The Interior Journal STANFORD KY Nov 17 1908 NEW assortment of local viuw post cards at Pennys Drug Store PERSONALS < MRS TJ HOCKEII went up to MM dlesboro yesterday Miss EsTILL WALKER of GarrarJ Is with Mils llello Denny ALBERT GOOCII of Versailles Is with his brothers in this county Mns HENRY WALLACE of Alban 7i Is with Mrs Adelia Woods j MR JOHN HOLMES of Lincoln In the city Somerset Times WI13I 1T S STARLING was on tho o In Louisville yesterday JUDGE J W ALCORN went up to c London Sunday to attend court < E C DisBL of Wlltiamaburfr is with 01I Mr R C Watkins at Maywood MIss TEVIS CARPENTER Is at Crab 1 i Orchard with relatives and friends I Mil J F CUMUINS and wife spent l Sunday with relatives at Wilmore I e i Mos J G RIDDLE and baby of Crab b f 7 Orchard are with Mrs Isaac DR A S PRICE and Mr lIerrlnI Woarcn aro hunting quail In Hackees tie I J C RlNEllART tho hustling London liveryman was hero on business lac week I MRS LOUBLLA GRAY of Pcrryvlllc spent several days with Miss Mary Bruce MRS WILLIAM MORELAND of Lex- Ington ¬ la with her daughter Mrs W C Shanks Mns PHIL MEIIAN of Louisville i WIt i weeks in Miss Annlo Dunns place in tho Graded School I MRS SAMUEL DAMRON and Miss Julia Damron of tho Mt Salem section wero iI 4hero shopping Friday SAM HARDIN returned to Lon ¬ don yesterday after a few days vial 0 to Mrs Geo 11 Farris DR II C NUNNELLEY and wife of Winchester spent Sunday with M Ie nnd Mrs W K Shugars MRS W A Rice of Lebanon June tlon is with her parents Mr and Mrs J II Carter at Halls Gap TUB Current Events Club will meet with Mrs G G Perry next Thursday afternoon at 200 oclock MR KEITH LACKEY and wife of So atlo Wash spent several days with Mr John J McRoberU and family MRS WM DAVIS and handsome V daughter Miss Margaret Davis o Danville are with Mrs W C Shanks PROP J W IRELAND is spending a few days with his parents In Grant county before their removal to Pulaski VaMESSRS CLAY RUILEY JR L W Hughes W M Duncan nnd Welch Rochester are in Marion county hunting quail JUDGE JAMES P BAILEY and Joss L rC Lynn joined n Huttonvltlo party an aro hunting in the Dunnvlllo section of j Casey MR GEO HARRIS of Lancaster Is aislstlng Agent J S Rico while L Wearcn Hughes is trying to kit ak birds MR AND Mns J L D COFFEY have moved to tho OBannon farm near tho Hanging Fork bridge on the Huston villo pike Mns W C HELL of Harrodsburg Is hero with her husband who is hold- Ing ¬ tho November term of tho Lincoln circuit court Die W 0 PENNY wife and children of Danville havo been with his mother and brother here It Is likely hat theyI will return to Stanford and reside WeI hopo they willI OUR clever young friend Mr Jason Wesley of Liberty has announced for reflection ns circuit clerk of Casey Seems to us tho republicans of that county would make a mistake If they do not to hold such a goof man In nn office no fills so acceptably LOCALS GET Singletons prices on stoves f GENUINE Virginia saddles in stock J j C McClary MORE of that good ndy just receiv ¬ ed at Farris a BOYS suits In now patterns just ro ¬ ceived Cummins Wearen TOE effort to conduces n moneyless whlskylcss primary in Boylo died a- dorning Tho primary will bo held next Saturday I RAVE engaged tho services of a first class tailor who will do all kinds of repairing and cleaning Ladies skirts a specialty Ed Wilkinson 0 PEIIRIN Mrs Sara Juno Perrin died at Camden Point Mo a few days ago aged 6MJ years She was a slater of Mcsdames S J Embry Virginia Grimes Margaret Anno Booker and Mr S II Shanks of this place Mrs Perrin was tho oldest of 11 children and Is survived by tho above sisters andD brothers Sho was a most excellent Christian woman and was and b talrerjthan FOR SALEA two hours power gas oline engine This office TUB fox hunters will havo their meet at Crab Orchard Springs this week when a great time is expected a + SEE tho splendid bcr wagon on sale at Coffey Bishops store More land Best farm and road wagon made o EVERY lover of the sport who could spent yesterday in search of quail Tho crop this year is a fair one and moat of tho Nlmmds did well A NEW YOitK butcher has just died Stnnfoy rd I leave even larger estates INEWS from Lebanon Junction I that Walter McPnemon who with his father spent the Summer here had ono of his legs cut off wills jumping a train He Is a bright handsome lit tlo fellow and his friends hero deeply sympathize with him MR J E WUIGIIT tho Danville mar blo man has placed handsome monu ments over till graves of Mrs Martha Ann Pepplos and Howard D Coleman Tho one marking tho renting plats of Mrs Pcpplcs In Goshen cemetery weighs nearly 30000 pounds WE movo that lion It L Hubble bo tht tho 17th Zia Is our kind of a demo crat and if a democrat is to represent us wo select Took from tho list o cllgiblea Casey County News FRANK CHAMIAN who wise giv ¬ I en 18 yours in tho penitentiary for kill- s ¬ ing Joe Rice his brothordn law has at last been removed from tho Danville jail to tho Frankfurt penitentiary The Court of Appeals affirmed the Boylo circuit courts decision in the case scv eral months ago STADDBD Jack Browner in an al ¬ tercation with James Mitchell Sunday in Macksvlllo stabbed him just below serioust are ¬ ter arrested both of the participants tr o o I OR one rap deputies 0 will bo at tho following named places to collect tax Mt Salem Tuesday Nov 24th from 9 oclock until 12 A M At Mc- Kinney In the evening At Moreland on Thursday Nov 2Gth and atHuston vlllc Saturday Nov 28lh Meet mo there and get your receipts and save tho penalty T J Hill S L Co a SAMUeL M OWENS who served fthis county faithfully and well as sher- Iff ¬ and jailer announces this Issue for assessor subject to tho action of tho democratic party Mr Owens is a good judge of property a swift and correct penman and is well fitted for tho offieo of assessor Ho is a tried and true democrat and an exceedingly clever gentleman adoptedd committeeman will be elected in all the precincts In Kentucky on Saturday next Nov 21 This will give every ThoI to ask than that tried and true demo- crats ¬ alono bo put on guard Let bol taro and traitors take n back seat and not try to run tho party they have at- tempted ¬ to ruin THE democrats of each precinct in Lincoln county will meet at their res ¬ pective voting places on Saturday Nov 21st 1908 at 2 oclock r M standard time and elect a committeeman to servo until his successor is elected On the following Monday tho 12 commit teeman thus elected will meet at the court houso in Stanford Ky and or ¬ ganize and elect a chairman and secre tary to servo as provided by law J F Iloldam chairman democratic coun- ty ¬ committee IN tho circuit court Judge Dell sua tamed a demurrer to the petition of tho parties who brought suit to recover 110 greater part of Crab Orchard and dis ¬ missed their suit Tho case will go to the court of appeals The following jury has been secured- In tho case of tho Commonwealth vs John Baugh charged with assaulting David Allen B T Lunafonl J T Blngaman Wm Curtis James Miller Sid Jennings J N Vanhook Wm Huffman J II Rigsby G A Drown A M Luce T C Ball John X Spoon amore J LET us admonish tho democrats of this county to pith tho best men for county committeemen next Saturday Put only tried and true men on guard men who will give tho party prestige and who will work for party success Tho fellows who only vote tho demo- cratic ticket when everything goes to suit thorn should not be considered If they arc of the right kind of stuff they will bo content to remain privates and not attempt to lead democrats who are without spot or blemish Beware of tho fellow who Is too anxious to become member of tho committee Ho likely has some ulterior motive Tho office andI FOR RENTFour rooms In tho resl denco I live in Mrs Bun Withers Stanford a BRICK resldenco on Lancaster tree for rent Possession Dec 1 P P Nunncjlcy A RED sow weighing about 300 Ibs 1left my farm two weeks ago Reward W II Shanks Stanford a FOR SALE Complete set of John Lords Beacon Lights of History En tlrely new have never been opened This office MARY EMORY daughter of Davo Em ¬ bry colored died Saturday of consump lion after a protracted Illness and was burled Sunday ATTENTION FARMERS 10per cent discount on every thing In hardware beginning Nov 1st and lasting 10 days Now Is your chance tosavo tho differ ¬ sacs Geo D Hopper Bio CATTLE Charles Lutes has bought for Simon Well of Lexington from the following parties Dr Hugh Reid 24 cattle 1315 pounds at 4 85 of J II Baughman 20 cattle 1460 pounds at CJc of Cyrus M Jones 27 cattle 1500 pounds at 5Jc Theses cattle will bo shipped to Baltimore for the holiday market T THE Ladies Aid Society and Chris tlun Society of tho Christian church want all the old newspapers boxes paper bags letters etc Iyou can spare They want to got a car- r and sell it and havo rented the lit tie storeroom of Mr Cicero Reynold- on Depot Street opposite Myers 1iver stable to store it in BOWLING ALLEYMrJ L Sargent who has conducted a bowling alley at Lancaster for some time with much success opened ono hero in the Odd Fellows building last week Mr Sar ¬ gent js an experienced bowling alIe man and proposes to run tho alloy her on the high plane ho has ran others ii several towns lie und his family havo moved Into the Aldridgo property on Portman Ave o DR Eow ALCORN of Hustonville Is in Lexington having been called in consultation in tho illness of Dr A M Helm who is at the St Joseph Hospi ¬ tal Dr Holm was brought back from Paint Lick last week suffering from ty ¬ phoid fever and his condition is grave Dr Alcorn has been physician In the family for many years Mr James Helm of HusUmvllle has como to bo with his son until tho crisis Is passed Lexington Herald Now that tho courthouse proposition hAS been voted wo believe oven those who opposed a now courthouse are not sorry that n decent building will take tho place of the old shack At least 100 a year will bo saved in rent and beside tho valuable papers will no long ¬ er bo permitted to mould and ruin The present building is not only dangerous but inadequate It is now necessary for the sheriff school superintendent master commissioner and county nttor nsy to rent offices in which to do bus flea Ma P Mhoof Lexington en ¬ tertained Nov 10th at the Havlin Ho- tel with a dinner in honor of Capt and Mrs Walter II Worsham of Corbin who are guests at Hotel Havlin Cin ¬ cinnati The table was tastefully dec ¬ orated with ferns Iud roses and the din- ner ¬ was one of many delicious courses Mr Millets guests were Capt and Mrs Worsham of Corbin Dr and Mrs M L Stallard of Appalcchia Va i Judge Fulton of Wise Va Mrs Ste- venson ¬ and mother of Knoxville Tenn Mr Grashear of Paris Ky Mr Jack ODowd manager of Hotel Havlin Contributed 0 THE news of tho death of Mrs J R Harris at Stanford on Tuesday after ¬ noon was received with feelings of re ¬ grot and sorrow by all those who had the good fortune to meet her She was about 30 years old and was Miss Mary Cash of Lincoln county Sho was mac ¬ tied about 10 years ago to Mr J Ran- dolph ¬ Harris of this city son of Judge and Mrs E W Harris who has lived in Stanford since tho marriage Funer ¬ al services wero held at the residence in Stanford on Thursday morning and the body was buried in Buffalo cemetery in the presence of many rela fives and friends Sho leaves a daugh- ter aged eight years and tho people tender sincere condolence to her and her father Lancaster Record 0 Tim reception given by Mr and Mrs S Murphy of McKinney on the evening of Nov 13 in honor of their son Mr J Leo Murphy and bride neo Miss Mayme Underwood and Mr Har- vey ¬ McBeath and bride nee Miss Em- ma ¬ Jones proved the acme of suc ¬ cess as a social function Those know- s ¬ InK Mr and Mrs Murphy will under ¬ stand how sorry they were that thA number of immediate relatives of all sides forced them to limit invitations to these Fifty was as largo a number as they could entertain comfortably Fes ¬ tooning candid shades and heart shaped name cards were of red beautifully suggestive of love and and ¬ 1 Iso for future When it is known that Miss Etta B Root Mrs Anderson Nunnelloy and Mrs W II Murphy as ¬ sisted Mrs Murphy one ceases to won- der ¬ at the number of delicious courses served Tho wedding presents were both numerous and handsome li To the Democracy of Lincoln Coun ty> ast ¬ may be adopted for selecting the democrat ¬ ic nominees I feel that tho faithful work that I have donofor my party un ¬ der any and all circunstances since m young manhood entitles mo toyourcon sideration but I do not ask it solely on this account Iam perfectly willing that what over worth and ability I may have possessed as a public officer shall be determined by my past conduct In the offices of Jailer and sheriff I In ¬ vite tho closest scrutiny of my official recordM I havo been engaged In farming and stock raising all of my life and believe I am sufficiently well acquainted with tho values of all kinds of property to do equal and exact justice to the gov ¬ ernment and the property holder- S M OWENS MATRIMONIAL Bruce Montgomery and Miss Kate Walker popular young people of Col umbra were married Saturday G B Guffy and Miss Ralph M Da vis of Montlcellu secured marriage II cense and were made one at Lexington Senator Stephen B Elklns made th emphatic announcement in Washington that no engagement exists between hl daughter Miss Katherine Elkins and the Duke DAbruzzio of the Italian navyInvitations have been received by friends hero to the marriage of Miss Springfieldv on Nov 26th The prospective bride is said to be both pretty and popular r while all who know Mr Wallace likeI and esteem him Fire which broke out at Paris gut ¬ enY ¬ r thet young women finished the morning meal Fivo buildings within the Inclosure of tho Indiana Reformatory at Jefferson ville were destroyed by fire The blaze did not reach the 3000 prisoners con ¬ fined in the ccllhouses The emperor and empress of China died within a few hours of each other and foul play is suspected in the death of tho empress The emperor died from natural causes Napoleon used to pull a mans car when ho liked him Roosevelt takes him on a 20 mile hike through brambles and briers a j HubbyMy dear the girl has left tho vegetables on the hall table WifeyDont be so stupid That Is my new fall hatu How do you stand on the question of a sane Fourth of July 7 Oh fudge I Lets get Christmas over with first FOR SALE 1 Mammoth llronto TurkllYi10fle growth and beautiful Owens train HIM W P n1H1ION Route No I Htnnford Ihone 81 NOTICE J a The creditors of Mrs Nancy J Horton nn requested to Immediately null their damn legally verified to the Executor MKVllUIIOKTON Ft Thoiuni Ky t NOTICE I will dress hides for toils with hnlr on nnd will tau hides lor leather on thnres Will nlto pn market price lor tilde tJhnr lei Knislln Oltenhelm Ky Write 11 K lJ Wnynesburg No PUBLIC SALE I I will twill nt public auction nt my homo on tho Cemetery street In the town of Urnb Orchard on HATUKHAY NOV 211t 8- DsQInuingattooolockAx13uyentire lot of houiehold nnd kitchen furniture ¬ log 1 upright piano ns good ns new I cook stove machine l top buggy nnd harness 1 sow nnd two pigs 1 mnro II lid colt somo plows nod harness chickens ami other things too numerous to mention Alto my home If not sold before dnr of sale OIIAH IlUTOHKILCrubOrchnrd B ate lleynolds Auctio- neerPUBLIC SALE Having sold my fnrni I will on WKDNKHUAY NOV Si 1W- WolTor nt public outcry my personal property on acredltof 8 months nt B per cent with iIInd IngUoiotllee consisting of 1 good reliable hone Sgood cows will give milk nil Win ¬ ter 10 hens 1 phnton 1 buggy Y sets single harness l good Shorse plow double shov ¬ tset on Computing Bvnles I platform counter scales I Ul oil tank 1 parlor suit ofI six pieces nil plush nlmost ns good new 1 new 11 t 10rnl organ 1 fold Ing bed with Lull cotton mattress 1 bed- room set 1 10th century deidgiu us good us new Id raiser nUll wnilutnnd rockers I what not 1 center tnble 0 dining room ohnlrs extension tnbleiit vrnll brackets 1 zllll eoerOtI kitchen table I kltuhen eolJl net Inewll clothes powcrchurn steel cooklug rouge l blue Rnuno 3bllrJltr oil stove 1 good heating store lot of table ware stoneware hollow ware picture frames derrick for butchers use t steel block nnd tackle will cnrryl i Inch rope S bee hives and many other articles 1i0 will begin promptly at 10 A x at Oedar Creek on p n Drub Orchard nnd Htanford W 1JJAHVJ8 Cot J J Chandler Auctioneer J Dont DENY Yourself Ythe pleasure and comfort of wearing one of our Pretty Coats or Fur Sets The style of Coats this season are very pretty and the prices are reasonable surpris ing values a- tS45Q to 25 There is nothing left out of these Coats to make them stylish sensible and comfortable Feelings to draw a FUR COLLAR around yourjjeck or put your hands into a pretty MUFF We have them in a variety of Skins and at popu ¬ tar prices Did the Cold Snap Gate You without having bought your WINTER UN ¬ DERWEAR Perfect fitting Elastic Under ¬ wear and moderate in price is the kind we sell for Men Women and Children + H + ++ H + + ++ + M ++ M H +M ++ k SEVERANCE SON South East Corner Main Depot Sts STANFORD C KYiiirw G ory iz r n c oG1o ° n o0n p rc atOic g + I CDc g QOPD C n I + 1000tjcCo 3 C = 0 = < 0 J = 3 Jr rtg caF a = w + o = rI i- c 9ga 2 rTI 5 8Qc UJ = lot co r re oj 0 = E cC m = f u Cry r i p et t4 Q O c c S 4 < = a oIt r J enQ g + = goQ yFGR acuC t fpmttPnB < I TRIBBLE HUGHES Dry Goods Notions Shoes j STANFORD KENTUCKY Shoes Shoes Have you bought Winter Shoes for your family If not let us reason with you We have been selling Shoes for more than 30 years We have made a special study of them We have seen many different lines and we feel satisfied we are offering the pub- ic ¬ the best values on the market Remem- ber we carry a complete line of Mens La- dies ¬ and Childrens Shoes i e- we i E Perkins Crab Orchard u

T It yourjjeck put at tr - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7p2n4zhw6z/data/1519.pdf · 21st 1908 at 2 oclock r M standard time and elect a committeeman to servo until his

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Page 1: T It yourjjeck put at tr - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7p2n4zhw6z/data/1519.pdf · 21st 1908 at 2 oclock r M standard time and elect a committeeman to servo until his

The Interior Journal

STANFORD KY Nov 17 1908

NEW assortment of local viuw postcards at Pennys Drug Store


MRS T J HOCKEII went up to MM

dlesboro yesterdayMiss EsTILL WALKER of GarrarJ Is

with Mils llello DennyALBERT GOOCII of Versailles Is with

his brothers in this countyMns HENRY WALLACE of Alban

7i Is with Mrs Adelia Woods j

MR JOHN HOLMES of LincolnIn the city Somerset Times WI13I

1T S STARLING was on tho oIn Louisville yesterday

JUDGE J W ALCORN went up toc London Sunday to attend court

< E C DisBL of Wlltiamaburfr is with01I Mr R C Watkins at Maywood


1i Orchard with relatives and friends I

Mil J F CUMUINS and wife spent l

Sunday with relatives at WilmoreI

ei Mos J G RIDDLE and baby of Crab

b f 7 Orchard are with Mrs IsaacDR A S PRICE and Mr lIerrlnI

Woarcn aro hunting quail In Hackeestie I

J C RlNEllART tho hustling Londonliveryman was hero on business lacweek I

MRS LOUBLLA GRAY of Pcrryvlllcspent several days with Miss MaryBruce



la with her daughter Mrs W

C ShanksMns PHIL MEIIAN of Louisville iWIti weeks in Miss Annlo Dunns place in

tho Graded School I

MRS SAMUEL DAMRON and Miss JuliaDamron of tho Mt Salem section wero

iI 4hero shopping FridaySAM HARDIN returned to Lon ¬

don yesterday after a few days vial0 to Mrs Geo 11 Farris

DR II C NUNNELLEY and wife ofWinchester spent Sunday with M

Ie nnd Mrs W K ShugarsMRS W A Rice of Lebanon June

tlon is with her parents Mr and Mrs

J II Carter at Halls GapTUB Current Events Club will meet

with Mrs G G Perry next Thursdayafternoon at 200 oclock

MR KEITH LACKEY and wife of Soatlo Wash spent several days withMr John J McRoberU and family

MRS WM DAVIS and handsomeV daughter Miss Margaret Davis o

Danville are with Mrs W C ShanksPROP J W IRELAND is spending a

few days with his parents In Grantcounty before their removal to Pulaski


Hughes W M Duncan nnd WelchRochester are in Marion county huntingquail

JUDGE JAMES P BAILEY and JossL rC Lynn joined n Huttonvltlo party an

aro hunting in the Dunnvlllo section of

j CaseyMR GEO HARRIS of Lancaster Is

aislstlng Agent J S Rico while LWearcn Hughes is trying to kit

ak birdsMR AND Mns J L D COFFEY have

moved to tho OBannon farm near thoHanging Fork bridge on the Hustonvillo pike

Mns W C HELL of HarrodsburgIs hero with her husband who is hold-


tho November term of tho Lincolncircuit court

Die W 0 PENNY wife and childrenof Danville havo been with his motherand brother here It Is likely hat theyIwill return to Stanford and reside WeIhopo theywillIOUR clever young friend Mr JasonWesley of Liberty has announced forreflection ns circuit clerk of CaseySeems to us tho republicans of thatcounty would make a mistake If theydo not to hold such a goof man Innn office no fills so acceptably


GET Singletons prices on stoves

f GENUINE Virginia saddles in stock Jj C McClary

MORE of that good ndy just receiv ¬

ed at Farrisa

BOYS suits In now patterns just ro¬

ceived Cummins Wearen

TOE effort to conduces n moneylesswhlskylcss primary in Boylo died a-

dorning Tho primary will bo heldnext Saturday

I RAVE engaged tho services of afirst class tailor who will do all kindsof repairing and cleaning Ladiesskirts a specialty Ed Wilkinson


PEIIRIN Mrs Sara Juno Perrin diedat Camden Point Mo a few days agoaged 6MJ years She was a slater ofMcsdames S J Embry VirginiaGrimes Margaret Anno Booker andMr S II Shanks of this place Mrs

Perrin was tho oldest of 11 children andIs survived by tho above sisters andDbrothers Sho was a most excellentChristian woman and was and

b talrerjthan

FOR SALEA two hours power gasoline engine This office

TUB fox hunters will havo their meetat Crab Orchard Springs this weekwhen a great time is expected

a +SEE tho splendid bcrwagon on

sale at Coffey Bishops store Moreland Best farm and road wagonmade


EVERY lover of the sport who couldspent yesterday in search of quail Thocrop this year is a fair one and moat oftho Nlmmds did well

A NEW YOitK butcher has just diedStnnfoy rdI

leave even larger estatesINEWS from Lebanon Junction I

that Walter McPnemon who with hisfather spent the Summer here had onoof his legs cut off wills jumping atrain He Is a bright handsome littlo fellow and his friends hero deeplysympathize with him

MR J E WUIGIIT tho Danville marblo man has placed handsome monuments over till graves of Mrs MarthaAnn Pepplos and Howard D ColemanTho one marking tho renting plats ofMrs Pcpplcs In Goshen cemeteryweighs nearly 30000 pounds

WE movo that lion It L Hubble bothttho 17th Zia Is our kind of a democrat and if a democrat is to representus wo select Took from tho list ocllgiblea Casey County News

FRANK CHAMIAN who wise giv ¬I

en 18 yours in tho penitentiary for kill-

ing Joe Rice his brothordn law has atlast been removed from tho Danvillejail to tho Frankfurt penitentiary TheCourt of Appeals affirmed the Boylocircuit courts decision in the case scveral months ago

STADDBD Jack Browner in an al ¬

tercation with James Mitchell Sundayin Macksvlllo stabbed him just belowserioustare ¬

ter arrested both of the participantstroo

I OR onerap deputies0

will bo attho following named places to collecttax Mt Salem Tuesday Nov 24thfrom 9 oclock until 12 A M At Mc-

Kinney In the evening At Morelandon Thursday Nov 2Gth and atHustonvlllc Saturday Nov 28lh Meet mothere and get your receipts and savetho penalty T J Hill S L Co


SAMUeL M OWENS who servedfthis county faithfully and well as sher-Iff


and jailer announces this Issue forassessor subject to tho action of thodemocratic party Mr Owens is agood judge of property a swift andcorrect penman and is well fitted fortho offieo of assessor Ho is a triedand true democrat and an exceedinglyclever gentleman

adopteddcommitteeman will be elected in all theprecincts In Kentucky on Saturdaynext Nov 21 This will give everyThoIto ask than that tried and true demo-


alono bo put on guard Let boltaro and traitors take n back seat andnot try to run tho party they have at-


to ruin

THE democrats of each precinct inLincoln county will meet at their res ¬

pective voting places on Saturday Nov21st 1908 at 2 oclock r M standardtime and elect a committeeman toservo until his successor is elected Onthe following Monday tho 12 committeeman thus elected will meet at thecourt houso in Stanford Ky and or ¬

ganize and elect a chairman and secretary to servo as provided by law JF Iloldam chairman democratic coun-



IN tho circuit court Judge Dell suatamed a demurrer to the petition of thoparties who brought suit to recover 110greater part of Crab Orchard and dis ¬

missed their suit Tho case will go tothe court of appeals

The following jury has been secured-In tho case of tho Commonwealth vsJohn Baugh charged with assaultingDavid Allen B T Lunafonl J TBlngaman Wm Curtis James MillerSid Jennings J N Vanhook WmHuffman J II Rigsby G A DrownA M Luce T C Ball John X Spoonamore J

LET us admonish tho democrats ofthis county to pith tho best men forcounty committeemen next SaturdayPut only tried and true men on guardmen who will give tho party prestigeand who will work for party successTho fellows who only vote tho demo-

cratic ticket when everything goes tosuit thorn should not be considered Ifthey arc of the right kind of stuff theywill bo content to remain privates andnot attempt to lead democrats who arewithout spot or blemish Beware oftho fellow who Is too anxious to become

member of tho committee Ho likelyhas some ulterior motive Tho office


FOR RENTFour rooms In tho resldenco I live in Mrs Bun WithersStanford


BRICK resldenco on Lancaster treefor rent Possession Dec 1 P PNunncjlcy

A RED sow weighing about 300 Ibs

1left my farm two weeks ago RewardW II Shanks Stanford


FOR SALE Complete set of JohnLords Beacon Lights of History Entlrely new have never been openedThis office

MARY EMORY daughter of Davo Em ¬

bry colored died Saturday of consumplion after a protracted Illness and wasburled Sunday

ATTENTION FARMERS 10per centdiscount on every thing In hardwarebeginning Nov 1st and lasting 10 daysNow Is your chance tosavo tho differ ¬

sacs Geo D Hopper

Bio CATTLE Charles Lutes hasbought for Simon Well of Lexingtonfrom the following parties Dr HughReid 24 cattle 1315 pounds at 4 85 ofJ II Baughman 20 cattle 1460 poundsat CJc of Cyrus M Jones 27 cattle1500 pounds at 5Jc Theses cattlewill bo shipped to Baltimore for theholiday market


THE Ladies Aid Society and Christlun Society of tho Christianchurch want all the old newspapers

boxes paper bags letters etcIyou can spare They want to got a car-

r and sell it and havo rented the littie storeroom of Mr Cicero Reynold-on Depot Street opposite Myers 1iverstable to store it in

BOWLING ALLEYMrJ L Sargentwho has conducted a bowling alley atLancaster for some time with muchsuccess opened ono hero in the Odd

Fellows building last week Mr Sar ¬

gent js an experienced bowling alIeman and proposes to run tho alloy heron the high plane ho has ran others ii

several towns lie und his family havomoved Into the Aldridgo property onPortman Ave


DR Eow ALCORN of HustonvilleIs in Lexington having been called inconsultation in tho illness of Dr A M

Helm who is at the St Joseph Hospi ¬

tal Dr Holm was brought back fromPaint Lick last week suffering from ty ¬

phoid fever and his condition is graveDr Alcorn has been physician In thefamily for many years Mr JamesHelm of HusUmvllle has como to bo

with his son until tho crisis Is passedLexington Herald

Now that tho courthouse propositionhAS been voted wo believe oven thosewho opposed a now courthouse are notsorry that n decent building will taketho place of the old shack At least

100 a year will bo saved in rent andbeside tho valuable papers will no long¬

er bo permitted to mould and ruin Thepresent building is not only dangerousbut inadequate It is now necessaryfor the sheriff school superintendentmaster commissioner and county nttornsy to rent offices in which to do busflea

Ma P Mhoof Lexington en ¬

tertained Nov 10th at the Havlin Ho-

tel with a dinner in honor of Capt andMrs Walter II Worsham of Corbinwho are guests at Hotel Havlin Cin ¬

cinnati The table was tastefully dec ¬

orated with ferns Iud roses and the din-


was one of many delicious coursesMr Millets guests were Capt andMrs Worsham of Corbin Dr and MrsM L Stallard of Appalcchia Va

iJudge Fulton of Wise Va Mrs Ste-


and mother of Knoxville TennMr Grashear of Paris Ky Mr JackODowd manager of Hotel HavlinContributed


THE news of tho death of Mrs J RHarris at Stanford on Tuesday after ¬

noon was received with feelings of re ¬

grot and sorrow by all those who hadthe good fortune to meet her She wasabout 30 years old and was Miss MaryCash of Lincoln county Sho was mac ¬

tied about 10 years ago to Mr J Ran-


Harris of this city son of Judgeand Mrs E W Harris who has livedin Stanford since tho marriage Funer ¬

al services wero held at the residencein Stanford on Thursday morningand the body was buried in Buffalocemetery in the presence of many relafives and friends Sho leaves a daugh-ter aged eight years and tho peopletender sincere condolence to her andher father Lancaster Record


Tim reception given by Mr and MrsS Murphy of McKinney on the

evening of Nov 13 in honor of theirson Mr J Leo Murphy and bride neoMiss Mayme Underwood and Mr Har-vey


McBeath and bride nee Miss Em-


Jones proved the acme of suc ¬

cess as a social function Those know-s


InK Mr and Mrs Murphy will under ¬

stand how sorry they were that thAnumber of immediate relatives of allsides forced them to limit invitations tothese Fifty was as largo a number asthey could entertain comfortably Fes ¬

tooning candid shades and heart shapedname cards were of red beautifullysuggestive of love and and ¬ 1

Iso for future When it is knownthat Miss Etta B Root Mrs AndersonNunnelloy and Mrs W II Murphy as ¬

sisted Mrs Murphy one ceases to won-der


at the number of delicious coursesserved Tho wedding presents wereboth numerous and handsome


To the Democracy of Lincoln County>ast ¬

maybe adopted for selecting the democrat ¬

ic nominees I feel that tho faithfulwork that I have donofor my party un ¬

der any and all circunstances since myoung manhood entitles mo toyourconsideration but I do not ask it solely onthis account Iam perfectly willingthat what over worth and ability I mayhave possessed as a public officer shallbe determined by my past conduct Inthe offices of Jailer and sheriff I In ¬

vite tho closest scrutiny of my officialrecordMI havo been engaged In farming andstock raising all of my life and believeI am sufficiently well acquainted withtho values of all kinds of property todo equal and exact justice to the gov ¬

ernment and the property holder-S M OWENS


Bruce Montgomery and Miss KateWalker popular young people of Columbra were married Saturday

G B Guffy and Miss Ralph M Davis of Montlcellu secured marriage II

cense and were made one at LexingtonSenator Stephen B Elklns made th

emphatic announcement in Washingtonthat no engagement exists between hldaughter Miss Katherine Elkins andthe Duke DAbruzzio of the Italian

navyInvitationshave been received by

friends hero to the marriage of MissSpringfieldvon Nov 26th The prospective bride issaid to be both pretty and popular r

while all who know Mr Wallace likeIand esteem him

Fire which broke out at Paris gut¬enY ¬

rthetyoung womenfinished the morning meal

Fivo buildings within the Inclosure oftho Indiana Reformatory at Jeffersonville were destroyed by fire The blazedid not reach the 3000 prisoners con ¬

fined in the ccllhouses

The emperor and empress of Chinadied within a few hours of each otherand foul play is suspected in the deathof tho empress The emperor diedfrom natural causes

Napoleon used to pull a mans carwhen ho liked him

Roosevelt takes him on a 20 milehike through brambles and briers

a jHubbyMy dear the girl has lefttho vegetables on the hall table

WifeyDont be so stupid That Is

my new fall hatu

How do you stand on the questionof a sane Fourth of July 7

Oh fudge I Lets get Christmasover with first


Mammoth llronto TurkllYi10fle growthand beautiful Owenstrain HIM W P n1H1ION

Route No I Htnnford Ihone 81


The creditors of Mrs Nancy J Hortonnn requested to Immediately null theirdamn legally verified to the Executor


t NOTICEI will dress hides for toils with hnlr on

nnd will tau hides lor leather on thnresWill nlto pn market price lor tilde tJhnrlei Knislln Oltenhelm Ky Write 11 K lJWnynesburg No


I will twill nt public auction nt my homoon tho Cemetery street In the town of UrnbOrchard on


DsQInuingattooolockAx13uyentire lotof houiehold nnd kitchen furniture ¬

log 1 upright piano ns good ns new I cookstove machine l top buggy nndharness 1 sow nnd two pigs 1 mnro II lid coltsomo plows nod harness chickens ami otherthings too numerous to mention Alto myhome If not sold before dnr of sale

OIIAH IlUTOHKILCrubOrchnrdB ate lleynolds Auctio-


Having sold my fnrni I will on


WolTor nt public outcry my personal propertyon acredltof 8 months nt B per cent withiIIndIngUoiotllee consisting of 1 good reliablehone Sgood cows will give milk nil Win ¬

ter 10 hens 1 phnton 1 buggy Y sets singleharness l good Shorse plow double shov ¬tseton Computing Bvnles I platform counterscales I Ul oil tank 1 parlor suit ofIsix pieces nil plush nlmost ns goodnew 1 new 11 t10rnl organ 1 foldIng bed with Lull cotton mattress 1 bed-room set 1 10th century deidgiu us good usnew Id raiser nUll wnilutnnd rockers Iwhat not 1 center tnble 0 dining roomohnlrs extension tnbleiit vrnll brackets 1

zllll eoerOtI kitchen table I kltuhen eolJlnet Inewll clothes powcrchurn

steel cooklug rouge l blue Rnuno 3bllrJltroil stove 1 good heating store lot of tableware stoneware hollow ware pictureframes derrick for butchers use t steelblock nnd tackle will cnrryli Inch rope Sbee hives and many other articles 1i0will begin promptly at 10 A x at OedarCreek on p n Drub Orchard nndHtanford W 1JJAHVJ8

Cot J J Chandler Auctioneer

JDont DENY YourselfYthe pleasure and comfort of wearing

one of our

Pretty Coats or Fur SetsThe style of Coats this season are very

pretty and the prices are reasonable surprising values a-

tS45Q to 25There is nothing left out of these Coats tomake them stylish sensible and comfortable

Feelingsto draw a FUR COLLAR around yourjjeck orput your hands into a pretty MUFF Wehave them in a variety of Skins and at popu ¬

tar prices

Did the Cold Snap Gate You

without having bought your WINTER UN ¬

DERWEAR Perfect fitting Elastic Under¬

wear and moderate in price is the kind wesell for Men Women and Children

+ H +++ H ++ +++ M ++ M H + M ++k

SEVERANCE SONSouth East Corner Main Depot Sts



KYiiirw G

ory iz rn c oG1o °

n o0n prcatOic g+ ICDcg QOPD C nI +1000tjcCo3 C = 0= < 0 J= 3 JrrtgcaF a =w + o = rI i-

c 9ga2 rTI5 8Qc UJ= lot co rre oj 0= E cCm = f u

Cry r i p et t4Q O c cS 4 <=a oIt r JenQg + =goQ yFGRacuC tfpmttPnB <

I TRIBBLE HUGHESDry Goods Notions Shoes



Shoes ShoesHave you bought Winter Shoes for your

family If not let us reason with you Wehave been selling Shoes for more than 30years We have made a special study ofthem We have seen many different linesand we feel satisfied we are offering the pub-



the best values on the market Remem-ber we carry a complete line of Mens La-


and Childrens Shoes i




E Perkins Crab Orchard
