TWI VOLnj[R 8, Nli.MBIOli 84. D lH of IIOiPIAI Threo Oonviots £scapod fro Oregon FoBitenUary For* Youths in Fool<£oom to Dri^ ------------------------^ t o ^ - r e - p o r t i i f f l a y - H i m r t h In ' Parm“ Hooso; Ready 1 Shoot to ’Kill. ■ •• •. rOIlTLAND, Ore.. Aue. 18—SrnrcJi f< ‘Tom Murray, Jnmrn Wlllmi nml IOII: worlil Kolly. o*cu|>ctI Snlini emivlei nml inHrdtTOM toilay turiii-d lo I'or luml wltnre llio tlirou (JoHiiormloon wi-r liiiown to be lilillnv. . Pollen Ipnrnrd ilipy mndi' thrlr wu liuro iMt niKhl. nftcr fnrcInK C. I Nuwinnn, a /unncr, lo hide' tlirm I liln homo nil day yoHU rtlny .iieni',Ori ton .Clly. Nowiimn nal<1 tlioy forccd four me U.drlvo Uiom n> liln liomu whi rv ilic put up for tlio <lo/. olmvlDK and cm InR ht-Brllly. .Tlivii Juhl oh dnrk tlii' forccil Nowmnn'v non to drive tlicm i I'oriland wlioru ho left llicm-lii th boitn or ilM bunlncKK dlntrlct. Lawmnco Jucobn, hto WJJm*. O tt Luclit nnd Joi<. L.lch(<>. llm convict) prtioQflni. worn kliliiiipnil . from pool 'room nt Monitor iit 2 a. n Monilftv nnd forci'd lo tnko thn dcf pcrnao«ii townrd J'orllnnU. of tho Nowmnn liomp, forclnc ull t 'remnin lu.tha houan .until nl G:C p. ni.. tlio convleta look L^kKo Now tnnn und Iilii friond lui'.hontnnvn ntii drovo townrd Portland! Nuwmati muilc no roport until nr rlvloK homo, fonrfut of tliroalcnp duath If hn told nulhorlllcu. Murray nnd tho olhcr convict talked In morry vein of llm chiui und InURtiiHl nl blimdurs of tlio ponin In Iho Waldo IIIIU country, Nu»mai "They wero nil licn'tlly' nrmod nm doaporata. They nrHwVnt dAyllch and deitjboded a >ddln]M>co. tnylm th n t,my .family, would nfi bo harm cd'.rDlMi wo ttttempte/ tn botro] ttio in / Nowmnn r«iK)riwi.“ " ’WU tiui •. tij'Icea-Xbo 'thrM conTlct* and tbcli four piiionem nil dny.“ '•'LctUe , Newmnn. J7. who, drovi thoy pM*«l wJthla thrco fcot ot « policeman on tho OroKon Clly brlds* acroBH tho Wlllamutto river. Thi officer mndo nd movo. I^^Htlo aatd but tho denporadocn wcro ready will Ihelr eutia. Whon Uie convlctii left the car Ui» lioya *eUd. tbey pul their cunK Jr nitcka u na not to nttrocl nltcnlton Nol knowlnc tho atreola. the boy» woro unablo lo tell In which direc- tion tho dMPetvdocB ,fle<l. Fffiiiipis liiVcops _________ KnniM Oltr" Oontrttctor Wanted to aT H to iii Eyoi ol HI. Glpl ;Md H«i, rri«nd« BUgo ----------------- Ptarai7-.''Bllok-iipi'J-0<iiij»«» Plot. KAK8AS' CITV. Mo..* A«iK. IS—He- ----- --------- eMis*-b»-wmatad ia.b<i A.herc.la. (Iif cyci of-E Iftdy Irlend. Jlobcrt L. Dm - haxtr. 43, -contraclor wa* ^lield up” bytw6-lrlsnd».aad.jabbeiLaf.a-lllIia payroll w be jw lrt i^t .the^yro» In- iM t nUbt. n. U Jmkia* Md Oarrrtl OJJmrr were QUMtlOned by pol Icc U to Iholr ^ part tn the take holdup. De*hBicr Hnil told police two ban- dlla beld iilin <)p In Swope pnrk. atl- mlaI«ere<J knockout drop^ robbed him of the payroU and hit antomobllo. out ptaTSletans conid find no trmcrs of ltBoc»OUfdrop*.ln De«hatpr and h« aald the baBdllM took hla clolhlne and cave blm aa old pair of trouaere to DeteeUree. however found price tum oa itae tnuaere end Deeha»cr admit- ted he botitbt them a tew days before Ibe faka robbery'. Then he admitted the robbery was framtd. - ■ ' _________________tT p j. OrEBATE KABHfE WASamOTON. Ao». Jl-The Unit- ed Stataa ablppl&s board will take over>0^*rad0B of tbo infaai Anert* ean MvtAaSt nvlDe. lt‘(ot«!jm op- eraiofa .e«rr7 M tbetr tbrest to drlrs ___________ snalL Aasrtcaa compaiUM U > rots ibe-botrt AiiMuaeetf todar. . O’COimor smds.Ui's ttiUtaakt after the M thUwd deefdsd to asll atBale«r - to tbs Uport B»samsbl» eorpontioa for sppM lm atslr fl.000.000. Tbs cor- ponillod.barbe«& operttlnx tbs >blpa te UsdlttrraaMB and BUck 8«* porta. EMFJ r B. p. U Request Is Made of Patroiu in •i San Francisco Caf kl SAN FitANCISCO. Auc. 1R-"nrlf y _ your own ;1. of lorul cnfc-K imlay In thin city nr (<k'o mum Bdmnnltlonn wore uprlnuii • I up—“piny your own-fiddle" and "Jui 1 f tl (rlo your own tray.'’ I III About nil lhal fiai. Kroncli.cn offer. L iH In the wny of enierlnlnmeiii wa* I I I ptiico In which Vdii cuuld' onti-rtul youmelf. Junl Ihln wi'fk the tliuiiiron iilmu l.mcouKly announced ihey had "flrtV trom all union munlclaiiH, due lo n iiuunlilil cniiipenHttllon. orcp Thin wan f(dlnwo<l l.y the wnlkin out of tho wullcm In two nr ilii' eiiy blcKOBt nnd niOKt fnidilonabli' hotel m i‘i. (/iit'fliM nl tinir »()eclnl )uni:heo)i to l.noni- hold iier^-etlMhem(ielre« cnfr leritt Hlylo. Today thi> clly wnn hIIII nn nnnc cnmp no fnr nji nreimre<l aniuticmcr went—thn <lry nqiiail.-Ihe mURlclant I, and tire walli-m wern ptanrllnK pat. lOIln- ------------------------ o; i o i i w ifH i mum m III -------- Millionoiro Realtor Stirronndet by Chorus In Roof Garden u Young: 'Wbmon Want Plac- dew- I>cft Vacant by Mary Speas I to NHW YOUK. Aiic. IH-Rmnlhere'i C;SU With klHfK'H frnm iialnteil-faced clinr Incn who wanlud lo b<> adopted, I’M and '^'nrd W. llrownlnL', mllllnnairo "Cin derulla mnn.” flvd Iniit mldnlcht fron the root cnrden of ihe Hell CInIro ho .neii "'hero he ha* nn mmrtment. An noon n« tho renltor-B Jilentliy be , , camc known. h<t wim Hiirroundcd liy r ••‘Ct* flock of elclted ahnw Kirlii. who huK- iiimo ued and klHMCd hlfii and forccd him tr o««o dnnec a.fow elcpa. man -w on't you ndopt me, air. Brown' Incr "Oh plenne ailopl me, Mr nnd Brownlnitl” nnd ~0h, thoro'» ibe Clu- Ichl deretia mani'-wore oxclamatlona nl jrlns the clu»rus queen* who wanted to an- irni: ccnd thn throne which 31 >oar olij trny atary S p y wa* ol<»g«> to t-aca(o. holr , Soon other dlnem cauEht the .aplrll oU tio occasion and Joined In tho fun, Tho orchealra nlruck-up "If Thnfs thc Kind of a Olrl You Are." which waa 7*“ iiimTr"ia“imiiM^irf«n?AK3a(-"“ ' ' ' dee cmbarraMtd, Ilrdwnlnr tried _? to breal* throUKh the cordon of younu women, bill they holil fnBl and* he "V*- could not hudse. Flnnlly bo turned to one of hi* com- panlnnn nnd aald: tlie "Now look whal you'vn Kot me Into.” Jn A ’Bhow kIH Induced the mllllonalro ton. lo danco. but Oa Uioy neared an exit, loy# HrownlhK broko nway itnd dlniippear- roc- ed. A ft'w minute* later bo drove awny from the hotel. Pacific Coast Base for Aircraft Now S o u g h t ][>y th e N a v y U WASHIKOTON, Auir. J8 -If Ihe nnvy dopartmohl "could take up Lakehural end llteraJly plaee It In Bon Dteeo. 11 would do tl tomorrow." Secretary ot ^ ihc_NaYi_JVllbur_il£clarc(l,.today, ro-: 3U affirming hla belief that a touiheni California base should be cwtabllahed for llRhter than olr crafi of tbo navy. Wilbur declared, howerer, tbal the M l pr«aent-oircumuonca»-maka,-tb»-pro- Ject Impractical. There la no appro- priation available for conHtructlnR a. hancar at San Dlrso nnd anyaiepa In furlheriuico of Ibe propoeal 'would be n*. up to conitre#*.. tlif ____ Univ^sity oTWyoming 15ft - - G i r l * —T u m b le--O v e f cnii Precipice; Injurgd r.AfU.vrn. wyo,. aoc. is-.wim o'f F.IUaboib-,WlWsma and Mina I-HheJ Thayer, atudenu In thi| Unlvemlty of in- Wyomlnjc. aro autferinB from lnJur|o« »d- loday auAtaJned yeaterday wheiT they >ed both liunbled over a nesr precipice In llo. the Medicine Dow rann. - - of Miaa Thayer had climbed lo the top hs of a alope that.waa nearly perpendlc- Ue >ilar-wb«B-*he ioet-twr-hold-sad-fen ind down the mountain aide, to MUa Willlama had rmcbed the'top — o f - t h e m r s n d tJp©»*eelBir-»be pll*hV un of ber eompaqion. became hytterint: lit. loat her balanee oDiibe edce and W l ^re down tbe cliff after ber. i(Ki •. ------------ : COMPMIXT IS nismssED. WASHINQTON. D. C . Afls,. 1>,~ The Interatote comtaeres oommUsSon — laaiii «uinu*M k-iuivua-inss ,l(. Saa Dleico CbiBber. of Coounsrot j(o acaltut carrier* aeeklos tfr sstsMlib rt- >)lnl ratss and ccminodttj raUs tq jp. cover throng natea betwssn Or*^ Irs Koti snd' CalUorela polata aad . sll Its U rritorj by w u D Cntra aad ■Dt SM DUm:---- V ' ---------------------- ------ 1^- ADKITS m r TOBE it'irBDES es —pHnuSSCPRtft^Aw-'M^-noa. loa HsAvor: 47.' sornadarsd to tbs »r- PtiUdslpM s poUes lats tbls aft«r> Ipa aooa aad coafsased to tbs nntfsr ta. ot Mss norsacs Kaas oC BrooUTk " ' . TWIN T'ALLS, II J j HTKl-k^WU, (JAIMM; in WASHINGTON. Anc. 18-Coni , - lion of fifty-five conntlcM III’llu-iii'i .ate recount loilay «nve Dnulel F, Siei tolnl nf 22S,IC!) nnd Si'iuitor i^nilili Drmikharl Jll,7Ca. Hrlns MnnlKomery anil Onreoln coun n Hi» weriUho Inat two cont|)leied. ' iW inr ThUH lar l.l'ou blecK oiiuoin am t nml oof oroouhnrt balloin hnvo Ijeeii < nulnic iMtcd. "JuK- ------------------------- ^:?MiDENllST s iROER mmi i JUEliCIi niicd Of SeloCtlDff 12 'lariH^ H ear Qhargea Against “ Sei ■a". ■ tifio Slayer” Gets Under Wi i>ontJ> Ponnlty to Bo Asked i.os ANnicj.ns. auk. is- xin- t lou»'tn»k nf .HclerilnK’n Jury for II Irlnl of Dr, Tlinnm* W, VoniiK. iJ ciixcd nf th« ili'Ulnl k:ib nlayliiK nf 11 InieuHful tfoelPiy wife. »!rnce (iroi YmiUK. contlnuod to.I.iy In iiup.'i M courl huro..' I' Atlorneyii for the nefu»od iMn A ludlcnleil by their aui''‘Ho'>l«K “f I»f .U pc-ptlve Juror* that Ihey would deavor l<> prove nol only ilml Ynunc I* Iniinni'. liut alno Hint hin u i.Ia/1 «ni't itealh from eauiieti other tl thoHe ehnrced. ' den- Slnl'-’a nll»rncyi> In thidr i|Ufiillc ' to llu- inlemni'n mmle eerlain tl 'laco Ihert' would bo no piejudle.' ni:al Ihe (Ipalh pemilly uu the )>aii of i leas. murder jury. ____ befuro tho Yoim«^^lrl»l^'lM ttlveii *Kd- '"s^i'ren of wllneniie* lmsi> lice iiKi •rin pfxmaed by both the prtmeeullnii n from “ i« n ’" ' "■‘■""i lm. ovor Dr. Yoinm'ii nieniul <-<indlilon expected l<> be n hlch HkM <>f the |i . 1 ,^. ci-edlncB, Epidemic of Liquor Ppisoning Results m "' in NuinHer of Rai< cm- , __ [onl BAN FRANCISCO,'Auc. Ifi-Adol old Nealorl wo* under nrrenl here lod , snd anolber man wan Bounhl by i __ _ thorltle* nil n ronult of n rnId on nirli olJ time "iJnruai'y DllMl'" li'.upiPf fun JowIUB’ an "opldemlc" of llatior po i.ihn onloK amonB Prealdlo Holillern. . rodernJ prahlbitlon axcntn nnd nn -In,I raid, which Bent 16 "dunce bnll clrl Bcurrylnr Ih to tho Bireet. . 1,5 Ono of the soldlera found polaon by bad lltjiior ban been iinronHcIo n„ alnco Saturday. Analynl* ot llqu waa aald to dlscloen n larao pereet ase of wood alcohol, Ireated-wlih Ilf alro to ““ "r t h e j a a t e _ _ _ car- Bandit Scares Boy wny Into Unconsi:iou8nei DEy>*VER. Colo.. Aup. IS-O rder' by a bandit In hi* homo here In tilKbl, to "iclve me everyihlnc . you’ sot." Diirrell Menchnm. JO. fainted ai WOB In. a 8cinl<onaclous atnlo f v y more than nn bour. Ho flpally recovered nufflclenlly erawl to a telephone nnd knock ll receiver off. Telephone operaloi brarlnK hla Rroana c«lle<l tho poII« ’ot ro-;__.- ......- - - bed - O ~ ivy. •«, c\ tw ;.r ' ^ ej .... ... y. sd ______________ of ■lot M ' top ' ' ^ fell — ^ ------------ S- -------------- ........ rot . % iT 'iflilM T i Ub , -I- i. _________ ■OS. . . ft tbs . J «r> ^ ' l i ^ I ; U M IDAHO, TUESDAY, 'AUG a c fiL i ■Ith W. sOMiGi/illi NOI;S™ Niivy Air Expedition in Senrcl ’p i^ 0 f Undiscovered Cotitineni j^lJ Mny Bo ^^Uandoncd, Accordin( to Now Woflhington Itidicii 12 to Sccrotnry Asks foi Scion- . W .\SIII.\(;r()N. I). f , . ’ An,:. is.- Ited. Mlie.Mlllaii navy a ir .•vperlMli.i; In c'aroh of itn iindl»r(ivereil Arefle eniltlnent ceui.e!e>i»|y l.nffrte.l l.y ii.l. ,. ted- '■'■f'"’ ■■■ '''"<•’1"". lil all |iroI.al.;li:> ,l„, will I,., .ahanOiMU'd tbla i.c- ._ eordlnj; lb hldieinliinH lictro ioilav*. 'iit bli> A nidlo dInp.iK-li wan ncnt to ijeu- iroi;iiTi teiiiiiil Co...... llyrd. Iead<-r o( ip.Tl.ii- llie iiiiviil flyer:! l.y .Sccrclary of .Ihn N'tivy \VlIl.iir, tiirlay iudiliiK t..|- a le. Iflnlli'l jiort on weallM-r condlllniiii imrl ’ pro... wh.llier IJyrd l.elle.vcd It wan worlli I en- wlillu to eonlliiiK'. the atlein,,t. L w\t<' Uadl« fnmi Uynl. than At Ihr' natm- tliae a radio w.ii. ........ frnui.Jlyrd Iml not In rc|ily 'iitliinn l<> Wllliur'n rnmo. iiaylu:: .ihal iinU'KH tliat till' flyeni rtci.' favored i.j exeep- calnnl tionidly Kood wratlier i’<iaillll,il;i’ . tlH' of Ihe lenialo'h'r or thl» w.-.-lc. the ii:«l„i'l- ed fllrlilH over tlic t>oliir i.ean. woold L'o A ^i'liilU i-y^ tlie iriivy nml al. lIu' lufiTFrt' cie^raiilile •..iii.ty wlume •>fCIc:iaIy were ealled In liy \s:ill,iir liffoie dl»|iatrlilnK Itie iv/lio Ki llyrd " wan Ihnl llie flliilil woul.I lie rall.-l i"” *;'’ off anil Ihnt Ihe e»i..-,ll:iou• woold ' Inimedlatrly b.lik-lraek. to ciirry out ’’ tlio other portlonn of lli<< .-xi.e.ll- tionury prosrani In the un-'liarl-d nrtfi nf llaftln lidnnil wlilrli llrs to tbo,went nt noiithern Rrel'iiliiiid. From tlio nliitl.the expedition h.-in encountered n' m-rleii nf uuforcneen _ ; J - diffleultliin wbleb havo cnuned dolny In plimti. Flmt tbo fblpii rnn nhort of. fuel dolpli and Imd ler connume moVe time tbnn lo.lay wan orpected In flllinc Ibo hunkern. y BU- Thfn upo nnrrlvnl nl Ktah »peclal 'an ;ii»i[orniH had In bo POlfi- nnsemblod: ' ' ' ' • From Aiietinl when the planeii fln- nlly woro launched until ^thn pri^n- EtriB” puvore than iiiiutil at Ihln llmo dor- , lnc< the Xrcllc iiuinninr. llnpredenl- LrinMii •'tin'n'cr nnow« nnd'foci* bave hnm. Iniinr pered' opcratlonii. •Tnu -The perlo.1 durlns which the fllorfl llmo believed the wcnther would penult nir explorntlona exidrtn Aui;unl 2r.. . whon the nildnlRbt nun Ik^ kIob m wnne. Aflor’ Hint dnle condltlnnn will bo much worao thnn [vl preitent. less (iinCACO. aur. is.—Tu-Nu-Kn- . PlnK-Wn and* hU Arctic Oleo elub. derVd compelled of the oldcut klloulo plny- Iniil era and nlncerfl In Orecninnd, will ou’ve add their wiilla to tho litatlc rldlnit J and h 40<nieter wave lenctl) Wudnendny tor nisht from 10 to 12 o'clock enntorn •Cnntlanf (Imp. a me««aR*» rccclriHl by ly to the iCenllh Itadio corpornUon oxperl- « Ibo mental .alallon horo .from the Muc- jlors. - —— lice. (Continued OS Pafe Three.). TUNING HERJUP~ S i ? '*( . inma&innK- i f Eu HFHEI»«ES 1 J odTflii Tifass . . ___ ^ j __ [LT T JGUST IS. 1925; 1 iiriisD.v ,\i; u x ci ts inik i;, \1 \ inrrmiiT, auk. i« .v.iditiniMi ilay liy Die IIiiil«.iu .\Iclo; .ntii- I II Nny; i.iakUu: ..... fouilh <Ici»ii- liy i ward reUHloii In v^litilu a >:>r, on Ibc Kxxev ......... aiul llml- - r\ '>"0 nuirli. nnd fl-io ,m ili,. i.r.Kifi :iail l,ri)U!;liani. •^DRyAGENIS OF . ? -UNIIEO SIAIES ding , ProUtbition .•:Pcp” ‘R 'a ll^ f Fed- IS,—' ci'al Dircclors Opens Ln Wash- ington; NcwBpapor Men Are chiiscd. Out gf "Meeting. .. .......... I'li.'in .Sla/f roriei.i.,m.lei.t.l " . WA.'^JHINtlTllN, Am;. l,S- T lir |iio- hlhliiiiii •■ii.-i," rally .u' f.'deial div.v- lon. from oil iiartx <.r the .•..iiiitiy " • OIUIUHI lit the' .......................if th-' 'la- ‘">'1 terl.ir dei.artinent tiere thl» i.iornin;:. While f.; M'liUinal elilefn iirrvnii»ly i»|iilriiled In Ilieir clialrn. uniiiire of Wbat ll ua;> all a1>i>UI>aliil iliuerlnlii a.n w.iH to wlie>tier Ihev ulll rnullnile lo Iiold ,,,.ly Ihelr jiil.n. I.laroln. I'... Atl.lir^.., li. « lU 'KH '‘‘'y ezur. ehiKied iie\«H|iifliiriui'u fioin 'fii- mom ami r;.lle.l tbc i-.-,;afim In ,],,, Order. . |„,.|. Tbe iiltltu.lc of the delej;ul.:i al the ,,.,1,1 eoiiveiitlon waa niaiilfeitl by A, I.. Al- len. ......................... of I'lorldii. II,.,. army <iffli er to lake lay jiol.." he wlitii- Perrd, "Kimw aiiyllilnK aboui It’” NnbcHly did. , Afler hiildliu: iieparale coiifereiireii ‘ ' will, iitute illreeloin and dhlidoiiul "I. Kroup IieuijH. Andiewii called the rally of Ibe VoUlead law elifoicern lo oul- line Ilia decelilraMr.atlcmy plan wlileh KOCH Into ert.Tt m liKH Hum two weekh, AndrowR baa coiiipleled lllH re-or- I'-’)" i;nnlv:ntlnu plana whieh lire nebedult d leen to CO Inio elfect September 1. Tbe new i>biy 21 QcKloiuil admlnl:<lralnrn bnve been lenlatlvcly «elwted by tbe dry crai' fuel and aniicmueemenl of Hie pt-i jmnnul in bnn '-•xpeeled In n few iloyii, „pn. Sevornl of the dry oftlclulii atlendlnu cllll the "coiivenllou" lodny nre re|iorteij nn >>< tor liroliiutlon lo Iho re;;- ..,i,i |lunnl dlieetor rank. ' ________. r” n- Woman of Sixty Is lortr- — Sufcide;-:Hang8-!^lf- n[- with Cord to Bed DKNVKIl. Colo., Auit: 18-MIkk .Ma- rlo Srhaefcc. Cl», eurout.i IhrooKb here : ”*‘t frotn l.oa Aucelea lo-riiiclnnatl. eom- , -*’• milled «ulcl<le by hnnclnis hernelf to to n bedpoHl loiil nlKbl. ll became known lnnn here todnj- wlih the flndlns of her cut, body. Ill henllh wnn tboucht lo have been Ka- tbo cauiK' for ihr octloi^i ’ . tub. A nnlo left oddreHiuH'To Mm, l»ulnc , Iny- Kinnke, 17iiK lllsblnnd avenue. (’In- , will clnnotl. whom MIsn Sclmi'fer van ber ! Unit lloved nn her way to vlnll. rniked thnt ' dny ber liody bn erriitntcd and Ihnl ber ‘ om peraonal eftectii be turned cvor to by Mr*. JCIanVe. * ' orl- The'woman bnd tied Ibo cord from luc- n bathrobe aboui her neck, faalened ll lo a bedponrivnd fallen from ihc b«d. pollco aald, . ' ______________ , I ----- ------ ------ ----- - ------------- ------- - J .... •> i W ' II H ll J y _____ ^ ■; » ' £ ; ^ ^ ! J mm Heiress Missing in > Southern California Police Begin Search '• I."S A.N'CKI.KS, r.iI., .\uc is — '-m ia ll .MeK,-.-, :i;. ;ll,l I........ t.rlr- '■ I'.' .1 I-I^t-'I- I,Illl,'I- 111 .\I.|.H,..I||! W l'. t < l l n " h . .................. . '■ '1'. Ii vji.filitc adOc r.! Ii ....."vvi i,-il- r-ln .>,,11,1111/1, > M..T,.|| ||„. H.I l.:.il ........... I Hi" .„„| .............. tlc-,l,^.-,|, M'l,......... . [„ I.„. lr:iH,M| Ml:,,, M,-|<l, . ' ‘‘i, al tl,.' I';i',:i.|in.i V. W. i'. .\. lu,. a;;ci. h.i^,' I., i i, ,„1, ,lMe to n,ic.. Ii,'i ...... . ,TI,.-. ■Til.' i^ill Ir. :.r,I.ln/. I'l .i\'il,l III.' iiOTiLEIIER i .FROM BiOlI IS ; I SEHIECIE; Tlirt;iitcTia Two Mon WhQ_Hcl]it!d | v "f in Capttirc of Chapman; Polico! iiid Slil'l‘Barfleil an to Wlicrcalioulsj of Man Suspecleil of Double |i' Slitying. t . . f' il:i. INDIANAl’OMS. An.; .Is Many ' ....................................■'-•'ll ............................... til- cl to lie f,„ii, lii.ir,;.' "In,h i," Amir,- non. ineiuli.T.iir II,.'millaw i ;,n;: lira,I- .'d by Ceral.j I'halimaii. An,Imw,,, l i ' '.'•I luiuclil for ih.- inni.li r of .Mi. aad ’’ lul .Mrx. llm llanee neitr Mim.tt li>,l [' lly i'VWay. ' .11- •'"Kliii: eom.'» flr«l. ibeii yoti.'i ili,' ‘‘ eh letler rca.l. ‘'Von Lad bi'.l,'r niaki' : th. your pc-;.ee tvllh C.xI. I'm In 1o\mi.- Jl'. The Ictl.T WBK Hidie.I -Duteli'' 1,1,.I '' .d wnn nmlleci In Indlauaiiollr,, •w . Tbe "KJuK" rif.irr.'d lo In ih.' I. itcr " en to Weliifler In ii|ipareiilly W, J. Klni:, ;p ” ar deiccllve nl l-iiluiiibiiK, Olilo, in Klni: al.le.l In ihe urrei.t of on.i of iriiapman'n Kiinj; two yenrn a:;o and '• nu ban rccelveilu'iUiln the week iwo bt- ■' t.ij tor* nlKneil uud threaterilu^ him wllh dentJj. ' » -------- ll -------- lli:V )'ir T.ijl An,- IK—Fear that .S IIki ,lontf hrm of ileraUl (riinpuian. TT e.uivlcl.-d killer, mlulil.;, aiiiiln re.irh I oul. raimed polirn t<Mjay_lo lake ex* p IraordliiTrcy prerautlniiH to ' prnteH. w d wltneRi.r.i iniminoned' lo testify ,lt li the eoroner-» liiciUent Into llie mor- li • der of Heii III,ure nml biH, wife. iii a- I’olire i-tinrdn were atronk.l v,ll. re n<'iiH,eii aud tbe teiitlinony at tlie In- ii- .luoht will, brill K.icrel, to Wllil.' Ibe Inqiiosr wan In I'ros- |i '0 rri'ir, police ot Indi.ma and. Oldo w ir w.'re piiKbllu: a Imtit for Cenrcc II "Dutrh" Andcrfton. elinrced with Ink- It Inc pari In tho djwblo ulnylnK H Charleii T'Ono Arm”) Wolfe I" .uo- tt d.T arreni on ebarce nf havlnit <■ : helped Auderi.On exrciitc tbe couple ''' beraiino tbey betrayed, (thnpinan lo '' HKKICI:KS TUVINIJ t o I.OI'ATi: I i„ -ih:t« h- aniikh.sox Fon .«t itncff j ri.i:Vl':i.AM>. Oblo, Auc. 17-i:v(>r)' effort by police lo locale fi(;orx.' ~ "Dutch" Anderaon. nvencer nf tliVald nmpmnn In Ibe ulnylnc of Hnn Hanre - and hlB-wlf.*-aBar..Munalu..Ind.., iiad. _ proven futile today. KftoriB were redoubled by detrrtlvM laBt nlRbl followlnR hn nnonymon* !■ telephone call Ibnt he hnif be(n neru " in tnelnhbr Of the-^Iotri-riev.-und. Young Daughter of * Mathilda McCormick > Scores Suit Victory N _ JNDIAKAPOIJS. In.l.. Aur. IRtt ot • A-nitn •0i.7rr>ou»->;7rt,'nTCTm-0f~M;i. _uj Mrt.'omtlt'U ' 03JT^ir"TlernP. te Switzerland, ncored n victory Inday tl: over her sranrtmolber, E.|llh llofke- m feller McCormlrk. In a tilt In fed- pn efnl dlKlrlct court Invoinnc ST.BOO.. 000 nf a lru«l fund cre.iled by John u- T>. Knekefellpr, pi Jndce Daltxell orrrruled mollona qj by Ihe jtrandmnther ond Ihe Enull- able TniKt company of Nrw Vntk. „ trtutees of tbo fortuae In which _ thev poucht to Qua«h aorvlce of pro- ,1, ceiu aealnat- them. ^ The emndmn|b«r . claimed.—tha .1. eourrTia.) bo JurladictlflD Iff Ihe e^e. Tbe rtillnR of Judite Tlallddl „ FrlnRa IM caie within hia JuriiMllcr. ^ tlon. The ault WOl broucht for Anlla Oter by Harold F. McCormick, her rrandfalhrr to prevent the E^ulla- ble Trual comnanr trom nllocatliiR „ — tE6~T7XOTW(no fhe bohy a craad- tnolher aa Income derived from -lt* -j 000 aharsa ot atock of tbe SloadoH ^ Oil eompany ot ladlaaa. art aalde ta fg trust fund la HIT by Joha O. Roek- efeJJer. ' . yg ------- rOJ?U W KCWP T88HEEK u BOSTON. A«e.. IL—«crs'pptax tt ^ Ibe SOO ymmU rfesBtly aeflolnd f, frotn ths aUpslBC board by Hesry ^ TOrd wtn bs^dnas st bis Dssrbora tt' vs^ewlred’hsts rtdlsr of Kttasebosstta (or tb« Ftotd oOIc«B.la Dstralt. I p , S ' IBAllO'M'KATmm’. ' I'iilr and mll.l tonlKht Or.D VOIa XIII. .\0. f)5. JlERICi i f to M - m CHANNEL Gcrtni'.lo Ederle Coll.ipsc.'s W ith, ill Seven Milcn of Goal; Bad ,1,1 Wciillter and Conditions CatiscB Ab;i))tio;uiicut.of A tlcnipt. • < \i'i: i;k:;- Nirz. ' . <;-tiM„l,- IM. il,- ..Il1air,,li|„,| ahan- 'l"'|"l l..i.;.i',i.;ni 'o .................. Kn,;. ' 1i .li I liaiiti.'l ..li.iillN lii.foi,, r o elm-li <lil.. . .......... (ic,H..|,^(,y iyifiir:'|..ii weaKier^eondl- ........ 111'- •..'iiilH.. ..I ati. i !,|i.. had '•'‘"'''■I, dll' ...... . ...... ,,;li'l wa.i E ''........ . "■ 'I'lll ilft. r -sll.' «a'. .Miiiiiati'.l ......... .. ...M-n.l Ihr ............. .. from ji'ai.,' ililr. lo V.lll,||, nlxiut ■Hrvrll j,r!'.'flli'V(f?,,\'.''.\V“’’n^^^^^ . ,'a,i.. .;,i„ N,..' a, 7:10 „. m, CO rr'r,1 , lc I Iiu(f, l1r.| |(V li. avy ;i..;,i, ntiil iiia.le pro- vn- .B ..Illy ii JlJj r b . - tUlflriilly. The A.i„.ri.'..n ,:IVI ba.I ....... ,i^, ,-.il,l ualrrii nliniit .ii:lii li.ntni aiul fi.ity iiilniil.'ri xvlii'u tdic waH taken on liM.iid th.i 111:: - U l ............. . on ..lilcb ,;.|>i,i ini|iii'r and frl.'mU Im.l aeeoirt- '. ~»nmr':Tntir7-\rmr,'>r~TtTi»-T.-rrn\TrTrnm- ^ .T »l,i.'«a« din,iari.fin1 wllh MIhk I'kl, / |., rilr'ii nil'll,,,,J'.if tialnln«. had l-xpren..'- < . ,i| ..i| laeU nf eiiliriili n.'., »K kIii- mII.I frOOI V 1". lc ->ii the I'r.'n.'l, r„;,„r ||,|„ mnrn- V In.: and nil ont .hr.'rfnUy tor Kor- . lu all .miy tIv., m. n hnv,' nuceee.led . . In nwlniiatn.; the . banni'l. Nexl Tu.'R. ,lay wilt tl.' e.'l.'l.ratcl II,,. ftfili-ih an- iil%eriiniy of Ibe firm liii.-ccnnful at- ,r l.'iniil. Ibal of Cni.taln Malh.'W'Webb, on AVsnat Ji':., IKT.'I. i ,.f NKW YOUK, Auc. IK.—Gertrudn 1,1 Kd<'rl<''ii eollnpHo durlne her attem pt I. lo Kwlin thl’ KuKllxh channel today l^• wan due to, iiea alcknoHH, cauabd by . iiwallowlnit iiuantlllitH nf wnter la lll.l Heavy n.'an. the North American ll .SuwHimiKir Alllancu nnnouncodlo- b Tbe Americnn Rlrl aufferod no c- permanent 111 effeclB. howov(!r. nnd, rl. within hiilf;an bonr-Tinci'-BTw“wiur>—:— U laki'U aboard Ibo tus idle won able r- lo ..ll up on dock and-*al. a llRbtv meal. til.I annniinermcnl xald. 1^ T « 0 KlliI.Kll IN WKKCK KANSAS CITY. Mol. Auk, 18-T wo 5- inTnoni: were killed and Ibreo olhera lo w.'re Injured whon nn nulomoblle col- ic ll.lid witb a Inrce motor buB nenr {. her.' lam ululit. All were necrooa. K. notb enrii were dettlroyeil by flro when 1- the ;:af.ol(ne Innk of Ihc imialler one explo.le.l after the cra»h. • • ,, A half callon of cnm whUkey wa* 0 fnnnd In tlie wreekoKe of ibe nesroen' "im im r 1 CUM STORY a Dorothy Elilngson Hears At* '* Undants .,ot_..Inj^^ Tcsdfy for Prosecution In Trial for M urder of , Invalid. ' Mother. ^ ' ,, S.0^niANCISCO. Aur. 18.-Aa. r Othrr »lde ot tho pletUrp- was held i u n ri>~nn^tfiyy-nintTTBi»-^Aaitv th w Bt4 . lempla of tbe elalo to convict Ooror... r tby Clllnr*on. “}ait Rlrl."- o f tlfi' - murder of ber mother. Anaa Elllac- Experta tor Ihe proaMuUon. mala- ' ly .Irawn tram tbe Napa atate boa* pllnl whrre Dorothy waa coanaed » oa tni>.-uip after ber firrt trial, aad' * whero ahe wna later proaoaacsd Bane, were called. ' » There then, aroae. th(v ajiorasloM ' ■lluaUoa of a murder detesdsat . ■ i gadinc licit .faUty by rMMn Dt 1 b» --------- “ aoaJty,-- «wUtpir-*tflr«sUon-ot—ibs--------- '' word* of men brought late cAurt to > enavlct her of matrtcMs' bscsass '' tboj bellers bar aaae.. noe< Ifof BellFTS C)ifcTgSb . * •'Dot** dltncfon. doss not. bsUtrs. f never, baa belUrsd. ttat - laay c J jc f .> * dta<^M la e w U tiw ^ ^ .: : Slldsd cafes - » forth Utas a ad .lQ ^ jW l^ Ja v

T W IEM FJ mmS - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · I'oriland wlioru ho left llicm-lii th boitn or ilM bunlncKK dlntrlct. Lawmnco Jucobn,

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Page 1: T W IEM FJ mmS - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · I'oriland wlioru ho left llicm-lii th boitn or ilM bunlncKK dlntrlct. Lawmnco Jucobn,

T W IVOLnj[R 8, Nli.MBIOli 84.

D l H o f

IIOiPIAIT h re o O onv io ts £ s c a p o d f r o

O re g o n F o B ite n U ary For*

Y o u th s in F o o l< £ o o m to Dri^

------------------------^ t o ^ - r e - p o r t i i f f l a y - H i m r t h

In ' Parm“ H o o so ; Ready 1 ■ S h o o t t o ’K ill . ■

•• •.rOIlTLAND, Ore.. Aue. 18—SrnrcJi f<

‘Tom Murray, Jnm rn Wlllmi nml IOII: w orlil Kolly. o*cu|>ctI Snlini emivlei nml inHrdtTOM toilay turiii-d lo I'or luml wltnre llio tlirou (JoHiiormloon wi-r liiiown to be lilillnv.

. Pollen Ipnrnrd ilipy mndi' th r lr wu liuro iM t niKhl. n ftc r fnrcInK C. I Nuwinnn, a /u n n c r, lo hide' tlirm I liln homo n il day yoHU rtlny .iieni',Ori to n .Clly.

Nowiimn nal<1 tlioy forccd four me U .d rlvo Uiom n> liln liomu whi rv ilic p u t up for tlio <lo/. olmvlDK and cm InR ht-Brllly. .Tlivii Juhl oh dnrk tlii' forccil Nowmnn'v non to drive tlicm i I 'o riland wlioru ho left llicm -lii th b o itn or ilM bunlncKK dlntrlct.

Lawmnco Jucobn, h to WJJm*. Ott L uclit nnd Joi<. L.lch(<>. llm convict) prtioQflni. worn kliliiiipnil . from pool 'room n t Monitor iit 2 a. n Monilftv nnd forci'd lo tnko thn dcf pcrnao«ii townrd J'orllnnU.

of tho Nowmnn liomp, forclnc ull t 'rem nin lu . th a houan .u n t i l n l G:C p. ni.. tlio convleta look L^kKo Now tnnn und Iilii friond lui'.hontnnvn ntii drovo townrd Portland!

Nuwmati muilc no roport until nr rlvloK homo, fonrfut of tliroalcnp duath If hn told nulhorlllcu.

M urray nnd tho olhcr convict ta lked In m orry vein of llm chiui und InURtiiHl n l blim durs o f tlio ponin In Iho W aldo IIIIU country, N u»mai

"T hey wero nil licn'tlly' nrmod nm doaporata. They n r H w V n t dAyllch and deitjboded a >ddln]M >co. tnylm t h n t ,my .family, w ould n f i bo harm c d '.rD lM i wo ttt te m p te / tn botro] t tio in / Nowmnn r«iK)riwi.“ " ’WU tiui

•. tij'Icea-X bo 'th rM conTlct* and tbcli four p iiio n em nil dny.“

'•'LctUe , Newmnn. J7. w ho , drovi

thoy pM *«l wJthla thrco fcot o t « policem an on tho OroKon Clly brlds* acroBH tho W lllamutto r iver. Thi o fficer mndo nd movo. I^^Htlo aatd bu t tho denporadocn wcro ready w ill Ih e lr eutia.

W hon Uie convlctii le ft th e c a r Ui» lioya *eUd. tbey pu l the ir cunK Jr nitcka u na no t to n ttroc l nltcnlton Nol know lnc tho atreola. th e boy» woro unablo lo tell In which d irec­tion tho dMPetvdocB ,fle<l.

F f f i i i i p i sl i i V c o p s

_________ KnniM Oltr" Oontrttctor Wantedto a T H to iii Eyoi ol HI. Glpl ;M d H«i, rri«nd« BUgo


P lo t .

KAK8AS' CITV. Mo..* A«iK. IS—He------ --------- eMis*-b»-wmatad ia.b<i A .h e rc .la . (Iif

cy ci of-E Iftdy Irlend. J lobcrt L. Dm - h a x tr. 43, -contraclor wa* ^lield up” b y tw 6 -lr lsn d » .a a d .ja b b e iL a f.a - lllI ia payro ll w be j w l r t i ^ t . t h e ^ y r o » In-

iM t nU bt.n . U J m k ia * M d O a rrrtl OJJmrr

w ere QUMtlOned by pol Icc U to Iholr ^ p a rt tn th e take holdup.

De*hBicr H nil told police tw o ban- d lla beld iilin <)p In Swope pn rk . atl- mlaI«ere<J knockout d rop^ robbed him o f the payroU and h i t antomobllo. o u t ptaTSletans conid find no trmcrs of ltB oc»O U fdrop*.ln D e«hatpr and h«

aald the baBdllM took hla clolhlne and cave blm a a old pa ir of trouaere to

DeteeUree. how ever found p rice tu m oa itae tn u a e re end Deeha»cr adm it­ted h e bo titb t them a tew days before Ibe faka robbery'. T hen he adm itted th e robbery w as fram td . - ■'

_________________t T p j . O rE B A T E KABHfE

W ASam OTO N . Ao». J l - T h e Unit­ed Stataa ablppl&s board w ill take over>0^*rad0B of tb o in faa i A nert* ean M vtA aS t n v lD e . l t ‘ (ot«!jm op- e ra io fa .e«rr7 M tb e tr tb re s t to d r lrs

___________ sn a lL A a s r tc a a compaiUM U > ro ts

ib e -b o t r t AiiMuaeetf toda r. .O’COimor sm ds.U i's t t iU ta a k t a fte r

th e M th U w d deefdsd to asll a tB a le« r

- to tb s U p o r t B»samsbl» e o rp o n tio afor sp p M lm a ts lr fl.000.000. T b s cor- pon illod .barbe«& o p e rttln x tb s >blpa t e U sd lttrraaM B and BU ck 8«* porta.

E M F Jr B. p . U R equest Is

M ade of P a tro iu in •i S an Francisco Caf

k l SAN FitANCISCO. Auc. 1 R -"n rlf y _ your own

;1 . o f lorul cnfc-K imlay In thin city nr (<k'o mum Bdmnnltlonn wore uprlnuii

• I up—“piny your own-fiddle" and "Jui 1 f t l (rlo your own tray.'’I I I I About n il lhal fiai. Kroncli.cn offer. L i H In th e wny of enierlnlnm eiii wa* I I I ptiico In which Vdii cuu ld ' onti-rtul

youmelf.Ju n l Ihln wi'fk the tliuiiiron iilmu

l.mcouKly announced ihey had "flrtV tro m all union munlclaiiH, due lo n iiuunlilil

cniiipenHttllon. o rc p Thin wan f(dlnwo<l l.y the wnlkin

o u t o f tho wullcm In two nr ilii' eiiy blcKOBt nnd niOKt fnidilonabli' hotel

m i‘i. (/iit'fliM nl tinir »()eclnl )uni:heo)i t o l.noni- h o ld iier^-etlMhem(ielre« cnfr

leritt Hlylo.Today thi> clly wnn hIIII nn nnnc

cnmp no fnr nji nreimre<l aniuticmcr w ent—thn <lry nqiiail.-Ihe mURlclant

I, and tire walli-m wern ptanrllnK pat. lOIln- ■ ------------------------

o; i o i i wifHi m u mm III --------

Millionoiro Realtor Stirronndet b y Chorus In Roof Garden

u Young: 'Wbmon W ant Plac- dew- I>cft Vacant by Mary Speas

I to NHW YOUK. Aiic. IH-Rmnlhere'i C;SU With klHfK'H frnm iialnteil-faced clinr

Incn who wanlud lo b<> adopted, I’M and '^'nrd W. llrownlnL', mllllnnairo "Cin

deru lla mnn.” flvd Iniit mldnlcht fron the root cnrden of ihe Hell CInIro ho

.neii " 'h e ro he ha* nn m mrtm ent.An noon n« tho renltor-B Jilentliy be

, , cam c known. h<t wim Hiirroundcd liy r ••‘Ct* flock of e lclted ahnw Kirlii. who huK- iiimo ued and klHMCd hlfii and forccd him tr o««o dnnec a .fow elcpa. man -w o n 't you ndopt me, a ir. Brown'

I n c r "Oh plenne ailopl me, Mr nnd B row nln itl” nnd ~0h, thoro '» ibe Clu- Ich l de re tia m a n i'-w ore oxclamatlona nl jrlns th e clu»rus queen* who wanted to an- irni: ccnd thn throne which 31 > o a r olij trny a ta ry S p y wa* ol<»g«> to t-aca(o.

ho lr , Soon o the r dlnem cauEht the .aplrll o U tio occasion and Joined In tho fun, T ho o rchealra nlruck-up " I f T h n fs thc K ind of a Olrl You Are." which waa

7*“ iiimTr"ia“imiiM^irf«n?AK3a(-"“ ' ' ' dee cm barraM td, Ilrdw nlnr tried_ ? to breal* throUKh the cordon of younu

women, bill they holil fnBl and* he "V*- could not hudse.

Flnnlly bo turned to one of hi* com- panlnnn nnd aald:

tlie "Now look whal you'vn Kot me Into.” Jn A ’Bhow kIH Induced the mllllonalro

ton. lo danco. but Oa Uioy neared an exit, loy# HrownlhK broko nway itnd dlniippear- roc- ed.

A ft'w minute* later bo drove awny from th e hotel.

P acific Coast Base fo r A ircraft Now

Sought ][>y the N avy

U WASHIKOTON, Auir. J 8 - I f Ihe nnvy dopartm ohl "could take up L akehural end llteraJly plaee It In Bon Dteeo. 11 would do tl tomorrow." Secre tary o t

^ ihc_NaYi_JVllbur_il£clarc(l,.today, ro-: 3 U affirm ing hla belief tha t a tou ih en i

California base should be cwtabllahed for llR hter than olr crafi o f tbo navy.

W ilbur declared, how erer, tb a l the M l pr«aent-oircum uonca»-m aka,-tb»-pro-

Ject Im practical. There la no appro­p riation available for conHtructlnR a. h a n ca r a t San Dlrso nnd a n y a ie p a In furlheriuico of Ibe propoeal 'would be

n* . up to conitre#*..t lif ____

U n iv ^ s ity oTW yoming 15ft - - G irl* —Tum ble--O vef cnii P recipice; In jurgd

r .A fU .v rn . wyo,. a o c . is - .w imo 'f F.IUaboib-,W lWsma and Mina I-HheJ

T hayer, a tu d en u In thi| Unlvemlty ofin - Wyomlnjc. aro autferinB from lnJur|o«»d- loday auAtaJned yeaterday wheiT they>ed both liunbled over a nesr precipice Inllo. the Medicine Dow ra n n . - - o f Miaa T hayer had climbed lo th e toph s of a alope tha t.w aa nearly perpendlc- U e >ila r- w b«B-*he i oet-twr-h o ld -sad -fe nind down the mountain aide, to MUa W illlama had rm cbed th e 'to p

— o f - th e m rs n d tJp©»*eelBir-»be pll*hV un of ber eompaqion. became hy tterin t: lit. loat her balanee oDiibe edce and W l ^re down tbe cliff after ber.i(Ki •. — ------------ : ■

CO M PM IXT IS n is m s s E D . WASHINQTON. D. C . Afls,. 1 > ,~

The Interatote comtaeres oommUsSon— la a i i i «u in u * M k - i u i v u a - i n s s,l( . Saa Dleico C b iB b er . o f Coounsrot j(o a c a l tu t carrier* aeeklos tfr sstsM lib r t- > )ln l r a ts s and ccminodttj r a U s tq jp . cover th r o n g n a te a betw ssn Or*^ Irs Koti s n d ' CalUorela polata a ad . s l l I ts U r r i t o r j by w u D C n t r a aad ■Dt S M D U m :---- V ' ---------------------- ------

1^- A D K IT S m r TOBE it'irB D E S e s —pHnuSSCPRtft^Aw-'M^-noa. loa H sA vor: 47 .' so rn ad a rs d to tb s »r- P tiU d s lp M s poUes la ts tb ls aft«r> Ipa a o o a a ad coafsased to tb s n n t f s r t a . o t M s s n o r s a c s K aas oC B rooU T k

" ' . TW IN T'ALLS, IIJ j H T K l-k ^ W U , (JAIM M ;

in WASHINGTON. Anc. 18-Coni , - lion of fifty-five conntlcM III’llu-iii'i .a te recount loilay «nve Dnulel F, Siei

tolnl nf 22S,IC!) nnd Si'iuitor i^nilili D rm ikharl Jll,7Ca.

H rlns MnnlKomery anil Onreoln coun n Hi» w eriU ho Inat two cont|)leied. ' iW in r ThUH la r l.l'ou blecK oiiuoin am t nml oof o roouhnrt balloin hnvo Ijeeii < nulnic iMtcd."JuK- -------------------------

:?MiDENllST s iROER mmi i J U E liC I iniicd Of SeloCtlDff 12

'lariH H e a r Q h arg ea A g a in s t “ Sei ■a". ■ t i f io S l a y e r ” G e ts U n d e r W i

i>ontJ> P o n n l ty to B o A sked

i .o s A N nicj.ns. auk . is- xin- tlou»'tn»k nf .HclerilnK’ n Jury for

II Irlnl of Dr, Tlinnm* W, VoniiK. iJ ciixcd nf th« ili'Ulnl k:ib nlayliiK nf 11 InieuHful tfoelPiy wife. »!rnce (iroi

YmiUK. contlnuod to.I.iy In iiup.'i M courl huro..'I ' A tlorneyii for the nefu»od iMn A ludlcnleil by the ir aui''‘Ho'>l«K “ f I»f

. U pc-ptlve Juror* tha t Ihey would deavor l<> prove nol only ilml Ynunc I* Iniinni'. liut alno Hint hin u

i.Ia/1 «ni't itealh from eauiieti other tl thoHe ehnrced. '

d e n - Slnl'-’a nll»rncyi> In th id r i|Ufiillc ' to llu- inlemni'n mmle eerlain tl

'laco Ihert' would bo no pie jud le .' ni:al Ihe (Ipalh pemilly uu the )>aii of i

leas. m urder jury.

____ befuro tho Yoim«^^lrl»l^'lM ttlveii

*Kd- '" s^ i're n of wllneniie* lmsi> lice iiKi •rin pfxmaed by both the prtmeeullnii n from “ i« n’" ' "■‘■""ilm . ovor Dr. Yoinm'ii nieniul <-<indlilon

expected l<> be n hlch HkM <>f the |i . 1,^ . ci-edlncB,

Epidem ic o f Liquor Ppisoning Results

’m"' in NuinHer o f Rai<cm- , • __[o n l BAN FRANCISCO,'Auc. Ifi-A do l

old N ealorl wo* under n rrenl he re lod , sn d ano lber m an wan Bounhl by i__ _ thorltle* nil n ronult of n rnId onnirli o lJ tim e " iJn ruai'y DllMl'" li '.up iP f fun JowIUB’ an "opldem lc" of lla tio r po i.ihn onloK amonB Prealdlo Holillern.

. rodernJ p rah lb itlon axcntn nnd n n

-In,I raid, which Bent 16 "dunce bnll c lrl B currylnr Ih to tho Bireet.

. 1,5 Ono of th e soldlera found polaon by bad lltjiior ban been iinronHcIo

n „ alnco Saturday . Analynl* o t llqu waa aald to dlscloen n larao pereet a se of wood alcohol, Ireated-w lih Ilf

a lro to ““ " r t h e j a a t e _ _ _

car- B andit Scares Boy wny ’ In to Unconsi:iou8nei

DEy>*VER. Colo.. Aup. IS -O rd e r ' by a bandit In hi* homo here In tilKbl, to "iclve me everyihlnc . you’ so t." Diirrell Menchnm. JO. fainted ai WOB In. a 8cinl<onaclous atnlo f

v y m ore than nn bour.H o flpally recovered nufflclenlly

eraw l to a telephone nnd knock ll receiver off. T elephone operaloi brarlnK hla Rroana c«lle<l tho poII«

■’ o tr o - ; _ _ . - ......- - -

bed - O • ~ivy. •«, c \

t w; . r ' ^

e j . . . . . . .y .s d ______________

of■lot M '

top • ' ' ^

fell — ------------

S - --------------


r o t . % i T ' i f l i l M T iUb , -I-

i . _________

■OS. . . f ttb s . J«r>^ ' l i ^ I


a c f i L i■Ith W.

sOMiGi/illiN O I ;S ™N iivy A ir E x p e d i t io n in S e n rc l

’p i ^ 0 f U n d isc o v ered C otitinen i

j ^ l J M ny B o ^^U andoncd , A cco rd in (

to N ow W oflh ing ton Itid ic ii

12 to S c c ro tn ry A sk s foi

Sc ion - .

W .\S III.\(;r()N . I). f , . ’ An,:. i s . - Ited. Mlie.Mlllaii navy a ir .•vperlMli.i;

In c 'a roh of itn iindl»r(ivereil Arefle eniltlnent ceui.e!e>i»|y l.nffrte.l l.y ii.l.

,. ted- '■'■f'"’ ■■■'''"<•’1"". lil a ll |iroI.al.;li:> ,l„, will I,., .ahanOiMU'd tbla i.c-

._ eordlnj; lb hldieinliinH lictro ioilav*.'i it bli> A nidlo dInp.iK-li wan ncnt to ijeu-iroi;iiTi teiiiiiil Co...... llyrd. Iead<-r o(ip.Tl.ii- llie iiiiviil flyer:! l.y .Sccrclary of .Ihn

N'tivy \VlIl.iir, tiirlay iudiliiK t..|- a le. Iflnlli'l jiort on weallM-r condlllniiii imrl ’ pro... w h.llier IJyrd l.elle.vcd It wan worlli I en- wlillu to eonlliiiK'. the atlein,,t.L w\t<' Uadl« fnmi Uynl.■ than At Ihr' natm- tliae a radio w.ii.

........ frnu i.Jly rd Iml not In rc|ily'iitliinn l<> Wllliur'n rnmo. iiaylu:: .ihal iinU'KH

tliat till' flyeni r tc i.' favored i.j exeep- calnnl tionidly Kood w ratlier i’<iaillll,il;i’. tlH' of Ihe lenialo 'h 'r or thl» w.-.-lc. the ii:«l„i'l-

ed fllrlilH over tlic t>oliir i.ean. woold

L 'o A ^ i ' l i i l U i-y^ tlie iriivy nml al. lIu' lufiTFrt' c ie^ ra iilile •..iii.ty wlume

•>fCIc:iaIy were ealled In liy \s:ill,iir liffoie dl»|iatrlilnK Itie iv/lio Ki llyrd

" wan Ihnl llie flliilil woul.I lie rall.-l i"” *;'’ off anil Ihnt Ihe e»i..-,ll:iou• woold

' Inimedlatrly b.lik-lraek. to c iirry out ’’ tlio o ther portlonn of lli<< .-xi.e.ll-

tionury prosrani In the un-'liarl-d ■ nrtfi nf llaftln lidnnil wlilrli l lrs to

tbo ,w ent nt noiithern Rrel'iiliiiid.From tlio n lii tl.th e expedition h.-in

encountered n' m-rleii nf uuforcneen _ ; J - diffleultliin wbleb havo cnuned dolny

In plimti.Flm t tbo fblpii rnn nhort of. fuel

dolpli and Imd ler connume moVe tim e tbnn lo.lay wan orpected In flllinc Ibo hunkern. y BU- T hfn upo nnrrlvnl nl Ktah »peclal

'an ;ii»i[orniH had In bo

POlfi- nnsemblod: ' ' ' ' •From Aiietinl when th e planeii fln-

nlly woro launched un til ^thn p r i n-

EtriB” puvore than iiiiutil a t Ihln llmo dor- , lnc< the Xrcllc iiuinninr. llnpredenl-

LrinMii •'tin 'n 'cr nnow« nnd'foci* bave hnm. Iniinr p e re d ' opcratlonii.•T n u -The perlo.1 d u rln s which the fllorfl

llmo believed the w cnther would penult n ir explorntlona exidrtn Aui;unl 2r..

. whon the nildnlRbt nun Ik kIob m wnne. Aflor’ Hint dn le condltlnnn will bo much worao thnn [vl preitent.

less (iinCACO. a u r . is .—Tu-Nu-Kn- . PlnK-Wn and* hU A rctic Oleo elub.

derVd compelled of the oldcut klloulo plny- Iniil e ra and nlncerfl In O recninnd, will

ou’ve add the ir wiilla to tho litatlc rldlnit J and h 40<nieter wave lenctl) Wudnendny

to r n ish t from 10 to 12 o 'clock enntorn •Cnntlanf (Imp. a me««aR*» rccclriHl by

ly to th e iCenllh Itadio corpornUon oxperl- « Ibo m ental .alallon horo .from the Muc- jlo rs. - — —lice. (Continued OS P a fe Three.).


S i ? '*( . inma&innK-i f EuHFHEI»«ES1 J odTflii Tifass . .___^

j __

[ L T TJGU ST IS. 1925;1 iir iisD .v ,\i; u x c i t s in ik i;,

\ 1 \ in r r m iiT , auk. i« .v.iditiniMi

ilay liy Die IIiiil«.iu .\Iclo; .ntii-I I I N ny; i.iakUu: ..... fouilh <Ici»ii-l i y i ward reUHloii In v^litilu a

>:>r, on Ibc Kxxev ......... aiul llm l-- r \ '>"0 nuirli. nnd fl-io ,m ili,. i.r.Kifi

:iail l,ri)U!;liani.



, P roU tb ition .• :P cp ” ‘R ' a l l ^ f F e d -

IS,—' c i'a l D irc c lo rs O pens Ln W ash -

i n g to n ; N cw B papor M en A re

chiiscd. O u t g f "M eeting .

.. .......... I'li.'in .Sla/f ro riei.i.,m .lei.t.l" . WA.'^JHINtlTllN, Am;. l,S- T lir |iio-■ hlhliiiiii •■ii.-i," rally .u' f.'deial div.v-

lon . from oil iiartx <.r the .•..iiiitiy■ " • OIUIUHI lit the' .......................if th-' 'la-‘">'1 terl.ir dei.artinent tiere thl» i.iornin;:.

While f.; M'liUinal elilefn iirrvnii»ly i»|iilriiled In Ilieir clialrn. uniiiire of Wbat ll ua;> a ll a1>i>UI>aliil iliuerlnlii a.n

w.iH to wlie>tier Ihev u lll rnullnile lo Iiold ,,,.ly Ihelr jiil.n. I.laroln. I'... A tl.lir^.., li. « lU'KH ' ‘‘'y ezur. ehiKied iie\«H|iifliiriui'u fioin

'fii- mom ami r;.lle .l tbc i-.-,;afim In ,],,, Order. .

|„ ,.|. Tbe iiltltu.lc of the delej;ul.:i al the ,,.,1,1 eoiiveiitlon waa niaiilfeitl by A, I.. Al­

len. ......................... of I'lorldii.

II,.,. arm y <iffli er to lake lay jiol.." he wlitii- Perrd, "Kimw aiiyllilnK aboui I t ’” NnbcHly did.

, A fler hiildliu: iieparale coiifereiireii ‘ ' will, iitute illreeloin and dhlidoiiul "I. Kroup IieuijH. Andiewii called the rally

of Ibe VoUlead law elifoicern lo oul- line Ilia decelilraMr.atlcmy plan wlileh

‘ KOCH Into ert.T t m liKH Hum two weekh, AndrowR baa coiiipleled lllH re-or-

I'-’)" i;nnlv:ntlnu plana whieh lire nebedult d leen to CO Inio elfect Septem ber 1. Tbe new i>biy 21 QcKloiuil admlnl:<lralnrn bnve been

lenlatlvcly «elw ted by tbe dry cra i' fuel and aniicmueemenl of Hie pt-i jmnnul in bnn '-•xpeeled In n few iloyii,„pn. Sevornl of the dry oftlclulii atlendlnu cllll the "coiivenllou" lodny nre re|iorteij nn >><• tor liroliiutlon lo Iho re;;-

..,i,i |lunnl dlieetor rank . '________ .

r” n- W om an o f Sixty Is lortr- — S u f c i d e ; - : H a n g 8 - ! ^ l f -

n[- with Cord to BedDKNVKIl. Colo., Auit: 18 -M Ikk .Ma-

rlo Srhaefcc. Cl», eurout.i IhrooKb here : ” *‘t frotn l.oa Aucelea lo -riiic lnnatl. eom- , -*’• milled «ulcl<le by hnnclnis hernelf to to n bedpoHl loiil nlKbl. ll became known

lnnn here todnj- wlih the flndlns of her cut, body.

Ill henllh wnn tboucht lo have been Ka- tbo cauiK' for ih r octloi^i ’ .tub. A nnlo left oddreHiuH'To Mm, l»u lnc , Iny- Kinnke, 17iiK lllsb lnnd avenue. (’In- , will clnnotl. whom MIsn Sclmi'fer va n ber ! Unit lloved nn her way to vlnll. rniked thnt ' dny b e r liody bn erriitntcd and Ihnl ber ‘ om peraonal eftectii be turned cvor to by Mr*. JCIanVe. * '

orl- The'w om an bnd tied Ibo cord from luc- n bathrobe aboui h e r neck, faalened ll— lo a bedponrivnd fallen from ihc b«d.

pollco aald, . ' ______________ ,

I----- ------ ------ ------ ------------- ------- - J

....•> i

W 'I I Hll J y _____ ^

■ ;

» '£ ;

^ ^ ■ ! J

mmH eiress Missing in

> Southern California Police Begin Search

'• I ."S A.N'CKI.KS, r.iI., . \u c is —“ '-m ia ll .MeK,-.-, :i;. ;ll,l I........ t.rlr-

'■ I'.' .1 I-I t-'I- I,Illl,'I- 111 .\I.|.H,..I||! W l'.

t < l l n " h . .................. .'■ '1'. Ii vji.filitc adOc r.! Ii ....."vvi i,-il-

r-ln .>,,11,1111/1, > M..T,.|| | |„ . H .I l.:.il........... I Hi" .„„ | ..............tlc-,l, .-,|, M'l,......... . [„ I.„.

lr:iH,M| Ml:,,, M,-|<l, . ' ‘‘i,al tl,.' I';i',:i.|in.i V. W. i'. .\. lu,.

a;;ci. h.i^,' I., i i, ,„1,,lMe to n ,ic .. Ii,'i ...... . ,TI,.-.

■Til.' i^ill Ir. :.r,I.ln/. I'l .i\'il,l III.'


I SE H IEC IE ;Tlirt;iitcTia T w o M on W hQ_Hcl]it!d | v

"f in C a p tti rc of C h a p m a n ; Polico!

iiid S l il 'l‘B a rfle il an to W licrca liou lsj

o f M a n S uspec le il o f D ouble |i '

S lity in g .

t . ■ . f' il:i. INDIANAl’OMS. An.; .Is Many ' — ....................................■'-•'ll ....................................av I'

til- c l to lie f,„ii, lii.ir,;.' "In ,h i," Amir,- “ non. ineiuli.T.iir II,.'m illaw i ;,n;: lira,I-.'d by Ceral.j I'halimaii. An,Imw,,, l i '

'.'•I luiuclil for ih.- inni.li r of .Mi. aad ’’lul .Mrx. llm llanee neitr Mim.tt li>,l ['lly i'VWay. '.11- •'"Kliii: eom.'» flr«l. ibeii yoti.'i ili,' ‘‘eh le tle r rca.l. ‘'Von Lad b i'.l,'r niaki' : th. your pc-;.ee tvllh C.xI. I'm In 1o\mi.-Jl'. T he Ictl.T WBK Hidie.I -D uteli'' 1,1,.I ''.d wnn nmlleci In Indlauaiiollr,, ’•w . Tbe "KJuK" rif.irr.'d lo In ih .' I. itcr " en to Weliifler In ii|ipareiilly W, J . Klni:, ;p ” a r deiccllve nl l-iiluiiibiiK, Olilo, in Klni: al.le.l In ihe urrei.t of on.i of

iriiapman'n Kiinj; two yenrn a:;o and '•nu ban rccelveilu'iU iln the week iwo b t- ■'t.ij tor* nlKneil uud threaterilu^ “

him wllh dentJj. ' »-------- ll

-------- l l i :V ) 'i r T.ijl An,- IK —Fear that .SIIki ,lontf hrm of ileraUl (riinpuian. TT e.uivlcl.-d killer, mlulil.;, aiiiiln re.irh

I ou l. raim ed polirn t<Mjay_lo lake ex* pIraordliiTrcy prerautlniiH to ' prnteH. w

dwltneRi.r.i iniminoned' lo testify ,lt lithe eoroner-» liiciUent Into llie mor- li

• d e r of Heii III,ure nml biH, wife. iii a- I’olire i-tinrdn were a tro n k .l v,ll.re n<'iiH,eii aud tbe teiitlinony a t tlie In­ii- .luoht will, brill K.icrel,to Wllil.' Ibe Inqiiosr wan In I'ros- |i'0 rri'ir, police ot Indi.ma and. Oldo wi r w .'re piiKbllu: a Imtit for Cenrcc II

"D u trh" Andcrfton. elinrced with Ink- ItInc p a ri In tho djwblo ulnylnK HCharleii T'Ono Arm”) W olfe I" .uo- ttd .T arreni on ebarce nf havlnit <■: helped Auderi.On exrciitc tbe couple

' ' ' beraiino tbey betrayed , (thnpinan lo ' '

• HKKICI:KS TUVINIJ t o I.OI'ATi: Ii„ - i h : t « h - a n iik h .s o x F o n .« t itnc ff j

ri.i:V l':i.A M >. Oblo, Auc. 17-i:v(>r)' effort by police lo locale fi(;orx.'

~ "D utch" Anderaon. nvencer nf tliVald nm pm nn In Ibe ulnylnc of Hnn Hanre

- and hlB-wlf.*-aBar..M unalu..Ind.., iiad. _ proven fu tile today. •

KftoriB w ere redoubled by detrrtlvM laBt nlRbl followlnR hn nnonymon* !■ te lephone call Ibnt he hnif be(n neru

" in tn e ln h b r Of the-^Iotri-riev.-und.

Y oung D aughter of * M ath ilda M cCormick >

Scores Suit Victory N_ JN D IA K A PO IJS. In.l.. A ur. IRtt ot• A-nitn •0i.7rr>ou»->;7rt,'nTCTm-0f~M;i. _uj

— Mrt.'omtlt'U ' 03JT ^ir"T lernP . te Sw itzerland, ncored n victory Inday tl: ove r h e r sranrtmolber, E .|llh llofke- m fe lle r McCormlrk. In a t i l t In fed- pn efn l dlKlrlct court Invoinnc ST.BOO..000 nf a lru« l fund cre.iled by John u-T>. Knekefellpr, pi

Jndce Daltxell o rrrru led mollona q j by Ihe jtrandm nther ond Ihe Enull- ab le TniKt company of Nrw Vntk. „ t r tu te e s o f tbo fortuae In which

_ thev poucht to Qua«h aorvlce of pro- , 1, ceiu aealnat- them. ^

The em ndm n|b«r . claim ed.—tha .1. e o u rrT ia .) bo JurladictlflD Iff Ihe e ^ e . Tbe rtillnR of Judite Tlallddl „ FrlnRa IM c aie w ithin hia JuriiMllcr. ^

• tlon.T he ault WOl broucht fo r Anlla

O te r by Harold F. McCormick, her r ra n d fa lh r r to p revent th e E^ulla- ble T rual comna n r trom nllocatliiR „

— tE6~T7X O TW (no fhe bohy a craad- tno lhe r aa Income derived f ro m -lt* - j 000 aharsa o t atock of tbe SloadoH ^ Oil eom pany o t lad laaa . a rt aalde ta fg tr u s t fund la H IT by Jo h a O. Roek- efeJJer. ' . yg

------- rOJ?U W KCWP T88HEEK uBOSTON. A«e.. IL—«crs'pptax t t ^

Ibe SOO ymmU rfesBtly aeflolnd f, frotn th s aUpslBC board by Hesry ^ TOrd wtn bs^dnas st bis Dssrbora tt'

v s ^ e w l r e d ’ h s tsr td l s r o f K tta seb o ss tta (o r tb« Ftotd oO Ic«B.la D stralt. ■ I p ,

S ' IB A llO 'M 'K A T m m ’. 'I'iilr and mll.l tonlKht

O r.D V O Ia X I I I . . \ 0 . f)5.

JlERICi i f t o M - m CHANNEL

G crtn i'.lo E d e r le Coll.ipsc.'s W ith ,

ill S even M ilcn o f G o a l; B ad

,1,1 W ciillte r a n d C o n d itio n s CatiscB

A b ;i) ) tio ;u iicu t.o f A tlc n ip t . •

< \ i ' i : i ;k : ;- Nirz. ' .<;-tiM„l,- IM. il,- ..I l1 a i r , , l i |„ , | ahan-

'l " ' |" l l . . i . ; . i ', i . ;n i 'o .................. Kn,;. '1i .li I liaiiti.'l ..li.iillN lii.foi,, r o elm-li<lil.. . ..........

(ic,H..|,^(,y iyifiir:'|..ii weaKier^eondl-

........ 111'- •..'iiilH.. ..I a ti. i !,|i.. had'•'‘"'''■I, dll' ...... . ...... ,,;li'l wa.i

E ''......... "■ 'I'lll ilft. r -sll.' « a '. .Miiiiiati'.l......... .. ...M -n.l Ihr ............. .. from

ji'a i.,' ililr. lo V.lll,||, nlxiut ■Hrvrll

j,r! '.'flli 'V (f? ,,\'.''.\V “’’ n^ ^ .,'a ,i.. .;,i„ N,..' a , 7:10 „. m,

CO r r ' r , 1,

lc I Iiu(f, l1r.| |(V li. avy ;i..;,i, ntiil iiia.le pro- vn- .B ..Illy ii JlJj r b . - tUlflriilly.

The A.i„.ri.'..n ,:IVI ba.I ....... ,i^,,-.il,l ua lrrii nliniit .ii:lii li.ntni aiul fi.ity iiilniil.'ri xvlii'u tdic waH taken onliM.iid th.i 111:: -U l ............. . on ..lilcb

,;.|> i,i in i|i ii'r and frl.'mU Im.l aeeoirt- '.

~»nmr':Tntir7-\rmr,'>r~TtTi»-T.-rrn\TrTrnm- ^.T » l,i.'« a« din,iari.fin1 wllh MIhk I'kl, /

|., rilr 'ii nil'll,,,,J'.if tia ln ln« . had l-xpren..'- < .,i| ..i| laeU nf eiiliriili n.'., »K kIii- mII.I frOOI V

1" . lc ->ii the I'r .'n.'l, r„;,„r | |, |„ mnrn- V In.: and nil ont .h r .'rfnU y to r Kor-

. lu a ll .miy tIv., m. n hnv,' nuceee.led . . In nwlniiatn.; the . banni'l. Nexl Tu.'R.

,lay wilt tl.' e .'l.'l.ra tc l II,,. ftfili-ih an- iil%eriiniy of Ibe firm liii.-ccnnful at-

,r l.'iniil. Ibal of Cni.taln Malh.'W 'W ebb, on AVsnat Ji':., IKT.'I. i

,.f NKW YOUK, Auc. IK.—Gertrudn1,1 Kd<'rl<''ii eollnpHo du rln e her a ttem ptI. lo Kwlin thl’ KuKllxh channel todayl • wan due to, iiea alcknoHH, cauabd by. iiwallowlnit iiuantlllitH nf w nter la

lll.l Heavy n.'an. the N orth Americanll .SuwHimiKir A lllancu nn n o u n c o d lo -

b Tbe Americnn Rlrl aufferod no c- perm anent 111 effeclB. howov(!r. nnd, rl. w ithin h iil f ;a n bonr-Tinci'-BTw“ wiur>—:— U laki'U aboard Ibo tu s idle won able r- lo ..ll up on dock a n d -* a l. a llRbtv

meal. til.I annniinerm cnl xald.

1 T « 0 K lliI.K ll IN WKKCKKANSAS CITY. Mol. Auk, 1 8 - T wo

5- inTnoni: were killed and Ibreo olhera lo w.'re Injured whon nn nulomoblle col­ic ll.lid witb a Inrce m otor buB nenr {. her.' lam ululit. All were necrooa.K. notb enrii were dettlroyeil by flro when 1- the ;:af.ol(ne Innk of Ihc imialler one

explo.le.l a fte r the cra»h. • •,, A half callon of cnm whUkey wa*0 fnnnd In tlie wreekoKe of ibe nesroen'

" i m i m r1 CUM STORYa D o ro th y E l i ln g s o n H e a rs A t*

'* U n d a n ts . , o t _ . . I n j ^ ^

T c s d fy f o r P r o s e c u t io n In

■ T r ia l f o r M u r d e r o f , I n v a l i d .

' M o th e r . ^' ,,

S .0 ^ n iA N C IS C O . A u r. 1 8 .-A a . r O thrr »lde o t tho pletUrp- w as held i u n ri>~nn^tfiyy-nintTTBi»-^Aaitv th w Bt4 .

lempla of tbe elalo to convict Ooror... r tby Clllnr*on. “} a it Rlrl."- o f t l f i '- m urder o f b e r m other. A naa E lllac -

E xperta to r Ihe proaMuUon. m ala- ' ly .Irawn tram tbe Napa a tate boa*

pllnl w hrre Dorothy w aa coanaed » oa tni>.-uip a fte r b e r f i r r t tr ia l, a a d '* w hero ahe wna la te r p roaoaacsd

Bane, w ere called. '» T here then , a roae . th(v ajiorasloM ' ■lluaUoa of a m urder d e te sd s a t .■ i g a d in c licit .faU ty by rM M n Dt 1b»---------“ aoaJty,-- « w U tp ir -* tflr« sU o n -o t—ibs---------'' w ord* of men brought la te cAurt to > enavlct h e r o f m atrtcM s' b sc sass '' tb o j b e llers bar aaae .. •

noe< Ifo f BellFTS C)ifcTgSb .* •'Dot** d l tn c f o n . doss n o t . bsU trs. f n ev er, baa belU rsd . t t a t- laay c J j c f . >

* d t a < ^ M la e w U t i w ^ ^ . :: Slldsd cafes -

» fo rth U tas a a d . l Q ^ j W l ^ J a v

Page 2: T W IEM FJ mmS - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · I'oriland wlioru ho left llicm-lii th boitn or ilM bunlncKK dlntrlct. Lawmnco Jucobn,


M l i T mmm — t m i t

C o u n c il H c n rs K c q u c s t f o r Bc

t e r C ity W e ig h in g F n c il i l ic s

o f F a r m r P o d u c c ; P o w c t 'Q u c

T a k o C aro o f I n c rc i is tn g L o a

t io n D isc n sscd .

tnnn iiniillK'lii lir<i)iulil in tlili> rl 'lo Jiiiirkr't liavn iniKt-' flu- d ty »i-al <>r cupiiiUty, (il>Ki)l<'i<r. 11enr.llnk- tl) n . I*. no tw rll.T . r<i ilialiT , In ll VtHli'iMfMl to- llic rl

J • roiicicll lit lio.ri'K tiliir wiK'klyMunrliiy cVi'iiliiK. Ni'W nnilr« n ih'ImIimI, m'CiinlltiK tn Mr. Ilrlw rlli h|»ijik(nir for furtii>.’rn mul jiuTf-Jmn nf al Irani ‘JIMmi wrl|;lilti»:‘ CiirlUlli'

ItirrniKril iih<< »if .liinlnr trncUK I liniillni: cropn, lii- piilnu-il *mi. In iikkI't ii.'cTi-Kiiry M'-mi; riil.llilim inciiIiH nf Ki'ltlni! iir rn n iti ' w.-kUt Till' r liy ncali’ii. Iw iXiliUi-d ou l al II Iirrciiiilly w hirli l>ol1i f iinnvr I'V lii iy rr .m il 'r r r la l. ', II fiiriilHti<-n iiKiiit'Kl ..ini'unn of tr llin i; tln> •-xin nnmniil of jiroiliirl iin i\ lo ii il 'in rliy Iiralni nll|hi ur<i iin<|llr)illonc<l I Imll. far .iirr i.N.I tl..‘ tnnn lo wli<-

- ' Ilr nrllB lilt* Iiroililrt.fo»I of «riilrii of ‘JO-lon raparll

wiiiilil hr 111 till' nrlKlilmrlioiicl ' Ilf ,00 It wall linnoiinrrcl,. I'rillllfllllir T. J, Dcmclati rxi>rM*Hnl tin- n flnli llial Hir H ly mUihiIiI r l l l i c r ' Initia ■ii1r>|imi.i iidiirn or i;') out of ll urlK hliiu l.iinlnriiH. T lir fiirm«TH. i Twill Falln. Ill' ilrrliiri'il. 'liavc- c-iiiiU. ilriH-nil 111‘im Hir nlly y r a l ........

---- ----- I___<irlrhlMi-^ ln-illm il lirlw rrll nirrliHlit nnil lirod llrrr anO U - wI.h Ii ojilnlon* Hllll t lir fariiirt.H lo ohla! niliHltlaUi wriKliIni; itrv lrr« won Iio wlllInK In l>ay ::r. rriitii n loa wlilrli iH iilinc.til 'Iwlr.i wlmt Hiry ai rri|»ilrcil to |iay now.

S ra lc Knrnlm.'x. nK urm iiri-Krtilml iilu>w Hial ll

u ralm OurlllK tli« flnnil y ra r ro till- r liy Hti‘l tlm l troHK rrvrm n .liirlliK tha t JMirloil w rr r lS!i2.4li.

It wim Hir <nilii1nn o t Hip conur■ n f ir r fiirllii 'r .llhi'iimilnn of Ilm iim

■ te r th u t. till- r lty wniilil nol lia'• liimlH (liirlna tlir fincnl y ra r to jn

In Hlf ni'W farllltlrd .('ninmlHiitnnrrn J. R. K rr l nn<I ^

T. I.rKllii In .lliiCllHHloii of tlm niiili clpal j)owrr "ownc-rKlili*' iiiifHtli

' wUlrli ram r mi liml nlKlil cli-clnn_____________ ttin v rtlit not

rrnlilli woilltl lirlllK tli r rrllrF _ _ K iilicr ihi: m irc liim -.oM inw rr wlml

• Iinlr frnm Hir Mnlio l*owrr rm niiar o r tlirnilKli artloil of Hi- M nlr imW ulim ll’ii cnimnlKHhm. wa» »UKi;r»l. IIH tlir inraiii* for oliiiilnlni: l«w<

^"it wii-1 Hir rn iin niui;! of niiliiU' nnioiit! cnmirlllni'ii Hiiil runMi'irr» of Twin l'n l'» l':i>i">- ”

. lllitll 11 n i tr for Hll- jiow rr iim' Il..n<l« of a m unlrli.ally ..w nr.l ii1;ii|HinilKli Mr. l- 'tillr. w.iuM nnl nl.lnl Hir itrniunil iliry ulionlil Hironi

I rnmprHHon nf Hir rliy In tliln Hrlu llli n i>rlval<lv iiwn' il ■•oniiiaiiyrraily In Hir flrM.

Sint Mnrlllllrv. IV-nioniilratliin n t i'li>l tnarlilll

nnw In iihi- In ,a unniVrr of Hir clly l.ii«1nr-ii hoi;ii<i:i ivh lrli <1li)|>rii nilnlii wa* Klvrii Sy II. Frain l.iral ncrn l for lln- inar'Slnm . I’n Ikii..' o f 't l i r tnarliln r a« jKiliilnl oi

. l.y Mil- ii);<'nt wun lo m lm uLilr lillr-■ lU'iiii. Ciitiurllnn-n '- '• r r o f llir npli

Inn tlial t lir ni;irliliir wlilrM t'-i: r lirrku In traili- In iiiMltlnii in .iiiin' iiixiii r rr la ln n)nit'Ola MTUlrt 1

•lilKlily iitlrnrllv.- In jn in ii: i>:ilrnn Ilriinrnt nf Hir niayiir to Hu- <til'

nf ixilin- lli;it liiit'lni-n l ir in m 1 ..................- n»k«l lu vuluiilialU' ni:

/ rhlnr:. wait .'M.ri.^ ..l h^ ^H ir .-Oltl f" - "

H oiitlnr amniiiitlni; tn ?•,, KS:i.OC aKiilui.l til" ('■•nrial fniiil ;in'• n n .M ) nralnr.1 lln- !.pi h ilill.K I'll:

w rr r n rilrrn l jmlcl.

_ ________ A N N O W ^ M K f l i S _

Till- lhi;lilan<l Vh-w r lu l. w VH n 'n - w l i t i Mr i. HIccInn on \V ,i1n r: d.i

•liflrrniKin. Mrnil»'rn . n r lo f------------------- iVlrty 1 „ - a i f i l i r — oil— m i - « ill.

i:<H..l r. . ii.r for i.r l .c .l luiMhr->,

T lir \V<■n1 n•.l t ‘rr<i;rr*i:*l\i- ■ If. t> " i nircl ftt I l .r linllir of Mr^ W l.l..., f.T lilr.l avr'iiiir u .M ................ : i f f .nn.m. A .uu-I 1''. Mr.. S l u m , w ill 1. liimlri.1..

___ ." . _ J 7 I T he.m em bers u{ HZ’ M'lii.tiu; smrln li .ire r .r j .ir .l r .l Itn-.-l wilMr:* K. I’. l.*-rrr ,.n W.-.ln.-Mlay ;ill rn in cn . tlm U'Hi. K

" T lir I‘r»-«l'yt<Tlttn MW»lon;uy ^o<•ll•I. « lll in.H.l wild Mr*. II. .1. Y oi.a Tliiir«.lay » ttirni>oa nl -•■n'.________

• Save Moneyon Twine

(Inr loa i; M aple ro itn n oVnTni; iw la r in th<“ mn«t tn in r OD th r 'T aark p t.

I t Sev rs M o te B a f f J 'P c r P o u n d than any o U rr anil I . s tru n c rr .

DARROW . BROS. Seed & Supply Co.



B o l. i

t» (1 Flo*”’■! I.o a d s ♦

rliy ^riili ri . n f m i l l U jM Jl Im ill ' IIII |lllli|yi i limloll t

r llr r . ''mni.-' I

lin'i - .f f lBInniilKiitx. G

I..m il , M■'I ''>• ! ' • |j f S B i= - m J S ^ !il

a rllyll of ' I

; I k e l s i £ 0 7 S t s iIiliall ‘L -------- ’ ■ --------- -

i SOCIETYn n r ---------— ----- .. - ■hliilll ■ unilil llr J il tr I 'n r t j—.Moii'iay rv.nilnK .Ml loail. ^Vllinii Ki'-I I'lilirialliril wllli n il ■ „ri> llulilfiil lirlih.’i' imrly ul Hir lionii'

liiT Iiarrnin, Mr. iin't .\lvt. J. S, Kn Tlm .Ifrnrallniiii w rrn of pliilt ni

, 1,,. w lillr, n ml^f'Olnnxniri 'Ui‘lilay' of j;ii 'I'-n flnwn'H ln-ln;; m><<l :iH inal'-rl

nurs fo r4 )ir ro lo r Iii li.'iiir. T li.'n- wrr.- fn InlilrA a> pliiv ami l l r l n i I.liiil wi

I , lili;li imorr nml f:.*.iri:lnMrMii>fTT rn Hnlnllnil. 'IV o tracllni;fr-rrffrlrr.il 1

!"“*■ .Mlrm cimlyii T 'T liiinr. wVrr llmroiii: ly rnj..y.-.l, l.ai.- In ili^ rv rn lnK tl

I”” liotilrtiH, aKKlKlril l>y .MIk«i-iI IMim .»a rn lt niKl l!lnrly;i Trrlinnr.- rrrv n l

' rrfrrKlilni: two rniirnr liinrli<''ill. ililill- . • • iHtloil ra iiilif irr l>i liavh

n rn.iil.liir.l lim.lnrmi iiirrlliii: iin<l K w linnilnir'p.iriy Hrifi nfii-rniinn. T i ^ H .r\v ilj m r r l I.l 1 n rin ri? in iimp.i

linlr- w l.irl, H.,.y « |ll ninlnr In Hir iiiIiiitir Kiiriru; Hir Ml.......jih iil.'rlliii;'lM-a'l M'ln l.llr „ri. will lir r l ir rh n l lip iiiKl flnnl pin; r» lr.l f„ r ilir 'J 'i ln t m rd ln i; In llir piitl; SnowiT unlay will lir mailr, .Mnn llaw lry. i

cilarill.’iii n( lln- Ktniip. will aorniii|iai Inlnn Hir i;lrl!i.

ton T lir tll l'- 'l l l^ illirr .\llv:.|.itiaiy'iin<liIIM'il. nf llir .M'-Hi' mIIM rllll trll will Ii'' miliilaiil. lailK'il liV MIs-i Mnyljvllr K>iiMn:: ai lll.liilli liniii'- nf lirr (inr. iilji lliln c vrnliii;. I.

flrrrK IV in Im- f" '’

.......” li.-r 1...... '.n M nili ;iM uur iioii

I” ' ' '- - TllIi>ili:lioUt 111'- 'V iiilii;; [iiiiirli ui waf.'iii w rr.' n. rv i'l nu Hir ailin rtix

I’l"’- Iv .l.-< r .ia liil lawn. Tlm:.,- |iir ,.,m I,I nill ,1,1,. Ih r liim oi.ll lairr.l. .MI . I 'li ..- '.,I'll"'- an.! Ih '' llii'Iis:., w.-n- •.\ll:.;.cri hniiinpln- W jiiii. l.m ll. ' Alirvn, iKuoHiy Clappay" .\ll<-.' Ki llii, M :.r;;i|riili- TlK..... . .

nllil^ Jiiiy W.hmIh, llrlly Wllfim, I’a lilrI'P Wll'inn. :\ la rrn rrt Sriiti'v , M.iillc- M

rnn ,. .Manii-r. f la r a Kail. N a li TIniiii. .Ma

I 1,'- K inrrv. l-a iilllir‘\Vur.',' ila I'rali/., Il< n.:i- .n 1-if.li.i:. r'-.:i:v Wall. K..l.>n n m

•dim- upa jrrn iiia Kiiw inrl,'; M.-..:.i.’i. J. l>r|:i’i. l..'im aiil M.'i', Jrtliii' HniiiiMi ln.'.lnlin F.il.l, llaWil A hiir.l, Itnli A'

fi'i'tl'il ' Sw-li

f lv . c ia i . I.<r l la m v . ' ll:iiii |i| II.in . ----- l..-..ii;.ril .Irnkliif.. K. mi. Ill Krhnn.-

:.cl..y .j-i,,, Jilal:.riund.u—vUiUui-Lhuut t.iiu jlA llu .l- iJ

. l,ov< nr Mr. II llollon'f. . hr , I.i .xli.li.*-, U.iin.r, an.l ;.liilit, fiiitii-.li.

v«il* .111 wa-.'-r'ijnM-'l, MISH cl.illy ol-'.l .-.-..I of llc'l>r W..,i n :;u. ...I I.f Hi.- i la-

f i . . . - • ■111..- T lir I l.^!.'r . :u..n1-. in il M .^ l i r j i t

s d l i o M ’N ~ i> o p : ~;iri- • ------------------------------------t t—

^ (W E IH .U C V IT UX)k5 (L1K£ V JfRE eOiNO n >

.T d have a i^ R srrv V jt MCE VACATlC'4 • ' / S

____ . NKiTVl TUE G U ^ N ■ S ^ . k.

nd U ;

d a y s ' ■—

( NW< W tc w4{W • ■ rRtiMJMH P

SllllHI I #

i i; 16C f5 '''S ______ _

IP I S Fl p Sm W i l 'r r S I i U I f f iS f f l - A , ,1

Iffli llli iru l

Wm I ll I "IP I

rrnnoii In lln- iiatl: iin.l'T Hn-.'l7* ............. llir l.-a.l'-r, Mi.i.i ll.i.iili- !

/ lay. nml li.-l.l an h ii.T irlln :; Mit.I [___ laniJ. M...-(ul tn irili;.;. T li.' nfi.-n

; Mli'i. W.'lnViiilny afli rnnnn Clinrlln'.'rrlii .'Xl.Tlalln-'l wllli n Imii.-n j-

MU' nf niiiipliiii.'nilni; lirr <:oii:.ln. M an K rrl. AlJr.- Clarli <if IvanI T lilra to ,.. 1

H'I'I r l a y w.ni lil;;li nrori- anil Mnr; f U i xronl cnni.nla1lnll.' Tli.- fnlln' ii.'rliit uui'iiiii . .- .ir iii-r..'.'ni; Iliiliy f la y . : '■ fniir iirH i IMnrlislniir, Mari:iir.'l > ' ‘ 'I" m at. A nna Uml;:'' Clll.-I, Anna \l r rnn- ,,r. l/iiilm- Aniulii. .M urK iir./' v '■'1 '*>' C lark, Wllmn ll.-ni.ini nn<l Jiilln

clln. -*■n: till- > • > •' S. S . CluHs .Mr.-t«-Mmiilny .'V..' " *' till. Anionm rlnmi of Hi.- Ilapllt<l rli

n ir l n t Hir li.mu- <if l ln / r l K.'rn Tlilrcl nvi iill.f .'111.1. A nn.-lul Hni.'

lavlnc iiiw-.-il till' liiiNliii'iiM iii.-.-ilni: nn.l n un.l n clcwr of tin- .'vi-nlnu r.'frnilm

Th.- wi-ri-' i irrv n l hv Hir lionlc nu. T■ T n rr ............. h i„ u ; ; ; r ru ? l! r ;r~

I E L E C T R I■V. 111.: I • '

■ ;;

.......... i

, ... i ' I

iKiniia'' '- ‘■'I'- ■ [gg—lllll i.l f c l~ J [ 11 ill I

Mr- '-Mar- j.-iiii

. II.-:-n i i t . l i ............

J '.r

V i l l ' i r ________

I ; . - ; ; ! ____

|\ ! S | t r o L O T EN JO '

X ntl- I_________


/ S ^JT MAKES ITAU. . ^ I .-. ' I .N i C E f t v \ p j - 3 ; :


_ . ' t w i n _ f a l l s _ p m i

~ By DWIC-JOMT-Ctt F to cu iw c a .c w u ifteN . ^

KsFcoa. o m . m n c ^ -j c i tm m t C M'>*5 w c CK Irifl. FWWOI.OEO:. iP .R C fl W '/ » ",ic. BARHJ ■ 1 .

• , 'l ln - .- Stiolw rll. Olnllyii nn.l C.'ii.'vl.'vv W !'• M '" ' rns..M m . 'I'niTirni'l! Mnrl.' Miirlln. Uii IrnlnoM V’llio

Ki-lly wnn a i;il''.'it of Hi.- .'Innn.II.' llo ll. « • •n I'n ity Y. I,, sr. K ntrrliiliir.l-M rii. \V iuri:ai'''.t iu iirr ii .'iili-rtnllli'.l Hn- V(>rinj: I . lliil.v ,||,.n Alii'iinl SInki- liniil-.l a t a .I.'UkI nrKnrrl f,,] ,||iim -r p a rty lanl V vrnlns nt li illnwln,: j,,,,,,,.. r i i o n ffa lr wnh In linnnr '>’• Mlu«. Mnli.'l llHiiHi-n an.l pnriook l'l lli 'x - iiniiin ' nf u niliicollanroiiii filiWi J Wnik- Sh.. wfiK prrii.'n lcd w llli a l.riiutll ■ Alli'.' Mmtrrln limrli.'«in nnl nnd n niiinli

In Lllll- of o ilirr kIIih w on rn i'c rrlrct iiliniii i lio iirr niul rllio wmt In v ltr .l. wllli rl.-vj'riy wnr'I.-tl nolrf liow li> f[

.'V.-nliii: llirni. Tlm co lor flchrnu- o f Hip c r liiirrli »;unlznllnn, wlik-h In Kr.-rn- anil co

I'rmi on wnx c-nrrU-il out. A flrr Hu- ilinn :m.' foi- tiK'y w rn l to .Mrn. A lh rri riill llj .1 n l III.' Iionit*. w lirrn thn, b a lan rr of Hio pi limi.'lil'i Kruin which roniHfilOd of n ImihIoi

T hnor Hi-iiHhili fnllmr.-<l Incan.ovonlnx of-f rl l^oixlnn.l inorrlinr(il. '1 liono p rriirn i wt-

U F I E D H I S T O R Y (n ^

iitr ^

- -r*


£ rr TO ■.E TO 6 E T ~ :^ " c i ;r v T o ^ 'i .v - f ;e ec-\G T O >R irE ‘•'i •Sj .\ j'13 CAR :6V c d ttn G pqwN t ; c c ^ u - - ^ b u .

_ L 2 ~ 2 X NOU iNTtNO^-C’ G c



_________ LOXnoN. Aim IH.—Ilay-bj;'ilay motlliilii ill h.'lnii-iih.'.l on Hic inli'riniini r i i r r r r of Dr. \V. i:. r.y.'. wliniift dli rovi-rlii: nin.lr In ronn.'cHnii wlHi , i-:. Ilufl^iir.l. inli.roiii'ophil. liavr <iprnc Ih r wny ll In h.-llov.-d In Hir iloltlthi of till' rnnriT iiroblrm.

DulaiU'- of a nniall r l r r l r nf inodloi nnil i.rl.'n ilflc rxp rrln Ih r tw o mr w^'ri' prncllrnlly unknown iinill n f ' ' dnyii UKO. nn.l Ihc nlory of thc lr Hv< wnn known to very f<-w.

S.in nf I-.H.r ru rrn ts .II III nnw. rrv.'nl.'il llml Dr. Cyo Im

forKr.l hlH wny to tho fruni rank < ;.r lrn tlf lc cirri.'H nKninnt rx lr rm rl

--------- -advuuc_euudlll(HiL.. .U i-.liM aiLJlf'- |iIlm Kon nf poor pa rrn tn nf Hir workln rlaiiH nnil llv.'.l hla rn rly dnyn tn tl: MIdlnndii.. W hrn hr* wmi nIlOlI 17 yvnr.i old >'

' d rirrn iln .'it. lo hrroin.t a ilortor un cominrnri-.l iitiidyhiK In litn npnrotlni Mr wnn Hi.'n worklliK iw n rnllwii P 'ifto r 4it n Miainn.l iitniloii. lly fru’ui .llvlnK lii'navi'd rnntmh frnm liln nma r.’irnlnRM lo roinv lo I/>niloii wli.'ro li ron lliin r.l hln Hluill.'n nnd w lirrn h rv .'n liinlly Inok hln II. Kr, dr^iri-c.

Tniik'ht. .SHmmiI. . ’IIH nrx t Kirp wnn tn rrtiirn to tli

'M lilhindH w h.'rn h r lniii;lii iirliool an ‘ Intnri'.l o lli.'r iiliulrntn, I t r ron tlnn r

In uavi- hlH nionry enrofiilly nunim Ih r tlin r whrii h r lilibiild Im fthl.’ I i:o to Hm I'nivoriiliy of l'.<llnliiirKh I im rm ir ii coiirnr (jf inr.livni minly.

Wh.'n Ik- fjiinlly w riit to l-Mlnliiiri: U niv.'nilty li.i foiiiid himnrif rnn ip rlli to llv.- nn li.n xJillllimH u w ^rk to-kri from rnniilni: Into dclit. Tlio clrc.^m n ta n rm would Imvn itlHroiiniKrd cr.'iil mnny m rn. d rrlnrvd n n r of li frli'UdK. Iml Or. ( iy r tlKlit.'iii'd hin lirl

——— Kriii.'.l hhi l.-rtli nml w riif Ihroni w ith It. finally w:iniilnK liln c.-rtlflcn

■ n.-. .Inrlor In IIUL’.. Uiiih DiiHni;. Ilm wnr h r iirrvi-d w ith h’ilKim, niohlli' ‘ lahorntnry cnnlliiK.'iii

17.-' Jolli.-il llir (U'l.'Jll'lIlr Hlll'tl Ul II .M.'illcnl K.'ii.'nrrh Cntiiicll in wlm: n rrv l.'r hi' hi iillii cnsnK.'d, and nnd'

. Win. vi'lin:..- iioi.plcrii Im nn.l .Mr, Ilnriiiii u: 1 1- niadi- th r lr now fainniiii ritnci-r .11 i'UkIi;- <-ovf-rl'->i, Dr. Oyir Im Jii5t OV.T-10 yru nt hvr o f nc-.lop of.<ijc _0f f / g D i te a s e ' i n c u r a b l e ’/'.MMf.M Ttirro urn incurable pfltlcntfc bu t himib'-r ilnouriiljlo dUensca. Kvery illinaiio I III t h / cunil)le. ns lone na thb vltnllty la nollh n log ion- Im rcnct lo nulural living nn

flml troaim cnt, nnd a s lone n* iIcBlrticlloIIP nr> of vltnl partx nnd orciini haa no t toI Kold, fa r ndvnnctd.—11. Lludlnlir, M. D.illnn rr ■ 'llll1|)H' •o pro- M r O i: . M. Client, Mliin Kdlth l-'IU' iHlnc'iiK .MIkh MabrI Hnnnon. Mrn. Artlii of. fun Hwonann .MIkk Callle A rrln rton . ui

w rro .Mi»» l-Mllh IMtlk.

5oT i2) ' f L i s t e n i n g '

f VJHV WE'RE g o in g ^ * M 0 IV TbDRiye UP TJ<l?006HJ/liT V f THE WDONTAINS MORl

■ I B B I| P V

' T

i'iiv;.sii)i:.\T s i ’i :m i s o r SAHHATII l.v JAf.NT IT Hil.l.

PI.Y.\10t!TII. VI.. AiiK. 17—' Hiim pln«-ln an oprn f lliv .'r nvrr

fonr mllrn of riicky and nin.hly _ > , rond» fnr bnck Into th .' Vrrmoiit l l v >>111" fornirii part nf r rr iild rn l Cot>|. | \ l 3 IdKr'ii iinlct Sabbath.

A nolhor |*nrt--nn.l nm- alm.mtJiH -n»>l'..ttiionn-unn a '< rnnip for nn

n io rr hniir ov rr i-nw pnih.t. ii|> Hi.' riin'ii- liinnr 'TitntitriirHiiii'v.'rn.ni ui iiir ..i.iirr , din- nn.l Ih rn llir r . 'iu n i t<i I’lyiiiniiih Hi j , hy Ih r luinir JnKwlInt;. hniinrlnK coii- irn r.l v ry a n c .tiihin tlnivi-arlrd from n inoriilii); no

I’-OKauliiKly I'p.'iii. 111.' pi-ri.iilini ■dlonl with .Mrn. foo lidn - aii'l IiIj" fuihi-r, m rn John ('ooK.lur’ aiirinl.-'l n lirin .ioii

I trw chiirrli nt-rvlr.'M.'Hvrn -

B ritish C o lum bia ;u '“ “r W i l l E s ta b lish “ 'n l________ D ry N avy Sooirklni:1 thn VKrrOIUA, n, C.. AU«. lS ,--Ilrll

l«h Columbia .'l/i noIii»; lo lu-.v« u dr; and '•iiiinrn.. .ilmlla:

Unit'. “ f *•"“ IJiilIrd Slnltn', ’llwnv Provlnclnl pnlk-.i im'fii ohl.ihird i rilKal |,,„ .r,| j,„„t w hirli tli.'y will arii Hm iniaii «(ivrrnnii-ni lo ro-rouiiiiJoi, ro III. pf„j J [ Kiiard nrrvlc.t to prrvnn ; h r „„i„K5tiS„ „f

SintrH. Tho v.'n»rl will Ijo nrim;< with a onopom id Kun and hr m tilp

1 tlm IH'.I w llll 11 crrw- liirKi.' riiniii;h ti I an.r b o a ri^ riim ulilpn.

In till! mrimnm '!. locnl cimtoin. nimii „ ,n i„,rn i,.„ t|„vr nclir.l H iroj fan ;}; rum riin n rr Imiils which thoy nn

anklnK thr* dominion Kovrrnnii'nl li.iirub *'K'lk-(1 I'niuKulrrii' Irad lc ..kri-ti It ln-|>lnnnrd lo ndd llmMi nm'c. lin- o ther fnnt rriifl to th r firm lin.il iir-d n iinlr.'d for IJrItliili 1'oliinihla’n drif lllr navy.. in-lt. -------------------------oniih ___

“ I P E R S O N A L Silh a I_______ ;----------------------------------- ------

I” .Mru. I-Niiiln ainl dnUKliI.'m Florcnc

Iiilnli vlHirwlllTrol'T " , ntiv.'ii and frlrndn th.'n-,

r iiiril ", i|„ tnrljoil from I’ninona. Cnl.. wimr vriirJ 'h r y ■■'"■e Hpriit Hi.' pa-H four yriir

nnd will miikc’ tlm lr liom.r nt 13 Vnn llu rrn .‘Blri-rt.

It no FaciM A b o u t ( ^ m p a t t■0 Ib Tlic unB,l« bctwK-n Ibu. true horll > not nnd (lie in'nenclle n 'lrih In cnitcd ib

a*"* "ninKiieilc vurlKtlon." iitid Iin* lo b clIoD niiowi-d for^n navlRiiilon. TIiiiu. whoi t loo the aontj «iiy."True nn Hie ciinifiins f'

Ihe I tn r," ll I* tnllilni; nimHcnio bc ~ — cnftne. nllliouKh’ the m ar 1* llxcil. th' i.-ilrr <» 'll'i- Novorilt^lM*. It* vnrlr th iir ." 'le h a ore vvrll known, »i> Hiut Hi'

und t^'iipiiM remain* ibi'_ Hrnimiii'i* .no*

i g - i n o n P a r i s

MOUNl S'r’-'WKY ( ^VEM-SuT 1' T W tX T A liE A C tfr . > ’ G uN M B U N l MRCGASTDCLUMB I G oinG UP ^louHTAiNS! rrvuouLO - ' t b a c k 6 e c e i a r $ cxE A P E R T b \ h i l l a n d l-nCK To A UCtfEL C r

f c . J K

T^E.'?n;^T, 'auocst .18,:

r iR G E R lf O M A N ^ = PASSES AWAYildyont * ______

m :ilO i:it . • AIIK. IS -M m . Abblo Whlti'Hl.Ir died nt thu iiomo nf h r r

f,'!! dniiKhlrr, Mm. ifPft. O rkm i In IlrrKrr tlilH tnnrlllliK n t 7 o’c lork. T h r cannr

; i ; L i nf he r .diitiii w im pprn iyHi" <'( - ,• h.'nrt, nnd »li.' hnd n tia ln rd Hm nyn of

" , 71. Hbr had bnd ii n llcht nilnek with h r r h rn rt a fuw nionihfi nKo b u ' luirni- .'.I lo n 'covrr. Sim cam.^ h.'ro from Knmian i.rvfiral yrnrrt nno nnd llvrd n rn r K llit and IHihl beforo comlni! to Ilrfjicr. Kiin.'tal arram .V m m in'' v y

I’o 'i aw nlt'w ord frnm nnothi-r ilnnr.blrr In W lchlia. Knniiaii,

W o u l d D iv id e C o s tT b r ynimc vnciitlnnlHt. wbo hnd be-

■,-cimr i'iii:nai'<l .m Hm iirrtiy ulrl re- crlvi'il Inf.irmutluQ Hint U-d 1dm t<>

3 0 n a ii'''tln ‘' _____------- -‘Is il trm- ihuT- itOTrynnT.-rpniii?!—Ilr li . Iioru yini-vr br.;n rnKiicrd tn .till,

d ry Arthur. tkorKn und U nrry a» well na

illlar as.nm rd ap. n ir n f KrentdiNiliiln nml hanlriir. .

rd a -'wniai i.H Ihul Li. y .n il” nho do- tlm niiindr'I.

I 'ln - "Ju st Hi/K." Jir r '’f'IW . C^nflr “I t 'vnn i n .|, „nii j.„|, iiiivr mi nl>Jrciii>n, W6,

frlluwri Wlll-clilli la In fr ih r r to'liiiy nn K enKiiKriiirnt rlni;."-Iilriidni;fiain Aro-

lo ________________

A a BdTcrtmerarni w orth looklnit over IB novor ovorlookojl—la H)l«

nro QOWBpnpor.


___ _Through the u se of Lydia E. .l' Pinkham’s V egetable Com-* pound. Read their Letter*

rcnco VnMrnt i . —" i vrnir

n re- I . Bymptonu nad with'vimro I pains in mjr back,yourn I aldcn and legs. Sinco

138 I ^ B k - f l b W (AkinK u trea tm oa tVy**'® ^

I < a c ■ . CompouRtlf am bot>I - . . to rinuvc iyw ay .and

B .n n • - M r ; ■ tttonp lcM im ljvm p-■ r U p**, - > ! » ^ 0 if w onderful forncrvot»,run-«lownSiomon.” —MrB.L.0.

»» DASiiEn. K, F . D. 4, Box 14, VoWoat*. f be- Georgia.'• . Relief from Krtt-Boltle

•'m»i ^ d a t lim ea tha t I could no t do my

------ tvrrkii and I wa* in n vo rr nervoua eon---------•aitimr in B tk^i'c lnhd p a h c t - T r o a d y

lotl« r about Lydia E . Pinkham’B Vcge- tahlo Compound. I havo had '(m a t re­lief from the fir»t bottlo and I aiiBlI con­tinue ltnunabiifi|n«a 1 boijovowid know i t ha lp n aa ^^ M fR -to help o tho r women all 1 willinR to anawerlc ttcnH t e | | i ^ om^what the >^ getobb -

• P A S ^ ^ ^ ^ a m p ^ n ’ s t r c e t j ' ^ t t l o


I 5 0 0 B o . i o o i i t B l l . 'iR .T (> .fB a iia . u n . ( i ^ s i n . t t a .

______ - $ , 8 2 r O O 1 ^ 1 2 0 * 0 9 . ^I * r a g l O t t T P A ID C a tB B k iM t t M t T u k C ^ p a w y M ai.lM t W . u t k • c .K a M U CUtImX

M P m t M S tReynolds Bros. Co.

_________________ TWIX FALLS_________

—By TaylorIT I 'M GOING T o -_eT - - •JN THE GAS VjMEf^ VJC-ie Y g JP ANO VLL e y '’ IT CtfMJNd \ ®BECAUSE. \T V.1LL BE J miND sve Cm c y s r . \ u r r t t t ^ a

Page 3: T W IEM FJ mmS - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · I'oriland wlioru ho left llicm-lii th boitn or ilM bunlncKK dlntrlct. Lawmnco Jucobn,




I.OS AN GK I.t3. Am:, 18—JnHi Domimpy Ihn-ototm l to jiliiy nn nc<-Iu-

j________llio holii toiliiy lu lilii ffniiiH coiitliiriitntpoKcr cninc Jack~lC<'nriiti. Iilii ox>| l)arlnor. -

Tbtt-o>iitni|>loi) oorvccl iinilco oti lilii ' iJiftnBKur 011(1 111.- Ni'W York lioxlns c(iin)iiliii)lon Hint licMvin hnriK ii|> lif-i Klovcfl lllllll tlu ' KimriiR-IK'iii|iiiiT cou- t r n c t . pxplroii lr\ FcplciiilH-r, IHl'fi, » K i'oniu inalclicii tiltn todny with H nro ’ WMlri.

Dctnpscy roUointcd lip wiiji doltii; IiIh own miitcli iiinklnir mnl ilm l Kcnnin would ho t cut Illll 3Ii IHT rcn l c u t on (lio Wllln iim lch n<'Xl Ju ly iiiilciui lie nitilntftlnril a ''linnihi u f r tm tlo ’. I

'••AiiytliltiK Ko.min tlm'ii tu'f.irc tlio NfW Y ork IlDXlllK tOllllTllllKinil (0(1,M-

•ritRnriliiiK niy iiropotied .f lK lif wltli , . • U nrry Will* will i>y wlthtmt my lui-

tUorlty aiul not l>ltiillciK." the clinrtiiiUm iiuliJ.. - I t lie poi'la a forfoll for timt, ninii h ami .MuDliiu covcrn It. Uiuti Miitlliiii will lono Ihti „ ,„i 1 ,,„nfik'titlnK Iintll my prtiK'ni ro iiim ct ■

• w ltli K varn i cxiilrcii." '

DnNVER. Colo.. UiiK. 1 8 .- - I Kui'xx S lcw iirl Icnow wlmt lio wnn iiilk ltic ' nliout," nnld "Dliimonil Jnck" Al- tc-ric. Ki'ntlumiiii niiiclivr nml ro<li-<i prom oter, wlio wlii'ii qituffilniioil nliout n Htntcnicnt n ttrllm ln l to WU- '

------------linT n~scoit •strTniTK~nil>Vn:(', uK('if-uoy, tlin t Alti'flci iiiit lip »73ilQ liir p tli» ilcfrnxu o t Wllilniii G. Sliopliui'il. n

A ltcrlo rcn iim l, to ill»ciil!n r a r l l iv «| truiimiclloiiH lielwocti. hn ntid Slic^p- a liur<l. ^ 'll<> wnii tried nml 1101(11111 1 fr on c liarjic i of Uid m iirdur of_D l!ly 6i MrClltilock, yoiitliful m illionaire, "for /t lllli forliMH'. 01

Slpwiirt In npcnclliiK liln vncntlon Ixi on tlici nmol) o f tliu cowboy nutirBnlnlln. In cllHCiirnlnK llio nffnlr ___vrhoroliy Slioplioril j:»t motiiiy for ' lilB <lofeiiHo, S tuw nrl In nltrllniK'd I to linvo citllcd tlio nffnlr ft "HiitnlOn” | on llib pnrt of Allerlo nnd to ' Imvn “ “ clinrnclorlzcd him nn n."i(lnR of sooil I’ fllKirlntnen." |l]«'

' Ton• H ow the Clubs S tand |

AMWttCAN 1,KAG1'K. w**'riiilin— ■ W. I* I’H . •

riilliidolplilft ........ . 72 37 ,6fil NWnnhlnKton ............71 40 , .n<f> My 1I'lilcnco ..................... fil C2 .641 tlliii

_ ; '- r r X ! tT O ll ....................... f.5 r.7 .4U1 cI.t ISt. uiuiH _________ r,r. r,7 .490 Am.CU'Vclimil ........ - ..........H4 ,44H III 'New J ^ r k .................. 47 f.:! •.4SSl)0«(dn ______ _____ 34 77 . m tin,

.NATIONAL I,KA(!ITK. UC h iliB - -W. Jj. M . cnn,

W tU I/.irK »r............ . C5 , 43 .002 d.'rlSew v o rk — ......... ...CC 40 .G,l OorrinclnnnU ........... 08 M ..Ili'c and

Ht. LouU ................... CO 87 .40(1U rooklyn ..... ........ C2 CB •<''> , ,

___ ’lillrulelphln ............. 60 M -.4112 HriilcaKO ..... .............. 40 r.2 .441llo n lo n ^ ................47 • 67 .41.

■ iBoOTH-HKN'D^lnd.—K n u lo I ia r ltE C .------

foo tb .ll coach of Notro Dnm.i unlwi;- (ilty. hnn opened ilic footliMIncbool In Ibr coim iry b r rr . Ttockii'^ I"

. iM'Inr nnnlBt<^t of hln nUHa- --------- tJonaJ —f o n r - h o w r ^ . - ’'----------------------------

SAN FIIA N C ISCO -Joe S lw li.'r.'o ti.' -oC -tbo tw o h c a r i’w lM it wrrntllni; <-Iiamplonii.:i'Coreil one fnll ond won bin rimtcli hero Innt n lpht from An- ilrenii C«iU»no, Bpanlnh Thomplon. Tbc fa ll WIUI tpftdo In I 'b o u r nod 23 mlu- tilpK. T h e rnmalndor of (ho two hour

''m a lc h w en t w llhout fu rtlio r fall*.

llO (»V K li'T O HEM* IMI*0UTEIW.WASHI^•OTO^^■ T>: 0-, Auc. 18,— , .

: — R<vri>tBi7 —of~Gomni»r««—H o n ^r-A n > ------nouncc<l, to ila i Umi ho, would proli- ftbly reoommenil t n 'h U nnnunl re- I>ort’ conRr«snlonft1 lesfnhiUon per- tnldlnK Americnn tm ptirteni of com- nio<lltlen wblch a re forelini monopo- l l r i lo combloo foiT-Ao proteclloo o f Iho consum er lo ' ih ln country.

j p N T O v r -

A 'm H v iu • I w n ^ ot-pwpM~wlth h O th lB tif lw y u r t port ed.

nMd*U« oot o t Saa. '— , — ' - '

Th«^tfottW « • • I th ''^ UwT ObH«<S fiia iM .to tt h u run oa t o t .

, a o n M lI ^ to b U m •w y tU itf f ob.

— —

; T b*«; wo«M 4>».adr» m m u 't h *; top « e .tiM lr •Bnfw tkM tf

cegM BBd * oc t lMtay wp bin.-

1, >nretlBV ».'«w tJS<f •

' ( O w r r ^ L IHS. NSA


O F T M E iC o p s T i t l e " I "

- • •'.'•J'. i .


PrtMnllnif iho newly crownc.i rn . llonul pubtJo llnliii i:uir c'l>iiiii|ili,n. InOlhcr wonlB. mcol • Ilayii.oii.l « . - N,.,AHUffc. fiiiuJUarly kiiowi. ,in "U.--I D, i from nufTiiJo.'' llo- tK-at U'llli.iin Sborxlck oc Now Vork lii-lt.u tiiw!-. ' w uud a t Onr-lcn Cily. 1., I.. lUoOWicr dny, I Miil l. tl..'n t.<-. n |.t,iy. .Inc BOtf for <jutio .T l^lll•u iiii'ima r.,;,

New Yoil; ;.t.f.c. J!;;,'I —------- ------------- ] II

j F ig h t s a n d F i g h t e r s )I ! A

D im tO lT , .M id i.-lln rry <Jt'. l>. nild- Jm" dlcwclclit I'liniuiiluii. Iinil a Dubt wnrli- i, out lant iilclit. wiiinlni: cnrlly finni Tommy nitvnn of IV lrnll In tu rouiid.i, ' On-1. wan Niibnlltutnl for JncK Detntii-y nt the him nilniiti-: Suimny Mntidi-;i

wlnnliir; f ro t^ SlIrtlnilin 'Hun, Di t'rult'i ^

Ni:\V YOUIC—UnliiK nniy one roitnilliy n narrow inarcln Jnv nuiidoc. Hal- ___llmorc IlKbln'cUbt. wem. 11 12 round Icrliiinn fi'oni f.iil« Viccniltil. .Siiittb r\iiH'rlo.-in, Vicnntliil WIIH flrtiin-.l iwici- In llm <tU-vi-iitli round an|l narrowly i'i-t-.ipcd n IiiKK'kont. .iJiitidcc lunl tbo rimt rounil.' —

--------- - Y.UOSTON. Mann—Hud Coniioii. Win- Mrn

:nnKtn Iti-.lvywolKbt, ison 11 ten round In I rli-rlnbm from Jack Sb;trl;<-y. Ilu-diiii. otid jorinnn hnil n bli; rduc lu nine roitndn tnd wna never In dnncer. T

n(».MK ia lT 7 .K A m :its i ic iHnrnnby. Cnrdn—nrp, <’d 1Wllllninn. Ilrownn—25. fieclln rlne tl. Cubs—24.Mounel. Y ntikn-2S. F Slmmonn. A lb lrtlcn-IO . Ibe Udtoimle)'; Cnrdn—lu. leib

"■Kournler, ifoldnn—17. In 1 Kelly. Olnntn—17.________________,

’ im SJCfi IPWX m i . ’ ,

; - T i ^ H£VcaT»»o«HT• K ( t4tOy SOM W w

/J Nfl> 1Wa« r V«<T SJJv-• • ^ T t

* w l '

, ■ S ti,



________.NATIANAI, I.KAHl i: ._________

I Al llnriloil—l''tl:it >;ai:ii'; l t,II ,K .l,«.ulK ..................................... !•

llloritoli ......................................... C. tJ 0I liniterloa: Ueliiliaii nu-l 0 'l \ ! i 1 c ll; ICcn-wUb and ()'Ni-l1,

At I'lillndelplila-I''lriit i:aiiil : ' 11. Jl. i; . 1

riu<-Iiiiinil ......... .......................... 7 11 .:riilliiil.Iiibln ............................. 1:1 1'

Itatlerlei*: l.ii-'t'i'' and HnvKiav. :Ilcltll, l-OUcll.Mltcbrll and llrllltlie.

CoiU'li hit lioiiier liiM :ird,I.uiliic Illl bomer find Cdi.

I'liU 'iiiio '...................................... r >■ I "New Vork ............... ................... 7 11 ti "

lin lt.'i irn ; ' (‘t.oiK't- and -C o ii/n lci: ''Sn.K . .\',Uf iiiid-lI«rll.T. • - 1!

.McUKel b ll bmii.T luMt Sill, *t --------- I'

.A t Urooklyn- Klr:,i i-ami-; IMl.K-l'ltl.d ,un;li ....................... 11 '2 '■llruidilyii ................................. ... '1 I" -

Ita ll.rlc s : Vde. A ldridm -niidC onib: Onlll,nil'. IlutdK'll, M irlmrdt. iinti.-II. „ aud Taylor. ,,

tiraiillinni b it lioiiirr tim t o ld . • j

.^ .cm d j ;n i i ic r ' II.II .K . ]JSI. I'.«ill:* ..................................... - *■' " IIiw to t i ......................................... r, ,i; 1 i;

H iiltrilr«: livrc. Ill;, rfi and SebiuliU;ariibaiii aud O'.Velll, ii

Si'crmil, i-iliii-': U. II- I’, i.‘Cllicltiimll ................................. n l>i ;i 0l’lill»d..li,Illll ............................. 1" I,‘. 1 r,

l i t liiMln):.!); bII,'i(Ierlcn; Il"iiloii. -Inko ^t;.y and

-W ^l.:<':yj;ir,:nue; Kul';lit, lin t:i. .Mil- ,, ^ l>T U 0?bw iri.o ii. n iarSxII.I Iiit bomci liii'l 7tb- • n

Unii,<Ii hit bomer flrsl l l l l i , bW alker bll boiiK'i' tli<‘t lir ti;

At D iinilt i;nd M l, ■ It- uNc"'' Voili .................... I'll" u(i| 0 1 ])D. tio ll ........................ .... . "111 0. .t

lliilicrtcn: Moyl cud i:.ii:'..,iii;b; 'i;n n n r rn n d liaii:i1rr,

........... ' wAl <-inf:i!:o; II. II-i;.

r!i>iii(,n ......................................... 2 I'l* I ai

Ilailericn: Wlii):ri<'1<l nnd lIlHclKitf iv l.yiin.-i nnd Si'lmlk, '

........... I';At C lrveb ind-K tu l 6lb, 1(. tl:

WnnbluKlcm .................. - ....... ') tn 3 1 - :. inl'l.-velnnil ......... ...................... '•Ill' 'i i i- lt

Iliiitvrl(-H: Jolinnimiind Itiiel; iriilc. m.SiM-nec und Myalt. - . - ui

Al .><1. Ij.ol.-t-K iid 2iiil. I!- riI'bllndi'iplilii ............................... — 01- I 1(1KU J-onln............... ................... ... T ill

"Din r r r i r?;-----(Julun. ll t i in - '- r ln c r , ~Crovi-,1 nn.l i.’ocbr.mr. erklnii: Hu-b wn n .n ia rs r .iv ,- , ' ----------------------i>i

W atching thc n|

. Scoreboard— (If

Yi-ntcrdny'ii li«ro — I'Ve,lily U nd- lli ntrmii. lUc Glnnln'.kld Inrieldrr. ilrnv.iIn iV o runn wlib n double nnd idnclc nr Olid Ix^al tbe Plilllk-n 3 lo 2.

. — — , noTrtI niiinlienKblp won hln novcutb nn

i;nmo lu n row fnr tim White .Sox when fitho bent thc Tljiflm 3 In 2- Dnvln i.l-o i- nr<-d Ihe w lnnlnc rnn ou I-'alli'n nr.crl- Ibflee fly. HI

--------- 11/Freocb lr lp l i 'i - ln Ibe n inth wlib I'l

Ibe biuirn flllril nnd Euve 'b e Ath- leilcH n f 10 f. victory over the I’liatv-i wi In an exhibition cnine. * tb

------------ - l»l

E U A t m -----------


FA L LS D A :LY t i m e s

W ORLD Iti-rii


- I'lisl I'llll liiu' nud .Stn-iui,iii-< U.itK Intbi- Uo\ H) iJcdli I’lli 'beri » i 'r c tbe _ _ 1‘i'nlureH Ilf thl- ’I h UIi:IiI I.emnic- | i |

: ^tiiimc^hn-.t^^l,ieuliiKt NeUbt'r Tema j | J

I.. II...S. T .'i 'm ,............................. '1 ^C'lirMInnn ......................... ......._ i

) ” In n hnrd tiiiii-.ht caiii'- lai-t iili:bi .1 on l.llieolh 'rirld the .N|.in>ion:< nueervd- . I'd tn lylllB .lbi' licoi’c In ibe rttlh lu- • liliii; a fte r ll w'li:. too <l,u!i to play by

v.'ltlnic ft Avnll; with iw.i <:o«ii. Jar- loan look rii'm on four hatla, llie Urci still au.l only m»h tba t'» n v ln . lh .' Cbrhi- ,,

■; llati i.ttcbor. walke.!. Ht-isent to itc - '. (rnrl on «■ liall ;i;i'J x- hn i I’l ' sell tbrcw to Hnll Aii(b-rnnn nl Ihlnl: t<, enleb th e lUiiin'r on a iiti-nl' ibiti . H(' uiufr.'d llm tbniiv nod allowed Jnriuoii to t:

lo iieoie wblcb lird till' iK'ore. (iene to .abnvlA jiltcbed ^ood 'b a ll tbroii;;lMiut Mlbl

, Ihe I'.nuie for Ibe t.'brbitliiun and while In;• Ilia PH|ii>ort w;;;: m illed li.i wan cn- pr»l; l l t l i 'l ti> win, t'ontly .'i io ra ut i-liorl idibi' I'V tbe I'ftli'dlei' In whnt .'aimed Ibe <.,„n

"Caiiiclilen" to ...... the Kanic- IHII i„okItliters luoiki'd well nn the iiioiiu.l for 'rb i'III.' -Moniioun nud beld tbi: nirli<lbiir> .. ...

■ lo four liltir. IIIII alno hod rtvc Ktrlli.'-I oiit;i to bbi c n d lt. Ilavl......... ou,’L rev.'i,- ba tlrrii an.! allowed but - two

I .Inrman nbotibl !»• Klven eredll torlyio:; Ib.' wor,- ............. tto ' Clu inl li.n-i .n . r.. I» tlM- b a d until Ihe fltlh In- ,,, iiliii; «h.*n be n-l >11 wllh a walk uud ' liv fa....... an.' n 0 |ulliu nron d O K ^ee-

-^l!d»-i^ rl^tT-yot-nn--.Yl'b-n'-leriii»lii.;l- — —i\lil.b ll.' id re lrbn l l.< a t<,i> bane |i!l ‘ vvh.ii I.eavlll ta li.,l- lo /i '!d the ball.He neored hla m u l-.v imallii;: and fuat '■ biine luiiiibiu till!;: iilvlir; llicm onem il 111 (!i" I.nd 111 111-' lourlh bilibii;. l>i''

-Mann;-r ••|)aH" Alien rent ' " l.l.......\Vll,.on u;i ;ia ........ff biiMiT- II.' IMip. 1",'.'.!til'd 1.) lO'ci.iid.' 1'aulnon loidi-ftrvt oU ‘nil e rn ir , -UavIn ;;oi a iiiiiKle ........... .

' i.reoiid ou l!la. l,'ii e rro r when Ibe lul- l"=;le r ........................ cut’ off I-.Mibioti ul " li '- 'neeond. Allen t.adbii: for K liu uot on fronby an .-rnu- uud I’niihion .......cd <m l'rle<tbe i-iilcber'B <Tror. ’I'ru.'bbMMl fun- whei

. lied nnd I'arlnli niiiich out. kHki' Clnynon led off for ibe Morinnnn. protl, nnd I'.'nehcd fb-‘t on nu .-rror, Jjir- went

iii.-iii lilt lo'nhOJl who enUKhl ('l.’k»oil trru i. runnlui: to neeoii.l nnd I'arinb donhb-d ro)l

lo tirnt eatehlni; Jariuiiii In a Fuatilo iib lt.idnr. liotini: fiuinii'l. . - u««y

— AuTTi"nuriTin»iifiii.'ii“ tn~” iitinn— nnd TjjnyW'fin throw n out nl find, TVinmtl Vcp- 'ciiou

■ I>v.r lo-TrprmrmnTt-rm rfrT-fnnnnlr--------nrc-Iim lllil.Tri Rot a nbKle and la ter |„ ,{

ntoli- Iierond nnd Ihlril; llow tieny j;oion by nn e rr.,r by Ilavb.-lie nt.....nee-nud, U'aMII fan ind , Iteed lllt'jTn 'i iu iick ,'ou l'and ."S lln r ' Hauiuiond faii- n\-d. Gene Ttavtn pnll.-tl bbut-. lf milof n'tlK lii h.di* here wllh two iin u o u ____n'nd.no one down wbon be ntrncK out Mtiin llirco men. nouu

•Wllpou fanned. Piiiibton, ntriiek onl. Tu nnd- navln wun throw n out nt lim t,

Colo wan tbi-own out nt.flrnl.. Clny- ;^tne; non'n yroiiuiti r wuh nnaKKcif by Davitf iiree nud Tie r e ti re d 'a t firnt, Jnm uin Kxdc firnt ou nn e rio r by KliiK. ntnb' n.-eon.l nnd third nnd ncored ou fllttern' bll- , ' Iln rln s liKik firnt l>y e rro r at nbnrt, II. Hlttern lilt a idiwle nnd ntole jteroiid. , Ilo jrberry wan ibrow n oul nt firnt by

K in r flit.a srt)under to IllllerB and wan c u t o ffviil flm t. T rueb lood 'w ^ i rm m throw n out nt n rn t by Rowbi rry. Par- l»h~«ot-6n wltli g'iilnBle mid-liK.k bcc-

B y b v V i O - , ■

U tn e . n e 's ic k IJ l s r > IW-T OEMr , 6 « l : I CU" « ’!■ ,■ m « « . f w

S K ■ t f i w w j ' l ! ^

-----------s j v

ond on au . i n . l l-y . . oli r fi,'U!-i. ll,,!.’And. ri^oii w-;Ul..'il-^.iul-.ner IMi i. l, l';rl ! ' (leoied tiy ;il.allti;r Ibtril aifd li.iii,,-,; 1 I!o1y-»:is eaii:;bt (I'xlii;; lo ,-li':il ti.,:i>, ; ‘

tern faiiiii d, •''Slim" ................. 1 ,‘tn „ i:[om (or Ibe >eeoud ........ |ii;ilii:'. I!., ' ,,

■ : t L ...................................tc r r;,tiil.'i[,. U'ttM.n r:..( .< : iii b. ..n,I,

fb-liV'bul’ u \l" o ii '\ .a a ‘'Min'i»u i', 'Uu; lo M,;>1 tlllld. •

-i't'OJiJ hy ;iti m u r j . j U/. i .-aleb.i, iilid neo in l .m on i-n niblr.l, llorlii« wa:i .................... ai ; |r ; I ii

Tlib. c'loM'd till- I'niiii I'l'.at,.,, n ih .ti.l darhiiivi.'i, 'file cam .' -.•.eiit He i.- Iliir fiv,- luiilu ';-- l la n iim |-lr.,| |,.,li . 1 l,.,r„| nud Mriken aud "H .-ald.'" Day uii>]'li. tj | u„.

____ ■ I 1..1


-_RAISEtRATES|.StiileiiK'iit .if llnllr....... llniiided n> .,

.................... . lij Slide n i | j | i , „ n,,, ,rminiii'-'.Inii. leii--'

. HOl.- K, Auj;, IS —I'r.'ni. cJUp;ileli. . ' ' Ito tl...... . Mint Ib r earriern Int.'i 'd inforto . anil tin- llilorntnte e .iuiiii.'in ' e.>lu. J. II iiilni-l.iii for a .*> per ir.uL Incrcun''In fr.'lubt rulen nre .bruiuled a > r i / i proi)ai:nn<lu In... n nlul.'iiieut bitiiiid H I lodiiy by tho (itale ptiblle utlllll" J j \ , eoiiiiubmloii, r ii .i rtali'U ieiif Is al n tookld ou »‘i n j lc b tra t lo li of »\rr

nny In.'reane on tbe <l'<uiu,|i t in t..... w enlern roada. ut leaM. i.re IK,IV.sirnluK llior.' than n b ;;nt r. t.irn , ,

Anuoiinceuieiit waa lon.b- lb.it Sbermnii M. Oifrln of ISob;e,wl11 1-............................... . eobliubrdou al111.- rlileueo b.-arliii: on Ibe rale m - 1"idleidlon Sepleinber S- It I......... .. Ae.iliJ,ou;:ht t.robabb- tliat two , uieiubei •- II- H .f Ihe .•ouilidnt.loll iiuil Kale lONp.-it iioml ^.iniilrl I.. Newton inay ab>o u lln id . l.Iali

"Thr ul)l)lleatTon t.i the lul'-n 'tal- litn ■ I'ouiiii.iT.i coiniiiliedon r.'a lly ealln Mr, •or an tnerea^.-'« /f IJ l» 'r eeni," »av.' Ml,., he ',ii:ii.'iii.'Ul. wlilcb In id;;ili'd hy (u ...... '.■oiotulrMon n .rjiib rla and by ....Mr, C oltlu- •'Hut Ihe n.'«:i Iri ,r.'a lly „f .. ,io|>:oM(ula. M.ib

'•Tbe lieall o l tin- (|ileT'Hoil Iici 111 ,.„11i he tart rbnl Ibe ,r-l!r<.a.ln ure a .k - . n:; 'tor liien-a-i.'.l. I'alea nt a ttiiir ,vlM-n tbe «h<de wer.t Hn unft.'rlim ' ' rr.im •dvprer.idoii Vaiinod liy . Ims. , , .rle.'K of nil Ib.- prodiieln nf tbe mdl, . •vhen every hum an iieilvlty In ntriic- ' , JIUK for .J(b.leue.^ wllb.iilt hojav of .rotli. inid wb.'U tbe peopl-' «>f > i<- vent arc boldlni; on with Krlin d<- rruilliallon lo M'l'h till tbi- elou.la

" i V E 'r , , . . ™ . , . . ' . . ......... I .............. .brv n ro . nut- mulilil;; .luuiii'*-. bi|i T jny-n ial—IT ^S ^nr.-. ntif -‘Tunlt^R-

n tbV uecniiipllnbm .nt Of tbidr up- ,llcalluit for ra t.; Incieanen.'-

A i i r r ic ; r i .A > s

(Continued from paite i) ___ ’

rilllan A rctic expcdllUm loday nn- a.uiin..<l. • Th

Tu..Vu-W a-rinc*W a led Ibe cbornn la Si vlion.' I'ouKH wore broadcant from MneMllhUfrt linix- nbip nt ICtah. ireenbin*!. luiIl week. Thn uiunJc ,ume llii-onKh no rleurly . the pro- *i ■rnm wn.i rebroiideaMed nl 322 me- ern nn.l .m any umai.-nrn re[>orled ll necoHutuI reception. Tbe pninrnnin •onslnt o f clinrun nlndnK. ‘more i.iiirly nh ln- wulllnic thnn lo be (iiind.i of clvlllr-idlon calln iniinlc. nc- •mnimnlc<l by «hc weird rhyllmmic oncn of klloutcH. iirlm tllvn drum like nnlrum cntn beaten wllh w nlnw loncn. ....................... ...........

' A U H * H e a l l y - N e e d M ..........A eood wlto nnd health nrii o ninn a

fkt weiilth.—12enjnmln Kmnklln.

i l M H M » M D V V I rLAST ^ b w r a O TODAY'

SJutinrc Biia Eiet^liiB .

Shlrlcj Mason and Bryant Washburn

- ■“ --------- _ .

"THE STAE DUST TRAIL'*A IliiiDonce n( F a io r, Fortono and


ALSO WALTEB EIEESIn n T w o-rtrt Cownly ___

■•OH BRmOET” n e Hnro t n i See .D ie I 'a t IVnller

......... ......IMny n r ld iH

Tomorrow — Ono D»y Only

V a u M I e R oad S howH f E BIG ACTS

A5ITX— r p la IW Air CIrt" ^ 5

TOX CO rELASD — S c o iU a r* |P dB c MUIMer of Xlrth” *

fi!Di»T a f l i bnr — x PBnJ« ' jC ttt« 4 r ------ --

1HLLUXS * CULTER--Fbi( blPw »*U r»- T

-TUE LITTLE FAXTASI-Eatrile JF*fp M»i JJrr D sad m u 4 *

V e n t

• 1

P o c a t e l l o M a n I s D £

M i s s i n g f o r N e a r l y i D C

M o n t h ; S f e a r c h ^ " | p | |

" T i“ “ r r — 1 I, i.: i ia iy " iid .i j„ ;.— n 7

I ..... \M :|tt..| M ll'.'.lld

' l.,n .' 'lll.l l , . . : , l " .i I .; '|.h i i I

!,"!','‘i .'I'l.'-'li'I.IJli ■-.il'ii ill'! Ii;,i,:i' I-.

:, Ii’. i n llllll,'. n.iii'i ..... . I 'i'i'' I ,,r.;!L ;i.li| llm ;'l;" .'.... .^mi'I ... '7 |-,- Iiii— ,n r :n r T : '.(If,I, ......... . a(r.l „-i . I(. II.' ..........lovr a llulit lioiU:i^ i-M' V, ;ij, i.,l

in ‘n 'llii- Tb,. b.i, I. e; ' H ''' |.,. ',i:tiiiHMl'll,' »a :. I,ia,li',| ii|, <uHi i "HI

. 'iii.|i .'-iltll.. (in ,M:i li'll ,.lili' I'l ..........

"I iv.iiiM- e.'it.iinly aiij.i- ' t.ll. -;o\ ' " iforiiiallnn I l .lll ' I .11 1

E co iiim sT T oSURVEY IDAHO I ;

.e rr rtiir j .Inr.li.iie |i. I'iud Cui «1uil ,,Is >\niiiTr iiith .tu-rl.’iilliir.. T lii-nr.''

mI- It. 'W iley, l.il ii.il i \ i „ ': i m .r , . . ___ ;ouili i, to rri'i.it ti; W .j;, Ki'.Mi.'.".,.lain. Mall- .'..oii.il'.'.|,ii| ,.f i,:-:li'ii1-it;.; ■iiul_:I-l:il.JiJia_lli .--.m - !ii^_i.u _ .-.li.tn ............. le. MICM V 1,1 tl,N . - l . l e . ' ^tr. T olby 1,1 iA i..riiit io ';iii lv .- In

iJibi u . » I , | ' J , Jll iviJI i ii i.i ^:i .•■lutenue- » ltb ......... .:ji|..u.-.i nud .II. -I'. IVde I'Tiifi .:.,l• ^

.l.ibo! an.l j id b |. | -lamb .itl, :,-rl- \ ' iillur.il .e .o p ........... N

l|..:lo iirr Kia-ll-'vn c.i;.,. b- i . r.i.i /■ll.eeil tb . 'rr l;i idmitUlii'; wroi,., ^Itb th r r(U|tlllloii of lh .' -Iilebo ' Uirni.'r nn.l be llilukn thal nn i,u- ///fl rejudle.-il eooimlnnlon will br nlit-. nliidv tb r nlluatloii, di-l.Tiiibi.' tin- i j ,mine nud ;.ll.r::e.:t col,',.c•,^e ri.-an. „ i ,,l'e:l,' ' ------ —buOlli:omuili..i|onrr .laTilbu- wi-.-le Mr,


ind'wMl b.'*'of Iiiiieh vutue to your .-nr.-::----m -n n lr i— trr-tx* - f r n

i ' t . ™leiuented with a rinAey ,if li.c Olltr |I.k- eoiiii'etlllon w hlrb 1.1.iho t..no - ____

ui.lM .'Xliri't Vl m .e t. botl. I.ero nd iibrond."

Tho Times' Jn uneuuali-a for nnwa Hig1 SouUinm Idnho. elibi...

J o e - K S a y s :Aulo drlviTH wlio w ate'i Ih r le.'Tirr

liable to brcon-c a' t,:ni boib- Kh,

i ^ a iM T ic ] ^ ■ fiTiT^ irrri .*TONIGHT AND TOIi


L l o y d H a m i l t o n C o m e d y' JuBt-for-Somc .Lofs Rnd the

. ------ STARTINO THTOAIoRff tho roaring rood of Iftoj

nt/C M A /tCI . i i i& c K y f e

. a FRA <IC T itT ri jF O T O U C•A lm T k Ibfi. S M t ro^ th t J d a te .

S t a p r t N o j r l

k n i t u a i - j o n s o 5 n m r o

• V i ' / ■



111, J>." ' ( ‘.I ll,.i,;l,ill I \Va;l,lu::1iin

" ■■'■■I....... .1. .. :i'...i|i'- (,f bla ■

...... . ol I'i.ili, l'M 'M ..'t’l' ' l^ndl!l:'i'.


I.'ii:,'.: I" .I'^iiil » ttti 111', i-.itbi-r, - 'I .le.'iiiilnl ;d-

. 1 , i.lit. K v ltt , , „ i„.|,l..|jl |.,ii lit .;-----III.' m e-l-

,1 -,-.' H. vMll l,ii.,U-R 'ilb llov- il-liiel:..

'I'I.r I........I.......... . -Mi;- I'ooll'Uie

, I'l.-,I.h l,.v IV,IV e! N'liillialolili'-il,I I 1, 'V: : i',.|;iih, ll>,.. , 'I'll.- -visit

. i ' t .,1 'by t'lm

...... ol hi-

•111, |o i . | , l , t , l . » lil lr Ill'll', tKe. (iti- I ,„ || ................ . ............... Iball M

lit 1,1 . jll,.I, ir.il .^.inlHliill bnn berll

I,.. ..n Mill, a liliowledlie'of

ol Il.l. "".It ' i l ; i . . .It n."efillnr;eiII lu him-"

[ I i i s b i i t i d unil W i f e ■

C , ,. .y . V ------------------

I never plrlc up tho dnlly paper nl boBie bu l w hnt my wlftf{Startn ... bumbnrdiwr mo w itli .» 'lot.flCiiUly. '.■... iiuei llon?.—Jiin. D. H.‘

t n r . i r i> o j:s v o v n w’l r r . n o i

[ C S S S m n r A D V I B T I S H I B I I S ' ^

ttnlT id (M U u Iw 0««tUW*UM

I-DU IlN .NTy'l'b re- room furnlnlied

|.'(IK SAl.i: i:i.x:trli- wanblliK mn- lln... 2.12 HIh i.v.’uu» eanU________

■.•iirry lu'.tend of ll.-.. road .iro Kh, w hal?

^ 1 " '*'**“ ■Mnlinec............... llic nnil 20cK ii'iiliiir...........10c nnJ 30c

, Ili.iir>s », s m . : an a 0


iVetffSS « I W C O D Y ^ •

)—dy, “H alf-A -H ero” ,the Nows Weekly.

[UR8DAY----- ,laoffhtw «nd ronutnco

/ _ a \ ,

l u c t l o n : « r : ! a r ' - ‘■

Page 4: T W IEM FJ mmS - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · I'oriland wlioru ho left llicm-lii th boitn or ilM bunlncKK dlntrlct. Lawmnco Jucobn,



The Timei ) iu more roadc pu!)

P ib U fh M JtfTT . SYonlnK Kxc«|

L a l u a r m s -------------------- :

■ n u r ^ At tb* T w in PbJIi Tmi D ftllr Publlcatl

SUBSCKir> Daily,' ono ycnr ----- ----- —

DjjjJy, aix m oiuhn ..... ...........___________ Daily, one mouth -------

“ “KANSAS JU D G E SENTJ In China tliey, .still ,lia'

- when a bank i'uils, thu ,l>ii seem luirharoiis to s(une Ai Jkis failed in China in over

Strict enforcoinunt of wealth and influence of ti tendency to luevent crime, more sui)stantial anil endur on quicltsands wlien tiie pe« the intefcn-ity and impartial ji

Wa have in mind, in |) sei-vice iierformecf hy Jiuig( sentencing the convictejl pi 45 years in i)rison and . in, lute limit (Kjssihlo under thi

A few more jiidfies liJ stitngtlien our democracy a

% than a nilJlion yeais <jf fla i\v(Vfaced nlatitJidca.

’rlie re c a n lje ny tirm p wJjen the rich, )>y I'cason of yers who find loophole.s in t have thc advanLajje oyer de affo rd such costly hut offee:

■ The cnurts them selves jjartial j i s to the wealth or jx j

So a re tlie Ijftvs,. The trouble i.s« the law

cru ited m ainly amoni; lawye to fram e'a law so thero will plenty of bnsine.ss fo r the It

These loopholes frecpie tended safeguards for ])eoj)

-- • -given, a rich i-dient. a Khrow these loopholes to delay a c

________iinnr man cannot affo rd sue!(yrje preatT^weakness Oi

th at is enijjloyed to kec'p riel • foolish proco(hn’e of abidint

ra th er than tlie plain moani By citincr preccdenb; an'

m an’s law yer l)attl('S over liu ities of the law it.seif, even iii guilt or innocence. ■

W e need sim pler laws. j.ildgOR lilvb '\\' a{l, inexorahl a fte r offendei's reiiardless <>

- ■ totn'Lvare fiust en(fuirh, all rij liire an arm y of skilled "itini

DOUBLE •;Kvery new spaper in llie

_ sm aller (lailies and m ore esp■ 'l ie s r i r te V c r y 'i s i s U u X d v e 'l i ly e r

m otion o f mattoi-s o f pui)h‘c c<immercial clubs and chaml)

------------KTpMzatinns,- and cnm?rmnit>kin<is feel themseJves free at dem and— from the ne\v.~:papi l)assive support bul active pi his coltrijins. 7’iris sNjjport is than not colum ns oC pui)lici sole cost and expense of the

'Wc have in ini»d sojm; |_________ vote* m u c h spae«! In t h i s f r e e

ciit-s lo illustn ite tlie stni'ies photo.irniphpr to tnke lliv jiiel

■ cities for this sen 'ice jrive ih eiplit o r n ine dollars a day. to uable space in tlie jiajier to ;

.•\nd tlien, wilh nerve si------------dip: lip some mori> ;t'nii write :

to liie o ii'ani/.ations on whie ably len tim es the aiiionnt as

Tliis is dimble uixatiim.......... ■< T here Is' no o ther indust

prove it,’M r..Seeretary, po In an d tcU him you w ant a sad ' an<l a couple of ham s .\N'D a zation. H e 'll probaiiiy i;ive

• thank .you fo r.lh e i>atrunace sam e in the next mail. And v( Perfectly a li riirht.

But your puid isher lias t•__ s;ime way and if he sends yo

— -____ t i o n i i L - l . ______:--------- --But a flc r all. tlie troubli

self. H c has. privon uw ay so n body expects it and U)ink.s it H e has novor insisted chat he don’t th ink h e does. Hut my the p ap ers pot on tin 'ir meta stop tn Uie free s tu f f ! They’it l i / 'n c n r o ___T ^ irtn o o r

r '

SDAILYTIMESER' OF -TWIK FALLS COTOTT ' idcra in thii tity, ^ u i u j . oth»i( mhh'cation. '

Butxlnr b7 tb* 71in*a PabUiMsg

’oito ttlco 09 Bocoad C lai* H att« r U » cation, A pril U . 1118.

a i'T IO N RA TES_____________ ___________________ „ |« . 0 0 ,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3.25_________ 60.

IT£N€ES BANK'PKESIDENT lave an ancient law by whicl biinld.‘r is lieheaded. This nia Americans. Ciit only one i)an er ((HJ yeais. •of the law, regardless of th tiie lawi)reaker, always ii'as

;. Anti it makes the, K<>vei-mner lurin.ir, for a govermiient is bull )eople (io not have'confidence ii 1 justice of courts.1 particular, the-excellent'publi' i.i e .Jej'Wc I). Wai! <if Kansas ii president of a (U*funct hank I

ir) ,(){)0 fine. This was the al)so the hnr.liJie Wall would do I’uore t< ' atul nip Bfdshevism in the bui fla.tr w a t i t i g , orutoiy uiu

I public coiifldeniic'iirthu uimit r>f Jwin.tr able to l)ire cnifly Jaw 1 the law and melliods f i^ e la y defendanLs whose pui'sO caniio ective dodgin.i;'._'s iisually are theoretically im jjoverty of defend;u;Us.

iws are made by f)olitieians re yers. And^lTost.of these inclinc ill be loojdioles. Thus nssurint le^al profession,

uently are in the'nature of in- ojile accused of crimes. Bul [)wd law’ver can find enough ol i c^se almost intorniinabiy. 'i lie iich lawyei-s.' ( i f o u r liTw.'';— am l'H ~ w paim es< = ic h o f f e n d e i 's o u t o f j a i l — is m u in.if b y t e c h n ic a l i t i e s o f th e law min.LT a n d i n t e n t o f t h e la w . • in d 's t ju - t in t : a rK U m enL s, ih e ric h Llie in t e r p r e t i i t i im a n d te c h n ic a l -

m o re t h a n th e ^ q u l- s t io n t i f gu iK

■s. ( j u i c k e r j u s t i c e — a n d m o re d ) ly .iro iiig J ia m m e r an< l tonto- ; o f w o a l th a n d s ta i id in j r . T h i ' rii^ lit. w h e n lh e d e f i - n d a n t c a n ’! i n u th p ic c e s .”

rT A X A T lO rrh e la r id , b u t m o r e e s p e c ia l ly tlie s p e c i a l l y .s t i lh th e c o u n t r y w e e k - » /ra lIy ‘'V )f 'lh e ir”s i) a c e t 'o 'th e 'p r o ^ lie o r c iv ic in te r e s t . T l ie I«ical n b e i-s o f c o m m e r e e , t h e c iv ic o r- i t y w c i f a r c - i j m m n t e r s t i l - - a ll a t a l l t im e s to d e m a n d — w e sa itJ i ip e r o f t h e c o m m u n i ty n o t o n ly

p a r t i c i p a t i o n o f th e e t l i l i i r a n d is a l w a y s g iv e n a n d m o r e f»ften

l ic iiy a r e f r e e ly g r a n t e d a t th e te [ lu b l ic a t io n . . ii; [J i i l f l ic a t io n s t l i a t n o t nnl.v (le* .‘e p u i ) l i c i ty b u t a l s o f u r n is h th e L‘s a n d i f necc.N s;iry f u r n is h th e l ie tu r e s . O th e r s w i th o u t t h e fa - l l u ' i r s p a c e , p a y l l i e i r l in n ty p e r to s e t l h e l y |i e a n d ^ d v e u p v a l- n a l l k in d s n f jm b l ic s^erv ice . s u b l im e , l!u> e d i t o r is a s k e d tn

.■ n r h r r k f n r ^ n c - ; ’* n r I h n lil<.. l ie h h e h a s a l r e a d y s p e n t i)r«il). a s k e d ’n w i lh a v e n i ie a n c e . i is t ry s o t a x e d . I f y m i w a n t In In (»ne n f y n i i r g r n e e r J iie m iie rs

ic k n f s u g a r a n d a ln l o f c o f f e e ' a c h e c k f o r d u e s tt) l h e o r g a n i - v e y o u th e c h e c k a l i r i t i h i a m i : e a n t i y u u ’ll f i n d a b i l l f« )r th e y o t i ’ll p a y i i w i th o u t a Ih o u .c h l.

s tr iv e n y o u n f hi.>; w -ares in th o y n u a b i l l y o u ’d h a v e a c o n n ip -

b le l i e s w i th t h c p u b l i .s h e r iiiiii- I m u c h a n i l so e :u ;ily t h u t e v e ry - i t a m a t t e r o f c o u r s e a n ( l r ig J ii. h e ;uiioim L'< to m u c h , s o j)C op le i y ! w h a l a h o w l w o u ld .co u p i f i‘ta p h o r ic ;U e a r s a n d p u t a j ^ H y ’ci g e t l l i e n e x t jo l ) o f p r tT iu n s

^ d a i l y

I.f CrilU J )t™«;■WJvDNKSDAV, a u g u s t

— ' HIKV— «U»nHln.

_ _ _ _ UOA—KOA lIuJTl.

— ; ( E u u m DayliRlil Sa rinn TlWEAr. .SKW YOIUI—lUl.ft

— «;00 I'. V.—WiW»ft.A*u>rt« OKI < M.—ArnMWiia an-rlm

X ), K 5'—>r, W >«. KKW TfOM—oia.#

T . .! ;S i? 'S .iJ te r 'a ”, r Ki i c h ,

11:16 I*. M . ~ P u r t i Cannrt W0«. NKWARX—490.3

■ ■ fii;i o A i 1-! »»—

4].,, WII-. niii^tir.i.i-tiiA—Mfl.<m e B:01 y. M —ynuiklm On;ln»lr».

lO n i wno, riiii>\i>RU-n>A—ooR.ij u i l i e in .

s iti ; s u^ Lo lliim r. M.—AWlN» Tlliaini)si>- o.«o

t" ?:,!! S irS rr.,”,";:-!?...b u d 1. ' ^ ' ^ .mtWAU)—nio-ou u d

a w - ffi'j; :

im - ” " '

- l i i L f N S■ini' --------- ,

Mr. micl Mni. C. V. l'>vvrlii nii-l faJ n lly ................ . tc. | | . r T lll.'y tiniiK'

,*"■ i:iinl.,e rnt« 'r Hirr'.'i. Mr. Tllli-y li> >Ul, lilH iniirli ii.'ur 'Itnrk Crri'k.I o f Mr. Iind MrH. W, (5. KncIi iiml fii P ,— JJx a n iU ttu lb i :r^ ii jn ^ _ M r. AI1»t 1.,V r h e ,„„l fi,mtly, viniiifi^-fFSnTM

' M)url. r.-tiirnnl Si.iul.iy ficin n 1.

lossour Ml', titiil Mr». I'<i1 iiMtl •Itiii

tow ™sr.lil 1,1). liilrr.'»l In Ih.- li.rnl i.»|

j a l - .'linn:.' o l Uu- T « ln I‘iin» ro im ly T ,.{1/ -J')!.- .r> :rrl» 111.' '

l.nrl.n-.-,.if Mr. uud l-ny. «tiiivi' miiili' inniiy "uviii fili'iKl.i iliirl

oro .\lr«, H nrry .Mmml.- iitid ti*.ii l.di I'' tJfTS diiy innn.ln;; t..r h.-r li.uiir lu Ku. rllO Mt.-r .U im ur r..rlt«».„n

c-r montlir. « m i ll.:- |i;i;riili., .Mi. ii >■' ‘ Mr». J . i;. u iii f i iir .

.Mr. ,an<l .Mix ivu.-j- «.1;.tiKlilvv Vl.ilH l.f l Miinduy nii>n>!

“ " " "

ok- Kl S lh .T n .ili '. '^n lu id iiy oii ii fiidil- tn trm -d , ...tnru.;;l__SumIay.

‘J , Mr», I I . J i d i i i : » > i i iui<! tx.n.. 1

o?- E V E R E T T W u E Ta l l ________________________ ______

a i(J - (' 3 1 - O W / r ^ G -nIv H O O T C H —mil ' ! 3 R E / \ T H .t e nt h e . . ^

t '

S 'r ^ o W Sx=> M 3U L i K c

t" t m - a t ' s t h s ■Rc


■ V j" ,

\ \ al^ R l^ f

,h e - ----------------

- - . I / t - ' ?I ll- ••


i ; r


RADIO PIrr«) Jt).)K) 1'. M— llnm.irlel. (inhr.lni.

n c l '. MO.VTIHIi t—«I0,7—' — TOO I’. !<.— .

A ii3

17 1 & i K ; r 5 . v . . . . IOKiif.ir«. S landanl and (icjilral«,Ji‘‘' “'“ ‘ DaylUhl S»tIdb Time)

' ' WXAI-. WAlim«(lT«IN-^eiW .Ja®iwiici s »*• wllhYhiUn ubll»»lo.'nvrll. MIAMI UKAfII—3t4.«1X“ ‘*‘ VSi ^la,# 10;U0 I*. .M.-U*nCT>JB. . Hcx. ucrnuiT—Ain.o\T ^ SiDS ?:is iS — i f “ . ij"'" !• II.. «TA«. CUSVWASl*—tUtM*

III IMI 1|. *,- . HTtAii, a.*>Ta.ASf»—ioi9.«^ T:00 1'. *«.—KluOu ci>iicrrl.

>n.w, «-isaN><ATi—««-3 *'■* 10 u” !•' M'~l'ili'IrlI'Ti* 'i’[»i'T<o!'ir- n;a*

s r - ' i,:o«T?"'l:.'“ 'S5j'n.';~o..,TO* ■Mri^ll. Wtfl. aUCAdll—3«4.fl

!;!8 f: a;=A3K5r.r':i'V.'!!,“ '■K.:i I’. M_<liRihu>lirn: Uns rmull.. s s k

ijoa illtc).! l'l 3 .—Mia"&l>i"Yi'Au», •

c . . H IN) }".' ii.— <ir'ti»«li».ft •! :ui I’. M.—I?<<iv'nll> |ri-iiir«.'^1^1 ’'.'HI M.—Mu«lc«l,n {ifWj.* •HI *■- **—Ch»pn>».i’., OfThMlrv

UV/. «47.dti'aini. 7 Oil I*. M— niU'ir.

III nij r.

lii.i ti.ii •>"

-•>' i;: g ' E H S r ' ...... .’■t'l'" lU iili !•! N._l><i” «»«'i',ifi On-nr.ir,"wiiu-.r’.. p j jn . >t^E^rjr,.\nT—.^o;Jl

I t r n Jn«t Mfcic, for tlifjr l«mr nl Si>rlm: n N (l.-id. Md.. Iirior A 'lilnlllll'u VlHll will

Mr. mill Mrit. G. I.. Stri-tKiuiUi. ^Ii I f ,, , , , , nii.l MrH. I., ,i:, Dnvln an.l Mr. am ,i„. „„ Mni. ( iln in Whlinoy uikI c lilld rn i r<-

i„ luriii'.l Iiiiiii.' SiHKbO' i-vi'iiliii: fmm i five ilayn rit^liltiii-'niid ImnilnK irli

I -v Jn.Uiu MiiMoon un.l K IIvit cro.il.........................

|rT,Tr:,T —-Crcm>f.v-ftitiI-IMfi*{ij<l_:j:uascj:__olI Your >’"'■> In'it »'«ek ut tn.- bom.- <>iII un.l " " 'I ' ' i>t«-'l< nud mint, .Mr. umt .Mrn............CnU:lu_Uwaia_________________________hiU"li* t( III r.'piirlI'd ' Hint Klnicr .Mliituii

Ui:id.- frnu. i-lKlit ncr.'ii .,f la r l j.-.•Ully . Mr. Mi'ilmi f.rli hi, k.hm'iiaii.'i f'JWH" il'.H iw Ktari.il'riKlu..-il.m " "■'I' I" NobrnHkii in te ll Mr, frlcn.I:! iiiul ri-liillvcK (brr<- nf llilty-I-.-l. ,\von.|.-rfut i-.iuuir>. Iiln fniully ni ' 111' ‘'" " ’I'lltilw't blin,

luriiii: M aple’* Fine ColorA c rra t r.-roiunn'nOnilon for tlio r«-d

I l ' 'i l ' napl.- In .vniir irr»-idnntlnc piniiii In K u .i\-;ii(i iilMlir-ycur-rniiuit liniiit)-, pmyii (b* " " I ’l'j lAtiiprlnm Tr.'U A~»oe|ntlnn of Wnsli-

I iDKton, ivliidi will Btnil ynu irr*'- jp lnntlns Inhtrm-ilon. K rrn wluiVr

■inlu;; I

roni iM Certainty A re■ « .'u l '‘M.*"! uddn-«.-,i--< uuikr ijry rcadluK." mllln:'. '' I ' ' ' - U” llc'i-d lli:il u-liru iiMUfllii; the

I t<'l.'|.lu;n.; >.'||.U ," -1.,.U|HV|IH . C hiHl-p-■■ l..fllJ'.un>:il, ______ ___________

-B y Condo

k:<5. THA-r, <3VCi.T5<s,-TT ■?_____


G-HT * ( .C T 'S St=.<£, "Yovj l l i .


tO;SO-l:(» A. M.—Coaerrt.e :o o r.jrap S 5 ‘?S?rs!'

(C cntria StandM d Time)

SV'Sj i-.'1 “"•“ '“'Sri;™ .

.!;S! |:-

^ M i r s 3 s : & . 4 s , u , , ■UUr CKtmmt. •duiuo.

ll 00 n»*lwn-» orehnitrm.U:*i IK M —IUnrll J'hllbwC .tirrji.IIJM> r. u.-^linisv n u 't ORtinilra.


' I:; .RHI>. NT. UXnH—Ma.t

7:00 «*. Sll»i‘rm»n'» OrclKilr*.. ^• XKAH, IJNltJI.N—340.H I ,

f i s - i S ' S r i s ^l.imi Mill*. b»U-

• ' ' KTTW. u itr KVM sr.s-a'iut T til ls .M .~ n p n rt* : mi»ru-lia (M ountain Standard TImr)

■»T. - KOA. DBNVKH—.1W.4IK, I1'0« .M.—S1<-<'kii. tOkiki-u, l>««'l>all,, iilau ;, X,—Wiiiift i /irw n i.

i S i S £ K iS s S , ; i i ' '" -'• (J’aclfie Coaat S laftdarJ, Tfine)

T:U<l I-. U.—niikl n rat u)il il'Vht.UW. OAKI.AM)—30H.S

hIixi !•; vriu»tlc)ii?i flr*r»m,H:UO l>, M.~liiilliuu- oC lunkrra.

JO.yO }'. M— B»oc* pn>«tBm-KIIJ, LOH ANOUJU.—tOS.1

S'rei !•' N— AMroSiSicJ'^w'uir*IU-3U I'! M.'^lirkm^^'oirii^'il'rB.

%rt. UM AN(iKij:«—tm

KIIW, rOllTI.A!<n—i#«JJ , n on I'. M,~-Hauilrr« Uirhr«liv

KHi i; i;niia. t-Nrun. /.NUT. cwiut.Nl'TI!: HljU'Mi 'I'Mi’ruivnli

- 1 dm liws,',,ii Sfrn. !■:. A . 'liotiu r c tu r tiP i^ n Prl-

, ilily from a inouibn’ vlnlt w lib bi-r „ dniiKlilPis, M rs. P. P, MacJcdton ol

ir ii. Monl|ii'Ili-r ntul Mrn. Uonn U.-aMX) ol r,..ik Siill J^ k n C lty,^D iirlnR .bcr-vIhU ulir

wt-nt oil n (nnr ibruiiRli VvIIowkCOiid im rk. f!|i.’ WUH ncroiiiiianU-d bniiia by

T „ r li^r-tJntiRbtcr.-filr(i.-P. H,-MncJflion,— Mr. iinil Mrs. sMerl.- DruilrT of IJolnp

iwrir Sunilay uv»-<iI»k fi>r ii— '\vcPk‘KTljilt-wlth-Mr.-l)rnUi'r'i*-»ili*t»rr!

'1 ' ' Mm. D.illii» Cordon.kIhhI MrH. Obicn and Mlim Mnrlon

null Orvilli- wcrL- Tw lu FnllH «bO]i|ii-rrt i.lH Sniurday.

Ihlt; MrH, A. J . WIlHon. MIfH Hazi'I Wil- n i'. non nud l-M WlUon iiinlorud to Klli-r

(iiid UoUldK-r Suiiirdny..Mr». Vcrnn IJtnkeJcy nml rlilf.Iron

. frnui lIuuH.-i) Hiii-iit ibu xvuvk end licrc

(b* Science Has Many W aytof 'Finding Criminals

iii'i-r 'Idi'nililciitlon Iiy lloKi-r |<rlni» biitt Iriy tnnk' iniKH.wl (lio vtaiK o f ar^imwiC

und In (-onHldi-nil nluiu^t iibwiliiti-. lu fll.'I It bUH boon. Inb.irl.iuHly ■•ntluinli-dtb a t till- Kluinlliini-diiH diHCovi-ry o(

n it" J " '" " ”*- •WcnJlcal flnircrtho l"^ ';’'' 'i ilsb t ocn ir .met.' In n niitnbfr

.1 .)f ci-nturl.'H niimlni: Into forty-nluo “ 'T lctirw .'T rom ' ttip -v x n n iln n tlo n 'o f 'V

— m)(),l)0ii.(t00 |).-ni<in>i. In t-Acli c a m ry , ( J o wiy» 1/Avcnlr. I’arU.

Crliiilnid»i;lHiM. bnw.-vi-r, do nnl cnn-- • - t*Idi-r ld<-nlllli-iiil.in o irla lu unleiw.thcns

nrc nmn- thun tw dvi-nnlnin iff HlniHnr- Ity b. iw.H-n tbi- imrliul Imprint loft nl tliP HroH|- Ilf till- crbnn und tbt- rc- roril.-.l d ivtylnsruidi nf thc .w m iw l, l*n'f.-i<?>nr llnllhitminl linvlnR drnion- hlniti-.) thnl, In »nli.-r Ib Ilnd twi-lve ciilncldlui! fc-uturr*. very ncnrly 17.-

' it(Kl,ll<io iiuprlntii would bnvu lo lio«es- nmlni-.!.

ilu l u cHuilnnl uiiiy Ivnvu ollior uiarkH thun th.in.t nf bln lluiP'ni. tlu

____ .luoj'. bcur mi bln luxly nr clntlilni; cvl-t .Irm-i- thnl ho him hw n nt lh« *ewio

..f til.- cnmn. Tlio ninrk ..f o b ite may Ih- uh vnlmiblo ns n nlcTiiituri-. Ttio |irlnl of a hun-.foot In a liuo« n* char-

■ nrlorli.ttc n« tlm t of n bnnit, T liiro an* fi<it only (hi- (ruirku left hy (he «lnn*H of Ihl- crliulmil In 'M ft cround.

____ In blooil BtiiluH or on cortnln |i1ccm of

liJrnDfy bloi bpontiiw' f>t l)»c piwJilon of , rbe.Hhiw Lnlln o r tho ninniior In wbleh

tbt* bM-H o r im i« 'a ro worn down; t'Ut PTPn-pnntrti>« nf iliiiiT.-rnBl--#nd vamlub on tlip clnlhlnc of tbo inur- i1< w und liln vlcilm nro of valonblo •n.UtnDc«> to Iho Invt-dlgmlor*.

T b« bM t WA7 iQ m n fl ro ttr ow a bo»> (QM4 ta to («U ot& en aboat It— th ro m tt .U>«lr_n>w»pap«f.

B A R L E Y “ W a i i E ^ ^

V W t Will H aii I t

Tw in F a lls FBBtfar Co.r U M flOJ e r 7 H

B t J y S A T I S F A C T I O N

.W I T H H A R D P A V I N G

W lica tJio a tre e t running pn«t yout bouBe o r In tro n t o f your ulaco ol biMlncfls Is 10 bo poTcd yoa nre In' leroated In scelns Hint tlio natorln l Choiun bna tba ad rsn tnso o t prorld- Inc . <or ecoQomy and latlsractlon. Your money will pny tbe Inltlnt cont And you will baVe to bear your shnrt e f. tb a maintenance and repnlr bUla. Time and trafOc will teat tbe i]na11ty o f Uie inatoriale u ied ani) If thoy are cboaen wisely, w ttb a Tiew to economy both fn iltst cost and tn tbo mnlMo- nnoee, you will find (ood 'c auso for concratulntlon.

*........ n y 'MiVericned'o»er"ii” lcrra o f yciirsU hna been founil tliflt herd-*urfiiec(l pnvementa m tc t all reqnlreprents. A

• itri-et tbua tm prored la nuro lo rIto ■atlifaetlon.' Now flr»t cost illono la no eooa art:um fitt; Om chM pcat «up- fnco mny prove tha most oxponalfo in tSio en<l JtcaitoDablo llm t co«t wllb proved dursh lltty under tm ttlc nnd chaiigtnit wealhvr contlliloiM, and wltli low mnlntonnnco ebnrses oa Iho ycnra KO aro tbo quolltlen thn t should mnko tip your flrat ntnndnrd by which 10 Jmb;o. Ot>ier advnnlABca aoldom can oncweisb tbla Kroup th a t dotei* mlneti' directly tbe cont p f tho street to tbo tnxpnyer, a t Ibo s ta r t amd for f tn r n to comft.

Hnvlnff pilld fo r a pnred s tr fo t yoo w n n t.to enjoy tbo ImprDvcmcnt w ith­out being cnilod upon for tnxea every yonr In ordor th n t I t mny bo tepnlred o r rebuilt: Tha orlglnnl coat ahould bc tlia Inat except- for jmeh Incldontnl Attention ns tnay bo noe<led. Jn case of necwmliy U abould bo ponplble tn cu t tbrouRb. tfia atroet aurfnca to rcnch tho undcritround pipoa and Inter

-------- w -r« tnro-th(.-iicnliJn--to-l{a-oH (iInnlcnndlilon. W ith n parcraent properly budt tlio cost o f mnlntofiiinco J" InMe- nlflcnnt W hllo thero nro ninny In- etnnces w horo, stroeUi o f this typo hnvo rocplved no nttcntlnn for Bcvenil ycnrw, onco (i j w r rl/o pnvJns aboold he Inxpoclod nnd tho JolnUi llllod with

- bituminous hmtorlnl It-nocd bo. No pa lch lns ' Ib required, for,, onca bum. iinrrf p .ircm ont rclfllu* 11* Jihnpo Ihrousli ntl K(^nsanfl nnd cnrrloa |nnd« over bad apot* In tbe supportlnR onrth helow. If It Bhould become ne cp w ry .

I'rl- to s e t o i pJpo# or conduits burled be- biT nontb' tbo pnremont, tt can bo cut

I of throURh nnd repnlra roridlly mndo ao ' of tliut Ibo pnvement Is tn ily monollthtc

onoo-more, a n d .lh a imtcb.-cfln bo d»- ^ I ' l 'tectnd only wUh dinicuHy. T hU work ' ' cnn 'ba d.mi* by the n r - ’nr r lty forcoa

o n r t ^ rw ronly-n-fC \r gimpio tools.

. M i c h i g a i l 'G i v e f t - N a t i o n --------- ,

ri„„ Its Best Koad BuiWerati-rrt MlcblBnn unlvoraliy. Jn ratnblliihlns

a chair of hU bw ay enBlnoprlnj: nnd 'Vil- trnnnport. I« nrnouc tho flrat o t llio 'Her (ollPRea of tbn cotiulry' to npiirnncb

Ihls Irapnrtnnt aiibjcct from .tlm prac- tlc ib lo Rtnodpolnt.

I t aiippllp* n full Btnfr o f Inntnictom. llbm ry and' pnictlcnl nppnrutuii. to which M.(X» fi-ct irf floor npnco la do- volPd. _

I To refolvp the ninilor’a dpcree, cnn- dlilnion numt bold n bnccalnurnnlo nr euKlm-prlne-dPKrco from an npproved

!<•«£ coIIpc*-. nlitaHRli proi-lnlon Ji» m nde /o r III •(be rwoptlon of uonfpchtilcnl aliidpnia

'li>'l‘ o f pmctlcnl cxporlpnce’ o r trnlnlng, of who, howevet, a re not ellRlbto for B

'JTcr dr;r«*€‘.bor The fa r t th a t 000 technical mori ara 'Ino required yeurly for tho RovoiThnjml ' V -»er»lc*-Alon*.-»ltb_ tbo-lhOUBnn<l«>f- iry, «-nK>nocra nowlod to build nnd caro

for tbe. 2,800,(XH) mllea o f surfaced •nn- highwnya o f .th o United Stntes, and icns .U)B-ndd.ltl«nal_ihnnMind» of mllo* of Inr- city Mrceta. m ake ibla bovc o n 'th a ■ -------.;______

« l .

i ■ T R A**• , W c have lislei,„ 8 room a ll mo^dem home, Uo location in Tw in I“ *• 80-acrcs.... .1..........”ay 1 acre, close in, witli 5 r riio with cash differentrw acres,iiie 1 acre, close in, 'with 6 r nd. will pay differenci

________ 6 o r 10 acre tracL, „ f 10 acres, n ea r Kimberly, leh fo r 4 or 5 room hc:?• ... _ _ F a I l s . . . _ ,u^ 20 acres, w ithin 4'/:* miles bla fo r sm aller acreag

9 room m odem hom e in n*. sm aller home.I - T%vin Falls home, w iii tra i~ — -.....-O reg o n .----------------—H ICO acres, unm cum bered, r Ulontana, will trad

350 acres n ea r Springfield fo r land on the Tv

— — ----- ‘pr^ectfi.----------•—W e b ave m any o ther prop

w an t a trade, SEE IF W

Claar-Beals i

'» Telephone No, 209 .


part o'f tbo unlvoralty s tlnieiy one.M Equipment o f the course fnclboes a ll K t modem ninchlnery for the p rrp a ra tlo a — of materlaU. tealUix appB ratn^ Inbor*- ^ torlca fo r the nnalyals of snrfaclnB snfl I I rond bulli^fns conrtlfucnM. abmaJoa

and Impnet machines to r p rov tn t tb a flnlihed work, end all necewiary W l

= lUiBncea for modem road ,conrtruellon.ETslii m ontlis I t Oio n ^ o ln i i le r a toe

n g ■___ Ti^opfl on Highway^yoor T raes adapted to tbe lr e n v tro n s .m ia ^ ® trow to A great a sa and nobBlty. ana “ In tbis way bUbwny plnnttUB will orlal n Q oat Im portant ta sk In tb«

m atte r o t our ru ra l landscapes. Thl« “ ®“- points to nnotber ta p o rtn u t m n tte r |- .

tba doalgalng and snperrlalon o f tl»« ihnre I l Is a m atta r a t g rea t Iropoc-bUls. , n a t te r th a t m u ir e s g raa fallty knowledge o t plnnt life as weU as U»«' “ *■* Ytslon of tbo artist, lomy nondalde planting, fhe deralopm enf

of a tnte reaerrntloDS. and r«r«J parks a re equal tn Importnnca to city p la n ^ Ing and nra -fnr g rea to r in scope and

'Cftrs ■vlaion'thnh ■ I h ^ ia t te r .— A- period oC • iiecJ cu ltiirat aCvnncemMt Tt s | .• A m easured by tba tUIqi) And thg Rl^o ontlobk for tbo futuro.-

, f “in Missouri G oing X head with u isso u rl la tnarchlogirtea'dlly forw ardnnrt lo tbo building o t po red bfgbwaya. Tfi«

wlUi Blato highway departm ent a w a rd e d ^cnra com rocU .foc tho eonstnicUon o f OT^ould miles o t w nd to cost I874.7M, ta o k ln thich a totnl o f 118,000,000 of rond work coi>.dom trac tod to r since Je p u a ry 1. M lssoutlstei* Is conntnicUng n highway system tb a freel will compare faro rab ly w ith th e t oJfor ony stnto In the Union. ' T ha syitaiD

wilt cnablo tbo fAnaers to mArkat thatcyou products Qoro a d v a o ta ^ a a ly by fflAk<

I'ltb- Ing tbo clUcs mor* aecesalble. .very • ,

lorly WD,—O. D. A lkru to 8 . I t, K nyler.wIC- T r f l l>t K H-JG-IC Jllk 10 T . P.

In- D ood-S hprlff tn AllPU Oil Co. $4.-typo C31.10 i:% UW K-ll-M, enil WI),—C, p, .Srhi-nrk to W.ooJd KiJiuxi, Imll JIO Ni:i., m NW....... Wiflth 24-0-13.

No - \VD,—J . A, Silvern lo 11. i;, WllllaniBUllt. 1200 p i SK SW.C-ll-l'O.inpe DpciI—Shi-r'lff lo C. R ScoU $3C8n.2Sind» S WNW. NW SW l-Il-lC .nrth WD.—J. O .l-^niitman to Union Con-inry- Irnl Life Innuranco Co. J l PI SW SE.

be- 19-0-H. .cnt WD.— R. N, Jncoliii (o J . O. tiw ira a a

, ,0 »i N i: NW :E .y-i7.Ihl/. W l).—J . O, tCanlmoH to Union Con-

ira l LUo Inmrrmcff Co.. » l. name land .

'o tk A. new spaper n t to CR'tisj; you r hom* rcps ^ ^ f ittin g placo t o ' ro u r irfrarU s* .XllS. -ocot. . -

tbo ■ ■ ^ I ^ I

r " ; S a y “ B a y e r ” - I n s i s t I

Tnr ‘ For Colds Headache Pain LumbagoNeuralgia Rheumatism

C ‘ — -1 ^ ^ ' . Dayer/package .iced whichcoRlains-piwcn directions aod Handy "Bayrr" boxea of le tablets I o f Alio b f ltle t of S l.and ]00-T-Qruggl*ta 'lh a ~A»pitw-l»^ttf-trii|»^am uu«-

A d e sisted fo r exchangeie, cJear of incim ibrance, b es t n F a lls W ill trade , fo r 40 to .

5 room house, unincum bered, •ence. W ill trad e fo r 40 to 80

6 niom house, unincum bered, mce, an d trade fo r im provedk L _iy , welf im proved, •will trad e I house .in K im berly o r Tw in

lies o f Tw in F a l l i~ W ill tra d e ” jage.in Tw in Falls, w l l trad e fo r

irade fo r p roperty n e a r SaJem,

ed, in oil d istric t o f norflieast rade fo r property here, leld, Mo., and c a ^ w l l trad e Tw in F alls or .galm on R iver

roperties fo r exchange. U-3rou• W E CAN M ATCH YOU.

& Company115 M ain A venoe E ast

Page 5: T W IEM FJ mmS - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · I'oriland wlioru ho left llicm-lii th boitn or ilM bunlncKK dlntrlct. Lawmnco Jucobn,

ri.'ESDAY, Acr;t:iiT if, i»:

I B n » i n e M D i r e c t o r ;

A t t o r n e y s

PORTER—W ITHAU, Ltw7«r>.• C lo i DOfl) S tort.

0 . c ; HALI>-k>vor C lo i Poofc t

, J a a e i R. Qotbwell — O rr Cbai BOTilW BLU k C iU rM A N

Woods BldK. Rooms 6, Q, 7. 8,

................. HWjmffiiiiv A b W iimllbiy-A TMi« . F lrstvN ftU oM l BaqIc Bulldla

^y. U D U N N -Low offlccs, Uoo , . 4tnd 4. Bmltti-Klcu HulUlltii;.

; S h o e R e p u r i h g

. R O Y i^ B{{OD R E fA IR lN ^■ 'M y»n, P fc g . 130 21)4 St.

J ___________T r a n s f e r

CROZIBR T R A S S F m COMPA. Phono 3*8. Btorago' aod cr*U

' UoNICHOLS TRANSFER * ff------------- . ~ A a B - C 0 ^ U b i 4 * - iu tU « d _

Pbono 100.___________________

WARBERQ TRANSFER & STOP * CO— 9toro80 and special ca’ ahlpm anU to California. P bont

C h i r o p r a c t o r *

DR. a C. WYATT • C blropraotor

I t l 3 rd A to . N& 0 « le a .Pi>ont

DR. B D IA C. 8AWYBR OateopBthle Phyalolan

SDlU 1 and 2. Oaa D unldls !tiono 1640--yy H«a. 1.

- ■ P a i n U & R o o f i n g

. FA D TTBM B U m i E SF o r ftUo—p a in u . Oils, Mnt

CaftwmlDo In b a lk ; Bee Sup e m r boioa. An(o WIndabfotds. : t a a W indow <naas and W all f H o o n lB b p p . V-

' • ' M i s c e l l a n e o i u -

, m S 3 K A N aH N -K Inn (lr«wmnU S txv/allxinir ]n

. w ork KU.nrnnliH'd. Ovi<r Rotith

. K.\tPL0Y.MENT O y S 'IC ^ S O S '^ : • Av<«. Spnnlufi Pool H all. Man

V ictor Octtnilca.

CARPKNTUR AND CONTllAC nnd re p a ir w ork Jn JjiiJldln*? OUati, Flnhnr. 241 3rd nvonuo « Pbono C26W.

. ^ SPTO/ALJST—Dr. Wm. D. no\|la. 300. Noxt door to 0(

• PAR.MfiilS’ W A 3 n m O . Sc por p.■WLlta ab trts , IB c.eacb ; collar eacb. Yokolfluna L aundry, 14;

■ avcnuo w est. , Pbone 117.-

• TWIN ^ J iU S ' JXJNK BOUaB-a u . R abbor, a d o a . Polta a n d 1

A H itO U R ' c r e a m STATION- ’T :; l ja J t f «oillfi: T w la yallB.*-^Pl

______________:__ lB 48.aw l I0 7 l.;-S o o ;« ib o fo 'r»ioK creA o, po tiltry o r osca. w e co n o ou t a fte r your pot

............. ............... .Open Saturtlajr hIrUib . unuiO'clock. Chas. U nderwoM .

' P i a n o T u n i o g

R. T . I,OBAN ArllRtIc plnyor and p lon o jv o r

. BOX 631___________________ Plioni

S. G. HULL SO years ' Cxporlonce.

Pbono 817J . P . O. P o x 801

’ __________ T y p e w r i t e r

Wo se ll 'em . R ent 'em . F f * ” ROTAL All MakM COU

PO BTA nLB ADDINQ KACIIL■ 218 M ala Bt. N.. T ^ ln Falls

For SaJe-MiscelianeM r aX L E —R ^ fc cf»«»- *TaT«

0 . MarUA'a Btackam tlb abop. U ! ayeane .weet. Phono 86»W.

m o H - A L T m n jB g r o w n k aod abado tr«M. fra iU , ab. rdsea. Tinea and percanla la . Dei atock to r low est prlcea. Salei

•wantad.— C«ta]orne-lB-fr«*.-Klo>l ^ . Jfurseriea . R tm btrly , Idaho .

PO R SALB—Osed ranccs, ta chairs, n j«s,-bede. ■prlnss, baby rlajces, ten ts , etc. B aivU n pi All In eood condition. Excbance partm ent, A. B . V incent Co. Pboni M 7 Sbpabons aonth.

AU n lb b o r caso M tterle* . Ford II3.8S ttX. Dodce tlB JS ex.

________ _ O' J J te B a tte r r BlaUon. 326 Shot< St. Pboco 69. .

W ITB5 TOC 5 B B P ;^ F lro , B a ll o r C w iw lty I N S t ^^ a Rurety o r fidelity BOND, a ta r

c lly roortsaca LOAN, o r to buy, o r lease a HOMB.

9BB C 9 W e a r« lleenaed and -DON

RPALTORS wbo deajro to be of i

C Q lB n iF j C C n r T O iTel«pb«te> t09 - 115 Main Ato.

FO R SALS—Pie ‘c b n n e a . lo It------------------tr*#*.— W lli"de,lvef-100- lb a ,-o r-t

a t 3c Tb. ‘4 tnilea w eat. 1 aouU WMt of Bontb P a rk G rocery. F602RX; , ■ _________

FOR SA IX —Ptne W ealthy apP b o n rM T R t. ______________

FOR 8A IJ3—School tn ie k praci---------------- -— ly new. - P r k e d - r l a t t f o ^ ta a n a

. I cftAh aaltt. Ada tn rc a tn c n t Com]»oUe,_;__________ •

• FOR SALS—Two fo il beda. d raa ier. tw o coBuaedM, tw o roc chalra. tw o oil ttovas a a d tw o ta

_______________S3; Bth ftTenuo easb •ITlB^gOrgFO R S A U ^ ^R ed Ju n e a l^ lw K

m ile w est. 1 m ile aoutb o f Soolk':: Groce ry . E . H . H aw ley.

TOR S A U S -H onsehold fum li ’ P hone 307W.

PO R BALS—Sbaek. 10x11 anil . • fo r K raM ry. a ^ k . b o u e . o r 1

— houae. Alao a h ^ fo r cow. 8 iI4 .Sad aTODue w e * . PtMB* n S J .

102.’ .

3 BRINGIN_____ . I j•a. pT sr .

t e to r^)bazksia& r^ , V V/8, i j j d


llooms 3

________ ' i i a p iNO. r . m r iIt. J a a u

________ ■PANT— — V .rau n t.

ffro R - • _______l_ d a J ly . .

rORAOBSS- T IMFor Sale-Miscellane

tone 4 C 7 ---------------------------------------------------------- r o i l SAI.K—Aj>pl« n. Now 111R nl KiirKi) orrlitird : vnrli'll.-H. Wn

.Snloin*-. Oravi'iiKllno uinl lilitbo«7/-/l(T« /ll ir.r, i>l,om

!• 1640-J „r i.,,,,,,. t(i.oroliiir(l. IVililliirH i>ii[

S ilt nrd inril. C. (!. I-'.ircn. JiiMi____ lliu. ■ • ,____________5 FOR SAI.i:--S<'<'oni1 hnii.1tlnreseo, iiU-kluK l>nKN. i;(k)iI i'oikIIi Ioii.* JuppllM. Si'ftvcr wareliouiu'. .

I P aper. I'O It S A lj ;~ l l a y l>«lt r iii n<«"!ilUlQii. 1‘honi* 5SUIt4.__________

ro iC .S'AJj;~<iiCholfc J:m>vJ«ii_______ —16 voliimrii. I’Ikhio ir.iJU, ■luUlnis— p o u SM -i:—1 inmU nnd riirrl.

n»(r>. 2 ciitnii cotn. Gem (In ' y ' ”- ■ I 'lio iif C2HW._________ '

■lanahtr, „ ,,„riy n.-w .2 koihJ iiiJIk r<i_______ lii'Ifvni. Imy rnki! uinl o tli rr nrilACTOR 'V. II. .McDoiinlil.- 1->i inlU-n mitnn }lnc WiiHliliiKlon iitliool on HHui :lOHOUOl. Ulvd;___________________________■■■ " I 'O It SAI.1>-Sin;lm nnd twtni-.D n*y - lio 'J 'ink lioiitu'. Accoiiii friini UnQol'dOQ Urqtiuilx. 1G2 Umi Avu. nontli.

: For Rent*14*2*3rd •■'Oil RI:NT—Six IIrIU boiiitp

Ine TMiiiH w ith licnt rnrnlnlivd, ——^ — Ilrtrfwr S lw o Co. 4y8.‘

id T u ra . r o i l UKNT—PiirnlKlK!il room. ------------ 3rd nvenuo norlli. Plionc 1072.— ■ ■ III.— I. ----------- -• P b t te a I'O R HUNT—T w o room liojw )>• aelU lm»s<'Kccplnit: 403.2ndn. YOI. - M i l l . -------------- -----------------poultry . You cnn^hnvn nn outnhio rootr n u i 10 n linlli fo r *1.00 a t Hio Rued Iir l_______ M. H oller. Prop._______________ •

.FO R niCNT—FurnUihcd nximB.— ----- 4ih nvenuo cniil. Pliono 705.

I'O R H K N T -A II k7nil« o T )0U»< ion# 108 ” "*•

FOR IJJvNT—.MmJi-rn' fun iiK uim cnl. Pliono 3S7J.-________

------------ . ' FOR RENT—SIccplnB rooms.Slh -aronua c u t .

■ FOR SAI.U OR FO R RENT— lORONA room lne houso. 222 Gtb e:i l lK E I------------------------------ ------------------alls. Fum lsbed bonsekecp ln t ap ---------- - m c n tv Oaals Homo, 403 Mala il e O U S Ww*- Phon# 971- -

aVel. C. PO R REN T' —‘ 3 room fum 143 4 tb aparfm oatr— reaBonabto. Bunj

Apia. 6 ^ a tre e t and Second ai

i ^ r ^ ^ FO R RBNT—H ouiokebpln* • Beat of n e o ta . eom petely fura lsbod for a le a n ra bouaekeeplnf. ooe. tw o aad ;iinb«r7< roo m a-o lo M --lo ,-aa d - lo w - ia to

week o r m ootb. Tbo OxtofA M ala N.

U blos, — — — .Wanted-Miscellane

S t WANTKD—T o’rcn t 40 or SO nci land for th o com lne y rn r or will chnrco o f one a trc n d r pqii(pi«*<i

ord a l ts years cxpcrlcnce tri fsnn lnE and 'P re s t ralalne. E lm er 1.. Shorldan. Uoi

lioahone Buhl. Idabo i Phone 16C.------------ W A N JE D -T o re n t ft G or C

fiim ishpd hpwuo In Rood locallon RANC& tako c x tm caro, no chlldrpn. r farm or cnces fu m lilird . Phoae 1031N\ HIT se ll ■ ■ — ■ .1 ■

WANTED—R u« nnd can)et.wer a M. Scofield, R 3. T w la Falla.

W A N T E D -O Id t l r w and 1

-------------aottlh . Phone 71fiE aa t. WANTED—T o buy boca. Call

~ 1 - ^ T w in F a lla Shoe n e p a lr ln t Sho # -m o ra . _ .JW JE fE O -O :O fiI0A _P nO P E R t>utb. U Beach county, w n f p a y '. Phone H erbert Cam pbell. L*ke W ortb.______ I d a . ___________________

apples. W A N T B D -P or ~ e * a h or- 1 botuebold fu m lto re . t u k m , m d

T ~ r ~ T E x tJum ra D epU A. H . V lncm t 307 Shoahoaa Booth. P h o a s-406

ompaay. W A K T r o - ^ T ^ S W ^ M i . - » W d « a n . P b o M l« r w . 4 .B .1

^ Co. m M ala B.________________rock lnc . WANTED—Boat catU a. J . A . V t U M sa. Phona '7M W .

------- WA»r»»TW.<»nplfr»j , t l^ U W Up r^ a a . H . C HBBtar.

POR SA LE—Oood serai>4>h«n( ■ u t o a a d onloa aacka a t Tw lara lta r* . r e e d k Ice Company.

S S r . F o r S a l e - E e a l E s t i• bank — ■'iI4 .' 535 FO R S A L B ^ o d a r a « room I

w ith c araxa . • P b o a a M IW .

• ' T ?


, lin KIN JO 'o T •:3 C K.PA'bT R o o m - .

y i - L C iC I M ' T h m —_ J

•neous ' For Sale-Keal EsI'OH SAI.K—I f i ^ ncn-ii to

W rullhy. clM'ai), nr ri'iil on IImcm- yi'iir itlio I'l|>- I'iicli yi-iir caiili tn iiilvniici'. hi>iu\ <vil) C08113,

IM lU i.U S I 'lnC K S ,S K.VSV ' Oil Hiolci' I n ip t r c i ranim nn

------- ----- - rnni'hi'ji iu^SouiJi Iiliilio imdll iipnl" Oi'i'Kim nciintri'd tlirolich in ll.- J . 11. fciriTioiiur'i-. Cnll or wrlu>.

Sliilu l.lfi!. ICini.ln- llloolt. llolnr

[iTiinl con- ' FOR SAUC OH TltADP>—IG In soallionHiL-rn'KanHoii In o

— ----- trlc l, w llh 10 room boiino anfJ«i>;i«Iirt bnmB and nlK'ds. iJind iit nol

fo r ROA and oil. Will tm dn fi — ;— ;— Idftlio farm . Addrvna XYZ.

________________ __lldvlnjr U'tt Twlti I'ullH, linv.

UI jiodii:; cxci'jit lioiil. Kiiod rciilili':‘■"“'I ' - jmvcil m rcpt, o ffcm l fiir a 1nri cii-n. p|,y„,pni nnd Ijiilimto cun

iKirtli Ilf rnnKinl. W rite Mm, ^T^bllnll.ll, iJiKi'ii Colurttdo SjfrlilKH

~ — r p I'X)K i^AI.K—4 room iiiodiTli n •" '‘'i a*"' Hltriilni? ixlrrli.. ICIiI iini aiim j j j r ; d j , i,v,<nuo

Money to Loar------------- C',4 P E R CENT MONEY FORiitp kc'fji- I/)ANS—Cnn got you tho rm livd, oviT ten dnya trom duto o l nppi

C. A. Robluson. lOm. :l l l ‘" m o NEy ' t O LOAN—Clly o; 2. Fnnn loanB f.T . C. E. I’olU------------- E alnlr. I'ljmio 371..lOUse for I --------------------

^-^^Help-W-aiited-■oom ntid O lllL W AN TED -ltvrliiH t i

iiT,ini. II. Miscelianeou3

imB._ 212 ,n i>orilnniI umi Kan Ft________ _AUKiliil 17 lo 2 i\ ScnlB for Ib r

fn- StudcbakiT. AililroKU Krank 11X N a ton. Rock C re .k .

•_____ NOTICE—W it lai)' old llrm nn rnrnliiiii.ri Idnlio Jn n k Iloune. run.l.4.cd Sftlo'C roundn. JC2 2i ________ _fioutb. ____

Livestock and PoiIT—Reel- p g R .^AI.E—Piirrlirod lIoIMc i east, ^ ju ,|,, ,„ o „ , t,,o„ tiutrlior ------------ 1 C. !•;. .UcOtnln. X’lionf 5IKJ1.

Ito A ^ t FOR flA I.E -S m nrl tnnlo Alrt-dalo nnd collie. *3.00. 23r, :

I nuu cnHi._____________________

furnished A eatlaried custom er ta a a Dunsalow }oc an anvertlBln» medium.1 a renue *- -

- - - - O U T O U R WAY,t apart- for ligh tid tb re f ---------- ------------------— -

------- — / C S s - A . v . t - r/ F R O I^ CuR C-<

iVj CMtCACiO- VA D o a e ^ s e o 'n

In c r i-a o f . - \h i .Q C N S " . Wi

sndBloek U S -V W H O S GOtv:Uox 075.. OPEKI I 'T ?


'W cavlnc- ^ -

-- ----------id tiib<-s. ^ W J k —4lb Avo. ' g j | n l /7/ \ \ vY

S u T l s i -Shop. i p n

»E R T r f t ftpay'cAsh: — " V ~~T--------■th. F lor-

:. trade , l \ / j f ~ ^ E ttg |raca. etc. ^ / / / f f i f i *c « it Co. ___ / / / E m l-406. \ \ “7 tf S W w a d -------- 6 ^ 1B. Whlta ^ V /

k. F lyna j

i ^ T op _____ . ' ________ '

ksad po- - f B ’ iria F>^ls --T^:g ^ g S {g * ic ;K

Istate _----------- S C E Mm hooM ^

^W TN F A I L 'S i m r Y T T H I

' .,£u n I 1 -cM-t: m 0 0 '0 I tv\-v

i N T A D SEstate Lost a^nd F ound

to r iialo (.O.s"r--flltle Heim' rniie, w t I ■iir l.-ai«e. for 10 y rn r old. xli I. i.l»i. ii iilllo

1‘lioiie 111. ' rlrc ihi Krlrliiy. l.m ve ul'T im . flee <JI- Mione filfiU;!, ......................

V T lv in is I,()ST -na>- im’ny. n lio r i^ a ll. i nncl Hiwk rii;l.i «y.-. • I'lit.nn liUll. /

’''noi'YI'n^o STIL,\Vi:n—From lr,.iit.i;n luitcei‘ Iciiilio I’lai'lt I'oniu iniili', piilnle)lno. Malic. '»'<• >'■ _____ „ 1050, IliK., i:ri:<i(i |i:ilui. oit itliuu-IGO'ncrcn oire nm n 70111-11111:, l>ar liraiidrd 011 o il din- Hlioulilvr. I'i'iy Cov, lilU, >.Murti

and cowl lilu. 'no t l e f t s ' l l -------------------------------------------------

Situation. Wanted_________W A.N T!;i)-Sltliallnil TTiii il

invo ilrcld- '>>• >‘»'i.U'k.ri.er,l~ -n>iwl.Ttt H vnile wei'

Sli.'ai:'- For Sal'e-A.utomobi,ern houHP. FOIl .SAM-:—Kofii wllli bo* on Ehii I ’urk *50.00. A rea l huy, I-lnd AiiUiiii UIO ennl. Co,_________

a n ' 1*0“ .HAi.i: • o u t u a i>i :- ;T o* t n r in -kooiI ronillilon. R(4Uipiu:<l <nn iKtnKr >'nnl'l>i‘i'» and Al-'iiiiUt Kr«ui*hiK

'*»■ « 5 :n J « v ra .i. » e « .m oney In _______ •ippllcntlon. r o l l ' i? A l,E —*35,1)0 liuyii a__________ lonrinv'-, A harKalii. I.liiil Auioiii

o r fnrm _______________________MUr, Houl f o r a \L I> -A u to wlndBbioldB,

h ead llsb t Rlain and wl ------------ RluBH. ■ Moon's I’iiInC Shop.

----------- Wasteful MenKamlio, • -W hy.-Jcreniliili Jones!" Ptrlii

SIrn. .lonoB wlien h e r hiiHliimil rm i S . u ifu -and .w iu iu l frum u niiiruail~r,------ 1— ney. "Ih M h yoiiJ”iis ^ "Wliy, nf r.iiin>i'." miM her hiiKl^ llnrrlnK- I 10

home, isn 't I t) ''--------------- "And you luiv<?n't Imd nn neennd Inner nor Ic.Ht your uniiM nn.l Ii-kh or

le. AcrouB uiIImU"• "Uott- mnny ilmo/i mimt I leil

— ttiat n»tliln« Iiiin hnpin'niHl?" xal'> f » l l l i x v '"■llJiK-l iiniii.W UlW -jr .■UVII," decfnrwl tin? M S'.

ilnteln bull '''* "**• >'*’0 “" i'lior prlceii. C""‘* money f<>r' un InHiiraiH-o tI. Juki tii'furi! you luft. nnil yon lm— • dniiu n llilnR lo ifot llio rcw anl. ‘T■!<' piil’py money Jii.t waoled. Nleo inaniitei3r, .llin v e - Ji.iim !"

________________ «l a aasot— A lt tbe ncwa a ll ibo tim e In

• - T im es____ __ _

Y . .....- - ~ ' ..............' T ~

v.'-< O J t C*‘ vJiT yvirtpA A o*;. iT% T m ' o r*-»u^ ' vw nvT t - AVJ t '.'■To Ba-r cp^w HE vjeeos •-w ^ o >T. 1 3£«> fXk> VNOOU Fl r^ A T e o o & H T A v . f r r E p . a mDiKjCi A NE.'W •Suif \ KlOTHlM. kjO r ? / Ncfrte Kio

^ --T x -n O o .ic >

: v r e o P ' R J u c H :

= = « = =


iT I I7 • . 'S ; ' CO ''

1 1 ' , ' - —

i / t ' .................... ....•_______ , i:.... ii,ii..n i,.i,i.

^ B R IN Gi d . T W I N F A L L &

: : r = • m a r k e t slilllovs at ---------•iiiK or- BKLLIN0)1'RH’R8• i.'Vxaid. Snvnr. eaiir ...... ............................... I

il>’ '>""'1 Crrnm c ! i l o B ; '" .Z Z l— ________ Celery ---------------------- ------- .... 15(i

In l'.'V ’m riil>baj;e. IIOIIII.V ......................ly bor,..'ilioulder; *>i’<''".- new „.•.I on left Tttrtilt<«, m-i

8sssa t i = z = i------------ B r e a d ______________________E

; e d T , " / * " - , ' , — - — -a------------ Po rk pftUBAXe________ — Ji..,------

niiriie. x .bone s t o n k ---------------------------luT, Mnl. s ir lo in nlenk ___________________

________ ,I*ork chopB____________; -------22C

o b i l e s S . '— — _________________________________

,;;;,'i," iX ........ ............................................. ,

------------ ilr>;vi ' ......... ............................" ' im i i- T n u r liu Slecirn . ........... ............... .......... - .... *■IU:<I w lib Helfcrfl .......................— ........ —..**hiK tiy«- CowH ................................. ............ *

C a l r e s --------------------------------6 0a I 'o r'l - ■ -

iiDinoblli- j.Aiaj,a ______________________ —________ CIIICKENR AND FOWLS.olds, door » « a ''y — ________ _______

w indow L ii'i'l ncns ... ............IxKhornn _______........- .......... ....

_______ Anwiniut--------------T!ttyiin:ir~nginn'm 7-_____ ---n -J :—

.SprlnKB (ro lortil) ---------------- ------'trliiluiod YounK c a p o n n ______________ 104I riinie In UoonttTS ................. ..................Jail iouN DnnkH ............. ..............................

T urkeya — ____ ^ -----.............I. rRUDUCtSlo I'oinc UnlKTfnt .................. - ..............— —

liu t te r '‘r.tncli ............... - ......... .nee.... nt !:««« ...........— - ............ ...........or bei-n caBb --------------------- ----------

Irll you Leitttrel^ RutMtatiMKiil'l Ilio No Rusainn "livosliclilck" or di

will ever whip bl« borioi to mnke icfy. •‘i'H i Jaff afpflC a mO o w ore l>rJ*kly. mill I'lll l m utter Mow Iniportuni your opp' PO tlel;i't meni,. you ennoot make him or I liiiven't Bland' thu t It Ib nei-eiwary 10 bi I. -Tlim'fi Vou munt take your tlnu- nml you mifor you gci Ih rre In n iileimunt. li'lKurvly f

/Ion. Sucli Ib till-' wny In Hunsl * >;utlonal Uenj-rii|ilile Jfiitfaxfne.

I In Tbe J ------------------ - .. T lm rn ^ a n t A0» Opis Rm uUb.

H i y W i l l i a n

lOvg . M t A iv rf B £ 6 » Jr ^ i o 'n £ R ^ e " c o u L O w * ' “ Y —J t f H t MAO , M£, \,M 0U l.O N i' VNC?lTe.^ M 'M T /'W ‘ T 6 . * • /

WE. OOKTT VNORl^ /kjO S » r . - . i A \»srTcOewiM yI t t ? FO O M c»=\‘ V.',\ I

W - l l

___ _


^^1 ■

affi'W iU .A M g,

BY GEORiiiY I .. c r T \ i c K c vST 1 lOtNU:. - \1T \ /'■ ;7v--j»

K tiCsvy ■ y /vi ic i^ .e T> vr. . ■ ■ - 'P A n - r t W 'H ’ •. -A ■ " •

g n

~ T H E ^^ DAILY MA. J T Grains Irregu lar

•5« , on Chicago B oard,15®:ne , r - r 1 r ,........loc or lra d e , -Kepo

■.... eil lliivl0l;ii’ 011 Illl' 1.0,11,1' n r’ lt;..........t f'-tuy. ' \Vll..;il ......... .....aiiKr I"""'l‘ ->'o:iii'e « .‘|,, ;.|,.;iily

/luillo iiu lly hlrh. r,Z Z z i t ,fhl,.r,(,4ClSl50f ernilli'iilly . IIUli;iti lumi::),! ,

' "Sr lllMi'lll «:mi imIxc iI. 'riii'

J6« eoiiiiiiiihiT'hli! tfrmlllU.~l||iU'|iHiiiiPi____ S f* r<ini r<; r!vr,l ' f jJ!2O30c eoliiiiiliifil'iii timiM'ii, riif;i\..iiilil.._ _ S O e |)orls (roiii iii<> muiIIiu i:.t » |i------ 40c nilti'. an- Ici.lly iMTilnl. ,mii."1 ;.h------ SOc ljuyliii;.

wi'te (Irm ;i|iil wllliolll /...... J l.trt or'':'-If''/IXfil) I’liivli loiiii (tioppi il o tf ;iti:irjilv.... tliiriii-.il by loMcr boi;ii :iinl I'm....*4<ii'(j ferrn l .Irmima,._.*1W4 0|'«'ii. n illb . Udv. Cl.; o «e ✓____ IBe ....... ....... ir.fiii ic m i ir.i;--; i.-’,

ec Di.r KiS'.i 151) I5i;',i ir;— lOe .Mny . . nji->i u:^ COItN--____ H e S.'I>I H14 ll'4-s. lD 3'i HI____ l i e III'.-............ Vf.''; ST >_____ S C S |« y ....... S'J'I, y i ' i - .Vl’ , ?------ , - SC ..Q ATa— _ \^

....... i-'c

.lOOSIC ....... ,--------3f l..MlI)-_-------Ki'i’t ................ i : i - ' n - n i ' " " - '— JJIH.S-- •

Seol. . , .S-omlnul, . 1------ fOc........— .Si-iil . .. Hi:l‘V in:l’i lu l" . 1*— Dee, .. .. l l i f MTU lO.V-i I(

IIIISTIIN WIIIII, s , \ i . i :s ., llIt.STii.N. •Mill'll., Am:, I.S, . \r driTW 'I ' l : '" " " '”mVk him fl........• Ullll torelKU »<it " I!! I’r ln . . «m...ar lo be Itlll-

. . orfeilniiH nr.' bi'ftii; I'yoppnlnt- ,r,-. ........ .leUilne-i <

tlnu .' to l.e bel.| al r.i lo n . burry. , i ,„ ir i - r r l iyou will woolB al more tban e.'iiln tnur.-, ■ly fuBU- $i.M clean on ii r.r, p e r <.UKsln.— nlirlnkuae.

fViri'iKfi iii.irkrlH iiri' jili';)ily ow to fewer oti.Tlliiin.

[If;____ n iK 'A iiT r I ' l u m n i -r i l i r A q O . Auc. IS ..-Ilu I(ei;

am s celpln. I1K.2:3: cr.MiiuTy. 41' — »lju»dttrd.i. .,,41»;c;, ..tlfrU 'i

derowln. .nTt’T S T . " , - ' i I'SKii: ItweliitH. 18.T;i ;; 'nn llu ;

2s«r2HHe: fir»i!i. exi34c, ^

— - m . - ’Oficr T trinx.- :crlen*. 24%ic.'

r .n iltry ; Uerelplf. fi fiTB; trn 3 3 f? :J !ie ; sprlUKK, :r.e: lUirk*. 2 tri'uc. Ific: Bprlncrt.. l^e; tu rk i 20c ; ronsi.-ri, l« c ; brolloti'. SOfr!

OJfilH.t U Vr.STO VK. OMjVllA. Neb,. AuK. IS —CntU

Ri-celpUi. COOO; mnrk.-t. ntPady comfed*. wenlorn* Blow; yenrllP *7,75fflJ.75; ntPprB, *fi.50^16; er nnd lit'fe.r*.. * :.:r ,« i: .5 0 ; Biock nnd fM‘<!priiT*409r,(»: c.-ilvrji. |« ( hull* nnd I.1.:507.5O; wie m rancor*, »4.5i>Oin.50.

HocB — Recplpi*. 11,500: m ar DOc low er: bulk of »alr». <11-5 15.75; top. *12.M.

siieop — RecrlplB.-lfi.nMi: marl Btrone: yi-arllnKB. ja.TKOll-

_____ ] wplhrr*. j 7.5n e 9.25; InwliB. 140~VWf, ttl<r7^5.'-----------------------------

cniCAOo r . i s i i g r a in .CHICAOO. A ur. I « —W h M f-

____ 2_tfd ._ l-M H :_ No. 2 hnrd. *l.«OV!1 .63 'i: No.' 3 hnrd. Tl.C i:'

Ost*—No. 2 white. 4 0 ^ O 4 n No. 3 'i ih l te . 3»C 40H c; No. 4 wh 3Se; Mnndan!B...3«0.38He.

C o m -N o . J yellow. 3l,05H O l- No. S yellow, I1.04M O10S; So. yellow. J l.M : No. 6 yellow. *1.0

_____o t . o m : No. I yellow^ 11.01; Sot n i ^ . IC 0 5 V r-N o .-» intxed^*lj®O I M H ' No. 4 m lied . *1.03OL01

, w hite |l,0S©L05%Z NOw lf fC ll.0 4 O l.0 4 H ; NO. • w h U i m : No. 6 mixed. 3L01H.

■— '^ IU r le y -« f® » ')e .Timothy—I7 .1608J5 .

~~nyS=N ft. -------------------a o T e r -4 U .7 6Qt7.S0. ’ .

PO B TU X D t lT E J m M X PORTLAND, Or«- A nf. l» .-<

X- t ie - Reeetpta. M : tea# o t aemlBa): a t»*ra.. r » d m d « .

— tted lum . K 01-3S : b e lt



; I

a - , a

L J Y E R S ^


i p o i - t ; i i . r t " ; ,I ;-'.o iMMtn.!.. S ll r.i'-ii ir, 10; 2oii-2r.i)

elo ri-lii, . 1,'.; ,;;r.ii )..>un<li' U|>. *i:ili^ o l''’ ',11I.-,II; i..,.I,Iik; Muotli, li-MVV. Jio.Ml

'■■.''•■ly I IJ; si;,.i, i.i-i |.I;m. ji;i.:,ii'ii'H.r,ii;u .ly -lu I....,i,.rr. J.nil slorl;, r ' . tl;i.MK,t,l4,r.O.

! .(•;li..|i l l r n l i 'h ', : io ; m arketI ; J.illili',, >.J I'clllft.ln til.—

' . y . Ilium In .liol.-v. JI'I Ii;.L')i; ■ lii'uvy ''•■ f in.'.thiiii lo .'h-,!.•'•. JsMlff.i

I. hi'ii- ]iir,Fi; n ilb t llllll riiMiiiioni', nil •'I 'I '" - w . l;;ll1i, Jii r.'i'li'./.O; w rlb .'l i', Jl'. f.0 ,1

sr.ili .......... .Ill III fliole.', jm p

I rjo„) _ ______

» ii . \ . ' ii> tii« i r i i r v 'i 'o .'lAiiKKT.II i.iine <'Al.l>\V’KI.l.; Aox, I S.—-Mondny'f

iiiiUh'-’ lii’i-- Iiiu-Iiril ul n Hew II li>» Ilciii.' ror llie nraxoii with n

I lul.i- ..t Jl.so (o Jl,;.il riuol.'d. wiik- jilv in-i i.iil'MiU <--'.>.b III ;;io««.ni. Very f.’W

lllllll-i i'ul'vi w. re ri’i'o ii. il lu Ibe. olTI.'lul I l.'liU.il Sl:ilr:i ib'piilIlU.'Ut of ilKrl-

iiilliirc bull.'tin :in.l riirlouil*. niiiliJ r , - , w . T . ' I..O ji.-;irn- lo^ 'iiljibll.ili

l.^TH a niiirki.i. The bulk, of libliuueni.i ir.T 'i noiv 111 on roiitraelii tirevloimly ma.Iii. I'^’i u Till-iiiui'U.'i WUB .lull Monday ami

I haUllncti wiTe IlKlit.I‘i l ^ Inronniilloi) friuii otll^r prnilurlnR

, I pe.iI.iiiB ulr.'il .u p UH followii Mnn-

Mliiiieuiinllx.SI. I’aul — Mnilernlfl------i.iMi.trv pcuiiiii.l IlKbl. . Mar'I , I"'-** liet w riik.'- . ('urlnnilii .lellWl'Wl

• 4i!‘i I (fr.'Utlil onlJ- di'ilurt.-il» Mfnnrn|>oHii. I SI I'liul ral.'. •iiiicUed Knrly Ohlon,

' • No. 1. e.>nsl.leral>l.' hcubby. *2.030i-.J.',; frw low ' iiB Jl.«r.,

IS,.II Wi'-cirrn iiloi>e. Cnlorado (Dolta Mi)nlro.'i-, O lalbr ilUlrlrM —llnllUjiKl

' I llKbi; ""luoib'Mii.. w ire Inijulry. P p.. I('.Vli^„„„i,l i,u)iIi'r;i(o. .\f:irlie{ weaker. r« r-

iloiubi r, o. b,'iinuAl lerm», Cobhlerfl '- I nnrl Kiiio'elit Nc>. l . 'I e w Bnlen. .*2,111

J2.20; fe«--J2.2.5.H .1.0111' from tbo fb lr f biiyinf

m nrk.'ti' were nn follows Mnnilny: .';w l.r- • ciiifiiKo: Ten Mnbo nrMvod; 29f ' 'y on Iriieic; iiHpt>l(e« ficni'y; dero«rtiJ

iiioileriiie; irad ln c ninilprnto: mnr- -' ei'Ui" ,.,,j w enk; , Idaho nackw!'•rrllory i.iontly *2.75, • "mr.-. o r •^vortll: SU IdohiS {irrlve.I; 8e r eent n „ / i f a , .k ; mipiille'' moilorate: do'

iiri’ud cond: Ini.line llm llpd: mnr- • ow liis «v.;ikr.r;. JtI.-ibo nnd Oro-

to n foliblori. und UunilB. Iced *3:15 to *n.40, .

„ D enver: 1'lulio nrrlvnl*. 73: 34 on trnck ; Kl' tllveri.-d; nupiiHo* honvyj

41'-iir; di.niand tnoclomlo; m nrket . bUkIiUj ia<icior:

' i . . .9«n» .pr.inrj/iro.- .'?Hppllo* henvyi r.llu:n'>iv „nd irudlnR m oderate; mnr-exlru:<. jjp, Birndy,

Saliirdny tllR Tnrn w ent to mnr-:; .A fii- f ^ n ,. ,i,p oountfyn. ti«Ktu^*lns

, i.iTilonB and 28 more, nrrlved Sun-towln.*. 21<': Idaho fihlpmenU O00.Lurkey«. onio hnB elilpped 681 car*:0Cr23e. comp.irod w llh 32S n t Uie aoma

llm r InM »on«m w h ile , tho flKUrea, . fnr OroEon a m 140 and S3, roapec*•nttle— ,ivrly .idy on ________________ '

"" eowB High Grade Fertilizers - ) ' l i S : Aro Cheaper for Farmffl

wuBt- The hIsh nnalyda feTtllls«r« ara{ nearly alwaya cheaper than th o low

m arket analyals»0 >od«. sa y i E . U W orthea>11.500 of the s ta te collefo of a s r tc a l ta n of

^ ; Ithacm. T he new eonceatratad nlzdo n - K - how eter. de ao t offae aajr m t >t i n i s ' coata la la* a to ta l oC

• 18 to a ? pe r w e t o f p lan t ftwd. ,

a t tba factory tbere ' a n w t a t a «z- At—No. peasaa which dspead o a Cb* T o taaa ..COHG ra th e r th a a o a th a -c o a e a s tn tlo a of;

--------- -tb*p red a et.- tt-e ee t# -a t-« B tii-to -e ak iiD 4 m c : b a d . p rto t tb a (o a ra a tM « a tb * b « |i j

w hile, laix, handle, aaa lysa. load, a ad abW a low grad* fvrtlU sw aa It doaa a b i d

.0> “ ■ iria. pnAKI. .. i o t a t F » t* h t «o« * jB ft t s mtKb f a r

No 2 ^ t t >• < H

tio. 3 actaaX cost bofcS. • . . ..-.i. ' . ' j w hite. Tb« M M oMta «&B0 «* lo a m n i

J ^ t b a > 4 4 ^ : F o r th is gets ia each tad -« r M M u i

t e ' t Ue r s a a « - a te a <er * > # 4 - e » i p e N

■ - C a t . ABd tbe 'T C ten p i i c i t ; ^ t M m - M^ w » j g w j a„ M O M t n s . ■ .

Page 6: T W IEM FJ mmS - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · I'oriland wlioru ho left llicm-lii th boitn or ilM bunlncKK dlntrlct. Lawmnco Jucobn,


Aro S c p ro d b y C ro m ; C o iilrn c t ,

D iscu flscd ftnd F in a n c ia l R c-

p o r t 'P r e a c n lc d ; S u p e r in te n d e n t '

o f C h a iitn u q im n n d S c c r e t a ^ i

C om m ended W a m l y ; N ow !

, O ff ic e rs A re E le c te d .--------- 1.

k1kii.Ts n.T<- .s.-<'>irr.l 'h ......... . Ililx ............... . I.l 'Kiiiiniiil>-i- tti<' rrriin i-ii( |lti' Cluiii. >i

lo J . A. ( 'ron ........ I ot'lirr^ nlio• , liinv <nk<-ii ii|i till- InNk loilii) o f •

- / ' KPriirliiK till- riiii>i.iin«it,rr of f/ iMiliiri'H to .tlii. r i.iilrn rl. Mr. I'r.nii • f

Hlnli-H tllHl III- K iciirnl llir I .i. | Ii-Ielil ..r trn •Ik-nrr-i i.ml tlils .............Ki'lliiT n llli nhiil Ull- iidiiT uinii.Iirn . of till- riiiunillli.- itmili- ll.i- io ln l niiiiiiMT n-<|iilrni lit Him I :|. llR im .lllilli-ri>iu|iniit «jf r.irlliiiirl. V

— " --------------------- --------------- 11(JK tH UKS CIKISK.V.

i:. lu /nioN n..3IJ>. Al. «•. Ct.nirlu l., VI.-0 ,1

I l .r . Kl-,-. II ».illlli><^j(rtTl, Cor. Si-r. - . u

• . ----------- klIn n l.rli.llInK ,i|.r..rli Innt rvm ln i:

tlio T » lii l-\illH (riiniiia'iniu.-i tiBiKniTIl lllDM- who |.X|llNit.:(| III.- ,,, riimit,iii.in:i tiiloNt W.T.- m-or<M| by i . A. Crom. Ill- liilil |i„rlli-iili.r Mt.-m. on llioni) wlio i:riililH.il t lir li.-hi ,,,

. f.iHiiik.T.1 <-ntiilnK IO till. Cliaulini.ii.n nn.l Iiioli (IIOTII to (Iio UoiJiry iir Kl«imln clulm l»,.Iiifnk I.i:f.>rc llioao

____ ■ < .ri;un lzn tl..n .i ,^ l... ..m.k.. nl.io ..f• theme who W rrr not rv rn iiiKncr^ of- i

tho riinn(«nr,.m r o n i r a a an.l wlio ■ .w i-rr l in t . Ill nynipaltiy w ltli ili<. {„

niov.'nii-at wtm took xonii- nf tho ‘ ' liwiilInK Ri'oiikorii nml iiiioil (lioin In *' tlii'Ir iia rtloitlar inrollnKii fn:- ail- Ofonnoii, ,

J . A. (•rnm wnii appninlr'.l liy tbo ,n

tnlltpo .of niio to w all on Hov. A. (I. i" 'Hi-nrKoii to-M 'o If till' lnllll^I.'r would ,ii,

i , . .n lK n t}m CJimilmi.|im ro n triir l for j.onex t xonr. Tills ni>|>olntnionC wnH „„ mnilii nftor, Mr. Crom liml nflkoil tlm t lie t>A lUitlinrlrPil to liitorvluv^ Kov.Prnrnon nn tliln tnnttcr. „li.

.DlHCUHnlon nf tlm contrnct wnr „ritnken up nn«l m a n y -o f t h e BiKnem ryi•ixprcMcil lliomm'lvi>N on tbiK <|iu-ii- wii tion . n r. \V. F. I'ik.i uliit.-.l tlm l

. ' .wo word oHcIi nno lmun<l fnr t l l ^ ^ iliiiounl-rtrtT I.T -N illtV iK nm m

,b(b.Ti> fiilU-.l tn pny. , <). \V, William -inl'ntcl tlm t 1i-»:utly wi' w rro nil |<i;Imiin'l IjnL-lCClinlonlly rn rl i ,oM<,’,>-n*. ulinnly roHjinniillilo for tlin iiuinuiit la ' ninn r nlio Kunniniooil. *M. S. Iloovor tb<offproil n motion in llio <'fft'cl llml y .iwhon tbi’ cmili t-<|iialH ilio 'a in o n n l [iloc a llc l for In tb .' c iin tra rl a ll Kuai- |.!rniilorH lji‘ n-loai't'.l, Tbln tm.li.iu oh: rarrl.-.l.

MfM. Iliirinn K. ■ Mnnn-. wbo |iro . 11.1(10.1 ni. .-Imlrman tor Ibo imnt yoai. .'5.0nlnU'il Ilii.t iK0|i1i- nbiiuli! bo Im- onl.rrni.0.1 « ltli tin- l.b'n Ihnt l!i.-y nt<- r . lolilfKali'if 10 ill) lliolr iiar< of llu r.b-

Suiil. K. 1). lllnnm M|>f>ko o t llio cblri.iliitnunna proKram nnd. tlw .M'- t r a r t an.l ^lalo.l thal bo tin.l b. on IbrouKb 111.- (liInK for four J.-m -an.l wbllo ll.- bml |mIi1 doll.-ltii fm m IS3 IO U M be waK Mill lu Im iilJ Ilan rr..r.l » ll!i tho Cliaulaiuiuu limM'- b u

Mr;i. Clnnobok .iffor. il a ni.ilion lo jni

I'm- i.ol'.l'*bl5’'.'l'>t<ila o t llokvi.i ..........

- ' lilP,- TbW 11..HU.I. currleil. , ;.\lnio-1 >;nonijli M«nor->.

bo f.-ciir.'il . I.o(oif .Siij>oilnt.nil.-ui ,

‘l[o..Iruri?.i.. .............I.••Hi'rrol an.l bumllU.lloir' Ibal Iti.-

offorl.. o t llio Kill«.n-WWbiIo ll> l.•n. n il ..til Ibo Cha.ilamiiia ...urM-

. . |„ .ro I b i t Rrnuiin.Jo'- tlVU'ii a '. Mr-f.,r,nan.-.. la . l «mi,lay of Ih.-t:iu.|u-. f.-;ilur.- l-lay. '•D.iO.li l..m^

. l .o tv " W.TO oxpr.-f>».-.l In >o.i.liitliiii. c.rtXo.! liy Mr«. n . W. Cl.nirbrl; a.ul n.lnpl.-.l by H>« n irrtliic wblr.i w.iri n ttfn ilc l l.y »l.«ul 30 Cb-iirau-iiin ..,oiRUAranlori.. Tbo play ».->« n.il r l ' - .^tr. .•n la»t Krlday .ivoiilni: a - .>rli:liu>lly ibo i.rl.r<lijlnl l.fcau*- o t tbo frr.rVliu- ,1,

N-fon- lUi: M-li.<lul.->l.

: : :• - rno«* oX - iiro ltU and . . lliff--»!'’.'.•'I n l_r

r ’;rri.:i-MtV.->r»on nx tha lrm nn of ib r .•> yn illx .M lnMrrlnl nlllnnco. r«n<

T h r ro-nlullrn» rx p ro ...-a .il 'p n - bavirla ilo n nf th" l-m tram Klv.n b> J b - r-.mEllltnn-W liIlP »yi.l.m an.l <it I ' .-i- tb r.

..fo rta - to .in c c t_ rD 'r"y •-» “ ualloo.” nnd rxjirc-fs.d rrsr.-l .iTin bum lllia lnn th a t llu-lr rtf..rtn w.-rrn o t fairly m.-t," Tli.* rrsoliill.in ,

“ ..trons. ■ .f<in«ckntlou«

r iB in rU l rn'<*ut.-4l.IVportK of th r »rrr.-tury and tro:i'-

u r r r *boi.«» .1 unrplti* of fisim alrly iV-O r-m alnlnc n ftrr Iwi)-m ,o t of a ll InrWknt to

. /*-

SI - - - ' I....... n ,ili7 T :. 'A . .Muiidiy. ..m-

of out faiiii. )iun:; o:i Minil r.nilo 1W.I t-rt (ill- Omaha .m tui-liioKn nn.l l.baM llr.

J lliillKt.'ll K.dlirns .liiib'.' .ian'iofi II

= ; c ~ ? = - - ~(i.i.-H Ii> r .rrk --.\I l/:i l,..in .'J lO M il-

J;;™;:",,;:-;!;,;......... . ....... . i*■ I.i'in.iC f.ir H iin i.- ,\ir« . W. |». ,\i-It n .'lt. wbo ban b-i ii M,..,i.!ln:; Ih.- ........

■nor ».l-.b Mr. and ,\1,„. ,1. S. .-^l.ivait y lu Twin |.-all:, |..fi ib,- b.tioi ,„u i „f i ^ ii.1.1 « , '. ’k for Il.r bom.' ii. I./,, ,\n<:-

V i.iN lh'r.--'MI,.H r io wbo 'i.-i >v.-ll liim«-Ti In T « lii |.-..lls, b. bn- U 1for n ].•« vw.l:,. viidl u llli frl.-ndN innd r. latlvr,., sh .’ Is imw makiiu; •bVr li.im.' Ill Aiia.-.irlr.i, Wm-li. 1

r.ir.'.d.i»iir.- l'll.il-.-\k-H.in;:al, .Mr- ; l).mi.:al imd .MoP.imcal of I’oci.i.-lln ifll.'d 11 ror.-.-I.i:iiii.. j.uli-|i.-i.! y.-«ii-r.!ay V

• f.-r I'buii. W.' ,M<-fari.;r iiiialniil Wm, | K. llay.nn.l .ilb.-is lu tb.- Mtm of ;.’',i>i| . Mil Sli.ishoiii- llatdii im .p.'riy , ,

. J,.'n».- f.'.r (>Kd.-ii- .Mrn. J, A, Klytin. < Mrn. Hoy Joiu-n nnd non H.di.Tl l.-nv.- ' \Vi-.ln.-,.day ' mornlni: wKli r rn n k lin rrln flo n fo r t i r r c o n ' )>o1ntn. Mrs. •, r iy n n lo Kiii;<>n.> nn.l .Mr;., Jom-a and , r.oii t.i K lamiiialb l-'allK. .. _ -i,

|it» |.... Is l’o tn (.n -H -i;' V, Climnii J.Inivr III Iliibl rn rly y.-jilndiiy morn- Itic lo ln,.|i.-of,.ov.Ta| ran . nf iioii>«m<m whlrli w .'i.' Iioini: nbl]ip.'d from ihav

kr.«. . ■ ' ' '" ‘“" l l :

(;rN Cnr o f’ l ’lH im ^-Tlio Cla.ldL-!'' Ilrown ,Miinl<. r.i'mi.aiiy lii.i. Junl ,e - I oiir.Ml nim lbrr rarload of |dniio^< from | " till- fnol.iry, .Mr. Ilr.iwii aiitl lii i.,"fntnlly ntl- ................ b.nn.- frnm Salt I*'CUy liil.> IblH afi.'rnoon. p

VMIiii: .Moiilntui-Mr, nn.l Mrn. I Jaiui-n S.-1I1.'V nf tli.- am.-i.r rnmnni.v '.I all' l in id i i la i ia i.iioii.llniT lbolr” ^i<'a- " ili i ir 'o f M .V w ri .k V 'Mr."S<-ni.-y-linn- *" l>r.>|>.rly Inl.T.'nlii tburo nn.l b.> In In.iklni; iiM.T (b.^ namo wblln on IiIk ' ' vnciilloii. t '

___________. ' HII.ookt Afl. r l ’r.i)irrly—T boi. C.mi.'l- "

lo ..... . In Ml.' flrnl .if lb-- wook ti.imllllimlii lo Inidi nfl.T bln .-xtrniilvo n< holdlncH nn lb.- Twin Kalin Irni-I. Il.'{>>) In ur.Mlly idraii.'.l willi ilu’ cron c u n -! .li .lltlonn on Hi.- ira.d an.l ninl.'H thai i:o bo baH iK'Vrr ultn.-HHC'.l n b.dlt-r crop br ouil.iok. Ib

Kansnn i j i — The mi.liorlf('H offlro pjckvd up ». J. tUrli. »oaribion n m r licro Inday to r Ibo nfti- ur*-srn of Oiikloy. Kan., wb.^n- bo In yy wiiniiMl for wife .l-nortlon, Tli.> ICaii-i.nn aiitborllloH liiivo liooii nollfl.-d ailh liL _ h c- to - lu .4 .i .- ,,rr t-n tr .ir— --------- i n

Tti|nnhik' A |i|ilrs-^Johii lliir.lin . i f j ^ Klinlicrly n.-porm ibai ilu'y aro ib ln -| uliia^niniti;.i l i i ,U i i 'J l :ird ln nn-harrla mill nol pl.-kbiK aa rc|inrl.'.l- H.' nnya S'" lb .' crr.|. will I,.- unn.simlly li.'nvy.ibl>. y .a r bm ilinl ll will ii.il bo n-ady for Idokbr: f..r n . 'v ra l w.-.-kii. Many nr' |.b-li.-rn Imvo l..'oii applyUn: ai bln or- fn char.ln for work, oo

IiMUi K.ilk* .( r r h o - M r , nn.l Mrn. iiu.'iidl .If W alnut, N.'b,. nrriv.'d lo.lay naon tin- I10.IU tra in lo xlntl lirri- w ith "-nr. l;ill».'.i, Mr. nnd .Mrn, Alb.'i-t I'llt- Hi< r.b-r. f-.r a f.'W w .ikn . Mr. umlMt)i. S.dl nrc iirr.iinl.nnli'il by Ihidr i(-bll.l'r.-li. Martbn, Ctilb.-rliK' ami llnM.-ln- Ho In nil unri.- ot Mrn, I’u l. wl

• ;'■!i;\Ii.-rl Muil c .iin ln j;-'•-iiii.ilii A. II. l-'l'

lla r.ly will kIv.. ;in . xblldll.ili .'f nlmoi- du;Im; b..r.- .Saturday Aui;.iki l l - bi .w l.I.ly known na Am.Tb-a’M for.niOKi 'n rio nn.l irvolviT .'Xpert. lli- will k.-1i;H.' oxblbltlonn In Kboolliii: wllli :i r r |Ilflo. r .v o lv .r an.l n idu.Uilii, Kor tr.,(iiKti. r .•xplnnali.m nn.l a d v lc ..n llil.i C rm .itlor .-..iinill "Mik.-" if lti l nl Ui.' cuiniaimmd llnr.Iw nrr, m

W nl.T 'M nlir‘ ’ il‘r r.ik< "^ \ w ater Il[.nnlil ............... .. Nlmli <u.-nm- norlli, j .„lotw rrii Hrrnn.l nn-l Thir.l i . l r o . > u J ,

IblH i.iornlni: aVid Ilnn.I.-.l (b.- Mro.'l r, , f..r nn b.nir o r m>. Tbo rliy walor- ■ w oikn .b'li.irlmmvt C 'l biuiy and , j. t,bul off Ibo w al. r nn.l l-vik .mil' Ibr id.l w .n.dra -liIlio and mil In n lirw . ■..•.Ib.n, Tbo r.'nldi-ntn w.-n- wllh- ni.t w at.'r f.ir about Ib r.'r and ab:iir li.iuri.

Ilnrr. li-. nn.l S in llb . ll . 'ln n i.-M i.iti.l M.». J. A. H arr.‘II .am! .Mr. an.! f,.., M r-.,-l-..ii«M -»«ltli-l4^tncd_J-t2lW ifg.M .(lav afi. rn..,m fr.m i an . it-m lr .l Trip „„ |Ivor llul.ln-.m l ia r and a» fnr n;. Sp.>- Yoi;.iiu-, W.->»h. Tb.-.v \l!.ll.i1 M v .ra l i,,.., .Iimm. r i. -nrin i.iirli .in i'n>.'llT- l.ikrn. r lu l.o»lnI..n, .><ii<.kan.-. . l r . Th.'y lia\oI.-d f,„i.vor llir .Vniib nnd South bluhway iuid iondr. Sm ilb ^'nl.■•l thal It w'nK o a r of sbo tin. nl oiitlnKn h r ha.i had lu iiianv j),,,1 liny. ‘ _ ^

" .J)i.;rtT ^ilV '1^7^ \V .V rdM ian-l,.-.'T l ^ o r .U .d In Tw in Palln of llu- d.-atli avl r«.-nlni: ol Mr* V. A. H nlaynon I_n Sail I .ik r lionpllal, u lio rr nb.- u n I i.rn a iia llrn i for Komo timo.

Mir>lv>-.l by lu-r bn-dund and I y.mni: n.'n .iml .lauslilor. Ar- «nc .in rn l:. tor llin funrrnl !.or,lrrK lavi- nnl yrt l.orn .tnnouncrd. Tlio amlly bavn ll\o .l In Twin Kdlln for b rro >r.-»r.i. Mr. nn .lbiyiion. b rine

l.l> i-ra»on-» C^aiiiam jiw .' nnd llir u - t ln c volr.1 lo npply tlil* .urp lun .1 •r.liirtlon ot .1 .Icflcll of npproxU la l. ly inoiirrrd In p rrsrn la llon>f Ib r lycnim c-nunr h r r r ln»t wln- r r Tho rrt^irt o f Mr*. I’lum a Mlkr.■■II. rcc rr la r r . n r rftiinling _ t Qr—j J l _ f Ih r tlrWrt* 1««umI; wan compli- n riilrd by th r Cliautaiiqu.i i"nprr-• l.-or. It ih o ir rd xair of tirk.-ln 10 ifil ndiiltu. n o rtiu l.n l* nn.l -2fi5 -l.llrtrrn , wllh K ro« procrr.1, of


ji; ' i i S ' l z- i'l,™ '■■“I' »»

yZrl!..... *........


„f I'liu- OV.T In H.il,..- tn r a f,.u- ’.i'v!,

''M' irlp

' r . ' rtI i7norT I"‘ nindo'.d.iu-n

•'i wi r"''’"' »>»r iioinc.

In iipcnklni; nf iho nnlvcntlly Mr h ' r o h » - k ^ ou-y rxpor’t 'an'

'k '■nrol1m..ni ildn>.’.ir. Wo bnvn hnd nn lii.Tcn-.r of

"i- fiv.-f.il.l |„ |nrr-a'>.-'l r im .llm .' t '* 'Inrin,: lb.- Innl f.iiir y..ari., nn.l Ibli

> - a r will i„..i, ,1,I, Moro .ami mon- .-in- tho iiroplo of Ou-

Klnti' r.-nll/ltiK Ibo worlb ..f ih idr , n « n iilntc unlvi'rHlly nn.l nn Ibo nin-

IJ ilcniH Krndna(i' from llirr .' nn.l ni.'p

■■ ....

.. I Mr, Slriib.Tk. Tbo new nrl.-noe Imll

' '% d i . " i i i % r r i s ' 'u i , ' 'V .........t ln i . Ih r bi>i:| r.|lllp|i.>.l l.iill.Iilli: of iln

1 kind In lb .' WOM, Tlm nup..rln(..nd- .-nl, nrnl otil fr..ni Ihe rant by lb.'

, |<Arlnry lo Inylnll lhe m drnrr .'ijnlp- monl. niiVM Ibat lb ..re »HI I,,.

. n ilirr Innlfinllnii I n -1110 wori.l b d u r o-iiii|.T“--l-lo-rlvr-i.rlrnllflr-siltnly-H ii.n

1 Jho Unlvi'rnlty nf Idaho, All Ihr , v.-ry Inl.'iil nud monl mo.Irrn nrlru-

tlflo npiiaraliiii' han bi'i-n plirrlinnrd nn.l will lie In»in1lr.l lmm rd,}aM s. in

. llie lb r .'0 flonru nf ..... buildil.,"., KrvernI nuw fraU rn lly bnm.rn aro- noarinu compietlon and will br iva.lv- by fall. .S'ow Improv.'ni.'tiln ;tr..1 i..I- . l.lilloiiH nro b.'lnr: imul.' on ollu-rn.

l:n tlial llio boiiidni: idltinllnii will I be r.dlovpil. n ilic r Itnpr.ivomonls on

Ibc r.-iinpnn ilro riipidly nrarliiK roni- pl.dlon, idiitod Mr. Sirnliork. nn.t n<d

• hiudriila will Imi'dly rccoi:ui/o Ibo ■ Hv’l'nnl w lltn lli.-y S-.'l bar,t. .T b o

unlviTnlly n|ionii Seplcmbcr in. ildi< your.

Mr. tS Irnhrck In p r-...l rii l r.f lb.'1 AnKOclalod S tu.lenl bo.ly lhl< y.'»r• T n iin r^ tr. n in lr III a m ..mbri->.-ar-ni- '• .•x.'ciiHv.i 'Ki.ird.

Im ip rrin lriidon t' o f Ibe Amnl;;nmnlrdTT?iI"7ir >oiiiJTTiirjr T>I!'nl“ TiT Tllbl' Idrir.T '

S(.-«nrl‘ I- llo n io -S . i-laiidr Si.-w- nri. county lui-i.nnor. bna- n'iurii>.l from 11.11m' w b.'r<x»rf^‘i '‘ '- '‘'''-'> rodn iy nn'iiriini.ra'^i.oil-iiu an .l' b.- Muloii Ihal h.' d.i. n nii< li.-ll.-ve Ibnl Ih rr r will Iir nny .•h;tti.;o In ib - val- tuuionn In Tw in i'alln r.iiiniy dlffrr- ..nt fr..ni I ih nbnlrani an i.'p .'r ird In lb.- board. •

(iiios .1 I'nM i.trlin-M lnn I'aye Mo.]- lln Irfl. for IMna.Irm. M.in.lny .•v.-nllii: wllh hor mo'lici-. .Mrs. f . 1:. Mn.llln. wbo woni nn fnr nn .'^ali l.;tkr City. .M|-,<. M'hIIHi w in viMil wllb Iu r i-.m. Kl.iyd, in .Siill I.aUo City tor nrv.-inl .luy:! and lb. n r.-ttirn i.> Twlu Knlbi.

S linnkor SrllH C n a l-ll.il .o rt Hhan- k.1 of Ibo Abord.'rn Coal rnmpany rrportn tbe (ollowlmt nak-n <if rijnl fr..m biH yard Ib 'lld!i rliy ; T b r C ranco from tbo wmt rud of'- llu ' county Imn boilttlit 25 earn, of ronl lo b r .Irllvcro.l nl Ilulil nl Ib.- ralff nf nnc cnr n day. H r nlalo* Ibat Iir )iai. a’linv |.ol.l Jnmon Kor] 4 i-arH;. Jam i’n Juhnnnn S otlrn: IVrrlno hniol : M rn, Tw in F.illi. Ciin»1 r..iu|miiy2 r.irn, I. I), nloro ^ i ra r n ; f)r. W. II.' Itall 1 cnr. Tho- »;rani:.' roal will 1)0 divl.b'.l nmonj; itn mtinli.Ti. nn.l Ihun n c a r n day will bo nblpp.-d lo • lltihl for tbcm , ,


I'HICAC.O. Au;:. IS • C latrn ro I>nr-li.w In ,d.iln« liior.' <o JiiMlfy ........... .

■fi.'fUi nnd 'l.w ».' llvlni: nitmui; ).'un:; -..M-«-(1i..u utt> ..Ib.-r f ..rrr-tn -A ..i.'l lr„ I'wlny." Itr. J.ilin U oarh .'^tralt.m, Nrw York ol.TKymnn, nn.l nnlb.nnlly pr.mt- m.-nl r.'fornior. .Irr l.n ..! upon hln nr- r lu il h rr. lo.lay 1.. .-.irry iho .a tin r of fundantonlall.in Inlo Dar.oW .i b.mio lorrllory-.

h-lrnlton ral.l 1«- would chnllrni:r D arrow 10 n r.Ti.-n .if .l. bat.-i. In tb r m nnlry 'ii larKrnt r lllm . , _______

For SaleOiir Iionie, 535 2nd Avo. wc alow. Ver>- larj^e living roi porch, laundry, ganige an< screened - front porcli;—Mi: Sept. 1st, as business; chang( rent to resj)onsiblo {tarty.

Household goods will hi TImrsday, Au.criLst- 27, 1 jt.

—Jinny oTiT-ATiction c i7n--------

S. H E N R Y



II. V, .1.1110:1. who la iu b i In Ih r T w ln lj I '.illi blt;b «.l.o<d n i i . i a l y.-ai:., up L>

Jom-s Is w.'ll known h'-r.- an.l bnn a ” bosi of frb iid:; In IM.; . - 0.11, unity. I lr .>

Ib.„, I:I nli.-a.ly on ,llio ;..b and pr.pnrinj: C iI- hln work for Ihc ...i.ilu« ' yo.ir. llo ,1,1,1 Plniin to i;lv.. n .'.oir-..- Ill r.-piilrin:;If„r fni.i. t.ia rh iiiny . ...... o t f.truii ,

hoii'..;.. f.iijiliii:. f i r . ,ln o lbcr woi.ln.t___ l]il:i„iitiii:li: llil.i, j i i i r til ll In; ,imMl,n-bbln " ' 'J ' I'f ti'llcnl. l’r..r,'Jmi.-K Ih midiliiK',-

an pxbnuiiilvo -n tn d r n f-th lir-ilrpn rt--; . ■ m nil aii.l han nprni n"n-rnl iiuininrin • s

" " .In ll.'rkil.-y. Calif, II.' In sronlly In-i ''•‘.J 'lrr .- :.trd Itl alb lrli.-i and wlll-rp..ihnpHl „

I.'lirrnrni lllr bleb M.Imol nn (ho f .ic- ',] u lly i|.lvinc-r, li<i In a -o.id trn rk an.l i| baa-bnll r.iacb nn woll a» <1 n 'K u b ir '\

Um irm-tor bul \.4JI n.n inkr any pi'rt ,, '“■I" ilti Ilm.'..- bran.-br.i of athlrllcn horo.

I'* I Minn .luaiillii .Sn'. tiff Ih lo l.c h.-n.l ,ml- .if Ib r dnnir.^flc .irb n r r d rp a iln i.n l, „

and an.l wr nru annlirr.l by rrlnc lpa l MUk |,-rr- Mnry I'inhi-r llml nh. will Imndl.- Ihbt 1,Ih r .b.parim .'n l In a v i.v .apablo nmiin.-r, „iwn ,Mb.r< Kinb.-r laiil.'n ibat Ib .y bav.' an » licit. .(U|i.«Xiaiv-;.Lruns.tiu;uiiy-lhlu-vu)r-for. -rIon III.' blub noh.H.I. . T. 11 n i-n nr.' on ilii. ,1

iiowfFllff ■BUflOMCORNJ

nf ______ . >Pi;, I’i miidi ban IWII Iirron of.v rry flno '2

bi.ion..-.iru nn tb .. h l.n b n ly r.mil Jilnl nb.ml n .h n lf p illr .an i uf the .n il »f -Mnln n ir .'i t. .Mr, l'i..n;;h nlnloH ih a lj^ b .‘ him n fln.'-»-r.ip nml .-xprcla 10 b(^- vrnt 11 at once and plana In mnnufnc-

Icp lil t. ' brn<iniH ibiH fnll. I ll' HnyK tlml nc tjiiib . Iiroonicorn will prndiice nbuut , I fiv.i 10 idx hnndr. 'l iinumlii to tho :iro |a .'ro nn.l li< nf Ibe .laiianrno Itw-arr

nl'l ' i ‘io'-bim i-xprrlm<-tii-d before withiol lirnmn.'Oi:niind n.iyr tbat while llvbic “.■11 Ji.'ar lljilil ll.' rr.'w I.'.D'I p.iuiubi on nniin n c rr nn.l one...b;hlh. . Fid- ’I'blK crop-fltnn.ln .lU iil lo m.v*ji •ll.. fr.'l hlijb .in<l III rrm arlialdo lo Udinl.l.||i . Why nof n lirnnu] farlory for Twinau. l''iillj'_i'.‘>Hll'y.i _______

Basque Is-Bound—II- Over to D istrict J" . C ourt on 2d C ount ;;;;[■" I.orrnzo .Snlnyn w;ia lu -b l 'lo tbn a " y .llnlrl.1 rn iir t Ibl:. - a ftrrnoon ill m.

Jiid«o llo,iKln-«. c iiir i on- n ' c lm rcr ""0 ’.If ilb'Knl pofiHMni.iii folloit’InF: allb .' Iir.ivlniin coavlctlon. I'roitociilinKihin Allorii.-y Tnylor niipi-nrod for liif *1 m ate nnd R, M. Wolfe whk connul wn

‘ fo r Iho (lef.'nnn. Chlrf o f Pollco ll, W.I-:. I.ayinn.-iV llllam Mmiipower nn.l

; I'V.'<1 Atiiip woro pr.'i..-ni<'(1 nx w ll. I>: • n.iKiL'ii fn r th.i Hint.-. Thn ilofnniio

tll.^ n.il |>r.-nont any .................. ^;,r IMh provlniiH ><ii<l of $7f.O waa t r •lTrttl*T.iifftL'H.' iit fiir ' liln ' »ippo:irn i i r t» i '^

In th r .llntrlrl court. ' . * '''• M.'

“ ForEvolutiori ^

^ Hprlns*, j ' —Trnn,. ulumlnunt I'lant workrr, ond

- fu lh tr o t nvr Cl>ll.lr«n. W4nln Cbrm — f taunht rvoluilon. To Iniurc th li . tic i .' h n . nirU In llip federal courl al

KnoxvUlc n tUli which would maku <- the TonnrHce aialuie <i^I..>t '

tcacblnc evo’utfjn null and voU.

! or R en tivest, G rooms m odem bung- room. Two baths, sleq^ing and chicken co o p l- I^ rg eM u s t b t ^ - s f i W - n r T c n t c d - b y - Iiges m ake it necossar>’. W ill J

he sold a t public auction. 1 Jt. ni. on lawn. Colonel I

^ B O L T O N I

I T IM E S .



lr,.MrH, u . i;. Ilrnsxanl MnUos l’ro|mrn- it'.»: lliin<. fo r lli-ninrkalil- i;xlilhi| ..........Ici ...... Ili-»rirk | Cnizy ttiilll tn lie i|lo l .\iii.iiiir I--.-n!nreK. it

^ N.'.‘.llf«vork, onr of Ibo (ii-.'ui hnune-

‘k ' ciI In Ibo cxhlbllH by wonirn nt' Iho ”i! t-'niiniirK 'Twrn"F5Un'VJiiinly fair, n io r . ■'’ -S.'i.Iriuli.'r K lo II.’ -i I’lalii iinrl fancy n.'WliiK of all klniln

xvill b.' nhown. Viult.ir» will . Icnni ' ’ Iillll H..’wlii>; mill roiimllln aujironir nx l'l; Ih.' ::r. Mirni of wvi]i .-u’h nriii*. .b'clnrr» if'.H rn. 11. i:. Ili.i.iiiard, wbo In inaklnn ... (■l|pn-pniiiiluni. fm a r .ro r .l .'xhlbll.

N.'c.ll.'Work of a ll kin.hi linn hr.'n "I ic -.m nlic .l 111 Ib r iir.'niliiin IIkI. Tii. t. in.ir.' .•.imtnnn lyp.'n of iinicilrnl n rw r t 'K Ink-, in.-llldllii: rfh lb ltn nf tiiblr Ibu m . II It' Inw.dli, lic.lr.i.nn liiiriiK. rm:n. aprnnn, I Ir. nn.l w.inu-n'H nn.l .-hlltlr.-ii'n .......... .. ^n will he nhown. II will be apimrrni ui•f- -vlf.|(nni-tbt«l-l"nlty-ciollilli«i—.'Im ply-----K' pinnncd. ll H nnccre.l.'il iJir Inyriio ol

u dorii.bi n>in, wllll iln riifll.... puflrfnnd omliroldui-y.

Vanoy work, hrcnilii.' of lln ibvira- llve (innlliicn. will o n iln n . ' lo hr nn over upp.'alUi): xuhji'ci of Iniurrnl lo -H- v,-onirli 'i-biltori., Kinbrnldrry, Inttin.:.

J rrnrliidiiiK. knllllni: and ii.'odl.irrafrnf I 'u v r ry Hori. will be on .ilnplny.* Of Vnnrno th r ol.l (jiHhlniiril " trnry

■{llill," oddly d.-nliinrd In tt 'hundn.-d rolnrn. will b r nhuwu. .N'o .'xblbll w-nuld b.t c-oinplri.r wlllintll ll. I’rlJ.m •

! nlHO- lhe hi'biK offor.‘d fnr brnldnl . \ rticn nud n.ifii plllown, nn.l crorbi-Icd, Tin kiilllod nml brnbh-'d bi-ilnprca.In. . tbo

D.-nlKii, uitrfulii.onn an.l fliiltdi of nr- l.ul ' i lr lo U'lll Il.r poinlH connid.'rrd in inj;

awurdlHK prlzrn. T hc n n in r i i^ jniliu'K hoe ‘ will be unnninico.l n.ion. ' niui - A lib: .'Xhlbli of cannInK nn.l ninklni! , . 'r ' nin .rw lll bo fcaliirr.1 In Ib.' w.imrn-x t|,„

il.'pnrim.'iii. l';niil.-n cion.: ^.-pioinlicr f,,.r ! 5'»- _ _________ _____ lom

Ford Is W recked on k .. '

' H ighw ay W est of CityI --------- (lie

for the IJrlv.r 11 V.iiirnrlf (-oiupany. nrrl . ran 1n.^ '* i‘-er.1 I Hirlu*:- gm —iji

III..- blubwiiy nU.iul ii mllo nud a hnlf Jh i tt.-iii of III.' rnu n iy hntpK al nnd hndl) w in U-iiioIIhIi.-.I ll'. Il II.'.'-nil. h.' Ititn.'d In

. KO nrouu.l nnoib.T cnr an.l nwiinit iii . hark ino (|iil.-k un.l .Ild nn’. noe lbl:i Knril a^inilini; until l l wn.i l(fn Inlr,A nmn wnn injured ahnul bln ahklcfl ..HO ba.lly ho, could not walk and » {!,'

.woman and cbll.l wlin w.iro nlno In ^ 'I llbo c a r Wer.! iicarod hnt iioi Inidly hurt, ,

Thp Koril cnr ihnl was limitnlir.1 up wnii nunilior CC.ICS nnd holnij.M to J.W. I’niilion nf thin clly. •'

____ ______ ___ ___ Ijikilu itK J iiii .i ; n o iT K A x x o rs c K i) s t

--------- n t CWASUl.NOTON. Auq, 1«—TUo imvy

dlrl;:lbl<> Rh.'iinndonh will .vIhI'. Knn- IM )

wcHtwnrd fllKlit. jt wiiK flnnlly drrtd- ' •..I today nt ii conferrncn hriw.-nn l.l.'iiirnnni Conimnndor ZiicbnryIjinit- f!l diiwue and Admirnl IMwIn Kli.rl.-, Indb Tttit'T'WTiTrnif’TiT'iT'ntinijB-. — ir r t?

Tb.' .I.-<-liil.in I.l vl.Hit lh .’!ifi (WO cKlri. Tlii'j wnn iL'In.i belli up li.'cnuHo (hr naval llnnr nfflclaln wer.- nnl c rrln in tbnl Ibr n.l- .md .IKInniil lli» mll.-n coiil.l bo iirKnilalt-d pnra wiiboul dolaylni', (ho n-m.-ilnilrr of tbo h>nt K.'Ji.>.liilr. I'ark

Her A p p e tite Trium phed .Max .Mnr.'tKi-k, (b.‘ bnpronnrliv hnd

n lurK.. r.'l‘.'rl.<lr.'' - f nlorb-H. H.-nry T.I'llirk. (b r iiilifdr crKIr, rop.-nlH .inn of Ih.'tn In IiN now book. "Mti.lcnl I.iiuKliH.'’ Mnroixck .in n (rip from Cln- olnnnil to llnltliimrf'. fiTllnK humirjr. biHiubt n bIc fausnfc-e nml n jnaf nf ryo hn'nil. I’r.-nrnily Chrlxilnu Mis-

I B.m. in ll H.'iit nb.'a.l. nuido fun ef him I f.ir .'ntliii: Ktich awful Hlnfr. ,Miix wnfl r.-ally bumlllniod, but ho ><ly|y crowd- 0.1 till' rnnnnniH of lili. fcant Intndili pi'i-krt nnd. fo.'llnK ..jull.; c.)nif.irliib1c, w.-nt to ^ll•.'Il. AlMuit two o-cl.K't in lUc liionibiL' be f rit n touch on hla .-Ib'iw;. "Uunb." m l.l Nil-<i«.in. ''Dnn't wake nnyli.Hly. bui .1.. i.-lv.‘ nm Hint lir.-nd nnd i>iiumii:r ynu pu t In Jour l>i)i-ki-t."

Bead Tlinon Wnnt aq .v

? Rescue D ance ,?W h a t j s I t ? ___ _ _

t o n i g h t '

B luebird D ansant

I fit tb a t will ca lea Iho fcH i v rry Iirat tt>n air h a i . n■ „ tn nyc^T_ Wn inyiio ...y<■ ~ the m o » r tnlcuio cx^ j_ J am laailon of our

H (•qulprt'cnt and price ~I Ilntn. C.-d1 today.- ■ i r1 "A n Invfn im rht g ^I In Sallsfacilon*' I■ J TII'e b

f l CASEY.. PAEEBB 1 1 C O M P \ : » T / {

- - n : i

W est P e a rl Oil 1!O fficers to M eet *

•Twin F a lls Men7'lnnii nro undor wny for n mo.'ilnc

Io b r bi'l.l In tbe Twin Kalin hluhwny dbttrlcl .nfficoH -Wrdncfl.lay evonlm: i.i

, .Hacun-i w llh tbe-pronld.'nt nf iho W.'kII’carl Oil comp.iny and tho ...... . drll-I rr mouiin of ninklnit Iho well lo n cri-a icr ilopih. .T li.' well l>i now down lli abont 2SU0 fcol nnd Ibo cntnpnny n lic r . Uyi( Ib.'y bnv.> rv rry r.'ftnnn lo bclli'Vc Ibul tb.i Indlcnllonn nrc nplcn.lld fnr nil.

T b.' Iicnd.iuarlnrii for (bin compnny of

Iw If auffldi;nt.Jnturiiai-li:]Ih«>wn''-lM anIblH m pcilns, wr

Il will rcijiilro nhniit |1«.000 (» uoid rill Ihln p ibe r IGOti n-ct nnd (he con- th.corn will mnko n propoillilon w hore, thiby tbln cnn he 'nccnmpllHbi'.l. Tlie nulpuhllo If InicrcHl.-d nro InvllflV io n t- nn.

imi'niry lum'c" '



I'lireo Thousand Milo Itinerary of Giant Navy Ship During II First W c ^ In Soptemicr Is J l Announced a t Capital.

. WASIII.VfJTO.V, I), (!.. Aim 18-1 - Tbn ihr.Mi tboiiKaml-mllo lllnornry of til.- navy dirlKlble Slienniidimb from I-ttk(.hunit over th.. nilddl.iwent ,lur-

(be flrnt wo.-k I n ................... .. biui»<-en iinnminced by (li.i iiiivy dopnrl.

'.T h r tr ip li;i» boon no orrnnKcd Ihnt l-iw th e hh.'niimlnnh will fly ovor nlnto Jiidifaln i In proiir.'.iH nt Cnliiinbiin, Sop- hnnil.'mhoi ri: 1)03 .MnlncH. SepU'inbi'r *; Klrl Mluni'atmllii. Srplom lior 6: .Mllwnii- jiidckcr. Hi.piomber f..' nlld D etroit. Sep- proKIcinlMT C- tbo

Tlto clil.;» will be vinitnd dnrlnK one‘■“^ J l i ^ v l l l h Ibo pon.'ilble oxcitpllnli ,iho

nrrlvo Inin In the ovonlnc. ii'nld-Tho--TTn,tt-nf-ib(i-wciitw.mI-niKlil-“ -T In from l-ikohurnt to Pbllndclpbhi: ,|(.„ti WhrellnK. ZaiioBvlllo, Dnyton. In- n„ , l(1innapnli.i. l.nl'-\iyi.ilo. S|irln»cflold. thb. 111.: ScnltHvlllo. Til,: 8 1 .-I^iulii. Knn- - s 'inii Clly, SI. JoHopb. Deii Molncn. whin llnone. In., Wehiilnr City. .Mlniicnpo- lln. Mnmmlnoo, V ln ., S,ni Clalrc. ..hi« lllnrk lUvor Knlln, •Wnutomn. Onb- w-iil« <m.li. Fond dll U c , Mllwmikoo, Kni- ^vnll ininzoo, Ilatlle Cro.'li, Jackiion, Ann \rh o r , Uolrolt. T ol«lo,' Snnduiiky. r;i»vclnnil,* A kron. YounKiilown, 'luurflold. Pn., LowlnhurK. Ilondinis. Ijikidiumt. . , ni

Stnpx for ro-fncllDi; will ho made It ChlcfiKO nnd Detroit. '

NltlAS.S cXn I h m T t O •t'lii.' ■t'KAii. w m -'ni-'. m.OfUK “ *** !

Horsit^HA^'K TJT.Qnrn i.A ril- :il P/UUC, Monl., Auk. 18— l '“>„

ndlniin .lon't lone tb.* Im ll n t ljic.w-a-^^” i^»

'h ey fin.l Ibji footprltitn n r In.llcfi- Innn of Ibciii in tiio b.'d nf th c nlronli) nd cnii find w hom the ohjrct of Iho . lurHiill look to dry Innd, T lic DInck- t-0 nnt hnnlcrit of tbo Glnclcr N ational handl ■ark roKorvallon never fnll tn flcuro mnn <ui wblch wny a- dccr ".louhlcd on rond bem." ■ ntleni

L ink ’s BusineANt> SECR ETA R I

BOIBE, n>/ Aasounccs

FA L L T- Oponibff Sti

M onday, Aui T uesday, Sept T uesday, Sept

New Classes in All Commensal Thoso Daj


NESS bpUSSE—"Tho B. Send for FREE OATALOQ Gi ^ _ ......... , . B ..C. B M ^H A l

F u rn i tu r e ,I S«U a t PabUe .

ResidenceJilo. 348 Wednesday, A

«>hTTtTWi»«l4t<g' u t 1followlnff'famitore: Dofold, Tag 8x1 raff 9x10^. 2 bedi, compIet«: 3 d r«oordi. dlalng-rocan-UM»->ad-ohiih: ioff machine, hoatinff ftovt, waiUn kitcheir cabisvt, oapbeard, libraiy fro it j t n and ^ « r Aiticlei. Fom itars ean be looked oT«r Wadna

______ ------------------------------ TE&M&^OAB


rUESDAY, AlIOT'ST. IS, 1923.

>OMEN W E v\ m r n m

FAIR EXHIBITSI llnnil I’nlnt.'.! I'hind KxWliIt a t T n ln - ' . I-hIIh (’4iiin(j- Viilr Will Jle Kxcitl.

Ii'iill U’otni-n .U(H't lu iM j I’laoa. .r --------- • ,

Tho womcn'n czucutlve' committco

I and coQijilotod-arranKoraijnU for tho' wnuion'n bullrllnK a( thc fnlr thin BOA-

1 uon. Mrn. H. W, Cloiichok ruporlii th a t there will bc thrco new dcparlmonln (hln ycnr. Tliciio will Uicluda liatiil- tiultitcil chlna.-Iainp iiltadbs nnd the (lu nnd die-batlic.

Mnny proiiilnrnl iialotcni of cbinA nr© propnrlnB cxcollont cJtlilblta for tho fn lr imJ Iho compalUlon In Uiln Ilne will b r kc«n, T h rro o re many' iiplun.licTnrllniu In Tw in Kalla counly nnd Ihc hnnd pnlnlcd china dlsploy will porliapa bo uolqito,

Tlio women's bnlldInK will houno tho ^ 5 " ? A 'n :i^ l;ll;lL » .ap fU IU c tlv itltta -n x ^ .C 'pt the jioclnl and nchool oelivlties.

The comniltlvu c o iiau u of Mm. II. W.*l;io(ichi'k, Mr*. I t ' n . UrotiHahl Mrn, W rijibt of Kimberly, Mrn. W. d !OllllK of n io r , .MrnrAl P. Alw orlh nnd ' f .Mrn. .Monto of Qiibl. ^



l-awycM, clorkn nnd oU>cm no( >»ltb Jii.Ifio McCren, InuKhlnc, Joktpft, hnntvrlnK, lo pnim tlio llmo nwny, A Klrl (itcppcl In, (dip In hand, fo r tliu jndKC to rend nnd KlKn, A nod ox- proKKlnn cronBc.1 hln flico n» bo ro nd ' tbo ••vulentlno." Ho hitndod It lo one of th.ino who Ihoro mado up tho crowd. Tho InM-vnrx (nnV (I rnniH'iI und coiiKlietl, nml then lio ^IlSltl-J'lqillU-----------------------------------------------------

•■Thin paper tuikn llio court lo hIkh ilentnicUon fo rcnl iituff." n n d ‘thun. nn nil nnl Hick nt henrt. ho rend Ihin n iurli—onniiRh:

"Slxtoon IwtUoN of Old' .C row whiiiky, <)li:ht hotl)im of H orm ltnso wIilHky, four bo tlles o f Cwlar Brook ivhlnky, tw o iMlUtn of K ins XJeorso whiHlcy. two boulofl . nf Johnnlo IVnlkor whliiky, six iKiUlon of vor* uulh . Mtlorfl, ono bottlo o r,co iro ae irnndy, ono IwlUo of cromo do nentho, ton bolUo of Gordon gin.)otUcn o f nilxod brands. bId, a Ihrco :nlIon hn rrc l o f moonahlno whlnky,A iMUloa of cordlnl and th ree s a l ­ons of m oonihlno whlslty."

Judeo W llllnni M. McCrea nlgnod ho orilcr for n hoarini^-Aiiirust 22 tr-nhnw ciUWil. I{ nny, w hy - t h o , l<]iior" nhnul.r n o t, bo denlroyed ' by ho nhorlff, w b lch ,^It In snld. » lr- ually nrnounljt lo tho dcntructlon

clxc-d nbout four moiithii-n|{0,

lU M U T MAKES HAUL I.QS ANCBI.e s , Aur. 18.-tA lono

andlt entered n bm nch o t Ibo Holl- nnn Commerclnl bnnk - on MUsIpn - • ond n e n r horo todny. hoI3 up tw o tlendnnln nn.l oncnpcil w llh |CO(K}.

less CollegeR IA L SCHOOLIDAHO CC8 Its ■

T E R M• DatesVugust 31’ip tem ber 1 . ' < __jptem ber 8-d ^ Sabjects Ore^nlxed on Days '

GOOD SALARIZB om bttr OOHFXSTS liUSI*) Bert in the V«»t”‘ Giving F n ll. ZhftinnatioD - aA M ^ -M gr,* ________ - -----------

AmjHonlio A n e U o m li

l ^ o i i r r t . A y s - ' N o . ______

Aug. 19th ye ’clodc, tbe

8x10, ra g 12x13,'e o B g q to2 dreesen, phoaegrsph and

‘in r- ------------ttachiae, geod - r u c « ,

i x y table, c o o l d ^ ntexuUfe

dneeday morning b tf ore’ n blABE----------- ---------------------------------- -

> N , A n c t i o Q e e r ,