Comprehension Strategy Assessment • Grade 4 © 2006 Benchmark Education Company, LLC 12 The Peanut ......................................... 14 Disappearing Treasures .............................. 16 Annalise’s Journal ................................... 18 Born to Play ........................................ 20 Tsunami! ........................................... 22 Everyday Hero ...................................... 24 Johnnycakes ........................................ 26 Pretest

t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

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Page 1: t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

Comprehension Strategy Assessment • Grade 4 © 2006 Benchmark Education Company, LLC12

The Peanut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Disappearing Treasures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Annalise’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Born to Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Tsunami! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Everyday Hero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Johnnycakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26



Page 2: t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

© 2006 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Comprehension Strategy Assessment • Grade 4 13

1. D

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. C

6. C

7. B

8. A

9. D

10. B

11. A

12. D

13. C

14. A

15. B

16. B

17. A

18. C

19. B

20. D

21. C

22. A

23. B

24. A

25. D

26. D

27. C

28. D

29. B

30. A

31. B

32. D

33. C

34. A

35. A

36. D



Answer Key

Page 3: t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

Comprehension Strategy Assessment • Grade 4 © 2006 Benchmark Education Company, LLC14

One morning in late summer, Squirrel spotted a peanut lying on theground and ran to get it. But just as he was about to scoop it up,Bird grabbed the peanut in her beak. Then she flew to a branch highup in the tree.

“Hey, STOP!” yelled Squirrel. “I saw that peanut first, and it’s mine!”Bird told Squirrel, “You might have seen the peanut first, but I got

it before you!” Squirrel ran up the tree, quicker than lightning, but Bird flew higher

up in the tree. Squirrel immediately climbed after her and finallygrabbed the peanut from Bird’s beak.

Bird didn’t even flinch as she snapped it back and flew away evenhigher. Squirrel followed her and snatched the peanut again. Birdknocked it from Squirrel’s paw and flew safely away to the next tree.

“You can’t fly away from me, Bird!” Squirrel said. “I can go wherever you go!”

For the next two hours, that’s exactly what he did. Bird flew andflew from branch to branch, and Squirrel ran and ran, flitting from tree to tree. The peanut went from Bird to Squirrel and from Squirrel to Bird.

After two hours, both animals were exhausted. They were famished,too, since neither of them ever had the chance to eat the peanut.

Finally, Squirrel got too tired to continue and stopped chasing Bird.He said, “I have a fantastic idea.”

Bird was tired, too, and would have done just about anything tostop flying. So she said, “What is your great idea?”

“Why don’t we each get half of the peanut?” Squirrel said. “Then we can both have a piece.”

“Well, all right,” Bird said, “one-half of a peanut is better than nopeanut at all!”

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Directions: Read the passage. Then use the information from the passage to answer questions 1–5.

The Peanut


Page 4: t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

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1. The story says, “Bird grabbed the peanut.” Which word from the

story means the same as grabbed?

oA flew

oB spotted

oC climbed

oD snatched

2. Why did Bird and Squirrel run and fly from tree to tree andbranch to branch?

oA They were trying to keep the peanut away from each other.

oB They were having fun playing a game.

oC They were both trying to escape from a cat trying to catch them.

oD They were looking for food to eat.

3. Which words best describe the characters of both Bird and Squirrelin this story?

oA silly and funny

oB lazy and slow

oC easily discouraged

oD not willing to give up

4. What is the problem in this story?

oA Squirrel cannot catch Bird in the trees.

oB Both Bird and Squirrel think they should have the peanut.

oC Bird cannot escape from Squirrel.

oD Both Bird and Squirrel want to live in a nest in the same tree.

5. The story says, “They were famished.” What does famished mean?

oA out of breath oB thirsty

oC very hungry oD tired

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Page 5: t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

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April 10, 1912It was a great day when the Titanic set sail from Southampton,

England, and headed toward New York. The ship was like a floatinghotel. It was the largest boat ever built, and more than 2,200 peoplewere aboard. Everyone said this special ship could never sink.

April 15, 1912Five days passed. On a cool night, the ship glided smoothly through

the black water. All was quiet. Then a sailor saw trouble and yelled,“Iceberg right ahead!”

At 11:40 P.M., tragedy struck as the ship hit an iceberg. Three hourslater, the Titanic sank and took about 1,500 people with her.

The ship that couldn’t sink was lost.

Robert Ballard’s DiscoveryThe Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer

named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine to look at theship’s remains. He went down 12,500 feet. That’s over two miles deep!

The ship was broken into pieces. As he looked closer, he saw threelarge combs and a pair of child’s shoes. He saw dishes, gold coins, anda bathtub. Ballard took pictures but left everything behind as it was.Soon other people wanted to see the shipwreck, too.

The Titanic TodayTime hasn’t been kind to the Titanic. Rust drips over the windows,

and the metal is dissolving. The Titanic is melting away.Time isn’t the only thing hurting the ship. Now people are harming

it, too. Trash litters the sea floor, and black holes cover the top of theship where people have landed on the wreck. Worse still, thieves havelooted the ship.

Today Ballard works to save what’s left. One day it will disappear, butuntil then, Ballard wants to protect the wreck. He thinks it’s the largestmuseum on Earth. He says there are “many treasures yet to be found.”

Directions: Read the passage. Then use the information from the passage to answer questions 6–10.

Disappearing Treasures


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Page 6: t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

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6. What is the main idea of the first paragraph in this passage?

oA The Titanic hit an iceberg and sank on April 10, 1912.

oB A hotel called the Titanic was completed on April 10, 1912.

oC The Titanic set sail from England on April 10, 1912.

oD Tragedy struck at 11:40 P.M. on April 10, 1912

7. The passage says, “This special ship could never sink.” Which of these sentences uses the word sink in the same way?

oA Wash your hands in the sink before lunch.

oB If we don’t plug the hole, this rowboat will sink.

oC We need to sink a post right here in the ground.

oD As the silence continued, Maria’s confidence began to sink.

8. What would be another good title for this passage?

oA “Saving the Titanic” oB “Robert Ballard’s Life”

oC “The Sailing of the Titanic” oD “The Day Tragedy Struck”

9. From Robert Ballard’s view, what is probably the worst thing that

has happened to the Titanic since 1985?

oA Rust has dripped over the windows.

oB People have left trash near the wreck.

oC Small submarines have landed on the deck.

oD Thieves have taken things from the ship.

10. The passage says, “The metal is dissolving.” What does

dissolving mean?

oA coming back again oB breaking apart and disappearing

oC finding an answer oD slowly moving to another place

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Page 7: t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

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March 1 • I’m so thrilled! After suffering with the flu for a week, Iwent back to school today. It was terrific seeing my friends again! Theonly drawback is that I still can’t play soccer because I just don’t feelwell enough. Ronaldo says I’ll get my strength back eventually, but whatdoes a brother know?

March 8 • I returned to soccer practice today, but I played badly. Iexperienced shortness of breath the first time I ran hard. After twentyminutes, the coach took me out to rest. I’ve already missed four games,and the team depends on me! I’m not the best player, but I am animportant part of the team. The championship tournament starts in three days, and I want to contribute.

March 9 • Most of the time Ronaldo is a nuisance, but not tonight. We ate Chinese take-out food for dinner, and when I opened myfortune cookie, I found a handwritten note inside. It said, “What wasweak is now strong. Play hard, Annalise, and you’ll be a champ.” Ilooked at Ronaldo, but he just looked away and smiled.

March 10 • For the first time this month, there’s no game and nopractice today, so we can all rest. Great, I say!

March 11 • WE WON! Best of all, I was the player who blocked whatwould have been the other team’s winning goal in the last five seconds!When the game was over, my teammates hugged me so hard I thoughtI would faint! It was a great feeling. Tomorrow we are in the finals,and I just hope I play as well as I did today. Maybe Ronaldo was rightabout my strength because I’m back in the groove!

Directions: Read the passage. Then use the information from the passage to answer questions 11–15.

Annalise’s Journal


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11. What will most likely happen tomorrow?oA Annalise will play in the finals.oB Annalise will get sick again.oC Ronaldo will play in the finals.oD Ronaldo will give Annalise another fortune cookie.

12. Why was Annalise glad to be back in school?oA She did not want to get the flu again.oB She wanted to go to soccer practice.oC She could not stand her brother.oD She had missed her friends.

13. Who wrote the note that was in the fortune cookie?oA AnnaliseoB her coachoC RonaldooD a Chinese baker

14. How was March 10 different from the other days?oA There was no game or practice that day.oB Annalise was not allowed to practice that day.oC The team was playing for the championship that day.oD Annalise and Ronaldo had Chinese food that day.

15. The end of the story says, “I’m back in the groove.” What doesthis sentence mean?oA I’m stuck in a rut.oB I’m feeling good again.oC I’m getting the flu again.oD My foot is in a groove.

Name ___________________________________ Date ____________

Page 9: t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

Comprehension Strategy Assessment • Grade 4 © 2006 Benchmark Education Company, LLC20

Lang Lang’s parents wanted their son to play the piano. Before he wastwo, they bought him a piano for $300. That was half the money theyearned that year, but it paid off. Today Lang Lang is a great pianist.

Baby GeniusLang was born in Shenyang, China. When he was only two, he was

watching Tom and Jerry on television. It was a funny show about a catand mouse chasing each other, and he laughed at the cartoon. He alsolistened to the show’s music, and he liked what he heard. So little Langwalked over to the piano. His parents were amazed when he played thesong perfectly!

Was Lang a genius? They would soon find out.Lang took piano lessons. When he was five, he won a piano

competition. Four years later, he moved to Beijing and began workingvery hard. He got up every day at 5:00 A.M. and practiced for an hour,and then he went to school. After school, he practiced piano again andthen did his homework. Sometimes he had time to play with hisfriends. He enjoyed playing soccer or Ping-Pong.

Teenage SensationWhen he was fifteen, Lang came to the United States, and many

people noticed. In 2003, Teen Magazine said he was one of the “toptwenty teens who will change the world.”

Today Lang lives in Philadelphia. He travels all over the world toplay the piano, and audiences love watching him. He plays like an angeland clearly loves what he does.

His mother would say that he was born to play.

Directions: Read the passage. Then use the information from the passage to answer questions 16–20.

Born to Play


Name ___________________________________ Date ____________

Page 10: t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

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16. The passage says, “Today Lang Lang is a great pianist.” The word

pianist means __________.oA like a piano

oB a person who plays the piano

oC without a piano

oD before the arrival of a piano

17. Information in this passage is organized mainly by __________.oA time order

oB questions and answers

oC problems and solutions

oD causes and effects

18. Which sentence from the passage states an opinion?

oA Lang was born in Shenyang, China.

oB He was watching Tom and Jerry.

oC It was a funny show.

oD He also listened to the show’s music.

19. Why did Lang Lang become a great piano player?

oA His parents bought him a piano before he was two.

oB He was born with talent and he worked hard.

oC He moved to Beijing and got a new job.

oD The piano he used cost $300.

20. The passage says, “He plays like an angel.” What does this

sentence mean?

oA He flies all over the world.

oB He has wings.

oC He also plays a harp.

oD He plays very well.

Name ___________________________________ Date ____________

Page 11: t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

Comprehension Strategy Assessment • Grade 4 © 2006 Benchmark Education Company, LLC22

On that Sunday morning in December 2004, a huge wave in theIndian Ocean was moving toward shore. By the time it reached thebeach, it was more than a wave. It was a tsunami!

What Causes a Tsunami?What is a tsunami? How does it form? Let’s take a look at the 2004

tsunami that hit several parts of Asia. It started with an earthquake. Thequake pushed water up toward the surface, and the wave began movingtoward shore. The wave gathered speed and soon got closer to land.Then it slowed down, but at the same time it grew higher. Last, thewave hit the shore.

Effects of a TsunamiA tsunami destroys almost everything in its path. Waves crash against

the shore and smash buildings. Whole towns are destroyed.In the 2004 tsunami, more than 200,000 people died, and many more

were missing. People lost their homes, their loved ones, and their farmsand stores. A tsunami is a great disaster.

Directions: Read the passage. Then use the information from the passage to answer questions 21–25.


The wave starts here. The earthquake pushes water up.

The bottom of the ocean slows down the wave, and the wave gets higher.

Water moves quickly toward shore.

Wave comes ashore.

Deadliest TsunamisDate Location Lives LostDec. 26, 2004 Indian Ocean 200,000+

Nov. 1, 1755 Atlantic Ocean 60,000

May 22, 1782 Pacific Ocean 40,000

Aug. 27, 1883 Indian Ocean 36,500

Sept. 20, 1498 Pacific Ocean 31,000


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Page 12: t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

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21. Which is the best summary of this passage?

oA Both the causes and effects of a tsunami can be deadly.

oB A tsunami is a series of waves that move toward shore.

oC In 2004, an earthquake caused a deadly tsunami in the

Indian Ocean.

oD A tsunami crashes against the shore and smashes everything.

22. In what part of the passage should you look to find out what atsunami does to the land?

oA Effects of a Tsunami

oB What Causes a Tsunami?

oC Deadliest Tsunamis

oD the first paragraph

23. Why does a tsunami wave slow down as it gets closer to shore?

oA The wave grows higher.

oB The bottom of the ocean slows it down.

oC The surface cools down.

oD The wind pushes the water up.

24. Using the information from the chart, what can you conclude

about the 2004 tsunami?

oA It was the deadliest tsunami in the last 500 years.

oB The 2004 tsunami did not cause a great amount of damage.

oC It was the only tsunami that occurred in the Indian Ocean.

oD The 2004 tsunami lasted longer than any other tsunami.

25. The author’s purpose in this passage was to __________.oA tell an entertaining story about tsunamis

oB teach a lesson

oC compare the Pacific and Indian oceans

oD give information

Name ___________________________________ Date ____________

Page 13: t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

There are heroes in our midst,and sometimes we do not seethem. Did anyone see MaudTaylor when she was eight yearsold? That’s when she planted herfirst tree. Did anyone see herwhen she was nine? She plantedher second one. Each year on herbirthday, Maud planted a tree inthe vacant lot next to her house.

Maud grew up in aneighborhood that used to be called “the wrong side of the tracks.” Homes in herneighborhood stood unpainted.Rusty cars without tires litteredbackyards, and fences neededwhitewash. Doing things likeplanting trees did not put food onthe table, so people did not havetime for them. But Maud was anunusual girl. She looked at thevacant lot and saw a forest.

Maud didn’t have money tobuy a tree when she was young,but she had a wagon and aspade. Each year she ventured farfrom her neighborhood to visit a

forest. When she returned home,her wagon held a small seedling.

Maud still lives in the oldneighborhood today. Now she hasenough money to go to a nurseryand, not surprisingly, each yearshe still plants a tree in the oldvacant lot.

Last week the city bought thelot. Because of all the trees on it,city officials decided to transformit into a neighborhood park.When Maud found out, tearsfilled her eyes. She felt as if shehad won the jackpot.

Few people know about Maud’strees, and Maud doesn’t care ifpeople know or not. She does it for the love of trees. I know,because Maud is my mother.When I turned eight years old, I went with her to the lot. Thisyear I went with her again, andwe planted her 70th tree.

Maud is an invisible hero, butI can see her. She believes thatone tree can become a forest.Can you see her, too?

Comprehension Strategy Assessment • Grade 4 © 2006 Benchmark Education Company, LLC24

Directions: Read the passage. Then use the information from the passage to answer questions 26–30.

Everyday Heroby Sylvia Gonzales


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Page 14: t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

© 2006 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Comprehension Strategy Assessment • Grade 425

26. Maud Taylor visited a forest each year to __________.oA enjoy being surrounded by nature

oB take a long walk

oC use her wagon for something useful

oD dig up a seedling

27. Why does the author of this passage call Maud an “invisible hero?”

oA Maud still lives in the old neighborhood, but no one sees her anymore.

oB She likes to look at trees.

oC Maud does something nice for the neighborhood, but no one knows

about it.

oD She is a very small person and is not often seen.

28. The passage says, “City officials decided to transform it into a park.” The word transform means __________.

oA pay for

oB build

oC move to another place

oD change

29. Which sentence best describes the character of Maud Taylor?

oA She lives in the wrong neighborhood.

oB She does not call attention to herself.

oC She knows a lot about gardening.

oD She does not get involved in her community.

30. The author probably wrote this passage because she __________.oA was proud of her mother and wanted people to know about her

oB thought her mother would want people to know what she did

oC didn’t want people to think the trees just grew in the city

on their own

oD wanted the city to pay for the trees

Name ___________________________________ Date ____________

Page 15: t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

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Early settlers in America ate cornmeal like it was going out of style.Corn was easily grown in most places, and it filled you up. Served withbeans, it is a good source of protein.

Cornmeal is made from dry corn that has been ground. Back then,corn kernels were placed in a wooden bowl or a hollow tree stump andpounded into powder—usually by young boys.

When people had maple syrup, they made johnnycakes. Johnnycakesand maple syrup fit together like a hand and a glove. Here’s how tomake this cornmeal treat. (Ask an adult to help.)

You’ll Need:3/4 cup cornmeal 3 tablespoons maple syrup1 cup flour 2 tablespoons oil1 tablespoon baking powder 1 egg1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk

Directions: Read the passage. Then use the information from the passage to answer questions 31–36.


1. Mix dry ingredients in one bowland wet ingredients in another bowl.

2. Add everything together in one bowl, and stir until the mixture is moist.

3. Spray a round cake pan with cooking oil, and pour batter into the pan.

4. Bake for 25 minutes.

5. Use oven mitts to take the cake out of the oven. Let it cool for ten minutes.

6. Turn cake over onto a plate and cut into eight pie pieces. Then serve!


Name ___________________________________ Date ____________

Page 16: t The Peanut€¦ · Robert Ballard’s Discovery The Titanic wasn’t lost forever. Many years later, in 1985, an explorer named Robert Ballard found it. He used a small submarine

© 2006 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Comprehension Strategy Assessment • Grade 427

31. The passage says, “Early settlers in America ate cornmeal like itwas going out of style.” This sentence means that they ________.oA wore nice clothes when they ate cornoB ate a lot of cornmealoC were afraid they would run out of cornoD did not know how to prepare cornmeal

32. The passage says, “Cornmeal is made from dry corn that has beenground.” Which sentence uses the word ground in the same way?oA Put that basket on the ground.oB The electrician did not ground the light switch.oC We could not gain any ground against them.oD Dad ground some coffee beans for breakfast.

33. The passage says, “Johnnycakes and maple syrup fit together like ahand and a glove.” This sentence means that ________.oA johnnycakes taste awfuloB you should wear gloves when you make johnnycakesoC johnnycakes and maple syrup go together welloD you can call johnnycakes by different names

34. To make johnnycakes, what should you do just after putting allthe ingredients into one bowl?oA Stir until the mixture is moist. oB Pour the batter into a pan.oC Mix the dry ingredients together. oD Bake for 25 minutes.

35. The passage says, “Stir until the mixture is moist.” Which word inthe passage means the opposite of moist?oA dry oB fillingoC wet oD hollow

36. Which is the best paraphrase of this sentence?“Corn was easily grown in most places, and it filled you up.”oA Corn was easily grown and filled you up in most places.oB Corn grew and filled most places.oC Corn was easily filled and grown in most places.oD Corn was easy to grow, and it was filling.

Name ___________________________________ Date ____________

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Student Name Date

Teacher Name Grade

Pretest Posttest

(Circle one.)

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Answer Sheet