Tableof&Contents& - Pitbull Mindsetpitbullmindset.com/.../08/Greatness-Abundance-Masterclass-Workbo… · Abundance means different things to different people. So what does abundance

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© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Table  of  Contents  

Welcome ....................................................................................................................................... 3  Day  1:  What  Is  Abundance? .................................................................................................... 5  Day  2:  Script  It  Out..................................................................................................................... 9  Day  3:  An  Attitude  of  Gratitude...........................................................................................13  Day  4:  EFT  Tapping  For  Fear  Of  Change ...........................................................................15  Day  5:  Living  From  Inspiration ...........................................................................................17  Day  6:  Decree  Of  Abundance................................................................................................19  Day  7:  EFT  Tapping  To  Release  Resistance.....................................................................20  Day  8:  What’s  Stopping  You?................................................................................................23  Day  9:  What’s  Your  Super  Hero  Power? ...........................................................................25  Day  10:  What  Are  Your  Core  Values? ................................................................................29  Day  11:  Self  Acceptance .........................................................................................................32  Day  12:  What  Else  Is  Holding  You  Back? ..........................................................................34  Day  13:  Optimize  Your  Environments ..............................................................................36  Day  14:  Create  A  Strategic  Plan...........................................................................................38  Day  15:  The  7  Most  Common  Blocks  To  Success ...........................................................40  Day  16:  Presence......................................................................................................................44  Day  17:  What’s  The  Downside? ...........................................................................................45  Day  18:  Success  Lies  Outside  Of  Your  Comfort  Zone....................................................47  Day  19:  You  Get  What  You  Focus  On..................................................................................49  Day  20:  The  Story  of  Money  #1............................................................................................51  Day  21:  The  Story  Of  Money  #2 ...........................................................................................54  Day  22:  The  Story  Of  Money  #3 ...........................................................................................56  Day  23:  Change  Your  Language,  Change  Your  Life........................................................57  Day  24:  Tapping  To  Forgive .................................................................................................59  Day  25:  Tapping  For  Miracles..............................................................................................61  Day  26:  The  New  Wealth  Currency ....................................................................................63  Day  27:  Tapping  For  Self  Confidence.................................................................................64  Day  28:  I  Am  That  I  Am...........................................................................................................66  Day  29:  Tapping  Into  Unlimited  Abundance,  Joy  &  Freedom ...................................67  Day  30:  Schedule  In  Time  For  Anxiety  and  Stress ........................................................68  Day  31:  Reflection,  Appreciation  &  Letting  Go...............................................................69  

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Welcome  I’m very excited you’re here. The next 30 days are going to be an intense journey of self discovery and change. The is the first day of the rest of your life!

Why a 30 day challenge? Studies have shown it takes 28 days for people to change a habit, give or take a couple of days. Success at anything is simply a habit. So, in order to make significant lasting change, you must consistently take positive action for at least 28 days. When you do it for 30, you’re on a winning formula.

Creating significant change is not a simple process. Most people only make major changes in their life when they’re forced to like they have a major crisis or event that gives them little choice. This is because our minds resist change.

The vast majority of people want their lives to be different. They keep doing the same thing day in day out and complaining about their lives, but not actually doing anything to create change. That’s because it’s difficult. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it!

This 30 day Masterclass is not a magic pill designed to take away all the difficulty associated with change. It’s a fast track with techniques and strategies to help make it as painless as possible.

It’s up to you to do the work required every day for the next 30 days. No excuses. No distractions. No complaints.

I have carefully structured 30 days of activities to help you create significant change in your life. Each exercise will take at least 30 minutes, some days longer. You must schedule in this time and do each exercise diligently and carefully for the best results. If you try to cheat, this simply won’t work and you will have wasted your time and money.

If you take the next 30 days seriously, as if your life depends on it, I promise you will see change in your life by the end of the 30 days.

You will think differently, feel differently and you will start seeing different results. And that’s just the beginning. As you embrace your new mindset, new habits and new way of thinking, your life will just continue to get better and better.

Persistence, discipline and commitment are the key.

First Step to Abundance Before we get started on the program there’s one thing you must do if you truly want to unlock abundance in your life. You must decide you’re going to be abundant, no matter what. Make it non-negotiable. This is a defining moment. The moment you declare that you’re not going to let anything stand in your way or stop you from realising abundance in your life.

You’re an abundant being. You were born abundant and abundance is your birth right. The only thing stopping you from experiencing abundance is the conditioning and limiting beliefs your developed as you were growing up. Once you release those, your life will be entirely different. So you must send a

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


powerful message to your subconscious mind and the Universe that you are not settling less for anything but unlimited abundance in every area of your life.

Are you prepared to do that?

Good. Then you’re ready to embark on the next 30 days of intense self-discover and transformation. I’ll be with you every step of the way. Here we go!

Abundance Assessment The first thing to do is to take a snapshot of where your abundance mindset is at right now. Rate the following statements for how true they are for you on a scale of 0 to 10. Be honest. You must get real about your current position if you’re going to take positive, consistent steps to change it. This exercise can be a bit painful as it’s easier to ignore our reality when things aren’t working out. Keep focused on the massive change that you’re about to make in your life and know that where ever you’re at right now, it’s only temporary. ____ I feel infinitely abundant ____ I expect abundance in my life ____ I see abundance everywhere ____ I know I deserve abundance ____ I feel secure and safe about my future ____ I’m doing okay but would like to do better ____ I struggle with abundance ____ I have a lot of debt and can’t pay my bills ____ I feel stressed about my current position ____ I feel tired, overwhelmed and frustrated ____ I feel extremely uncertain about my future ____ I feel a sense of hopelessness about my life in general Well done. Take a deep breath. If you found that distressing, it’s ok. Shake it off and know that you are about to take one of the most important journeys to changing your future. You’re ok. Everything is ok.

When you play full out over the next 30 days, everything will start to change for the better. In the words of Neale Donald Walsch. Everything is always perfect. It may not feel like it, but you’re right where you need to be and you’re in the perfect place to make significant change in your life right now. Just breathe and let’s get to work.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  1:  What  Is  Abundance?  Abundance is not what you have, it’s who you are. It’s an attitude.

True abundance isn’t just about financial freedom. True, unlimited abundance is a way of life. It is reflected in your relationships, your health, how you spend your time, your level of happiness, your level of stress.

Abundance is the natural order of the Universe. If you’re experiencing a lack of abundance, then you are out of alignment with the Universe, and denying who you truly are. The way to experience unlimited abundance is to return to alignment and know your true self intimately.

Having this kind of abundance is a decision. Are you ready to make the decision to adopt an uncompromising attitude to creating abundance in your life? If you are, then you’ve made the first and most important decision required to adopt a life filled with abundance, joy and freedom.

Firstly, I’d like to outline what true abundance is to me.

To me, true abundance is:

Loving, respectful, nurturing relationships Vibrant health and vitality with energy to burn Spiritual connection and intimacy Living a life on purpose and filled with meaning Making a valuable contribution to other peoples lives Happiness Having the freedom to choose to be, do and have anything my heart desires Certainty about the future Loving and accepting myself completely Forgiving myself and others completely Feeling self confident and self assured High sense of self worth Living life on my terms Being all I can be Exploring my inner and outer world Having a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment Feeling appreciated Feeling fully connected with my environment Feeling fully connected with my higher self, my spirit Giving and receiving wealth, happiness Supporting worth causes

To me true abundance is all of these things and so much more. I guess you could sum it up and say that true abundance is complete freedom of the mind, body and spirit. Does this resonate with you?

Abundance means different things to different people. So what does abundance mean to you?

Take the time now to define abundance for you. Answer the following questions first. Then start to flesh out what an abundant life looks like for you. Don’t hold back or settle for anything less than what you really want.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


If you were infinitely abundant:

What would you do?







Who would you be?






Where would you go?






What would your life look like?






© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Describe your relationships.







Where would you be living?






What would you be doing every day?






How would that feel?






© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Add any other details about your new abundant life here:










© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  2:  Script  It  Out   Now you’ve defined what abundance is for you, take at least 30 minutes (longer if you can) to write out, in detail, what your perfect day looks like when you are living a truly abundant life.

Start by reading what you wrote in the exercise in day one, and put your hand on your heart, close your eyes, and imagine your perfect day. Play it like a movie in your mind and take note of every detail.

Be very specific with your detail beginning at the start of your day and going through to the end. What projects are you participating in? What gives your life meaning and fulfilment?

Of course, every day will be a little different, but just create your vision for a typical perfect day right now and get into the feeling of it as you write it and read it back.

You can use this vision for your perfect day to create a vision board, a mind movie, or any other type of visualisation aid to help you focus on your vision at least once a day.
















© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com



























© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Now for one more very important exercise before you finish for today. Two of the most important questions you will ever answer in your quest for a new life are ‘Who am I?’ and ‘Who do I want to become?’. If you think of any highly successful person such as Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Elon Musk or Steve Jobs, they knew without any question who they were and who they wanted to become.

Most people have lost their true selves in the quest to fit in and be accepted. Who are you really? When you are completely, authentically, unapologetically and uniquely you? What parts of you have you been hiding for fear of rejection or criticism?

This question could take sometime to answer, but just think about it now and start to answer it. What qualities and strengths do you admire and appreciate that you have? If you weren’t worried about what other people thought of you, would you be different and how? Answering this question with complete openness and honesty is very liberating and a process of self discovery. Continue to explore this question over the next 30 days as you travel through life. You may be surprised by what you discover.

Who Am I?

















© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


The next question will help you to have a strong sense of direction and focus. If you want different results, you’re going to have to evolve into a different person, which is what this program is all about. So, to achieve what you want to achieve, who will you have to become? You could have answers like someone who’s more focused, determined, aware, compassionate, confident, assertive, self-loving, spiritual, a better listener, more organised, an expert in something or more skilled at something. It helps if you think of someone who has already achieved something similar to you, or someone you admire and write down their qualities and what you see helped them to get to where they are so you can model yourself on them.

Again, take your time and write down here whatever comes to mind, and come back to this question during the course of the next 30 days as you begin to evolve and your answer will become more and more clear.

Who Do I Want To Become?



















© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  3:  An  Attitude  of  Gratitude  

The first thing you need to do is read your vision for your future as you scripted it out yesterday. This will be one of the daily practices for the next 28 days. It will only take a couple of minutes, then come back to today’s Masterclass session.

I know you’ve heard about the practice of gratitude time and time again. There’s a reason for that. It works!

In order to have what you want, you must want what you have.

If you’re spending any time judging and criticising yourself or your circumstances, you’re lowering your vibration and keeping yourself out of alignment with abundance.

Just because you don’t have what you want, stop making what you do have wrong. You’re in the position you’re in right now because of the thoughts you had and the actions you took yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and so on.

You must break the cycle of making where you’re at now wrong if you are going to have any chance of changing your results and inviting abundance into your life. Acceptance of what is, is the doorway to change.

Sit quietly, close your eyes and drop your attention into your heart space. Put your hands on your heart. Now think about something you’re truly grateful for. Focus on that for a short period of time. Then think of something else you’re grateful for and focus on that for a while. Do this 5 times allowing the feeling of gratitude to grow in your heart each time.

When the feeling of gratitude is strong, imagine a rose in your heart space that represents that feeling of gratitude to anchor in that strong emotion. Focus on the rose and the feeling of gratitude together.

Take one of your hands and clench it into a tight fist leaving the other hand on your heart. On the count of 3, double the feeling of gratitude as you pump your fist and say strongly ‘Thank You’ – 1…………….2……………….3: ‘Thank You’.

And repeat that last part of the exercise. On the count of 3, double the feeling of gratitude again as you pump your fist and say ‘Thank You’ – 1………………2……………….3: ‘Thank You’.

Now, whenever you’re feeling stressed or off centre during your day, bring your awareness and attention back to that feeling of gratitude by focusing on your heart space and seeing the rose. Put one hand on your heart, close the other in a fist, count to 3, pump your fist and say ‘Thank You’.

During times of stress and anxiety, practicing gratitude is a very powerful way to break the negative state, remember your infinite power, and be solution focused.

As you improve the strength of your gratitude muscle, you will be able to feel grateful for things that are challenging you instead of getting pulled into a negative state because of the story you’re telling about it.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Take some time now to write down 5 things you are truly grateful for and feel the emotion behind it. Adopt this as a regular daily practice.

1. .............................................................................................

2. .............................................................................................

3. .............................................................................................

4. .............................................................................................

5. .............................................................................................

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  4:  EFT  Tapping  For  Fear  Of  Change  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

Fear is nearly always what holds us back, and all of us have a fear of change to some extent. It’s because the subconscious mind seeks safety and certainty and even if your current situation is causing distress and anxiety, it’s familiar and has a certain level of safety.

This is why people rarely make significant change unless there’s a significant event in their lives which suddenly makes the current situation unsafe, and then the prospect of change is not so much a choice but a necessity to regain some feeling of safety and certainty.

This program is all about change. Rapid change. So it’s important to let go of any fear of change so you can make the most of these 30 days.

Start by rating the statement ‘I’m afraid of change’ on a scale of 0 to 10. You may not consciously realise you have a fear of change, so use your intuition and write down the first number that comes to you and feels accurate.

Now tap through using the following sequence.

Karate Chop:

Even though I’m afraid of change, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I have a fear of the unknown, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I don’t know if it’s safe to change, I deeply and completely love and accept how I feel.

Eyebrow: I’m afraid of change

Side of Eye: I have a fear of the unknown

Under Eye: What if it’s not safe to change?

Under Nose: So much uncertainty

Chin: Change is scary

Collar Bone: At least I’m familiar with where I’m at now

Under Arm: And I know what to expect

Top of Head: I don’t know what lies beyond change

Eyebrow: I’m afraid of change

Side of Eye: What if it’s not safe to change?

Under Eye: I’m afraid of the unknown

Under Nose: I don’t know if it’s safe to change

Chin: This situation right now is familiar

Collar Bone: It’s not fun, but it’s safe

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Under Arm: With change comes the unexpected

Top of Head: I don’t like surprises

Eyebrow: What if something bad happens?

Side of Eye: The unknown is scarier than my situation

Under Eye: I’m resisting change

Under Nose: Change is unfamiliar, uncertain

Chin: I don’t like change

Collar Bone: I’m afraid to change

Under Arm: I just want to know I’m safe

Top of Head: What if it’s not safe to change?

Eyebrow: I choose to know I’m safe no matter what

Side of Eye: I’m ready to embrace change

Under Eye: I choose to let go of my fear of change

Under Nose: I choose to know it’s safe to change

Chin: I let go of all my resistance to change

Collar Bone: I honour my feelings and embrace change now

Under Arm: I’m ready for change and whatever comes with it

Top of Head: I’m excited about changing my life and choose to know I’m safe

Take a deep breath and as you breathe out let go of any remaining resistance you might have.

Now rate that statement, ‘I’m afraid to change’ on a scale of 0 to 10 again. Keep tapping on whatever comes up around change until you’ve reduced the rating to a 0.

This is something you can return to regularly as you continue to reach increasing levels of success on your journey.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  5:  Living  From  Inspiration  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

The vast majority of people are bound to living up to other people’s expectations and shackled to responsibilities they were conditioned to believe they had to accept.

For example, at school, you were conditioned to get an education and get a job. In other words, be a good worker bee just like everyone else, creating profits for others. Most people are in jobs they don’t like, living lives someone else created for them, believing this is as good as it gets. Their inspiration and creativity has been stifled and they were told that they couldn’t do what they want. To be a model citizen you must do what society expects. Sound familiar?

What if they were wrong? I can almost guarantee, because you’re a part of this program, you’re a misfit. And that’s a very good thing!

What if, instead of allowing others tell us we can’t do what we want and must do what society tells us, we follow our inspiration and create a life of joy, freedom and abundance? What if we refused to conform and created a life we love? Now there’s a radical thought.

Here’s what I want you to do today, and every day: refuse to conform and follow your inspiration.

In the field of inspiration lies miracles and magic, and the crumbs that will lead you to a life you love. I know you’ve got responsibilities you’ve adopted and some you are beholden to fulfil, for now. But start transitioning out of that life you’ve adopted because you were told that’s what you must do, and start living life on your terms, not on anyone else’s.

Pay attention to the inspiration that comes to you and start taking action on that.

Living from inspiration is by far the most rewarding way to experience life. It’s also how you leverage the Universe. And inspiration is literally everywhere, guiding you to what your heart desires. Unfortunately you’ve been taught to shut it out, ignore it and be like everyone else. It’s time to start paying attention and let it lead you to where you want to go.

Write down 5 things you’ve been longing to do for some time and either do them in the next 48 hours, or start working toward them depending on how big they are.

As often as possible, tune into your inspiration and use it to determine your thoughts and actions. It will guide you toward your dreams in double quick time.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Exercise: Write down 5 things you’ve been longing to do, create or experience. And start on them ASAP.

1. .............................................................................................

2. .............................................................................................

3. .............................................................................................

4. .............................................................................................

5. .............................................................................................

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  6:  Decree  Of  Abundance  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

This is a powerful prayer written by Maureen Moss that will have a significant affect on your alignment and vibration. It only takes a couple of minutes and I suggest you say it first thing every morning and last thing each night with your gratitude practice. I highly recommend doing EFT Tapping as you say the prayer to multiply the effect.

Decree of Abundance By the light of God that I am By the love of God that I am By the power of God that I am By the heart of God that I am I decree I dwell in the midst of infinite abundance The abundance of God is my infinite source The river of life and abundance never stops flowing It flows through me into lavish expression Good comes to me through unexpected avenues And God works in a myriad of ways to bless me.

I now open my mind and my heart to receive all my good Nothing is too good to be true Nothing is too wonderful to happen No miracle is too big for God to manifest With God as my source, nothing amazes me.

I am not burdened by my thoughts of past or future One is gone and the other is yet to come

By the power of my belief Coupled with my purposeful, fearless actions And my deep rapport with God My future is created and my abundance made manifest. I ask and accept that I am lifted in this and every moment into the highest truth My mind is quiet

From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly into life And life gives back to me with magnificent increase As I am a beloved child of God I am deserving of all the wonderful things God has in store for me Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways And God provides for me in wondrous ways.

I am indeed loved unconditionally by God I am indeed grateful And I let it be so It is so. ~ Maureen Moss

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  7:  EFT  Tapping  To  Release  Resistance  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

The one and only reason you’re not experiencing what you want in your life is because, for some reason, you’re resisting it.

What you want, wants you. Thank about that statement. If what you want, wants you, then why don’t you have it yet?

It’s because of fears, doubts and negative belief systems that are telling you it’s not safe and preventing you from allowing what you want into your life.

I believe that if you have a deep heart felt desire for something, not just an image of something that looks great because everyone else wants it. I mean a deep, burning desire to experience something in your life, then you want it because it’s calling you.

Each and every person on the planet has different wants. Whilst some may be similar, there are fundamental differences, and this is what you want to identify because they make up the essence of who you are and why you came here at this time.

Now is the time to release all your resistance to what you truly want and start allowing it to flow into your life.

This exercise is a generic tapping to clear the blocks that are stopping you from realising your vision. I highly recommend you work with a coach or mentor to uncover and clear your specific doubts, fears and B.S. that are holding you back as this is the most powerful way to clear your blocks. This generic tapping will do some of the hard work for you initially so you can move forward.

Think about your vision for your future. Your dreams and aspirations. Now tune into your fears, doubts and negative belief systems. Feel into your resistance to achieving what you’re heart wants. How intense does the resistance feel on a scale of 0 to 10.

Karate Chop:

Even though I have all this resistance to achieving my vision, I deeply and completely love and accept myself

Even though I have fears and doubts about achieving my goals, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway

Even though I’m blocking my success because there’s a part of me that thinks it isn’t safe to achieve my goals, I choose to honour my feelings and love and accept myself anyway

Eyebrow: All this resistance

Outside Eye: It’s blocking me from achieving my vision

Under Eye: All these doubts and fears

Under Nose: Standing in the way of my success

Chin: What if it’s not safe to achieve my vision?

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Collar Bone: What if I get hurt?

Under Arm: What if I’m not good enough?

Top of Head: What if something goes wrong?

Eyebrow: All this resistance holding me back

Outside Eye: I have so much fear and doubt holding me back

Under Eye: I’m afraid to move forward

Under Nose: I’m afraid it’s not safe to achieve my goal

Chin: What if people judge and criticise me?

Collar Bone: What if I fail?

Under Arm: What if I succeed?

Top of Head: All this resistance stopping me from achieving my vision

Eyebrow: All this resistance stopping me from achieving my vision

Outside Eye: I choose to let go of all my doubts and fears

Under Eye: I’m ready to embrace the new me

Under Nose: The me who moves forward every day

Chin: Toward my goals and dreams

Collar Bone: I’m ready to embrace my vision for my future

Under Arm: I release all resistance to achieving my vision

Top of Head: I completely embrace my vision

Eyebrow: And choose to know it’s safe to achieve my vision

Outside Eye: I refuse to let fear and doubt hold me back any more

Under Eye: I take decisive, specific action

Under Nose: Toward my goals every day

Chin: I’m willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my vision

Collar Bone: I choose to release all resistance now

Under Arm: I’m excited about achieving my vision and I know it’s safe

Top of Head: And I keep moving forward toward my vision every day, until I achieve it no matter what

Take a deep breath and as you breathe out, release all old energy as you allow the new you to take up residence where the old you used to be.

Now, feel into your resistance to achieving what you’re heart wants. How intense does the resistance feel on a scale of 0 to 10.

Keep doing this tapping until you get the resistance down to 0. Then take action on your inspiration from this place of least resistance.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Bonus Tapping Sequence: As well as releasing resistance, it’s important you’re open to receive. So many people are working on their mindset, but are closed to receiving. After doing the previous tapping sequence, do this quick tapping to open yourself up to receive all the wonderful things you’re focusing on.

Karate Chop:

I choose to be open to receive everything my heart desires and I deeply and completely love myself.

I love being completely open to receive all the wonderful things I’m focusing on and I truly, madly, deeply love and accept who I am.

I am excited about all the great things coming into my life and I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Eyebrow: I choose to be open to receive

Outside Eye: I know what I have asked for is on it’s way

Under Eye: And I choose to be open to receive

Under Nose: I release all resistance to receiving what I want

Chin: I love being open to receive

Collar Bone: And knowing that what I want is on it’s way

Under Arm: I choose to be completely open to receive

Top of Head: Open to receive inspiration

Eyebrow: Open to receive support

Outside Eye: Open to receive what I desire

Under Eye: I am open to receive everything my heart desires

Under Nose: I love knowing what I want is on it’s way

Chin: It will come to me when the time is right

Collar Bone: And I am completely open to receive

Under Arm: I am calm and relaxed and know what I want is on it’s way

Top of Head: I am open to receive all the good that is coming my way

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  8:  What’s  Stopping  You?  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

For this exercise you will need a pen, a piece of paper and the vision of the life you truly want to live. Having done the generic tapping yesterday, now it’s time to start getting more specific about what’s holding you back.

Your subconscious mind is the primary driving force that determines your thoughts, behaviours and ultimately your results. It holds the key to whether or not you will be abundant and successful, and to what level.

This is why the 30 day practice is so powerful because it is helping to reprogram your subconscious mind consistently every day. This empowers you to move beyond the limiting subconscious beliefs that are holding you back and move freely toward your goals and dreams.

One of the trickiest parts of this whole exercise is uncovering what your subconscious blocks are. The most effective way to do this is to work personally with a coach or mentor. A good coach will be able to identify the blocks and beliefs stopping you from being all you can be and help you to get beyond them, even clear them.

In the absence of a coach, asking yourself the following question will help you to uncover some of these blocks for yourself. Once you know what they are, you have the power to do something about them.

Spend at least 20 to 30 minutes sitting with this question. When you ask it, don’t search for the answer. Sit quietly and allow your subconscious mind to provide the answer to you, then write it down so you can reference it later. Then ask the question again, and again, and again. And when you think you’ve exhausted all the answers, ask it again and dive even deeper.

The more persistent you are with this question, the more you will reveal about what is blocking your success and wealth. I encourage you to refer to this exercise regularly throughout your life to continue to improve your results over the years to come.


Sit quietly with a piece of paper (you can use the space provided below) and a pen and take a couple of minutes to centre yourself. Read your vision to yourself a couple of times and connect with what it will feel like to achieve your vision. Then ask yourself the question: ‘What’s holding me back, slowing me down, or stopping me from achieving everything my heart desires?’. Write down the first answer that comes to you. Don’t question it, just write it down. And ask the question again, and again, and again.

Once you think you’ve exhausted all the answers, read through them and acknowledge them. Then, when you feel you’re ready, make the decision to let them go, no if’s, but’s or maybe’s. Decide you’re going to do whatever is necessary to let those limiting decisions go for good.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com























© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  9:  What’s  Your  Super  Hero  Power?  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

Everyone has gifts and talents they were born to share with the world. As a baby, these gifts and talents were not yet evident, but would develop over time as your grew and evolved. These are your super powers. Everything that has happened in your life has led you to the place where you are for a reason, and everything you’ve learnt and experienced has contributed to creating who you are and what you’re here to do.

Fast forward to today and you have fully developed your gifts and talents, even if you don’t know it yet. Your journey so far has been helping you to acquire knowledge and skills that compliment your gifts. All of this comes together to make up your core genius or unconscious competence. Or what I like to call, your Super Powers.

Your Super Powers are an integral part of your mission and living a life on purpose. It’s likely you haven’t recognised your Super Powers because they come to you so easily you discount them as unimportant. You think they’re nothing special because they’re so easy. But that’s why they’re so special, because they’re so easy to you, not everybody else.

So let’s dive in to finding out what your Super Power is. You may have more than one. Give yourself permission to dive in and uncover what your gift is for the world.

Firstly, you’ve been gathering a unique body of knowledge you’re whole life. And there will be one or two particular topics, or type of topics that you have been particularly focused on acquiring knowledge about. Think about the subject you love to learn about and have spent a lot of time reading about. What topic fascinates you and get your juices flowing? What subject could you talk about for hours about and never get bored or run out of information?

For this exercise, leave out the topics of your kids and your pets, unless you feel drawn to work with children or animals. Focus on the kind of topic that, if there was a 3 month course on it, you would be really excited about diving right in and learning as much as you could.

Now write down what your specific knowledge is. Keep it to 5 or less topics. 2 or 3 is ideal.






© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Next focus on what you’re most passionate about. It’s likely there’ll be some connection between your passion and your knowledge. Even if it isn’t evident straight away, there’ll be a thread that runs through them.

What really lights you up? What activities do you get lost in that give you a sense of meaning, fulfilment and joy? What issue breaks your heart or inspires you to want to do something about? What do you stand for? What legacy do you want leave? What do you want to change about the world? If there was something you could do every day of your life for the rest of your life and never get tired of it, what would that be?

Unless you’re called to work with children and animals, they should not come into this equation. My pets are my world, but they are not a part of my mission or my passion. They are part of the driving force behind why I do what I do, but they are not an integral part of my mission.

Spend 5 minutes writing down what you’re truly passionate about below.









Now to your skills. What skills have you developed and become proficient at through your lifetime? They may or may not be related to your current line of work. Maybe you’re a good artist, or at sport, writing, listening, computers, marketing, music, speaking, photography, numbers, teaching, designing, organising, healing or business. You will have a unique set of skills you’ve developed. Spend 5 to 10 minutes listing your skills below. Be as specific as you like.





© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com










And finally, your Super Powers. Answering the previous questions will make this part easier.

There are some things you’ve found very easy in life. These are the things you may not consider special because they do come so easily to you. They are your core genius, your unconscious competence, your gifts. Think now about what you do really well effortlessly without even thinking about. What do people compliment you on? What do people ask you for help with? When you’re using your gifts, everything just flows.

Take my life as an example. My mum put me into speech and drama classes when I was very young and I showed a natural aptitude for performance and the stage. I was at home there and I loved it. I love to sing and perform. I become consumed by it every time I get up on stage. I also love speaking to an audience. My friends often came to me to help them figure out some life situation, hence I’m now a coach and mentor as it’s one of my gifts. I also love to write, help people to transform and see them bloom. I studied to become personal trainer, which led me deeper into the world of mindset and personal development. I’m fascinated by the human mind and why people give up on their dreams and don’t realise their full potential. I love to read books about personal development, human potential, the science of achievement and the art of happiness.

Can you see where, although I’ve done a lot of things, and I’ve left out a great deal of detail in that paragraph, everything I have done has helped me to become the person I am today who’s living on purpose combining my gifts and talents as well as everything I’ve learned through all the experiences I’ve had and the skills I’ve developed.

Your super powers will be related to the previous questions you’ve asked and are related to your skills, knowledge and passions. Consider this question very carefully and write down your super powers below. These are the things you’re here to share with the world and will be an integral part of living a life of meaning, fulfilment, passion and purpose.

What do people compliment you on?

What do people ask you for help with?

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


What things come really easily to you?

What do you do really well?

What activities just flow for you?

What are your natural skills?











Now you know what your super hero powers are, or you at least have an idea, you can start thinking about how you’re going to leverage those as you look to serve others. This truly is the greatest gift you will ever give yourself and the world. It’s also the most exhilarating and satisfying way to live life.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  10:  What  Are  Your  Core  Values?  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

We always act in accordance with our core values. These are developed in the earliest years of our life and will only change when significant events or awakenings occur for us, like spiritual awakening, the birth of a child, marriage, trauma or tragedy.

It’s important to understand your core values so you are able to align your values with your goals. If your goals are in conflict with your core values, you’re never going to be able to achieve your goals.

Below is a small list of common core values. Have a look around your environment as this is a strong indicator of what you value in your life. Building on the list provided, write down what you truly value. Continue until you have a list of 10 to 15 values.

Then, through the process of forced choice, put your values into their order of priority for you. This is done by comparing each value on your list with the next and asking yourself, if you had to choose only one, which would be of more importance. Work you way through the list until you have your most important value. Then take the next value and so the same exercise. Work your way through the list until you have all your values listed in order of priority.

Now, when you set goals, make sure they are in alignment with and support your core values. There are ways in which you can change your core values if you need to in order to support the achievement of your goals. But this is outside the scope of this course and I suggest you engage a coach or mentor suitably equipped to work on this with you if you want to dive more deeply into values work. Core values work will be some of the most important work you will ever do on yourself.

List of Core Values (add any of your own at the end of the list)

Freedom Family Love Connection Friendship Loyalty Making a Difference Achievement Money Joy Fun Adventure Security Health

Travel Honesty Compassion Spirituality Sensitivity Consciousness Harmony Balance Personal Growth Justice Creativity Generosity Contribution Strength

Courage Recognition Acceptance Discipline Peace Forgiveness Wisdom Influence Humility Strength Support Positivity Appearance Honour

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Personal Power Comfort Contentment Intelligence Justice Unity Tolerance Spontaneity Reliability Confidence Patience Flexibility Excellence

(Fill in your own below) .















My List of Core Values


















Core Values In Order Of Importance


















© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Now you know your core values, check back with your goals and see if they are in alignment with your values. You may need to adjust your goals or values. Or you may be able to establish a connection between them through a process of analysing how they could be associated and how your values are supportive of your goals.

Do this exercise whenever there is a significant event or change in your life, or whenever you feel the need to. If you’re feeling out of alignment in any area of your life, it’s probably because your out of integrity with your values and this will cause a great deal of discomfort.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  11:  Self  Acceptance  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

Spending time lamenting lost opportunities, criticising yourself for things you did do, feeling frustrated because of what you didn’t do, or beating yourself up because you’ve made mistakes and haven’t achieved what you wanted is a waste of precious time and energy.

An important part of your journey is to accept where you’re at and who you are completely. This is why, in the EFT Sequence, we regularly use the phrase ‘I deeply and completely accept myself’. Beating yourself up will stop you from ever achieving your goals if you keep doing it. It robs you of precious mental resources, creativity and self confidence.

Unfortunately, we’re often so busy focusing on what we got wrong, or what we haven’t done, we don’t even see what we have actually accomplished and how far we’ve actually come.

Recognise that you’ve been doing the best you can with the knowledge, skills and belief systems you have, and that you’re capable of doing better. Then focus on doing the best you can in every moment and improving on that every day.

Here is an EFT Tapping sequence to help you to drop your self judgement and criticism and move into a place of love and acceptance of yourself.

Firstly, think about what you’ve achieved so far and how your life looks. Now say the statement: ‘I accept myself completely just the way I am’. How true does that statement feel for you on a scale of 0 to 10. 0 being that it’s not true on any level and 10 being that it’s off the charts for you. Write the number down and begin the tapping.

Karate Chop:

Even though I have all these judgements about myself, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept who I am.

Even though I should have done better and achieved more, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I’m really disappointed with myself and my results, I deeply and completely love and accept who I am and how I feel right now.

Eyebrow: I should have done better

Side of Eye: I’ve wasted so much time

Under Eye: I’m really disappointed with myself

Under Nose: I know I can do better

Chin: Why haven’t I achieved my goals yet?

Collar Bone: I’ve wasted so much time

Under Arm: I want so much more for myself

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Top of Head: I know I am capable of so much more

Eyebrow: I’ve really let myself down

Side of Eye: I’ve really let everyone else down

Under Eye: That’s so disappointing

Under Nose: I’m better than this

Chin: I’ve been so slack

Collar Bone: I’ve messed up a lot

Under Arm: I’ve failed me and I’ve failed them

Top of Head: So disappointed in myself and my efforts

Eyebrow: I should have done better

Side of Eye: I acknowledge I’ve been doing the best I can

Under Eye: I know I can do better and that’s a good thing

Under Nose: The past is the past

Chin: From this day forward, I am committed to doing better

Collar Bone: I’ve had fears and doubts holding me back

Under Arm: And that’s ok

Top of Head: I’m ok

Eyebrow: I choose to forgive myself and move forward with confidence

Side of Eye: I’m taking positive action now

Under Eye: I’m determined to achieve my goals

Under Nose: I’ve decided to achieve my goals no matter what

Chin: I’m proud of myself for taking positive action every day

Collar Bone: I love and accept myself completely just they way I am

Under Arm: I forgive myself for all the things I haven’t done

Top of Head: I acknowledge how far I’ve come and I love and accept myself completely just the way I am.

Take a deep breath and release all remaining negative feelings as you breath out. Now rate the statement ‘I love and accept myself completely just the way I am’ on a scale of 0 to 10. Keep tapping on these, and similar phrases until you reach a 10. When you are in a place of acceptance, your energy is clear for you to step into your brilliance and creativity and use all of your energy to achieve your goals and dreams.

Now, write a list, acknowledging all of the achievements you’ve made, big and small, over your lifetime. No achievement is too small. When you do this correctly, you could spend hours acknowledging all the accomplishments you’ve made and who you’ve become as a result. You’ll be amazed at what you’ve chosen to ignore up until now. Just spend long enough on this exercise to make sure you’re aware how amazing and wonderful you are, and just how much you have achieved during your lifetime. Focus on this moving forward. It will build your confidence and self-belief and you will soar like never before.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  12:  What  Else  Is  Holding  You  Back?  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

Congratulations! You’ve come a long way already and by now, you’ll be noticing some shifts in the way you think and experience life. You may even be noticing some changes in your results.

This is a simple exercise that will help to further reveal to you any limiting decisions you have made about success, wealth, money and what they mean.

All you need to do is complete these phrases with the first thing that comes into your mind. If the answer is positive and supportive of your goals, fantastic! If it reveals a limiting belief, then you have something you can work on to release using EFT Tapping or whatever your favourite release tool might be.

I recommend doing this exercise at least 5 times to get as many responses as you can and reveal as much information about your beliefs from your subconscious.

Finish each of the following phrases with the first word that comes into your mind.

Money Is ........................................................................................

Wealth Is........................................................................................

Success Is .......................................................................................

Rich People Are................................................................................

The World Is....................................................................................

I am..............................................................................................

Money Is ........................................................................................

Wealth Is........................................................................................

Success Is .......................................................................................

Rich People Are................................................................................

The World Is....................................................................................

I am..............................................................................................

Money Is ........................................................................................

Wealth Is........................................................................................

Success Is .......................................................................................

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Rich People Are................................................................................

The World Is....................................................................................

I am..............................................................................................

Money Is ........................................................................................

Wealth Is........................................................................................

Success Is .......................................................................................

Rich People Are................................................................................

The World Is....................................................................................

I am..............................................................................................

Money Is ........................................................................................

Wealth Is........................................................................................

Success Is .......................................................................................

Rich People Are................................................................................

The World Is....................................................................................

I am..............................................................................................

Now explore and tap on any negative answers you have written down and make sure you tap on them until they’re all gone.

This is an easy and powerful exercise to revisit on a regular basis to continue to reveal information about your beliefs and how they could be holding you back. As soon as you start to get results, don’t stop. When you achieve your goals, there’s always more that you can do. You have infinite potential, so why would you ever stop creating more and more exciting dreams to experience in your life. As long as you’re alive, you never get it all done!

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  13:  Optimize  Your  Environments  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

Your environment is a crucial factor in determining your level of abundance, success, freedom and happiness. An environment that supports you in achieving your goals is like stepping onto a magic carpet ride to your destination. Whilst an environment that is sabotaging you is like dragging around a 500lb anchor. It makes progress almost impossible.

There are multiple environments. Nine in fact. For now we’ll be focusing on 3 of the easiest to change that will have a significant impact on your results.

1. Your physical environment consists of the objects you have in your surroundings. It extends from where you sit to work, to the suburb you live in. For now, focus on the environment you work in. Is it cluttered, or clean and organised? Noisy or quiet? Distracting or helping you focus? Warm or cold? Is it inviting or repelling? Do you want to be in that environment? Or do you dread being there? Do you have things around you that are meaningful and inspiring? Do you feel happy or unhappy when you’re there? Do you have bills lying around waiting to be paid? Or is everything organised, easy to get to when you need them, but in their rightful place?

Tidy up your work environment and put objects around you that inspire you and make you feel happy and welcome, and help you to focus. Turn off distractions like email, social media and even your phone.

Put your vision board and words that inspire you up where you can see them.

Play music that helps you to focus. Loud, up beat music can be good to pump you up initially, but it can also be distracting. The sounds of nature also help to improve your sense of well being and focus.

There are many things you can do to optimize your physical environment. Get creative and notice how different you feel afterwards.

2. Your mental environment is comprised of the things you read, listen to, watch, learn, etc. Anything that you’re exposing your mind to is having an impact on your self belief, self esteem, confidence, what you focus on and your ability to achieve your vision.

What books are you prone to read? What audio programs do you listen to? If you watch TV, are you watching uplifting programs, or are you focused on main stream news and ‘reality’ shows that are psychologically manipulating the way you view the world. There’s a reason they’re called programs.

It’s very important that you educate yourself about money if you want to improve your financial situation.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


People who are financially rich know how to make money, keep money and grow money. They are very good at taking the right action that makes them money. They also have investment strategies in place to make sure that money works for them and they’re not working for money. There’s a big difference.

Educate yourself about money and know how the game of money works. It’s essential if you want to have long term wealth and financial security. If you want to be rich, how many books have you read about money? Have you read books written by wealthy people? Do you have any insights about the way their mind works and their success blueprint?

If you’ve answered no to all these questions, this is something you must rectify as quickly as possible.

Ensure everything you’re exposing your mind to is uplifting and supportive of your mindset shift to being more productive and achieving your goals and dreams.

3. Your relationships and who you spend time with dramatically impact your ability to succeed beyond your current level. Do the people you spend time with inspire you, believe in you, encourage you, celebrate your successes with you, support you, assist you to overcome challenges, pick you up when you’re down and call you out when you’re not giving it your best shot?

The people in your environment are the people on your team and you must have a team that is uplifting, inspiring and supportive, otherwise you’re really going to struggle to get off the ground.

If there are people in your environment who bring you down, or undermine your confidence, avoid them and, if you can, cut them out of your life. If you have family members who are not supportive, don’t speak with them about your dreams and aspirations or tell them what you’re doing. Don’t give them the opportunity to feed any doubts or fears. Don’t let them into your inner circle. They’ll get the shock of their life when they see you succeeding spectacularly. Hold onto that vision and use it as fuel for your journey.

Make sure you’re joining groups and networking with like minded people and hanging around successful people. They will be one of the greatest assets to your journey. Success is a habit and people are exceptional imitators of behaviour. When you’re surrounded by people who think and behave in ways that create success, you’ll start to pick up those habits and your results will change accordingly. It works the opposite way as well. If you’re hanging around people who think and behave in ways that cause them to live mediocre lives, then you will do the same.

Now you know just how important your environments are to your success. They are either inspiring, or expiring. Start paying attention to everything in your environment and analyse them critically. Are they supporting your success of sabotaging it? Then, where ever you can, change the environments that aren’t supporting you. You will notice a dramatic difference in your results as you do this.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  14:  Create  A  Strategic  Plan  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Every achievement begins with a plan. It doesn’t matter if it’s a detailed plan that has an outline from beginning to end, or if you just map out the first few steps. It all depends what works best for you. Regardless, you must have some plan in place if you want to get good results.

If you’re the kind of person who likes to have everything mapped out in detail, then write out your plan in as much detail as you can toward your vision. You’re not going to know every step of the way, unless you’ve achieved your vision before, which would be pretty unusual, and I’m guessing if you’re in this program, you haven’t. So put in as much detail as you can, and be prepared to be flexible with your plan as you have no idea what challenges you will face or how it’s going to unfold at this point.

If you’re more of a ‘allow it to unfold’ kind of person, then write out the first 3 to 5 steps to take to get started toward your vision.

I highly recommend having at least a 30 day plan broken down into a weekly plan and then a daily ‘to achieve’ list to keep you focused and on track. If you’re more of a long term person, you can also have 12 month, 6 month and 3 month plans as well. Either will work and it’s all up to personal preference.

Refer to your ‘to achieve’ list during the day and tick off things as you finish them. This will give you a sense of accomplishment, which is important to maintain your momentum and enthusiasm.

I’ve found my most rewarding days are those that I know I’ve given it my best, even if I didn’t get everything done I set out to. All I can do is my best, and if I know I’ve done that, I can rest easy that night knowing I had a great day and feel satisfied with my progress.

Days where I’m distracted and get little done, are days where I am more likely to feel disappointed and critical of myself. As someone who finds it a challenge to focus, this happens fairly regularly if I’m not disciplined. This is why I cannot stress enough the importance of making a plan and doing your best to stick to it! You’ll get things done a lot more quickly and you’ll achieve your goals in a lot shorter period of time.

Now it’s time to think about your vision, your end goal, and create your plan. As outlined above, either map out your own detailed 12 month, 6 month, 3 month, 1 month, 1 week and daily plan, or just write out the next 3 to 5 steps. Whatever you do, take action immediately on whatever you have written down. There is never any better time to get started than right now. And if this is absolutely impossible, take action within the next 12 to 24 hours. The sooner the better. Otherwise, it’s unlikely you’ll ever get started.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Exercise: Write out your strategic plan:





















© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  15:  The  7  Most  Common  Blocks  To  Success  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

There are thousands of ways and reasons your subconscious mind could be preventing you from achieving your goals and dreams.

The subconscious always seeks to match up and create situations and circumstances that are in alignment with it’s paradigms and what it believes will keep you safe.

All of those reasons can be distilled down into these 7 most common blocks. See if you can recognise any of these in your life, and make the decision to let them go immediately.

1. Fear of Change

We have covered this on day 4, so I won’t go into detail here. We all have a certain level of fear of change. The mind seeks familiarity and safety in what it knows. Change poses a threat. Always continue to work on releasing fear of change so you can move to higher and higher levels throughout your quest for success.

2. Fear of Failure

This fear is obvious and well recognised and seems logical to us. Though I think it’s a travesty that this has been programmed into us completely unnecessarily.

Every successful person knows you must fail your way forward. Temporary failure is an inevitable consequence of taking action toward your goals. It’s a part of life.

Somewhere along the line, people determined that failure was painful and must be avoided, so they don’t even try. Or they only try things they’re less likely to fail at.

There are times you’re going to experience disappointment when things don’t work out the way you expected them to. But don’t allow it to stop you.

Likewise, stop worrying about what other people will think of you if you fail. Their judgements and criticisms are more about them than about you. They’re afraid, when you do succeed, that you’ll show them up. That’s none of your business or any of your concern.

Fear of failure often shows up as an inability to get started on something. You have ideas, but you don’t take action on them and you tend to procrastinate.

Let go of this fear and decide to fail spectacularly. This is when you’ll move forward to success.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


3. Fear of Success

This fear is not as well recognised as fear of failure, though it has been talked about a lot more in the last few years.

A fear of success comes from us not wanting to get hurt, or lose something, when we start enjoying the fruits of our labour and commitment to our goals.

For me this showed up for several decades after being bullied as a young girl at school. I was an intelligent student who was always top of the class. This didn’t sit well with the other children and they gave me a pretty hard time. It was so much easier and less painful to be mediocre and quietly hide amongst the average students than it was to excel. It took me many years of self discovery before I recognised this as an issue and started to let it go. And I’m still working on parts of that fear today.

Fear of success is evident by the behaviour of starting something, but not finishing it. If this is you, explore the reasons why you might be afraid to succeed. What’s the downside of success? Then do whatever is necessary to let go of that fear forever.

4. Fear of Loss

The reality of life is that everything is temporary. ‘This too shall pass’. However, we are conditioned to believe that to lose something is a tragedy.

The likelihood is that many things will change in your life when you increase your level of success. You will develop new relationships and some old ones will slip away. You will leave behind certain circumstances and embrace new ones. Old problems will cease to exist and new ones (better quality ones) will present themselves. Your environment will change.

It is inevitable that as our lives improve, we leave parts of our old life behind. The mind doesn’t like this. It’s afraid to potentially lose friends, family members, certainty, freedom (i.e. I’ll be too busy and won’t have any free time), lifestyle, even your identity (who will I be when I’m successful?).

These old situations and conditions grab a hold of your ankle like a child throwing a tantrum and act like an anchor holding you in place.

Nothing can ever define you as you’re a being of limitless power and potential. So what are you afraid to lose right now with the possibility of being more successful and abundant?

Ask that question and decide to let go of your fear of loss and move forward knowing that, as you evolve, loss is inevitable. But what you gain will far exceed what you lose. Focus on the positive and allow your old life, including the old parts of yourself, fall away and stop holding you back.

5. Fear of Rejection

We’ve all felt the painful sting of rejection. It never feels nice. And people can be quite cruel at times.

What you must remember is that what other people think of you is none of your business. They’re opinions are based on their own judgements and criticisms of themselves and their conditioning.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


As long as you are true to you, taking action from a place of love and focusing is what is for your highest good and the good of others, then it is of no consequence what anyone else thinks of you.

Choose to separate yourself from the opinions of others and you will be set free. As long as you’re worried what other people think of you, you will remain imprisoned and will never be free to reach your full, amazing potential.

If people criticise you, let it slide like water off a ducks back and choose to surround yourself with like minded people who support and encourage you.

If you’re not pissing somebody off, then you’re not making a big enough impact.

6. Fear of Not Being Good Enough

Self-esteem and self-confidence issues plague a large percentage of our population. They are a large part of what stops many people from giving their dreams their best shot. Even the most successful people in the world admit to some feelings of self-doubt and feeling like a fraud sometimes.

It’s imperative you build your self-esteem and confidence by managing your environment and meeting your targets you set for yourself. Every day, just be better than you were yesterday. Try something you haven’t done before every day until you achieve it.

There will be times when you’ll feel disappointed in your results and your confidence will take a beating. That’s inevitable. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

The best feeling is, at the end of each day, knowing you gave it your best effort to get closer to your goals. Even when you only get 1 task done out of 10, if you gave it your best, you can rest easy and feel good about yourself. When you do this every day, and you see your progress starting to unfold, your confidence and self-esteem will naturally increase.

Ensuring your environment is also helping to build your self esteem is also very important.

And using Emotional Freedom Technique to help eliminate any feelings of self doubt and lack of self-confidence is an other incredibly powerful way to build your self belief. You are doing to need it in large doses to achieve your big goals.

7. Negative Feelings e.g. anger, resentment, disappointment, frustration, hopelessness, sadness, guilt, shame, etc.

For most of our lives we are ill equipped to deal with negative emotions. This is simply because we’re not taught how to deal with them.

Our primary care givers (probably our parents) didn’t know how to either, so they just taught you to do what they do best …………………. lock those feelings up and never let them out. They don’t feel comfortable when you express those feelings and they were never shown how to deal with them in an intelligent way, so they sure don’t know how to show you how to.

And trapped negative emotions affect every part of our lives: relationships, physical, emotional and mental health; self-esteem, self-confidence and

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


self-worth; careers; financial income; our ability to succeed and our level of happiness. If you have trapped emotions, which almost everyone does to some extent, they will be having a negative impact on your life, even if you don’t know it.

Any emotion that isn’t fully experienced and processed remains trapped somewhere in our energy and physical body and will be triggered at some future point in time. Events and situations will occur to bring the emotion to the fore to give us the opportunity to deal with it and clear it. This is why we find ourselves repeating patterns in our lives, and experiencing the same emotions over and over. It’s quite clever when you think about it.

Trapped emotions can rule our lives, and often do, without us even knowing it.

Energy expended on a trapped, unprocessed emotion is energy you don’t have to fuel your success and achieve your dreams. Once you take the time to clear those trapped emotions, you won’t be triggered by them any more and your results will change immediately. You can do this using Emotional Freedom Technique, as well as a range of powerful personal development techniques that are now available to us.

Pay attention to how you feel throughout your day. Notice what events trigger you and choose carefully how you deal with them. Instead of acting out from that negative emotion, go inward and choose to release your attachment to that it, and the event that triggered it. This is referred to as emotional intelligence and it will completely change your life.

Choose to live your life free of negative emotion.

The most powerful way to stop your fears, doubts and negative beliefs from impacting your results and stopping you from being all you can be, is to first recognise and acknowledge them. This is a life long process and you will never get it all done. But you will get to a point where choosing to be happy and in a powerful state of mind is not an effort, but an unconscious choice.

Review each of the 7 blocks and think about how they could be impacting your ability to move forward and succeed.

From today, make the decision to pay attention to how you’re reacting to life, and choose to respond from a place of emotional intelligence instead. Decide to observe your behaviours and outcomes and work every day to clear anything that’s blocking your success. Don’t just feel the fear and do it anyway, choose to let go of the fear and your life will be a great deal easier and more fulfilling.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  16:  Presence  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

Today’s topic is one of the most powerful in this entire Masterclass.

Eckharte Tolle is considered the guru of the Now. His book, ‘The Power Of Now’ was an incredible manuscript on how being present is the most powerful and rewarding way to live life.

You cannot change the past. The future has not yet come. All you have is the present moment. And the more present you are, the larger the influence you have over your future.

Almost all of us, except for the most spiritually evolved, bring our past into our future. As mentioned in yesterday’s section, the events of our past continue to impact our present and our future, until we let go of our attachment to the emotions connected with those events.

All negative feelings occur because of our thoughts, judgements and criticisms about what is happening in our lives. All of which have been derived from our experiences and conditioning through our environment. Drop the thoughts, judgements and criticisms, and you stop the negative feelings.

Byron Katie is a master at this, and I highly recommend you explore ‘The Work’ which is a simple, yet highly effective technique of using 4 questions and a turn around to stop suffering and live in the present moment.

And we spend a vast amount of energy worrying about our future, and most of what we worry about never happens.

Every morning, your practices will set you up for the kind of day you will have, regardless of what is happening around you.

Your gratitude and abundance practices will get you into a good frame of mind. Make sure you centre yourself and bring yourself into the present moment from the first moment you wake up. Don’t allow those troublesome thoughts run away from you the moment you gain consciousness. They’re just a distraction.

We miss so much of the beauty and wonder of our lives because we’re mentally wrapped up in the past or future and not experience the present moment fully.

Take 5 minutes now to really be present. Breathe deeply, centre yourself and bring yourself completely into the present moment. Let go of all thoughts of your past or future.

This moment is all you have, right here and right now. It is the most precious gift you have. Treat it as such, and you engage all of your personal power. When you are in the present moment, you have ultimate influence over your future.

Practice being present several times a day. Eventually, you will find yourself naturally being more present, and ultimately more powerful.

Your presence is required if you’re going to be all you can be!

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  17:  What’s  The  Downside?  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

If you’ve been struggling to achieve your goals and dreams, then the consequence of their achievement is a greater threat to your subconscious than staying where you are.

By using some simple questions, you can uncover what those fears and doubts are so you can release them.

Focusing on one of your goals, ask the question ‘What’s the downside of achieving this goal?’. You may initially think I’m nuts. ‘What downside? There’s no downside?’. I know. I’ve heard it many times. It seems impossible that your incredible vision for your future filled with abundance, freedom and joy could have a downside.

Here’s the truth. I guarantee, if you’re struggling to achieve your goals, in your subconscious mind the downside of achieving them is more intense than the upside. What threat is your subconscious perceiving? What are you afraid of?

Sit with the question ‘What’s the downside?’ and dive deep.

A similar question that will bring up different answers is ‘What’s the upside of staying where I am?’.

Take 10 minutes to do this exercise right now. You’ll be surprised with what you uncover. Refer to the 7 most common blocks to success from day 15 if you need to. And, once you’ve made some discoveries, do some EFT Tapping to release any fears, doubts, negative emotions or beliefs that are causing you to resist your success.

What’s the downside of achieving your goal?









© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


What’s the upside of staying where you are?









© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  18:  Success  Lies  Outside  Of  Your  Comfort  Zone  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

If you want to achieve different results, you must get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

The reason most of us stay stuck in the same old patterns is because they are within the boundaries of our comfort zone.

Stretching ourselves, facing our fears, trying new things, learning new skills, failing our way forward, breaking old habits, developing new habits, are all uncomfortable and we’re all prone to avoiding doing these things.

The secret to success lies outside of your comfort zone. So doing something everyday that stretches you and scares you a little bit, or a lot, is the way to achieve success.

Decide to do something everyday that scares you that will get you closer to your goal. What have you been putting off and procrastinating about? Is it because the act of doing it, or the result, feels uncomfortable?

Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

- Make some calls to acquire new clients - Schedule a presentation for a company or group of potential clients - Take a course to learn a new skill - Invest in a personal development workshop - Invest in a coach or mentor - Go for a morning walk - Hire a personal trainer - Send your profile out for public speaking - Record and distribute a video about a topic relevant to your expertise - Start a podcast - Start writing a blog - Start writing your book - Finish writing your book - Create an online marketing funnel - Approach some potential JV partners - Follow up on some prospective clients - Set up a meeting with a potential customer - Attend a networking event & speak with someone you’ve never met - Start a mastermind group - Ask for what you really want - Decide what you want to achieve, and making it non-negotiable - Set an outrageous goal - Meditate - Put together your strategic plan and sticking to it - Give up a bad habit - Tell someone you love them - Choose to be authentic and transparent

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


- A random act of kindness to a stranger - Smile at someone just because you can - Forgive someone - Forgive yourself - Let go of the past - Tapping on your fears

There are so many things that make us uncomfortable. It doesn’t even have to be something that brings up fear. Just do something that will help you get closer to your goals that you wouldn’t normally do and feels awkward and unfamiliar. The more you get outside of your comfort zone, the closer you will get to your goals.

Write down 2 things you can do today that will get you out of your comfort zone and closer to your goals?








Okay. Now go and do them!

Do this every day and your confidence will grow, you will get bolder and being outside of your comfort zone will become the new normal.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  19:  You  Get  What  You  Focus  On  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

It’s well recognised in Law of Abundance and success circles that we get what we focus on. Energy flows where attention goes. So if you’re focusing on what you don’t want, you will get more of what you don’t want.

Your results so far as a consequence of the thoughts you had and the actions you took yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and so on. They are the cumulative result of what you’ve been focusing on, either consciously or unconsciously.

So, if you want to change your results, you must change your focus.

I understand you might want to argue with me and say ‘But I’ve been saying my positive affirmations and focusing on abundance, and what I want isn’t showing up!’. Here’s the thing. Your conscious mind, what you use to say affirmations, is responsible for only 4% to 8% of your results. Your subconscious mind is responsible for the other 92% to 96%. So it’s not just the time your focusing on your affirmations conscious that counts. It’s all the thoughts and feelings you have all day long that you’re not controlling that will ultimately determine your results.

So, how do you change that? You start paying attention to what you’re thinking more often until it becomes a habit. Notice the conversations you’re having. Are they about how bad the state of economy is, or how it’s outrageous that the school fees and electricity bills have gone up? Or are you talking about that bargain you picked up yesterday and saved $50? Or how lucky you are that you found 5 cents last week?

Do you feel stressed when you see another bill come in, or you pay for the groceries? If you do, your subconscious is having thoughts of lack.

When you focus on abundance, you experience abundance. When you focus on lack, you experience lack. So if you want to know what your thinking, most of the time, look at your results. Then decide to change them.

You may be thinking, ‘But you have no idea, I have so many bills to pay and no money to pay them with. It’s really stressful.’

Yes, I do know what that’s like. I used to be in a very similar position just 5 years ago and it was very stressful. I just wished I had understood what I know now, I could have turned things around a lot more quickly.

You can do this the quick, easy way or the long, hard way. If you continue to feel stressed and anxious, it’s going to be a long, hard road. If you decide you’re going to let go of the stress, you’ll change your situation much more quickly. After all, the stress isn’t helping your situation one little bit, is it? And if you bring yourself back to the present moment, you’re ok right now aren’t you? So, what are you stressed about? See how staying focused in the present helps you release the stress, be more resourceful, and respond intelligently to any situation you might potentially have looming on the horizon?

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


The next time you have a bill come in, instead of getting all “OMG! How am I going to pay that????”, smile and say ‘Thank God I’m rich’. At first, it might feel stupid and futile and a waste of time. But as you continue to do this exercise, you’ll start to feel the statement resonate with a deep part of your soul. Fake it till you make it!

And pay attention to where your focus is as much as you can during the day. Whenever you feel stressed or anxious, ask yourself, ‘What thoughts or judgements am I having that are making me feel this way about my situation?’

In NLP they refer to this as changing state. Your most powerful states are happiness, love, joy, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion and other high vibrational states that make you feel good. As soon as you recognise you’re slipping into a less powerful state, such as stress, then decide to do something to change states immediately and get your powerful state to return.

You can change states through choice, shifting your focus, changing your posture, centring yourself mentally and emotionally, EFT Tapping, breathing, dancing, listening to great music, going for a run around the block, watching something funny, patting your pet, giving someone a hug, a random act of kindness, and anything that makes you feel good about yourself.

As soon as you break the negative state, you are able to choose a more powerful state, which enables you to access the creative and problem solving centres of your mind. Instead of being stuck in the problem, you are now thinking about potential solutions and now it’s game on! Now you have the capacity to start changing the situation and turning your life around.

One of the easiest ways to change state is to change your posture. This is something called the Wonder Woman Pose. Of for the men, the Super Man pose. Stand up as straight and tall as you can and spread your legs hip width apart. Now put your hands on your hips. Breathe in deeply as you keep your head up and look the world straight in the eye. This is a very strong, defiant pose that increases your level of confidence instantly and will put you in a powerful state that makes you feel capable of achieving anything.

Life is too short to spend it in suffering when you don’t have to. From the time you wake up, till the time you lay your head down, choose to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Your life will become magical in a short space of time and the problems you have now will be a thing of the past.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  20:  The  Story  of  Money  #1  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

A colleague asked me about a year ago to draw up a mind map on everything I knew about mindset and money as it’s something I’m always studying and talking about. I wasn’t quite sure as to why she would ask me to do that, but I did it, and I was shocked.

I created the mind map in about 90 minutes. To see the complexity of the relationship between the mind and the subject of money represented in that way was a light bulb moment. No wonder so many people struggle with money.

You can download The Story of Money Mind Map here:

www.pitbullmindset.com/money-story-mindmap/ As you can see, our relationship with money is very complicated and fraught with many challenges. And not because it needs to be. We were not born with this difficult relationship with money. It was conditioned into us. There may be some emotions and belief systems we have inherited in our DNA, but these will only impact us if they have been reinforced by our environment as we grew up.

What is on this mind map is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many other belief systems the human race has about money in the collective consciousness. What is represented here will help to unlock your own personal relationship with money so you can let go of what isn’t working for you, and adopt beliefs that support you achieving your financial goals.

The next 3 days are going to be spent exploring various aspects of this money mind map, so print it out and keep it handy.

First, go to the section on the left where it says emotions. Starting with the negative emotions, think about how you feel about your current money situation. Close your eyes and think about everything you have going on around money. Think about your relationship in the past with money. Now project yourself out 5 years from now. If you don’t change your mindset, your situation will never change and you will be in the same position in 5 years that you are now. Sit with those feelings and familiarise yourself with them. Don’t resist them, just acknowledge and accept them.

Now, using the mind map as a guide if you need to, on the left hand side write down all the feelings you feel about your money situation now. Then, once you feel like your done, look at each emotion one at a time and, on the right hand side, write down how you want to feel.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Current Emotions About Money










How I Want To Feel










Now, rate the intensity of each negative emotion on a scale of 0 to 10 and write the rating down. Using EFT tapping, tap on the first negative emotion until you have reduced the intensity of it down to a 2 or below. Then take the corresponding positive emotion that represents how you want to feel and tap until you have it up to a 9 or 10. Then move onto the second negative emotion.

Do this with each emotion on the list in turn. It will take you a little while, but it will be well worth it and you will be on your way to making a huge change in your relationship with money.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  21:  The  Story  Of  Money  #2  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

Referring once again to the mind map you were using yesterday, explore the negative belief systems listed on the bottom right. As mentioned, these are just a small number of the possible belief systems you may have programmed in your subconscious mind. Use these as a guide to start you off and do a similar exercise as yesterday with your beliefs about money.

In the left column, write down any negative beliefs you can identify you have about money. Then, working through the list one at a time, in the right hand column write down how you would like that belief to be instead.

Take your time to and try to weed out as many negative beliefs as possible.

Negative Beliefs About Money

















What I Choose To Believe Instead

















Now, as you did yesterday with the negative emotions, rate the intensity of each belief on how true it is for you on a scale of 0 to 10 and write it down next to the belief.

Starting with the first belief, use EFT Tapping to bring the intensity of it down to a 2 or below, then move over to the corresponding belief on how you want it to be instead and tap on that until it comes up to a 9 or a 10. Then move onto the second negative belief.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Work you way through each belief one at a time until you’ve finished what you have written down.

I encourage you to do this exercise on a regular basis as you will find more beliefs coming to the surface as you continue to grow and evolve. You are always a work in progress and you never get it all done. But you will find, as you release negative beliefs and install new ones, your mindset and your results will start to change immediately.

Pay attention and watch how you start to think and act differently, and watch how your relationship with money changes. It may be subtle at first, but as you continue to work on your money mindset, you will begin to see rapid change quite quickly.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  22:  The  Story  Of  Money  #3  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

Using the mind map again, explore negative beliefs about rich people on the far right. You already did a little bit of work on this on day 12. Now you’re going to take this a bit further. These are just a small number of the possible belief systems you may have programmed in your subconscious mind about rich people. Use these as a guide to start you off and do this exercise like you did the previous 2 days.

In the left column, write down any negative beliefs you can identify you have about rich people. Then, working through the list one at a time, on the right hand side write down how you would like that belief to be instead.

Take your time to and try to weed out as many negative beliefs as possible.

Negative Beliefs About Rich People













What I Choose To Believe Instead













Now, rate the intensity of each belief on how true it is for you on a scale of 0 to 10 and write it down next to the belief.

Starting with the first belief, use EFT Tapping to bring the intensity of it down to a 2 or below, then move over to the corresponding belief on how you want it to be instead and tap on that until it comes up to a 9 or a 10. Then move onto the second negative belief.

Work you way through each belief one at a time until you’ve finished what you have written down. Do this exercise regularly and continue to find more beliefs that come up until you can’t find any at all.

There are still more parts to The Story Of Money mindmap and your relationship to money. You can apply the same exercises you have used here on the other sections to change more aspects of your relationship with money. It’s a very powerful and useful tool to continue to refer to.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  23:  Change  Your  Language,  Change  Your  Life  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

Your thoughts and your language are clear indicators of where your mindset is at with abundance. Whilst changing your subconscious mind is imperative, and using techniques like EFT Tapping are extremely affective at doing that, making a conscious choice about your language is also imperative.

Set the intention to pay close attention to the thoughts that are running through your mind and the kind of language you’re using day to day.

In relation to money, many people will say things like ‘I’m broke’, ‘I don’t have enough’, ‘I can’t afford it’, ‘It’s too expensive’ and a bunch of other negative statements.

You may say, ‘But hold on. If I don’t have the money, I can’t afford it. That’s a fact.’ And I will say that it’s not your resources, but your resourcefulness that matters.

The majority of people won’t be able to find the money for a personal development or training course, but they will find the money for a new phone, outfit, pair of shoes, holiday or car if they want it. It’s all a case of what your priorities are and how resourceful you’re prepared to be.

You can easily tell when a thought is a lie or truth. Any limiting belief is a lie and will feel like a contraction. Any statement that supports your infinite power and potential feels like an expansion.

For example, think of the phrase, ‘I’m not good enough’. Do you feel heavy or light when you think that statement. You feel heavy, which means it’s a lie.

Now think of the statement ‘I am an abundant being with infinite power and potential’. Do you feel heavy or light? You feel light because this is a true statement.

This is a really cool way to identify immediately whether the thoughts you’re having are truth or lie, and when you know they’re a lie, you can decide to not pay attention to them because they’re a lie, or to do some EFT on them to clear away the thought and the belief that made you think the thought.

There is never a problem without a solution, as long as you’re prepared to look for it and be open to finding a solution.

You must eliminate the phrase ‘I can’t’ from your vocabulary and start saying ‘How can I?’.

Instead of saying ‘I’m broke’ replace it with ‘I’m temporarily financially challenged.’ Your thoughts and words are directions for your subconscious mind. Whatever you’re thinking and saying your subconscious has no judgement, it just goes ‘Ok. Whatever you say. Here’s more of what you’re saying.’ So your thoughts and words become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Start asking better quality questions as well.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Stop asking questions like -

- ‘Why me?’ - ‘Why am I always broke’ - ‘Why doesn’t anything ever work out for me?’ - ‘Why do I always choose partners who treat me like shit?’

Instead ask questions like -

- ‘What’s the blessing in this situation?’ - ‘How can this event help me to achieve my goals?’ - ‘What do I need to know to get better results?’ - ‘Who do I need to meet to help me?’ - ‘What do I need to learn to achieve my vision?’ - ‘What skills do I need to develop to realise my goals?’ - ‘How can I attract more money into my life?’ - ‘Who do I need to become to achieve my dreams?’

Do you notice the difference in the type of question? When you ask better quality questions, you will receive better quality answers. Your subconscious mind will go to work seeking answers to your questions and present solutions to you, instead of more of the same problems you’ve been experiencing.

There are two particular questions I like that come from the practice of Access Consciousness.

The first one is ‘How does it get any better than this?’. A common statement is ‘It doesn’t get any better than this’ which is limiting and doesn’t allow for anything better. The first question ‘How does it get any better than this?’ opens you up to more possibilities and better outcomes.

The second question is ‘What else is possible?’. When things are good, focus on this question and again your subconscious mind will dutifully go to work looking for what else is possible and helping you to create it.

You should have realised by now that your subconscious mind can either be your master or your servant. It’s up to you to master your mindset and make sure it’s working for you, not against you.

This can be hard work, or a fascinating journey of self discovery and better quality challenges, depending on the way you look at it.

Everything is perception. Everything! ‘When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change’, as Dr Wayne Dyer famously said.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  24:  Tapping  To  Forgive  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

‘Forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness’. This is a line out of the song ‘Affirmation’ released by Savage Garden in 1999.

Whilst I don’t believe forgiveness is the entire answer, it certainly is an essential component.

Harbouring bad thoughts and feelings against anyone, including yourself, blocks you from being your best self and creating the life you desire. Resentment, anger, disappointment, revenge, bitterness, sadness, guilt, shame, are all toxic emotions that will eat away at you and prevent you from realising your greatness.

Forgiveness is the gift you give yourself, not anyone else. Once you let go of any thoughts of ill will, you will feel like a heavy weight has been lifted and you will be free.

I have written an EFT Tapping sequence for forgiveness below. Firstly, rate any negative feelings you have toward yourself or anyone else on a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being non-existent and 10 being the most intense. Write down the rating and begin tapping on the karate chop point. If the feelings written below don’t relate to how you’re feeling, insert your own feelings where appropriate.

Karate Chop:

Even though I feel angry and resentful, I choose to love and forgive them now.

Even though I feel hurt and disappointed, I deeply and completely love and accept who I am and how I feel.

Even though I feel angry and hurt, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself anyway.

Inside Eye: They hurt me deeply

Outside Eye: And I feel angry and resentful

Under Eye: I feel sad and disappointed

Under Nose: Why did they have to be so mean?

Chin: Why did they have to hurt me?

Collar Bone: I wish they hadn’t done that

Under Arm: I wish I hadn’t done that

Top of Head: I can’t forgive them

Inside Eye: I can’t forgive myself

Outside Eye: It would be nice to let go of these negative feelings

Under Eye: It would be a huge release

Under Nose: Holding onto these negative feelings is hurting me

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Chin: What if I could just forgive?

Collar Bone: I choose to forgive them

Under Arm: I choose to forgive myself

Top of Head: We all make mistakes

Inside Eye: That’s how we learn

Outside Eye: I choose to let go and forgive

Under Eye: It feels so nice to let go of these feelings

Under Nose: They’ve been a burden for so long

Chin: I feel lighter already

Collar Bone: I choose to forgive them

Under Arm: I choose to forgive myself

Top of Head: I completely forgive them

Inside Eye: I completely forgive myself

Outside Eye: We all make mistakes

Under Eye: I choose to let go of all these negative feelings and forgive

Under Nose: I choose to be free of all the negativity

Chin: Things I should or shouldn’t have done

Collar Bone: Things they should or shouldn’t have done

Under Arm: It’s all in the past and it’s irrelevant

Top of Head: I choose to forgive everyone, including myself, deeply and completely

Take a deep breath and focus on releasing the negative energy as you breathe out. Now go back and rate the original feeling on a scale of 0 to 10. Keep tapping until you feel completely free of any negativity and you have forgiven yourself, and anyone else, completely for how you believe they have wronged you.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda will never help you to move forward into your new you and your new life. In fact, it will only hold you back. So, it doesn’t matter what anyone has done, give yourself the biggest gift of all, and forgive them. And drop your regrets about whatever it is you should or shouldn’t have done in your life. It’s done and it is what it is. If you need to ask someone for forgiveness to heal, then do that. It’s irrelevant whether they forgive you or not from that point on. Once you have expressed your regret if you have wronged someone, it’s their decision whether or not to forgive. What’s important is that you forgive yourself and move on.

You will feel so much lighter in the place of forgiveness. Enjoy!

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  25:  Tapping  For  Miracles  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

Miracles are happening all around us 24 x 7. All life is a miracle. Nature is a miracle. Energy is a miracle. The Universe is a miracle. You are a miracle.

Once you start to see the miracles all around you, you will be open experiencing more and more miracles, big and small. You get what you focus on remember. So if you’re in a space of gratitude for the miracles you see, you’re going to attract more miracles because that’s what your attention is on.

Mastering the Law of Attraction is actually quite easy in principal. Stop focusing on all of the stuff you think is wrong, and focus on and be grateful for all the things that are right and give you joy. That’s it! That is how to master the Law of Attraction.

Drop the idea that mastering the Law of Attraction has to be hard, and start thinking about how it could be easy.

This EFT Tapping sequence is for miracles, past, present and future. Start on the karate chop point and just tap along.

Karate Chop:

I am so grateful for so many miracles in my life

I see miracles everywhere I go

I am open to more miracles happening in my life every day

Eyebrow: I am so grateful for all the miracles in my life

Outside Eye: I see miracles everywhere

Under Eye: I am a miracle

Under Nose: My life is a miracle

Chin: I am so grateful for so many miracles

Collar Bone: Everywhere I go there are miracles

Under Arm: The world is a miracle

Top of Head: Everyone I meet is a miracle

Eyebrow: We are all miracles

Outside Eye: I am open to more miracles in my life

Under Eye: I am excited about the miracles coming my way

Under Nose: Everything I have asked for is on it’s way

Chin: I expect miracles

Collar Bone: I believe in miracles

Under Arm: I see miracles everywhere

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Top of Head: I am so grateful for all the miracles in my life

Eyebrow: Miracles are a daily occurrence for me

Outside Eye: I am open to receiving more and more miracles

Under Eye: I’m excited about the miracles that are on their way

Under Nose: Everything in life is a miracle

Chin: I deserve miracles

Collar Bone: I am open to receiving more and more miracles

Under Arm: I expect miracles

Top of Head: I am grateful for all the miracles coming my way

This tapping sequence can be done as many times as you like for as long as you like. Once you embrace that your life is a miracle, you will spend a great deal of your time in awe of just how miraculous your life is, and so many miracles will appear for you.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  26:  The  New  Wealth  Currency    1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life 2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for 3. Read the Abundance Creed There is an awakening happening all around the world of unprecedented proportions. More people are becoming aware of the truth about our existence and are no longer believing the lies we’ve been told on so many levels.

As we wake up, our BS protectors become more sensitive and we can see unauthenticity and lies much more quickly and clearly.

This is why it is important for you to become authentic and transparent in everything you do.

In a world of deception and contrived messages, authenticity is very refreshing, liberating and magnetic to the right people.

You don’t have to tell everyone everything about yourself, but when you are authentic and in alignment with spirit, you are in harmony with Universal Law, and you become a magnet for love, peace, abundance, happiness and all the great things you desire to experience in life.

Often, we’ve spent so long trying to protect ourselves from being hurt, and trying to be everything society expects of us, we’ve forgotten who we truly are. We feel like it’s not safe to be our true selves.

Opening up and being vulnerable can be a very scary experience. We have no idea what another person will do with our sensitivity and vulnerability. As long as we don’t require another person to respond in a particular way, it won’t matter how they respond. All that matters is being authentic and real. Contrary to the beliefs of popular culture, being able to be vulnerable and authentic is a strength, not a weakness.

I spent many years trying to be who I thought I had to be and fitting into a box so I could be accepted by others. It wasn’t until I stopped trying to hide away the parts of me I judged and criticised as unacceptable that I felt truly liberated and able to build an authentic business and be all of me.

Everything about you is perfect. And when you choose to be your authentic self, people will naturally be drawn to you because they know the difference between what’s real and what’s not.

Choose to be authentic with everyone you meet. When you’re authentic, you’re more forgiving, kinder, more compassionate, more generous, more connected, more understanding, and basically a nicer person to be around. Being authentic means seeing and accepting yourself for who you truly are, which means you will find it easier to accept others for who they truly are.

Spend 10 to 15 minutes thinking about ways you’re not being true to you in your life and relationships. Decide now to be more authentic and show up in your full truth and power in every situation you find yourself in.

Authenticity is the new wealth currency. From this day forward, embrace it and share your true self everywhere you go and in everything you do and drop the mask. People will love you for it.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  27:  Tapping  For  Self  Confidence  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

Low self-confidence and a lack of self-worth and self-belief are major contributing factors to people not realising their infinite power and potential.

We’re conditioned by our environment in a multitude of ways to believe we’re not good enough.

As you are now aware, any belief that you’re not good enough, smart enough, good looking enough, intelligent enough, strong enough, old enough, young enough, and so on, is a load of rubbish.

You were born perfect in every way. Any belief that diminishes your magnificence and your greatness is total BS! It’s time to release all the ‘I am not enough’ thoughts you have about yourself and reintroduce your true, brilliant self to the world.

Rate your self-confidence on a scale of 0 to 10. 0 being you have no self-confidence, and 10 being you feel completely confident in who you are.

Karate Chop:

Even though I don’t feel good enough I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I don’t believe I am brilliant or amazing, I choose to love and accept myself deeply and completely.

Even though I don’t think I’m enough, I choose to release all beliefs that hold me back from sharing my brilliant self with the world, and face the world with confidence.

Eyebrow: I’m not good enough

Outside Eye: I’m not smart enough

Under Eye: I’m not educated enough

Under Nose: I’m not enough

Chin: I feel so inadequate and small

Collar Bone: Sometimes I even feel ashamed of myself

Under Arm: I don’t remember the last time I felt truly confident

Top of Head: I don’t deserve to achieve my goals and dreams

Eyebrow: I don’t believe I can achieve my goals and dreams

Outside Eye: I’m not good enough

Under Eye: What if I’m wrong?

Under Nose: What if they were wrong?

Chin: What if I am good enough

Collar Bone: I choose to believe I am good enough

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Under Arm: I choose to know I am worthy

Top of Head: I choose to know I have everything it takes

Eyebrow: To be all I can be

Outside Eye: I was born great

Under Eye: I am great

Under Nose: I choose to share my greatness with the world

Chin: I release all beliefs of not being good enough

Collar Bone: And choose to feel confident and know I am worthy

Under Arm: I choose to believe in me

Top of Head: I love facing the world with confidence and being all I can be

Rate your feeling of confidence again on a scale of 0 to 10. Keep doing this exercise every day, using different phrases that resonate with you about your confidence, until you are consistently a 10 every single day.

Increasing your confidence and self-worth and embracing your brilliance will change your life in so many ways. You deserve to be confident and walk tall with your head up facing the world, showing everyone how magnificent you truly are. Keep working every day to achieve that kind of confidence and watch the world fall at your feet!

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  28:  I  Am  That  I  Am  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

When Abraham asked God who should he say sent him to the people, God said, ‘I am that I am’.

YOU are from the same source as God, or the Universe. Whatever name you use to describe the source you came from, you’re the essence of that source.

It’s time to embrace your true powerful self. When you use this as a mantra, you start to reconnect consciously with the source you came from and embody it. You start to realise you are in control of your destiny and you have the power to achieve anything you put your mind to.

Use this mantra, ‘I am that I am’ often through out the day and feel every cell in your body connect with that mantra.

You can also use it in a tapping sequence, like the one below.

Karate Chop:

I choose to believe I am that I am, and I deeply and completely love and accept myself

I choose to know I am the source of all things, and I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

I choose to know my true self, and I am that I am, and I deeply and completely love and accept all of me. Eyebrow: I am that I am Side of Eye: I am greatness Under Eye: I am in charge of my destiny Under Nose: I have the ability to achieve anything I put my mind to Chin: I have infinite power within me Collar Bone: I embrace all of my power Under Arm: I was born with unlimited power Top of Head: I am that I am Eyebrow: I am that I am Side of Eye: I am that I am Under Eye: I am that I am Under Nose: I am that I am Chin: I am that I am Collar Bone: I am that I am Under Arm: I am that I am Top of Head: I am that I am

Keep using this phrase with tapping or without it and embrace it in every cell of your body, your mind and your spirit. You are Source!

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  29:  Tapping  Into  Unlimited  Abundance,  Joy  &  Freedom  

1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life

2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for

3. Read the Abundance Creed

Today is just a quick tapping session opening up all the abundance, joy and freedom in your life.

Karate Chop: I am unlimited abundance, joy and freedom I embrace unlimited abundance, joy and freedom I embody unlimited abundance, joy and freedom Eyebrow: I am unlimited abundance, joy and freedom Side of Eye: I love knowing I have unlimited abundance in my life Under Eye: I am an abundant being Under Nose: I live and breathe abundance, joy and freedom Chin: I embody unlimited abundance, joy and freedom Collar Bone: I embrace unlimited abundance, joy and freedom Under Arm: I live from a place of abundance, joy and freedom Top of Head: I experience abundance, joy and freedom all day, every day Eyebrow: I am the essence of abundance, joy and freedom Side of Eye: I am swimming in an ocean of abundance, joy and freedom Under Eye: I see abundance, joy and freedom Under Nose: I am unlimited abundance, joy and freedom Chin: I was born abundant, joyful and free Collar Bone: I came from abundance, joy and freedom Under Arm: I live from a place of abundance, joy and freedom Top of Head: I know myself as abundance, joy and freedom Eyebrow: I feel the power of unlimited abundance, joy and freedom in my body Side of Eye: I am abundant, joyful and free Under Eye: I am the essence of abundance, joy and freedom Under Nose: I am immersed in abundance, joy and freedom Chin: I live and breathe abundance, joy and freedom Collar Bone: I embrace abundance, joy and freedom Under Arm: I see abundance, joy and freedom everywhere Top of Head: I am unlimited abundance, joy and freedom

This is another tapping sequence you can do as often as you like to really dive into the truth of your source and who you truly are. It’s powerful and life changing. And it makes you feel really, really good, which is the whole point!

Happy tapping!

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  30:  Schedule  In  Time  For  Anxiety  and  Stress  1. Read your scripted vision, feeling how great it is to be living your new life 2. Write out 5 things you’re grateful for 3. Read the Abundance Creed

We all experience various levels of anxiety and stress at various times in our lives. Some more than others. It’s an inevitable part of life, right? Wrong! The stress, anxiety and fear that you experience is the result of your thoughts, judgements and perceptions of others, your situation, yourself, events and circumstances. All of this causes unnecessary pain and suffering.

But how do you not stress when you’ve got so much to do? You’re overwhelmed? You’re resources are stretched to the limit? You’re stretched to the limit?

The first thing I turn to is EFT Tapping to first release the feelings, then the thoughts and judgements that created the feelings in the first place.

Another thing you can do is schedule in the stress in your day. This may sound strange, but it really works.

Say you have a stack of bills to pay and you don’t have enough money. That’s pretty stressful and we all know what that feels like. Instead of allowing your thoughts about this to run away with your emotions, as it has a tendency to do, tell yourself ‘I don’t have time to stress about this now. I will schedule it in for 4pm this afternoon.’ And actually schedule that time for stress – or anger, or frustration, or hurt, or whatever it might be – at that time.

Your subconscious mind might be confused at first, but it knows you’re not ignoring it, but it’s going to have to wait until the appointed time for you to pay attention to the issue it’s raised. Each time that worry comes up, say, ‘Not now! Wait until 4pm!’ And go about your business. You’ll be surprised how effective that is.

When 4pm comes, make sure you take that issue and focus on it for 5 minutes. Give that worry your undivided attention. But that’s all it gets 5 minutes. Then unleash your creative brain on how to manage and solve the issue at hand. If you have bills that are out of control, just putting them at the bottom of a pile of papers and hoping they will go away is not a way to deal with them. Instead, put together a plan of how to pay them. Contact some providers and arrange a payment plan, or negotiate with them. Figure out how much you need and think about ways you can bring in some extra cash. We live in a society where opportunities abound. Maybe you could take in a lodger through AirBNB, or drive an Uber car. Get solution focused and get the problem handled. Then you won’t have to worry about it any more. Take this approach of scheduling your stress, worry, fear, or other negative emotion into your life so it doesn’t take over your whole life. Often, chances are when you get to the appointed time you won’t even feel like worrying about it any more. But don’t ignore the appointed time you’ve set. You’re subconscious mind is not stupid and will hold you to your word. If you try to trick it, the method will stop working. This is you taking control of your mind, instead of your mind and your thoughts controlling you. The only way you’re going to take control of your life is if you take control of your thoughts and your mind.

© 2016 Marguerita Vorobioff www.PitBullMindset.com


Day  31:  Reflection,  Appreciation  &  Letting  Go  

WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! You made 30 days! You’re freaking awesome!

I’m not kidding. Do you know the vast majority of people will have dropped off well before the end? Some people never even got started.

I am truly impressed! You’re a rare individual indeed. And one of the important parts of achievement is reflecting on how far you’ve come and celebrating your achievement, dedication and commitment!

So now give yourself permission to take 15 to 30 minutes to reflect on how far you’ve come and what you’ve achieved.

Think about where you started and everything you’ve worked through.

What have you learned?

How are you different?

Who have you become?

What’s happening in your life that’s different?

How are you thinking differently?

How are you feeling compared to 30 days ago?

Go back and fill out the questionnaire you completed way back in the beginning. The one that made you feel pretty crappy. This will really give you a good indication of how far you’ve come. If there’s still room for improvement, that’s ok. In fact, if there isn’t, I’d question if you’re being really honest with yourself.

Celebrate this milestone. You still have work to do, but this is time to pat yourself on the back and say ‘Well done!’.

Few people have what it takes to transform their lives and create success, and you’re one of those people. You deserve to be truly proud of yourself.

And when you feel sufficiently satisfied with your achievement and you’ve wallowed in your magnificence, spend the rest of the day shining brightly and feeling accomplished. You deserve it.

When tomorrow comes, return to your daily practice of gratitude, focus and positive action toward your goals. Return to some of the exercises in this book whenever you need to. Invest in another personal development course, coach or mentor. This journey of life has so much to offer, and you have so much to offer life, never stop growing and embracing life with enthusiasm and excitement.

I look forward to seeing you in the PitBull Community.

If you would like to find out about any of my group coaching programs for ongoing mentoring, please send me an email at [email protected] and I will send you information about our current programs.

You’re a true champion!