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  • 8/10/2019 Table 3.pdf




    Table 3: Table of Contents

    Module Title Folder Content Targeted Learning Objectives

    Human Genome Project,Genetics and GenomicsRelated Research

    Human Genome Project Assignment/Topical Outline

    I. Difference between genetics and genomicsII. The Human Genome Project and its impactIII. Impact of the media on the public's perceptions about genetics

    and advances in genomics related researchIV. Identification of the implications of media reports about genetics

    and genomic related research for nursing practiceHuman Genome Project Supplemental Resources

    Describe the significance of the Human

    Genome Project, genetics and genomicsrelated research for healthcare.

    Discuss the implications of media reportsabout genetics and genomics relatedresearch for nursing practice.

    Basic Genetic Conceptsand Patterns of InheritanceReview

    Basic Genetic Concepts Assignment/Topical OutlineI. Review of the differences between chromosomes, DNA and

    genesII. Review of basic genetic concepts and patterns of inheritance

    III. NCHPEG Core Principles in GeneticsIV. Review of pedigree symbolsV. Punnett squaresVI. Identification of patterns of inheritance using pedigreesBasic Genetic Concepts Pedigree ExercisesBasic Genetic Concepts Pedigree Exercise AnswersBasic Genetic Concepts QuizBasic Genetic Concepts Quiz AnswersBasic Genetic Concepts Supplemental Resources

    Review basic genetic concepts andpatterns of inheritance.

    Influences on GeneExpression

    Gene Expression Assignment/Topical OutlineI. Factors that can complicate the interpretation of inheritance

    patternsII. Identification of these complicating factors and at risk family

    members using case studiesGene Expression CasesGene Expression Case AnswersGene Expression QuizGene Expression Quiz AnswersGene Expression Helpful HintsGene Expression Supplemental Resources

    Recognize variables that influenceinterpretation of patterns of inheritance.

    Identify at risk family members using casestudies.

    DNA Replication,DNA Replication Assignment/Topical OutlineI. Review of DNA, RNA and gene

    Simulate the processes of DNAreplication, DNA transcription, mRNA

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    race, ethnicity, and/or ancestryIV. Examination of the variation within the classroom using:

    A. Hands on Human Genetic Traits BioKitB. Online Interactive Variation Activity

    Genetic Variation Traits Activity Form

    Genetic Variation Genetic Testing CompaniesGenetic Variation Supplemental Resources

    History Taking andPedigrees

    History Taking Assignment/Topical OutlineI. Review of pedigree symbols and patterns of inheritanceII. Family history taking and pedigree constructionIII. Dysmorphology terms and early identification and referral

    process/criteria for patients and familiesIV. Pedigree analysis including risk assessment; identification of

    conditions that warrant attention, pattern of inheritance andalternative pattern of inheritance

    Identification and Referral

    Jones Family History InstructionsJones Fictitious Family HistoryJones PedigreeSmith Family History InstructionsSmith Fictitious Family HistorySmith PedigreePedigreesPedigree AnswersHistory Taking Supplemental ResourcesVocabulary of Dysmorphology

    Practice incorporating family history andpedigrees into nursing assessments:

    Construct a 3 -4 generation pedigreeusing standardized pedigree symbols,

    Assess risk for inherited conditionsusing a 3 -4 generation pedigree, and

    Recognize family history findings thatsuggest the possibility of a geneticcondition.

    Genetic Testing Part 1

    Genetic Testing 1 Assignment/Topical Outline

    I. Exploration of the different types of genetic testsII. Predisposition testing vs. presymptomatic testing vs.symptomatic testing

    III. Predictive valueIV. Consideration of sensitivity and specificity of testsV. Case studies to apply content and demonstrate nurses role in

    the genetic testing processGenetic Testing 1 HandoutGenetic Testing 1 CasesGenetic Testing 1 Internet & Case AnswersGenetic Testing 1 Quiz

    Differentiate between genetic screening

    and genetic diagnostic testing.

    Identify the different types of genetictests.

    Discuss ways in which nurses can assistpeople during the genetic testing process.

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    Genetic Testing 1 Quiz AnswersGenetic Testing 1 Supplemental Resources

    Genetic Testing Part 2

    Genetic Testing 2 Assignment/Topical OutlineI. Exploration of the information needs of persons/families

    regarding genetic testingII. Exploration of issues surrounding genetic testing and researchIII. Exploration of non-directive and patient counselingIV. Cases that demonstrate aspects of genetic testing that need to

    be considered by nursesGenetic Testing 2 Case StudiesGenetic Testing 2 Case Studies AnswersGenetic Testing 2 Supplemental Resources

    Explore the types of information neededby persons and families to make informed

    decisions about genetic testing.

    Genetic Therapeutics

    Genetic Therapeutics Assignment/Topical OutlineI. Exploration of various genetic therapeutic strategiesII. Pharmacogenomics/Pharmacogenetics

    III. Discussion of genetic therapeutic strategies, including thefollowing, using case studies:enzyme replacement therapy, gene therapy, geneticvaccines and stem cell transplants

    Genetic Therapeutics Case StudiesGenetic Therapeutics Case Studies AnswersGenetic Therapeutics Supplemental Resources

    Describe the strengths and weaknessesof genetic therapeutic strategies.

    Resources for Patients andFamilies

    Resources Assignment/Topical OutlineI. Discussion of psychosocial support needed by patients and

    families affected by a genetic conditionII. Identification of genetics resources, including patient education

    resources, using scenariosResources Assignment SummariesResources on the Internet ScenariosResources Supplemental Resources

    Identify resources for healthcareprofessionals and lay public about geneticconditions, support groups and genetictesting.

    Discuss the psychosocial impact that thepresence of a genetic condition has onthe patient and family.

    Discuss the ways in which nurses canmeet the psychosocial and resourceneeds of patients and families affected bya genetic condition.

    Ethical, Legal and SocialImplications

    ELSI Assignment/Topical OutlineI. Overview of ELSI issues

    Examine issues nurses need to considerwhen assisting people to access genetic

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    II. Role of nursing regarding access to genomic healthcare andinformed decision making Code of ethics

    III. Discussion of ethical issues using case studiesA. Genetic testing of childrenB. Disclosure of genetic information

    C. Misattributed paternityD. Preimplantation testingIV. Discussion of psychosocial issues such as emotional distress

    and discrimination using case studiesELSI Case StudiesELSI Case Studies SummariesELSI 12 Supplemental Resources

    tests or services.

    Ethnic, Racial and Cultural

    Considerations forProviding Genetic Services

    Ethnic, Racial, Cultural Assignment/Topical OutlineI. RaceII. CultureIII. Ethnicity

    IV. Discussion of nursing implications for providing care to diversepeople with or at risk for genetic conditions using case studiesEthnic, Racial, Cultural Case StudiesEthnic, Racial, Cultural Case Studies SummariesEthnic, Racial, Cultural Supplemental Resources

    Explore ethnic, racial, culturalconsiderations when presenting geneticinformation and providing geneticservices.

    Identify the nursing implications forproviding care to diverse people with or atrisk for genetic conditions.

    Nursing Roles in Genetic

    Health Care

    Nursing Roles Assignment/Topical OutlineI. Definition of genetics nursing

    A. Scope of Genetics Clinical Nursing PracticeB. Standards of Genetics Clinical Nursing Practice

    II. Exploration of the different levels of genetics nursing practiceusing case examples

    A. Basic level genetics nursing practiceB. Advanced level genetics nursing practiceNursing Roles QuestionsNursing Roles SummaryNursing Roles Supplemental Resources

    Determine nursing roles for differentlevels of nurses who care forpatients/families with a genetic condition.