Daily News Update Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS No. Title Media Source Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Three Minerba RPPs Await Approval from the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Tiga RPP Minerba Kembali Menunggu Persetujuan Menko Maritim dan Investasi Illegal mining and exports rampant, tin trade governance needs improvement Tambang dan ekspor ilegal marak, tata kelola niaga timah perlu pembenahan Issued Rp 384 Billion Bonds, J Resources Offers 9.25-10.25% Interest Terbitkan Obligasi Rp 384 Miliar, J Resources Tawarkan Bunga 9,25-10,25% ESDM Balitbang Develops a Coal-Based Battery Anode, Here's How Balitbang ESDM Kembangkan Anoda Baterai Berbahan Dasar Batu Bara, Begini Caranya Entrepreneurs Ask for More Free DMO Sanctions on Coal, ESDM Agree? Pengusaha Minta Bebas Sanksi DMO Batu Bara Lagi, ESDM Setuju? Trakindo successfully achieved ISO 45001: 2018 certificate Trakindo berhasil raih sertifikat ISO 45001: 2018 Coal Prices Start to Rise Up Supported by China's Economic Recovery Harga Batubara Mulai Tergerek Naik Didukung Pulihnya Ekonomi Cina The era of electric cars is ready to begin, here's the nickel price projection Era Mobil Listrik Siap Dimulai, Begini Proyeksi Harga Nikel Electricity Prices in Japan are Expensive, Coal Touches US$ 85/ton Harga Listrik di Jepang Mahal, Batu Bara Sentuh US$ 85/ton Dunia Energi Kontan Investor Daily Bisnis CNBC Indonesia Kontan Dunia Tambang Bisnis CNBC Indonesia 3 4 7 9 12 14 16 18 21

TABLE OF CONTENTS..."The RPP is done, it's just waiting for the coordinating Minister's signature," said Ridwan to Dunia Energi recently. He said that initially the government targeted

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Page 1: TABLE OF CONTENTS..."The RPP is done, it's just waiting for the coordinating Minister's signature," said Ridwan to Dunia Energi recently. He said that initially the government targeted

Daily News Update Page 1


No. Title Media Source Page










Three Minerba RPPs Await Approval from the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Tiga RPP Minerba Kembali Menunggu Persetujuan Menko Maritim dan Investasi Illegal mining and exports rampant, tin trade governance needs improvement Tambang dan ekspor ilegal marak, tata kelola niaga timah perlu pembenahan Issued Rp 384 Billion Bonds, J Resources Offers 9.25-10.25% Interest Terbitkan Obligasi Rp 384 Miliar, J Resources Tawarkan Bunga 9,25-10,25% ESDM Balitbang Develops a Coal-Based Battery Anode, Here's How Balitbang ESDM Kembangkan Anoda Baterai Berbahan Dasar Batu Bara, Begini Caranya Entrepreneurs Ask for More Free DMO Sanctions on Coal, ESDM Agree? Pengusaha Minta Bebas Sanksi DMO Batu Bara Lagi, ESDM Setuju? Trakindo successfully achieved ISO 45001: 2018 certificate Trakindo berhasil raih sertifikat ISO 45001: 2018 Coal Prices Start to Rise Up Supported by China's Economic Recovery Harga Batubara Mulai Tergerek Naik Didukung Pulihnya Ekonomi Cina The era of electric cars is ready to begin, here's the nickel price projection Era Mobil Listrik Siap Dimulai, Begini Proyeksi Harga Nikel Electricity Prices in Japan are Expensive, Coal Touches US$ 85/ton Harga Listrik di Jepang Mahal, Batu Bara Sentuh US$ 85/ton

Dunia Energi Kontan Investor Daily Bisnis CNBC Indonesia Kontan Dunia Tambang Bisnis CNBC Indonesia










Page 2: TABLE OF CONTENTS..."The RPP is done, it's just waiting for the coordinating Minister's signature," said Ridwan to Dunia Energi recently. He said that initially the government targeted

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Page 3: TABLE OF CONTENTS..."The RPP is done, it's just waiting for the coordinating Minister's signature," said Ridwan to Dunia Energi recently. He said that initially the government targeted

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Three Minerba RPPs Await Approval from the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs

and Investment Rio Indrawan

THE MINISTRY of Energy and Mineral

Resources (ESDM) emphasized that the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) related to mineral and coal mining is only a matter of waiting for cross-ministerial approval before being brought in and ratified by the President.

Ridwan Djamalludin, Director General of Mineral and Coal (Minerba) at the Ministry of ESDM, said the RPP is awaiting approval and signature of Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

"The RPP is done, it's just waiting for the coordinating Minister's signature," said Ridwan to Dunia Energi recently.

He said that initially the government targeted the RPP to be completed in 2020, it's just that its finalization still takes time, so it is targeted that it will be published in early 2021. "It will be published soon," said Ridwan.

Still going through the cross-ministerial circulation and harmonization process, this means that there is a delay in movement in the process of issuing PP as a derivative of the Minerba Law. This is because the government has repeatedly stated that the RPP can be completed in 2020.

Based on the provisions of Article 174 of Law no. 3/2020, implementing regulations must be enacted within one year of the law taking effect on June 10, 2020.

Tiga RPP Minerba Kembali Menunggu Persetujuan Menko

Maritim dan Investasi Rio Indrawan

KEMENTERIAN Energi dan Sumber Daya

Mineral (ESDM) menegaskan Rancangan

Peraturan Pemerintah (RPP) terkait pertambangan mineral dan batu bara

hanya tinggal menunggu persetujuan lintas kementerian koordinator sebelum dibawa

dan disahkan oleh Presiden.

Ridwan Djamalludin, Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batu Bara (Minerba) Kementerian ESDM, mengatakan RPP sedang menunggu persetujuan dan tanda tangan Menteri Koordintator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi (Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

“RPP sudah, ini tinggal menunggu tanda tangan pak Menko,” kata Ridwan kepada Dunia Energi belum lama ini.

Dia menuturkan pada awalnya pemerintah menargetkan RPP bisa rampung pada 2020, hanya saja f inalisasinya masih memakan waktu sehingga ditargetkan baru awal 2021 RPP tersebut bisa terbit. “Sebentar lagi terbit,” tukas Ridwan.

Masih melalui proses sirkulasi dan harmonisasi lintas kementerian, ini berarti ada kelambatan pergerakan dalam proses penerbitan PP sebagai turunan dari UU Minerba. Pasalnya pemerintah berulang kali menyebutkan bahwa RPP bisa selesai pada 2020.

Berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 174 UU No. 3/2020, peraturan pelaksanaan harus ditetapkan dalam kurun waktu satu tahun sejak UU berlaku pada 10 Juni 2020.

Page 4: TABLE OF CONTENTS..."The RPP is done, it's just waiting for the coordinating Minister's signature," said Ridwan to Dunia Energi recently. He said that initially the government targeted

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The first RPP will have substance related to the national mineral and coal management plan, business permits, reserve resilience funds, Community Mining Permits (IPR), IUPK as a continuation of operations/ contracts, divestment of shares, increasing added value, and transitional regulations.

Furthermore, regarding the mining area. The substance regulates mining legal areas, mining area planning, investigation and research and assignments, determination of mining areas, changes in the status of WPN to WUPK, as well as mining data and information. Then there is the third RPP regarding guidance and supervision as well as Reclamation and Post-mining in the Implementation of Mining Business Management. (RI)

RPP pertama nanti memiliki substansi yang berkaitan dengan rencana pengelolaan minerba nasional, perizinan berusaha, dana ketahanan cadangan, Izin Pertambangan Rakyat (IPR), IUPK sebagai kelanjutan operasi/ kontrak, divestasi saham, peningkatan nilai tambah, serta peraturan peralihan.

Selanjutnya tentang wilayah pertambangan. Substansinya mengatur tentang wilayah hukum pertambangan, perencanaan wilayah pertambangan, penyelidikan dan penelitian serta penugasannya, penetapan wilayah pertambangan, perubahan status WPN menjadi WUPK, serta data dan informasi pertambangan. Lalu ada RPP ketiga tentang pembinaan dan pengawasan serta Reklamasi dan Pascatambang dalam Penyelenggaraan Pengelolaan Usaha Pertambangan. (RI)

Illegal mining and exports rampant, tin trade governance

needs improvement Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor:

Yudho Winarto

THE PRACTICE of mining and exporting

illegal tin is still rampant and carried out openly. A number of unscrupulous officials, regional officials and politicians are also suspected of supporting the mining and exporting activities of fake tin.

This condition was expressed in the online discussion "Indonesian Tin Trading System" held by the Economic and Political Discussion Forum (FDEP), Monday (11/1). On this occasion, Senior Economist Faisal Basri said that these elements were involved in becoming mine owners directly or indirectly.

Tambang dan ekspor ilegal marak, tata kelola niaga timah

perlu pembenahan Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana | Editor:

Yudho Winarto

PRAKTIK penambangan dan ekspor timah ilegal masih marak dan dilakukan secara terang-terangan. Sejumlah oknum aparat, pejabat daerah dan politisi pun diduga turut mendukung aktivitas penambangan dan ekspor timah abal-abal tersebut.

Kondisi itu diungkapkan dalam diskusi daring "Tata Niaga Timah Indonesia" yang diselenggarakan Forum Diskusi Ekonomi dan Politik (FDEP), Senin (11/1). Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Ekonom Senior Faisal Basri mengatakan, para oknum tersebut terlibat dengan menjadi pemilik tambang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.

Page 5: TABLE OF CONTENTS..."The RPP is done, it's just waiting for the coordinating Minister's signature," said Ridwan to Dunia Energi recently. He said that initially the government targeted

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Faisal said, many Mining Business Permit (IUP) holders did not meet the require-ments, so they only became collectors of illegal mining products. He emphasized that the rampant illegal mining and exports made legal tin business players less competitive.

"They (unscrupulous apparatus/officials) are like the kings there. Many IUP holders do not meet the requirements. Because their only goal is to collect illegal mining products whose prices are cheaper than legal mines," said Faisal.

Likewise, Indonesian tin mining practitioner, Teddy Marbinanda, said that the involvement of el ements of the apparatus in illegal tin mining has rendered industry players who obey legally powerless.

Teddy said that ignoring the chaos in tin governance would be detrimental to the state. This is because the state loses resources without getting adequate income.

"Up to 90% of illegal mining locations are in the PT Timah IUP. Most of the illegal mining products are sold to other parties at low prices. It is not fair for PT Timah and the state," he explained.

From the export side, a number of neighboring countries are still importing tin sand from Indonesia. In fact, the export of tin sand has been banned. In fact, Singapore, which does not have a tin mine, can export tin blocks.

According to Faisal, this condition occurred due to weak enforcement of regulations even though the rules were complete. In addition, the government also does not appear to be seriously paying attention to the tin commodity.

"I almost never see the Minister of ESDM, Mr. Luhut (Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment) discussing tin. As for nickel, bauxite often," he said.

Faisal bilang, banyak pemegang Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) yang tidak memenuhi syarat, sehingga hanya menjadi penadah hasil tambang ilegal. Dia menekankan, maraknya penambangan dan ekspor ilegal tersebut membuat pelaku usaha timah legal kalah saing.

"Mereka (oknum-oknum aparat/pejabat) seperti raja di sana. Banyak pemegang IUP tidak memenuhi syarat. karena tujuannya hanya mau jadi penadah hasil tambang ilegal yang harganya lebih murah dibandingkan tambang legal," kata Faisal.

Senada, Praktisi pertambangan timah Indonesia, Teddy Marbinanda menyam-paikan bahwa keterlibatan oknum aparat di pertambangan timah ilegal membuat pelaku industri yang patuh secara legal menjadi tidak berdaya.

Kata Teddy, pengabaian atas kekacauan tata kelola timah akan merugikan negara. Sebab, negara kehilangan sumber daya tanpa mendapat penghasilan yang memadai.

"Hingga 90% lokasi penambangan ilegal ada di IUP PT Timah. Sebagian besar hasil penambangan ilegal dijual ke pihak lain dengan harga murah. Tidak adil bagi PT Timah dan negara," terangnya.

Dari sisi ekspor, sejumlah negara tetangga tercatat masih mengimpor pasir timah dari Indonesia. Padahal, ekspor pasir timah sudah dilarang. Bahkan, Singapura yang tidak punya tambang timah bisa mengekspor balok timah.

Menurut Faisal, kondisi itu terjadi karena lemahnya penegakan aturan meski aturan-nya sudah lengkap. Selain itu, pemerintah juga tampak tidak begitu serius memper-hatikan komoditas timah.

"Saya hampir tidak pernah melihat Menteri ESDM, Pak Luhut (Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi) mem-bahas timah. Kalau nikel, bauksit sering," sebut dia.

Page 6: TABLE OF CONTENTS..."The RPP is done, it's just waiting for the coordinating Minister's signature," said Ridwan to Dunia Energi recently. He said that initially the government targeted

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In fact, according to the Secretary General of the Indonesian Mineral Reserves Committee, Arif Dahlius, tin is needed by the industry, especially the automotive industry. Meanwhile, from the regulatory side, Arif agrees that the tin trading system rules are actually complete.

In a regulation from the Ministry of ESDM, for example, companies are required to obtain approval from the Competent Person Indonesia (CPI) for the amount of tin reserves at the IUP location. Without this approval, the Work Plan and Budget (RKAB) cannot be ratified by the govern-ment.

"Without a government-approved RKAB, IUP holders cannot do mining activities, let alone export," said Arif.

He said that currently there are hundreds of IUP holders, while there are only 22 tin CPIs. "They are monitored by the association. There are appraisers who do not comply with the code of ethics and are subject to sanctions," continued Arif.

Meanwhile, Teddy Marbinanda said that practice in the field shows that there are still many violations. Although there is no CPI verification, the RKAB is still legalized by the local government.

Teddy described that there is a tin company that is in the process of preparing to mine in its concession area.

However, the company already has hundreds of tons of tin blocks ready for export. In addition, there are also companies whose production capacity is far below the number of tin blocks it exports.

"It is calculated by any means, it is not appropriate. Strangely, it is still allowed to export. This kind of condition has been going on for years," said Teddy.

Padahal, menurut Sekretaris Jenderal Komite Cadangan Mineral Indonesia Arif Dahlius, timah sangat dibutuhkan oleh industri, terutama otomotif. Sedangkan dari sisi regulasi, Arif mengamini bahwa aturan tata niaga timah sebenarnya sudah lengkap.

Dalam peraturan Kementerian ESDM misalnya, perusahaan wajib mendapatkan pengesahan dari Competent Person Indonesia (CPI) untuk jumlah cadangan timah di lokasi IUP. Tanpa pengesahan itu, maka Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Biaya (RKAB) tidak dapat disahkan oleh pemerintah.

"Tanpa RKAB yang disahkan pemerintah, maka pemegang IUP tidak bisa beraktivitas untuk menambang apalagi mengekspor," ungkap Arif.

Dia menyampaikan, saat ini ada ratusan pemegang IUP, sedangkan hanya ada 22 CPI timah. "Mereka diawasi oleh asosiasi. Ada oknum-oknum penaksir yang tidak patuh kode etik dan dijatuhi sanksi," sambung Arif.

Sementara itu, Teddy Marbinanda menga-takan praktik di lapangan menunjukkan masih banyak pelanggaran. Meski tidak ada verifikasi CPI, RKAB tetap disahkan oleh pemerintah daerah.

Teddy menggambarkan, ada perusahaan timah yang sedang memproses persiapan menambang di wilayah konsesinya.

Namun, perusahaan tersebut sudah punya cadangan ratusan ton balok timah siap ekspor. Selain itu, ada juga perusahaan yang kapasitas produksinya jauh di bawah jumlah balok timah yang diekspornya.

"Dihitung dengan cara apa pun, tidak sesuai. Anehnya, tetap diizinkan untuk ekspor. Kondisi seperti ini sudah terjadi bertahun-tahun," ungkap Teddy.

Page 7: TABLE OF CONTENTS..."The RPP is done, it's just waiting for the coordinating Minister's signature," said Ridwan to Dunia Energi recently. He said that initially the government targeted

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Furthermore, according to Faisal Basri, the central government needs support to fix

the Indonesian tin trade system. This includes taking action against the involve-

ment of elements from the apparatus to the officials.

With the existing regulations, reforming the

Indonesian tin trade system should not take a long time. Faisal also gave an

overview when he led the Oil and Gas Governance Reform Team.

The team's work is to uncover the oil and

gas mafia in Indonesia. "At most six months. Can work quickly because of

central support. The period of tin cannot be fixed. Do not let the tin run out, the people

will not be prosperous" he concluded.

Lebih lanjut, menurut Faisal Basri, butuh dukungan pemerintah pusat untuk

membenahi tata niaga timah Indonesia. Termasuk untuk menindak keterlibatan

oknum aparat hingga pejabat.

Dengan aturan yang ada, semestinya pembenahan tata niaga timah Indonesia

tidak membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Faisal pun memberikan gambaran saat

dirinya memimpin Tim Reformasi Tata Kelola Migas.

Kerja dari tim tersebut ialah untuk meng-

ungkap mafia migas di Indonesia. "Paling lama enam bulan. Bisa kerja cepat karena

dukungan pusat. Masa timah tidak bisa dibenahi. Jangan sampai timah habis,

rakyat tidak sejahtera" pungkasnya.

Issued Rp 384 Billion Bonds, J Resources Offers 9.25-10.25%

Interest Gita Rossiana

([email protected])

PT J RESOURCES Asia Pasifik Tbk (PSAB)

will issue Continuous Bonds I Phase VII

Year 2021 amounting to Rp 384.09 billion. These bonds have an interest rate of 9.25-


The ceiling for the company's Sustainable Bonds I reaches Rp 3 trillion. Previously,

the company issued a share of this bond amounting to Rp 756 billion in 2019. Then,

the company reissued in 2020 amounting to Rp 1.85 trillion.

For this year's bonds amounting to Rp 384 billion, divided into two series.

Terbitkan Obligasi Rp 384 Miliar, J Resources Tawarkan

Bunga 9,25-10,25% Gita Rossiana

([email protected])

PT J RESOURCES Asia Pasifik Tbk (PSAB)

akan menerbitkan Obligasi Berkelanjutan I

Tahap VII Tahun 2021 sebesar Rp 384,09 miliar. Obligasi ini memiliki tingkat bunga


Adapun plafon Obligasi Berkelanjutan I perseroan mencapai Rp 3 triliun. Sebelum-

nya, perseroan telah menerbitkan bagian dari obligasi ini sebesar Rp 756 miliar pada

2019. Kemudian, perseroan menerbitkan kembali pada 2020 sebesar Rp 1,85 triliun.

Untuk obligasi kali ini sebesar Rp 384 miliar terbagi dalam dua seri.

Page 8: TABLE OF CONTENTS..."The RPP is done, it's just waiting for the coordinating Minister's signature," said Ridwan to Dunia Energi recently. He said that initially the government targeted

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“Series A has an interest rate of 9.25 percent and a tenor of 370 days. Series B with an interest rate of 10.25% and a tenor of three years," said the management of J Resources Asia Pacific in a written statement, Monday (11/1).

The principal amount of series A bonds amounting to Rp 250.1 billion, which will be guaranteed with full commitment. The remaining principal amount or Rp 133.99 billion will be guaranteed with the best ability and can be issued in series A or series B.

In the issuance of these bonds, PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) gave an A rating. PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk (TRIM) acted as the underwriter for the bond issuance and PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BBRI) as the trustee.

As planned, the public offering period will be on January 20-21, 2021. Electronic distribution on January 26, 2021 and listing on the stock exchange on January 27, 2021.

The company will use the proceeds from the issuance of bonds to be channeled in the form of loans to its subsidiary, PT J Resources Nusantara. These funds will be used by JRN to pay off MTN of Rp. 300 billion.

This year, J Resources allocated a capital expenditure (capex) of US$ 136 million. This capital expenditure will be used to complete the Doup project and other capital expenditure needs. Director J Resources Sanjaya Yang said, so far for the Doup project, the company has signed a contract with SGS Bateman in October 2020. "The contract was signed regarding the engineering design of the project," he said.

Last October, the company also signed a cooperation agreement with PLN for electricity supply of 20 MVA. Meanwhile, the placement of long lead machines and equipment will begin in December 2020.

“Seri A memiliki tingkat bunga 9,25% dan tenor 370 hari. Seri B dengan tingkat bunga 10,25% dan tenor tiga tahun,” ungkap manajemen J Resources Asia Pasifik dalam keterangan tertulis, Senin (11/1).

Jumlah pokok obligasi seri A sebesar Rp 250,1 miliar yang akan dijamin dengan kesanggupan penuh (full commitment). Sisa pokok obligasi atau sebesar Rp 133,99 miliar akan dijamin dengan kesanggupan terbaik dan bisa diterbitkan dalam seri A atau seri B.

Dalam penerbitan obligasi ini , PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) memberikan peringkat A. PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk (TRIM) bertindak sebagai penjamin pelaksana emisi obligasi dan PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BBRI) sebagai wali amanat.

Sesuai rencana, masa penawaran umum akan dilakukan pada 20-21 Januari 2021. Distribusi secara elektronik pada 26 Januari 2021 dan pencatatan di bursa pada 27 Januari 2021.

Perseroan akan menggunakan dana dari penerbitan obligasi untuk disalurkan dalam bentuk pinjaman kepada anak usaha, PT J Resources Nusantara. Dana ini akan digunakan JRN untuk melunasi MTN sebesar Rp 300 miliar.

Tahun ini, J Resources mengalokasikan belanja modal (capital expenditure/capex) senilai US$ 136 juta. Belanja modal ini akan digunakan untuk menyelesaikan proyek Doup dan keperluan belanja modal lainnya. Direktur J Resources Sanjaya Yang mengatakan, sejauh ini untuk proyek Doup, perusahaan sudah menandatangani kontrak dengan SGS Bateman pada Oktober 2020. "Kontrak yang ditanda-tangani terkait engineering design pada proyek tersebut," ujar dia.

Pada Oktober lalu, perseroan juga menanda-tangani kerja sama dengan PLN untuk pasokan listrik sebesar 20 MVA. Sementara untuk penempatan mesin long lead dan peralatan akan dimulai pada Desember 2020.

Page 9: TABLE OF CONTENTS..."The RPP is done, it's just waiting for the coordinating Minister's signature," said Ridwan to Dunia Energi recently. He said that initially the government targeted

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The Doup project is located in the Doup block, East Bolaang Mongondow Regency and is targeted for completion in 2021. This project is expected to produce 80-90 thousand ounces of gold per year. "The Doup project has gold reserves of 1.9 million ounces and a life time of mine of 10-15 years," he said.

Apart from the Doup project, J Resources Managing Director Edi Permadi said that his party also has a Bakan project in Bolaang Mongondow Regency. From this project, J Resources targets a production of 500 thousand ounces.

Currently, the company is expanding the Bakan Project in the Main Ridge, North Main Ridge, Campsite, Vila and Osela sections. The company also dril led intensively in Tapagale and Jalina. "From the exploration of Tapagale, we are targeting gold production of 250-350 thousand ounces," he explained.

Apart from domestic projects, J Resources is also working on the Penjom Project in Malaysia. This project started in the fourth quarter of 2020 by producing gold with tailing stock facilities (TSF). Editor: Jauhari Mahardhika

Adapun proyek Doup berlokasi di blok Doup, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur dan ditargetkan rampung pada tahun 2021. Proyek ini diharapkan bisa mem-produksi emas sebanyak 80-90 ribu ounces per tahun. "Proyek Doup memiliki cadangan emas sebanyak 1,9 juta ounces dan life time of mine 10-15 tahun," papar dia.

Selain proyek Doup, Direktur Utama J Resources Edi Permadi mengatakan, pihak-nya juga memiliki proyek Bakan di Kabu-paten Bolaang Mongondow. Dari proyek ini, J Resources menargetkan produksi sebesar 500 ribu ounces.

Saat ini, perseroan sedang melakukan ekspansi Proyek Bakan di bagian Main Ridge, North Main Ridge, Campsite, Vila dan Osela. Perseroan juga melakukan penge-boran secara intensif di Tapagale dan Jalina. "Dari eksplorasi Tapagale kami menarget-kan produksi emas 250-350 ribu ounces," jelas dia.

Selain proyek di dalam negeri, J Resources juga menggarap Proyek Penjom di Malaysia. Proyek ini dimulai pada kuartal IV-2020 dengan memproduksi emas dengan tailing stock facilities (TSF). Ed itor : Jauh ari Mahardhika

ESDM Balitbang Develops a

Coal-Based Battery Anode, Here's How

Denis Riantiza Meilanova

RESEARCH and Development Center for

Mineral and Coal Technology (Tekmira), Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of ESDM initiated research on battery anodes from coal by converting coal into high-value pitch raw materials.

Balitbang ESDM Kembangkan

Anoda Baterai Berbahan Dasar Batu Bara, Begini Caranya

Denis Riantiza Meilanova

PUSAT Penelitian dan Pengembangan

Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara (Tekmira) Badan Litbang Kementerian ES DM menginisiasi penelitian anoda baterai dari bahan batu bara dengan mengkonversi batu bara menjadi bahan baku pitch bernilai tinggi.

Page 10: TABLE OF CONTENTS..."The RPP is done, it's just waiting for the coordinating Minister's signature," said Ridwan to Dunia Energi recently. He said that initially the government targeted

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The research, which was carried out by the Research and Development Group (KP3) of Coal Processing and Utilization Technology, aims to support the downstream program of coal into high value synthetic graphite raw materials. Activities focused on making carbon precursors from coal distilliter residues as energy storage materials.

KP3 Coordinator for Coal Processing and Utilization Technology, Slamet Handoko, explained that graphite is the main raw material for battery anodes which are commonly used in batteries for electronic equipment such as batteries for mobile phones, laptops and electric vehicles. This material is high performance and has a fast fill capacity and long life.

Currently, about 83 percent of the world's natural graphite supplies come from China and Brazil. However, not all natural graphite can be used as a battery anode due to its purity and crystal size qualities. Synthetic graphite has a homogeneous purity and crystal size.

Unfortunately, the conventional process of making synthetic graphite from petroleum is still expensive, reaching 10 times the cost of processing natural graphite. Although the price of synthetic graphite has skyrocketed, the proportion of synthetic graphite used as battery anode has not decreased. To reduce production costs, usually synthetic graphite is mixed with processed natural graphite (spherical graphite).

"As of 2014, the proportion of synthetic graphite has reached 33-40 percent and it is predicted that it will continue to increase along with the increasing demand for electric car batteries," Slamet said in a press release, Monday (11/1/2021).

Based on data published by electric car manufacturer Tesla, the demand for natural graphite is estimated to increase annually by 154 percent. This places graphite as...

Penelitian yang dilaksanakan Kelompok Penelitian dan Pengembangan (KP3) Tekno-logi Pengolahan dan Pemanfaatan Batubara ini bertujuan mendukung program hilirisasi batu bara menjadi bahan baku grafit sintetik yang bernilai tinggi. Kegiatan difokuskan pada pembuatan prekursor karbon dari residu distilasiter batu bara sebagai material penyimpanan energi.

Koordinator KP3 Teknologi Pengolahan dan Pemanfaatan Batubara Slamet Handoko menjelaskan grafit merupakan bahan baku utama anoda baterai yang umum digunakan pada baterai peralatan elektronik seperti baterai telepon genggam, laptop, dan kendaraan listrik. Material ini berkinerja tinggi dan memiliki kapasitas pengisian cepat dan umur yang panjang.

Saat ini, sekitar 83 persen pasokan grafit alam dunia berasal dari China dan Brasil. Namun, tidak semua grafit alam dapat digunakan sebagai anoda baterai karena alasan kemurnian dan kualitas ukuran kristalnya.

Grafit sintetik memiliki kemurnian dan ukuran kristal yang homogen. Sayangnya, biaya proses pembuatan grafit sintetik secara konvensional dari minyak bumi masih mahal, mencapai 10 kali biaya pengolahan grafit alam. Walaupun harga grafit sintetik melangit, proporsi pemakaian grafit sintetik sebagai anoda baterai tidak berkurang. Untuk menekan biaya produksi, biasanya grafit sintetik dicampur dengan grafit alam olahan (spherical graphite).

"Per tahun 2014 proporsi grafit sintetik men-capai 33-40 persen dan diprediksi terus meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan kebutuhan baterai mobil listrik", ujar Slamet melalui siaran pers, Senin (11/1/2021).

Berdasarkan data yang dipublikasi oleh produsen mobil listrik Tesla, permintaan grafit alam diperkirakan meningkat setiap tahunnya sebesar 154 persen. Ini menem-patkan grafit sebagai...

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This places graphite as the most sought after mineral in the future. Therefore, synthetic graphite research needs to be done to anticipate the boom in demand, especially since Indonesia does not have an economical natural graphite mine.

Low rank coal in Indonesia is very abundant and has a large enough potential to be used as a carbon precursor in the manufacture of battery anodes. In general, coal produces hydrocarbons when burned with oxygen and produces heat. However, if the coal is heated in the absence of oxygen, hydro-carbons will be obtained in the form of coal tar which can be further processed into pitch. The process of making coal tar is known as pyrolysis, while the processing of tar into pitch is usually through distillation. Both of these processes have been researched and mastered by researchers at the Research and Development Center for Tekmira.

However, not all parts of the pitch can be made into synthetic graphite, so it is necessary to process modification and extraction using a solvent. Only about 30-40 percent of the pitch can be extracted and can then be used as a carbon precursor for synthetic graphite manufacture. The extracted product is often referred to as mesophase pitch, because it contains 100 percent carbon, which can be converted into graphite.

The Head of the Phiciato Research Team explained that the conventional synthetic graphite manufacturing process, whether using petroleum or coal, must go through a process at an extreme temperature of around 2,000 - 3,000° C. This condition is difficult to apply economically on an industrial scale. With the aid of a catalyst, the process temperature can be lowered to close to 1,000° C. Observations with X-Ray Diffraction show that synthetic graphite can be formed at a temperature of 1,200° C with the help of a catalyst based on Fe (Ferrum).

Ini menempatkan grafit sebagai bahan galian paling diburu ke depannya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian grafit sintetik perlu dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi ledakan permintaan, apalagi Indonesia tidak me-miliki tambang grafit alam yang ekonomis.

Batu bara peringkat rendah di Indonesia sangat berlimpah dan potensinya cukup besar untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai prekursor karbon dalam pembuatan anoda baterai. Pada umumnya, batu bara menghasilkan senyawa hidrokarbon ketika dibakar dengan oksigen dan menghasilkan panas. Namun jika batubara dipanaskan pada kondisi tanpa oksigen, akan didapatkan hidrokarbon dalam bentuk ter batu bara yang dapat diolah lebih lanjut menjadi pitch. Proses pembuatan ter batu bara ini dikenal sebagai pirolisis, sementara proses pengolahan ter menjadi pitch biasanya melalui distilasi. Kedua proses ini telah diteliti dan dikuasai oleh para peneliti Puslitbang Tekmira.

Walaupun demikian tidak semua bagian dari pitch tersebut dapat dijadikan grafit sintetik sehingga perlu proses modifikasi dan ekstraksi menggunakan pelarut. Hanya sekitar 30-40 persen dari pitch yang dapat diekstrak dan kemudian dapat dijadikan prekursor karbon untuk pembuatan grafit sintetik. Produk hasil ekstraksi sering juga disebut sebagai mesophase pitch, karena mengandung 100 persen karbon, yang dapat dikonversi menjadi grafit.

Ketua Tim Penelitian Phiciato memaparkan proses pembuatan grafit sintetik secara konvensional, baik yang menggunakan minyak bumi atau batu bara, harus melalui proses pada suhu ekstrim sekitar 2.000 - 3.000 °C. Kondisi ini sulit diterapkan secara ekonomis pada skala industri. Dengan bantuan katalis, suhu proses dapat di-turunkan hingga mendekati 1.000°C. Hasil pengamatan dengan X-Ray Diffraction menunjukkan grafit sintetik dapat terbentuk pada suhu 1.200°C dengan bantuan katalis berbasis Fe (Ferrum).

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"The key to success is influenced by two aspects, namely the effectiveness of

making mesophase and choosing the type of catalyst. Currently, the research team is

still focused on making mesophase and in the future will develop suitable and

economical catalysts," said Phiciato.

He explained in principle that synthetic graphite can be synthesized from all types

of carbon materials such as biomass, soot, charcoal and industrial waste, provided it

has a suitable catalyst medium and guarantees the availability of supplies.

When compared to biomass, the fixed-

carbon content of coal is 2-3 times the biomass on average. This underlies the

selection of coal and its derivatives as an economical carbon precursor. The higher

the carbon content will certainly have an impact on the better the economics of the

graphitization process. Editor: Andhika

Anggoro Wening

"Kunci keberhasilan dipengaruhi dua aspek, yaitu efektivitas pembuatan

mesophase dan pemilihan jenis katalis. Saat ini, tim peneliti masih berfokus pada

pembuatan mesophase dan ke depan akan mengembangkan katalis yang cocok dan

ekonomis", kata Phiciato.

Dia menguraikan pada prinsipnya grafit sintetik dapat disintesa dari segala jenis

material karbon seperti biomassa, jelaga, arang dan limbah industri, asalkan

memiliki media katalis yang cocok dan jaminan ketersedian pasokan.

Jika dibandingkan dengan biomassa,

kandungan karbon tetap (fixed-carbon) pada batu bara rata-rata 2-3 kali biomassa.

Hal ini yang mendasari pemilihan batu bara dan turunannya sebagai prekursor

karbon yang ekonomis. Semakin tinggi kandungan karbon tentu berdampak pada

semakin baiknya keekonomian proses grafitisasi. Editor : Andhika Anggoro Wening

Entrepreneurs Ask for More Free DMO Sanctions on Coal, ESDM

Agree? Anisatul Umah, CNBC Indonesia


Association (APBI) hopes that this year, the exemption of compensation sanctions for the shortage of coal sales for domestic purposes (DMO) will be implemented again.

Then, will the government grant this request?

Pengusaha Minta Bebas Sanksi DMO Batu Bara Lagi, ESDM

Setuju? Anisatul Umah, CNBC Indonesia

ASOSIASI Pertambangan Batubara

Indonesia (APBI) berharap agar tahun ini kembali diberlakukan pembebasan sanksi kompensasi terhadap kekurangan pen-ualan batu bara untuk kepentingan dalam negeri atau domestic market obligation (DMO).

Lalu, apakah permintaan ini bakal di-kabulkan oleh pemerintah?

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ESDM Ministry's Mineral and Coal (Minerba) Development Director Muhammad Wafid said the government would first review this request. The reason is, 2021 has just started, only in a matter of a few days.

"This year has just started, why should we ask for release? Of course we must first review everything," he told CNBC Indonesia, Monday (11/01/2021).

Meanwhile for 2020 the government has exempted the obligation to pay compensation for a number of shortages in domestic coal sales. This is stated in the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No.255.K/30/MEM/ 2020 concerning Fulfillment of Domestic Coal Needs in 2021 which was stipulated by Minister of ESDM Arifin Tasrif on December 29, 2020.

Regarding the total amount of compen-sation released in 2020, unfortunately Wafid has not been able to submit the data.

Previously, APBI Executive Director Hendra Sinadia said that his party appreciated the Minister of ESDM for not imposing financial compensation sanctions in terms of the 2020 DMO obligations.

"We hope that this year's DMO fine will also be eliminated because the problem is the same," he told CNBC Indonesia, Thursday (7/01/2021).

Hendra explained that currently there are still problems regarding the fulfillment of the coal quality required for domestic needs.

According to him, there are still many coal producers who cannot meet the coal quality absorption requirements of 4,000-5,000 Gar for domestic electricity companies. According to him, this market limitation makes it difficult for producers to sell, especially when coal prices were low last year.

Direktur Pembinaan Program Mineral dan Batu Bara (Minerba) Kementerian ESDM Muhammad Wafid mengatakan pemerintah akan mengkaji terlebih dahulu permintaan ini. Pasalnya, 2021 saja baru dimulai, baru dalam hitungan beberapa hari.

"Tahun ini baru saja mulai, kenapa harus sudah minta pembebasan? tentu harus kami kaji dulu semuanya," ungkapnya kepada CNBC Indonesia, Senin (11/01/2021).

Sementara untuk 2020 pemerintah telah membebaskan sanksi kewajiban pem-bayaran kompensasi terhadap sejumlah kekurangan penjualan batu bara untuk dalam negeri. Hal ini tercantum dalam Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral No.255.K/30/MEM/2020 tentang Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Batu Bara Dalam Negeri 2021 yang ditetapkan Menteri ESDM Arifin Tasrif pada 29 Desember 2020.

Mengenai berapa total besaran kompensasi yang dibebaskan pada 2020 lalu, sayangnya Wafid belum bisa menyampaikan datanya.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Eksekutif APBI Hendra Sinadia mengatakan pihaknya meng-apresiasi kepada Menteri ESDM yang tidak memberlakukan sanksi kompensasi keuangan dalam hal kewajiban DMO 2020.

"Kami berharap sanksi denda DMO tahun ini juga dihapuskan karena masalahnya sama," tuturnya kepada CNBC Indonesia, Kamis (7/01/2021).

Hendra menjelaskan, saat ini masih ada masalah soal pemenuhan kualitas batu bara yang dibutuhkan untuk kebutuhan domestik.

Menurutnya, masih banyak produsen batu bara yang tidak bisa memenuhi syarat serapan kualitas batu bara 4.000-5.000 Gar untuk perusahaan kelistrikan di dalam negeri. Keterbatasan pasar ini menurutnya membuat produsen sulit menjual, terutama di saat harga batu bara rendah pada tahun lalu.

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"Now how to provide justice to companies that have not met the requirements, for companies that do not have a domestic market because coal calories are low. The government must find the best," he said. (wia)

"Sekarang bagaimana memberikan keadilan ke perusahaan yang belum bisa memenuhi syarat, untuk perusahaan yang tidak punya pasar dalam negeri karena kalori batu bara rendah. Pemerintah harus cari yang terbaik," katanya. (wia)

Trakindo successfully achieved ISO 45001: 2018 certificate

Reporter: Sugeng Adji Soenarso | Editor: Yudho Winarto


tional Health and Safety (K3) management system in the heavy equipment industry is the main requirement for the success of sustainable operational activities. A superior K3 management system (SMK3) not only serves to provide protection but can also increase work productivity and competitiveness.

PT Trakindo Utama (Trakindo), recently successfully migrated the work safety system from OHSAS 18001: 2007 to the ISO 45001: 2018 system and achieved certification with no findings in the Non-Comfirmity (NC) category.

This achievement was obtained because he was considered to have implemented the proper SMK3; take proportional action in preventing work accidents, maintaining occupational health, including in mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic.

Rachmat Sobari Hamami, President Director of Trakindo, said that the achievement of the international standard ISO 45001: 2018 certification is one of the real steps in realizing Trakindo's vision to become a world-class provider of Cat® heavy equipment solutions.

Trakindo berhasil raih sertifikat ISO 45001:2018

Reporter: Sugeng Adji Soenarso | Editor: Yudho Winarto

IMPLEMENTASI sistem manajemen

Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) di industri alat berat menjadi syarat utama kesuksesan aktivitas operasional yang berkelanjutan. Sistem manajemen K3 (SMK3) yang unggul, tak hanya berfungsi memberikan perlindungan tapi juga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas kerja dan daya saing.

PT Trakindo Utama (Trakindo), baru-baru ini berhasil melakukan migrasi sistem keselamatan kerja dari OHSAS 18001:2007 ke dalam sistem ISO 45001:2018 dan meraih sertifikasi dengan hasil tanpa temuan kategori Non-Comfirmity (NC).

Prestasi ini didapatkan lantaran dinilai telah menerapkan SMK3 yang tepat; melakukan tindakan proporsional dalam mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan kerja, menjaga kesehatan kerja, termasuk dalam memitigasi pandemi Covid-19.

Rachmat Sobari Hamami, Direktur Utama Trakindo mengatakan, pencapaian sertifi-kasi ISO 45001:2018 yang berstandar internasional ini menjadi salah satu langkah nyata perwujudan visi Trakindo dalam menjadi penyedia solusi alat berat Cat® yang berkelas dunia.

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"We are proud of the achievement of excellent audit results, especially with the absence of findings in the Non-Conforty (NC) category, either on a large (major) or small (minor) scale. We are committed to making occupational safety, health and the environment ( K3L) as a culture that is inspired by all employees. We strive to do more than compliance standards; in addition to maintaining compliance with applicable regulations, we want to go a step further, one of which is through ISO certification at all Trakindo branches in Indonesia," he explained in an official statement, Monday (11/1).

ISO 45001: 2018 achieved by Trakindo is an international standard that establishes requirements or guidelines for occupa-tional safety and health management systems (SMK3) in companies.

This standard examines the framework that companies use to minimize risks in the workplace, as well as how to create a safe and healthy workplace for its workers, suppliers, visitors and customers.

Replacing its predecessor, the OHSAS 18001: 2007 standard, the current ISO 45001: 2018 system adopts a higher level structure than the previous standard which demands the integration of OSH aspects into the company management system to further encourage a strong leadership role for SMK3.

In addition to encouraging the parti-cipation and contribution of workers in preparing SMK3, this standard also requires suppliers of goods and services to meet the applicable K3 requirements in the company.

Not only considering risks, ISO 45001: 2018 also requires companies to identify and control other OSH risks and opportunities related to operational sustainability.

"Kami bangga dengan peraihan hasil audit yang sangat baik, terutama dengan tidak di-temukannya temuan kategori Non-Conforty (NC), baik dalam skala besar (major) atau pun kecil (minor). Kami berkomitmen untuk menjadikan keselamatan, kesehatan Kerja, dan Lingkungan (K3L) sebagai budaya yang dijiwai seluruh karyawan. Kami berusaha untuk melakukan lebih dari standar kepatuhan; selain menjaga untuk selalu menaati peraturan yang berlaku, kami ingin melangkah lebih jauh, salah satunya melalui sertifikasi ISO pada seluruh cabang Trakindo di Indonesia," paparnya dalam keterangan resmi, Senin (11/1).

ISO 45001:2018 yang diraih Trakindo adalah standar internasional yang menetapkan persyaratan atau pedoman untuk sistem manajemen keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (SMK3) di perusahaan.

Standar ini meninjau kerangka kerja yang diterapkan perusahaan dalam meminimalisir risiko di tempat kerja, juga bagaimana menciptakan tempat kerja yang aman dan sehat untuk pekerja, pemasok, pengunjung, dan pelanggannya.

Menggantikan pendahulunya yaitu standar OHSAS 18001:2007, sistem ISO 45001:2018 terkini mengadopsi struktur tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari standar sebelumnya yang menuntut integrasi aspek K3 ke dalam sistem manajemen perusahaan untuk lebih jauh mendorong peran kepemimpinan yang kuat terhadap SMK3.

Selain mendorong partisipasi serta kontri-busi pekerja dalam menyusun SMK3, standar ini juga menuntut pemasok barang dan jasa untuk memenuhi persyaratan K3 yang berlaku di perusahaan.

Tak hanya mempertimbangkan risiko, ISO 45001:2018 juga mensyaratkan perusahaan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengendalikan risiko dan peluang K3 lainnya yang berkaitan dengan keberlangsungan operasional.

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Mark Andrew Golez, Lead Auditor of PT AJA Certification Indonesia said, Trakindo is one of the companies from the heavy equipment industry that has successfully migrated certification to ISO 45001: 2018.

Apart from reviewing the systems in place, this standard also focuses on the responsibilities of company leaders and workers' participation in creating safer workplaces.

"ISO 45001: 2018 also focuses on continuous assessment of opportunities to reduce risk. We provide full support in realizing Trakindo's goal of carrying out operational activities in a safe and healthy manner with an injury-free work environ-ment," he added.

The achievement of the ISO 45001: 2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System adds to the list of international certifications obtained by Trakindo.

Currently, Trakindo has also achieved accreditation for the ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System, the ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System, and the ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Bribery / Anti-Bribery Management System.

Mark Andrew Golez, Lead Auditor PT AJA Sertifikasi Indonesia mengatakan, Trakindo menjadi salah satu perusahaan dari industri alat berat yang telah berhasil melakukan migrasi sertifikasi ke ISO 45001:2018.

Selain meninjau sistem yang diterapkan, standar ini juga memiliki fokus pada tanggung jawab para pemimpin perusahaan dan partisipasi pekerja dalam menciptakan tempat kerja yang lebih aman.

"ISO 45001:2018 juga menitikberatkan pada penilaian berkesinambungan terhadap peluang untuk mengurangi risiko. Kami memberikan dukungan penuh dalam me-wujudkan tujuan Trakindo untuk melaku-kan kegiatan operasional secara aman dan sehat dengan lingkungan kerja yang bebas cidera,” tambahnya.

Pencapaian Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja ISO 45001:2018 menambah daftar sertifikasi internasional yang didapatkan Trakindo.

Saat ini, Trakindo juga telah meraih akreditasi Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan ISO 14001:2015, Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015, dan juga Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan/Anti Bribery ISO 37001: 2016.

Coal Prices Start to Rise Up Supported by China's Economic

Recovery Author: Edo Fernando, Editor: Faris


THE POSITIVE trend continues to record

the reference coal price or HBA.

Harga Batubara Mulai Tergerek Naik Didukung Pulihnya

Ekonomi Cina Penulis : Edo Fernando, Editor : Faris


TREN positif terus dicatatkan harga batu-

bara acuan atau HBA.

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The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has set a reference coal price for January 20201, the value has increased to USD16.19 per tonne or 27.14 percent to USD75.84. The percentage of such an increase was recorded when compared to the January 2020 period, which was at a price of USD59.65 per ton.

The Ministry of ESDM confirmed that there are a number of factors that support the increase in the benchmark coal price, and the main one is the market condition in China which is now starting to recover.

"After almost a year caused by limited economic activity, the market is now starting to move to recover, especially in China," the Ministry of ESDM told reporters on Monday (04/01/2020).

According to him, the Chinese market has played a very important role in influencing coal prices, especially in Indonesia because they are the number one market for Indonesia after India. In addition, the heating up relationship between China and Australia has generated its own sentiment and has an impact on market conditions in both countries.

The increase that occurred in this reference coal price also brought it to a psychological level, after being depressed by the pandemic outbreak throughout 2020, which even then reached its lowest record since 2015. The peak of the decline occurred in September, where the price was only USD49.42 per ton.

It was only from October until the following months that the benchmark coal price was able to recover or rebound, where the prices were respectively recorded at USD51 for October, USD55.71 for November, and USD 59.65 for December.

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral telah menetapkan harga batubara acuan untuk bulan Januari tahun 20201 ini, nilainya naik menjadi USD16,19 per ton atau sebesar 27,14 persen menjadi USD75,84. Persentase kenaikan sebesar itu tercatat jika dibandingkan untuk periode bulan Januari 2020, yang berada di harga USD59,65 per ton.

Pihak Kementerian ESDM mengkonfirmasi bahwa ada sejumlah faktor yang mendukung kenaikan harga batubara acuan itu, dan utamanya adalah kondisi pasar di Tiongkok yang kini mulai pulih.

“Setelah hampir satu tahun yang disebabkan oleh terbatasnya aktivitas ekonomi, pasar kini mulai bergerak pulih, khususnya di Tiongkok,” ungkap pihak Kementerian ESDM kepada para wartawan pada Senin (04/01/ 2020).

Menurut pihaknya, pasar Tiongkok selama ini memegang peranan sangat penting untuk mempengaruhi harga batubara, khususnya di Indonesia karena mereka adalah pasar nomor satu untuk Indonesia setelah India. Selain itu hubungan antara Tiongkok dengan Australia yang memanas, memunculkan sentimen tersendiri dan berdampak pada kondisi pasar di kedua negara.

Kenaikan yang terjadi pada harga batubara acuan ini pun mengantarkannya menuju ke level psikologis, setelah tertekan akibat wabah pandemi sepanjang tahun 2020 lalu, yang bahkan saat itu mencapai rekor terendahnya sejak tahun 2015. Puncak keter-purukan itu terjadi pada bulan September, di mana harganya hana sebesar USD49,42 per ton.

Baru mulai bulan Oktober hingga bulan-bulan berikutnya harga batubara acuan mampu pulih atau rebound, di mana harga-nya masing masing tercatat sebesar USD51 untuk bulan Oktober, USD55,71 untuk Novem-ber, dan USD59,65 untuk bulan Desember.

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However, the Ministry of ESDM also stated that supply and demand factors also

contributed to price changes outside of the pandemic outbreak. To note, the supply

factor is influenced by weather problems, mining engineering problems, government

policies from supplying countries, to technical problems in distribution

including trains, barges to problems with loading at the terminal.

Meanwhile, the demand factor is strongly influenced by electricity demand which is

correlated with conditions in the industrial world, import policies and competition

with a number of other commodities such as hydro, nuclear and LNG.

Meski demikian pihak Kementerian ESDM juga menyebutkan bahwa faktor pasokan dan permintaan juga turut andil sebagai faktor perubah harga di luar wabah pandemi. Untuk diketahui, faktor pasokan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh masalah cuaca, masalah teknik pertambangan, kebijakan pemerintah dari negara pemasok, hingga masalah teknis dalam distribusi meliputi kereta, tongkang hingga masalah pada pemuatan di terminal.

Sedangkan untuk faktor pada permintaan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kebutuhan listrik yang berkorelasi dengan kondisi pada dunia industri, kebijakan impor serta persaingan dengan sejumlah komoditas lain seperti hidro, nuklir dan LNG.

The era of electric cars is ready to begin, here's the nickel price

projection Finna U. Ulfah

NICKEL prices are projected to return to

the green zone with ample room for strengthening in the long term in line with the prospect of tightening supply and restoring demand.

Based on Bloomberg data, at the close of trading last weekend, Friday (8/1/2021), the price of nickel on the London stock exchange parked at US$ 17,667 per ton, corrected 2.44 percent. The weakening was in line with the US dollar index rebound.

To note, a stronger US dollar tends to weaken the price of metal commodities, including nickel, because the price is more expensive for buyers denominated in currencies other than US dollars.

Era Mobil Listrik Siap Dimulai, Begini Proyeksi Harga Nikel

Finna U. Ulfah

HARGA nikel di proyeksi mampu kembali

ke zona hijau dengan ruang penguatan yang cukup lebar untuk jangka panjang seiring dengan prospek pengetatan pasokan dan pemulihan permintaan.

Berdasarkan data Bloomberg, pada penutupan perdagangan akhir pekan lalu, Jumat (8/1/2021), harga nikel di bursa London parkir di level US$17.667 per ton, terkoreksi 2,44 persen. Pelemahan ter-sebut seiring dengan rebound indeks dolar AS.

Untuk diketahui, dolar AS yang lebih kuat cenderung akan membuat harga komo-ditas logam, termasuk nikel, melemah karena harga menjadi lebih mahal bagi pembeli dengan denominasi mata uang selain dolar AS.

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In fact, in previous trading, nickel managed to touch the highest level since September 2019 at the level of US$ 18,000 per ton. Meanwhile, during the current year 2021 nickel has moved up 6.31 percent. In 2020, nickel prices recorded an increase of up to 16.23 percent.

The Shanghai Metal Market Analyst Team said in their research that in the short term nickel prices have the potential to strengthen towards the Lunar New Year holiday. Towards the New Year holiday period, all factories and smelters will generally begin to reduce their production capacity. Thus, the production of nickel and its derivatives is projected to be lower, so that supply will be under pressure.

"Apart from approaching the Lunar New Year holiday, the revival of the Covid-19 case in several Chinese provinces will also affect the transportation of raw materials and additional materials so that supplies are believed to be increasingly disrupted," wrote the Shanghai Metal Market Analyst Team quoted from Bloomberg, Monday (11/1 2021).

ED&F Man Capital Markets analyst Edward Meir said that nickel and copper are among the base metals that benefit the most amid the prospect of a recovery in current global macroeconomic conditions and green economic developments.

Moreover, after the US Congress approved the victory of the elected president, Joe Biden, which is believed to produce many environmentally friendly policies, including encouraging the penetration of electric vehicles.

Increased penetration of electric vehicles is a positive catalyst for nickel because this commodity is the main raw material for electric vehicle batteries, which are considered very efficient.

Padahal, pada perdagangan sebelumnya nikel berhasil menyentuh level tertinggi sejak September 2019 di kisaran level US$18.000 per ton. Adapun, sepanjang tahun berjalan 2021 nikel telah bergerak menguat 6,31 persen. Pada 2020, harga nikel mencatatkan kenaikan hingga 16,23 persen.

Tim Analis Shanghai Metal Market mengatakan dalam risetnya bahwa dalam jangka pendek harga nikel berpotensi menguat menuju libur tahun baru Imlek. Menuju periode libur tahun baru tersebut umumnya akan membuat semua pabrik dan smelter mulai mengurangi kapasitas produksinya.Dengan demikian, produksi komoditas nikel dan turunannya di-proyeksi lebih rendah sehingga pasokan pun dalam tekanan.

“Selain menjelang liburan Tahun Baru Imlek, kebangkitan kembali kasus Covid-19 di beberapa provinsi China juga akan mempengaruhi transportasi bahan baku dan bahan tambahan sehingga pasokan diyakini semakin terganggu,” tulis Tim Analis Shanghai Metal Market dikutip dari Bloomberg, Senin (11/1/2021).

Analis ED&F Man Capital Markets Edward Meir mengatakan bahwa nikel dan tembaga menjadi salah satu logam dasar yang mendapatkan keuntungan paling banyak di tengah prospek pemulihan kondisi makro ekonomi global saat ini dan perkembangan ekonomi hijau.

Apalagi, setelah Kongres AS mengesahkan kemenangan presiden terpilih, Joe Biden, yang diyakini akan membuahkan banyak kebijakan ramah lingkungan, termasuk mendorong penetrasi kendaraan listrik.

Peningkatan penetrasi kendaraan listrik menjadi katalis positif bagi nikel karena komoditas itu merupakan bahan baku utama baterai kendaraan listrik yang di-nilai sangat efisien.

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"Nickel and copper are among the commo-dities most utilized from the current macro prospect, and not to mention that in the long term nickel prices are strongly supported by their use as electric vehicle batteries," Meir was quoted as saying by Bloomberg.

Meanwhile, BloombergNEF in its research predicts that sales of electric vehicles in China in 2021 will increase to 1.7 million. The prediction is higher than the previous estimate which was believed to only reach 1 million.

Cutting subsidies, the possibility of economic recovery and the release of a new model will pave the way for the growth of China's electric vehicle market in 2021.

The more crowded sales of electric vehicles will push up nickel prices in line with the prospect that demand as a raw material will also increase.

On the other hand, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reiterated his mission to turn down the nickel industry in the midst of the 48th PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) birthday celebration on Sunday (10/1/2021).

The president stated that he wants to process nickel ore into lithium batteries that can be used for cell phones and electric cars. According to him, these efforts will create tens of thousands of new jobs while contributing to future energy development.

Jokowi explained that Indonesia controls 30 percent of nickel production globally. His side emphasized that domestic nickel reserves were 25 percent compared to world reserves.

"25 percent of the world's nickel reserves are in Indonesia, which amounts to approximately 21 mill ion tons, so Indonesia controls nearly 30 percent of global nickel production," he said.

“Nikel dan tembaga adalah salah satu komo-ditas yang paling dimanfaatkan dari prospek makro saat ini, dan belum lagi secara jangka panjang harga nikel sangat didukung oleh penggunaannya sebagai baterai kendaraan listrik,” ujar Meir dikutip dari Bloomberg.

Adapun, BloombergNEF dalam risetnya memprediksi, penjualan kendaraan listrik di China pada 2021 meningkat menjadi 1,7 juta. Prediksi itu lebih tinggi daripada perkiraan sebelumnya yang diyakini hanya akan mencapai 1 juta.

Pemotongan subsidi, kemungkinan pemu-lihan ekonomi, dan perilisan model baru dinilai akan membuka jalan pertumbuhan pasar kendaraan listrik China pada 2021.

Semakin ramainya penjualan kendaraan listrik, akan mendorong naik harga nikel seiring dengan prospek permintaannya sebagai bahan baku juga akan meningkat.

Di sisi lain, Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) kembali menegaskan misinya untuk peng-hiliran industri nikel di tengah-tengah perayaan hari ulang tahun (HUT) PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) ke-48 pada Minggu (10/1/2021).

Presiden menyatakan ingin mengolah biji nikel menjadi baterai litium yang dapat digunakan untuk ponsel dan mobil listrik. Upaya itu menurutnya akan menciptakan puluhan ribu lapangan pekerjaan baru sekaligus berkontribusi kepada pengem-bangan energi masa depan.

Jokowi menjelaskan bahwa Indonesia menguasai 30 persen produksi nikel secara global. Pihaknya menekankan cadangan nikel dalam negeri sebanyak 25 persen dibandingkan dengan cadangan dunia.

“25 persen cadangan nikel dunia ada di Indonesia yang jumlahnya kurang lebih 21 juta ton sehingga Indonesia mengontrol hampir 30 persen produksi nikel global,” ujarnya.

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He said Indonesia must enter a new phase to use lithium batteries as the main

component of electric vehicles in the future. This momentum is a great

opportunity to enter the electric vehicle (EV) industry.

Based on Bisnis records, LG Chem Ltd.

from South Korea through its subsidiary, LG Energy Solution, has signed a

memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Indonesian government to build

an electric vehicle battery industry in Indonesia with a total investment of US$

9.8 billion or equivalent to Rp142 trillion.

Thus, Indonesia will soon have an integrated electric vehicle battery industry

from mining to lithium factories. Editor:

Rivki Maulana

Dia mengatakan Indonesia harus me-masuki fase baru untuk menggunakan baterai litium sebagai komponen utama kendaraan listrik pada masa depan. Momentum itu menjadi kesempatan besar masuk ke dalam industri kendaraan listrik atau electric vehicle (EV).

Berdasarkan catatan Bisnis,LG Chem Ltd. asal Korea Selatan melalui anak usaha, LG Energy Solution, telah meneken nota kesepahaman (memorandum of under-standing/MoU) dengan Pemerintah Indonesia untuk membangun industri baterai kendaraan listrik di Indonesia dengan total investasi senilai US$9,8 miliar atau setara Rp142 triliun.

Dengan demikian, Indonesia akan segera memiliki industri baterai kendaraan listrik yang terintegrasi mulai dari pertambangan hingga pabrik litium. Editor : Rivki Maulana

Electricity Prices in Japan are

Expensive, Coal Touches US$85/ton

Tirta Citradi, CNBC Indonesia

COAL prices continued to strengthen in

trading yesterday, Monday (11/1/2021). Although not as fast as last weekend, the strengthening was enough to make coal prices return to their highest range in the last one and a half years.

The price of the ICE Newcastle coal futures (futures) contract which is actively traded on the futures exchange rose 0.47% to US$ 85.1/ton. In the period 28 December 2020 - 6 January 2021, the contract price for this jet stone decreased by 11.5%. However, in the last two trading days last week the coal price shot up 11.9%.

Harga Listrik di Jepang Mahal,

Batu Bara Sentuh US$85/ton Tirta Citradi, CNBC Indonesia

HARGA batu bara lanjut menguat pada

perdagangan kemarin, Senin (11/1/2021). Kendati tak sekencang akhir pekan lalu, penguatannya cukup membuat harga batu bara kembali ke kisaran tertingginya dalam satu setengah tahun terakhir.

Harga kontrak futures (berjangka) batu bara ICE Newcastle yang aktif ditran-saksikan di bursa berjangka menguat 0,47% ke US$ 85,1/ton. Pada periode 28 Desember 2020 - 6 Januari 2021, harga kontrak batu legam ini turun 11,5%. Namun dalam dua hari terakhir perda-gangan pekan lalu harga batu bara melesat 11,9%.

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It is as if the revenge of the coal price has returned to the range of its highest level in

the last one and a half years. In the last week, coal prices were recorded to have

strengthened by 4.05%.

For information, the coal contract used as a reference here is a futures contract that

refers to coal at the Port of Newcastle Australia. This contract expires on

February 26, 2021.

The tight supply of Chinese coal amidst high demand for the power generation

sector is the main trigger for the increase in coal prices. Although China has relaxed

its import policy and continues to strive to boost local production, its domestic coal

prices are still reluctant to fall.

The high price of coal as China's bench-

mark has eroded Chinese companies' profit margins. At the same time the demand for

electricity consumption increases during winter and ahead of the Chinese New Year


As a result, the Chinese government has had to limit the use of electricity outside of

peak hours for factories since mid-December by carrying out blackouts.

A week-long blackout in various regions

has been imposed in Shenzhen, China's technology capital, which has the highest

per capita gross domestic product in the country. East Jiangsu Province has also

imposed electricity restrictions.

The demand for electricity in Japan is also

increasing. Reuters reported that the electricity price in Japan has increased to

210.1 yen (US$ 2.02) per kilowatt hour (kWh). The increase in electricity prices

occurred in line with the cold conditions that hit Japan.

Seolah balas dendam harga batu bara kembali ke rentang level tertingginya dalam satu setengah tahun terakhir. Dalam sepekan terakhir harga batu bara masih tercatat menguat 4,05%.

Sebagai informasi, kontrak batu bara yang digunakan sebagai acuan di sini merupa-kan kontrak berjangka yang mengacu pada batu bara di Pelabuhan Newcastle Australia. Kontrak ini berakhir pada 26 Februari 2021.

Ketatnya pasokan batu bara China di tengah tingginya permintaan untuk sektor pembangkit listrik menjadi pemicu utama kenaikan harga batu bara. Kendati China sudah melonggarkan kebijakan impornya dan terus berupaya mendongkrak produksi lokal tetap saja harga batu bara domestiknya enggan turun.

Tingginya harga batu bara acuan China membuat margin laba perusahaan setrum China tergerus. Di saat yang sama per-mintaan untuk konsumsi listrik meningkat saat musim dingin dan jelang perayaan tahun baru Imlek.

Alhasil pemerintah China harus membatasi penggunaan listrik di luar jam sibuk untuk pabrik sejak pertengahan Desember dengan melakukan pemadaman.

Pemadaman listrik selama seminggu di berbagai daerah telah diberlakukan di Shenzhen, ibu kota teknologi China, yang memiliki produk domestik bruto per kapita tertinggi di negara itu. Provinsi Jiangsu Timur juga memberlakukan pembatasan listrik.

Kebutuhan listrik di Jepang juga mening-kat. Reuters melaporkan harga listrik di Negeri Sakura mengalami kenaikan menjadi 210,1 yen (US$ 2.02) per kilowatt hour (kWh). Kenaikan harga listrik terjadi seiring kondisi dingin yang mendera Jepang.

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Prices continued to hit new consecutive highs in recent days as demand for heating

increased, while util ities were stil l struggling to operate sufficient generating

units. On the other hand, Japanese stun companies were also faced with a surge in

fuel prices.

The Japanese utility company federation calls on residents and businesses to save


When coal prices dropped and the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted global coal supply

chains, miners chose to cut production. But now China's economic revival and the

winter period have seen demand increase and prices soar. CNBC INDONESIA RESEARCH

TEAM (twg/twg)

Harga terus mencapai rekor tertinggi baru-nya secara berturut-turut dalam beberapa hari terakhir karena permintaan untuk pemanas meningkat, sementara perusahaan utilitas masih berjuang untuk mengoperasi-kan unit pembangkit yang mencukupi. Di sisi lain perusahaan setrum Jepang juga dihadap-kan pada lonjakan harga bahan bakar.

Federasi perusahaan util itas Jepang menyerukan kepada penduduk dan pelaku usaha untuk menghemat listrik.

Ketika harga batu bara drop dan pandemi Covid-19 mengganggu rantai pasok batu bara global, para penambang memilih untuk memangkas produksinya. Namun kini kebangkitan ekonomi China dan periode musim dingin membuat per-mintaan meningkat dan harga melesat tajam. TIM RISET CNBC INDONESIA (twg/twg)

Central Asia Metals ups production of copper, zinc and lead in 2020 By Vladimir Basov

CENTRAL Asia Metals (AIM: CAML) today provided a Q4 and full year 2020 operations

update for the Kounrad dump leach, solvent extraction and electro-winning copper recovery

project in Kazakhstan and the Sasa zinc-lead mine in North Macedonia.

The company reports that Kounrad’s Q4 2020 copper production of 3,365 tonnes brings

output for 2020 to 13,855 tonnes, compared to 13,771 tonnes mined in 2019. Total Kounrad

copper production since operations commenced in 2012 is now 110,100 tonnes.

CAML targets 2021 Kounrad copper production of between 12,500 and 13,500 tonnes of


The company also reports strong 2020 zinc and lead production at Sasa mine despite tailings

storage facility 4 related shutdown. Sasa produced 23,815 tonnes of zinc and 29,742 tonnes of

lead in 2020, a 2% increase for both metals compared to 2019 results.

At Sasa, CAML expects 2021 underground ore production of between 825,000 and 850,000

tonnes. This should result in zinc in concentrate of between 23,000 and 25,000 tonnes and

lead in concentrate of between 30,000 and 32,000 tonnes.

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CEO Nigel Robinson commented, "We are pleased to report strong production at both of our operations despite the challenges of 2020. We are also delighted to be able to report that CAML Group has recorded zero LTIs during 2020. Effective safety training and supervision for our employees will always be a priority and are crucial to maintaining this positive trend into 2021.”

"We enter 2021 with a strong balance sheet, having repaid $38.4 million of our corporate debt package during 2020, and we look forward to the year ahead in a period of improving metal prices,” continued Robinson.

Chinese traders increasing coal imports from Russia, Mongolia By GT staff reporters

CHINESE traders are importing more coal from neighboring countries such as Russia and

Mongolia, bringing the security of a healthy supply chain amid the backdrop of global uncertainty and disruption from the epidemic.

Fujian Guohang Ocean Shipping (Group) Co has signed an agreement with Russian coal supplier Elga Coal to set up a joint venture to export coking coal to China. The agreement is expected to escalate the imports of Russian coal by 30 million tons, nearly doubling the total Russian export volume of coal to China from 33 million in 2019, Nikkei reported on January 6.

Chinese coal traders are looking for more cooperation in the north in a bid to diversify supply chains as demand for raw materials is seeing a rising trend amid the production resumption and the cold weather, industry experts said.

As of 2019, China’s top five trading countries for coal are Indonesia, Australia, Russia, Mongolia and the Philippines.

While there may be no big change in structure, there will be some change in share, Zhao Jianguo, secretary-general of China's Coal Transportation Association, told the Global Times on Monday.

Data from industry website cctd.com.cn showed that China imported 75 million tons of coal from Australia in 2019, the same as the previous year, with average monthly imports of 6.31 million tons.

Meanwhile, Chinese suppliers are now diversifying their options in a bid to alleviate the risks from over-dependence on certain sources.

"Now the pattern of coal imports has begun to change. For companies engaged in coal imports, there is also a need to be cautious and balance the impact of certain risks on coal imports,” Guan Dali, an energy analyst at First Futures, told the Global Times.

Last September, Mongolia replaced Australia as the top coking coal supplier to China.

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The rise of imports from Mongolia is being facilitated by increased shipping capacity thanks to the launch of the China-Mongolia "green channel" in August, which aims to boost bilateral trade and economic cooperation amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the joint project between Fujian Guohang Ocean Shipping (Group) Co and Elga Coal, Russia’s coal supplies to China are also seeing a stronger trend.

"It will be a definite trend for China and Russia to find deeper space for cooperation in the energy sector, including coal,” Lin Boqiang, director of the China Center for Energy Economics Research at Xiamen University, told the Global Times on Monday, noting that companies are also buying more from Russia because they are worried about uncertainty over Australia's policy toward China.

"There is also not much difference in the quality and price between Russian and Australian coal,” said Lin.

Meanwhile, with the tightened sea transport due to the epidemic and other factors, the China-Europe freight train that offers relatively stable capacity and costs is playing a significant role in the sustainability of regional trade, noted Lin.

China ready for significant increase of domestic iron ore production in years to come

Published by Simon Matthis

CHINA is considering increasing domestic iron ore production in order to reduce

dependence on imports within the next several years, according to recent statements, made by representatives of some leading local producers and the Chinese media.

So far, the China Steel Association (CISA) and some major local steel producers have already called on the Chinese authorities to provide support during implementation of their plans for a significant increase of domestic production of iron ore within the next several years.

He Wenbo, chairman of the China Metallurgical Association (CISA), believes there is a need to set a "national strategic goal" to provide up to 20% of domestic needs in iron ore by domestic production.

He also proposed to accumulate the revenues, generated from VAT, imposed on iron ore imports to the country into the national iron ore fund, that will specialize on the funding of various mining activities in the country.

As part of these plans is also exempting from income taxes those metallurgical companies that invest in the development of new mines or increase production at existing fields.

At present China remains the world's largest consumer of iron ore. According to the country's customs authorities, the volume of iron ore imported by China in 2019 exceeded 1 billion tons. In 2020 the demand for ore from China exceeded 1.2 billion tons.

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The recent deterioration of diplomatic relations between China and Australia, as well as the deterioration of the epidemiological situation in Brazil, once again brought the issue of the increase of ore production within the territory of China. By: Eugen Gerden

Mongolia may revoke Rio Tinto’s plan for Oyu Tolgoi Cecilia Jamasmie

THE GOVERNMENT of Mongolia may cancel and replace the development and financial plan

for the country’s vast Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold mine, Canada’s Turquoise Hill (TSX, NYSE: TRQ) said on Monday.

The Rio Tinto-controlled company said Mongolian authorities are dissatisfied with the top miner’s plans. They are particularly concerned about the costs of the expansion, recently updated to $6.75 billion, about $1.5 billion higher than its original estimate.

Mongolia believes the significant cost increase has eroded the economic benefits it expected to receive from the Oyu Tolgoi mine, Turquoise Hill said.

Shares in the company dropped to their lowest in a month on the news, down 21.4% in New York to $11.38 and more than 24% in Toronto to C$13.88 by 10:50 am EST. That leaves the miner with a market cap of almost C$2.99 billion (about $2.33bn).

Rio Tinto (ASX, LON, NYSE: RIO) had in 2019 flagged stability risks associated with the original project design, which translated into as much as an additional $1.9 billion cost and a 30-month delay.

The miner confirmed in December the new cost estimate for the underground expansion, adding that production would begin in October 2022.

Erdenes Oyu Tolgoi LLC, the Mongolian state-owned company that owns a third of the mine, reacted to the new timeline and budget by saying that Rio had not delivered on its 2015 promises.

Erdenes’ interest in Oyu Tolgoi is technically held through a 34% in a Mongolian company called Oyu Tolgoi LLC. The remaining stake belongs to Canada’s Turquoise Hill Resources (TSX, NYSE: TRQ), which is 50.79% owned by Rio Tinto.

“The Government of Mongolia has indicated that if the Oyu Tolgoi project is not economically beneficial to the country, it would be necessary to review and evaluate whether it can proceed,” Turquoise Hill said in a statement.

Ulaanbaatar also said that expecting Oyu Tolgoi to pay corporate income taxes or profit taxes only in four years until 2051, casts doubts as to the economic benefits of the project.

“The estimates whereby the Government will never receive dividend payments [from the Oyu Tolgoi project] and will incur debt of $22 billion create great difficulties for our future co-operation,” it said in the letter quoted by Turquoise Hill.

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The Vancouver-based miner said it was committed to engaging immediately with both Mongolian authorities and Rio Tinto to address the development plan and revisit the sharing of economic benefits arising from the Oyu Tolgoi project.

Under scrutiny

Mongolia had requested an independent review of the cost blowout and delays at the project, with results expected in early 2021.

The dispute over funding the expansion’s cost increase began heating up in early November when Turquoise Hill launched arbitration proceedings against Rio Tinto to get clarity on funding.

The mining giant has said it will not allow the Canadian company to take on more than $500 million in additional debt. Rio also asked Turquoise Hill to fill up a funding gap of up to $3 billion by reprofiling loans and raising equity.

Minority investors in Turquoise Hill, including US hedge fund Pentwater Capital, oppose Rio’s attempts to force the Canadian miner to conduct an equity raise. They claim there are “much cheaper and more advantageous financing options” available to the company, such as streaming and bond financing.

Investors also worry about Rio growing its stake in Turquoise Hill through such an equity raising, basing this argument on the expectation that Rio would underwrite any shortfall created by minority Turquoise Hill shareholders who do not participate in the raising.

Mounting issues

Mongolia and the various foreign investors in Oyu Tolgoi are also embroiled in a tax dispute, currently waiting for a United Nations arbitration decision.

On Monday, Turquoise Hill warned Oyu Tolgoi LLC intends to apply to the arbitration tribunal for leave to amend its statement of claim and issues raised in the 2016-2018 Tax Assessment. Until December 23rd, the country had sought to get an alleged balance from the period between 2013 and 2015.

Turquoise Hill also flagged on Monday a proposed class action against the company and some of its current and former officers in the Superior Court of Montreal. The claim alleges the miner made material misstatements and omissions with respect to, among other subjects, the schedule, cost and progress of Oyu Tolgoi’s development.

The company said it believed the case lacked merit.

The government of Mongolia has complained about overruns in the past. A group of legislators recommended last year a review of the 2009 deal that launched construction of the mine. It also advised revoking a 2015 agreement allowing for the now ongoing under-ground expansion.

The parliament ended up approving a resolution in December 2019, which reconfirmed the validity of all the Oyu Tolgoi mine-related agreements. The decision brought an 18-month-long review to a close.

Rio has repeatedly said the underground expansion is its most important growth project. Once completed, Oyu Tolgoi will churn out 480,000 tonnes of copper a year from 2028 to 2036.

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Coal to be biggest contributor to India's $5 trillion economy: Amit Shah

'Single Window Clearance Portal' for successful bidders of coal mines under Oct-Nov 2020 auction

Shreya Jai | New Delhi

THE CENTRE on Monday awarded the letter of allocation to successful bidders of coal mines

under the commercial auction held during October-November 2020. Speaking at the event, Home Minister Amit Shah said the coal sector will be the largest contributor to India’s ambition of being a $5 trillion economy.

“The coal sector was non-transparent, complex and favoured a few corporates. But many small trading companies are now getting into coal mining, which was not possible six years back. India has one of the largest coal reserves and high demand but ironically still imports vast quantities. Reducing import dependence is crucial for our economy,” Shah said.

The Centre in 2020 opened the coal mining sector with private companies entering the arena of commercial mining and sale of coal–-47 years after coal mining was nationalised in India.

The Centre amended the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015, in May to open the coal auction for non-mining, MSMEs and foreign companies. The two-part auction concluded in November when companies submitted bids for 19 out of the total 38 coal blocks on offer.

Among the winning bidders were Adani Enterprises, Hindalco, Vedanta ltd, Essel Mining of the Aditya Birla Group, Jindal Steel & Power ltd, and several new and non-mining companies such as Aurobindo Realty, Yazdani International, JMS Mining, and Boulder Stone Mart.

Union minister for coal Pralhad Joshi said the energy aspirations of the nation cannot be crushed in the quest to follow the West. “We should make the maximum use of our coal reserves while shifting to cleaner forms of energy,” he said adding more mines will be offered under commercial mining during January.

The ministers also launched a ‘Single Window Clearance Portal’ for the companies that have won the coal mines. “In the absence of a unified platform for grant of clearances, the companies were required to approach different departments, leading to delay in operationalisation of coal mines. Now, the complete process shall be facilitated through Single Window Clearance Portal in a phased way,” Joshi said.

Currently, some 19 major approval or clearances are required before commencing the mining operations. These include approval of mining plan and mine closure plan, grant of mining lease, environment and forest clearances, wild life clearance, clearances related to safety, environment, rehabilitation of project affected families, welfare of workers etc. The Single Window Clearance Portal would facilitate these clearances.

The coal ministry said the mine-bearing states would garner a total revenue of Rs 6,656 crore annually (over the life of mine) from these mines.

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Zimbabwe gold deliveries tumble nearly a third to 19 t in 2020 By: Reuters

GOLD sales to Zimbabwe's sole buyer and exporter of bullion Fidelity Printers and Refiners

(FPR) fell 31% to 19 t last year after lower deliveries from small-scale miners, official data showed on Monday.

FPR pays US dollars in cash to small-scale gold miners, but a shortage of hard cash caused delays in payments most of last year. That forced many of the miners to sell their gold to illegal buyers, industry officials say.

Deliveries of gold, the top foreign currency earner, have been on the decline since reaching a record 33.2 t 2018, mainly due to delays by FPR in paying miners.

The central bank last month announced plans to unbundle FPR into two separate companies and sell a majority stake in the new gold refinery business to miners, in a bid to boost output.

FPR data showed that total gold deliveries fell to 19.05 t from 27.66 t in 2019.

Small-scale producers sold only 9.35 t last year compared with 17.48 t in 2019.

The government says gold worth at least $1.2-billion is illegally exported from the country annually.

Last month, Zimbabwe banned the use of mercury in mining, which could further curtail output in the short term from the small-scale sector, which is the major user of the toxic metal when extracting gold.