' '' 4 ' f" Jj - 3 ti - J " s V - i 1 x v- "N, it-- ' - ' :"-, 'aI;'-- -' ' j&Zr'- - ,v;v -- ; r, -- "V ; v Cr lor ii t 7' L- - c o 4 "Hf aa ."" A' 1 .J x "V'4." - - X--- , r & fit r a I W V J - IU I - .- -. i VOLUME XXIV. NO. 27. PAULDIN9, MKS1PSIPL APRIL 19, 1801. i!Y CARTER & SHANNOX. Tte Stale or 31 .ljp, ?Pfftrt the detain and po-vr- r of attorney, and Uie,a not attempt to show th.it Wi.iiama Hard Times Outdone. (Eastern (larton. LAW NOTiCKS. I MKDICAI. NOTlCiX spoke of them and acknowledged his ex ecution or them. POISD In Prd'itt Omrt cf mid CouA h Xray ",Wm. A. L. lc-- To M. F. W,k: I UK. H. N1 II. A UPKI I., This evidence appears clearly to be in- sufficient to prove the execution of the J M K i r I, PAULDING. MISS. i.- - n' urr rfii.'i f uM ft!v-"- tiJjr rt will "TOU tire) hrebv nctifipd r. and 8p. X lifior. ihe frobAt-- ' t of Nen instrument ujmii an issue ot nom rst Ja- - if v - I rut. Aud in audition to this, the re u . of flr. lied Mnn- - ton Cow.'y, Mii-ijipi- , on Friday, April 19, 161. evidence strong!? tfudintr to create the dv in JiU-- r next, on trie Im of aaitl BOARD Of IBrsTEES, M W'LKlsa, PreatOetit. JaN fS. p m -- H H a' iHI L."'- E1 V CHALM Kksi and Treasurer. FACCLTf , jr-- !AH, M A Princpa!, Prof, of ! "ral' an i ln:!l--tu- J uiiooj,hj, aud Poiitii ai "mJT i-- T. X A Teher of aaaaicnaod .a "i ViT-LE-. Prof- -r of Mn-i- c. jHJ 3 Nrt, Hai.i'. h Brnnfn and French. SJXi 5r.itK KU.IuTT. rmciieb Hrnhe. Siime M. i i:,- -, k. t , "i iiai ii ' n i.i lparuiiwnl aui Ioi. t tlntT !u,' why I p'llion of Kll. . I. Illl.l.lClt ,tl ksr- - K. VI. ruardiun, suspicion of fraud ia obtaining the instru- ments. Upon the whole case, we think that the decree is correct, and it is afUrtued. IIa.ndt. ir f'r ft diriiion of the real est,. f il. Bl- - LET T.IE MlFTa BC1LD rr TfiE SOrTD ! :tlO.OOO Worth of FARMS aad BXJII-.13I1STC- 3- LOTS, tls :l-- fU'Ha f V'rrm. 'plr Com- - - i. . 4'wn tim r Frru ri:.' nj m tT'-- w tn Jj Tjj- - i I, me M h.-p ind" "Wi- - T- - ID I r U ft h' h Wlit fflmfM'' fr I'm t fivMi rr Cii:i.'ii4 rf rrtUiiJ- - of cootra- t mt I prffj ti m ii iu i Mt'Tf iiiijc-mifa- wij! h fn. H .:! iu , a Trv ate ink iK l"Ura mtiith. full aru-iiir- feuwntim Anen- - Pr. Rj'TaJ. dr hn Va. Orto J- - i .;i.';KKl.L A.'aL Ki' tK1' tout, Mwa. lock Ut.-a4- . ehi-ui- not bn Bv order of ihe Court. ho.l ai I !h (hi"hl- -- r" . and r Thomas lUssara t t al. mv StituK CiKriT CjrmT. The Circuit Court lor Newton county met on Monday of lot weekan i adjourned on Thursday. Moot of the important ca-- es were con- tinued, which accoti nU for the short time the court continued in aeesion. I,. W. Jiiurtcan. and Wa II. Fayne were admitted to tho bar. The latter wa a lMa-ta- firaetitioner ia Afiril A. II OtKKK, V A 1 LAW, "ii-- -. .1, KAl.HanJ ami o jTSrxl. A. P. vs. James L. lay, et al W. iVEIU, i u it a B o if. h BranWif. D B X T A Mi-- i r.. a. rFVfrr. r. JAS. A. W!!-- ; Clprk. April 12, f 20 ot .'.! J.I.I Il.tMUt , I H V . V T LAW, .'..; . a I t . To aTrfTs,r$"jii port his proceed mps thereon to that Court that llogat: afui raid, u.t-d- . and the appellants were duly apointed his executors anJ qualified as such in August 155 ; aud that Surget also died in 1 he same year that since the dte cf decree, Bingaman has made partial pay-men- ta upoa the debts ascertained in lhe decree, there being still a balance due and unpaid, and that, by reason of the death of Hoggatt and Surget, the decree could not teexecutcd. It further states that by reason of the amendment to the constituti in adopted February tith l.Viti, abolishing the Supe- rior Court of Chancory and the Vice-Chanc- Courta, the complainants bad no remedy in the Court where the decree was rendered for revivor and execution of that decree, because the same waa not "a mum depending" in that, Court at the date of this amendment to Ihe Coitxti. tution, ; and prays "tor revivor in the names of Hoggati'a executors, for an of the sum due on the moitgsge debt, and for the apoiiiimeiit ol a to sell the property in default of payment he. A general demurrer to this bill waa filed by Bmgsman and the exicuiors of Surget, which was sustained and the bill diamsKaed ; and the complainants Lave taken this appeal. The ground of defence relied on under tho demurrer is. that the jurisdiction of the original cause in which tne decree, of foreclosure was rend'-ical- , waa eoiiiin-i- n d in the Court when this bill was filed, and hence that tgie Chancery Court of Adams County had not then jurisdiction to entertain this bill. The provision of the amendment io the Constitution all'ecting the juried eiion BOABDIXfi DEPARTSHST, MR- MRH. wrsT. f . . RATES OF TXJIXIOlsr. ThefVhol.iic vf. teirnn.n 1st M.iadar in ''.''1J' IB Juno, be i UiM'teia, jj:J L now located at IVeatur. Outward Bound. ST naaaBaa. From the shiniox trd of childhood. went tailing, long ago. Laden with ttie ncheat treasure Which my h.art caa erer ka w, Thoni-ii- a pure as morning dew-dro- Kannea like the rainbow gay. Dreams aa sweet a ta, ry irui.io, Hope a blithe as birds ta May, But though I bare long been aearching, Touta's loet tnaaeuiea ne'er ar found; And 1 sead forth other "rent urea. But they all are outward bound. Outward bound acroMthe ocean. Which ao many teane at preal; lo rip'o a, trie water, Nat., tl a trac'- - o'er whiji they aneal. Vainly wat h 1 for their coming. Vainly a. an the awelting main. And I fear tbo-i- e fairy veeaele Will not meet my game again. Wbee I call, there ia no answer, Echo eniy mocks the sound. Hot a ..ail in the horizon For they all were out ward bound. None come back with golden cargoes, None with tropic fruit appear, From the islands a here Life's aooa-ti- d Make a summer a!l the year, gooatite shad.-- s of night will gather, ra,m Ltf.i's sky t oremtat. And th n. looking to the Future, I shall hal f'Tt-e-t the Past. When my bark shall leare. its mooring". When I. too, am outward bound, In Eurnity' c.lm heavea My I.e.! treasure shall be found! flfrnent of ttiPe-:a- l tKSKV MOX-iE- defeaAtnl. or in $ rcixirtof Kan- - 'IKf t'u m':i' fff tea i rin .t prutraic tuti.. ma i II. M - ;t5 'i n ul tttt.n f tn- -r m fit jiitujK ol tijcn- CliS. COTT01, Ml.iilM.n I WALT0.1 No case was tried io court, and nothing occurred otherwise, worthy of especial notice. I UI l PTII H, v n r a J T I ' n A A' d 41 mi" "O" Primarji lrui.J". P' '.. " lnurmeiiu, m A. mi- -, I i!t.- - Muern lannu.! Muaic on Plan' ' I of Bia. Irraw on and pjinucg in Water Colors, ill . Ui ttrkai- - Enrjulerr, Matricnlu.. lee ia.lu lingli;hu,fuel and waah-in-u per n t13 be 16 IM 2... 00 A UO 111 0,1 Jt a 4) 1 un Ji e. 10 3 00 ffi 00 - If II ii-.- r fi" fr ... il(J - Ji y i i r Armi. M Hilar j Inlfbrma, itc. t ir il - ni Tn f a rotnpttiy of 6wjfi pr- - f ri io -- ti rr- iti if .f Tiy aniui nt u, n tl ir o:. ' Hi.d upward, lh xm','' n Arrii Mt.Uary l.n r.. anr M n A ry . h- uti-n- l th ini;--- ani'Huit hy if. t.r-- t WtdManv u Augutrf. io I f.f"i-i- i ih- on tiii KK'k u a pr-- itru f $ ?w ; tn nit Uritct, to 1."'; t'- nxi liif-- i u $1. tn n.t l" I '' f ''r lurat ti $.") ( m-li- i r' to h; th nin Minurt-- d n X' ldWi'-- t, enoh ; t'i tltr ii. mi Lir-- in ii. if; Uii-- r hundred n- mt l.r'l io f: t Ihoij-Hn- d lar-t- , f. $ (; th thirty-fou- r ii- -it U'k.-.i- , i (, wti ; uj X.. pr n wli- U'iji t olii n ijt-- r "tf ihr. to rin rXT prrimuni uf ti.-''- li ur pad in ah, lirtil r.'U'i-- , Arm "f M .!;tiry l .ili.nc u inyt A fi t th I r of Rjij-p .trtrinok 'oni'ny ai Port K.ytt, .'g'f a; r I .I. f'Ht "titt-- ii- i: iiiurip t. prry an-- I. y tint- - an 1 Ni-- M M K V f r i 1.. Ii I'. This bill waa filed by the plaintiffs in error for a partition of certain lands gi winch i hey claim a joint interrn wiihthe 'di;!?ndai?ls. It sets forth the tit le of the complain- ants, and shows thai a partition of the premises had been m ute between the de- fendants by a petition and proceedings in the Probate Court, in which the rights and interest ot the complainants were not no- ticed and were wholly disregarded. These proceedings are allgid to have been fraudulently conducted as to the" com- plainants and to be unjust and illegal : and the prayer is that the partition be et aside, and a partition be made giving to the complaiuants their portion, ol thepre-n- i ises. The answers of two of the defendants, principally interested in the property, de- ny the title of the complainants, set up their own titles and aver that the parti- tion was fairlv and legally made, and they claim by virtue of adveive jeion agiiiust the complainants and in virtue ot the partition wlnrh was ninde e the legal title of the complainants was ac- quired. The case was submitted on final hear- ing in the court Ik low upon the plead- ings ard proofs; but at whose instance does not apt-oa- r by the record. There is . 4 W, .,f it - f !h' Jll.l'i-la- l l wt i,')Tn, w!"-r- Mir tr'-'n-t ut n r r hr tin.'ii-rai- . totit.". Ami ' Vy J. T. TAXAKIflL'lT. l7l.. ut M. r.Kt: a. n J. . r.l.At h. at M .r to PlSCO.VTlSCAM I OF AM OlO Joi' At. TheFennylvauian newnpaper, which for more than twenty years, was regarded aa the organ of the National Demi:racy of Pennsylvania, baa been discontinued for want of patronage. The "Pennsylvanian" was started in lto2, under the auspices of the Jackson party of Philadelphia, upon the detwclion of the "Inquirer," an original Democratic paper. Subsequently, the "IViinsv lvan-ian- " was edited by Joe. C. Neale, Esq., better known to the literati than to the politiciansof the country. James Gordon Bennett also wrote for it a time, and ad- ded no little to its reputation as a spicy and vigorous partizan journal. John V. Forney became connected with it some time during Mr. Polk's Administration, and remained in it some ten years or more the most of which time aa Editor- - !r. h 1 tf h 1:1 H ht'll ' it ti II 't. tm w' f rim., '!. If. 1h' 11 ora .1. joiifA, Atlrmnif tor of laid e tnt. showine the his int-Lat- 7"U art- - hereby ci t iji b and appear X in and l.ror t bo fi oleti Omrt of Ja-"- r C.mnty, ut the (i t H.u thpre-o- f. on the fir-,- tin June. A. V. lt"l, then and tliert loi ny cju if any you din why the tirsn.1 tn.untot" K.ii-um- i .1. Jone. Adiuininrntiaif lhe of Henry Monger. dcea -- hould lot be alliiH-e-d- , and tlie rrjnf Haiti aatnini.-i-truto- r sliowin-- ; the of aid irhouldnot lie reefifiii'I d.'1-ree- there- upon ueforilinjrly, ntnlurtiier to ti.i ami p'rfij,rm eoi'h othertln sts shall lieeoti-Hi.Wf- d and ordt-re- i the (xiurt afore-ua'- nl in the .r;'ini.i-5- . "t IVittim the Hm. anjamin Tbijrpen, .Iudi:e of the Prob..3t,urt of enid cmn-fi- ', the lit Mond.iy ini.ril, A. I). s ' n. Uiven uie mv hand ami seal ( -- KAL of offiee.HStli day of April, CTJ K. . i.,ir THOMAS V.KAYS0X, CTerk. April 12, J ' ! f CO Ot Entateol'll. t:.tholi. ctrcesiwedi 1 J 11 Kli EAS ! of Admini-itratio- 1 Y were prant.so the uinler-,ined- , at the I;i-i- t FebruaJYrru, A. 1. i.st'.l, of the Probate Court Newton County, on the eotnte of H. f;iClIiI-S- , decaed. Now all person hii-- claitng against said estate are hereby litied to exhibit them duly j robated aIlIeitered within the time required by f, or they will ba for- ever barred. ! HA I? I? NICHOLS, Adm'r. (luoisic Diseases lured. DR. W. R. MOSELEY, of the v Courts is as follotvs !. ".i tl II A ..1 KtH.t-- IT! on. a. j. m a no "The Superior Court ot Chmieciy ami the several Conns shall II I'l.lMiin-- i p "fully mv;i tii atuntKn of continue as now organized until the tirt b A W J. I.. MOKKIH, k , i. v a r ! I.K K'.,H. M . nfiii,(v, H- - niy rHFi'i ai n- m Sir Apil 14. 1&. -'j Monday in JSovcmbeJ ll"i5i , tor the dis position of cases now depending therein." 7 lr DECISIONS OF THE HIGH COURT. OCTOBEK TKRBI, !. aaiataraB szraasai.1 roa ras s.srasa clabjoh Lock, Brummette it Lock 1 va. 053S Joseph M. Jane, et al. J This bill waa filed by the appellants 3d amend, to Constitution, Rev. Code oK. iUU tkrriw.iik a- - a J. w. wi?i .T, fr. Or. llrltlffa t UlnsaU, Bonrd ni psyie one h!f in adrsui" the MialMi a il'"-- ' ' ' J" i et.rB- -. ex CIH liie i:ieenl'a'""e lee wlui ii it. iu VHn l,y in u ra'.ce. aill he naiie from the I'nie ..f iilmiii-i- . lo ! ear i- n i Ueilii-ii,.n- Iri.m the n'. ""'I' '' m ex- pi in i ai-- ol protrj.t-e- d ,"n Prm. ij.al a Ant Totine li'iy aepirmi. in tin liooor of the iflii.1 puiene ai.,i n.ake lory IU Ih e.ilieia-- .'iiiir.e: ai.'l iio Hii e eoiif'-rre- till tlt are lli.'l. Art one- hnwcTer, tiwicr dtrrefkia of her or mat piir-m- e auy irr-?- at . o.ir-e- , aud ..!,. I be e.it.lled to a rertifi.-at- ol ana iino'lsi'i. aa. Hdies will tie biken frini BronksviUe IVpoi oe the Mi. bile and Ohio Kml R.iiul lo the diunce of eighteen miles w tliout ehari;,. JAMtjj CUALMtm, Bee-jr- Oct ji. i"'1 1!!L "ISNEY ACADEMY, IBNEY, ALABAMA. preaent S..ion ol th. Institution, 1.ITE 8eptemler 3rd. will oon'tnii, ten un ler the charge of Mr. H J t A K 1' KR in the Mule and Mian A. A. t ARRlMVloN in lhe Kemale I'eiiart-ment- - Larce and comm. rioii bmlii niri. hare Im. n erected, and are now furni-diei- i in a t;. h to meet ihe demandi ot a lare ami flmiriKhiiiit The lo- cation i plertaant and healthy, with exeiit.ot aoeial and relipi'-- .nvileiri.. The ordinary nnrte-'- will te elaiwed in three dutinot crude.: The Iiepartment"' w ll be limited ht Keadini:. Wri'me Primary and Pnrrmry Antl.tneti.. The ln:.Tine.'-i- )e'riment ' wilt aid to i rimarT .tinli . (ieoirriiphy i;rroror. FTo"iitioD. Wntri n Aiithinatii. and Kiil'-Ii- l onipo-i'io- Tiie -- Hih. r I 'efMrtm.-nt'- ' will embrace I.a':n and I. reek The JSamraJ .ieiiei. The Higher Mnthem::ii a. Ac. larM or TtiTio rut tun or rrrx aoTTiis: The question of .jurisdiction, therefore. fi lit of t i tii- -i . II ho done aaxUui4 Trt- ii'-- in n ;,7 ti' '"iiti.Tn a and thr mi. Ii ' it' ' d ol tfiru r who h v, and ran - i! f - ktll in th trtatnieut of mil J, i - - Tix: iii- 'Iuii'.r ?rr.i:T.r!pii. Fittjla. fiypki- - h or Fk- .'iioi : tioa, . (ih--- u iM't-r- . a I'.H'M-t!- , I Ttppti, depends upon whether the cause stand ir very little proof touching the material question of lhe title ot the complainants, and upon the controverted point whether thev were entithnl either at law or in t Mwii- ii, r r rr-r.- ing in the Court at the late of the amendment, on a decree of foreclosure unexecuted is to lie consid rp-- . !''" r I'liMtn-- a a !iii-v- , r,p')-'P- Fluor III liii,. .'itr, JiaT--- l Vair-- Ky, While l ifi if".-tn- t of !.i'-- ti titi I tti" mtrriiijn.Mi rX'litiT in !! tr!'Hi .f (M)n' n t(.f pfitt-M-l'-- n nl tii.'K' 'i. th-- Nih ilt i tounM ' i.iM.rni. l 'it i'.ni: t hi iwn aiil It, Wiit t'.f if "f Ma. 'I not. ( M'int. 1 Ii. t lhir i'i nk ! tf, ptjl h f"r t rf-'- -I ni Ih.Jn- - lr.l Hto-ii- ' fu ti tnMr pro!- j.io'iu. d'lliff lt r a "? iiTiBd'-t- - of th ered aa a "cause then dejending" in that Court ; for if it was, the proviaiou is pos i. 1.-- r. ol tfi Kat and 4, i.'i,ii. I f th A.mi.. Ac equity to the interest in the lands claim- ed in the bill. It is quite clear, and in- deed it appears to be admitted by the counsel for the plaintiff in error, that their legal title is not fully established. itive that the jurisdiction was continued until the first Monday of November liii. Hut it is insisted that the lull should have and of course the jurisdiction of the Chan- cery Court of Adams County did not been retained, and the complainants al- lowed to establish their title at law. How ever this may be if the complainants had April l'J, lMil. Zj-l- t f. h.. Ol.l.l S, ;y. I.I.OB AT JW, .'.I.A. .'" ; .!. . f .J, w Mir. it . ;... in M ii I... li ,i ... ii nu i r 4i- nl critiutiAj .. y. . Ki' I. H K. M I S: , .,, i it. II . M -- t i . .,1 I .n .. II Wnita. . I II .n Vk in I" l.iKoo. M ... " '" I'" i I It, hi. r. A l'r. A tt ... W AIU. , ' ;,i . i I'. i.r- - , ., Tir , ttJM k r. kcll- V A DKI.I., r r v k rs a t i. i w , U.!i. h K! .'I K ' . Mm. ly II. V . Tlllll), i, f 7.: : i'7-- . ,,rr pvblic, AM" iniiil.ln I" f hinfirfi , i ,, m i.i i ni rv. sw, ( t. ft ,1 .f li.'Jll.lll'. lo Ii ,. i ... . ..i u... '.r .1 . r taken that course in the court below n RF ilhf.ST HESTlsT, AT RSTRnrttlSB. Vi.V tiPil i no toilorntj i'in nl tiir tan-- - liuijifjb lat M'nJy in March, Junr an i H.ntn. liMir,ir lt !Hn-1- ' in prit Jtily nn.H N'tni iritHivixlf Hi May.'A'iti! a:ni cannot avail them here and in the pres ant attitude of the case. P i U" alli-'i'- wtthanv nl tt.-- . dia ahotild ii.-- t tv l a i.iiiy tiav d'.n, who wa .,01 :i n liad IhkI Ui-- proatrat and ui td to. m n r Ki. t"nt, or ('.tin r had e at n iii ti.cir viial- a'd d. hiiititt.-- l thf r tyt' ma, th n h! ni in I itnnot rai- - lh hul I ran iiie .i-- f in nariy ii' wi'l fftM a pure in all rti- - r .i.i- -- ; and 1 lKMi-- e !l Ciiri can bo cuind if iik"n tiMi- -. lr. !' run f mid at Iatidrdal Ppnnr' d!-i- .i pi hut th. t1i' t'-- r n h the ln-ti- t l ru mtv . and "Mti-t- y thm'l that i. -- .k nttt"h itr- wine to h incuiaW', I.ht-- i f.-- urd hv l'i? kH and rnidi'a. t iiin.-M- an. I tiTi'.Ji' in-- s ni t ait pna of tii1 'n;:i S .;- - I', or -- ir'-- h! not.. All ..iiiionnt'-a- .on- - a'l i'ly P ar t4i.r'i K'' u;l hitoT all the '"n cim u I v it h i ir -. bl'. naf ita. Ac. ' p riiontn in alviu.t, fr all caa?p r; d at iitHiin. -- Ali m-- i of am' r miit undrr my fmm-lnt- ; cr4 and . u. and f. v urn hif v&h KMH TKD to the Jail of SniiC'ouniy. Misaia-ipp- i, on Fri 'be '2'Mi duv of Mareli, During that period the paper was con lucted with more than its former ability aa a political journal, and the con- fidence of the National Democracy was liberally extended to it, Mr. Forney not having then exhibited the slightest lean- ing to P.livclc Republicanism. Since t e "Pennsylvanian'' has chanced hands several times, and the indications of its waning fortunes have been noticeable for some time. Ita recent editorials, however, have been characterized by marked ability and found political sentiments. The dis- continuance of the "Pennsylvanian" tells badly for the conpervatistu of Philadel- phia and the State of Pennsylvania, es- pecially when we consider that its com- petitors the "Ioquirer" the "fla-ette- ," the "North American," and the "Press," which have all turned Black Republican, are in the full tide of nuccesa. The case was submitted for final hear ,...!0 00 .... 15 ("0 ing uMn its merits. INo appleation war Pnmare Int. rmcd.A'.e U ijj tier " A. flUOl. a uplth bov who r. made to retain the lull until tlie title oi M nl an .1 MondJty in Mnrt-h- , .Iun and H p v-- t fly's name i SIM. that be b fs to Xmlntiii. I I lean, of Sifter Countv, Ala. Stud JU V) bxtiia: l I'rawin $10 ( .. on Pa ntiuit - I" ... 16 Oo I En, broidery.- - 10 on Tl 'If. mi or mar plv. m y r. the coiup'ainanta could lie determined B' law. It was submitted for final tlis)H.-- i tion as it was resented ; an.i the question Hutir line of P- n hi i't n Tiff- t ' h((. tj'!tt.i'' a Ifn' ill. (I'll it- rrniftimiiK an l"n a hi u' in y - was, whether the complainants luui mad claiming title in virtue of a deed ot assign- ment purorting to be executed by Reu- ben Williams, one of the heirs and of Pavid Williams, deceased, conveying to the appellants all his inter- est in the estate, real and personal, of Iavid Williams, and in virtue of a power of attorney purporting to be made to them by said distributees ; and seeking to recover the interest so conveyed to the apjiellants. from the representatives of the estate in this Slate, the deed of assign- ment and power of attorney purporting to have been executed in the State of Texas, whi'rv Reuben Williams had his domicile ami died. The defendants in their answer, denied theexecution of the instruments bv Reuben Williams, under oath ; and as evidence of their due execution, the apellaiitH rely, iu the iiret place, upon the fuel they were duly acknowledged lelore a competent olficer in the State of Texas, as appears by the certificates of such ottier attached to or writteu upon them, which certificates are proved to be genuine. These certifi- cates of acknowledgment would have en- titled the instrument to record according to the laws of Texas, but the instruments were not placed upon record there. And the first question which arises is, whether the original instruments so acknowledged, but not recorded, are admissible in evi- dence when their execution is denied in pleading under oath, without further proof of tbeir execution The allirmative of this proposition is insisted on, in behalf of the appellants, on I t U hnv nj ntfaiv""l in a ir lMin Kniiitn" "! th iu rn'nii.r uni ry ImI;ii'-- m h'-- imir" - Tf fi d a case entitlm;' th-'i- n to iiave lliep'cvii.ti partition set aside and a new partition made. lh tic--t t, v aii a;'! htt-- urTtimtt ntl f: w- - a iitxrai pnew. - ii in. i..ii"n iwni nr inpu . tn hi d rHti hvf tfo lio-ti- t of tho tin at Sulphcr an-- It is well settled that eoui'v will no! attach in June 1868, when this bill was filed. We think it very clear thnt the cause vas "depending" in the Court after the decree of foreclosure, tiKn principle and according to decis- ions of this Court. It is true that a decree of foreclosure fa mortgage is, fur certain purH-e- s a Anal decree. It is a final adjudication of he complainant's debt a.'a.nsl the tuorl--iigo-r. and ot hia riiht to enforce it lyainst the ni. "it gulled ri.prrty. But the .nam object of the suit is to coniel (he .ay men t of the debt; ami acconling to 'he course of the Court, that is eth ci. d by a commissioner appointed to einorec the let ree, and, in default of payment bv Ihe mortgagor, to sell the mortgaged prop- erty according to the direction, of lhe de- cree, and report his proceed Hi g to the Court, which are not finally v.hd until i hey are confirmed by tho Conrl. The Court has full control over the proceed- ings touching the sale until final confir- mation of the sale, and over Ihe pay- ment and application of the purchase iuoney between parties to the suit having j oliMieting claium to it, if there he any, until the end and olject of ttie suit is fiimlly accomplished. This jurisdiction h i!vl- - ti in th" h All eotuiu;iniaii um protnp'.y a. A Tuition will be rtiariied from time of entrance till cloe of Venn, milee. alnen. e Iroin i. kin--a r in e with .riT..re aimriii. im His. 'I now iiuin"ierii( ix'y. i. rupidly ini.ri'rL.-iiii- he Teui-h- r. Ilti' Ijeen e.ji.rieiitly hi um ii. lae'. St-- ion. Iwtlti in the .l.e. mid ineiriH-tlni- ,.f tlie They l ave had lli'l'-- t xperi ,.e eie-wher- but are n,.a p.rmani-ti'l- ,i m c!iarie nt 'hl Thi'y a ill iee a can-iu- iter the health and m .rum of U,aiilini.' pufnii. a- - hoard can be obtained at fr- in eilit to ten dollar p. r month tnrther parucuiarts addreae the Principal, or President ot t!.- lioai d. A. A. STALLWoKlli, PrtmUnt 'ii- lin iim ti- in;.. om-i-.- limy ! 'tnt th;i il noi iin.'.ili r" l. h- - - nwff-t- .itiM.i. nti, tfit h- - ntv 1'i.niid a( t.uirprir" 'ti tift pri.f"-iii- ii Jiy i. H.rK" U oun.rruut patron through tn ttrir. '1 kkm All work warrant.!, and harjra m'idrai' I n 11 14- -1 r. i h , a r at l l. u, M H-- t. KM.. K I ' r VI l.nM, W. K MiHKLr.V, M- 1'. decree a partition unless the tiiies of both are clear. Garrett vs White, .1 Farties Ki. 13 ; Wilkin vs. Wilkin. 1 John. ft. m WILUftMU. lJiudTdal hpnuxs MiMit."ppl. Ih n. HA. I.. ll-l- y JOilN D. RATClTfFE, AT THK OLD STAND OF boy i about ftv years old, nboiu ix feet hih. bis I eye is aflecled, ppr-entl- y by the 4iovh1 of a ealaraei, ki' le't ankle seeio have been put out ol place and is nidefornied (o some extei.t. Had on, tv recommitted, ketsey pantK, nabui;r shilBid fzo.itee whi-ker- s. The hair on the Ut of his head is worn ot", wh it'll he saf'is done by wenrlnp a bel. "'hat he waifri'.iased bv Mr. lean fron a Mr. WanT'treette County, Alabanit. That beraiay from Mr. Deau about the 6th of Mar-t- . The own required to come forward prove pro5 and take him away, or he will be deitli a "ordins to law. WM. WATKIN.-a- , Shc tnd Jailor Smiih Countv. April liB'il. .'t Or. It. V II .M . McKI.1M).if Ch. 3. Kor partition cannot be decreed except where the titles of both parties are clear. Much less could a prior partition. t.,.(iiuK nil. AV) (M-t- hi 7.i"t ?s tiimarf rtp"'ftilVi hi pr f."i. "nil fti-- i' in td'1 citiE n ti t ii it v II nniv tit fl t no- - found ai ti made in behalf of one party, who is ad mitted to have a clear title, be aet aside fVuifM.. 1VI IMiOl IV IIII.LF.R 1 HOB. BoBKFB, L. H Hnr.LTO!, O. T. Wiroit, J. P. Kt, unit-a.- " prufoni."ni'! mJ n. lX"l 25-- y Apnl at the instance of another party claiming a doubtful and controverted title. S on hand a Iwa-l- ot of IRV CtO Hj8, Clothm-?- . f: ... ' "1 Hi' .T 'Mt 10 ill ' i IhwUiW. , t ol.UAan t I' '(in-- -. m ti m ...- ti- - .1 .J n J. MO ItOK,' r i la . High Lifi in Washisoto.v. An intelli- gent corresjiondent of one of the New York papers gives the following descrip- tion of Lincoln's last reception : "The reception at the White House was one ot the poorest even sf-e- in Washing- ton. Some of the strong minded women from the Weft insisted on dancing the Kail Splitter's dunce, which consisted in walking in a zig-za- g manner from one side of the room US the other, as though they I W. P. K.. Ha.-- Hp. H"" in hN'H'i, Harowarn I-- tf Oct. H. 1"W0. fa., C'ArWnte Co., Ala. As the case was presented it was sub VlKJC. l.irtCK NIIIIM iWllh (iHlia-i- a5-. 0. J. ORK, UIOHIU KN T r N T 1ST. mitted for final d cree, the complainon! in "rtr. on r Dih r,L... k in Drt of a !nre and Taned aa ROSE HILL ACADEMY. claiming u decree fur partition. It is man r,'n-ii- t ..f 1'iiiiT HWI-.- and Nan-o-- 'k Mi I'AT I A . ul'i!-- . Ir.-- - -- ilk H'lrt-ii- t n'lT HI Te", Cuttf-d- i "nai H, Ktoon 1 rmgwa, i ajm, Lrn! Trimmina, ifest from the nature of the deletices set ut) to the complainant's title, that th. third of thia Inatftution corntnt-not- d IHB the nrt M ii1kt in Msn h. uudi-- r the our prof- vtM- r toiliuif 1 niitil mi i t p W II.!. n'nd t" ht and tli" i A p'tA I'- STOTICE the a'ltboritvof Art. 228, Revised Code BaaiuU. is clriuly letiiiiicd by the ol the ,kuhlji Ji r f ""I"rat' i.i..t ij'nT'i'. im n - m m'", n""" r it tt ' ti " i it- - -- '" IIATKS OK TV1TIO?!. sen led : and ati it'vas M" !!(!( M 'I FTwaBaiia -- ri.:i.i;..i. t. n i,iiiiiiidu jici 101 uiaiii:o riri ert-- u ill Iii pir'!!-- . it. ttf- - !I For twont-o- n we k- - Oth craphy. Fending. purpose, it was proper for the court t record of any ;&t;iTijo'.i"roT required or permitted to be recorded by the laws of this Siate or of any other State or Territory of the United States, ic. locree ; and unless Uie iu. iVhit House. The lrtcts of Senator T May next. ad n.on,!! ir, front of door ot the Court the town. Tauldinrr. in Jn.si.r-"touiil- Wrilinsr. Iritnry and Ai iii.nH-iK- onlinued, the object of the suit innv. " I Seward tnd Cauieron wre red with ntiHrne. ITWrk ii 'I 1. U.., ratio Ihu-.- wlio k:i" hsrn. sud forwhon Ur o- - d..iM' o.. Mr. U 5'. Wd. - - " ' u im m K. h. .at t n all mely fail tor want of power to appiopK .lit or nil y v v.- .ramiimr. Gography, Arithmetic and History, oti or a'l. hall, when certified oy tne Clerk; in wtiose In rt'ceivirijor hit friend . and in tthukinji' hands with hia frit-nd- - Old Abo does the deny the relief ; anil, there being no ap- plication for leave to establish the com plainanl's title at law, to dismiss the bill Upon this view of the case, the decre. must be affirmed. tie and distribute the purchase money. LUil.1".,. Al.PAi'1-.- . PLAINS, bo.MBVZINES, MARIS'. . PLA1I. lil NOHAMM OIL CAl-llA- l, TAMHHA, FT.ANNt.Ld, Tnvn.ivt, Tim K l LOl H!4, rrRvin UK. P A I M ieoTm iry, Alehra, Philosophy, Mentid or Mral. sell at p' auction, tue loilowing de- scribed 1. on which the Taxes tor the I. . . and the Court would possess no contiad II. TKIIH f, . I I . ." lr . in r ail. 10 ver its commissioner or the purchase of office the record is kept, under his seal of office, be received in evidence in all Courts of this State, without accounting for the absence of the original ; but if the execu year lre dew anil unpaid, to wit: uj like a regular rail-eplitt- who had just pone through the marriage cere- mony, and ww rect-ivin- g the eongraiula- - latin and (irtH-- lAnni.Tr'(i'onorn-tr- and Surying. with th wU.i-- - l.ran.-h"- on- - or ail 20 0u irii'. Mi. Handv. ihemortgsged property. These procee- - Thi is aituftted in North F.H!t JitnT ti- - tioii- - ot Ills lriendK. in his rett ilion he .rn Pauhhritand Knt'-rpri- in a h- Hhh and tt. tion ot such deed, bond or other writing i.on am. . Ii. lings, suliscqnent to the decree, are .lainly essential to the object ot the suit; ,nd il the decree be final, in the ordinary inir.'nt c immunitv n- ara an iae ooi.tintMi in ,.ii.jv iimi ikUiRm (. ti. labors hardt--r HirliHp9 and poes through rnort" hard work than anv ix ordinary men . i fnim!. at tt-- dotinif pr m .nth. inclu-hnf- shall be disputed by the opposite party on oath, the original shall be produced, or Owner Uiti.ions of Soc. Htid l.ffhta. I ht I'rim-'pa- i na-- - "itti Hn"x- - Gates & Pleasants I vs. 9040. John D. Flint, et al. ) The defend inls in behalf of the wife. A rino aiaiTlmrnl ol 1. A I I aoa I.tv 'l ut. t t iv icceptation of the term, the jurisdiction of tn j ara in t,iiin.r. and h- rM-- n- could Mand. Western admirer- - lanry all ... nr. m '' ., lul Ui,l. U. nil (.Al l l.ll-- v its absence accounted for beloresuch copy f the Court would be divested lor the l it (uir-.--i- m tfwiunij niKurr oi im his moveinwiiU are frenchy. shall be read. And such original when lit ml 7 Mad Clothing ,ir. u,iniinir anrl Win'fr wart.1 Uf hftiiftuca and iAtm. th. Prm' pl and main and necessary purose of the suit. l I ha Ci'iJ..-rii- - or Jane E. Flint, filed their bill in the ar Ft.u'h-rnt-r-h- Mrtn riination nn-- ,1 !! ... i t U .,u. uimri.i -- sAhlil.l-s- Hltll'l.K-"- . MaLTER." Hence it has been held, in rases of this an.i II. dif-pli- wni r tIl't. im acknowledged or proved, according to the laws of the State or Territory where exe Bolts Prevented against Southern Sol Chancery Court to enjoin the sale of th O'linu- ,of N. V. l Is. ftr. I. oi s Nulliiuj" riiiurc Nolliius liuiu ! HODOE3. DAVIS & CO. S At"TH"KIZEl HT Acin ol the Lelwlatur. KuR Tllli Bt.NKKIT tiK Th Washington County Academle. UrillUint &hemr tor.Vov., 160 ROYAL ITvyATA 1'LAX. IA.W0 Prlmra, monnlla t.471,300: Will (WfonlMip !i thf fullnwintf KOYA1. M.'HKMI-:- : To be Ifratrn t'.itry salurtlay. .ort. that the proceeding upon the de trilil P IKiiss lliiHS!'. i tiLLARS, IUMIA :ld and . and vry will h" given th moral ind rultivation ot pf'dint-- . toy Ac. 3 li. . S4 A' cuted, so as to be entitled to be recorded cree are tn Jt until the confirmation, by Piimia n n!'r at an time dunne tn mil anrthinr n the .IHti ur mat can nenerara slave George, claimed to be the separate property of the wile, levied on by virtue of an order of sale issued on a judgment of H. F. 1..1 2 u :t- -i it: iu mi r. i.. h ' . nd will h fharp?d from tho time of rntorine to "he Court, ot theacts ot the commissioner. there, shall be evidence in this State without further proof of its execution." Bl.rh Kmllu'l Tom.., 1 I M Kt K, h ' 4 . - "111 - ' Mlllll M I ii,, ami ill in tin' he co- - of th t;m- unn-- s pn-F- r'C'1 jr-'- nn'-n- Herrod vs Henderson 2-- f Miss. 4. loo- - J.K.l" if.s, HHmnif ra. Viw Srw Flate, - in attachment in favor of plaintills in duni hy protrat d .wkn. wiji- h limp will hj do- - ,.fS. K. 'il ! w. ' toi o i ' ! 'ii. r.W'f n id: !..f B K ' ,'...,.1. I .i " 'I N 3of B.IA.lt..ot 4il.4oi' to It is insisted that, by the latter clause ley vs. Gridley, 3 S & M 614; and that d;teed tu'tion f"tndrnti irnm a ill Carpenter I aol. error against one Edward B. Mosely, the jc:. : IVr. 8. Tuf of this Statute, an original deed, acknowl Ii? required t pay Uiir tuition in aivan'e. ur mv he mrisdiction is retained alter decree iii.r rhi.l". Plupei. Hiinimem. Mawa. Broad and father of defendant m error Jane r., r?trenri (oi parent; cuarttian. or .oiTie i edged or proved according to the law of The bill states that many years before vdiuT persi n . i . a. t n ii- - n c vr o.-- ;i because it is essential to the execution of the decree. Gofl'vs Robins et al 33 Misa. the State where executed, so aa to be en I llt.l I. t. L- - n. I. ASS ITER, fax collecter of Jasper County C A. BrL'DLEVoN, the time of filing said bill, the said Mosely gave the said negro boy, a child, to his 153. Unlike a judgment at law, it re- - Mrtrh 23. 1W. &m titled to be recorded there, shall be evidence here without further proof of its execution, whether recorded there or not. ClJoAii i.. an.l ererjllnns in the ham. Hard ware. SaiK Traca, S.i(.l.- -. H..ea. Plow Point. Ac. Caller)-- . A flne ..nm :'t of T e and Po.kcl Cutlery. Crockery aud Olaaa W.te. iii ires the further action of the Court to said daughter, that on her intermarriage Guardian' Sale. Decatur High School. accomplish the main end of the suit ; I. ith John I). Hint, she took said tx) rtue and in pur-tianc- o ot a ue- - But we do not think that a careful ex k STOVAI.I.. i' a r la ,. t ,.ii ni ma U'uru ol . .11 .'j("lll. . I I. I , t.l-- . 111- --. t i .mi i nut f ('rTiTnrton t A,l - - ' ' tf 111' I Pr 1 Pi if ol tnd thereiore the jurisdiction of the the Probate Court of Jasper home with her and retained jHjssession irt him until afterwards in the year -- , ... Prif-"- f In ITni-- a '' fr,.'- - "I... lii Pri.-i- . i l .. I, m Pi r. "l'... 2.V1K1U Priiva of- - amination of the Statute will justify thin construi'titi--i. Mr. J. J- PERRT Principal of Male llep.artment iniist necessurily continue in the Court. For the same reason, the lule he of Tk k.iy ami ila '." i eomplrte .... i.ii .... in.... .... A'.i .. !" .. gl.lll I Pr,- - o! .. I lr i nl ... I ..r Mi. 8. E. JAKVP, I'rm.'lpal ol M male Keparv one Vernon a constable-- chiiih to her houA- - diers. An a matter of interest to many of our readers, we iubli-- h the following law which was pasned by the State Legisla- ture at its aebbion in January last: AVA CT to prevent suits against Southrm Soldiers. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mis8isetfpi, That ;t bhall be un- lawful to commence or r.ropecute any fcuit or action for debt againt-- t ar y South- ern Soldier who may be called into ac- tual service by the authorities of thU Stale while he ia or may be engaged in the military service of any of the South- ern .State;, and every party, attorney or other person offending against tins set thall be fined and im(rini-- d for con tempt. The fine not to rxctfrnl five timf-- r the amount of the debt ued for, to be pnid to the soldier or hia family ts the court bhail award. Be it enactvd. That thin set take effect and be in force from and after its paa-biig- e. Approved, January 22, 1?C1. The first clause of it applies to copies of Prir of-- .. Caetlnne anii Hollaw Ware. an .ilfni Mii MARY C. WILMJ.N, Teacher in Hnsieal Ue-- held in Cole vs Miller 32 Miss. 89, is not applicable to a decree like the one nn- - 1 i Pr artment the record of deeds. 4c, recorded, accord- ing lo the laws of the State where execu and took said boy out of h.-- r possession by virtue of several attach merits, in all ol which she filed her claim, atlidavit and A.pri.xViiVaii,in Pru.. anmuni.ng lo nn.t in is.iok fin lot Of Wfltl I'm- der consideration here. Rates af Taltlon er loa of five A tine K'lo' d ttiotif ry, c:iTr and Wnre. ted, ami makes them evidence generally. ntoBlui. rRFPAHAToRY IEP.TMENT. Whol Ili.lv. ; (Junrtf m tS E glith- - I disponing with the production of 'the Ala JUII1 0. WILKI"ii . . - ,. ' , . fl, rt ci 4i 'd'l.iit iii tm. - 'n a I tt '.... :ivi In ! .a rui ..lAiitit-- . 'I 41 tt Jn..'a.,(r. Wntini:. and Mental Ari'.h- - originals. 1 tie tecona clause applies to ' . n on VK r Ki I A mono. " - case where the originals of such deeds It follows from this, that the jurisdic- tion of the y Court in the original cause wa not divested a In n this bill wa filed, and hence that the demur- rer wa projierly sustained. Iecr'-- e affirmed. II a stir. 1NTF.RMEIH.VTE Ir.PRTMENT. -- hall be produced, to-wi- where the .1 kMK-- i W A T T. , .i.Kn.,i i r,inl,v. 1 ram roar. II isttir v and I pa raJTiHiar ?".ieni-e- " A LA W .AUDERDALE SPRINGS, execution is denied on oath ; and in such case, requiring that the original nhall be ( mane at the la.,t .htiiiia'y term the, A. I). lMil, the undersigned, fiuar-th- e persons and fif the nJlieirs of .IDSF.PII DANIEL, tle-,,,- ,, will, on Monday, the Oth day ol ,;.rjl, between the hours prescribe.! f,., proceed to sell at the town o? ti'jin, in Clark County, at public auo-t- i the highest bidder, on a credit of . ntonttis from the "lay of sale, the iing described real in said ,.v, to-i-t: W of N W i, N E j ol 4 and SE of N W J and N W t of i i of Kec. Is, in Township 1 N, of je IT E. Said lands will be Bold sub-t- o the lien presciilied by the statute, Hie pnrcha.-e- r will tie required to give with good se ut'ty for tlie purchase ,ry, payable in twelve months from day of tale. EMILY WADE, Guardian. HI'. HER ENGLISH IiEPARTMENT tiroduced. It then provides in what case FOROE DOLLIRI DRAWS HAlLY, AT O'CLOCK . AM"CHALYHIATE WATEPji ) lrcbr. r.C'.metrr. Pliilo.opht and i hcnu-drv- . t;i ou i u, ... a.i,l Cr.wl. nr mthr of the Modern LaD- - such originals shall lie evidence, when the i .S I'l .Sv M H '1 lss- i. ii hi: i . I l i L A IT, , i. Ml A " ': .. tl .?rl Christian Hoover, 1 vs. 0433. I.autlcrtlale County , Ils. orE- - mat i, mi. , B. B. fOIITH, 0 aa Proprlator, tS Sl'M BE ItS HVS BALLOT ijontma'ent charee, 1 v- George Wells, Adm'r. ) . ., i; & Time charsred frt.m dar of entrance, and no deduc This action was brought by the defen tion mud. exoent for protracted lNii p'T-fha- d tha aViva fAvhi.na - and A ll.l. A. HM1TII. T I n S . T I. A SCHEME. I A Mimcienl corp. OI competent win it iu attendance, of Southern birth, education and senu ,,,!! P'rv r in- tn la-- t ill. pTiril nr - ir uiikt- - t "ur- - in hi iient. dant in error, as administrator of hia de- ceased wife, for trovrr and conversion of a slave, the separate property of the wife, under the statute of 18,'J'J, in relation to I Ju l.. tn-l- ll i. i ii .tiii t'lt p'hf trfOf-rali- thit 10 oat,n w.ll 1 uiti'n dne at the clone or each .'imu. Board can be had at ten and taeiTO dollars per i.. mi.-rt- , li"lth an-- l .. 1 .. tlif Mir ti orHTT. o Any tUtf Tick. h N. on m ilUiin. tM.' Z Il.j mm e a a.a"- - " month. Kiiiii u r theriehtsof married women. It appear wiU.-r- a; un.vf rtity rucd.d hy tli ldi S. Ot. I.fcl i. Jr., i A i I . Kor further purticular. aidren M arleton. r.. ;j.ril 5, 1S01. 2 14. iii'v ar Mtntd on ft Mohdt n.l)d that tbere were two children, the iu of bond according to law, arid the boy was returned to her, ami has remained in her possession ever since, (these ifilaeh merits having been since disposed of). That she was wholly ignorant ol lhe levy ol the attachment ot Gates and Pleasants on said boy George, or she would have given bond as in the other cases, and interjioscd her claim kc. The bill prays an injunction, that the judgment and order of sale be set aside, as to the boy Georgn Ac An answer is filed by Gates, and pro confesso takan sto Imman, the constable who claims to have levied this attach- ment without taking the property into his possession. Gates in his answer de- nies from information the gift, charges that it was fraudulent, that the boy George belonged to her father Mosely admits the levies of the several attach- ments by constable Vernon, that bonds Ac, were given and property replevied, does not deny that Ihe proerty imme- diately returned to the pasession of Jane E. Flint, as stated in the bill, nor does he state that Iminari the constable who claims to have levied the attachment, ever had the possession of the boy George, under bis original levy. He denies that Jane E. Flint had no notice of the levy of his attachment Ac. Anfjigreement is filed showing the claiurand bond Ac. filed by Jane E. Flint, and record, waived. The testimo Vanlan. A. or Rett. J. Ir. N. llud.lie-to- n execution is denied on oaib, without further proof of execution, to-wi-t, when such originals are acknowledged or proved according to the laws of the State where executed, so as to be entitled to be re- corded there. Throughout the second clause, reference is made to the first clause which sjreaks of recorded deeds alone. On the denial of the execution of such deed that is, the recorded deed previous- ly mentioned it requires that the origi- nal shall be produced that is, the origi- nal of such deed, such recorded deed ; and it provides that such original that is, the original recorded deed previously spoken of when acknowledged or proved, Ac, so as to be entitled to be recorded where executed, shall be evidence. It does not allow every original deed which 1 e. lel. i l .;n. ' ! Mo: ii; nd -- t n.v- - tho r- ni- - ..f.,.n ..f K iir 'd U tW'-r-- V -- hu fir nd 51 Rruard. R ANA WAY from the marriage, who were living and infants at the time the suit wa instituted; and . H;,. . . i ;.i, 111 I' . i -- i.i i'I ! Fi,.hir Ju d ..n v.d Mot.,K nl ' !oo l to crinth. ar the subseri- u ii v 4n vr.w ii v istiti tf.v e ' "" ' -- " 'iVkt W on the 'J.ith Anrust laat. ne-- i: t. t:.e vny? of t!. Miiiotippi aud I' ... kiwi--.- . - - - .1 - - - - - . a - - mm . m m a Aim H im Tnk-- I ith a dmwn nunit- -r on it iialii.u,! In .'i.nn out ai an? 111 pi . . i. ha K W. . or "J '1t uitii.a m ll. dma il JSOMKOSE, JiSPEU CO., MISS. pro FRANK, about -- 1 years old. w 'l in at a1 timea. to -- A that, after the death of the wife, and be- fore administration of her estate ftant.-- d to the defendant in error, the slave was in the rss session of the plaintiff in error, who ........ im,. 'i:i!-- "- t ft th Ka. roa I. Rail Road Meeting. At a meeting of a portion of the citizen of Newton county, d in I'ecattir, on Monday evening the Hth innt. M. Ware, ., was called to the chair, and Ir. M. II. Watkins aj,ointed Secretary. Hon. Robert McLain. waa on motion of Hon. M. M. Keith, requested to explain the ob- ject of the meeting, which he mated waa the building of a .Railroad from enter-priF- e to Granada in thia State, known as the Enterprise and Memphis Railroad. Mr. McLain made a very able argument in favor of the proposed road, showing the nece"ity and praclibtlity of the road, its advantage to the people along the line and through the section of country," it is Uecigned to run ic. Kev. W. C. Turner and Col. .J. H. Camplll, alao, addresaed the tueeling addui-in- many fact to pro-r- e copper color : wciizhs aliout lti'i tt. I.K 111 AS, , A I I. A II . H19 naasn'cj Hho-d- . n;uitd twelve mil aoutT i hf I r p; ior h'.a rv- aetl known at the Spnnp has a sear on his right I of th .iiti.ern K.n r vt is ol mvc, uiiu ,liir al cni.i.i1! Miaiob, r ri"y ';. nirtiii leadcra h.a trTue '..i.r..- - nd ;ni-'ls- Tukrui fruiri tl.wi u any pn. . ai the alvt rates ! sold him in the year 1M7. Administra fr- - from the the cot imon to corner of one of his an JTf-- pounds ; 1 :;;rVnd on th on The heahJ.f iin- - of :f.e antl the l n iiiin or n-i pr-.-- i ft.!rin to th 1, the back of Lis neck ooitwr mi to. prirr mu ttnrf it to tU' i: quality of ar w. i . ' I! Inn or m.-r- wlfil-i- l nnmhrw ar, is a larjre seeit wart. -- H -- K... niiml.r -- O i.l- - ii . t iM ur r. and r:na n (kinoric th r it ,:i-l- m!-.- .i of r.:b toeir Nort fo rn ne- pure. mora, innti-'n- ', aoa wiin d.o ou n ut u'- i he above reward will be piven for m- - .lr-.- aim.iu ill mi-l- .Irnan oumifM, ll.e Ii- k' f.rm- - iluriMi! .hf tui.uae- - of Lma. R. B. EM I IH is acknowledged or proved and recorded rn ea.-nt- It ia indnenden-rih- e IVop-vto- r b. ini, andr lft Ht the Mitxixir.nioan, Oi!iC-f- m Ilia u to be read in evidence, without further i!,i. ScSon- - purha..m van a,eit tii rm-t- Hoard- - orctmn a. Aokn. ML., whirh viil lead to Ua re- - ova Num.! A. nroof of execution ; for it may be ac t-- f- I h- - S hOl wi t ' rOH!-.- lf a " - iueat inland TaonocaarARE AmiJl LY ut. .oiiDit lao- i- nl - th tpveiy. ?irri , . t . !. TMHTTKU, knowledged er proved according to the law. of the State, and vet not be such an "arherr. young mea wjth hunihei at a cotiveu re. .nAlUUA i UiU hit. a A r LAW. COMBINATION PLAN IiLw 1 ml l't 4O ("AO- .- CAPiTAL Z Si . . HlN. M. TllVt. "" the iaiioriaiice and tne imperative neoea- - as is entitled or authorized to be bv the laws of the State. ".Te roorth in adaire in all ee-- . Kul? rwd. inln'iini- - -. fur! and hghta, IlVanai" aT 1wl.f. aio.nnoi a j A.0001 3.ooot ao.ooo per monih. Tir,nf ntir ( ft:rmrnp. ot going to work in lament, ami j.u.-hi- n on ttie completion of the R.td Hon. M. M. Keith then otfered the follow- - LOW Itl . But it muat be an original of a recorded dfed. which is acknowledged or proved nv of Jane E. i taken in open court, who runif-- in ttie n.irT r.nt.i!!...- .- x i. ...--- . i. ,.e i -- j I ... Ua".t..i... I Ja-i- 't t Countv, ;.lis.t on uir ,nii ui proves the g; it (rom her father, ar.d that io the bws of the Stale, so as - A l I 4 . ..,. it i. ,f Sinpon. k'ti ( fuiii.. ma in ai! .t.z res lu;ious which were unauitnouaiy :nm-n- . f nati.-- h t i .... theUv has in her o.- f-r- ever .J T. kr' fr' : I H. r- mJ-- r r 1 .ar- - m;it. auiU'teti. i'i-- uvT irx'Uth- - W iha ciontt rug lion of a Jiiilr'ad. ih ftlMiW t ..I , 1 ,fk rtaa-.. 1 t.. nr a wit,-- , ied and in fuit orr- - ( , of th- - hr"imr'ik (Tlnor 1,-- 1 .. t f(k-loK- MAiK l .A.'m to be eniiiled U le recorded there. The object of aui horiiting a deed to be acknowledged or proved is, not to establish the instrument as the deed of the party for all purpow. but to enti- - to run 1mm Grenada to Enterpri-- e Mtas.. iii r,i on i"t of - .Tie an 1 I ajnl.nii. t eatii... -- inc. she gave lhe claim honda to Verii'.n Ac, Ac. i! s iireur.-- sain-- the competency of her testimony on several grounds, all of which it Is n.H tiiHt-r.- to consider in th view we take of this ca. ..tiR'Tii: a, .. tr mi I - tvon uie ail w;M hruiat 'e.l and fix.ur- - ar.d forunnif a connection between the 51.U- - lit; m-i- in vjti hit vc y r- a,tii!t,ir ie not nn in-- d and p;.- - nrrv n"i- ioi Miite . . .. rtt m ot 1 "Ao HtH.-- K M iL A H ippi and Tennessee Kilroad, and the l'u p cjio. oais ean - n i .rom v.'J io v i - 'a t from iSn'd ri ni a C6 t F J . i iue evw, !i:rit;v arm rau'k tKen. Anv n.f'rm;m.n of fa;.I y will thftpk-fu'i- v rtceivd, and all tUe ot his arre-- t and ooritin me-n-t in jad that I can eet him ag-- vr.il b frtrlv prtid. T. L. (i AN DY. C.'.Wc, aljtj., March I'.l. f On the bill and answer it must be taken .,.;- - K.:J-'ti- and tir. to I ;ij..-- --t ui ih Hit.Vrra I n ar I"'Hii as true that the bov George never wa le RTV. T. I). I.F.-K- C Teiii-- r. . a I h l.-- I fr. 'n M m ry i.i riM.i i tT ' ii.tr- - i rc e ;i - f'.a-ra- i mail to ajiy od rlM.ll;' - . .il n'V 0 f.r ! ..riVrt-ifl.!- N V'! wF.Jr"" tu'Uiil t K' li ! '' M.S.-- J M A. M"lKfc- - rrt . t. gaily in the poaea,ion of the officers who . t ih -- Mi'.h. r!i K t 1 ' T' M K. K. 1. a": rriiinntal I.UKKTT IKAHI, -- ... 1 A Liu T 'i K V i T L A W , W , M -- .! !! .r js. ; r ...f " v- i I woo M .1 f . fM'th -- it of iUtJ--. , s , rw4. a. i4t (HtP'1 a JKTIMNGI, - 'pni,aa4 0 ,x - . - trf mT' I'tatii for I'mon n Mon-laya- claims to have levied this attachment, it M K. M 11 nUal M tion was first granted of the estate of the wile in the year IHj.j, and to the d"fen-lia- it in error, who brought this action in that vettr. It further appears that the slave tecame the separate proiter'y of the wife in 14.'-- , during the marriage, and that her death took place in March, 1K-J- Several exceptions were taken in the Court below to the rulings of the court on the trial, and are here insisted on aa grounds of reversal. But there is one ob- jection of so vitai a character to the judg- ment, that it i need!. to r. Hauler any other question raised in the ca.e. It apfsesr that the slave in controversy became the sefiarale rirorty of tha wife under the statute of .luring her mar riage with the defendant in error, and that she died in If 4ft, leaving children born of the marriage, and her bus'. and surviving. In such a case, it is well settled in this Court, that the surviving husband is entitled to the possession ai.d usufruct of the slave, during bis life, and after hia death, that it goes to the surviving chil- dren. Cameron v. Cameron ?J Mis 112. Steawlman vs. Holman, adm'r. 33 ib. SV). Smith vs. William. 3'i ib. 615. And if is held in the second of these ca-s- , that the administrator of the wife is not enl.lled to the trosaeawion aa against the surviving husband, except pThoj for the payment ot her d. ills, which tnu.t be shonn. In order to maintain the action of tro- ver, it is necessary that the pl.iintift show title in himself at the time of inii"uting the suit, and also the right of possession, and it is plain that neither of thew things is here shown. He show neither titlenor right of poseeasion in him as administra- tor, but the right of possession and a special property for life are shown in him in bis individual right, with the interest in remainder, so to to bis children. .. .n- . t.: urt'i r " "t'-- . um- - : it'fin-- ai II, - L l i"- - M IA'., ia. n. wi -- The and the .pi. :..u-- t rr he eer made a levy it waa abandoned by ; t i tn - ti e m ,x. Th- - "rsa on ihe -. ; tn- - June . W' d w th a to th- - inik:!ii a per' him, or the levy was void for want of , ob r;i R i n run-- i vo Newton where fo L oi tne if reiu-- l Dractrn ( tle it to tie recoro-d- . ii trial onject is carried out by having it recorded, the deed is thereby so solemnized as to make the recorded "original evidence, without further proof of execution, upon an iue of no ' fartvm. But if not recorded, it is not clothed with thai solemnity, the purpose of the acknowledgement not having been consummated : and it stand as a matter tn pan and must be proved ac- cording to the general rules of evidence. Thus reviewing the question, we think that the certificates of acknowledgment .e"t w .t h session of the rirotierty bevied on. Per i XJ LLA. r -- THf ., is ifcxjt hi to an in the are eual Au. 1. sonal rirot'ertY ecu not be levied on with- - MUTiicm luiinoiD. TWO DAILY PAMKKK TRUSS. .if! y th- : ie And the drTen- - - A oultakirg it into the toseession of the SUMMERVILLE FEMALE EM! 4tItr.lnIrHtori olle. Ailmini-tretio- n WUKiitAS of 1AV1I QUI NX, jVceaMtl. were .ranrl to the uiiil-rij;n-- el. at the laat M.ari-- trm of th. 1'rr.bj.te Court of S:mi ?n County, .Stat of M.sai---.il'l- 'i. "uw a!! jfraori. having climi awair.-a- t the estate of said dHHifrit, Tfouirtal to exhit.it the sain witb- - aa(BM. officer or his agent. ar - !.. a tjr-P-- T Wt -: bow in r uion a II The levy beinit the only foundation of M.-t-t . n n at Pwi i ni- Any ai- - FOR YOb'Nfl LAD I j n M c. . ' n ih prvt-H- ! I i" '.vr. 'i' t'i ,. v.. y ;i l l.,d a tti I U.TT-S- f .! TWa -- ? t r i i ir-ai- th coOTej aiif-- f to any the judgment, in a proceeding by attacb- - 0 ut ta tte u" "'':".; iTT Mobile and Ohio Ra lroad, i now being agitated fcy the public mind along sai-- i route, and" whereaa, the proi"oed rout touches a large portion of Newton coun- tv. now destitute of Kaiirond facilities. 1st. Jiohed, That we unite with others along the proposed route in giving expres- sion to our entire confidence in the prac- tical utility, and final success of sail pro- jected enterprise. td. That it becomes the citiz- en-! rf thi county to unite with others in ail lawful means, to secure at an early day. the cnnatruction of sai l lioad, form- ing as it will, a connection, 'by the build- ing of miles of Kaihoad.) which gives a continuous line of Railway, for a .l.atsnceof a miles, between Mobile on the S.nhern Gulf and Memphis on the iliaaiasippi river. Z-- Jiovtd, That we hereby suggt st the propriety of the citizens of the other eounu-- , through which it is pro- posed that said Road shall be built, hold- ing primary meeting and selecting suit- - wrre ment avainst personal property, if there nrniTi tne insiruraraui in ur-nu- n -- M'iHaN tlYt'E. Propn-sto- rw-i- rA t ". , waa no lew. or if the oliicer never took it THT5 Vhcv-- . rTf-f- uitiu-m- 't "'" ; into his tromttiision at aii. the whole pro l ia tn taiH:.'!, in ine upenon!- - i ,;. Uie hLit ne-- e of it l"co:'T a 0j F th m.j ret aK--tri'- of ceedings founded on it were void as to that property. The court should therefore, have set -a. ayd ihe ex fvr. uoe a- - it- - '' ta--r- rVr The i " r'iriaj hae aeart-re- the ':v,.w OPESKBTO NEW-TO- N STATION!! Vtek.w-r- si 1. JJewt... Ul.t.-ac- . y. lie Mllea. rr.. t. -- v UOtl, I A i l - aa t,a. j. t'nat we tfer V - - tm -- .' haiM. and wc i t r 1 not sufficient evidenee of their execution upon the issue made by the pleading in this ca. The next question is, whether the ex- ecution of these instruments is sufficient- ly proved by other evidence shown in the record. There are no subscribing witnesses to them, and there is no proof of the signa- - He- Mujliv m tt.e Mu-a- J d parrmw u eeif varru - i u v t, - ihj; ao t:;."- jsjii.-- .ir - t nm k- -t a.w . t. an, we are reariy ?t at V ( lo rr'"- - -- i" V fVt 1st. . ireK li. a.r ra J - aside the judgment and ord- -r of sale up- on the attachment below, so far as the bov George i concerned as well aa tlie levy and decreed that tl.e same should be . - , .. . . i 1.1 . "i.mre e tai for U. pit rnent. Wfaat The wa.'- r of th rnam-na- l d"trtJ (V o" - r ta e. i lark, 'l t. a i.reen. IVrrj. - t .ml h.. a ..il. Vav Pw. w.'.l prklic ta CO l- r tt ij-- i tuv. i n NS AI'V4NK.I N TII Ki B M iu the time iim.i-- ! y law. or thT w.!l torevt-- r bnrre.1 : an! ttnaw inder.tr'l to said es.cte are rP'Ti't'l " corae forward aDd make immtdinte w. Qrixx, T. II. BEUKY, A ia.iuio:ra'ora. rrch 1, 11- - Intoltrnt o(U. irITEREA. tie fatal of .I.jHX WIL- - LIA'-N- . def-a-a-- d. wa by an or.!'r and da-T- e of the Pro! Court of Newion Count-r- . ittf of Miaa!-:- i li. mad-- at the -t Xorcm-bc-r term. A- - D ' "v'. of "aid Cotirl : Now. a .r - en re, o R FFI.' TT iK S r- - r a a 'o'''effc i fr e i ; - t r- irtT a - . he siOaXii be, .ijfui an 1 timp-- t lAtnu rr-- p th-t- r cot . ' "A- JsX'la -- O Alal l e a--k. or ftr't ..f Of . , I :.. ! held tor naueni. CUl It Slioum wn ii.' TERMS: a on lo '! t"' at n. and ae tureot Keti'sen i.u. -- u w.y. ... . . , ,K- - -- ;t,, nt rorrt. For board, tmuoa. wa.fa.ni:. t-- , for j?. n 1 o ah ( ri we p r-- rr -- e to i.- -' proof of the fact of his signing and deliv-eri- r. the instruments. The testimony of as no such issue could be had or tried, up I rro'-- v n T- - . xpyvt a t.'M- - fi ; rt-n- ; or our a.iiY t n t a t - t ( w firm at Quitman. l,U men t.a rnrivnt their interrsts in haJi ia Fr Lat'n. trrnv-h- . or Trraa, - a. want m tnir ort-- at et- - on a void levy. i l ia..?.. ai - r. a J : -- ! ' iv r - em n. hich I the officer who purports to have Ulten " m- aa it to u and we v. A eip this work, at a tiublic meeting in For I ra r. r. PaaBbtU. WaJt Vor aiw 26.0.' aa4 rsutd -- ? rvaM..., U e a K t HEfaRY, Mta.Y OTtKRELU S'i. Rttepmt. Sot. i. !. tf the ac know led ginents, is not positive as to the fact of execution, showing that he has no recollection of the fact of execu- tion and acknowledgment, and that he Wrvrk. f. Aduresa ZF.H C. r.U1 !.. anH Propr eTr. V-r- . SrarArin'.iv! term or u - Mnaay : si .f ! Let the decree be reversed, and decree rendered in this Court, setting aaide and ancullin. the levy on the loy George, the judgment, and order of sale under it. and all the proceedings affecting the boy Georfl"e bad under said lew and attach- - If any action would fie for the trover and conversion, it is clear that it could not be maintained by tbe wife's administrator upon the facts aet forth in this record. Thejudgment must tlierf.-r- e fie reversed, and the case remanded for a new trial. HaatiV. O re, i 11 'W Hp . UTERT STABLE, BY AC. 11 ILLS CO no -- e m V " m J I o- i. i an tii I e a- ,- aft-- Ha.wv A of j v r I err. t A :" a p m '. a- - t , , "i. rr! i t T .lpf.. j all sections are to be represented at some early day, of which due notice is to be given. 4th. Rtjrhrd. That committee of ten be appointed by- - the chairman to repre- sent the interest of this county, either in person or by proxv to be selected by him. Thefollowlnir gentleman wereapp-Mnted- . William Thame, J. J- - Monrtj. E. v.. R tlucit. Wiliiam MatD. A. F. Temple, Haikis. J". Sc -- . W. HUTCHIN8. ment. - C of th-- , Inrr;.iin'- - !r t TEI c icrci- i infers that the execution waa duly ao--1 ktwtwledg-- d by the grantor from the mere j fact that his witness' signature to the j acknowledgment is genuine. These cer--! tifir-a'- e do not state that be knew Keo-- 1 ben Williams, the grantor, and although t'p .:t:, . psM- .. Ti i; ! e - - J..- - tkon .d T' fm tr- N rt.- K l . : 1 - I iU .wit e ' I) , e r t J J ,'r- - wi r,t T ri n t - rean J ' f nd , a aV rheB K 1 f 4iij Nortli. a4 rrt-- r a. . k,r - ir 1 Ke . TaH w 't Uiw 4 Junw-- o - j r t. a r,s-- 4 iii ti h tr F. ef cer 1 r.'C New Orar.iji. aad azr.te at Vk kt ttl-- c ai V . - a- - A f tVrr. r i ajid t e NP-- til'. pt I 1 1 t."ai lrotaj- - i Ua I "eitir T a jy x t'Jket f JjaCjL-r'- a. w--.a hf M fin-; 1w:i r e- iV: eo tJk ihr "fV 1 aree w". Ke d w.h ae $ ar p.. ? r- - d iWgM rHi a far a tie oi i mt Mte K ad in- - wf -- f f r - wd ;c,Miti f'r ' r;flf - '. H . ; r ar y 'PHI hT?seiit an! well m rwaaiy w f.rmah w ,f.ti ail s be noj claim aaid te are hr ! t nmiS.l t j hrtii,jin aa;d claim uii.y f rof'A!--- i acror,i:n? to law. and have them rciiterei theCir-r- of tha Proate Court of aid county, at hi otTire in IVo-itur- . wnhm twelve month from the di! hereof, or the me will be bared. WILLIAMmN, J. C. WILLIAM x. Administrator. Ic. 1C. 1"'V. m Girard Brandon et al vs. (03C. Crorrri-- s I'raUuuaa, Bardwarf, Adam L. Fcngsman J Tl.ii l, !l - a-- filled by the apr re ro'ad cr'r-- sllants . t ?l 1 v .. ir e i ked to hy a rjrd ir who is at ai! hura u ai-,-o ra ta T- - freait a : JI be .mites u trt--- it r it .T rT"fi " '"n aw-l- r Tf payint-- at ahoaM 1e ' w ,or.f-- r. u-- rT ;- a. w it. J. 4 G. W. U UTt ! Keb -- if w LlTrry liable at DeSot. 1 tii Iii y,.nlaa cf January. ,4 -- r harrci f J. W. Wi FF HI" ia i M B. in the fm.'. nr"r- - oftwea Th sca;rti co7il-- l i " lerm. s. ar-ea-fi t.i arcori4. of HATES OP TVI",,: ( Lias oawj.f o t vf inf anii rtitiii. far mi-nt- ar-- Ota- - Jl'XIOR rLA InciuJ nt fc. 1 rar.! Arithrutuc, H.torj and C 13 m,ntn- - a. wth A"-- f CXA-S- ti, kM-if- -. lri''o..r.t a. t'n.miairy. it a, Ac- - i - -- ii n t "eri ! in the Chancery Court of Adams County j on the June ls.-,- It stains, in substance, that on f'th July ! ls'rO Phillip Hogtratt obtained a decre in the Sou: hern l.striet Chancery Court aeainst Bmguman, James Surget and ! William Biune. for the foreclosure of a N , .a , ... i r id frwBl , Ifltl, lrr- - OA -" . U. ii:r art. Jt a 1' . i VVVT . FVAN5. V. F Hk.KX -. 21-- ii mt n Ins. i the lafe flTii taf m"f l UUiaraJi U .HI 1 T t. KaMbal, tl-- n i tt ao. i.h W. M W ; '..FY. trar'-- p rt.v. TH F od-;rre- d k new L'tri . i oc (i- M . ie d ',.. a.d w he l.;n wf pr- - ta-- rj ai ail tinui tu taae erw An Ohio iHumper. while making a speech recently, paused in tbe midst of it and exclaimed : "Now gentlemen, what do you think 1" Initlantly, a man rose in the assembly, and with one eye partially cloned, modestly, with Scotch brogue, replied : ''I think, sir I do in- deed, sir I think if you nd I would slump the county together, we would tell more lies than any two men in the county, and I'd not say a word myself during-t- h whole time !" An old lady stepped into one of the stores of New Haven the other day, and after looking for some time at a pile of water a lying in the gutter, exclaimed, "Hia, indeed, 'an awful state of ibinira when we are obliged to have can noat .iled op ia oar strewts !" Win. X. Ravnes. William Graham. J. I Dansbv. Win. K- - Norman. Jarae Ha le. ith." HetnJtfd. That the Proceel ng of this meeting be publbed in the .n.i. Oman, the . other papers interested in the pror-oae- d work. On motion the meetin; adjourned. M. WAKE, iL II. Wmws, Secretaty. An American papar announced the ni-n- of its ed.tor. piouly ad l.ng: "All good paring subscribers are reoijested to mention him in their t rsyers ; the others feo4 ;u-.- the matter of acknowledgment wss ol re- cent occurrence, be had no recollection of the facts attending it. He does not even state that be knew Reuben Williams, bat only that be saw him once, and that was about the 15th October, la"4. the time wben the certificate bear date. It ap- pear to be strange that no proof was ad- duced of the signature of Reuben Wil- liams, a matter which must be presumed to be readily capable of proof, if the sig- nature was genuine. The only testimony tending to show that the deed waa execu- ted by 'Williams is that of Washington ; bat that is not direct to the point of ex- ecution bu tend to show act of recog-.itin- s from which execution might be 4. h'f aEr.ner aa-- i MTt fair Ml Aitrayrd. coy f .remiea on Sitorday the lCth LEFT a arnaU l ay hirase. avut e.aht or nine years old. with a ad Ke mark one side, a acar on the washer of one eye. and a mall wurt on hi n(t-e- . and a by mare mu'e. on the chunkey ordr, roi,ched lat ..ring, and mane f mwts until it rt-ar- l lava over. ArTinforniatKin a''Tthem thank- - fu"T reoeivt-d- . or Id fqi'v rewarded. Mt - - . . - .-- i i t.', I 6TSTEM Of EBIC1TI05, ii ai-- o keep frr h re a fizk lot I Kntti.; uta a Hark tCVma ra IV tJ Jir t. j. cuix i n f h- - r rt far I mortgage executed by P.ingsman to se- cure certain debt due to Hoggatt and Brune, conveying certain real ana" per- sonal estate It that purpose ; t y which decree Surget was appointed a com mis- sion er to make sale of the mortgaged property to pay the debt specified, on default of thereof bv Bingaman t l trm TAl'iHT T laATJD E EEiX E BPHIXa. SCISS Latin. Grcak and ti Higher t w BHtctii. EXTRA $5 w Mai," V. tha monUi. 1 It of lann, ai! Tuio-- a wtllts.clMrtaMJfr"'" ft-ck- . i.f wrrn unia ala-ai- - d J'na. m ra. T rtiff .Mm Ht i r.fravl Wan U a. b.aanl, ra. and t " at wit tir and at other niac-a- rt Lt a I. vt 1 rat-'m- Prtaude J. O. Jm aaauaaMT, Im. i, U.0. !i "f o oc r.a- - d ij. v.X Awtt.r, 1 JSrCOR VJ If K. If w n. c, need not, 'as the prayers of the wicked t't.""i:iic if"',i, trintT. M.as. I m, mmt i F. S PENCE S. U an is--- r :a ti.e h4. II' 10 T ATlO tl r.HTa ac:l.nc !tH "S1. "' '"-- '- "t "i? dm pi.oo. r ' A a..m aiJ - ,s. a,. a rr-a- t ra-- r 1 Jj-- r: .! ani ioit "c-a.- a. At lnaa, j aiada; Ink tcda. Ac. - - ... at W. 6JIITH. I Uf.wTi . Tbl. wUn- -. do, not .pea of ia thirty (fay. from that dat, ; nd to w avail nothing.' aooordicg to good authori- - tr." !"i It All utr? ;:: n.-- a ta k nr. tv ,..a a, .... a4 ar. a -- ura : Lba ta ;. ar i: .ri ' Mar-- B , UO. B-.- y llArch 8, 21-t- f f t - c i ta" A H L HJlI,rp Kmirna , lr--M . a . " rj f '.';? A. .

t7' o lor fit - Chronicling America€¦ · Court lor Newton county met on Monday of lot weekan i adjourned on Thursday. Moot of the important ca--es were con-tinued, which accoti

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Page 1: t7' o lor fit - Chronicling America€¦ · Court lor Newton county met on Monday of lot weekan i adjourned on Thursday. Moot of the important ca--es were con-tinued, which accoti

' ''4

' f" Jj -3 ti - J" s V -

i 1


"N, it--' -' :"-, 'aI;'---'

' j&Zr'- - ,v;v -- ;r, --"V ; v

Cr lor ii

t7' L- - c o 4"Hf aa ."" A' 1 .Jx "V'4." - - X--- , r& fit r aI W V J -IU I

-.--. i


Tte Stale or 31 .ljp, ?Pfftrt the detain and po-vr- r of attorney, andUie,a not attempt to show th.it Wi.iiamaHard Times Outdone. (Eastern (larton.LAW NOTiCKS. I MKDICAI. NOTlCiX spoke of them and acknowledged his execution or them.POISD In Prd'itt Omrt cf mid CouA h Xray

",Wm. A. L. lc--

To M. F. W,k: I

UK. H.N1II. A UPKI I., This evidence appears clearly to be in-

sufficient to prove the execution of theJ M K

i r I, PAULDING. MISS.i.- - n' urr rfii.'if uM ft!v-"- tiJjr rt will

"TOU tire) hrebv nctifipd r. and 8p.X lifior. ihe frobAt-- ' t of Nen instrument ujmii an issue ot nom rst Ja- -

if v - I

rut. Aud in audition to this, the re u. of flr. lied Mnn- -ton Cow.'y, Mii-ijipi- , on Friday, April 19, 161. evidence strong!? tfudintr to create thedv in JiU-- r next, on trie Im of aaitl

BOARD Of IBrsTEES,M W'LKlsa, PreatOetit.

JaN fS.p m -- H

H a' iHI L."'- E1

V CHALM Kksi and Treasurer.FACCLTf ,

jr-- !AH, M A Princpa!, Prof, of! "ral' an i ln:!l--tu- J uiiooj,hj, aud Poiitii ai

"mJT i--T. X A Teher of aaaaicnaod .a

"i ViT-LE-. Prof--r of Mn-i- c.

jHJ 3 Nrt, Hai.i'. h Brnnfn and French.SJXi 5r.itK KU.IuTT. rmciieb Hrnhe.Siime M. i i:,--, k. t , "i iiai ii ' n i.i lparuiiwnl aui

Ioi. t tlntT !u,' why I p'llion ofKll. . I. Illl.l.lClt,tl ksr- - K. VI. ruardiun,

suspicion of fraud ia obtaining the instru-ments.

Upon the whole case, we think that thedecree is correct, and it is afUrtued.

IIa.ndt.ir f'r ft diriiion of the real est,. f il. Bl- -


:tlO.OOO Worth of FARMS aadBXJII-.13I1STC- 3- LOTS,

tls :l-- fU'Ha f V'rrm. 'plr Com- -

- i. . 4'wn tim rFrru ri:.' nj m tT'-- w tn Jj Tjj- -

i I, m e M h.-p ind" "Wi- -

T- - ID I r U ft h' h Wlit fflmfM'' fr I'm

t fivMi rr Cii:i.'ii4 rf rrtUiiJ- - of cootra- tmt I prffj

ti m ii iu i Mt'Tf iiiijc-mifa- wij! h fn.H .:! iu , a Trv ate ink iK l"Ura

mtiith. full aru-iiir- feuwntim Anen- -

Pr. Rj'TaJ. dr hn Va.Orto J- - i .;i.';KKl.L A.'aL

Ki' tK1' tout, Mwa.

lock Ut.-a4- . ehi-ui- not bnBv order of ihe Court.

ho.l ai I !h (hi"hl- --r" . and r Thomas lUssara t t al.mv

StituK CiKriT CjrmT. The CircuitCourt lor Newton county met on Mondayof lot weekan i adjourned on Thursday.

Moot of the important ca-- es were con-

tinued, which accoti nU for the short timethe court continued in aeesion.

I,. W. Jiiurtcan. and Wa II. Faynewere admitted to tho bar. The latter

wa a lMa-ta- firaetitioner ia



"ii-- -.


KAl.HanJ ami ojTSrxl. A. P.

vs.James L. lay, et al

W. iVEIU,i u it a B o if. h BranWif.D B X T A Mi-- i r.. a. rFVfrr. r. JAS. A. W!!-- ; Clprk.

April 12, f 20 ot.'.!J.I.I Il.tMUt ,

I H V . V T LAW,.'..; . a I t .

To aTrfTs,r$"jii

port his proceed mps thereon to thatCourt that llogat: afui raid, u.t-d- .

and the appellants were duly apointedhis executors anJ qualified as such inAugust 155 ; aud that Surget also diedin 1 he same year that since the dte cfdecree, Bingaman has made partial pay-men- ta

upoa the debts ascertained in lhedecree, there being still a balance dueand unpaid, and that, by reason of thedeath of Hoggatt and Surget, the decreecould not teexecutcd.

It further states that by reason of theamendment to the constituti in adoptedFebruary tith l.Viti, abolishing the Supe-rior Court of Chancory and the Vice-Chanc-

Courta, the complainants badno remedy in the Court where the decreewas rendered for revivor and executionof that decree, because the same waa not"a mum depending" in that, Court at thedate of this amendment to Ihe Coitxti.tution, ; and prays "tor revivor in thenames of Hoggati'a executors, for an

of the sum due on the moitgsgedebt, and for the apoiiiimeiit ol a

to sell the property in defaultof payment he.

A general demurrer to this bill waafiled by Bmgsman and the exicuiors ofSurget, which was sustained and the billdiamsKaed ; and the complainants Lavetaken this appeal.

The ground of defence relied on undertho demurrer is. that the jurisdiction ofthe original cause in which tne decree,of foreclosure was rend'-ical- , waa eoiiiin-i- n

d in the Court whenthis bill was filed, and hence that tgieChancery Court of Adams County hadnot then jurisdiction to entertain thisbill. The provision of the amendment iothe Constitution all'ecting the juried eiion


. .

RATES OF TXJIXIOlsr.ThefVhol.iic vf. teirnn.n 1st M.iadar in

''.''1J' IB Juno, be

i UiM'teia, jj:J L now located at IVeatur.

Outward Bound.ST naaaBaa.

From the shiniox trd of childhood.went tailing, long ago.

Laden with ttie ncheat treasureWhich my h.art caa erer ka w,

Thoni-ii- a pure as morning dew-dro-

Kannea like the rainbow gay.Dreams aa sweet a ta, ry irui.io,

Hope a blithe as birds ta May,But though I bare long been aearching,

Touta's loet tnaaeuiea ne'er ar found;And 1 sead forth other "rent urea.

But they all are outward bound.

Outward bound acroMthe ocean.Which ao many teane at preal;

lo rip'o a, trie water,Nat., tl a trac'- - o'er whiji they aneal.

Vainly wat h 1 for their coming.Vainly a. an the awelting main.

And I fear tbo-i- e fairy veeaeleWill not meet my game again.

Wbee I call, there ia no answer,Echo eniy mocks the sound.

Hot a ..ail in the horizonFor they all were out ward bound.

None come back with golden cargoes,None with tropic fruit appear,

From the islands a here Life's aooa-ti- d

Make a summer a!l the year,gooatite shad.-- s of night will gather,

ra,m Ltf.i's sky t oremtat.And th n. looking to the Future,

I shall hal f'Tt-e-t the Past.When my bark shall leare. its mooring".

When I. too, am outward bound,In Eurnity' c.lm heavea

My I.e.! treasure shall be found!

flfrnent of ttiPe-:a- l tKSKV MOX-iE-

defeaAtnl. or in $ rcixirtof Kan- -

'IKf t'u m':i' fff tea i rin .t prutraic

tuti.. ma i II. M - ;t5 'i n ultttt.n f tn- -r m fit jiitujK ol tijcn-

CliS. COTT01, Ml.iilM.n I WALT0.1

No case was tried io court, and nothingoccurred otherwise, worthy of especialnotice.I UI l PTII H,

v n r a JT I ' nA


d 41 mi" "O"Primarji lrui.J". P' '.."lnurmeiiu, mA. mi- -,

I i!t.- -

Muern lannu.!Muaic on Plan' 'I of Bia.Irraw on and pjinucg in Water Colors,ill .

Ui ttrkai- - Enrjulerr,Matricnlu.. lee

ia.lu lingli;hu,fuel and waah-in-u

per n

t13 be16 IM

2... 00A UO

111 0,1

Jta 4)

1 unJi e.10

3 00

ffi 00

- If II ii-.- r fi" fr ... il(J - Ji y i i r

Armi. M Hilar j Inlfbrma, itc.t ir il - ni Tn f a rotnpttiy of 6wjfi pr--

f ri io -- ti rr- iti if .f Tiy aniui ntu, n tl ir o:. ' Hi.d upward, lh

xm','' n Arrii Mt.Uary l.n r.. anrM n A ry

. h- uti-n- l thini;--- ani'Huit hy if. t.r-- t WtdManv u Augutrf.

io I f.f"i-i- i ih- on tiiiKK'k u a pr-- itru f $ ?w ; tn nit Uritct, to1."'; t'- nxi liif-- i u $1. tn n.t

l" I '' f ''r lurat ti $.") (

m-li- i r' to h; th ninMinurt-- d n X' ldWi'-- t, enoh ; t'i tltrii. mi Lir-- in ii. if; Uii--r hundred n- mt

l.r'l io f: t Ihoij-Hn- d lar-t- ,

f. $ (; th thirty-fou- r ii- -it U'k.-.i- , i (, wti ;

uj X.. pr n wli- U'iji t olii n ijt-- r "tf ihr. torin rXT prrimuni uf ti.-''- li ur pad in ah,lirtil r.'U'i-- , Arm "f M .!;tiry l .ili.nc u inyt

A fi t th I r of Rjij-p .trtrinok'oni'ny ai Port K.ytt, .'g'f a; r

I .I. f'Ht "titt-- ii- i: iiiurip t. prry an--

I.y tint- - an 1 Ni-- M M K V f r i1..

Ii I'.

This bill waa filed by the plaintiffs inerror for a partition of certain lands giwinch i hey claim a joint interrn wiihthe

'di;!?ndai?ls.It sets forth the tit le of the complain-

ants, and shows thai a partition of thepremises had been m ute between the de-fendants by a petition and proceedings inthe Probate Court, in which the rights andinterest ot the complainants were not no-ticed and were wholly disregarded. Theseproceedings are allgid to have beenfraudulently conducted as to the" com-

plainants and to be unjust and illegal :

and the prayer is that the partition be etaside, and a partition be made giving tothe complaiuants their portion, ol thepre-n- i

ises.The answers of two of the defendants,

principally interested in the property, de-

ny the title of the complainants, set uptheir own titles and aver that the parti-tion was fairlv and legally made, andthey claim by virtue of adveive jeionagiiiust the complainants and in virtue otthe partition wlnrh was ninde e thelegal title of the complainants was ac-

quired.The case was submitted on final hear-

ing in the court Ik low upon the plead-ings ard proofs; but at whose instancedoes not apt-oa- r by the record. There is

. 4 W,

.,f it - f !h' Jll.l'i-la- l


wt i,')Tn, w!"-r- Mir tr'-'n-t ut n r

r hr tin.'ii-rai- .

totit.". Ami ' VyJ. T. TAXAKIflL'lT. l7l..ut M. r.Kt: a.

n J. . r.l.At h. at M.r to


TheFennylvauian newnpaper, which formore than twenty years, was regarded aathe organ of the National Demi:racy ofPennsylvania, baa been discontinued forwant of patronage.

The "Pennsylvanian" was started inlto2, under the auspices of the Jacksonparty of Philadelphia, upon the detwclionof the "Inquirer," an original Democraticpaper. Subsequently, the "IViinsv lvan-ian- "

was edited by Joe. C. Neale, Esq.,better known to the literati than to thepoliticiansof the country. James GordonBennett also wrote for it a time, and ad-

ded no little to its reputation as a spicyand vigorous partizan journal. John V.

Forney became connected with it sometime during Mr. Polk's Administration,and remained in it some ten years ormore the most of which time aa Editor- -

!r. h 1 tf

h 1:1 H ht'll ' it ti II 't.tm w' f rim., '!. If. 1h' 11

ora .1. joiifA, Atlrmnif tor of laid etnt. showine the his int-Lat-

7"U art- - hereby ci t iji b and appearX in and l.ror t bo fi oleti Omrt ofJa-"- r C.mnty, ut the (i t H.u thpre-o- f.

on the fir-,- tin June. A. V.lt"l, then and tliert loi ny cju if anyyou din why the tirsn.1 tn.untot" K.ii-um- i.1. Jone. Adiuininrntiaif lhe ofHenry Monger. dcea -- hould lot bealliiH-e-d- , and tlie rrjnf Haiti aatnini.-i-truto- r

sliowin-- ; the of aidirhouldnot lie reefifiii'I d.'1-ree- there-upon ueforilinjrly, ntnlurtiier to ti.i amip'rfij,rm eoi'h othertln sts shall lieeoti-Hi.Wf- d

and ordt-re- i the (xiurt afore-ua'- nl

in the .r;'ini.i-5- . "t

IVittim the Hm. anjamin Tbijrpen,.Iudi:e of the Prob..3t,urt of enid cmn-fi- ',

the lit Mond.iy ini.ril, A. I).s ' n. Uiven uie mv hand ami seal

( -- KAL of offiee.HStli day of April,CTJ K. . i.,irTHOMAS V.KAYS0X, CTerk.

April 12, J ' ! f CO Ot

Entateol'll. t:.tholi. ctrcesiwedi1 J 11 Kli EAS ! of Admini-itratio-

1 Y were prant.so the uinler-,ined- ,

at the I;i-i- t FebruaJYrru, A. 1. i.st'.l, ofthe Probate Court Newton County, onthe eotnte of H. f;iClIiI-S- , decaed.Now all person hii-- claitng against saidestate are hereby litied to exhibit themduly j robated aIlIeitered within thetime required by f, or they will ba for-ever barred. !

HA I? I? NICHOLS, Adm'r.

(luoisic Diseases lured.

DR. W. R. MOSELEY,of the v Courts is as follotvs!. ".i tl II A

..1 KtH.t--IT! on. a. j. m a no "The Superior Court ot Chmieciy ami

the several Conns shallII I'l.lMiin-- i p "fully mv;i tii atuntKn of continue as now organized until the tirtb A WJ. I.. MOKKIH,k , i. v a r! I.K K'.,H. M .

nfiii,(v, H- - niy rHFi'i ai n- m Sir

Apil 14. 1&. -'j Monday in JSovcmbeJ ll"i5i , tor the disposition of cases now depending therein."7 lr


OCTOBEK TKRBI, !.aaiataraB szraasai.1 roa ras s.srasa clabjoh

Lock, Brummette it Lock 1

va. 053SJoseph M. Jane, et al. J

This bill waa filed by the appellants

3d amend, to Constitution, Rev. Code oK.iUU tkrriw.iik a-- a J. w. wi?i .T, fr.

Or. llrltlffa t UlnsaU,

Bonrd ni psyie one h!f in adrsui"the MialMi a il'"-- ' ' ' J" i et.rB- -. exCIH liie i:ieenl'a'""e lee wlui ii it. iu VHn l,y in ura'.ce. aill he naiie from the I'nie ..f iilmiii-i- . lo

! ear i- n i Ueilii-ii,.n- Iri.m then'. ""'I' '' m ex- pi in i ai-- ol protrj.t-e- d

,"n Prm. ij.ala Ant Totine li'iy aepirmi. in tin liooor of the

iflii.1 puiene ai.,i n.ake loryIU Ih e.ilieia-- .'iiiir.e: ai.'l iioHii e eoiif'-rre- till tlt are lli.'l.

Art one- hnwcTer, tiwicr dtrrefkia of her ormat piir-m- e auy irr-?- at . o.ir-e- , aud ..!,. I

be e.it.lled to a rertifi.-at- ol ana iino'lsi'i.aa. Hdies will tie biken frini BronksviUe

IVpoi oe the Mi. bile and Ohio Kml R.iiul lo thediunce of eighteen miles w tliout ehari;,.

JAMtjj CUALMtm, Bee-jr-

Oct ji. i"'1 1!!L


preaent S..ion ol th. Institution,1.ITE 8eptemler 3rd. will oon'tnii, tenun ler the charge of Mr. H J t A K 1' KR in the Muleand Mian A. A. t ARRlMVloN in lhe Kemale I'eiiart-ment- -

Larce and comm. rioii bmlii niri. hare Im. nerected, and are now furni-diei- i in a t;. h to meet ihedemandi ot a lare ami flmiriKhiiiit The lo-

cation i plertaant and healthy, with exeiit.ot aoeialand relipi'-- .nvileiri..

The ordinary nnrte-'- will te elaiwed inthree dutinot crude.: The Iiepartment"'w ll be limited ht Keadini:. Wri'me Primary

and Pnrrmry Antl.tneti.. The ln:.Tine.'-i-)e'riment ' wilt aid to i rimarT .tinli . (ieoirriiphy

i;rroror. FTo"iitioD. Wntri n Aiithinatii. and Kiil'-Ii-

l onipo-i'io- Tiie -- Hih. r I 'efMrtm.-nt'- ' willembrace I.a':n and I. reek The JSamraJ .ieiiei.The Higher Mnthem::ii a. Ac.

larM or TtiTio rut tun or rrrx aoTTiis:

The question of .jurisdiction, therefore.

fi lit of t i tii- -i . II ho done aaxUui4Trt- ii'-- in n ;,7 ti' '"iiti.Tn a and thr

mi. Ii ' it' ' d ol tfiru r who h v, and ran- i! f - ktll in th trtatnieut of mil

J, i - - Tix:iii- 'Iuii'.r ?rr.i:T.r!pii. Fittjla. fiypki- -

h or Fk- .'iioi : tioa, . (ih--- u

iM't-r- . a I'.H'M-t!- , I Ttppti,depends upon whether the cause standir

very little proof touching the materialquestion of lhe title ot the complainants,and upon the controverted point whetherthev were entithnl either at law or in

t Mwii- ii, r r rr-r.-

ing in the Court at thelate of the amendment, on a decree offoreclosure unexecuted is to lie considrp-- . !''" r I'liMtn-- a a !iii-v- ,


FluorIIIliii,. .'itr, JiaT--- l Vair--

Ky, While

l ifi if".-tn- t of !.i'-- ti titi I tti" mtrriiijn.MirX'litiT in !! tr!'Hi .f (M)n' n t(.f pfitt-M-l'-- n

nl tii.'K' 'i. th-- Nih ilt itounM ' i.iM.rni. l 'it i'.ni: t hi iwnaiil It, Wiit t'.f if "f Ma. 'I not. (

M'int. 1 Ii. t lhir i'i nk ! tf, ptjl hf"r t rf-'- -I niIh.Jn- - lr.l Hto-ii- ' fu ti tnMr pro!- j.io'iu. d'llifflt r a "? iiTiBd'-t- - of th

ered aa a "cause then dejending" in thatCourt ; for if it was, the proviaiou is pos

i. 1.-- r. ol tfi Kat and4, i.'i,ii. I f th A.mi.. Ac

equity to the interest in the lands claim-ed in the bill. It is quite clear, and in-

deed it appears to be admitted by thecounsel for the plaintiff in error, thattheir legal title is not fully established.

itive that the jurisdiction was continueduntil the first Monday of November liii.

Hut it is insisted that the lull should have and of course the jurisdiction of the Chan-cery Court of Adams County did notbeen retained, and the complainants al-

lowed to establish their title at law. However this may be if the complainants hadApril l'J, lMil. Zj-l- t

f. h.. Ol.l.l S,

;y. I.I.OB AT JW,.'.I.A.

.'" ; .!. . f .J, w Mir.it . ;... in M ii I... li

,i ... ii nu i r 4i- nl critiutiAj.. y.

. Ki' I. H K. M I S:, .,, i it.

II . M -- ti . .,1 I .n .. II Wnita.

. I II .n Vk in I" l.iKoo.

M ... " '" I'"i I It, hi. r. A l'r.

A tt ... W AIU., ' ;,i . i I'. i.r- -

, ., Tir, ttJM k r. kcll-

V A DKI.I.,r r v k r s a t i. i w ,

U.!i. h K! .'I K ' . Mm.ly

II. V . Tlllll),i, f 7.: : i'7--

. ,,rr pvblic,AM"

iniiil.ln I" fhinfirfi, i ,, m i.i i ni rv. sw,

( t. ft ,1 .f li.'Jll.lll'. lo Ii,. i ... . ..i u... '.r .1 . r

taken that course in the court below nRF ilhf.ST HESTlsT, AT RSTRnrttlSB. Vi.V

tiPil i no toilorntj i'in nl tiir tan-- -

liuijifjb lat M'nJy in March, Junr an i H.ntn.

liMir,ir lt !Hn-1- ' in prit Jtily nn.H N'tniiritHivixlf Hi May.'A'iti! a:ni

cannot avail them here and in the presant attitude of the case.

P i U" alli-'i'- wtthanv nl tt.-- . dia ahotildii.-- t tv l a i.iiiy tiav d'.n, who wa.,01 :i n liad IhkI Ui-- proatrat and ui

td to. m n r Ki. t"nt, or ('.tin r had e at niii ti.cir viial- a'd d. hiiititt.-- l thf r tyt' ma, th nh! ni in I itnnot rai- - lh hul I ran iiie.i-- f in nariy ii' wi'l fftM a pure in all rti- -

r .i.i- -- ; and 1 lKMi-- e !l Ciiri can bo cuind ifiik"n tiMi- -.

lr. !' run f mid at Iatidrdal Ppnnr'd!-i- .i pi hut th. t1i' t'-- r n h the ln-ti- t

l ru mtv . and "Mti-t- y thm'l thati. --.k nttt"h itr- wine to h incuiaW', I.ht-- i

f.-- urd hv l'i? kH and rnidi'a.t iiin.-M- an. I tiTi'.Ji' in-- s ni t ait pna of tii1

'n;:i S .;- - I', or -- ir'-- h! not.. All..iiiionnt'-a- .on- - a'l i'lyP ar t4i.r'i K'' u;l hitoT all the

'"n cim u I v it h i ir -. bl'. naf ita. Ac.' p riiontn in alviu.t, fr all caa?pr; d at iitHiin.

-- Ali m-- i of am' r miit undrr my fmm-lnt- ;

cr4 and . u. and f. v urn hif v&h

KMH TKD to the Jail ofSniiC'ouniy. Misaia-ipp- i, onFri 'be '2'Mi duv of Mareli,

During that period the paperwas con lucted with more than its formerability aa a political journal, and the con-fidence of the National Democracy wasliberally extended to it, Mr. Forney nothaving then exhibited the slightest lean-

ing to P.livclc Republicanism. Sincet e "Pennsylvanian'' has chanced handsseveral times, and the indications of itswaning fortunes have been noticeable forsome time. Ita recent editorials, however,have been characterized by marked abilityand found political sentiments. The dis-

continuance of the "Pennsylvanian" tellsbadly for the conpervatistu of Philadel-phia and the State of Pennsylvania, es-

pecially when we consider that its com-

petitors the "Ioquirer" the "fla-ette- ,"

the "North American," and the "Press,"which have all turned Black Republican,are in the full tide of nuccesa.

The case was submitted for final hear,...!0 00.... 15 ("0 ing uMn its merits. INo appleation warPnmare

Int. rmcd.A'.eU ijj tier " A. flUOl. a uplth bov whor. made to retain the lull until tlie title oi

M nl an .1 MondJty in Mnrt-h- , .Iun and H pv-- t fly's name i SIM. that be

b fs to Xmlntiii. I I lean, ofSifter Countv, Ala. Stud


bxtiia:l I'rawin $10 (

.. on Pa ntiuit - I"... 16 Oo I En, broidery.- - 10 on

Tl'If. mi or mar plv. m y r. the coiup'ainanta could lie determined B'

law. It was submitted for final tlis)H.-- ition as it was resented ; an.i the question

Hutirline of

P- n

hii't n

Tiff- t '

h((. tj'!tt.i'' a Ifn' ill. (I'llit- rrniftimiiK an l"n a hi u' in y -

was, whether the complainants luui mad

claiming title in virtue of a deed ot assign-ment purorting to be executed by Reu-ben Williams, one of the heirs and

of Pavid Williams, deceased,conveying to the appellants all his inter-est in the estate, real and personal, ofIavid Williams, and in virtue of a powerof attorney purporting to be made tothem by said distributees ; and seeking torecover the interest so conveyed to theapjiellants. from the representatives of theestate in this Slate, the deed of assign-ment and power of attorney purporting tohave been executed in the State of Texas,whi'rv Reuben Williams had his domicileami died.

The defendants in their answer, deniedtheexecution of the instruments bv ReubenWilliams, under oath ; and as evidence oftheir due execution, the apellaiitH rely,iu the iiret place, upon the fuel they wereduly acknowledged lelore a competentolficer in the State of Texas, as appears bythe certificates of such ottier attached toor writteu upon them, which certificatesare proved to be genuine. These certifi-cates of acknowledgment would have en-

titled the instrument to record accordingto the laws of Texas, but the instrumentswere not placed upon record there. Andthe first question which arises is, whetherthe original instruments so acknowledged,but not recorded, are admissible in evi-dence when their execution is denied inpleading under oath, without furtherproof of tbeir execution

The allirmative of this proposition isinsisted on, in behalf of the appellants, on

I t U hnv nj ntfaiv""l in a irlMin Kniiitn" "! th iu rn'nii.r uni ry ImI;ii'-- m h'-- imir" - Tf fi d a case entitlm;' th-'i- n to iiave lliep'cvii.ti

partition set aside and a new partitionmade.

lh tic--t t, v aii a;'! htt-- urTtimtt ntl f: w- - a iitxrai pnew. -iiin. i..ii"n iwni nr inpu . tn hi

d rHti hvf tfo lio-ti- t of tho tin at Sulphcr an--

It is well settled that eoui'v will no!

attach in June 1868, when this bill wasfiled.

We think it very clear thnt the causevas "depending" in theCourt after the decree of foreclosure,tiKn principle and according to decis-ions of this Court.

It is true that a decree of foreclosuref a mortgage is, fur certain purH-e-

s aAnal decree. It is a final adjudication ofhe complainant's debt a.'a.nsl the tuorl--iigo-r.

and ot hia riiht to enforce itlyainst the ni. "it gulled ri.prrty. But the.nam object of the suit is to coniel (he.ay men t of the debt; ami acconling to'he course of the Court, that is eth ci. d bya commissioner appointed to einorec thelet ree, and, in default of payment bv Ihemortgagor, to sell the mortgaged prop-erty according to the direction, of lhe de-cree, and report his proceed Hi g to theCourt, which are not finally v.hd untili hey are confirmed by tho Conrl. TheCourt has full control over the proceed-ings touching the sale until final confir-mation of the sale, and over Ihe pay-ment and application of the purchaseiuoney between parties to the suit havingj oliMieting claium to it, if there he any,until the end and olject of ttie suit isfiimlly accomplished. This jurisdiction

h i!vl- - ti in th" hAll eotuiu;iniaii um protnp'.y a. A

Tuition will be rtiariied from time of entrance tillcloe of Venn, milee. alnen. e Iroin i. kin--a

r in e with .riT..re aimriii. im His. 'Inow iiuin"ierii( ix'y. i. rupidly ini.ri'rL.-iiii-

he Teui-h- r. Ilti' Ijeen e.ji.rieiitly hi umii. lae'. St-- ion. Iwtlti in the .l.e. mid ineiriH-tlni-

,.f tlie They l ave had lli'l'-- t xperi ,.e eie-wher-

but are n,.a p.rmani-ti'l- ,i m c!iarie nt'hl Thi'y a ill iee a can-iu-

iter the health and m .rum of U,aiilini.' pufnii.a- - hoard can be obtained at fr- in eilit to ten

dollar p. r month tnrther parucuiarts addreaethe Principal, or President ot t!.- lioai d.

A. A. STALLWoKlli, PrtmUnt

'ii- lin iim ti- in;.. om-i-.- limy !

'tnt th;i il noi iin.'.ili r" l. h- - - nwff-t-.itiM.i. nti, tfit h- - ntv 1'i.niid a( t.uirprir"'ti tift pri.f"-iii- ii Jiy i.

H.rK" U oun.rruut patron through tnttrir.

'1 kkm All work warrant.!, and harjra m'idrai'I n 11 14--1

r. i h ,a r at ll. u, M H-- t.

KM..K I '

r VIl.nM, W. K MiHKLr.V, M- 1'. decree a partition unless the tiiies of both

are clear. Garrett vs White, .1

Farties Ki. 13 ; Wilkin vs. Wilkin. 1 John.ft. m WILUftMU.

lJiudTdal hpnuxs MiMit."ppl.Ih n. HA. I.. ll-l- y


boy i about ftv years old, nboiu ixfeet hih. bis I eye is aflecled, ppr-entl- y

by the 4iovh1 of a ealaraei, ki'le't ankle seeio have been put out olplace and is nidefornied (o some extei.t.Had on, tv recommitted, ketsey pantK,

nabui;r shilBid fzo.itee whi-ker- s. Thehair on the Ut of his head is worn ot",wh it'll he saf'is done by wenrlnp a bel."'hat he waifri'.iased bv Mr. lean frona Mr. WanT'treette County, Alabanit.That beraiay from Mr. Deau about the6th of Mar-t- .

The own required to come forwardprove pro5 and take him away, or hewill be deitli a "ordins to law.

WM. WATKIN.-a- ,

Shc tnd Jailor Smiih Countv.April liB'il. .'t

Or. It. V II . M . McKI.1M).ifCh. 3. Kor partition cannot be decreedexcept where the titles of both parties areclear. Much less could a prior partition.

t.,.(iiuK nil. AV) (M-t- hi 7.i"t ?s tiimarf rtp"'ftilVihi pr f."i. "nil fti-- i' in td'1 citiE n

ti t ii it v II nniv tit fl t no- - found ai ti made in behalf of one party, who is admitted to have a clear title, be aet asidefVuifM..1VI IMiOl IV IIII.LF.R

1 HOB. BoBKFB,L. H Hnr.LTO!,O. T. Wiroit,J. P. Kt,

unit-a.- " prufoni."ni'! mJ n.lX"l 25-- yApnl at the instance of another party claiming

a doubtful and controverted title.S on hand a Iwa-l- ot of IRV CtO Hj8, Clothm-?- .

f: ... ' "1 Hi' .T 'Mt 10 ill' i IhwUiW. , t ol.UAan

t I' '(in-- -. m ti m...- ti- - .1 .J n

J. MO ItOK,'r i la .

High Lifi in Washisoto.v. An intelli-

gent corresjiondent of one of the NewYork papers gives the following descrip-tion of Lincoln's last reception :

"The reception at the White House wasone ot the poorest even sf-e- in Washing-ton. Some of the strong minded womenfrom the Weft insisted on dancing theKail Splitter's dunce, which consisted inwalking in a zig-za- g manner from one sideof the room US the other, as though they

I W. P. K..Ha.-- Hp. H"" in hN'H'i, HarowarnI--tfOct. H. 1"W0.fa., C'ArWnte Co., Ala. As the case was presented it was subVlKJC. l.irtCK NIIIIM iWllh (iHlia-i- a5-.0. J. ORK,

UIOHIU K N T r N T 1ST. mitted for final d cree, the complainon!in "rtr. on rDih r,L... k in Drt of a !nre and Taned aa ROSE HILL ACADEMY.

claiming u decree fur partition. It is manr,'n-ii- t ..f 1'iiiiT HWI-.- and Nan-o-- 'kMiI'AT IA

. ul'i!-- . Ir.-- - -- ilk H'lrt-ii- t n'lT HI Te", Cuttf-d- i

"nai H, Ktoon 1 rmgwa, i ajm, Lrn! Trimmina, ifest from the nature of the deletices setut) to the complainant's title, that th.third of thia Inatftution corntnt-not- d

IHB the nrt M ii1kt in Msn h. uudi-- r the ourprof- vtM- rtoiliuif 1 niitil

mi i t p

W II.!. n'nd t"ht and tli" i

A p'tA I'- STOTICE the a'ltboritvof Art. 228, Revised CodeBaaiuU. is clriuly letiiiiicd by the ol the,kuhlji Jir f ""I"rat'i.i..t ij'nT'i'. im n - m m'", n"""r it tt ' ti " i it- - -- '" IIATKS OK TV1TIO?!. sen led : and ati it'vas M" !!(!( M 'I FTwaBaiia-- ri.:i.i;..i. t.n i,iiiiiiidu jici 101 uiaiii:o riri ert-- u illIii pir'!!--

.it. ttf- -!I For twont-o- n we k- - Oth craphy. Fending. purpose, it was proper for the court t

record of any ;&t;iTijo'.i"roTrequired or permitted to be recorded bythe laws of this Siate or of any other Stateor Territory of the United States, ic.

locree ; and unless Uie iu.iVhit House. The lrtcts of SenatorT May next.ad n.on,!! ir,front of door ot the Court

the town. Tauldinrr. in Jn.si.r-"touiil-

Wrilinsr. Iritnry and Ai iii.nH-iK-

onlinued, the object of the suit innv. " ISeward tnd Cauieron wre red with ntiHrne.ITWrkii 'I 1.

U.., ratio Ihu-.- wlio k:i" hsrn. sud forwhonUr o- - d..iM'

o.. Mr. U 5'. Wd. - - "' u im mK. h. .at

t n allmely fail tor want of power to appiopK.lit or nil y v v.-

.ramiimr. Gography, Arithmetic and History,oti or a'l. hall, when certified oy tne Clerk; in wtioseIn rt'ceivirijor hit friend . and in tthukinji'

hands with hia frit-nd- - Old Abo does the

deny the relief ; anil, there being no ap-

plication for leave to establish the complainanl's title at law, to dismiss the bill

Upon this view of the case, the decre.must be affirmed.

tie and distribute the purchase money.

LUil.1".,.Al.PAi'1-.- .



lil NOHAMMOIL CAl-llA- l,


Tnvn.ivt,Tim K l LOl H!4,

rrRvin UK.P A I M

ieoTm iry, Alehra, Philosophy, Mentid or Mral. sell at p' auction, tue loilowing de-scribed 1. on which the Taxes tor theI. . . and the Court would possess no contiadII. TKIIH f,

. I I . ." lr . in r ail. 10ver its commissioner or the purchase of

office the record is kept, under his seal ofoffice, be received in evidence in all Courtsof this State, without accounting for theabsence of the original ; but if the execu

year lre dew anil unpaid, to wit: uj like a regular rail-eplitt- whohad just pone through the marriage cere-mony, and ww rect-ivin- g the eongraiula- -

latin and (irtH-- lAnni.Tr'(i'onorn-tr- andSurying. with th wU.i-- - l.ran.-h"- on- - or ail 20 0uirii'. Mi. Handv. ihemortgsged property. These procee--

Thi is aituftted in North F.H!t JitnT ti- -

tioii- - ot Ills lriendK. in his rett ilion he.rn Pauhhritand Knt'-rpri- in a h- Hhh and tt. tion ot such deed, bond or other writingi.on am.. Ii.lings, suliscqnent to the decree, are.lainly essential to the object ot the suit;,nd il the decree be final, in the ordinary

inir.'nt c immunitv n- ara an iae ooi.tintMi in,.ii.jv iimi ikUiRm (. ti. labors hardt--r HirliHp9 and poes through

rnort" hard work than anv ix ordinary men. i fnim!. at tt-- dotinif pr m .nth. inclu-hnf- shall be disputed by the opposite party on

oath, the original shall be produced, orOwner Uiti.ions of Soc.Htid l.ffhta. I ht I'rim-'pa- i na--- "itti Hn"x- -

Gates & Pleasants I

vs. 9040.John D. Flint, et al. )

The defend inls in behalf of the wife.

A rino aiaiTlmrnl ol 1. A I I aoaI.tv 'lut. t

t iv icceptation of the term, the jurisdictionof tn j ara in t,iiin.r. and h- rM-- n- could Mand. Western admirer- - lanry all... nr. m ''., lul Ui,l. U. nil (.Al l l.ll-- v

its absence accounted for beloresuch copy f the Court would be divested lor thel it (uir-.--i- m tfwiunij niKurr oi im his moveinwiiU are frenchy. shall be read. And such original whenlit ml 7 Mad Clothing,ir. u,iniinir anrl Win'fr wart.1

Uf hftiiftuca and iAtm. th. Prm' pl and main and necessary purose of the suit.l I ha Ci'iJ..-rii- - or Jane E. Flint, filed their bill in thear Ft.u'h-rnt-r-h- Mrtn riination nn--,1 !!... i t U .,u. uimri.i -- sAhlil.l-s- Hltll'l.K-"-. MaLTER." Hence it has been held, in rases of thisan.i II. dif-pli- wni r tIl't. im acknowledged or proved, according to the

laws of the State or Territory where exeBolts Prevented against Southern Sol Chancery Court to enjoin the sale of thO'linu- ,of N. V. l

Is. ftr. I . oi s

Nulliiuj" riiiurc Nolliius liuiu !



Acin ol the Lelwlatur.KuR Tllli Bt.NKKIT tiK

Th Washington County Academle.

UrillUint &hemr tor.Vov., 160ROYAL ITvyATA 1'LAX.

IA.W0 Prlmra, monnlla t.471,300:Will (WfonlMip !i thf fullnwintf

KOYA1. M.'HKMI-:- :

To be Ifratrn t'.itry salurtlay.

.ort. that the proceeding upon the detrilil P IKiiss lliiHS!'. i tiLLARS,IUMIA

:ld and . and vry will h" giventh moral ind rultivation ot pf'dint-- . toy Ac.

3 li. . S4 A' cuted, so as to be entitled to be recorded cree are tn Jt until the confirmation, byPiimia n n!'r at an time dunne tnmil anrthinr n the .IHti ur mat can neneraraslave George, claimed to be the separateproperty of the wile, levied on by virtueof an order of sale issued on a judgment

of H. F. 1..1 2 u :t- -i it: iumir. i.. h ' .nd will h fharp?d from tho time of rntorine to "he Court, ot theacts ot the commissioner.there, shall be evidence in this State

without further proof of its execution."Bl.rh Kmllu'l Tom..,1 I M Kt K,

h ' 4 .- "111 - ' Mlllll M

I ii,, ami ill in tin'he co- - of th t;m- unn-- s pn-F- r'C'1 jr-'- nn'-n- Herrod vs Henderson 2-- f Miss. 4. loo--J.K.l" if.s,HHmnif ra. Viw Srw Flate, - in attachment in favor of plaintills induni hy protrat d .wkn. wiji- h limp will hj do--

,.fS. K. 'il !

w. ' toi o i' !

'ii. r.W'f n id:!..f B K ' ,'...,.1. I .i " 'I N3of B.IA.lt..ot 4il.4oi' to

It is insisted that, by the latter clause ley vs. Gridley, 3 S & M 614; and thatd;teed tu'tion f"tndrnti irnm a illCarpenter I aol. error against one Edward B. Mosely, thejc:. :IVr.

8. Tuf of this Statute, an original deed, acknowlIi? required t pay Uiir tuition in aivan'e. ur mv he mrisdiction is retained alter decreeiii.r rhi.l". Plupei. Hiinimem. Mawa. Broad and father of defendant m error Jane r.,r?trenri (oi parent; cuarttian. or .oiTie i edged or proved according to the law of The bill states that many years beforevdiuT persi n .

i . a. tn ii-- n c vr o.-- ;ibecause it is essential to the execution ofthe decree. Gofl'vs Robins et al 33 Misa.the State where executed, so aa to be enI llt.l I. t. L- - n. I. ASS ITER,

fax collecter of Jasper CountyC A. BrL'DLEVoN, the time of filing said bill, the said Moselygave the said negro boy, a child, to his 153. Unlike a judgment at law, it re- -

Mrtrh 23. 1W. &mtitled to be recorded there, shall beevidence here without further proof of itsexecution, whether recorded there or not.

ClJoAii i.. an.l ererjllnns in the ham.

Hard ware.SaiK Traca, S.i(.l.- -. H..ea. Plow Point. Ac.

Caller)-- .

A flne ..nm :'t of T e and Po.kcl Cutlery.

Crockery aud Olaaa W.te.

iii ires the further action of the Court tosaid daughter, that on her intermarriageGuardian' Sale.Decatur High School. accomplish the main end of the suit ;I. ith John I). Hint, she took said tx)rtue and in pur-tianc- o ot a ue-- But we do not think that a careful ex

k STOVAI.I..i' a r la,. t ,.ii ni ma U'uru ol

. .11

.'j("lll.. I I. I ,t.l-- . 111- --.

t i .mi i nut f ('rTiTnrtont A,l - -

' 'tf

111' I Pr1 Pi if ol tnd thereiore the jurisdiction of thethe Probate Court of Jasper home with her and retained jHjssession irt

him until afterwards in the year --,...

Prif-"- fIn ITni-- a ''

fr,.'- - "I...lii Pri.-i- . i l ..

I, m Pi r. "l'...2.V1K1U Priiva of--

amination of the Statute will justify thinconstrui'titi--i.Mr. J. J- PERRT Principal of Male llep.artment iniist necessurily continue in the

Court. For the same reason, the lulehe of T k k.iy ami ila '." i eomplrte

.... i.ii

.... in........ A'.i.. !".. gl.lll

I Pr,- - o! ..I lr i nl ...I ..r Mi. 8. E. JAKVP, I'rm.'lpal ol M male Keparv one Vernon a constable-- chiiih to her houA- -

diers.An a matter of interest to many of our

readers, we iubli-- h the following lawwhich was pasned by the State Legisla-ture at its aebbion in January last:A V A CT to prevent suits against Southrm

Soldiers.Be it enacted by the Legislature of the

State of Mis8isetfpi, That ;t bhall be un-lawful to commence or r.ropecute anyfcuit or action for debt againt-- t ar y South-ern Soldier who may be called into ac-

tual service by the authorities of thUStale while he ia or may be engaged inthe military service of any of the South-ern .State;, and every party, attorney orother person offending against tins setthall be fined and im(rini-- d for contempt. The fine not to rxctfrnl fivetimf-- r the amount of the debt ued for,to be pnid to the soldier or hia family tsthe court bhail award.

Be it enactvd. That thin set take effectand be in force from and after its paa-biig-


Approved, January 22, 1?C1.

The first clause of it applies to copies ofPrir of-- .. Caetlnne anii Hollaw Ware.an .ilfni Mii MARY C. WILMJ.N, Teacher in Hnsieal Ue-- held in Cole vs Miller 32 Miss. 89, is not

applicable to a decree like the one nn- -1i Pr artment the record of deeds. 4c, recorded, accord-ing lo the laws of the State where execu

and took said boy out of h.-- r possession byvirtue of several attach merits, in all olwhich she filed her claim, atlidavit and

A.pri.xViiVaii,in Pru.. anmuni.ng lo nn.t in is.iokfin lot Of Wfltl I'm- der consideration here.Rates af Taltlon er loa of fiveA tine K'lo'd ttiotif ry, c:iTr and Wnre.ted, ami makes them evidence generally.ntoBlui.

rRFPAHAToRY IEP.TMENT.Whol Ili.lv. ; (Junrtf m tS E glith- - Idisponing with the production of 'theAla

JUII1 0. WILKI"ii. . - ,. '

, . fl, rt ci 4i 'd'l.iit iii tm. - ' n a I tt

'.... :ivi In ! .a rui ..lAiitit-- .

'I 41 ttJn..'a.,(r. Wntini:. and Mental Ari'.h- - originals. 1 tie tecona clause applies to' . n on

VK r Ki I A mono. " - case where the originals of such deeds

It follows from this, that the jurisdic-tion of the y Court in theoriginal cause wa not divested a In n thisbill wa filed, and hence that the demur-rer wa projierly sustained.

Iecr'-- e affirmed.II a stir.

1NTF.RMEIH.VTE Ir.PRTMENT.-- hall be produced, to-wi- where the.1 kMK-- i W A T T. , .i.Kn.,i i r,inl,v. 1 ram roar. II isttir v andI pa raJTiHiar ?".ieni-e- "A LA W .AUDERDALE SPRINGS, execution is denied on oath ; and in suchcase, requiring that the original nhall be

( mane at the la.,t .htiiiia'y termthe, A. I). lMil, the undersigned, fiuar-th- e

persons and fif thenJlieirs of .IDSF.PII DANIEL, tle-,,,- ,,

will, on Monday, the Oth day ol

,;.rjl, between the hours prescribe.!f,., proceed to sell at the town o?

ti'jin, in Clark County, at public auo-t- i

the highest bidder, on a credit of. ntonttis from the "lay of sale, theiing described real in said,.v, to-i-t: W of N W i, N E j ol4 and S E of N W J and N W t ofi i of Kec. Is, in Township 1 N, ofje IT E. Said lands will be Bold sub-t- o

the lien presciilied by the statute,Hie pnrcha.-e- r will tie required to givewith good se ut'ty for tlie purchase

,ry, payable in twelve months fromday of tale.

EMILY WADE, Guardian.

HI'. HER ENGLISH IiEPARTMENTtiroduced. It then provides in what caseFOROE DOLLIRI

DRAWS HAlLY, AT O'CLOCK . AM"CHALYHIATE WATEPji ) lrcbr. r.C'.metrr. Pliilo.opht and i hcnu-drv- . t;i oui u, ... a.i,l Cr.wl. nr mthr of the Modern LaD- - such originals shall lie evidence, when the

i .S I'l .Sv M H '1 lss-

i. ii hi: i .I l i L A IT,

, i. MlA " ': .. tl .?rl

Christian Hoover, 1

vs. 0433.I.autlcrtlale County , Ils.orE- - mat i, mi. ,

B. B. fOIITH, 0 aa Proprlator,tS Sl'M BE ItS HVS BALLOT ijontma'ent charee, 1 v-

George Wells, Adm'r. ). ., i; &

Time charsred frt.m dar of entrance, and no deduc This action was brought by the defention mud. exoent for protractedlNii p'T-fha- d tha aViva fAvhi.na - andA ll.l. A. HM1TII.

T I n S . T I. A SCHEME. I A Mimcienl corp. OI competent win it iuattendance, of Southern birth, education and senu,,,!! P'rv r in- tn la-- t

ill. pTiril nr - ir uiikt- - t "ur- - in hi iient.

dant in error, as administrator of hia de-

ceased wife, for trovrr and conversion of aslave, the separate property of the wife,under the statute of 18,'J'J, in relation to

I Ju l.. tn-l- ll i. i ii .tiii t'lt p'hf trfOf-rali- thit 10 oat,n w.ll 1 uiti'n dne at the clone or each .'imu.Board can be had at ten and taeiTO dollars peri.. mi.-rt- , li"lth an-- l

.. 1 .. tlif Mir ti orHTT. oAny tUtf Tick. h N. on m ilUiin. tM.'

Z Il.jmm e aa.a"- - "month.Kiiiii u r theriehtsof married women. It appearwiU.-r- a; un.vf rtity rucd.d hy tli ldiS. Ot. I.fcl i. Jr.,

i A i I . Kor further purticular. aidren M arleton. r.. ;j.ril 5, 1S01. 214. iii'v ar Mtntd on ft Mohdt n.l)d that tbere were two children, the iu of

bond according to law, arid the boy wasreturned to her, ami has remained in herpossession ever since, (these ifilaeh meritshaving been since disposed of). Thatshe was wholly ignorant ol lhe levy olthe attachment ot Gates and Pleasants onsaid boy George, or she would have givenbond as in the other cases, and interjioscdher claim kc.

The bill prays an injunction, that thejudgment and order of sale be set aside,as to the boy Georgn Ac

An answer is filed by Gates, and proconfesso takan sto Imman, the constablewho claims to have levied this attach-ment without taking the property intohis possession. Gates in his answer de-

nies from information the gift, chargesthat it was fraudulent, that the boyGeorge belonged to her father Moselyadmits the levies of the several attach-ments by constable Vernon, that bondsAc, were given and property replevied,does not deny that Ihe proerty imme-

diately returned to the pasession of JaneE. Flint, as stated in the bill, nor does hestate that Iminari the constable who claimsto have levied the attachment, ever hadthe possession of the boy George, underbis original levy. He denies that JaneE. Flint had no notice of the levy of hisattachment Ac.

Anfjigreement is filed showing theclaiurand bond Ac. filed by Jane E.

Flint, and record, waived. The testimo

Vanlan. A. or Rett. J. Ir. N. llud.lie-to- n

execution is denied on oaib, withoutfurther proof of execution, to-wi-t, whensuch originals are acknowledged or provedaccording to the laws of the State whereexecuted, so as to be entitled to be re-

corded there. Throughout the secondclause, reference is made to the first clausewhich sjreaks of recorded deeds alone.On the denial of the execution of suchdeed that is, the recorded deed previous-ly mentioned it requires that the origi-nal shall be produced that is, the origi-nal of such deed, such recorded deed ;

and it provides that such original thatis, the original recorded deed previouslyspoken of when acknowledged or proved,Ac, so as to be entitled to be recordedwhere executed, shall be evidence. Itdoes not allow every original deed which

1 e. lel.i l .;n. ' ! Mo: ii; nd -- t n.v- - tho r- ni- -

..f.,.n ..f K iir 'd U tW'-r-- V -- hu fir nd 51 Rruard.R ANA WAY from

the marriage, who were living and infantsat the time the suit wa instituted; and

. H;,. . . i ;.i,111 I' .

i -- i.i i'I ! Fi,.hir Ju d ..n v.d Mot.,K nl ' !oo l to crinth. ar the subseri-u ii v 4n vr.w iiv istiti tf.v e' "" ' -- " 'iVkt W on the 'J.ith Anrust laat. ne--i: t. t:.e vny? of t!. Miiiotippi aud I'... kiwi--.-.

- - - .1 - - -- - . a - -

mm . m m aAim H im Tnk-- I ith a dmwn nunit- -r on it

iialii.u,! In .'i.nn out ai an? 111

pi . . i. h a K W. . or "J '1tuitii.a m ll. dma il

JSOMKOSE, JiSPEU CO., MISS. pro FRANK, about --1 years old.w 'l in at a1 timea. to--A

that, after the death of the wife, and be-

fore administration of her estate ftant.-- d

to the defendant in error, the slave was inthe rss session of the plaintiff in error, who

........ im,. 'i:i!-- "- t ft th Ka. roa I.

Rail Road Meeting.

At a meeting of a portion of the citizenof Newton county, d in I'ecattir, onMonday evening the Hth innt. M. Ware,

., was called to the chair, and Ir.M. II. Watkins aj,ointed Secretary. Hon.Robert McLain. waa on motion of Hon.M. M. Keith, requested to explain the ob-

ject of the meeting, which he mated waathe building of a .Railroad from enter-priF- e

to Granada in thia State, known asthe Enterprise and Memphis Railroad.Mr. McLain made a very able argumentin favor of the proposed road, showingthe nece"ity and praclibtlity of the road,its advantage to the people along the lineand through the section of country," it isUecigned to run ic. Kev. W. C. Turnerand Col. .J. H. Camplll, alao, addresaedthe tueeling addui-in- many fact to pro-r- e

copper color : wciizhs aliout lti'itt. I.K 111 AS,, A I I. A II . H19 naasn'cj Hho-d-. n;uitd twelve mil aoutTi hf I r p; ior h'.a rv- aetl known at the Spnnp has a sear on his rightI of th .iiti.ern K.n r vt is ol mvc,uiiu ,liir al cni.i.i1! Miaiob, r ri"y ';. nirtiii leadcra h.a trTue

'..i.r..- - nd ;ni-'ls-Tukrui fruiri tl.wi u any pn. . ai the alvt rates ! sold him in the year 1M7. Administrafr- - from the the cot imon to corner of one of hisan JTf-- pounds ; 1

:;;rVnd on thonThe heahJ.f iin- - of :f.e antl thel n iiiin or n-i pr-.-- i ft.!rin to th1, the back of Lis neckooitwr mi to. prirr mu ttnrf it to tU' i: quality of ar w. i .

' I! Inn or m.-r- wlfil-i- l nnmhrw ar,is a larjre seeit wart.-- H -- K... niiml.r -- O i.l- - ii . t iM ur r. and r:na n (kinoric th r

it ,:i-l- m!-.- .i of r.:b toeir Nort fo rn ne- pure. mora, innti-'n- ', aoa wiin d.o ou n ut u'-i he above reward will be piven for m- -.lr-.- aim.iu ill mi-l- .Irnan oumifM, ll.e Ii- k'f.rm- - iluriMi! .hf tui.uae- - of Lma. R. B. EM I IH is acknowledged or proved and recordedrn ea.-nt-

It ia indnenden-rih- e IVop-vto- r b. ini, andr lft Ht the Mitxixir.nioan, Oi!iC-f-m Ilia u to be read in evidence, without furtheri!,i. ScSon- - purha..m van a,eit tii rm-t- Hoard- - orctmn a. Aokn. ML., whirh viil lead to Ua re- -ova Num.! A. nroof of execution ; for it may be act-- f- I h- - S hOl wi t ' rOH!-.- lf a " -

iueat inland TaonocaarARE AmiJl LY ut. .oiiDit lao- i- nl - th tpveiy. ?irri , . t. !. TMHTTKU, knowledged er proved according to thelaw. of the State, and vet not be such an"arherr. young mea wjth hunihei at a cotiveu re. .nAlUUA i UiU hit.aA r LAW. COMBINATION PLAN

IiLw 1 ml l't 4 O ("AO- .-

CAPiTAL Z Si. . HlN. M. TllVt. "" the iaiioriaiice and tne imperative neoea- - as is entitled or authorized to

be bv the laws of the State.".Te roorth in adaire in all ee-- .Kul? rwd. inln'iini- - -. fur! and hghta, IlVanai" aT1wl.f.

aio.nnoi a j A.0001 3.ooot ao.ooo per monih. Tir,nf ntir ( ft:rmrnp.ot going to work in lament, ami

j.u.-hi- n on ttie completion of the R.tdHon. M. M. Keith then otfered the follow- -

LOW Itl . But it muat be an original of a recordeddfed. which is acknowledged or proved nv of Jane E. i taken in open court, who

runif-- in ttie n.irT r.nt.i!!...- .- x i. ...---. i. ,.ei -- j I ... Ua".t..i... I Ja-i- 't t Countv, ;.lis.t on uir ,nii ui proves the g; it (rom her father, ar.d that

io the bws of the Stale, so as- A l I 4 .

..,. it i. ,f Sinpon.k'ti ( fuiii.. ma in ai!

.t.z res lu;ious which were unauitnouaiy:nm-n- . f nati.-- h t i .... theUv has in her o.- f-r- ever.J T. kr' fr' : I H.r- mJ-- r r 1 .ar- - m;it. auiU'teti.i'i-- uvT irx'Uth- - W iha ciontt rug lion of a Jiiilr'ad.ih ftlMiW t..I , 1 ,fk rtaa-.. 1 t.. nr a wit,-- , ied and in fuit orr--( , of th- - hr"imr'ik(Tlnor 1,--

1 .. t f(k-loK- MAiK l .A.'m

to be eniiiled U le recorded there.The object of aui horiiting a

deed to be acknowledged or proved is,not to establish the instrument as the deedof the party for all purpow. but to enti- -

to run 1mm Grenada to Enterpri-- e Mtas..iii r,i on i"t of - .Tie an 1 I ajnl.nii. t eatii...

-- inc. she gave lhe claim honda to Verii'.nAc, Ac. i! s iireur.-- sain-- thecompetency of her testimony on severalgrounds, all of which it Is n.H tiiHt-r.- toconsider in th view we take of this ca.

..tiR'Tii: a, .. tr mi I - tvon uie ail w;M hruiat 'e.l and fix.ur- - ar.d forunnif a connection between the 51.U- -lit; m-i-

in vjti hit vc y r- a,tii!t,ir ie not nn in-- d and p;.- - nrrvn"i-ioi Miite

. . .. rtt m ot 1 "Ao HtH.-- K M iL A H ippi and Tennessee Kilroad, and thel'u p cjio. oais ean - n i .rom v.'J iov i - 'a t from iSn'd ri ni a C 6 t F J .

i iue evw, !i:rit;v arm rau'k tKen.Anv n.f'rm;m.n of fa;.I y will thftpk-fu'i- v

rtceivd, and all tUe ot hisarre-- t and ooritin me-n-t in jad that I

can eet him ag-- vr.il b frtrlv prtid.T. L. (i AN DY.

C.'.Wc, aljtj., March I'.l. f

On the bill and answer it must be taken.,.;- - K.:J-'ti- and tir. to I

;ij..-- --t ui ih Hit.Vrra I n ar I"'Hii as true that the bov George never wa leRTV. T. I). I.F.-K- C Teiii-- r.. a I h l.-- I fr. 'n M m ry

i.i riM.i itT ' ii.tr- - i rce ;i - f'.a-ra- i mail to ajiy od

rlM.ll;' - . .il n'V0 f.r ! ..riVrt-ifl.!- N V'! wF.Jr""tu'Uiil t K' li ! ''

M.S.-- J M A. M"lKfc- - rrt . t.

gaily in the poaea,ion of the officers who. t ih --Mi'.h. r!i K t 1 ' T' M K. K. 1. a": rriiinntal

I.UKKTT IKAHI,-- ... 1 A Liu

T 'i K V i T L A W ,W , M --.! !!

.r js. ; r ...f " v- i I woo M

.1 f . fM'th -- it of iUtJ--.

, s , rw4. a. i4t(HtP'1 a JKTIMNGI,

- 'pni,aa4 0,x - . -

trf mT' I'tatii for I'mon n Mon-laya- claims to have levied this attachment, itM K. M 11 nUal M

tion was first granted of the estate of thewile in the year IHj.j, and to the d"fen-lia- it

in error, who brought this action inthat vettr. It further appears that theslave tecame the separate proiter'y of thewife in 14.'-- , during the marriage, andthat her death took place in March, 1K-J-

Several exceptions were taken in theCourt below to the rulings of the court onthe trial, and are here insisted on aagrounds of reversal. But there is one ob-

jection of so vitai a character to the judg-ment, that it i need!. to r. Hauler anyother question raised in the ca.e.

It apfsesr that the slave in controversybecame the sefiarale rirorty of tha wifeunder the statute of .luring her marriage with the defendant in error, andthat she died in If 4ft, leaving childrenborn of the marriage, and her bus'. andsurviving. In such a case, it is well settledin this Court, that the surviving husbandis entitled to the possession ai.d usufructof the slave, during bis life, and after hiadeath, that it goes to the surviving chil-dren. Cameron v. Cameron ?J Mis 112.Steawlman vs. Holman, adm'r. 33 ib. SV).Smith vs. William. 3'i ib. 615. And if isheld in the second of these ca-s- , that theadministrator of the wife is not enl.lled tothe trosaeawion aa against the survivinghusband, except pThoj for the paymentot her d. ills, which tnu.t be shonn.

In order to maintain the action of tro-ver, it is necessary that the pl.iintift showtitle in himself at the time of inii"utingthe suit, and also the right of possession,and it is plain that neither of thew thingsis here shown. He show neither titlenorright of poseeasion in him as administra-tor, but the right of possession and aspecial property for life are shown in himin bis individual right, with the interestin remainder, so to to bis children.

.. .n- . t.: urt'i r " "t'-- . um- - : it'fin-- aiII, - L l i"-- M IA'., ia. n. wi -- The and the .pi. :..u-- t rr he eer made a levy it waa abandoned by; t i tn - ti e m ,x. Th- - "rsa on ihe -. ; tn- -June . W' d w th a to th- - inik:!ii a per' him, or the levy was void for want of , obr;i R i n run-- i vo Newton where fo L oi tne if reiu-- l Dractrn (

tle it to tie recoro-d- . ii trial onject iscarried out by having it recorded, thedeed is thereby so solemnized as to makethe recorded "original evidence, withoutfurther proof of execution, upon an iueof no ' fartvm. But if not recorded, itis not clothed with thai solemnity, thepurpose of the acknowledgement nothaving been consummated : and it standas a matter tn pan and must be proved ac-

cording to the general rules of evidence.Thus reviewing the question, we think

that the certificates of acknowledgment

.e"t w .t h session of the rirotierty bevied on. Peri XJ LLA. r-- THf ., is ifcxjt hi to an in theare eual Au. 1. sonal rirot'ertY ecu not be levied on with- -MUTiicm luiinoiD.TWO DAILY PAMKKK TRUSS. .if! y th- : ie And the drTen--- A

oultakirg it into the toseession of theSUMMERVILLE FEMALE EM!

4tItr.lnIrHtori olle.Ailmini-tretio- n

WUKiitAS of 1AV1I QUI NX,jVceaMtl. were .ranrl to the uiiil-rij;n-- el.

at the laat M.ari-- trm of th. 1'rr.bj.teCourt of S:mi ?n County, .Stat of M.sai---.il'l- 'i.

"uw a!! jfraori. having climiawair.-a- t the estate of said dHHifrit,

Tfouirtal to exhit.it the sain witb- -

aa(BM. officer or his agent.a r - !.. a tjr-P-- T Wt -: bow in r uion aII The levy beinit the only foundation ofM.-t-t . n n at Pwi i ni- Any ai--FOR YOb'Nfl LAD I j

nM c.

. ' n ih prvt-H- !

I i" '.vr. 'i' t'i,. v.. y

;i ll.,d a tti I

U.TT-S- f .! TWa

-- ? t r i i ir-ai- th coOTej aiif-- f to any the judgment, in a proceeding by attacb- -0 ut ta tte u" "'':".; iTT

Mobile and Ohio Ra lroad, i now beingagitated fcy the public mind along sai-- i

route, and" whereaa, the proi"oed routtouches a large portion of Newton coun-

tv. now destitute of Kaiirond facilities.1st. Jiohed, That we unite with others

along the proposed route in giving expres-sion to our entire confidence in the prac-tical utility, and final success of sail pro-

jected enterprise.td. That it becomes the citiz-

en-! rf thi county to unite with othersin ail lawful means, to secure at an earlyday. the cnnatruction of sai l lioad, form-

ing as it will, a connection, 'by the build-

ing of miles of Kaihoad.) whichgives a continuous line of Railway, for a.l.atsnceof a miles, between Mobile onthe S.nhern Gulf and Memphis on theiliaaiasippi river.

Z-- Jiovtd, That we hereby suggt stthe propriety of the citizens of theother eounu-- , through which it is pro-posed that said Road shall be built, hold-

ing primary meeting and selecting suit--

wrre ment avainst personal property, if therenrniTi tne insiruraraui in ur-nu- n-- M'iHaN tlYt'E. Propn-sto-

rw-i- rA t ". , waa no lew. or if the oliicer never took itTHT5 Vhcv-- . rTf-f- uitiu-m- 't "'" ;into his tromttiision at aii. the whole prol ia tn taiH:.'!, in ine upenon!- - i ,;.

Uie hLit ne-- e of it l"co:'T a 0jF th m.j ret aK--tri'- of ceedings founded on it were void as to

that property.The court should therefore, have set

-a. ayd ihe ex fvr. uoe a- -

it- - '' ta--r- rVrThe i " r'iriaj hae aeart-re- the ':v,.w


Vtek.w-r- si 1. JJewt...Ul.t.-ac- . y.lie Mllea.

rr.. t. --v

UOtl,I A i

l - aa t,a. j. t'nat we tferV - - tm --.' haiM. and wci t r 1

not sufficient evidenee of their executionupon the issue made by the pleading inthis ca.

The next question is, whether the ex-

ecution of these instruments is sufficient-

ly proved by other evidence shown in therecord.

There are no subscribing witnesses tothem, and there is no proof of the signa--

He- Mujliv m tt.e Mu-a- J d parrmw ueeif varru - i u v t, - ihj; ao t:;."- jsjii.--.ir - t n m k- -t a.w . t. an, we are reariy

?t at V ( lo rr'"-- -- i"V fVt 1st. . ireK li. a.r ra J -aside the judgment and ord- -r of sale up-on the attachment below, so far as thebov George i concerned as well aa tlielevy and decreed that tl.e same should be

. - , .. . . i 1.1 .

"i.mre e tai for U.pit rnent. Wfaat

The wa.'- r of th rnam-na- l d"trtJ(V

o" - r ta e. i lark,'l t. a i.reen. IVrrj.- t .ml

h.. a ..il. VavPw. w.'.l prklic ta CO


r tt ij-- i tuv. i nNS AI'V4NK.I N TII Ki BM

iu the time iim.i-- ! y law. or thT w.!ltorevt-- r bnrre.1 : an! ttnaw inder.tr'l to saides.cte are rP'Ti't'l " corae forward aDdmake immtdinte

w. Qrixx,T. II. BEUKY,A ia.iuio:ra'ora.

rrch 1, 11- -

Intoltrnt o(U.irITEREA. tie fatal of .I.jHX WIL- -

LIA'-N- . def-a-a-- d. waby an or.!'r and da-T- e of the

Pro! Court of Newion Count-r- . ittfof Miaa!-:- i li. mad-- at the -t Xorcm-bc-r

term. A- - D ' "v'. of "aid Cotirl : Now.

a .r - enre, o R FFI.'TT iK S

r- - ra a 'o'''effc i

fr e i ; - tr- irtT a -


he siOaXii be, .ijfui an 1 timp-- t lAtnurr-- p th-t- r cot .' "A- JsX'la -- O Alal l e a--k. or ftr't ..f Of . , I :.. ! held tor naueni. CUl It Slioum wn ii.'TERMS: a onlo '! t"' at n. and ae tureot Keti'sen i.u. -- u w.y. ... . . , ,K- - --;t,, nt rorrt.For board, tmuoa. wa.fa.ni:. t-- , for j?. n1 o ah ( ri we p r- - rr -- e to i.- -'

proof of the fact of his signing and deliv-eri- r.

the instruments. The testimony of as no such issue could be had or tried, upI rro'-- v n T- - . xpyvt a t.'M- - fi ; rt-n- ; or our a.iiYt n t at -t ( w firm at Quitman. l,U men t.a rnrivnt their interrsts in

haJi iaFr Lat'n. trrnv-h- . or Trraa, -

a.want m tnir ort-- at et- - on a void levy.i l ia..?.. ai - r. a

J : -- ! ' iv r - e m n. hich I the officer who purports to have Ulten" m- aa it to u and we v.A eip this work, at a tiublic meeting inFor I ra r. r. PaaBbtU. WaJt Vor aiw 26.0.'aa4 rsutd --? rvaM..., Ue a K t HEfaRY, Mta.Y OTtKRELUS'i. Rttepmt. Sot. i. !. tf

the ac know led ginents, is not positive asto the fact of execution, showing that hehas no recollection of the fact of execu-tion and acknowledgment, and that he

Wrvrk. f.Aduresa ZF.H C. r.U1 !..anH Propr eTr. V-r- .

SrarArin'.iv! term or u - Mnaay : si.f !

Let the decree be reversed, and decreerendered in this Court, setting aaide andancullin. the levy on the loy George, thejudgment, and order of sale under it. andall the proceedings affecting the boyGeorfl"e bad under said lew and attach- -

If any action would fie for the trover andconversion, it is clear that it could not bemaintained by tbe wife's administratorupon the facts aet forth in this record.

Thejudgment must tlierf.-r- e fie reversed,and the case remanded for a new trial.


O re, i 11 'W


-- e m V " m J I

o- i. i an tii I

e a-,- aft-- Ha.wv A of j

v r I err. t A

:" a p m '. a- - t, , "i. rr! i t T .lpf.. j

all sections are to be represented at someearly day, of which due notice is to be

given.4th. Rtjrhrd. That committee of ten

be appointed by-- the chairman to repre-sent the interest of this county, either in

person or by proxv to be selected by him.Thefollowlnir gentleman wereapp-Mnted-


William Thame, J. J- - Monrtj. E. v..R tlucit. Wiliiam MatD. A. F. Temple,

Haikis.J". Sc -- . W. HUTCHIN8. ment.- C

of th-- , Inrr;.iin'- - !r tTEI c icrci-

i infers that the execution waa duly ao--1

ktwtwledg-- d by the grantor from the merej fact that his witness' signature to thej acknowledgment is genuine. These cer--!

tifir-a'- e do not state that be knew Keo-- 1

ben Williams, the grantor, and although


.:t:, . psM- .. Ti i; ! e - - J..- -

tkon .d T' fm tr- N rt.-

K l . : 1 - I iU .wit e' I) , e r t J J ,'r- - wi r,t

T ri n t - rean J ' f nd, a a V rheB K 1 f 4iij Nortli. a4 rrt-- r a.

. k,r - ir

1 Ke . TaH w 't Uiw 4Junw-- o - j r t. a r,s-- 4 iii ti h tr F.ef cer 1 r.'C New Orar.iji. aad azr.te at Vk ktttl-- c ai V . - a- -

A f tVrr. r i ajidt e NP-- til'. pt I 1 1 t."ai lrotaj- - i

Ua I "eitir T ajy x t'Jket f JjaCjL-r'- a. w--.a

hf M fin-; 1w:ir e- iV: eo tJk ihr

"fV1 aree w". Ke d w.h ae $ ar

p.. ? r- - d iWgM rHi a far a tieoi i mt Mte K ad in-- wf -- f f r - wd

;c,Miti f'r ' r;flf - '. H . ; r ar y

'PHI hT?seiit an! wellm rwaaiy w f.rmahw ,f.ti

ail s be noj claim aaidte are hr ! t nmiS.l t j hrtii,jin aa;d

claim uii.y f rof'A!--- i acror,i:n? to law.and have them rciiterei theCir-r-

of tha Proate Court of aid county, at hiotTire in IVo-itur- . wnhm twelve monthfrom the di! hereof, or the me will bebared. WILLIAMmN,

J. C. WILLIAM x.Administrator.

Ic. 1C. 1"'V. m

Girard Brandon et alvs. (03C.

Crorrri-- s I'raUuuaa, Bardwarf,Adam L. Fcngsman J

Tl.ii l, !l - a-- filled by the aprre ro'ad cr'r-- sllants. t ?l

1 v .. ir e i kedto hy a rjrd ir who is at ai! hura u ai-,-o

ra ta T- - freait a : JI be .mites u trt---

it r it .TrT"fi " '"n aw-l- r Tf payint-- at ahoaM 1e' w ,or.f-- r. u-- rT ;-

a. wit. J. 4 G. W . U UTt !Keb -- if

w LlTrry liable at DeSot.

1 tii Iii y,.nlaa cf January. ,4 --

r harrci f J. W. Wi FF HI" ia iM B. in the fm.'. nr"r- - oftwea

Th sca;rti co7il-- l i " lerm. s.ar-ea-fi t.i arcori4. of

HATES OP TVI",,:( Lias oawj.f o t vf

inf anii rtitiii. far mi-nt- ar-- Ota- -

Jl'XIOR rLA InciuJ nt fc. 1

rar.! Arithrutuc, H.torj and C 13

m,ntn- - a. wth A"--

f CXA-S- ti, kM-if- -.

lri''o..r.t a. t'n.miairy. it a, Ac- -

i - -- ii n t "eri! in the Chancery Court of Adams Countyj on the June ls.-,-

It stains, in substance, that on f'th July! ls'rO Phillip Hogtratt obtained a decre

in the Sou: hern l.striet Chancery Courtaeainst Bmguman, James Surget and

! William Biune. for the foreclosure of aN

, .a , ... i r id frwBl, Ifltl, lrr- - OA

- " . U. ii:r art. Jt a1'

. i VVVT . FVAN5.V. F Hk.KX

-. 21--

ii mt n Ins.i the lafe flTii taf

m"f l UUiaraJi U .HI 1 T

t. KaMbal, tl-- n i tt ao.i.h W. M W ; '..FY.trar'-- p rt.v.

TH F od-;rre- d k newL'tri . i oc (i- M . ie

d ',.. a.d w he l.;nwf pr- - ta-- rj ai ail tinui tu taae erw

An Ohio iHumper. while making aspeech recently, paused in tbe midst ofit and exclaimed : "Now gentlemen,what do you think 1" Initlantly, a manrose in the assembly, and with one eyepartially cloned, modestly, with Scotchbrogue, replied : ''I think, sir I do in-

deed, sir I think if you nd I wouldslump the county together, we would tellmore lies than any two men in the county,and I'd not say a word myself during-t- h

whole time !"

An old lady stepped into one of thestores of New Haven the other day, andafter looking for some time at a pile ofwater a lying in the gutter, exclaimed,"Hia, indeed, 'an awful state of ibinirawhen we are obliged to have can noat.iled op ia oar strewts !"

Win. X. Ravnes. William Graham. J. IDansbv. Win. K-- Norman. Jarae Ha le.

ith." HetnJtfd. That the Proceel ng ofthis meeting be publbed in the .n.i.Oman, the .

other papers interested in the pror-oae- d

work.On motion the meetin; adjourned.

M. WAKE,iL II. Wmws, Secretaty.

An American papar announced the ni-n-

of its ed.tor. piouly ad l.ng: "Allgood paring subscribers are reoijested tomention him in their t rsyers ; the others

feo4 ;u-.-

the matter of acknowledgment wss ol re-

cent occurrence, be had no recollection ofthe facts attending it. He does not evenstate that be knew Reuben Williams, batonly that be saw him once, and that wasabout the 15th October, la"4. the timewben the certificate bear date. It ap-

pear to be strange that no proof was ad-

duced of the signature of Reuben Wil-liams, a matter which must be presumedto be readily capable of proof, if the sig-

nature was genuine. The only testimonytending to show that the deed waa execu-ted by 'Williams is that of Washington ;

bat that is not direct to the point of ex-

ecution bu tend to show act of recog-.itin- s

from which execution might be

4. h'f aEr.ner aa--i MTtfair Ml

Aitrayrd.coy f.remiea on Sitorday the lCthLEFT a arnaU l ay hirase. avut e.aht or

nine years old. with a ad Ke mark oneside, a acar on the washer of one eye. anda mall wurt on hi n(t-e- . and a by maremu'e. on the chunkey ordr, roi,ched lat..ring, and mane fmwts until it rt-ar- l lavaover. ArTinforniatKin a''Tthem thank- -fu"T reoeivt-d- . or Id fqi'v rewarded. Mt- - . . -.-- i i t.',

I6TSTEM Of EBIC1TI05,ii ai-- o keep frr h re a fizk lot

I Kntti.; uta a Hark tCVma ra IVtJ Jir t. j. cuix i nf h- - r rtfar I

mortgage executed by P.ingsman to se-

cure certain debt due to Hoggatt andBrune, conveying certain real ana" per-sonal estate It that purpose ; t y whichdecree Surget was appointed a com mis-sion er to make sale of the mortgagedproperty to pay the debt specified, ondefault of thereof bv Bingaman

t l trm TAl'iHT T


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at wit tir and at other niac-a- rt Lt a I.vt 1 rat-'m-

PrtaudeJ. O. Jm aaauaaMT,Im. i, U.0.

!i "f o ocr.a- - d ij. v.X

Awtt.r, 1 JSrCOR VJ If K.Ifw n. c, need not, 'as the prayers of the wickedt't.""i:iic if"',i, trintT. M.as.I m, mmtiF. S PENCE S.U an is--- r:a ti.e h4.

II' 10 T ATlO tl r.HTa ac:l.nc!tH "S1. "' '"-- '- "t "i? dm pi.oo. r

' A a..m aiJ - ,s. a,. a rr-a- t ra--r 1 Jj--r: .! ani ioit"c-a.- a. At lnaa, j aiada; Ink tcda. Ac.- - ... at W. 6JIITH.


Uf.wTi . Tbl. wUn- -. do, not .pea of ia thirty (fay. from that dat, ; nd to wavail nothing.' aooordicg to good authori- -


!"i It All utr? ;:: n.-- a ta knr. tv ,..a a, .... a 4 ar. a -- ura :

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