j T lit ' ' ir b a V r VOL. IX. NO. 04. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. SATIWDAV. A PU I L 20, .s.s. PKICK r, CI NTH. tub daily Jlusinirss fords. ; Jiusinfs$ Cards. j AbcmisfrntWi.. A gUAUHKL. r i it k 7 THROUGH STEAMERS TUB. OCEANIC S. S. COMPANY. (:5K(). W. 'pu: wki.i.. known la'n.i.i II 1 ' I ! 1 to l ' anv LINCOLN, i;. i. mil i. ,N tin: I IJ'l.h AS A COV .... .1 I .1 :.. . . , j lUf i t lloitoltiln front ! I'liinilii'ii, on oi' ! tt I. ...... , ,tii', i am 1'iiai.h-- Ut ilo . x.,..,,,v.lul li.H,,,.lalllu. nam,, tin,,- - ij,., K. ... , , , u' i, m i,") ..i.'M..Ml.. - 1 hanking tin : W. A. l!l I N. r,,w l;.' i- . CASTLK & COOKK, Shipping and Coininis.sion Mcrcli.-tnts- , I ... ' i ' ' f IMl Ol; VV.UH GoiuM'al ALSO. Urove Ranch I'lanUtlon. K. llat.stt'iiil's I'lanlAtion. A. II. Sin I Hi X ('., KoI,:i. Kaiinf, tl. V. lilake's Nte.-u- 1'uidjih. Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. Etua Fire Insurance Co, or Hartford. The New Finland Mutual I.ifV Iiis.traiice Co , of Ronton. 1. Wisl.-n'- 1 uteTii Mai hliM K. 'I'lie New York mid Honolulu Packet Linn The .r.ilviniu. ir. Jayuu & sous Ctiiehrui-t- i MdicincH. WilC0X & (Uhb KfiiiiiHHfm Mini AVI.4)loi. Mr w:i,nil The Equitable Life Oic the TJlsriTKr) STATES. Stais First Among the Leading Life Assiirance Companies of the forlfl In Outstanding Assurance, in New .......u, iULuuii.-- , in uiu annual increase in Surplus and Assets, in tho I'ercentage of Assets to Liabilities . .... 1 1 '9 iuiu. in an oiner Assets. Dec. 31, OutstandiriK Assurance '' New Business of 18b7 Surplus 4 percent. Standard I.'.".'.".".' .' Increase in Surplus during the Year Increase in Assets during the War.. Total Income Premium Income Percentage of Assets to LialilitieV Tl-- ir u knowing liltli jriverh, i nm I lie Miiiny I.umI t,t .Spain, lint in N.f thlaii.l, u tit .Notitftlaii.l, In 11 k mi. iijiliij.' li ii ulfl i!aill. Ia k it ujt witiiiu uti- - l.t-ai- t; N-i- ( In I .j.t. n., I U'U.l lt I ui it Like.-- , t.i niaku a ijiiarii J ; Mill Vou'll lin.l it tin,. 1 ii a lil't w t! Lout u f.. I 'lay u hat i i.ulil j .,u o ? If th VMatli i'm yoiiiM ajoiii, .Si,oii y(,u w ilf I'Jt J'fliiJ it. Tw it taki-f- i tii luakit a piani-l- ; ' hi- - i an always it. Ia X'h MippoM. that lith arc wroth ; AihI thi htiif hi-jur- If oim v.ir' hlialj ny tor "jViu," Kmij it will hi? iJojm' ; If hut otio hhall npan th hn-ach- , I! u ill juii kl v iiicikI it. it taki-- lu iak; it piam.-- l ; no an al va h vmi it . VAKIKTy. Siii fdr a inouoy lender Lticro htr! Cjcntlomon learning the coriaot hhould ciuiiloy privuto tootcrn. "Why call a man a crank, when no film can turn him? A quoHlion for newnboys Does your mother bow your route? Tho Norwich IJulh-ti- n editor, hav- ing receiveil a 'ift of doughnutH, thankH tho "douhnor." ' A man died last week from tho eflectsof tobo'anin'. This miscel- laneous chutmg Hhould be btopped. lh tughsli language eoundrt funny to a foreigner, as when one ayf, "I will cuiue by nnd by to buy a oicycie. Say.4 tho Xew Haven News : "A foot rule wear overshoes." We bhould call that a two-fo- ot rule. A fsea trreen irlass vaso has reYpntlv been found in Bologna. It beats all tneso butchers will pot in A. pbysician savs: "If a cbiltl does not thrive on fresh milk, boil it" This is - tx-vor- 6. Why not spank it? To bashful correspondent The first thing: for you to do is to pop the question, tho second to question the pop. Stranger (to Washington guide): "Are they blasting rocks near the Capitol?" Guide: "Xo, sir, the noise you hear is the bursting of Presi- dential booms." Teacher: "Correct the sentence: 'Tho liquor which the man bought wa5 tl1rn,k''," Sniart hoJ- - "The man wuich bought the liquor was drunk." "Dan, what vrnd yez call a man who stole a gallon" av whisky and drank it, and got the jim-jams- ? "Begorra, I think I'd call him a snake thief." FACTS ABOUT FINGERS. White hands with rosy palms, so beloved of our grandmothers, have 'i'l , - , , th .in the Knglish hand, but the nails are not as handfomo. It is said that people with imagin- ation are apt to have long, tapvr lingers, and beautiful finger nails. The good-nature- d critics are said to possess small, well-shape- nails, and their handwriting is somewhat angular. Tlif American nail suffers from the dryness of cur climate, as a for- eign picture painted on panels sulTors from the same cause. Diplomacy has a long, supple hand, and a beautifully kept finger- nail. Tho handwriting of a diplo- matist looks like a snake craMitig away. An aptitude of criticism is shown among people ho bite their nails. These people are cynical and severe, uncharitable and bitter: thev write a small, cramped, illegible hand. The Chinese have linger nails so long that they oonM write with them. The tenacity of the Chinese na;I. which does not easily break, would indicate that they have more lime iu their bones than we have. Tho I'nglish nails are almost uni- versally ro-- y and shell ;ke. and cut to a rouiide.l. slightly tapering point, kept alw ays -- erupulor,sv clean. The -- km at i no ra-- o p puM.o.t back to -- how ihe on . a httlo white hai- - The ony of the linger-rail- s ' eatofnily er.",tiated a?-,- d i br l.e tvde-- i rf New lean oi Ci f o shon-tha- t th hao noblaok l.vd in their mmp- - X.Muattev how- - f;,iv the com plevioti. (lio valuable sign of pure blood i wanting to ;ho .vtoviN-- n if the ony i clouded.- - ! New Voi k Mail and Kxprecs. pi Ah Till: 1M1LV APVKKTISKK 1 i I if u nanT i!v "afe.f i pv;inisi: YOVK WANTS IN . V ivv.'v r, it'.' Mvmoreisl Advertiser j Australian 31ail Service ; t'OK SAN rKANCISCO. rt uw tu.t Sttf Al tcol (cauhlV' mae:lposam Of t'a kVrtiil.'MMiiu!!!!' .VnnAtiy, wtl! be vtut tit Hv'niuisi froiu .Syv!:if j AlukLtua ou or about Alav 1th, 1880, Ati( will itvr for tht shvt- - vort with maiis atnl rUi5M ua or boit am tur sreisai or iinAsJi, IiAVlUj." SI J'KKIUK AUDsiiioDAiio.Ns.nn.iy i AVm. (t. Irwin & Co., AtlKNTS. For Sydney and Auckland. Ibe aiew aud rin Al sttl stiaujsbtp "ALAMEDA" Of theUcpacle trains h'.p Cotupauy . will be duf at Uouoluiu (rum San Krauclseo or or about May 11, 1889. daJwninive promp. dilated with malls an ad3asf ?rs for the above i. For freight or passa?, baviug SL'PKKIOR to Wm. G. Irwin & Co., A(JKNTS CIaus SprtK.'Ke!s Wm. (3. Irwia. CLAL'S SPKECKELS & CO.; BANKERS. HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Draw Rxcaansie oa the principal parts o the world. Will receive dep-Hsit- s on open aconnt, make eolleotioa.i and condact a greneraJ banking; and exchacs buainesa. Deposits bartng- - Interest received In their Sav lairs Department subject to pabllahed rules and rer5.'a:io.is. !7oc3tf vm t 1 1 i ) i i c i m Ilk PLANING- - ilILL, A A LAKE A, NEAR QUEEN STREET. Telephone 5.5. II. G. CKABBE, HAY & GPtAIN Kino Street, . Honolulu, A Opp. the old Police Station. 32-lr- n THEO. P. SEVER IN Till i i noiograpii i ier, tken the 9tn Ho formerly ocenpied ,y a. A. Motano, corner nf KI.W and FORT HTS., and is prepared to tak Pictures in any Htvlo Fiintlng done for Amafenrn. 'yj Cabinets $f arloz. Work guaranteed. Fntrtn!"A on Fjrt 'trpAf, j- - jf PIONEER floor Stain Candy Factory t'ni a n r ; A Iv JO I?, Y . .!'. IIOKX. n;t iiicion ko i rrr irai iy stqm. 71 I fotf I Street. FiieillC toailliei'Clil Advertiser -- is i"i'L-i.:si!'j:- Kvory lionihii: Except Sumlavs. TaILT F. C AsvuHrisss, ou year $(5 (.'ij mx ujoutii to " VP aili 30 Vs.r Ui utii d vJttu, oa yeir j to ciadin :..r :. . a - auvrblr iu .,i,ui-- . UAViII.lN O VZiTlTf CL'.. Vuato.'Su-- e Be O. II. I. gu.sinw.s Cards. LEWEKS A COOKE. I in (orlen nu l lVe.-lf- r in Lumber And U Kiais of Building Mit?r.il. J. ALFRED MAG 0 ON, .A.ttoriiev " at Luw, 42 MerchAat Street. Hoaol'ila. Itf JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, lajyorter ad Dealer ia GENE S AL MERCHANDISE. No. ifr--- lt Quewa Strr, Honol:;!:i. itf H. HACKFELD A CO., General Commission Aent Cor. Fori A Gnn it- TTn.-sTT- ! i BEAVER SALOON, foriSlrMl, UpMiit Wilder C . H. i, NOLTE, FF.OFMZTOS. F:.-- jt c!. Laaohes Srvfd w.ta TV. Ccie. sod VS Atr, ihsiT Ale ct lUIi. Ofveu From 3 A.m. till 1 p. iu. R. W. FHAZEK. MERCHANT TAILOB, Cor. la nd AUic Eoolul-.i- . pr!ct lit irm:icil. Itf GERMANIA MARKET. GEO. M. K VL PP. - - - Fr.0i SIETOH. t'nrt Mrt. Ilonolnlu. BEEF, MXJTT02T AND VEAL. t'rrih i i I'nrk, Ktr., Corntatij o a h.iad. 'a:ppta srvel on short nor.M. Itf HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., S ten m Engines, BUi", ?Hr Hill. Coolers, BriM Ant mi.-Mnr- y of every derlptlan mida trt atte oriflr. Pirtli-.ul.i- r sttt;iM.-- pud t. chips' hlack- - uaitain,. Job woric exeoutl on th ahorret THE ROYAL SALOON, for. JJnnn nnl Jlcrfhant lrett Cadar th ll.r.aemeat of E. H. F". AVoltcr, KV nl7' la tnci a vvrieiyof thn hest Wir.. laqaor'. B"er ia.l tea cold oears oa dranht at ten cents per ilaH. Total Walker & Eeihvanl, ri with Contractors A' Builders Brlo.k, ton.ind Mon EilMln F.Mtln4te Olven. Jhhliir ProinpHr AUenrfwl 7.', K I V p. o. r.or 42-- B-- 1I Tlephor. N'rt. 3. 11 tf i nAVr A- - WILDER, . r.-- r 52 FOltl - rT "T rT1 Ti T ? i r.!,;,v. l V'J L. v..I.V -- .1 - lroTiln Iwl'"- - , . , .y,E8U COOM B7ir.Vf.RV ,TFAMR.- - j hakkvs LI NCU KOOMS UUVKl SlUKKV. ul1 Ni'ht: Moals at ail Hours. ' . .. .. .. ... . ... Muh suil lilk tirr tiivrii liijj. i : Hawaiian Fertilizing Co. j Manufacturers of d:id IVrtlors iu WNK MKAI.S ir.ado toorvior; M.iLr. .HANL lt., rotted ana uuxtvt, ON HAND AND FOK SAH' In iuantitios to suit. A. F. COOKE, Manager. F.u'tcry. Honolulu, 11. I. lo4-3r- u i ne Liverpool ami j.on- - don and Globe I2s SXJKls CE CO Attft 9 4,OJO.OOO "t lnrom 9.0Ttf,000 Claim Taiti 11.39. OOO Tike Risis against Los j or raiie br fir i oq uuildiu. M.WBiQtfry. Suir Mills. Dwtflhiia .ua rurmiare, on tne oiost lAToriS; teruia. Biliop tfc Co. S. FOSTER & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS A'D Purchasing Agents. Sol Amenta for Simpn, Top-o-C- an Brand Diamond Creamery BUTTER. "pills CELF.BRATED BUTTER IS of the finest iuali:y, male upon the tanih an-- American systems combined. I'ai kii in hermetically sealed tins, anl '.varranteil to keep in hut climates. 2i ami 3 CallfornU St, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 13 l JCfi-l- y H r B. LEVY i SOX, Ixa porters, holefile Dealers and Commission Merchants In Foreign and Domestic FR V ITS AN D PROD UC E . rn prepared to fill orders of all kinds In hn. An,1 mi'IA a. r.iri.'lt.v In r.ar.binir all amia or iru:t r.ir lon riHtanca mar!ta. II.wa,lian Islacd patronage will receive special atiOQ. n,i " o Sanonie St., San Franciaco. P. O. Box 172, E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu, lH-fi- ai Agent for Hawaiian Ialandn. SUN FIRE OFFICE, OF LONDON. Tsttblislied ITIO. In'', p,?cfed r.pon every de.rfptIon of property at current rus of premlnio. IU 3- - m I nun red In l'AS ... ,.'?27,rw.vrsO ilnrn arrinyed hy the 1 ocil Agent, nd pill and ll".erility. The jurisdic- tion of tr.e Local Tribunals recoaruized. (r. W. Macfarlane & Co. Im A?r,t4 f"r fhwiliin r'ndn. FELIX OLLKIIT, Artistic Kbravcr an Wood i I. Harper T r -. . N. Y.) Contracts Executed on Modarat j Terras. -'-. ". ., Work t ill",''). I.fPLoMA. Art Ikpt.. Happfr I "... Nk v Y,,Hi Al,r,, I d in rhi ';'..ihm?,t. and found ft f.,mpeerir piiMvr and in a i i rpw t- - f rHi.-i'-l- uid npriih' pr--n- . t rr w... ' v.rH.wf k, , . , t r j Ki'h rgW rd"r- - rer.v.--- L F. n .v Me;-- , h int - t. Kl-l- r A Careful 17 1- -4 Stud or the above Proves CoiudnsiToljtliat the KfiiiitableSocieti is the most Profitable and Secure Life Assurance f'oitmanv for inf n!iir K t..,.,.. - pultln- - I'm- - lat favurn, 1 nin. mi vuiin, ii:o; V. LINCOLN. AM) Di: i. i:us IN- - iMei - cliniK list. Alil.NIS KOU- - j Koli:il. i Najjar Co., IbilliU SiiK'ar Co.. l'alii rianl:ilIoii, I'.'ijuiikou HtiKar Co. Mi rchiints' Line. IIihiaIiiIh nn,l r. t.. . nui.ua t n iiwu Assurance Society Business, in Surplus, in Total Income important Kespects. 94R3.099.n63 13,Vi3,lor, 1K.104.955 1,748,379 K,HS,4 3'' 23,340,X49 19,115.7 7.- - tlm l.f AT., 1 f i : .. i .:i . :i f,-,,.T- ",v l -- ".hi. i.kjuoim uiii,; li I I, r.r. -- o- ah-oho- l in the Mall Extract as Com Malt Liquors: Ahoho!. Water. I'. tl.l L'.S !'J 1 15.0 TST O TT F. ...i-- f ft . .J J l Housekeeping ools. m. j - - - ..... ....... .inui 1 1 ALEX. eJ. CAKTWEIGHT, OKNFllAL AGENT HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. oo-t- f ZonliindiA Vpril l;i Alnnu'vii My 11 .MnriiK'Si Jntu 8 Zc'al.tiuliu July Al.llUt'd;i August .'5 M.iriposn August ;u Zo.nl.nulirt. Atniuovi:i Octul.r I.M Mciri(Hisii ... .Nivou!!r ll ' Zoai.Htuiifi . iVocmbt-- r I'l I. Honolulu for iit KruiulMO, on or nltout. AIauu'iIa ,P;i r. MariiKa ji11v 4 Zealand 4 jUMO 1 Alamt da jUM0 L.j Mariposa juy 7 Zeal.uulia Ano-ns- t "i j Alameda September ! MriHwrt October VJ Zeal.uidia November 10 Akinu'da December 14 TIME TABLE OF INTERMEDIATE STEAMERS Umatilla and Australia I.a e San Fram iseo for Honolulu lit 1 M o'eloek noon, on Friday .April Friday Mav - I Friai4' June I'l Kriday July l; rWay August Hi Eriilay September 13 Frk!a-- V October 11 Leave Honolulu for .San Francisco at 13 o'c lock noon, on Friday. April 12 Friday. May 10 Friday. June 7 Friday . July o Friday . August 2 Friday . August 30 Friday September 27 Fridav. October 2.) Olileiidoiif's Fertilizers THEO. H. DAVIES & CO. Having been appointed SOLE AOENTS in the Hawaiian Islands for thee Celebrated Fertilizers, are prepared to execute orders for Dissolved Peruvian Gnano, Special Cane Manure, And the Other Fertilizers For Sugar Cane and Fruit Trees Made by TII E A Nf; LO-CON- T I N KNTA L r;FANO WORKS (h.te Ohlend'.nrs), And to t: ve such information concerning the same ns may re'juired. Quantity of Special Cane Manure is now on hand, Anl a further shipment of this ami of Peruvian Ouai.o is due here iu n.v. 71-- 1 rn Pacific Hard ware Co., LU Four Sr.. : : : f L.noi t i r. Have Ju?f Openi'd Xcw Lines of (ioods WhiYli vvill reja- - in-p- ci tion. I n tii Sah'roouH ott tu second are many artiel'- - entirelv iuw to rnai kef . S;p'ia) (rood- - at S' " i il Prices' f foiwrhoM ;oid;in ,xi 'aii'tv' ( '!uil"!e LirKri lfard-VTr- , , eriruitunl Iniplnni'iila, 1 tc. Plantation Hupplioa. Kero-cr-ri- p (il fif hrt f'ia!itv. I'U inr llt)!iWA UK Co., Ip IL.l r.7-- v I fonohilu. W Y 15 T II ' S LIQUID MALT EXTRACT C!nntjiiim nil fho nnt riti- - v.-tn- oa of ' ' v" from all ht inuilatinir eilect.s. NOT .A iJEAEJlAGE. -- o- The following analysis the .r portion of oared with Knglisli nihhII l eer Laer heer (Brooklyn) Malt extract (Wvcih's) The Mannfaeturers, Mo-k- s. .In,.. Wvitii p.uo., Phil., have appointed MNKOX, 83I1T1I & ( '031 P ANY, 1 :!ni W'l.l'. At.b.M'S 1 OIJ Till- - II AWN ISLANDS. J O F I. TV . ft. Vfcy-..- rL : - - . I tfe V-v--- J i..-t- . : 1 I - w ' 1 - v rj O r :' i rv-f 1 (!fSfUAiF:j li "TIT TBI T l.J! .... -- J r: err- - Sioves, ILiugps jiihI d'liiinhiiijj:. Tin, Poppor f" .ni l Sheet lion Workj ' t v.r w.WT ah tiu nkws I iv:i.itlvbin r,C. AmmiK.

T ir a - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · to possess small, well-shape-nails, and their handwriting is somewhat angular. Tlif American nail suffers from the dryness of cur climate,

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Page 1: T ir a - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · to possess small, well-shape-nails, and their handwriting is somewhat angular. Tlif American nail suffers from the dryness of cur climate,


T lit' ' ir b




tub daily Jlusinirss fords. ; Jiusinfs$ Cards. j

AbcmisfrntWi.. A gUAUHKL.r i it k



(:5K(). W.'pu: wki.i.. known la'n.i.iII 1 ' I ! 1 to l ' anv

LINCOLN,i;. i. mil i. ,N tin: I IJ'l.h AS A COV.... .1 I .1 :.. . . ,

j lUf i t lloitoltiln front ! I'liinilii'ii,on oi' ! tt I. ...... , ,tii', i am 1'iiai.h-- Ut ilo

. x.,..,,,v.lul li.H,,,.lalllu. nam,, tin,,- -

ij,., K. ... , , ,

u' i, m i,") ..i.'M..Ml.. -

1 hanking tin


W. A. l!l I N. r,,w l;.' i- .

CASTLK & COOKK,Shipping and Coininis.sion Mcrcli.-tnts- ,


... ' i' ' fIMl Ol; VV.UH


Urove Ranch I'lanUtlon.K. llat.stt'iiil's I'lanlAtion.

A. II. Sin I Hi X ('., KoI,:i. Kaiinf,tl. V. lilake's Nte.-u- 1'uidjih.

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Etua Fire Insurance Co, or Hartford.

The New Finland Mutual I.ifV Iiis.traiice Co , of Ronton.1. Wisl.-n'- 1 uteTii Mai hliM K.

'I'lie New York mid Honolulu Packet LinnThe .r.ilviniu.ir. Jayuu & sous Ctiiehrui-t- i MdicincH.

WilC0X & (Uhb KfiiiiiHHfm Mini AVI.4)loi. Mr w:i,nil

The Equitable LifeOic the TJlsriTKr) STATES.

Stais First Among the Leading Life Assiirance Companies of the forlflIn Outstanding Assurance, in New

.......u, iULuuii.--, in uiu annual increase in Surplus andAssets, in tho I'ercentage of Assets to Liabilities. ....1 1 '9iuiu. in an oinerAssets. Dec. 31,

OutstandiriK Assurance ''New Business of 18b7Surplus 4 percent. Standard I.'.".'.".".' .'Increase in Surplus during the YearIncrease in Assets during the War..Total IncomePremium IncomePercentage of Assets to LialilitieV

Tl-- ir u knowing liltli jriverh,inm I lie Miiiny I.umI t,t .Spain,

lint in N.f thlaii.l, u tit .Notitftlaii.l,In 11 k mi. iijiliij.' li ii ulfl i!aill.

Ia k it ujt witiiiu uti- - l.t-ai- t;

N-i- ( In I .j.t. n., I U'U.l ltI ui it Like.-- , t.i niaku a ijiiarii J ;

Mill Vou'll lin.l it tin,.1 ii a lil't w t! Lout u f..

I 'lay u hat i i.ulil j .,u o ?If th VMatli i'm yoiiiM ajoiii,

.Si,oii y(,u w ilf I'Jt J'fliiJ it.Tw it taki-f- i tii luakit a piani-l- ;

' hi- - i an always it.Ia X'h MippoM. that lith arc wroth ;

AihI thi htiif hi-jur-

If oim v.ir' hlialj ny tor "jViu,"Kmij it will hi? iJojm' ;If hut otio hhall npan th hn-ach- ,

I ! u ill juii kl v iiicikI it.it taki-- lu iak; it piam.--l ;

no an al va h vmi it .


Siii fdr a inouoy lender Lticrohtr!Cjcntlomon learning the coriaot

hhould ciuiiloy privuto tootcrn."Why call a man a crank, when no

film can turn him?A quoHlion for newnboys Does

your mother bow your route?Tho Norwich IJulh-ti- n editor, hav-

ing receiveil a 'ift of doughnutH,thankH tho "douhnor."' A man died last week from tho

eflectsof tobo'anin'. This miscel-laneous chutmg Hhould be btopped.

lh tughsli language eoundrtfunny to a foreigner, as when oneayf, "I will cuiue by nnd by to buy

a oicycie.Say.4 tho Xew Haven News : "A

foot rule wear overshoes." Webhould call that a two-fo-ot rule.

A fsea trreen irlass vaso has reYpntlvbeen found in Bologna. It beats all

tneso butchers will pot in

A. pbysician savs: "If a cbiltl doesnot thrive on fresh milk, boil it"This is - tx-vor- 6. Why not spankit?

To bashful correspondent Thefirst thing: for you to do is to pop thequestion, tho second to question thepop.

Stranger (to Washington guide):"Are they blasting rocks near theCapitol?" Guide: "Xo, sir, the noiseyou hear is the bursting of Presi-dential booms."

Teacher: "Correct the sentence:'Tho liquor which the man boughtwa5 tl1rn,k''," Sniart hoJ- - "Theman wuich bought the liquor wasdrunk."

"Dan, what vrnd yez call a manwho stole a gallon" av whisky anddrank it, and got the jim-jams- ?

"Begorra, I think I'd call him a snakethief."


White hands with rosy palms, sobeloved of our grandmothers, have

'i'l , - , ,

th .in the Knglish hand, but the nailsare not as handfomo.

It is said that people with imagin-ation are apt to have long, tapvrlingers, and beautiful finger nails.

The good-nature- d critics are saidto possess small, well-shape- nails,and their handwriting is somewhatangular.

Tlif American nail suffers fromthe dryness of cur climate, as a for-eign picture painted on panelssulTors from the same cause.

Diplomacy has a long, supplehand, and a beautifully kept finger-nail. Tho handwriting of a diplo-matist looks like a snake craMitigaway.

An aptitude of criticism is shownamong people ho bite their nails.These people are cynical and severe,uncharitable and bitter: thev writea small, cramped, illegible hand.

The Chinese have linger nails solong that they oonM write with them.The tenacity of the Chinese na;I.which does not easily break, wouldindicate that they have more lime iutheir bones than we have.

Tho I'nglish nails are almost uni-versally ro-- y and shell ;ke. and cutto a rouiide.l. slightly tapering point,kept alw ays -- erupulor,sv clean. The-- km at i no ra-- o p puM.o.t back to-- how ihe on . a httlo white hai- -

The ony of the linger-rail- s '

eatofnily er.",tiated a?-,- d i brl.e tvde-- i rf New leanoi Ci f o shon-tha- t

th hao noblaok l.vd in theirmmp- - X.Muattev how- - f;,iv the complevioti. (lio valuable sign of pureblood i wanting to ;ho .vtoviN-- n ifthe ony i clouded.- - ! New Voi kMail and Kxprecs.

pi Ah Till: 1M1LV APVKKTISKK1i I if u nanT i!v "afe.f

i pv;inisi: YOVK WANTS IN. V ivv.'v r, it'.' Mvmoreisl Advertiser

j Australian 31ail Service



rt uw tu.t Sttf Al tcol (cauhlV'

mae:lposamOf t'a kVrtiil.'MMiiu!!!!' .VnnAtiy, wtl! be vtut

tit Hv'niuisi froiu .Syv!:if j AlukLtuaou or about

Alav 1th, 1880,Ati( will itvr for tht shvt- - vort with maiis atnlrUi5M ua or boit am

tur sreisai or iinAsJi, IiAVlUj." SI J'KKIUKAUDsiiioDAiio.Ns.nn.iy i

AVm. (t. Irwin & Co.,AtlKNTS.

For Sydney and Auckland.

Ibe aiew aud rin Al sttl stiaujsbtp

"ALAMEDA"Of theUcpacle trains h'.p Cotupauy . will be

duf at Uouoluiu (rum San Krauclseoor or about

May 11, 1889.daJwninive promp. dilated with malls anad3asf ?rs for the above i.

For freight or passa?, baviug SL'PKKIORto

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,A(JKNTS

CIaus SprtK.'Ke!s Wm. (3. Irwia.



Draw Rxcaansie oa the principal parts o theworld.

Will receive dep-Hsit- s on open aconnt, makeeolleotioa.i and condact a greneraJ banking; andexchacs buainesa.

Deposits bartng-- Interest received In their Savlairs Department subject to pabllahed rules andrer5.'a:io.is. !7oc3tf

vm t 1 1 i ) i i c i mIlkPLANING- - ilILL,


Telephone 5.5.



Kino Street, . Honolulu,

AOpp. the old Police Station. 32-lr- n


Till ii noiograpiii ier,tken the 9tn Ho formerly ocenpied ,y a. A.

Motano, corner nf KI.W and FORT HTS.,and is prepared to tak

Pictures in any HtvloFiintlng done for Amafenrn. 'yj

Cabinets $f arloz. Work guaranteed.

Fntrtn!"A on Fjrt 'trpAf, j- - jf


Stain Candy Factoryt'ni

a n r

; A Iv JO I?, Y .

.!'. IIOKX.n;t iiicion ko i rrr irai iy stqm.

71 I fotf I Street.

FiieillC toailliei'Clil Advertiser

-- is i"i'L-i.:si!'j:-

Kvory lionihii: Except Sumlavs.

TaILT F. C AsvuHrisss, ou year $(5 (.'ij

mx ujoutii to" VP aili 30Vs.r Ui utii d vJttu, oa yeir j to

ciadin :..r :. . a-

auvrblr iu .,i,ui-- .


Vuato.'Su-- e Be O. II. I.

gu.sinw.s Cards.


I in (orlen nu l lVe.-lf-r in LumberAnd U Kiais of Building Mit?r.il.


.A.ttoriiev " at Luw,42 MerchAat Street. Hoaol'ila. Itf


lajyorter ad Dealer ia

GENE S AL MERCHANDISE.No. ifr---lt Quewa Strr, Honol:;!:i. itf


General Commission AentCor. Fori A Gnn it- TTn.-sTT- ! i

BEAVER SALOON,foriSlrMl, UpMiit Wilder C .

H. i, NOLTE, FF.OFMZTOS.F:.--jt c!. Laaohes Srvfd w.ta TV. Ccie.

sod VS Atr, ihsiT Ale ct lUIi.Ofveu From 3 A.m. till 1 p. iu.


MERCHANT TAILOB,Cor. la nd AUic Eoolul-.i- .

pr!ct lit irm:icil. Itf


GEO. M. K VL PP. - - - Fr.0i SIETOH.

t'nrt Mrt. Ilonolnlu.BEEF, MXJTT02T AND VEAL.

t'rrih i i I'nrk, Ktr.,Corntatij o a h.iad. 'a:ppta srvel on shortnor.M. Itf


S ten m Engines,BUi", ?Hr Hill. Coolers, BriM

Ant mi.-Mnr-y of every derlptlan mida trt atte

oriflr. Pirtli-.ul.i- r sttt;iM.-- pud t. chips' hlack- -

uaitain,. Job woric exeoutl on th ahorret


for. JJnnn nnl Jlcrfhant lrettCadar th ll.r.aemeat of

E. H. F". AVoltcr,KV nl7' la tnci a vvrieiyof thn hest Wir..laqaor'. B"er ia.l tea cold oears oa dranht atten cents per ilaH.


Walker & Eeihvanl, riwith

Contractors A' BuildersBrlo.k, ton.ind Mon EilMln

F.Mtln4te Olven.

Jhhliir ProinpHr AUenrfwl

7.', K I Vp. o. r.or 42--

B-- 1I Tlephor. N'rt. 3.11 tf


nAVr A-- WILDER,. r.-- r

52 FOltl

- rT "T rT1 Ti T ? i r.!,;,v.l V'J L. v..I.V -- .1 -

lroTiln Iwl'"- -

, .

,.y,E8U COOM B7ir.Vf.RV ,TFAMR.- -



ul1 Ni'ht: Moals at ail Hours.' . .. .. .. ... . ...

Muh suil lilk tirr tiivrii liijj.


: Hawaiian Fertilizing Co.j Manufacturers of d:id IVrtlors iu

WNK MKAI.S ir.ado toorvior;M.iLr. .HANL lt., rotted ana uuxtvt,

ON HAND AND FOK SAH'In iuantitios to suit.

A. F. COOKE, Manager.F.u'tcry. Honolulu, 11. I. lo4-3r- u

i ne Liverpool ami j.on- -

don and Globe


Attft 9 4,OJO.OOO"t lnrom 9.0Ttf,000

Claim Taiti 11.39. OOO

Tike Risis against Los j or raiie br fir ioq uuildiu. M.WBiQtfry. Suir Mills. Dwtflhiia.ua rurmiare, on tne oiost lAToriS; teruia.

Biliop tfc Co.



Purchasing Agents.

Sol Amenta for

Simpn, Top-o-C- an Brand

Diamond Creamery


of the finest iuali:y, male upon thetanih an-- American systems combined.I'ai kii in hermetically sealed tins, anl'.varranteil to keep in hut climates.

2i ami 3 CallfornU St,



Ixa porters, holefile Dealers and

Commission MerchantsIn Foreign and Domestic


rn prepared to fill orders of all kinds Inhn. An,1 mi'IA a. r.iri.'lt.v In r.ar.binir all

amia or iru:t r.ir lon riHtanca mar!ta.II.wa,lian Islacd patronage will receive special

atiOQ.n,i " o Sanonie St., San Franciaco.

P. O. Box 172,E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu,

lH-fi- ai Agent for Hawaiian Ialandn.


Tsttblislied ITIO.In'', p,?cfed r.pon every de.rfptIon of

property at current rus of premlnio.IU

3- - m I nun red In l'AS ... ,.'?27,rw.vrsO

ilnrn arrinyed hy the 1 ocil Agent, nd pilland ll".erility. The jurisdic-

tion of tr.e Local Tribunals recoaruized.

(r. W. Macfarlane & Co.Im A?r,t4 f"r fhwiliin r'ndn.


Artistic Kbravcr an Wood

i I. Harper T r -.. N. Y.)

Contracts Executed on Modarat j

Terras.-'-. ". ., Work t ill",'').

I.fPLoMA.Art Ikpt.. Happfr I "...

Nk v Y,,Hi Al,r,, I

d in rhi ';'..ihm?,t. and found ft

f.,mpeerir piiMvr and in a i i rpw t- - frHi.-i'-l- uid npriih' pr--n- . trr w...' v.rH.wf k,

, . ,t rj Ki'h

rgW rd"r- - rer.v.--- L F. n

.v Me;-- , h int - t. Kl-l- r

A Careful17 1- -4

Stud or the above Proves CoiudnsiToljtliat the KfiiiitableSocietiis the most Profitable and Secure Life Assurancef'oitmanv for inf n!iir K t..,.,..

- pultln- - I'm- - lat favurn,1 nin. mi vuiin,ii:o; V. LINCOLN.

AM) Di: i. i:us IN- -

iMei -cliniK list.Alil.NIS KOU- -

j Koli:il. i Najjar Co.,IbilliU SiiK'ar Co..

l'alii rianl:ilIoii,I'.'ijuiikou HtiKar Co.

Mi rchiints' Line. IIihiaIiiIh nn,l r. t.. .

nui.ua t n iiwu

Assurance Society

Business, in Surplus, in Total Income

important Kespects.


1,748,379K,HS,4 3''

23,340,X4919,115.7 7.--

tlm l.f AT., 1 f i : .. i .:i . :i f,-,,.T-",v l -- ".hi. i.kjuoim uiii,; li I I, r.r.


ah-oho- l in the Mall Extract as ComMalt Liquors:

Ahoho!. Water.

I'. tl.lL'.S !'J 1



F. ...i--f ft . .J Jl

Housekeeping ools.

m. j - - - ..... ....... .inui 1 1


oo-t- f

ZonliindiA Vpril l;iAlnnu'vii My 11.MnriiK'Si Jntu 8Zc'al.tiuliu JulyAl.llUt'd;i August .'5

M.iriposn August ;uZo.nl.nulirt.Atniuovi:i Octul.r I.M

Mciri(Hisii ... .Nivou!!r ll' Zoai.Htuiifi . iVocmbt-- r I'l

I. Honolulu for iit KruiulMO, onor nltout.

AIauu'iIa ,P;i r.

MariiKa ji11v 4Zealand 4 jUMO 1

Alamt da jUM0 L.jMariposa juy 7Zeal.uulia Ano-ns- t "i

j Alameda September !

MriHwrt October VJZeal.uidia November 10Akinu'da December 14



Umatilla and Australia

I.a e San Fram iseo for Honolulu lit 1 M

o'eloek noon, onFriday .AprilFriday Mav - IFriai4' June I'lKriday July l;

rWay August HiEriilay September 13Frk!a--

V October 11

Leave Honolulu for .San Francisco at 13o'c lock noon, on

Friday. April 12Friday. May 10Friday. June 7Friday . July oFriday . August 2Friday . August 30Friday September 27Fridav. October 2.)

Olileiidoiif's Fertilizers


Having been appointed SOLE AOENTSin the Hawaiian Islands for theeCelebrated Fertilizers, are

prepared to executeorders for

Dissolved Peruvian Gnano,Special Cane Manure,

And the Other Fertilizers

For Sugar Cane and Fruit Trees

Made by

TII E A Nf; LO-CON- T I N KNTA Lr;FANO WORKS (h.te Ohlend'.nrs),

And to t: ve such information concerningthe same ns may re'juired.

Quantity of Special Cane Manureis now on hand,

Anl a further shipment of this ami ofPeruvian Ouai.o is due here iu

n.v. 71-- 1 rn

PacificHard ware Co., LU

Four Sr.. : : : f L.noi t i r.

Have Ju?f Openi'd

Xcw Lines of (ioodsWhiYli vvill reja- - in-p-

ci tion.

I n tii Sah'roouH ott tu secondare many artiel'- - entirelv iuw to

rnai kef .

S;p'ia) (rood- - at S' " i il Prices'f foiwrhoM ;oid;in ,xi 'aii'tv'

( '!uil"!e LirKri

lfard-VTr- ,, eriruitunl Iniplnni'iila,

1 tc. Plantation Hupplioa. Kero-cr-ri- p

(il fif hrt f'ia!itv.

I'U inr llt)!iWA UK Co., IpIL.l r.7-- v I fonohilu.


C!nntjiiim nil fho nnt riti- -v.-tn- oa of' ' v"

from all ht inuilatinir eilect.s.


The following analysis the .r portion ofoared with

Knglisli nihhII l eerLaer heer (Brooklyn)Malt extract (Wvcih's)

The Mannfaeturers, Mo-k- s. .In,.. Wvitii p.uo., Phil., have appointed

MNKOX, 83I1T1I & ( '031 PANY,1 :!ni W'l.l'. At.b.M'S 1 OIJ Till- - II AWN ISLANDS.


.ft. Vfcy-..- rL : - -

. I tfe V-v--- J i..-t-

.: 1 I

- w ' 1 - v rj O

r :' i rv-f

1 (!fSfUAiF:j li

"TIT TBI T l.J! .... -- J

r: err- -

Sioves, ILiugps jiihI

d'liiinhiiijj:. Tin, Popporf"

.ni l Sheet lion Workj' t

v.r w.WT ah tiu nkwsI iv:i.itlvbin r,C. AmmiK.

Page 2: T ir a - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · to possess small, well-shape-nails, and their handwriting is somewhat angular. Tlif American nail suffers from the dryness of cur climate,


LZTTER5 FROM THE OLD CCU3IP.Y. Xtu) rrrtistntrnw.SP.iZILIiN CCFFZE.T3 n vluthcritTi



Gincrer Ale,




Fashionable Milliner,

For: rttree. : II -- o'.mu.

Has Received per Steamer Umatilla, hiall the

Ne-Ae- t Shades ani Latest Novelties

liibbons. Velvets.Surah Silks.

Also a Larg? Variety of






THS- -

Cream Soda,

Plain Soda,

Mineral Waters,

their Goods being purified by the

Islands in their Establishment only.


Water used in preparing


Izif" In operation in the HawaiianT- -tf


HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolnla,

Hawaiian Islands.




Departments of Business :

F.O.-- at Ac.-rNT- s arc a rate! y kept and prrerly.lle.-ti- . ' will rr:eive jtAt attentK'ti arvi returns j roinptU- - ma.i.

C-sva- - 'i-.-, a !?peialty. Kei-.ni- s an he.l and corrt A b--t racts of Titles fnrnisLeu

LE'.kl IwcmenT' .nd i'APEk" of every description carefully drawn and hand3Cely.

C p;. as d TsaSsLatixg in all Ianaes in u?e in this Kinr-.iota- .

Real Estate tUsrht and -- Ld. Tair-- tid an.i Property salVty injured.Iof. y'lZ2ir. K.rs!-- rl:.,e. and Lani iea'd and rentedand rents collected.FiF.t isd Life lssuasre erl'ct: tei in first-rla.- - Insurance Companies.

Hur-- s Bu :"! transacted with accuracy and dispatch.L.M.V- - Ne'V.t:atep at Favoeaple Kates?.Advert:-e- m f.n r5 asd rtt:K- .- R:p-no.- s soficitei for Publisher.SKILLED ASD L'SKILLEI I.Afe.OR FCESrSHEt-- .

Asy Article Prai hased or sold on corumissi"n.Isieb-Islas- d u ed e lis will receive particular attention.


Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-riv- e yeara inN"e'A York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.

JiLeraliy. We now come to the riverThames. This wind its way throughthe city of London for many miles.It is broad, deep, never clear, andhas considerable current, lo-side- s

being greatly affected by the tide.For mile the land on the north tankhas been redeemed from the water.Magnificent embankment bearingdifierent name, have been construct-ed at different times, those of thev ictoria and Albert being probabivtne oest Known to visitors. A srramtewail eight feet thick was built neon t

a foundation made of sinking iron ;

cylinders into the river bed as deeplyas possible, and filling them with i

concrete. Tne driveway for cr- - .

riagec a-- d foe passengers are 100 ;

feet wii.. while trees are planted oneither side of these, and still inlandfrom the drives are lovely garden 1

bright with flowers. furnihed withgarden seats and ornamented with '

statuary. At intervals in the wallare openings that lead by fiirht of :

stairs to the floating piers, at which ;

the river boats call for passengers. ;

Nine years ago the embankment wasfarther embehushed by the erectionof Cleopatra's needle. This obeliskwas presented to the Engliahnation in IS 10 by the Viceroy'of Egypt, a a memorial of Nelson '

and Abercromby. It was then '

pro-tra- te in the sands of Alexandria. '

where it had lain for centuries, andthere it continued to lie for fiftyyears, until at last arrangements '

were made to bring it to England, i

It was encased in an iron cylinder,and taken in tow by a steamer. In aterrible storm in the Bay of Biscay ;

it was abandoned, but afterward re-- i

covered, and finally raised its headon the Victoria embankment, whereit is guarded on either side by twolarge bronze Sphinxes. The Liero- -

srlyphics state that it was firt erectedto') years B. C. The Thames iscrossed in the city limits by twelve i

bridges and one tunnel. Until acentury ago the London bridge wasthe only one over the river in the j

city, and it still the most t

important of them all. The bridges j

ail rest on a series of giant puersfrom which spring the granite ar- - ;

ches. Trains, vehicles of ail descrip- - I

tions and pedestrians, are all accom- -

mlated by the variou bridges.Black Friar. Charing Cross. Water- -

loo. Westminster. Victoria, arenames, stations, an-- bridges familiarto ail tourists. There are fragments '

of the old Roman wall that formerlyencloed the city, still standing.Tne city centuries ago crept beyond i

ins bounds, and in the crush and '

rush of alt orations and improvementswhich have been made, it has nearly ;

all been swept away. Bat one pre- -

cious bit. perhaps a couple of rods j

in length, has been preserved, en- -

closed, and adorned with a tablet i

telling its story. Flowers are plant- - I

ed within the enclosure, the moss islodging in the niche between the i

stones, and the ivv is here with itstender charity ready to best-o- anew, ii it cannot restore its oldbeauty and strength.

rCcrj ntirci'tisriiicnts.

Hawiiiicin Tramwavs Co..L1IITPJD.;

DLF.ASF, NOTF. N F.AsTV.'AP.DJ. Till I'S." T;ri:e Tr,ie:

r. 12 . !r... Bish.--p's- .

f.17 a. no, U'alkiaii.

ih.:il.i he starred "Sundays Only." .

'3-3- -

Dividend Notice.

4 MVIIKN"r UF THI1EK r.LLAl:sper riur viH pj.i i to the sriir---holder- -!

of th Ir.tr-I-lar.- d sttrr.-in- N.iv:zt-tio- n

on . April I7th i:,st.at their . :M;-- on 'c-i-e- :. street.

J. EVA.I. I. rt. N.

Honolulu. Arrll 0 1 :2-- 3t

XOTICE.rnrr:r:s- Fn the c:i:Lr:-- s kx- -

c.tv.it-- r :m attrntior.i: teiej hor.- -: to N-..- . ?du:uii T-l-- ph ,x.k.

NOTICE.THE FIAWAIIAN Tr.AN-FE- R To.L h 2 n i h -- i :,-- r Mr. J. .M

.ue-- n. :: i- - i ti. i t 0.- - I.i- - 'heo'.rnr. ir-.- u: to i :r.- -i . nuz Ar r:lre : : :Le f.. ? ,: V 00,-e- .

hint street. !..'. t'r.e ''.-:.- : anytiu.v al-- o e at the vi-.i-

c e.


lizzie i r::'AN" w rT.r r.K- -Mi:.--

,i t;.- -

; -: --o.-.: v tr: r. ..e t:a.-- -

se-v-.- '. er::1

rr.i : 'il.: A : r-- - :

XOTICE.F...LTK I- - HF.KKliY A J "f 1 1

A :

NOTICE.r.Kims vi a!:f. in:M: .if.

t r- - . - -- -o t.' : . .i:.:..r-- : ttr rv ;. . :

. . 'L - :

Miv 1, I

TO LET.thk Ti:r. N..

th -:' V- -- : :.. r- - i i-- -

: -- -: : .v . '. .v r.e.xt.Tr:: - I: of

HKN KY 'A'AfKRHof.-K-.

Led Telephone No. 274.

NO. IIV:. EV i. L. D.

X:: far from the First AvenueHotel is Lincoln Inn Fields. The

Id ruin 15 till standing and thelaw courts adjoining, but the once :

f el-i- are all built over with houses,that themselves are old now. Thecentre of the fields is occupied by ;

one of the squares full of bloom, andshade. Though but a few rod fromthe busy, noisy High Holborn street. '

it is a still and quiet as country life- -

The resiliences here have a suli'iedappearance. One is known as theSoane Museum. It was formerlythe ho-m- of Sir John Soane, archi- -

te:t of the Bank of England, andmany other prominent buildings inLondon. His wife and sons dying,he left his valuable collection ofcuriosities for the benefit cf thepublic, and an hour can be enjoy-abl- y

spent in examining them. Therooms are small and many, but greatskill ha been exerciser! in makingthe most of every inch. The picturegallery is only twelve by thirteenfeet. But after you have examinedthe pictures on the walls, the keepertarns a button and swings open thevery walls themselves, and there arepictures en the inner side of thedoors thus opened, as well as on thewall beyond. A second time heswings open the wall, and by thisarrangement on three side! of theroom. 11S pictures are accomm-date!. Many of them are by goodartists and are valuable. The mostinteresting object is seen by des-cending to the Sepulchral Chamber,illuminated by an amber light fromabove. Lady Soane's monument ishere, but the object we seek is anEgyptian sarcophagus, that wasfound near Thebes in 1517. It is ofample dimensions and covered insideand out with hieroglyphics and fig-ures, that relate to the father ofRameses the Great. The greatcasket is of alabaster two and a halfinches in thickness, and a lightedcandle placed within shines throughit with wonderful effect. On leav-ing the museum we pass out of thesquare by a narrow street, and asmall boy on the sidewalk, lookingin our faces and judging us to bestrangers, says, "there it is ma'am."We look up, and there on a lew. two-stor- y,

very old fashioned house arethese words: "The old curiosityshop immortalized by CharlesDickens' It almost takes theromance away for a moment, and itseems as if the place and surround-ings are far too small for all thestage setting of the touching story.But after all great tragedies areoften enacted in a nutshell and inquiet,un suspected lives, and we haveall the more respect for the greatauthor. In this neighborhood aresome of the oldest houses in London,carefully preserved, and many ofthem retaining their old names, andeven occupation. After a little wan-dering through these by-wa- ys wecome out on Chauncey Lane clubsand chambers of all kinds have theirentrance from this thoroughfare. Atthe foot of the lane on "the Strand"we see a four story narrow houseinscribed "The Palace of Henry theVIII. and Cardinal Woolsey.'" It isnow used as a barber and hair dres-sing establishment. Passing downthe "StrandT on our right are theRoyal Courts of Justice, magnificentbuildings, forming a whole blockand having a frontage of 500 feet.There are nineteen court rooms, be-

sides a grand hall and galleries.. TheQueen opened the courts December4. 1S.VJ. "The Strand" is one of theprincipal thoroughfares from thecity to the west end, and is one ofthe busiest and most importantstreets in London. The stream oftraf5c is enormous and it requiresskillful navigation to cross from oneside to another. It formerly skirtedthe river, but now a row of build-ings containing many fine shopsis between, these still fronting on afine avenue that runs along the riveredge. The Strand once containedthe mansions of noted men and wo-men, the cross streets being namedaccordingly, but the palaces havelong since disappeared, or been con-verted to more plebeian uses. Somer-set House, erected 100 years ago.stand on the site of a former jjalace.but the present building is occupiedby various public ofaces. TheAudit, Revenue, and Registrar, alsothe repository of testamentary writ-ings of all kind are among thenumber. A number of the Theatersare on the north side of the Strand.while others are on the cross streetsbut a short distance from it. On thesouth side and nearly at its terminus


is the Charing Cross station with :

which is connected a large Hotel.Eleanor's cross, a gothic monument.


stands in front of it. The Strandterminates in Trafalgar Sqnare oneof the finest open places in London.It is dedicated to Lord Nelson, whe-at the great naval battle at Trafai- -

gar (at which he lo-s- t his life) de- -

troyed the feet which Napoleon had ;

prepared for the invasion of Eng-land. The column to the memory ofthe hero is of granite, and i liofeet high. It is crownd with astatue of Nelson. The base is orna-mented with relief in bronze. ,,fscenes in which he had figured, fourcolossal bronze lions crouch uponpedestals. grouped around thecolumn in the form of a cross. Twolarge fountains are in the squareStatues of Sir Henry Haveloek. SirCharles James Napier, and Georgethe IV. are also within the square.

At an oblique angle from theStrand, terminating a!o at thissquare and leading directly to theThames embankment, is Northum-berland Avenue. Here are clusteredthe most palatial hotels in London-Th- e

Metrcpole, Victoria. Grand, an--

others, lift themselves seven andmore stories high, and are fittedluxuriously, and p.atronized most

TLe Loro. Ion p.;; article ca cof("-- . L:cL vri.s ;o:e.i at length in

t' LP; I let in a lv rr two aoro. ;

prooioly cor ren in the msin, but '

errs in l;-- r a-i-riny unduly the

Brazilian t,r lot. Say the Post ;

'Our principal supply cf coifed, arouo-s.- p.vopLe ar aare. : derive!,not fr tr. the islan is cf the EasternArchij ela,. he! 1 t:7 Holland, bat :

fr.-rou- Brazil. which indeed grows ,

t.-ar- ly a-- rucL as all other coTe-- '

zr-:'siz.- Countries curr.bii.ed. Butthv .uaiitv vf that produced every '

AL-- re :n tn -- tv Ucrid is greatijinfc-rl-:-r th- - growth of the Eait."

inion, wn:ea :3 ou:te gen-It- -

rai. : to the fact thas the Let-- ra Us of Brazilian coffee are --old

'md"-- r .'. th-- r r.aa---- . nch a- - Java,'Martin: or evr: M x;ha. NeitherMartinique n.r Guadeloupe, unlesstheir 1 roduct Laa largely increasedwithin the last few years, produces ;

er. :uh c: 5-.- - to supply the market !

of Rio Janeiro for twenty four hours.The l of Bourbon produces I

-- ..freely more. Java, of cour-e-, as'.- v- all know, is a large coffee produo-in,-' country.

As for Mi'oha coriee. it is scarcelyrn re thau a name. As an article of

it has practically no exis-tence in the markets of the world.Yet. hat purports to be Mocha cant e had in every considerable cityan i town in the United States, andI .resume in Honolulu also. Manyl-- '-l '." will tell you whether theyprefer Java to Mocha. or the reverse.Many will teli you that they are inthe habit of using the two kindsmixed, preferring that to eitheralone. A.-- a matter of fact, there isnot one in a thousand of these pro-fe--- ed

coffee sharps who ever tasteda urain of genuine Mocha in theirlives.

A irreat part of the coffee which isLougnt under the names of places ;

having an established reputation forpr educing a superior article, is inreality Brazilian. The so-call- ed

Mocha i- - often nothing but the srnaiiround beans of the Brazilian plant,found at the -- ummit of the branchesand very carefully selected.


Not Hiny Kat llillet Tho Itei'itlnsVi'ariH au.l Who art; Pi.i Uith

The information is te'e-jraj.- h-

1 b a U'a-hirto- n orrepindent :

A'.'.:cAf;-'.r.-- f.r in theCo:i-u'..- ir servire not r encoarae-- i

by trie :.;t tr.At the entire number ofConsuls to whom sa'aries are paid b--

only 21-- 0 O: tt.e-- e twenty-tw- o are Con-ien.-ra- l,

wb sLiriea var from?..) to Jo rer annum. There are-- ;x cIas-- - of (.'...r.-i'iN- . exclusie ofL'or. .!;!.-- - jene ra! , the highest ciasii re-

ceiving per annuin and the lowest1 1,"). Ttiere are but ?even in thehhihe-- t -- l.v-s, ' f whi.-- six are in Chinaand one in Peru. Ti.e fCi per annumui.i..- - r.'imhers eizh'ea. the $"-.-

'V classand the tifty-on- e.

T..e are in th ? two clashesthat piy tl,y.0 andfr annum.

The -u- j-ply I', about equal to one Con-s- al

for every one hundred applicants,allowing that - r-- r cent, of those nowin orhce hi he retained. The appli-cants are suppjrted by potentialir.h will appreciate how slim areth'-i- r char.ce-- :..-- succes.

In ud-iitlo- to the salaried Consulsthere are a number of Vice-Consul- s,

Commercial A.vr.ts an-- Consular Amentato u horn no salaries are paid, bat whoare allowed to appropriate all the teecolier'ed up to $1, '.') prr annum. AllCr.-u'a- r orflcers are re"iaired to keep anaccount cf ti.e received, which feesare j trd by law, and make a reportto ti.e Trea.-ur-y. Th-r- e a reat dealof e:c 1

-- ."erat: jn a'j:t the amount ofCon ilar fee. The Consul-Gener- al toI.on-- a i pai i $'' salary. The feetnu-- t be pai i into the Treasury. For

work not required by law her.ir, . bar ? es which he can retain.

of these will not exceedthe am-o-m- of hi salary. This is theI ractl-- at all Con-u'a"- e.


A Sydney dispatch of Arril4 says;The British warship Calliope,which escape. 1 theSamoan hurricaneby putting to ea. arrived tdaybadly crippled. The o facers say "ittook hours to make the open sea, thewind was so strong and the sea sohigh that the engines were almostpowerles. and the vessel at timeswa unmanageable. We collidedwith several small craft that losttheir anchorage in the harbor ofApia. The decks were swept bymighty seas, injuring a number ofthe crew and carrying away severalboats. We never experienced sovi-l- ent a hurricane before."

The Calliope reports that theNip-i- c

has b-- en floated off the leach,the native lending material assist-ance. Before the hurricane everyprecaution had been taken by thecommander of the Calliope to renderhi- - vessel secure. Five anchors weredropped, but when the storm was atits height four of the anchor --chainssnapped and the vessel began todrift. The captain then determinedto leave the reefs and reach the opensea. Jvti-.- eventually succeeded inworking hi way out at the rate ofhalf a knot an hour.

Dr. Tay! r f the London Epide .

miologieal say that some ;

kind of common mould may give;rise to diphtheria. In sup-por- t ofthis statement, he relates some

under his own observationin which serious outbreaks of that )

diease have been developed bymould on the wet plaster of leaky '

wall, while old tleeces of wool and i

mouldy skin appear also to be thesouuvs of similar infection.



c at th- -. :r . :'

A...o..t.-- i Hle. ;.! ; i' ;r . .. A -

t.- Tivr.y '.. , ji, .

T.f.ia. y;r..r a:

TJ r:. ti'r O e.i:;..

I :. v h t- r.e ... : :Tr- -i a . L

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r ih at the .j -, i th ' r '. :; i- -r

j ;.--h J th-.- - re:.;.t.r. i- -r ::.: r. tot 1. j. ivy i:i '. x , s.- i

tfir-r- - yctf, ir--- .- t f iv.t'-- le;t:.r. : i.iy .1: tL-- - r tV .:' r. r r rn:.r;

Thi ; hi--- r ::.;-- . ::L;r. ;fr m iiv .,f j.-.- r..t-.- ; r. : I .


"j :.'.t y h.r:. a ! ir. : - -- m- .1

i I.iy .. k fr r

r..?".: j :; .


ii iMr.t' a ::; '.m; --;w I rr.- - 1

n; f.r.A; p Ayr.::.: : te j .r r--

A r..i; of th '"An I - .t: it th- - i

S ;rvt-;- . ..!: a-- i i .a th-- r I; ...-t- :n i- - i r 1 ,

a: t;-i- - fro:.! f

K Ari l fa.l f irt; . :I i'- - .'a:; : -at th I.Ar: I .


L'H'.l-.l- A. Tiffil-T- ' .V.

M.:.:,:.-.,-: Ir.:-.-;-- .r. j

Ir.:;vri.':!;. April !.. !" '.l"t .I


I) a ?. a v 7"

v v y. v .'

il-.-- Af-ri- 1- -. I

! hrrtLy ivn th it th- - : .'..a :::r- :. h.i.e b-- a? ;.:':.:! Aar.:-

ff thi i'jr t:'.;:in-r- r:t-i, sir.i jAHUAry I. v:z:

if.. K. C?.-f.E- T. H..t.a'.. f..r at. i

ufl K"ini. H a a a i i . TLOt- - J. W.-- i:i?l.

T. K . i:. AMiLf, Ho. kti.A. for .:.rhKon 1. Ha

K. M. J .si'3. If. -- OMi'oi, f, .r ."o.r !i K:ia.II j. v.iii.

JT:-- - K. VV. Ly. . U'Airui. H tu-ii-. :' r


lir . U'. Paty, r.iA :i' ., f.,r f f :.i;.k i t

Haw. ii;. vire P. II. U". Ho".Jr,K5 I:a:wat. HiriAlei. r'..r f'i-- T t

IlAii.t!-:- , KniAi.

minion of John P. I.Ahi. V.t;r :o. a An j

Atkr.o'.vle.lirir .r Aifat of thLa o- r r j

H Am ii.A. H.iT.ii, w i. rcn'i-- e FehrAry .

l-- v.j

Till--- . ;. 'HIP.rM. i

liesri-trA- f of ( '...nv. ai.C'--'- .



Royal ilwrrrs P.vi 'r. rt, Eruma'ia.--e, :.' p. in.

AfH r.-o--r Ai.r-- Hy J. F. If. th.v

r:iorfar's 'i f.r r:-b- oj .1 '..Y. W. C. T. T" I) i:ry Mai I -o- i ii, Y. M.

A. LaII. ! .. . ru.


Paoilc ComBsrcial Advertiser.

r. ir. ! a.-.- t:

t.''t v'.i ct r..if tin u.uN: it



According to an Eastern paper ;

received by the last mail, the colonyof Suth Australia has passed a l- -

tax law which, if correctly reported,is very much in the line of the plicy advocated by Henry George.Town taxes are to be levied upon i

land Talues alone, and all improve-ments in the colony are exempted. ;

It is understood that larte quanti-ties of land in this colony, as is com- -

raoa in new countries which havebeen settled by enterprising peoplewith well developed buir.e instiucts, ure in the hands of pocu- -

lators. by whom it is not improved,but held for a rise, or for the realizing of what Mr. George appropriately calls "the unearned increment.

Such a law, under these circum-stances, wa hardly fail to createcousidei.. do of a commjtion, andcause the land speculators to kickvigorously against a policy whichmust inevitably break up manylargo unimproved holdings, andwork very important change in thecondition of the colony.

So far as wo are aware, the SouthAustralian law is the nearest thatany country of those times has yetcomo to putting Mr. George's ideas '

to a practical trial. As experienceis tho only reliable tost for jvliticaland economic theories, it is to bo .

hoped that tho land tax theory i

about to bo fairly tried as rovrted.Whatever tho result, it cannot fail tobo intoroMting aud instructive-- . j


Grocers, Provision and Peed DealersSo. 52 FORT STREET, HONOLULU, H. I.

Lltut 0VtIt' 111 Tl 'llHOlin '

Per : r11 v ele. ted bv me forHor.ol':!:: and the other l. s.-lr-




Iron and Locomotive Works. ;

San Francisco Calif.;

W. H. TAVT.O?. Fri Ir z.1a. s. MOo?.i

Builders jf Steam Jtohinerve

Is all iia hnnitm.ataniho!. Sri.4b'.p. Lai tt.iw t Boilers,

Hi,;- - ccO:n.;...u-- .STEAM VEsSELS cf aU k;r.J bruit comply,

witfe ; ot vooi. ir or vmp.:.tt.OSDISAP.T EN-.'il- Ea cosij-o- a whaSTEAM LAUNCHES, Har-- - s t tira Tit cob- -

i.--- to h !u;loyi. p. toaaa, aa.il.-i-:'t .jf wirr ".raateii.

LoK MILLS xz.1 Mak! M..hicryvi it:.--

r---.: ap j rT. pUr... Aiao.ailfc.):I-- r Ir-i- Rort(oaicil tbrit(i.

Wa TEB PIPE, or o:!r ct In:- -, cf asyci.k.i ta ia:u I coLniv:tito:br. or sheta rri;.l, j :iz.c.ted an i j,crii

far ssipnieat. t.-- "c n-tc- on h

HYDRAULIC RIVETINO. E.::r Work ltd WtrFtpa o-a-.I ty taw uoi:a':r..ost. r:v-:.-.- 1 r jby in .lie r;vrt:a mt.'h:cry. tb.it ofwin Eif.ix fir i iprtor to biL 1 work.

SKIP WiORS. sbi? ir.ti sti-- i Ou.tans. s;araV.'ia-b-4- . Air C:rcn!.ir: hmp, u.a4att-- r ib- - rc oat ipi.roii p Uas.

SOLE Ant :.I m.iaTfi.:t-;:r:- for th Picii?C;t of tL H:r. Sftj ro;Ir.PUMPs; D.rtt Ac tic for Irrijfitloa ftcitj works' r ar; with tb i:lebrtlVjti7e Motion, r.pr;or to at.y otner


ohs dyki: Honolnl itl-ir- u. R.irr: No :. n t.- -. t r r j

Manhattan Life


t w yw. F.,.biuhM

This old Company nc--v oifers to the In-

suring Public its new

Survivorship D.viiieml Plan

Which a.Zir-:- all the advanta -- es of LifeInsurance durir.i' the earlier years of life,ar, I at the same time make-- a provisionfor oil age, as the Policy-ho- i 'er can sur- -

render hi Policy at the end of the Sur- - I

vivorshipi PiviDENTi Pzki'.tj an-- i receive j

its Ffix Valve is Cah thus combin-ing Investment an 3 Pkotecto.v.

Anv information cheerfullv far- -

n is he. I.

JOHN H. PATY,2h I2") Aent. j

KeceiveI p-- r S. S. UmatillaA Full Line of Spalding's

BahrelDall :Goodsi

TH"-- . LA '"K. Fort St.

AVOXG SVI,To C!h-.- A o l j ,er .


r.-- s: - K. I;. TO. ::.

;;.(ile iTousi-- :

n uua n r 'TL F.ET.

t.- - r. '.r I-- N i.

By the buy. Week or MonthAt l;m.inf,!c ftt-a- .

s:;: Sr. J ry .. . itr.11 tr. .vn.:.tt. f t. n. r. r .;.tiTFPfS. Ei:oU.-- E, Ph.. p.

linnvoo.1 For Io'-

SB per Cord,AT ( II R. OLRTZS

" y)li' sfHKKT.


CHOICE FBESH BUTTER,Island and California Our Specialtv!

OUR MOTTO!Excellence of Quality



29 125D-- tf

P. . 505.


Iamily and Island Orders Filledvith Scriiplo-Q- s Care


H. hi. ZVKr In tyre Firo.,fMll HTr" f.s AND DFALBH-- " IS

Cxroceries, Provisions and Feed,EA5T CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

havim; taken ?tuck, are offeringAll Goods at Greatly Kieduced Prices.


J)IAM0ND DYE1-- tf



Page 3: T ir a - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · to possess small, well-shape-nails, and their handwriting is somewhat angular. Tlif American nail suffers from the dryness of cur climate,



i (Ivrrlisenunls.Lupines items i.r K.itt-- r 1 uii;

iAKK1YALS.l'im.Y. April r.

Makce, Maca.ilav, fa..

Thirl A mi n il tuouiit o( the irulrr j

A Laryc l'.ahtnee to .Nt-x- t Acfuunt.In the Supreme 0urt at chambers, j

The iuo-j- h lovked mUtv at risin,In. l'aeilic Hardware Co., L'd

' i ..iff:--- V at -'-. v

r C ROYAL ti ) J


Spev i.il Solid SteelPlanters

! HOES !

Xow Styles ot Plows,ln oft-c- n Juki at Hand.


Agricultural Inplements.



Ex hut. 1. P.rewer. I'lnatiUn, V.II. PiniotuL Alex. McNeill

and (J. N. Wilooi.

prrespoHdence will receivejronipt and careful attention.

P.Ml .ST-- v

0r;rMn li"mi6 "'ii Mfc.



Having JUST 11 ECKIVKD ex above vessel a Consign-inen- tof

CL l--J. AlTJAlI & CO.'sJiXTJiA i

iu:y " CHAM I

Wo otI"er tho fanio for nalo at

.S.')(L(K) per Case, ta. 1 doz. qts.;82.()0 er Ciiso, oa. 2 doz. pts.

Y. C. PEACOCK & Co.,


THE ARCADE,7." and 77 FORT


Fifth !. of One I ae - 1 utt-- nt iiij;

thaiiitfi lrff filint;.;

Kahamuml vs. A.-hfe-rd lasted through- -:

out Friday, the tilth day on trial, to heroiimed on Saturday morning.

VI ciiamukks.Chief J nstiee J uad exatniiu-- and up-- !

proved third annual account of Tru-tc- es j

0f l'ihop hV.ate. t!:e proceedings Wingreported at length eiewhere.

.Mr. Justice McCuIlv examined anda'l ed tirt account, leinpr for ear end- -

itU' April 18, ly, of lion. Y. i Parke,guardian oi Frederick Kitcludl, a miiKr. j

Tiie account shows receipts of fl ,7iiS ;;s,

fn? ''Matures of sLJSu 47. leavingot to creel it oi guardian,

Mr. Justice McCully also heard pet i- -

ti i cf Hon. S. M. I Union, execute.under the wii!, of the estate of the la'e

arari iicK.son, lor oiscnarge. a.ieared, and l i il Brown for M. Dickson.It was ordered that accounts re approvedand the executor discharged upon tilingfinal receipts. Accounts show .f J,010.t'4received and paid out for debts and legacieu of testator. S. M. Damon, by acodicil to the will, was devised $1,000,and Live grand-childre- by the will,.ff00 each, hut the realizations of theestate oniv left suiheient funds to giveS. M. Damon $748.54, and to S. C. luck- -son, H. J. Dickson, L. F. Dickson, II. A.Dickson and J. Bates Dickson $14!. 71each. Stocks and bonds were originallyinventoried as belonging to the estate,amounting to Sl'O, 017.78, and being inthe hands of Joshua 11. Bates. Cincin-nati, F. S. A. A note of February "JSthappended to the inventory bv Mr. Hart-wel- l,

however, intimates that, by thewill of Mrs. Catherine Bates, the testatorMrs. Dickson had only the income forher life from those securities and thevform no part of the estate. MeniesDickson, son of the testator, was devisedcertain shares of the Cincinnati MutualMarine and Fire Insurance Company,his receipt for which will release theexecutor from all the obligations of thatottiee as ordered by the Court.

UT'ATloN BV A PERSON OF CON-flderah- ie

experience on a plantation.Will accept a place either on Oahu or onthe other islands, where a willing man canmake himself useful. Address 0. F.

t'3-t- f Advertiser Office.

Dividend Notice.

IUVIPF.NI" (TON THE WAILFULMigar Co.'s Stock is due and payable

at the ottiee ot c P. BE WE It vV CO..lueen treet.

Honolulu. April l' lss;. !i-;;- t

OTICE.S I INTENT) TO CLOSE OPT MYbusiness on April 2"th. 1 jrive notice

that all watches and jewelry, lett overthree months for repairs, will he s(Jid atauction, if not claimed on that date. Alloutstanding accounts not paid on Aprilf0th, will be placed in the hands uf a col-lector. MAX EC K APT.



I 'all at Anderson it Lundv'sPental Office. Hotel street, after 4 o'clock.

83-- tf


.'rieriil's and the pa!l:c rnral!y that hehas th ELu-k-enit- h and Carriage Shopfor a erly con ducted by A. .Mor'in at Nos. "'J and

1 Kin strfPt, where k is now prepared to lo.i'.l kic.is of Carriage Painting a ad Trimming,Carriage anil Heavy Wgon Work and GeneralDlackrfraithmg with promptness and dispatch

guaranteed. 131-t- f.


.A. 1 1 o rno v a, t'Law ,

OFFicE--Hono'iu- li Hale. Merchant Street.H.'o-l- v


Manufacturers' Agent, Importer andCommission Merchant,

!. Merchant St.. : Honolulu.

Copartnei'slii) Notice.


fore ex.stirifr und'-- r the name of M. W.MrC'liesnev tt havinsr )ert dis-.olvi--

hv the de-'tt- of tiif Infe Mather W. Mr- -. the hu-i- n s of the firm will Ik-:- i

con firmed H iio; ii find VrHtn-ro- .

under the -- ame lirrn name of M. W. Medo-siif- .v .Sons.

HI'.NKV NELSON MrffrpsNKY.PORERT V. Mi i'f;.sN ;y.


fie- u her'-K-'i ve not ir

that mv- - wifr. Mr-- . Pmma Aloi.-oi- . ha- -f t mv i.rd and hfiard. without any pi-- .: j

.oi-- e or p ro voc.i ' inn . I have- - takn v,,it, i

i 'if f r a i.d ou r hi id , hd t hem j

t it a as not of anv use. -- he was l.ouiid j

to vi, and ie;i v me Therefore. Ihfrt-h-y ffintion eyrry store rx net of every i

at . irialit e in this Kingdom, not to tru-- r '

her on m a ou.nt. A n v ih'hrs ron t r;e f

V 1,(T I ;ii n'.f : T'-'- !(.: I;s any 'lM-'irn'-- .V i

' i tl. i fi'. -

Lis A d -- fi', tr.lf l.v i, r ill i

r ' i.v ;i 1' i' lid s.( d ) .r.or M'.

K'a:. K . t i . . i : . ' r d ". I - - 7- -'

AMEf.S0X k Lrxnv,J dentists.

i:ti rrri a r, t i ; i r r r

fr-- i ' t i i ri f !

' . -- ' v r , a i n n i --

r.i.d i r . n"rfvvn TTid r. -' . r k a ilfv. ipT .ti- - a e i r ; r :,'( ,v h ; i :i re :i

1 s f Hit s'i'i r ( 'f irn'.itinn fc t i , - n.rrKi'i'h . ( w. iu M ; ft (,u trt fidf':r I'r. 'ijdi via !' M' tal Li df. Ail .p-r-- i

if-;..'-, . d ;i if i ' T ! i ' ,v ii t,r

at.- -r ii 'ii if.-', ' 1 - in d'-n- al - FTi'---

xtr v t hi 1 pal n jr.- !.! use ( f-- ' '! s . (i.i-- .

1ST" ( sff 'f. Tr'vl in pr-'mi-.-

f.r.-l- y

n atvount of llio death of Mr. Simon Cohn, tiie Entire new and Magnificent


.At ;iiicl Below Cost !Everything must be disposed of ;is the business "will be discontinued. Tho

Stock consists of the Latest in

FINE MESS & EANCY GOODS,Laces, Embroidery, Hats, Feathers, Ribbons, Silks, Velvets, Trimmings, LadiesUnderwear, Hosier', IJoots, Shoes, Slippers, etc., etc. Also remember that wohave a Large and Elegant Stock of Gent's, Youth's and Boy's Fine

CUSTOM - MADE CLOTHING,Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, etc., and

By Buying at the Arcade You can Save Money.o

of, 12()l-S- m ....- - EG AN & CO., 75 and 77 Fort St.


t b..-:- . re Chief Justice Judd, on Friday,Ajril P,nh, Hon. S. M. l'amon.of theTi i . l- -

, . . i m . ' i

deceased, appeared, and there were pre- - i

i sented the Trustees' third annual ac- - !

count, wui0 tor the year !, and .Mr. ;

J. II. Heist, the Master's, report thereon, j

The Court alter an examination ordered j

the account allowed, the Master's report j

continued, and that the Master's fee of j

o be allowed; also said the Trustees)would pubh.h annual inventorv" as di- - !

rected m the will.In his letter of submission of account,:

d.-tf- I aroi irv !,--I l:.f. Mr Damon, afterreferring' to the showing ot receipts cf4,sjPoi and d; s'ouremer.ts ot

180.14, 8ays :

"Tiie lare expense has been tor theh.amehameha chool tor Boys, to wmcnhave been added, during the year, alar-- doruiitorv, cottage for teachers,

I Iar;e irvmnasium, carpiuiter's shop, and i

a great deal of w ork has been done ontrie grounds. Durmt: the year the trus-tees have received from Hon. Cha3.LI. Bishop the munificent gift, for theSchool, of a lar'e, fully equipped schoolbuilding, with all the necessary out-buildings, and a large play shed, all tobe u-- ed as a preparatory school." Thisthe Trustees "mo.t gratefullv accepted.and it is now in full working order, with j

a full complement of experienced teach- -

ers and twentv pupils. Tiie school for (

older boys has a very elheient corps ofteachers and v2 pupils, with every-thing wot king well and giving the Trus-tees satisfaction. The Trustees havesold during the year one small piece ofland at Lahaina. they have purchasedsome small pieces on this island to com-plete boundaries, and have sunk anartesian well on the estate property atWaikiki."

The following figures are taken fromthe Master's report upon the accounts:

RKCEIPTS.Rents $0.7.7 sskaniehaiueha School 3. !)' !KJ

All other sources 5,147 so

Total .$l!.34 58


For the Estate generally, exclu-sive of the KaniehamehaSchools $1.7."U -

For Kaniehameha Schools. . JJ.410 77

Total 44

The foregoing statements show a bal-ance of $3,67".14, adding to which theprevious year's balance of $131. oO makesa balance of $3.v;io.71. By a correctionof the Master, however, the real balanceis made $o, 7815.03. The Master in hisreport calls attention to the non-observan-

of a provision of the will, directingthat the Trustees "tile before the ChiefJustice annually an inventory of the pro-perty in their hands and how invested,and to publish the same in some news-paper in Honolulu." It is to this thatthe Court had reference in the order ap-proving the accounts.

The larger items in "all othersources,"from which revenue has been derived,are as follows: Sale of Governmentbonds, $;.o00; Sales of land in Lahaina,$800; Fisheries, $775.75.

In disbursements some of the leadingitems are as follows : Repairs and im-provements to three houses belonging toEstate make up $341.45; the Kaivviularoad cost $500.85 ; $U,U00 on account ofthe contract for the well at Waikiki ; realestate was purchased as follows : build-ing corner Beretania street and ChineseY. M. (J. A. lane, $100: What Cheer I

House $"J25, land at Palama .8263, land j

at Kalihi $o5!.25, a total of $1,247.25;surveying, $bi'5.05 ; for Kaniehameha !

schools dormitory $777.01, work and J

machine shop $l.u42.2d, new carpentershop $387.82, blacksmith shop $102 4,teachers' cottage, etc., $3,981. o, waterworks $807. Oti, school grounds $710.00,roads $043.6.5. desks ami seats $U03.8 i,uniforms $o2o.05, salaries $7,471.80,boarding department $3,067, preparatoryschool expenses $1,088.85, and generalexpenses all schools $507.05.

The foregoing items may serve to givea general idea of the magnitude of thetrust in question, and the importance ofthe charge it has in trie KaniehamehaSchools.

Stockliohlers Meeting:.


holders of the Mutual Telephone williif held at the orntuiny s nuuiiintr onFRIDAY, April 2oth, at 2 n. ni., to rr.n- -

sitU-- r a pr .position to consolidate with theHawaiian IJeil Tclt-ydton- ( o.

C. O. PERGER,!)?-t- d Secretary.

itenn)Viil Notice.


1 ' mo vfl tlicir Jf-nt;i- l Ofiice into the1 irje Ouiidinjr on Hotel street. kno- - n a-t-

Treirloan pi.ire. and h.ive leased it andrro!-rt- ",!if;t-- . ted therewith for a termot five years.

Notice of Removal.

I f E I N I E PS P ' N E 1 HAS RE-- jmovft! hi- - otti.-- from over I'.ishr.j. ;

o.'s p. ink to No. Id K aah u ma n u stree-t- . or i

f !i i: oili. f. i rr i ot! y 'ii o 1 hv II m. H. A.Wl.li-lii.ltili- , at:d Wlil ' liiost happy to at i i

rctid to :o v husitifss that may r- - fu! ru-f'-- d i

his are. PA UK E.llor tho '1 . so-i-

Heinova! Notice. n

w. M.-"i- mv. iiavi:, Mtvr:iJ. rd.i'-- j ;' !.!isi;,' -- s ;. rn the up.'.' - .;'r i . 1 1.i a a. i an Tr.ii r ' . t- - t n- - II art if ss-- h i if l'ii i;i. N'. K uiiT f f , U- -r. i : i r i r y h:s i f i ss ixu'l the )iii.li.--

!,. u tl.al ! r- - :tdv ri ri nf inn !hV. ! I I ra i i i s ; ! rjdf r h ' f": !!!!'"


I. V.. rw1r'rl.T. r j f oTrKN"- - jMIN. i i ir- - j in k i , ( ' i f ' i n if n

r i ' 1 "U- - f, N - T ' - 'a u i i : r- - ,

rrs Ji( t f i i'ififf!An tfi.ar.in-t- f

l'l i 1 v C

IJooms to LetAT Ml. ,i;tli.. i ii i u .

Kapua.Svtir K.u Moi from K

DKl-AKllKK- S.

FlilL' VY April t:4.tmr Kinau, Lorviuen, tur Maui amiHawaii, 1 p w.

. ,St;nr ' 11 Ldshi.p. l.o Claire f r circuitOf Uah'i. ') a m.

Ai.l t'.tn. S Wilder, I'aul. for ;a:ii' ratlCl-iCO- .

1." st.hr Norm i. J-- . hno:i, fur J;.?h:::0'

Stmr J A Cummms Neilsou, lor iog- -Lia I'j .i m.

Vt!d Tn-iU- y,

8rr:ir Ki! me.t lieu, I'arueruu, fur Ha:i:a-iiua- .H rv:t:i, t m.

A:u Planter, 1Y w ,

Frav.ei n),S.-ii- Waiehu f r Ivi.na.

el K M't ! from Forviu t'ort.Wh-- r from. Lu.

Soil r,' ii North . . .San Fr:i!icie,. . Mar !; '

!ir 'oano .. San Fratici-c- o Mar 'Jociir Ida cL:;auer. .'an Mar:".'

lVi. Si.-n- i una . San Mar'J'iHIt A:u iia .Mil Fr ii'.' Iho M ir '."

-rt I.urline Sau I'ranei-e- o April :''H'.it I'lcovery an April l- - i

W l iii.it rjy San Francisco April j

Hz Alex McNeil . .Jan Franci-e- . April ;

C- 'lu-- a an Francwo. Mav 1f.Mi-uel- .j an Fran--iM-- . M ty I '

hi ( 'ey San Franei'Co Ai'r:l'"Pk lr Mi zer .... .

. . Mar rHk Pei. Meiau;' Newcastle . Mar Mo

!' ( M.tfTrv-v- a en. Ne.c;i-t!- e . April 1

Prv ( ' 11 KflllU'V . . NeA.MIe. . .. April 1

Pk. i'ak'.vau . . Ne'.vca-t!- e. .April to ;

Ilk Hauea . Liverpi.i.l. . . .lr bk ltiyal Alice Liverpool Mav ii

'hr Tri amph Victoria . . Mar 2.)Pk I eut-chia:- :d . . FreriM-- .J u! vPk. .1 am. iiea i !a- - ivv .A r;l '."

Mi Paul Ifn!iTi. . i !'.V. . . . . Mav ilik Jas I. Harway I" ltn ..A-i- - 1

P. C O Whit more Putret .Mav 1

P.kt Klikitat Pu-- et Souml MavK M S S Mariposa. 'ol nies Mav I

st'!ir Sailor Pov San Kranei-- c .April :'oI'.kt S N .'a itle ".

. . an Franei.-e- o ..Mav 1

Ially Itf-fi- t f 1'nxlui'f.B.u: snir. iU.--i rice. Slid. pk's.

Stnir Jas Makee. l'," 13Schr Kn Moi ;' lo

I'A'i'iENriKKS. j

1K rAKTCitLS. j

For Volcano and way port-- , jn r -- tinr ;

Kinau April 1 For the Volcano: Mi.-- s ;

Lohman. Mi V Lohman. Mi-- s Fo'-er- . I

Mrs F.vans, Mi- - Slden, Mrs J ('.1 A t oller, Jr. K C Macrarlane, Mr St Men.


Mrs Pfhoe, and Mi.--s Kveron. For wayports: M'i!s Maronie, A Failey anl wit, t

Mr Alexander and chiM. E F Zurnwalt. L i

W Zurnwalt. L M PaM.vin, l L Naone. MrLelinian.J A Low. W Wioo.iale, ii W t.'Jones, Mr" M I Mon.sarrat, nurse and twochildren. Miss Ahiona, and ') deck pa-?- - j


The steamer due to-da- y are: Lehua, .

Mokoiii, arid Waialeale. j

The schooner Waidiu sails to-da- y forKoria, Hawaii, with a cargo uf lumber.

The steamer Kilauca Hon -- ails at 4 j

o'clock thid afternoon for Paauhau, Ooka- -

la. and Honoiuu.The schooner K i Moi arrived yesterday

from KohoLilele, Hawaii, wuh sugar forthe bark S. C. Allen.

Messrs. John I. Spreckels .t Bros., ofu Francisco, have added to tht ir Urge ;

Ceet of tugs the Alert, lielief, and Active.The iron baric Annie Johnson will finish

unloading coal early next week. he h.ialready commenced receiving sugar tor i

an Francisco. j

The American barkentine Planter, dpt. j

D. W. P. Penhallo-.v- , sails at It o'clockthis niornin for Sari Frarn i:o, with about j

l.lOo tons sugar. j

The hrigantine Lurlir.e sailed from SanFrauciico about April 'ih for Ililo, 11a- -

waii, with general cargo, she had alio adei-- load of P imib-- s and cow-t- .

The American hark S. .'. Allen, t'aptainT. Thompson, will leave ruoru-in- g

with 1 ,1100 ton Mi:ar tor ran Francisco.M rs. J. ireene sv.il l.-- among the passe-nger.

The American b irk.-ntin.- - W. IL Pi-inin- d.

Captain E. P. Drew, will sail to-

morrow fort-noo- fur ran Francisco. vithHhout -- o: tons- Migar and rice, andbnchs. bananas. Several p.tssr grs willtake passage by her.

The bark NVwshi ,y tinis.he- - unloadingher cargo of coal "to-da- y. she has dis- -

charged l."l tons coal in about eight andone-hai- f days. She will commence receiv-ing suar for Messrs. W.i. Ir :n .V '.early next we-k- . and i e.pe tet to sad forSan 'Francisco the latter art of next week.

I'.OUN.FKASF.P In San Francisco. Mandi 31, to

the wife of Harry L. Fraser, a -- n.


Kotr on i li i l Disch.i of Defen-tl.i- ut

in AssaultKennedy, a sailor on the bark S. 0.

Allen, was on Friday fined r' for striking Preseott the male, when the latterhad ordered him to scrape the mast.

Joe Fernandez was tried for assaultingM.J. Uocha. J. A. Magoon assistedprosecution and a good deal of evidencewas taken. It proved that complainantwas the one elderly at fault and got nomore than he dehere i. Defendant wasdischarged.

Three natives had $J each to pay for

drunkenness.i ivir. casKs.

Ii. Ballentine vs. i. S. Hoi'!g!rtaii:mAssumpsit tor 11 ", Lalanc; of stakes

with a.s a varer on

horse ra-e- . T. ravton for laintid"; W.

II. Sea for defendant. I 'fen-!an- moved

that ri:it W dismi basedalso tli.it saj.it Won an ille-:r.- l contract ;

transferred to anoti.cr .rtdjr-'- .

present JivL'e is od l.y haying'expressed opinion in for:n-- r m-i- '. Ihi.s

is the case iiniiiit.d wi.-- iio ir 1 as ".! --

Humpsit hr 1". balance cash deposit."on the loth in.-f- . On the pr--s,-r-

iefelldant Otf-rc- l no evidence, andinent wa-- i ;'iven for plaintiif in aniountclaimed and M. '.", eots. App. al m-tcd- .

Two na'ives ch ar.-c- d with d.-s.- -rt ,n-- '

contract service ot Allen ec Eo;-i.-;sor- i

aid thev were willing to return to s.-r- -

vice if put on any css.-- i la;t tie-s- , I io .nt-- i

:loiwahin-- , as the mate of that Vi-ss-

had repeatedly tnem. Tiioywere ordered to return to service of thofirm until the Moiwihine arrives m port.when the ease will he tnrther neaoi.

P. I m u-i- vs. .foim Cm.. Assumps-

its fJ-'f- . W. C. Achi for plaintirL dnd-'-cie-ut

for .laintiir with :'."" 'o-t- s. At-torne-

commissions waived.John WePster v- -. Ah Fook : Mim.

Parker, garnishee. Assumpsit lor fP.'rent. I). Davfon for pKiintitL petnd-an- t

, :, .eonfessed judu'inent ;

A deMrfinjJ servant of the Ilaiwe Co.

uudfiited to return; costs fi.

'Jul Saturday aitt'rnu..n :,.! t l'.vthe band.

A wi'.'.in man for any work suited t.)him vvants employ uieiu.

I. ;''. dc-r'i- r: ser uv, and drirkwere the caui. wi tnice uire.-t- s eLerdav.

The I' o'clock ear from Palarna venterday started at Princes Liliu ..kalani":residence.

The Tramways Co. ive notice of earsthat hou'.d he marked tor Sunday eu'.vm their time table.

The Planter is e''.''iru to 'et away firsthas a fcoo.t prorabihty of the

eari.es: delivery or mail.

Hie Supreme Court adjourned at 4:Abyesterday afternoon till 'j :U0 this morn-ing, tiie crim. t.n. ca.--e still on.

A: the Faster --ervice. 10 a. in in theKoman Catholic Cattiedral, tiie St. Louis

i '. , ' i. : . l i ivnc-c- - muir an i uana win a? ist in themu?ie.

KeruemhtT the Pairv Mai l Social oithe Y. W. C. T. l tins evening. Jt ishkeiy to he one of the e."t tertain- -

merits in a loiu w hile.

T ie schooner J. C. Ford, on arrivingm rraneico fourteen davs from Ka- -

huiui, drifted t.roa.lside um tiie ship1ll;ir,-s- ' but very little damage was

A meeting of the stockholders of theMutual Tei.-idton- e Compauy is calledt'r i ext, to consider a propositionto consolidate with the Hawaiian Bel-rdepho- ne


A four-leere- d mynah chicken deadiiias been on exhibition at the Bulletinothce tiie pa.--t two days. The leu'S aread equally well developed, somethingunusual in such freaks of nature.

The lioman Catholic Cathedral wascrowded at the ( iood Friday service inthe evening, when His Lordship theBishop of ( lba preached an able Eng-lish sermon on tiie subject of obedience.A native choir rendered exceedingly tinemusic.

Mr. Felix OUert has secured theOpera House f.r this night week, to ;ivea grand pi mo recital. He will play-nin- e

pieces. Mr. J. W. Yamdley willkindly assist with the violin, and othertalent will furnish specialties. Furtherparticulars will be given later.

Planters will find matter of interest tothem in the advertisement of the PacificHardware Company. New goods by re-

cent vessels are also mentioned for thebenefit of the general public. Their storeis a permanent exhibition of a vast rangeof art works and articles of utility.

Mr. A. T. Atkinson, Inspector-Genera- lof Schools, left by the Kinau for

Wailuku, where he presides over theteachers' institute for that section.From thence he proceeds to Hawaii toresume tiie inspection of schools on thatisland. Miss Atkinson accompanies herfather as far as Wailuku. It may bementioned that the questions for theteachers' examinations are uniform forall the stations.


Chinese LHjrnlity in Propitiating Tlit-i- r

Deities.A conspicuous object to all coming up

King street yesterday was a flame-colore- d

poster, extending about twenty feetlaterally on the wall ot the Chinese Bene-

volent Society's building. Inquiries ofChinese gentlemen elicited the informa-tion that the poster contained full ac-

counts of receipts and expenditures inconnection with the recent prayers forram at the The contributionsto the praying fund had been overOno, of winch rllt'O and odd had beenexpended in the propitiatory ceremonies.The balance is to be devoted to thecharitable objects of the society.

Arrest for Libel.Mr. P. A. Dias, editor of O Luso

Hawaiiano, was arrested yesterday on awarrant charging him with libel.Messrs. II. Hackteid k Co. Became hisbondsmen in $7)00, and the case will becalled before Police Justice Foster this,morning. The alleged libel consisted ina report from a flilo correspondent,published and commented upon by Mr.Bias in his paper of March 30th, whichwithout mentioning name charged aPortuguese at that place with selling hisdaughter for a certain price, of which foowas paid on account, ine gin oeing re-

tained by her parent until the balanceshould be paid. The man w ho regardedhimself as the person hit came to townanil procured a warrant for the editor'sarrest with results as stated. Mr. Biashas retained Mr. W. A. Whiting ascounsel.

I'u?li Concert.The. Band will play this afternoon af

Emma juare, commencing at 4 Mo

o'cii 'ck Following is the programme :

I Marr! T!e Navy Millockeri vf-rt- r' 1 it'.is.- - Mozart,Final'--- - Tanniiau-i-- r Wagiif-- r

E-- n:- - ilai.'e rrvWail. - of !hloika--Pl- .t i iLi-s;ir- s Jl,.

ton is sliortly to liave rwiriiri-cen- t

atliletie A syndicateof capitalist hav- - pnrohaso.l thelarel on the (.'atnhride ide of theiiack ray. The purcliHse inelnde-1,- 1

iOO,x HI square feet of land, are! iti- - the intention of the rnariagv-ionr- .

to lay a half-mil- Ljeyele track amibuil.l a p;ran.l stand, which will C'ntain, arnone; other thiri-- , a parlor,dros.-ini- '. retiring and Lath roomsami kiteh.-n- .

si'K:l.L H( dM' ITKfs.

Krt'r 51un.i '. K - K V 'V dr'l i Vi' : tst.--

!l .11 I

i '. nir..ni -

M vKiKT, K in,'

i , .7i!if,v in t ri'.-- i Vn 1 !!! tli,i..',v.- - pl.t'.-- . -- t Fkvl)KCr, i rt st ! f,


Absolutely Pure.tor quick raisins, the Royal lUkitirf Fewilrr i

sui'trior tn all otlit-- lfavemiiK aut-ufs- It is ab-solutely pure Aiiil whoUsoiur and of tle t il.illeaveniiit; jower. It 18 always miiforni instrength aii.l quality an.l m-ve- r faOs to laakriigtit. sweet, iui"t,t i alat.i)ile an.l mitritivi- fo.it. j

Braa, Visouits. umtisns, eake, eto., r.i.isi .1 wit)Koyal P.ikius' l'owdt-- ui. he l.o- - w itt.o-.'.- t j

rrsult to the most d iioatt di.a-.stiv- t

organs. It will kttp in aay climate iti,ouidetf rioratiou.

l'rof. it. a. Mott, l'. S. cioriin:fiit riifinisl, !

atttr exAtutuuiK or'uially the principal ipakiu;powders of tl:e coiutiy, repotted:

"The lijvitt lUkitit; Powder is absolutely pure,for 1 have so found 1 1 i n m in v tests made hothfor that compauy and the I uitt-- Mates uovevu-men- t.

"Uec tuse of the facilities that company havefor ohtainiiif; perfectly pure cream of tartar, andfor other reasons dependent upon the properproportions of the same, ami the method of itspreparation, the Koyal )iakin Powder is un-doubtedly the purest and most reln.hn- - bakingpowder otfered to the public.

'1k. liKMiV A. MUTT, Ph. 1.."" 1 --- 1 -- 1 y r. S. i, ( 'b s t .

CE-1R- . GERTZ,Importer and Pealer in

ients', I. ad -. ami Children's

Foots, JSho.s and HppprsNo. M.t Fort St.. Honolulu.

7-- ly

Can he found next door tolheT ('. A.Ottiee, Merchant Street.

Hacks Nos. 1J, 37. fifi, To, 180AND WAUOXLTTK IIO.

XT I?ll Telephone '!04, 1lutu-- I T,iiO.2. 3 tf


Known as

KAIIUKU, KAUIsland of Hawaii.

Contains loi.000 Acres.

zsr-- Apply to J. O. CARTKH.72 1 tf


FLORIDA WATERThe Universal Perfume

For the Toilet, the Fl.-il- and the Handkerchief.

In view t l the attempt mantV'.':r.lly hy

to f i;t upon the puhiica w..rt!de-.- s ir.i i rat i' . hearing thefc:ncr:d outwar-- apiaran:e ofthe jjenijine, we at'ention tothe hm marks nf thegenuine MlkK.iV LanmaSm FLORID V AVATER.

F.arh t.r.ttle r.( the prnuinfartii hf.-T- o.i it- - r.eck the d ra'ieM irk, wl.i.h :.r.i.':.irs al nK-i-

th;-- , u .ti : an.! i ea' ii iti.e j. ir:!.hiet, whi' :. is wrappedar,!ii: ! it, ajir-- ' ar-- . i;i i niit waterma.-- k '.elteri the - ,!'.


If either hf l;tf U i ntr rjortthe artU le, uri hjtuiious.


San Frnnclsoo, Cal.

. . M

,- s -

v --op- .V

' r.'K. 1 v

Si,. R . r ! v i' ri i f '

sFf I T i " 'i f ' , r i ! a anil6 r ; r, I . i ( .'I fi I

, . I. r, j." (T it

I. I. S. rA K. .!)..trrq.ir. 111.

!!: t Mt.Htt,.it: I ' ...-L-

- .

I VsON. s,M f ( II .

d U'd-i- v

ni.- -

f-- H V iUlSfc '..";., . ... ....- - . "v.. r. 4 : i I r.r. ..,.al -

rpins put.ii rs li it on in,!;I fit E. ('. IKf----. A t v f r; r r -- n ' ,

A'.kcv, 'd '--" M rrhfint Lx h,m:.f

S,in I'riiru is' ( 'a,, h rc i 1 1 a t I rad-rtisif- i r cm ! mad- - f'.r i'.

Pioneer Shirt Factory, of Honolulu.3NTo. 17 Enimu Street.

,jTho u ntlfrsitfrifitl l.ci'H to liifoiu) th" X''dlc if tliM Inlandn thai h Ik making Nhlrta y

inc.-t-mrrii- iit. In i : tiiniw for f measurement will be given on application.

White Shirts, Over Shirts and Night Gowns.


S 75 and 77 FORT& CO., STREET.

to fvf'.-- ordr. Island ordera Hollrtt.d.

M. MlLLIS- -14

Daily ?. C. Advertiser

Mmlliitn lu tht Kliifilom.

Planters' MonthlyFor March, 18m.


I'.dilurial C'omiwntHL:ilirorH and Cano in Hawaiiiras as forliliVorw

Sntrar I'lanfafiori in ToxanVafori I'.cct Suar KntiTfri

l'a kinc ''ood for Tranjrfa.ii"iiNotes rtri Snar Mm hineryI'. uli.ld'.iM Seeillinjr Ciinohirei lory of 1'lantatioiiH and OtlirorsOr.mire and Itnon Cnlltire in Sii-jl-

('old Storage for I rnitsI liH'ni.m in Texavr.t rni ida or Manienio (transSnrar l'iotes in LouisianaN w ( ano IMseaen in Java


Yearly snL-Trij'- iii

I'oteitrn " . :? (m

r.oiind Viiliiiin'H 4 (HIVoliitne-- J hound tonidei,

g,i3r' Address ;

ozr;rn: i,iu,.lishin( co..Men Laid St., Honolulu.



A (it Kti.'ii-an-t ! ly a Shirt

i ,


The Weekly Gazette and

Aro tli ISfMt Al vf'i IImIiic

NO HOUSEHOLD.Should fv r without. Ay r's f'li-rr-

J'fi t'.ral. tMirin inori' tliatt fmtyUii.-- tiK-d'- in? din provi'ii a cnrnfi.r ('old, oulix, Koi Throjit, H'iitrs-11- 1,

Intlm ti;i, Astlim.i, I'.roin Iiiiil af-- ti

t tions, and all


I!y it n Lines strrnfrtlif nod,tii voi-- o'ofii-s- rnotf ov-rfu- l aridf - x i find tho ihsidiou njipronidioHr.f ('otiutuption jito inmtor.'i' tod. Inr:is of Whooping 'oi;h. Croup, andofh r ailrriorit of tho JiJ, naturo, to

)nt Ii hildroti am pondiarly li;ihl,jrotnpt r liof may ho ohtainod hy moanof thisj in va'nahl" rotnody. I'arontiBhould always Jiave tlio IV toral atLand, thus i;uarijn

Tho Little Onesnnint sorions illnowis vhi'di may rosultthronli hi k of t i si ptoi autioti.

Ayer's Cherry PectoralU of croat strontL and rtirativo powor,a fow droj.H f.nJy hi in4 ro-do- fur oa li

ilum-- . It is, thoroforr, ati

Economical Medicine.fnU flirty (i')f't (trri,w)inf mrh f"tllc.

Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass., U. S. A.

Sold hy Pri'irisO and Modicinc Vcrtd"r.

HOLLISTEH & CO., 100 Fort S.H'i(tP! I I',

l ;r( ,. S'.lB Anil' II iWfl. I.UridS.

Page 4: T ir a - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · to possess small, well-shape-nails, and their handwriting is somewhat angular. Tlif American nail suffers from the dryness of cur climate,

DAILY 1'ACITIC COMMERCIAL ADVKHT1SEK, APit I L 20, 1885).iulvfrttsfjarnts. (General vlUtirrtisrincitts. J3atitrttscuttnii.

THOMAS LINDSAYFRANKt GEBTZ,Has KeiaoveJ His Manufictnrin)? j

! Jewelrv Establishment i


(I.liiiilt'U .

.knj:i:. l .mekcantili--:

-- AJit -



tly t ! rjori.l-- I . . I Man AVifh ( Iorr-f"n- tIV;nr-- t hikI In ii..),.,, In- - i:v-4- .

V,,r' Trih'Ku. '

A nru with a ; i r i I faro nv.d , !ear-ru- tfeature-.- , ul.u-ccyr- s had u p i!i arly inliorent io .Jv in U, .m,' g,,l oil an c.'e '.at. drH.lro.nl car tin- o:h.. r d iy L, ,i.w downtoWM lit; I it i ;t i;' absolved in lh.-to;- i

tints of a now-p.ip.- an. I apparency didHot liot'n- - ji iiuiiir n.aii silting m-a- idin,w iiO-- c eyes ) ined nv-t'-.- uj.ua h:. heavygold watrh f iia.ri. After several stops attliO .stations the ar Leeaiae nearlv iupty'1 he young man ' Middenly r se, and.iT..-.i- n' over to ih..- old ontleiiiaii, re'II ; t ( I.e. I

"I I yovcr j. an!. hi. sir. but i, not. thisyour purse? I found it in the -. it In

"3 out -- id-"I he o'lh r man lo-- d at the pur-eari- e

tf e;i at the .unLr ma t fur full a minute,'linn he fHie ui!y it moved J;.'s :'';irs.


troiii 'iiuniiii Street to

TJiomas Block, Kins: Street.Particular attention r aid to repairing.

ett AdvertiserLIST OF Of FICEItS:

'' Ir President and ManagerY," ,r Treasurer and SecrtryUou. tt.t.Ail..a Auditor


;H",:- - r- - I:- - iJiI:ox. Hon. H. Watertuusa

--4OTrnnffHIIlirOOK LUX & CO.Wiped theni wph h s l.ai;.iU r hi- f, sniied

lo bini-el- f, a;;.! i ai::i!v .ut r e l

A t:d .1 ii u a L ;:i.ne what Kou!Jyou .lo w i'jj it j 113 Nuuanu Street, ojp-isit- e E131113 Hall


ai.I t!- I.!

vi'i!.; f.-- l

.V.1U it t.) iiiE' H'o Chan & Co,rIS THE

" Whv f enurv. "

lo'.v, i i ' t i,l ji inli e ti lie!'. "

h, yi --.

1 sec. i h;lie "A il If ! for li Hill.!.!it - elie that i en. e up

t Chinese & Japanese Goods,yrvit man.

a ,d i. t tell"I

I lie iMl I! Ji: ' souie hat fi.e;iNt'LAXi: ST HE KT,

Hfive Jusit Received by Late ArrivalsA large and well assorted Stock of

band-painte- d China

cetteil. in. ehanie til y o!,.-ytd- , and a. lowed Eire Crickers, New Designs In Cups anJSaiicc-es-, Tea, Cigars, and all kinds of FancyCfOOd

At Urt'Hlly liluvoa Vrlceti. ea cling Da ily Neiirsjp-ajpe-Dinner and Tea Sets'

! tr .... v' ; ...t


ti.e fitter elie to J.reei d'Mine dt iii Apiii. Mnie thr' vertrs

h'o, 1 n-a- J through ( lriii:lT.s?! on a hu. n. s. ctraii. I. when I

a air fit laiiy's hii -- I.jvi s lyiuj up-- thehilc:iik. 1 liuriietl f, iwar'i i.jiirj; thrmuji luit was ut t.-- la e. as arn.tii r persod a disia.H c ale ail of tnc s. eiirf lth in. lie li.ok. ii at me in a j '.i u alluaiii r, atnl vn tun I ak. il him to I; me

To which the attention of intending mir Heats by every steamer.elia-er- s is direct d. as no l'oodi of mia HAS JUST RECEIVED PER STjIE. UjIATILLA,i".ality have ever been imjiorted intomi- - niaiKer. all varieties and POST OFFICE BOX NO. 255.'pi.uiiies oi

Silk Handkerchiefs, IX THELare Stock ofOf Chinese and Japanese make. Also,TO A KKIVE by bark "VELOCITY,"

now due, an assortment ofGRANITE


II HackfeM, from London

them, he poiitviy -u ' e. I. J!ut us iffearful of linui; seen In: nu.ietl nif; tuome into an open doorway wLcre we

could look at our pn" e with omprati vosaletv. Ah I took the gloves frori hishand and pulled .hem a?virt, sori" to ea!iii:ic their wortl!, 1 va4iurprisi-- to lind a lixviru, Jiravylump of somotli'mir 1 io. 1 up in oneof the tinkers. Wdtii greedy ha.-.t- e I com-munieate- d

to him my diseoverv, u h( n hosnatched tlie ;;loves from my hand andCemnu'tieed working the urti le out of thehiifer hole. In a fev momenls he heldup to my view a hands-- . mejeweled rinir, which at the lowest ouhito have In c.i worth s.'m. I expressed ?ny

Ladies; Miss. Gtiits' and Children'sPaving and Curb Stones-- BEST-





Fence Wire,Galvanized Pncketsf

Best Coir Mat tins:,STor Sale at Lowest Price byTS

0. W. Mncfnrlane & Co.129 tf

surprise in a very open uav. ar al askedhim to let me see it. This l.odid, and atthe same time linked what I thought itwas worth. J unhcsitatmgly ave' liitumy opini-.n- . Then what had we betterdo with if.' lie asked 'Why, advert'. itin the papers,' I sutrested, 'and theowner will probably -- ive us a hainhjomoprice for returning it.' This bethought was a very irood plan. M1i 1Uwas then on L is way to the trainto go uut. of the city for a month or two,ami consequently he would n, t he nV.e torec eive any of the moi.ev. 1 li ull y,.u ')ic tinally said, 'the owner will at'least

(Except Sunday.)Latest Style and Best Quality


Itopoitor., U'hole.ale ADd RetailDealers id

Groceries and Provisions. BY THE84 EVER IMPORTED INTO TIIF KINGDOM. lmgive ou slO tor retuniing ji and ;f rmiwin gie me no now stirrer.diT the FILTER PRESSES.IKojise (ioods a Specialty

lHl-t- fgtows ana ring to you. Mow des th;suit? It s lair, isn t it . ! HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO'll. f; 1 mil To i!;tic.iv Jl"Wat, und so without niurniiin'rig I h.ui ie j

rum and walked awav witL Kim rin.' HAWAIIAN GAZETTEHONOLULU MARKET.The next two days I ude:tisei in thepapers for the ,wner of the ring; but no(Successor to Win: McCandlesa.)vuv rauie io ciaim tt. n the tourth day

1 Concluded I had acted 1

I'AArHAt: Plantation', )

Hawaii. March V, 1SR. J

Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, Saa Eran-cinc- o.

Gentlemen We bave used two of your rel

Filter i'resnes this season. Theyare convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to our satisfaction. I can recommendno improvement on them.Very respectfully yours.

(signed)" A. Moore,Manager I'aauhau Plantation.

--o-mutter, and was now justilied in selliatr X. 6 iueen Sirvet, FJmli Market, Ho- -vi.. i iook ii to a prominent jeweler'swhere I knew its true value would be noliilii, II. I.piven, and what do you think it wa

The young man shifted uneasily in his Subscription, : : 6.00 per Annumaim uuuea iuo suuiing eyes of thespeaker. holccst Ikcf, Mutton, For, Fish 011111112 StaDllSHHient"Why, it was a brass ring worth aboutiueuis. ana put in the glove bv that rascal of a swindler. ow ih,n " ..M,t;'..

. t vuiitiunod the gentleman, in a severe tone.

These Presses are being carried in stock inHonolulu and are sold at very low pricesto meet the demand. A consignment is now onthe way.

Kisilon Iron & Loco. Works,San Francisco.

Tor particulars enquire ofJOHN DYER HonoluluRoom N j. 3 Spreckels' Bloc k:82 1234 W.O.I 1CW IX ., Agents.

Or 50 Cents per Month :VEGETABLES. ETC.,

Always Kept on Hand.what would you do if you diseocred

mat same fellow up to Lis old trickoguin t '

o.i ii.:. .mo i.i ill hiailOIi: i must rrn Merchant St.,(.ood morning." Ami the young man Honolulu. -Family and Shipping orders CarefullyWilli the purse sad gently along the cir. Attended to.h::u o.iappeareC in the crowd on the platform. The old Delivered by Carrier.Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at shortreading, ami chucUcd to himself every notice.4iun una men. Tlie Planters' MontlilyPuWie ll:tlM. Tolepliones 3STo. 12

rome ot the most splendid works ofancient Koine were its puMie h.iiUs. TheirreniHi.TS ire to day the wo;ider of all whoVint the imperial city. It is eidcnt that LOVE'S BAKERY.IU l.oir-.n- s under the emperors weren ore c. e.ui.'y pe pie than the onliearv'tweller in our modi'in larire cities. It i";

7:t .V ii hum ii Street.notie able that m ad capitals of the worldlo tlay ttiere is a (I.spo.sition to imitate the MRS. ROD r. LOVE, . . - Proprletresa.jxouiiins. j mine iiat lis are recognizedlem as f.:-enti- al 11s I'lMinium v. l,

Devoted to the Encouragement of





And more especially to the develop-ment and perfection of Cultivation



fact, all Classes of the Community. '

J'ubiie health can he pre-ersc- d in no het Every Description of Plain and Fancy!fcr way than in providing rm aris f(.r mm,Kcepmi; tlie mass of the popiratio i clean Broad and Crackerse me rcdiscovi rin x a. so a tart we'dknown to the Koman., that hot airv;ipor l aths have a therapeutic value. F R E 8 II- -iney cure iliscases ot various kinds.

The public baths of ienna almost v iSod.i Crackersim nome or ine in man bitlm, and areIhe finest lti the worl I. The bui'din

A N D.nuaiea m uie luart of the citv, isof Cane and the

MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR.leet in length and i;t in widtli, and hasttccommoilations for l.oOO in rsons at o::e Saloon Bread

Alivay on Hand.time, ihere are also accommodationsfor women. In New York and other ofcur larirc citie-- ; free haths ia summer wer

MILK BREADlir&t lootvt'd upon us an experiment, butfire now re-- a idol as a necessity, andTheir popularity early increases. Otlur A SrKCLLTYlarpe capitals, such as London aid ! aria Plain and Fancy Printingare hindered in providing b.iOiin.' fn.-Ji- i


erhatnn when tl,o importance of the occasion warrants It


Islitiiti Orders lrimptly Attendetl to.ties, because of the tliJicuItv of procurirT

This popular journal has entered on iteighth volume, and having been

Enlarge ro PagesMonthly, makes a yearly volume ofnearly GOO pages, devoted to the agricul-tural and commercial prosperity of theHawaiian Islands.

172-H- m


uiit.eni wilier; out irom the tendenciesof the aie, it is very clear that before the,twentieth century has far advanced, thoruhlic baths of the modern w orld will viewith those of ancient Home, not cnlv ingeneral utility but in splendor.

Iltiquettn for the Se.sl'..H.x'.n'

A s?asonab:e bit of gallant etiquette iioileriu'r to empty a lady's slip; er of thesand gathered i.irini; a stroll on'tho beacluThe iiidj- - Imp.', on one foot while hercavalier. cr) much in the same wuv liewould pit k a .bt"iie from a Lor e's 'hoof,defily extracts tho gritty part it h rvhiebliavo mad' the l"a:r one "ai ha me "fashionable slippers v. ere i o. m-id- fotcount! y walking, but !hev are a " !..(.on. "as Artemus Ward ..;:co said of the t..wtr

Lhw Books and Blanks, Pamphlets of any kind,

Tlie attention of the business men ofHonolulu and of all persons engaged inindustrial pursuits is called to this per

Id a necessity to Everv Endiel. c,.nn,.: . , , ..iodical as a medium for

Ilabana Cigars,

bavarian Boer,ot" the Ilaekerbrau Brewery, Munchen;

Strassburs: Beer,Ad voi Using & Information

Lawyers' Briefs, Freight and Plantation Books,Statistical Work, Colored Poster Work.

Lithograph Colored Cards, Business and Visiting Cards,Ball and Wedding Cards, Programmes, Billheads,

Letterheads printed in Copying IrA--, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Lf L"Udoil

Kills,im wh0 (lesires to Lep of tne


zzr :! Local

as .ualiw t

..... - . . , n 'If the deejest dye at summec

"W ha h can be obtained in no other pub-

lication, here or abroad.resorts;

! tlei'i rvth-!:iKe- r.

Ati.uda Cr.!rut ;.!.paper reporters h:v- - doue txd UltV ' ti'V.d f 1.,1' tr.i.

The v.tCeediii'splaced m ol.a.ue t.-- the myth iacrorr.

1 he storv tf th. r. w.a t un i.-- a i.ne 1cry my Hi, ut io. !

Flensbnrg Beer,

Double Extra StoutBottled by M.B. Foster ifc Sons, London ;

French Clarets,1 w immmmmm mMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

f qualities;

German Preserves,

j JTlThe price of subscription U very


A few copies of bound volumes of thej years 186 and 18S7 can be obtained :

yiumarv newspaper reporter can c- - t up u'Ullvr one in twenty minnu s bv thewatdi As a ma'kr ,.f f;,.n l.e t,a.ventetl better t.i.es ab.ut Lincoln ,- -

Onmt. and is rrepariag to inxent otherswhenever he deems it !H:cisar. 1 ci.'uvc the luedtrn myth maker. ' 3.50eaeh.:o -


j SBaek Volumes of the I'i.wtehk'Sr Address all business letters:

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE Co.,Month r. v bound to order.

! Address:

in tins.


Ed. Ilolklilaeier & Co.,


A Tirel In,isH f r.iid )M,. th-'sr,- . iaATLat mini ii.'iws.in I , ti.er f', ui..I

T.'h.-r- e er..;t e-o r i.r.-,i- !i, ,l t v n'rIwoul.l r..st,Mv,-.Pv.,.,.- ,,..!jast twv-i- t vv. ars tAn. I "h-- n 1 aw,.!.,- - fr-.-i- . i;,,s i,Vp of ta soulI v K n.v.w without t.Vhiri;- - U , h..Io.i.

Jhi:-ra- t'ud in Jud.;.

CT" Address all business letters :


H. M. WHITXEY, Business Manager.

H. M. WHITNEY,Editor Planters' Monthly,

36 1254-3r- a Honolulu, II. I.

H. M. WHITNEY, manager,

Honolulu, jr V