II I u u 41u f u r a- s j I j 1 JjOpkit1JufUeJen1tulhUn u 1 1 f 4l jM z 2 I = Curs Your Cough iIt Can Be Done With Dr Otto SprtlW Gum Balsam tt AeogrGiro x e k lam 10 Joarlo aoandhlh hRdncou 4 = Itrledenveratpaylclagejhaygsvo = vet uch dla eartone = reconpnonaetl15y F IE = rocoverlnll Finally r 111 Jrevallfd upon 5 4 S a TeOlIectwlUasltbyI = the oOUkau uU7andeaeo IaloptE mediclnethat nowwell mend roar tnodlctnQ fo old folk bave a hocking = cough It there ever was a bumanltr = Own Dnlanm Bhonfd be hoarttlyyocommend SI ned AInJJOIINOAxunVlNd c e Th owaslnlSST Anknrnwn Is s = IIUII alive und wol and lUll Ottos = Spruce Gnm Balsam when troubled With a 5 a cough For onle by all Drugalata i Hiiiiiiimiitiiiimiiiiimtifiimiiiiiiiiiiniifitiiiiiiir WTII AVENUE KOTXt Loolrittl xv- 13est2U tel the Irlll Blectrfc Ktcrou I ttzCeurnatt fitauag r lY CIRCUIT CUUBT DIRECTOR l1obrnarytermthree threeu HBISTIAK Fourth Monday In February term sixvf9DkaFirst Monday In four s Monday in September- termpizweekL CALLOW AT bbcond Monday in April term three weeks First Monday in August term two weeks Second Monday in November term three weeks LWrtLiFlrst Monday in Hay term two weeirflret Monday in August term two wee fret Monday In beptember term two weeka PROFESSIONAL CARDS CHTANDY J > ENTXSrr Office over Kellys jewelryStore HOPKINSV1LLB KYt BAIiIENT M D AupItEw Physician and Surgeon f U pktn8V1QXJ Office Firth v > d Main streets gppfito on> i CourtRoom > v2Fi Telephone Office M3 eald IJ04 t Jail I Landea Jas B Allenawjrtn andes Allonsworth L Attorneys in Law Office In UoDanlolbulldlngnearOoBtiHoupe a o iurSpecial attention to colle lUona F V ZIMMER ei ATTORNEY AT LAW 1 OhrieL attention claims Alice in Webber block back of Court House HOPKINS viLfcfe Jtv HOLTONi HENRY E ATTORNEY AT LAW IOllice Court Squarec BopkinsvilleJIt i DR WM hL FUQUA 10 SORQEON j General and Special Qffice wer Planters Bank tOO HOrEINs UJ I I IirI BOyl JOQL- t Barbersi 7thkireet q YUpiy EspeolaIAttentfen W ptro l 1 tf Ida aQ dpoAviuoe- a W GRAY r 1 ri QRIAL pTISTSj ENTn STBEET ELU U1LDINO Glean towels and everyfng flrsh k Gira us a callM n 0 Wm YATES THE BARBER V- Aaslflted by a first class workinai can now bo found at 809 Last Ninth etroot whero he will bo pleased to I JMO all his former patrons Usual prices Shiue 5 cents MADAM EECLAME Ontifoiag Bo Acted with Her Butlt W j Not All Acting I have told only three people in life that I once played 1044 to Mm iuecla1l10Pin 0 throe impUed LondOis7t1tboa diJbe- i c lieved tne state ¬ ment publicly that ac ink Dluilu fo j ftJ V I fks romantic s fen nd4wenty J thtidght laUc1lJOpelelSlYstag eclmae I need dUe WM at 85 j all s Ilrr beAuty horee centrlcities and car Pos wcro house- s hold words IIr genius nndtftncliantrnent 0 her marvelous voiej tad gone to iny brain like so inucliOTine and I fitfls verily bewitched Could anything sound moreliopel KT hm to be in love inbus actress o the day when one ipevonjind4wen ty and draws a n a of five pounds a wedlt Nothing defy you to contradiofat I say noth ¬ YfMy contradict it I livcd in a lodging house in West Kensington and honvI reached honjo and wo hadflightflia our bed ¬ room cigarettes irilportod my heart burnings to him r nVhy my dear ° he said dont ho a fooll Tjltwrill go to th Lyceumand spend monoy an clap the skin off YOU lisnda but as t supposing that you will ever spec ta Rosa Reclamc y ra just as like to be elected an M P Silo will liar season and go haoikto France with ¬ out being aware that you exist She will will sljoT I said En fin you will sec I shall live to tell you that you wore ittfstakon To ail exterft tsinly his proph- ecy ¬ came true I ixtt to the Lyceum sand spontmy moneyand clapped m jiaii s every night for a week At the fall of the curtain 1 used to hurry round to the stag passage apd wait there ono of the a1tendanpcrawd to see her drive away I bought her photograhlhand copies of such of her plays as wercv procurable commit- ted in fact every extravagance ap ¬ propriate to the circumstances but at the end of the week I was as far from approaching my divinity as ever A lettershe would not answer it Versossbo was probably inundated with verses and bOlides I was doubt ¬ ful whether my French was equal to Evidentlythere force myself upon her and trust to my eloquence afterward to avert the catastrophe of summary dismissal I sat watching the conclusion of the fifth act with aheart that beat as if it must suffocate me She seemed to mo more gradaJ ul more exquisite thaliaver ° The thought tbat in half an hour l might be pouring out rnj adoriition at her feet sliooklo in my chair Ten minutes later Frou Pratt was dead and the house was rocking with applause 1 I did not pause to think I tf as veri ¬ tably insane It Was only as I sped along Piccadilly and neared the hors tel that I remembered the improb- ability ¬ of the servants allowing me to enter her rooms aiid then for a mo- ment ¬ I halted irrosolutely I must get in before her and await her arrival I strodeinto thjfrhall and presented myself at the desk v Mme Reclame I exclaimed au- thoritatively ¬ fsho is oxpocting mo I havo an appointment- To my surprise ha bowad l affably Madame said you would kindly wait if you called before sljo canto back he replied Hero John Mme Reclaraa J I stopped into the lift trips borni rapidly to the second floor alnlal notr boforoI caught my foundmyself ushered into a coiufdrte able little sittingroom where aimj p table was laid for twoJ X4iad been mistaken for someone also and unless the oxpectedet myietci The imopiece on the vtj sli o ti quarter p ari t f4s for me ioa tteIU1i >+ oQpy IJi wtliany of the llluirT- TttOd mBciTtfi j ME t pa CAttered- about Even the manys Qles fI Rosa Rablama that I saw failed to lvot mYn ten There wcro foot Stops appTOaoMne were they bets or lUsP I tNfJ1es that coulfl ree ly E09 OP8 doorwas llif iiM shQ andshe was My gue stuck to the roof of my mouth as I xope4Mada1nU I Said humbly ads vancing I awaited the avalanche Ohshe cried this is very good of you How I hope you have not I bored yourself I am very pleased to meet you monsieur Let me take bJF my cloak and then we can talk She ran into the adjoining room lilting me speechless with4 ment She hail then never M in iea of her delusion cente expedience and inclinicli said bask When she < mirj ravishing domitoilet I eatjjtofllft f gy ou B1rpr e tne you arf young she said sipping hr Mtijg glut of 11 t this country mon DiCUibO young L 1 tile yT wrote did not January I faltered r M ffi SVly yes n Or am i mi f fhave your letter here tiVe111 all that presently j liy all means I agreed yot 4f to1T own wo J the scented tobacco together i What we did not discuss i a t charming solitude a deux W e champagne bottle between h 3I wino and the magic of her ing stimulated my fancy and Illy nation ran riot Criticism l phy and epigramall mora r I shallow and cheap I darer ffijiaM tYdd tlI 1Iromo iiift astok at my own yWe had more 4iip ttesmorc o champagne I V W site was the greatest actress thft had over lived My gaze said that tIought her also the most beautiMlJ ivbinin Whet she was sad at sums Momentary rOm iniscence my hwSit ached for hor When she was h errmy laughter cooly I > Presently sha said Well molt sieur and now1o business odious busin w Ior it obtrudes Huff in life v It doqsp I anted growing palo I hate business Art is everythin enchanting art- But let us arrange if we can and get it ovor What is it you propose- I inhaled a deep breath from my cigarette and prepared myself tomoot the worst Madame I replied fi propose nothing I only throw my self on your morcy How I dont know for whom you take me I dont know why I l vas admitted to your rooms I onjyicnow I asked for you because I was mad with admi ¬ ration for your genius and your lov- elinersbecause ¬ I felt I must spoak to you or die Ever since you came to London I have boen moving leaven and earth to secure an intro ¬ duction to you Tonight I left the theater like ono insane I came to your hotel and I was shown up here j Ibohavod like a scoundrel I know it Myonjy oScusp is that when the op ¬ portunity of spending an hour with you presented itself the temptatio- was too powerful for me to resist Now you may call the servants and give me into custody for obtaining a supper under fnlso pretenses Even then I shall have known the happiast hour of my As I began topea1a quick frown of anger gathered itself on her brow andmore than once she mado an im ¬ patient gesture When I finished and stood before her waiting hor sen ¬ ton co she regarded furious r eyes rt 4Do you know monideu j that your impudence has caused me Serious an ¬ noyance she said atlast OTwas to have discussed with a great entrepre ¬ nour a tour in South America and un ¬ derstanding that he had arrived I jjave orders that no one olit who asked for mo should be admitted DQUjbt iW6 lao has been soot aaynatw fcad made the anpointmoi tQfld iljmgh your insensate folly fe > Whit can I say > I stamlue I would not have doneyou an injuijwor nil the wealth of thf Indies 1 to myself and yet to have been you as 1 lwvel if you knew what its m t1o ruel 1 ipJTou rich man here you think y ju caftd ltnYt1 in sho said bitinglir lips aupposo you bribed the p Ij I4t lf < 4Amu I assorted the eorv ants are absolutely innocent and I am aclerk with an income of five pounds a week Slid looked at mo in momentary in- credulity ¬ then the crown melted fnd he begs to laugh 0 but that is too funny 1 eho mur ¬ mured There my child dont look- I > if you were going to cry It is a It jI i 4I i i 1 I r a taM that I lied felt like it 41 am not ping to box your tars though you rlcbly deserve tom such a thing Where are the cigatetUP I roust Intokej o hexatf the spilltnd ue delved the burnt endrotnlritr nana v WS54 down she sald jrtintlj I ihallbeinagoodliunpragifii 1J nuflll pa while the wandered about ale room hum- ming and once or twice stealing a glance at me FormyaJ1fmy eyes never left her in thatifaterval Well she exclarfoid suddenly stopping and i jj is almost- caf1asjng tones ondlppe I disap pointed you ij IDYIelf 1oTas a you Rhattliere is left for lip t0 do is to take oy leave and beg yili Ito accept my polo Y tomorrov W PUtt apology I ted Was a Veolt salary spent but she would not allow me onEJo1s As she had promised oy had quito vanished She was moro radiant than before Fraitpiou in tho first not Toll me sill she denial you arc a clerk that is reallyMm It is the miserable truth ut not 4tall I responded I anm clerk who ongs to be an actor Tenc- hactorto act the lover to y elf tot what part would you prefer tij1 make love to me hllpdfaher 11 erci monsieur will k tas a souvenir she smfltd Ajfflfin what dramatic rolo Armand I said boldly I call A rehearial she Jried Come choose your act andnake your entrance Wait first you must be scene shifter and move time able Quick quick I am on fire to begin dragged the table to tho wall pitchedmycigarelte in the grate and stood before her panting Act two I I That act is ExclnimedI Armand has I choose act two madameI4ro pealed from hisvlasontranceto the end Ahshe murmured nodding den mutely Very well then You know the lines Commence The act that I had selected termi ¬ nated with her throwing herself into my arms I took a step forward and spoke as naturally as I could Mar ¬ guerite can you ever forgive me Was this woman who turned to me wretches trembling tearful she who had been laughing in my face like a schoolgirl a moment since Do you deserve it Why did you write me that cruel letter You have mass me ill What would you have mo do I went on with the part lamely at first appalled at my own audacity at utter ¬ ing the lines to Rosa Reclame But in a few minutes my selfconsciousness wore offa nervous exaltation took its place and when I came to the speech youn mad I love you and my love is not easilyfade the emotions we wero representing as if I had been an artist of repute Shall r over forget the scene The space cjeared among the furniture to serve as a stage Reclame in a sort of tea gown playing as magnificently as only she could play when she was in tho vein and Tstage struck I a jeuno premier at last Suddenly sho changed her tone and spoke as the waiting maid A letter mademoiselle It Who sent it It Count de Varville It was my cuethe cue for all Count de Varville Now Mar ¬ guerite this is tho touchstone of your aarch My lifoA your honor hang yoi r answer U I thundered out the lines for all they were worth and waited It There U no answer My arms opened and the next in ¬ stant she lay upon my breast liar face intoxicating bewildering was upturned to me and carried away by ntjiusiarm I bent my head I kissed Rpsa Reclame and she let me do it Thai she drew herself from me and extend d her handf Monsieurshe said the rehcarsn s finished Your acting has certain- ly sincerity Goodnight < n Excepting harass the footlights aevjr saw her again Madame Too Good An Atchison man threatens to dis- charge his cook because she cooks so well site provides such palatable meals that he eats too much Atchi Eon Globe t 4wf nFar r I If ewer superstition could Glut exiiuse I It would bewhen the expectant mother calendar in land ponders the fortunate andl110pea flay fall on tuneIt to wJb the best or fo- rtune for those we lens Why not will fortune aa well M with it for the child cMIbealow greatfortune child if she will Tui ebilda stock of health it what the nto supplies The weak Bud worried wfMUm has a very slender stock of to bestow on the baby Prescriptionmakes nlornhigslcltness gives the body a fariuur of buoyancy makes the cueenul vigor peculiarlyfeminine is painlessMy and I Mrsnuptllmia I was reduced tor pound When I wss three mouths with my third child I WIll taken with hemorrhage or flooding and came near a veakues For two mouths I was under the care of our doctor bnt was getting weaker all the tune until I sent mud t bottles of Favorite Prescription tfDaprnVed fort and continued to take your baby was Myhel11th 165 pounds There is no alcohol whisky or other intoxicant in Favorite Prescription neither does it contain any opium or other narcotic Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets do not re ¬ act on the system They are a perfect medicine Hl W Fine Farm in This County For- I Sale In order to wInd up the estate of Dr Jus Wheeler deceased we offer for mile his home place known as fiichland situated on the Kentucky and Tennessee tlrtlpike f miles south- of Horjkinsville Bis tract of land contains 450 acres is surrounded by a Hue hedge fence is in a perfect state of cultivation and productive There is on it a fine brick residence of 8 or 10 rooms with hall bath room pantry cellar and kitchen costing originally 1700 to build now Also 5 large tobacco barns stable 0 or 10 servant houses and nil needed out houses- It has an unfailing supply of water in abundant No more de- sirable suburban home can be found any whero Its soil is unexcelled in productiveness Yielding in ordinary season 1000 lbs tobacco 25 to 30 bushels of wheat and 8 or 10 bbls of corn to each acre in cultivation Time to suit purchaser Apply to W G WnEELER HopkinRville or C K WHEELER W F BRADSUAW Pad ucah are the most fatal 01 all diseases FOLEYS KIDNEY CURS a GUARANTEED remedy or money refunded Con- tains remedies recognized by all eminent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles Price soc and zocu For sale by Anderson Fowler CLARENCE HARRIS Formerly with Forbes h Bro PAINTER and PAPER HANGER Toper hanging a spenialty Telephone 842 rings All work guaranteed Leave orders at Gus Youngs III 1 os rr Eoi ATEIY All curable diseases successfully treated wtthoutithe use of drug or knife Jag B Oldham DO Mrs Lula KOldlKtm DO Mrs Jo le E Gregory D 0 graduateI of American School ol Osteopathy Mo Olfloe and residence corner U and Lib ¬ erty No 011 Consultation and examination free 10 q WANTED IDEAWbocanthlnkof tlleYm7B cRA TIME TABLE Eflective Nov 12 1899 tLEAVk JIOIKINBVILLB Ndoattty dallysalty LV 6Qg atg1I5eam 600pm 7e0pmAfiiendeeten t Pin Lv 1118oBon oaOaui re Ito pm Arroytlvtlle 448pm 645pm Lv lr ootol1 006 11 > n SMpm 450pmArMempbie Ar Now Or1eull 1000 am No 811 arrlvcn at 0 80 a m No 8l1li arrives at HopklOkTille < 00 p ja No Sill Rritvta at UO 9 W p m T K M BHitKVTOODAgtUopktnsvHo W MII oA ATX A Loutel lUeKY iJi r T f r I III 1 Gus- S r e S Young 0 NEW s s InlJlement HOUBe FOR 1 1q Plowspl Wagons I Buggies etc THE r NEW YORK WORLDT THBICEA1EK EDITION ALMOST A DAILYAT THE PRICE OF A WEEKLY Tho morJ widely circulated week ¬ ly newspaper in America is tho + HhriceaVVeek edition of The New York World and with the presiden ¬ tial campaign now at hand you can ¬ not do without it Here are some of Y the reasons why it is easily the leader in journalismIt t day and is i i to all purposes a daily Every week each subscriber rec- eives 18 pages and often during the busy season 24 pages each week yearIt of weeklyIts covers every known part of the world No weekly newspaper could stand alone and furnish such serviceThe Thricea Week World has at its disposal all of the resources of the greatest newspaper in existencethe journalismAmericas as it has been justly termedThe New York World Its political news absolutely im ¬ partial This fut will be of eepecial value in the Presidential campaign coming on The best of current fiction is found rK in its columns These are only some of the reasons there are others Read it and see them all We offer this unequalednewspaper t and the KBNTOCKIAN together one year for 250 The regular subscription price of the two papers is 800 LOUISVILLE HENDERSON RAILWAY 1 WJJST BOUND NO 41 NO 41 J40 45 l- LvLoafevllle787am 410pm 855pmK Irvington1190 am 648pm Oloverport 1018 a m 7 39 p m 10 48 p m i 801pm1108pmOwensboro1140 Henderson M1 41 p mllO 10 pm U M a m Kvunsvllle 190 pm 1 96 am- 710pm Ar St Louis 7JOam EAST BOVN1 NO 48 no 44 No4- 0LvatLouls van vUle 840amSB5pm880am Henderson 7 It a m 2 45 p m 8 10 a m Owen bo o 8 Ua m S 44 p in 4 00 am HavrMVllle 00 0 17 a in 4 40 pm 4 10 a m + Olovorport n 9 45 a m i 01 m 110 a n- tIrvingtonJ04p ant 00epm 1 pm 7 4J p m 710am jl FORDIVILLB BRANCH NO I MO 5- Lv gton 1050am A 41 pin Ar Ifar1 11 M am 7 98 p m- Ar Fo IvUleto pm 015pm no 9 wo 4 Lv FordvUln 6IOam 3 15 pin Lv nardlnsburg r 600pmPOO Ar IrvinctonO Trains 414948 and 44 uoitneot at with Trulu No it and 5 for points on Fords ville Brndoh Trains Notldand 8 run Trains No 2 and Hint Main Line trains 41 4U 41 and 44 For further Information onll OB or addres ageuIor1b RDOU TriMMgrLeatvtlie L N TIME TABLE TRAINS BOOTH No 65 Hopkinsvillo Ap 615 a m No 53 600 a m pmNo TRAINS NORTH No 92 < Chioago Limited 938 P m No 52St Lou Ex mail 945n m No 50 Hopkinsville Ao 830 p m Nq bitFast Lino 4 1024 p m Nasuvlll Aooommodallon tloei not run oa North bound St Louts and Foal aepar0to Fast Line stops only at Important rid oroislnRK Has roagh aleert a re to Atlanta w J7d AOArsA t I 0

T iea gythe wandered about ale room hum-ming and once or twice stealing a glance at me FormyaJ1fmy eyes never left her in thatifaterval Well she exclarfoid suddenly stopping and i

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Page 1: T iea gythe wandered about ale room hum-ming and once or twice stealing a glance at me FormyaJ1fmy eyes never left her in thatifaterval Well she exclarfoid suddenly stopping and i


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41u fu




1 JjOpkit1JufUeJen1tulhUnu 1 1 f 4l jM



I =

Curs Your CoughiIt Can Be Done With Dr Otto SprtlW

Gum Balsam

tt AeogrGiro xek

lam 10 Joarlo aoandhlh hRdncou 4= Itrledenveratpaylclagejhaygsvo= vet uch dla eartone= reconpnonaetl15y

F IE= rocoverlnll Finally r111 Jrevallfd upon5

4 Sa TeOlIectwlUasltbyI= the oOUkau uU7andeaeoIaloptEmediclnethat

nowwellmend roar tnodlctnQ fo oldfolk bave a hocking= cough It there ever was abumanltr= Own Dnlanm Bhonfd be

hoarttlyyocommendSI nedAInJJOIINOAxunVlNd


e Th owaslnlSST Anknrnwn Is s= IIUII alive und wol and lUll Ottos =

Spruce Gnm Balsam when troubled With a 5a cough For onle by all Drugalata

i Hiiiiiiimiitiiiimiiiiimtifiimiiiiiiiiiiniifitiiiiiiir

WTII AVENUE KOTXtLoolrittl xv-

13est2U tel the IrlllBlectrfc Ktcrou

I ttzCeurnatt fitauag r


l1obrnarytermthreethreeuHBISTIAK Fourth Monday In Februaryterm sixvf9DkaFirst Monday Infour s Monday in September-termpizweekL

CALLOW AT bbcond Monday in April termthree weeks First Monday in August termtwo weeks Second Monday in November

term three weeks

LWrtLiFlrst Monday in Hay term twoweeirflretMonday in August term twowee fret Monday In beptember term twoweeka



Office over Kellys jewelryStore


BAIiIENT M DAupItEwPhysician and Surgeon f

U pktn8V1QXJ

Office Firth v > d Main streets gppfito on>

i CourtRoom > v2FiTelephone Office M3 eald IJ04


Jail I Landea Jas B Allenawjrtnandes AllonsworthL

Attorneys in Law

Office In UoDanlolbulldlngnearOoBtiHoupea oiurSpecial attention to colle lUona


claims Alice in Webber block backof Court House HOPKINS viLfcfe Jtv


IOllice Court SquarecBopkinsvilleJIt




General and Special Qffice werPlanters Bank tOO


t Barbersi7thkireet q YUpiy

EspeolaIAttentfen W ptro l 1 tf IdaaQ dpoAviuoe-




Glean towels and everyfng flrshk Gira us a callM n


Aaslflted by a first class workinaican now bo found at 809 Last Ninthetroot whero he will bo pleased to

IJMO all his former patrons Usual

prices Shiue 5 cents


Ontifoiag Bo Acted with HerButlt W j Not All Acting

I have told only three people inlife that I once played 1044 to Mm

iuecla1l10Pin 0 throe

impUed LondOis7t1tboa diJbe-



lieved tne state¬

ment publicly that ac inkDluilu fo j

ftJ V

I fks romantic s fen nd4wentyJ thtidght

laUc1lJOpelelSlYstag eclmae I needdUe WM at 85 j all

s Ilrr beAuty horeecentrlcities and car Pos wcro house-

s hold wordsIIr genius nndtftncliantrnent 0

her marvelous voiej tad gone to inybrain like so inucliOTine and I fitflsverily bewitched Could anythingsound moreliopel

KT hm to be inlove inbus actress o

the day when one ipevonjind4wenty and draws a n aof five pounds a wedlt Nothingdefy you to contradiofat I say noth ¬

YfMycontradict itI livcd in a lodging house in WestKensington and honvI reachedhonjo and wo hadflightflia our bed¬

room cigarettesirilportod my heartburnings to him r

nVhy my dear°

he saiddont ho a fooll Tjltwrill go to th

Lyceumand spend monoy anclap the skin off YOU lisnda but as tsupposing that you will ever specta Rosa Reclamc y ra just as liketo be elected an M P Silo willliar season and go haoikto France with ¬

out being aware that you existShe will will sljoT I said En

fin you will sec I shall live to tellyou that you wore ittfstakon

To ail exterft tsinly his proph-ecy


came true I ixtt to the Lyceumsand spontmy moneyand clapped mjiaii s every night for a week At thefall of the curtain 1 used to hurryround to the stag passage apd waitthere ono of the a1tendanpcrawd tosee her drive away I bought herphotograhlhand copies of such of herplays as wercv procurable commit-ted in fact every extravagance ap ¬

propriate to the circumstances but atthe end of the week I was as far fromapproaching my divinity as ever

A lettershe would not answer itVersossbo was probably inundatedwith verses and bOlides I was doubt¬

ful whether my French was equal to

Evidentlythereforce myself upon her and trust tomy eloquence afterward to avert thecatastrophe of summary dismissal

I sat watching the conclusion ofthe fifth act with aheart that beat asif it must suffocate me She seemedto mo more gradaJ ul more exquisitethaliaver ° The thought tbat in halfan hour l might be pouring out rnjadoriition at her feet sliooklo in mychair Ten minutes later Frou Prattwas dead and the house was rockingwith applause 1

I did not pause to think I tfas veri ¬

tably insane It Was only as I spedalong Piccadilly and neared the hors

tel that I remembered the improb-


of the servants allowing me toenter her rooms aiid then for a mo-


I halted irrosolutely I must getin before her and await her arrival

I strodeinto thjfrhall and presentedmyself at the desk v

Mme Reclame I exclaimed au-


fsho is oxpocting moI havo an appointment-

To my surprise ha bowadlaffablyMadame said you would kindly

wait if you called before sljo cantoback he replied Hero John

Mme Reclaraa JI stopped into the lift trips borni

rapidly to the second floor alnlalnotr boforoI caught my

foundmyself ushered into a coiufdrteable little sittingroom where aimjp table was laid for twoJ

X4iad been mistaken for someonealso and unless the oxpectedetmyietci

The imopiece on the vtj sli

o ti quarter p ari tf4s for me ioatteIU1i >+

oQpy IJi wtliany of the llluirT-

TttOdmBciTtfi j MEt pa CAttered-

about Even the manys Qles fIRosa Rablama that I saw failed tolvot mYn ten There wcro foot

Stops appTOaoMne were they bets orlUsP I tNfJ1es that coulfl reely E09 OP8 doorwasllif iiMshQ andshe was My guestuck to the roof of my mouth as Ixope4Mada1nU

I Said humbly adsvancing I awaited the avalanche

Ohshe cried this is very goodof you How I hope you have not


bored yourself I am very pleased tomeet you monsieur Let me take bJF

my cloak and then we can talkShe ran into the adjoining room

lilting me speechless with4ment She hail then never M inieaof her delusioncente expedience and incliniclisaid bask When she <mirj

ravishing domitoilet I eatjjtofllft fgyou B1rpr e tne you arfyoung she said sipping hr Mtijg

glut of 11t

this country mon DiCUibOyoung L 1 tile yTwrote did not

January I faltered rM ffiSVly yes n Or am i mi f

fhave your letter here tiVe111

all that presently jliy all means I agreedyot4fto1Town wo J

the scented tobacco together i

What we did not discuss i a tcharming solitude a deux W echampagne bottle between h 3Iwino and the magic of her ingstimulated my fancy and Illy

nation ran riot Criticism lphy and epigramall mora r I

shallow and cheap I darer ffijiaMtYdd tlI1Iromo iiiftastokat my ownyWe had more 4iip ttesmorc o

champagne I V W site was thegreatest actress thft had over livedMy gaze said that tIought her alsothe most beautiMlJ ivbinin Whetshe was sad at sums Momentary rOminiscence my hwSit ached for horWhen she was herrmy laughtercooly I

>Presently sha said Well molt

sieur and now1o businessodious busin w Ior it obtrudes Huffin life v

It doqsp I anted growing paloI hate business Art is everythinenchanting art-

But let us arrange if we can andget it ovor What is it you propose-

I inhaled a deep breath from mycigarette and prepared myself tomootthe worst Madame I replied fipropose nothing I only throw myself on your morcy

HowI dont know for whom you take

me I dont know why I lvas admittedto your rooms I onjyicnow I askedfor you because I was mad with admi ¬

ration for your genius and your lov-elinersbecause


I felt I must spoakto you or die Ever since you cameto London I have boen movingleaven and earth to secure an intro ¬

duction to you Tonight I left thetheater like ono insane I came toyour hotel and I was shown up here j

Ibohavod like a scoundrel I know itMyonjy oScusp is that when the op ¬

portunity of spending an hour withyou presented itself the temptatio-was too powerful for me to resistNow you may call the servants andgive me into custody for obtaining asupper under fnlso pretenses Eventhen I shall have known the happiasthour of my

As I began topea1a quick frownof anger gathered itself on her browandmore than once she mado an im ¬

patient gesture When I finishedand stood before her waiting hor sen ¬

ton co she regarded furiousreyes rt

4Do you know monideu j that yourimpudence has caused me Serious an¬

noyance she said atlast OTwas tohave discussed with a great entrepre ¬

nour a tour in South America and un ¬

derstanding that he had arrived Ijjave orders that no one olit who askedfor mo should be admitted DQUjbt

iW6 lao has been soot aaynatwfcad made the anpointmoi tQfld

iljmgh your insensate folly fe >Whit can I say > I stamlue Iwould not havedoneyou an injuijwor

nil the wealth of thfIndies 1 tomyself and yet to have beenyou as 1 lwvel if you knew what itsm t1o ruel 1

ipJTou rich man here you think y ju

caftd ltnYt1 in sho said bitinglirlips aupposo you bribed the p

IjI4tlf<4Amu I assorted the eorvants are absolutely innocent and Iam aclerk with an income of five

pounds a weekSlid looked at mo in momentary in-


then the crown melted fndhe begs to laugh

0 but that is too funny 1 eho mur ¬

mured There my child dont look-

I > if you were going to cry It is a

It jI i4I i i 1 I



taM that I lied felt like it 41 am notping to box your tars though yourlcbly deserve tom such a thingWhere are the cigatetUP I roust

Intokej o hexatf thespilltnd ue

delved the burnt endrotnlritr nanav

WS54 down she sald jrtintlj Iihallbeinagoodliunpragifii

1J nuflll pa whilethe wandered about ale room hum-

ming and once or twice stealing aglance at me FormyaJ1fmy eyes

never left her in thatifatervalWell she exclarfoid suddenly

stopping and i jj is almost-caf1asjng tones ondlppe I disappointed you ij

IDYIelf1oTas a youRhattliere is left for lip t0 do is to take

oy leave and beg yili Ito accept mypolo Y tomorrov W

PUtt apology I ted Was aVeolt salary spent but shewould not allow meonEJo1s As shehad promised oy hadquito vanished She was mororadiant than before Fraitpiou intho first not

Toll me sill she denial youarc a clerk that is reallyMm

It is the miserable truth ut not4tall I responded I anm clerk

who ongs to be an actor Tenc-hactorto act the lover to y elftotwhat part would you prefer tij1 makelove to mehllpdfaher

11 erci monsieur will k tasa souvenir she smfltd Ajfflfinwhat dramatic rolo

Armand I said boldlyI call A rehearial she Jried

Come choose your act andnakeyour entrance Wait first you mustbe scene shifter and move time ableQuick quick I am on fire to begin

dragged the table to tho wallpitchedmycigarelte in the grate andstood before her panting

Act two I IThat act is ExclnimedI

Armand hasI choose act two madameI4ro

pealed from hisvlasontranceto theend

Ahshe murmured nodding denmutely Very well then Youknow the lines Commence

The act that I had selected termi ¬

nated with her throwing herself intomy arms I took a step forward andspoke as naturally as I could Mar ¬

guerite can you ever forgive meWas this woman who turned to me

wretches trembling tearful she whohad been laughing in my face like aschoolgirl a moment since

Do you deserve it Why did youwrite me that cruel letter You havemass me ill

What would you have mo do

I went on with the part lamely at firstappalled at my own audacity at utter ¬

ing the lines to Rosa Reclame But ina few minutes my selfconsciousnesswore offa nervous exaltation took itsplace and when I came to the speechyounmad I love you and my love is not

easilyfadethe emotions we wero representing asif I had been an artist of repute

Shall r over forget the scene Thespace cjeared among the furniture toserve as a stage Reclame in a sort oftea gown playing as magnificentlyas only she could play when she wasin tho vein and Tstage struck Ia jeuno premier at last

Suddenly sho changed her toneand spoke as the waiting maid

A letter mademoiselleIt Who sent itIt Count de VarvilleIt was my cuethe cue for all

Count de Varville Now Mar ¬

guerite this is tho touchstone of youraarch My lifoA your honor hang

yoi r answer U I thunderedout the lines for all they were worthand waited

It There U no answerMy arms opened and the next in¬

stant she lay upon my breast liarface intoxicating bewildering was

upturned to me and carried away byntjiusiarm I bent my head I kissed

Rpsa Reclame and she let me do itThai she drew herself from me and

extend d herhandfMonsieurshe said the rehcarsns finished Your acting has certain-

ly sincerity Goodnight <

n Excepting harass the footlightsaevjr saw her again Madame

Too Good

An Atchison man threatens to dis-

charge his cook because she cooks sowell site provides such palatablemeals that he eats too much AtchiEon Globe

t 4wf nFar r

I If ewer superstition could Glut exiiuseI It would bewhenthe expectantmother calendar inland ponders thefortunateandl110pea

flay fall on

tuneItto wJb thebest or fo-rtune forthose we lens Why not will fortune aawell M with it for the child

cMIbealowgreatfortunechild if she will Tui ebilda stock ofhealth it what the nto supplies Theweak Bud worried wfMUm has a veryslender stock of to bestow onthe baby

Prescriptionmakesnlornhigslcltnessgives the body a fariuur of buoyancymakes the cueenul vigor

peculiarlyfeminineis painlessMy and IMrsnuptllmia

I was reduced tor pound When Iwss three mouths with my third child IWIll taken with hemorrhage or flooding andcame near aveakues For two mouths I was under thecare of our doctor bnt was getting weaker allthe tune until I sent mud t bottles of

Favorite Prescription tfDaprnVed fort andcontinued to take your baby wasMyhel11th165 pounds

There is no alcohol whisky or otherintoxicant in Favorite Prescriptionneither does it contain any opium orother narcotic

Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets do not re¬

act on the system They are a perfectmedicine

Hl W

Fine Farm in This County For-I

SaleIn order to wInd up the estate of

Dr Jus Wheeler deceased we offerfor mile his home place known asfiichland situated on the Kentucky

and Tennessee tlrtlpike f miles south-of Horjkinsville

Bis tract of land contains 450 acresis surrounded by a Hue hedge fenceis in a perfect state of cultivation and

productiveThere is on it a fine brick residence

of 8 or 10 rooms with hall bath roompantry cellar and kitchen costingoriginally 1700 to build now

Also 5 large tobaccobarns stable 0 or 10 servant housesand nil needed out houses-

It has an unfailing supply of waterin abundant No more de-

sirable suburban home can be foundany whero Its soil is unexcelled inproductiveness Yielding in ordinaryseason 1000 lbs tobacco 25 to 30bushels of wheat and 8 or 10 bbls ofcorn to each acre in cultivation

Time to suit purchaser Apply toW G WnEELER HopkinRville orC K WHEELER W F BRADSUAW

Pad ucah

are the most fatal 01 alldiseasesFOLEYS KIDNEY CURSa GUARANTEED remedyor money refunded Con-

tains remedies recognizedby all eminent physiciansas the best for Kidney andBladder troubles

Price soc and zocuFor sale by Anderson Fowler

CLARENCE HARRISFormerly with Forbes h Bro


PAPER HANGERToper hanging a spenialty

Telephone 842 ringsAll work guaranteedLeave orders at Gus YoungsIII 1

osrr Eoi ATEIYAll curable diseases successfully treated

wtthoutithe use of drug or knifeJag B Oldham DO Mrs Lula KOldlKtm

DO Mrs Jo le E Gregory D 0 graduateIof American School ol OsteopathyMo Olfloe and residence corner U and Lib¬

erty No 011 Consultation and examinationfree

10 qWANTED IDEAWbocanthlnkof



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Lv lr ootol1 006 11 > n SMpm450pmArMempbieAr Now Or1eull 1000 a m

No 811 arrlvcn at 0 80 a mNo 8l1li arrives at HopklOkTille < 00 p jaNo Sill Rritvta at UO 9 W p m


K M BHitKVTOODAgtUopktnsvHoW MII oA ATX A Loutel lUeKY

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