V Underwood, Oawego F H. Tullar, OsWe- go„ Mrs Anna B We"ed Oi'well Jeffer- son county r E Robertson Water- town Oneida, county G W Bvish Utica Onondaga county r A Van Ness, Bald winsville _ Monday—Fertility Day J 9 30 a m —Eev W H English prayer Mai oi Thomas P Hennessey Words of Welcome Mr Van Wagenen, Response and Outline of Work 10 i in—Prof Cavanaugh Soil Con- stituents 10 45 a. in —Discussion 11/a m —Mr Van Wagenen, Tile Drain age 11 4 r > a m —piscussion 1 30 p m —Hound Tabje 2 l) m—Prof CSvanaugh Oiganic Mattel «. 2 40 p m —Discussion 2 oO p m —Dr Vin Slylce, The Place of Lime m Agriculture 3 30 p m —Discussion i 40 p m —Mi V an "Wfagenen Compo sition and Value of Manuie 4^20 p m—Discussion 1:30 p m ^-Dr Van Slvke The Place of Commercial Fertilizers in Agilculture 1 3"Q p m —Mi Mitchell—Agricultural Co operation (illustrated) Mr Van Wagenen The Good Farmei Monday—-Special Poultry Sessions 10 A M Plot Rice Opening Remarks Prof Rice, The Best T>pe to Bleed i-Fr.o;m>>.. j • Discussion. Mr. Rice, Rearing Chicks. Discussion. . •:'•'•: :\ ••• . 1.30 P. M. Question Box. %m lEticej Poultry Houses and BauipT meht. - , ' Eisflussjon. Piof, Rice, The Proper Handjing of a, \Pi)ultry .Plock; .*••-, . ; Discussion". j- ' • j Tuesday—Live Stock. Day. 9 a, ni'.^Mr.'Van', -Wagenen, Demon- stdtibn of the .Essential Points In a .Good Dairy Cow, .fr,dm„ Living Animals. . 10 ai m.«Mfin w Smith\ tntelUgent Feed- ing of Dairy- OattlSi ;'- ", 10.30 a. ni.-^Disousgion. . • lp;40' a. mv—Dr. DeVlhe, Tuberculosis, ADofetion and- Milkr' Fever. - ' 11;20"'&.rtu—^Discussion. • .'UWO'a: m-rriMFi Harperiding, Profitable Swine -Husbandry.1 ' , " ". 1"'$, iri'.-r-Dr.. De Vine', Demonstration 0f Essential Points- Ih a Good Horse,' from Living Animals'. Ii30 p. m.i—Round.Table.' 2 p,' m^—Tirf De Vino, CbliOj Founder-, SpaViti and Ringbone. ' 2.:40 p. lrii?-eDiscussion. 2.80 R; m.-^ME^ Akin, Horses . for the New'York' State. Farmer. ' 3:20 p. m.-^-Disou'SBlon.. 3.30 p. m.-^Mr>,Smith, Clean Milk. 4.15 p ; ' m.^DC^'cMsfon, . , -. :• 7,30 p. m.—Mr; Akbi, The Horse Ih-. dustfy In 'Eufope (iHustrated).' •'" Miss 'Hum rrijfslc. .' TuSsday^—Special Women's Sessions ' •". ,, " '10 A; M, ', MiSs" Enowltorr, Opening Remarks. Miiss Ehowlton, Hotlsehbid Manage- ment;' •. ' " ' ' ' ia aifusSion. ' j- Miss HUff, the Itifluence of Music and Sorig on. Rural Life; Discussion. . *' 1.30 P. M. Music. . . Miss Knowlton, Importance of Sanita- tion. Discussion.. .... -" "*• M:is§ Hiiffi Songs that-Live. Dlscus'sioh. Wednesday^—Farm Crop" arid.Horticultural '• •' -- bay.? 9.30 'a, m.—Mr. Findlay, Alfalfa; The. Cheapest Source of Home Grown Pro- 'teiri. ..••'". 1 10.15 a. m.—Discussion.- 10:30. a.- ra.—Mr.' Van. 'Wagene'n,-. C0rn; The Cheapest Source of- Carbohydrates. -, ll.lfr^a. m.—DiscussiQri;. ' ' . . 11.20" a. m,-^Mh Flridlay,."Forage> Crops. , 11.50- a. m,^-DiscussIbn. '-130 p. m.-^Ronrl'di' Table. ' 2 p» m.-r-Prof,\ Hedriclt, Small Fruits. 2.30 pi.'m.—IM'sC'ussi'oti, 2.40 p. m.^-Ertot PaVrott, Partn and i'Orchard Insects^'. ,3.20 p. m.—Discussion-. -3.3.0' p. m-.'-^-Pr.cifi Hedrlck,, Horticultural Questions Answered. {Printed 'question slip's will be. furnished). ,.-.•. • 4.15 p. rh.—Prof. Stewart, Plant arid Fruit Diseases. r ." 6 - pV iti.^-Mr. Van Wageheh,' Closing' 'Words... . Speakers-r-E. s. Akin, Glens.Falls, Far- mers' institutes lectiir*er. Qe.ofge',W;. Cav- analigh,- Ithaca, Professor of Chemistry,- •NeW "Kbi'k Std.te, Obilege 'of Agriculture, Dr. J. F. Dtf,Vine, Goshen,, Cbffsultiflg V-eterinariari,'/. New Ybrlt-'State Depart- ment' of Agf ifciilture. Jas. A. D. S. Fi'lid- la#, Salisbury Mills,. F^rmeTs' Institute lecturet. H. Bi , Harpendihg; Dundee,, •Farmers' .Iristitu't'b TectuMf.. V.' p. Hed- rick, Geneva,- "HOrtibul.turist, New York Agricultural Experiment Station. Miss' ^he^T^opWs r enof3rT?nion, New York .City,,. Miss Helen KnoWltoh, Ithaoa, Do- mestic <S6lerice DSpartttierlt,. Cornell Uni.-" Verslty. iC.'^C, MitcRelli' 'Albany,. Bur'eaii lol'Co-op.er'atiojiil-.New'Yor.k State -Depart- "trient ot Agriculture. P; J". Parrots Gehe'- va, Entomologist, New York Agricultural Expetirrfent Station James E Rice, Ilh i- /ca, Professor of Poultr> Husbandly, New Yoiit State College Of Agnciiltuie Irv- ing r Rice, Cortland, Farmeis' Institute I \ lecturer F C Stewart Geneva, botanist. New York Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion Geo A Smith. Geneva Dair> Ex- pert Agricultural Experiment Statidn New York L L Van Slvke, Geneva, chemist i Nem York Agncultural Experi- ment Station Jared Van, "Wagenen, Jr Lawyersville Tanners Institute conduc-f tor arid lecturer The requirements of a good farmer are atueast four s The ability to make a full and cqmfortable living fiom the land, to lear a family carefully and \vell to be of gpod seivlce to the community to leave the faim more productive than It was When he took it ^ —L H Bailej Orchard Facts Fertilizers for,Fruit—Truit growers niiy assume that tiees do not need fertilizeis if they are making a fair amount of growth. If the trees look dingy and un '} suffered, years from-dyspepsia and liver complaint, i spent ?475 00 without, lelief I 'was c\ired by" three bottles of Dr Bawld Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. W,e Jhave always kept it in our house since^-it's our doctor, always on hand." Mr James Cook CatskUl, N Y , ,Dr Kennedy s Favorite Remedy Is §uqh a great family medicine because it hits the cause of most common, ailments —disordered digestive organs (stomach, happy ascertain first if. they are infectea (liver and bowels) It. restores right by disease or infested by in&ects secohd make sure that the orchard is well drained third ^1f trie trees ore in SQd, try thorough tillage and cover crops fomtb. use fertilizers after having qb- tamea as 1 much evidence as possible as to what fertilizer the trees most need A hit and miss* application of fertilizers is gambling pure an4 simple, i, poyer Crops—A combination' cover- crop is best Vetch is taking the place of clover—16 or 20 pounds of vetch and a bushel ot oata oi bailey per acre is a good combination A cover crop which turns "back, less than a ton of two of vegetable matter per acre is hardly worth the seed-planted Pruning—As a rule piune voung tre.f)s only enotigh to shape the head The peach- is, the xnly fruit,that needs toTSe headed' ba# as/a regular "'practice.'-Prune bid •frees -a little/..'e^er^^yeariiVCherriesaare:- Tjsjdgjly injured .by pruning;*' Severe prun.-- ing is warrarite'd only, 'In. /sick or decrepit .trees. . . •' '• '-. \: '-, ••£>. -\\ •• ;-•.', •'•:..' - New Varieties^Speeutation is the-ghjei|- •cliarm. of^iiew varieties, and ther,e< ar.e,,a' few new sorts haying mpr'e thali specula- tive value. . Most varieties of fruit are not adapted; to a wide range, of condi- tions'. ,For, commercial' plantations,'plant' j only-.standard softs. ''• • v- - .--hi blowing. Orchards'—F,aU plowing ia'mqre- and more practiced 'witli orcria'rd fruits, 954i-?nj a\&x Soils may well be reebmrriefid* ed-not only because of tlie greater" con-: yenience.'df. doing.theiwot'k in -the 'fall,. but h'ecatfse^t la.beneUcfal to "the- soil. W'^i"?."* &%l s £ ; e Wly Sp>ing plowing i's~ prbbably Bgttef; • •• '• /-- . ' ; .- -.• •:. , - : ,d6se Planting'—It is pateTTt"tb""tKe ejte of e.v.<8r,y. p.asservby that- fruit growers arej.QYer, crowding fruit plantations. The greater 1 ;productio.n of. Single plants- aSa' outside rows teach the value bf'plantlngr: thihlyr; - . * "* . -,'- . ..- ... j-ftqefis fo;r.'Ch'eriies-^TH6. ; superi'ori'ty , k . M t o a r d over •MaTialeB';&s':&.-. stoeK ;f6r- chernes is- everywhere; demonstrat'ed. Tlie.' '}S>y|P..-i a ^ a *fei't h ft't i 'jB,;'inalces it .short, W$Pi,f$ l ° r ''™ ? ^- :P"fo'ductiy'e:' ..Cher'rres.ibn: Mahal.eb ate.easier,' grBwn-than.,bn Maz'-- :zafd!...ajsfl fr^iitj-grqwefS'-shtfuld expect to- pay- jnqre' tor..varieties, qh'Mazzara sBck." 'Sbd/'^nd . fillage^-A'ppIe -'-trees'. in isSd" prqdube-better colbrea atfplg'?' ttati Slibse :'tilled:vJqa.-,reducfiS,jthe quantity of-fiUkV "^QweyeCi ,,4.t ; ,tne Nej«-iY6rk, Agricuteiiral ESpSriin'ent Statlbn'fbr !e^ei<r dollar 'tak» en froni\a: sbdde'd 'ofchai'd, ?li89 \vas taken from, a tilled orchard' of 'the same' size. ''. . ,•; >. .Spda-and .Oyster Crackers! '',|)er i^ound., '.•,.:,.'.'.;',-,., $ ilo'p^Ke.adt JSpm6ii, a eari; •5 ptiundsvRiceV.. ,.,,„; >.'.'[_ '• Cook's ti.est Flour, per 'b>r- '; ,:jr'ej'."-_..'.;.. • > .>. vvi,.».:.-,:- i"v ; - ; 6;25^ Nice 'Litfe Caiidies'..-.."».v: .'-,;-.;iOl i: -' NO POTATO §GAB action of the stomach, lryer and bowels, lemoves Impure conditions, help»-to cleanse, heals and strengthen the^ kidneys, and bladder Has wonderful record or success Write Dr David. Kennedy Co , Rpndout, N Y, for free trial Large botttes at druggists adv JT H. P. Wikon MANNSVILLE, N. Y. ,j>... A: No Evidences of Diseatfe Found in Jef- ferson County .' ' Manager F.' a BbbertsSiTt'eturn^i this ftorning. frbm pantb'n, ^herje ; Jie swas in,attendance T?jlie^% .at ; a-Qdn.-' jferenoeof firm bureau managers r.ela- ti,ve ; tp* corppefatlori among the. fafttt* e'rs.One; subject of interest to -the •assembled » directors 6t the county bureaus waS the potato Iscab, wjlpli lias been iiifegtlng the fields, of Fianfe •lih .^.n.d Cllntbn ' county, Mfv Rdber4 son is pleased'to be-.aDle to fl'ayintha'tr as" fat as; he or the' government'»ex> perts" hive been able to ie'arii t'her.e is no sign; of the disease in this^bun'ty*. Some time ago a.r.eqiiest was: ina'dfe to the fariners, and, jotato grlb^ers ijd Sep6rt any .sign pf the scaiyf fiil't ! ,ifo ! re-' ports \i}.aV6 Been *f6rthcoinifig'. Tfee' .gOTOtSirient expert paid" a nas;ty :viSit; to Jeffersdn county'a few "weeds'* alo^' and- while np'thorougti^insJFectifan lias ;i been made,,it Js the<:6pihi6h of'MS Roberts^ii that the„soil ,o£. this Sec'-: tibn.'-Ms, so far- egcaped Inf^dtibnV : * , Reports of the woirfc are ibeitig•*&•' peived by the iui-eaU ftoni, tiie""farin' boys participating in the Cora'; grh$-: ing ana potato .growing* c"bntest, and a; very ''successful yieia seems to ijiave rewarded the efforts -orUhe IrowefsV Que. bdy- raised ovrir 70 MshelS^f'dtr shell flint corn on ah acre, MonuimtiBiJt,. Mipte^-:^ 0r'a.ri^tihitig tor ^ur'^errie- "., '^ tery^ )l,oi. I>6^est : Varices.;.,:;', for - giiaiiatileed r^^teriM.';., arid .first qualify w^lc \ " ; • - ^ ,. " Reppesent!ed''l^; : y'. \''^JX\ mm. •yip,:- ,...,...... f ... r , ...,,.„ ,..1 /CHronit Gon»tii>»l!pn*^'" ;:•'•:-,;' '-.-"'-.i 5 '•)• " TEhia disorder' .ii 6ii!fM idui-'tQ a.l'tofe'; ; ,V ,5:. pidsWefe..Aft'tliat |s/fte'ed^;i^^:ife#Ki;.; : :| .do^0gvpf-''ppftmberlam's:."liabte^^^^ ,vigo¥ate;t|Mk'3r;''Mr,s. Wmi M iiaifk-jj!:: fHannib^l,''"rf i ''f;, ; ^fites'j,"-''|^ 'tlm-.,6f^^^on^trpatipn;^'^i"p^-'h^a^hg,',aia!.;..^ ,. , ,...:? Sfctfihgtiiejied• ^, idi'ge.stioii.i ^giiiaited!''^-;-'•'!&( iny^.'b'6.^|is".'aiiu^^one'd\*^ '.-generally:" '.For saie'-by 1 ' 'aii^deaietsV: ; .' t ; f; Cr':/'|M^ •r :••-• • " " ' • . ••,,;: ..-"„,,«•'•: „-';':j,(ffijv Crocker Land? which Peary .claims to hate \discovered at the time he annexed the .nttrth pole.-to : his. fgnie^ is now. s a i d b y .e"xj)l6rers ba tlie'Spbt'-i to be only a' rriyttiv Aliefc M<L 'a tewr m o r e Biiejro's.- ••'•''..'; ••;•/: -•'•,.;., <><?,••'*,':. •. ••' , :>:^he. q^e^ft'O^ Englafi^h tv.erisf vnice' l e t t e r . I h a h M i n i '-th'e'^'p'eoijjlli,''; - !; '*,',i. , -'f; f, I'Wlibl^hjpiiiited: to 'th^jSliipvi^ad^fl'M:;^•;', § ':nt'e|gn'ts,. fbr ;^0>_«3^fi't&'^;.;dft<^&^^g84'« :; ,'": ! t ; .^!i , f- ! 'Goifcic'fp|' -Jtatjtl :'^#;'-^lj^^".,]a^0Jtp3&t'V^|.''}": Sij'i; ;p,bmt.'4nd';9I^%up ; ji.afit|l{S/^ •Apfip ' djiffeiy^s" '|f' '''s7om#--:JQne '-"^OT^M^-^iJ^i i s t a r t . a ' illce iMojrenfieiiti"iSj]«^i|&> i ^'6fiu^|Si^r^ : ''^p' Sinking' ;th'i ,ir|i i «V^djf^fcija'Mfe^ jM* '?' ;vs; / ?^''Ji^^^l)^n^uig i m^''^e , ':pra^% >'- ^ h a i n ^ e p i a n ^ ^afabjlllplfi /jffiiSSe&^fi-;^';, <| saysi of "' off . r h y : i r i e i & b ^ . a i i S ' : frfg&cjSIJ!B^^MJDipii, '}?M 'I j ^se 1 d^b^ein^a-b^ 1 '^*~^"""'"^ A '"^'*'"^^"'^'"*^^ iioiijuuuis ciuu jripuuBieyai^BiiJL^p',;^ ":;!•$!'• «' toi' th'it. t,M& •fiKetf a:^'go^d ; ; 'Q^l>fr16m! ;; 'iS:'rSi Jo indig'3Sti^,;3i^ic,£^^a^;.an^ p n'es's: diie^t'6.'• i'^6rp'id;\"Jiv,eifeifeaaj&jbers'•.•'>'x% &• »iain''s' Tabfets!'actel,;ffite:3aagic|;a^^ i ;fcgl. m^:,quiic^;!ire'USi,,- i 4|ii|!?:.lsin| ! ^'aif )^M, '" ;''6r ; '-.tfrre4;:ooffi]B"^-,bi:'.th^m'i^;a^ ' fect 4eal&.'ft-tbr •' Mfe ,by'.ii[l';;d.eaie'rB, £i.{r?W: ;M&X'> : ' : "'"'• " •'" '"''' : ' ;, '" , " -"^"•""•-'• : "'' :! ^ ; ' : "- : '- v '"' :i •v*'- aaEM mmMmmxii : ?-K-' jfar mm 'i^' V

TAKE Off THE iT M Jo afii J^J - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031653/1914-12-03/ed-1/seq-6.pdfIn perfect condition 2oc pksr to 25 lb pail at $2 50 Sktufadiotf

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Page 1: TAKE Off THE iT M Jo afii J^J - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031653/1914-12-03/ed-1/seq-6.pdfIn perfect condition 2oc pksr to 25 lb pail at $2 50 Sktufadiotf


^JQBfa S A N D ^ ' C ^ % ,NEWS


Midnight Rescue by the Ft. Niagara Life Savers

The, steel tug Donald Mac of P a i t

i T fishing'- business Capt. Morgan, 'whlo1

wjtli T-hos' Morgan io.f Po t t Stanley foe boners,., sa,id>he(J>6lieved the t|fg went agiound because the' compass was not piofcerly adjusted before"" the boat left Toronto He was high in his -praise-of-the heoric efioi ts oC the For t Niagara h ie saveis

TQhei ciew consists of the following members Capt^ A D Nelson, Po i t Ontario, N Y , T O Rice, Yourigs

M Jo af i i J^J iritin'

Stanley, Ont went ashoie in Lalce town, jN Y , B S d e m o n s , Marble Ontario about four miles below Tt head Ohio G rA Lmgenfeltei , Evans Niagara Sunday night, Nov 22 Cap M^ils, K V , P r Brewei, Sandy tarn Tred Morgan of Por t Stanley and Cieek, N Y , rre,d Kay, YoungstoVn his ciew of two m e n were lescued by N Y , Mason McCune, Elhsbuig, N Y the F t (Niagara hfes,ayeis last mid n o t pioperly adjusted before the boat night The tug was towed to Po i t r A Crozier, "i oungstown, N Y—Ni Dalhousie this morning Both the agaia Tails Journal, Nov 23 i i rescuers and the iescued suffered con siderably from exposure

Lookout Rice at t h e life saying sta tioii heard the alal ia whistles and saw lights off the fort a t 7 p m and gave the alarm tha t a boat was close in shore —Capt—Nelson-and— t h e - l i f e saving crew searched about the lake until 9 30 - o'clock but could discover nothing as the lights had disappeared Upon le turning to t^e station Capt, Nelson, werit to the lpokout and with his night glasses picked up a faint light four miles down the shore,

I A second a l a i m w a s given and after ' t w o horns1 search through heavy seas the life' savers? got close to t h e s t rand ed tug drifting in the t rough of the sea Capt Morgan, p a r t owner of the boat, said the heavy seas, had un, shipped her rudder leaving^ them help • less "When asked what ass is tance he

• \


One of the State'* Oldest Newspaper ""Men—Hi*~~ Brother Established tKe"

Daily Edition of the Oswego Pal­ladium

\ Edga.r Parker ; seventy seven years

old, for fifty y e a r s editoi ^ofTthe Gene va Advertiser Qa|ze.tte and next,, tq

^He,nry Stowell, of Seneca Falls, the oldest active head of a weekly news papei m the State died at his home in Geneva Friday m the same house where he was born on Octobe 21st, 1837 Mr Parke r m the late fif ties was a fellow apprentice of Clark Morrison m the office of the Geneva n„r»~++„ m l , - i~j..».— i i _ 1 _ i-»_^


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, De­cember 7, 8 and 9, 1914 in City Hall

The "Round Up' ' to be hold a t Oswe go, Oswego county, Dec 7, 8 and 9, in t h e City iral l under t he direction of the Bureau of 3Taim,er s Inst i tutes of the S ta t e . Depar tment of Agilculture pi onuses ' t o be one of the largest agucul tura l meetings ever held in Os wego county Five such meetings, known as Farmer ' s Day will be held in New York Sta te this Wintei, I

At Oswego Monday, Dec 7, will be Fert i l i ty Day the subjects I elating to soil consti tuents, tile drainage, or •gallic mat te r , lime in agncul tui e, com position* and value ot manure commer oral -ferti l izer—cooperation, aiu—The"

p a y big profits when* rounded into shape by the" use of

Animal Reptflaiqr I t never fails to clcj>«e h e system

aidHigcst on anil aSsimiViUon <» tha t all t h e feedJBotsrto blood-arid muscle build intr 25c pkg to 2D lb pail a t S3 00 £ The bens t h a t are given J r '

Pr&i& P o u l t r y R e g u l a t o r can tJielp laying mora CBBS than those •who are not so fed because they are put In perfect condition 2oc pksr to 25 lb pail at $2 50

Sktufadiotf GuranleeJ or Money Back . JnFnltli}guarantee of F attB Kcm^lieb i

Oji H»T0you.rratt8lC0ii ronlti;\ B<- ^


Gazette The lat ter came \o Oswego desired Capt Morgan said h e would a few years l a t e r witih a, s brother, S like to have a t u g from Por t Dalhousie H Parker , who had established a daily come to tow hinvto t h e canal The life edition of t h e Qswego Palladium, and savers then returned to the station and Mr. Earker re turned "to h is home in got i n communication with a, tug cap , GeneVa, where h e died ^on Novembei tain a t the canal b u t h e refused t o ' 25, 1901 come ou t at tha t t i m e as the wind had ' T J l e p Ker f a m i l h d

ice from the first t r ip , and proceeded £ * * * ? l s ^ e e b l y J™ 3 ° n G ^ - o f L t h e

t o t h e d i s a b l e i t u g a g a ' i n Upon reach- ? " s h t S S * " L & f ^ P ™ * * c U

ing the tug the life- savers were re 5 * J ^ S , " & s < **. „ G e n ^ V £ \ w e r 5 quested by the. crew of the tug to ffi™S.?TW,tT " " f I " 4

take them ashore After a half nour 1 s ° i i S H £ e g a v e+

t o hl+


ofi hard va t ic {he life savers, succeed.- %£cJ>fa ™ f 3 » o f *««» . interest e.d-in-getting t h ^ t u g crew ^ t h m r - ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ . 8 ^ ^ life boat They then re turned to. the **» ™ r 5 and 'desp i te theVfact tha t he, station where they ar r ived at 3 30 a m * a d \ e e n *Bm™}i ™ f ° r a * u m b ? r

™ , « . «. . . .. . of years hew continued t o . contribute B 6 * ^ 6 • 8 v F * r B S t a ? d toJhe t u S artfcles regular ly H e h a d t e e n con

with the crew of t h e tug the next fined to his home for abnht two months m ° r ^ V , 7 3 ? a u . ^ l s H °w a , y B ? f o r / a a d t h i s tell was unable, tOfjaat a the<,tUg Meteor from the caiial arrived Vnt„ fnr-, t h P first h i . V , » . ' f l « , . - J

Chicago has a n i r m y ot 200,000 T h e unemployed

u « « u s iaiiieoc irom toe canw a m v e o v o t e f0Pl the first tmfe, in, fifty six J ^ 3^r~T~^0t v - I W e *S e t U g y e a r s K e . w a s » ?tauhch D e n i b c r ^ ^ 1 W ? * m a Q w i $ / u n ^ * *e a n ; a n d - K S W W t j n feSnry, an^ w^s chor and the tug Meteor then towed one of the most highly respected rest ner to tne oanai d e n t g o f - t h g o x f y^ H e ^ a

Jm e m b e r

„The damaged boat is a new steej of the Episcopal church aha isv sur tug , launched two weeks ago, and. viyed b y .fiis widow and tHfee clii^ came from .Torontq ^hB1

I S 75 feet drfen , to whom the sympathy of many long and has- a l j f o o t Beam She was friends ttiroughout the State is ex bound for P o r t Stanley t o / e n t e r t h e tenHed

V in Turittei*'*, Piahd Content

Until December 12, we will give 5000 votes for

each year paid in advance for the Sandy Creek

News. For each year in arrears paid for we votes.;

•B •< • • •

s • • m m u • H • •

1 o f •&<>*•.

' U




23 •**v*n##». WJgSrr;

Extra Heat, Jiist When Ytrn Ndedf It V y l T j i ai Pe^ctidn Smofcele$s Oil Heater in'the ^ v hduse ybu aire' safeguarded when accidents

happen to your heating System.


*, <7

\ y



SMOKELI iiAtms Cold snaps have no terror for,.^.«?u, .Ipr-j: ttie Periei j ibi i supplies just th«? extra, heat heeded t o ' m a k e bedroom, ba throom^or sif in0 (room warm and comfor t ab lS Burns kerosene"—esisy to handle and, inexpensive.

Perfection Heaters are portable, heat quickly and are smokeless and. .^odorless.-A t hardware,, furniture d.eaiefs and 'gene ra l stores everywhere. L o o k {of the f Tr iangle Trade-rMark. * , > s ' -. \ "



A J W n y

. / Buffalo Boston

same d a y t h e i e will be a special poul t ry session a t 10 a m an'd 130 p m Tuesday, Dec 8, witf be Live Stock Day, m a t t e r s pei tamingi to essential points in good dairy cows, intelligent feeding, tuberculosis, swine husban dry, demonstration of essential points in a good horse from living animals There will b e a special Women s Ses sion on Tuesday morning and after noon a t which borne topics will be, taken up "Wednesday, Dec 9, farm topios jand hort icultural subjects will b e discussed

A splendid corps of speakers have been selected including Di J F De vine, Consulting Veterinarian, State Department- of Agricul ture, Professois

jCavanau^h and Rice, Sta te College of Agriculture, Professors' Herrick, P a r rot , S'tewart, Smith and 'VanSlyke of the State Exper iment Sta t ion , ! Mr Akjn, Glens Tails , James A D S Finlay, Glens Tails H B E x p e n d i n g , swine breeder, Dundee Jared Van Wagenen, J r , Lawyersville and Mr Mitchell, representa t ive of the Bu reajU o t Co operation, State Depart mea t of Agriculture Miss Helen Knowlton of t he Domestic Science Department,. Cornell University and Miss Sara B Huff, of New York City will conduet-tlie Special Women s Ses­sion

The most practical and up todate information on, agriculture avai lable qn, eyery subject of interest to farmers ,in _pswegp county will be preSente'd Opportunity to ask questions and ob tain the advice of experts on any farm problem will be afforded

1, / „ PRQGRAM In cli£trgfe of Jarefl Vah Wagenen Ji Coriesfcrbncleiits—Oswego county, B V

Underwood, Oawego F H. Tullar, OsWe-go„ Mrs Anna B We"ed Oi'well Jeffer­son county r E Robertson Water-town Oneida, county G W Bvish Utica Onondaga county r A Van Ness, Bald winsville

_ Monday—Fertility Day J 9 30 a m —Eev W H English prayer

Mai oi Thomas P Hennessey Words of Welcome Mr Van Wagenen, Response and Outline of Work

10 i in—Prof Cavanaugh Soil Con­stituents

10 45 a. in —Discussion 11/a m —Mr Van Wagenen, Tile Drain

age 11 4r> a m — p i s c u s s i o n 1 30 p m —Hound Tabje 2 l) m—Prof CSvanaugh Oiganic

Mattel «. 2 40 p m —Discussion 2 oO p m —Dr Vin Slylce, The Place of

Lime m Agriculture 3 30 p m —Discussion i 40 p m —Mi V an "Wfagenen Compo

sition and Value of Manuie 4 20 p m—Discussion 1:30 p m -Dr Van Slvke The Place of

Commercial Fertilizers in Agilculture 1 3"Q p m —Mi Mitchell—Agricultural

Co operation (illustrated) Mr Van Wagenen The Good Farmei

Monday—-Special Poultry Sessions 10 A M

Plot Rice Opening Remarks Prof Rice, The Best T>pe to Bleed

i-Fr.o;m>>.. j • Discussion. Mr. Rice, Rearing Chicks. Discussion.

. •:'•'•: :\ ••• . 1.30 P . M. Question Box. %m lEticej Poultry Houses and BauipT

meht. - , ' Eisflussjon. Piof, Rice, The Proper Handjing of a,

\Pi)ultry .Plock; .*••-, . ; Discussion". • • j - '

• j Tuesday—Live Stock. Day. 9 a, ni'.^Mr.'Van', -Wagenen, Demon-

stdtibn of the .Essential Points In a .Good Dairy Cow, .fr,dm„ Living Animals. .

10 ai m.«MfinwSmith\ tntelUgent Feed­i n g of Dairy- OattlSi ;'- ",

10.30 a. ni.-^Disousgion. . • lp;40' a. mv—Dr. DeVlhe, Tuberculosis,

ADofetion and- Milkr' Fever. -' 11;20" '&. rtu—^Discussion. • .'UWO'a: m-rriMFi Harperiding, Profitable Swine -Husbandry.1 ' , " ". 1"'$, iri'.-r-Dr.. De Vine', Demonstration 0f Essential Points- Ih a Good Horse,' from Living Animals'.

Ii30 p . m.i—Round.Table.' 2 p,' m^—Tirf De Vino, CbliOj Founder-,

SpaViti and Ringbone. ' 2.:40 p . lrii?-eDiscussion. 2.80 R; m.-^ME^ Akin, Horses . for the

New'York' State. Farmer. ' 3:20 p . m.-^-Disou'SBlon..

3.30 p . m.-^Mr>,Smith, Clean Milk. 4.15 p ; ' m.^DC^'cMsfon, . , -. :• 7,30 p . m.—Mr; Akbi, The Horse Ih-.

dustfy In 'Eufope (iHustrated).' •'" Miss 'Hum rrijfslc. . '

TuSsday^—Special Women's Sessions ' •". ,, " '10 A; M, ',

MiSs" Enowltorr, Opening Remarks. Miiss Ehowlton, Hotlsehbid Manage­

ment;' •. ' " • ' ' ' ia aifusSion. ' j -

Miss HUff, the Itifluence of Music and Sorig on. Rural Life;

Discussion. . *' 1.30 P. M.

Music. . . Miss Knowlton, Importance of Sanita­

tion. Discussion.. . . . . - " "*• • M:is§ Hiiffi Songs that-Live. Dlscus'sioh.

Wednesday^—Farm Crop" arid.Horticultural • '• •' -- b a y . ? •

9.30 'a, m.—Mr. Findlay, Alfalfa; The. Cheapest Source of Home Grown Pro-

'teiri . . . • • ' " . 1 10.15 a. m.—Discussion.-10:30. a.- ra.—Mr.' Van. 'Wagene'n,-. C0rn;

The Cheapest Source of- Carbohydrates. -, ll.lfr^a. m.—DiscussiQri;. ' ' . .

11.20" a. m,-^Mh Flridlay,."Forage> Crops. , 11.50- a. m,^-DiscussIbn. '-130 p. m.-^Ronrl'di' Table. '

2 p» m.-r-Prof,\ Hedriclt, Small Fruits. 2.30 pi.'m.—IM'sC'ussi'oti, 2.40 p . m.^-Ertot • PaVrott, Partn and

i'Orchard Insects^'. ,3.20 p. m.—Discussion-. -3.3.0' p. m-.'- -Pr.cifi Hedrlck,, Horticultural

Questions Answered. {Printed 'question slip's will be. furnished). , . - . • . • 4.15 p. rh.—Prof. Stewart, Plant arid

Fruit Diseases. r ." 6 - pV iti.^-Mr. Van Wageheh,' Closing'

'Words... . Speakers-r-E. s. Akin, Glens.Falls, Far­mers' institutes lectiir*er. Qe.ofge',W;. Cav-analigh,- Ithaca, Professor of Chemistry,-•NeW "Kbi'k Std.te, Obilege 'of Agriculture, Dr. J. F. Dtf,Vine, Goshen,, Cbffsultiflg V-eterinariari,'/. New Ybrlt-'State Depart­ment' of Agf ifciilture. Jas. A. D. S. Fi'lid-la#, Salisbury Mills,. F^rmeTs' Institute lecturet. H. Bi , Harpendihg; Dundee,, •Farmers' .Iristitu't'b TectuMf.. V.' p . Hed-rick, Geneva,- "HOrtibul.turist, New York Agricultural Experiment Station. Miss'

^he^T^opWs renof3rT?nion, New York .City,,. Miss Helen KnoWltoh, Ithaoa, • Do­mestic <S6lerice DSpartttierlt,. Cornell Uni.-" Verslty. iC.'^C, MitcRelli' 'Albany,. Bur'eaii

lol'Co-op.er'atiojiil-.New'Yor.k State -Depart-"trient ot Agriculture. P; J". Parrots Gehe'-va, Entomologist, New York Agricultural Expetirrfent Station James E Rice, Ilh i-/ca, Professor of Poultr> Husbandly, New Yoiit State College Of Agnciiltuie Irv­ing r Rice, Cortland, Farmeis' Institute

I \

lecturer F C Stewart Geneva, botanist. New York Agricultural Experiment Sta­tion Geo A Smith. Geneva Dair> Ex­pert Agricultural Experiment Statidn New York L L Van Slvke, Geneva, chemist i N e m York Agncultural Experi­ment Station Jared Van, "Wagenen, Jr Lawyersville Tanners Institute conduc-f tor arid lecturer

The requirements of a good farmer are a tueas t four s

The ability to make a full and cqmfortable living fiom the land, to lear a family carefully and \vell to be of gpod seivlce to the community to leave the faim more productive than It was When he took it

^ — L H Bailej Orchard Facts

Fertilizers for,Fruit—Truit growers niiy assume that tiees do not need fertilizeis if they are making a fair amount of growth. If the trees look dingy and un

'} suffered, years from-dyspepsia and liver complaint, i spent ?475 00 without, lelief I 'was c\ired by" three bottles of Dr Bawld Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. W,e Jhave always kept i t in our house since^-it's our doctor, always on hand." Mr James Cook CatskUl, N Y ,

,Dr Kennedy s Favorite Remedy Is §uqh a great family medicine because i t hits the cause of most common, ailments —disordered digestive organs (stomach,

happy ascertain first if. they are infectea (liver and bowels) It. restores right by disease or infested by in&ects secohd make sure that the orchard is well drained third ^1f trie trees ore in SQd, try thorough tillage and cover crops fomtb. use fertilizers after having qb-tamea as1 much evidence as possible as to what fertilizer the trees most need A hit and miss* application of fertilizers is gambling pure an4 simple, i,

poyer Crops—A combination' cover-crop is best Vetch is taking the place of clover—16 or 20 pounds of vetch and a bushel ot oata oi bailey per acre is a good combination A cover crop which turns "back, less than a ton of two of vegetable matter per acre is hardly worth the seed-planted

Pruning—As a rule piune voung tre.f)s only enotigh to shape the head The peach-is, the xnly fruit,that needs toTSe headed' b a # a s / a regular "'practice.'-Prune bid •frees -a little/..'e^er^^yeariiVCherriesaare:-Tjsjdgjly injured .by pruning;*' Severe prun.--ing i s warrarite'd only, 'In. /sick or decrepit .trees. . . •' '• '-. \: '-, ••£>. -\\ •• ;-•.', •'•:.. ' - New Varieties^Speeutation is the-ghjei|-

•cliarm. of^iiew varieties, and ther,e< ar.e,,a' few new sorts haying mpr'e thali specula­tive value. . Most varieties of fruit are not adapted; to a wide range, of condi- • tions'. ,For, commercial' plantations,'plant' j only-.standard softs. ' '• • v- - .--hi

blowing. Orchards'—F,aU plowing ia'mqre-and more practiced 'witli orcria'rd fruits,

• 954i-?nj a\&x Soils may well be reebmrriefid* ed-not only because of tlie greater" con-: yenience.'df. doing.theiwot'k in -the 'fall,.

• but h'ecatfse^t la.beneUcfal to "the- soil. W'^i"?."* &%ls£ ;eWly Sp>ing plowing i's~ p r b b a b l y Bgt t e f ; • •• '• /-- . ' ; .- -.• • •:. , - :

,d6se Planting'—It is pateTTt"tb""tKe ejte of e.v.<8r,y. p.asservby that- fruit growers arej.QYer, crowding fruit plantations. The greater1 ;productio.n of. Single plants- aSa' outside rows teach the value bf'plantlngr: thihlyr; - . * "* . - , ' - . ..- . . . j-ftqefis fo;r.'Ch'eriies-^TH6.;superi'ori'ty , k .

M t o a r d over •MaTialeB';&s':&.-. stoeK ;f6r-chernes is- everywhere; demonstrat'ed. Tlie.' '}S>y|P..-ia^a*fei'thft'ti'jB,;'inalces it .short, W$Pi,f$l°r ''™? - :P"fo'ductiy'e:' ..Cher'rres.ibn: Mahal.eb ate.easier,' grBwn-than.,bn Maz'--

:zafd!...ajsfl fr^iitj-grqwefS'-shtfuld expect to-pay- jnqre' tor..varieties, qh'Mazzara sBck."

'Sbd/'^nd . fillage^-A'ppIe -'-trees'. in isSd" prqdube-better colbrea atfplg'?' ttati Slibse

:'tilled:vJqa.-,reducfiS,jthe quantity of-fiUkV "^QweyeCi ,,4.t;,tne Nej«-iY6rk, Agricuteiiral ESpSriin'ent Statlbn'fbr !e^ei<r dollar 'tak» en froni\a: sbdde'd 'ofchai'd, ?li89 \vas taken from, a tilled orchard' of 'the same' size. ''. . , • ; >.

.Spda-and .Oyster Crackers! '',|)er i^ound., '.•,.:,.'.'.;',-,., $ ilo'p^Ke.adt JSpm6ii, a eari;

•5 ptiundsvRiceV.. , . , , „ ; >.'.'[_ '• Cook's ti.est Flour, per 'b>r-'; ,:jr'ej'."-_..'.;.. • > .>. vvi,.».:.-,:- i"v; -;6;25^ Nice 'Litfe Caiidies'..-.."».v: .'-,;-.;iOli:-'


action of the stomach, lryer and bowels, lemoves Impure conditions, help»-to cleanse, heals and strengthen the^ kidneys, and bladder Has wonderful record or success Write Dr David. Kennedy Co , Rpndout, N Y, for free trial Large botttes a t druggists adv





No Evidences of Diseatfe Found in Jef­ferson County .' '

Manager F.' a Bbber t sS iTt ' e turn^ i this ftorning. frbm pantb'n, ^herje ;Jie

swas in ,a t tendance T?jlie^% .at ;a-Qdn.-' jferenoeof f i rm bureau managers r.ela-ti,ve; tp* corppefatlori among the. fafttt* e ' r s . O n e ; subject of interest t o -the •assembled » directors 6t the county bureaus waS the potato Iscab, wjlpli lias been iiifegtlng the fields, of Fianfe •lih . .n.d Cllntbn ' county, Mfv R d b e r 4 son is pleased ' to be-.aDle to fl'ayintha'tr as" f a t as; he or t h e ' government'»ex> perts" h i v e been able to ie'arii t'her.e is no sign; of the disease in this^bun'ty*. Some time ago a.r.eqiiest was: ina'dfe to t h e fariners, and, j o t a t o grlb^ers ijd Sep6rt any .sign pf the scaiyf fiil't!,ifo!re-' ports \i}.aV6 Been *f6rthcoinifig'. Tfee' .gOTOtSirient expert paid" a nas;ty :viSit; to Jeffersdn county 'a few "weeds'* alo^' and- while np'thorougti^insJFectifan lias;i

been made , , i t Js the<:6pihi6h o f ' M S Roberts^ii tha t the„so i l ,o£. this Sec'-: tibn.'-Ms, so far- egcaped Inf^dtibnV : * , Reports of the woirfc are ibeitig•*&•'

peived by the iui-eaU ftoni, tiie""farin' boys participating in the Cora'; grh$-: ing ana potato .growing* c"bntest, and a; very ''successful yieia seems to ijiave rewarded the efforts -orUhe IrowefsV Que. bdy- ra ised ovrir 70 M s h e l S ^ f ' d t r shell flint corn on ah acre,

MonuimtiBiJt,. M i p t e ^ - : ^

0r'a.ri^tihitig tor ^ur'^errie-"., '^ tery^ )l,oi. I>6^est:Varices.;.,:;', for - giiaiiatileed r^^teriM.';., arid .first qualify w^lc \ " ; • - ^

,. " Reppesent!ed''l^;:y'. \''^JX\

mm. •yip, :-

,...,......f...r, . . . , , . „ , . . 1 /CHronit Gon»tii>»l!pn* '" ;:•'•:-,;' '-.-"'-.i5 '''•)•

" TEhia disorder' .ii 6ii!fM idui-'tQ a.l'tofe';;,V ,5:. pidsWefe..Aft'tliat | s / f te 'ed^; i^^: i fe#Ki; . ; : : | .do^0gvpf-''ppftmberlam's:."liabte^^^^ ,vigo¥ate;t |Mk'3r; ' 'Mr,s. Wmi M iiaifk-jj!:: fHannib^l,''"rfi''f;,;^fites'j,"-''|^ 'tlm-.,6f^^^on^trpatipn;^'^i"p^-'h^a^hg,',aia!.;..^

, . , , . . . : ? Sfctfihgtiiejied• ^ , idi'ge.stioii.i ^giiiaited!''^-;-'•'!&( iny^.'b'6.^|is".'aiiu^^one'd\*^

'.-generally:" '.For saie'-by1' 'aii^deaietsV: ;.'t;f;Cr':/'|M^

• r : • • - • • " " ' • . • • , , ; : . . - " „ , , « • ' • : „-'; ':j,(ffijv

Crocker Land? which Peary .claims to h a t e \discovered a t the t ime h e annexed the .nttrth pole.-to : his. fgnie^ is now. s a i d b y .e"xj)l6rers ba tlie'Spbt'-i to b e only a' rriyttiv Aliefc M<L ' a tewr more Biiejro's.- ••'•''..'; • ••;•/: -•'•,.;., <><?,••'*,':. •. ••'

, :>:^he. q^e^ft'O^ Englaf i^h tv.erisf vnice' le t ter .IhahMini '-th'e' 'p'eoijjlli,''; -!;'*,',i.,-'f; f, I'Wlibl^hjpiiiited: t o ' th^jSli ipvi^ad^fl 'M:;^•; ' , § ':nt'e|gn'ts,. fbr ; 0>_«3 fi't&' ;.;dft<^&^^g84'«:;,'":!t;. !i,f-!

'Goifcic'fp|' -Jtatjtl :' #;'-^lj^^".,]a^0Jtp3&t'V^|.''}": Sij'i; ;p,bmt.'4nd';9I^%up ;ji.afit|l{S/^ •Apfip ' djiffeiy^s" '|f' '''s7om#--:JQne '-"^OT^M^-^iJ^i i s t a r t . a ' illce iMojrenfieiiti"iSj]« i|&> i^'6fiu^|Si^r^:''^p'

Sinking' ;th'i ,ir|ii«V^djf^fcija'Mfe^ jM* '?'

;vs; / ? ^ ' ' J i ^ ^ ^ l ) ^ n ^ u i g i m ^ ' ' ^ e , ' : p r a ^ % >'-^ h a i n ^ e p i a n ^ ^afabjlllplfi /jffiiSSe&^fi-;^';, <|

saysi of "' off .rhy:ir iei&b^.aiiS' :f rfg&cjS IJ!B^^MJDipii, '}?M 'Ij^se1d^b^ein^a-b^1'^*~^"""'"^A'"^'*'"^^"'^'"*^^

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