1-24 Table Manner for Kids Web-Based Training (WBT) Storyboard Instructional Systems Designer (ISD): DeNeatha Woods, [email protected], 301-442-3587 Design Notes: This is an online self-directed tutorial that children can access through a website form any personal computer. The course will contain graphics, interactive content, and knowledge checks. Performance Objectives: Demonstrate appropriate table manners during a meal. Identify which utensil to use throughout a meal. Demonstrate how to set a formal table. Course Outline 1. Table Manners: A Child’s Guide to Table Manners a. Opening Course Animation b. Navigation c. Course Agenda d. Course Objectives 2. Introduction to Table Manners a. Top Table Manners b. What Every Child Should Know 3. Everyday Table Manners a. How Do You Eat Soup b. How Do You Eat Bread c. Using Utensils 4. Table Settings a. Tools for Eating b. Table Settings c. The Three Course Meal 5. Quiz

Table Manner for Kids Web-Based Training (WBT) Storyboard...Table Manners: A Child’s Guide to Table Manners a. Opening Course Animation b. Navigation c. Course Agenda d. Course Objectives

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  • 1-24

    Table Manner for Kids Web-Based Training (WBT) Storyboard Instructional Systems Designer (ISD):

    DeNeatha Woods, [email protected], 301-442-3587

    Design Notes: This is an online self-directed tutorial that children can access through a website form any personal computer. The course will contain graphics, interactive content, and knowledge checks. Performance Objectives:

    Demonstrate appropriate table manners during a meal.

    Identify which utensil to use throughout a meal.

    Demonstrate how to set a formal table.

    Course Outline

    1. Table Manners: A Child’s Guide to Table Manners

    a. Opening Course Animation

    b. Navigation

    c. Course Agenda

    d. Course Objectives

    2. Introduction to Table Manners

    a. Top Table Manners

    b. What Every Child Should Know

    3. Everyday Table Manners

    a. How Do You Eat Soup

    b. How Do You Eat Bread

    c. Using Utensils

    4. Table Settings

    a. Tools for Eating

    b. Table Settings

    c. The Three Course Meal

    5. Quiz

    mailto:[email protected]

  • 2-24

    SB #: 010 Page Title: Opening Course Animation Module Title: Table Manners: A Child’s Guide to Table Manners

    Screen Activity

    Animated intro 10-15 seconds.


    Automatically advance to the next screen.



  • 3-24

    SB #: 020 Page Title: N/avigation Module Title: Table Manners: A Child’s Guide to Table Manners


    Screen shot of the user interface for the course. Images of Children – stock or faceless icons from PPTs?

    Screen Activity

    On screen text builds. Provide a reduced size version of the course interface with callouts explaining what each button does.

    Button Callout Content

    Forward Advance to the next screen

    Back Return to the previous screen

    Play/Pause Pause the audio and start it again from the same place

    Progress Bar See your progress within a module and the number of pages left to complete it

  • 4-24

    SB #: 030 Page Title: Course Agenda Module Title: Table Manners: A Child’s Guide to Table Manners



    Screen Activity

    On screen text builds.

  • 5-24

    SB #: 040 Page Title: Course Objectives Module Title: Table Manners: A Child’s Guide to Table Manners


    Images of Children – stock or faceless icons from PPTs?

    Screen Activity

    On screen text builds. Objectives will fly in.

  • 6-24

    SB #: 050 Page Title: Introduction to Table Manners Module Title: Introduction to Table Manners


    Images of Children – stock or faceless icons from PPTs?

    Screen Activity

    On screen text.

  • 7-24

    SB #: 060 Page Title: Introduction to Table Manners Module Title: Introduction to Table Manners



    Screen Activity

    On screen text builds Each bullet will fly in.

  • 8-24

    SB #: 070 Page Title: Introduction to Table Manners Module Title: Introduction to Table Manners

    Graphic n/a

    Screen Activity

    On screen text builds. Each bullet will fly in.

  • 9-24

    SB #: 080 Page Title: Everyday Table Manners Module Title: Everyday Table Manners

    Graphic Images of Children – stock or faceless icons from PPTs?

    Screen Activity

    On screen text.

  • 10-24

    SB #: 090 Page Title: How Do You Eat Soup Module Title: Everyday Table Manners

    Graphic n/a

    Screen Activity

    On screen text builds.

  • 11-24

    SB #: 100 Page Title: How Do You Eat Bread Module Title: Everyday Table Manners

    Graphic n/a

    Screen Activity

    On screen text builds. Each bullet will fly in.

  • 12-24

    SB #: 110 Page Title: Using Utensils – Knife Skills Module Title: Everyday Table Manners

    Graphic Images of Children – stock or faceless icons from PPTs?

    Screen Activity

    On screen text builds. Each bullet will teeter.

  • 13-24

    SB #: 120 Page Title: Using Utensils – Knife Skills Module Title: Everyday Table Manners

    Graphic None

    Screen Activity On screen text builds. Each bullet will teeter.

  • 14-24

    SB #: 130 Page Title: Tools for Eating Module Title: Table Settings



    Screen Activity

    On screen text.

  • 15-24

    SB #: 140 Page Title: Fingers vs Forks Module Title: Table Settings



    Screen Activity

    On screen text.

  • 16-24

    SB #: 150 Page Title: The Three Course Meals Module Title: Table Settings

    Graphic Images of Children – stock or faceless icons from PPTs?

    Screen Activity

    On screen text builds. Each bullet will teeter.

  • 17-24

    SB #: 160 Page Title: Quiz Question #1 Module Title: Quiz

    Graphic Show Un/allocated PO List screen shot and highlight columns

    Screen Activity

    Screen shot will take up majority of screen. Rollover/PU’s with status types.

  • 18-24

    SB #: 170 Page Title: Quiz Question #2 Module Title: Quiz

    Graphic Show Un/allocated PO List screen shot and highlight column

    Screen Activity

    Screen shot will take up majority of screen. Rollover/PU’s with status types. (We will need a screen shot showing each or we can graphically fix)

    Commented [JZ1]: Will get a screen shot for you w/out Check PO & PO reviewed as they no longer exist – Let’s use the updated screen shot that I added on p17.

    Commented [K2]: Thanks!

  • 19-24

    SB #: 180 Page Title: Quiz Question #3 Module Title: Quiz

    Graphic Show Un/allocated PO List and highlight column

    Screen Activity

    Screen shot will take up majority of screen. Rollover/PU’s with status types.

  • 20-24

    SB #: 190 Page Title: Quiz Question #4 Module Title: Quiz


    Un/allocated PO List Screen

    Screen Activity

    Sync OST.

  • 21-24

    SB #: 200 Page Title: Quiz Question #5 Module Title: Quiz


    BA Graphic – title / introduction page

    Screen Activity


  • 22-24

    SB #: 210 Page Title: Course Summary Module Title: Course Summary

    Graphic Un/allocated PO List screen shot

    Screen Activity

    Sync OST

  • 23-24

    SB #: 220 Page Title: The End Module Title: The End

    Graphic Show Un/allocated PO List screen shot.

    Screen Activity

    OST builds.

  • 24-24