ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment May 2004 Page 6-i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 6.0 Overview of the Environment ...................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 Biophysical Environment................................................................................................. 6-1 6.1.1 Topography and Structural Geology .................................................................... 6-1 Physiography........................................................................................ 6-1 Surficial Geology ................................................................................. 6-1 Bedrock Geology ................................................................................. 6-3 Acid Rock Drainage Potential.............................................................. 6-3 Hydrogeology....................................................................................... 6-3 Water Supply........................................................................................ 6-6 6.1.2 Hydrology ............................................................................................................ 6-6 Site Description.................................................................................... 6-6 Mean Monthly and Annual Site Runoff............................................... 6-9 Impacts on Streamflows and Water Quality ...................................... 6-10 Summary ............................................................................................ 6-11 6.1.3 Climate ............................................................................................................... 6-11 General Climate and Weather Patterns .............................................. 6-11 Temperature Normals and Extremes.................................................. 6-13 Precipitation Normals and Extremes.................................................. 6-14 Wind Normals and Extremes ............................................................. 6-15 Adverse Weather ................................................................................ 6-17 6.1.4 Ambient Air Quality .......................................................................................... 6-18 6.1.5 Ambient Noise ................................................................................................... 6-19 6.1.6 Physical Oceanography ...................................................................................... 6-21 Oceanographic Overview .................................................................. 6-21 Study Area.......................................................................................... 6-22 Bathymetry ......................................................................................... 6-22 Hydrography ...................................................................................... 6-22 Currents/Flushing ............................................................................... 6-24 Average Wind .................................................................................... 6-25 Average Waves .................................................................................. 6-26 Extreme Winds and Waves ................................................................ 6-27 Ice Cover ............................................................................................ 6-28 Summary ............................................................................................ 6-29 6.1.7 Marine Biology .................................................................................................. 6-29 Marine Benthic Habitat and Communities......................................... 6-29 Marine Fish and Fish Habitat ............................................................. 6-33 Marine Mammals ............................................................................... 6-43 6.1.8 Freshwater Fish and Fish Habitat....................................................................... 6-48

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ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-i


6.0 Overview of the Environment ......................................................................................................6-1

6.1 Biophysical Environment................................................................................................. 6-16.1.1 Topography and Structural Geology.................................................................... 6-1 Physiography........................................................................................6- Surficial Geology.................................................................................6- Bedrock Geology .................................................................................6- Acid Rock Drainage Potential..............................................................6- Hydrogeology.......................................................................................6- Water Supply........................................................................................6-6

6.1.2 Hydrology ............................................................................................................ 6- Site Description....................................................................................6- Mean Monthly and Annual Site Runoff...............................................6- Impacts on Streamflows and Water Quality ......................................6- Summary............................................................................................6-11

6.1.3 Climate ............................................................................................................... 6- General Climate and Weather Patterns ..............................................6- Temperature Normals and Extremes..................................................6- Precipitation Normals and Extremes..................................................6- Wind Normals and Extremes .............................................................6- Adverse Weather................................................................................6-17

6.1.4 Ambient Air Quality .......................................................................................... 6-186.1.5 Ambient Noise ................................................................................................... 6-196.1.6 Physical Oceanography...................................................................................... 6-21 Oceanographic Overview ..................................................................6- Study Area..........................................................................................6- Bathymetry.........................................................................................6- Hydrography ......................................................................................6- Currents/Flushing...............................................................................6- Average Wind ....................................................................................6- Average Waves ..................................................................................6- Extreme Winds and Waves................................................................6- Ice Cover ............................................................................................6- Summary............................................................................................6-29

6.1.7 Marine Biology .................................................................................................. 6- Marine Benthic Habitat and Communities.........................................6- Marine Fish and Fish Habitat.............................................................6-336.1.7.3 Marine Mammals ...............................................................................6-43

6.1.8 Freshwater Fish and Fish Habitat....................................................................... 6-48

ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-ii

6.1.9 Wildlife and Terrestrial Habitat......................................................................... 6-516.1.9.1 Wetlands.............................................................................................6-516.1.9.2 Mammals............................................................................................6-576.1.9.3 Rare Herpetiles ..................................................................................6-596.1.9.4 Birds...................................................................................................6-606.1.9.5 Rare Plants .........................................................................................6-69

6.2 Socio-economic Environment ........................................................................................ 6-716.2.1 Archaeological and Heritage Resources ............................................................ 6-71 Background Research.........................................................................6-716.2.1.2 Field Survey.......................................................................................6-74

6.2.2 Marine Navigation............................................................................................. 6-766.2.2.1 Ocean Passage into Canadian Waters ................................................6-78

6.2.3 Fisheries and Aquaculture.................................................................................. 6-826.2.3.1 Commercial Fishery...........................................................................6-826.2.3.2 Recreational Fishery...........................................................................6-906.2.3.3 Aquaculture........................................................................................6-90

6.2.4 Land Use ............................................................................................................ 6-926.2.4.1 Industrial, Commercial and Residential Development ......................6-92

6.2.5 First Nations Land and Resource Use................................................................ 6-986.2.6 Community Services and Infrastructure............................................................. 6-99 Local Emergency Response Services ................................................6-996.2.6.2 On-going Support Services ..............................................................6-1006.2.6.3 Accommodation, Food Services and Entertainment ........................6-1026.2.6.4 Transportation Infrastructure ...........................................................6-105

6.2.7 Economic Development................................................................................... 6-1086.2.7.1 Employment and Income .................................................................6-1086.2.7.2 Business ...........................................................................................6-109


Table 6.1 Summary of Well Water Pumping Test Information, Cumberland Group ......................6-5

Table 6.2 Mean Monthly Runoff From Project Footprint Area Based on Proration .....................6-10

Table 6.3 Temperature Normals and Extremes from Eddy Point..................................................6-14

Table 6.4 Precipitation Normals and Extremes for Eddy Point .....................................................6-14

Table 6.5 Wind Statistics from Eddy Point....................................................................................6-15

Table 6.6 Frequency of Wind Speeds ............................................................................................6-15

Table 6.7 Wind Statistics from Sable Island ..................................................................................6-17

ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-iii

Table 6.8 Adverse Weather Events at Sydney Airport – Monthly Averages ................................6-17

Table 6.9 1993 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results for Point Tupper Area.........................6-19

Table 6.10 Hourly Leq Values, Bear Head, October 7-8, 2003........................................................6-20

Table 6.11 Summary of Baseline Noise Data – Hourly Leq (dBA)..................................................6-21

Table 6.12 Yearly Extreme Hsig and Wind Speed ..........................................................................6-28

Table 6.13 Seasonal Extreme Hsig and Wind Speed – 3 Month Running Period Centred onEach Month....................................................................................................................6-28

Table 6.14 Sediment Quality at Bear Head and Strait of Canso......................................................6-31

Table 6.15 Fish Species Observed in Strait of Canso - Inhabitants Bay - Chedabucto Bay Area...6-33

Table 6.16 Invertebrate Species Observed in Strait of Canso – Inhabitants Bay – Chedabucto Bay Area ........................................................................................................................6-34

Table 6.17 Important Codfishes.......................................................................................................6-35

Table 6.18 Important Flounder Species ...........................................................................................6-36

Table 6.19 Important Skates.............................................................................................................6-37

Table 6.20 Monthly Distribution of Fish Larvae by Species on the Scotian Shelf, From the Scotian Shelf Ichthyoplankton Program (SSIP), 1978-1982 .........................................6-41

Table 6.21 Plankton Observed in Strait of Canso – Inhabitants Bay – Chedabucto Bay Area........6-42

Table 6.22 Water Chemistry and Metal Analysis from Fish and Fish Habitat Survey, July 2003 ..6-50

Table 6.23 Mammals Recorded at or near Bear Head .....................................................................6-57

Table 6.24 Herpetile Species Found at or Near Bear Head .............................................................6-59

Table 6.25 Colonial Seabird Colony Sites Adjacent to the Coastal Approach Route......................6-64

Table 6.26 Phenology and Habitat Preferences of Rare Vascular Plant Species Found in theGeneral Vicinity of the Study Area................................................................................6-71

Table 6.27 Number of Vessel Movements Within the Strait of Canso............................................6-77

Table 6.28 Dimensions of LNG Carriers.........................................................................................6-78

Table 6.29 Landings of Commercial Species in DFO Unit Area 4Wd (tonnes/yr) .........................6-82

Table 6.30 Fishing Seasons in Study Area.......................................................................................6-83

Table 6.31 Hospitals Servicing the Point Tupper and Port Hawkesbury Area..............................6-101

Table 6.32 Health Services for the Point Tupper and Port Hawkesbury Area...............................6-102

Table 6.33 Accommodation in Port Hawkesbury and Vicinity.....................................................6-103

Table 6.34 Occupancy Rate of Hotels............................................................................................6-103

Table 6.35 Recreation Centres in Port Hawkesbury and Vicinity .................................................6-104

Table 6.36 Recreational Programs Within Richmond County.......................................................6-104

Table 6.37 Seasonal Variation in Average Daily Volumes ...........................................................6-106

Table 6.38 Description of Industrial Park Road and Bear Island Road .........................................6-107

ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-iv

Table 6.39 Allowable Weights and Dimensions............................................................................6-107

Table 6.40 Collision History at Reeves Street Intersection 1998 to 2002 .....................................6-108

Table 6.41 Large Employers in the Strait of Canso Region...........................................................6-110


Figure 6.1 Bear Head Geology..........................................................................................................6-2

Figure 6.2 Surface Water and Ground Water Supply........................................................................6-7

Figure 6.3 Wetlands and Streams ......................................................................................................6-8

Figure 6.4 Meteorological and Oceanographic Monitoring Stations ..............................................6-12

Figure 6.5 Annual Windrose for Eddy Point ...................................................................................6-16

Figure 6.6 Bathymetry of the Study Area .......................................................................................6-23

Figure 6.7 Benthic Habitat Survey..................................................................................................6-30

Figure 6.8 Generalized Whale and Dolphin Concentration and Migration Patterns.......................6-45

Figure 6.9 Seabird Colonies ............................................................................................................6-65

Figure 6.10 Coastal Waterfowl..........................................................................................................6-68

Figure 6.11 Archaeological Sites ......................................................................................................6-73

Figure 6.12 Marine Navigation.........................................................................................................6-79

Figure 6.13 Groundfish 1998-2002 ...................................................................................................6-84

Figure 6.14 Pelagic & Shark 1998-2002 ...........................................................................................6-86

Figure 6.15 Herring and Mackerel 1998-2002..................................................................................6-87

Figure 6.16 Fishing Locations ...........................................................................................................6-88

Figure 6.17 Shellfish 2002.................................................................................................................6-89

Figure 6.18 Aquaculture Leases........................................................................................................6-91

Figure 6.19 Land Use Zoning............................................................................................................6-93

Figure 6.20 Development Features....................................................................................................6-94

Figure 6.21 Harvested Areas .............................................................................................................6-97

ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-1


6.1 Biophysical Environment

6.1.1 Topography and Structural Geology

A description of the landforms and geology of the study area was undertaken using previously publishedmapping and geologic reports. This information is summarized in the following sections. Physiography

The study area is located near Bear Head and Bear Island Cove along the southwest edge of Cape BretonIsland, Nova Scotia as shown on Figure 1.1. The area is characterized by low relief near the shoreline atthe Bear Head area, with a shallow cove (Bear Island Cove) and several lagoons to the southeast of BearHead. The relief is much more pronounced in the area to the west of Bear Head and to the north whereelevations range from 10 to 30 m along the shoreline to 40 m further inland.

To the northwest of the site lies the industrial park, beginning with the former refinery (approximately 4km northwest) at Wright Point (presently the Statia Terminal), and extending a further 6 km to the Townof Port Hawkesbury. This industrialized area includes a number of facilities such as Nova Scotia PowerInc., US Gypsum and Stora Forest Industries. Surficial Geology

The surficial geology of the general area is characterized by glacial till which is present along both sidesof the Strait of Canso (Figure 6.1). The topography is suggestive of drumlin features. However, thebedrock surface and till surface are both irregular, resulting in a highly variable till thickness. Someapparent drumlin features are, in fact, thinly covered bedrock features and some are thick till deposits.There is no evidence of more than one till sheet. The principal direction of ice advance was from thenortheast and geological evidence suggests that the tills have not been far removed from the parentbedrock (Stea et al., 1992). As a consequence, the till cover is generally a homogeneous mixture ofsandstone and shale rock reduced to sand, gravel and cobble sizes in a matrix of reddish brown clayeysilt or clay. Post-glacial surficial sediments of varying thickness overlie the till sheet in the Strait. Insome areas along the shore, tree cover extends down to steep, narrow sand and gravel beaches.

Previous studies by Jacques Whitford in the Bear Head area indicated that the two major types ofsurficial units are peat and glacial till. The peat bogs are generally of shallow depth and are situated inpoorly drained depressions. However, in some areas the organic material can be over 4 m in depth. Theclayey silt till ranged in depth from 0.61 m to 12.19 m.

Additional detail on surficial geology in the study area is provided in Section

Figure 6.1Bear HeadGeology

Map ParametersProjection: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)

Datum: NAD83Zone: 20

Scale: 1 : 25,000Project Number: NSD17393

Date: April 19, 2004


0 200 400 600 800 1000


Surficial GeologyBedrockSilty DrumlinSilty Till PlainStony Till Plain

Bedrock GeologyMabou GroupCumberland GroupWindsor Group

Bathymetric ContoursRoadsRivers & Streams

BuildingsSite Boundary

ANE Property Boundary


Landrie Lake

Bear IslandCove

Strait of Canso


Source: NSDNR 2000 Steal et al. 1992

ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-3 Bedrock Geology

Bedrock underlying the site belongs to the Cumberland Group and is composed of late Carboniferousshales, siltstones, sandstones, thin calcareous fragmented beds, and minor thin coal seams (Figure 6.1).These rocks occur in a faulted synclinal basin and are the youngest in the region. Within the area ofBear Head, the beds strike generally north-northwest and dip steeply, approximately 70 degrees east tonortheast. The predominant joint system is associated with this bedding, however, jointing strikingnortheast with varying dip is also noted.

Along the shoreline, low cliffs comprised of glacial till are being eroded by coastal processes at BearHead and on the Strait of Canso shore of the site. Bedrock exposed along the shore is described as aseries of highly weathered closely jointed shale beds and much less weathered, more massive sandstone.Similar sandstone is exposed along the shore in Bear Cove, where ripple marks are evident on thebedding plane joint surfaces. Bedding layer thickness varies from 10 mm to 200 mm, and bedding planejoints are at not less than 70 mm spacing.

Additional detail on bedrock geology is provided in Section Acid Rock Drainage Potential

Acid rock drainage is the result of exposure of sulphide rich rocks to oxidizing environments such asrainwater. Earthwork activities around these sulphide rich rocks can increase the rock's exposure andthus the acid generation potential. Not all sulphide-containing rocks end up producing acid drainage. Inmany cases, rocks contain enough carbonate minerals to buffer the sulphide effect, and in theseinstances acid rock drainage is not produced.

In Nova Scotia, acid rock drainage is most commonly associated with slate from the Halifax Formationof the Meguma Group and coal bearing shales. Bedrock underlying the proposed LNG facility belongsto the Cumberland group. Previous studies in the area indicate local conditions are not prone to theproduction of acid rock drainage. Hydrogeology

The hydrogeology and hydraulic properties of the various hydrostratigraphic units underlying and within500 m of the subject property are presented below in order of age and occurrence below ground surface.The capacity of each unit to store and transmit groundwater to wells is discussed.

ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-4


Peat bogs exist sporadically across the Project site and all areas within 500 m of the property boundary.This unit has a very high hydraulic conductivity, however wells are generally not constructed in peat dueto the very poor quality of the groundwater.

Glacial Till

Stony, gritty clay and silt till deposits of various depths typically underlie the Project site and all areaswithin 500 m of the property boundary. This unit typically has a low hydraulic conductivity (K) in theorder of 10!5 to 10!6 cm/sec, however, properly constructed dug wells may yield sufficient water fordomestic supplies. Hydraulic conductivity of glacial tills based on previous field permeability testscompleted by Jacques Whitford in the Bear Head area ranged from 8.1 x 10!6 cm/sec to 9.9 x 10!7


Cumberland Group (undivided)

Cumberland Group bedrock occurs across the subject site as well as all areas of the study area (500 mfrom the subject site). The Cumberland Group is made up of three principal formations which are:fluvial sandstone, siltstone, mudstone and rare coal of the Silver Mine Formation; overlain by youngerfluvial-lacustrian sandstone, shale, siltstone, coal and limestone of the Port Hood Formation; which is inturn overlain by younger fluvial sandstone, conglomerate, coal and shale of the Inverness Formation.However, the subject area is considered to be undivided Cumberland Group which means that with thecurrent level of geologic knowledge, this area cannot be confidently placed within a specificCumberland Group formation.

Based on six pumping tests in Richmond County (Table 6.1), wells completed in the Cumberland Groupbedrock in Richmond County have an average transmissivity of 167 m2/day, and a typical safe wellyield ranging from 11.7 L/min to 263 L/min and averaging 120 L/min (NSDEL Pumping TestInventory (NSDEL 1973-2003)). Groundwater quality from these formations can be expected to be ofgood chemical quality with a tendency toward hardness and a moderate degree of total dissolved solids(TDS) (Strait of Canso Environment Survey (Maritime Resource Management Service (MRMS)(Canada). 1975)).

ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-5

Table 6.1 Summary of Well Water Pumping Test Information, Cumberland GroupWell Well Test Water Pumping Transmissivity Specific Safe Aquifer Aquifer Storage

Depth Diameter Hours Level Rate (m2/d) Capacity Yield Transmissivity Coefficient(m) (m) (m) (igpm) (m3/d/m) (igpm) (m2/d) (units)

Cumberland Group – Richmond CountyMinimum 61 155 36 0 40 3.5 7.5 11.7 65.3 2.67 x 10!5

Maximum 104.2 203 215 20.4 263 175 134.3 263 241 5.0 x 10!4

Mean 80.7 186.5 83.5 6.8 135.5 50.3 44.1 120.1 166.8 2.07 x 10!4

Median 76.6 201.5 71 4.3 107 26.7 24.9 94.5 194 9.34 x 10!5

Number 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3Cumberland Group – All CountiesMinimum 7.6 100 6 !0.3 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.9 2.67 x 10!5

Maximum 155.4 254 215 32 292 180 792 721 241 0.58Mean 75.9 173 62.6 7.1 68.4 26.5 47.4 85.8 75.5 0.0352Median 71.6 155 72 5 45 11.3 15.1 52 58.4 8.9 x 10!4

Number 81 72 84 84 84 80 80 80 22 18Source: NSDEL Pumping Test Inventory (1973-2003)

ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-6 Water Supply

The Town of Port Hawkesbury’s water supply comes from Landrie Lake, which is protected byprovincial legislation. Part of the protection procedure is the development of a designated protectionarea surrounding the water body (i.e., protected watershed). The development of this area takes intoaccount both surface and groundwater conditions. The proposed site location falls outside the LandrieLake protection area (Figure 6.2). Surface and groundwater at the LNG facility flow away from LandrieLake, and therefore, activities that may affect groundwater at the Project facility should not impact themunicipal water supply.

Residents in the area who are not supplied water by the Town of Port Hawkesbury are likely to rely ondomestic groundwater wells. A review of water well records for the province of Nova Scotia (NSDELWell Drillers Logs (1965-2000)), aerial photos and field reconnaissance indicates that the closest waterwell is located approximately 1.6 km northeast of the site (Figure 6.2). It is highly unlikely that activityfrom the proposed facility would impact this domestic well due to both distance and location of the wellacross a groundwater divide as shown on Figure 6.2.

It is currently anticipated that all freshwater required by the Project will be supplied through theprovision of future municipal supply. However, this preliminary assessment suggests there is a goodpotential for construction of potable water supply wells on the site if they become necessary. Wellyields and quality sufficient for potable uses or light industrial use should be feasible.

6.1.2 Hydrology Site Description

The proposed site is located on mildly sloped terrain along the coastline north of the Straight of Cansonear Bear Head. Surface drainage generally flows from the site into two streams in a southerlydirection. A small stream, located east of the site, receives approximately half of the site=s runoff. Itdirects flow in a south-easterly direction through a 0.6 m culvert under the Bear Island Road, and intoBear Island Cove. A second stream located west of the site receives approximately a quarter of the site=ssurface waters. This stream meanders south to a retaining structure, crosses the Bear Island Road andeventually discharges into the Strait of Canso. The remaining quarter of the site drains directly into theStrait of Canso. The Landrie Lake Reservoir (watershed drainage area approximately 16 km2), is locatedapproximately 1.9 km north of the site (Figure 6.2).

The proposed site is adjacent to a number of wetlands within the property boundaries (Figure 6.3). Mostof these wetlands are small as their drainage areas are less than 1 ha. Only three of the wetlands locatednear the site have drainage areas greater than 1 ha (W1 approximately 1.87 ha, W2 approximately 4.66ha and W5 approximately 3.82 ha).


Map ParametersProjection: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)

Datum: NAD83Zone: 20

Scale: 1 : 25,000Project Number: NSD17393

Date: April 19, 2004

Surface Water &Ground Water Supply

Figure 6.2




















East Stream,Drainage Area = 54.7 ha


West Stream,Drainage Area = 106.8 ha


Bathymetric ContoursContoursRoads


Rivers & Streams

BuildingsFacility Boundary

ANE Property BoundaryWatersheds


Designated Surface WaterSupply Watershed

Bear Island Cove

Strait of Canso

Water Wells#S

0 300 600 900 1200










Stream A


W3(0.135 ha)

Bear Island Cove

Strait of Canso

Figure 6.3

Wetlands &Streams

Map ParametersProjection: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)

Datum: NAD83Zone: 20

Scale: 1 : 6,000Project Number: NSD17393

Date: May 2, 2004



ANE Boundary


Rivers & Streams

ANE Property Boundary


Freshwater Streams Surveyed



W2(3.817 ha)


W6(0.689 ha)


W4(0.152 ha)


W1(1.874 ha)

#W5(0.097 ha)

Stream B

#Y Noise Monitoring Station

Listera australisr

r Geocaulon lividum


Water Sampling Locations#0

0 50 100 150 200


ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-9

The following sources were consulted to describe the hydrological environment at the site and identifypotential Project interactions with the streams downstream of the site, the Landrie Lake water supplywatershed and nearby wetlands:

• drainage areas were delineated and measured from 1:50,000 digital orthographic mapping (11F/11,Natural Resources Canada, 1998);

• the monthly and annual volumes of runoff were estimated using a proration of mean annual flowsfrom nearby hydrometric stations and from previous studies;

• the footprint impacts on nearby watercourses and interactions with the Landrie Lake Reservoir wereevaluated considering the site’s drainage patterns; and

• the footprint impacts on adjacent wetlands were evaluated using the relevant sections of the NovaScotia Department of Environment Wetlands Directive (1995) (for wetlands with drainage areassmaller than 2.0 ha) and the North American Wetlands Conservation Council Wetland EvaluationGuide (for wetlands with drainage areas greater than 2.0 ha).

The following physiographic parameters were obtained from the available Project mapping:

• the drainage areas of the watersheds encompassing the east and west streams are approximately54.7 and 106.8 ha respectively (see Figure 6.2);

• the areas of wetlands affected by the Project footprint (excluding fencing) are W1 = 1.847 ha, W2 =3.817 ha and W5 = 0.097 ha (see Figure 6.3). Mean Monthly and Annual Site Runoff

To describe the hydrological characteristics at the site, the mean monthly and annual runoff volumes arepresented below. The mean annual runoff at the Project site was estimated using a number of differentapproaches for comparison purposes. The upper bound of the mean annual runoff was first estimatedassuming that all precipitation will contribute to runoff (using local climatic data). The lower bound ofthe mean annual runoff was obtained using area-based proration from a nearby hydrometric station andusing previously estimated mean annual runoff values for the area (MacLaren Atlantic Ltd., 1980).Because both of these estimation methods derive mean annual runoff from larger watersheds containingundeveloped and buffer zones, and therefore dampening overland runoff, the mean annual site runoffwas increased from the lower bound to reflect expected hydrological conditions at the Project site.

Based on historical climatic data at the Port Hastings climate station (39 years of data, approximately 13km north of the Project site) the average annual precipitation at the site is 1,350 mm. If all of this

ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-10

precipitation is converted into surface runoff (which would represent an upper bound on the expectedaverage annual runoff), the annual volume of runoff from the site at the currently proposed ultimatelevel of development would be 302,000 m3, which corresponds to a mean annual flow of 9.6 L/s.

A lower bound for the expected annual site runoff was established by drainage-area based proration offlows from a nearby hydrometric station. Hydrometric station 01FA003 (1965-2000, River Inhabitantsat Glenora) whose drainage area is 193 km2, was chosen as most representative for proration purposesbecause its hydrological characteristics were most similar to those at the Project site. By prorating flowsfrom the hydrometric station, a mean annual flow of 8.2 L/s was calculated for the Project site, whichcorresponds to an annual runoff volume of 260,000 m3. Monthly average flows based on the same arealproration method are presented in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2 Mean Monthly Runoff From Project Footprint Area Based on ProrationMonth Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flows (L/s) 9.0 6.9 10.5 16.1 9.8 4.6 3.1 3.3 4.3 7.9 11.8 11.6

A second approach was used to estimate the lower bound of the expected annual runoff at the site forcomparison purposes. MacLaren Atlantic Ltd. (1980) has compiled a figure presenting the spatialdistribution of runoff throughout Nova Scotia based on findings from a number of sources. A meanannual runoff depth of 1,050 mm was selected from this figure to determine the runoff at the site. Basedon this approach, a mean annual runoff flow of 7.4 L/s was computed for the Project site, whichcorresponds to an annual runoff volume of 235,000 m3.

Development of the site will involve the removal of tree cover and topsoil, and construction ofimpermeable structures and road surfaces. Clearing the land of vegetative cover and addingimpermeable surfaces will reduce interception and temporary storage of precipitation while increasingdirect runoff. By assuming that 50% of the surface area within the footprint of the Project will becomeimpermeable through the development, runoff volume may be directly quantified from the rainfallvolume over this surface area. From the remaining 50% of the surface area within the footprint of theProject, the mean annual runoff depth was assumed to increase by 150 mm above the Abackground@depth of 1,050 mm to reflect the reduction in vegetative cover and the associated reduction inevapotranspiration rates (based on potential evapotranspiration rates provided by Dzikowski et al, 1984).The expected annual runoff volume from the Project area was estimated at 292,000 m3, whichcorresponds to a mean annual flow of 9.3 L/s. Impacts on Streamflows and Water Quality

Annual streamflow volumes within the eastern and/or western streams will increase as a result of the sitedevelopment. If the total expected runoff from the site is discharged into the eastern stream, it wouldrepresent an increase of 6.9% in its annual mean streamflow. If it were discharged into the westernstream, an increase of 3.5% of its mean annual flow would be expected.

ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-11

Although site development will result in an increase in the peak rates of surface runoff at the outlet ofthe Project site and a reduction of the low flows (i.e., water will run off more quickly followingdevelopment), the use of properly sized erosion and sediment control measures and flow retentionstructures is expected to fully mitigate the above re-distribution of flows.

Site development will potentially affect water quality downstream by increasing the total sedimentloading. The use of properly sized erosion and sediment control measures as well as flowretention/siltation treatment structures is also expected to fully mitigate the potential increase indownstream sediment loading.

Based on natural topography of the area, the Landrie Lake designated water supply watershed will notbe affected by the Project development. The proposed site, located outside the boundaries of theLandrie Lake watershed, drains south directly into the Strait of Canso away from the Landrie Lakewatershed. Summary

In summary, the effects on the downstream flows and water quality associated with surface runoff fromthe currently proposed ultimate level of site development can be fully mitigated using properly sizederosion and sediment control measures and flow retention/siltation treatment areas. The Landrie Lakewatershed is not expected to be affected. Based on available mapping, the effects on the hydrologic andwater treatment values of the affected wetlands will only be slight.

6.1.3 Climate

A Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) weather station was located at Eddy Point, Nova Scotia(Figure 6.4). The climate at Eddy Point is likely to be representative of the climate expected at theproposed Bear Head LNG terminal. For this analysis, these data were taken from the Canadian ClimateNormals (1951-1980) published by Environment Canada’s Atmospheric Environment Service, nowMeteorological Services Canada. General Climate and Weather Patterns

The Project area, and Nova Scotia in general, has good air quality due to the relatively small populationand small industrial base (NSDOE 1994). Climatic conditions provide good dispersion of aircontaminants. Occasionally, however, long-range transport of air masses from central Canada or theeastern seaboard may transport contaminants into the area, causing poorer air quality.





Map ParametersProjection: Universal Transverse

Mercator (UTM)Datum: NAD83

Zone: 20Scale: 1 : 400,000

Project Number: NSD17393Date: April 19, 2004

Meteorological &Oceanographic

Monitoring Stations

Figure 6.4


0 3 6 9 12



Property BoundaryCounty Lines

#Y Aes40 Gridpoint 5394


AES40 Gridpoint 5394

Chedabucto Bay

Strait of C


LNG Site


Eddy Point

Eddy Point Station#S

ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-13

On a global scale, the Atlantic Region lies within the zone of prevailing westerly winds. This zone ischaracterized by the passage of a series of high and low pressure systems. Paths taken by these systemsare further influenced by ocean currents and continental topography. Cyclonic passages (low pressuresystems moving through an area) may track across the continent or up the eastern seaboard. Typicalcyclonic passages are marked by the onset of wind from an easterly direction, thickening cloud, and agradual fall in pressure. Strong north-easterly winds and heavy precipitation are familiaraccompaniments to these storms. Should the storm centre pass to the south, the wind direction willchange in a counterclockwise manner and precipitation may persist for several days. If the low pressurecentre tracks to the north of the observing station, the wind direction usually veers (changes in aclockwise manner). The cyclonic passages typically last from a few days to a week.

During the summer, persistent high pressure systems off Bermuda result in prolonged periods ofstagnant weather with warm temperatures and light winds from the south. These events promote themovement of air pollutants from the eastern seaboard to the Project area. There may also be asubsidence inversion (persistent meteorological conditions limiting atmospheric dispersion)accompanying the high pressure system that further enhances the potential for air quality to deteriorate.This is the situation that generally accompanies the days with perceptible pollutant haze and hot stagnantperiods in the summer.

During periods of low wind speed, particularly in the summer months, the occurrence of sea-breezes andland-breezes are evident along the coastline and several kilometres inland. In the daytime, strong solarinsolation causes a warming of the land and the rising air is replaced by air moving in from the offshore.During the night, the reverse may occur, but the cold water temperatures tend to reduce the possibility ofthe land-breezes.

Hurricanes can develop in the tropics and typically move up the eastern seaboard. These storms aresignificantly downgraded as they encounter the colder waters off the northeast United States andCanada. Usually, by the time a hurricane reaches the Project area, it will have weakened into a tropicalstorm or an intense low pressure system with strong winds and heavy rains. Hurricanes may also causeheavy swells and high waves along the coast. Although the hurricane season starts June 1st, the peaktime for these storms is between September and October. Temperature Normals and Extremes

Temperature Normals for Eddy Point are shown in Table 6.3. The annual temperature range for EddyPoint is normally between +22°C and !9°C. However, extreme temperatures of +33°C in summer and!26°C in winter have been recorded.

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Table 6.3 Temperature Normals and Extremes from Eddy PointMonth Daily Maximum

(°C)Daily Minimum

(°C)Daily Mean

(°C)Extreme Maximum

(°C)Extreme Minimum

(°C)Jan !0.5 !8.0 !4.3 12.3 !22.9Feb !1.5 !8.6 !5.1 10.6 !25.6Mar 1.5 !5.0 !1.8 14.2 !18.4Apr 5.9 !0.9 2.5 27.2 !10.6May 11.9 3.1 7.5 30.8 !2.8Jun 17.5 8.3 12.9 33.3 2.2Jul 21.5 13.1 17.3 32.8 7.2Aug 22.0 14.1 18.1 32.2 5.6Sep 18.3 10.3 14.3 28.4 2.7Oct 12.8 5.5 9.1 22.2 !5.6Nov 7.4 1.2 4.3 19.0 !10.1Dec 1.9 !4.9 !1.5 13.6 !25.0Year 9.9 2.4 6.1 33.3 !25.6Source: Atmospheric Environment Branch, Canadian Climate Normals: 1951- 1980 Precipitation Normals and Extremes

Precipitation measured at Eddy Point is presented in Table 6.4. Although rain may occur in any monthof the year, the rainfall in the area is highest during fall and early winter. Snow and freezingprecipitation can occur between October and May, with the largest amounts falling between Decemberand March.

Table 6.4 Precipitation Normals and Extremes for Eddy Point







Extreme DailyRainfall


Extreme DailySnowfall


Extreme DailyPrecipitation

(mm)Jan 79.1 69.8 138.2 47.6 19.6 47.6Feb 47.1 63.8 105.3 34.5 63.0 64.3Mar 60.4 51.1 116.4 31.3 19.3 31.3Apr 71.7 19.0 90.9 34.7 21.6 34.7May 96.3 1.6 99.8 78.6 22.9 78.6Jun 89.2 0.0 89.1 77.2 0.0 77.2Jul 96.8 0.0 96.8 61.2 0.0 61.2Aug 106.0 0.0 106.0 63.1 0.0 63.1Sep 87.0 0.0 87.0 64.5 0.0 64.5Oct 107.1 1.7 107.5 55.1 5.6 55.1Nov 137.6 11.7 147.6 51.4 19.5 51.4Dec 103.1 60.9 164.7 76.8 23.6 76.8Year 1081.4 279.6 1349.3 78.6 63.0 78.6Source: Atmospheric Environment Branch, Canadian Climate Normals: 1951- 1980

Total precipitation is rainfall plus the water equivalent of the snowfall and all other forms of frozenprecipitation. Normally, the precipitation for Eddy Point ranges from 89 mm to 165 mm.

ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-15 Wind Normals and Extremes

The prevailing winds in the area are westerly to northwesterly in the colder months and south tosouthwesterly in the warmer months. The winds from the northwest quadrant tend to be stronger thanwinds originating from the southwest. Chedabucto Bay is open to easterly gales that bring large wavesashore. Due to the effects of friction over land, easterly winds at sea shift to northeasterlies and weakenalong this indented coastline.

The average and extreme wind speed and direction values are shown in Table 6.5. Wind speed anddirection are also graphically presented in annual (Figure 6.5) and seasonal (Appendix E) wind roseplots.

Table 6.5 Wind Statistics from Eddy Point

Month Average speed(km/h)

Most FrequentDirection

ExtremeHourly Speed

(km/h)Direction Extreme Gust

Speed (km/h) Direction

Jan 19.5 W 70 SSE 97 ENEFeb 19.4 NW 64 NNW 106 WNWMar 19.1 NW 77 W 130 SWApr 16.6 NW 71 E 93 EMay 15.6 NW 55 NE 85 SJun 14.1 S 64 SVL 89 NNEJul 13.2 Calm 60 S 87 SAug 12.7 Calm 44 SSW 65 NWSep 14.7 S 50 WNW 89 WOct 16.6 W 64 S 137 SNov 17.9 W 61 W 91 NWDec 19.2 W 69 SSE 93 SYear 16.6 NW 77 W 137 SNote: Wind direction refers to point of wind originSource: Atmospheric Environment Branch, Canadian Climate Normals: 1951- 1980

In winter, many low-pressure systems pass through south of the region, while in summer they tend topass north of the region. Average wind speeds vary from 12 to 15 kilometres per hour (km/h) insummer to near 20 km/h in winter.

A two part Weibell distribution was fitted to a five year set of recorded data (air quality model set) fromEddy Point. The 1-hour probability of winds exceeding a given velocity were then calculated and arepresented in Table 6.6.

Table 6.6 Frequency of Wind SpeedsVelocity (knots) [km/hr] Frequency

0.1 (calm) [0.2] 99.9 %7.6 [14.1] 50.0 %16.4 [30.4] 10.0 %25.5 [47.3] 1.0 %33.0 [61.1] 0.1 %40.0 [74.1] 0.01 %

Figure 6.5 - Annual Windrose for Eddy Point

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For comparison purposes, wind statistics from Sable Island on the eastern Scotian Shelf indicateoffshore wind conditions and are presented in Table 6.7. The average wind speed offshore is almostdouble the average wind speed in the Eddy Point area.

Table 6.7 Wind Statistics from Sable Island

Month Average speed(km/h)

Most FrequentDirection

ExtremeHourly Speed

(km/h)Direction Extreme Gust

Speed (km/h) Direction

Jan 32 W 103 NW 141 SWFeb 31 W 117 N 170 NMar 29 W 100 W 140 SWApr 26 SW 89 E 122 WMay 23 SW 77 SW 113 NEJun 20 SW 77 SE 109 NWJul 18 SW 74 E 100 EAug 18 SW 98 SE 143 SESep 21 SW 97 NW 124 WOct 25 W 100 SW 158 SNov 29 W 130 W 174 WDec 31 W 116 SW 137 NWYear 25 WNote: Wind direction refers to point of wind originSource: Atmospheric Environment Branch, Canadian Climate Normals: 1951- 1980 Adverse Weather

Fog, freezing precipitation and other adverse weather can pose risks for marine vessels in the Projectarea. The monthly average number of occurrences for adverse weather elements for the Sydney airportis presented in Table 6.8.

Table 6.8 Adverse Weather Events at Sydney Airport – Monthly Averages

Month Days with Fog Days with FreezingPrecipitation Days with Thunderstorms

January 4 3 0February 4 5 <1March 7 5 <1April 9 3 <1May 12 <1 <1June 10 0 2July 10 0 2August 6 0 2September 5 0 <1October 4 0 <1November 5 <1 <1December 3 2 <1Year 78 19 9Source: Environment Canada Climate Normals: 1961 - 1991

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Fog and Visibility

Visibility of one-half nautical mile or less is common for the Chedabucto Bay area in all seasons.However, reduced visibility due to dense fog is more prevalent in late spring and early summer, whenwarm moist air from the south flows over relatively cold coastal waters. July is the foggiest month, butby early fall, a combination of cooler, drier air and warmer ocean temperatures both contribute to adecrease in fog. During winter, poor visibility occurs less than 10% of the time and is often caused bysnow.

Freezing Spray

Another concern for ships travelling in the Chedabucto Bay area is the accumulation of ice on a ship’ssuperstructure (or any structure on the sea or near its edge) due to freezing spray.

Freezing spray occurs when ocean spray caused by high winds, heavy seas and even the motion of thevessel itself spreads over the ship's superstructure and freezes on contact. Freezing spray can impede thesafe work aboard a vessel. Freezing spray can occur between November through April, however thepotential for moderate or greater vessel icing from freezing spray is highest in February. The rate of icebuild-up is strongly influenced by the vessel design, speed and direction of travel.

Freezing spray is usually associated with north westerly or northerly winds blowing off the land. Notonly are the northwesterly winds behind a deep low pressure centre often among the strongest winds of astorm, they also bring cold air from the north. When northwesterly winds are especially strong andpersistent, temperatures will eventually plummet. Once the air temperature becomes colder than –2°C(the freezing point of salt water), conditions exist to produce freezing spray in seawater. However, thepotential for freezing spray diminishes dramatically south of the Scotian Shelf.

6.1.4 Ambient Air Quality

The air quality on mainland Nova Scotia is generally very good. It is likely that air quality in the Projectarea falls within the desirable objectives of the federal classification and well within provincial limits.In general, Bear Head has excellent air quality.

There are a few industries which operate within a 50 km radius of the proposed Project site. Theseindustries include Point Tupper Generating Station, Stora Enso Port Hawkesbury Ltd., ExxonMobilPoint Tupper Fractionation Plant and the ExxonMobil Goldboro Gas Plant. There are several mineralextraction and shipping facilities within this zone. Beyond that distance, there are no significant sourcesfor over 100 km.

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The NSDEL operates an ambient air monitoring site in Port Hawkesbury / Point Tupper which measuresfor the concentrations of SO2, H2S and TSP. The published measured values for 1993 are presented inTable 6.9. These data correspond to a location directly influenced by the industry in the area. The airquality at the proposed LNG plant site is most probably significantly better than these readings suggest.Based on professional opinion, it is considered likely that the air quality at the site meets the desirablecategory of air quality and that there are few, if any exceedances, of the criteria.

Table 6.9 1993 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results for Point Tupper Area

1 Hour Max 24 Hour Max Annual Mean Total Number ofExceedences1

Sulphur DioxidePt. Tupper 538 ppb 196 ppb 8 ppb 10Old Post Office 100 ppb 23 ppb 4 ppbHydrogen SulphidePt. Tupper 61.8 ppb 16.6 ppb 0.7 ppb 9Total Suspended ParticulatePt. Tupper N/A 60µg/m3 23 µg/m3 2Old Post Office N/A 55µg/m3 25µg/m3

1 Exceedances of 1-hour Nova Scotia StandardSource: NSDOE. 1994. Ambient Air Quality in Nova Scotia

The provincial monitoring network has been changed, and the monitoring data represent the latestavailable set in the Port Hawkesbury area. In the future, the airshed monitoring initiative will likelyresult in renewed monitoring in the area. Until that time, the baseline conditions must be inferred on thebasis of limited data, or estimated by professional judgement. Some results are available from theproprietary monitoring program conducted on the southeast edge of Port Hawkesbury on behalf of theSable Offshore Energy Project fractionation plant in Point Tupper. These results, published in 2000,reflect an aggregate monitoring interval of about 1 year during 1999 and 2000. These results show an

average concentration of sulphur dioxide of 6.2 µg/m3, with a maximum 30 minute reading of 259µg/m3. The average and maximum 30 minute concentrations of nitrogen dioxide were 5.1 and 46µg/m3, respectively. As the proposed project site is considerably farther from the industry in PortHawkesbury, it is concluded that the air quality is as good as that monitored in Port Hawkesbury, orbetter. Professional judgement indicates that the margin is quite large, and the Project area shows littleevidence of industrial emissions. Baseline monitoring can be implemented as part of the initiation phaseof the Project.

6.1.5 Ambient Noise

The existing noise environment at the Project site was determined by performing backgroundmonitoring at one representative location as shown in Figure 6.3.

The monitoring location selected faces the nearest sensitive (residential) receivers across the Strait ofCanso. Measurements were made using a Quest Model 2900 Integrating noise level meter capable of

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collecting continuous data over the monitoring period. Sound levels were measured as Leq or equivalentlevel of energy, which is energy averaged over the measurement time. This is the standard form ofmeasurement accepted by NSDEL for environmental noise levels. Leq measurements were logged onceper minute over the period monitored. The units for the sound levels measured are dBA or A-weighteddecibels which reflect the sensitivity of the human ear over the audible spectrum.

To determine the noise environment in the area, sound levels were monitored for at least two hoursduring each of the three periods set by the NSDEL Guideline for Environmental Noise Measurementand Assessment: daytime; evening; and nighttime. The data were logged on the noise meter thendownloaded to a computer for further processing. This included preparation of graphs for review andreduction of the data to one-hour Leq values for comparison with the guideline limits.

Weather during the survey, conducted October 7th to 8th, 2003, was partly cloudy, with temperaturesbetween 7 and 15EC and light (<15 km/h) winds. The breezes were noted to be stronger on the morningof October 8th.

Table 6.10 shows the hourly Leq values for the site. Values ranged from 26.4 dBA to 46.8 dBA. Nohourly Leq values exceeded the NSDEL guideline.

Table 6.10 Hourly Leq Values, Bear Head, October 7-8, 2003Hour of Day Leq [dBA] NSDEL Guideline Limit

15:00 32.7 6516:00 32.9 6517:00 31.1 6518:00 32.5 6519:00 31.2 6020:00 31.7 6021:00 33.0 6022:00 36.6 6023:00 40.3 550:00 37.1 551:00 37.0 552:00 39.2 553:00 40.6 554:00 39.6 555:00 40.4 556:00 40.1 557:00 40.6 658:00 37.9 659:00 39.7 65

The NSDEL guidelines were applied in this case as there is potential for noise from the proposed facilityto affect the residences directly across the Strait from the terminal and other surrounding areas.

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In general, the results of the background noise study show that the existing acoustic environment in thestudy area is well within acceptable levels for environmental exposures (Table 6.11).

Table 6.11 Summary of Baseline Noise Data – Hourly Leq (dBA)Day (07:00 to 19:00) Evening (19:00 to 23:00) Night (23:00 to 07:00)Location Min Max Min Max Min Max

Site 31.1 40.6 31.2 36.6 37.0 40.6NSDEL Guideline 65 60 55

The existing noise levels at the site depict a typical rural or undeveloped area where the primaryinfluence on sound is local weather and natural activity. Observations made by field staff confirmedthat the selected site is relatively remote, separated from the nearby industries (Nova Scotia Power,ExxonMobil Fractionation Plant, Stora Enso paper mill) by several kilometres. No individual sourcedominates the background. Noise from the industrial park was not audible at the site.

6.1.6 Physical Oceanography

This section presents the results of a desktop study of physical oceanographic conditions near BearHead. The area of interest includes the Strait of Canso and Chedabucto Bay to a distance of roughly 20km from the proposed LNG site. This overview includes summaries of waves, wind, currents andhydrographic conditions based on existing data sets and literature along with a model of waves. Oceanographic Overview

Bear Head is situated on the north shore at the southern end of the Strait of Canso off Chedabucto Bay.Since the construction of the Canso Causeway in 1955, the Strait has become a tidal inlet. Flows toNorthumberland Strait are limited to very small volumes associated with the operation of a lock in theCauseway. The key oceanographic attributes of the southern reach of the Strait of Canso are its lack offreshwater input, its great length and narrow width, and its relatively deep bathymetry. The potentiallyimportant oceanographic processes operating at the proposed marine terminal site include tides,estuarine flow, wind driven flow, horizontally sheared flows and, because of the depth and proximity toshelf waters, low frequency layered flows due to shelf processes. The latter can potentially provide avery effective mechanism for water renewal within the inlet and have been found to be extremelyimportant flushing mechanisms in other inlets along the Atlantic coast. A quantitative description of theeffects of these flows is not simple, and much of what is known about this process has been learnedduring recent extensive studies of Halifax Harbour and Sydney Harbour (COA 2000a; COA 2000b). Inthese studies, it was found that layered currents were as important as all other mechanisms incontributing to flushing of sewage discharge from the harbour. The weaker tides and lower freshwaterinput found in the Strait of Canso suggests that layered currents play an even larger role in the overallprocess of water exchange and renewal there.

ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-22 Study Area

The area of specific interest in this study is the Strait of Canso in the vicinity of Bear Head, at thesouthern entrance of the Strait (Figure 1.1). For the purpose of oceanographic analysis, the generalexchange of ocean water is of concern and the area of interest includes the entire southern strait andadjoining waters. The Strait itself is a relatively narrow body of water (1 to 2 km wide) separatingmainland Nova Scotia from Cape Breton Island. The construction of the causeway, near the middle ofthe Strait, in 1955 effectively blocked flow and divided the Strait into two oceanographically distinctbodies of water, north and south of the Causeway. The southern portion of the Strait is approximately15 km long to its southern end at Bear Head and communicates with Chedabucto Bay through arelatively deep channel. Because of questions regarding the effect of the construction of the Causeway,the Strait was the focus of considerable oceanographic interest during the 1970s. Data andoceanographic interpretations generated during that period provide a relatively strong historical base forthe present analysis. Bathymetry

Bathymetry in the study area has been obtained from the Canadian Hydrographic Service Chart # 4306,which covers the entire Strait at a scale of 1:25,000. The digitized bathymetry as used for input into thewave modelling exercise is presented in Figure 6.6. The Strait is narrow and relatively deep, greaterthan 60 m deep in places. The deepest area in the Southern Strait is at its north end near the Causeway.Water depth gradually decreases to the south and is approximately 44 m in the channel near theproposed marine facility. The channel ends in Chedabucto Bay where it encounters a sill ofapproximately 35 m depth. This sill is well below the depth of the summer thermocline along the coastand hence currents in the Strait are expected to be directly affected by coastal upwelling/downwellingevents and by shelf-generated internal waves. Hydrography

The density of seawater is determined by its temperature and salinity. Ambient seawater densitydistribution is very important in the analysis of the oceanography of a coastal inlet. When waters aredensity stratified, with less dense (fresher and/or warmer) water overlaying layers of denser water(saltier and/or cooler) the currents are often quite different between layers. The stratification can changethe effect of other oceanographic forces, particularly winds, and will affect the exchange of water withinthe inlet and between the inlet and surrounding waters.

Figure 6.6 - Bathymetry of the Study Area

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There is a reasonable amount of salinity and temperature data for the Southern Strait of Canso.Lawrence (1972) reports data collected from 1968 to 1970. This represents five sampling periods, threein summer (July to August) and two in late fall (November) giving a total of 11 salinity/temperaturesurveys. Cranston et al. (1974) report near surface (1 to 5 m) salinity and temperature data collected at20 sites in the Southern Strait during the summer of 1973. Each site was sampled several times atdifferent depths, however the times are not reported so that the construction of a synoptic picture is notpossible. In addition, data are not reported to a sufficient level of accuracy for detailed analysis. Therange of salinities is 27 to 32 practical salinity units. Vilks et al. (1975) includes a more detailedpresentation of what appears to be the same 1973 data. This consists of temperature and salinitycontours on a vertical section down the southern reach of the Strait during seven surveys in early May tomid-August. The sample stations reported in Lawrence (1972) were essentially repeated.

The most notable feature of the composite of these data is the large variability in the distribution ofwater properties throughout the study period. While there is seasonal variability, the most significantvariation is within-seasons. In fact, the most stratified and least stratified conditions measured in the1973 surveys, were observed in sequential surveys, two weeks apart in August. These results seem toindicate that stratifying influences, local warming and freshwater input are modulated bymeteorologically-driven circulation which alternately traps warmer, fresher surface water against thecauseway and then flushes it out, replacing it by colder, saltier and more homogeneous ocean waterthrough upwelling processes. Currents/Flushing

The most thorough analysis of currents in the Strait was conducted by Lawrence et al. (1973). Theyreport a mean tidal range of 1.4 m with currents very much reduced in magnitude since the constructionof the Causeway. Current direction is primarily confined to the direction of the Strait channel. Themagnitude of the main tidal component was found to be about 0.02 m/s at a current meter siteapproximately half way between the causeway and Bear Head. In contrast, a statistical analysis of thecurrent data suggests that summer extreme currents at this site can reach 0.35 m/s on average once everythree summers and that flows of about 0.15 m/s are typical. This represents a factor of 17 over the tidalcontribution in extreme cases, and a factor of 7 under typical conditions. This data also revealed thatweaker currents (although still in excess of the tidal contribution) occur routinely at sub-tidalfrequencies. These currents, because of their persistence, are much more effective at transporting water,and any associated contaminants, than tidal currents of similar magnitude, but are very difficult topredict. That these low frequency currents vary with depth in the water column is consistent with thepresence of significant internal waves in the Strait, as has been demonstrated by a limited amount ofprofiled velocity data (Lawrence et al. 1973). This single set of observations demonstrated that the flowin the Strait was occurring in three distinct layers, i.e. a surface and bottom layer were advecting watertoward the sea while flow at mid-depth was toward the land. Lawrence et al. (1973) also quantifiedlateral dispersion in the Strait by directly analyzing the variance in the current meter time series. From

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this analysis they derived effective lateral dispersion coefficients that come close to encompassing thenet effect of all of the observed oceanographic process.

Two hydrodynamic models that include the study area were developed for a port feasibility study thatwas conducted by Transport Canada in 1975 (Baird 1976). The first of these models was developed bythe Marine Environmental Data Service and has a resolution of 2 km. The second was developed by theNational Research Council and has a resolution of 500 m. In both of these models, only the barotropiccomponent of the current was included (i.e., it was assumed in the model that currents were uniformwith depth). Neither model includes the effects of layered currents although a field program componentof the study confirmed the importance of these currents as originally observed by Lawrence et al.(1973).

In summary, the currents in the area are dominated by wind driven and sub tidal frequency flows andvary significantly with depth. The tidal currents are small. In the centre of the Straight the principaltidal component is about 0.02 m/s. A first order assumption is that the magnitude of the tidal currentswithin the Strait would vary linearly with distance from the Causeway. This means that the tidalcurrents would vary from 0.00 m/s at the Causeway to 0.04 m/s at Bear Head. Wind driven and subtidalcurrents could be many times larger than the tidal current. Average Wind

Wind may play an important role in the local current regime and subsequent water exchange in the Straitand adjacent waters. Typical surface flow velocities may be estimated at 3 % of the persistent windspeed. Because of the lack of ice cover in the southern reach of the Strait (Section wind mayplay an important role at all times of the year.

In addition to ongoing monitoring of wind strength and direction by the Atmospheric EnvironmentServices at Eddy Point (Figure 6.4, Section 6.1.3), there is a year long record of wind data that wascollected at Port Hastings during a study of port facilities by Transport Canada in 1975 (Baird 1976).Directional exceedance plots of Port Hastings data indicates that from mid-December to mid-June windstrength exceeded 9 m/s (20 mph) more than 5 % of the time. From mid-July to mid-December winds inexcess of 9 m/s occurred less than 5 % of the time. During the winter season, the two predominant winddirections were east and west while during the summer the predominant directions were east-southeastand west. Eddy Point data showed a similar pattern but revealed some quantitative differences. Mostnotably, the southerly peak in the exceedance plot was weaker and shifted to the southeast relative to thePort Hastings data. The study did not include the determination of the transfer function between thesetwo stations.

The most comprehensive source for regional marine wind and wave data is from the AES40 data set(AES Oceanweather 2001, AES 1999). These data are the results of a wind and wave analysis/hindcast

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and consist of time series of 6 hourly data over a 42 year period (1958-1999). The model domainextends over the North Atlantic Ocean on a grid of resolution 0.625E latitude by 0.833E longitude. Themodel used is the OWI 3-G, a third generation deep water model. Finite depths are not taken intoaccount in this model. AES40 winds represent 1-hour averages at a height of 10 m above sea level. Theclosest AES40 grid point (Figure 6.4) to the study area is grid point 5394 (45.00N, 60.83W).

An annual windrose for this grid point (Figure 5, Appendix E) indicates that the most probable winddirection throughout the year is southwest, while the strongest winds tend to be from the west andnorthwest.

Monthly windroses for the same data are presented in Figure 6, Appendix E. These plots point out theseasonal differences in the wind climate. The strongest winds occur in the winter (November throughFebruary) and predominantly come from the west and northwest. Wind speeds during this period arebetween 15 and 20 m/s greater than 10% of the time and on occasion exceed 20 m/s. In the summermonths of June, July and August the winds are much calmer, seldom in excess of 15 m/s, and verypredominantly from the southwest (nearly 40% of the time). The Spring and Fall generally representtransitions between these two dominant patterns. Exceptionally, there is a slight increase in theprobability of winds from the north and east in early Spring (March and April). April has the mostuniform directional distribution reflected in the highest probability of east winds.

These data most notably vary from the observation at Port Hastings and Eddy Point in that there is nosignificant easterly component, as is reported for the observations. The reason for this variance has notbeen determined, but the AES40 grid point is quite a distance from the Strait, so large scale variabilitycannot be ruled out. Additionally, the observations could be affected by local geographic steeringeffects. Average Waves

The offshore wave climate as represented by AES40 grid point 5394 is summarized in Figure 7,Appendix E. This figure represents the probability of significant wave height (Hsig) versus direction onan annual average basis.

The most probable wave direction on an annual basis is strongly biased towards the south andsouthwest, with the occurrence of high waves being nearly equally probable from either of thesedirections. The probability of large amplitude waves is much more uniformly distributed east to southand west than the smaller waves.

The monthly wave statistics (Figure 8, Appendix E) show that during the winter months of Decemberand January the predominant wave direction is from the east. During this time, the overall probability ofwaves from the southeast and south is slightly less but the probability of the highest waves is greatest in

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these directions. For the remainder of the year waves from the south dominate. In the Autumn monthsof October and November as well as the late winter months of February and March, waves from the eastand southeast are almost as probable as those from the south. During the Spring and Summer (Aprilthrough September), wave heights are greatly reduced and waves from the south, and to a lesser extentthe southeast, completely dominate the wave climate at this grid point. For example, in July waves arefrom the south and southeast greater than 80 % of the time and seldom exceed 3 m in height.

The wave climate was further investigated using STWAVE, a phase-averaged spectral wave model,originally developed by Resio (1987, 1988a, 1988b) and supported by the US ARMY Corps ofEngineers Experiment Station (Smith et al. 1999), to propagate offshore conditions to the study site.The model is a steady-state finite-difference model based on the wave action balance equation and isparticularly suited to the analysis of coastal engineering problems. STWAVE is driven by wave spectrainput at the boundaries to analyze the transformation (refraction/shoaling/diffraction) of known deepwater wave conditions as the waves propagate into shallower water. It also accepts wind input allowinganalysis of locally generated waves, useful for larger model domains and enclosed or partially enclosedwater bodies. The wave model includes the effects of fetch, shoaling, refraction, wave/wave, wind/waveand current/wave interactions and breaking waves.

Two simulations were performed reflecting particular cases of interest: large swell propagating in fromthe ocean; and locally generated seas caused by storm winds. The results of these simulations arepresented in Figures 9 and 10, Appendix E. Figure 9 represents a 7 m swell with a period of 12 secondspropagating into Chedabucto Bay from the southeast. This represents the largest regularly occurringswell (5 to 7 m) based on the AES40 data. This should not be considered an extreme event, whichrequires a more detailed analysis. The model predicts significant attenuation at the site with predictedswell height reduced to 1 m or less.

Figure 10, Appendix E represents locally generated waves caused by a 25 m/s wind from 60o True. Themaximum wave height in the vicinity of the terminal is slightly in excess of 1 m. Extreme Winds and Waves

Extremal analyses of Significant Wave Height (Hsig) and wind speed were conducted on the 42-year 6-hourly time series from AES40 site 5394. The Fisher-Tippett Type I (also referred to as Gumbel)distribution was used in the analyses (Bury 1975, Gumbel 1958), along with the maximum likelihoodcurve-fitting method. Annual extremes for Hsig and Wind Speed were obtained by extrapolation on aGumbel distribution of 42 annual maxima. Seasonal extremes are based on a three-month runningwindow (e.g. March statistics represent the February, March and April “season”), the sampling being anannual maximum series for the seasons in question.

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Each extreme value was computed for 5, 10, 50, and 100-year return periods. A N-year return periodrepresents the average period of time between exceedances of the N-year extreme value. Yearlyextreme Hsig and wind speed are given in Table 6.12. Seasonal extreme parameters are listed inTable 6.13 and plotted in Figure 11, Appendix E, where return statistics are determined for 42 years ofstorms occurring within a three month window. It is important to understand that the results from thisanalysis do not have to conform to the annual analysis because the distributions are based on a seasonalsubset of the data. Differences can arise simply from the inherent error in the "best fit" estimate of theslope, and potentially, from real variations in the nature of seasonal storm distributions. The seasonalanalysis shows that the three-month period June, July and August offers the minimum energy levels andminimum risk of exceptional storm.

Table 6.12 Yearly Extreme Hsig and Wind SpeedReturn Period (years) 5 10 50 100Hsig (m) 8.7 9.4 10.9 11.6Wind speed, 1-hr average (m/s) 24.3 25.4 27.6 28.6

Table 6.13 Seasonal Extreme Hsig and Wind Speed – 3 Month Running Period Centred on Each Month

Return(Years) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Hsig (m)5 8.1 8.2 8.2 7.4 6.3 4.9 4.6 5.1 6.1 6.9 7.5 7.710 8.8 8.9 9.0 8.1 6.9 5.5 5.1 5.7 6.8 7.7 8.2 8.350 10.4 10.4 10.9 9.7 8.4 6.8 6.3 7.0 8.3 9.3 9.6 9.5100 11.0 11.0 11.7 10.4 9.0 7.3 6.9 7.5 8.9 10.0 10.1 10.0

Wind Speed - 1 hr average (m/s)5 23.3 23.3 23.1 21.9 20.0 17.5 16.7 18.1 20.7 22.3 23.1 23.110 24.3 24.3 24.6 23.1 21.3 18.7 18.0 19.4 22.2 23.8 24.2 24.050 26.3 26.6 28.0 25.9 24.2 21.6 20.9 22.4 25.4 27.1 26.8 26.0100 27.2 27.6 29.5 27.0 25.4 22.8 22.1 23.7 26.8 28.5 27.9 26.9 Ice Cover

Ice cover in the eastern portion of the Strait was virtually eliminated by the construction of theCauseway. In an analysis of ice and local climate (O'Neill 1977), it was concluded that construction ofthe Causeway has significantly reduced ice coverage generated by low salinity flows through the Straitoriginating in the Gulf of St. Lawrence; it has had little or no detectable effect on climate. The lack ofice coverage will ensure high mixing and flushing rates due to the effects of surface wind during thewinter season.

ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-29 Summary

The main results of this investigation of physical oceanography in the study area are that:

• tidal currents at the site are weak (~ 0.04 m/s);

• non tidal currents may be many times stronger than the tidal currents, typically 10 to 20 times thetidal currents in the Strait;

• offshore swell is greatly attenuated before reaching the site;

• local waves are fetch limited; and

• ice is not an issue at any time during the year.

6.1.7 Marine Biology Marine Benthic Habitat and Communities

Sediment Quality

Marine benthic community assemblages are largely dictated by substrate type; for example, softsediment assemblages are different from cobble/boulder areas.

Sediment samples were collected by a scuba diver at six locations within the area of the proposed jettyon October 24, 2003 Figure 6.7. The top 10 cm of sediment was collected in four 250 ml glass jars to beanalyzed for grain size, and chemical parameters listed in Table 6.14. The analyses were performed atPhilip Analytical Laboratory in Bedford, NS. Results from the laboratory analysis as well as the rangeof concentrations observed in the Strait of Canso are described in Table 6.14.

The surficial marine geology of the area surrounding the proposed marine terminal consists of SableIsland sand and gravel as well as Lahave clay (SOEP 1996a). Lahave clay is usually found in the deeperportions of the Strait of Canso. Silty sand is also common in shallow banks of areas close to Bear Head(SOEP 1996a). The grain size analysis reveals that substrate in the area off Bear Head is composedprimarily of gravel and sand sized sediments, while data from the Strait of Canso reveals areas withhigher percentages of fine material (silt and clay) (Table 6.14).

Transect #5



Tansect #4

18.3m (10 fathoms)

11m (6 fathoms)

5.5m (3 fathoms)

1.83m (1 fathom)


Tansect #6


Transect #2


Transect #3


Transect #1







Sediment Sampling Locations


Underwater Video Transect


Figure 6.7


Benthic HabitatSurvey

Map ParametersProjection: Universal Transverse

Mercator (UTM)Zone: 20

Datum: NAD 83Scale: 1:2,500

Project Number: NSD17393Date: May 5, 2004


0 20 40 60 80


ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-31

Table 6.14 Sediment Quality at Bear Head and Strait of Canso

Parameters Units EQL CCMEISQG – PEL ODCA Bear Head Strait of Canso1

Gravel % 0.1 12.4-29.7 5.2 - 25.01Sand % 0.1 47.5-67.6 16.3 – 40.1Silt % 0.1 9.6-14.3 3.4 – 43.8Clay % 0.1 7.2-9.2 2.0 – 24.27Cadmium mg/kg 0.3 0.7-4.2 0.6 Nd <0.010 – 0.79Mercury mg/kg 0.01 0.13-0.7 0.75 0.01 0.03 – 3.1Copper mg/kg 2 18.7-108 81 6-8 7-56.6Zinc mg/kg 5 124-271 160 37-48 50-130Lead mg/kg 0.5 30.2-112 66 11-12 23.9-120Hydrocarbons (TPH, C6-C32) mg/kg 3 16.2-26.6 21 – 515.3Total C6-C10 mg/kg 2.5 All <2.5>C10-C21 (fuel) mg/kg 0.25 2.78 - 4.76>C21-C32 (Lube) mg/kg 0.25 13.4 - 21.9PCBs µg/kg 10 21.5-189 100 <10 – 71.6 48-1395Pesticides2 µg/kg 10 1.19-374 All <10 <5 -62PAHs2 mg/kg 0.05 0.006-0.135 2.5 All <0.05 0.039-2.940Benzene mg/kg 0.025 All <0.025Toluene mg/kg 0.025 All <0.025Ethylbenzene mg/kg 0.025 All <0.025Xylene mg/kg 0.05 All <0.05PCDD/Fs2 pg/g 0.85-21.5 0.31-0.411Stewart and White 20012Pesticides, PAHs, and PCDD/Fs are grouped to simplify tableEQL = Estimated Quantitation Limit CalibrationCCME = Canadian Council of Ministers of EnvironmentISQG = Interim Sediment Quality GuidelinePEL = Probable Effects LimitODCA = Ocean Disposal Chemistry Analysis

The chemistry analysis of the sediment gathered in the area of the proposed terminal structure revealsrelatively unimpacted sediment for all parameters (where available) in comparison to data gathered fromthe Strait of Canso.

All of the sediment samples from the terminal area show concentrations of various parameters below theOcean Disposal Guidelines (Atlantic Region). A similar comparison of the parameters for which theCanadian Council of the Ministers of the Environment (CCME) provide guidelines show that all but onestation have levels below both the Probable Effects Limits (PEL) and Interim Sediment QualityGuidelines (ISQG). Station 3 results indicate a PCB level which exceeds the ISQG; however the level isbelow the PEL. The average PCB level over all stations sampled in the vicinity of the proposed marineterminal is below the ISQG.

Benthic Habitat and Communities

On July 22, 2003, a benthic habitat survey by an aquatic biologist was undertaken along six transects ofwhich some parts would be affected by the Project (Figure 6.7). An underwater drop video camera with

ANEI Bear Head LNG Terminal Environmental Assessment • May 2004 Page 6-32

surface feed was deployed along six transects from an aluminum boat. A hand held GPS was used todrop surface buoys at precise locations at each end of the transects. Transect #6 is in the area of thepotential seawater outfall.

South of the Strait of Canso causeway is an inlet 18 km long and on average 1.6 km wide. Depth rangesfrom 60 m in depressions along the Canso causeway to 40 m in Chedabucto Bay. The marine benthichabitat in the vicinity of the Project is typical for open water nearshore environments in Nova Scotia.The type of bottom and associated organisms were similar between transects as long as water depthsremained similar. The deep water of the Strait limits the area of productive shallow water habitat tonarrow zones alongside each shore (SOEP 1996a).

The intertidal zone is characterized by a substrate consisting of pebbles, cobbles and the occasionalboulder. The fucoid species, Fucus vesiculosus, F. Evanescens and Ascophyllum nodosom are thedominant algae in the intertidal zone. A. nodusum occurs in the upper zone, with F. vesiculosus and F.evanescens in the lower zone. Chondrus crispus is found as subflora beneath the fronds of fucoids.Epiphytes such as Ceramium sp. and Bonnemaisonia mamifera and diatoms cover larger algae in theintertidal zone. Species such as Corralina officinalsis and Lithothamnion sp. are calcified crustosealgaes which form a subflora on the rocks in the intertidal and subtidal zones.

In shallow waters, especially at transects 3 and 6, eelgrass (Zostera marina), green algae (Cladophorasp), barnacles (Balanus balanoides), wrack algae (Fucus serratus), and periwinkles (Littorina littorea)were dominant. In deeper waters (>12 m), the absence of most algae species is readily evident (transect# 4 and 5). Light penetration to those depths is minimal. In these areas it is easier to observe thesubstrate composition and epifaunal organisms that reside in the area. Polycheate holes were observedas well as rock crabs (Cancer irroratus), lobster (Homarus americanus), scallops (Placopectenmagellanicus) and a few sea stars (Asterias rubens, Henricia sanguinolenta). The bottom substrate ofthe transect areas between the 3 and 12 m contained the most diversified collection of organismsincluding: red corraline algae (Corallina officinalis); rockweeds (Fucus ssp and Ascophyllum nodosum);kelp (Laminaria ssp); quahog; red seaweed (Phyllophora ssp); and irish moss (Chondrus crispus). Thebenthic zone to 18.3 m in the Strait of Canso is described as probable lobster and sea urchin habitat inSOEP (1996b).

Photos from the benthic survey are presented in Appendix F (Photos 1 to 7).

Key species in the region include: Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua); haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus);pollock (Pollachius virens); American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides); white hake (Urophycistenuis); Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus); lobster; sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus); rock crab(Cancer irroratus); urchin (Stongylocentrotus droebachiensis); and soft-shell clam (Mya arenaria)(Stewart and White 2001) (refer to Section, Marine Fish). The beach zone can be described as acobble beach with kelp and rockweed observed at the low tide mark.