v T r 1 fir 5 T c t a t 8 I THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS WEDNESDAY JON 619rt L BRANDENBURG K1 largo delegation from licit attended tlio reunion lam K VrBihop la in IsvnusYille to EOO her parents Miss Agnes MaUn is improving though still quite weak Tho Womans Missionary society will meet with Mrs II B Grinnell Friday oftcnioou Mr and Mrs Jeff Ditto and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bland ShacklettMiss Leo Woolfolk left Tues ¬ day for El RenO Oklahoma to spend the summer with relatives Tho oratorical contest of the Branden ¬ burg Normal will take place Tuesday evening Juno 12th Commencement ex ¬ anises Juno 13t- hWaUzhvotltepTvostepwaltz at the Ocmfedorato ball it should have been march minuet laucers T L Pusey of Chicago came over for a day and nigljt with his father Dr D C Pusey Ho left Sunday Miss Until McAlpin a sponsor from Mississippi nUll a cousin of Misses May dot Pusey and Ilia Richardson was fiio guest of Misd Ilia during tho reunion Dr F R Wilder partner of Dr John Ilardiu was elected treasurer of the Kentucky State Dental Association which convened in Louisville last week Miss Funulo Phillips entertained the afternoon X V club Tuesday meal ar ¬ rangements were made for Miss Sallio Burch to give an evening reception in a fewdays When we tho south laid down our arms we did so in good faith and not- withstanding ¬ numerous impositions we have stuck to our compact hard as it has been Mr and Mrs Baal Grlnuell spent Sat ¬ urday nnd Sunday with Mr and Mrs Geo Frymire and Miss Jemmie Lee Woolfolk They attended the Vail at the old mill The contest of Kentucky granaries were transmuted by Kentucky magicinf liquid corn rye nnd corn for the old vet ¬ erans and they imbibed like a veritable hog hominoy Mr Barney Worlaud one of John Morgans men went up to meet his old comrades of the conflict Ho enjoyed the reunion from every stand point historical literary and social The battalion of maimed Confederates was an inspiration No rich govern ¬ mead lUll unstained them no pension has b Un theirs Oh I they brought up the Kaddent ntolkcUou A large crowd from here attended tho hall lout t Saturday night nt tho old mill All r Dart nn elegant time Tho Louis Till bund failed to materialize but local inusiiiaiis furnished the dance tints Mr Tom Tenrerf brother with his daughter from Morgantown fpeut soY ¬ eral days lien lIe was hero with John M rfriu thirty odd years ago and was lu the muimod battalion at the reunion 3hu C Breckonrldge of Kentucky iSi crotary of war under Jefferson Davis wa by lung olds the handsomest man iu tin cabinet eleven Pity pity that jiroul name was over trailed in the dust l 1100 sees Kansas with the banner wheat crop 85000000 bushelsa chance for tho unemployed to go and help liar vest it Horace Grecloys axiom still holds grad Go west young mean go wet t Gtu Longtreet was gallant but ho need not remind us of the pat women took in the war between the states Women ever ploy an important part in nil important issues It was so in the sixties just RS in this closing century I am indebted to my good neighbor Mrs Jeff Ditto for tho various editions of the Conrior Journal of last week do voted to time reunion of the Confederate veterans Jeff Ditto is an omnivorous oc j roaiUjr and Is ti fltmly i JOSteditin op al- mostcvory8ubj i ts lIoI8 a true blue I southerner t MrLitcintdid preacheda tine sermon t i lastSunday morning oil the text My gouso is a House of Prayer Brother Litchflold wants business voting and religion to tnhlyYoedont go crazy i over local option nod go to the polls null Vote the license for that moons sa loons Vote the Prohibition ticket I PK Stalin and Frank Malln of Ash- land Ky Mrs Mason McGonigle and Rob Malin Mr Tom Robinson of Oweusboro Mr Jesse Malin of Sine Grove were all at Mrs George Wor lands nee Zula Malin last week to see their mother Mrs S O Hallo who Is spending some time with Mrs Wor laud W L Cabell of Dallas Texas who was reelected commander of the Trans Mississippi department says he would ¬ nt exchange his position for Mr Mc Kinloys I reckon not Who that is a southerner would swap his birth ¬ place or position for anything or any- body ¬ north of the Mason and Dixon lineThe Rev B M Palmer of New Or ¬ leans in his great discourse In defense oHhostfwho wore the gray was a clas ¬ sic I have sat WIder the sound of that great divine twice in NOW Orleans in the 70V lu the Presbyterian church He was then one of the most eloquent and most popular ministers in the Crescent CityThe work of taking the United States census commenced June 1st Mr Tom Roberts is Uncle Sams emissary to col- lect ¬ all the facts general concerting each household in this town and precinct The census must be taken accurately and with dispatch Uncle Sam will by July 1st have a complete biography of each American Yosin deed in double deed we who still love respect nUll honor President Jefferson Davis want that monument erected He excepting Robt E Lee is the greatest Ulan that ever lived Poor Gen Wade Hampton was ill I went up the Oucheta with him in 1870 and ho was n magnificent specimen of a Southern gentleman Kentucky gave birth to both Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis They were born within a few miles of each other and within n few months Strange how their lives planned out presidents of con ¬ flicting sections and con tending republics Jefferson Davis died disfranchised by n Government ho nt one time had faith ¬ fully served the other was killed by an assassins bullet Kismet I Let 10 to 1 Democrats remember while they are heaping scathing epithets on Sound Money Democrats that William Goebel was n friend to sound money until the division cause Then he went with the radicals while others went with the conservatives I believe Mr Goebol was an honest man and a good Democrat according to his belief He made one fatal mistake Ho paid tho penalty but ho was brave Messrs W D Ashcraf Victor Spanld lug P I Yates Ben Hook Doct Gray Dan Willett and Albert Bcwlcy gave tin ice cream and strawberry supper last week at Mrs William Mclntires In honor of Misses Susie Elder Nell Trent Mary mid Bess Lewis Bcnlali Fontaine Lena Ncvittnud Lillian Rhodes The table was beautifully adorned with col- ored lights and lowers with a boutou nlere at each cover Music and games beguiled the happy hours The compliment to Helen Gould by the veterans was a deserved one She gave liberally in money and personal service to the Spanish American war A cruiser should be named Helen Gould Those gray grizzled veterans with the sands in their hour glass run ¬ ning out never fall to pay woman n tri ¬ bute For instance Whatever there is in man comes from womans teaching and unlike man she asks no reward but our high civilization demand that we pay this tribute to her virtues U To Err Is Human Pit to en lot t if time it criminal or AJW Dont ectXtouc the mitUkc of nffed f c ff I x Vfhcn imparitits nunifati iwiwt ii CTUpfot s or when KtotJtred <vndiixx of stomch ktdncysf liver C > Is wes trpttr take Hoods 5ar S4Fari It a>2l make pure live blood nd p1Jot fro good htalth J1ffJOdj ScMawAif4 Crab In Oriterc rhe demacd for that little southern delicacy the oyster crab Is always larger than the supply and I baVo all I can do to obtain the CO or CO gallons which are dally required for flavoring stews and making omelets in the lead ¬ ing hotels restaurants and clubs of this city said a wholesale cleft dealer In New York to a Washington Star writer Our northern oysters do not contain the little dainties so I am obliged to buy them from the oyster shuckers along the York Ilappahan nock nnd other southern rivers Tho Chesapeake bay shore oystcrmcn send us some also Tho little crab found In the oyster Is not as commonly supposed by two thirds of the oyster eating community the young of the blue crab but Is a distinct species It is a messmate of and caterer to the wants of the oyster being therefore a benefit instead of a detriment to the latter In return for tho oysters kindness iu protecting it against its enemies the little crab catches and crushes food which in Its entire state could not be taken by tho oyster A singular thing In connection with them Is that all found inside of tho oyster are females Tho male of the same variety has a hard shell Turtle Trained to Plant You wont to go to China to see min- ima ¬ fighting reduced to a science There are hundreds of young men in the larger cities there who make a liv ¬ ing by training animals to fight and in exhibiting their savage qualities to In ¬ terested audiences They catch both mud and snapping turtltethemo- n raw meat and eomo etyf of drug that harms them up and at tho end of six months they become savage enough to fight a tiger Tho Jaws and teeth are filed and sandpapered until tho mouth becomes a dangerous thing to- go near The turtle Is tabtallecd each day with a piece Of wood or a bunch of cotton until its temper reaches a white heat When confronted with another turtle that has been trained and badg ered In tho same way they go for each other with distended jaws and there la sure to be a fight to a finish They have each boon starved for a wOk Each Is handled by his owner who has teased It to tho killing point Tho two turtles nro then placed In a small ring and only one comes out alive Tho fight lasts from ono to ten bourn and death generally comes only whcfl one of them has secured a throat hold on his doomed antagonist Cleve land Plain Dealer Da Bought B Section A Pltteburgcr who has money to spate had to go east on short notice lie Is a man given to cxclnslvcness and be detests traveling In a public conveyance because he Is thrown In with BO many persons of whom ho knows nothing When ho floes take n trip ho takes a stateroom wherever ho I I Islabuslnees I In the Bleeping car He had little time to make arrangements last week but his first thought was of a stateroom lie called one of tho employees and hurried him to the ticket office Get a stateroom If you cnn ho said and If you cannot get a section You know what a section isiwo bertha Yes sir replied the men as ho started off no returned soon with the Informa tlon that there wasnt a stateroom to bo had on the train But 1 got two berths for you sir be said handing out two tickets Do nearly lost Ills job when his em ¬ ployer examined the tickets and found fjYupptr i t1 aria Chills alld r rvCV1r THE BeST PRESCRIPTION IS Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic The formula i is plait l prnterf on every bottlehence you know just what you arc taking when you take Groves Imitators do not advertise their formula knowing that you Would not buy their medicine ifOU knew what it contained Groves contains Iron and Quince Put UP in correct proportions and is in a Tasteless form The J Iron acts 34 a tonic while the Quinine drives the malaria out of the system Any reliable druggist willtell you that Groves is the Original and that all other socalled Tasteless of other chill tonics shows Qhiil Tprrtcs arc imitations An analysis that Groves is superior to all others in everyrespect You ire not experimenting when you take Orovcstts superiority and excellence having long been established Groves is the only Chill Cure sold throughout the entire malarial sections oL the United States No Cure No Pay Price sec INTERPRETATION1 r I I Ft lonj fot a ftitx that U lasting We plead for i rapture Ibttt rue fAke flilitriaen coucclculjr cittln Their wU In the salt ol drepaif- VTe f draw from deep witert of sorrow Dart wrcckj of old tailor and lea And out of tea tames we borrow Tbo storm that will tutu some near Faith tptcd put the footttepi 01 duty tombTbocgl I beauty And retunii unto dun= tli the doom Of tech man child to strife and to wonder To plan lor tome OIIUn gala And only tad myetfrici under All Ute be it pleasure or palm Lo In realms of the mind there U treasure For toiler who dwell In content There la truth that no science can measure fonpentThere filling dDDeWhere Itrough faith U thy rictory wool Charlca W Etevecaon la ChIcago Occord CAR FARES IN GERMANY The Method of Colleetlon nail In npectlon rroreuti Free JUde The chances of evading tares on the street cars of German clUes aro very slight When a paftftnger steps on a cnr the conductor Immediately asks where be is going and then prepares hIs ticket which servos also as a re- ceipt for the fare The preparation ot- a ticket consists only In detaching It from a block and punching it or mark ¬ ing It with a pencil Title process Involves much more work than the simple process of ring Ing up the fares as conductors do In America but the task Is lightened by the fact that only a certain number of persons are permitted to ride on a car at the same time The number of sit ¬ plalnlrI marked on each car If a car is do signed to carry 30 persons no more than 30 persons will be permitted on that car at the same time When any¬ thing In Germany Is forbidden It Is settled once for nIL In order that every person who tides shall get the prescribed ticket Inspect- ors ¬ are employed who spend their time In ascertaining whether the conductors are doing their duty These Inspectors step Into tho cars and ask the passen ¬ gers for their tickets They note the number of two tickets and whether they correspond with the stubs retained by the conductor The clerk who gives out tho blocks of tickets to tho con ¬ ductors notes the number of tho upper ¬ most ticket nn Jnfthe return of each block collects from the conductor who returned It as many tares as there are tickets detached Thu rate ol fares varies from 2H cents to C according to time distance Small children are carried for onelialf fare and any ono for the sum of 200 may secure a ticket which entitles him to ride os much as bo wishes for one month When a ear Is full the con ¬ ductor displays a placard bearing the word Occuplcd Chicago Record The Par3tefto Marry Edward Rok writing in Time Ladles Home Journal on A Boy Fot a Hus band contends that no young man under 23 years of age Is In any sense competent to take unto himself tl wHo Hefore that ago ho I Is simply a boy who line absolutely nothing which ho can offer to a girl as a safe fnndattoo for life happiness lIe Is unformed In his character unsettled In his Ideas nb > Boluloly Ignorant of the first essentials of what consideration or love for a woman means IIo doesnt know him- self let alone knowing a woman Ho is full of fancies and it is his bostab nature to alt from QUO fancy to an ¬ otherHe Is Incapable of the affection up ¬ on which love is hosed because be baa not lived long enough to know what the feeling or even the word menus He Is IoU of theories each one of which when bo comes to put it lute practice will fall Ho li a boy pure and simple passing through that try Ing period through whlcb every boy must pass before ho becomes a man But that period Is not tho marrying time For as his opinions of lifo are to change so aro his fancies of tho girl ho esteems as tho only girl In the world to make him happy The man of 30 rarely wads tho girl whom he fancied when ho was 20 A Freak of Lightning Lightning performed a strange feat near Osceola Pa during tho recent thunderstorm says the Oil City Der- rIck ¬ Three fine cows belonging to a farmer had been turned out to pasture In a field on which tho new grass Is al ¬ ready Quito high and when the shower came QI1 they gathered together In one corner under some trees There Is a wIre fence running closo by tho spot where they wero standing and a bolt of lightning was attracted to It and ran along tho slender wires until the cows were reached when It glanced oct striking the animals and killing all three Instantly A Story For Papa There Is a moral In this little story of child lira- Mamma asked little 8yearold Freddie nro wo going to heaven some- day TVs dear I hope BO was tho reply- I wish papa could go too con tin tIed the little fellow Well and dont yon think ho vrtlir asked his motherI Oh no replied Freddie uho could not leave his business Does the man who worries about himself ever think that be is worrying about a thing of which time worn makes little noteS Louts Star t Whenever a mothers attention tar called to her children she makes of dive at them and wipes their noses Atcliloon Globe 1 j There Is something ivrong with the nnpotlle of ft small boy who can wait patiently for hb chooseCJnI6 notes j Job Printing donE at this omen on short notice It IH I WEALTH r Ve I l 1 i 1 is to it r have a book we send you that I tells just how to care for the hair e If ifaair Is too thinorbs orbsingIts get e filth WFelthIndCed especial aI Woman Every other physical attraction secondary Wer gladly your lustcr AfffH Igor Growth becomes w vigorous and all dan ¬ druff is removed It always restores color to gray or faded hair Retain your youth dont look old before your time 100 a bottle All Jruzzlit I bars need your Hair Vigor now for about 25 years and I hale found it splendid and satisfactory In every way I bellove I have recommended this Halt Vigor to bundcrdsof my friends and they antbody Vigor I shall certainly recommend Ij AyereIlaiz i TIftrt NOT 231833 Norwich N Y Write the Doctor- It Ton dont obtain all the benefits j IgorI Lowell btu- BATTLETOWN A good rain last week The NEWS is 0 K Isnt Il Crops are growing nicely since the rainOliver Greer went to Brandenburg Saturday Ohms Bennett went to Andyville Thursday Miss Katie Hubbard is seriously ill at this writing Mrs Laura Pipes is quite ill RI + her home near Flat Rock Miss Effie Haynes spent a night with Miss Katie Hubbard near Cold Spring weekMr Greer Henry Stiff and family and J P Greer attended time Reunion at Louisville last week Wm Blake and Miss Mettle Bennett spent Thursday night with DC Thomp- son and wife at Rat Ran The heaviest rain since June Gtb 07 fell here last Wednesday evening font lag watergates and a large portion of the crops were washed away MtJ Bennett our enterprising mer ¬ chant has moved his warehouse up on Main street This makes his business more convenient and enlarges its ca ¬ pacityMr M 0 Thompson formerly a mer- chant ¬ often place but now of Schooner point Ind has sold out his property at that place and is coming back to Ken ¬ tuckyUncle Peter Stiles of Lick Run Breck ¬ enridge county spent last week visiting relatives here He had not been here for some time he gets around quite well for a man 60 years of age J R Bennett contemplates building a ball at this place for public gatherings and social purposes This will help to improve our little place and he Ii great benefit to our society The Apple crop in this section will not be as heavy as was anticipated as near ly all of the young apples withered and fell off There will however be a large crop of peaches and pears James Lame and myself killed two copperhead snakes last Friday measur ing a fraction over 4 feet in length There are more of them than usual In this section and they made their appear ¬ ance quite early The people of f this county anticipate a grand celebration on Independence day at this place Preparations will be made to accommodate a large number of guests The day is regularly celebrated here and a largo attendance always turns out I oror tifi the Pianos It lies been calculated that a mini ¬ mum pressure of the finger of ono quarter of n pound Is needed to sound a note on the piano and that at times a force of five pounds Is thrown on a single key to produce a single effect Chopins last study In O minor has a passage taking two minutes five sec ¬ onds to play that requires a total pres sure estimated at three full tons o a p qpo xi x J Suttifo vyjrtl Kind VorHan Alivajs Sought I Signature rt4 r- or FORDSV1LLE 1 4 Miss BeulahRush is on the rick list this week MIES Ava DAvison IB i viaitioK relatives ID Louisville Jerry THford Conductor on the Branch road laid offa few days last week We hear that Jake Jones has pur ¬ chased the Tom Wedding farm MrArnolds family of Mitchell Station visited the family of Jack Harris SundayThe heavy rains that fell last week damaged crops in this neighborhood considerablyCharlie and family of Horse Branch attended services at the Baptist church Sunday t Mr Will Park joined the Baptist church last Sunday and was baptised after the service Mr Eugene McAdama of Owensboro was visiting his daughter Mrs Ike Adair last week The lecture given at the Hall Satur ¬ day night was very interesting as well as amusing to all those who attended Prof Godaey has bought the old school house and is repairing it for a dwelling house We are glad to see this for it will be an improvement in the looks of this end of the town Wo vere glad to sse little Conly Til ford out Sunday to enjoy Childrens day services Everybody knows and loves Conly the afflicted son of Conductor Jerry Tilford Come again Conly Childrens day services at the Baptist church Sunday was attended by a large crowd It was a beautiful day and the songs and speeches of the little children were enjoyed byall The Instrumental and vocal music was beautifully render- ed ¬ while the recitation by Miss Ruth Lawson was the best on the programme For two years Ira Kelley of Mane field Pa was in poor health on account of kidney trouble He consulted sever ¬ al physiciansand spent considerable mon ey for medicines without obtaining fe > Hal until he tried Foleys Kidney Cure and now writes I desire to add my tes ¬ timony that it may be the cause of aid ¬ ing others Moorman Owen EKRON Tommie Williams Is very ill at this writingDick Hardaway of Irvington was in town Thursday- Mr George Wrather was at home Sat ¬ urday and Sunday Mr Abe Laslie of Missouri < i is visiting at Mr Jake Sbaukletts Mr Jesse Henderson came home from Louisville Sunday morning Mrs L P Drake of Island McLean Co is visiting at home again Nellie Brown and little Clair visited Mrs Tom Cundlfi at Guston Sunday Mr Emmet Drown Sam Allen and Ray Shacklet were at IrVington Sunday Mrs Marve I13wle Sr and three grand children came up from Owane boro Sunday Mr Sam Randall and wife of Gray hampton were the guests of Mrs M MeyerSundayMrs and little daught ¬ er Golda were the guests of 00 Stith and family Sunday Mrs Dan Williams has returned home from Toblnsport where she has been visiting her parents Mr Will Roberts and Miss Alice Neafus spent Sunday with Mr Dan Shacklett and family Misses Ada and Nellie Roberts and Ermine and Rosa Cracroft and Mr Junius Snacklett spent Sunday at Irv ingtonIt be impossible to name the people that attended the Confederate Re- union ¬ from here but our agent sold 101 tickets to Louisville during the cheap rates If You fJ were to bump your head against a brick wall you could not feel worse than any ¬ one who suffers from stomach troubles We have a positive cure in Dr Caldwella Syrup Pepsin Snort Haynes Holds A Lucrative Position Mr James Heron a former citizen of this town but now of Ashland Ky was a guest of his brother Mr Alex Heron for a day and night of last week He also visited the home of Mr and Mrs David Heron near Bewleyville Mr Heron Is superintendent of the Ashland Coal Iron Railroad company at Ashland Itla said to be the largest institution of its kind in Eastern Ken ¬ tacky Quick Relief For Asthma Mia Maud Dickens Parsons Kane writes I suffered eight years with asthma in its worst form I had sever- al attacks during th> last year and was not expected to live through them I began using Foleya Honey and Tar and it has never failed to give immediate re ¬ lief Moorman Owen Locates at Owensboro Jesse Moorman has resigned his posi ¬ tion with F Fraize Jesse has accepted a position with the Owomboro Pants factory and the NEWS commends this firm in the selection of MrMporman He lea sturdy young man of excellent moral qualities and has fine business abilities MILLWOOD Gall on H K Wells for strawberries Mrs Duvall is very much indisposed Sunday schools at this place nro pro grossing nicely Crops arc very munch improved since the recent rains We still love tho NEws It Is like u J s letter from homo T j Mrs Sallie Crowford Horned spent a day at homo last week Miss Dora Ashley spout Saturday and Sunday in Caneyville ML Kincers saw mill near here was destroyed byflro last Sunday riqgvisit Quito a crowd from hero will hear S P Jones at Leitchflold to night No clew has yet been obtained in re- gard ¬ to the Leitchfleld Bank robbers If you want to see Role Smith smile call him papa Its an eight pound boy W I DeHaveuand daughter Beulah attended the reunion at Louisville last weekMiss Ruble Lampton will spend the summer with her aunt Mrs Corn Din widdlo Bro Harmed will preach for us the second Sunday of this month at theregu hourFarmers are much encouraged since they find their wheat crop 20 per cent better than they expected A woman in Idaho got a divorce from her husband because he would not take her to the Paris Exposition He fied in court that he was afraid of waJr and that he was afraid to get into a bath tub even he got so seasick That man has indigestion just as a good many oth ¬ ers we know and should take Dr Cold wells Syrup Pepsin Get it at Short Haynes HOLT Miss Nellie Burks is visiting In Louis ¬ villeMrs Hannah Hardin has returned from Cloyerport MrLL Mitchell visited friends in Cannelton Tuesday Church services held at Holts Chapel Sunday were welL attended Miss Forrie Hardin has returned home from a visit to relatives in Oloverport Miss Emma Riedel has returned home from Cincinnati to spend her vacation Among those who attended the Con ¬ federate Reunion last week were Mr Har41nMr Minor Mrs Lucy Coons and Mri Henry Coons Does It Pay To Buy Cheap A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe A and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles What shall you do Goto a warmer and more regular climate Yes if possible if not possible for you then in either caee take the ONLY remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles fBosqhees German Syrup It not only heals and stimu ¬ lates the tissues to destroy the germ die ease but allays Inflammajlon causes easy expectoration gives a good nights rest and cures the patient Try ONE bottle Recommended many years by all druggists in the world For sale byj A R FISHER ITbe fay Came By Rail I Too bad the hay wasnt aboard the Str Tarascon Monday night Ten or twelve young couples who are ever ready to wear out the soles of their shoes in keeping time to the pretty strainaof music had paltiently waited for the ar ¬ rival of this boat They went to the tllanding and a dance to the upper wharf was an ¬ ticipated by all She did not display any signs of landing so to make sure of not missing the festive dance that had been advertised they proceeded to the mail landing She had hardly struck the tyOhio twelve or fifteen of Kentuckys prettiest young girls all broken hearted over the catastrophe It was some time before agent Gregory appeared upon the scene but when he did he quickly went down to the wharf with his headb owed to the pebbles r Hows This I We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo 0 Wethe undersigned have known F J Cheney for the sat fifteen years and be hove him perfectly honorable Inall bus- iness ¬ transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firmWest Trims aleDruggfat T MarviW Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internal Iy acting directly uponthe blood and mucous surfaces of the tmPrlee 7tper1ott1Q S lilbjalt < Testimonials free Halls Family Pills are the beet

T I THE BRECKENRIDGE I To Is Human I It IH Venyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7zpc2t5w0q/data/0190.pdf · T r1 fir 5 v T c t a t 8 I THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS WEDNESDAY JON 619rt L BRANDENBURG K1 largo

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Page 1: T I THE BRECKENRIDGE I To Is Human I It IH Venyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7zpc2t5w0q/data/0190.pdf · T r1 fir 5 v T c t a t 8 I THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS WEDNESDAY JON 619rt L BRANDENBURG K1 largo


T r 1 fir 5

T ct a




K1 largo delegation from licit attendedtlio reunion

lam K VrBihop la in IsvnusYille toEOO her parents

Miss Agnes MaUn is improvingthough still quite weak

Tho Womans Missionary society willmeet with Mrs II B Grinnell Fridayoftcnioou

Mr and Mrs Jeff Ditto and familyspent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bland

ShacklettMissLeo Woolfolk left Tues ¬

day for El RenO Oklahoma to spendthe summer with relatives

Tho oratorical contest of the Branden ¬

burg Normal will take place Tuesdayevening Juno 12th Commencement ex¬

anises Juno 13t-hWaUzhvotltepTvostepwaltz at

the Ocmfedorato ball it should havebeen march minuet laucers

T L Pusey of Chicago came overfor a day and nigljt with his father DrD C Pusey Ho left Sunday

Miss Until McAlpin a sponsor fromMississippi nUll a cousin of Misses Maydot Pusey and Ilia Richardson was fiio

guest of Misd Ilia during tho reunion

Dr F R Wilder partner of Dr JohnIlardiu was elected treasurer of theKentucky State Dental Association

which convened in Louisville last week

Miss Funulo Phillips entertained theafternoon X V club Tuesday meal ar¬

rangements were made for Miss SallioBurch to give an evening reception in afewdays

When we tho south laid down ourarms we did so in good faith and not-


numerous impositions wehave stuck to our compact hard as ithas been

Mr and Mrs Baal Grlnuell spent Sat ¬

urday nnd Sunday with Mr and MrsGeo Frymire and Miss Jemmie LeeWoolfolk They attended the Vail atthe old mill

The contest of Kentucky granarieswere transmuted by Kentucky magicinfliquid corn rye nnd corn for the old vet¬

erans and they imbibed like a veritablehog hominoyMr Barney Worlaud one of John

Morgans men went up to meet his oldcomrades of the conflict Ho enjoyedthe reunion from every stand pointhistorical literary and social

The battalion of maimed Confederateswas an inspiration No rich govern ¬

mead lUll unstained them no pensionhas bUn theirs Oh I they brought upthe Kaddent ntolkcUou

A large crowd from here attended thohall loutt Saturday night nt tho old millAll r Dart nn elegant time Tho LouisTill bund failed to materialize but localinusiiiaiis furnished the dance tints

Mr Tom Tenrerf brother with hisdaughter from Morgantown fpeut soY ¬

eral days lien lIe was hero with JohnM rfriu thirty odd years ago and was luthe muimod battalion at the reunion

3hu C Breckonrldge of KentuckyiSi crotary of war under Jefferson Daviswa by lung olds the handsomest maniu tin cabinet eleven Pity pity thatjiroul name was over trailed in the dust

l1100 sees Kansas with the bannerwheat crop 85000000 bushelsa chancefor tho unemployed to go and help liarvest it Horace Grecloys axiom stillholds grad Go west young mean go

wettGtu Longtreet was gallant but ho

need not remind us of the pat womentook in the war between the statesWomen ever ploy an important part innil important issues It was so in thesixties just RS in this closing century

I am indebted to my good neighborMrs Jeff Ditto for tho various editionsof the Conrior Journal of last week do

voted to time reunion of the Confederateveterans Jeff Ditto is an omnivorous


roaiUjr and Is ti fltmly iJOSteditin op al-

mostcvory8ubji ts lIoI8 a true blueIsoutherner

t MrLitcintdid preacheda tine sermon

ti lastSunday morning oil the text Mygouso is a House of Prayer BrotherLitchflold wants business voting andreligion to tnhlyYoedont go crazy

iover local option nod go to the pollsnull Vote the license for that moons saloons Vote the Prohibition ticket


PK Stalin and Frank Malln of Ash-

land Ky Mrs Mason McGonigle andRob Malin Mr Tom Robinson ofOweusboro Mr Jesse Malin of SineGrove were all at Mrs George Worlands nee Zula Malin last week tosee their mother Mrs S O Hallo whoIs spending some time with Mrs Worlaud

W L Cabell of Dallas Texas whowas reelected commander of the TransMississippi department says he would ¬

nt exchange his position for Mr McKinloys I reckon not Who thatis a southerner would swap his birth ¬

place or position for anything or any-


north of the Mason and Dixon

lineTheRev B M Palmer of New Or ¬

leans in his great discourse In defenseoHhostfwho wore the gray was a clas ¬

sic I have sat WIder the sound of thatgreat divine twice in NOW Orleans inthe 70V lu the Presbyterian church Hewas then one of the most eloquent andmost popular ministers in the Crescent

CityThework of taking the United States

census commenced June 1st Mr TomRoberts is Uncle Sams emissary to col-


all the facts general concerting eachhousehold in this town and precinctThe census must be taken accuratelyand with dispatch Uncle Sam will byJuly 1st have a complete biography ofeach American

Yosin deed in double deed we whostill love respect nUll honor PresidentJefferson Davis want that monumenterected He excepting Robt E Lee isthe greatest Ulan that ever lived PoorGen Wade Hampton was ill I wentup the Oucheta with him in 1870 andho was n magnificent specimen of aSouthern gentleman

Kentucky gave birth to both AbrahamLincoln and Jefferson Davis They wereborn within a few miles of each otherand within n few months Strange howtheir lives planned out presidents of con ¬

flicting sections and con tending republicsJefferson Davis died disfranchised by nGovernment ho nt one time had faith¬

fully served the other was killed by anassassins bullet Kismet I

Let 10 to 1 Democrats remember whilethey are heaping scathing epithets onSound Money Democrats that WilliamGoebel was n friend to sound moneyuntil the division cause Then he wentwith the radicals while others wentwith the conservatives I believe MrGoebol was an honest man and a good

Democrat according to his belief Hemade one fatal mistake Ho paid thopenalty but ho was brave

Messrs W D Ashcraf Victor Spanldlug P I Yates Ben Hook Doct GrayDan Willett and Albert Bcwlcy gave tinice cream and strawberry supper lastweek at Mrs William Mclntires Inhonor of Misses Susie Elder Nell TrentMary mid Bess Lewis Bcnlali FontaineLena Ncvittnud Lillian Rhodes Thetable was beautifully adorned with col-ored lights and lowers with a boutounlere at each cover Music and gamesbeguiled the happy hours

The compliment to Helen Gould bythe veterans was a deserved one Shegave liberally in money and personalservice to the Spanish American warA cruiser should be named HelenGould Those gray grizzled veteranswith the sands in their hour glass run ¬

ning out never fall to pay woman n tri ¬

bute For instance Whatever thereis in man comes from womans teachingand unlike man she asks no reward butour high civilization demand that wepay this tribute to her virtues

U To Err Is HumanPit to en lot t if time it criminal or

AJW Dont ectXtouc the mitUkc ofnffed f c ff I x Vfhcn imparitits

nunifatiiwiwt ii CTUpfots or whenKtotJtred <vndiixx of stomch ktdncysfliver C > Is wes trpttr take Hoods 5ar

S4Fari It a>2l make pure live blood

nd p1Jot fro good htalth

J1ffJOdj ScMawAif4

Crab In Oritercrhe demacd for that little southern

delicacy the oyster crab Is alwayslarger than the supply and I baVo allI can do to obtain the CO or CO gallonswhich are dally required for flavoringstews and making omelets in the lead ¬

ing hotels restaurants and clubs ofthis city said a wholesale cleft dealerIn New York to a Washington Starwriter Our northern oysters do notcontain the little dainties so I amobliged to buy them from the oystershuckers along the York Ilappahannock nnd other southern rivers ThoChesapeake bay shore oystcrmcn sendus some also

Tho little crab found In the oysterIs not as commonly supposed by twothirds of the oyster eating communitythe young of the blue crab but Is adistinct species It is a messmate ofand caterer to the wants of the oysterbeing therefore a benefit instead of adetriment to the latter In return fortho oysters kindness iu protecting itagainst its enemies the little crabcatches and crushes food which in Itsentire state could not be taken by thooyster A singular thing In connectionwith them Is that all found inside oftho oyster are females Tho male ofthe same variety has a hard shell

Turtle Trained to PlantYou wont to go to China to see min-



fighting reduced to a scienceThere are hundreds of young men inthe larger cities there who make a liv¬

ing by training animals to fight and inexhibiting their savage qualities to In ¬

terested audiences They catch bothmud and snapping turtltethemo-n raw meat and eomo etyf of drugthat harms them up and at tho end ofsix months they become savage enoughto fight a tiger Tho Jaws and teethare filed and sandpapered until thomouth becomes a dangerous thing to-

go near The turtle Is tabtallecd eachday with a piece Of wood or a bunch ofcotton until its temper reaches a whiteheat When confronted with anotherturtle that has been trained and badgered In tho same way they go for eachother with distended jaws and there lasure to be a fight to a finish

They have each boon starved for awOk Each Is handled by his ownerwho has teased It to tho killing pointTho two turtles nro then placed In asmall ring and only one comes outalive Tho fight lasts from ono to tenbourn and death generally comes onlywhcfl one of them has secured a throathold on his doomed antagonist Cleveland Plain Dealer

Da Bought B SectionA Pltteburgcr who has money to

spate had to go east on short noticelie Is a man given to cxclnslvcnessand be detests traveling In a publicconveyance because he Is thrown Inwith BO many persons of whom hoknows nothing When ho floes take ntrip ho takes a stateroom wherever ho I


Islabuslnees I

In the Bleeping car He had little timeto make arrangements last week buthis first thought was of a stateroomlie called one of tho employees andhurried him to the ticket office

Get a stateroom If you cnn hosaid and If you cannot get a sectionYou know what a section isiwobertha

Yes sir replied the men as hostarted off

no returned soon with the Informatlon that there wasnt a stateroom tobo had on the train

But 1 got two berths for you sirbe said handing out two tickets

Do nearly lost Ills job when his em ¬

ployer examined the tickets and foundfjYupptr i

t1 aria Chills alldrrvCV1r

THE BeST PRESCRIPTION ISGroves Tasteless Chill Tonic

The formula iis plait l prnterf on every bottlehence you

know just what you arc taking when you take Groves Imitators

do not advertise their formula knowing that you Would not buy

their medicine ifOU knew what it contained Groves contains

Iron and Quince Put UP in correct proportions and is in a Tasteless

form The JIron acts 34 a tonic while the Quinine drives the

malaria out of the system Any reliable druggist willtell you that

Groves is the Original and that all other socalled Tastelessof other chill tonics showsQhiil Tprrtcs arc imitations An analysis

that Groves is superior to all others in everyrespect You

ire not experimenting when you take Orovcstts superiority

and excellence having long been established Groves is the

only Chill Cure sold throughout the entire malarial sections oL

the United States No Cure No Pay Price sec


Ft lonj fot a ftitx that U lastingWe plead for i rapture Ibttt rue

fAke flilitriaen coucclculjr cittlnTheir wU In the salt ol drepaif-


draw from deep witert of sorrowDart wrcckj of old tailor and lea

And out of tea tames we borrowTbo storm that will tutu some near

Faith tptcd put the footttepi 01 duty

tombTbocglI beautyAnd retunii unto dun= tli the doom

Of tech man child to strife and to wonderTo plan lor tome OIIUn gala

And only tad myetfrici underAll Ute be it pleasure or palm

Lo In realms of the mind there U treasureFor toiler who dwell In content

There la truth that no science can measure

fonpentThere filling

dDDeWhereItrough faith U thy rictory woolCharlca W Etevecaon la ChIcago Occord


The Method of Colleetlon nail Innpectlon rroreuti Free JUde

The chances of evading tares on thestreet cars of German clUes aro veryslight When a paftftnger steps on acnr the conductor Immediately askswhere be is going and then prepareshIs ticket which servos also as a re-ceipt for the fare The preparation ot-a ticket consists only In detaching Itfrom a block and punching it or mark ¬

ing It with a pencilTitle process Involves much more

work than the simple process of ringIng up the fares as conductors do InAmerica but the task Is lightened bythe fact that only a certain number ofpersons are permitted to ride on a carat the same time The number of sit ¬plalnlrImarked on each car If a car is dosigned to carry 30 persons no morethan 30 persons will be permitted onthat car at the same time When any¬

thing In Germany Is forbidden It Issettled once for nIL

In order that every person who tidesshall get the prescribed ticket Inspect-ors


are employed who spend their timeIn ascertaining whether the conductorsare doing their duty These Inspectorsstep Into tho cars and ask the passen ¬

gers for their tickets They note thenumber of two tickets and whether theycorrespond with the stubs retained bythe conductor The clerk who givesout tho blocks of tickets to tho con¬

ductors notes the number of tho upper ¬

most ticket nnJnfthe return of eachblock collects from the conductor whoreturned It as many tares as there aretickets detached

Thu rate ol fares varies from 2Hcents to C according to time distanceSmall children are carried for onelialffare and any ono for the sum of 200may secure a ticket which entitles himto ride os much as bo wishes for onemonth When a ear Is full the con ¬

ductor displays a placard bearing theword Occuplcd Chicago Record

The Par3tefto MarryEdward Rok writing in Time Ladles

Home Journal on A Boy Fot a Husband contends that no young manunder 23 years of age Is In any sensecompetent to take unto himself tl wHoHefore that ago ho IIs simply a boy wholine absolutely nothing which ho canoffer to a girl as a safe fnndattoo forlife happiness lIe Is unformed In hischaracter unsettled In his Ideas nb>

Boluloly Ignorant of the first essentialsof what consideration or love for awoman means IIo doesnt know him-self let alone knowing a woman Hois full of fancies and it is his bostabnature to alt from QUO fancy to an¬

otherHeIs Incapable of the affection up ¬

on which love is hosed because be baanot lived long enough to know whatthe feeling or even the word menusHe Is IoU of theories each one ofwhich when bo comes to put it lutepractice will fall Ho li a boy pureand simple passing through that tryIng period through whlcb every boymust pass before ho becomes a manBut that period Is not tho marryingtime For as his opinions of lifo areto change so aro his fancies of thogirl ho esteems as tho only girl In theworld to make him happy The manof 30 rarely wads tho girl whom hefancied when ho was 20

A Freak of LightningLightning performed a strange feat

near Osceola Pa during tho recentthunderstorm says the Oil City Der-


Three fine cows belonging to afarmer had been turned out to pastureIn a field on which tho new grass Is al ¬

ready Quito high and when the showercame QI1 they gathered together In onecorner under some trees There Is awIre fence running closo by tho spotwhere they wero standing and a boltof lightning was attracted to It and ranalong tho slender wires until the cowswere reached when It glanced octstriking the animals and killing allthree Instantly

A Story For PapaThere Is a moral In this little story

of child lira-Mamma asked little 8yearold

Freddie nro wo going to heaven some-day

TVs dear I hope BO was tho reply-I wish papa could go too con tin

tIed the little fellowWell and dont yon think ho vrtlir

asked his motherIOh no replied Freddie uho couldnot leave his business

Does the man who worries abouthimself ever think that be is worryingabout a thing of which time wornmakes little noteS Louts Star t

Whenever a mothers attention tar

called to her children she makes of

dive at them and wipes their nosesAtcliloon Globe 1j

There Is something ivrong with thennpotlle of ft small boy who can waitpatiently for hb chooseCJnI6notes j

Job Printing donE at this omen onshort notice





l 1 i


isto it r

have a book wesend you that

I tells just how to carefor the hair

e If ifaair Is too







physical attractionsecondary Wergladly


lustcr AfffHIgor

Growth becomes w

vigorous and all dan ¬

druff is removedIt always restores

color to gray or fadedhair Retain youryouth dont look oldbefore your time

100 a bottle All JruzzlitI bars need your Hair Vigor

now for about 25 years and I halefound it splendid and satisfactoryIn every way I bellove I haverecommended this Halt Vigor tobundcrdsof my friends and theyantbodyVigor I shall certainly recommendIjAyereIlaiz

i TIftrtNOT 231833 Norwich N Y

Write the Doctor-It Ton dont obtain all the benefits

jIgorILowell btu-


A good rain last weekThe NEWS is 0 K Isnt IlCrops are growing nicely since the

rainOliverGreer went to Brandenburg

SaturdayOhms Bennett went to Andyville

ThursdayMiss Katie Hubbard is seriously ill

at this writingMrs Laura Pipes is quite ill RI+ her

home near Flat Rock

Miss Effie Haynes spent a night withMiss Katie Hubbard near Cold Spring

weekMrGreer Henry Stiff and

family and J P Greer attended time

Reunion at Louisville last weekWm Blake and Miss Mettle Bennett

spent Thursday night with D C Thomp-son and wife at Rat Ran

The heaviest rain since June Gtb 07fell here last Wednesday evening fontlag watergates and a large portion ofthe crops were washed away

MtJ Bennett our enterprising mer ¬

chant has moved his warehouse up onMain street This makes his businessmore convenient and enlarges its ca ¬

pacityMrM 0 Thompson formerly a mer-


often place but now of Schoonerpoint Ind has sold out his property atthat place and is coming back to Ken ¬

tuckyUnclePeter Stiles of Lick Run Breck ¬

enridge county spent last week visitingrelatives here He had not been here forsome time he gets around quite well fora man 60 years of age

J R Bennett contemplates building aball at this place for public gatheringsand social purposes This will help toimprove our little place and he Ii greatbenefit to our society

The Apple crop in this section will notbe as heavy as was anticipated as nearly all of the young apples withered andfell off There will however be a largecrop of peaches and pears

James Lame and myself killed twocopperhead snakes last Friday measuring a fraction over 4 feet in lengthThere are more of them than usual Inthis section and they made their appear ¬

ance quite earlyThe people off this county anticipate a

grand celebration on Independence dayat this place Preparations will be madeto accommodate a large number ofguests The day is regularly celebratedhere and a largo attendance alwaysturns out

I oror tifi the PianosIt lies been calculated that a mini ¬

mum pressure of the finger of onoquarter of n pound Is needed to sounda note on the piano and that at timesa force of five pounds Is thrown on asingle key to produce a single effectChopins last study In O minor has apassage taking two minutes five sec¬

onds to play that requires a total pressure estimated at three full tons

o a pqpo xi x JSuttifo vyjrtl Kind VorHan Alivajs Sought I

Signature rt4 r-




Miss BeulahRush is on the rick listthis week

MIES Ava DAvison IBi viaitioK relativesID Louisville

Jerry THford Conductor on the Branchroad laid offa few days last week

We hear that Jake Jones has pur ¬

chased the Tom Wedding farm

MrArnolds family of MitchellStation visited the family of Jack Harris

SundayTheheavy rains that fell last week

damaged crops in this neighborhood


and family of HorseBranch attended services at the Baptistchurch Sunday

tMr Will Park joined the Baptist

church last Sunday and was baptisedafter the service

Mr Eugene McAdama of Owensborowas visiting his daughter Mrs IkeAdair last week

The lecture given at the Hall Satur ¬

day night was very interesting as wellas amusing to all those who attended

Prof Godaey has bought the old schoolhouse and is repairing it for a dwellinghouse We are glad to see this for itwill be an improvement in the looks ofthis end of the town

Wo vere glad to sse little Conly Tilford out Sunday to enjoy Childrens dayservices Everybody knows and lovesConly the afflicted son of ConductorJerry Tilford Come again Conly

Childrens day services at the Baptistchurch Sunday was attended by a largecrowd It was a beautiful day and thesongs and speeches of the little childrenwere enjoyed byall The Instrumentaland vocal music was beautifully render-ed


while the recitation by Miss RuthLawson was the best on the programme

For two years Ira Kelley of Manefield Pa was in poor health on accountof kidney trouble He consulted sever ¬

al physiciansand spent considerable money for medicines without obtaining fe >

Hal until he tried Foleys Kidney Cureand now writes I desire to add my tes ¬

timony that it may be the cause of aid ¬

ing others Moorman Owen


Tommie Williams Is very ill at thiswritingDick

Hardaway of Irvington was intown Thursday-

Mr George Wrather was at home Sat ¬

urday and SundayMr Abe Laslie of Missouri< iis visiting

at Mr Jake SbauklettsMr Jesse Henderson came home from

Louisville Sunday morningMrs L P Drake of Island McLean

Co is visiting at home againNellie Brown and little Clair visited

Mrs Tom Cundlfi at Guston SundayMr Emmet Drown Sam Allen and

Ray Shacklet were at IrVington Sunday

Mrs Marve I13wle Sr and threegrand children came up from Owaneboro Sunday

Mr Sam Randall and wife of Grayhampton were the guests of Mrs M

MeyerSundayMrsand little daught ¬

er Golda were the guests of 0 0 Stithand family Sunday

Mrs Dan Williams has returned homefrom Toblnsport where she has beenvisiting her parents

Mr Will Roberts and Miss AliceNeafus spent Sunday with Mr DanShacklett and family

Misses Ada and Nellie Roberts andErmine and Rosa Cracroft and MrJunius Snacklett spent Sunday at IrvingtonIt

be impossible to name thepeople that attended the Confederate Re-


from here but our agent sold 101tickets to Louisville during the cheaprates

If You fJwere to bump your head against a brickwall you could not feel worse than any ¬

one who suffers from stomach troublesWe have a positive cure in Dr CaldwellaSyrup Pepsin Snort Haynes

Holds A Lucrative PositionMr James Heron a former citizen of

this town but now of Ashland Ky wasa guest of his brother Mr Alex Heron fora day and night of last week

He also visited the home of Mr andMrs David Heron near Bewleyville

Mr Heron Is superintendent of theAshland Coal Iron Railroad companyat Ashland Itla said to be the largestinstitution of its kind in Eastern Ken ¬

tackyQuick Relief For Asthma

Mia Maud Dickens Parsons Kanewrites I suffered eight years withasthma in its worst form I had sever-al attacks during th> last year and wasnot expected to live through them Ibegan using Foleya Honey and Tar andit has never failed to give immediate re¬

lief Moorman Owen

Locates at OwensboroJesse Moorman has resigned his posi¬

tion with F Fraize Jesse has accepteda position with the Owomboro Pantsfactory and the NEWS commends thisfirm in the selection of MrMporman Helea sturdy young man of excellentmoral qualities and has fine businessabilities


Gall on H K Wells for strawberriesMrs Duvall is very much indisposed

Sunday schools at this place nro progrossing nicely

Crops arc very munch improved sincethe recent rains

We still love tho NEws It Is like uJs

letter from homo T j

Mrs Sallie Crowford Horned spent aday at homo last week

Miss Dora Ashley spout Saturday andSunday in Caneyville

ML Kincers saw mill near here wasdestroyed byflro last Sundayriqgvisit

Quito a crowd from hero will hear SP Jones at Leitchflold to night

No clew has yet been obtained in re-


to the Leitchfleld Bank robbers

If you want to see Role Smith smilecall him papa Its an eight pound boy

W I DeHaveuand daughter Beulahattended the reunion at Louisville last

weekMissRuble Lampton will spend the

summer with her aunt Mrs Corn Dinwiddlo

Bro Harmed will preach for us thesecond Sunday of this month at theregu

hourFarmersare much encouraged since

they find their wheat crop 20 per centbetter than they expected

A woman in Idaho got a divorce fromher husband because he would not takeher to the Paris Exposition Hefied in court that he was afraid of waJrand that he was afraid to get into a bathtub even he got so seasick That manhas indigestion just as a good many oth ¬

ers we know and should take Dr Coldwells Syrup Pepsin Get it at ShortHaynes


Miss Nellie Burks is visiting In Louis ¬

villeMrsHannah Hardin has returned

from Cloyerport

MrLL Mitchell visited friends inCannelton Tuesday

Church services held at Holts ChapelSunday were welL attended

Miss Forrie Hardin has returned homefrom a visit to relatives in Oloverport

Miss Emma Riedel has returned homefrom Cincinnati to spend her vacation

Among those who attended the Con ¬

federate Reunion last week were Mr

Har41nMrMinor Mrs Lucy Coons and MriHenry Coons

Does It Pay To Buy CheapA cheap remedy for coughs and colds

is all right but you want something thatwill relieve and cure the more severe Aand dangerous results of throat and lungtroubles What shall you do Goto awarmer and more regular climate Yesif possible if not possible for you thenin either caee take the ONLY remedythat has been introduced in all civilizedcountries with success in severe throatand lung troubles fBosqhees GermanSyrup It not only heals and stimu ¬

lates the tissues to destroy the germ dieease but allays Inflammajlon causeseasy expectoration gives a good nightsrest and cures the patient Try ONE

bottle Recommended many years byall druggists in the world For sale byjA R FISHER

ITbe fay Came By RailI

Too bad the hay wasnt aboard theStr Tarascon Monday night Ten ortwelve young couples who are ever readyto wear out the soles of their shoes inkeeping time to the pretty strainaofmusic had paltiently waited for the ar¬

rival of this boat They went to thetllandingand a dance to the upper wharf was an ¬

ticipated by all She did not displayany signs of landing so to make sure ofnot missing the festive dance that hadbeen advertised they proceeded to themail landing She had hardly struck thetyOhiotwelve or fifteen of Kentuckys prettiestyoung girls all broken hearted over thecatastrophe It was some time beforeagent Gregory appeared upon the scenebut when he did he quickly went downto the wharf with his headb owed to thepebbles


Hows This I

We offer One Hundred Dollar Rewardfor any case of Catarrh that can not becured by Halls Catarrh CureF J CHENEY CO Props Toledo 0

Wethe undersigned have known F JCheney for the sat fifteen years and behove him perfectly honorable Inall bus-iness


transactions and financially able tocarry out any obligation made by theirfirmWest

Trims aleDruggfat T

MarviWHalls Catarrh Cure is taken internalIy acting directly uponthe blood andmucous surfaces of the tmPrlee7tper1ott1Q S lilbjalt <

Testimonials freeHalls Family Pills are the beet