ENGLISH BIMESTER 2 STUDY GUIDE YELLOW / WHITE SENSORY DETAILS What are sensory details? Which are the 5 senses? Sensory details allow the reader to put themselves into your story mentally by forming a picture in his/her mind. Without sensory details, the reader becomes bored and cannot emotionally connect to the story. Sensory details include words that describe sights, sounds, and smells of the setting, characters, and interactions. Instructions: Create powerful, image-creating sentences by taking the “Boring Sentence” and adding sensory details. Example: Boring Sentence: It was a cold morning at Arlington High School. New Sensory details added: The frigid morning air and dense gray fog did not stop Jane from inhaling the fresh smell of rain from the damp concrete and yelling across the Arlington quad, “Good morning, Joe!” Sights: ______________________________Sounds: _____________________________ Smells: ______________________________ 1. Boring Sentence: Visiting the beach is awesome. Sensory details added: ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________ Sights: ______________________________Sounds: _____________________________ Smells: ______________________________ 2. Boring Sentence: The cookies were good. Sensory details added: ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________

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What are sensory details?

Which are the 5 senses?

Sensory details allow the reader to put themselves into your story mentally by forming a picture in his/her mind. Without sensory details, the reader becomes bored and cannot emotionally connect to the story. Sensory details include words that describe sights, sounds, and smells of the setting, characters, and interactions.

Instructions: Create powerful, image-creating sentences by taking the “Boring Sentence” and adding sensory details.


Boring Sentence: It was a cold morning at Arlington High School.

New Sensory details added: The frigid morning air and dense gray fog did not stop Jane from inhaling the fresh smell of rain from the damp concrete and yelling across the Arlington quad, “Good morning, Joe!”

Sights: ______________________________Sounds: _____________________________

Smells: ______________________________

1. Boring Sentence: Visiting the beach is awesome. Sensory details added: ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Sights: ______________________________Sounds: _____________________________

Smells: ______________________________

2. Boring Sentence: The cookies were good. Sensory details added: ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Sights: ______________________________Sounds: _____________________________

Smells: ______________________________

3. Boring Sentence: Mom cooked dinner last night. Sensory details added: ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Sights: ______________________________Sounds: _____________________________

Smells: ______________________________

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4. Boring Sentence: The park was pretty.

Sensory details added: ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Sights: ______________________________Sounds: _____________________________

Smells: ______________________________

5. Boring Sentence: The mall was really crowded. Sensory details added: ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Sights: ______________________________Sounds: _____________________________

Smells: ______________________________


Study the past participle form of the verbs. Use your index cards to practice.

Complete the chart.

infinitive simple past past participle

be was/werebeat beatbecome becamebegin beganbet* betblow blewbreak brokebring broughtbuild builtburst burstbuy boughtcatch caughtchoose chosecome camecost costcut cutdo diddraw drew

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drink drankdrive droveeat atefall fellfeed fedfeel feltfight foughtfind foundfly flewforget forgotfreeze frozeget gotgive gavego wentgrow grewhang hunghave hadhear heardhide hidhit hithold heldhurt hurtkeep keptknow knewleave leftlend lentlet letlie laylight* litlose lostmake mademean meantmeet metpay paidput putread readride rodering rang

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rise roserun ransay saidsee sawsell soldsend sentset setshake shooksteal stoleshine shoneshoot shotshow* showedsing sangsink sanksit satsleep sleptspeak spokespend spentspring sprangstand stoodswear sworeswim swamswing swungtake tookteach taughttear toretell toldthink thoughtthrow threwunderstand understoodwake* wokewear worewin wonwrite wrote


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Directions: Underline the correct verb in these sentences.

1. Sally (run, runs) to the park every day.

2. The dogs (bark, barks,) at strangers.

3. Ted and Mary (is, are) going to the movies.

4. The game (was, were) exciting.

5. They (worry, worries) too much.

6. She (study, studies) every night.

7. Black or white (is, are) your choice.

8. That (was, were) incredible.

9. Those (is, are) pretty shoes.

10. The cat or dog (is, are) in the yard.

Directions: Put a C if the sentence is correct, an X if it is not correct.

1. ___ They have been waiting a long time.

2. ___ The pen or the pencil are lost.

3. ___ Someone don’t understand.

4. ___ Those has been cheaper in the past.

5. ___ Randy and Juan like sports.

6. ___ These are really special.

7. ___ You rides with me.

8. ___ All of them goes to school.

9. ___ Tony likes Mary.

10. ___ That movie was awesome.


Expresses the idea that something occurred before another action in the past.• I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai. • I did not have any money because I had lost my wallet.


The train left when I reached the train station. (I saw the train)The train had left when I reached the station. (I didn’t see the train)

• We can use it with BECAUSE to explain why something happened.She was mad because he had yelled at her.

• Use BY, BY THE TIME or SINCE for time phrasesBy the age of 23, he had invented lots of machines.

Write the verb either in SIMPLE PAST or PAST PERFECT TENSE:

1. I ………………………. (worry) a lot about her before I ……………………….. (hear) that she was safe.2. I I didn’t like the flat. It …………………….. (be) much smaller than I ………………….. (think) at first.3. He told us he ………………………….. (shoot) a big tiger.4. They ……………………….. (drink) tea after they ………………………………. (finish) dinner.5. She ……………. just ……………….. (fold) the pink apron and placed it in a table drawer when the door

…………………………… (open) and Joe ………………. (enter).6. The police wanted to know why he …………………………….. (bring) a gun to school.7. After he ………………………………. (work) at the hospital for two years he ………….. (decide) to give up the job.8. When I …………………………. (arrive) at the party John ……………. already ……….. (go) home.9. We ………………………… (wait) until the match …………………………….. (finish).10. They …………………………… (leave) the room before the meeting …………………… (finish).

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11. I ……………………………….. (buy) a new camera before I …………………. (go) to London.12. I ……………….. just ………………… (turn off) the lights when the telephone ………… (ring).

Write the verbs either in SIMPLE PAST or PAST PERFECT TENSE. Then draw the timeline for each sentence.

1. …………. he …………….. (know) her for a long time before they ……………………… (get) married?

2. He ………………………………. (drive) down the hotel where they ……………………. (spend) their honeymoon years ago.

3. When we ………………………… (get) to the station the train …………………………... (already / leave).

4. He …………………………. (sit) at a table by the window where he …………………….. (have) a meal with Jane.

5. Why ………………. he ………………… (not / ask) her to wait and think again before she ………………………….. (leave) Paris.

6. He was wondering why he ………………………………… (let) her leave so easily.

7. He knew he ………………………………… (earn) that money with a great difficulty.

8. After they …………………………… (go), he …………………….. (sit) down and ……………………… (light) a cigarette.

9. He ………………………….. (have to) go to work by bus because his car ………………. (break) down.

10. He …………………………… (angry) before he ……………………… (hear) my offer.


For periods of time Since The moment when something started

I have been waiting _____________________4 o'clock.Sue has only been waiting_____________________20 minutes.Tim and Tina have been learning English_____________________ six years.Fred and Frida have been learning French_____________________1998.Joe and Josephine have been going out together r_____________________ Valentine's Day.I haven't been on holiday _____________________last July.

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Mary has been saving her money _____________________many years.I haven't eaten anything _____________________breakfast.You have been watching TV _____________________hours.We have been living here_____________________2 months.


For what kind of situations do we use WILL / WON’T?

Write 2 examples.

For what kind of situations do we use AM/IS/ARE + GOING TO + VERB ?

Write 2 examples.

For what kind of situations do we use PRESENT PROGRESSIVE?

Write 2 examples.

Put the words in the correct order.

1 will Simon do what ? ______________________________________________________________________

2 escape will Robbie ? ______________________________________________________________________

3 an argument they have will . ________________________________________________________________

4 at the Robbie pool club be won’t . ___________________________________________________________

5 be he where will ? ________________________________________________________________________

6 won’t Simon Robbie shoot . ________________________________________________________________

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Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1 Have you ever/never been camping with friends?

2 No, I haven’t been camping with friends already/yet.

3 Yes, I’ve already/yet been camping with my friends.

4 Have you finished the book ever/yet?

5 Yes, I’ve just/yet finished it.

6 Have you ever/yet been to London?

7 No, I’ve ever/never been to London.

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Complete the conversation with just, already, yet, ever and never.

JULIE: Hi Mum! I’ve (1) ___________________ arrived in Santiago.

MUM: Santiago? Where’s that?

JULIE: It’s the capital of Chile.

MUM: Have you been to Argentina (2) ___________________?

JULIE: No, not (3) ___________________ , but we’ve (4) ___________________ visited Ecuador and Peru.

MUM: You’re so lucky.


MUM: Well, I’ve (5) ___________________ been to Peru or Chile.

JULIE: Have you (6) ___________________ been to Argentina?

MUM: No dear, you know I’ve (7) ___________________ been to South America.

JULIE: You should come with me. I’ve (8) ___________________ decided I’m coming back next year.

MUM: I don’t know dear. It’s a long way to travel.

Write sentences and questions using the prompts.

Example: you / ever / go / to / the USA / ? Have you ever gone to the USA?

1 you / ever / go / skiing / ? ___________________________________________________________________

2 you / finish / your homework / yet / ? _________________________________________________________

3 she / just / visit / her friends / . ______________________________________________________________

4 I / already / meet / a famous person /. ________________________________________________________

5 you / ever / write / a poem / ? _______________________________________________________________

6 I / never / go / bungee-jumping / . ____________________________________________________________

7 I / not / be / on TV / yet / . _______________________________________________________________

8 you / ever / win / a competition / ? ________________________________________________________

Each sentence has one mistake. Use proof reading marks to correct the sentences.

1 She has won her first race five years ago.

2 She has been running for she was twelve.

3 When have you start your new job?

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4 She has broke lots of records.

5 I’ve dreamt of winning a medal since a long time.

6 I been skiing last year.

7 I started learning English for a long time ago.


Complete the plot chart about the book Dracula.


Which modal verbs do we use for speculation?

Which modal verbs do we use for obligation?

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Which modal verbs do we use for lack of obligation?

Which modal verbs do we use for deduction?

Read the things Sandy could and couldn’t do when he was ten. Write sentences about Sandy.

When Sandy was ten …Example: 1 Swim ✔ He could swim. / He was able to swim. 2 Ride a bike ✔

3 Play the guitar ✘

4 Speak French ✘

5 Play tennis ✔

6 Solve difficult math problems ✔

Choose the correct modal verb to complete each sentence.

1 When I was young I couldn’t / didn’t manage to swim.

2 I could / managed to play the piano when I was five.

3 I could / managed to pass my exams last year.

4 I could / was able to answer all the questions in the exam.

5 I didn’t have to study / needn’t have studied English at school.

6 You really couldn’t have / needn’t have done that, but thanks anyway.

7 In the future everyone will have to / won’t be able to learn Chinese.

Complete the sentences with these words. Use each word only once.

1 It ___________ be Colin. I’m certain it’s him.

2 It ___________ be Colin, but it ___________ also be John.

3 It ___________ be Colin because Colin doesn’t speak French.

Which sentences in the previous exercise show that something is:

a) possible b) impossible c) certainly true? Write a, b or c next to each sentence.

Can’t could might must

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Complete the dialogue using the correct words in italics.

HOST: What’s the capital city of South Africa? Is it Cape Town, Pretoria or Johannesburg?

PAUL: Mmmm, that’s difficult. What do you think John?

JOHN: I don’t know. It (1) could/must be Cape Town.

DIANA: No, it (2) can’t/must be Cape Town because that’s on the coast and I’m sure the capital city isn’t on the coast.

PAUL: Yes, you’re right. So it (3) can’t/could be Pretoria or Johannesburg.

JOHN: Can we have a clue?

HOST: Yes, okay. It isn’t Johannesburg.

PAUL: Then it (4) could/must be Pretoria.

HOST: That’s right. Here’s your next question.

Which is the longest river in Europe? Is it the Volga, the Nile, the Danube or the Rhine?

PAUL: Well, it (5) could/can’t be the Nile because that’s in Africa.

JOHN: And I know the Rhine is shorter than the Danube, so it (6) can’t/must be that.

PAUL: I don’t think it’s the Volga. Is that in Europe?

DIANA: Yes, it is. So it (7) could/can’t be the Danube or the Volga.

PAUL: Can we ask for another clue?

HOST: Yes, the river doesn’t go through Hungary.

DIANA: Then it (8) can’t/must be the Volga because the Danube goes through Budapest which is the capital of Hungary.

Choose the correct modal verb to complete each conversation.

MARIAN Why are you doing that?

JADE I thought I (1) had to / don’t need to.

MARIAN No, you really (2) mustn’t / don’t have to, it’s not part of your job.

ROB Hey! What are you doing?

PETE Sorry, I thought I (3) had to / don’t have to photograph it.

ROB No. You (4) don’t have to / mustn’t do that. You’re not allowed to take photos in here.

JACKY Did you see that story about the man who got lost in the desert for ten days?

RICK Yes, his family (5) must / could have been very worried.

JACKY What (6) must / could have happened?

RICK I don’t know. But he (7) can’t / might have been properly prepared.

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• To talk about an action that will be in progress in the future. Will be + ing

In 5 years I will be learning to drive. / This time next year, I will be living at my new house.

Future Perfect• To talk about something which will/won’t have finished by a certain time in the

future.Will / won´t have + past participle

By 2020 I will have finished High School. / By 2030 I will have gotten married.

Use FUTURE PERFECT TENSE:1. By next February I ……………………………………………… (write) my third book.2. I hope you ……………………………………………. (not / forget) my name by tomorrow.3. By next week we …………………………………………….. (redecorate) the house.4. Next July she …………………………………………… (be) dead for ten years.5. I hope I ……………………………………………… (not / make) a lot of mistakes in this exam

when I finish it.6. By the end of this year I ………………………………………… (drive) more than 100,000

kilometers with this car.7. I hope it ……………………………………………. (stop) raining before the match starts.8. I ……………………………………………. (have) an operation when you turn back.9. By this time next week I …………………………………………………. (marry).10.The tropical rain forests ……………………………………………. (disappear) in thirty years.


1. Tom and Ann are going to the cinema. The film begins at 7.30 and it is already 7.20. And it will take them 20 minutes to get there. When they get there, …………………………………………… (the film / already / start

2. Jim always goes to bed at 11 o’clock. Tom is going to visit him at 11.30 this evening. When Tom arrives, …………………………………………………….. (Jim / go / to bed)3. Tom is on holiday. He has very little money and he is spending too much too quickly. Before the end of his holiday, ……………………………….. (he / spend / all his money)4. Chuck came to Britain from the US nearly three years ago. Next Monday it will be exactly three years since he arrived. Next Monday ………………………………………… (he / be / here / exactly three years)6. Next year is Ted and Amy’s 25th wedding anniversary. They …………………………….. (be married) for 25 years.7. Jane is from New Zealand. She is traveling around Europe at the moment. So far she has traveled about 1.000 miles. By the end of the trip, ……………………………………….. (she / travel) more than 3.000 miles.

Make sentences with WILL BE –ING:

1. I’m going to watch television from 9 until 10 o’clock this evening. So at 9.30 …………………………………………….

2. Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to play tennis from 3 o’clock until 4.30. So at 4 o’clock tomorrow I ………………

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3. Jim is going to study from 7 o’clock until 10 o’clock this evening. So at 8.30 this evening he ……………………………

4. We are going to clean the flat tomorrow. It will take from 9 until 11 o’clock. So at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning ……………………………………………

5. Tom is a football fan and there is a football match on television this evening. The match begins at 7.30 and ends at 9.15. So at 8.30 this evening …………………………………………………………

6. Don’t phone me between 7 and 8. ………………………………………….. (we / finish) dinner then.

7. A: Can we meet tomorrow afternoon? B: Not in the afternoon. ………………………………………………… (I / work).

8. Do you think ………………………………………………….. (you / still / do) the same job in ten years’ time?