t T- I it sp MUTILATEDJ 1 I THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL TTTTSSDAV MORNING NOVEMBER 16 1909 inatoht JoUrnal PAILY WEEKLY SUNDAY PUBUSHHD EVERY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY BY THE JOURNAL COMPANYF- RANK flflaflJWJnflJlfL JU fflflJ W JWW L MAYES President and General Mra3r- m ennfl w rrfl MEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS rr W t W u tflJWPfl r flfl fl WL SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year 5 00 One Month 45 Six Months 2 50 One Week 10 Three Months e 1 25 Weekly Edition per year1 ro- Th J n w twr Only Penaacola Newspaper From Which a data fled 1JIiIf2iion Statement Can Ba Seci red 7 tr OfficesJournal Bolldfti Entered as secondcfaas matter- I at ttte poatomce at PencOT > Florida under Act of conoresa Corner DeLuna and Intendencia March 3 1879s rJLr 7J nJwnr WJU 0 SCfl t Lfl 55r5 t J- Phones Editorial Rooms 38 Business Office 1500 J wwn FOREIGN ADVERTISING ROBERT MacQUOID SPBCIAJa REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES New York IM Tribune Buildlnff- Chlcazo B F Henrlquez Manaser 1548 Marquette Bulldlne ti PENSACOLA FLORIDA TUESDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 16 109 NOW FOR A DEMONSTRATION- FARM The fair and the circus have slipped Into history The next station for this train Is Thanksgiving Turkey- We are glad to learii that the Ger ¬ man emperor has a boss He does so want to sail up in that Zeppelin ship and his wife wont let him NOW FOR A DEMONSTRATION- FARM Senator Aldrich Is 70 years old Now it senators had to quit the game at three score and 10 the way judges have to do in a majority of the states When the Manufacturers Associa ¬ tion says Quit this tariff whining and just let well enough alone Its mem bers simply mean Let well enough- for us alone It doesnt take a hard- head for human nature to see that NOW FOR A DEMONSTRATION- FARM Pittsburg says a current maga- zine ¬ is like a great big pie Theres- an upper crust and theres a lower crustbut what is Pittsburg fined with Filled with too many Thaws and Hartjes and William Ellis Coreys for one ¼ thlng J 5ii1ts a Or digestion which we honestly be- lIeve Is the gentlemans real vital need at the moment NOW FOR A DEMONSTRATION- FARM Theres grIm humor we warrant in the composition of that Texas father and mother who named their twins Peary and Cook Ye gods but how little Cook and little Peary win scrap and paste one another when they get old enough to know they have such things as tongues and dukes- A Connecticut man taught his dog to steal clothes and ultimately the canines master waxed rich off the product of his neighbors clotheslines Nutmeg meanness it seems did not S all disappear with the sale oT the last of the wooden nutmegs from which tradition says Connecticut men In pre revolutionary days coined very com- fortable ¬ compensation In an Ohio court an Ohio woman testifies that she Jave an Ohio man 750 Rood and lawful money of th a United States on his promise to marry her and that from the moment- of the transaction to the present she has seen neither the man nor the money It might be well for Mr Taft- to spend a little bit more time preach- ing ¬ common decency to the people of his own state and less time eating drinking and talking all over the coun ¬ try Why not In the city election at Key West there were seven candidates for the job ot city sexton Well the town down there on tie Florida reefs Is try Ing her hardest to be a live one and no wonder that at least seven good men and true were ambitious to tackle the job of burying the dead ones Key West voted city improvement- bonds by a very substantial majority as the news reaches us and unpro gressive citizens are not wanted within her borders The Gainesville Sun takes a sensible flew of tho matter when it says We hope it may prove true the charge that much of the good roads agitation nowadays Is due to the auto ¬ mobile manufacturers who are actuat- ed ¬ by no higher motives than the sel ¬ fish desire to sell automobiles K the automobile makers are spending any considerable effort or money In good roads publicity it Is a fine thing no matter whether their motive be inter ¬ est or philanthropy j Generally speaking it is the result not the motive with which we haTe to be concerned when such essential public improvements good roads are iLUtaJiJaIaIlI- i S Wilsons Words Will Help South Uncle Jimmy Wilson the nestor of the McKinley and Roosevelt and Taft cabinets Is not yet in mental condi ¬ tion to be Oslerized albeit he has passed beyond the Psalmists allot- ment of three score years and ten The venerable head of the agricul ¬ tural portfolio back in Washington- from the National Congress of Farm- ers ¬ in Raleigh N C whose sessions- he attended and before whose dele ¬ gates he spoke has this to say of the American farmer in general and what- is more absorbing to people in this neck of woods of the Southern farmer- in particular- The I place for the farmer now is the South tor the soil in the South is friendly to nearly every product of the country This is a tribute richly deserved by the South a part of the country which- of late has demonstrated its agricul- tural supremacy more emphatically- than at any time in the history of the nation Secretary Wilson does not speak of the Souths fertility and productive- ness ¬ any morehighly than the figures readily at his and every other citizens cpmmand entitle him to speak Praise A Lt Southern immigration it ought with- in the ensuing year to be good for at least 100000 new homeseekers in the richsoiled and fertile states below the Potomac and the Ohio And of this homeaeeklns Influx Florida most widely recognized among all the Southern states as the Northern and Western mans climatic If not com- mercial ¬ or agricultural Ideal is bound- to reap her just and appropriate pro- portion Go West young man said Horace Greeley writing for his eminently hardheaded and practical New York Tribune a full half century ago and he was rIghtfor those days Go South young man says Secretary Wilson In 1909 The farmers door of opportunity is in the South and he Is rightfor these days The Southern farmer is Sn the brink of a prosperity that seems bound to put him on a par with the afflu- ent ¬ Northwestern wheat and cattle rancher the man whose automobiles and pianos and modern libraries and sons and daughters at college are still furnishing inspiration for some writers for popular magazines Uncle Joe and the big black cigar vow that the Republican insurgents- must go The insurgents declare that the progress of the country as well as the prestige and support of their party demand that Uncle Joe and the big black cigar must go There is prospect of a very pretty wrangle when our federal lawmakers get to- gether ¬ next month In the City of Mag nificent distances But why confine the war of extermination to Uncle Joe It would not be the worst thing In the world to have Aldrich and Payne and Dalzell and Lodge Included on tne list of men that have outlived their public usefulness Among the poor tenement house people in New York says the woman hygienic expert sent out to hunt the causes and prevention of hookworms I found more of this dreaded plague proportionately than in the factory districts of Alabama where they told me I should run up against hook ¬ worms In dumbfounding quantities True enough we can at this distance easily believe If there is a disease that flesh Is heir to which has not found singularly appropriate soil in the crowded filthy East Side tenement district we have yet to hear mention of it It may yet appear to Mr Rocke- feller ¬ that charity begins at home and that while decidedly the preponder- ance ¬ of intelligent southern people ap preuiute his magnificent gift of a mil Don toward the eradication of hook worms in their part of the country- the South will not have the smallest particle of objection if the oil king shall decide to employ a little more of his surplus coinhe admits at last that he cant spend his incomeon a hookworm fight in the city where he has such tremendous corporate inter ¬ ests And then there is Ohiothe dispatches tell us that Miss Davis found more or less of this hookworm business in Ohio the state whose oil wells and natural gas veins first start ¬ ed Mr Rockefellers now enormous wealth arolling It is inconceivable that he should decline to draw a gen ¬ erous check for the reduction of the disease among the Buckeyes Ohio has stood handsomely by him There is no really reasonable reason why the Wrights Wilbur and Orville shouldnt see their way clear to try out their new aeroplanes in Florida this winter They do not hesitate to say they never will do any more ex ¬ perimenting at Nags Neck the most Godforsaken spot on the coast of North Carolina And Sanford too shes waking up to the advantages of a location in Florida She Is shortly to start a commercial club to advertise the citys commercial and residential attractions Sanford is on the right track A com ¬ mercial club with the right men in it and a judicious application of printers- ink with the salient facts about the city persuasively presented will work wonders for the increase of Sanfords business and Sanfords population- The president says he will not take his trip to Panama this winter He is tired well nigh exhausted we take it by that 13000mile jailnt through the West and South and it Is going to take a whole lot of stren uousity on the golf links during the balance of November to put the portly tenant of the White House in proper physical trim for that extra heavy ses ¬ sion ot Congress which he anticipates Ilu December We see where Florida fails to get a glimpse of Mr Taft this year despite the wellrememberd fact that this state gave up a place on the Taft itinerary with the understanding that Mr Taft should drop off and see us on his way down to the big ditch between sessions Why cant Columbus get the next convention of the MississippiAtlantic Waterway Association The conven- tion ¬ for this year will be held at Jack- sonville ¬ in a few days and if Colum- bus ¬ will undertake to get the next meeting it may be able to do so The gathermg of such men as attend these conventions and the expression of their opinions gives a clear insight into the waterways movement and the city in which one is held always profits by It Such meetings arouse interest among the people and put jj i 11 ifc rcx <iiupii3imifcilt oT TEe purposes of the association Colum ¬ bus Ga EnquirerSun- For the very simple and sufficient reason brother that Pensacola which for good causes stood aside last ye r- and permitted the convention to go elsewhere when there was an exceed- ingly ¬ strong sentiment in favor of gathering the delegates here for the waterway discussion of 190S considers herself the logical candidate for the convention this year and proposes to land it In 1910 perhaps but thats- a long way in the future m = = = = = = = > 0 m VOX POPULI W ttJ g SSfZJfi W > = = = = = WHAT SHALL BE DONE ABOUT THE SOCIAL EVIL Editor Pensacola Journal An investigation of prostitution was made in the city of New York Below you will find an extract taken from senate document No 644 60th con ¬ gress second session This document- was the outcome of an investigation- made by a committee appointed by President Roosevelt to ascertain the causes which led young girls to be- come inmates of houses of illfame Of the 2000 persons investigated 490 were married 71 of whom still lived with their husbands 103 left their husbands on account of ill usage 60 s pre deserted by their hus ¬ bands 43 were deserted by hus ibands to live with other women others left their homes on account ot nonsupport drunkenness infidelity and In 75 cases no specific cause was assigned There were also 294 widows In the general list The author ibelleves the principal conclusion to be drawn from the ta ible which he presents is that the ma ¬ jority of this class of widows are driven to a course of vice from the destitution ensuing on the husbands DEEPSEATED COUGHC- URED IN 5 HOURS New HomeMade Syrup Cut this out From Boston Press Progress in medical compounds never ceases and now H Is stated by a promi ¬ nent medical man that any deepseated couth or cold on the lungs can be ac ¬ tually cured in five by the clock Opium and morphine have been resorted to in the past as relief measures But now it is learned that the system be treated to rid it of iartammatienVand congestion A tonic cough does the Work so quickly and thorough syrup ¬ ly as to be almost nmglcal What here toforo has taken weeks to cure can be accomplished in hours Get this formula or mix it at horns and always keep it on hand Onehalf ounce wild cherry bark one ounce compound essence cardiol and three ounces syrup white pine compound Shake the bottle and take twenty drops every halfhour for four hours Then take onehalf to one teaspoonful three or four times a ay until the system is purified and toned up Giva children less according to One tilling will age us cure a wbole f5T11y ai the doa s MAKES KIDNEY DISORDERS GO A FEW DOSES END BACKACHE- AND BLADDER MISERY AND MAKE THE KIDNEYS ACT FINE The most effective and harmless way to cure backache and regulate outdforder kidneys or end bladder I trouble is to take several doses cf Papes Diuretic You will distinctly feel that your kidneys and urinary organs are being cleaned healed and vitalized and all the miserable symptoms such as backache headache nervousness rheumatism and darting pains in- flamed ¬ or swollen eyelids irritability sleeplessness or suppressed painful- or frequent urination especially at night and other distress leaving af- ter taking the first few doses The moment you suspect any kidney- or urinary disorder or rheumatism begin taking this harmless preparation as directed with the knowledge that there is no other medicine at any price made anywhere else in tin world which will effect so thorough and prompt a cure as a fiftycent treat ¬ ment of Paves Diuretic which any druggist can supply Your physician pharmacist hanker or any mercantile agency wil tell you that Pape Thompson Pape of Cin- cinnati is a large and responsible medicipe concern thoroughly worth of your confidence Dont be miserable or worried an- other ¬ moment with a lame back or clogged inactive kidneys or bladder misery All this goes after you star taking Papos Diuretic and in a few days you feel and know that your kid neys liver and urinary system are healthy clean and normal and all danger passed Accept only Papes Diuretic fifty cent treatmentfrom any drug store anywhere in the world S death It has been shown that a largE t number of them are very young and it can he scarcely necessary to re peat that any young woman in a state of poverty will be surrounded with temptations can with difficulty re ¬ sist Much as tbis state of societv may be deplored ts existence can- not be denied The section dealing with the hidden springs of the evil is of extreme im ¬ portance The causes assigned by the women themselves are as fol ¬ lows Destitution 525 inclination 515 seduced and abandoned 25S drink and a desire to drink 181 ill treat ¬ ment of parents relations or hus- bands 164 as an easy life 124 bd company 84 persuaded by prosti- tutes ¬ 71 too idle to work 23 violat- ed ¬ 27 seduced on imigrant ships or in imIgrant boarding houses 24 Dr Sanger in discussing the sab j ject of inclination adduces considef- ait ev1dencthhhJiat 1ap8i mate cause of the fall it was but the result of other and controlling In tin ¬ ences Of the 2000 cases examined with reerence to previous occupations 933 belonged to the servant class 493 lived with parents or friends 2S3 were dressmakers tailoresses anl > 08 the were engaged In miscellaneous occupations Five hundred and twentythree earn ¬ ed only 1 per week 336 S2 a week 230 3 a week 127 51 68 5 27 6 7 7 5 S 2 520 a week and in 103 cases the question of earnings was not ascertained Pag 23 Roose ¬ velts homes commission report The above document soon nftor if H was printed suddenly ibecamo ex ¬ hausted This report was eagerly sought by tae peaple and the regu ¬ larity with which documents demand- ed by the people suddenly become out of print ig suspicious to say the least As a matter of fart this is the method employed by those high in power to suppress damaging evidence ngainrt capitalism The above mil ling figures show with frightful vivid- ness ¬ how the present economic system is truaking up and polluting the homes of the toiling masses To those who wish to undertand and remove the evils of society 1 ugest that they study socialism and I learn how to become the possessors- of their own jobs and retain all the wealth they create- If the people of the United Stntes want Rockefeller Morgan Hill Astor Gould Frick Havermeyer and a few others to own America and its Inhabi ¬ tants then they have their wants gratified Just continue to sit still and suck your thumbs But if the people of America want this country for themselves they must wake up and do some effective thinking and turn the tools of industry that are collectively used into public proper ¬ ty Then poverty will be unknown and all will have in abundance the neces ¬ sities and luxuries of life ELMORE C WENTWORTH Pensacola Fla Xov 11 DESTINS- peclai to the Journal Destin Nov 15 Leonard Destin and crew caught a boatload of mullet Thursday morning Barnes Bros and George Smith came back from East bay the first of the weeJt- Mr Bedsole went up the bay Sun ¬ dayDon Henson and George Smith have left Destin and gone to Camp Wal- ton ¬ The fishing season here has been- a very dull one Just now the rough weather forces the fishermen to be idle Mrs Leonard De tin was expected home this week but owing to the I sickness of her son she win not come till he gets well SNEADSS- pecial to The Journal Sneads Xov 1Mr ami Mrs Will Ponder entertained several of their friends Friday night at a Ssh supper down en their plantation Hearjriielsoa is able to beuk and about after quite a serious sickness Albert King is visiting nis family here for a few days Messrs Holman and Stokes attend- ed ¬ church at Mill Springs Sunday June Rawls and J W Gibson made a business trip to Marianna one day last week Mrs Stribblins has been on the sick list several days of the past week Mr and Mrs Stokes and children enjoyed the day out fishing Saturday They had fine luck After they had caught plenty they cooked them and had dinner on the hill near the lakes- T B Liddon was a business visitor- at Marianna one day this week Miss Mert Cox visited her home folks at Quincy over Saturday and Sunday Smashes Ail Records- As an allround laxative tonic and healthbuilder no other pills can com- pare ¬ with Dr Kings New Life Pills I They tone and regulate stomach liver and kidneys purify the blood I strengthen the nerves cure Constipa- tion ¬ I Dyspepsia Biliousness Jaundice I Headache Chills and Malaria Try them 25c at all druggists For goodness sake eat Mothers Bread Hugheys 133 West Intendencia Phone 855 LOWRY WANTS TO BE- TALLAHASSEES I MAYOR Special to the Journal Tallahassee Nov 15Hon Frank- S mtbrop having declined to accept- a nomination for a second term as mayor of Tallahassee Mr D M Lowry has appeared as a candidate for that office It is thought Mr txjwry who is a young man of integrity and abU ity and counts his friends by scores will have no opposition SILVER TEA FOR CHOIR- BENEFITIS A SUCCESS Special to The Journal I Tallahassee Nov 15The silver tea Friday afternoon by St Agnes guild for the benefit of St Johns choir was- a delightful social success The beautiful home of Mr and Mrs H L Bethel was put at the disposa of the guild The handsome parlors were filled with a large assemblage or ladies and gentlemen who enjoyed together the delicious refreshments served and the exquisitely rendered musical program arranged and con tributed generously to the cause foi which the tea was given The pro ¬ gram was as follows Piano Solo Miss Alice Gwynn Reading Evelyn Whitfield Violin Solo Miss Lucile Saxon Reading Elizabeth Parkhill Vocal Solo Mrs Park Trammell Re ding Mary Frank Knott Piano Trio Misses Elizabeth Tatum Jessie Edmonds and Bessie Damon Vocal Solo Mr William Van Brunt Trio cornet flute and piano Messrs Albert and R A Shine and Miss Da- mon Reading Gertrude Levy Piano Solo Mr Peck Greene ItcIe 1aI<t LDAr kins A H Williams T S Trantham- and John Costa Vocal Solo with violin obligato bj Miss Saxon Mrs Fred T Myers Repdip Mnster lugh Archer Palm Cr JEFFERSONS FIRST FAIR A SUCCESS Special to the Journal Wauteeuah Xov 15Jefferson countys first fair was held In Monti cello on Nov 11 and 12 The ex ¬ hibits were from all over the county consisting of stock fruits nuts vege¬ tables flowers and agricultural impli ments and products The last day the baby show attracted much atten tion and some eautiful children were on exhibition The best schools of the county were each represented A good many prizes in cash were award- ed Those who spent time and money to get this movement on foot were Abo Simon Bro H A Barrows Drs Williams McEackern and Glover Hon T M Ruleston and W W and C T Carroll A large crowd gathered both days and every one sung the praises of the first effort and went home determined to make each suc- ceeding ¬ year more of a success Personal Mention Rev J G Freeman of Kentucky is in our midst looking for a boa ¬ tionCane grinding digging sweet pota I toes hunting and fishing is the order- of the day Dr Carter is repairing his lovely old home on Cat Hill- J P Strickland is the cotton buyer for all the long staple brought here this year W L Wooten is beggarweed buyer- as usual Rev and Mrs A L Woodward are spending this week in Tallahassee D L Munroe is furnishing the Leonton market weekly with several beeves pork butter and vegetables He is one of our model farmers- U S SUPREME COURT REFUSES TO REVIEW CASE By Associated Press Washington Nov 1The United States supreme court today refused to RADIANT HAIRN- ew York Society Womens Hair Matched Only by Parisians While much attention is given to choicest gowns fcy New York society women the turbulent fad just now is the care of the hair For many years the clever women of Paris have been famed for the magnificent beauty of their hair Glorious hair a Virginian calls it so raidiant and luxuriant that it not only attracts but fascinates and compete unstinted admiration But now that the elite of New York ever anxious to improve their beaut have learned that Parisian Sage a remarkable and almost marvelous hair nourisher and beautifier is almost en tirely responsible for the charming hair of the ladles of France the de- mand ¬ for it has become enormous Parisian Sage is now sold all over America and in Pensacola by Han nab Bros who are glad to guarantee it to eradicate dandruff stop falling hair and itching scalp in two weeks OE moaey Lack Jftar e bottle 50 ceats4 How are your bowels n the doctor al- ways ¬ Bilious asks He knows how ImportantJs the question of constipation He knows that inactivity of the liver will often pro Dodor3 all agree that cnaclice Iou isposi duce most disastrous results We believe lively essential to health Ask your own Ayers Pills are the best liver pills doctor aloul Ayers Pills tJ7rr ° = can possibly take Sold for over 60 years you fl P 1 Thank The- Weather r Man < that you can now get a Fall Suit 11 TAILORED TO TASTE for 25 j er cont less than the same suit would cost ten days ago k Warm weather lies retarded trade- so that were overstocked Falls handsomest patteras samo high class tailoring Order Thanksgiving Suits Early 2500 Suits u 1875 3000 Suits 2250 4000 Suits 3000- and so onnothing reserved Overcoats too- PRIGXETT PERSON GARDNER y Brent Incorporated FRANK B GARDNER Manager IiIl r r- New T a and R llY Rails Ve make a specialty of both and are prepared- to supply your requirements promptly METZGER BROTHERSMo- bile Ala review the decree of the lower courts aerlns the foreclosure of the mort- gage of the Guarantee Trust Company- on a portion of tee proporty of the Metroplitan Street Railways Company- of New York city RAIN AND SNOW IS PREDICTED FOR THE WEEK Bv Associated Press Washington Nov 15Rain snow and disagreeable weather throughout- the country generally and frost in the gulf and South Atlantic states during the next week or ten days Is the pre ¬ diction of tne weather bureau today j PROMINENT CONFEDERATE VETERAN DIES SUDDENLY By Associated Press Culpepper Ya Nov 15 Captain James Moore aged 67 claim agent for the Southern Railway and a prominent Confederate veteran died suddenly from apoplexy here yesterday He was one of the oldest employes of the Southern Railway and was known throughout the system Capt Moore resided at Orange Va For goodness sake eat Mothers Bread Hugheys 133 West Intendencia Phone 855 QUAKE SHOCKS FELT Icod Tenerlffe Canary Islands Nov 15Heavy earthquake shocks were felt here yesterday WILL NOT REOPEN CASE OF DR ELLIOTT- By Associated Press Atlanta Nov iSThe prison com 21 4 t A- 11 r J800 to 4500 All or quarter sawn oak beautifully finished with plate and leaded glass plain and mirrored backs Marston Quinas iOSflO S Palafox stl Pensacola I I mission today refused to reopen th case of Dr J M Elliott sentenced tn be hanged Friday for the killing oi George L Rivers at LaGrange BERESFORD A CANDIDATE London Nov 15 Adural Lord Charles Berosford it is announced to- day ¬ will be the unionist candidate at the byeelection in Portsmouth which will choose a successor in parliament to the late Sir John Baker 1 DANDRUFF DONT WASH OUT The Germ That Causes it Has to Be Destroyed to Cure Dandruff Many a woman spends an hour twice- a week scouring her scalp thinking that by scrubbing of the scurf she will cure the dandruff Two hours a week at the age of 40 years she has spent 260 days of 32 hours each or twothirds of a year of her life in that vain hope vain because you cant cure dandruff without killing the dan ¬ druff germ and the only hair prepa ¬ ration on earth that will do that Is Newbros Herpicide also a delight ¬ Cal hair dressing and thorough anti ¬ septic against all contagion from use of others hair brushes Sold by lead ¬ ing druggists Send lOc in stamps- for sample to The HerpicIUe Co De- troit ¬ 11I < h- One dollar bottles guaranteed W A DAlemberte druggist and apothe- cary ¬ 121 South Palafox street r A Correct Shoe Made For Ladies who want stylish dainty graceful fine fit ting footwear with the positive assurance of the best wear to be had in shoes That is our 350 and 400 ladies Shoes- in all the stylish leathers and the different colors and combinations of leathers Cloth tops in button are very much in vogue and our display- of these shoes is very complete Ladies in ¬ vited to call and see and j try on a pair of these shoesBOSTON SHOE STORE Stylish Foot Fitters S F

T- MUTILATEDJ TTTTSSDAV inatoht JoUrnal MAKESufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00353/0400.pdflittle Cook and little Peary win scrap and paste one another when they get old enough

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Page 1: T- MUTILATEDJ TTTTSSDAV inatoht JoUrnal MAKESufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00353/0400.pdflittle Cook and little Peary win scrap and paste one another when they get old enough

t T-










RANKflflaflJWJnflJlfL JU fflflJ W JWW

L MAYES President and General Mra3r-m ennfl w rrflMEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

rr W t W u tflJWPfl r flfl fl WLSUBSCRIPTION RATES

One Year 5 00 One Month 45Six Months 2 50 One Week 10Three Months e 1 25 Weekly Edition per year1 ro-


Jn w twrOnly Penaacola Newspaper From Which a data fled

1JIiIf2iion Statement Can Ba Secired7 tr

OfficesJournal Bolldfti Entered as secondcfaas matter-I at ttte poatomce at PencOT

> Florida under Act of conoresaCorner DeLuna and Intendencia March 3 1879s

rJLr 7J nJwnr WJU 0 SCfl t Lfl 55r5 t J-

Phones Editorial Rooms 38 Business Office 1500J wwn


OFFICES New York IM Tribune Buildlnff-Chlcazo B F Henrlquez Manaser 1548 Marquette Bulldlne




The fair and the circus have slippedInto history The next station for thistrain Is Thanksgiving Turkey-

We are glad to learii that the Ger¬

man emperor has a boss He does sowant to sail up in that Zeppelin shipand his wife wont let him


Senator Aldrich Is 70 years oldNow it senators had to quit the gameat three score and 10 the way judgeshave to do in a majority of the states

When the Manufacturers Associa¬

tion says Quit this tariff whining andjust let well enough alone Its members simply mean Let well enough-for us alone It doesnt take a hard-head for human nature to see that


Pittsburg says a current maga-zine


is like a great big pie Theres-an upper crust and theres a lowercrustbut what is Pittsburg finedwith Filled with too many Thawsand Hartjes and William Ellis Coreysfor one¼thlng

J 5ii1ts a

Or digestion which we honestly be-lIeve Is the gentlemans real vitalneed at the moment


Theres grIm humor we warrant inthe composition of that Texas fatherand mother who named their twinsPeary and Cook Ye gods but howlittle Cook and little Peary win scrapand paste one another when theyget old enough to know they havesuch things as tongues and dukes-

A Connecticut man taught his dogto steal clothes and ultimately thecanines master waxed rich off theproduct of his neighbors clotheslinesNutmeg meanness it seems did not

S all disappear with the sale oT the lastof the wooden nutmegs from whichtradition says Connecticut men In prerevolutionary days coined very com-fortable



In an Ohio court an Ohio womantestifies that she Jave an Ohio man

750 Rood and lawful money of th a

United States on his promise tomarry her and that from the moment-of the transaction to the present shehas seen neither the man nor themoney It might be well for Mr Taft-to spend a little bit more time preach-ing


common decency to the people ofhis own state and less time eatingdrinking and talking all over the coun ¬

try Why not

In the city election at Key Westthere were seven candidates for thejob ot city sexton Well the towndown there on tie Florida reefs Is tryIng her hardest to be a live one andno wonder that at least seven goodmen and true were ambitious to tacklethe job of burying the dead onesKey West voted city improvement-bonds by a very substantial majorityas the news reaches us and unprogressive citizens are not wanted withinher borders

The Gainesville Sun takes a sensibleflew of tho matter when it saysWe hope it may prove true thecharge that much of the good roadsagitation nowadays Is due to the auto¬

mobile manufacturers who are actuat-ed


by no higher motives than the sel ¬

fish desire to sell automobiles K theautomobile makers are spending anyconsiderable effort or money In goodroads publicity it Is a fine thing nomatter whether their motive be inter ¬

est or philanthropyj

Generally speaking it is the resultnot the motive with which we haTe tobe concerned when such essentialpublic improvements good roads areiLUtaJiJaIaIlI-



Wilsons WordsWill Help South

Uncle Jimmy Wilson the nestor ofthe McKinley and Roosevelt and Taftcabinets Is not yet in mental condi ¬

tion to be Oslerized albeit he haspassed beyond the Psalmists allot-ment of three score years and ten

The venerable head of the agricul ¬

tural portfolio back in Washington-from the National Congress of Farm-ers


in Raleigh N C whose sessions-he attended and before whose dele¬

gates he spoke has this to say of theAmerican farmer in general and what-is more absorbing to people in thisneck of woods of the Southern farmer-in particular-


place for the farmer now isthe South tor the soil in the South isfriendly to nearly every product ofthe country

This is a tribute richly deserved bythe South a part of the country which-of late has demonstrated its agricul-tural supremacy more emphatically-than at any time in the history of thenation

Secretary Wilson does not speak ofthe Souths fertility and productive-ness


any morehighly than the figuresreadily at his and every other citizenscpmmand entitle him to speak Praise

A LtSouthern immigration it ought with-in the ensuing year to be good for atleast 100000 new homeseekers in therichsoiled and fertile states below thePotomac and the Ohio And of thishomeaeeklns Influx Florida mostwidely recognized among all theSouthern states as the Northern andWestern mans climatic If not com-mercial


or agricultural Ideal is bound-to reap her just and appropriate pro-portion

Go West young man said HoraceGreeley writing for his eminentlyhardheaded and practical New YorkTribune a full half century ago andhe was rIghtfor those days GoSouth young man says SecretaryWilson In 1909 The farmers doorof opportunity is in the South andhe Is rightfor these days

The Southern farmer is Sn thebrink of a prosperity that seems boundto put him on a par with the afflu-ent


Northwestern wheat and cattlerancher the man whose automobilesand pianos and modern libraries andsons and daughters at college are stillfurnishing inspiration for some writersfor popular magazines

Uncle Joe and the big black cigarvow that the Republican insurgents-must go The insurgents declare thatthe progress of the country as well asthe prestige and support of theirparty demand that Uncle Joe and thebig black cigar must go There isprospect of a very pretty wranglewhen our federal lawmakers get to-gether


next month In the City of Magnificent distances But why confinethe war of extermination to UncleJoe It would not be the worst thingIn the world to have Aldrich andPayne and Dalzell and Lodge Includedon tne list of men that have outlivedtheir public usefulness

Among the poor tenement housepeople in New York says the womanhygienic expert sent out to hunt thecauses and prevention of hookwormsI found more of this dreaded plague

proportionately than in the factorydistricts of Alabama where they toldme I should run up against hook¬

worms In dumbfounding quantitiesTrue enough we can at this distanceeasily believe If there is a diseasethat flesh Is heir to which has notfound singularly appropriate soil inthe crowded filthy East Side tenementdistrict we have yet to hear mentionof it It may yet appear to Mr Rocke-feller


that charity begins at home andthat while decidedly the preponder-ance


of intelligent southern people appreuiute his magnificent gift of a milDon toward the eradication of hook

worms in their part of the country-the South will not have the smallestparticle of objection if the oil kingshall decide to employ a little moreof his surplus coinhe admits at lastthat he cant spend his incomeon ahookworm fight in the city where hehas such tremendous corporate inter ¬

ests And then there is Ohiothedispatches tell us that Miss Davisfound more or less of this hookwormbusiness in Ohio the state whose oilwells and natural gas veins first start ¬

ed Mr Rockefellers now enormouswealth arolling It is inconceivablethat he should decline to draw a gen ¬

erous check for the reduction of thedisease among the Buckeyes Ohiohas stood handsomely by him

There is no really reasonable reasonwhy the Wrights Wilbur and Orville

shouldnt see their way clear to tryout their new aeroplanes in Floridathis winter They do not hesitate tosay they never will do any more ex ¬

perimenting at Nags Neck the mostGodforsaken spot on the coast ofNorth Carolina

And Sanford too shes waking upto the advantages of a location inFlorida She Is shortly to start acommercial club to advertise the cityscommercial and residential attractionsSanford is on the right track A com ¬

mercial club with the right men in itand a judicious application of printers-ink with the salient facts about thecity persuasively presented will workwonders for the increase of Sanfordsbusiness and Sanfords population-

The president says he will nottake his trip to Panama this winterHe is tired well nigh exhausted wetake it by that 13000mile jailntthrough the West and South and itIs going to take a whole lot of strenuousity on the golf links during thebalance of November to put the portlytenant of the White House in properphysical trim for that extra heavy ses ¬

sion ot Congress which he anticipatesIlu December We see where Floridafails to get a glimpse of Mr Taft thisyear despite the wellrememberd factthat this state gave up a place on theTaft itinerary with the understandingthat Mr Taft should drop off and seeus on his way down to the big ditchbetween sessions

Why cant Columbus get the nextconvention of the MississippiAtlanticWaterway Association The conven-tion


for this year will be held at Jack-sonville


in a few days and if Colum-bus


will undertake to get the nextmeeting it may be able to do so Thegathermg of such men as attend theseconventions and the expression oftheir opinions gives a clear insightinto the waterways movement and thecity in which one is held alwaysprofits by It Such meetings arouseinterest among the people and putjj i 11 ifc rcx <iiupii3imifcilt oT TEepurposes of the association Colum ¬

bus Ga EnquirerSun-For the very simple and sufficient

reason brother that Pensacola whichfor good causes stood aside last ye r-

and permitted the convention to goelsewhere when there was an exceed-ingly


strong sentiment in favor ofgathering the delegates here for thewaterway discussion of 190S considersherself the logical candidate for theconvention this year and proposes toland it In 1910 perhaps but thats-a long way in the future

m= =

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Editor Pensacola JournalAn investigation of prostitution was

made in the city of New York Belowyou will find an extract taken fromsenate document No 644 60th con ¬gress second session This document-was the outcome of an investigation-made by a committee appointed byPresident Roosevelt to ascertain thecauses which led young girls to be-come inmates of houses of illfameOf the 2000 persons investigated490 were married 71 of whom stilllived with their husbands 103 lefttheir husbands on account of illusage 60 s pre deserted by their hus ¬

bands 43 were deserted by husibands to live with other womenothers left their homes on account otnonsupport drunkenness infidelityand In 75 cases no specific cause wasassigned There were also 294 widowsIn the general list

The author ibelleves the principalconclusion to be drawn from the taible which he presents is that the ma ¬

jority of this class of widows aredriven to a course of vice from thedestitution ensuing on the husbands


URED IN 5 HOURSNew HomeMade Syrup

Cut this outFrom Boston Press

Progress in medical compounds neverceases and now H Is stated by a promi ¬nent medical man that any deepseatedcouth or cold on the lungs can be ac ¬tually cured in five by the clockOpium and morphine have been resortedto in the past as relief measures Butnow it is learned that the systembe treated to rid it of iartammatienVandcongestion A tonic coughdoes the Work so quickly and thoroughsyrup

¬ly as to be almost nmglcal What heretoforo has taken weeks to cure can beaccomplished in hours Get this formulaor mix it at horns and always keepit on hand Onehalf ounce wildcherry bark one ounce compound essencecardiol and three ounces syrup whitepine compound Shake the bottle andtake twenty drops every halfhour forfour hours Then take onehalf to oneteaspoonful three or four times a ayuntil the system is purified and tonedup Giva children less according toOne tilling will ageus cure a wbolef5T11y ai the doa s






The most effective and harmlessway to cure backache and regulateoutdforder kidneys or end bladder

I trouble is to take several doses cfPapes Diuretic

You will distinctly feel that yourkidneys and urinary organs are beingcleaned healed and vitalized and allthe miserable symptoms such asbackache headache nervousnessrheumatism and darting pains in-flamed


or swollen eyelids irritabilitysleeplessness or suppressed painful-or frequent urination especially atnight and other distress leaving af-ter taking the first few doses

The moment you suspect any kidney-or urinary disorder or rheumatismbegin taking this harmless preparationas directed with the knowledge thatthere is no other medicine at anyprice made anywhere else in tinworld which will effect so thoroughand prompt a cure as a fiftycent treat¬

ment of Paves Diuretic which anydruggist can supply

Your physician pharmacist hankeror any mercantile agency wil tell youthat Pape Thompson Pape of Cin-cinnati is a large and responsiblemedicipe concern thoroughly worthof your confidence

Dont be miserable or worried an-other


moment with a lame back orclogged inactive kidneys or bladdermisery All this goes after you startaking Papos Diuretic and in a fewdays you feel and know that your kidneys liver and urinary system arehealthy clean and normal and alldanger passed

Accept only Papes Diuretic fiftycent treatmentfrom any drug store

anywhere in the world


death It has been shown that a largE tnumber of them are very young andit can he scarcely necessary to repeat that any young woman in a stateof poverty will be surrounded withtemptations can with difficulty re¬

sist Much as tbis state of societvmay be deplored ts existence can-not be denied

The section dealing with the hiddensprings of the evil is of extreme im ¬

portance The causes assigned bythe women themselves are as fol ¬

lowsDestitution 525 inclination 515

seduced and abandoned 25S drinkand a desire to drink 181 ill treat ¬

ment of parents relations or hus-bands 164 as an easy life 124 bdcompany 84 persuaded by prosti-tutes


71 too idle to work 23 violat-ed


27 seduced on imigrant ships orin imIgrant boarding houses 24

Dr Sanger in discussing the sabj ject of inclination adduces considef-ait ev1dencthhhJiat 1ap8imate cause of the fall it was but theresult of other and controlling In tin ¬

encesOf the 2000 cases examined withreerence to previous occupations 933belonged to the servant class 493lived with parents or friends 2S3were dressmakers tailoresses anl

> 08 the wereengaged In miscellaneous occupationsFive hundred and twentythree earn ¬

ed only 1 per week 336 S2 a week230 3 a week 127 51 68 5 27 6 77 5 S 2 520 a week and in 103cases the question of earnings was

not ascertained Pag 23 Roose ¬velts homes commission report

The above document soon nftor ifHwas printed suddenly ibecamo ex ¬

hausted This report was eagerlysought by tae peaple and the regu ¬larity with which documents demand-ed by the people suddenly becomeout of print ig suspicious to say theleast As a matter of fart this is themethod employed by those high inpower to suppress damaging evidencengainrt capitalism The above milling figures show with frightful vivid-ness


how the present economic systemis truaking up and polluting thehomes of the toiling masses

To those who wish to undertandand remove the evils of society 1

ugest that they study socialism andI learn how to become the possessors-of their own jobs and retain all thewealth they create-

If the people of the United Stnteswant Rockefeller Morgan Hill AstorGould Frick Havermeyer and a fewothers to own America and its Inhabi ¬

tants then they have their wantsgratified Just continue to sit stilland suck your thumbs But if thepeople of America want this countryfor themselves they must wake upand do some effective thinking andturn the tools of industry that arecollectively used into public proper ¬ty Then poverty will be unknown andall will have in abundance the neces ¬

sities and luxuries of lifeELMORE C WENTWORTH

Pensacola Fla Xov 11

DESTINS-peclai to the Journal

Destin Nov 15 Leonard Destinand crew caught a boatload of mulletThursday morning

Barnes Bros and George Smithcame back from East bay the first ofthe weeJt-

Mr Bedsole went up the bay Sun¬

dayDonHenson and George Smith haveleft Destin and gone to Camp Wal-


The fishing season here has been-a very dull one Just now the roughweather forces the fishermen to beidle

Mrs Leonard De tin was expectedhome this week but owing to the

I sickness of her son she win not cometill he gets well

SNEADSS-pecial to The Journal

Sneads Xov 1Mr ami Mrs WillPonder entertained several of theirfriends Friday night at a Ssh supperdown en their plantation

Hearjriielsoa is able to beuk and

about after quite a serious sicknessAlbert King is visiting nis family

here for a few daysMessrs Holman and Stokes attend-


church at Mill Springs SundayJune Rawls and J W Gibson made

a business trip to Marianna one daylast week

Mrs Stribblins has been on thesick list several days of the pastweek

Mr and Mrs Stokes and childrenenjoyed the day out fishing SaturdayThey had fine luck After they hadcaught plenty they cooked them andhad dinner on the hill near the lakes-

T B Liddon was a business visitor-at Marianna one day this week

Miss Mert Cox visited her homefolks at Quincy over Saturday andSunday

Smashes Ail Records-As an allround laxative tonic and

healthbuilder no other pills can com-pare


with Dr Kings New Life PillsI They tone and regulate stomach liver

and kidneys purify the bloodI strengthen the nerves cure Constipa-tion


I Dyspepsia Biliousness JaundiceI Headache Chills and Malaria Trythem 25c at all druggists

For goodness sake eatMothers Bread Hugheys133 West Intendencia Phone855LOWRY WANTS TO BE-


Special to the JournalTallahassee Nov 15Hon Frank-

S mtbrop having declined to accept-a nomination for a second term asmayor of Tallahassee Mr D M Lowryhas appeared as a candidate for thatoffice It is thought Mr txjwry whois a young man of integrity and abUity and counts his friends by scoreswill have no opposition


Special to The JournalI

Tallahassee Nov 15The silver teaFriday afternoon by St Agnes guildfor the benefit of St Johns choir was-a delightful social success

The beautiful home of Mr and MrsH L Bethel was put at the disposaof the guild The handsome parlorswere filled with a large assemblage orladies and gentlemen who enjoyedtogether the delicious refreshmentsserved and the exquisitely renderedmusical program arranged and contributed generously to the cause foiwhich the tea was given The pro¬

gram was as followsPiano Solo Miss Alice GwynnReading Evelyn WhitfieldViolin Solo Miss Lucile SaxonReading Elizabeth ParkhillVocal Solo Mrs Park TrammellRe ding Mary Frank KnottPiano Trio Misses Elizabeth Tatum

Jessie Edmonds and Bessie DamonVocal Solo Mr William Van BruntTrio cornet flute and piano Messrs

Albert and R A Shine and Miss Da-mon

Reading Gertrude LevyPiano Solo Mr Peck GreeneItcIe 1aI<t LDAr

kins A H Williams T S Trantham-and John Costa

Vocal Solo with violin obligato bjMiss Saxon Mrs Fred T Myers

Repdip Mnster lugh Archer PalmCr


Special to the JournalWauteeuah Xov 15Jefferson

countys first fair was held In Monticello on Nov 11 and 12 The ex ¬

hibits were from all over the countyconsisting of stock fruits nuts vege¬

tables flowers and agricultural impliments and products The last daythe baby show attracted much attention and some eautiful children wereon exhibition The best schools ofthe county were each represented Agood many prizes in cash were award-ed Those who spent time and moneyto get this movement on foot wereAbo Simon Bro H A BarrowsDrs Williams McEackern and GloverHon T M Ruleston and W W andC T Carroll A large crowd gatheredboth days and every one sung thepraises of the first effort and wenthome determined to make each suc-ceeding


year more of a successPersonal Mention

Rev J G Freeman of Kentuckyis in our midst looking for a boa ¬

tionCane grinding digging sweet potaI toes hunting and fishing is the order-of the day

Dr Carter is repairing his lovelyold home on Cat Hill-

J P Strickland is the cotton buyerfor all the long staple brought herethis year

W L Wooten is beggarweed buyer-as usual

Rev and Mrs A L Woodward arespending this week in TallahasseeD L Munroe is furnishing theLeonton market weekly with severalbeeves pork butter and vegetables

He is one of our model farmers-U S SUPREME COURT


Washington Nov 1The UnitedStates supreme court today refused to

RADIANT HAIRN-ew York Society Womens HairMatched Only by Parisians

While much attention is given tochoicest gowns fcy New York societywomen the turbulent fad just nowis the care of the hairFor many years the clever women

of Paris have been famed for themagnificent beauty of their hairGlorious hair a Virginian callsit so raidiant and luxuriant that itnot only attracts but fascinates andcompete unstinted admirationBut now that the elite of New Yorkever anxious to improve their beauthave learned that Parisian Sage aremarkable and almost marvelous hairnourisher and beautifier is almost entirely responsible for the charminghair of the ladles of France the de-


for it has become enormousParisian Sage is now sold all overAmerica and in Pensacola by Hannab Bros who are glad to guarantee

it to eradicate dandruff stop fallinghair and itching scalp in two weeksOE moaey Lack Jftar e bottle 50 ceats4

How are your bowels n the doctor al-ways

¬Bilious asks He knows how ImportantJsthe question of constipation He knowsthat inactivity of the liver will often pro

Dodor3 all agree that cnaclice Iou isposi duce most disastrous results We believelively essential to health Ask your own Ayers Pills are the best liver pillsdoctor aloul Ayers Pills tJ7rr °

= can possibly take Sold for over 60 yearsyou

fl P


Thank The-

Weatherr Man<

that you can now get a Fall Suit11 TAILORED TO TASTE for 25 j er

cont less than the same suit wouldcost ten days ago


Warm weather lies retarded trade-so that were overstocked

Falls handsomest patteras samohigh class tailoring

Order Thanksgiving Suits Early

2500 Suits u 18753000 Suits 22504000 Suits 3000-

and so onnothing reservedOvercoats too-



IncorporatedFRANK B GARDNER Manager

IiIl r r-



and R llY RailsVe make a specialty of both and are prepared-

to supply your requirements promptly


review the decree of the lower courtsaerlns the foreclosure of the mort-

gage of the Guarantee Trust Company-on a portion of tee proporty of theMetroplitan Street Railways Company-of New York cityRAIN AND SNOW IS


Washington Nov 15Rain snowand disagreeable weather throughout-the country generally and frost in thegulf and South Atlantic states duringthe next week or ten days Is the pre ¬

diction of tne weather bureau todayj


By Associated PressCulpepper Ya Nov 15 Captain

James Moore aged 67 claim agent forthe Southern Railway and a prominentConfederate veteran died suddenlyfrom apoplexy here yesterday Hewas one of the oldest employes of theSouthern Railway and was knownthroughout the system Capt Mooreresided at Orange Va

For goodness sake eatMothers Bread Hugheys133 West Intendencia Phone855

QUAKE SHOCKS FELTIcod Tenerlffe Canary Islands

Nov 15Heavy earthquake shockswere felt here yesterdayWILL NOT REOPEN

CASE OF DR ELLIOTT-By Associated Press

Atlanta Nov iSThe prison com

21 4 tA-

11rJ800 to 4500

All or quarter sawn oak beautifullyfinished with plate and leaded glassplain and mirrored backs

Marston QuinasiOSflO S Palafox stl Pensacola I


mission today refused to reopen thcase of Dr J M Elliott sentenced tnbe hanged Friday for the killing oiGeorge L Rivers at LaGrange

BERESFORD A CANDIDATELondon Nov 15 Adural Lord

Charles Berosford it is announced to-


will be the unionist candidate atthe byeelection in Portsmouth whichwill choose a successor in parliamentto the late Sir John Baker


DANDRUFF DONT WASH OUTThe Germ That Causes it Has to Be

Destroyed to Cure DandruffMany a woman spends an hour twice-

a week scouring her scalp thinkingthat by scrubbing of the scurf shewill cure the dandruff Two hours aweek at the age of 40 years she hasspent 260 days of 32 hours each ortwothirds of a year of her life in thatvain hope vain because you cantcure dandruff without killing the dan ¬

druff germ and the only hair prepa ¬

ration on earth that will do that IsNewbros Herpicide also a delight ¬

Cal hair dressing and thorough anti ¬

septic against all contagion from useof others hair brushes Sold by lead ¬

ing druggists Send lOc in stamps-for sample to The HerpicIUe Co De-troit


11I < h-

One dollar bottles guaranteed WA DAlemberte druggist and apothe-cary


121 South Palafox streetr

A Correct Shoe Made

For Ladieswho want stylishdainty graceful fine fitting footwear with thepositive assurance of thebest wear to be had inshoes That is our

350 and 400ladies Shoes-

in all the stylish leathersand the different colorsand combinations ofleathers Cloth tops inbutton are very much invogue and our display-of these shoes is verycomplete Ladies in¬

vited to call and see and jtry on a pair of these


SHOE STOREStylish Foot Fitters