TACENDA AND OMERTA IN METALS LONGS CAMP! Presented October 2019 By Charles Savoie www.silverstealers.net www.nosilvernationalization.org https://www.facebook.com/charles.savoie.96387 https://www.silvermarketnewsonline.com/archives.htm Tacenda means things which are passed over in silence and mention of them is withheld based on planned avoidance. Omerta is the principle famed by Mafia practice meaning “code of silence.” These practices of tacenda and omerta are rampant in the PM long community. Your well known

TACENDA AND OMERTA IN METALS LONGS CAMP!...90% silver coins out of circulation in the nation’s largest banking district! Several years ago the Silver Users Association changed its

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Presented October 2019

By Charles Savoie

www.silverstealers.net www.nosilvernationalization.org

https://www.facebook.com/charles.savoie.96387 https://www.silvermarketnewsonline.com/archives.htm

Tacenda means things which are passed over in silence and mention of them is withheld based on planned avoidance. Omerta is the principle famed by Mafia practice meaning “code of silence.” These practices of tacenda and omerta are rampant in the PM long community. Your well known

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personalities prefer to not have anyone mention the aspect of “by invitation only” membership groups, and how such groups allow for highly coordinated linkage for banks and government entities suppressing precious metals. Marriage linkage is also involved as dynasties concentrate wealth. Again I say the world of high finance is in no way a “Rothschild only” sphere! My specialty since 2004 http://nosilvernationalization.org/40.pdf (“Meet the World Money Power”) has been developing information on the role of the London/New York based “Pilgrims Society” in suppression of precious metals prices. The more potent the price suppression, the more confidence in Federal Reserve dollars. Of the various globalist groups suppressing precious metals, the most visible is the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR membership roster is easily accessible online. Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase Bank is listed. Hardly anyone in the metals longs camp even mentions the CFR, far less The Pilgrims Society which created the CFR and so many other groups. Gold Anti-Trust “Action” Committee? They mention megabanks and government entities suppressing metals. But they have no interest whatsoever as to the decision makers in these entities suppressing metals being members of these elite groups! Some of these people reside in Connecticut! The central bank gold swap network was developed by Pilgrims Society member Alfred Hayes (detailed in the March 2007 presentation “Paper Money Mobster Speaks”) http://nosilvernationalization.org/69.pdf After leaving the

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New York Federal Reserve Bank, Hayes chaired Morgan Stanley International---another known silver suppressor. During his years at the NYFED Hayes presided over winnowing 90% silver coins out of circulation in the nation’s largest banking district!

Several years ago the Silver Users Association changed its name to Precious Metals Association of North America, which is a name less suggestive of an organization lobbying to hold silver prices down. The Silver Users Association did get some mention in the metals long community. The Pilgrims Society is the financier organization hovering silently over the Federal Reserve that has been feeding cheap silver to their industrial user subordinates for decades. It gets no mention in the PM sphere outside of my work, which no one has challenged the accuracy of. The Society has long desired low PM prices inasmuch as rising PM prices are an embarrassment to FED currency. Maintenance of fake money is much more the reason for PM suppression than greedy chemical and jewelry execs coveting cheap raw material.

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On September 20, 2019, the well known Money Metals Exchange interviewed Steve Forbes on the subject of gold--- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFsr-AaWQSo Around 11:55 Forbes gets asked if the USA losing gold to other countries is a national security issue, and what did Forbes say? “It doesn’t really matter who holds the gold,” what a red flag statement about Steve Forbes and yet the interviewer didn’t hold Forbes to account for such absurd statement! What about nukes and high tech military equipment? Does it really matter who holds those? Other natural resources like rare earth elements? Does it really matter who has what? Next Forbes mentioned linking the dollar to gold; well, how do you do that if most gold is elsewhere because “it doesn’t really matter who holds the gold?” Mike? Why wouldn’t you challenge Forbes on that? France sure wanted dollar conversion into hard gold and since Treasury was being aggressively drained, Nixon halted redemption. Nixon’s son in law, Edward Finch Cox, is a member with Delafield family ancestry (Bank of America, “ex” Silver Users Association member!) STEVE FORBES IDEA OF GOLD IS IN SOME CASES A WORD NOT A METAL! He said--- “The threat is an unstable currency, not who owns particular pieces of gold” (12:36) Again Mike Gleason of Money Metals Exchange failed to hold Forbes to account as to the simple question--- “How could we have a stable currency if it doesn’t matter who owns particular pieces of gold?” Friends, this is an OUTRAGE! Do you think the Venezuelans care about where their nation’s ”particular pieces of gold” are? They’ve

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tried to get it restored to them from Steve Forbes Pilgrims Society pals in England running the BOE, and the BOE with the British Foreign Office (more Pilgrims) says “NO!” Pilgrims Society members controlling USA foreign policy also want the Venezuelan gold to stay put in London---or be re-hypothecated out in a bizarre toxic derivative daisy chain for price suppression! Naturally the interviewer didn’t ask Forbes about his Pilgrims Society membership which he inherited from his daddy Malcolm (kid brother Christopher is also a member). Maybe Gleason knew about it, maybe not. Be certain that before their discussion it was rigidly laid out as to what would be tacenda and omerta! I’ve had details and documentation on Forbes since January 2014 at www.silverstealers.net linked to the master file of over 230 research documents at http://nosilvernationalization.org/128.5.pdf

At 16:06 Forbes chanted--- “Gold is an insurance policy and you should have it,” how does that square with his earlier

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remark that it doesn’t matter “who owns particular pieces of gold?” That gold ownership was in the context of nations owning gold! Gleason could have asked Forbes about auditing the Federal Reserve; he did not ask! Gleason could have asked Forbes about abolishing the Federal Reserve; he did not! At 22:25 Gleason remarked, “Mr. Forbes I can’t thank you enough for your fantastic insights” and I ask, what fantastic insights? That it doesn’t matter “who owns particular pieces of gold?” Is anyone else worn out of the slavish brown-nosing going on in the PM long community, towards corrupt people like Steve Forbes? Evidently being right matters less than having status as a big shot and high profile figure! Moral cowardice! Mike? Write a point by point rebuttal! On June 2, 2011, Steve Forbes hinted that gold should eventually get a permanent fixed price cap of $1,500 https://www.thestreet.com/story/11141176/1/steve-forbes-pushes-modern-gold-standard.html Forbes is pushing a PHONEY gold standard not a de facto gold standard! It’s telling how a figure in the metals longs camp wouldn’t challenge Forbes on his reeking garbage statements, just due to this principle warned about in Holy Writ called “respect of persons.” Excerpt from the 2011 item---verbatim remarks of second generation PILGRIMS SOCIETY MEMBER (British Empire loyalist) Steve Forbes---

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Keep gold in a narrow range says Pilgrims Society Steve; to do that, you exert price management! In the article Forbes cited Jon Nadler (remember him) as a monetary wise man, which is similar to saying King Henry VIII was a loyal Catholic! As of Forbes Magazine, May 2013, Forbes felt miners gold production shouldn’t receive more than $1,300 per ounce. Being a Fascist, statist type, FORBES NATURALLY IS A PRICE CAPPING PARASITE! When Forbes said “we” don’t need to own one ounce of gold, he meant the small folks and most of the new rich. Pilgrims Society Steve, how much gold do YOU have in the basement vaults of that $65 million New Jersey mansion? Ya got really low property tax bill per annum like your fellow Pilgrims Society member Henry Richmond Slack? On January 3, 2013, Forbes had a flunky do a hit job on silver, ridiculing bimetallism---https://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanlewis/2013/01/03/the-1870-1914-gold-standard-the-most-perfect-one-ever-created/#6d4c0b94a6a9 Steve Forbes momma was of the Laidlaw family, another Pilgrims Society represented finance bloc long working against silver and this one traces back to 1842---

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If you want to get a truckload of details on Pilgrims Society member Steve Forbes, read “Steve Forbes Bogus Gold Standard Concept” http://nosilvernationalization.org/128.5.pdf including his marriage to Sabina Beekman, of a very old-line Dutch colonial family with an enormous land grant fortune of undefined dimensions tracing back to the 1600s! Pilgrims Society Steve is also a warmonger, having been involved with the Project for a New American Century and the Committee on the Present

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Danger. His daddy had info on page 1120 of the 1980-1981 “Who’s Who in America”---notice another EPISCOPALIAN and involved with the warmonger apparatus---

Mike Gleason of Money Metals Exchange, practicising tacenda and omerta, intentionally failed to challenge Pilgrims Society

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Billionaire Steve when shady Pilgrims Society Steve stated outrageous GLARING BUNKUM several times---

The Pilgrims NYC 2014 leaked roster shows the Forbes brothers. Foley is descended from a Pennsylvania Governor who was a member of Skull & Bones Society of Yale and several old-line moneyed families you never heard of (Eno family of NYC for ex). Foley (manufacturing, venture capitalist and aviation fortunes; Citigroup) was Ambassador to Ireland (2006-2009) and married an exec employed by billionaire Rupert Murdoch (Pilgrims Society). Foley runs the little known NTC Group, lives in a $10 million house, owns a $5 million yacht and two fighter jets bought from the United Kingdom government---

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Money Metals Exchange has had other well known guests including a stellar figure who has been wrong about silver prices continuously since September 2012 (85 consecutive nonstop months running as this is written) when he famously opined “silver will never trade under $30 again” and more recently crowed “silver will be $100 an ounce in 2018. Or 2019.” Another crashed prediction made for exclusive purposes of reeling in subscribers. “Silver will advance, unless it declines,” come on, really! When is a failed prediction not a failed prediction? Answer---when it’s made by a pedigreed member of the Personality Popularity Profile Parade! Sell as many newsletters as you can but please don’t insist the interviews are not paid sessions when all guests are selling something! If silver fails to reach $100 by year end, will any of his enormous regiment of interviewers hold him to account? Why should they ask any embarrassing question of someone who pays them money to get obvious sales promotions?

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On June 6, 2019, Chris Vermuelen presented “Could Gold Rally Above $3750 Before December 2019?” https://www.thetechnicaltraders.com/could-gold-rally-above-3750-before-december-2019/ I hope presentations like this one haven’t caused investors to become reckless and take on debt and leverage by placing undue confidence in someone’s ability as a predictive seer. As of September 25, 2019 he moderated his “call” to $1795 by year end (a reduced prediction of more than 50%), which at this time seems more likely https://www.thetechnicaltraders.com/democrats-launch-formal-impeachment-what-should-traders-expect/ Is anyone else tired of “all over the map” predictions made for objective of selling subscriptions? Chris V.? I read you but gee! Anyone else tired of seeing the word “correction” as to prices? PM is a heavily managed market. Downdrafts in price are not “corrections,” they are “whipsaws.” I’m not into price and timing predictions as so many are but just one comment here. Lately I notice known PM longs calling for gold, silver and the shares to take fairly big hits soon. The price managers will knock PM back any time they are able to. But as far as the shares tanking if the general market tanks, why should they? Since they’re only one half of one percent of the overall equities sphere, and since people are looking for safe haven and more will come in with buying, I think it as likely or more likely these shares will rise rather than fall. This is opinion not prediction and I never wear any

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pitiful “guru” label. The entire market could fall by 60% and PM shares see more buying than selling due to losses realized elsewhere and people redeploying into metals. Lots of investors don’t need liquidity by selling PM shares! These bearish calls by PM longs may have the effect of shaking people out near the bottom! With The Great Bob Q at a regional shareholders meeting some years ago, posing with some of my pets---

Several commentators at various sites have warned that due to the COT report, gold and silver are soon to take body blows. However; the COT report instead may signify an attempt to hold gold at or just below $1500 because this is all

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the energy the conspirators can now bring to bear, what with the mid October Fed announcement on the bond market and the crazy repo situation. Other pressures figure in, as in Turkey, Syria and Russia in the Middle East. Nonstop buying of hard bullion makes shorting chancier as to its impact. One day, metals longs will predict a big pullback based on COT reading and these longs will be wrong as shorts are unable to “make it stick.” We could be there now or very soon. Rising debt levels are another influence arguing against a big PM collapse. Pre Cole Slaw Random Ski ignored the bond market, repos, Syria, falling ore grades and more once again calling for metals to go to sub-manure prices https://www.sunshineprofits.com/gold-silver/free-alerts/the-many-aligning-signals-in-gold/ Sunshine Profits? Really? As of AM on October 16, 2019, the shorts are getting some price action they want. So I repeat what I said above, “the price managers will knock PM back any time they are able to.” Some commentators however evidence too much relish in predicting price declines; that is annoying. The outcome of these long years of tampering will be very violent price appreciation, to most everyone, later rather than sooner. I have attended several funerals of hopeful longs! Christopher Forbes (below) appeared on The Pilgrims NYC executive committee as of 2014 leaked roster out of a source in The City of London. He graduated from St. Mark’s Episcopal School in Massachusetts. The Episcopal Church in America is the Royal family’s church! This shows him with his wife

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Baroness Astrid von Heyl. Astrid is the niece of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who with Pilgrims Society member David Rockefeller, organized the Bilderberg conferences in 1954. None of these details have any faint meaning to Money Metals Exchange, GATA, Silver Doctors, Dave Janda, Greg Hunter USA Watchdog, SilverSeek, 24 Hour Gold et cetera! Remember that David Morgan hosted my essays for most of twenty years; and that he is “in” with these characters. They all knew my extensive research was there and totally blacked it out! The Forbes clan have megamillion mansions in Bedminster, New Jersey, site of Trump’s National Golf Club and also near to Episcopalian Henry Richmond Slack of The Pilgrims executive committee representing the enormous Oppenheimer mining fortune (the Oppenheimers converted to Church of England so as to be better Crown loyalists!)

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Silver and gold antagonists at the top in The Pilgrims Society! Nixon’s son in law Cox; FDR’s daughter in law! Zirin and Pillsbury Rockefeller family reps! Goelet family of Chemical Bank, so named for the chemical industry and silver usage! Benkard of Davis, Polk & Wardwell law firm, reps for megabanks! Meehan of Dimension Capital reps for several dynasties very likely shareholders in the megabanks, who hold shares in the FED---now I ask, why are your gold/silver community leaders disregarding this research and treating it as tacenda and omerta?

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Pilgrims Society members since its inception in 1902 London and 1903 New York have led the charge against monetary metals. Mike Gleason had a wide open chance to open that biggest of all can of worms and instead opted for more tacenda and omerta. You’ll never find GATA mentioning The Pilgrims Society, despite that members delivered tremendous blows against both monetary metals over the years. By the way, John Exter of Exter’s Pyramid was a Pilgrims member; and his name was EXTER, not “EXETER.” Two E’s not three. It might matter sometime to be correct, as when using a decimal point. I can’t believe I’m the only voice perceiving the role of “by invitation only” societies in managing precious metals! “Birds of a feather flock together” is ever true! https://neworleansconference.com/noic-promo/powellgata/ This link mentions Steve Forbes and Henry Kissinger at the annual New Orleans Investment Conference. Kissinger has been a member of The Pilgrims Society since 1973. No one at this conference is willing to confront such characters about this organization and how it ties us to Royal family influence. Peter Schiff will be on hand in November and he has or until recently had a Pilgrims member in his organization. No one wants to have this brought up! See “Peter Schiff’s PILL-

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GRAM” (August 2017) http://nosilvernationalization.org/194-817.pdf

According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Browne_(Conservative_p

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olitician) which doesn’t mention his Pilgrims Society membership, he’s “senior market strategist” in Schiff’s organization. A recent look at Schiff’s site makes no mention of this; reports are Browne is residing in West Palm Beach Florida. Browne has fascinating French medieval ancestry. He has had “numerous business interests” including with British Petroleum, Morgan Stanley and Barclays Bank (former member of Parliament) ---

A click to the above link shows Browne’s content is no longer there. Any chance the release of my expose on Browne, even with SEVERELY LIMITED COVERAGE (“tacenda” and “omerta” again) prompted Schiff to ask Browne to pack up? Maybe, because when I released the August 2017 report on this

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situation, Browne was very much in Schiff’s organization. Several hundred million in gold to influence---why not? Browne was a member of the Grenadier Guards, whose patron is the British Monarch (sponsor of The Pilgrims Society!)

Above you see Steve Forbes kid brother on The Pilgrims executive committee. Sloane’s father was Attorney General and a member. Schiff, a third generation member, descends from silver antagonist Jacob Schiff and more importantly, from George F. Baker, another silver antagonist who was several times wealthier than Jacob Schiff. Baker and Schiff were charter Pilgrims members and Baker, head of what is now Citigroup, was on over 50 railroad boards and is the likely source of a comment about how the (as of that time) new 1878 issue silver dollars should be “thrown into the sea.” David Schiff converted to Episcopal Church due to the Royals sponsor The Pilgrims! Phipps (Bessemer Trust eleven figures) represents the Carnegie Steel fortune. Info on McPherson is scarce; he has a residence at Hobe Sound Florida (Jupiter Island) where other members have residences. Kean is a Roosevelt relative and chaired the 911 Commission. Drexel was profiled in “The Drexel Dynasty” released in April 2019

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(271 pages) and his ancestor was mentor to the original J.P. Morgan http://nosilvernationalization.org/225-419.pdf Curley was Ambassador to Ireland and also to France and was a director of Bank of Ireland and Paribas Bank (France---very large) and of Fiduciary Trust International, Fairchild Camera & Instrument, New York Life Insurance; advisor to Sotheby’s auction house, venture capitalist and related to the astronomically wealthy Mellon dynasty (Pilgrims Society numerous representatives). I have found no evidence that Andrew Mellon ever conflicted with the Rothschilds. If he had, I’d have taken his bets ten times out of nine. Mellon held off the Rockefellers in oil with Gulf Oil and JP Morgan in steel with Union Sharon Steel; he was the premier finance genius of the entire 20th century! John R. Drexel IV, chasing the world’s seafloor mineral wealth through Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, wearing the medieval robes and emblem of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, headed by The Duke of Gloucester (Prince Richard) and another shady satellite organization of the apex Pilgrims Society---

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Steve Forbes membership in this Pilgrims secret society and the fact of so many top metals antagonists being in its leadership since its founding is extremely relevant, but not at all to Mike Gleason and another Mike, Mike Maloney. Will someone please ask GATA why The Pilgrims Society is tacenda and omerta? USA Watchdog, SGT Report, Palisade Radio, dozens more---nothing of interest to see here, period! It’s like people mentioning Catholic Cardinals and Bishops and never mentioning the Vatican. The CIA does not run America neither does the Fed; The Pilgrims organization runs America, period. Mike? Are you willing to ask Steve Forbes to tell the audience about The Pilgrims organization? No, you won’t; no guts! You have to genuflect to Forbes and maintain his secrecy. Greg

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Hunter also won’t touch this. Like all successful demagogues, Forbes does say some OK things to slip past with his BUNKUM statements!

I addressed this matter of refusal to consider membership groups as the source of PM attacks in November 2013 “Everything Happens Due To Bungling Nothing Is Planned” http://nosilvernationalization.org/121.pdf and in December 2013 “State of Denial Rampant Among PM Leaders” http://nosilvernationalization.org/122.pdf PM suppressors #1 organization is The Pilgrims Society. Reams of proof are online at http://silverstealers.net/tss.html and also at www.nosilvernationalization.org

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JP Morgan traders indicted for price tampering are mere flunky fall guys for men much higher up and higher than Dimon. I am thinking about this antichrist Stalinistic political demagogue Elizabeth Warren and the severe threat she likely represents to private ownership of precious metals. This is because of her “initiation” into globalism by a Pilgrims Society law firm in Manhattan and the fact that no Massachusetts politician climbs high absent the approval of the massive State Street Corporation of Boston, a Pilgrims Society interest representing over $31 trillion. There is another branch of the Forbes family USA, older than that of Steve Forbes, and the older branch centers around Boston and has an opium/silver trade history and have been board members of the enormous State Street Corporation and Pilgrims Society members. Biden and Sanders are likely to drop out due to age and health, leaving Warren in the lead. She sure has her awful linkages. If Warren chooses Kamala Harris as running mate, get the slavery chains ready for everyone. No gold, no silver, no guns, no America and bring on the Mark of the Beast! When asked “where are you storing your gold and silver” the best answer could be “somewhere between the ocean and the sea.”

www.silverstealers.net www.nosilvernationalization.org

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