. xxiv. DOVER, MORBIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17,1894. 3HEMS AND PROPRIETORS. w BlackweU,\8treet rjxci dm National Union Sank. fiWITT R. HUMLKEH. Real HsUte and Insurance Agent. ™ over Tbo Ueo, Richards. Co.*s Store, DOVER, N. J. T|iU0]ffli6 J. COOPER, , . ATTORNEY AT LAWAWD HABTEIl AOT> BOL1CITOH INCHANCERY Offloo In the Tone Building, OVER J. A. LTON'B STORE, DOVER, N, J, MES 0. COOPER, DOVER, N. J. J A Inrorance Broker and Commissioner of Deeds. Fire, Life. Bteam Boiler, Employer* 1 Lia- bility and Live Stock Immraoc*. Our In- lurmnoe Insures. Real Estate bought and •old DU CommluoD. SHyr. pi HO. 0. CUMMINS.M, D., GENERALPRACTITIONER, FC»D BPHXAIJBT IS TIM TJULATMXHT OF RHM1 HAHBM AND MALARIAL DIBKASIB, Offloe oo north ride ol Blackwell street and bt 200 ft t f W tt ffloe oo north ride ol Black •bout 200 feet west of Wa DOVBB, H. J. letieet, p EORQB W. BOWER, . ARCHITECT, f MORRWTOWN, H. J. Jrnos P*£K PLACB, COB. MAHEZT BT. QOTO i KAHOUBE &HOBKIH&'S BAKERY br froth Bread, Coke ud Pie. dally, A Mi itock of Coatectionery always on band. H" 1 SUSSEX STREET, a CANAL BBUKJKJ DOVEB, N. J. JOHN DRUMMER'S - ' AV1N0 AITD HAIR CUTTING SALOON, . MANSION HOUSE, . )R, BLACXWZLAKB BCBSKI BTREKT, DOVER, N. J. place baa been entirely refitted in a neat ——r. Ladles' and Children's Hair Cutting a apedalty. .. R. WILLIAMS, MASON ARD SLATER, . POBI ORAM, N. J. ntracta Ukeu for aU kinds of workIn v.line of bnslnew and tba beat material*, C BoUan and covering Bteam Pipes eiloaatpeolalty. • , ' Omox HEAB CKHTBAL DEPOT 23-ly THE HORBISCOUNT* ftlip m j | n n Til TIIF sAvmas BAHK^OJIE WORD TO TJE M0BBI8TOWH, H. J. ItlCORPOKATKD MAUCII 3d, 1 Prwrfdent-BENRY W, MILLER. VIoe-Protddent-AUREIJUS R HULL. Secretary and Trecumror—B, T. HULL, MANAGERS: Henry C. Pitney, Henry W. Millar, Hamptou O Uaiib, Aarellus B. Hall, Philip H. Hoffnnin, Paul Revere, Ghu. Y. Bwun, It. D. Edmund D. Halaey, John Thatcher. ASSHm inary 1st, 18M 91,333,721.90 . LIABILITIES. depositor* $1,199,728.80 .Dividend Jan. 1, 16,833,18 11,806,000 63 Burplm 127.U53.44 ! 11,833,7! Interest Is declared and paid In January and July of each year from tbe profits of the pre- vious dz months' bwtiiiea. Oepo«tti mads on or before tbe Sd days of January, April, July and October, drawin- terest from tbe 1st dayi of §ald months re* BANKINO H0DR8. B A. u. to i P. M. dally, except Saturday. * HIM, (noon) and MINING MACHINERY MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co Amos H. VANHOR Are taking a great many orders for goods to be delivered in the Fal on account ol ths great Ont in Two Price Sale. N. B.-j-Orders a; taken for goods with or without a deposit liverod in the Fall. AIR COMPRESSORS, of high- HOISTING ENGINES, duplex and reversaHe. >UMPING ENGINES, strong . and economical. 00RNI8H PUMPS, double or single. GEARING and PULLEYS, largt and small, Heavy andLight Castings in Iron, Brass, and Phosphor Bronze, Forcings of evzry do- omiM lap WOBKB, UeBHIfTBBKT, DOVKR, H, J, 73 Market Street r 11 Near Plane St., NEWARK, N. J j-OHHBON *'COOPER, U o Q i n u L PuunBanca UBDZKMOM. £anonal attention alien to ell callj by J. LJobuoo. OIBoeaiidwaieraiiiiiiiUteoU - [, Kuril .traet, 15-lj ll-ABTIN LUTHER COX. OOtJUTT SnPBRIHIBKDKtlT ;•'• ,, OF P 0 B U 0 BCHOOLB. inioi-BLACEWBLLST., DOVER, II. J. 9 A. M.to12 M. merj 8atard«j. \LIVKR R FBKBKAH,... .. ? DAKPESTBRAHD BHILDEB, o and oontneto ^almTitrtiLiilArljratlwidMl t Bt ths Brick Drug Stora o{ dlo.or at tita port OIQM WU] ed to. Comer Bolcjoand H> J.,' pHK MEW; JBRHBY IR0N,MINH,0 CO. jiM : OrTBHS FOB BA1M •BIRABLH FARMING AND TIMBER p; LANDS INMORRIS COUKTY, jfctoti of 5 aona andupwards, and nrerml E»d building lota la Fort Oram, N. J. »•". Addrea L. 0. BORWIBTH, 8MV, £;• " . ' - D07KB.H.J. pH03. JOHKSdN, ^.; ' Diaaufactuivr aqddealer la.' (pNUUBKTS, HHADSTONES, UANTELB •aaUworkinUarblaaudQranlte. Allirork .<rf tke b « t order andprloei reasonable. &A0EWZLL. 8TBSXT, DOVER, N. J. ntTlI. H. SFAHQLEB, J«., PL0IU6T, : OOLD STimET, DOVBB, K, J. Cot Fl on, [or all oonaKms, fcmlined at abartert Dtlee, andererjtUni In the line ol tb. larinenpplled .. i;'*.' 1 . ATTOnNKX-AT-LAW, OUOrrOBiKDMABTSR XSOHANOERV •'.'"• i»o H0TARY PDBLia . • ' '.. . ':-. STJUIBOPS,N. J. ' <Bneee«irirtoPnan» A MOHM) . CARPENTER AND BUILDBH, Plan*, ipedflcaUoao for iken and —•--•->- -—•-* Fine Bologna Sausage. Wean making theflnfrrtBologna Bantu* Serodtotben»rket,atid our arowtnaaaUi .. . ....... 'e apprBelatait. Itli idieau that the BtlrelT' and coitomen, by Tlalfr iaata are iued. It may to obtained trots or mcana ID Dorar andvldnlty, or at the raodry itorea of Joe. H. Dickenxai, Warren lYa£> a Frltle, llonli BL, Dora. Alec I tr« ttore oC iobn Dewnuv, Port Oram. HKDDEN BROB., Batchera, i-u : CBinaB aKova,s. i. BSIABLIBH2D 1630. EOKGE E. V00UIIEE8, HOBBISTOWN N. J., HABDWARG —AMD— IRON MERCHANT. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS BEBDB and FEBTILIZERS. I have afall lino of them at lowest prices Oil. STOVES AND OIL OAS STOVES, BEFBI0EBAT0R8, CREAM FREEZERS WILOOX & BERRY C»rp«nter» and Builders, Dover, N. J. Plan, Jobbing Promptly Attended to< SLATE ROOFS.—We fornlih InVolaa slate and pot on alateroofeby good neobanlca. SaekeVe BheatUng Pap« ^-.y. onhand, n Blal paoj' H. R. Wtiioox. OO TO TBH OLD BELI ABLE HOUSE OF-^- JOS. C. JOHNSON •PHOLSTCBMB ni ••• ••• FtMITBIE WBM UOIUUB St., (Sou the River,) DOVEit, K. J. R T . BMITB. THOB. FAHOTHO FANNING, Masons and Builders. D0VZB. •. I. - Oontraeta for all Unda et work taken ana aOmaiarialefarrianed. PraoUeal eiperhoof 111 flleaiy "* fcglft " CC lPeaami VOTaCe JOBBBQ F R O H F T t T ATT1OTDBD TO KaiZT TO D.. L. * W. R H Joseph Moses, The subscriber hereby Rim notice thtfc he la mural la tako oonUntAa fci buildings and do Epilrlng andJobbing at short aoHco and In a jOTknuuillkB manner. Hating irid * long tac- pertenco in tbo carpenter buatww and hue— i oat. of Bencaa snd Slulnndl Bti., Dam-, N. J, p S & BUTLER. XXason* >nd Builders. PRICES. All Wool Ingrain Carpet, peryard Tapestry Brussels Carpet, per yard Velvet Carpet, per yard Body Brussels Carpet, per yard Antique Oak Bedroom Suits Antique Oak Bedroom Suits Antique Oak Bedroom Suits Parlor Suits, in Plush Covering Parlor Suits, in Flash Covering 2 tu'iot Suite, in Rug Oovoring Do not buy a range until you huvo eeen the FamouH Over 500 now in UBB. Warranted a good baker or montj and the only place they onn be purchased at is at our esti Storing Furnitjire Where people can store Furniture in a clean place i is where they are going, and Buoh is the New Building Street, Furniture removed with vans. 'CONTAINS MORE : ? MWW§> !|i OTHER p APER, i NO. 38 TELEPHONE low ratei t 88 Bank ECONOMY! COMFORT! S/ -)BDI TOTES I shall seU the - NEW DEERINQ MOW whioli has given the beat satisfaction. One of these in i coBttag ony 76 oents for repairs. Plumbing, Tinning, Steam Beating and Hot Wate: done in the best manner. B. S. ALLEN, Dover, N. J. FETY! six years, Heating The Celebrated CORNISH PIANOS and ORG IMPORTANT NOTICE. WABSB00HS: COT. Blackwell and Morris Sts., J. R. DALRYMPLE, Manager, Also dealer in Small Musioal Instruments of all kinds, Trim' mings and Supplies, Sheet Music and Muaio Books. Flcttue Frames on hand and made to onler. Orden taken fopCmjaa and "Seeing is Believing." Simple, Beautiful, GooJ— these words mean much, but to, see "The Rochester" will impress. I the truth more forcibly. Its mar- i velous light is purer and brighter than gas light, softer than electric n , and more cheerful than either. The choicest bric-a-brac in the palace of a Van- derbtlt reveals nothing finer. We have 3,700 ' artistic varieties, in brass, bronze, silver and | often lite to godown amonjr the large wholesale b p ffyy -ttOtJHKSTKB T.AMP CO,, 4S Park i>]t.eetl «..»— Rochest CRUSHED S Anr Elxo orJqoaaUty, deJJ the Delaware, lActuranns and Wi Central B. B. or Hew Jewey. OSOBOE er. " A POPUUAR Shoe must combine these four quarters. 20 years ex perience convinces me thai no maker on earth comet nearer to filling these re quiromonts in Ladies' Shoes than Lounsberry, Mathowg & Co- Our stores in Dover, Boonton and Passuic are al ways full of them. "PIT P, O. EEAG-AN, Opp. D. L. & W. R. R. Depot, DOVER, N. J GREflT flLTERflTIOH SOLE NOW QO1NQ ON AT L. LEHMAN & CO. Closing: out our entire stonic of DRV GOODS, NOTIONS, TINWARE and GLASSWARE to mako room for our new UQUOR DEPARTMENT We haven't the room to quote prioes here but will guarantee yon wlU never have achanoe to buy Staple Goods ar-abeap as we are selling them- - Pompton Minos. A reporter Monday went tothe fatnou line, which baa been ojiened lately, uml 01 aniiiied the stone or perhaps the mineral. Tli la simply a biaatlug of a sort of blui •ock from whoro it crop! out of the ground Thousands of carloads were shipped to New- irk. What It contains no ono cm find out, Quite a largo uiteot of inuuutala landwai purchased and one hundred and fifty mt at work. Uoad roads were niado, nod all tliu tools and Implements procured aud alami mnilter of teams were employed. 6011m poo- ile ti\mt the naw metal fs alumluuiu. Bui iu onoknows. Tno stuff has been mysterious- ly taken to Newark and uono whoknow w tell what It all means. But about t< months ago tha blasting of the rock stopped id right opposite tha reck they began cart- ing sand Ia bags. Several tons of sacks not arrive otonoe and many hundreds of thi of these sacks of sand were taken din toNewark. The men Bald more had boendls lovert-dtn tbe sand that had been found In ie rock. There bad been a mythical 1 •ported. Mr, T. Itycrson informed u tome of the sand "being worth teu cents a pound." But all at once the whole thing shut doi [either eand or rook la being moved. Hi Irods of tbousanda of bags of a wblto bok wnd are In heaps and stack*, but tha crov it working men are no longer swarming mt tho works. Too employment gavo jood wages totbe men thereabouts, but non they are Idle eat-B those who nre clearing out lbs Big Ditch tbrmigh tha "Boggia Vly." L. LEHMAN & Co.. » Next to Post Office FJ.J. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. BUSINESS. EHERGf M SUNSHIHE TO THE FRONT The recent storms have interfered with isiness and kepi many of our out-of-town itrons from visiting us. Push and prices ust make upfor lost time. We'll make profitable for you tocome now. MEN'S SPRING SUITS We are exhibiting not only the largest nd most complete line we ever asked you look at, but are selling them at prices ir below their actual value. WHETHER THE SEN- ATE PASSES THEFREE WOOL BILL OR NOT YOU WILL NEVER BUY SUITS CHEAPER THAN NOW. ou nor we ever sawsuoh $10 suits before. You nor we ever sawnuok $13 suite before. )UR OWN FINE CLOTHING We don't and we couldn't buy such Clothing as we sell. But that 19 not all. ou save the profn of the middleman by dealing with us first hand. THE BOYS TOO ^> THE BOYS TOO IP Boys' Clothing this season Is as cheap Inproportion as the Main's. '•--- " • ' little oni We are in splendid shape to outfit the li pretty styles of our own design, strong, reliable worl ei'va attention paid to buttons and stnying. At pact from $2.00 to 56.0O. New and rkmanship, ;es ranging MCGREGOR & Co. 50 & 852 Broad St., - - - - NEWARK. N. J. )J0nBEIt8 AND DEALERS W< HARDWARE, IRON jj STEEL PIPE, BpecU] Agent* Iletrlnj-IIoll-Marvta Co.'o SAFES AND VAULT WORK. Snppllea ot Every Description for mliicloreis, Hachinislj, Slcara Fillers, Railroads, Mills, Contractors, Offico Build- ings, Public Inslllutlonj. Lawn Honors, Walor Hose and siinmor specialties. OO <*> BOB S £ A J a S H T B T , MJEraTAIUS:. INT. J. TO BEGINNERS 1wlllioat staTea and •PERFECT" and "PROVIDENT" RANGES ASOLINE AND KEROSENE OIL STOVES For Summer Oootfng. Our line cf . HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING GOODS SANTTAttT rtDMBESa AND TINHINOASI'ECIAi.TV. EsUmatca cheerfuilr nimbbed. T. KBRR, oppPaiK HOteT, BiacKweH St. Dover, N . J . What the "World" Doe« Not Km About Duties on Irfad, Pin Iron Scrap It on. Iu a double leaded editorial paraKr under the caption " Pivotal KaoU<," the ork World of Monday Myn : "Load ivor taxed u:<til tbo pBsss^a cf the TatltT In l e fll. I'iglrou was free until 1 id scrap iron was taxed onlj* 'H per ceui before the war." By the acti of lStfl, 1BI8 and 1811) tho dul a lead, which was cluscd bu.ung " uuftnui crated arUclw." iran 15 par uent. ad valorotn, which duty contlmiod uutll lViii. Iu Ibo duty of 15por ceDt. vroa reimponcd itHl It wan raised to S>per cent, ad valor where It remained until lb&T. nhen it wi reduced to ISper cuut., IultMl thn rote reduced to10 por cant, and Iu ltU2 a itjicti duty of one cent a pound was Imposed. J iron become dutiable under the net of Ji 4, I'm, and hu lieen dutiable ever Bfuce. the acts of 1B16,1818 and 1810 the rate v at 50rouln a hundred weight; Ju ib2-i tbi rate was ralnod 'to ttiH cents a huudrnl relght; In 1833 it was naalti reduced to5< euta, at which it remained until ltHl!, a rate of f I) a ton was Imponod. In is ad valorem rate of 30 per cent, was imposed, 'bleb was reduced ID1£>7 to -4 per cent for which rate In IBMa spoolQo rate of (0 ton was Impoied. By tho acts of 1W14, IMW indlHCOtno duty wai' raired to*0 a ton, hpre It remained until ltiTD, vlwil reduced to $7 aton.Scrap Iron wan dutlatili among " unenumorated artldos" from tbi date of tb« flrat tariff, July 4, 1780, at varl- ites, ranging from 5 per cent, ai valorem to J5 jierceut., until 1830, when •peelfle duty of $12.50 a ton waa Imposed, 'bloh ooDtinuod until 1842, when it was n duced to HO a ton, for which rate an ei valorem duty of 80 por crut, was tubotltutc thu Walker Tarlltof IB 1*1, and remains force for eleven years, until lHTrt, wbeu was roducod to ill por cent. lucbfor tbe double-leaded "pivoti Tacts "advanced by the World an "justM* cation for tbe flrm stand of the House, tbe Frosldeot and tbe Democrats of tbo cuuutry 'or free taw material." lu the "frisky editors," ull of whom UPt along all o. k. nnd inonBely. Our public wboolhouso Is liclng trcatod to fated, wbich greatly adilx to IU appoari There Uto ho a ntilun excursion to ilopatcong between HO,.R.VI.]1 r.id|;<>N l£. of I'^andllopocuuTriboNu 5s IHIII O. ol It. 51., otiTliiirwliiyor noit wi-ek, I bti- TraliiH Hill run from Hibornla, stop- ping ot ltcckawny nud iJovor. (Joint) ODD ,ud come all ami Lavn n guod ilay'g unjoy- nent at the incut famous resort lu New Jer- idwlt It Is A litllo Into, but, never- theless, wo exioud our huartle.it enneratuin- MODB to Miuhael Alullfgan mi.l Mary J. Hor- In, who were UHIUMI lumurrlnKo lant Hntur- lay wcok, uud bopL' your voyage over tbo ;ru«t oc«an of life may boa Imppy out*. Thomas Kllis and nifo hnvo movod into tho OOinn over Bijulru CUIIIIIH' vanity »torn. William V. CurtlH Ims bm-n contintxl to bis lonie by ulckneis for n coujiltt of Kcuks. U'ghud adelfgbtful sliowo.- thin even ing [Wednesday), wlilch woa badly needed, and as anconi|kouled by a Hhnivnr of liail stonoi bout t h e s i s or iimrliloa, A siHUir of Mrs. Utar^B l'ylp, of MUhlirnii, 1 wakliiK Mrs. Vyle nn exicnJod v! " Ttiomas IVarcp, Jr., had onu u! maUJ - urt Bt the Hurd Mine ono day tlila week Eddia Mill but beoti quite hick, but wo urn >toanod to see blm ablo to gut out «run ml igaln. patent modiclne man wan in ton Monday oven Jug last anil gave o very(In peech ou tho merit* of bis "Cure All. 1 a lino talker sora* imy. Wult, Id'ot lie be Noono knows bovofti repeated tliat s»tuu npoinib, and hi ;ot it down to perfection, Junt tlie HSIUO :bild gets bin A. B. C.'a niter be InOiuroUKhly learned, lla BIBO amused blu uuillouco bj mania trleki, etc. Quite a surlous runaway happened lmro oi utaadny afUirTuxin. As neur o« we can luart of the particular! little James Andrews, foi Dfl'bllip Andrcn-a, of Luxemburg wunt U iter bis horse at tho trougo on Wont Black 'II »treet, Dover, and BU'pped out on tin ift ta unrein Iho hrirontvheii liyeniiia meam a homo ln>caiiio frightoncd aud ranaivuy. The animal cuma through uur dtrttU at n rapid rate. Tho littlo bi»y was thrown from "ie shaft and by tome me HUB cnine lu cmitac alp wound and wasotherwin) brul«Kl. I •as a great wonder that tbo llule follow jcip.flaa netlns bo did. Miss Collins, diughtcr of Bqulro Cultiui, rns married to n young gontlcmeii frnm Ho- Kikun,! havebctn informed, and whose nainc did not learn, this OWduuaday) afternoon, 'hogroutn toukhlsbrlds to their new home tt Ilobobou tbu Entne oveiiing. Accept our :angrntillatlnng. I henr of &01119 of our sports Roing out al- Found $1,780. Tba late Kflbeoca Martin, of Beattjstonn, 'hose death we announced last week, was a oman of kindly heart and womanly sym- pathy, but very eccentric. It waa heroc- centrioitles that l«d to tbe appointment of a iiardian. Bbe was particularly eccentric in loiiey matters. (Soon nf ter the death of ber msband a mortgage on aplooo of Hack two property was paid off by a cortifled ibeok. The check she refused to deposit to credit or endorse that others might di or ber. It was not until after tho appofnt- aentof a guardian that the chock was used. fptotlie time of the appointment ot a luardtan tba income from her husband 1 itatu was given tober, and when her estate UKU over tothat oulclal there was evidence [ a liberality or charitable solrft that none lad Buspected before. An Inventory of bar personal estate waa made by her gua'dl Mr. Hunt, last Thursday, and tbe first inatlon of her supposed liberality came when, In an unusual place, a very conaider- iblasumof money was found. Before tbe Inventory was oomplet d sums In varying itnounts aggregating |M) had bten found. Bnoit day Sir*. LaBarre, the only daugh- and heir, msde a more thorough search of the house, and In bureau and stand drawers, in out-of-the-way places, wrapi»d IDrags acd papers, an additional sumof $910 waa Found, or (1,780 in all.—Oasette. A Btrannei", and He Took Them In, There baa been quite tomo talk during tbo past week, caused by tbe suddeu disappear- ance from town of a young man named Samuel Benerlmo, a Hebrew. Uecametotbls swn a short time ago a " straoger," and thn allce authorities gave him lodging, and lai be attended tba mission meeting*. Bypro- reeslng conversion, a fluent tongue, end on tndlm amount of cheek, he soon wnn ivor of the mlrsion peorlc, and through their '(Torts be obtoiued employment to varloui HIB lait position was Hitan of thn 3aptUt Church, from which howas discharged 'br lnoompetoDcy. Since he left town ft has been learned that made use of his friends," and left a few ills unpaid. A. short time ago Mr. T. H. Icottleft Benrlmo la charge of hli Rtoro, dur- which time Mr. Bcott claims tM was n from bis safe. Whether or no Benrlmo ook tho money Is not known, but if he didn't bo did I In talking at the Sunday meeting* tbo jail, Benrlmo bas repeatedly said "I lave been guilty of everything but ranrdi -Einms. Patents tawed to Jerseymen. reported . . BOA by Drake & Co., nolle I torn nf patents, .. Broad andMarket St.. Newark N. J oliting apparatus, J. V. Beet man, Plain- fid; seal, (two paten I e), E. J. Drooks, Eo?t Jmnso: cult button or ntud, U. U. Cham- iliu Newark: dumptoK car, R. C. Davl- _. Weetneld; mean* for casting, IV. H. irake, et al, Hackettstow n 1 system nf oleo- '--' dlgtri utlin, T. A Edison, Lteyellyn „-^, IncefaiUner, O. P.Eltarlch. Uaywood; irakefor velocipedes, 0. F. Hall, Newark; '—"inR machluo, (two patent*), C. P. Hfg- ROMIIO ; bom coupling, A. Hltt, Jornny ; tDdurtion coil, C. L. Joegor, UAywood; Dctrlctlmn recorder, H. T. Johnson, KIIM- >th: telopfaone witch, H. T. Johnxon, llmbeth 1 kilen for HriaR pottery, etc. L. iwton, Trentnn : abnft tug, E. L<<gan, New Irumwlck; electrical ennductorc, E, D. icCracken, Alpinu ; olpo banger, W. nior .Ivrid, Jfiroy City; fountain or bydraul.j hrush, W. H. Miller, l>mJua; pawjr^swiicr, *' M Pancoast, Camdtn; sample cose, W. Perlson, Paterfon', railway ear, u, A. -jlth, Oraniie j apparatus for conttennltig tenm, W. Webster. Um-bantvllle ; electrio aIIway lystcni, T. B. Wilcor, ot ai. Newnrk; lectromsgnetlc contact maklntc davloe for lectrlct railway tyilcmt., T. B. Wilcox, et (tl, lewark; eleotiia railway system, T. II Wll- ix,etal, Newark; rndlatorflandsloiinheiit- g ipeclalUes, A. A. Urilling Iran Co, remey City. B I K E HIL1*. RBT. Mr. OHvor will preach Inoar church !Xt Bnnday marniuE- Como out and hear Tbe annual plcnlo of ths'Mfnn Hill Hun- lay Bchool will be held no tbe church grounds >n Saturday, Augurt Ktb. A band will mdance. Alt are crrdlatly Invited to in>? and onjoy iheniHlves. The publm Khool In being cleaned and iaria ready for rctinol to commence. Mrs. Eustfco, of N<-w«rk, baa l>een vlaltlnfi ild friends around boro for tha last two Metsrs. John and Frank Euetlce, of KBIT- irk, spent Sunday tn thfi place. MfH Jennie Churm hns returned from ber Islt to Orange, MIBI L1iziBHIchardsbiBgon.fi to Brooklyn on a vltlb. - VIOUET. POET OBAM. AV'ililam Tjack linn ln>,m L-OUIITI linmufor tlip|in<itraiii[il."ijf nwUn-l tei-ero felon mi bin hnud. 1 nntiL-t-d Jt *B-,tli Ktut^LMue from sjwnd IU-HL Kiniduy. Thnre will be a Icmpersnce Kntl the I'lUO Grota onHutuntny t.'l.in; evening. Hun. Mr. Oirhkntion, a mpero r fn: Hiil byWill M l HtaUn, 1 btillDVc, nl|| d.livi '"tiere will also bo rcfn^hriK-nt Our barber, J. T. Welter, La FrtHlorick ftre«t toihu huutp vi Ktroet. Mrs. Angrovo hits inovt>j iuU house vacatpd liyMr. Weber. IiirjtlneMHHAniorW DavUhayn »a r of otho wl.o have [ FtANDEBB. in Mies Emma Ilosbinn;, of Dover, is visiting y «itli her aunt, lira. Getfreo Watk. [ Mrs. Hurry I 1 . I.ios* and children, 'if Now- » iirk. nre at the borne of Mrs. Uross's father, |C.H. fiorteli, for thn remainder of the sna- •'' fcon. MU« Mabnl Iloplor and hrothor, Thornton, of Newark, an) vUiting with relations at tbls lilace. MlfW KHlc DryHOn, of Newark,tothe guest of MIHH Gortrudo T. Uorerefgu, .li'-B. ^iiilren- J. Itiilijnton and tiieca, Misi h\?:/.\* \K-A\\maa, fonuurly of tbis place, nowofMflford, Pa., arcvisiting witbrela- tinJin am) frinlliln. Clinton Orny Halsey, or Newark, Is spend- IiiR LIH vai-Atl'in Kith Mm. llalaoy and their llttlu daunta-r at the " Hoineikad." Mr. Wolf.., tli>3 teacbur who haa been en- igh'd fnr Flnmlnr^ schx>l, bun moved to this j-lfl'-p, iK-rn|)ylug Mrs. DorlamJ's house. Urt. C'tinnitierloln in Hjioudiug some time iI'IeaKantHlll. Ml« Nathalie and SIa*t*r Cheater Lyon, of UHt OrnnRf,, nro sjwiKting a tortiilKbt with Jlr. ami Mrs. Ubark's E. My oars at " Oak- tid MM. Harry IUndnlpb Nicholas are entertain!us Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Thackeray mil tlnnfilter, of Urooklyn. Wo are gln'J tbat tbe fair held bytho M, E. Choroli ]«Ht week was a suco*H9. It was argely atU'tidud, aud much ITOISC end grati- tude itre duo the pastor, liav. Mr. Htout, for onrnciit endeavors alter BUCCOBS, the Rrons oipti wiirn over JiW.OO. Tbo music by tiMiiR Baud »mvery much enjoyed, and I ird t-ovornl conipllinaiitary romarks about 1miislrj rendered by tiie Bartloy Band. Jr. Hllkworth, cf Brooklyn, was recently 1 gui<Ht of Mr. aud Mrs. Harry Randolph ready with dog ami gun." I)a careful, boyH, mt you about, for yuu must know that the »s forbids the killing of any Rime except loose, duck, brant or other web-footad wild owl at this seasou of tbe yenr, and thcro is •tab, nelthe ay plcnliful. Bo UHO caution and don't sUrt In gunningtoo10 in fs tbe ndf Ice of DAN. BCHOOLETi"S MOUNTAIN. Qtilte n.ninnbfr of our pcorln.touk in tl nlou eacurslon from Ilnckettntown to tbo Jeian-are Water Gay lost Thursday. Our anmiHl fair which took pine* last .'edntsdny wns quit* a sucrose. Tbe ttle nun. of f 100 being cleared. Ml'9 Maria Memgb, of Newark, Is the guest THIN Mabel Ueath. Onlart Baturlny nlabt Mm. John IIai._ lisd a night blooming certms in bloom. It ns a beautiful (lower, measuringtoninches diameter, Mrs. Hann Invited a few nf ber lends to sburo tbo rare treat with thoi H. W. Hunt's now 'pond Is competed and now being filled. Tbo boya are anticipating vat fun bathing as well as tbe skating, ftamuel WyckolT has accepted a pod! Inn a Ight watchman at tbo Heath Hotiw. Q-tltL respond hlo poiltlon. Bam, don't get ratilod. On last Monday morning John Trani>ue bad " * night bava resulted In a serious . Uedrovftover from Mondbam ' Ivory rit* nud fpont Humlay at tho borne of Irs. Sampson, hf« motber-In-law. Monday lorntiig wbflo bitching, the horse became igbtinrd at tbo grocery wagon and slipping lo brfdlo became unmanagabie. He ,&i> at ireakneck speed down tbe mountain, leaving he wagon with two broken wheols and a imashed top nldnny. After Joaving tbe agon be collided wllhS, C. Lorrlson's coal am, where he was captured. Fortunately ie hono was uninjured but John was oblljed 1 htro another wagon before starting foi ime. nov. Mr. Kuicler, who Is stopping at tho tenth House, tilled our pulpit last Sunday ' ig. Mr. Bmytu t o k Mr. Lowery's it Hackettstovi. as Mr. L01 inable tn preach. Tbu German Valley base ball ninetoatour DJB pretty badly last Saturday. Fromths ippcaranco of things they better practice up , little before they challenge other teams to ilay with tbem or they will got beatou every Tbe ecoro was 12 to S3 In favor of >n Valley. RENO. QEltUAK VALLEY. Services In tho Lutheran Church will hore- imrd next Sabtathn Detp had returned fror arnfng, nslltiv. W. 8 utionotO. Ura Dartley, lire. Wise and Miss Knight ant tbe latter part of Ust week with Mn J, Frey at Clinton. MUa Laum ICIce ppent Sunday at Drakee- iwn. Mra. A, D. Hngor Is enjojing a ihojt vncft- it Ocean Orovo. Mr. Barrlson, of Newark, Is tbe guest of r rs. Klee, for a Rbort time. Mr. end Mrs. B. C. T.YU0, of SomorvIIle, are town for a few days. Ilay Onrland li spending a week with rela- it IliRb Bridge. Mrs. YOUHR-, of Washington, Isat the home Mrs. Goo. Volt. Jubo Tvdd and family spent Sunday at anbope. Mien Jennie Ltndaherry Is ontertainlug [{•s Julia DlbPti*, of Uedtalnetor. Mra. Lflwfs Dufford and ion Clyde, have 1 very sick ; wo nre glnd to noto they are 'aleflcing at tho prtflont tlmo. Ezra II»rion and family, of No werk, bnve aeon spending afew days at tbe homo of Mrs. R ILirlon end Mrs. John Hoffmau. r. and Mrs. Hre ben berry, ot Cukesburg, Cent Bunday wlib Mrs. Volt. IRONIA. Cbnri'fl E. OlWorsleve, of New York, spent .tur.Uy In town. Tt>e quiet of tbfs village wai mddenly iken last Saturday at 1A. 11. by tbo tiring juniand tho cryrf flr*. Kvf>ryboily re [ •ponded on tbe double quick to find the large: irn and waRon-liuufo of J. Rldnt-r on lire, : ing to a still night and hard wsrk ths 11-re- : ck and house wss raved, but be Io*t all bin < j nnd (train and a)l bis farming tools, -agons and banters. 1'hi causo ofthu fir* ion:n. It win pnrtly cove roil by In- irance. Mr. Itldner don I res to thank bli Ighbora fur their arahtanc*. iillli Harvey, at Snuth Orange, epontSun- y with hlsparouto. John Hldner and wife, or Beach Glen, wnt Hun ilay with bis lirotber Jako. Uer.Ur.llowmnn, ot tiunutnunna, ureacbed tha chnpel (nut Btunlay. UlKRCorn Btrjker is entertalnlnR frionds am tbo city. Ml KB. Thres Special Valuei Lace Curtalni at 60 c, OSc. and f 1.30 a ilr, all new patterns tbli rcaton. Twenty' '9 per cent, under regular price. Don't Iss thorn at tbe Dover llamr of J. U I£1H Turnip &W now for sale at Kill gore's Tho Siarlda Steam Heater. ForlllniitratodclrcalaraiKnd to The Frnd tJtepoenei Uo.. Hwoinn VB1)ay. N. J Bis Drop price ot bicycles, nt 6, H. Berry Hardwara Co,'», Dover. Call and tee their whatls. Ttiorn wos a piquing Bi»cial sorvloe In tbe Proabytorlan Uliurch on Habhatb evening nftt nf n niiisionary nature. There were Xi'idintiH, vrcal HDIUS, eto Charli'9 I^induii, of Brooklyn, Is renewing lid nniunlutances here. \ rs. W, IV. Ap^ir andjlttlo^oa Lloyd, of r. vr. liot; ::- P Mrs, Klizibrth Alpaugh, who lifts b«3n [pen tt I up no tuo niQiitbs past in Brooklyn, has loen muklnt' a short visit with Mrs. Caroline U'hUo, nits Iniiinoty-four yea'* old. Mrs. Alpaugb was accmnpaniod byMiss Elizabeth UiMiry, also uf Brooklyn. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. K. Runyon, of Newark, nro tbe guests of Mr. nnd hlra. Albert Paulki. Mr«. Trimmer, of Middle Valley, Is visit- ing nllli her daughter, Mrn.JftoobS.Claw- IUU, Muhlor EJdlo Porcv Is vlnlilng with bis MtiHin, Mnstor Willie Clawson. Ttio ^'oumu'K Mtsaloimry Society ot the ['retibytpriau Cuureh together with Fsveral relation!) met with Mrs. Caroline White on Augubtlith lu th-4 regular monthly meetingof 'hit society nudtocelebrate tbefr hostess' l-ltl] birthday aimlvorsiry Aug. 5th. Mrs. Whlt« Ie one ottlieolduat memtiora of tbe IVeHbytorfaii Cliirch nud la held in great ea- " ' ber niaiif excellent qualities. She < recipient of a nice sumot monoy from relations and friends, net only was sho uiuoiiilurml by tha Missionary Hooioty, but ilnn by the Girls 1 Mlsilon lUud. Those pres- mtwura: Mrs. llurgens, Miss Flora Wood- hull, Mrs H. P. Kro^, of Newark! Ura. John McDougal, of Kanvll; Miss Henry, of Brooklyn ; Mrs. Aaron Douglas, of Ironfa ; Mrs. Currle Fox, of Pleasant II111; Mn. Andrew Woodbull and Mrs. Philip Swack- ', of Duver aud Plandnrs. Rev. and Mrs. Baker Bmitb; U. A. NICLOIM ; Mrs. C. H. Howell, Mr*.. H. H. Hnpklns. Mrs. " io Farrow, Mrs, W. R, Q. SbarpandMiss Ma nopklu*. Vary appropriate remarks were mndo hr the pastor, Ilev. Baksr Smith, aud D A, Nlcbolns, who has been aesooiHtod with Mm. Wblto in church work for many years. Most delightful refreshments were CABO LYNIT, DENVILLE. Tho new Churcli League will hold a lawn wlnl on tbo lawn ot C. B. Dlckcrson Friday renlng, Auinist Slit William Kubmlchac), of BarrlsouTiUe, Intends erecting a now bam. BllnsHlIkor hasa houBafull of boardsro. MlrsHattla J. UlokereonlB spending a sea- son at Ooeau Qrore. Tempemnco day at Tabor was well at- tended. Tbis Saturday will be Epworth League day, at Ahlcb time there will be ln- trcstlng excrclaes. Douville church will be cloned for the two Suniiayt during meetings at Tabor. Dover sportit to tbe number of about fifty gavea clam bbke at Lake Denmark this week. Tabor Association are having additional water supply added. In the way of a wall, -rblchtiidsfatrtoglve them all tbe extra ruter tbev will need for years. A beggar applied at the house ot E. B. Rnrl one day last weak for nom^thing to eat, claiming tobe about famished. His request as granted with bread and butter, and the npudmit cur, after Insulting the ladies for rat adding meat toths gift, threw It at tbem. nd dtdl we support this Idio and worthier it of meu whpn they should be exterminated. A gentleman from MorrUtiwn oo-nos to .is plnco several evenings during the week to go bathing In tba cinal. He knows what's pleasant. People upend time and moneyto go totbe sea shore for this purpose when Lbey have just oa nice bathing at tiulr door. DeuWlle has a beneficial order Kith about vonty-Ilve me^obars—who says wo are not progrcralogl—and adding more at erery meetiiu. The Patriotic Bans of America la Tho following parasjraph completad an Mlltorln! Iu tho NEW York Sun, which speaks itself, aflor tbe pa-sago of tbe TaritT bill: "God preserve tbo party tbat goestothe jople with such a record of perfidy, ruch a >nfcs>Ion of dishonor I" A party of sports from tbis place, Newark, ilockaway and otber pi noes met at Charlsa Mlnard'B, at Rockaway Valley, Tuesday of this week, to disposeof a pile of bakedolaml. This they did handtoaiely, and everything In light, as well as those things out of Bight, lolly on Ice, it took to cool those parched tongues. However, they votad Mr. Minard a jolly hoit nnd one that understood how to mako men enjoy life. 0HE3TEH AND VICINITY. Samuel SwdEYo in \iaIUt>g relatives In this city. Tbe Miss Smiths are entertaining go rota. Mr. andMrs. F. N. Jenkins entertained [uests from the cltv last week. Our Board of Education, has adopted for iso In our township, tho New Franklin leaders, and Butler's wrioi of geographies, .Veil done, you have cbo»n wltely and well. Memrs. Win. 8. Uowoll, E. C. Drake, Wm. E. Young, Thra. Ketbltt and J. D. Budd will take their annual hunting tour this fall in the vilds or Pennsylvania. Our " Invincible* 1 ' played two games of ball ast weok on tbe Chester diamond, ono on Friday, with theBrooliddosand oneon Butur- lay with ton Mondhams. Tbe score with tho •rookpliles stood 37 to 8 In favor of Cbeiter. "ho itrooksMes played nine Innfnun and the Cheaters eight. Tboscoro with the Mendham mm stood II*to51 In favor of Chester. The Mcndhaiu club had men of over 30 years of ago to play witt Ihem, wbile our hoys an In iges from IS to 14. Three cheers and a tiger Cheater's "Invtncibies." They have r been beat*a yet. KBno O. NOTXII. MILTON. Mm. Potor Tallraan and bnby, of NowarK, ' i visiting, friends at Milton and vicinity. BiatorJ Nurmin. BfC«d 81, dlnd on Mondav afternoon of old URO. HO WM burled on Wod- onlay in theold Norman Family Burying Irouud. Ths Boirrt of Kluratlon f or JelTerson Town- tiip wanted «3 IXWtorun the schools for tbe niulnK yoir, but 1*11 it to a voto of the peo- ilo mt Tuesday, anil they out It down to •t,ooo. ' Tba pwpln of Miltin who drive fast bonw should know tbat a bicycle bas a right tohalt of thoroai. Do not run them out or tbarosd ' nlim you want to pay for broken whiel*. In regard to that Item I mentioned about ) forgery, my Information came from two tiwctnble porsons, who said that the young •inn's m-itbcr-tn-lawsalil ha bad forged her mbond's name toa note. O^car Jennlmi has been offered 11,500 lor his trotter. Ha has It training at Dundee tract, near 1'aterson. PABUKU BOT. Deafness Cannot Bo On rod by local application* as they cannot reach the (U-eiineil portion ot tho ear. There is only one ay to cure deaf nras, and tbat Is by conitltu i Ii>nnl rtmedlps. Deafnera is caused by an fn- llamed condition of tba mueous lining of tbe liuiinchtan Tube. Wbon tbls tube Is iDllam- m\ you bave a rumbling sound or imperfect brartuit, and when it Is entirely clowddeaf- nets is tbe retult, anil anless the !nfl»mitlon can lw takm out and this tube restored to lta normal cunilftlon, hoarlne will bo dastroyed forever; nlno cases out of (en an caused bj catarrh, whicb Is nothlDRbut an Inflamed con- dition of tbe mucous surface*. Wo will give )ni> Hundred Dollars for anycaaeof Peafneu caurod by catartb) that ca'nat be cured by Hall's Catarrh (Jure. Hdnd for circular*, free. F 1 J. CUKNEY &CO., Toledo, 0. y DrugglsM, 7Gc

t Amos H. VANHOR etest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1894/... ·  · 2015-01-06HABTEIl AOT> BOL1CITOH IN CHANCERY Offloo In the Tone Building, OVER J. ... MILLER

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Page 1: t Amos H. VANHOR etest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1894/... ·  · 2015-01-06HABTEIl AOT> BOL1CITOH IN CHANCERY Offloo In the Tone Building, OVER J. ... MILLER



w BlackweU,\8treet rjxci dmNational Union Sank.


Real HsUte and Insurance Agent.

™ over Tbo Ueo, Richards. Co.*s Store,


T|iU0]ffli6 J. COOPER,



Offloo In the Tone Building,




Inrorance Broker and Commissioner of Deeds.Fire, Life. Bteam Boiler, Employer*1 Lia-

bility and Live Stock Immraoc*. Our In-lurmnoe Insures. Real Estate bought and•old DU CommluoD.

SHyr .



Offloe oo north ride ol Blackwell street andb t 200 f t t f W tt

ffloe oo north ride ol Black•bout 200 feet west of Wa

DOVBB, H. J.letieet,





QOTOi KAHOUBE & HOBKIH&'S BAKERYbr froth Bread, Coke u d Pie. dally, AM i itock of Coatectionery always on band.H"1 SUSSEX STREET,






• place baa been entirely refitted in a neat— — r . Ladles' and Children's Hair

Cutting a apedalty.



ntracta Ukeu for aU kinds of work Inv.line of bnslnew and tba beat material*,

C BoUan and covering Bteam Pipeseiloaatpeolalty. • , '


THE HORBIS COUNT* ftlip m j | n n Til TI IF



Prwrfdent-BENRY W, MILLER.VIoe-Protddent-AUREIJUS R HULL.Secretary and Trecumror— B, T. HULL,

MANAGERS:Henry C. Pitney, Henry W. Millar,Hamptou O Uaiib, Aarellus B. Hall,Philip H. Hoffnnin, Paul Revere,Ghu. Y. Bwun, I t . D. Edmund D. Halaey,

John Thatcher.

A S S H minary 1st, 18M 91,333,721.90

. LIABILITIES.• depositor* $1,199,728.80.Dividend Jan. 1, 16,833,18

11,806,000 63Burplm 127.U53.44

! 11,833,7!

Interest Is declared and paid In January andJuly of each year from tbe profits of the pre-vious d z months' bwtiiiea.

Oepo«tti mads on or before tbe Sd days ofJanuary, April, July and October, draw in-terest from tbe 1st dayi of §ald months re*

BANKINO H0DR8.B A. u. to i P. M. dally, except Saturday.

* HIM, (noon) and



Amos H.VANHORAre taking a great many orders for goods to be delivered in the Falon account ol ths great Ont in Two Price Sale. N. B.-j-Orders a;taken for goods with or without a depositliverod in the Fall.


HOISTING ENGINES, duplexand reversaHe.

>UMPING ENGINES, strong. and economical.

00RNI8H PUMPS, double orsingle.

GEARING and PULLEYS, largtand small,

Heavy and Light Castings in Iron, Brass,and Phosphor Bronze, Forcings of evzry do-

omiM l a p WOBKB,


73 Market Street r11

Near Plane St., NEWARK, N. J


U o Q i n u L PuunBanca UBDZKMOM.

£anonal attention alien to ell callj by J.LJobuoo. OIBoeaiidwaieraiiiiiiiUteoU

- [, Kuril .traet, 15-lj



;•'• , , OF P0BU0 BCHOOLB.


9 A. M. to 12 M. merj 8atard«j.

\ L I V K R R F B K B K A H , . . . . .

? • D A K P E S T B R A H D B H I L D E B ,o and oontne to

^almTitrtiLiilArljratlwidMlt Bt ths Brick Drug Stora o{

d lo .o r at tita port OIQM WU]ed to. Comer Bolcjo andH> J . , '



•BIRABLH FARMING AND TIMBERp; LANDS IN MORRIS COUKTY, •jfctoti of 5 aona and upwards, and nrermlE»d building lota la Fort Oram, N. J.»•".. Addrea L. 0. BORWIBTH, 8 M V ,£ ; • " . • ' - D07KB.H.J.

pH03. JOHKSdN,

.; ' Diaaufactuivr aqddealer la.'


•aaUworkinUarblaaudQranlte. Allirork.<rf tke b«t order and prloei reasonable.


ntTl I . H. SFAHQLEB, J«. ,

PL0IU6T,: OOLD STimET, DOVBB, K, J .Cot Flon, [or all oonaKms, fcmlined at abartertDtlee, and ererjtUni In the line ol tb.larinenpplled

.. i;'*.'1. ATTOnNKX-AT-LAW,


•'.'"• i » o H0TARY PDBLia . • '

' . . . ':-. • STJUIBOPS,N. J.

' • • <Bneee«irir to Pnan» A MOHM). CARPENTER AND BUILDBH,Plan*, ipedflcaUoao foriken and —•--•->- -—•-*

Fine Bologna Sausage.W e a n making the flnfrrt Bologna Bantu*Serodtotben»rket,atid our arowtnaaaUi

.. . . . . . . . . 'e apprBelatait. I t l iidieau that theBtlrelT' and coitomen, by Tlalfr

iaata are iued. It may to obtained trotsor mcana ID Dorar andvldnlty, or at theraodry itorea of Joe. H. Dickenxai, WarrenlYa£> a Frltle, l lonl i BL, Dora. AlecI tr« ttore oC iobn Dewnuv, Port Oram.

HKDDEN BROB., Batchera,i-u : CBinaB aKova,s. i.









I have a fall lino of them at lowest prices




C»rp«nter» and Builders,

Dover, N. J.


Jobbing Promptly Attended to<

SLATE ROOFS.—We fornlih InVolaaslate and pot on alateroofeby good neobanlca.

SaekeVe BheatUng P a p « ^ - . y . on hand,n B l a lpaoj '

H. R. Wtiioox.





••• FtMITBIE WBMUOIUUB St., (Sou the River,) DOVEit, K. J.



Masons and Builders.D0VZB. • . I. -

Oontraeta for all Unda et work taken ana

aOmaiarialefarrianed. PraoUeal eiperhoof

111 flleaiy "*fcglf t" CC lPeaami VOTaCe


KaiZT TO D.. L. * W. R H

Joseph Moses,

The subscriber hereby Rim notice thtfc he lam u r a l la tako oonUntAa fci buildings and doEpilrlng and Jobbing at short aoHco and In a

jOTknuuillkB manner. Hating irid * long tac-pertenco in tbo carpenter buatww and hue—

i oat. of Bencaa snd Slulnndl Bt i., Dam-, N. J,


XXason* >nd Builders.

PRICES.All Wool Ingrain Carpet, per yardTapestry Brussels Carpet, per yardVelvet Carpet, per yardBody Brussels Carpet, per yardAntique Oak Bedroom SuitsAntique Oak Bedroom SuitsAntique Oak Bedroom SuitsParlor Suits, in Plush CoveringParlor Suits, in Flash Covering2 tu'iot Suite, in Rug Oovoring

Do not buy a range until you huvo eeen the FamouHOver 500 now in UBB. Warranted a good baker or montjand the only place they onn be purchased at is at our esti

Storing FurnitjireWhere people can store Furniture in a clean place i

is where they are going, and Buoh is the New BuildingStreet, Furniture removed with vans.



NO. 38


low rateit 88 Bank



I shall seU the -

NEW DEERINQ MOWwhioli has given the beat satisfaction. One of these in i

coBttag ony 76 oents for repairs.

Plumbing, Tinning, Steam Beating and Hot Wate:done in the best manner.

B. S. ALLEN, Dover, N. J.


six years,




COT. Blackwell and Morris Sts. ,J. R. DALRYMPLE, Manager,

Also dealer in Small Musioal Instruments of all kinds, Trim'mings and Supplies, Sheet Music and Muaio Books.

Flcttue Frames on hand and made to onler. Orden taken fop Cmjaa and

"Seeing is Believing."Simple, Beautiful, GooJ—

these words mean much, but to ,see "The Rochester" will impress. Ithe truth more forcibly. Its mar- ivelous light is purer and brighterthan gas light, softer than electric n

, and more cheerful than either. Thechoicest bric-a-brac in the palace of a Van-derbtlt reveals nothing finer. We have 3,700 'artistic varieties, in brass, bronze, silver and |

often lite to go down amonjr the large wholesale b

p ffyy-ttOtJHKSTKB T.AMP CO,,

4S P a r k i>]t.eetl «..»—


CRUSHED SAnr Elxo orJqoaaUty, deJJ

the Delaware, lActuranns and WiCentral B. B. or Hew Jewey.


er. "

A POPUUARShoe must combine these

four quarters. 20 years ex

perience convinces me thai

no maker on earth comet

nearer to filling these re

quiromonts in Ladies' Shoes

than Lounsberry, Mathowg

& Co- Our stores in Dover,

Boonton and Passuic are al

ways full of them.


P, O. EEAG-AN,Opp. D. L. & W. R. R. Depot, DOVER, N. J


L. LEHMAN & CO.Closing: out our entire stonic of



to mako room for our new

UQUOR DEPARTMENTWe haven't the room to quote prioes here but will guarantee

yon wlU never have a chanoe to buy Staple Goods

ar-abeap as we are selling them- -

Pompton Minos.A reporter Monday went to the fatnou

line, which baa been ojiened lately, uml 01aniiiied the stone or perhaps the mineral. Tli

la simply a biaatlug of a sort of blui•ock from whoro it crop! out of the groundThousands of carloads were shipped to New-irk. What It contains no ono cm find out,

Quite a largo uiteot of inuuutala land waipurchased and one hundred and fiftymt at work. Uoad roads were niado, nod all

tliu tools and Implements procured aud alamimnilter of teams were employed. 6011m poo-ile ti\mt the naw metal fs alumluuiu. Buiiu ono knows. Tno stuff has been mysterious-

ly taken to Newark and uono who know wtell what It all means. But about t<months ago tha blasting of the rock stopped

id right opposite tha reck they began cart-ing sand Ia bags. Several tons of sacks notarrive otonoe and many hundreds of thi

of these sacks of sand were taken dintoNewark. The men Bald more had boendlslovert-dtn tbe sand that had been found Inie rock. There bad been a mythical 1•ported. Mr, T. Itycrson informed u

tome of the sand "being worth teu cents apound."

But all at once the whole thing shut doi[either eand or rook la being moved. HiIrods of tbousanda of bags of a wblto bok

wnd are In heaps and stack*, but tha crovit working men are no longer swarming

mt tho works. Too employment gavojood wages to tbe men thereabouts, but nonthey are Idle eat-B those who nre clearing outlbs Big Ditch tbrmigh tha "Boggia Vly."

L. LEHMAN & Co..

• • »

Next to



The recent storms have interfered withisiness and kepi many of our out-of-townitrons from visiting us. Push and pricesust make up for lost time. We'll makeprofitable for you to come now.

MEN'S SPRING SUITSWe are exhibiting not only the largest

nd most complete line we ever asked youlook at, but are selling them at prices

ir below their actual value.







ou nor we ever saw suoh $10 suits before.

You nor we ever saw nuok $13 suite before.

)UR OWN FINE CLOTHINGWe don't and we couldn't buy such Clothing as we sell. But that 19 not all.ou save the profn of the middleman by dealing with us first hand.


Boys' Clothing this season Is as cheap In proportion as the Main's.' • - - - • " • ' l i t t le oni

We are in splendid shape to outfit the lipretty styles of our own design, strong, reliable worlei'va attention paid to buttons and stnying. At pactfrom $2.00 to 56.0O.

New andrkmanship,;es ranging

MCGREGOR & Co.5 0 & 8 5 2 Broad St., - - - - NEWARK. N. J.


HARDWARE, IRON jj STEEL PIPE,BpecU] Agent* Iletrlnj-IIoll-Marvta Co.'o SAFES AND VAULT WORK.

Snppllea ot Every Description for

mliicloreis, Hachinislj, Slcara Fillers, Railroads, Mills, Contractors, Offico Build-

ings, Public Inslllutlonj. Lawn Honors, Walor Hose and siinmor specialties.OO <*> BOB S £ A J a S H T B T , MJEraTAIUS:. INT. J.

TO BEGINNERS1 wlllioat staTea and



For Summer Oootfng. Our line cf


SANTTAttT rtDMBESa AND TINHINO A SI'ECIAi.TV. EsUmatca cheerfuilr nimbbed.

T . K B R R , oppPaiK HOteT, BiacKweH St. D o v e r , N . J .

What the " W o r l d " Doe« Not KmAbout Duties on Irfad, Pin IronScrap I t on.Iu a double leaded editorial paraKr

under the caption " Pivotal KaoU<," theork World of Monday Myn : "Loadivor taxed u:<til tbo pBsss^a cf the

TatltT In lefll. I'iglrou was free until 1id scrap iron was taxed onlj* 'H per ceui

before the war."By the acti of lStfl, 1BI8 and 1811) tho dula lead, which was cluscd bu.ung " uuftnui

crated arUclw." iran 15 par uent. ad valorotn,which duty contlmiod uutll lViii. IuIbo duty of 15 por ceDt. vroa reimponcditHl It wan raised to S> per cent, ad valorwhere It remained until lb&T. nhen it wireduced to IS per cuut., Iu ltMl thn rotereduced to 10 por cant, and Iu ltU2 a itjictiduty of one cent a pound was Imposed. Jiron become dutiable under the net of Ji4, I'm, and hu lieen dutiable ever Bfuce.the acts of 1B16,1818 and 1810 the rate vat 50 rouln a hundred weight; Ju ib2-i tbirate was ralnod 'to ttiH cents a huudrnlrelght; In 1833 it was naalti reduced to5<euta, at which it remained until ltHl!,

a rate of f I) a ton was Imponod. In isad valorem rate of 30 per cent, was imposed,

'bleb was reduced ID 1£>7 to -4 per centfor which rate In IBM a spoolQo rate of (0ton was Impoied. By tho acts of 1W14, IMWindlHCOtno duty wai ' raired to*0 a ton,

hpre It remained until ltiTD, v l w i lreduced to $7 a ton. Scrap Iron wan dutlatiliamong " unenumorated artldos" from tbidate of tb« flrat tariff, July 4, 1780, at varl-

ites, ranging from 5 per cent, aivalorem to J5 jierceut., until 1830, when•peelfle duty of $12.50 a ton waa Imposed,'bloh ooDtinuod until 1842, when it was n

duced to HO a ton, for which rate an eivalorem duty of 80 por crut, was tubotltutc

thu Walker Tarlltof IB 1*1, and remainsforce for eleven years, until lHTrt, wbeu

was roducod to ill por cent.

lucbfor tbe double-leaded "pivotiTacts "advanced by the World an "justM*cation for tbe flrm stand of the House, tbeFrosldeot and tbe Democrats of tbo cuuutry'or free taw material."

lu the "frisky editors," ull of whomUPt along all o. k. nndinonBely.

Our public wboolhouso Is liclng trcatod to

fated, wbich greatly adilx to IU appoariThere U to ho a ntilun excursion to

ilopatcong between HO,.R.VI.]1 r.id|;<> Nl£. of I'^andllopocuuTriboNu 5s IHIIIO. ol It. 51., otiTliiirwliiyor noit wi-ek, I bti-

TraliiH Hill run from Hibornla, stop-ping ot ltcckawny nud iJovor. (Joint) ODD,ud come all ami Lavn n guod ilay'g unjoy-nent at the incut famous resort lu New Jer-

idwlt It Is A litllo Into, but, never-theless, wo exioud our huartle.it enneratuin-MODB to Miuhael Alullfgan mi.l Mary J. Hor-In, who were UHIUMI lu murrlnKo lant Hntur-lay wcok, uud bopL' your voyage over tbo;ru«t oc«an of life may bo a Imppy out*.Thomas Kllis and nifo hnvo movod into tho

OOinn over Bijulru CUIIIIIH' vanity »torn.William V. CurtlH Ims bm-n contintxl to bis

lonie by ulckneis for n coujiltt of Kcuks.U'ghud adelfgbtful sliowo.- thin even ing

[Wednesday), wlilch woa badly needed, andas anconi|kouled by a Hhnivnr of liail stonoibout t h e s i s or iimrliloa,A siHUir of Mrs. Utar^B l'ylp, of MUhlirnii,

1 wakliiK Mrs. Vyle nn exicnJod v! "Ttiomas IVarcp, Jr., had onu u! ma UJ -urt Bt the Hurd Mine ono day tlila weekEddia Mill but beoti quite hick, but wo urn

>toanod to see blm ablo to gut out «run mligaln.

patent modiclne man wan in tonMonday oven Jug last anil gave o very (Inpeech ou tho merit* of bis "Cure All.1

a lino talker sora* imy. Wult,Id'ot lie be Noono knows bovoftirepeated tliat s»tuu npoinib, and hi

;ot it down to perfection, Junt tlie HSIUO:bild gets bin A. B. C.'a niter be InOiuroUKhlylearned, lla BIBO amused blu uuillouco bjmania trleki, etc.

Quite a surlous runaway happened lmro oiutaadny afUirTuxin. As neur o« we can luart

of the particular! little James Andrews, foiDfl'bllip Andrcn-a, of Luxemburg wunt U

iter bis horse at tho trougo on Wont Black'II »treet, Dover, and BU'pped out on tinift ta unrein Iho hrirontvheii liyeniiia meama homo ln>caiiio frightoncd aud ranaivuy.

The animal cuma through uur dtrttU at nrapid rate. Tho littlo bi»y was thrown from"ie shaft and by tome me HUB cnine lu cmitac

alp wound and wasotherwin) brul«Kl. I•as a great wonder that tbo llule followjcip.flaa netlns bo did.Miss Collins, diughtcr of Bqulro Cultiui,

rns married to n young gontlcmeii frnm Ho-Kikun,! havebctn informed, and whose naincdid not learn, this OWduuaday) afternoon,'hogroutn toukhlsbrlds to their new homett Ilobobou tbu Entne oveiiing. Accept our:angrntillatlnng.

I henr of &01119 of our sports Roing out al-

Found $1,780.Tba late Kflbeoca Martin, of Beattjstonn,

'hose death we announced last week, was aoman of kindly heart and womanly sym-

pathy, but very eccentric. It waa heroc-centrioitles that l«d to tbe appointment of a

iiardian. Bbe was particularly eccentric inloiiey matters. (Soon nf ter the death of ber

msband a mortgage on a plooo of Hacktwo property was paid off by a cortifled

ibeok. The check she refused to deposit tocredit or endorse that others might di

or ber. I t was not until after tho appofnt-aentof a guardian that the chock was used.fptotlie time of the appointment ot aluardtan tba income from her husband1

itatu was given to ber, and when her estateUKU over to that oulclal there was evidence[ a liberality or charitable solrft that none

lad Buspected before. An Inventory of barpersonal estate waa made by her gua'dlMr. Hunt, last Thursday, and tbe first

inatlon of her supposed liberality camewhen, In an unusual place, a very conaider-iblasumof money was found. Before tbeInventory was oomplet d sums In varyingitnounts aggregating |M) had bten found.

B noit day Sir*. LaBarre, the only daugh-and heir, msde a more thorough search of

the house, and In bureau and stand drawers,in out-of-the-way places, wrapi»d ID ragsacd papers, an additional sum of $910 waaFound, or (1,780 in all.—Oasette.

A Btrannei", and He Took Them In,There baa been quite tomo talk during tbo

past week, caused by tbe suddeu disappear-ance from town of a young man namedSamuel Benerlmo, a Hebrew. Uecametotblsswn a short time ago a " straoger," and thnallce authorities gave him lodging, and lai

be attended tba mission meeting*. By pro-reeslng conversion, a fluent tongue, end ontndlm amount of cheek, he soon wnnivor of the mlrsion peorlc, and through their

'(Torts be obtoiued employment to varlouiHIB lait position was Hitan of thn

3aptUt Church, from which ho was discharged'br lnoompetoDcy.

Since he left town ft has been learned thatmade use of his friends," and left a few

ills unpaid. A. short time ago Mr. T. H.Icottleft Benrlmo la charge of hli Rtoro, dur-

which time Mr. Bcott claims tM wasn from bis safe. Whether or no Benrlmo

ook tho money Is not known, but if he didn'tbo did I In talking at the Sunday meeting*tbo jail, Benrlmo bas repeatedly said " I

lave been guilty of everything but ranrdi-Einms.

Patents tawed to Jerseymen. reported . .BOA by Drake & Co., nolle I torn nf patents,

. . Broad and Market St.. Newark N. Joliting apparatus, J. V. Beet man, Plain-fid; seal, (two paten I e), E. J. Drooks, Eo?t

Jmnso: cult button or ntud, U. U. Cham-iliu Newark: dumptoK car, R. C. Davl-

_. Weetneld; mean* for casting, IV. H.irake, et al, Hackettstow n 1 system nf oleo-'-- ' dlgtri utlin, T. A Edison, Lteyellyn„-^, IncefaiUner, O. P.Eltarlch. Uaywood;irakefor velocipedes, 0. F. Hall, Newark;'—"inR machluo, (two patent*), C. P. Hfg-

ROMIIO ; bom coupling, A. Hltt, Jornny; tDdurtion coil, C. L. Joegor, UAywood;

Dctrlctlmn recorder, H. T. Johnson, KIIM->th: telopfaone • witch, H. T. Johnxon,llmbeth 1 kilen for HriaR pottery, etc. L.iwton, Trentnn : abnft tug, E. L<<gan, New

Irumwlck; electrical ennductorc, E, D.icCracken, Alpinu ; olpo banger, W. nior

.Ivrid, Jfiroy City; fountain or bydraul.jhrush, W. H. Miller, l>mJua; pawjr^swiicr,*' M Pan coast, Camdtn; sample cose, W.

Perlson, Paterfon', railway ear, u, A.-jlth, Oraniie j apparatus for conttennltigtenm, W. Webster. Um-bantvllle ; electrioaIIway lystcni, T. B. Wilcor, ot ai. Newnrk;lectromsgnetlc contact maklntc davloe forlectrlct railway tyilcmt., T. B. Wilcox, et (tl,lewark; eleotiia railway system, T. II Wll-ix,etal, Newark; rndlatorflandsloiinheiit-g ipeclalUes, A. A. Urilling Iran Co,

remey City.

B I K E HIL1*.RBT. Mr. OHvor will preach In oar church!Xt Bnnday marniuE- Como out and hear

Tbe annual plcnlo of ths'Mfnn Hill Hun-lay Bchool will be held no tbe church grounds>n Saturday, Augurt Ktb. A band will D»

mdance. Alt are crrdlatly Invited toin>? and onjoy iheniHlves.The publm Khool In being cleaned andiaria ready for rctinol to commence.Mrs. Eustfco, of N<-w«rk, baa l>een vlaltlnfi

ild friends around boro for tha last two

Metsrs. John and Frank Euetlce, of KBIT-irk, spent Sunday tn thfi place.

MfH Jennie Churm hns returned from berIslt to Orange,MIBI L1iziBHIchardsbiBgon.fi to Brooklyn

on a vltlb. - VIOUET.

POET OBAM.AV'ililam Tjack linn ln>,m L-OUIITI

linmufor tlip|in<itraiii[il."ijf nwUn-ltei-ero felon mi bin hnud.

1 nntiL-t-d Jt*B-,tli Ktut^LMue fromsjwnd IU-HL Kiniduy.

Thnre will be a Icmpersnce Kntlthe I'lUO Grota on Hutuntny t.'l.in;evening. Hun. Mr. Oirhkntion, a

mpero r fn:

Hiil by WillM l

HtaUn, 1 btillDVc, nl | | d.livi'"tiere will also bo rcfn^hriK-nt

Our barber, J. T. Welter, LaFrtHlorick ftre«t toihu huutp vi

Ktroet. Mrs. Angrovo hits inovt>j iuUhouse vacatpd liy Mr. Weber.

IiirjtlneMHHAniorW DavUhayn »a

r of otho • wl.o have

[ FtANDEBB.in Mies Emma Ilosbinn;, of Dover, is visitingy «itli her aunt, lira. Getfreo Watk.

[ Mrs. Hurry I1. I.ios* and children, 'if Now-» iirk. nre at the borne of Mrs. Uross's father,

|C .H . fiorteli, for thn remainder of the sna-•' ' fcon.

MU« Mabnl Iloplor and hrothor, Thornton,of Newark, an) vUiting with relations at tblslilace.

MlfW KHlc DryHOn, of Newark, to the guestof MIHH Gortrudo T. Uorerefgu,

.li'-B. ^iiilren- J. Itiilijnton and tiieca, Misih\?:/.\* \K-A\\maa, fonuurly of tbis place,nowofMflford, Pa., arc visiting witbrela-tin Jin am) frinlliln.

Clinton Orny Halsey, or Newark, Is spend-IiiR LIH vai-Atl'in Kith Mm. llalaoy and theirllttlu daunta-r at the " Hoineikad."

Mr. Wolf.., tli>3 teacbur who ha a been en-igh'd fnr Flnmlnr^ schx>l, bun moved to this

j-lfl'-p, iK-rn|)ylug Mrs. DorlamJ's house.Urt. C'tinnitierloln in Hjioudiug some timeiI'IeaKantHlll.Ml« Nathalie and SIa*t*r Cheater Lyon, of

UHt OrnnRf,, nro sjwiKting a tortiilKbt withJlr. ami Mrs. U bark's E. My oars at " Oak-

tid MM. Harry IUndnlpb Nicholas areentertain!us Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Thackeraymil tlnnfilter, of Urooklyn.

Wo are gln'J tbat tbe fair held by tho M, E.Choroli ]«Ht week was a suco*H9. It wasargely atU'tidud, aud much ITOISC end grati-

tude itre duo the pastor, liav. Mr. Htout, foronrnciit endeavors alter BUCCOBS, the Rronsoipti wiirn over JiW.OO. Tbo music bytiMiiR Baud »m very much enjoyed, and Iird t-ovornl conipllinaiitary romarks about1 miislrj rendered by tiie Bartloy Band.Jr. Hllkworth, cf Brooklyn, was recently1 gui<Ht of Mr. aud Mrs. Harry Randolph

ready with dog ami gun." I)a careful, boyH,mt you about, for yuu must know that the»s forbids the killing of any Rime except

loose, duck, brant or other web-footad wildowl at this seasou of tbe yenr, and thcro is

•tab, neltheay plcnliful. Bo UHO caution and don't

sUrt In gunning too 10 in fs tbe ndf Ice ofDAN.

BCHOOLETi"S MOUNTAIN.Qtilte n.ninnbfr of our pcorln.touk in tlnlou eacurslon from Ilnckettntown to tbo

Jeian-are Water Gay lost Thursday.Our anmiHl fair which took pine* last

.'edntsdny wns quit* a sucrose. Tbettle nun. of f 100 being cleared.Ml'9 Maria Memgb, of Newark, Is the guestTHIN Mabel Ueath.Onlart Baturlny nlabt Mm. John IIai._

lisd a night blooming certms in bloom. Itns a beautiful (lower, measuring ton inchesdiameter, Mrs. Hann Invited a few nf berlends to sburo tbo rare treat with thoiH. W. Hunt's now 'pond Is competed andnow being filled. Tbo boya are anticipatingvat fun bathing as well as tbe skating,ftamuel WyckolT has accepted a pod! Inn a

Ight watchman at tbo Heath Hotiw. Q-tltLrespond hlo poiltlon. Bam, don't get ratilod.On last Monday morning John Trani>ue bad" * night bava resulted In a serious

. Uedrovftover from Mondbam 'Ivory rit* nud fpont Humlay at tho borne ofIrs. Sampson, hf« motber-In-law. Mondaylorntiig wbflo bitching, the horse becameigbtinrd at tbo grocery wagon and slippinglo brfdlo became unmanagabie. He ,&i> at

ireakneck speed down tbe mountain, leavinghe wagon with two broken wheols and aimashed top nldnny. After Joaving tbeagon be collided wllhS, C. Lorrlson's coalam, where he was captured. Fortunatelyie hono was uninjured but John was oblljed1 htro another wagon before starting foiime.nov. Mr. Kuicler, who Is stopping at tho

tenth House, tilled our pulpit last Sunday' ig. Mr. Bmytu t o k Mr. Lowery's

it Hackettstovi. as Mr. L01inable tn preach.Tbu German Valley base ball nine toat our

DJB pretty badly last Saturday. From thsippcaranco of things they better practice up, little before they challenge other teams toilay with tbem or they will got beatou every

Tbe ecoro was 12 to S3 In favor of>n Valley. RENO.

QEl tUAK VALLEY.Services In tho Lutheran Church will hore-imrd next Sabtath n

Detp had returned frorarnfng, nslltiv. W. 8


Ura Dartley, lire. Wise and Miss Knightant tbe latter part of Ust week with MnJ, Frey at Clinton.

MUa Laum ICIce ppent Sunday at Drakee-iwn.Mra. A, D. Hngor Is enjojing a ihojt vncft-

it Ocean Orovo.Mr. Barrlson, of Newark, Is tbe guest of

rrs. Klee, for a Rbort time.Mr. end Mrs. B. C. T.YU0, of SomorvIIle, aretown for a few days.Ilay Onrland li spending a week with rela-

it IliRb Bridge.Mrs. YOUHR-, of Washington, Isat the homeMrs. Goo. Volt.Jubo Tvdd and family spent Sunday atanbope.Mien Jennie Ltndaherry Is ontertainlug[{•s Julia DlbPti*, of Uedtalnetor.Mra. Lflwfs Dufford and ion Clyde, have

1 very sick ; wo nre glnd to noto they are'aleflcing at tho prtflont tlmo.

Ezra II»rion and family, of No werk, bnveaeon spending a few days at tbe homo of Mrs.

R ILirlon end Mrs. John Hoffmau.r. and Mrs. H re ben berry, ot Cukesburg,

Cent Bunday wlib Mrs. Volt.

IRONIA.Cbnri'fl E. OlWorsleve, of New York, spent.tur.Uy In town.Tt>e quiet of tbfs village wai mddenlyiken last Saturday at 1 A. 11. by tbo tiringjuniand tho cryrf flr*. Kvf>ryboily re [

•ponded on tbe double quick to find the large:irn and waRon-liuufo of J. Rldnt-r on lire,:

ing to a still night and hard wsrk ths 11-re-:

ck and house wss raved, but be Io*t all bin <j nnd (train and a)l bis farming tools,

-agons and banters. 1'hi causo ofthu fir*ion:n. It win pnrtly cove roil by In-

irance. Mr. Itldner don I res to thank bliIghbora fur their arahtanc*.iillli Harvey, at Snuth Orange, epontSun-y with hlsparouto.John Hldner and wife, or Beach Glen,

wnt Hun ilay with bis lirotber Jako.Uer.Ur.llowmnn, ot tiunutnunna, ureacbedtha chnpel (nut Btunlay.UlKRCorn Btrjker is entertalnlnR friondsam tbo city. Ml KB.

Thres Special ValueiLace Curtalni a t 60 c , OSc. and f 1.30 a

ilr, all new patterns tbli rcaton. Twenty''9 per cent, under regular price. Don'tIss thorn a t tbe Dover llamr of J . U

I£1H Turnip &W now for sale at Kill gore's

Tho Siarlda Steam Heater.ForlllniitratodclrcalaraiKnd to The FrndtJtepoenei Uo.. Hwoinn VB1)ay. N. J

Bis Dropprice ot bicycles, nt 6, H. Berry Hardwara

Co,'», Dover. Call and tee their whatls.

Ttiorn wos a piquing Bi»cial sorvloe In tbeProabytorlan Uliurch on Habhatb eveningnftt nf n niiisionary nature. There wereXi'idintiH, vrcal HDIUS, eto

Charli'9 I^induii, of Brooklyn, Is renewinglid nniunlutances here.

\ rs. W, IV. A p^ir andjlttlo^oa Lloyd, of

r. vr. liot; : :-P ™Mrs, Klizibrth Alpaugh, who lifts b«3n

[pen tt I up no tuo niQiitbs past in Brooklyn, hasloen muklnt' a short visit with Mrs. Caroline

U'hUo, nits In iiinoty-four yea'* old. Mrs.Alpaugb was accmnpaniod by Miss ElizabethUiMiry, also uf Brooklyn.

Mr. nnd Mrs. O. K. Runyon, of Newark,nro tbe guests of Mr. nnd hlra. Albert Paulki.

Mr«. Trimmer, of Middle Valley, Is visit-ing nllli her daughter, Mrn.JftoobS.Claw-IUU, Muhlor EJdlo Porcv Is vlnlilng with bisMtiHin, Mnstor Willie Clawson.

Ttio ^'oumu'K Mtsaloimry Society ot the['retibytpriau Cuureh together with Fsveralrelation!) met with Mrs. Caroline White onAugubtlith lu th-4 regular monthly meeting of'hit society nud to celebrate tbefr hostess'l-ltl] birthday aimlvorsiry Aug. 5th. Mrs.Whlt« Ie one ottlieolduat memtiora of tbeIVeHbytorfaii Cliirch nud la held in great ea-

" ' ber niaiif excellent qualities. She< recipient of a nice sum ot monoy

from relations and friends, net only was shouiuoiiilurml by tha Missionary Hooioty, butilnn by the Girls1 Mlsilon lUud. Those pres-mtwura: Mrs. llurgens, Miss Flora Wood-

hull, Mrs H. P. Kro^, of Newark! Ura.John McDougal, of Kanvll; Miss Henry, ofBrooklyn ; Mrs. Aaron Douglas, of Ironfa ;Mrs. Currle Fox, of Pleasant II111; M n .Andrew Woodbull and Mrs. Philip Swack-

', of Duver aud Plandnrs. Rev. andMrs. Baker Bmitb; U. A. NICLOIM ; Mrs.C. H. Howell, Mr*.. H. H. Hnpklns. Mrs." io Farrow, Mrs, W. R, Q. SbarpandMissMa nopklu*. Vary appropriate remarkswere mndo hr the pastor, Ilev. Baksr Smith,aud D A, Nlcbolns, who has been aesooiHtodwith Mm. Wblto in church work for manyyears. Most delightful refreshments were


DENVILLE.Tho new Churcli League will hold a lawnwlnl on tbo lawn ot C. B. Dlckcrson Fridayrenlng, Auinist SlitWilliam Kubmlchac), of BarrlsouTiUe,

Intends erecting a now bam.BllnsHlIkor hasa houBafull of boardsro.MlrsHattla J. UlokereonlB spending a sea-

son at Ooeau Qrore.Tempemnco day at Tabor was well at-

tended. Tbis Saturday will be EpworthLeague day, at A hlcb time there will be ln-

trcstlng excrclaes.Douville church will be cloned for the two

Suniiayt during meetings at Tabor.Dover sportit to tbe number of about fifty

gavea clam bbke at Lake Denmark this week.Tabor Association are having additional

water supply added. In the way of a wall,-rblchtiidsfatrtoglve them all tbe extraruter tbev will need for years.A beggar applied at the house ot E. B.

Rnrl one day last weak for nom^thing to eat ,claiming to be about famished. His request

as granted with bread and butter, and thenpudmit cur, after Insulting the ladies forrat adding meat to ths gift, threw It at tbem.nd dtdl we support this Idio and worthierit of meu whpn they should be exterminated.A gentleman from MorrUtiwn oo-nos to.is plnco several evenings during the week

to go bathing In tba cinal. He knows what'spleasant. People upend time and money togo to tbe sea shore for this purpose whenLbey have just oa nice bathing at tiulr door.

DeuWlle has a beneficial order Kith aboutvonty-Ilve me^obars—who says wo are not

progrcralogl—and adding more at ererymeetiiu. The Patriotic Bans of America la

Tho following parasjraph completad anMlltorln! Iu tho NEW York Sun, which speaks

itself, aflor tbe pa-sago of tbe TaritT bill:"God preserve tbo party tbat goes to the

jople with such a record of perfidy, ruch a>nfcs>Ion of dishonor I"A party of sports from tbis place, Newark,

ilockaway and otber pi noes met at CharlsaMlnard'B, at Rockaway Valley, Tuesday ofthis week, to dispose of a pile of bakedolaml.This they did handtoaiely, and everything Inlight, as well as those things out of Bight,

lolly on Ice, it took to cool those parchedtongues. However, they votad Mr. Minarda jolly hoit nnd one that understood how tomako men enjoy life.

0HE3TEH AND VICINITY.Samuel SwdEYo in \iaIUt>g relatives In this

city.Tbe Miss Smiths are entertaining go rota.Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Jenkins entertained

[uests from the cltv last week.Our Board of Education, has adopted for

iso In our township, tho New Franklinleaders, and Butler's wrioi of geographies,.Veil done, you have cbo»n wltely and well.

Memrs. Win. 8. Uowoll, E. C. Drake, Wm.E. Young, Thra. Ketbltt and J . D. Budd willtake their annual hunting tour this fall in thevilds or Pennsylvania.

Our " Invincible*1' played two games of ballast weok on tbe Chester diamond, ono onFriday, with theBrooliddosand oneon Butur-lay with ton Mondhams. Tbe score with tho•rookpliles stood 37 to 8 In favor of Cbeiter."ho itrooksMes played nine Innfnun and theCheaters eight. Tboscoro with the Mendhammm stood II* to 51 In favor of Chester. TheMcndhaiu club had men of over 30 years ofago to play witt Ihem, wbile our hoys a n Iniges from IS to 14. Three cheers and a tiger

Cheater's "Invtncibies." They haver been beat* a yet. KB no O. NOTXII.

MILTON.Mm. Potor Tallraan and bnby, of NowarK, '

i visiting, friends at Milton and vicinity.BiatorJ Nurmin. BfC«d 81, dlnd on Mondav

afternoon of old URO. HO WM burled on Wod-onlay in the old Norman Family BuryingIrouud.Ths Boirrt of K luratlon f or JelTerson Town-

tiip wanted «3 IXW to run the schools for tbeniulnK yoir, but 1*11 it to a voto of the peo-ilo mt Tuesday, anil they out It down to•t,ooo. • 'Tba pwpln of Miltin who drive fast bonw

should know tbat a bicycle bas a right to haltof thoroai. Do not run them out or tbarosd 'nlim you want to pay for broken whiel*.In regard to that Item I mentioned about) forgery, my Information came from twotiwctnble porsons, who said that the young

•inn's m-itbcr-tn-lawsalil ha bad forged hermbond's name to a note.O^car Jennlmi has been offered 11,500 lor

his trotter. Ha has It training at Dundeetract, near 1'aterson. PABUKU BOT.

Deafness Cannot Bo On rodby local application* as they cannot reach the(U-eiineil portion ot tho ear. There is only one• ay to cure deaf nras, and tbat Is by conitltui Ii>nnl rtmedlps. Deafnera is caused by an fn-llamed condition of tba mueous lining of tbeliuiinchtan Tube. Wbon tbls tube Is iDllam-m\ you bave a rumbling sound or imperfectbrartuit, and when it Is entirely clowddeaf-nets is tbe retult, anil an less the !nfl»mitloncan lw takm out and this tube restored to ltanormal cunilftlon, hoarlne will bo dastroyedforever; nlno cases out of (en a n caused bjcatarrh, whicb Is nothlDR but an Inflamed con-dition of tbe mucous surface*. Wo will give)ni> Hundred Dollars for any caaeof Peafneucaurod by catartb) that ca'nat be cured byHall's Catarrh (Jure. Hdnd for circular*, free.

F1 J . CUKNEY & CO., Toledo, 0 .y DrugglsM, 7Gc

Page 2: t Amos H. VANHOR etest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1894/... ·  · 2015-01-06HABTEIl AOT> BOL1CITOH IN CHANCERY Offloo In the Tone Building, OVER J. ... MILLER

Friday, August 17, 1894.


U FBOritlKTOlUl.

There h u been a great deal of discuaaloitbe tnerlU and demerit* or tbe TownshipSchool lair, and a dls<-UMlon carried un [airlyand honestly would be a untie Hi, But IUCIour Democratic exchangee are cri'Jcislifrom a political standpoint and are feedingtbe prejudices or thote who are unwilling to•wait a reasonable .'linn to i w the T-nrking ortbe law dy r.iaklng mu>repm»'jlatlans. lu tliefirst place, the bill was drawn at the Iiol Bu te Superintendent 1'uland and endorsedb j Lbs State Board <>( Education wlbody was largely Democratic. It was votedfor by tbe DemociuU In tho Legislature audsigned by a Democratic Governor. It wasadvocated by the UUte Board because a aimilsr law has rained the standard of tbo EcboolIn every Slate vrhore it boa been tried, sod IIwas believed that such could be tbe result iiNew Jersey. Tne law in crude lu many paititular*, but the princlph [a right. The pullie KCboold arc n( to-isital Importance to tvUto be subjected to eltlwr political or prcjudlDial critldtim. In. our cua tempo inIndex, latt week upiNtaredan udlkirltKeneral itttn Uiut contain a vaat deallufurjuatluu* TlJti l^'d^x HIVE! '* \would like to see tbe law changed so that tboTruBtecs or Hoards ol K -ncatim. cu-; Iteacber tboy may ne«l without Jid'tliany perisnn or bo coiupell&l to give u prefer-ence to BUtt Normal tk-hool graduated."law doe* not make any eucli require men tthe Index bad made a littlo invest! go, tlolbad stopped to tblnk, tbe absurdity of Buch alaw and tbe fuipwlbllitr or putting it Iilorce would have bevu apparent to It. I:181)3 there were *,7B1 Uacbem euiplojed In tliBUU-. Or tlieeti only 420 were Hormal BcUoolgraduates, or 0 per cent, ot the total iof teachers employed. More ttiun 1,000teachers go out of the profession every yeaiwhile last year tbo Normal school graduatedonly 120 at both the February angraduations. Tbe deficiency must necessarilybe made up from those securing county cer-

In the matter or distributing the Btaten o n e ; the present law Is much better than itspredecessor, And Dover Is b g&iueruyovei11,200. Under the old Inw the money nanappropriated, according to tha school censusat so IUUUII per child o( Bchcol t ^ . Thm ir («iuhtAUifc j-%v.1k>i. lakiuK ttie report of 1803,tbal btiug luu latent pu Wit bud, we find thatMorrhtown received appropriation Tor 2,203children and employedonly 23 teachers, wbfleDover received nn appropriation for 1,27V

cbfldren and omplojed 17 teacuen .word*, Morr i i town received pay foi

ID other. . . . — all dhll-

drtn found by the cenau* cmuiuarators, bu ttbo great number v»lo ott*ndtj<] the privateschools rendered It unnecessary to employteacbera for them, ami Jlorristown wan thegainer. Jlover pnronU Bent thulr chil-dren to the public schools and thetrustee* had to biro teach era forthem. MorrUtowu hired oa-> tuacberfor eTery 00 onlldrcii of »cbool age, whileDover employed oue for every 7G children.This year Dover receive*from tboBtnteabout14.50 per child. Our latent school cououa enu-merated raora than 1,400 children. This wouldgive Dover ill next year's appropriationfrom the atnte by tha old method (0,300Under too new law {200 Ji allowed ernryteecber ruployed. With SI teachers Dovergets «4,400. Tbe appropriation to teacher*utts up about oue-balf of the State apjirtrelation, tbo balanoe of which la appor-tioned according t o the school census, endwith ],4uo chlidreo we will receive 13,150,making a tctal of (7,650 aa agalnit (0,1500wblcb we would bare received from 1,400hild d tb ld l

POET MOBnia.•thur Hu'ui'g, of KcoUh Plaina, w a i vlali

Ing in HUtuliope abuut a uioutb BRO. lofortuttion iwuiK t h a t ho died a t tbe home of hi*father Iwst w e e t . Uu wna abou t ID years

lumas S. Boatof the lU'llut Cum

M. W. A. on

tit; waa doing it, probably. w l " ' " f winoim on Mr Henm. Mr. I lnstt i ' i .Uscar Jeffrey, of Washington, wboouKhi

to bo old enough not IMtryfaer, of V" ' '

R at t led . Mr.BIBO roprcwnlotl Mi

Beam before tbo court wlilcb wtm buld In tboPort Murray liatel far wautot a UuUeriiltt.eeWbilu Lawyer Strytier wan uibkiiiKKouiekltUe

with "yuu Hu 1" liana Bontb thoy tboo'fulka for thrtt kind of thing you kanar, Mr.

•. However, Mr. Htryfcnrdld iiiitwfinil It and (f It is nnly ft way sotnu lawyer.a Wnrrvn county, I bavii notlilnit u

Htryter wantvd a non-nuit (hat U«.ause ib<>law said tbat II you wanted to RUO a cnrjwratlon or that kliid you bave to serve your

nions en tho 1'rcdldunt, Trodeuter, ClarkJUS of tbe Dinclorn, neither or willw Mr. Beam buld. You ought to hu

beard JelTrey try to convince tlio Court—a,i* CBS lie did J t - ths t tbo Local UeMet ("«„

tlie clerk or Heorotary of the uiaociutiouinn tlie laat ekctwl uiUc-r ul tlie.1 u»uw en1

near him thst he cuuld bavo tout-lied Mm•cause Andrew Ueani wan the Relief L'umItteoortho B U.I). A. and tho irctm pa<«yt throuith bit baud* fcliroadcri ot IWt Murray nud vicinity and

receipt Tor it and rctuniwl the rerulpt for ItUr. Condi I, tbu Hoc re tary-Treasurer, tlieroro ho was a clerk ! Logic Is logic, bornefo^

la force, whipping a bone la force tberefoniplng aJiorne IH burse feed, don't jotl know

UutJelTrxy convinced tbe Court that Beana clerk all the same and be refused ti

grant tbe non-euit. Again Biryfcer applied, non-twit because thGcopyof tbesuinn

did cot state the date of iaauo, atthougb tbeiliatinctlr Bild it abould. Tbe Court Uol<

that he cuuld not grant a non-Buit for a littlithing Itko that. Bumo tilings aut lo lie t*kei

granted and that was one of tliein.Utroker Inelated tbut In law they took nothingfor granted, but It was no use, the Comwould not grant a non-eult i aworco l av

L-opy ul tbo PUminors l<t tmeBtlon pui

nsfetedhe Uouo got hIKht. '

bi t ThitwBcnnketl himru to duy f' ThorHnly tl.e dfite un

nous was Ifutued waHuyLurbe boyH

iuvo thiiolbetny, lufliinifi


1 while ago, bulow did you COILturn duy was u.which the mmUfStioD, I llBBa r t k u k r llta, aund got Laivye

Jeffrey pretty badly rfftrled, but the Courttouk it wutk io tljiuk It o\(-r mill then he will

ir LU d*i(ii,t. t u n i,~Sl wviirij! In•in'ilt un tliu raw, hut 1 am luforiuciliuwfitTii^ ibuUi mir-ur vriio stopped a tCoutl H>u*e" [-» mirin1* eatil w KOUIUi' |.y Fifliiiiuju laud trillion for erery tody

to near '• U'hut aro tbuy irylug to do here today J Trying to boit Beatty on* of hla beueflti I" And Uwyar JelTr-y '

The tiB00NT0N.

of the Boootoa Athletic IId I l F

u g t ooooa AthUall Club started out at the Iwglunlog oF tin

ith th t t l f k ig Ihl•Ith tha expectation o( maklnK Ihlstar season in nur coiutnuuity a'ong tbo liiof base ball, but Instead ot bo lug * star, It

what a Rtand fliiln tbo ntt*«iipt lin^ bwn, A»n t bavo aiitk'IpaUx), tbontiainloiiiiiontof Raidclub. Kinoe tho aliove club ilUbtoded tbeUoontnti Junliim. pomitiUcl nt ynunjt Tellows,bs.vu re-oreauizttd thulr club of last year,whii/ii WOH «o BUcewHful tben, and on Batur-

dud p!ayedi by a score

J a y last, they wont to Alt. Taliotheir ilrst g which

(( qn lau>ly 1 iK litUo c 3 to

adiBtrlbuWd ID tbia


sand fof pel

[1 in Ibh i>FiKliborbood by*y three nmiioba, no I wenfMikfl at my

could alrout bow mnnd within

) accounts fur the lasti]nrl»K th«m »Uli them checks I sUnulJ Itu-

hat tliere was recelvixl hereaboutsly about* J .'.00 In round figures. Thora

Aro uo retired otucura In tbls community liketbare are in eome jilnces, who recaivo a largechock which would hflp swell the llgures tothe amount, but tbo money Is. clrcuUtojaniQUif a tnrite nnmbor of persons. Thoamount of tbo checks run from tH.W per<iu«rter, ffhtrh I tblnk 1B the lowest that Inoticed, up to tW.W tho hlgbeat, and onlytwo ] tb'nk or that amount, tbo avtirege buiug{24.1X11 thiiuli] tblnk,

DaVolnen Wood, who rualdos Itthe park In this placu und who la Profesaoi


eolbopueefiH iuregoiiK uiiilruud mou iniouib tbey

mmltUd i

fucc, andfell unr. pnrjel ut frauds whonuud iliu country klllug theliAi H tLuy nould pay W cwuuld 1-i.y the/ (On week irr CHHIIIIFI end If tbey got killedmlcldp tbere waa one bundled

tnd ihvu »buii tbiB might gof i thp

of the ftflaoclatiuu ithe man'b tJO ct'n'.s a i

an got tiafe or disabledJi, t ifnriuithe oIlicerB

ThPybadlulb andwy

u lie got

children unde ,of Icca] taxes next year to the ntdifferences.

Another tuft)?, parties who live oof Dover wUhtug to eeod their

r tbo old law, relieving Dovn t t th f b

ilck lie couM not K«1 his iO a w^ek ticeut hed Mr. Jeffrey to IUO Audrew Utaai, Mr.Tcy may be Ju»t the nun to " make tbe

ivoreo ujiprar the batter reason," but tbe aiwoiatlou dou't propose to bo "/rigbt«ntdWIIMI a madman BlarpR" and would motpeclfully »uBB(.Bt that Mr. JelTrey urovinnertion. l e a n understand butv n lawyerlike tliu dead, editor, may " l!o (OT hU I W ". . .. , . , | 3 w o u , t g Q d o w | ) x o ^

tried to boac tbe M & K. ft.K. Employees Mutual Benefit As*'-ici«t(onlhuI Imvo sot to soe tbo inau the asaocintlon ba^tried to bent except Mr. Jeffrey proved thatIt has tried to boat Tbotnos 8 . Beatty. TuoTact In the law mit seems to be that when theItellcf Committee went to Mr. Ueatty's bouse1 pay Mm his weekly beuelUa he found hoa« gone away from home. Hu roportod thli

fact to Mr. Con Jit tbe Secretary-Treasurerinsisted that Beatty should get

Ilobnben, ban txwn elected Frtwldput or tinHoclety hir tbe Fromutlon of EngineeringEducation, a newly formed society, Hji plc-

3 appeared In laat h und ay'a World, andthe kind was nnusually good,reringbam Kick an! s, ur Keokiik, Is., Is

spending n few days witb Uooi on frlonds.Owing to tbo inclement weather ou Sundayit, the open-air meeting in the park wtItrgcly attended as It would bave

bad tbo afternoon been pleenant; uevorthft*t, there was a good-alwd audtanoa, andBvestlog meeting. Speakers Iroiiv the

Newark Y. JI. C. A, arfdremed tho meet lug.The Lafayette Quartette of Brooklyn (com-;>OBedof Indies) and tbo main quartette fromBoon ton wing same fluo Hi-lectluns.

"Tho lUgbtaand Dignity or I>unor" la tinpubjsct of a liicturo to bo delivered In theOpera Houue to rnurrow (Thursday) eveningby Ilev. Father TIj(Ue.

Ur. and Urn. Enoch Hammond and MrsFrank Coo and daughter nr« at Anbury I'arb.

mr public tchoiih o\itn Tuesday, Suptern-4tli, with tlie fulluwlDg corps of teachers:

Principal L. J. Whitney, Assistant Miss AliceL. Korris, Alias Emma L. Hodgkfns, MissBIHc Orlmea, M(M Com E. Hammond, Miss«iiBKl" Klni-aii), Ml«o I-tui Hessy, Uir^Jjlay JUitrUn (unw). anil tno inker nowuncbere, whow noiiiea I have uot luurnrd.

It Ibei^a aimtbor tQfvn ot Its site lu the3Uto of Now Joraoy tuat h u aa much VIunrk going on aa our littlfl town h u a t tbe.resent time, I would llko to know where ita. Our mills ore running; they aro tearingip cur stritets for tbo laving of tbe water

pipe;; work Is being daae b ; the HlectricLfgbt Compnuy in raising new polos andstrJnginK tbe wires for tba extra Ilgbts; thewort of curbing and Hugging the sidewalk'on Vitnblugtou street, the work being donitiyourfltreetcoiuiuIsBlonoF on Cornelia at root,

When a man tella you he will give you $3.00 worth for oneit's falao- So mo pcoplu may claim to do so, but if they dothey oortainly must have been high priced, and they arBstill.

Low Prices

HONEST DEALING IS OUR MOTTOWe soil the Best $8.00. All Wool Suit in Morris County. The

Best $1.00 Child's. Suit from 4 to 14 yoars in the State.All other goods in Proportion. No use tiring your brainwith prioes, come see tor yourself. Don't believe falseadvertisers, but oall on

Sussex SI., Dover's Popular Clotliers. Dover, H. J.

episcopal church and rectory, tbe finishingtouches that are betuR added on the newMetbodlst iioreonaac, and tho building of tbetwo new stores on Mala stront, nearly opp siteth U i t d B t t o H t l t b l d

opp si, beild

dren to our schools will not be excused frompaying tuition mi Iba Index teems to tblub,but will have to pay extra for tbelr extraprivileges j iut aa they did before.

If the critics would road the law carefully,and study tbe statistic*, they would not make

i statements. Give tbe nei

y certificate ovs_.rlilcb according totbehy-ln

Dok thereafter,

to do, and Mr. Beatty said ne knew b

U T . ABLINGTON.U I M May Iione hai been (pending a few

days In Dover as tlie guest ot Hiss J. Cans-Tan.

Ulsa Grace Van Nortwlck b u been qulto IIIfor UIB past few days, but is now c ~ralescent.

Profeesor D. Neuman, tha world's great'mmd reader, entertained tbe ML Arlingtonguests one evening this wetk by his wondiful exhibitions of mind or thought reading,

A parlor entertainment for tha henoOt ofBt Peter's Cburcb, wss held In tbe UreollnDarlors on Wednesday eTedng. A n&at auraw u reallied,

WilllBDi Ii. Llttell, of Newark, Is spendingUe moutaof August at Elmo Villa. Ur. L.Is am admirer of Hopaicong and vf>rv loi.dorfbhlng. Bverj day he may boi-_-'u uu thutAke with hla rod and Hue, hut HJI ry ;o e>.jbo one as yet has seat) him c&toh unr of tbefinny tribe.

Edw&rd Leo and family are camping a tChestnut Hill.

Miii Adah Boneen bus been renenlng tc-qnsdniancn In Uovcr (his week.

Master Louie Banger, cf Hotel Brealln, IsUw owner ot the little donkey widen took tbep r t u a; tbe World's Fair la Chicago last year.Ha baa a little cart and may be seen pi»mday driving his Jit tli 'Park.

Mrs. K. A. Bator, LUtUe daughter, ot Eont Orange, nreat the Brtvlfn.

J. J . Dunne and sons, of Morrlatown, areipendiug a few days at Kuitlo Villa.

The fifth anniversary et tbe dedication ofthe chapel Our Lady of tbo Lake Sunday,August ID. High mass and sermon a t 11 A. U.

A game of ba*eball between the fludd'uLake, nine- and the Brcsllns last Mond*jafternoon was very amuiilng. Eleven stagesbrought aixty.flve people, among them manyladle* fmm Budd's Lake, to Bee their teamWin, not alas for expectations. Toey playedall innings with a tcors oHB to 3 In favor ofour home team. The Brtslins will cross batswith Ue BuccflEtinnot on boturday, and •

y n ovoryfriouds around tbe

Mtra Dunlap, and

right. , _ . . _.B WB8

tick and be would be If be would dn ItThere Is tbe foundation for Mr. Beatty's Itw-tult and if any Court In Wtirron county wills»y tbat the K, HI U. A. owes lilm any bene-flts he will got bis money aa soon at a check

n get from Newark to h\irt Murray. Toerea balance cf 13.000 In tbumioclaUonB favortand Ur. Beatty oDly claims fOaweckim May CSth and tbe record shown he has

been p»M L> June 2A. I hs.v« given tbls Uw -suit a good deal more space than ft d e s c r ybut It Is well enough for tlie Relief Committee to know where they are a i according tothis who Port Murray juatlce. And if tbeonicera of tbe association have been defroui"Ing the employes ot tbe U. & K, H. R f,all these years It Is time the employes knew I1 make no other apology for occupying iluchppacewithit.I notice tbat Mews. IV. F). Day and Tbso-

nre Holhrook have flag sidewalka In front olmir housm.Tbe frame o l l l r . Cole's new bouse In up

Urs. fratt 's Is about flnlihcd and ready for"?cupnncy.

Arcby Pratt bsji got back from a visit:ho wilds of Pennnylvanfa

Our people have been entertaining some ottha orphan cb,lldv*a ol Newark (OT a wpek or

wo. I t Is ouo of tha bind nesses of tbe EJ(-rorth League of this town, I believn.Judge BamuclT. Smith, of Waterloo hi

' " • ' v l a l t a t

Ben Btackhouite, ot Hoboken, paid tils parents In Htanhope last Hun day.

The railroad company's car[«enters are re-pairing tbe tunnels In our big coolbin, findMcQlnnlaea' trackmen art) levelling up t'trarks In that region of darkness. I reck ...thoy vrlll bave to remodel those tunneln one nf

n gonrlolas In thrtn.

tbe United Btatoa Hotel property,other extra work being done that escapes mymotnnry just al tbls mow (ml uiakos work lookpretty lively Just now.

William Q. Latbrop aud family ore spend-ing the summer at Mantsbklng. While

tnltig down 11 rook street Iflflt Friday aft«r-on, tba team of J. Aldnn (Jaylord becsi

frtghtunetl by & breaking of ft part of the bar-ness, which let the tivbeeated phaeton run(gainst tha honea, and they ran away, over-turning tbe carriage on Brook and Spruceitrcots, throwing tbo occupants, Mrs. day-lord and three or four frlenda and the coach-

on, out on tbe ground. Luckily, ttioy ea-

Tory hot game Is expected.Hrgular moBthly m&etio( of the Moyoi

•ad Common Council Friday opening a t 3o'clock.

Tbe concert gotten op by the guests of theM t Arlington Hotel for tho benefit of tho"World1! Kick Baby Fund" on Sunday even-ing must truly be said to bave been one ot tbemost successful and a t tbe some time moat in-teresting entertainments of ths sosson, owingto Its varied programme. Tbe tinging of MiisNoanenbncber was excellent, (mil tfaa sweet-ness of ber TDIOO must really be said to be arari ty seldom beard. Victor G. Kmtnerick,In him Imitation of * coronet, won a well-do-erred rncore, and hii part second animal

K>W and darkey lsugb, all original, just slm<•ply, to me the MprewJon, "took the bouseand bad to be repeated. Tbe otber strikingfeatures were an auto-harp solo, by MasterKrauM; and "At a Country Hotel," by HitsDora Appel, which was excellent. Twenty*almdallsnftadQtty-flv«c«Dtav(ftsniKd fortills w c r t b j object. Following la the pro-gramme]

PART 1.Ovtrture—Ffaao and Tloiln

O Walter *od C. MailerRecitation . . . . .Miss Marion HhlrwPiano auet The Misses Rttral&hyHandoUDsolo Hits Dora AppelBtMtg V.U.EmmeHckAnu>harp tolo Waiter Arthur Kranse

- Bon*: Ml* a NonnenbacberBong suid dance. D. Stalnburcher

FJ.RT H.Overtu

Lecture— "Immorta l i ty ' '—Dr. WatermanaAutor 'aru solo.. , Arthur KrauseRedtaiioo MIM Dora AtipetBoat •• V.G. KnunBrfckPUi.oaolo MIis A. Kafalskyfiedtation , JUss IWtoa Bhlrer

T t e concert wo* nodertbe auspices of tL*. IIIMWB Appel, Mrs. L. Powers acd Ml» AnnaBTranse. RUSTIOATS,

Tbe d i j i of the coal jimmy are nearly nutn-"»red.

I tblnk tbe Chosen Friends of this town aregoing to bave a festival on tbe 10>.h. On tbename day in* circus In going uj be In SMn-brpe, anil on tbe 18th a horaa race on the new[rack In Btanunpe, w»:'-b. la said to ha one oftbe prettiest ball raf U Vracbr in thn State

The Dorarcratlo party hss clothed lUelf*iili "jwrflily and diihonor," as with n gainent, and ncording to laUat advices, th .JrMdpntof thesn Unftrd Statai la about to

get a suit of 'be tame material. Gorman Isnosa, and Prenldent ClitvelaDd h u got to Mthis crow, whether hn bankers after It or not.Alas I poor O rover I But where, oh where, isthe clover t-I hear two t>t our young wen, who are old

enough to know better, had a scrappingmatch o*or In Netcong lust Saturday. I doDDt Intend ID glvs them away thla time, butthere n«d t i be a rhymo when I was a littlechap which snn like this :

" Let, dWt delight to hark and bite,For Uod hath modn tb*m so;

Let bears and lions growl and light,Per HI* tWlr natun>, too

But, children, you should never letYour ansry pu&gions rise.

Tnnr little bandt wore nevsr madeTo tear each other's eyes."

la It against tbs law In ttio Buto of Illinoisfor a man to buy 150 acre* of land in thentlghborbood of Chicago, build some bournOD tbe land and rent them to otbor men forpnillt i Hos Mr. George U. Fullinau thesame rights as other men 'n tbat S'ote tI t Is only a few yfnrs since Pullman was bold

Mr, Pullman as one or tbe henefsctors of bUrace. How Y>% la only B> monopoliat and abloated bondlioldtr. Wherefore tbo change f

Mr. Cleveland is not the flnt follnw wbosaid, " l a t h y servant a doz that be should d ithis tbiiig r and then turned around anddone It.

"Vice Is a monster of such hideous mienTbat to be baAad needs but to b» **»n ;But K>en too (.ft, familiar with its fac*.At first we (corn, tben pity, tben embrace,"

Or courw, Mr. Clevdsnrt will eat tbs mewof crow Mr. Gorman, of Maryland, ban pre-pared for him. Tie great Democratic niirase-

caped wltli but few scratches. Tbo carriageran badly broken. The team ran to tbenitrond atattou, where they wero cnugbt.Tbo funorol Borvteo ot tho lato William

HtzoD, a farmer residuat of Montvllle, but oflate of Hoboken, wae held In the MethodistCburcb. of tbls place, on Friday afternoon

Mr. Hiron for a number of years, rvlsor of the Morris canal between

Drakevllle and Lincoln Park, but b u notbeen connected with tbe canal forneveral years. George M, Mutcbler, orBoocton, now holos tbat postUou, 1"Bison was stricken with paralysis, no I iInformed, at the bowo of his son In Hobok.rblck caused his death. Ue was about 82

years of ARO.Ilsy Ilawflon won the ono-ml'o handicap

bicycle r a n at Anburv Park an Saturdaylaat, aud brounht home with him auolhergold wa'ob. His time wai 2 mln. 19 1-6 sec.I bear that he will race again at tbe Park at!ha Good-Hood tournament race, to be hi\uituKt30and3l and September 1,

Tbe Brxniton IVaUr Company bavlDg »p-plied to tbo courts for u'mini sal on era to con-demn property belonging to Dr. John 0 .Hyor«on, of Bountoo, and Wilbur Kay hart,of Mnutvllle, acrosi whose lauds tho WaterCompany desire to lay their water mains forthe Bnonton water supply, Judge Llpplncotthas appointed tbB following persons: CharlesDoIIart, of Dover; George B. 8mlth. o( TroyHilla, and William B. Grwn, of Uenvilie.

A root bss been added Ut tbe band stand onMain street).

lUflnadDetcctiTe John Coodton, au ofD-cer coiumlealoiu'd liy tbo QoTerumect ot thoStats, and a citiioii of tbU place, waa killed

ithn railroad here thli (Wednesday) after.xm. Ue had jumped on freight train No.

Wi a t tho depot crois'ng, and wblcb Is duehere about 4:431> i i , for tbe purpose of driv-ing two men off of the train who were scal-ing a ride. He was on top of a refrigeratorcar, walking In the opposite direction fithat of wblcb the train



DiamoEds, latcta, M b , -JEWELRY, SILVER WARE,

SILVER NOVELTIES, OIT1CAL 0001)9. &c. I would remind my cuatomuni athepiil i l ictt intlnm fnnMAnlly rejilulitxliW my Ktoolt IU all ltd ik'iuirtmtuts a

- vtLUalwu>'afiudluclaVuttlpaltorii8&»d elyled.

All kind.q of WatolieB, Clocks and JowolryCleamid, Repaired, Repolished and other-

wise Renovated as Required.



B\ F1. BICRH, Froprietor

svlDg, and didiot tblnk of the overhead bridge on Main

street, near tho United Statei Hotel prop-•ty. The back of his hoatl struck the bridgead Its UW between tbe can. The train

passed over blm, cutting off bis right Irgabove tbe knee, and terribly Ucerating theleft ODD, while bis right baud waa cut o9 attho wrist He was conscious when found afew minutes latir and inked for a doctor, andafterwards asked tor a dvlak ot water. Dn.Carpenter and Ryereon Were soon on bandand attended to him, but he waa beyondhelp. He was carried to Dawaon'v under-taking room*, where he dl»d about half anhour after tbe accident/ Mr. Condlon (or ashe Is familiarly called around her, Jack Con-ley) was for about fourtepn years employedla tba New York Custom House, but washid o l when Cleveland w u flnt elected. Hewas reinstated when Harrison was elected,and again laid off whon Cleveland was re-elected. Hinco then he hss bo to acting as a Idetective for tbe railroad. He was a memberof John Hill Boat, O. A. B. H* leaves awidow and four chl'dron, two grown updaughters find two son*. His family, except-ing the younger daughter and son, baddriven ovar to Butler to attend the servicesa t the Bhclue o t Bt. AotHoay, mi were nothomo at tbe time. A party win sent tonotify them, and tbey reached home about7 o'clock. His age was 40 years.


IStenm Boilers, Smoke Stacks, Oil Tanks,

Chemical Fans, Ore Buckets aud all kinds

of Sheet Tron Work.


Old boilers tnkcn In exchange. Coal and

Wood, Barrelled and loose Lime. Half,

Plaster, Cement, Front mid Common Brick

Flagging. Steps, Curbing Sills, Slate Man-

tels, etc., etc.



APT. ROBT. COOK, Cam-* den, N. J.,says:had been seriously troubled for sane lime

.jlth Indigestion,constipation, nnHa weik •tom.ach, my system becoming all run iloun, midlosing fifty pounus In weight, 1 had nbout Kivcnop hope* of again U!tiS a well mm, when 1 came—ou

Dr. Deane'sDyspepsia Pills,Ib h iIcb soon ratorrd m

twenty-rive pounds In tUUlsl >nd see wbit they w

A I > l l l > u r l u ' U

me lo heUrwweskwill ilo fo

ealth, 1 gainings. Give ihttn n


BT70OASUNNA.I was slightly off in one of my Items last

rock. It should have been Miss Worthing-ton, of Philadelphia, instead of Mia Wctfa-i n t f B r k l

, pington, of Brooklyn.

F d T l f , will occupy thef D B t dtJundoj In tha absence .of Dr. BtOd-


d for him. Tie {treat Detnccra.no phragkrr *bo ilt»co*fred ptrDJy oi.d dishontho Herat* tariff bill and then iwnllow


B A B T L E V .Tif'f CUra Hance and cousin, of Wathing-

ton, aro vUltiog n t T. P. WilletV.. Mr. suid Mrs. J . M. Ckinovor are entertoing

(riftoda from Trenton.Tbe band pUjed ivt the M. E. fair a t Pl&n-

d e n the the Uth inst, and give excellent satls-

G M , Fl t ldi ii slo«!y saining at tl.is wif lingbut Is not able to alt up.

: ' The streams are very low and tbe mills c a n tm o near fc=lf tbo time.

IV. BarU«7 mot with on accident on- Wetlaaoday as lie was lowering Ue derrick,

which was loaded with a heavy stone, caughthla Bager la tbe gvarlag aadalmost cut it off.Dr. Miller thanks lie can save It with good•eara.

Mrs. K. W . KIce wai In taira on Tnea:'ay.- l U n L l u i e WUDU, ot Newark, u quite sickt t Uw home of Laurence Culver.

Emmll t utd fieaale Brlsptn, ol 8 la ten Island,

., __ .—. —rf_ rrmm _,. tho BigSix"—is back from Kingaland 6be

with, a new coat of paint on.Paj mailer titrnng inadniblj vlalt on tue ISiL . . . „rj body Is glad to vea Mr. Strong, We are

re rich onop a month, BDrhow, but thetrouble of It Is the money dont stay by uaIOBK.

Tbe New York World la trying to ba'Ifiat'

flBhtiDK the hg windmill, called the IncTax. Keep an eye on Hill, Mr. World,

1 fun n i lh SaunUir Hill , of But*,

they laugh beU wbo laughs•~ * l 1-Crow f dot Used tothey Umllki

it yetl The World mj* the Iiwill lake *17B,O0U from W. W. Aftor, «i,,1Jvhn D. Rorkrfeller may have to give up•"'!,?<£, an > Uecollectois may bavo to tabs

IXX) from i>oor old Hetty Green. Hawlans ilueo VtiOle Bam b u turn>a blahwa;robber f Anirng ihc lltt of imlliunalm whonre to stand snd nMiver I do not notice theDame ut J ie riiliiur. Uut Joca prlntera-rill bare to j«»y hla tbaro «t tho IncomeTax, I'll warrnut, ju«t as Mr. Aster's t«n-lants will have to j«? hla sbs:

.to»se*per itbuse income Ii otj oar will see to it that his cnsL „ ,its portion ot It when you get down to bed-rock you will flud lot

They had quite a t „hope on Wedui-aday evenfng, and tbe light-ning struck and killed t&e sture horse ot MrUtal B. Huitdj, which was in tbo bant eat-u j , bl

upi>er, buuched the barn .Charles Hi le r ' i Itouso a t Ketcong t ras

s t r u c k and set DD Ore Wednesday eveninirT b a lira was sooo exUngulshtd,

Frod. Tnjlor, of Kowipulpitdard.

IRB few days wlb Uln AnnaFred. Uuover, of Still water.hu boea spend-

ing a few days with W. E. Courgen.On loft Thursday evening Dr. and Mr*,

titoddard teadered to tbe Dny's Brigade a re-ception In tbo chspel, which was attended bynearly all cf tbe boys. At 8 o'clock we at-emblod In the chapel and attertwoor three•election* of uougs we adjourned to the din-ng room to [tarUke of Hit, rofredu

which were there awaiting ua. After which'sine the program -A I xb the boyi ba4 pre-

I«red tn the abape of varluus WBII selectedJeadlngs to take tho place of after dinnerppeechea. I will not attempt to givo tbe de-Ulls, ai It would take to much time and space,suffice to say eacb participant rendered hispart very well Indeed. Miss Babbitt wbo H Ualso pmcat, made n t i l t ! adtlrw, in wntcb' 'fyouboja.regoiut to bo

i are going to lia ailafahjn,•omo are golrg to be taacbftr* and all of youAi u atudpnta. Is not tula a tnl^nilld prophecyfor tbe Boy's Urigade! and remembor b^/sthat It all depends upon you to fullflll tbafuture set before you. Dr. Stoddatd tbenmode a short addns*, Mt?r which tbe tokens

mbraceof tbin 0oar future llvrs 1

;enlog and guides forin toerery acu

member of the brigade. Then the boys nilJoined in a vote of thanks to Dr. and Mrs.Btoddard for the epjoytnent nt tho evening

nd for tha tokens of friendship and lovevhlrh <tas given them and departed for their

several home* with tbe remembrance of thisevening so i-rel)tably apzat na an Influence- entbelr whole lives for good.

Fottmattor F. U. Buck, wife anft daughterire spend! g a couule of weeks a t Aaborr'ark.David Martin, of Newark, Is (ponding aw dnvo a t E, D Hugg'e.Samuel UcCord, ot Newark, Iialso visiting

t Hutg'«.rs Annie Meeker, of PaUrson, Is homa onacation.

Mitt Hadle Rfgor, of Fanippaoj , and MIsiCarrls £oyce, of -FUInflold, Ii rliiUng a t E,

HEATH & DRAKE.In ordnr to make room for Naw Fall

QooOs, we will eloa* out tbe balanceof Summer Stocks at Goat and Ie*a

vvniie Ejofls, EmDioifleries. EicCbUJwn-a RouncinBS, were «o

35c . y a r d .Children's FlounclDgs, wero 60c, now

35c. yard.Children's Flouncing*, were TSc., now

yard.Marrow nod 'ttcdlum WUUi EiubrolJeiits,

Were Bo We lito. ISc ISc ido S3o TScHaw Go Bo 8c 100 ISO ISo SSc 50c

Plain Halosooics and Latrns-Vt'ere 12o 1C0

lilt« Oounttrpanw, full alie, well irorUj(1.80, nt$1.07 each .

SILKS.l e J a p u e w Wash Bilks, vnluoOOc, a t . . .

3$c. yard.Fina JBjNUicao Yi'aeh Bllki, value 00c, a t , , ,

45 cents.FliruiTd India, Cblna and Japanese Bllts, TOIUO 7BC

per yard, at .

58 cents.



OFFICE AT DAVENPOKT'S CORNER,Berkshire Valloy. P. O. Dover, N. J .

FOB SALEHotel projwrts lor Kilo or rent 6t lAndins:. Bidt-ess thu cnuse for tbe above action. Call on

n.MrtaaWM. E. SEMtCU,

" Luiidlajt, Morria Co., K. J ,


UnilorcnreofFrionos. O|n.MOth month 1flUi,lB04.f"uil CoilfRu Couretw for younp ni*n nnd younic

ami IJteMiy tkpvtw. Jlnulilno BLOIW, fiboralrinnit lilirnrii's. For catalneuw anil tHutlciilo

Prospect Hill School,

Figured Tafft(a SUbi, value | 1 , •'

4BC, 5oc, 65c, 75c.

DRESS QOODS.jUi-Wool Drera Good*, taluo|50o, at

33c. yard.All-Wool Dross Ooods, valne TU, BSa, $1 per yd. nt

48 unU.AU-Woot DI-MB Goods, ralue fl^O to fi'CO per

yard, a t , „ .

98 cents.The haUnce of our stock ot Utaier Sului a t Ima

t h u coat, to close.

777 and 778 Broad Street,NEWARK. N. J.


DOVEK, Jf. J. ,open Sfptpniln>r

i Iiielndwlin tha cH l t don for college

Lessona In

10. I jUn, French a— —...^ u kUurseof study wbeniniilreil. flpucUl preiiornllDu for college and foIbi. i.-^euU' KiainlimtlOns, Lessona In pboncgrovbr. Addrea*SH-Im MISS L B. WAOIE, Doter, N. J ,

Clearing SaleOF

LRUiES SttlBT WBISTSUnlaundered Waists Reduced from 40 to 30c.

- 50 to 40c.

75 to 50c

- 85 to 55c.

9o to 65c.

- 1.00 to 75c.

- 1.25 to 85c.

- 1.50 to 1.15

Waists with Laundered Collars andCuffs reduced from 98 to 75c.

Waists with Laundered Bosoms,Collars and Cuffs reduced from98 to 75c.

Tin; 6eo. Ricnards Company.DOVER, New Jersey.



It gtvea me pleasure to acquaint my friends(nth tbe fact tbat they oan Lave toetb extractedwithout pain by the UKO of Dr. Jessop's LocalAnnstbena at toe office of Dr. Freeman, Dorer.

MKB. W'DiFIEI.D PiLHEB,Booka* oy, N. J., April 8th, 1893.

Try the " Local Amo tlmtio at Dr. Freeman'soffice aid be convinoed that it is all that is olaimedfor it. MUB. H. EGTWIOK, •

Wotoong, N. J., April 21st, 1898.

I oan ohoerfully recommend the " Local Anies-thetio" for extreoting teeth.

MBS. TEOVIS KENKA,' . Fort Oram, April 24th, 1893.

DB& FBEEUM tm ViiECLiW): 'DSAB 8tB8:—I &m so veil pleased with the use

of the Local Asffisthet'O in haring teeth extractedthat yon hare my permission to use my name anyway you please as reference.

MB. LXWIB Worn,BUuiiope, N. J., Ua; , let, 1893.


DR. B. O. VREELAND,after ten years experience, having a veil knownreputation for extracting teeth, has accepted aposition with Dr. Freeman.

DR. FREEMAN has the exclusive right to nseDr. Jessop's Local Anaesthetic.

H H. Mansfield teeneml tnder), bura •., InulM. RiaclilneiT, supnii^, liarJwL.

In rsct ANYTniNO Dew, seconih. woind nan« y « i * W i t o bujr,«lUr trwto, writeblta rt IUhertj Btreet, New York.


E. A. J.Dover,

HOUSE TO RENTclose by tho Catholic CuunJi. Dover, six rooms,lurge ganien, ail bludn of fnUL Plnce la In goodjDilltion.' Iteoaon for renting la Dial builncaa h uDuipollutl me to more.I alao liave for alia om w weight years old, canio

1 lost April, one fire year oldcowcama u i l as tJune, a heifer calf, four montlia old, one brood ROW

"jirfl old, one fat hag, 0110 yoor old and twiCMMUHI ClimtiT tlliltcri.



DR. GEO. W. McDAVIThui remDrod his DADUJ Pflri on to UIB rooms orerUalrliouso's Jewelry more, and la preparod to dooil kind, of d e n u l iroik In tho bast numoer.l iatmicn AHOSUICUCS iisca lo eztracUng teeth.



Model 34

Columbia,Price, $T25.

A new machine la many important[Mints of design and construction, retain-Ing olsothe best features of previous lightColutnbiiis. I t Is regularly fitted with oneasily detachable Trent wheel brake, rat*trap pedals, and cither single or doabletire as ordered, height, 3a pounds with,39 without brake Full uescHptlaa inColumbia catalogue, v U i h b l i h d{ice.

w.B.Bamsioieeo.,Dover, If. J.

To me for au ex-port to call amtell you the priceand stylos of fib-ries of awningsfor store and pri-vate houses.



Notice to DelinquentTaxpayers.

Notice is heroby given thattlie Township Commitleeanl Collector will Boon takelegal stxps to onllect all backtaxes. Tlioso who havo notyot paid their taxes should doso at once and thus save ex-XV trouble and expense.



Tuesday, Aug. 21 at, 1894A T E L E V E N O'CLOOK AT T H E


_. for tto_.aud grading. __.hn f«en aX die atoro Of Lai

ot M. K-TUwp, n a a d e r * , ^ , J . Cbtu-BBrreo the riKliE to refuse any or all bids.




Office and Residence on Morris Si , ,

oua dnot BOUUI or IJrtck Block.





Palne-s Celary Compoaod e

Green's Ncrvura , fl

Hood's Banaparllla >(j

Scott's Emulson «

Cutfcura fioap


Flnkhsm's Compound

Paskola, small

PsAols, large m

maoc's Capclne PlastflTs 1

(The word CAI-DIKI cut ID every plsster)

Allcock Plaitenr . . . . . ,10a

Attwood's Bitters..; , . .

. . .Mo


lln1* Food, small 3),

lin'a Food, large..' 5 ^

flotford's Add Pboaphatee, small 8S0.

I'liospbates'.largs, ,

IVaropold'a Ktnulalon 0 . L. Oil 67c.

Fellow's Byrup Hypo Phospbltw 050.

D o j o n b u y l n Newaik or New Y o r k ! If

an buy In New To i s , tbea j o a pay blgber

rices than you can buy the aatc«t artlc


1 and we If this Is noi so.

627 and 629 Broad St,NEWAEK, N. J.

TRENTON, N. J .Fall term will open September Jlth, IBMThe Nonmu proriOoB ipecUl proparationa (or

teachtag. 1 lie Jlodpl BITM geneml acadftralo edu-U O preparatory to cotltge, tnulneM or the onll-y pursuits ol UTe, •

Tho schools »re provided wlUiri Ul rum,

e ^tm.Cost for Uwrdera-At Un Normnl, I!tUieModel.jaapcrrear. Coitrorila

tba Normal,«.« per year for UM oflM0dd,rrom|SflU,»MpCPK 'ror rurthtr partlcnlara *ddrm


Funeral Directorsand Embalmers.

AU calU. rwpoqdad to d i y o r a U h o u n of the night



uren'e wear, etc,

Closing at 35o. per yd.t f c t t MI ctiines

: Closing at lOe. par yd.

wusis m trnis.

Now 33o. eaoh

Now 67o. each

Now 880. eaoh

Now $1.2S eaoh

At »2.98 oaoh

For f 5.98

I*ai«9*FIix!iw heel, tanaUu- prtas $as,

To dose at 12.33

To oloae at $2.58

To close at f 2.23K a s a , - " ' «-.•"•

To olese at $1.97

To olose ai 81.69

3"o close at $1.18

To oloee at $L88


Page 3: t Amos H. VANHOR etest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1894/... ·  · 2015-01-06HABTEIl AOT> BOL1CITOH IN CHANCERY Offloo In the Tone Building, OVER J. ... MILLER

% \

mmMsMA.•, August 17, 1894.



CHaPTBB COOX3CV.n Ac^toenablo clllw of this •Uta'tolta-'pro "T any strbet or streets, or portionthereof, and to provide payment for tbecosbi and expenses of such Improvement.1. Be ll enacted by tbo Senate and General

Assembly of the State* of New Jerwy, Thaiany city within this slate bs and is hereby au-thorised ti pave with Belgian block iiave-ment, or any otber durable material, anystreet ur streets, or portion thereof, and toprovide for tha payment ot tbe coat*pauses (it aucb improvemont In monoinafter proscribed.

I And to It unnoted, That wber evthill be presented to the common councilorother legislative body of any city a pet ltdsigned by the owners of at least thrw-flfthsof the linos and real estate fronting or bor-dering oa any street or streets or portiopthereof in said city not being less than twohundred yards fn longth, praying the cotc-nion council or other legislative body tocause BUPII ntrmt or Btreeui or portion there-of to be Improved under this acttbo comm a. council or atUur Ugla'aUvo body ot fild city mr.y, bjordiQtW(?4* liassod in accordmico with uilAtintcharter provisions, i]enipmki tbo tttrcet 01streets, or portl n thereof", to bo pavod, tinextent of tbosurneauil tboniatorlal to boused«hkh ordinance shall bo published an pro-scrlbod by any Glinting law; such ordinanceshall then be referred to tbo commlssioniateeesmunt, or otber proper officers of mild cityqualified by law to ''make assce&tnionts, whisball examine Into tint whole matter iinportlallj and to tbo beet of their skill, judgraonand ablllt}, anil wbo shall cause a survey andpreliminary uoap to be uuwla ot said Improve-ment, distinguishing each lot or jarce! of law

etUto^beucdUd by said Improvementby tuimbov on ealtl i\mp,~ uud. tlioy uliull wilmate tba cottts and excuses of Bucb Improve-ment according to Uw bust of their judgment,tmil Lliey shall nisew such proportion ol suchcosts and expenses as will be equal to tbeamount of benoitte actuelly acquired by soldlanda and n»l estate from such improvement,liroportiouod equitably to tlio benefit of isnidtracts or lots sliall be dm-""»t •«ntport the nutnu of the on uu <und real estate, as for as practicable, wltb thoamounts asnwsod to oach, and sball tlio satdreport ond map with the clerk of said citywithin forty days after such refoivnco of solduttUiuwctr, Uie clutk stall give notice of anysuch report nnd map within ten clays after thesame Bbhll *>o (lied with him, fa two ollicla]UQW»pu]iern circulating in said city, and byfive notices put up on tho If neof sold improve-ment; and tlm common council or other legis-lative bodyof said city shall proceed forth-with to carry out Bald improvomBut, and mayrefer back Mid report nnd map to satdmiialonoin of araeasmonts, or other logully-quallflod offlcsrs, for alterations or coitlonoln matters of form and substance when

9. Aud be ft enacted, Tliat such proportionof all such costs and expanses of BUCU Improve-ment as will be equal to tbo amount of bono-flte actually acquired by Bold lands and realestate from B\>cb Improvement proportionedequitably to tbo benefit of each of sucb, tractsor lots shall be doomed to acquire, shall beassessed by ttio commissioners ot assessmentor otbor legally-qualinttl offlccm, upon andpaid by nald lands and real estate, nni tbisaid commlnalononi or other legally-qualiflodofflcars uboll determine and report in writingto tha said common council or other legislatlbody what proportion of such eosta and ei-ponnfs Hball bo csHossed upon each separate lotor parcel of land, and shall accompany saidreport with a Una] map containing andlinoatlng each lot assessed and tbe namrof tlieowner or owrasra theruof, it practicable,which report and map ahnll be filed In the of-Qao at the city clerk, whereupon sold clericBlmll pause to be imertul In two na'-jjmpers«i i i^ , TW'1 1 B a ^ c'*?i for at letut two weekssuccessively, once a week, a notice of tilingeald report, old | tbu city clork shall mailn written or printed notice to each of Uieknown owners of laud to In assessed therefor,and ho shall also put uj> five notices ou thalino of Bald improvement hi Bold dty. tbat tiiecommon council or other legislative body ofsaid city, oru committee thereof, will moot ata time aud place to be designated in toldnotice, to tte'at least ten days from tlm dateof filing of said report, to consider said nssem-ment, anil to receive and consider all objec-tions thereto which mny he presented In writ-ing, and tha said common council or otherlegislative body shall have power to returnsaid map and report for correction In mattersof form and substance before confirming thesainv, nud they shall rvfllo It with the cityclerk within ten days after it shall bavobeen BO referred bock to them; and if the Boldcommon council or other legislative bodyshall by resolution, confirm sold Ofiseaanent,but no sucb report or asseesnuint shall bo con-firmed until the said Improvement has beencompleted to U19 satisfaction of said commoncouncil or other legislative body, and Bhallhave t y resolution approved tto wmie, tliosaid common council or otber legislativebody ahull thereupon cause a certfflod copyof such report and tlio accompanying aiap tobe forthwith delivered to tbo officer of suchcity charged with tho duty of collecting taxeswho shall record tho same in a book to be pro-vided for that purposo at the expense of suchcity, and which shall be open to public in-spection at all proper times; and such assess-ment Bhall, from the Umo of filing such trailscript thereof, be a Hen upon tbe lands andreal estate therein mentioned paramount toany mortgagee* other inoumhranra previ-ously existing, and uotwltiuUuuUng any alien-ation or transmission of the UUo to sold prom-ised by tbe.owner thereof.

4. And be it enacted, That the Bald officerhaving hi charge tbo collectloii of taxes, uponreceiving the said transcript of Bald reportand map, shall Immediately give noticethereof by mail to each person ajtabist whomthere sball bo any such attainment, If bis ad-dress can be ascertained, and by publishingtha samo la two newspapers circulating Insaid city and published in tho county whereinsaid city shall bo situated, for two weeks BUC-oewdvely, one* 1 welt, wbicb notice shall ro-q Ira payment of the amounts ueennd by too

ira of Moid land respectively, to be modsto said collecting officer, tho ©no-half tboroofwiUaln sixty days after the ilaUottbe firstpublication of tho said notice, and Uwrrinaln-ing one-half thereof within ninety days aftertho date of sold first publication,

5 And be it enacted, That if any Bucn aa-sosnient Bliall not bo paid within said term ofubiety days from tlie sold date of first publi-cation, tho said collecting DfHo>r sball proceedto, collect the same, together with Interest onsaid aweasment at the rate of six percentum

from and oftw ninety days fl"tha said date of Orst publication nnd thapenses of sale, by selling tho said lands affect-ed thereby for the Ilka term, upon Uio like ad-vertiaemeut aud with tha Uk»«S«ct»aa to camOf gales for taxes In said city.

6, And be It enacted, Tbat tho said conunoicouncil or other legislative tody shall navepower to Inue bonds bearing Interest at notmore than six per centum per annum la an-ticipation ot the payment of Uia atseasmonta,and when roch assewmente aro paid theyshall be credited to tho etreet Improvement

in any city whore eucb an accounteiisti, or other proper account, and whereBuch accounts do not ezht then In that caseeach anemmeut, when so paid, (hall be heldInviolable for the payment of the bonds men-tioned la this section.

T And be It eu&ctod, Tbat tbe bahunsucn costs and expenses of such Improvement,tf t-gy twyn.ln.lnfl -nnanEMfiflrt, Khali fan a debtupJS'and paid by tbe city tn manner follow-ing, Uii) common bouncil or otber legislative\>ouy of said cUyn» ; ferae. Londa ot the saidcity to the amount of the balance of theand expensM of aalil unprortjmentl'whlch bondsehall be maito payable at pertodi of time noteinseding thirty years from (he date of Lnu'Ing the name, and shall draw such rate of in-tercut, not exceeding six per centum per an-num, and to bo itfued'in rocb sum* $a thicommon council or other it-gisUUvo body of

* any nich city "h«i1 by ordinance or resolutiontloterwuio, which booda aball bo cf th« dinomination of not less than Oft; dollars normore than ono thousand dollars, and shall boexecuted under the corporate seal of said cityand Uie dgoaturo ot tba mayor or other proper

"financial officer or officers of Bold city; tht>"Irands Issued by vlrtuo of this section of

p d B a c t i h ,nnd shall have coupons atlactcd for "\ ery haltyear'a interest until due, or may bo registered,at tha option of tha holder, which coupons, II

h d shallbodgnedbythBiaidmayo^'n^fJ-flnaacialom^aroaiconcfBa

city and numbered la corrosjion'lboadtowbldi thoyahaU be roflpwtocliod, and ell tbobondii issued uuderllikiMW'tlon of this art shall be numbered aud a regis-ter of sucb numbers, thu date of itvulng andthe time of paj-iiientuhiO] bo made by thomayor or the projurlliuuidal uflk-uror wfilof said city in tbe book to be {irnviiled for llmlpurpose, which Loudtt Bliall be reouivodcity anthorltfea [or their face value acrued Interest In iioyicout of anyImpoeed for tbe sumo Improvcuiun1; provided,Uiatln order to redwrn thebondsluttucduodi.the pravieloua ot tuls Bectiou of tbat ntt uinuturlty it sliall ba tlio duty of tho couimu

IL-11 or otbor legiHlntiva body of Raid citBtaVilbb & sinking lund, wliicli riuUl 1>ittvl by a »j vial tax of not laai tlian 011

and ono-half per centum jer annum on thbeus of tH.11.ift boreln pravldol Tor in thin u«tion, to bo raiaud in tbo annual tax levy.

And lw it euactud, Hint Uio in tuna t otho bonds authorized to bo Issued under thltact shall be raised by a special tax aimunllylevied and collected as othur city taxes arc

or may be bsreaf ter levied and collected,and the whole of each year's Interest shall

year, and tbu common council or other lugudu.-tlvobody of said dty may dlsposo of wildboudfl at "itlior public or private sale for \ktiest jirlco that can bo obtained for tbu mumbut nut at a loss ]>ritw that [wir valuo, and all

&yi ikriviMi from.tUDMilaot sola bom!shall be bivlolably npi>ll«l and u»;d for puipoets connected with laid i in prove Dion t.

0. And be It enacted, Tbat tlilf uct BIIUIItake effect immediately.

Passed UaY 23,1HW,

cnAii'Eii cccxxvni.Au Att ia enable citios to construct K

througbanclcut uunavlgable creeks or water

1, Bo It enacted by the Bcnate and GeneralAssembly of tho Btato of Now Jeraoy, TliatIn any city in this state, whareiu any imnavi-gable creek or water course now cxlstfl, Intowhlcli sowers of said city now emptys it shallbe lawful for the official board of »ucli cityhaving thu charge mid control of sewen In

:b city, ujujn application in writing of fiftylion of hind dratuwl by such uuii

creek or water courBO or sower oniptyliig Intoa muse to be coiiBtmctcd tiirough

tuck ancliiub uun&vlgabta crwk or wnteicounts an inclosed sower, coiincctiug wltli tin

iptylng into such creek or watercourse, and from such point In surti ancientcreok or water courss, or from such Iwundarytbereur to FUCU point In said crook or

..»ft/i •JBSt-ii vl wuut, OB Bliall botlotornilned upon or on shall bo set forth insaid application, or to aucb outlet upon nny ofthe tldo-waters or other waters bounding uponsucli city which tlio sowers thereof now ent#t

' to causa Ruch audont cnwlc orwatercourse to bo thereupon (lllcil up; pro-

I, however, that such so«ror slioll bo con-etructed BO as not to tniptj lutour permU,directly or luilirwtly tlia jiossoge tboroby ol

)HBBO into any tide-water luuln establishedy or vndor the authority ol this state,3. Aud be it enacted, Tliat upon said appli-

cation being filed with such Itoard havingcharge of sewers In such city, said board shallthereupon proceed to act upon the name in tbosaine inanuer as la now provided by law foiproceedings to coiutruct eowurs In such city.

3. Awl bo It unacted, That a suai not ex-ceeding ana-half of tbe cost and oipoaaes ofsucb improvement, including tho cost of realeetato required therefor as heroinaftcr pro-vided, there shall bu ness***! by thttcharged with the duty of melting asso1 sucb city u])on Uio property bcnuDtod tbcre-y, aucli portion cl BBIII Bum not excoodlnpno-half of the cost of Bald improvement oxrill be oqunl to tlio amount of tho bam

acquired by said property, proportionedequitably to the benefit of each piece of prop-erty shall bo deemed ta acquire; provided,that whenever the beneflui of such improvemnnt are extended to otbor property by tb

lildlng of lateral sera or coimcotlonn, thereall In liko nionuer bo rusecuwd upon H

)ropertya just portion cftbo costs nndiaoa of such Improvement, which assessmentj be mado in connection with an

meet for Buch lateral sowers or aa an inde-pendent aswesaient.

4. Andbeitenectod, That tbe remainderof tbo coite and •xpeniet of conitiuoting•uch ItnpTOvenent, InoludlDg tbe cmt of realwtete •cqqlred tbsrafor, (hall be paid by thedty, and ench dty may IMUS IU bonds to tbe

annt ncoeMary to pay the luns, wbilotaids rhall be ol such denomination, form,

terms and conditions, *h£ bear cuch rate ofitcrest nob exoeedlog *tx per centum par an-

num, M ihall bedsteraitnedby tba IBBIIUUVOdyof such olty hiving cbtrgo of tbaffnu-* thereof, and sball b« executed under the

common leal of tbe city and tbo signature ofthe mayor or other officer* thereof,

5 Andbaltentcted, That wben any snobImprof emeot *hall b» located upon land otberLhui public biKnwkya or itrect'.ondiucbland

•ny eutmrnt, right or estate therein, shill> B«oMsary for tbe construction of said Im-

provement, tben It tball be law foi for saidcity to acquire, by purchase, tho tald l u d In

etlmple, or by condemnation nny earn meat,' right tberela, if condemnation pruDeedlogsv nfoeaary, the proceeding* for acquiringright of wsytbtoughiuch property shall

conform to the procwdirga now provided bylaw for the acquiring of lind for the openloget itrceU la such dtlei; In oaae/it AM be•eonary to croaany lands ot tho state un-der water In conjunction of inch improve-ment for t t» purpose nl obtaining an outl*tor otherwiw, It thai! ba lawful to t*ke andUH iuch lands for tfaatpurpone; the moneyfor lucb Improvement may bo railed br thetale of Improvement oertiuoates, or tompoary

•11s iMDcd BCoordiDg to the provUloniof.w governing laid city, tbe Inue SDd sale

whereoF, for tbe purpoH of Ihla act, are bert-b j aDtbo'rltod,

6. And be it enacted, Tbat all benefit*which may bo received from a»tcmentr

be paid, wben received, to tho commlieiontnof the sinking fund of mot city lor tb* re-4«m|tttoa mnd jwymmt ot tb* bood* lwuedunder tbo antborlty a( tUs aot,aad Inaddl-Uon thereto tbero shall bo placed ID the Uxlevy ot suoh olty annually • sum not ltt* Ulantwo per fleatum and not more tbao three percentum of tbo principal ot inch bonds, andtoe. same, wb»a collected, sball bo pakl intotbe oamo fund Cor that purpose; provided,

lat tali act iball not exceed any eiittiog

lUit7. And be It enacted, Thtt this act ahall

take effect Immediately.Pa*ied Urns 24, lfiftt.


AN Act to amend an act entl'lfd "An act re.latlng to an appointment or elrctlnnof theattorn'ri or aollelton In oartxln townshipsmad munldpalftlM In this iUt*."1. Be It enacted by tb* B*n*.*e *n4 GeneralLWfmbly of tba State of New Jcr»ey, Tbat

icctlon nrit of « act entitled "An act relat-ing to the appointment nr election ol attniBeys or solicitors In certain townihlpsand

lunlclpallUeo la tbli Mate," wblo act was ap-proved April tlghteenUi, onn tbousandelsht

irdrtd and nmetf-ono aud which ssctloureadi at follow*:

1. Be It enacted by tbe Senate and GeneralAnembljof tbaBtateot New Jeney.Tt-atin tvtry town,-*otrDihip, polio*, taoltary andImprovement oommlulon and borough in thecounties of tbo not-nd chut In tbla state, t tepolice jostloe, (.ttcrntj or aollctor of said t owntownafalpi polio*, Moltery and improvement

and boroogb, appointed rrelociedalter the paawgB of tbU act, mualt bold tLeliofflco for tbe Urm'of tbrto years, and upmtns election of isid polios juitlce, attorney orsolicitor, tbe towDBn'p committee or tlio gov

ting bosrd of tbe town, township commlsilon or borough Bhall dtUraine and fix theannoaliaiaryot Mid police puttee, attorneyor •ollcitor durlog n)d Urm of offlc*," °*ammdtd 10 tbat tho same ihall itad asfollowt: '

S Be It enaetld b j tb* Senate and GeneralAwembly of Iba State of New Jersey, Thai

•vwy towo, township, police, sanitary and\jirotemnnt ootomUelon and borough in the

counlltt it the Kcond d a n In this ttata, tht-ce, attorney or •ollcitor of sold

tuwu, township,pol':a taaltary andlaa»rove-SulonKid borough nppol

elected at Mr tbo panoge of tots act shall boldielr ofllro for tho term ol 000 j« r ,and upr n

tbe election ot Mild police ]u*Uce, attorney or•olidtor, tbe township committee or Ue gov-erning board of tho town, towfuhlp commis-sion or borouib sball dctermlns and fix Uie

IDOAI salary oi said police justice, attorney: solicitor during tbe ukl term of office.5. And be It enacted. That this act ibaU

CHAITEB CCOXXXA Bopplimtut \o mn ftst esliUed "An act

to eitabliah In lob tu to boanU ol hulthaodabort toof vIUiiUtUtlCT, and to tie-

thirty-flrBt, one ttiouutud elgbVhundrnd and

1. Bo it enacted by tbe Senate end Uauer&iAssembly of tbs State nf New Jcrsay, Ttitt

wftblo tbe limits ot the territorial jurbsdiotionof any local board of health or this state is ofsuch a nature tbut, in the ojiluloa of tbestatoboarilorbeoltb, it is batardoua to tbe lieoltbof Deriorit raiding witblo tbe limits ol thejurfsdictloD ol such local board, itsbillbolawful for tbe state beard of beaitb to causea uotloe in writing vigaod by the tecolwy ut

lid bosrd, to bi sont ta Buch local board, re-quiring It to cause Much nuisance or EOUCCCf oulcera to be abated within uuch time as ealditnte board by sa'd notice may cpecify, andIf nnacllon for Ibe abatement I here-fnrbo taken by such lrral bfwd wltltiu thoepeoifled In sucb notice, nr if In tbe opinion ofIbe «tate board tbo action of the local board•boll not bo rucb as tbe necessities of tbe c<tMem to the state board to rpqulr?, tbeuiball be lawful Tor iuch ttato board to file abill in the court of i-baucery in tbe nantbe state i-n tbo rdatlnn or such board, for anID juctlon to prohibit the continuance of such

uiMDce or source of foulnpea3. And belt enacted, Tbat whenever any

cuteence or Foul t d<\re, Irjurlous to t te pabllohealth within tbe territorial jurisdiction oany Innal bnnrd of health. Hhall bavna gour«

origin ouMd* of the limits ot au-h terri-torial jurisdlolion, it iball be lawful for tliistate board of health to ills a bill In tho cour

tancery, In tbe nnme of tbe »t»t*, nn tbiI"n of M'ich iHierd, fnr on Injunction U

prohibit cite continuance of such nuisance or•ource ol foDlnersor it] he<ltb.

U And be It enacted, Tbat actions la-tltu-tcd under tneauturrHy of either ft theprecodlng srctlrus iball pr'caed IQ the courtol chancery according to tbe rules and prae-tico In *uch cues on tbu relation ot'Idunlir, und oases of emergency sball bave

precedence ov«r other llt'gatlon feedingIrooiu uM tnuvt, and may have fl

b«arloK n libln tuoh time atid on sucti notice1 tba chinodior may dire it.i. i n J bo IL riwuUil, Tbat ID every

nirt of chancery that BucbnulGniceorsourrriof t ulness or 111 health eifaW at tbe Uoie ottbe tllb g of tho bill Butmtantlally ae theset forth, the court shall have power to a'•atetlio same by an injunction or otbeiwlse, ac-cording (o tbe practice of the court, em] miyibdrge tbe coats of aucb acti-ra uuon tha

itn,U-i- nhuil Hly wilu a

'tirtisji, rcpri>ntMit nr liwlil furli9Uranc\ Imnkriipt nyndirfl

iduiliiiutraUir, roc-olvtr or t:l<*iiig out w\i; <w a nub of uuv g'nub daaui^eU by ntnoto,Hrvntcir or otherwise, nr in miy siinllnr torntulttu liu libu-U! Iniforis HJ doing, hUtLu. uii l*latli to the HtuU) treattiirur, eitbur in tlie orfgi-alo; u for

wher such miisar 111 health U found, nnd enforceuine

ty or any part thereof by writ of ilorido*, or the said oiurt may order the personcorporation which caused such n

source of fuuln-ss or III. health, 0tlie same to continue, ta pay sucb cosW, nnd

my enforce olwdlfiict to such order.5. And be It ODacted, That In CJBO nulsirce Bball liofnund to exlRt, costs sball

not be awarded as of course agafust tbe stateboa'd or health, but only lnca<o it shallpear to the chancellor that no probable cause

ils'ed fur bringing such suit.0. And bo It ecectod, Tbat all acts c

parts of aota [oooaaUtfint witb thin act a nhereby repralcd.

7. Aui be It enacted, That tillsike elloct immediately. 'Faraed Mar '•», 1S1M

OHAPTEH CCCXXXI.An ActBuppl<mont«ry to tbe net entitled "An

act'oonctrnU^ cwjcraUona" tlUviaapproved April seventh,ono thuii&aud «lgbthundred and seventy-five.1. Ba It enacted by the Senate and Oen-

ral Assembly of tho Stat« of Now Jersey,That notbiBg In tho proviso conUinr>d In thateutb eocUoa of ssld act to which this 1B aupplement shall bo construed to forbid tha

ination of companies under said section tvri purpose of constructing, milntalnlng and

operating railrojula wh -lly In foreign coun-tries

9. And iw it onactoJ, That this set thai)ko effect immediately.

C1TA Trpni) ^f^OVWTF

Au Act to prevent and punish fraud in miniof wearing appnrel at public or privatetales by lttaortmt vtwicra and t"> regulateall cuch sales.1. Be it enacted by tbi Senate and General

Awembly ol the State ot Ijew Jersey, Tbattho words "wrailng apparel," for tbe pur-pose of M B . act, shell bocoDBtrued to mr-anand include all kinds of clothing, underwear,hats and shoes.

2. And bo it enacted, That the words'Itinerant vonda-s," for the purposes of thisict, sdsll be construed to m?on and includaill persons, bath prlocip\l»oni ageata^ whoan gage Ia a tomporary or traotlont bjaicOBSla thlt state, olther in cm looillt; ortravel-ittE from place, to p'aco, soiling westing ap-s>ral ta apeolBed in aactlon one of this act.3 And ba it enacted, Tlmt tbls \at shall tnt

ipply to Bale% mode to lealera by commarclal;rav*lara or sellinK ngecta, tn tbe usual course)f buviness, nor to bma (Idosalos of goods,are*and mirtljanlli'shy wmple for futuresilvery, nr to hawkers oi the street, or to

peddlers from vehicles or bosket) or picksd on thd book, or to sber fT*, bonstabloi

>r otber publio ofUaer selling good', warajtnd uerchandloo according to Ian.

I. And be It enacted, Tuat wheroa* cer-tain evil-disposed aad IrreBponiible persons

iv8 been In ths b&utt ot engaging la tuat-as in this stateasltlueraatvendsn of wear-ig appsral, And by Fraudulent and deceitful

pmcUcos So mlverUalng aad conducting theirbusiness have greatly defrauded anil dam-iged tho pe pie of thosUte; now therefore,

t. And be it ena-tpci, That every in!tenant•eador wh 1 shall sail or expose for Bale, atlubllo or private sale, any artlclea of wearingtpparal without state and lical lWnsa tboro-

IHSUKI SJ berehinftor provided, shall bo;ulUy of a misdemeanor aud ehall ba finedlot more iibau Utty d-iUars, or Imprisonmentlot mare tban rtity days, or both,(1. And bo It enae'ed, Tuit all persona, both

princf[utls ani agents, who aball by circular,band-bill, newspaper or any other tntnnor,advertise any such sales as referred to in tho•cotton but preceding, before proper licensesshall be Issued to tbo ven-ter, ihall bo guiltyof a nlBdemeannr and shall be fin64V not morethin fifty dollars, or Imprisoned Dot morethan elxiy days, or both.

T. And bo It enacted, That It .bull be tbsduty of every Inlterant vender, whether prln-

leuwnwry application, tubKoqncnUy 1!ml Lit|iiwl ou tb<i lin'itM.', tlio Jftnils of e

bunkrujiU-y, insolvency, trustowhlj*, I'IUHand so forlli, xucli <li'tails to.or all tbu fuctH relating U> timu,

]>luut, jaiwiiiK, und si> fnrth, net'usatry Uartly l.ii-nt« nml fully iilcntlfy tlm Mini'.

12. And lw it otuujt«(l, That ull stale llwIUHUIHI by tlio trcmsurur uiLil r iliie a^tc^jilru 0110 year fri*m tbu dat^ thereof,mny lw, if HO .haired, ftunuiidorcduLmiyjiriur lljcieto for ruwaltalinii; ui*m tliijiirntlnc nml return or surrender uf each state

thu truuHiiriH' hlinll caiii'd tbu samtQ ttw daUi ut dull very and vaucelli

thnroon, and plaiii tba siuno on Illo; lioIhen hu|il tho sjiedal (k'pnfiit of each lii'ilicryhiucfore ni^iitlniinl fur th(->i«rlo.l of slity

days, a d nftur KaU iiiyBiirlallHnln

• Kiich |iortiun a

jot-t, »> long im it i-Pinnlrw In liis bunU'gal tim-fsH jij IwliitK of cn^litors

•ise in cuunivMoii with tho budIho UcctiKoa OH an Itluurant vender; H]tosituUnll alsiilwany uml nil JI

l toUio ]«yiv»cut ofl i b i

j ]y]H'i ml lien Inmrnil by tin

throuijb violntion of this net, and th<clurk of Uie court in -which, or tho trial Ins

ucb flno nr ]wnnlty I. imptlco by ivr tlio olllforncli ilmis or i

r [HJI

lg foi

cimltlDfl itliall tliun>U))on notifyof tho nnmcj of tha lie

[isuivr, if he has In bbi IHIIHINtn di'jKWiitwl by KIICII lfrxnuw, «lin

]wiytliouumBos[K!ullle(I toKald clork or trialjustice, aud if the treasurer shall not linve a

sum BO clejMwltwi ho sball ituilw \ay~ment OH aforesaid of HO much as ho lion in blilinnds; all clnlnw iijwn said dujiortit nlmll IK

'.Klltxl attov iudnniewt, fliro or ixnntlty inordi-r in wlitch nnti™ of tbo clnlm Isfid ly tbu tit'Jwin-or, until nil such clnlMitUuud or Uio iK>]M»lt uxliftliHtwl, lintii-i) flkxl nftur tho oEplratluti of tho sixty

i t atnrosnki BIIOII bo vutld: 110 ilcptvit

jiotiro of clainw ngnlnst tbcui reqivcUvcIy nu-ll clntnm will not k

prosw3iil«d to final julgmcnt or that no tliiuwill lm imposed; nolico of claim

mder tlilH section shall Iw [11 writing, undBIIUII contain tbeif tbu itiii•lalmiamaili

ind If tlionotice

of tlio claimantndor agaftut wluttu Iho

the miiount nf tlm clnfni ouducnt tindur whlcli It nrosr-, nmlQoilUy the oath of Uie clnid, diiiinaiit fiiih or tiogl

tion to enforru his snld claimwllliin nlxty uuj-a alter the illlng of tlio wit A

'olioslinllbu .Itt3lm.il to luivo -valvt-d allclaim 011 tbo fund aforesaid.

13, Ami JMJ it enacted, Tlmt evorj* porson,uither prinelpnl or agent, who shall ID anymanner advertiso nny nalo of goodn, wnroti ortnorchaiidiw) to bo conducted contrary to tlieprovisions of tlilx act, aud every itinerantvmulnr or his ngent who Bliall conduct any wtoor who shall Bull or cxiiow) for snlo any goods,I'arcH or morel in ti ill so imntmry to tbo pro-UIQUH it tut* net Is guilty ot a itvUitlenieannrmil shnH bo further liable to tlio lunalty of

ouo hundred dallnra; to l» recovcrtxl by anyenwu pfCrtocutlng IVio namo, 0110 half ofhichHliuIllK) retained by sucli jjcrson, the

rujiiplndor to lie paid in for tho use of tbo town,•illage or city whore tho penalty Is incurred.

14. And bo ft i iacU'rl, Thnt any fultwBtnte-ment In an application, either original or sup-plementary, for n license ami any failure on

tbe part of tho Jicunwo to comply with tlieilreineiits of tlilu net shrill subject such

Itinerant vernier to the same penalty us If buad no UeniisB.5. Ami bu It ouai'tml. That all acU or part*FoctlriiMiiHtsUsnt with this act boonil theuoiiie

aro Leruby ropciiicil, aud that this act Hbnll

CHAPTER CCCXXXIII.A Further Siipiilcniont to an acteiititied "Au

act to establish nnd organic tho state re-form school fnr jnvciiile o(Toiiiiern," np-proved Ajiril sixth, ono thousand eight liun-d rod mid Fikty-fivo.1. Hi! It enaotwl by the fhnnta and Gen-

eral A&wuiblyof Iho 8Uto of New Jut-soy,That there Bhall be appointed by tbo Govcr-

il', by and with tho ml vice of tbo Bonale, six

it nnd control of tlia sUito rctonn schoolJuvanilo oireiiders, nt JaniMburg, New

Jersey, m honiinottcr provided; the said true-teofl cfiall lw apiMiluUsl OH foi Ions; TITO furtlio term of one year; two for tho term of two

cars; two Tor thu term of three years, nndti also of vacancy from iluath, resignation or

otherwise, tlio vnenncy slinll bo illlml for tho;plr«l term only; nut more than throo of

tho tald trustees sliall be of tlio samu politicalparty, cither by original i»[>i>ointinppcintmout to fill vacancies.

And lw It vnacled, Tliat Uio Bold trusteesHhall have power ta tiiuwtut a w

I, and Buch othur ofllcon) and such. nnd to employ such jei

th&tr' juAgnienttbe projier govorainEnt of thosaid instltulfon nmyrequlru, nnd to ilctvnnlnetho saltirlus aud comjioiisation Hint suchottli-ore, toncheinnjul employees shall receive;

nil tlio naiil ofilwin, tcarhora and Dinjiloyesloll satonilly perform tlio duties now Itn-Mod by law it]ion oflleow, toacliom and eni-[ayea of liko gnido in such school and such.her dutlcfl as tlio said trustees shall pre-a-Jbo,0. And be It enacted, Tlmt tho paid tnuk-CM

sliall moot nt tbo said Institution within tendays after thoy shnll bavo Iwou duly rjualllledand at leant onea in each month thereafter 011such days oa shall be Axed by a. majority nftho board.

4. And lw It enacted, That all tbojnwennnd rtutles eien-lBoil by Uio board of tnifltcesunder tlio act to which this I* a supplement,and the ravoral nupplumontH thereto, shall lioexercised by and imposed ii|>un tha triist««apj»lnt«I under Uib act, so far cm tho uaini

clpalar pgent, leforo commencing business, jnre not incoiubtent with the provisions of thisto take out a >tat« license anil local llceuws act ,In the manner hereinafter sot forth, but tot b- , 6- Am] bo it enacted, Thnt upon tho aji-Ing herein contained ihall affect the right of provnl or passage of this act tlio term of otliraany municipal corporation to pass such add)- j cf tba present board of truttUvs of tbo said ro-llonalordlnances relative tolnltorantvonders form school, together with nil their powers,

duties and emoluments, nliall ceaw.0. And In ft onacted, That wthin thirty

dayfl of tor tlio first mealing of tlio board of

as maf b«pernilss&ble under tue, gtufltalTf.w,or under their respective charters.

1. And bo It enacted, Thivt every Itinerantider detlrlog 10 dobuilotsa In this statetil dopwit with tbetrfasurer of. the steta all oBIctm, twichoreand cniployew, nil ft1 nim of flvo hundred d-llora as a special employees of tbe said school, oxceptlnR toadi-

leposlt-, and after such deposit, npon apcll- crs, ^hall ccaso nnd tho eaino slinll bo (11B-' in proper form and ihopayniont of a niisbul. -

further sum of twen'y-flvo dollars as a itato ?• And be it eunctfd, Tbat all actt orllcensa fed, tbe state treasurer iball Issue to parta of Hot» Incomlntent with this act be andIm an itinerant venders llcon-e, authoriruig the »ame are hen-by repealed, aud that tbfaIm to do business In this Btate in conformity act oball uke eiTect Immediately.

with the provisions of this sot for the term ofj year from tbD date thereof; every licetunill net forth a cony of tba application upon

which It Is erantod; such llcensa iballnot ba transTerratila nor give amborlty tataaro than one peresa ta sell good* M »a It-bierant vender, eitbor by igout or clerk, orIn any t therway tban In bis own proper pfr-BQD, but any llcenBoe way have tho oisUtanco

e or" more perrons In conducting hisbufttnosi, who snail have authority to aid tbolr

a ftby ^5,1BV4.

CBAPTEft CCOXXXIV.A Farther Supplement to an act entitled "An

(•ot- in MtftMlth • Bjttetn ot public instruct-ion" tRotlolon], approved March twenty-•eren'b, one thousand eight hundred andwjtentyfyur.1 Be It enacted \<j the St-nato and General

Assembly of ibe Biate of New Jerrey, Toil>rindpal, hut not to act for or without blm tbo board ot school t rut tw, or otber body0 And be Itenscted, That all applications hiving control ot tbe BCbooli Jn tlie reipect-

for licenses (ball be sworn to, shall disclose I Ire rchools districts la ths state, shall tm-tho names and rfnlilrnc«s of tho ownen or.tnslly designate tlie'district clerk, or tomeparties In wLoseinterestsBild buBlnesslBcon- other BUltable pirsyn or persocs, to act uducted, and Bhall be kept on file hy ths state school e*n«tn enumerator!, who iba'l p?ntin-treasurer, and a rtcord shall bo kept by him all* cunra'i the school, the rchonl district or

II licenses Issued upon sucb applications;' portion thereof fnr which tuny have bom s[t-UB and n o rd« bath of tho state trta* ' painted, t n i tskv, la ench jenr, datloR tbvand of tha icspcctlve town or city clerk*, I mouth of May, an eiaut centm of all ehlldnm

•hall be In convenient form and open for pub- redding in tb« dlitrio£ between th . age* ofa UttpccMcti j flve ani] elgb^ecn, not intUiillo- tbo cblldren

10. And bo itouaoUil, Tbat bufore wiling who may bo In inn tea of poorhouMW, a«jl""isinder laid nta'e Uconae, every itinerant, cr almabouiea, and utmil specify tho o*ni'^-ender BOBII MliiUt tbe same to thi cleric of and ages ol BUCD cblldren and tbe names of

their pa rents cr guardian* (til children *bo•ay be absent fro attending

each town or city whero b» pr poses to malaBales,Bndupon payment tosald derkafur- uuj 1™nuwu>*IWUIu^mopiivumu^I^IK^I;!!,tber local license fee of five dollars, and tbo 1 b ardlng tchools and prlvatv »E>mlnarie» ofproof of paytnentofaJliuchotherllconBofoct, jUaroitiB snail be Included in tbe cemuallstif any, at are legally chargeable upon local of tbe dty, town or district In which tbtlrsale*, ihe said cttrk ihdl record tho state 11- parents or BuardlaoB ro-iu>, and not be taki n

OOSB in full, nhall endorse upon It the words by tbe district 0 uric or other ptnon or p«r-•local llcenso fees paid," and shall afflx hU sons •ppolntad to bike tha censui la the city,

official signature, together with tbe date of | town or diitrlat where tb#y may b» attend-such endortcmoat; bo thail tben issue a locel ing <uoh lastltutlons of learning); and Ibalicense authorising «&UB within tU6 limits o l ' ptvoon or jKnoos aathoiUed to t t ta the MIOD8udi town or city; any iailuro to obtala a shall make» fall reptirt thereof, verffled !>ylocal HKHK and have proper indorecmenU' blm or then) under oath or alDtuiatlou tbatmade O& ths »Ute Ucenno »nn\l be objected tho larae It correct and true to tin best ot hito the same penalt} as thoujS nostatellcenn knowledgaand belief, on the blanks furniinedbad been Iniod, t •- , - -lor tnaiparpoao, to Uie i tau superintendent

day ut June next, ut'.vr tLe tukii'jj ufnd ihall file a copy of tho game

the bnard ofiehaol trunteee, Iward of educa-tion, board of Bchoal comtnlfisioneni or otn^body bavins charge and co troi of tbschools, for tiio us© of thodhlricl, and m<(district clerk orwtb«t pemin ur pertomop-pointed as nfurtwld, ir^klpg mid re^ttlug

dial) ba Entitled to twU conij«ncicetdiup five cenU tot tue u»m

of eacli child on said cenuui Hit, aa tbe boardool trustees, board of education, boardIOOI coratnlHsloriBre, or otber tKxiy

ing clmrgo and control of tbe acbuulshich compeDiatioc shall be paid by

thi> diftriet un the certlilcste of tbe staterJtitfndpiit or {iiitillc InstrucHdiiAnd be It eiiaokJ, That whou tatlbfac

tory (jvidtnc* Is pre^nted to tbf> rtaU siidontof public instruction that tbof ncy diatrlot cr any partiun.Uiereu

been Incorrectly takun or repirt d, am pro-d In thii ftlien beb*a

believe tbat tbe bania ta iucorr&ct, bureturn tbe naaio to tie enumerator (>r cor-

on; provided,that incase any enuettir cbsll neitlect or ret IUG to make iuch cor-rectlou aa ia neceisary t i 1 ecu re an t^curat

us. it Mlmll In tb^duty.nf tbe sUto au|»rndent of pulilio Instmctioa to lirolaiiatiiltable |iemou, who eball tx> a rt'iHont ol

thsdie'.rlct fnr which bo is appoint fd, toad1

urno-ator ia tbe place of tbe onumtratoiie report nai found to ba inaccurate, amTann Bneci'oinlod shall;take tba mft

census, and tlie said cerem 00 taken iball belined tbe cennm of wmh rilntrfct nnduaed In place and timi ot tbn ceut.us takes

under tbo provltlons of tbe ilr>t section ofthis act, end the parson or penons op pointedby biro shall receWn fuch compentiaviiin

lay dedii proper, not ezceedfnfl five cftiti alino, wbfeu compensation sball be paid by thedistrict, If It appears that the censui tik(

tr tbe provMons of tha firat eoctlou 1oof was JuoDrrtCt, but if the c*mu« 1n It found to be correct, then nndlu tbi

case tbe cinipentatlon for retaking tun c-iib»ll hx p«M from t),n h.imniflof (be seller

fuud, cr warrant of theiUtto comptroller, [bills duly cenlflrd to bin by tho state tuper-lutendent of jiulillo I struct Ion.

a. And be It enacted, That tbe stats boardofeducuilon on tbe first Tuesday In Decern-

n«xt, and every two yen™ ibcita(ball appoiut a suitable iwrcon who f hill navecbargfi, under the directl m of lbestate supor-

rt^ntnr iinl.Hnti.Hlructlot), of all tbo dotalloo nmoUJ Mltti iho taking of the annualmbool r**iBUs; and tbs jMtmtn mi mpiini

tiuiuiiia uilk-o \Hr too to no ot uro years,ne ecmor removed fur iuotllclfuoy by the

board uf educntluu, and ebatl baau annual com j oneatinn ol lltteon hundreddollar^, vvliJcb eempfpattion Bhall be paid outof tbe iiiowne or the echo}) fund.

4. Ard be It enacted, Trat tbo pro vM"m ofthin act tbull apply to all districts In this state

b«r acting under the pwdifoiw cf tUenet to which this ii a rupplsmrat, or u

>y «j ocial charter, or to tbe charter of anycity, t»wB, boiougnornberrninlolpftlity

G. And be it vnaoicd, Tbat tbli act si J allku < iftct on tl o tfr,l d if of December, 0

irusBiid cigb: liumlrtd and cinot-yfuur,h'ch time any and nil metheds provided by

taw for takli'g ibt u-musl ceunui. aboil boabollslied, BLd (tin ti nie and dutln of all p?r-nona apjiofnted under t'ia provisions ofother act or act* to take or euperFlteacbool ijunaua a bull oca1"1.

Taaied May !U, 18S4.


An Act to amend an flotentftled "An act toestabltab a syafein of publla Instruction1

[Revision], approved March twenty*Buveiith, CDB thousand eight hundred andeaveiity-four.t. He It enacted bj tha Sntiata and Gertspniblyof tbo Slnte of New Joraoy, That

BBution tweuty-tbree of an octenlltlfdftctto eatAMUfcaBjrtBin nf puUio icHruct-ion11 [Ilctlslon], approved March twenty-

feutb, cue thousand eight bnndrcl aimventr'tour, IM and IBB Fame Is herelfttnsndid BO aa to read as follows:

Zi. And ba it enacted, That he (hall Isaiorders on tbe couuty collector In favor of

icb toffCBhlp collector or receiver of taxes,and of each city treasurer, fur tliat portion oftbe Bt*t« appropriation to which tald town<

ilp. cltv, town or borough Ia entitled.2. Aad be It en total, Tbat Motion twonty-sur of satd act be acd la hereby amended BO

aa tti read as follows!fii, And V» It eractcd. That hotbMUxMn-•eauil Hcenso teacher* aud dttcbsrge otber

dulloaof nenerolBUpcrdslon end super tendrace over tbe public school* of tbe ciuntr, uiaccordance nltb tbe regulnlions jreicrlbed

om lime to time by tbe itate board of educatlnn.

H, And belt«Daot«d, Tbstsfctlon twentyfive rf said net baaed la hereby amended ao

25. And bo it enacted, That ha sba1! Ipower, odd It aball be bli dutp, to «p(itrust*ea for any dUtriot whlcb, for any cause,

ills to fleet at ttiK regular tfmo and ta ap-poiat truetwe to nil viwaicbai pr«YlJ<-il, tlioterms of wlllce of trualera ao nppobtted aballix(j|re at the next regulnr flection for tcbnol.ruMeer, a&d tbat tbe trustees ?l#MeA t* nilvacancies snail be elected for tbt unexplrederm.

4. And be It enacted, Tbat section thirty'one of said act be and Is hereby amended so

• to read aa follows:SI And bs It enacted. That an anual meet-

ing for tbe election of itehnol trustees snail li•M in each dlatriat, on tbu third Tuesday iu

Uarcb, at thn school buusa or In such otherilent publio place wlibln the district

may be Selected by tbo boanl ot education,and notices thereof, specif ting the day, tine,object and phes of sucn meeting aball beposted on each sobocl hcuM witbla tbe

fj nnd at such otbe* puhllo i'la,cfios shallbe denied recetsiry, at lemt Un dnya beforethe date of sucb raeelicig; provided, tbat not

•vta notices shall be posted in eschdMrlct, oni tbat a copy cf tuch notlc* »ball

printed la such papers published in theunty as are deelguated, for tbe time being,print tba wtatblat laws, Iu the latt Itiuc

of moVpap«ri prloud prior to tfae thirdTuotdayip March; Uio voiers shall tw tbelegal voUiB ot tbe dbtrlot, ind a pluralltj otvotes rball eltct; and no pinon (ball beeligible to theoRlco of trustee unless he oribe la above twenty ono years of agt, !> a(Bldentofthe district aad o n rend and

write; any district clerk wbo shall fail toMuss to bo printel notices of thn

clecti-in of truit?*s, aa required by thli teashall p»y a fine twenty dollars, to be

recovered In an action of debt In the courtfor t te trl ' l of small cautae, by any perwnresident ot said tchonl tifntrict,

0. And be it enacted, Tbat sectlrn tbtrty-fourof saidactbeondli.'ieieby nmenJed BO

iturtadftB follow*-.84. And be it enacted, That each board of

education created undtr the provhilons ofact thill organtto within ten <Snys after

the annini election, by tlia election of one ofih*ra aspfesldentand one of 1U me tu-

bers as district clerk, and ahall have tbapower to fix the cotnpeDiatioa of said clerk,aud on lt« failure to organliB tho county su-perintendent shall appoint aach presidentand dlstrlft clerk.

0. And bo it enacted,' Tbat eectlon thirty-nine o( (aid act bo and It hereby amended so

to r«id u fullows:^9. And be it enacted, Tfant the botrd ol

education iball have power, and it sball be

1. To employ unii dtsmUi taacbnrt, janl-irs, mecbanlcs and laborer*, and to fli,Iter and order paid their islorlea and c im-cnpatlons;il. To niako and en force rules and rtgnln-OEB, not Inctraaict witlitbegeiioral regula-

tions ot tbe state board of cdaoatlon, for tbegovernment of schools, pupils and teacher*;

III To trect, enlarge or Improve BCbooluildlcge and ground8. und purchnji^, Ituuc,

mortgage or sell ichool lots or school build-; tahorrow, with or without mottgoge,

and to ralte money by taxation /or aar ouchpurpow, or to pay debts incurred Iber&of oror the Rutrsnt (\iptna« of 1 he schools; pro--Hod, that for any such ants thsy shnll huve

tbe previous authority ol a vote ot ths dl>-Irlctj

IV. To rent, furnish and repair *cboolulldiuxs nnd kre[> tlm tame losured;V. To paroliain porsocot properly, and to'Delve, lease and bold ID fee, Iu trust for tbt

district, any and all real or personal proper-ty for tho benefit of the schools thereof;

VI. To enforce tbt regulations prescribedby tbo state board of education, and, in con-nection with tbe county BU peri n ten dent, to.irescribe the course of study to bo pursuedand a uniform tqriesof text books Co be used

i tha ichool or schools airier thdr charge;VII. Ta suspend or expel pupils froi


VIII. To provide text book* and other~ iuupliei and loan tho tami

tboir control;IX. To call a special tncutiug of the legonu>n.of MM district nt any tlnia when. Ii

tbe judgment ot the truuteoa, lh& iaturesta ofi'bool ma; rcijulre It, whii;b mod ing

aLall be calkd la tbc macuor pro tided iu

shall tj .rrbitbact d at suoti B|'tclAl mret^igtof(Jt such UB ha? L««D vet forth in tlutiv*s ny wblcb naiil woetlug noa cullud;X. To call a rpcclal met'Ling of tlie |tgi

voters of nuch district wheuoior one-fourt>f HUch Ifgal voteni sball rmjiiOHt tliem hy

petition BO to do; and lu tlio uotlc4.11 call![wciut meeting shall bu inserted tbe

purpnto or purjioseii nan:a^thoeauio ore in cjnflict ivith tlie

schoul Isivg of tlilattfltc;XI TojiermitB school houmi to beir otber tben achool purpodes whoa a 11:

Ur of the trustees eliall cuueent tUeroto nt a.^ularlj called meeting of tbD buird of (du-Ltic. LI ;Xll . To nioko an annual rpj>i>rt, on ov bi

fore tbe Orat day ot August, ta the count)ipertnten/Ienr, in tbu manner and fur in pre<xllxd by tbe stato BUporlatordQnt of pablia

IllBtnictlOD.7. And be It enacted, Tbat section forty,'veil of wild net bo nuil In hereby amcuded

•17. And bolt enacted, Tt>rtt for tlia vposo of maintaining free publla ecboolg tbobeli be arst-uod, lesltil and collected arinuly, upou Hie taxable re&t and jiersuual prop-eity In tbisita.1?, uaezUlbllol by tbe IsleMobBtruot of ra'oUles from the wvernl cnuti-tl«, made out by ^be Bevoral brants ol assestors onil tiled in tbo ultlco of tbe innjjitrollerof tbe treasury, a atato scbool tax equal to"podnllara tor each child In tbls alati

seen tho agei of five a d clgliteen yeaithlhitf ii hy the noit pro Klrng scbooli*, which Ui shall be anseswd, levied end])Iectcd at tbo tamo time andaimer hi wbicb oilier tuxes

levied and collected,6 And be it maotud, Tliat see tlon el)(hty-

ODO or Bald ect baito lead as follows:

HI. And Ultcnactfd, Tbat It ehall be tbiduty of tbe count; auperlutenfotit of each

luty, on IT beforeMay, to apportion n

nml la Uureby amended BO

ted, That foelioa eightyaudtlia sama U herebyd f l l

tlio iirtfiftith day nfIf, to the districts

ol bU con ty tbo state school moneys, to-gether with the Interest of tba durpliia reve-U8 l^loDgtnit to said county, iu tbe follow-ug manner;I. Uu sball npp; rll< u to oftcb district a aura

•uploycil intbipulilloBchwls of aurh dis-trict fnr the full time for which tbe scboobin sucb district were tnalotaluod dutlDK theear uoit preceding fuch apportionment;II, lie shall apportion to each district onei.lf of tbe remntudcf ot tbe achool minejs

belonging to big county on tba batltt of tbaagRrcvate days'attendauca of sll cbllilrontrrollvd In the school rpgiaterdIrom the last published report ot tbe statempcrlntcndent;

HI. H« ahall Dppirtiou to fnchdi=tuot tberemainder of the school moneys belonging tahis couuty ou tbe baels of the last publishedschool census.

), And be it emthree ot said act bamended ao as to rend as follows:

8a. And be it enacted, Tbnt the county cul<lector of each couuty 6ball receive and boldIn trust tbat part of tha giato ar|.rnprlslfoubcI.nghiK to his caunty, and RIIHII |>ay outtte stme to the collwtors of tbe several

md boroughs, and "to tbo citytreasurers of bfa c unty, nnly on tbo ordersof the county superintends ut,

10. Aud be ft enacted, Tbatsectlon eighty-four of said act bo and tbe Hime if berrbyamended 10 aa to read as follows:

»l. Arid bu it winded, TliAt it flhalllm theduty rtf tl\o tawusUp colloctf r to recol«

ilvcil from thu fltnto opijruj>riii-tlnn, from district tax »i- from otliur wmrifs,

d to pny out tl«> tinno only on the ordure ottho district durkH, oach of which orders shallsiwclfy tbo object for which It Is given, nudshall lw signed by tlio proxldeiit af tbo boardofeducnUonnml by tbo district clerk, nndsliall lw inndi) payable tu tho order of nntl boIndorsed by the iwruni entltlwl to rocelvo it,

d li& Blinll pay over any Imlauoa ot sclioolf unds reniftliilne in his hnn 1« in h\n fluwwsnr11 oflk-or, ami hn nhall, In thn liook provided(Mf Uiat (iuv(ioao liy tlio ntnio su]Hrlnt«nilent,:co)i a record of thu MIUIH received and paid>ut by lihn, nnd nhall present lite ncoountfl toc pxnmintil and Bottled ty- Uio tow jislinltlci* at the clwo uf tho school year, a copyif wlilch settlement, certified hy tbo

tec, sliowing tbo ninountfl received, thoimits cxiwudnl by him for scliool purposes

rluring Uio year, nml tho balance rcmalninK fuis lintuU, ho Khali transmit within ten days

to tho county Biiptrinl/Jiuleiit nnd shall flicanother copy of tho Bawo wltli tlio, districtclerk; ha siml! also •ililbitto tho countyperliiUnufont, whon riM|Uist«l so to do, hbbook of nccntinU &\\& UID vouclit-ra In his

ililti, and as comjwimatlon far such wrHlinll bo entitled fo 01,0 and ouu-lmlfninm fin nil school tuiuti ptiltl out l>y bin0 ordnrH signed by tho president and dlNtrfct

Mark of tho boanl of education, whichpentntiou slid)! hu pnld by the tomiNblj)mitteo from tho funds of Uio townsliip; pro-rided, tlmt v-fion tbo tenu of office of anytownship cuuVctor nlmll reinnln nnd continueto be tho CUKUXIIHU nf tlio school monoyn andshnll pny tha orders legnily |«sn(vl OH aCoreaaldmtil tbu elo<w or tbo school year, nndttiidnmen Hlmll remain and bo legally boundor the fftiUvful performance of life rfutlu

til tlm final scttlumout of th>vlded further, tliat

hereinta; and

theru b a11 a Iwwiiswlpi nml mtdtxir-

so|inmui and distinct school OLstrlct,tho borough collector Bhall lw tho legal cus-todian of the Hcliool moneys belonging to theborough, anil Bliall jierfonn thu nama Unties

d lw entitled to tlie snino comiensation, topaid from borough funds; but if Hitch bor-

ough collector in phld a stated salary Iiy Uioborough for the pprfoniuittotf of lifa duties rW

;b collector, tban aud in tbnt aua hoot lw paid any additional compensa-

tion for paying out tho school moneys l>clo»g-ing to tho borough.

II. And be It enacted, Tbat section entity-K of Btvltl act Us and i» horouy nniomlod BO a&

to read as follows:t$0. Aud be It enneU'd, That In adilitlon to10 inonoys api»rtloncd to it by tbo county

superintendent, each school district may rafsaby tax SUL-II other miiiu of money as it mayIWMI for school purposes, In tbe following mau-icr; tbo logal voters of such district oro Lcrc-jy authorized and icqulrcd, at tlto incitingfor thu douUuu of trustew, todeUjnnlno whatamount of nclioul ta*:, if auy, slinll bo leviedv.pon ttio ilhivrlct, and in tho notices 1

lid inroting slinll bo Intertill tinmoney tleslrod to bo raised; nnd tinvoter*, HO met, Blmll have power, by a consentof a majority of tboso nrweut, to authorlzotho board of education to purchoao land forschool purposes to build; onlnrgo, or repair aschool hotiHe or Kdionl houoofi, to borrownouoy therefor, or toBollorniortgngoaBclioollousoor Bcbcwl IIOUBW, and to miao by tax-ktlon for thnso purposes, or f pny a debt ofba district iuctirr&l fof such purrKxes, anil'or tho current oij>cii«-t of tho echool orchools, such.sum of money an a innjnrity oflmlt'gal voters HO assanblixl Khali ngrwto',

nnd In coso any money shall lio ordered to IMraised by taxation, tlm district clork shai'

ft out anil algn o certificate tlicrcol. underontli or unirmntion, tliat Uio nanio la correctnnd true, and deliver tlm snmotn tlio asRossor,and uliall send n duplicate of said cerLlflcntoio tho county sii|>erlnt£iidciit, and Llio ossowtirl l l nnne.*s un tho Inhabitants of tin school

dlxtrH ond tluJr estctes, ami tho taxabloproperty therein, in thottaino nianncr an town-

, HUCII uum of monry n*> Iron ordcrol to tw rnltwd by thU i ti fbl

naid mct-Unt; in«ild money shall lie



uibl; and, levied anil col-

; and itsluill be Uio duty ot tho collet-to collect and hold nil taxus BO nssesBod,

nud ha shall \>ay out Uio sfl«i<jciion!crBBigi)Mby tbo president and district clerk of tho

d nf education; provfdwl, that wheneverany meeting KUUII 1» I«W aa ntorcsald at thocnll of tho tnwtees, us provided In tho ninthand t*ntli «Hvision of tbo thlrty-uiutli Hut-tlonof tbt* net, it shall not lw lawful fur suchiiwitlng fco oplur a gnuitor mm of moneyalf'd Ly H special U\x than shall have bwuncntionud and ilcslgiiHted In tlm notice ofuch muL-tlng sat up In tlm innuncr iwiuirediy law.

12. And bo it enacted, Tliat «M;t(on nfuoty-f ld b d I d

other dlMtrluU* i>f IIIM tnunty; provided, t effeci; the same as If this act bad not beenpa^*:,

'ii. Ami iwittiHieUnl, Tluil iiarh city, \x»

d III uai-h t<»viiBhi|»iitmtl U>

v cajmcity, utnl siitiw. UIKI thu w.\-i

k not-livide! i,,uj w

of whnin HIIUII IJC d l uf tli iiil n

ll hold

ting next after the |niHiuig« (if tbta iwt; nttliollrnt iiiwititi),' of Knltl tnihU^stbi'}' "hullproceed by lot to divldo thcniKol':l(ks-sos cf tlirc'u nionibcra uacli, 1'OIIILM for ?iie, two and tbruo ywire rcs|tHely; mid aimunlly tlic-reafler tlirrn tm>jl

lioxluill bold ollkts for tho t/;nu of tl;

lli, Ami lw tt enacUtl, Tlmt In nny Uriip, dty, town, l>or»ugli ur other mini

pullty which In iIlvMtxl fnto war.N tli.-ru «hiil|Bchool Ixianl coiiHirtting tit two trnstw

from each ward, all of »'hnm sliall bu cliusuit tic nimiinl m'hool meeting next nftor tli«Ksttf,'ourthiH net, nnd at such clu-timi mit'rwin giiftl! lw fliowii from wirh waid t.orvi1 for a U'riu of ono year, nnd 0110 IN-THOto Kervu for a term of two yi'nra, nnd ai

illy lliPronf tor one pcrwiti Hbnll IM? ('hnK!>111 oach ward to wine for tlm torin uf tw


10, And bo it ocacted, Thnt tlio torms •oalco of the scliool truetvae Paw In onicvfthkll

plre 011 the Antilnrof July next, and thatIt shall be tbedutjof tbocountyNUjierluUnrt'enuof the several c&unUci intnii ntatobdesignate tbe time and place In eacb diatrldfor boldiug a special election for tho selection

uttws, In accordance with tlie rirovWomnf scctlonn fourteen" aud flftcen of tliftimendatory act. and tbat it ihall be the duty)f toe mToral district clerks non- ID ofllce tnpost thr*c notice In public pl»e*a wlthbtheir rarpwtlvedfitrlots (ODD of wbicb sbal

ieicli(vil hou«. If tboro ba one) statingtbo time, place and object nf soU meeting;and it sball bu thn duty of tbe otatoauporltitendont of public Instruction to came tot*

ited in each uwer donlgnsUd to print ttiibu liwa a twttce ol Bald mweting; and

Mich elcctloa stiall bo taken to be the annualelection for tbe year one tbouvand eight hun-dred and ninety-tour; provided, tbnt in nnytownship, city, tonu, borough or other muni-cipality now having a board of ccbool trusteei organized as provided In sections four-

and fifteen of thli itmondatnry act, tbaterms of ofllc* of ineb truet«H flmll not Ur-

ilnat>, but sucb tnuteea shall continue IuofUco far tbo terms for wMoh tboy vrcre eev

ally oloctod; and provided further, that tbeectbn provided for In tbis necllou ahall bo

beld witblo thirty day* after this set lakesIect.

17. And be It enacted, Tliat the trusteeselected as provided for In sections fourteetand lift«a of toU Mt,afatU 1» & body owi»ralo, and rliall bo called end known BB "tbeboard of education of tbe township (city,town or borough, BB HID case'may he) of

inty of -18. And bo iten»oted, Tbat all elections for

ihool trunteos sball lie hy ballot, that tholegal voters shall appoint two tellers wboehnll receive ths votes, and with th* th air in ontif tlio meetlug shall count tho ballots, and Itihall both duty ot the secretory of tbo meet-lug to record tbe name ot each ptnum votingat BUob meeting; the polls far such electionshall remain open at jpaitotm honr, and BBmucli longer M ma; be necesawy to enablelegal voter* preunt to cast their ballots; theballots may be Bllber printed or written, and

CUB a. tiustoe ia to be elect«l to Oil an un-

plred term, tbo ballot* shall designatewhich of the persona voted for la for tba fullterm and which for the uo ox pi rod term,

10. And bs itenaoted, Thatltsballaud maybo lawful fur the Irgal voters, ellhsr at tbeannual mooting or at a special rupotlng called

tbat purpose, by tba consent or a majorityof tbose present, to authorise the board ofeducation, for the purpose of purchasinglands for ccliool purposes or for the purposeat building & tohcal house or tcuoal bottom,or making addition!, alteration!, repair* or' nproTomfpta in or upnn such school house

; school IIOUMB Already erected, and theUnd 1 upon which the same are located, to

boadtof the district In corporate nameol the district In men mms and In sucb

iU, avd payable atsuoh UIUBH BS tbolegal vutore so met may dlreok, with Interestn i t ra te not exceeding six per centum perannum, parable ball yearly; -which bondsBhsll be »igoed by the prcildent of tha boardof education and attested by tbe districtclerk, and absll bear the seal of thedlitrlet,

ild bond a aball bave coupons att&chsdfor cuirent payment of interest, whichcoupons shall be Binned b/ the distri-t cliand shall be numbered to correspond to thebond to which they oro attached; and anybonds 10 iuued shall be numbered and aproper registry thereof krpt by tbe districtclerk; aud iuch (road* tuay be sold at nubileor prlvbte tala for the bqst obtainable price,but not leu tban par; aald bonila aball be alien upon tbe real and percooal erfates of tbeinhabitant* of tha district, as well an tbeproperty ot tho districts, tball be liable fortho payment of the fame; and In ell pipers1 ud proceed in ga authorizing tbe Issue of hands

shall be submitted Co the attorney general forbig approval of tbe legality of tbt) mma, andduplicate copies at ftuah, pop TB iv^d proceed-ings shall U rent to tbe state so peri nten dentaf publla Initruotlon.

SO Aaa be It enacted, That nhenevcr auydistrict shall oruor and ntilborlEs the IBIUO ofbonds Itshall ba tba duty ot the district cleric,each and every je i r , to Issue tba warrant oftbe dlttrict, signed b j 'the pnaldent of tbeboard of educAtlort and attested by tha dis-trict clerk, to the assessor of the township,directing him to awtra upon tba inhabitantsof Bald townihlp ftDfl tbslr estateii.and thataxable property therein, an smountsunialeutta pay tbe band or bondi maturing ID suchj«4r, togother wltbtba whole inue of tbe unpaid bunds of iiucbdistrict, which warrant so luaed as aforensldshall be duly ttieculed by blm, and thomoneys BO assessed, lerled and collected Bhallbe held by the toirnshlp collector, Bud sildcollector shtll, upon receipt of the orders oftha board of education, signed by the presi-dent and attested by tbs diitrict clerk (whichorders Bhall state at wbat bank the

lid principal and lnU>rt«t I* payable), dorxnit1 tuch bank tbe mm of money neceuar; to

pay the principal and iotereet as they tweoraoduo and payablo.

21, Awl be it ttaoied, Tbat all childrenvhall be noulred to attenl the schools In vhedistrict in which the; reside; provided, thatnny child IWlng remote from any publlaschool in tbe district in which he rofdei mnybo allowed to attend tha public Khoolslnnnadjoining dinrlot, but only with tfae cementof tbe county tuperinteodent, which consent

lust bein writ log, and ono copy thereof filedwith tbe district chrk of the district In which

ich child resides, &i4 one copy fllod with tbedistrict clerk of the district la which pucbclilld attends Nbool; aad In case tbe districts

lot'ln the ume county, tbe consent of tberlntesdaat ot eftcb couaty mutt be ob-

tained ; and provided further, tbat tbe moneyapportioned to tho district for sucb child ontbe basis of tha school census ihall bo paidivor by the township collector of the town-

ship In which inch child resides to ths town-ship collector oF tbe township In which iuchchild ntl*nds Bcbool on tbD order ol tba county•nperlnteadent.

23. And be It enactr-J, Tliat when in anydistrict there are children llvlns remoto from

innl bouu, and wbo aro uanblo oa thatit to attend such icbool, such district

may order rafod byijwr'al dlatriat tax auit of money sufficient to enablo tba

board of education to transport ttucb cbildrooto cnii from the school, under such rul"a todregulations as may be deemed nccesary bytfae board of education ot such district; thatths moneys clouded In tooordauca wlthlhajrovlsloni of tbls a-ctlon plull be entered aaa separate item in tba account* kept by tbeUrtrlct oktk, end ib^t t\io mm expended forthe purpow ot transportlnK such childrenshall not rxcted the amount ordered to bo

lor tbnt purpose.S3. And be It enacted, That this act ihslt

apply to ail dlitricU In tbiis'ate receiving

two of snld net bo and Is liereliy amended soi to rani tut follown:03. Anil lw It enacted, Thnt Iu caso

school district shall u>o any ot tho Mmoney rctclvwl by It, except tuch a-t muy bo'any portion of tbe itate. icbjol money*; pro-ralHwlwlUiluthp dintrict, for any utlicr pur< j vidtd, tbat in any dfstrict actlof under a[>oso thnn tbo juiyinent Of teachers' mlarlw iprdal charter, or under toe. provliions con-ftnd fuel bills, such district shall forfeit out o( tahudln.tnecbsrter of any city, torfn, bnr-tlio noit annual ajiproiirintlon a sura «ii!Q\ to ough or other municlpillty, thuj act shall

far u itUconiiiitent irithlho

ill)- Loroiigh ur tiny iliHtrit-qt iu-tinff utitlor

JIIIILII in the churu-r uf miy city, WIWII, Iwr-.UKb fir other luii:iid|-ulity, <)isire* U> CUIL*,!<li\hf MJUi tin- tiiwnshlii utid form but n alugVchoiil dictrict, cui'h f(iUi«)li{Jotlon sluill Juki'flVrt ivlH'iitlio Uiunl of eduottiuii of uu-lNHOUUII or flistrH Hitull Ilk' with thu cuuntjUH riuU'inifiil 11 [-crtilluitv that ut a moctiuf•t Hit! li-t?ul v.it.'iN of Hiifh iKirough or distrirt

1*0 by

of the v

himll In fi|io<-lally CUIIMI fur tlmi\.\n Ixwrd uf nlm.ntion In tho n:J«l for williiiR otber g|ici-iiil tiioctingtt nf tinlegal voters->t the (ILsUict.

'Si. Ami lxi it cuiu.unl, Tiiut when over thiord "district" in UMJII in tliia act, or in tin

act to trliiL-h this Li 1111 umtiudmuiit, it slutll 1Mtutci-n an ni'plring only to districts coiibtituUitlas iirnvidcd in wvtk>jLS tliirtueu andfour of thin art.

LM. Ami lw It friiipteil. Tliiir.diniiy iligtriutas iiotv (-otutitutvd, whoio thiu'o has tn>tirtluifl ii K|«t!iil dihtriut tax, vrhicli tax linot ytt lnt'ii (iolWt«il, eucb tux 0I111IIii-'vivnsoil, ltfviol mid cullorUhl 011 thuilintrii^tIUJW constituted, and tlmt thu inoneys coiltUxl from such tnx shall bo expended by thowan! of oduration xoU-\y for tlio L«ncflt of Uni-hixil or Kcliimlfi for which It woo orJuitil tofiiilswl, and for no othor purj'vur.'J7. And lio It oimctal, Tlint tho Bcliool

,[)UM«, liimln, aitpai-utus nud other

ilinll, iiiitiKxllafo'ly after tho jULKsago of thinact, lio npprnlwtl hy thovoA townships^ Ui nvakiui

uuoiiiitof dobt iiicilrrw! by nny districtho jiiircluuM) of IUIKIM, u|iiHirntusauiluthcr

])iiil»ny, or Iiir tho erection of a school'bool liousori, which debt Is unpaid 1

time of nmklng such Qiipraltionient, shall boiledueted frini tho nppralwod value of sucbIirojierty; ono copy of said ai>|>raisetnoiit Klmllbo (IIKI with tlio county tmuorhiteiideiit,with tho distrlrt dork of tho coiuuilldated dis-trict ami one copy witli tlm town*hip collector,

jreafU'i* (until tho wliola amount in rein it-ted ( there nlmll bo mnlttod to tho taxpnysraof viit'h of unt.l ilifii-k'ta QUO tuuth ot tUn ^ idapj'mi«"l vwluo of tlie property of tho schooldistrict in wliicb MIL-U taijtujurs re"ldo oriiwu propBrtj", pvovlrtail, tliat In CBBO anyHiioli district I* situated hi two or more town-«hi|w, thu asKcasorx of said tcwushlps slinlljointly jnnko said npjiraisuuiont, nud shall de-tormlno tlia pnrt thereof botanplng to each of

Id toiviiHliIiWj and each township sliall mnltto Uio taiiMiyoin In Its i«rt of Buch diutilcttho jiartm) dotannined, in the winio man

hi rase of dlntrlct« whnlly within a nil _wiKthip; nml prnvldud further, that in caseiy Kuch district is sltuatod la two orVaughn, or i«irlly in a borough anda toiviishiji, wild appralwiiiont Bliall bo

wle by tlio Rovural borougU Bfisuwore or byo iHirough and township nswj&*va [tw Uio

cn*> may be) Iu tho niaiiuor aforoanid.23. And bo It enacted, That noctlonn thirty-iic, thirty-two, tlilrty-tirco, thirty-four,

Ihirty-sovon, thirty-eight, forty, Blxty-ono,oightj-flve, eiglity-«iKlit, eighty-nine andninuty-ono or tlio net to which tbi* is anitiioiidnicnt bo and thesanio areboreby re-[icnled.

89. And lio itunaetcd, That tbo Biipplomeutato tlio uct to which thU Is an amendment,

ill supplements were approved Marchutb, ono thousand eight humli-wl andntftilx i May cilovunty, one thoujuunl

(light Uuiiilred nud olglity-«[x, UarcU arst,or.(3 tbousaud eight hundred and eighty-eight;April twenty-third, ono thousand night hun-

". and eighty-eight; February twunty-llrxt, out) thousniid eight hundred and eighty-

<i MHrchtwelfUi.ouatliousiuidoiglitbun-ilrwl nnd ninety; Mnrch ihlrtyllrHt, onetliotisnnil eight hundred mid ninety; Fabruurytwonty-tblrd, tnia tliouuiud eiylit huntfa-odml iilnoty-one, bo aud tha mma are herebyvpealed.

80. Ami IJO It enacted, Tliat the appottlou-nont oC HCHOO! monojs for tlia yoar one UIOUP.

ami eight bum!ml and uluuty-four be inads>y tbo county BUiwrlntandenU in tlio samenaiincr m heretofore, and tbat the moneys

apportioned to tlie several dMricta shall boused for tlie currant O>T\«IIBO6 oltlio Bclioolsiu tha township In which wii 1 distrlcU ai-eBltunled.

31. And l» It ennct»\, That all acta andpnrtflofacts, incanslstont with Uio provislous

this art bo nnd tho sauio aro hero by ro-pcaletl, &111I that this act uliall taki

11 tbo first day of July ouxt.Approved May STt, lSOi.

-' CHAPTER CCCXXXVI.A Further Supplement to an ncttmtlUou "An

net tocHtnhlhhfl sysiem of publio Instruc-tion [Revision}, approved March twonty-wvoiith, one tlioiisanit eight bundnsl anilBoveiity-four.1. Bo It enacted by the Senate aud General

,«umbiy or tho Btato of New Jersoy, ThatIt Bhnll bo tho duty of tlio county superinten-dent fit oncii county, on or before tho llfleonthday of Jlay, to apportion annually to the dis-tricts of his connly tho fitato school moneys,together wltli tho Interest of tha aurpluB reve-nue belonging to saiil county, In tho following

I. Ifc hluill ftpjwrttiHi to oacli district a ipial to two hundred dollars for oach Umchorni>loy»l Iu tho jiubllc schools in each district

for tlio fuU time for which tbo school Iu suchdistricts wore tnaintoluod during tbo year

n t prccgdiu£ sudi appurtloumeul;II. Ho slinll npi»rtlon to oach district thoininiudcrof tboBcbool inonoyt l«Iongiiig to

bfa county on tho l«uiiH of tholaut publishedBcllOOl CCI1MUS.

Ami be it e n a c t s ! , T b a t tlio provinionfloflhis net shall n»t apply to tbo apportloa-

it of tbe Bchod moiiBya for. tlio school yearbeginning July first, one thousand eight hun-dred and ninety-four.

.Approvixl May 35, 18W.

CHAPTER CCCXXXV1I,An Act flxliiff tliotonti of msmberB of tbn

board of cxcLsennd proscribing tho nidtliodof their fl])pnlntiiiont and removal Incertnlncities of tho second elms.1, Ba it enacted by the Senate tuul General

Yiscinbly of tho 8Uvt« of New Jorscy, Thnt11 all citlai of th~ second CIEJJS wherein mem-njrs ol tho lioard ot excise aru now appointed»y tho common COUUL-11, city council, board ofLhlormen or other governing Ixxly of said

Citr, It Blmll hereafter lw lawful for the mayoroffliiysucfi city to appoint tbe niembors of.ho board Df oxebo in nud for such city, such(onrd to consist of three poisons, no mo:-o

than two of whom Bhall be members uf themo political party, nml thoy sliall hold nflWr tho term of three yours from and after

the day when the fiscal year of nalddty be-gins; Bubjoct,however. Who sooner removedby tho mayor; povldod, however, tbat tbemembers of tlio first board cf eicltw to boap-

Led under tbi* act BlmUbe appo^ted lortho tenns of ono, two and tbroo yeoro ros])'._*-tlvcly, and thereafter each appointment Bhallbo lor tbo term ot tnree yearn, oxcept to Ml

vacaenncy, and in such case tho tlio nppoin t-mnt Hhall bo for the unoxplred lerm only.

2. And bo it enacted, That tba teran otoffice of tbe parsona now holding tald office, of

iberofths board of excise In inch cities•hall tricplre oa the lint day of July, onothouiand elgU hundred and ninety-four; and

cts aad part* of aota (ugomlatoot withthis act bo and tbe same aro hereby repealed,

' this act shall take effect on the One dayot July, ana thousand eight buadnd andlinely-four, but shall not 10 Into force ui

any city until adopted by tba votes of atleast«. majority oCftll members -o! Uie com-mon council, city council, board of aldermenor other governing body of iuch city.

VtaaeO. liny 35, IBM.

CHAPTER CCOXXXVIII.A Further Supplement to an act entitled "An

act to regulate elections," approved tbeelxteenlb ivy ot April, one thousand eJguttundred and fortrslx.1. Bs It enacted by the Senate and General

Awembly ot tho QUle cf lien Jersey, Thatfor tbo purpote of elf ctlnc members of the

10 of repmentatlves nt the United State*,this state ihah be divided Into eight dlatrioU,

1 follows, namely;First, Tbo counties cf Camden, Cumber-

land, Capo M*y, Uloucert«r *nd Balem shallconsUtute and be called tbe first diatrlot,

Becond, Tba counties ot AUwtla, Uercer,Uurltngton and Ocun itull contUtnto andbe called tbe leoond diitrict.

Third, TheccunUtt at Boiuentt, Uidbile-•ex and Monmouth shill cosatltute and becalled tho third dlftriot

FouiUi. Tbs COOHUM ol Buuex, Warren,

U piiUiid tu« fuurtfi district.Fifth. Tbo countina of P&tmlo and Borgm

Bball cousUtcteand bo called the fifth dis-trict.

Hlxth. Tha city of Newark and tho io»n-•blp or Bant Orange in Euwx county snail

Seventh. All of tbo JO unty of Uudoun, ex-ctptlng the city of ilajoune, iball coiutituteaud IJO called tbo seventh district.

Eighth. Tue county nf Union, the dty oflisyonuein Uudson county and a'l of thecounty of Euei, eicuptitiK tbs dty of New-atk aud the township of ftut Orange snailconstitute and Lie called Uie ei slit li district.

2. Aad be it onacted, Tbat each of thesaid tils Uie ts shall elect one person tj ><spre-

b l U s in ibB houw Dt loprcxenUUvasof the United 8 la ton, whlcb elootlon sball be

I on the Tuesday nozt a fur tbe tlretidsy In Soveuibor, In tbe joar ono tbous-efgbthuudred and ninety Tune, and nn

tbe Tuwilar next after tba tlrm Monday in•ember ia each second year tbereafUr

until it (hall be otherwise provided by law.

3. Ard be It enacted, Tuat in the Inter-pretation of tbJi act, all references to coun-ties, cities, townships or othur municipaldivisions ihall lw taken to refer to sach

jml divisions aa they exist ht the ttdlaol tbe patugo of tbls aat,

i. And be It onnetod, Tbat "A furtborjpplomsntto the act entitkd 'An act to

regulate election!,1 approved tbe sixteenthday ut April, one thousand eight hundredand fortj-Bix," which supplement waa Ap-proved the fourteenth day of April, onethousand eight hundred and ninety-one, andoil otheracti or parts of .ads Inconvtatentwith this act be and the same ar« bnrnby re-u.lud.I'oieed May 25, MM.

CIIArTEK CCCXXXIX.ti Actroliitlvoto tho stuto bou«d ami "ad-

Jncurit public grounds.1. lie it outtcUd by tha KvuuUi tmd Oen-til AwuiRilily of tlio SUitv of Now Jersey,

it Bhall bu tlio duty of thu governor, trcaimptroller of this stnt« to Uke generalot Iho ntro and sutu koujtlug of thepital, tho projwrty couUiiiied thcroin

and the adjacent inibllo grounds; nnd forUila iiurjioso thoy shall liuve powor to apjwlnta custodian of tlm capital and adjae«ntgroumbi, who shall liuld hlu appuintiuent atthe pleasure uf Iho mid governor, treoHurernd (.•amptrallor, nnd whu tihnll txi jwid1011 tidy HiiHi miniioilRotfou as thu sn.[<l gavw-lor, truamirer and com|itroller BIIAII fix; pro-ided that nucli <.-c4ii]>enfatlou shall not ox-tod two Utotioawl dollnrs per nnrmui.

3. And be It ciuictol, Tliat tlio wM cus-todlan sliall lie under tlio direction und sub-Jtctto tlio control ol tho said governor,

d comptroller; it shall bo thoduty ot said custodian, subject to said diroc-ttan and control, to pruierve tho several•oonu and olllcc« in tho ututo house and thoidjacont grounds from injury, nnd to keeptie occupied pnrtfl of Bald nfjita IIUIIKC piuj^r-ly fiiralHlind, clannwl, wamicd ond lighted,and for tills purposo ho shall, subject to tbodirection aud control of sakl governor, treas-urer and comptroller, employ, fi= tho coiu-

l of and dlM^mrge nil liecosMir j en-sra, inochutiicfl, laborers, iiioraciigers atul

othor ponkins, and, subject to tho nforesaiiltlirccUmi nml rontrol, inako alt purchoBusueccexarj to carry out tho provisions of thinact; end nil cmpioyitod shnll, subject to tboaforesaid direction nnd control, bo under tliosupervision of said cuslodian, who shall r&n-dor and curtify to tho said treasurer nnd

iptrollor iiiouthly nreounU of oil wagonand oiixnisea.

SI. Aud bo tt enacted, Tbnt tho aorgeants-ttartusnf tbo two houses of tho Icgiidaturo,

imiiinllately after thu legislating tiliiUl navua*l jouvnwl, sliall deliver to tltB aaiil custodianall tlio keys or their rcajwcUve houso3, andUie keys of tbo <tesks of the membors and offl-wra, wliich Vojs shall remain In bis chargeuntil tho noxt meeting uf tho legislature, andivliou the court* whlcli aro hold In tint statebouse ore not in session tho toys of the sev-eral court rooms Bliall be deposited with tbasold custodian.

4. And bu it enacted, That uiidor tho direc-tion ond control of tbe governor, trowurorrmd comptroller tho said custodian shall take:liargo of tba distribution of ond have boundtbo volum-vtof laws, law and oqutty report*,

itos Df the buiiHo at assembly, fwnntajournal, legislative documents and other doc-uuiouto publLslnxl under tho nuthority of tboState, BJiiisUalldiatriVwto the samo us now la

r shall bo provided for by law,6. And bo It enacted, That tlio said cus-

todian, ueloro entering upon iho duties of bisD l l U ke and subscribe tho following

, do solemnly swear that Iwill justly and honestly keep all the books,writings anil property conunlttod. to my careas custodian of tho capltol of New Jersoy,

d tlmt I will faithfully and houartlj jx-r-formallthodutlusofthe said ofilco accord*

ff to tha best of my ability, so Uolp meQod," wliicll oath shall l» Illed In the office oftho state treasurer.

fl. And bo it eiuictal, That tuo comptrollerfs heroby authorized, to draw his warrant fornnd tbo treasurer It authorlzod to pay nilsalaries, wages nnd othor nocawary erpanaeflincurrod In earrying cut tho provisions otiiLt act

7. AndbeltonaottHl, Tliat an act entltlod"An m.'t In relation to tho state house andadjacent public grounds," approved Febru-ary twenty-Unit, 0110 thousand eight hundredand uiuoLy-thrue, and fill other act* and parts

' t Inconsistent with this act bo and thesamo aro hereby repealed, and that this actsball lake effect immediately.

CHAPTER CCCXL.A Further Supplement to an not sntltled "An

act concerning oltlefl of the first class in -tills state, andoonrtltutingmuniclpal boardsof itroetaad water commissioners therein,and defining the powers and duties of sucbmunicipal boards, and relating to tbemunicipal afTaln and departments of aucbcities placed under the control and manage-ment of such boards and providing far themaintenance of tbe «eme," approved March .twenty-eighth, one thouiand eight hundredand olnety-oaa.

1. Be it enaoted by the Senate and GeneralAssembly of the State of New Jersey, Tbatthe terms ol olfle« of the members of evory

trd of street and water commissioner*heretofore npjwlnted undrr tbe provisions ufHID act to which this b a supplement shall

d and be do terra! ed Immediately upon tho -passage of this act, notwithstanding tbatiuchmembers may have been appointed for alonger term.

3, And be It enacted, That wltbfn flvo daysfrom the pawago of this act tha mijor of eachcity of the first class In this state shall ap-point from tho clUtons of sucb. d ty &ve per-sons, who shall, Immediately upon then- ap-pointment and qualification, constitute tbt>bowd of street and water cotnmlailonerB fortheir respocUve citlos until tbo first Monday

May, oua thou-aud eight hundred andety-fiTe, and until their luccossors shall

baro been elected as bereltuvf ter provided andiball nave qualiiled,

3. And be it enacted, That the boards of(treot and water commissioners of citiesof tboflrst class, as constituted under the secondsection of this act, shall ba eubrtituted forauch board* aa now constituted, and ehall bovested with all the authority, powan and.rights vested in such boards of street andwater coaunbeloQors, and perf&rm all dutiesnow Impaood upon such boards.

4. And be It enacted, Tbat at tbe nextlUnictpaJ or charter election to be held Inch city ot tbe first class there snnll bo

elected live members of the board of Etrwtmd waUr commujiloners for said city, two ofwhom shall be elected for a term of ono year,two for the terra of two years, and one forUie term of throe joars, and that »t eachmunicipal or charter election thereafter themshall be elected a member nr member* of thoboard of street and water commissioners, to

icceed the member or mumber* whoso termIban expires, for the term of throo yean.

5. And bs it enacted, Tt»t upoa t to ballotsto bo used at thp municipal or charter electionto be beld In sucb cities In the year one thou-

X eight hundred and nincty-Qvo, tbodesignation of the cilice to be ailed shall be ufollows: "for members of boanl of street andwatw commissioners tor term of one year;11

"for members of board of street and watercommissions!-* for terra of two years:" "formembers of tha board of street and wateroommbaiuuets for a term of throe years,"and that at each municipal or charter electionthereat tor tbo designation of ths ofiloe to befilled ahull bo aa follows: "far member o£board of street »nd water commissioners,'- or .

'for members of board of street and watercomnilssl oners."

0. And bo It enacted, That tbo members ofthe board of street and water cammmlonari -if tba second section of this act, ihall organ-

' Ito in their respective cities as boards of rtrwfc

Page 4: t Amos H. VANHOR etest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1894/... ·  · 2015-01-06HABTEIl AOT> BOL1CITOH IN CHANCERY Offloo In the Tone Building, OVER J. ... MILLER

and water commlhsionen, Immediately upontheir appointed, or as soon thereafter at theyshall have broii quiliHod, and that in eachEuccoodmg j-wir said boards uliall organize vithe firbt Monday in Hay.

7. And be It enacted, That thu mayor oeaca city of tlio llriit clogs bhaU bavo thpower U> remove (rum ot!lee lor cause, amutter upixiriuntty to bo beard, Buy niembcul the luwnl of street and watur tommls*ionera of such city.

H. And bo it unacted, That w heuovur a vocniicy i-Lnll Lmjij u in tlio ulllu) uf uiuuilpiir uboard i>( hlrui'L uuil waior cumuiissluiii-'ioihartvibQ Ihim t»y uxjiiratiun of tbo thrill <Ja mnnlHT, BUCU vacancy ahdll \m lllkil li;tbo mayor of tljo city in whlcb it hapjioiitr Itthu apfHrLiituit'ftt of 11 qualifliHl voter, n^iiifnin mich city, who uhull hold otllue for thu uu**xpirtHl turiuaud imtil bin KUccubHir is uk^tfiand Bhall Imvo iiualiUvd.

It. And bo i t emu-lid, Thnt all arttuitul |uirtof ai_-lw iiiraiis<>iU>iit with tliu iiniviHioiiM nthin art IXJ and tlm tamii am hereby rcjiealcd,and this act blmll tfiko effect imuuKliutol


An act to amend an act entitled "A Mii>[>k>-

ini'iit Jo on Bel entitled 'A further mwent 10 an net entitled "An act m i *

prosecutors of Uie plea* uf' this hUte," ii[)jiruved April aiiUviitli, .,uu tbtiiibuiut v^h

hundred and rorly-Bii,'" iijiinoviil l\-lni

ary tilntb, ouo thousand efKlit humln-d an

elgbtyd*, wbU-h »iil au|ii>k-meiit wiIHfedt-U Mnrch tlitwntli, out, tlioifeuud tlglihundred tuid niiit.'ty-t>iiu.1. Bo it enacted by tbo Shinto mill (lot

era! Aiwiulily of Ilia Htnto of Now Jurt.G}

Tliat section one of tho act uutitlod "A BUJph-mont to nn act unlit led 'A further KUI>III»

went, to anuet entitled "An act ruajipcltii

jirosevutors of tliu jileas of tbo wUito," ajproved Ai>rll tiitii'iith. one thousand t'igli

hundred mid forty-nix,' approval February

iiiuo, ono thousand oJ^lit hundred and I>IR1IIT-sIx,"boaE(I tho same fa ho re by RUK-IIJas to read OH (olluwa, to wits

1. IIo it enacted by tho Bouate nmloral Atfeoiubry of tliu SUito of Ji'uw Jersey.Tbat in each couuty of tbissUto havingpopulation of ono hundred and ilfty tliouwninhabitants, atid over, it ftliall be lawful fetho prosecutor of tho pleas thereof, with tliassent of the governor, to appoint out! abtilnant prosecutor, who, after having taken anoatli or afliruiatlon before tho clerk uf tlicourt of common pleas of tho. county ivburel]ho i« npiKiiutud, to faithfully and Justly jw.form tho duties of iho npiMiiutiiicut to tinIttstof hlsnliility, fball bold such a['i>jintmuDt uulcss roiuovw! by tho prosecutor am

mid tlie ttmnlv <'<ill{-ou>r uf &!.

l pay mioli assistant [irmccutor (i>his wrvkw an annual salary cf thirty-fivehundred dollars in equal inontldy jiaftiout of tbo fund* uf said county; provided,tbat tho federal or stato caiman last take:fora tho appoliitinent of such oflxigUml pcutur shall bo tho basin for thu nbovo i-lication.

2. And bo Itenncted, That tbo olllco of O.H-Eistaut proKcittor of pleas it) cm utiea of tbitttato haviiiK it population of k'.ss tiinn onhundred and fifty thousand inhabitants laand the eamo la hereby aUilMicd.

IS. And bo it enacted, That nil ncU uujmrte of acts inconsistent witli tbo provisionof this act bo and the same ore hereby re-pealed, and this act shall taks etTuct itu-rn od lately,

1'atued May 1», l&H.


An Ait relntlvt to tbo publication of tlia law

of this KtJite In tliu nowsiiupurs.1. ]tu It cnnctwl by thu By unto nml Ger

nml AKM-mbly of tho Rtato nt New Jui-seyTlint within ten duys aftur this act uliill IH;COEJIU a lu^v, ntul anuunlly theivaftor on <>before tlio first days of February tlio govertio.and comptrolltr Hhulliiokvt and iliaigiiiitc tinuuwsi«i«!i-s in wlifuli idmll bu published thelaivn of thin Htiit-e, nnd tho jMijxjrH HO relecteilin cadi yenr shall bo authurizud to ]mblLslitho public lawn eunclwl at tho logiahitlvo un-Bicm uf tlio thi'ii current yejtr, and uLso theSj)d-)al imblie IIIWH appllcablu to thu \-W\HX-tivu founlkw In wlilcli (inch |<II]HTK are pulvllshed; tho wlLftlon of nRwsjmjKjrH hliull l>uUjiou the IJOSIK of tliu rejirt^jitatimi of thesorerul countitw In tmth branches uf thuU't'islnturi1, not eicet'lhiguiglitin uiiyuuuiity;provided, tho nelection throttghout tiiesUikiuhull IMI of an uuinl nuinluT of nutv>iuijn<r»rupresentlug meli of tlio two principal i«ili-tiral INirli^;prr.vid«l from the p3liUcal nuiv«-]>apcrH, it HIIHII IH.- lawful for the govtiruor nmlooaiptrollur, ut'tlieir dwrction, to select nnddial gun t is other jiapera nt lurge in tliu atato toimblhib thu Iftws wltliout vr&ml to thfir p<>li-t!mlcoiuiilexloii,but)invltii;rt>fitreueu to theircharacUr, ch-cutation nnd tlio special inter-est* which tWy may rojuiHuiit, hut thu totalmniilier of all nowspnpwrs in tho titiit*autliorlinl to |iublbdi tho law* la any your notextwd ninety, and thrro dull not bo »'lect«lin tlio aecreento in miy yenr moru ne\vH|Kiiienirt'in-esonting olio of tho leading iwlltiinl par-tics than tliu nthor.

'-'. Andl>oitennct«<1, Tlmt tboro si mil mttl« bclettwl anil ileslguntwl under this act anynomtpQpL'r which has nut been regularly nndcontinuously publLiiitxl fortwoyuare itreviunsto euch selection.

3. AndlwitcnacLnl, That after such elec-tion tbo secretary of state hluill mml outconit*of all public laws to tbo no«-«jin]K-ra entitliiitopublinh them ivithiii tendnys nfUr enchlaw Is enacted.

4. Ami tieltcnnctwl, That the rate of coin-IWLsatlon to lw jinld by Ihutttnto runtieputiU-cation of tbo laWM shiill lw llxt.il by Hie gover-nor and comptroller, nml rtinll not excwlforty cents jwr folio uf ono hundred ivordn.

6. Anil t>o ittinnt'UMl, That all aclti or jmrUof acta liy which tho nensapcrs to pubilxh thelaws are to 1M dudgnntoil In nny otlisr thnnthu foregoing ninunur, and all nets ov yarUn!note itieonaktcnt with thU net, l<o itiul tin-same nro hereby re[>eftl«l, mul this net si miltak» affect immediately.

Paused May M, lt*J.

CIIArTEH CCCXLIII.A Furtlio'' Sujiiileintnt to an net entitled "An

act to Ineorpornte tlio chosen freeholders Iretlierrapectivo counties of tlito state," n\t-proved April sisU'eiitb, oim tliouvuid eiglithundred Mid forty-nlx.

1. Du It enacted by the. Senate mul GenAweinbly of tlio Stflto of Now Jerauy, ThnLwctlon thrtM of a mi upturn cut U> an act to in-corporate tho choeun freeholders of the Ktatc,apjirovud March twelfth, onu thousunJ eighthundred and eighty, bo mid thoRamu fnhurobyamended no HB to road us follows :

3. And bo Henacted,Tlmtoach of tht<mem-bers of tho bonrd of clinann frevholdon of thowsvernl counties of thin ntato shall, lwforotlwy enter u[»n tlio duties of their office,sutwcril» an ofllciol oath to faithfully, im-partially and Justly jwrforn: nil the dutktheir odlcfl to the best of their understandingand ability; *hich oath uliall be taken beforethe prodding judge of tho court of commonpicas In said county or any juatlceof tlio poorsin said county, and filed In tho oillee of thecounty derl t

2. And bo It enacted, That this act shalltake effect immediately.

Approved May 25, 18W,


An Act to repeal an act entitled "An act to

re-organize tho board of chosen Irwholde™

in certain counties in this Ktatc," approved

March fifteenth, one thousand eight hun-

dred and ninety-two, and ending t ie term

of office of all person* elected or appointed

under thu provisions of this act.

1. Be It enacted bj tbo Ben«te and General

Assembly of tlio State of Now Jersey, the act

entitled "An act to ro-organtie the board uf

cboson freeholders in certain counties In thL«

state," approved on the fifteenth day of March,

« w thousand eight hundred and ninety-two,

be and tho name lit hereby repenled, and tlio

term of oflice of all persons elected or np-

poinled under the provisions of said net are

hereby terminated.

2. And bo it enacted, Tlmt this net shall

tnlte effect immediately.

I'omed ilay 25, IBM.

CHAPTER CCCXLV.An Act to repeal on act entitled, "An act coii-

ccnilnjt ciUoa of tho flret class," approvedJane ninth, ono thousand eight hundred midninety.L D» it onacVxl by the Senate and Uenera!

A-wmblyofthB SUte of New Jersey, ThattiieactentltIod"AuaPt concerning cities oftno flrut class," npprovjd Juno ninth, CUBthousand eight hundred and utuutv, andknown as cunyicr two hundred and rorty-one-ofttie lam of ono tbouBawl eight hundred |onil cinoty, l» and the tanio Is hereby re-1p«aled, nnd Uiat tbii act shall tolta eiTeet im-mediately.


CIIAITKH CCUXI.VI.An Act in r,l,iii,,n lu UmnL- uf I-XI-UTOJLI

liiiiwioiK-i-s in eft-tain cities .if this .-tut-.I. lk> it L'tmcUd by lln< Scii'i''- mid U,'i!(,m

Abscinlily tif tin-HtaU; of New Jtrst-y, Thaithhi'lliiu.liuiiy !«• lawful fur tin-umy.ir uiny city uf tin-" llrnt i-lnw. in tlii> Mutt? at un.Lillli' llftor tin- juL^lpi- of tlii* uf.l, ill lib ai-

s the

v j.r- id.-.l (••>• bl i,( I'M-i-c cuiii-

.t. Tlmt UlelllU-l-sof theli'.>i.>]iel> ill -H.lM'inr-..iivilncni this net fliitil

n]>[>.>inlii]ei)t umleviirs. W beif l l j - t l

ll UH-OIIK- vu.-jillly lun-l..-i-iui]«-

ntil the

l the- ti-r-iilnl I"' |»iid :.

ml »

m only, nml that thel l l lMllh Vi,,-,HK-y*lMlll l

n 1 he i i ii].|h.lnt<jil.. Aii«ll«'itciiiii-te.l, Ti't; <if "II ollk'i'l-n uroii i |

Mid tlmt Mleb niivive HIKI be paif i i r serv ius reniwrtr.f tlie siliitIiiiiiiltollii.u<-jil.l i.llh'in.l- eiii

:., Ami IK. it

hi-llrl -.hull |H.|il tl.« i-invt'i-!,,

b i i i i

uclicity nlmll itv fin H i - m nmenil~<r ; , . ,u[ . |

MII-1 dnte tlmt

ucted, That 111 nmni^

.il!li nil till' dlltie,. |n,ss,.-

d be Mibj.-'t lu nil l!ic lia

HtirnL ioiUTs in Kiii-li citU-s hy the ln».s i

«. Ami In' iti'iin'-kil, T1iiiliillmlsim.li»ii-tlli't.1 ilironsihlfiil with tin1 iirm-Miiiis tib lift In; und Hit; Minio nro lirn-liy iviM'iik*nl thut thin lift shrill taku cir.'vt in

I W - d liny SB, 1(4H.


1. Hi' iti'iimtvil dy tbu Semite nml (.Si-nunosf-mhty of tin- Ktlite ..f Xi'w Jt-1-M.-y, Tinuny iH'i-son Hlitill huivufn-r m-ll, dulivur .

JK-I-HW .llsj.o-e ,if ooal l.y what 1* rimmim• liiiuivii itt bhml weight, cir »hi<ll soil, il

.vlint i.s knmvi, ,i• thousand tw

.i-rc.ff.n- nluill

ii- she slwll li

im.r and, II|HI

iaftur iirovidttl; that

l lx) lin.nufd

commsloDrs elected u afareoatd, wh'ehall forthwith certify to tbo same end giv

notice to tbe lownstilp assessor ot the stini s

prcniilcut ex-tiilkio,

int*-, tin OE till! OH-

Uits n-'iiiiU'. tliu thiilrniftii of thim tMucuiiuu uf tliu l.uuoe, tli'tliL-sUiU-uKrlcuilurul w l k ^ e , t b iiu sehrol district lumbei fifU*..oui i ty; Iho }iriiit:i]ril ol tho fttati*>], tlio |>rirn'i|ial at tliu l-'um

«.IH..JI ot Huv.-rly, Now Jenssi-lei-tod by thu nUto board

tid t i n county su[H.'ritiU'r>ilL-n:dimity; tli'M) triwU-tss tliall lur mul ri-siKmsihilitle* KIVBII hy 111

hluLj? to tiusteuM of jni til it

•>. And lw iU'iiiii'tod, That nil laws anuljii'K tumid novvrnltiy industrial and minimiriiiiiiun wliooli now iu forco <n this etatHhull nut iiMiIy to this tchool.

;i. And U- it enacted, Tlmt v lien Ibo trut'L'Huf niiil sdu*>l nro ready to mclvo itiduuti-, mil' htuih'iit front tauli county in thhiato to lit-hdL-cti'd hy Urn senator thereof mi.me ntmk-nt from ouch u.-suinbly district tit hiw!t«;k-d l.ytue ossfinbljmuu theroof uud In|,],rovtil ,,r by tin' trm,teen nnd faculty <tliu H.MIMII,(.IIHII bo entitled to free BcnolaiMill is in sniil ruhi.ot.

•1 And ht> it enacted, Tlmt IH- ulatc BUUOIintvinlt'nt uf public 1- Ktructlon la hereby aiUusri/.nl mid ri'<[uirtd (.j inuku mi rxauiiiuliun uf lint lv;uks and rwui ds uf tliu cob re

of Neivith

lrli) ti

mid thu v

.•trial nliig "hi!<• boon Bivcn w l,d manual trailtho lnK lslBtun c

lUVij t'OIIHJ llltO J1' *J*30."*&1011 nt hy 1'CJlhOfl of tiltot. ot LIIB K-iiislfilurt' of Mny twcnty-llrsltn- Uiuiiimtid ..Iglit hmulri-il ami nluuty, iiliho Milu<><jf ulliliuialiLiiiti und HulferlptioninI HK-.itH held l.y mid association from thenull iluy of November, ono thomand L'IKIminimi mid eighty-nine, to tlio present tinifui'l tu draiv his n-urnint t n the eumptrolk•uriilikuhuni in fuvur uf ihohoanl of tru:.ots cretttt'il liythis net fur tbe malutenanc.( huid hcluiol, fit uwonlanco with tho pr<•iMonBor Ihuoet nf tho h-glslnturo of .Marchin'iity-fourth, uno 'liuussiid eight hiiuilrcdmil tiHlity-oi:o, and tbo nut of the leg'slati

me Uioimiwl ei^ht Inindrtd and elgltty

iglit, kno tlio

L-II, tliat tliu bnunuiil triiliilng act;

fur wliicu said war-

.l \

1,-i-ivifU < I i s i H I^J • <

nd-i of coul for-of If

ndroitnnil f.u-ty ]ihe

luilKiilltyitfn niis.lciimiiH.i-vkliniitbi'iwif, Rballl-L- llmilnty-ihi'dollm-M fur wirli and every nf

•e, uiic-lmir if wliU'h lino Monll lw J « M Utlie jwrw.u iiiiikiii^ nuniduiiit thvn-ut.

•>. And lw it i>iini-U>il, Thut tlio tinnuioioiiiu'll, Ituinl of iiMi-riui'ii, toivu<.hiii coinLiltu.tMH-oltifrKtivt'nilnH Innly or nny i i iy,lorongli, toivnslii|i or .dhur iimnldpiility ii:

iTlghijigiifwinl, to detwt uny vinlntlmi ofthe |irovi>Ioiis of this ma, und to iimkn cum-•luiiit tlii-mtf, which jieiiioii or iwrbmissii agiohil^l Klmll riwlvi' iirt li!s or their M>1I> I-<HII.CllMHluil Oliu-lmlf tliu lines its nfoiv.snfd.ii. And Im It CHIU-UKI, Tint this act tdinll

1'aB.M'd -May i ' , 1HH.

CHAITEK UCUXIA'III.An act li> roffiilntu tho {•ii-.ti«ly of jnil and

risniii'i-HtliMvinliiHiuiilicsit.f lh» llrhI this KtJtlo, mul to ri-]u-ul mi nt-t. cAnm-tt'HV|h-nl(uiiict fiitltltil

hiirg | ;ml cihtody ,,f the prirtonui-.H Inf I-ISMII nml Hinlsim, fivin. thliis liminls ff flmsi'ii frivlini.li'riiu|.h.yinent of tln> [irlsont'is, nicir Icrni ur sumre tlii'ivin,' iipp

runry twcnly-wventli, um> IhcilthilKilml und lifly-wvcn, und thu

i'ivti.;" |HLSiit!d -M:iy HlxtwuLh,id eight liimdml mid ninety-fou1. Ho It enacted liy iln; Hitmtc (issoinbly nf tin1 Slntwuf New Ji'sbL-ritr In all i-.)iiiiti<-=f »f Iho Iis Mato.^iiillliiivi. tlio cuato-ly,g and cliargi. of tho juil or j«!ls

unity, nwl or Iho iwUmri-K III fiuihi, nnd nhnll I* resj«)iisitili> for t

;,r of tliu juIthe -.•

d to

nhi ' Klmllnut; nrovlilml, IIOM-CVIT,t nii|4y t" HI1y jail ..ry pimnty rnrin in miy r

Hint this

nly of tbo Illiit-

•2. Anil lw i t eunxtwi, That U|K>U the slteritfn uny conutv of the lli>t-ft:iw, taking the

L-u.slo.ly. ruk.,'k«i>|iliif;iiii<ldinpn*iM.r tbe jnilut jails nlTwtcl liy tin- pntvisimis of tliU net,tlm U>nn of tilltiv of any jniU-r, wnnUn ur

ray whiiWH.-ver, sliull liniitnlliitclr c-ca«>ati<lteruiltmU'; unit tli<> imtliorlty of ttie l^inl ofL-hosen fiwlioldsrw »f sm-h o'.nnty to aji|-.iiit

Jtiilur, viink'ti or kt'cju'r tit MH-II Jnil -rjful-,hhull tie KHsiH'iid l MI !<iii^usMU'hhli*-rilI.-litillkMji Um i-nstoily tlifivuf, find «f tho iirNmerstlieii'lti.

!1. Ami 1M> it liiinrtitl, That tin- Mieriir innny c-oiimy ut the rtn.t-rln.ss or thia s*uit<- nmy

1 wrltU'lllKHUvdinvt tlm ti i inl ut th'>-.-!iX'hnhkTii in such (iimity t.i lukr nnd huvro ruslotl), rule, kw-i-iiiK tmA «.-ltarK.- of tli.-UnrJHilMowlii .h this («-t is «|.idi<aijle,

y HlinrilTUniiy wunty cf the flrat-t-ln** InIMU Ktnto to tho board «f fln>rt!« fnt-hnMcpt

ity.wild l>o.inl -.hull njn-int n


rdmi II k<..«[* mnyId Wwil of

lilow mul RUI'II jullnr or Miirdt:u shnll, int'ulvtng I'Uvtoily nud diBchiirge of jirisiiut'rs,d In tlifir trtntmi'iit oiul nuuiitfiiajiit.- ofrii nrisuiiorx, l>e suhjuet to all IIIWH undiulfttluiu to which sheriff* mul llu-ir Jailers

are subject.

And l» It cmu'ted, Thnt the act entitleil"An net to repeal nu act L-ntillwl 'An IILI U.transfer the fttnrge mul kfcjilng of the jailsmd custody of tliu jti'isonuni lu tli

of Essex mul Hudson from the BliurifTi to theboard of cliosen f mboldurs and Tor tlio cm;iloyinet ot Iho prisonars ami to reguUitLholr term of wrvkf then-iii,' npprorwl Ki-lirunry twenty-seventh, ono thousand eij;hinmlreil and illty-*evi>n, and the Biipplomtrutthereto;" jms^l Jtny tiixUvuth, one thorneight hundred ami iiliifty-Xour, lw <uul th

Is hfrvby repealed.AndlwH raicted, Tlmt

partaof aita iuL-ot

igtmut livroto, be.

jiuah<il, nud that this


d tbo


Ap|irovwl May -Si, 1SW.


ry out and jitit inAn Act to more fullyforce the true Intent ipBupplciimit to nn net ot cougro*« ot Augusttlilrtit'th, iino ihoiLsand eiRht hundredninety, and tlio aela of tliQ lefiLtbituro nfXow-Jenwy ot Mnn-b twenty-four tli. onUnmount rtglit bimdrwl nud GlRhty-oiunnd thp tiinnutil tntinini; net of one thuu-nnd eight humln-d and ei^hty-t'iicbt.1. Bo it cnncktl by tbo Hcnnto mul (loncnil

uf tlio Htnte «f » w Jersey, Tlmt

ur tlio i»un««111 forw) tho t

" f cy,

rryins out anil jmtting-nt uf the l f Uipi>K'iiii!iir* t<

(( Aup^t thirtielh, innulrvdnnii nintty, eliajittr

t'i(;ht hunilrvd nnd

HL'tt of congress one 'buiisnitd ci^ht liuu<lrcdmd Njvdity-four to i ni> tliou-umd elftht InIred and ninety-one, imgift seven huudiind uim'ty-NovL'ii ntid neven Imudnnl n

sight, rcvL-icdiUmitw *'f thu Unitedind the k'vend new uf tho li^lilntuiJerwy lv--i^i'llii(,F lodustrfttl tiluciI manual trail'big wliooh} tlmt U

tl»> |iurt«wn of iiirryiiiR m'Tu fully itileffect the tnio Ititeut i>f tin**; »ct«, tho amilOl training unit industrial wimal nt llnrdtt

ioym, Notr Jurboy, Uurliuatou «mnly, 1

hrnnch iinitit/.'.loti for thu vdiiintJnn of HUCttudoiilri n& nmv IK.' n[i|v>liitoil froni tliseveral oiweinlily ilistrifU and (.vimtit

Ilftven, UnrlhiKtDiihtifby aulliuri/edcnuted l.y Hi is und iierctonal ]irt>|i

ttrhil oliiciiticAnd If itei


lliflt Iho ctuoreill u^Wu'Mnot Newnf tt'huul dlstrkt imimunty, bo nnd tboy

to turn over to tlio trusteest nil moncju, nal oslato

;rty which they I10M f(n In mlA dlatriet.

!, Thnt In lieu of all11 , rJKliUiunl llllt's, tho lirancU I us tit u-dmicmitiici hy this apt hnup.cinnay linra' huvo, IIJIIIII iht1 aimunl aji|irrjiriatloiug to this Htnto from congress, under tinMmi of iho sujipluuitut to the act of con> cf August tliirlluth, one tliousnnd oiKhtIriil nml ninety, Ibrcu tlioufand doll

Is hi'ii'lty annually appropriate! for

>ald a-hool out nf any moneyin thi.> Mutt trtoMiiy not otlierwito op]iio|>rlaleil.

T. And bo it CUEultd, Tl.at tbla act shall lieItemed a public act and shall tukotffectlni

1'uiiSLd Mny 25, 1KH.

CIIA1TKB CCCUin Act to tu'iitnl nn net tntitled "An net touVturmini- the U-nnre of of Hi* of city mar-shals in citiuf," it]i|rottil AprilHecnud, onoUmiit-aml tight liuiidri'd nml niuoiy-one,1. Ilu i t I'uactiil liy thu Buuato nuil General

LsM-inhly ut tlio Stato or Now Jersey, Thatlio fiet enlllleil "An aut Ut detenu In o thusunroof trtk-o uf city timmhahi In cltlfw,'p roved April M-CCIII], OI,.I tlmmund eightumtiLd uml ninety-mil!, bo and tlm samo ILTtl.yroj^n'od, aud that this net eliaU tak<

l'aHsedWiiy tt, 1MU.

CHAPTKH CCCLI.Vn Act to icpeal an net untitleU "An ac t ion

ecn. i t£ tho teimroof ollk-e of city col lee tonlu citict, t-f thu ilr»t chiHP," unproved Marchnlnnluinlh, ono llicii^ond eight hundredand nnmlyone.I. lie IC euactwl liy tho Xennlo nud fienei

\hsenihly of HieHtfllti of New Jersey, TliliL'artuiitiltcd "An net Concern I HE the tenureit tilllco of city colleclorn in cllica of the firstIIILSS," approved Match nineteenth, onu Uiounnd elj^ht Uumlred and nlucty-oue, bo andhu Bjuno Is hereby repcnltd, otd that this act

duill take eireel Imtntdiulely.1'u.sscd Mny 1M, 1-11M.

CHAirrKR CCOLII.A Hui'pK'iiient to nn act entitled "An act

for tbe formation and government of rill-ngea," D|ijirovi»I February twenty-third,ono tbousaud ei^lit hundred and niuetT-0114.1. lio It enacted by the Bonato and Qatcndily o[ the Btato uf ISew Jersey, Tbnticry ordhinucu hereafter passed h y thoLMird of trurUos uf any village incorporatedudvr lUe art to which tola U a supplement,toll hi pult'Iabi'd livku In a nctvapnptir jmb-

linbed iu the township in which BalJ vi lhgelauated, nuil tihnll lw postal for ten days luvu puldic plui-is iu euld village, aad untillch nnliinin-e shall have been puhllihod aafuruMiiil, tin? BIUIU tli all bo of no oHeot.LV Aud ••: i t tuacbd , Tbnt tho hook of the

rcord of orJir-ooceiikept by the villaBo clerk( auy such villnge iliall be dotincul a pulilloevurJ (if t i e ordinances pasenl by tho hoardf trt«'«.*fs of such village, and shnll ba takenud r,ct>iv(,l in nil wiurta nn evidence of faldfdituuc*a, and tbat eoplosof said ordinances,erti iol by tho village clerk, under thoeor-

p-jrate B-al i f tbo village, eliall likewise beikon mid received in all courts as evidence[ s*id ordinances, in a neirsi>apcr and bywtiug ad t t re ln iL^uIied.sball hi all CAMSe pnsuinvd tu have k-i'ii mutle until tho con-"nry t lnl l be proven.•A. And be it enacte<], That th i i actsbaUike (.'ITtct hnintiliatcly.

CHAPTER CCCL1II.11 Act authorizing the division of townshipsinto street lighting disl ricta and the ertctlonand niniuteiiHUM of street light* therein,aud the election uf elrect lijlit coiumiselon-eru in said district.

1. He it euncU'd by tbo &>uato and Generalmbly of the State o( Hen Jersey, That

bl ltt f t h i i.lie towiihblj* nlttce of auy t! dmntyof thu B'CJCI! and third clam in

e tuOe may, at any tlmo, eetufT and dividetssld townsblp hi<o tllstrlcM tobedmig -led by nunilwit, and nmy alter the Bimonn time to tun?, and Bbnll, Ly rwaluUon to

bo entered a t k'ligth upon iliuir minutes, df-IB and declare tlio limits, boundaries andIIUIKTH ol wild dmUicl. and the Mine beingddlued nud duclartd, shnll be deemed undkta na itrctt-liglillng districts, and BUalli known as and designated b y and undero fori»oraU) inuno of street lighting dls-

let number , Avbtch M U dtatilct,h tn^o clfdRiiaUd, all all bo a body corpor-e and i>lift 11 jjoiics) and bo r'oemed to bsve»wer to me and bo »utd, complain and dood in an? court of Inw or fijuitj, to tnntiid live a caiinnnn leal, and nil other oorpore power necfssarj for the carrying out tfai

power* heieiuafter conferredIL And lie i t enacted. T in t on tbe Drat

Ttif edny of Juno In each j e a r the I (gal voter*of wilddfairictgj de<ignated are hereby autbrrlied torn Eft for tlio purpose of electing

permre, n lio thull be known and deilg-imtedap c,mmiu>ioDor> of strtet-l'ghthiK dis-trict Durul-er -: and at raid tlmo tbe toldlegal voU'ti Bbail drtermino by ballot, by

role of the i rnj i r i ty of tboto present andvoting theflum of raonej to be ralwd and ex-

wllhin such district for lbs eniuingy t a r t u r tlio erection anil maintsnanrttroel llglili; tbe said m o l i n g for the ilull Of mill coinmlui 'Hon aud tbo do tenitlon of s i l l aum to b«i Tniml shall be ht lJ a tuch public |>laC9 "Itiila UID dUtrlct aa tbeaid tuwnshlp dommlttet may designate, andiotic* of u i d time nud place of such electionball be {[Iron by tb* township clerk nnd te tip in at leait three of tbe t n n t public place*iltbln tbo raid diiftrlet ten days be ford theaid election; tbi\t the {tola on aa'd elnctionball he opou a t two n'clock tn tho afternoonsd cliMe at Keren o'clcct ID the evening: tboot*rn t h e n awemuled, before any votes ara

r u t , >ball eloct, by viva voce vote, a Judfffl,ins]ieclor and clerk ut Bold election.

3. And be I t reacted, Tbat the mm fixedand appratrfntei by tho m»J >ritf of taid,

otei cast ihall bo ctriifleJ forthwith to tho

fixed, who bl .11 u t be upon thotaiatilo property wittiln Bald district

as townaulp taxed aro awtusud;and BO 111 money uhell be BbeuaseJ, letled nodeollc-ctwl in ibu amiiu msiiDer that other

be tho duty of tbe colleotur of tliu townshiplu tvblch said dttitrlcl is situate to pay overall moncjb ricdvud by him whlub t.!mll harebeen a:ueuuud a s aforesuM to tho satd cum-mieeloiiera.

4. And be i t enacted, Tbat the void coiu-nilgHiiiiiprd nre hereby empowered to expendBalJ moneys for tba purpose of lighting t tostreets within naitl district and to make con-t r a c t for told district iritb olwt.rio light nrgas companies fur the erection and laaiDlen-anco of mild itreet lights during thuir term ofolllce; the sum tobu paid hy virtue of saidcontract uball not exceed the mnoutit votefor a t bald election, and tbo laid qomrnld-sioners are hereby empowered to d*U>ritilnewbat itreetdfihall bo lighted nl thln mid dis-tricts and where utrett lights shall be or

and the. uumber of tbo tame.5, And be It enacted. That all twinarts of actsfucnuilBtcnt herewith ore

by roponied,0. And he It onoctw), That this set

take effect liuincdiuUly.Passed May 25, IH'.H.

CIIA1TEII CCCLI V.An Act to dffrav Uie Juuidoutal extern:

the Irgisiature of How Jersey for tbeelm of ono ttouiuuid clybt hundredninety-four.

1. lio It emoted by tbo Bcnato and OeAsacmbly of tbo State of New Jerssy, ThaiIt nhall be laivf u! for the t nnUta ot Now Jersey to p*y,rautottbecoiuptrailHr, to the levoral perions bcraliiuftur named tbo folio t ingimouiitu, tbat in to say:Item No I. To each clergymau, f or

for openinK MM Ions of tlio Ben ateand homo of atueuibly witliprayer, during Bejaion ona tbous-and eight huudrud and iiiopty-four, ten dollars, $ 10 Ut

Item Ho. - . To each officer of theeunato aad hou« of awionibly ofBoteloii ot one thousand elghthun-dr«d and ninety-three for serviixfIn opening tbo eeatilun c( onothousand eight hundred andninety-four, ten dollars, lulKi

Item No 3. To Ilibbert BruLhenj.fof uralubiug JuvltutioDs fur Liucoli

dollars, 35IX)ltun No. 4. To A. Kwslur, for locks,

Item No. 5. To tha Trouton Times,for advertising LIDCOID annlver-

Itetu No.' 0 To li. II! Johnson, fordec-irathift, teidollar*, WOO

Item No. 7. To Deojumio L. Din browfnrohasrs fnr urns a t Lincoln n n .nivorsarj, eight and fifty one-hucdrodthi" dellan, H 50

Item No. 8. Tu Advertiser PubllahinKCompany, for advertlelne od-dretses on Lincoln anniversary,two and Ilfty oDe-buudrcrfthg dol-lars,

tern No. It. To'William H. Ufa, forfurnishing ostlis of seoators andmembereandelllcera of tbelfgli-lature. flftr dollars, 00 00

tera No. Ifl. To The John L. Mur-phy Company, fir advertisingLincoln anniversary In StateUazott«, three dollars, 8 DO

Item No. 11. To -lie Trenton House,Lincoln anniversary) eighteenand tncDty-flva one bundrrdthsdollars.

Item No. 12 To tho New Jersey FrieZaltung.for printiDg.govfrnor'sniessnge In Uorniao, tbroahun-dndandtweuty and forty-sevenone-bunrlrodthpi dollars, :i?0l7

n Ho. 13. To James H. Uulberon,for furnlabiug suppllei totergo-ant-atonna, two hundred andforty.oneand Ofty-flvo one-bun-drcdthH dollars,

Item No. 1-1. To Jobn G Ha .kinCompany, for furnishing ntn-tioaory committee of tbe hrute nfaf scmbly for the uae of members,ollicera and npartera uf tbe hruiietwo thauaalid six huidrcd andioventy.fc.ur aud fl'tcen onB-buntlrHllhsilollari, 3,07J IS

Item No. 15. To John C. ILinklo, forBtntlonery (extra), per I fm No.14, one hundred and thirty.twoand Ilfty one hundredth! dollar*, 132 50

Item No. 10. To L. E. "Watson, foreipreasfljo, cartage and ca'rlagohire, thirty-one and eighty-twoone-hundredlliB dollar*, 81 83

Item No. 17. To UacCrellish & QUIE-ley, for tho stationary for tlioclerk of the house of assembly,session olghken b u n d e d andninety-three, eighty-nine dollars, 6li 00

ii No. l a To MacCrellish & Qufg-ley, for t h e stationery for thecleric of the senate, elghtj-fourdolIarB, 8100

item Ko. ID. To L. E. ~\V~ataon, fwr*geont-atarms of tbe houso, forpottage and other cxpoiiBes, eightand sixty one hundre dins dollars,

n No: 20. To C. 8 Demarest, forchanging the combination uf iafe,fifteen d'lllorB, IS DO

item No. 21. ToWUUuuF. Cypliers,asalatant d a rk of the legislaturefor keeping docket, ono hundred

pany, fo 'iitluncry furolnliixl

dol lar ,m No. 22. To tho Poye lott torFilo Cabinet and Index Compiuy,for live dozen minute files, for theyesnr one th msand eight hundredand rloety-three seventy-five dol-

!teni No. ill. To John J . Matthew*,for furnishing one bund red andOfty copios of member's pocketcalendars for thesenat«aodhouseof assembly, one hundred andfifty dollars,

[torn No. 24. To Naar, Say & Naar,for adverlislLg incidental notice,two dollars.

Item No. 25. To Elliitwih Kucker,for washing towels Jor tha houseof osaemHy, fifty dollars,

tern No. SO. To Elizabeth Kucker,for Washing towels for tbu senate,Of teen dollars,

ttera No ST. To Charles E. Retorts,foraervices rendered committeeappalnteubytbohouseof assem-bly to fnves Igate building andloan association, twelve dol la r ,

m No. iM To John Douglaw, forservices rendered In the engross-ing room, ono hundred dollars, asper reftolu'lon of the house of as-sembly, Aptll twenty-third, onothousand eight hundred andnlnBty-four.

mNo.20. To James H.Mnlheron,for furnlihlng soap and lowchand brooms for liouw of assemblylixtj-aeven ilollars,

m Na &). To Tho John L. Mur-phy Publishing Company, for ad-vertldingnotlua to present iuciden*U1bUKtwodallarp>,

m No. ai . To The Jobn L Mur-phy Publisblne Company, forstationery furnished tbo speakerfrom January fifteenth to Aprilfourth, cne hundred and twenty-six and thirty one-bundredttudollars.

in No. 32. To 1'ho Jobn L. Mur-phy Publishing Company, to sta-tionery furnished sergeant at-arins of assembly from Januaryeleventh to May fifteenth, firehundred and slxty-elx dollars,

m No. at. To Th« John L. Mur-phy Publishing Company, forfurnishing nlfttlonery to the un-Brossing clerk of ths a'stmbly,one hundred and elghty-nlar andforty-flvo ono hundred ths Lallan,

m No. m. To Tho Jobn I . Mur-phy PuHiBhlcg CJorapany, forf umiihlag atatlonery to tbe clerkof the assembly, one hundred an inlntty-a«ven and ninety-fbij onahundrodtbs dollars,

;tcmNo. an. ToD.U C»rter,forbiUof atatioaer; emitted in one tho'ji-and eight bundred and olutty-tliten, forty-one and loventy-flvoouo-hunilredtba dollars,

n No. m. To Joel J . Bally &Company, for furnishing nation-ery to sergeant of the wnate,twenty-one and ia?outy-flre on9huDdredths dollars,

Item No. 37. T o J o e l J . U s j V i Com-

100 00

gf imr huudrt-d ami t no aud tilnoty-tL-vpii was liuudredtli dnllnra.

Item So. SB. ToIloburtH. Iiigorholl,furofBiBtiiigtho secrcUiry of thosenate, tvvL'tity-llvii dullais,

Item No. lilt. To tilull Ulouk BaukCdiiiiMiny, for aUtlunory far-iii<4K>dthnwrgmiit-ntiirm! oftheicnato, forty-thr™ nnd twenty-tic. otiP-Inindreilthi didhl'K, '

U.-in N-j. 40. To B'lll lllu-'ik HookConipmy, for Btu'icutry fur-uixU-d tbu s-ci etirJ uf tho henato,four nnd iiiiiL-tj-llve OUBhundred-thgdolUrs.

It*m No. 41. ToTfaBEkvtrlct'uUprrC'onij-any, for rut lory fun.iblitdtlieHjrguatit-at-armsof thotumnteolio huudrud anil two and fivecnohundnxltlH doll rs,

Item No -iii To Juhu C. It'inklnCompBiiy, for itatlonery fur-




e huiiUrcd iud JHiy-u m-buudi c-dtlis dol-

n No. 4U T.iTheFoyeLattrrKllaluid Index CM],auy, for extratill) illes funiiHlied, one hundredand ll'ly-nlne d.illitrg,n No. 41. TJ Tin* John h Mur-phy PulillBhlng Coiup-i'iy, forhtatiuuury furnlfihnd the engroui-iigel-rkof tbo eenrite, one huu-dnd end forty*ven andnlnuty-llve one-hutidredih'i dollarH,n No. -11. To Tho Jobn L, Mur-phy I'ubliuh'iig Company, forBtntl nury f urul-li'd the presidentof tho senate, elghty-ulx andthirty ouohundredths dollars,

Item No, 411. To Tha Joun L Mur-phy Publlihiug Cnmpaiy, for

tary of the eunnte, ona hundred 'aud s-veuty-unu ond ulnoty-flvonnu-liundmlllia ilullari,

IUJUJ No, *t To The John 1, 31 ur-jiliy Tubllshlug Compauy, foratitl nnry fundpuod thu MJUtto,one hun Jrvd und tLlrty-uluo audciglity-nro ore huudrtdths dol-lars,

Item No, IH. To A, G. lloor, for.photcgi-aphlui; lu Btuhr-McDon-

(lid tl.C-ioU MllU'rit, Illtt d llllt'B,

ii .No, 411. To J.-tui C. Itauklu, for

bill IIIOB for tho sena'o slid bouso

ur cssoinbly for the seiidin of oue

thomaid eight hundred and

h mul red and

-utv 1 dull* 1Item Nn iW To H. llray, junior, for

t>mr ivory ^ov»-J Jor Die pnsiifcatof the Bomts, antl ono ivory gavelfnr the speaker of the bouie,e'ifhty dollnr^,

[Um No. fil. To C'lurlof Sf Oray.forat»'s anco lo tho engrossing el rkof tlio house, forly-llveihillas,

Item NIL r,-i. To C k r l t n F Hiirrl«,for ass'u'tuiee tn tho I'tigrosslngel"ik of tha Lou iu, foity-fourdol-

[Um No 53. To JVssmmv, Mwkor& Company, for two navel blocks,oue for ona thousand eight hun-dred nnd nluety-ttro, and t *o forono ituiiwsiid eight hundred auduinotv-thriie, IKtoen dullBrs,

IteiuNo, fil. To Tlio Now Je rwyKreiu Keltuug, for trntiBlatlug thegovern' r'u ID of gage (ninety pagesat sixty tento por page), IHty-feur dulluni,

;tuin No. n.1). ToA.Kessler.forlockf,ke j i and kcrvlci-u, thirteen dul-lam,

Kin No, TA. To Har ry llrlco, for <cr-vievB nsnlcrk to tho conimltUc niljuciii'iiU»I i-xjiensoF, sovouty-llved'illan<, 75 IXI

Um No. h~ To Italic: DmiRhteu, fnrpervii-tfl us private sec re I nry tothe president ul the eouaU>, flvehundred dollars, A 0 00

Item No. 51 Tn tho elurk ut Out bousaof Qfstimblv, atnuuut paid for theopinion of mpreme court senatecontroversy, March, one thousandeight hundred and ninety-four,cei tilled by the clerk of tb» eu-p n me court, a» i»r rsso utiua oftbe tounp, t ight d t l l an , t) UO

ii No. hit. To M 8 . Veatch , furtor vices fu t b e engr.'tHlntp, r.ximvt t u . a t P , nne hundred dul 'nrs , 10U OU

in No. «1. To tho F o i t> L- t i e r FileCablnut and Index Company, forhil l flies furnished tbo i en a te andhouee of aua iub ly for sebuion onethousand elulit bui.Jrtd andufuety-four, BII hundred andthirty-nine dollars and sixty

13 > «l

m No. 01. To Joseph O'Maro, formi vices ui pig*, session of ouethouasufl tight huudrrd andninety-tn", five werk*, fifty dol-lars,

em N a 02. To O. V. Usnce, for tx-iro rer?Ices ns postniaa'cr of the(mate, on6 hundred and twenty-flve dollar*, 1

>m No. 03. To Vernon Mutlook, for& rvlws as page, teesiun ODO ibuu-s«nil eight hundred and ninety-four, ilfty dollars,

»m No. 04. To Adam Krausbaar,for »erc(eel as postmaster of thebnu«, ono hundred and fifty dol-lars, 1

jm No or.. To W. IT. Pimmons andBon for hire of coaches for com-mittee, twelve aollare,

jit No. ai. To F. P, English for hireof oaches Tor uie of ccmuilttee,twelve dollar*,

im No. 07. To Sutphfa aud La Unefor hire of coaches for UM ofcommittee, slxtem dollar*,

•m No. 09. To U. li. Rolllnson forextra Eervires asacalsUnt journalclerk of the sentte, two hundreddollari, 2

m No. 01) To Lawrence Parrell,for uas of dean and chairs In S'n-atechirober, tKtj-nlne dollam, I

tein N c 70. To J . D. Colvil'e, tn ser-vices a« n-s-Utaut j mriial clerk ofbouse of anienihly. April thirrlethtuMayO, furty liulUrs,

2. And be it t-nacU-d, Tbat I lib nclmko effect imiaediately.

Approved Juno 5, IS'Jl.



A Curious MoirliiionlnlAilvortlBcmpiitTliBtin] In 1737.ntrlninnfidndrertlso-

ment, publlsliud In nn American newspa-per in 1737. Whether tho Roiitleiimn of"ensy temper," whoso only inodu of re-itralrit-\VILI ••KtlntiiiK"—which ovorywoui-ui kiinwa IH uf nil helicmcs tbo most d la-bollcal—found n. Inily posscasod of nil tlio

porfwtlons who wns willingtolildothcm ciuinot at this Into dnte beascortnlnnl:

"A iniddlo nged gentleman barely turn-ed 00 nnd naltering his

yet numnrricd la iluslrous of:<indltlun. Hu bus a good a-

istltiitlon nnd easy temper,and hnrlns worn out thu folHcs of youthwill bo dutemilncd by tvtison in thn oholcoof tho lady lie Intends to mnko hnnpy. Shomust lw upn'nrtl of 10 nnd under 25, * Uertlio must bo moderate, her sbupo untural,hor penon clonn nnd hor countvnnucopluAElng. Sho nuiHtlH) lively In her humor,but not smart lu licr conversation; Bcnsl-hl hut utterly niinffivUHl with wit; hoitamper without oxtnhasty l ll

1 lion, neither tooTh

In vuriubly olisL-rro nil forms of bnvdlng InpuMIo plncM nnd nilxnl company, tintmay In? them nil asido nmung her no*qunlnUiuccs. Sho must bavo noniTocta-tlon but thut of hiding her perfection,whldi her own BOX -will forgive and thoother nioro quickly discover. Sho shall bon.'struhiwl In notlihijj, Iho gtmtlumnn hav-Ing obscnxtl thnt restraint only makesRood WDincii Vmd and tmd women worsa,In some thinf* iwrhupn Bho mny bo stinted,which ID ilia only method be will take- tosignify his dlnllkuto any part of her con-duct. Any liuly \v]IOeo friends aro <>r opin-ion (her own uiilntoii will not do) that she1B qualified as nboro -and hua I d tdispopo of herself mny henr of n jiuicliawrby lenving with tho printer hereof a letterdirected to C. D."—Now York Tlnica.

Young Mtincy—Ah, fair ono, bo minolI •will give up wealth, fame, position—yea,oven Jninlly—for juii.

Miss Pmtty Shopguri—Well, Henry, ityou still insist, I Bnpposa I niust tuy yes,bat I won't lw Imnl upon you, dear. Youneed givo up only tho lattor.—BostonCourier.

An noting motlul of tho human heart,with every detail, boa been inado by AIVench pliysiclfin. Tho blood cau ba Boon

2175 couralnn to and fran it tluouah nrUuclol

Ilirj Foiinit TUat tlio BnppoteJ Volcano

W u Mtroly Ibe 11 umini: ot BuiIaooOlI.

Aa Exploration m WUich Tlicre \Vnm

Danger or U<*tn In tlio Jungle.

Mr. P. M. Oliver of Galneavlllo, Flo.,irrltoa to Thu World tlmt he boa solvedtvlmt ho calls tho great Florida volcanomystery. Uo TVOB a member of an expo-sition III 1.1 went out nnd nolvcd It. Holinn ooiuo to tho conclusion that thiralli-d vnlcnno WHB caused hy the Igaitionit WIH, ell nnd sulphur.

Mr. Oliver Hhull Uill what ho found Inills own plettirewiuo '.voy;

•'HiivhiK uccuiiiplldlicd our work, I willnow give U> join1 nuidurs tho rvtiult InIilnln faotfl, to whlcli wu i*Ill miiko ulll-davit. On our arrival at St. Murk's,within 10 inllcaof tho suppoaed vulcuncno Ilrst inUjnlewcd tho keeper of SIMork'H lighthuuEC, from tho tower tvvliich thia mysterious column of sniokhus ovur boon plainly via bio, and nftcralso intorviuwliiB Quito a uuiuberbf thointelligent old Bottlers In thut section wteamed tlmt tli') Binoko from tho DovllChimney, aa they all term it, censed tocilst during ttiu voltiiulo and stlflniio dla-turbuncua at CharlenLou, or for thfour yours BIIICO

"All admit liavlng econ frequentfires, hut that jiorinuuontnnil plainly visi-ble Uuvll'fl Chimney column of smoke,cnllroly unlike any ordinary foreht flru,hud censed. This faot having been cat 'llslifd tu Ihu fliititifautlon of our exjKHlUliitul having no object to run our compassto or to direct our observation, wo moiour eipuditioii to tho famous Plnlnyink, WIILTO Judgo White, Judge JnuDell of our cilr, Mr. Cex nud ColmJifirbcr of Waihlnglon and a iiunilmrothiTD hud camped and liiddnred I ] union soplntH ton height of from 100 to 160foetfrom tho ground to gain obscrvutloi

1' Wo divided our oipedl tlon Into squads,and ull under tho direct guidance of Cap-

~.r OHverof St. Mark's, an oldnnd liitclllgonE eettlor nnd hunter, eachpnrty or aijuad cloAoly Benrolilug for th<

luct volcano. We found three dlfitlnnflsaures or CIIOHIIIH In tlio cono or tup o!rook nioumls, vnrying In height from IB

fcotr—ilnbun's from which a columnof eiHoko nnd flro hail iu tho past lstwod

'iiiH incited hivn, broken nn£ elmpclesirock thrown or upheaved In every direc-tion.

"Thomnterlal upon whloh this flro fedmust Imvo been gntj, oil and eulphur, andburned until tlio coal supply waa uxhmiBt-ctl, cooled down und extinct, leaving In

~ rcllH, Eceininely of greatdepth, wntcr covered wltli a torceptlblovoulhiiiuf •>.-, whilo tho widls or flues wereflro chiirrud. leavingfrrcat tngs of lava and

:1c ui' iiniinHUi'KnbV fOiotv i» hor,uoo existed. Spochiioiun bo Boun on exhibition

i of Judge Jainos Bell at Gulnoa-Tllln.

"Thoonly plniiaihlo causo of tlieso erup-tions Is tlio grunt supply ot oil, gas andsulphur present in thut section of uoKvi>ry etrcam olid pond hns a perceptible.conthiK of oil, nnd oil keopn issuing fromtlio rucks nnd kinks of BtrcuniH and Blnka,whilo sulphur Is plainly visible In tiniracka and crevices of tho rocks. Tho

natural oil nnd gas, escaping, wo bcllevinight from timo to tlmo from forefit fires,

anil, exhausting themselves, burned,"Wo do not doubt or deny tlmt there

iny bo other fissures existing nt:d pcrliof more recent (Into ID thnt groat wlliler-

of uncxplared jungles of three rlrers.Hut wo nro positively certain that ull uroof tho fiaino nature, fed by tho Barlnl. and aro surfaco hurnlngsclilmnaya from tho Internal lakes of vol-ennio flro,

"Only two at our Oalnesrlllo expeditionpnw thcHt) flBsurcH, nccomnanled ' "L. Oliver, Mr. Com forth nnd uitlitrs, Tho Times-Union corrcepondoutmd cooxploror nt this tlmo hnd struck-ii n direction vf his own, accompanied byono of tho Gnlnesvlllo expedition. Theygut lost dowu In tlio Bait marshes, nndtMThiijia would linvo i»erlahcU or been de-voured hy wild beasts had not Providiflnully coino to their aid (when thoroughlyhumbled) nnd illructcd thenmp whero a good Saiuarltau fed androofod tliem until tlioy wero nblo to ro-trnoo tholr stops, fooling on entering campwiser If not better nion.

''No tunn who 1ms over attempted toponotrato thnt awful junglo of thron "

nnd elnkiiiR, fonnlng fntln,iul whirlpools on tholr treachorauB

nnd partly subterranean course to motherocenn, can form any Idea of Its wild, rough

id hideous appuuruuee. Thero la nothingto chcur tho explorer In IIIB work. ~~

mud of hniniuor or hum of saw;vuct, refluinu notw of feinnle voli .

nothing EUVO tlio most hideous wildernessof Jungles tlmt tho Almighty, tn his mya-terloua provideiiuo, over etuok togetherfltli bluok muck, now paluetto and bam-oo briers, vhero only tho hoot of tho owl,

Boronmof tho panther nnd bellowing andmuttering of tliDulllgntoroan bo heard nnevery sldo—tho last two of whloh with

to dl&oover and ravenous Jaws todovour tho cxhnuBted ciplorcr—ivhllo tinowl is perohed upon a limb, waiting andhoping that a morsel may bo loft for hisfihurc, whlio hooting a faruwell requiemover the bleaching bonoa of tho poor way-farer. After those raveuoua beasts arodouo with man tho niltnro Bbinds a poorshow lu hU Btmngo taeto for putrid flesh,to antlata bis cravings.


Light* and BkadnwB, JesU *nd SnarliJL n\nnw t ] |^ lllack Ttiuttinmlt.

AJ1 at »nce, far abend, Bhono a littloflame, blurred and dlUluult of 1<wua u tiny, lndiiliilu> thing, llko a wteplight We seemed to bo looking ot itthrough a grant fnjf. Presontly thcro werotwo ot them. They begun to move to audfro nnd dance before us.

After a time we camo upon two mencrouching wlimi the ruuf of tho putwigocomo nenr to meeting tho floor. If thipicture could have been brought to whereIt would have had tho opposition und tin

has*oen solved thogrent Florldimystery which haa existed for >

ceutury, with foots which aro substanti-ated by tho unfllnohlng Qnlnoovillo oxpo-dltlon, and to them belong alone tbo orodltand honor."—New York World.


Dow the GIoMT Drown Coat Is Pot on theCannon on the New OrnlMra.

Ever since our governmout has beenbuilding up itsgrcat white nary thousandsof visitors havo besieged tho men-of-warwlipnovoT nn nn chow go In part Los afford-ed an opportunity. Officers nml men havebeen piled with questions concerning ev-erything nbonrd ship, from tho pennantthat lluttert) from her truck to tlio mjeto-ri es of her double bottom. Tho ponderous:aporlng rlflen of tlio warship, with theirtraining wheels, cogs nnd recoil cylinders,rliclt porhapa most of tho adtnlratlou andquestioning. Tho visitor Btands, all oyesond cars, as a bluejacket swings open thobrcveh of tho gun and explains tho muoli-

ilsm of tho block and vent, Thou thoinleman gazes long and admiringly

through • tho glittering rilled bars andwonders at tho terrlflo power of so prettyand graceful a machine. And at lost,when tho urceeli block has boon clatteredbnck Into place, tho visitor lu nlno oasesout of ten will nsk a question that hasboon perplexing him ovor Bin DO ho laidjyesontho-gun.

How do you obtain that deep bronzocolor on tlio outsldo of these guns?"

Tho questioner is wcl. nwaro thnt tlioLin la of etcel, aud lie notices thnt tho

brotizo color etopa abruptly Jiiut over thovonftlio breech. Ho huafolt tho glossy

irown surface, with Its darker linen, llkoho grain of pel Is lied mahogany, and has

probably given It a surreptitious littloscratch with bis nail without being nnywlncr. Tlio rusut gloss deflcs tho scratch,and tho visitor repeats Ilia query. ThenJnck proceeds to tell tho procona by whlohho guns on our Heating craft aro kept

clcjvacr nnd glossier tlian thosoof any navyIn tho world. When a rlflooomcfi fromlho

, it 1B coated with grease to pro-yen t rusting during transit, and this coat-ing Is kept on until tho huge steel Btmo-turo has been lifted Into Its carriage. Thegrease Is then rcmovod hy carefully wash-ing tho pin In a strong solution of com-mercial potash or lye. It Is washed twicewith tMs liquid and allowed to dry thor-oughly. Tho gun la then like n glisten In ffsilver tuba.

Tho next operation, and~ ono requiringmore core, la tha application of a mixtureof eulphato of copper dissolved In Ewoeteplrlta of niter. To on ounce of onoh isaduod a pint of distilled water. Fourcoat a of this aro poured on and rubbed

nvn hunlanil ollowodtodryforBl hoars.Under this treatment tho silver tube is

transformed lnUi ono of a warm reddishbrown without gloss. Hy adding arsonlo

tho sanio solution and applying again,tho Rtin RRBUincs n dorkor tone. Nowcomes tho hardest part of Jack's work, thopolishing. Belled oil 1> mixed with bees-wax and turpentine until a comparativelythick substance result* This 1B lnld onanfl polished down with cotton rags atfirst nnd then with tho palm of tho hand.Tho result Is tho mahogany brown so muchadmired uy inquiring visitors.

Tho brown coat lasts remarkably welliilosa tho gun bo fired, when tho hent of

tlio discharge Berloualjr damages tha polIfib.

Tho last coat Is replenished about everyloath.—Now York San.

Tim Fctfmnf mxM en* IUTB Trade.How tho peanut round Its way Into this

Country Is a roystary. There Is a traditionthat eoma of tie slaves who wero broushtfrom Africa and sold In Ncrth CarolinaIntroduced tha leguminous plnnt Into thntitatc. Tho peanut )i Indigenous t i Afri-ca, and If It be true that wo owe its intro-duction hero to tlio abhorred Blnvo tradeIt la thn single Item of crrdltwhloh can becarried to tbe account of that inhumantrMflo.—Philadelphia Bocord,

tontniBt of tho gloriousearth, it would lmvu huuU u 1

ler tlmoaud

gliaslly thing. Tho gunucuU of tho menworoiioinoro eablo tlmn tlielr fooee, nndwhen they tunu-d Ihi-lr IIL-IKIH U< ngiinlour tramping imrLy their oyubullouud teethehone ivlilto us bleached botica. It wasllko the grinning of two ultuila thero Intba Bliadows. Tho t in; Innipn In tbulr hatsuiado a trembling light that loft weirdly


fronting terrlblo eiiocters.But they eald, "Hello,

U of tholr limbsnight have btcu con-

rs.But y d, llo, Jim," to

conductor. Their mouths expandeto our

ponded Ineinilcs—iviJo mid startling BIUIICU.

" a wioweut they turned ogoln to tholr: When tho JlghU of our party ro-.-owl their two lumps, wo could see

that ODD wns IniBily drilling luto tho coulwith ii long, thin bar. The low roof om-inously pressed his shoulders us ho beutat lib toll. The utlior knelt behind him

tho looso lumps of ooaL3.L who worked at tha drill engaged In

conversation with our guido. IIo lookedhack ovor his ehouldcr, eontluulng topokoaway "When nro ycli goln t' nicaa-uro this up, Jlinf" ho domuudud. "Uoyob vautA git mo klllcdr"

"Well, I'd measure It up today, on'y Idn't got nio tape," replied tho other.

"Well, when will yoh? Yuh vrnnta hnr-ry tip," Bald tho minor. " I don't wontagib killed."

"Qh, I'llbodownonMonda'.""ilumpl"They engaged In a enrt of altercation In

srhlch they made jests. j'•You'll bo carried out o' here feet first

before long.""Wi l l U"Yvl ono bad to look closely to under-

stand that thoy were not about to springnt each other's throats. Tlio viiguo Uiu-inlnntion croated nil tho offects of tho :

snarling of two wolvta.Wo c

f two wolvcd.o upon other littlo loir roofed

h t i i t iohnnibcrs, oaoh containing two men—"miner," who makes tlio bloats, and hi•laborer," who londa tho coal upon tboyirs mid iifsleia tho miner generally. 'Andat each plnco there was this same effect ofBtraiiftoly entnulo smiles mill oyobulls wildand glittering in tho pale glow of tliola nips.—MeCluru's Magazine.


I t lioa gononilly horn eujiposvd thnt forcutonoaa of suggestion and tot L"i abendkinds of business tlio Yonkeo fs uucqualml.But Britishers need no longer rotiiln thonotion. Buch was tho thouglit of tho wrl toron perusing tliu following advcrtlsciuIn a dnlly paper recently:

"Uena and suggestions for every kindof business or profession; titles for IIUTCIBJBUggratlons of all kinds; novcHloe, jitrlk-Ing, brllllnnt and successful; uioimy ii

For)1 ono of tbuni. Wrltu to or aTlieu ho sot tioout discovering tho Indl

i for this

_ . d rooms ucar Charing Crosa our rep'rosuiitatlvo found "tho man of idens"—ubright, keen, lntollcetuul lodivldual, wltfiu^irk eyes that nluioub Hashed ubthrough you.

Tho reply to oat first question HB toho enmo to start such an Institution wasepigrammatic, " I t started Itself—thnt Isto en)-, It was ono of my Ideas."

And then ho went on to BAY whnt ho did>ud lull of thu peoplo who inudo UBO o " '

Bcrvlccs."Wo (for I have a pnrtnnr) supply sug-

gCBtloiiB for articles, payment being a emailtoo aud couimiBslon on results, to journal-IBU. Ono gcntlomoD towhoiu woeuppiltKla euggestlon, which wns for a series of BJtlQles, has cleared £7C by It.

"Novelists, too, como to UB when tboyo ot n loss fur a taking tltlo, and that

has much to do with tha initial success ota hook. If a good plot Is wanted, we willBtipply i t We often dispose of good Itlixafor striking advortlsumiiots to mmitho big mWortteers, and for theso wcolve from £5 to ffiO. A BUBgcstlou wa oelohratod plllniakcr used for a shorttlmo recently brought In £15.

"Mo, wo don't fear rlvulry. You BOO,competition U very limited, and braiuwork llko ourg Is of a rare order"—thli

ark In quite an apologetic to no.nnngcra of music halls aro aided

hy us, mid several of tho suggestions whichhnvo lately created suelt BOUBntiuns In Lon-don wero duo to our ingenuity. "—London



Con tlm ,-d ts Ilquljt IU 1 n WHU Co

catcliera Wlicn All tlm Trainmen KnewThejTV«re Not tlie Tlilog»-Beani TliatATenncd l'rotu Fair to Mldilllng.

"I'vuqult work on tlui S., G. iu;rf I1.,"Bald aloeowotivo cnglui-'er from wcsltTiiI'ennBjlvnnlB. 'Tvu thrown uiiiny j«u.WLyf Ilucuuso tho H., G. nnd P. in no pig-headed and bound lo stay In " rut that.Ib won't bo cousisuuit nnd fijulji itieltright.

"Prom P«cled Hemlock to Una TntiKJuuctluD, 42 miles, tUi'tn f^t tin!/ HircoHtopplng plnccs en tho H, t! nnd 1'. OnoIs a tuuiuiry, ono u wiwinlll und unu tin oilveil. Tho reft Is woods. If HUTU i-ver .was a spot where nwsoinu hullLutlu of thodim 111 woods humped iifiolf mid t»i>k tho jcake, Imnda down, H'g ovor ulong liin ti., 'G. nud P. between 1'ecled UcuiliKik andGOB Tuuk Junction, '

'Hut yot I liked it when I flrst elartod

• » — ' " " • WOMAN'S LIFE.

CillMlUOOD.Afalrr tale tliat U newly tolO, ,

jIehUowBl.i>gBi«tLOrlv-r'.rlm.Mi-ivdoivB with blot«.(iii)H umnllold.' Can:, and uiiln l» lli» dWanwui t

Aud blU* ihutare nola.UA1DKNIIOOI).

An old roniaire lb«l I« « « « t « « • » » •

HluwniM mul MiiiBsterB, moutU of JunoAnd bklcs Hurt are blue.

Aor. <A hook that la flnlblicd and laid awaf.

Will cn-Ml HnwiTa uu n. truken atcm,

A llninof neate. life's calm omenAnd skka t hot are crav.

-HOSO Ilnrlwict Thorpe In IMroltFreo PrtM.


A IVw Rcmarltn Trnilfug to Favor tbnUo wilt rod Jen Cuitoiii.

utlon of mankind. Th

tonpe'ak, «.lieuring of It (hump. Ono dnI won buomlnu; along with a heavy tmlnof bark and lumber nnd oil, when, alwuta hundred yurds uhcml of UB, I tunvnbigbeir coino slouching out uf tliu woods ntono eidu of thu truck. When wo bad gt'

Ithlna /owrwla of tho bear, ho dulibuiately sto me,

n tho HUI1, kki

f £, ,to m , atually etooil there making inecsat us. That tnndo uiu mnd, and I pulledmy old ouglno wide open tmd went furthat bear ut 25 miles uu hour.

" 'Now wotoh tho hear moat Ilyl11

"Wo swept doI l

on tliu bear llko acy-d d l l f th


How BUlJ Uoey'l EnglUU AcqiuUnUao*Orwpcd »n Idea of Uur BUe.

Ceiuodlun Vi'111 lam IT. ilooy onoouutcrod a utstluotly lngenuoui British

i in . _ _^ it _'. m i I . I r A _•Tin dlnn formed his acquulntoDCtduring one of tha Lucanla's Incoming voy-ages, and tho two breakfasted In Now Yorktogotbor.

" I guess I'll turn out to KO Harry afteibreakfast," said tho guest.

'Hurry I" queried tho comedian softly.lYca, my brother," czplnlncdtlio Ens-

llsninan. "I've two here. Harry lives inSan Francisco aad Charllo In Chicago."

"But you'll lie buck for Manorr" fat»tlon dy quizzed Ilooy.

Tbo Britisher took him seriously. "Care,for dinner U not far lunch," ho answeredAnd, accompanied by tho oator, now thor-oughly olive to tho humor of tJio Incident*bo found himself a fow minutes later Intho lino of ticket buyers In tho GrandCentral depot

''An excursion ticket to dan Frnnoleco,(topping ut Chicago station on return,1

ho ordered.Tliu ticket agent put abouta quarter of a

mlloof pasteboard under his fitainp, pound'Ing It [or a minuto or more, thrust It be-fore tho explurur uud expcctaiitly awaited

"When does tho train gor" nsked tb<

"In 10 inlnutca," waa tho answer."How much Is ltf""Ono hundred, and thlrty-oighc dollan

and Ilfty cents.""Whatr" tho Englishman gaspod.

'How far U ltf" '"Threo thousand mllofl."Old Uoss" WOB right behind to oatcli

the falling form, and, as lio guided ththalf fainting £ngllshmau back to tho cab,whore ho snuggled helplessly In a como:thoalnglo exclamation escaped, "Whatoountryl"—New York Tlmca.

A Xndiorona KUUko,Tho head of tho family unld: " I w l

send Mrs. Brown, tho new washerwoman,up this morning. X think you will lit*hor." Tho lady of tho house win busy Intho kitchen when tho back door was gen-tly touched and a modest, quiet lookingwoman stood without, She was admittedand asked to take a scat. After awhile, Inwhich aha wna busy with other thlings,tho lady of tho houso raid: "Como tbliTray, I'll show you." 'Eholod tho vlsitoiout Into tlio shod, pulled. down uouao tub*and. told her to tnko off her things, andturning quickly went bock Into tho kitch-en again. In nhout two minutes thcrowaiu w

tho abed, and in cameih ll

grand ruction llio qulot littlo -n•Who do you think 1 amf I 'm no iurub.I'm BUrprl»od at you. I only juBt calledbecause I'm your next neighbor, and 1wanted to ask you to lund me Bomo baklnatins until ours came.", Thuro wafl a Blaiuof tho door and tho swish at skirts. Tenmlnutca later a vloco was heard at thisnmendoor, "Plcaw, mum, I am slat tcwash." It was tho original Airs. Brawn.—Lowifltan Journal.

"Why fla dogs bark BO frequently onbright moonlight nightaf" waa oakod oltho night wnUihmon In Laurel Hill como-tery hy an np town man annoyed by thehowllngs uf numerous canlno pcta. ThtWatchmun, who hi accompanied In hUlonely rounds by an Intelligent; terrier,whoso peculiarities ho has long closely ob-served, declared tliat tho ancient notionthatdogs "bayed at tho moan" waa er-roneous. " I t hi not tlm noon," sold ho,"hut tho quick moving BoadowicoEt bytrees and other swaying objscts anwindy or gusty night that alarm thoOn nights when tho sky la cloud!DEB atho nlmoHpherti still, though tlio moon __at ltd full, thero UllUlo or n t barkingheard."—Philadelphia Record.

ITot Alwajv tlm Suoe.I t Is oonsldeivd very vulgar to wiy"port

,,-lno" Or "ahewy wlno." In Knglond nowell bred person spuaks of otthor a» acty>thlnji but "port" or"sborry." No wellbrod Frenchman, on tho other hanO, wouldspeak of wliics exoopt as "vin do chant-pttgno," "via Ho groyo," ''vin do bor-douux." This In ona of tho mnny UiatAnocaIn which tho guod niannorsof ono countryore tho vulgarity of another.—Now YorkJournal.

Com pUm en tarj,Qnaok—So you prefer mo to 2Jr. Pallflira. MuUIgan—Ocb, Indado, auether,

Inr.yo'roaualo botthcr than tha otherkid humbug,—London Answer* •

done, and I looked and wiiltcil far thoshower of bear meat I oipocted to seo, Ibdidn't come.

'Smashed Into inutiii uu tho pilotl' Imid aud went out in front along tliuguardrail to HCO Just how bad wo hull tioui'iniln up. I givo you my word I vtna sur-prised. Tho bear Kit on thu pilot oacoolas a cuoumlcr. Ho hnd nwluul up andtaken tho lamp out of tlio headlight and

, pouring tbo oil out of It over hliunclfrubbing it In us Ilnlmunt. Tlieii In

.edup nnd naw me, aud cliiliiltlng tinlamp nt my head and onljr^tfritilng mo byan Inch ho took hold nf ouu of tho flagstandards and swung himself oil to tlioaldo ot tho truck us gllck IIH cuuM bo[lujict.il away tnto tho wuiKis,

bear,' I mil (Ho yback into the cab,

" 'H f

gnmn nfter getting

i born either a t thomill, ur Itio oil well,

Ho averages fair to inldrilln,' said tl

"Tho IlrwituiDorr, orUilTituwiuIll, or i l l o ol1 flnn'k V n w wl.Si-k Anywnv imts t lvo of tho S., U. and I', (•uinitry.

" *Ho avcnigva fair to mliUllin.'Enid thoureinan, 'uu 'twouldn't s'prito r..u If howas ono o1 tlio h'urs that Jlnggcd us onoday wlion Buiiy SprJndlo wns runnln thislnglne. Wo was botvlln lilting up t'othereido o'VtuaUir He ml when I RO a redflag out a t ono uldo the track. Wo didn'thavo much tlmo to git stopped in, but wogot stqipod. Somu of tliu felluru got outto ECO what waa tho matter, hut nobodydidn't turn up to explain. Whilo theywas flmjorln of It out, I Been four tlmmplnbig b'ara como out o1 tlio woods, two of•em nigh tho mldilloo' tho trnln, t\r\ twitof 'cm nigh tlio hlnil end. 'Fora wo couldholler them two b'ars at tlie mldillo o' thotrain hnd caoh cliunti on n car an sot thebrakes tlgbtvr'n jnckscrowB, im then run

plica fur tho tannery fitlio two b'ars wns scttlones hn>ko In tlio car uu rolled out tv;obnr'l o1 pork an Joggled'cm of! Into tho'woods. Then t'other u'uni dumb downand follercd 'cm, tin there wasn't n lunnouthotraiu dnfitauynword. What uhouldtlio rod flag bo hut a bandamm him'kcr-ohiof that Sol Jones hnd lost somu'ni Intho woods tlio day afore, an o1 courts tlioinsmart b'ars bad got It fer u flug to hold usup an rob us,'

' ' I was torn a littlo with doubt after thafireman's story, in Dpi to of what I hadj of S., G. and P. beum, but u fow

I f l t t h t I h d d

who has iK-oii or expoctB to bo kissed tolouk into tho subject.

Jlen mid wutKCK havo klssod for soinoO.Ol'O jcurfl, uml soclologliU ugroo tlmt tho _rnto was never nioro perfectly dovoloi»dthiiu It la toilny. Tho now suliool luslstaUnit kissing Is npt to convoy disease; thatwlion lip mecta lip bocleria aro luU.r-changed; thnt all sorts of infectious dis-cuses unipiisst-d ulong by these enchantinglabial mediums. Arc theso niodiolBts right,or iiro tliey wrongf

Thero nro rauiiy kinds of kisses. Thakh-a of n inotiior In not tho kiss of a lover,and peoplo whs limko a practice of kissingluibles do uot attuoh as much lniportancoto tho cxnrwlfio as nooplo who klsa onlywlion EODIO strong ouiotlou prompts tboill.LOUR oxiierli>nco thoiTS that kissing is In-evitable OtliorwlBD tho world would nothavo kopt onkisalng through uil thorayears and down through ages full of ohaugound vicissitude. Nuhody will deny thatEUIL-IICO luts advanced with gigantic stridesduring tho lost iloonrlo, li-.it when BO I Oil cotricn tn ilaprlra tho world of OEOulatlou itattempta tho Impossible, javl l lo i t lo i rBur" '"progrt'ssml, populntion has Inomusod, lifeling nssunied a thousand now und bcuofl-ociit pha^uH, and yet kissing Ima beau go-ing on nil tho tlmo. Zymotlo dlscasoBhavo bucn conslduraiily prevalent In pre-ceding purlods of tlio world's history, andthoy nmy have beon Interchanged hy oom-inun lent Ion of tho lips, but llio rcoo hasmuuagcd to eurvlvo, aud horo wo aro to-day.

Tho cxporlcnoo la well retnombored ofthat innllciil etinlnnt wlio found In hisfirst year nt collpROthnt liowna possossodof nil Miu IIIHUI which IIDI-UKI. r '" ' T „nro that every c-old hlm«l«l sell' » • •bns over kissed or been kisacu liunginoshlniHuU to be nfltiotwl with ovcry posslblo'Ilticiiso that cnnlwconnuuntcatcd^y kiss-ing. I t Is not wnrth while to discuss howmanifold these dlH'ascs are. Iho fact ro-mains Hint thoraco has tnnnnged to worryalong lu eplto of thorn.—Now York Pros* .


d myucket

dura Inter I felt that I hud wrongedfireman. Wowero going down Spillbugrado, which drops nt about 1U0 feet to Uumllo, and wo wero going fast. Half waydown, out of tho woods (stepped anotherbig hoar. Ho jumped plumb on tho truckand wnlted for us and grinned.

" 'Hold your breath, BUM1 r mid to myfireman, 'for I'm going to lubricate theraUs with that bear nt 100 miles nu liourl'

*'I pulled her open aud gavo her all thohead tlioro waa. When wo •reiiohod thutbear, I couldn't BOO tlio trees, wo wero go-Ing BO fast. Then I hollered for brakesnnd begun to slow her up, Sho hndn'tbegun to slow any, for vo hnd only got totlio bottom of tlio grade, when whatBhould luuni up butoro mo but tho bear,climbing up from tlio pilot nud comingright toward tho cab window along thoguardrail. IdiuVtwaltforhiui, Imtinndaa break for tho top of tlio car behind theenglno, and thu flroiimn followed mo. Thobear come on, took possession of tho cab,shut aft stcum aud. brought Uiotruin Uto. etop a half niilo further on. Then heplokod up my dinner pull nnd tho fire-man's, both loaded to tho lid, nnd withono In ooch paw strode av/ay Into tliowoods.

" ' I think that un's a lectio moro'n thoaforugoof ,falr tomlddllu,' said tho flro-nan as ho climbed haok to tho cab and

ent on. j"But wlietlief ho was or not my mind

was xnado up. Railroading on tho S-, G.ttnd F . was way behind thu times. I could•oo plain cnougk, and I put tho mutter

' ' ' " headquarters.ro!1 Isold. "This won't dol This

rand ain't being run right!'''Thoy wanted to know why ltwosn't.11 'Running jour engines with oow-

catchcra on,1 X said, 'when tlioro ain't aDOW from one end of the road to tlio other!Bears Interfering with Iraftlo ot almostevery turn, and not au engine on tho Unotvith abonrcntolicr on ltt Gentlemen,'I

J, 'do you eeo whore you aro lumef"'And what did tlioy dor l'hcy didn'fc

Ho anything, bul kept right on guardingthemselves against cows when thero wusu'c

Ithln CO miles of 'cm, whllo thorun tho road as thoy blamo pleased.

Bo I quit, nnd I'm looking for n job on aroad that ain't afraid to got out of a rut."—New York Bun.

Great Concern of • Now Wnltor For A ManWlio Ordered It .

11 Yon want soino lobster and a glass ofcold mllkr" nsked a new waiter tho othernight to a frequenter of tin up town hotelcafo.

'•Yes."Tho waiter as ho left tho tullo repeated

to hliiiBulf, ns though ho (cared ho had noblienrd itHght, "Lohfiler and cold milk."

Returning la a fow minutes, ha placedtho lobNtor on tho tuhlo and kept tho milkon a elilo tnhlo, hoping, jiorliaps, tliat thoman would net iiilsa Iho milk. At a word,though, from tho innn lio plitucd it on thotable, saying as ho did EO, "Lobster andcold milk."

Then ho stood off a fow steps and! In-tently watched tlio man. Thowaitcraocm-od much worried, and several times inado

liuugh toitpeak to tbo man. With ftlook of foreboding ho watched tho manmix n dressing for tho lobster, nnd tillsloot grow tu on oppression of oauBtcrna-ticn whun he saw tlio man taBto the lob-

nnd Uxko a swnllotv of tho milk. Hiseyufi seemed iilinunt to start from his bend,und uno could easily luiaglno tho waiter

;pecteil to sco tho uion fall forward ontho tnhlo nnd dlo. ^Kmtth-

lTinully tho waiter otuld keepslliJV<W-longcr, nnd bonding over tho man he Baldlu a frlghUinod way:

"I bog your pardon, sir, but did you-or ent lobster und cold milk beforef""Oh, j-os, lots of times, Why?""Well, sir, you will excuso mo, hue

there nro lots of pooplo who can't cat tliatimhlnntloti, nnd somo peoplo It kills.""Don't worry nlvut ino. I'vo oaten It

ovor sinco I wan big CUOUJJU to know whatlobxlcr was."

Thu Walter looked as tlio ugh he hosltot- .od to glvo full crodunco to tbo stateinont,hut ho was a hit reassured and retired afow BIOIIS, all. the time, though, keepingan uuxlous ovo on tho man, the lobsterand tbo milk.

Nothing happened except thodlsnppenr-anco of tho latter, and Iho waiter, munhrelieved, cnld, by way of further apology,as ho took away tbo dlihea, "Thero was .a waiter Iioro who wont down to Con«yIslnnd laEt Bummer, and lio ato a lot oflobstor ond then drank a glafis of milkand then ho «ont In ewlniralng, and. no-body has ovor Boon him slnoo."—MawYork Sun. _ _ _


A Pi* That Flo

A r>thcllo Bight."During an exploring expedition In tha

Brctlo regions Boveml years ago," Enid ILlontonnnt C. P. Bevier of tho navy, !"Bomoof tlio mon In our pnrty used tospand considerable tlmo In hunting thopolar beam. I joined a parly of huntersono day, linttho pailiotio eight I witnessed 'deterred me from ever seeking that klnfl •of eport again. Wo wore In an open boat !Bnil hnd not gono far beforu wo alghtod a jbig bear with two cubs lying on tho lco 'not fnr distant When wo drew nearenough, tho sailors threw tliutn greatlumps of sea horeo Hesli, and theso tbo old ibear divided between hor cubs, reserving—'-»small portion fo* horsolf. Then, |

l nil three wore happily feeding, thosailors flrod, killing tho oubs almost In-stantly and severely wounding tho dam.I t would hare drawn tears of pity fromany but the mout unfeeling tobuvo markedtho affectionate concern expressed by thopoor beast In tho hut moments of hor ex-plrinR j-oung. Though BIIOWM druadfullywounded, BIID tore another lump of tho SOBhorse flesh in ploocs nnd laid it before !them. When Bho found they would noli!oat, Hho laid her paws first on ono andthen tlo other and Mod to ml BO them up, Iall thowhllo'inoaningpitooufily. Eluding |at lost that thoy wero Hfolcs?,' sho mlflfctl ihor head toward tha boat and uttered a-growl of despair, which thn men returned !with another volley of butlotn. Then Bhofell between her oubs anddied licking theirwoBriuV—St. Louis GIobo-Douioorat

irl.hc. on B Plain Hemloek•Inklttil With Salt.

•You don't have to skirmish aroundmuch to get food to fatten ono of thusohemlock porcupines on," says an old Pot-tor coiiDty woodsman. "Just sprinkle

u stick of cortlwood, or asanlog lor tlmb matter, and he'll cat thewhole business and enjoy It like you

ouldo mince plo."Tbo Dustomarry dlott of them animals,

though, is hemlock browBO. Thoym&ko.themselves a homo in a hollow log or wi-der tho roots of somo old tree, but alwaysIn reach of a big hemlock. The hemlockhi their pasture, and thoy mnko beatenpaths going to and fro between tho treeand their homo. Tho porouplno climbstha tree as readily as a squirrel would,provided you don't slipup and out lib)toll oil while ho fa going up. Somehowor uthorho can't climb, th? troo without'hiB tall, and he won t oomo cto^va prlth*out it.

"If you watch ono of theso porcupine*climbing a troo and chop hla tall oS close,ho will stopwhoro ho Is anil will itaythere until ho starrta to death unless ho .hi taken away, • Ouoa uptlio tree, the por-cupine goes out on tho biff limbs. And pull-Ing the smaller brandies In with ono pawbrowses on tha pungent leaves. In goingthrough tho woods you will find littlopiles of theso flno leaves on tho groundunder hemlock trees. That means that aporcuplno la fcodlng In tho troo, tho leaveson tho ground being dropped from hl> v

feast. Sometimes n, porcuplno will r»-mnln in a hemlock two for ft week at atime, hugging close to a trunk at nightand feeding during tho day. This curiouslittlo beast U tho only known living thingthnt cats tho follngo of tho hemlock."—Philadelphia Times.-

CottonMQd Olt,

HonBokoepcrB hold nn unjust prejudicetowardcottonoced oil ThatlnothoraUap Itors this proJudlcoJs gradually diminish-ing Btatlstlca abundantly prove. AboutliaU of lost year's produot, 1,000.000 bar- Imis of oil, formed n part of lard; thousandsof barrels aro sent to tha Mediterraneanand added to ollvo oil; Maine uses It forIts aanllno(T)preservnUon; hundreds ofthousands of barrels go to Holland tn m'xwith butter, and how much of It li railedwith liutttir and olooranrgnrlno in thiscountry la vnry hard ba find out. I t Is s tout pronounced by our ablest chemists to

liowholesomoonatohavogoodfoodTaluo. tIts capabilities for purification aro BO groatthat It sooms lncredlbla that housekeepersshouldrotnln any distrust of II, knowing" thoy must tho frcoduiu ?rom rltlc of dis-

w In Its UBO as compared with poor orlanold lard. I t Is much plcagonter to nsotho oil of a seed than that of an animal.

Bonnil tt> Kick.He—Mario, thhi mllllnory bill Is Tory

largo.Bbo—Why, George! I TVM nfralii you

•would nay tbat. So I got Mnm Ettckcnlo use tho Enallcfib pleco «f pnpnr nosslblcBut lthialwaysthe way with you. You'rebonnd to Qnd fault anywoy.—BasUmTranscript.

There la a Hebrew tradition tbnt Eve•nnrtYDd Adam and was therefore tho firstWidow.

, An American Sardlnt.Tho United States flsh commission calls

attoittloa to the food vuluo of tho anchovyof tlio watora of tho northwest, which, It laprodloted, will displace tho Sardinian sor-dino ns a Bmall Osh canned lu alL It hiBnld to far Burpnea tlio sordlnca In flavorand richiicHH. Itusslnn Dshormon on Pu-got sound hnvo already tried tbo tupori-'

$ theso anchovies up withvinegar nod npicea ana bavo found areadymnrkot for thorn. " I haTO known thorn,"Mr. Swon says, "to bo In such muses atPort Hudlock, nt tho hoad of Fort Town-send bay, thnt thoy could ba dipped upwith acommon-waterbucket, but as tlitirobns boon no demand far them tbo flsher- *men da net xutltlor tliom v! voluo, andwhen hauling tholr nuta for smolB thoygonorally lot the anchovy escape," Thaanchovy of tho sound la seldom morethan FII Inches long and Is much betteradapted for canning than the Eostpart(Wo.) vnrlcty of "Bardlnc," whloh IB eitheryoung herring or tho smap fry of other .fish. A teat of the flavors of tbo Poclfi*-coast anchor? *a a fish conned In oU WnTrecently, inrnlo, ond. experts prononnecd'them delicious. They woro put up In Call-forcla olive oil.—Now OrleanB Plcaynno.

It Itcmlmlcil Him.Tho Kantaa City Wnll lelbi n Btory of a

congressman who, hnvlnB suhmltted him-self to tlio manipulation o( a vonorohlo col-ored barber hi Wnshhigton, WM told, "Doyou know, snh, you remind mo so ranchof Dan I Webstiirf" •

'"Indeed,'1 hoBald. "Shnpoor myhead.l lupposor" ' ^**

This staggered tho oecd colored maneotuowhat. Ho hml not oxpectod a quM-

datlon for IIIB compllmentarj blaff, neverthinking that Micro would bo a call for nuexplanatory BLiperBiructUro, "No, sah "

. * ? /5 ! ? | r ?S q n d WQma"' «»ing today

Page 5: t Amos H. VANHOR etest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1894/... ·  · 2015-01-06HABTEIl AOT> BOL1CITOH IN CHANCERY Offloo In the Tone Building, OVER J. ... MILLER

•",V«tl:istrCvtconipIcto the public* tloncf the

Elisabeth Is suffering from a typhoid Ieveepidomtc.

Ths Firemen's Base Bsll tenm goes to Por(Irani to-morrow.

AsKwor I'. H, Tippett found 50S dogs liLondolpb Townablp.Tha Dover Lumber Compnuy advertise at

tractive prlciM un coal.Hoa, A. W. Collar is again "mentioned"

i a, £ubt material candidate.CbirlesLwVclrouu oxhlMted here Wednc-s

The par car on the D-, L. and W. psmthrough Dover on Wednesday.

The quarterly report of tbe County Coili: tor is printed on our fourth page.

Tho County Bnard ol Registration will a»-• point the local board* no i t week.

Richard Oio«r west up on thu No. I!Tuesday night to Ricbfleld" Springs.

The merry go-round weut from here ti. CawtOD,, sad ii tbore fur two w o t c .

Don't forget tho raoes a t StanbnpB to-morrow. They will be worth going to see.

The New Brunswick Freuoni«u Is ollurwfor Bale by James P. Logan, tbe Receiver.

A new bank, known u tha Warren Countynational Bank, bai been started at Bel vldero.

J. J . Vrotland, Jr., took four very excellentpictures ot tba wreck, copies ot whleb bo bai

..for tale.* 1'btii$'{&\lB.!hftot>V elRht carload* of i)'ei>i>lewith them on their excursion to Coney Maudthis morning.

"Buburbu," lor August, faai » \-ry finsIllustration of the roddince of IT. P. Samson,of Morrtatown.

Madison Couocli, Junior 0. U A. 11., tookpart In '.he parade of ths order at AsUuryPark yesterday.

'lUviTlIpwnrin. ifnjf'^ ft tbe&roeo U. 13Church will conduct the Y, M, 0. A. serWoe

\ ; A Jersey City undertaker and bis assistanthave been arrebted for robbing a corpse of a110 suit of clolboa.

TheDafoy Club will meet at the home ofHiss Ltllte William* on Frld&y Bight. Agood tlmsla awured.

Th« Morrlstown Fire Wardens "ill havetheir annual eicurelon on tba 28th. Theywll lgotoGkn I.land.

Tbe u n u ' l ptcntcoftua M<rr<i Countydrawers was tit-Wet Swim Held Bridge, Pas-salo nver, Wednesday.

President Cleveland has refused to pardonthe two Morrlstown boys who robbed the

.: Hsckettstown Pontofflce.Owing to tbo pressing bmlnora the Morris

County Mschineaod Iron Company are work-log ntghu for a ihort time.

Railroad Detective COP Ian wsn billed atEocnton Wtdnctday, Full f artlculnra areprinted In our Boo' ton letter.

Jobn M. Blrk.of Rrsenddc, N. Y., son-In-lawofJ. M. Goodale, t i l l open a jewelrystore on Siusex street lu a few days.

To-mrrrow will be Bpworth League day atMount Tabor and a large n m n W ot the BO-

. Cletlee of this place will be In attendance.ThoRwat excursion of tho sfason will bo

that of the E. M. B, A. to Msuch Chunk, Glen' Onoko and tbo Switchback on September 30,

The gold mine at Budd's Luke. Ia looked> upon by tbe resident!) there as visionary and

their dreams are not disturbed by an aureateglow

)• Labor Day Is tbe next legal holiday, andthe Catbolla Amateur Union of Bt. Mary'sChurch propose to celebrate tbo day In great

•.rifle.. John B. Gibson tatw bwn tWng th* sdllcrSal• work on'the Newark Dally Advertiser the

a during Ibe vacation of Editor-k Brans. ';

KiQovtrnor Ludlow haideclloed there-. beivershlp of (be Rockaway Valley Railroad| u d Hon. James J. Bergen bu been op-|polnted.

Hadlum flre department fcnfl MCUTed ft£ handntma n«w boie cart carrying 700 feel ot

>, fully equipped and will carry two menj&wd a driver.P - E. J. Lake, of Jersey City, President of the

massn Awelatlon, will visit the•B of Piuto Tribe en Monday nfgbt.

rt; 27ih. .»McCartbj'a Cat," a BOUSICM ccmedy, ia

i lbonsx t attraction at Baker Opera House,be tlrst-claM. Satur-

ijaj,Auju*t'25tb, Is the date.;. A Ml* ot Rockaway Valley Hall road bonds!_ j held at tbe Clinton FiM National Bsnk

£ Jait mwb, when (45,000 worth of H ,000 bonds" •ire sold at from (25 to f30 each.

AbOTW valued at *1W belong toUii l Sbncey, of Btonhopo, wasfitruckby llgUtnlnRB bis itablo Wednesday night and Instantly

:<j otter damsg« was one.• General Btoue, Englnrer King, we tubers of

K'the Press and tbe Road Commlttoo, wont overIJttK. secUooi of roaito bo Iraproved between

tr apd Lake Hopatcong on Baturday.r Tht Grand Regent of tlie etate, with bla•t«ff, will Tialt Morria CPUDCII Mo. 641, RoyalArcanum n n l Monday night A good at-tendance Is dtclred to greet this grand officer.-• Hrs. Uollle Uenagh, of Mendbam, btwbeen granted snabraluUi divorce from her

g husband, Jobn R Beabltt, Jr., wbo suddsplyt while In the market bualncsn In Morris-

; -While coming to Dover trom Hasten aboutl weeks Ogo Cbnrlri Blake, of this town,*d the bbforinne to get a cinder In bis eye.• bad an operatioa performed by Dr. Boll,

i| Now "fccrk.|i Tha Hlbirnia pun Club will bold an all day

t a t live bird* and blue recks on itsA Lower Sibernle, oo Labor Say,

All lovers of sport are invitedto attend.

J Tbe HorrlstowD Grocers1 Assodalion held•Ir monthly meeting In Bakrr Opera HouaenW»dnwd»y. There was e good attend

j , and tbe association was shown to be inlUon.

ir become popular in Jersey while tlw reads thualy: "Lower limbs <> thi) boees, ehall be i ia t ta wlille th&

,r Is occupying tbe booth."$[ The official dog-killer of Boonton has beenfptlfled that be muit produce tha light fore

it of every dog be kills to tbe Freafdeut of16 Council or be wilt not be paid.

£ Loantaka Council,. Royal Arcanui~ -blown, will Initiate Its one bundretb

T August 31. An lt>Ulntlnj! Uwa fromI Coancll, of New York, will do

irk uader the "Dorchester Ritual"..... O. II. Anderson, Fb. D., pastor ofidlton H. E Church, Bayunne, N. J., will

i In tbe rirr t M. E. cnurcb, nf Dovert Sunday morning, August 19, and willt at the Viper services In the evening,n Kate'Warner bwrtla'nwt Couniellor

„__» Cooper, ot Dover, to being proceed-s In the Court of Chancery to secure a dl-« from bar butltand, Blram. Tbe lattei

in been cltled to answer the couiplalut Oc-ir 6th. Tbs dlrorce Is uked for ou statu-

7 urouoda.* old boll which hUDjrln thesUepleof tbe

ioFIrat Pieabytoiian Church fur*s preilom to tbe radng of tbo old

• make room for tbe more randrrn churchir la rapid course of complotlcn, haa beenI Into poaiUon ia the balirj or the naw

acbor aamod Matley In «it »ermon said : *' Did you over read ii

|i>V£bl« of a womin being In heaven 1 1>t believe them Is a WLnisn Uieis now,• shall be." Uatley's head I* twistod.n Itnt en? usn in a hundred wbo would

_ _o to heaven it all hU asraclitee werewmec, porlicuiarly If many of tiem^ere

i«y.s. Wm M. Klsher and John H. MBT-

I*TB formed a oopartnenhip and will•> coal yard at tbs old Biglar cool yardTgen street, near tbe D., L. & W. Rail". Tbey will aloo currf a fullj stock

p'jfeed, grair,haj and kindling nood. The•10 and »lde track nro being put It and tbe%Ql openlag for bnalneat will be announced

Every room IQ tho Woodport Houee la en-gaged.

The peach nnd Ice cream social wblch wasto hava been beld In tbo Baptist CUurchthis (Friday) evening U s been pontprjcwl until

Tuesday aud Wednesday erenlnes

ing p m i iu the Rocksway ltoeord ollice yes-tenlay by Doputy tiberill Cury ut tho lu-

ce ol tlie Campbell lMuling Yu<a CIIH-puuy.

CharlM E. Clark has mid his Interest in tboDover HUiam Liuudry tu Couiicliiuon JohnK. Cook. Mr. Clark's huulib was not robustenouth to eUuul the Bicasaivo strulii of work-

ig fourUion or fifteen hours a day.County Superintendent of Bcbauli Martin

L. Cox mado 401 oniclal vl«U to the schoolsof the county lint year, bealJee a number of

i to tbe Biboob of Morriatown and Baon-ton, which do not c^iiia directly under bis

ipervlslou,E. K. Pottoc jester da? attomlod a pi-iolu a tucker lulnnd gotUo up on the basb bull

order, tluit la It was composed cf men andIGU of nil poUUeil faWha, atid ni^ectio*

were made by Bepublitian, Dumocratic, 1'opu-list ami Prohlliitlcinlrt orator*.

It is rumored t int the tl., L und W. willion lay anothrr track betweou Hlaiibips findluck lV«sk cut, near Waterloo. The new

track will be used by east-bound pisavngcr(rnlna wblle tlie present trnch iroiud tlw looplino wilt ho uuad for i m l and frelRht.

Tbn Knights of Fythlna nnd Red Men of\irt Dram will run ft uulun eicurdtin to Likeloimtrong next Tburs'Uy, the 33i. They

havonrcurod the Kntorpriso Hind, nnd alsoBig. E. Rinaida, tbo celebrated clarionetplayer, nnri will have refro.hmentu of allklnia for sale. Tbey nre a pleasant eet ofpantile to go with.

fEEBONAXS.Mrs. Fred Hunklo, of Uoouton, was la town

Tuesday.fills* IlloiBiMinBr la epandlng a few daysift-sbuvy Park.Robert Valeutlne, of Hactettfitoivn, was a

Sunday visitor in to wo.Wm. Sujdor la confined to lili boiue, on

Wockwell streof, with illiKss.At. M. Ooodala and family »ro spending a

loiith at Culd Spring, N. Y. .(

John Unwell and TIIOUHB Bray spent Hun-day nnuiug friends at Newton.

u. H. P. Holte, o( Rtlo'gh, K. G , spentthe wook with Uoorg^ Rla^iardi.

e 111:801 Form, ot Augt.gueets cf tbdr aunt, Mm Lnura J.

pa Kaima Colo, of llw.kutubeen vlilllog frlendj lu towu tut a

Mtia Utndd Billanl and. Blut^r, ot Q^rnunValloy, spent a fow days last week lu

Miss Ulnule Rodda, of Jersey City, is vislt-ig Mr. mid Mrs E. T. Hoddi, of this town.riltsei Amanda au1 Eva Wllcox, of King

street, ore eiwnding a woek_ at^Like Jlopat-

Mrs. Weir and dasiifutw, Ui-a Florence,<kvub«en ipewtinu a fnw A&?* nt Ocean

Orovo.William l)atnoii ao j mother, of Na^ark, are!«!ting a t R K. Illinidell'fl, on Randolpli

avenue.MUs May L-IWB, of Mt, Arllnetcin, spent

tiiiuday wltti Lor friond, Miss JosephimC'atiavaii.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stevens, of Brooklyn,N. V., spent last week witb Peter Mowery, ofPort Morris,'

is Mnr/ Mnrgorum, of Etckortowu, ftbe guest of ber friend, Miea Nan tilmpson, oi

)w± alreet,Mrs Smiuel and Ned Wills, ot Btoii

bopp.wllod for Jlaly on tbe Btetitner Ruglt

li. W. West, with his wire, paid a visit toir foruier townmun, John h. Qlbaoi[eivarklaitBundoy.MIBS Utz'a Alagulro, »f DoCer, and 51(83

Marj Bcbwicbtuubcrg, ol Kenvll, spent Hida; with friends Iu Btanbope.

His* Anno Held, o( New York city, Isipeudin? a month's vacatlou Kith hqr mo tbi>u West Clack well street.

Samuel D. Blown, formerly of Do'er, butnow of Newark, |B here on a week's vacation

JthhlapareiUluei Allw

New Turk city, spent last Sunday wlib bercousin, Mrs. Philip Blundoll, J r .

Cbarbs J . Hall, who baa hanii confined tobis home for a vgek last, Is Improving, and

oijHMilod to ha about in a few dttS».Jllsa Ua^glo Fleming and broth or, Rubort,

of Now York, are vldtiag ftt the homo ofTUoinafl O'Keil, on Dtckorcon Btrf ct.

Mlues Dlnile and Aunlo Wort man, of Mor-riatoirn, arc spending a fow daja with theiroualn, Mre. Puter Mowcry, of. Port Morris.D. J. Stickle, of Rock&nay. and John D

'iRer, of,VhiB|)Iuce, are putting ia ths weekinoug tho many attroctlaus of New YorkHdte.JliBaBusioKfoff, of Blaokwell street, has

eturnod home from Mnrrletovwi, where wbeins been spending nearly tbres weeks of liaruhool Tucation.

Alias Beatrice Jackton, formerly ot Ledge-wuod, but now of J or way Citj, la eptniltag a

nbrr of weeks with her old frk&ds utidiDK aud Ledge wood.lie. Ed L. DloUeraon, Harry Dlclierwn, of

this town; Mlfs Hattle Dlckerwo, of Sen'*l|le, and Mies Etittlo Bwajie, of Newark,am spending two weeks at Ocean Orovo,

Miss Edna Baldwin, «ho bae now returnedliter home lu East OruagJ after spending

aoBietime us tho guett of Miss FlorenceWilkinson and other friends conr Lake Hc-patcong, wilt »pend. part of tho reinalulttgseasnn a t Anbury L'urli enjoying the sea

TfttA D. BUirey, uttuograpber and prWatasecretary to Judge Cbarles H. Van Brunt,N. J . ; William Couwllr, son ot.PX-Corap-troller Jsmfa F. Connelly, ot Newark: M. C.Ely, manaBor N. J. edition of New Y<World, with family; M. B. Monroe, <

Morris Plains Asylum, witb iaiuily;A. C. Woodruff, vice-president Union Ware-house Co, N. Y., and family; Miu Brehaut,Treasury Department. WatibinBton, D, C ;Jobn W. Lsnf, Newton, N. J ; Utley Hare,Board of Uoderwrltere, Kew York City, areamong the distinguished Rueits at tbe Rac-coon Island Hotel, at Lake Bopatcong.

The Bear Dropped.

is,W« ta lcara, but w«o llvwup tawa.Td PortOr«m,bouKbtahox of bter atKsnauie &Uoller's and thought be would take it boiaoon & boat Ho Uwli bij box down by thebridge, balow the I ck, and when a boat cn-nealoDR close to tbe railing be stepped ou, orrather thought he was going to, bat tbs boatswerved juit ai: that Instant and mnn and

went into the water, and there wascltemctit around tb°re for a little while.Mlanls Webb, wbo works for Mrs A. H.Humphrlo, was on thB bridga, was ao badJyfrightened when sue taw tho mau fall la tbe

[tor tbat she fainted and was taken intoHetaan's store, wbere she WAS revived **itldiulculiy, and Is Ftlll quite sick. Tbe nmwas fished cut and'. L'jcfc Tender EJ . Luca

;i«ios (or tb© beor. Uo recovered It»rry McNeil, of tho FJti aad Wcbsti

Sbow Outn|)any, was wat£blrg tba d u e r aadBin untch out ot MB

pocket,' which was auto recovtred by MiLucas. Tbe latter 'got anise round illvepluuk tar his lait AUo.

A Good Bbo-w.The Pits and "Wobiter Company opeuoa tbe

theatrical season a t Baker Opera House lastnight and presented a now Tfrafon of "ABreeiy Time." Tiie company Is an unuiunllyoompetent one and when tbe ploy Is cut about

pour In lrngtb.it will Its one of tbe UUJtho road. It abounds In comical sltuatland the vauderilb) features are of the firstorder. Kalbrya Webster Is a chnrmln^

ibrvtte, nnd her rcrflullle talenli an ine freaeQce make her a must delightful


Oab ot tbo most dieasiroUB wreck*, to fii damane to railroad iiroporty Ia concerned,

tbat lias tinppoaed on tbo D., L. & W. R. II.in years occurred about 13:40 o'clock Mondayiftornoon nvar tbo water tank at tin car<h'<[]). Freight tralp No (it) na i Into and hadto da emus drilling a t the shops. The train

be iiialu . track with tba caboosefct below tba tantt. E i t r a Ot, Inor CnuJuotor Ellas Biotleo, tfUUnfu'l

ibuliatgtrsiu oftlulna, fol!oPort Morrl]iobsod Duv:lmt tbo ro{jnift<- wu


ljting of tliirty-tbreUfai

Engi er Ayen, of the extrn.at 12:30 and suppled

If tt hid boit would linun been pulling into Boon tonibmit tha tloio tha extrt psSBQd Dover. Tba

.nglneer waskeapiuga ahnrp loukoutahead,nut raw nothing tbat would cause lilin to ds-crease bis speed uutll ho struck tbe curve attbe point of the mountain, wbere ho met awentbouurt frffgbt train, the crew of wbiobsignalled Mai to stop or slow down. He calledfor brakes aud the brabemea respnuded

iui]itlr. I" another tuomont he ntliocurvuvi'.daiw UiaftagwuittoE tbeaud Lhe caboose at tho same Instant, lie tookn tlie situation at a glance and whistledtgniu *or braHoe, 'at tbo name time doing

everything in his power to force hla engine,illllljurtt, No 3, to hold tbe train. AI-

workvl hard to helpHill l uu iiuasy train

stopped.' It bauiKtiw], for a wondor, thatlore was nut a enr of air la the whole train,id lbs englnasr bad to dopiul o-iilroly on

j» air Iraki's on thn engine to do hU parttoward stopping- Tbaae irbo saw the aocl-

. _ . that) b".hvl tbe braboi eet so bard.hat the ttltocU ou the big machine did along,

i by the wulght of th» train bfi"iiud it.Eug[n(H?r Ajera nod Fire man iV«llnr ktuak to

r biipico until within & f&w feet of thnir train and than stepped ott. I t was Wblltb.-iul)j'li thatthoy did, far in anothersntthntenelna wi< a complelfl wreok,

and If tboy bud stuck to it they would both

Wnen the crush carna the osbooie loft Its-uckg and startedou. I t

out tbo boiler bead, the I

Dowole and Ida 8 wager, of

out tho boil U ,stack, bell, Biudbjx, toro tbo whistle prettybadly, cleaned the cit) off compIoUIy andwound up by turning end for end aDd fallinginn BlonttsHe of the track right sldo upWhoo tho cftuoosa tova tha vivWa out of the

whistle tbo water poured from the bailer audnothing cjuld bo seen for the steam. Afiorthat cleared Up It wa* seen that tbe railibadbeen torn from the tloa for a considerabledibtauce, and In sume inaunor the bo*carsbnd forced tha engine oft the traok In fluob. airay tbat her bead waa toward tbeetiops, andtbe bind *ud by aeroM tbo oasthound track.Tbo bemJeni) of tbe Under wai OIOM to tbatrcbtbound trdfika and ita bind wheels rested

rturuod rail*. Pl'ed up along-•Ida tbe engine was what was laft of the two

Both tracks wero bloated t?itb. Tka wrecking orow, undue b'oro-

me of tha oldestB anon hustled out

_i,dlh* work ol cleaning up began. Super-intendent J. W. Biker waa on the ground andthe work was done under his porssnsl super-vision. • He Iwlcvd atter every detail, and,ronoiderlbg tha niture i-f tim wreck, he liadit cleared up lu a remarkably short time.La'ge aud BIHBII pieces of wreckage werecarted off to one side to make room for theilurrlak to get In to do the heavy work. The«tdo of a boxcar WAS picked up and carriedoff to one side by a number or lusty fellowsts « I t wci&Ued uothtugat all Part of a box-car wan lurowo dawn tho bank Into the river,and things wen hurtled around lugreatahape

l E i Diatohor W BPort Mor

and t n gto make way lor Engine pDay nnd hU wrecking crew fro

A monff tlie Oburch-».TbB wrslces in Grace 3L IS. Church ciDUB to grow In Interest and tha enngregn-

Uons toincrrttMlnnnnjKra. SabbathIDR tbo Doctor prcacbed to a crowdedanothrr of his oicellent termons on the Frod-Igal Sun. Ihwo eermons, accompanied

o-re b ; v(ct^rlal Uluatrattocs, can ifniltoleats Jailing liupretu>lons TbB I

for rext Bal.bstU will tw: Pr^ch!t t 10:30 A. U., B»l)bB.*h school at 2-M V. 'Epwortb IyBgua(Javotlonnl»#rvlcant7r M.,indat7:45P. M. tbopsetar will preach thothird termon nl tlia serlo)Son. Allan-irelcoit

a the Prodigal

Dgt.'t, JPorffetwhen you want to bey Underwear,good goods and law prioas It will pay you to

ut on * olluiblng oipsdl-ljjbt up tho engine, tore

dlU k,lit, Bmoke-

Butler, wero on band and laid new i-alk ainoon as ths wrick waa cleared. Tralllo wainot interfered wilt, u&\ l trains woro m ithrough tbo long switch !u tlie carshop yftrdsmd but little time was lout.T.irge crowds from Diver vlaired Ilia zceuB

during the afternoon.Following Is Engineer Ayroa'n story:

a«sed Dover at 12:30. .1 did uofc bare tbeleast Buaploloa that tbe ragular lay here.When I struck her Bbo should have been Injjocntou. I didn't we tbo flagman until Irounded the curve, and I e*w his train at th«saine Urns. He wag four telegraph poleafrom Ibn west end of the tank. AB

I put tbe efr brakes on tbaad whittled down brtkfs. 1 reversed m?engine and did all I could tohold tbe trainTnelr train 'ay about sixty feet east of thttank, and they gave us no chance to slop.We wore running shmit flve miles an bnurvrheu rtestruck them. This la my first, wreck,tufl I did all 1 r^^ to prtf v^tit it- Jn.it l/.™-uro wobll I U ^ ^ ^ I U U U and myeolf nfppedifT, and it's a good thing for us wo aid.1

Fireman Wollor corroborates tho englstory

Myers, the flag man on tha regular,says thaths got oirhlstralu at the curve flplaced two torpedoes bulow tin aaltcb(hat tlie Doverdrlll would strike them it It

t> gain the swUoh to tne shopThen hs rays hi wnlkod n short dlstamtoward bis tram. S*J clslmi tbat he wi

ifelve telegraph poias from tho caboose.Tbe windows of every passenger train tbat

pa'sed on tlie Bnitch were crowdod with peo-ple wbo were anxious to get a passing glimpseof the wreck.

Engineer Ayera li from Fort Morris andbos beou running for eight years, And bas tbereputation oT being a very careful runnor,He has never bud aliy trouble of any kind

efore.I t in laid that Conductor Thoiaia Slitelds,

of tha freight, ran Into his caboose when hesaw tliaaava tliou

Charts Hannnkiwmckers on the mad, i

side He j at got out tbe frontdoor lu time> from getting tangled up in tba wreak.irftl MauoRor Uallated piswd tbe

mt belonging to Cal Cn«e, ono ofShlnld's braliomen, was tound resting on topof tbe engine bell alongside 'ho track. Thahind end of calxMse No. fI8 nas entirely goneaud everything InslJe m « knnokpd eadways.

R. A. Hunt Bud Conductor Shield* badlulte aoraa trouble fa finding the way Lillsod reports. • a

The duoiige to the coal train, outalde of theengine, consisted ot four broken «ul tilts,which ipeak* well for the way the cars ontbe O., L, and W. are built.

Tho cut at ths head of this article was madeFrom a photograph tuken by J , J. Vreelnnd,

Sidney Cole was the. Qrst <mo t^ get on tbs^iwman Wo|fer>

on. the coal iothe tender and returned it to him. Thewatch was uninjured.

Superintendent J. W . Baker knows how tohandle a wreck to perfection.

Regular 03 flubbed her trip with Conduc-tor Shield's bed quilts in caboose Ho. G9.

Engineer Ayers continued bis run with on-glne CS, and bad three cars less to pull on

rcnunt of tho broken end sills.

ywrecked engine. He foundvest with hia witch (a it cut

FIBEBIEN ELBOT OFF I a BBS.All of tbo companion of the Do^er Flro Be-

(utrtmunt eltct-d cfllcera on Monday nightHOAItO OF FlttB WAHDKHB.

l'raildcnt-O. C. Illncliman.Fow\«R«—WUltaw II. ei>anBt«r. 'ABaiMtant Fowmnn—Al. O^oJnicClerk niii Tn«s<irer-Wllliani Otlo. jnci>pi«.ntjiU»e9 to Kininum'fi ltelief Association |

_O. C If Inchman, J. T. Kerr, E. A. Taylor.lvo Oommlltoo—1*. O. Heagan, Joliu A.

-yon, John Bjwrfro.Jr.rnowcTiorf H . & i* co, xo. I.

Foreman—W. V. aillen,AssLslniit Jioreinan-Aibert lllchanla. ,CUrk-r. M. Wl.lta 'Tnawurer-W. W.tiltklw.IJbrarlun and St«itard-O. K. Ely.J tap«*ata l l« to Flwrient Hdltf AaaodaOoa

- F II Ileoch, W. 8. White, W. a Collard.lovcsUitalliiK CoB.ralth.-o-A. II. llumplu-lo,

;liar!t-B A. Otto, VnnV E. ET«rett. 'AndillDB C3oi»n>lttee-C. II. Bfnnett, E. L. Petty.

StBAUBTl OOJirASY SO. 1.PrwIdent-FordD. Smith.Forcruan-Jobn II. Btnmpr. >AsaSatfint Fowmnn -Jomca n. BUter.CIcrk-J.WMleyltorr.Treasurer—Qw- Wi"">.Engineer—!!• 8- Vrtew.nr»t AiwUinBt Knsueer-J. W.*loy Botf.SxcMid A'aalriant Enftineer-JBCob H. RleUey.8Wltw-O. i l Mcl'wik.Anslstfltit Sioker-lt 0. Tlllver.8lcwnnl-I- D. Jlahlen.

Flremon1. Ilrflef AweiaUonB- I . 11 Hnlilcti, T. B. Mdlrath, G(n. Burr.

\MoCotnnilltaa-L. B. Iledtlen.T.W. Bartonami 11. J. Sohnlfln.

VIOILftKT EBO'NB COMPAXT VO 2.Foreuian-Wrn. Tollanl.Assistant Foreniun-r. J. «. Bmwtt.Clt-rk-J. II- Qriinin.Trtasurcr-Jolin K. Cook.

Plrst '^W^EnBinecr-Ulms. Holiler.S«»nd Awdflnut EtiRlnccr-Wm. Shupe.Btoker-Jo»n Kenrick.Assistant Stoker—Ht-nty DeUer. .

u tw—John Karwlck, Hehlcr, Win. Kurnburp-r.AudtUne Commlttec-Fred. SI«ybcrry, Ii"«sterveU.ncprescntativiM to Firemen's Relict Asssoclatloa

- J . JI. oriimn, P. J. II. naaacit, ffm, rollanL

A Lucky Runaway.The nlne-ycar-old son of William Andrewj,

nf Port Otaou started out Toeiday sf tcrnoonror a drive nltb a horse and two-seated sur-rt-y. When bo w»nt to tlio wtttering trougbalong thi road above tbo D.t L. & W. tracksbo Bloppsd to nflter bb horse and nfrpped outif tbewARonoo thetha't*. Aflcrthflh

jehsal (ivinWlng the anltntl at oiico bec&me(rlghteiiMl nnd took up a lively gait downBlackball slrei-t, throwing tba little fellow

otweon thB BniroftVn ueelfl, «nd bud U notbe«u for tho jirninitinra* of "Mnocb" Junlngs, wUu I» uuiulujeil at tueilgaal tawiatthedra*btldf:e,aB»d(lfatu wemlgblhnvn

tu iccuiil, but as It was Ur. Jeniiiojicedid in Copping tha harts and rnleaalnr

tbe boy, wlio hnd alrwilj beeu mroruly eulabout the hend Tba lit 1,1 a fellow no* taker

At Rest.m. William Ormun, (Jougbt-r of tbo

Bamuol ti. Mid Mnrrhi Jotimtm, died at herborne near D«ITI1!O, Warren county, onOth clay of Auglut, agtd G3 yean and

th. H I T hUhband, one ion and thrrogrand ctiildrrn i i i rrho bur. A noble Cbrli-taln,alovlng wife and lilnd mother. Shethe sister of Ura A (DM Dodge and Dr. S. B.JohnatoD, of thJi[)Iace.

The Pirat-Olasa HotoUio New 1 oi t cltjr u«a Edmunds' Fancy PrfniUutter. Call ond give it n triaL Trcentj-0»B cents jar pound a t (be Sovereigns' Co-operative Store. Dover.

Bofor Bnyinv a Blcrolaget tbe ptioo* from

Uw Dor«r BtMt of J , U, Grimm. ' Uerry Btxd«sx« Co., Dottr,

rit, wbo looted after tba engine.Tlie coal train was pulled back out ol ttie

tbs way, nnd the tender v/ft) pu'lu i b»ck onthe track without

«ore laid fromin itch ..ppjait*

> great deal of u-'iublr,inlbuund tradB soon as the

ctilulats hod stripped the engine ft won pulledn tbe switch.

Tho tract in indcr Por a.od

Si 0010 50U TO

4 00

,wnuk was iuovltable aud tried ta'a coat*, wbtob wero banging I

d i

make a: 1,000.00.Tbn following bllU wera refi>m>d to the Ft-

isnoa Commltter, approved by thorn and or-dered paldiCorporation uavrollIra Judson Co*Andrew RodererOarer Hand and Htona Co.latmaHoian CO 00'o*auh V- IWwr 87 60

TlioUeo. RloliarJsCo... flr 12Willla>n O. Thorn[»• onWilliam H. ByramDover Printing CompanyHinlth & FanningClue. H. BaunatfJamen H. UrowuCa.QaBBMen at tlie Douaidiwii lireRobert P. Jan tine

! raolloa the deed between lire. AdeHuUcDavit and thn Town ot Dicer, datet! Juua

at, 1SD3, WM accepted and ordered ni full upon the minutes and alia a t>wn.Councilman Young stated Uut Andrew

Rodor desired permldl JD to remove a tree Infront of bis property on Dlckerson street,

'blch was oa motion referred to the BtreetCommit toe with powsr, and also tbe reiniof a splft tree In front of the liurnod Doi1

building nason motion referred to saidcommittee with power.

The Fire and Lamp Committee recommended the placing of two electric lights on WllHam street and one oa tho Hudson street canalbridge, and on motion ths same was ordered.

The Polloe Committee reported progress ontbe dog registry question.

The Oralcanoc Committed presented fourordinance whlclt were read for Information,ead the srooud tltno, aud on moliou placedipon their final piaiago respBatlrely, which,

resulted in tbe adoption of oauli by a unani-mous vote o( tbo Council They will bo found

full la out adveitUUtg column*.

7 . U. Q. A. NOTES.The QiMpel song e«rvlce under Ibe auspices

otthsY. U. C. A. on Pucday last woa ot-t-nded about IfiO, so rent?-five of whom were

Through some mlaundei standing thoY. P. S, C. A. was not cfflcUUy reprtaeated,and tha meeting was oonductod by a fewnumbers of the society wbo did the best theycould under the clrcutmt&noM. W* hope intbe near future ta have the society woll rap-rcaenttdatalarge meeting. N « t Sunday,ttttbfiBaine place, the meeting will he Incharge of tbe Bpwortb League of tbe GraceU. E. Church, and we are confident that allvrno will come out to hear them will be bothphased and edified. Ererjbody welcome.Como and help us In Gospel song.

Tho meetlDg next Bunday, August 10th,>ill be In charge of a delegation from the

Epwortb League Society of Grace ChurcU.Come to thla service,

Sunday, August 213th, a delegation frotPtha D., Ii, a,ud W. It. R~ ahojs vdll bave theaervlcp. Tne loveral departments nlll berepresented and a great meeting fs ftasu

mu&totWn aciTice.Bervlwa for tbe boya will bo resumed In a

short time, and this service will surpass thatof )ast*prlDg,

Tbeevenltig' educational classes "ill soonbegin. All wba dealro to enter a claw shouldleave th»lr namw with tho -ecrelnry.

The »t-c:md annual Held day and raoe moe tf the Waterloo, N . Y , Y . M. 0. A, «a<

held last Saturday, and it WM a great day.Thprawere about 1,000 people presunt towitnort tha numben run. Q(T. Thare were218entries In tbe several oventa, - which mini'brred sevantwn, all but four being open toell comer*. Five were v»hiel events. The

madewaafatrln nearly all the evonU.The orsoclatlons of Byracuie, Auburn, Lyons,Loekport, Oenova, Mewark and Waterloowere well represented, as were a number ofichool and college Y. M. C. A. The visitorswere given dinner at the leading hotel andsupper at the rooms by the Wotuau's Auitl-

iry of tbe Y. M. C. A. Tho associationnetted about f 100 from the sporb.

A P « t t y Home Woddln*.George A, Burchcll and Mfsi Jennie S.

Wyroan wero married at tha home of Couo-R. C. Vr«e1and on Hudaon * t ,

Wedoosday ev*ulng at 6:50 o'clock. Only tbeImmediate relatives of the contracting parties were, pretent, excepting the U b w t Ultlie and Hattia Freeman, ot Park arenua, am

Ults E r a J. Pollott, of Jsreey City. Thibtlde and groom entered tbe b (11 where they

ere met by J. J . Vreeland, Jr., aud JEva 3 , Pelleit, who acted as bridesmaid andgroomsmsn, who uihered them to the parlor,where tho ring cemraotiy was parformed byRev, Dr. W. W Balioway. The bride worea heavy oorded silk, with Persian trimmings

arrled a bouquet of sweet peas. TbiRronm wore tbe conventional bliofa mit.After tbe ceremony all present e i j >jfd abountiful repast, thu table b-dng eleitautlydecanted with a lwg" floral pwiwtal BH1flownr?. The entlrs nouio wa» bandsomelytrimmfd with tines and flowers. George andhi* wife Ult amid •howen ot lice and old

I on tbs 8HI) train for B ibort trip throughYork IJUte. Tba bride wai tbe rcclpfei

el many elegant and useful prcavnto.

"Window Shade*,nnd 20c., a t too Dover Bee HUe Bloro,

Suacx stroet.

ETESe your *yM examined and Gleitoe modeL Jay Cross (H. O.J, 18 Vf. S3d Bt M.-Y.

Bou.. WaterThe beat Boda Water In all flavors at Klll-

go-a'a Drug Btore.

Got Prlcea.Ed. L, & F. II . l l l c l t G T B o n B T g p

on all ranimpr good*, a visit to our eRtablisu-ment will convince you of tha fact.

tfloo* OUOloth,80c. and 35c, iqttare yard, a t the Dover BeeTiv» Store, Btu»x rtJrwt, I>ovw,

OOUMOITJ PBOOEECINQS-The regular its lion of tbe Comuiu.i UOUDI

was bald Monday evening In Council roomo'clock Pn-Bent—Mayor SlcCraciuu

Recorder Bench, AlJurmau MulHsaa,'omman Oiuncllmen Cook, VreelanJ, lllcli-rder 8|)Brgo aad Vauuf.Tbe tiilnutta <>f tba preceding regular aioet

)g was read and approvedM.<irHliil Hagan'H tcjioit, *^siwing tlvo mini

tr of arroats nude fur June and July twtu?and fines imiiowd t i tbo nmiuiit of tVAlaa reteivi d at»l placed ou file.1'oilce JuxtlceUuge's roport fur June anrl

July, Blowing (lilts colkotwl to tbu amount ofUS, and Ibat uf Police Juatlco Hrtwn for

July, abawlng no lines colldcted, were receivedand placed ou ale, a -d money paid to thaTreasurer.

Clerk Baker's rejiort of tbo Dug RegistryDepartment, making returnu of (58 OJ,

ilvod and placed en file, and motiuy or-dered paid to the Treasurer.

JOQ the recaunuyudo.ttoD of Clii*f En-gineer Vreelaud the following act I m won con'Irmod: Tne erpubloa of Mesera. J. M. Suiltb,

W. B. Wood*, Charles Tarker and Ml chardett, ani tUo election of Willlan) King,

Raymond Clark, Cbarles Uase, Fred H?hurm,John Rughra auJ Job a McCarthy by VigilantEngine Cuuijuny No. "i. .

Tbo cfllocrs of tho several flro c Miipanlesexcept Protect'im II. and IJ. Company, wen

ruied upon tho rocommand'atluii of tinCLlor.

Communication from James lUrtin, request lug tha Couucll's permission to nro t ('rulutand on t!m coroor of Black of 11 aadIVsrren utrcotH, was rocokod and referred tohe RtroBt Cjmralttce, witb powor.Commuiiicatlnn from property owni-ra

rfalJonta on East Richards avenue, rei'iuetthe placetntut of two electric lights un saidavenue, was road and referred to tbe FireLamp* Committee.

Communication from William B. Vander-bllt, requesting tbe Council to transfer bleBaloon llcen'o to Michael Rxlorer, naa rocehed, aod on motion granted, and the Ordi-nance Committee directed to prepare an ordi-nance covering tlie transfer.

Application of iu LohtnuE & Co. for awliDlessle INjuor llceaie was referred to theLicense Committee, approved by tbuiu, andon niottoa tto laaie wan granted.

Tetitlon from property owners on Lincolnroaue, rfqueiting the Council to establish

thB ftiade line of c&td avenue, woe receivedand placed on. file, and ou moUuu tbe Onll-nsneo Committee was lustructod h> prepare

Un motio tbe Mayor was tborlrod toote from dato far

A O H A N a E AT STANHOPE.I. P . Piitdee, supetlntendew ol tbe Uus<ofltoaiyr Iron Workp, has tendered his reslg-

atlim to tbe compiny, to take effect SBptem-ber 1st. He bai been superintendent hernrom fourteen to sixteen j e an . About a year

since the Pardee interest in tha works pissedInto other hands, and since then Mr. Pardoe

only looked for hia removal from this?laceaBaouestlouoftlme. Hia family willlikely stay until cool weather comes aud thenremove to Hasletoa, whejo Mr, Fardee takes

p another builnees. The Klsnpaugh mineIn Warren County Is now the only mine Inwhtrh tbs family Is Inttretted In all this sec-

an, where onos tbe uauiQ waa ». o imiQ^a onoinectinn witb our mining Interoita. Mr.

?ardfo has conducted tbo bualu-M here TorylucceaafutlT, but alwav^ fcwl boonotuv In v!on

•blfl tha oompiny to compote auccoai-•ullT with tha more recent mstbods ia tbs

itactureotlron Twl»e tho quiutityofilg iron bat been produced from those UIIDS

IICM that wai produced itewjenri iigawith the fame number of men employed. Hut

is more modern methods and the cheap-ess of production In the South has knocked

the bottom out of Ut manufacture by thehard magnetic area'of toft teotlon, Tnesechanges have been wrought since Mr. Par iw

taken the tuperlntendeuoy. Althoughgiven to retloeuce when approached, bis bonarwent witbbUwoid In all hi* action*, nndeveuthough a millionaire, was mover above sou-Ing tbe oIvlIIUeEof tbe day with those ha met.ThePmbjUri&n Church will betnucb tbeloser by the departure of the family from thecommunity, as they have alwavsbeon attend-ant* thore and staunch auj»port<jrB of tbat de-


Boury W, Llojd, thoamiatant superintend-mt of the MnaoonetcoDg Iron Works, will as-ume control of the works upon Mr. Pardaa'aeparture, and Is to be congratulated upon

his slovation. He baa kaona the propertyince boyhooi, and bus b*tm connected wilb

tha tituiaoas so many y««r« that none oouldm more capable than ha to taka control ofvast Ifatamta comhined under one eon-

oens, and hti T&TtedosportencB la the IcuaIndustry pecuilirly flttel him for the poal-tloa—Stanhope Kaglo.

Pony Drowned,Tuesday afternoon Arthur Richards,

ot J. B. Richards, bttclitd uli puay to litscart with tbe iutentlon of taking a i "While waiting for a companion tbo pony took

Ight and ran away. The pony ranRfcbardi uvenuo nnd turned Into Eor«onstroet, whoro young IUohar-le Jura pod out, butthe pony ran on Bor*en street till ha reached

mal, and than turned on th» tow path,A lady was waiting nn ths ton path and toavoid her he •worked toward the wa'nr androlled into the canal on bis back. Ills footcaught In one nf the wheels so tbit he couldlot turn hlmielf, aad when he wai gottenis was too far gone to bs resuscitated. The

piny hid been In the family lor tifcht yearsand was a grant pet.

. Untrue.In our Issue of July STiu oar Milton c

ipondeut published an item ihas JainesPtult bad torged h!» (dtherln-Iaw'* narao to anote, hod It caabed In Newkm and left t^rparU unknown. Tuesday Mr Me Peak called

bis ofQea aad denounced the item at afnlwhtKd In its entirety. He nnt only didforge a not«, but he has had no papar of any;lnri cashed nt Newton within three monthi

and he has not left for psrtu unkaotvn. Wisincerely regret that si great a wro gtboulchaTB been committed against any man as tibrand him a fnrgrr, if th* report istrue, but the statemtrt printed was made bythe young nmu'g m^thBr-fu-law.

OompleteAasortmentof lofanU and Children1* Laco Coiw; LawnHaU, short and Lwg; White Dnisei, longmd short; Cloaks at prlca* to mit the Urnit (he Dover Bauir of J. H. Qrlmm.

AdxiaacB Baokeyo Mowersand Reapers at greatly reduced prices atS. H. Berry Hardware Co.1*, Dover.

Farmers, Attention!) you WAnt tbo bent Hay Hake at lovn

pried f Then buy " Tho Wlard" of S. H,Berry Hardware Co,, Doyar.

OUT Entire Stockof Winter Goods will beeold e t a eaerlfice.Dover Bee Hive.

B Bale,mmenced to-Ed. L. & F. H. Pmkenun

TUB aACKETTSTOWH BACES.im Wustilpfrtun Blar.tus'ly ],5W ixxjplelrom this and adjoiningiu ties wereil niidouiumiT uievtlut; of the Hackette-

town Driving Aatodatiuu, a t HacfcutUITuesday attotnoon. I t was the mot

k(ul uieot jo t held, For tbe attendauoiInrger than ever before, tba trottfug

;, tlie rivalry greater and tbofaatur. The traitli WOJ In cxoollout condl

,11 tha hottot, Tlie onlyJrawltapk tn tbu full en jo j merit of tlin racenwas tbe long time conmiaied la scoring. Tnileature was very irkaome.

JuJKt) lj»wla P. Martin, of Iientuuoitldated as starter, and Walter It. DeCamu.if Washington^ and Hlepben Guerin, ot Mor-

rlstown, were thejudgee.Tba first race was the'J:Mids&i; purso (100,

Thura wore six; eutrlea, Including Jesse, theliaudsmne brawn uiara of B. C. Thompsontnd Litly H»y, tbe brown pacing mare be-longing to W. D. Guilck.both ot Washington. The firs', heat waa won by Ernea, owuetby M. V . Burgess, of Flouilngtan, lu 3:Ja,with h-iAy May Muyind, Priuce ot Oraugethird, Jn«ae fourth, Mary M»«enta flftb, andOlancv slxtb. In tho socond heat Eras* won

2m, with IMnce of Oranga second, andLadv Mar th ld . Thetblrd was declared noboat, and tbe driver of U*ry Magenta, own elby J. II. Mount, of Flemlngton, who was pull-Ing bis home, was replaced by Eiwnrd I*,Decker, ot Newton. Tbo fourth, fifth andilxth boats were won by Mary Magenta In2:4.1?(", SA'^i and 2:39jtf, and conseq'tu^tly

irediKcund, andLvlj May third. Jmtrm wa« wltLJrawu afterthe wcond boat. Tho performance of Mr,Gullet'* pacer was a eurprlan to many. Bbebehnved admirably undor alt circumstances.lad sbe baen driven by a more experiencedland she uudiuutftdly would lis^o won the

flrata two heata.Tha second raca was tha free for all claw;

urre $100. But throe of tho six homes entoroj made tholr appe&ranca oa the track,

wly, Frank J., owned by <JeoTR6 O. Bviiltliof Orange; Ellft A., the property of E. AAllen, of Fleming ton, and Metal, owned b ;Tuomai J. Allen, of Btaubope. Prank J. wonthreo straight beatt. In 2:24, 3:34%, 2:20;/Ella A waaagoodB&oond. The winnerlsofuubnown podigreeoud was raised lu tho upperpart M tula county, tie Is a pacer, as Is EllaA., and b u a record of 2:lV}i.

Ths third race wai probably tbe beit;waBthe'J:35 class; purse I10O. Three ofle Haven entries appeared on the track.

'ttony were: Mariuntt, uaf"stud owuod byr, of Madliin, enteredaud driven

by W. U. Emery,Hay.K., b»y mareowawlby Nathan Klotz and driven by Josopli DKlotz, and Nellie U., olipstimt maro by DrA E. Martio. Dr. C. R. NolsWn Hodrmwas Bleb, end O. E Opdylce'a Nimrod WMnot ntartcd for fear of \xtinf forced to a fast

THIB race waa very exciting. e«pec-Inlly (iFcauaa of tha on trance of two It o*rival). Marlnotto won etslly in 2$R%,;:3I.V ana 3:8.1, with Kolllo M. icojud.

The fourth raco wai a 'specltl ; purse #25Only two beats wore trotod. Tlie en trimwere Dr. A. C. Van Svckte's Starctta Waikill, James L amltb's Wysas, both of Hack-ittetown; Kittle A., owned by JoiejiU An-Iress, of Hope, and Daisy, tbe propr ty ofDr. C. R Noldon.of Blanhope. Wyeox won

i tieat tn 8:0t!^,'and Bt&retta Wallillmi in 8:03, but the Utter having

broken more ttmn four times tbe beat waigiven

A B I G P I E B ,[From Our Succssuaua Corraspriadont.]

Perhaps one of tlie flercrat Urea tbat wasaver wKncswd In this vlolulty was tbat oftbe barn, wagon-bouse and grAnery of JacobRldnor, lying on the road from Buccabunnato Irooft, s.od about two miles from Huo

Early }\tt Saturday morning oue of Mr,itlner'u *t.nB arona from bad to attend to aoul.lmomt) tooth, aud wai horrified to find

the large frime born all io blaze on tbe east-ern end. The alarm was quickly spread, aud

crjtblng was done that could possibly stopthe flro, but tbor aoon found tholr effort* cf

ill, for the fierce blase bad alreadygained too much headway. Attention wanthen turned to the pair of horsM that wan inthe ham, and just In the nlok of time thentall doors were thrown (pen end the horses,terrided completely, ruahtl franticallyand to th» fartLer end of the yard, and vthus saved, for almost ai soon aa the doors

opeowl Mid the anlmala out the ttallicompleUly ailed rrith htaie. Nothing

y/u then loft to dJ but to stsnd back andsee It hum.

Air. Rldner is a farmer and had alt bis baynod grain In tbe birn, which lucluded be-tween five and six tbousind sheaves of ryeand about twenty-live ton of No.l hay,ueildesall farming implements, whloh were nearly


A« to bow tbe lira started Is and will verylikely remain, a my&Ury. Mr- Rldner hadbeen thrashing during tbe day before and

id a heap of straw piled between tha wagon-niBO awi bam, and abo bad about ten

bushels of rye lying on the floor.Tbe firs nhoa first seen was iu the straw

utalda ana la the end of the bora adjoining,md It Is supposed tbat a tra up who was keen

that vicinity had caused the blase, «!•ought there is nn positive evidence to that'eet, About 13 o'oloot Friday night ft mau

stopped at the old Reaves place and asked Iflight be permitted to sleep In tha barn,

but his request was promptly denied. Hestarted on toward Mr. Rfdner't placet.

Hustli Harvey, of Iron!*, also law a mansitting by the roadside near the scene ofthe dtwutw \shen they returned from theirtrip, wbloa was somewhere between 9 sod 10

the evening, and the big gated Ic the yard,whlcb wero closed tbo night before, were

tund standing open, which would point' toimo one rasklog A hasty departure.Tbo beat from tha burning building mutt

»ve been lntenso, as I notlctd that tbeapples on the tree* fully fifty yards distantware completely roasted, not only on tbe sidenr&rett tha (Ire, hut all the way around thetrees alike, Had ths wind boan blowing tram,the west instead of tbe east wo wool I havehad to chronicle tba burning of the dwelling

also, tlecofl, ot charred Bangle* wenfound near Mnrory's storK, carried tbttheiby tha wind. Tbo alee of the barn was nbout

tftttO feet, *illh e cow stable In the huemontJtb room for about twenty bead.Mr. Rldnor eattraotoa his lorn to re

10,000, partially cow rail by inaurince.

Mr. Rldner lost throe wagons, seven seta ofharness, n wed drill, nearly naw, and numer-ous uther articles *a bs found on a well-kept

Tbeie buildings bad all been latelyrepaired In th<i best of order, which willmake tha loss all tbe more heavy.

Peihapa H Waa a SDV D U D ,A newly-elected justice of tbe peace li>Ighboring town In charging a jury for tbe

first Urns salJ: Gent! PIE en of the jurycharging i jury Is a now builnnta forme, asthis Is my first caie; you as well aatnvaellhave beard wbat the learnwl oounsil for tb<plaintiff bit told you. If you believe himIhca your verdict will be for tho plaintiff,but If on tbs other hand you believe what tbedefendant's counsel has told you, then yougive a verdict for tho defendaat* But If youare like me, and don't believe what either ol

i SAIU, then I'll bfl If I know whayou will do. Coattable take cbarga ol theJury.

Annaol Snoot.Tbo annual shoot for tba cit'iins' badge

will be hrid on Labor day, Monday, Septem-ber B I, and Haturday, geptemtr"- 8th, 18W,Conipstl'Icns will take place t -ubdayat('clock sharp, under the supervision of Captiknsstt.

Tne dlaUoca will be S00 jard^standlng» yards bitting or kneaUtiK, uvoa toots at

eocb distance.?#o sighting BI ots will be allowed. Am'mttton will b« furoSshM by th© eomp

Mimbera must appear Infatlgua uniformBy ordir OAIT. BINNETT,

Company M, riecond lUgim

Chflftp Ooal.In order to meet tbe demand of (he tli

The Dovor Lumber Compiny will sell forcub, by the car, on truck, Lehfgn, stove am

tnut coal, gross manifest weight, at (4.25pur toiij Lalilgb pro. cool, grou manifestwo'gbt, at W IS per ton. We will deliver thiscoal within the city limits for t'i per car.Less than carload rates—Lcblgh store awlchratnut coal delivered at (ISO per too, Le-hlRbn>ocoaldBliv«-e<iat*3.10pwlon: Try

small quantity of this cool and s&tlafy yself tbat It Is all right.

Onneta I Oonet* ITailor made, gloro flttin-, «l'i bone aud fli

dayt*doMOttt*ll«LJnnierB°odiwitbabIg hooks. Regular (irioe 1!i oou^ will MU forentiaprioM. ihwtUmo sHTwatsa t DgvsrBeeHlvs.

A BIB DAY AT "WGODFORT.Wednesday was a gu'a day bt WuoJpurt. J

boat race bad beru arranged, and eight of thuiJic»t «x[iert lady vower* at tUe Wood port

M were to snow their Bklll. Bvery ereba ' Its ctisuiplouE, wbu were preseut to boljk m un witu words ut cwouregeuient;ood advice.Thu rae*fl were to onme off a t 8;3O I1, u.,

t waa nc-utly ou hour iaU-r bufor? a startundo.

»'IIH11 1-,1'itiJa in front of tb» hulel UJ 1'iiiu \Uixl end return, a dlitmce of a*>:mt halfmile.

Tho juifeiN were H. K. Corbeti, G. CBlroub, J r , and J. W. Dal-.ton, on tbn Iaud Alex. Mwrritt aivl Wm. Htttle, t

iboat. E. R. Bawling* R U etarliQ. C. Btraub, Jr., oillclid tiintko«per.

Tbo Indies rowed in palru in light ]bottomed host a.

The first race was betwoon MinnBlrauuaud Mr». Dunne, and the Mtaw Jun-nlo C. uud Uiunlo E. Uuncaa. Tbey made asuloudld stirt at O:aa. Both boat* got awayat the same time, and far awhile It looked asIf It mlRbt bo nip and tuck between tliem.(jra4ua.Ky, however, tlie M(BW« Duncaaway from their opponent*. Before they lefttbu shore they wore told by the Judges how toturn ttelliK, but to the surprise of every cuethi leaders turred the wrong way anddisqualified. Ttioy didn't know ft, and theymlled for norne like Trojin*, with tho other

Doat a good uecond. Tbe MisW« DuncmpiWPd the lioraenag at 3:37;-)'>. Mlsa Straulind Miss Dunne can" In flftenn Micniids lateiin Ilio wnmK side of the home Hag and tbe[udgesdocldod ' 'no race" as bnth creim«da errors In turning tbe flign and wtrothoroforo dbqunllfled. The second heat wi

o*n Airs, ond Mlas DuQoU and MlaseaIIIIRH and ClafTiiey. Tha *tart was

atU:HT:2O They hid Imrrfly started beforetha DuRaUboat e.cc!dpntRlly toufetl tliB otherone. That rnadu no dilTeronce aa both were into win and as nobody claimed a foul they wiright alionn. It was evident Ibat while MUsesItiwllogs aad G&ffasy wero good oarswomoctiny wero no match for Mrs. and Mfsi DuBols, Tho tatter rouudod the stake boat at3:40:10, witb tbe former twenty seconds he-

()u tbe liomo itretcb tbe lead ore gainedslowly ou their oppoaonti, wbo weremaklnttaitubbora light, and crowed tbej lne at3-A2;V)l justforty-flve seconds ahead,

MIM Ktrniih mid Mr*. Ptiuce rofuscd to racoha flrat heat over again BO tbe Missus Duucai*ent (ir^Jt;alone. Tijgf ddluotnrpKtto buompelleuTto Kn over I ta third time or theywould bare tuken It easy. Homebody sug-gested that tbey TOW lor time &nn the; aid it.llioy started a t S;W:lu aud finished at 4:02On thslr return tboy were told that tlrny

il IIOTO to rovr Mrs. and Miss Pu Bolidecide who should t j t o tho pr l^s AfUshort resttloy declared tbe Ir willingness togo and tiiogtart was made a t 4:21:10 The

Bols hod the better of It and an eviw the Duncaim were tfral It WABB

tbat tha Du BuU would win ea>ilr. But theydldu't. ThBy took a long sweep to gottho stake boat mid wlien all tho speutatorswent sure tboy had the race well In hand theDmicins took a short cut and headed thioff, turned tba Qag flrat, upset toe eaicikUtif the onlooker*, forced the Ou Bols to lr»e

tb°ir stroke and their grip on tbe prize at theaiue time turntd the ttake boat first anditartod for home at a 44 to tho minute atroKi

and won eailly amid tbe cbeciB of tbo Hjioctators, crosBlog tbe line a t 4:2»:27.

Mrs and Mies Du Buls took their defnatgood naturodly and wtann tbey BIW thBy wi

eaten tbey ga.*b it up and didn't Qulab. Theyroul J prubably b»vu won had ro t tho Duncan*ton abarj) mougL to bend them unT sud-enly at the flog.Tho prises wero two beautiful sliver vows.W. U. Hpongler, o( Dover, was on b&ad

'ith bis camera aud took antp shots at Inter-vals.

Carl Hanstrom, one of Vbo attaouei of tinhotel li known there as the life saver. Ha li

great, Us, muaeular follow and think*nothing nf BwimmSnglrom Woodport to Calliban's and return, a distance of fr.ur mileHo is a Splendid ouwmao and an the day oftba raco be rowed over tbe courne with ibnracers so as to hoof sarvicelncatoof accident.

On the same day Tbos. M. Williams cauglittwo large baa*, one weighing 4 pounds aud Hounces and the other ~% pounds, aud H E.Corhett caught one weighing 3 pounds lty

is. Great credit Is due Manager F. JHuusoii, of the hotel, for tbe pleasant way iartlcb everjthiag paued oil.


mnt m Marshal for tha borough of R»k-

Hr*. Anns. Abler and daughter Edith, ofNow York city, aru UIB guosti cf Mrfl. BantbKaufmdu,

Mlas Edith Toumsns has returned home•om Brooklyn, where sho has beeu vUKlng.F. B, Bchott and wife espect to leave to

morrow (Saturday) for a few days1 recraa-tloa a t Watkins Glen, N. Y. |

William Farllmanhss had bis barber shopBpaiDtod loside and out.William Wear, of ibis plaoe, and bis sister,

U n . Charles Smith, of Newark, are taking apleasure trip through Connecticut, and tnelrmoLber, Mrs. William Wear, Is vtsltlng|bBr

ictber, Mm Broodwull, a t Dover.Mayor Strait and family are on a pleasure1n through West Virginia for B. lew day a, aWflllsm Matthews, of Pennsylvania, ti

loltlog his p»routi, Ur. and Mrs. WilliamUattbavs, at this plow.

Anna Qulak has returned ta ber home atCornwall-oti-tbe-lludaon,aft«rspei]dlnsafew

witb Miss Carrie Miller, a t this place.Saturday evening Mrs. Gtorge Miller

luf t ber home ia New street to do asms shop-ping, and her dmghtor Carrie wai at Mt.Tabor, leaving Mr. Miller In charge of thebouse. Near 8 o'clock he Ut the dining-room lamp and went to a neighboring wellto get a pall of water. On his return whit'was bis surprise to see tbe room In a sheet of

He qulokly call'd George Sunday,and with, thutr combined «Oorta the flro wailsoon put out. The only cause that can he at-tributed for the fire Is the explosion of tbelamp, ThstabU cover was completely de-stroyed aod tbe table and carpet were eon-vlderably burned. If Mr. Miller had beengone only ate* minutes Jongar undoubtedlytheir home would tiara baeu completely de-stroyed.

UeorgoTonkln and Willie Morgtn bare re-turned from tbeir bicycle trip through NewJersey and New York.

Mrs. Badle Weeks, ot Brooklyn, visitedfriends at this place Wednesday

Mrs. U*ry Force, of Port Morris visitedA. Force and family Wednesday

Rev. C. Clark and family are at Mt. Tabor

The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. t u r a l t tDennis died a t 5. Me^tcx, her father », ulast Saturday night.

John Barry bad the misfortune to nirnnriils flnnfira on hia right hand white

working around the derrick In Hoagisndfoundry.

William Crawford has mored into SlmoiCole's huuie on Hirer street, formerly cccu•lei by Robort Kelly.Jamss Billthohns tlieoontraet fordlgging

a well at Mt Tabor for the awoclaUon.Thomas Mitchell has bad his store front

painted by A. Force,John Van F l « t moved Into his neir housei River strw t Tuesday.Prank Jaoobus, of tfewark, is Waiting

frtecdt In town.Ml>a Annie Conner wai the guest of tbi

[(sseaKlttfo and Lottie Parllatnon f^r a fendays,

B K. Bttcklo started on n pleasure tripthrough New York State Tuesday.

A number or man from this l>laca attend)tbe clambake at Denvillo Tuesday.

Charles farlinmen h»d the m'ifortuns :get kicked In the neck by ona of J. Rfggott'ebora -a while cleaning tha sUble.

JohaZindel, otNewnrk, spents few daym town thla neck.

Mrs. B. O. MUlnor la spending a hw days a<Butter.

JOMJJQ Munster h tlie posKcsor of obaby girl.

Lynmn Wilkinson,of NitrYurk city,lUd frlenda here ou Mouilay.

Mrs, nottxHtLauMuer, o(H«w Vcrk d t j ,

Ueorge Qrrord and family are spending(owdnysatllaritan Day,

Mrs. Fisher, of Hew York city, Is visitingher grandson, Dr. F. W, Flagfte.

Ber. J . P. Tuttlfl, ot Crawfordivlllc, lad.,WBB the ffucBt of Edward Halsey and USunday and Monday. .


lic Cburcb, by Ilev. Father Funke, on Tue*-day morning, August ljth, at 8 o'clockA. v., CbrJstuph Nickel to Mary Muller.

SHAW—eENDEnSON—At Qrawi M. E.F«n.nn«(B, Dover, N. J , Wedne»d>ty, Au-gust IGtb, hy liar. Wm. M. Truainower,William T. Bbaw onl Mary J. Hoadcraonboth of DjTor.

BURCHELL-WYMAN—At tho boaDr. B- C VroFlnnd.ln Dover, nn Au^usrlfl. ISUl.by W. W. thllawny, D. D., Oeo.Aivln Biircbfll to Jennie E«*lle Wymon,

WILLIAMff— *.t Dover, August 15, 18&4,Adolla Wflllami, afftj H years and 4raontnB. Vunoral Baturdsy, Auguit IS.n n t l L E . Cbnroh,n 10.80 A, »L '


.lUnilou wlwIiMinuHiMTBii!, unil A l t l . W4l«In>l.iilnit VitTt> viiii nili1. Tliuy lire ntnu tli» rule In

Iiiktu t-iiTjiiioim In miri-lnllilii)', IH-I-H'ILW "(I ii nl>ou' iiiifuvoniiilL- trillelmn In vvury ]>oii)t, ttylu, ui»-" ' ! , (It, cut anil linlali. KI ITJ-MII I IUTO IK

Hki>int1iifp'Htli»'iv, nnilnlhuftHWfiMlitliiKiitiildiiniiilc. TIJI-ITIH mitlilnj: Ilk'f tlirni ulnt-wlicre In ItiliMirn. Tl». i>ul>lk- llkr r.ur III-JL-,*, t .-i . Ufiuiw llu-y (t.in'l tlu.l tli.-m oi low i-iwuli.^'. Ai to sty if. Itmimt IMI (til- f .ATKNT, tolmv.. n IIIILV in our slwk. Jtiht n«w ««iinv« Men's all wool «ulU for |0 . l» ,HOrlli "IO.IK), Jkpj-n utl n,Hil mills for !f:,.ni, v nrlti {><•""• aiiliiruii'anl] wool KUiUi for fi&O, worth gS.UU,




The Adriance Buckeye Mowers,Reapers and Binders.

PRICES QREATLY REDUCED.Tha Wiard Sulky Hay Httke,Soring Tooth Cultivators.Syraouse Cultivators, $4.25.Screen Doors Complete, $1.00.Lightning loe Cream Proezers, $1.45 up.Lawn Mowers, $3.25; all Bizos.Fishing Tackle, Boat, Ours and Hnmmooks.Hemiagtoa Bioyoles, 26 1-2 lbs., $125.00.Gales' Safety, 1893 patternMajoBtic Light Roadster, 1894. patternBoys' Safety, Pneumatic Tire, $25.00.












LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS.Calico, Light Colors, only ware 2Bo. now 23c.

" " " " " 38o. " 28o.;" Navy Stripes and Small Figures, 65o. now 60c.

Percale, best Light Colors, were 65c. now 60o." Med. Colors, were 50c. now 4Oo." Pinks, Blues and Heliotrope, were 75o. now 62o." Laundered, were 88o. now 75o.

Lawn, Cream only, were t35c. now 5Oo.Satine, plain Black, wero $1,00 now 88c.

" Navys Stripes and Dots, were $1.00 now 88o." Blaok and White Striped, wero .$LBO now $1.00.

White Lawn Waists at twentyper cent, less than regular prices.Come NOW if you want one.


Page 6: t Amos H. VANHOR etest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1894/... ·  · 2015-01-06HABTEIl AOT> BOL1CITOH IN CHANCERY Offloo In the Tone Building, OVER J. ... MILLER

e tTO&B ECONOMICALLY S T U D I E D .From llio Am iftic&n ^A onoinlflt.

Tbere are K £ew more jxilat* lu connectionTTIUI tbu proposed tariff upon raw »ug»r titwhich lt in desirable to draw utUa'Jua. Thulmporttiot raw sugar from Jlmcb t o J u n ilast w u fi£3,OiiO,UOO pounds greater Iban dm-log tlie corresponding months iu lr i». A t a iaverage value of '£}i conta por pound tbli wotworth HI,110,000, Tlie demand foriugai *been light ~r tliui year than a year ago, owingto the Democratic haid tliueb, consequentlynone cf thla eicesf of laijwirtB has putted intoconsumption. A duty ol 40 per cent- advalorem uiwn $17,110,000 tofti.W-i.uOil, t rerdollar of whlcu will beag t l t tothelmporteias soon n> a -10 per cent, ad valorem tail It bimposed. To tbl i miut be added tbe corres-ponding gift upon tbe itnjwrU of raw sugiin July and August, or until a now tariff be-eomM operative.

Senator O f f e r * of Louialana b u Hatedthat o specific duty ol }-; cent u(on niflnsugar lu a.Mltlon to an ad valorem duty u[>raweugar would bo to ttie advantage of iu.»Loulsiima rcllnTi, ni iny of whom makerefined SURBF. He said:

Tlio ciMitrlfittfils (mi Hit' lymlsiima |)l.iiilnlUili!


tbu Fririiuli inW iilnnit'i* inin] .Inly of on-

Senator Csffery i»M not say, howovtr,whether the auitar trust would permit thiLouisiana planter* to hell ilielr p'tlned BURtirI t li true tbat thor huvo tlio benefit of cbeajwater freight* lo large Western mar It eta, buiwill the iugar trust penult their competition JTho truit has prevented cum iwtitlon froui•iinllar grade of refined sugar made by tl:Chiim heat augar factory iu Ciillfarnia, conpelllng H to turn out only a raw sugar wulehmurtboiol.1 to tlie sugar trust, l t Is <iuitiJlkely, therefore, that nlmilsr tactlcfl may he

this caw .HIT differential duty would U>voluclcM to the Bout tern sugar men, and theyjsjtft have uo guarautd'otherwib&

Another point to be considered liv HenatoreCaffery aud UUnohord Is ill t ...e l.mlelana•ugar producer* rcc*l >• i . i'" 1 --r tniliugJuneSOtli, IBM, ona> «*»•• ! uuty of f 10.-8OB,{KKH3. Uj)uuflU--'; -. .rf«r output ot'iTAi,-000 short torn worth i'A |wr ton, or a total or(13,75(1,000, oa ad valmem tariff of 4t) |»r

tut. would give tbe Lou la inn a |ili

(5,500,000. a ie a direct loss or #5,3<i3,B'JU


D tbe Suite or Louisiana in a einglo jeiCOOiJiirixl -itlil1;*1 ' rnttifilat e c U o c . ' . a n :-n-..iu.i.7 — •--year just eudrf.

I t tnoy be that tbe eugaihouijloun are willing to Buffer a loss othan #5,000,000 n year with ttio 1cbaiii'0 of being allowed t o w i l a g r a isugar in competition with tbo tru»doubt It. A curriiBpOBdent of tho AnEconomist, writing from Jeomrette, La,,Jul;OUtta, eald:

Scnaiora CiuTwy nnd liluticlianl KTU K'1'11!EatUfut-'tJon to tlii'Jr Iviuwmtlc friend* ii

time Ii-. seeking party advantage oRain.

We Iwlinve the masses now tec tbat, throughthe power directly to enact the laws which tbeInitiative give* nnd tho reprtmlvo power of

eto which cotnea through the Referendum,tbe people will have a remedy In their baudtttbrough the peaceful method of tlie ballot.

For tho eDLMuragFiiiuut of tbe frieuils of di-et legislation ft nmy bo eald (bat tho con-ituUau&l aumvlmeat wlilch the l e tgmin

tnxiueed lu tho Houeo of ABHemtjIy la»t winterwlthiu lliree votes of being adcpled.

i then we ua>e Lad word from 'brc« nitux-tlint tbey Intended to voW "Yea," hutecordod as voting ' 'No" to get time to

consider It and would now vutc (or It; BO that,vo a clear innjority In ttio A-Morally,itircoss in the Assembly eucourBged

tolutroduco f l a t o iu tlieby StL'Otor Uradluj, of Mu;

County. H will enmu up for fl

U-, trbifhuouth

Senate I I Octal«At^emhly again.

Jt Is absolutely ueceti<ary tbat tbotureof Ibti.'ioliu oxtent to tho cctwtlamenduitnt. and wpfecUlihttlm larwKdieiai, and Inlhiential uur annualtion Is tba more curtuln we are, notfavorable act<on or tbla LegljtlHturetwr, liutof the tii-tiiiiibtlau ami election tblifall by nil [ralltical parti-is of only sueb menas will pledge themujlvtiji t i vote for It.

OrKHnl/»tI(»]B neniliiii! dulfgatfls to (bo COu-yen tion, and iDillvi.liialtt wl.hlug to enm-munlcstc witti tho lengus, are invited to liddrt-ui tbo iiresiii^Iit at tliU ofll^e,

W'u. A COTTKH, of Klemfiigton,

next, and will go to theWo thing t b i t in t ie tjon-

nly ofIcto-

I .


A: >. Millw.... J. Vuciit*,'.'."'

11 Inn,..Juiiii-n M. Kti*l,



fci'pn Hilton"•\iv H.Clark..!liiiiH<; i'liiiit'AV

» H.itiicl .*.*



is uoin n

ui tu

a 70

10 K'J

For sour stomach and alotlier conditions resultingfrom constipation, go by tliebook on Beccham's pills.

Uouk free, pills 25c. Atdrugstores; or write to B fAllen Co, 365 Canal st, NewYork.

.[III- T i l

I.OJH'H Of proUMltlolllKtH U• 111 bu In nilL-li »hul*n» to form Kt-iialura L'alTiil•nil KlKiidiurd lo vutu u^nlimt tliu bill aud (Inut rKtoru or inaiiilfliii tlio McKlulcy tiuiiT. Tlu-ru aiKoiimto he Bomu Lot limt-H In I-oiilslatm souu.

Protec t ion [s cortalnly tbe bust thing f(Louli lana, " W b a t occult power is i t " tbiforces Senators Cat tery and BlnucharJ to"a forced alliance which Is not or tholr tnakingT Lat them make a flndetTorttothskfcifT "tbe Cld Man of the Ben," this "fellowehlpthat wo (they) do not court." Ba men, Bennton, and rapnueut your State.

Under tbe McKlnloy UrliT tbe A mo Heat)X»pla Dave secured free tugar. TheTreajurDepartment estimated our population July 1at D8,S07,(X>0 i»ieooi, tbe per capitition of Bugor ot 63if pounds, anconsumption of sugar nt 4,:M3,SOOt500 pounds.

Tbo toUl value of these 4,313,209,501) poundsof raw eugar at au overuse price of 2?iper pomid would be filil,4as,sai. A n alorera tori IT of 40 per toot, upon this sumwould be ti7,TT0,3Ul. Tilts would be the ex-trat o! ihe oirtot auger tax upon the bruak.tut table of tbe people without adding anyipociBc or ditTmntlal duty upon rellned BU-gar. Tots tax hut bmo proposed by tbe Dem-ocratic Ileiimoutatlvea in Congress,

The iutrreat up u the National debt for tbejear ending Juue SO, 1MKJ, was *J3,378,110.The direct sugar tac would be tu'-ro tban dou-ble tint am mut. Thtt Democratic repreaeuUUveaiD CungrerH propose to impose upone«ry peraoa in th» o -nutfy a direct sugar t a iot TO cents per capita ai comiored with tintat ol otilj U5 ceutd fur payment of intereston tbe National debt. Tbe sugar tax will bedouble the paymenta ncceenary to sustain oui^fttlooal honor and credit.

Tbn payments (or pen»ioni roads by thiUnited Stat<<s Government during 27 years1807-03, averaged J1.00 per capita of our pop-ulation. Tbe iugar tax propoawl by the DBIocratto representative* tn CoiiRrew willalmost TO per cent of tho average per capita•mount paid to tho defandora of their c*try.

Tbe amount of dutUs ooliectfd upon allImport* duTing the year ending Juno 30, IBM,WM <109.t43,Oia. Theaugar U i of J47,T7!i,3lHwill add olmmt S3 per cent, to tho total oftbeaa dntlea collected upott oil our imports.

The avenge ad valorem rate of dutycltctod upon all our Import* durloit the 27j n r s , 1607-03, wns 31.35 per cent Tbe augariax or 40 per cent. prorw»<l

ptt cent, more tbaa thr ..v^-uj;,. ,iu y upon allImport* during 2T jeti

Daring tlie year ending Juna 30,1803, tbe percapita of gold coinage In the United Stateswax 53 centa, and the per capita of Oliver coilage w u 18 cent*, a total Coinage of 73 ct-ntaper capita. The sugar tax of TO centa percapita would thus be al ost aa mucb ai tbeoombined sold and silver coinage of the comtry ID 1893. In other words, our entire coldand tllv«r coinage would be needed as securityfor the payment of this tax upon th» break-fast table of the pa pie, u proposed by tbeDemocratic reprtseiitatlvee In Congress.

• - • •P IB EOT I J E Q I S L A T I O N .

800 Eroftd Street, Newark, July 2J, 18MThs Direct Legislation League of New Jor-

»y. To tbe Citlieni of New Jeroey—Greet-

Tho annual conrentloa o[ tbe Direct Legis-lation League of New Jcrgpiy, for tbe*lectlonof office™, the hurlog cf report* of workdona, and tha adoption of m aaurea for futu:work, will be held In tbe auditorium at Abury P»rfc, on the attemoon and evening ofTuetdaj, Anguat 21, next.

Special excunlon raUs wilt bo given by allrailroad*.

Addresses will ba made by many alspeakers, «ach prominent la tome polltliparty, who, though In opporitioo upon moatpolitical methods, are «1] enthuilutlc&ily•Creed In supporting direct legislation, tts em-bodied In the ooDtUtutlopal amendnwot pre-pared by the league and now pending in the

Th« league calliopon all wboare Interestedin this much needed reform to be present,either ID person or by delegate*, to the rnd(bat each county may ba re id-muted.

It especially calls upon nil local leagues and•II the orgauUaUons which have Bided anpowrrfolly la Iho woik BO tar done, such aatrade*' natoc*, counclbj, nswrnblles, aod labororgnuCAuQQs by woatover oune KSOWD,Fanner*' Alliances and Orangee, ani alloUiar orgtnlied bodies In sympathy with tnlamovement, which (jIntended tore«caro to thepeopls tbeir troo dignity and power, to lenddelegates and a luge, representation to thla

Ifo thoughtful lorer of hU oountrj and Itsfree Institution* can fall to obrxta Ue grow-ing feeling of disutiurautl m with oar rcpre-ttntatira form of government, u at praentoondaoUd.'

Whether that dtontlifacUoD Is well foundedor not, *o long as It eaisu and is growing•otna nmedf for the oood'tlon should besought

Wa a n told that we lu re tho remedy in ourbands, that by tbe ballut in can charge ourreprosentatlvos, bat we Had when We do BOtbat tha men. we sand to BUM ind NationalLegislatures do not fully and fpttdtly do lbsaeU tfas peoplo hafa wot them there to do,butngardlenoC theli-promises udcan lasaof tho welled of thi people, often spend tteir

w-iiwiiit.twocluiiiii) ami rfnt Alariln'K cunient; m s

our IIIKI II lutlt dfttwH ciint, Bevifntrai;llftj Unki to auoUicr of Murtin's eorutldrty-Hit and tUrvu lumrU'ra t lo^vitciinliiB nnil forty liiikrt; (S) twuUi, llfljseviLa half iIi'k'fix-H t'UNt Kc'vuukt'n clmJua anil llftylintu to anntlmr of Murlln'H wruti*; m HUII UIDIIK*'"".1II'H lino nnulli, lltty d iWfa wt, Mven

IID: (T) south, t«rt>uty-iiiuudL-STti«(!ast.thlrty-pliniiiH ani twcnly-ui lln'm to u stoke and

. . ut.-tinn.Tlo aiiittin auit Willbm I)rake-a| C8jHtiutli, Hlxty-Kbc dcGitfri I'fuit, nix clmltiM and llvllnkn to KlDiK-N hi John ituoJ's HUD; (

)I1>- niu! a lialr ilL'tcrecH itaxt, elvht Chiny liiikntorocknak Htunip nml Htoocao J h u Hail 's: (IU) tmrtlu t b l r l y i B

Ihiny liiikntorocknato Juhu Hail 's: (IU)wett ronrut>n oiminsto Juhuwett, ron

,-nit, lift)-- thnii links tnonii, HfVenicen and

1 ' J n«linit» anil l\ftiJin. ii, K. Cram— • -iiutuucim

THE bestin vestmentin real estate is to keep build-

ings well painted. .Paint protectsthe house and saves repairs. Yousometimes want to sell—many agood house has remained unsoldfor want of paint The rule shouldbe, tliougb, " the best paint or

ictly Pure

White LeadYou cannot afford to use cheap

paints. To be sure of getting Strict-ly Pure White Lead, look at thebrand; any of these arc safe:

"Atlantic," "Jewett,""Brooklyn."

FOR COLORS.—National Lead Co.'sPure While Lead Tinting Colors.can bclnjr sufficient to lint ss ItinniU of Strictlyt'weWliTieLcarilhctteslredsliatlc: iiiey arc inTto cents rcady-mlxcd painl*, buV n ci>ml>UmMi>i'iof perfectly jiu re colon In llie luniliesl form toHut Strictly 1'urelVhile Lead.

\ Hood many tl.mjjand dollars have licet!Myed |iropctty*fiwnen by having nnr bonk onpaiiilliiK nndtiilor-card. Send us aiiostal cjrii



Mitwn William II. Axfunl, romjiUlnaiit, am!Wllllitui Itunt-ru. Mnrictt U IJo«n.-i, Wllliiim II.Norrii, Kli/jilicth J . Korrlx, Juntw I'- l'lillliw,JInt. JiitiiL-n I'. ittllltM and Jlnrla 1» Uj'ou, tl«-

IHL-H. Itutuninlilil to Octutivr Term,'A. D. IMH.

K. K . S I Q M K K . S

By virtue of llionlmvc BUIIIHI wrilorflurl _Hi my limids, 1 nlinll oll»of« for HJUB at I'uLliu

" ' nl tbu Court lloiim! rn ibrrblown, X, j , ,

I,MONDAY, Uiu lotltilayof Sc|ileiiil«!rbelnecUt l

. . . D. 1NVI, elne t u lico'clock i'. M.. Unit la to rny at V oclociftcmoou of Mild ilay, nil iliotw two lots, tract* v,,

.utnvli) of lnn:l ami jiranliMW HICIUIC, lyluff and bo-UK la tlii> TOM uslilp of V^u liillKto[l, In tliu Cauntv

of MciirUamlHIntSor Kew Ji-m-y' 'lk'glunlng nt n ixilnt In U " nomh

• Juwlinif (mio Crnne-rt mill tIIU ftul f H f

line of UIQk —

t-tity-iiii'1! curb, HOl(l]>

, fvnlwn ..._vomor <Jl JIUDIV Martin;

Uiurteriii j eoutli,roll ulialusr or Siar-:hnv nm|

S ,'!!'£

ana| C

and llvonortlt.

IHH nndor

s: (IU) tmrtlu tblrly^iiBoimins anil tllty-Htvtu HIIU

' nLy fl d

cornurdegreesB lo a

>; (11)»

iwn Ac«|of Bald Onu|n

l T

a whUu (wk tree; (13), «iiiJ»rter (iL>(rrt9ca went,a links to « eir»i!r In th«over tlw j.lwi of Hack'

jinny; (18) -^ -"* —•i (la) ove t ppoiy n h , forty-iux nnd tlttve-«iuar-wl . livcnty-llre chains and fortyTBUll over mid i>l|* (H> HOUUIl l

iy nrcTB



m w ^..^Jt!*^.nlrtj- ilaka: (IB) north, fortr-iui

ks; (IU) uorili, (ifly ftnj a iiiiai_ „ four cliaiiiH nud fifty linlm; (17Jorty-four ami a iiunrtor (lcRn.i's west,

ulin[iiBtoacoiiit!r O|.JHB11« tu ai«l tireutlinks from nwnlnut tn&; If" " - —tnilnlialf degnva \vt*t, llllnkn U> n iwrrnr Intlio HimHackettslown Aot|UwlUL'l Loud over tlio ]>l|>o oi mJU Ciitunii, forty.MBTun tlnfrreca w

• • ir iLij! H i l l i j - i i n ITT?

cluilnii nnil thirtyLT llio jillH) Uf t l -

i, tluriti clwinlntf omj hu

hunJraltlui m_. lidrwl

.iv-lmnJrtNltlui wrea of...... It-Mfl. The above liruin-M-'H bolni a part of llio bnil of whluhJncobSlisrp,tMnti Hl, died scixed.Tim Bitond Tract boslnn at a corner

enlre lino of tho »olvt iilpool Uie UaclAciiucdiiL't Ooituuiliy. bring tlie fourtwutof tliu tract Uicii annnl hy pno Ward, an.

cliiit Oomitract Uicn

mith, f ' i r t t t.niltliini w r t r a

ii «l liy o.ndalwirt.. „ .(Si north, furty-Ki'ven nud

ICJ ui-^nrnneHt, tl'II cllUltlR nlld ItfeIlly-Clf>]4; (1) nnttli, iKtj- andai{iiartcr Crifritii Wi•(•blJns am! fifty linkn; (J) nnrlti fnrty.fnin nuartfr dL-tirwa wt*t, three i U m to

luttrt*: (Sj nunli, thlrty-Hin«ainl a Lnlf d* wesl, flru CIIAJUS ami thirty links U> n carnur• tiiti ctintrB liui) or wild irntcr jilpu: Lit] Uienca

ru lino fit «aJd watur ]>lj>e to tno )>lac3

Sd, 169L


in, Era. S10.CO BT-5t

Ouarreriy Beport ol Gouqly Colleclor,Quarter Ending August 7th, 1694.

1- RECEIPTSr B Ealanw f B,W5 01

[>, old material tnld

Natluual Union itank.V.V.V.!*."" ]S,0001B,O0O „ .

80 0010 00


Maj 0 fJro. Jt nnldla $ £3 73

A.Q.VThus. J. JSIJcn., 100 DOA. E . F o m WOO.I>. I), crater aiooChftB.8. Emmotw 133 00Amos C. Apanr WOOJohn O. Donnell Ml i rJohnlLOonion i\ TfiDuW Colltlian B0 00Jlornco 1-UIIIH MooHrory&ilmoa Jt Bon... OS asJoUnT. Cisco 60 00OPO. W. Tlnimpson H no

e 13 Kltalui Mi-ekcrf 18 onEdward UlancliArJ M 00JiMcph HUbert 3.1 00JohnM. Hoffman 11 00

Al/rwl Foncher...','.'.'.'.'. a mniri«t Slajcr 50 SOhMcOjnfrn HnIVIIacin ZelliT 4U SOJohn F. l><Mt 11-1 SWUwn ZelllT « WWilson ZrilfT 4B W

Jiuiuii i t . Froat. . . . , ' . . . . U 00LouisDrlman , u S3A (1. Phillips C3 10(!eo. Owldii 000

JolitiA. liriAnt.Thou. OnlllniJnhnO. DonnellCluwEO

a rr.::::::Wm.CwEllufAtrvyWirren Foundry i 1Wirren Foundry &B

"-Vm. SI. Hoftm»nJacobIlIUehMat..., . . .A1BX.T. Ho«nAbram LetchF , 4 N.Miusr.:. . ::: . . :;

A. Mi-Kliiium

John IV. A|ieiirJfiinliiL-K A HutJur.1. (li»lfi-i-y ElyJoliu OIIIBICJ-Win. Jl. fomlisWr i l t A DC

A. K- ' '»Ti.'iiitTKinieon Vanurftliik'M.B.Cmw.lulin M. Hoy

livrltH!. SlllliT(Jlltti E. MllllTHiuniK'I M. HiittonWIlkilimilllliulillHAl.lumen Lyons.IiuiH^l.yriiiHt.liiw. Mrrli'itJnmi'HdiinlniirW II. Ili'ivir

Kainui-l M. Sultaii !iS MClinrlt-H Hcrli-H 1 00JnmrsdnnlutT -I-' W


Crt Oil


II K. R. Iiurki'J. M. Knwt\V. J. llt-iHlA.F. I'-.illmlcl-Frank StijilirimM. II. Linn

1i(]«>. 1iiTHOn 4iVHJohn 1>. Kmltli 47 42KuwiiH H, i.yon tu 10I fluln KutuluT ril HIMartin LVtik HI IB

i> i:i.i<iim D. smitii ir> ii

M. l i .Thntn WOOClfo.A.UlHlB HI »Wm. d i l l . . . . . r-o oa

II IHntu.....'.".'.'*.'.'.".1.'.'.'.' W 10W»rll'rol)ok!'','.'.'..'.'.'.'".'. 40 SO

; You casAlway

QeoAOiHiflWm lliillcjwiiailtcnJoLnDBmllli... 43 ft

ADVEItTIHlNQ AND 1'ItINtINO.H«y 0 Frtd II U»rdon f flOO

iJ.ivet 1'riullLB Cu M 31lailnuiitielbTllljcr

Wm liuril, Jr. . . .

Uae FlucbVi.«t BrollKllDTfl.OoUt

mil 159121M 33SI US

^ 91 M31 ifl

Md B0Md B0f Jouru»l . . . . 91 SS

UtbPrriijIorTjvew'gOo 0 00

ml«-1 LVootb'«i.'. '. '."l.\ MOO


10 13 John IVFmcber

J.iDoiidlii0 AoUmon, i l l )

K II Ad>lt,Mu —AH Clullcrtwek, 1ID . . . . WOOOeo O Coalet, M D M Ot

I UtbTj Colllul ttlGO


JJMioiDeld 1QI90F.O«o|i[)itig 7B0OtiiB E Genuog jsoo


. . S3


1 0 0Mortli Co Elocirlo Oo 1300Worrli Co E'eclrlo Oo 1260« A li.clrr. Bbo.iD , . 2J100TJ Aldtnon ... tU

ily 11 Off HmJiej, D00AltieU U TiOKbtlilRD BOOHAFrwran 830 MMorrlBlown Qu Liihl Co.. U SiStotrhca EtecirloOo ivftuON> E VoorbW* Bl 91nlatrli Aqct Co. . . . . 1378Loonejsomell.. jjai

rettr Jc*ier..".!!!"!; mnUocrfliD * Bmwn 8037KAIliekcr,iberilT SIS 10

VER, IMP. CODHT E0V& ANP JAIL.WTCofb't t 1301188


T 0 J A Beccher, Alt', farMw.Uougti ,|S.7«TB8

Ttio* P Jobtinn » OOOta W ttawtW. woo

1011 Edward Iluitell..., • > » "SuiltliA. AckWj,..,


3.MM£0 00

1MII0IS 00

: inn, nnm, 113 23, SMS9, BJOO

MB Noon MOOOm MtCttelta (1008»mol Uairdncr UBO


LUNACY.U>y 0 N J B|,|B Hoipll.t tl.Q'OWIjnWia " •* » 4.T9QS1

i,ana»aSUPERINTENDENT OT OOONTI S01I0OLS.B3I.a«y 0 A w Kntr 1 itoo

.','".*•!.' mo

E S Pitnej"Obd-l™ ifanl


, 10 08. 115 00, S10 00

TO 00

GM Tredrnolck...'...'....Lemuel IIart

at oo03 DO

WraVoorb*n „MabinnHliei 6iWOeoo Ena «to









i fkt E• Ei

nvair3 wnoual jH EWKInJo«




n ."".'.""er,, S ijrt«,. . . .


(Ut . " . ' . ' ^ "


Jill* "*.*.'.'•'..".'•'.

JJH':::::::;:::n *fr. BberilT

•TOOM MI1M49 00!G0

' 41001ST319 TS







•OOIBOIM l.taasProch<i]<l«rt«iJDfflo«« 1,033 11I d r e r l l a l D i i t i i d P r l D U i i s H B f l M



(38,110 I tOEO. McOtUOEEH,

Coaot) Oolltctar.

Fine Art.The illuitratlom la Tbe Art Ann

(Auguit) are, as tbey ougbt to l>c. InBuggettlve of tbo cuolnfM wLicb vl^na cnater grotefullj' iirodute in tbe cultryof tbe dog days- They itctmle a re[iroductl('u 'In color ot Kd<wd Miirnn's "LfKUliliip," full'page black-dud whites of Llooel VValdcu'a ,'•Toilers of tbe Beo," Haquett'a "AtiatnKt the |Title," and Bellinger's "Tlie Oj»en tt*a,"onilMine cttpilrti t*ncil am) JJOU iir**iuKB l>;Tbeodore K. Davis; In addition to wlifcli thereore htet*ben or wnler lilted, aud tho fourthof Mr Volmar'a 11 cL eerlm of p'utei for cbluAwinter*. Tl:e i>1ctur«, lic»-*o*er, oro liy noiiis&ni all runrincp; tlifre la n grouulng ofDiitteiliiei (oan of tliecolor jilat**), a portraitofKoHuth (fruiiHrtjilw*), ami vorlniInrs, ipecfmoDB uf carved worlt, eiubrolilories,etc., elc.,tealdcstln'iiuiiim)U8Buppl''inoutBrworking drbiguii f<<r which title magazine IB tfavorably kmwn In tlio text Air. DnvlUpplieB some ' Notes from an Orcnn Gtud\otho late Tiiprd-ire CbllJ'e articles on Ttie Nttlonal Qallerj nre ennttuued, tbere aroeei

bh lilntH tu }"uut>K mariuB ]ia'utenrtmlnl»cenwfl of IS (ward Koran, etc , etc,Wblle\be recally L^Ubi^ued dt-jmof Tbu Illuitrntor aud Ki Liltrls oro mor(

1 aiifily inslutolupd, thu uldor unegainut iwrmltlfd to cniter, and tbe painter ('ill, water c»lnr oriiaBtel) ou cnm-m, cbinir textllep, tlie drautfbttfiiiBD (with cliarcoa

croyon, pertll nr pev), the Winid carver, tinwo) ker In cm broidery, sud tins boat* of othei

aged iu (he multiform varfutlcs of 01k have racb tonic-thlug of practical belp3D them Iu tliolr nn^cra) r)>ec<altlt

Note Book an usual ia «t»Icy ond uutiRent lu it»conmeuta en tbeart li:'«reflU of thu mi'rice, thirty live ecus. MontaRUB Mi

[lublltlirr, SJ Unlou Piiuare, New York.

. .. _ ilifjitiiliLflitir- U"«y»jiir livertbnfitil. limit. You iwmt UJ ftirai:luu> it and Iiivinnratu iiwith Dr. I'iwu'd J'knuinl1'ollrU. U'ltlii'vory truuhkiX tin: kiiiil. tlii'ao tinylittlt

uct liku atiny l t t l


Hurt Whilo Trying to Stop a Eunawayarge L. Jolimwu, heart clerk at Iiirridrug Blom, Madison, was baJly bur

wbtlo «ttein|illfig to HUiji a runway boreo'tiBBday er(i)l»)i. The hone V»OB being drly Miss Kit)Jen, uf Jinet MaUison Whtlu go-ig by Troiell'u Hutot tlie uanieiw broke,me tbo ehafta "I tho bungs Blip donunitoDcu vlie borse &tar'ed oirun a run,

M(M KIUIOU lost control uf It. As tho friKlit-oncd animal duabed by tbe drug ttoro Mr.rubiinou IUBLI'J out uuil gfat>|ttid one of tbe[nos, which hud fallen to tbe grouui Thisltiarut»l tha shafts and they fell, hitting Mr.

Jolinson on the cheek bone an A knee nip. Tinboree tlieu dsuhcJ luUi a crowd of carrlspciit the dapot and vas captureil. MIBB Klutei

uninjured. Ttio buggy aud Latnoiu w«nl>ndly damngrd.

sknow n. good thingby tho number ofits imitatio^r. :inc1substitutes.

is n I'OIK\ things asthe ni:iny limesyou arc olTcrecl

"something justas gootl"

wit-nessLVi. I1!ratesnever follow anempty livlk,





HEATERS.lunlex etaam anrt Hot Water IIEAUTS. They B.^node of wrought boiler imn, linve copper llik-s,1 claimBuncrJoritylnUiufaHo»iDKI*u»i»; Orra'

loniy In fuel: Klmpllcltj- of cnDHtmcUon; Kixiwlble jolnu ; So Ions flues or heating mirilinicult U)kw|>cleiva i Eaaj to innnw; Ki

— to lift to tlie top of a largo wsgailne ; Pi'rftcBdety.

All kindj of Plumtlnfr, Tlaoflnit And Sheet Ironlark •atUfactarlly eiecuieil. la Block at nil timestovw mid Hot Air FUniacw of mi-rj- ilesctlptlou;artln-are. Cutlery. Tin.wans. Oil Clollia, Carnclfl,Lc, Lchlffh and Scrinton Coat, lAiuna, I'oltilj*,111*. FnlrbaiikB Scale* and llojt's llulAmr HucVet

Ihe Terfllct TJn&nlmoni,Jt pleanea tbe tawjur and hi* client, too, to

lave the verdict ol tbe jury unanimous,ireat jury uomptned of tbo ^toerlcaD publicIM rendered an unanimous vordlut ou

Halo'e Household Cough Cure as a medlclce,agreeing that lu ptomltes of a speedy curefor coughs, cc* '1 and broochlal troubles are•Jwaji carried out to tha letUr.. Thla pleu-aot rerdlct bM not b«n obtalnwl "Itboutfrreat palna totea to make It tbo beat coughcure on tbe market. Trj a battle when you

e a cough or cold tod yon will belong to"unanimous" erer tfter. For aale by

EUtbert Killgon, Dnigglst,

A Bonajehold T r e u u n ,P. W. Fuller, of Canajobario, H. Y., wtyj

t he always koepi Dr. King's New DIi>oovery In tbe home and his family bos al-

tys found tbe very tteti remits follow ItsHM; tbat be would not bo KitbouJ ii, Ifprocurable, G.A. Dykeman, Drugftlst, Cats-kill, H. Y., saja tbat Dr. King's New Dii.covery is undoubtedly the best Cough remedy;

lat he b u iscd It In bis family (or elgbt•era, and It bu nerer failed to do all that

[•claimed for It Vlhj not try a remedy BOlong tried and teated. Trial bottles fre« atEtobert Klllgora'i Drag Store, Dover; It, F.Dnm & Co., Fort Oram; P. If. Jenkini1

OrttR Blow, Chcrter, N. J. '

Spsciroen duea.S. H. CUffard, Now Cajsal, Wl^Mnaln, WOB

troubled triih Kuurolgia and Eheumntlsm,otoB/A Tvaa disordered, him Ltvsrinu

JTected t > an alarming tlogrco, nppetlto fellaway, and tie was torrllly reduce*! in fleshand strength. Throe bottles <& Electric Bit-

cured him.Edward BUophord, Barrlsbtirg, 111., had a

imoing sore on hla leg of olgbt yooni' rtand-VtaA tbne botUoa of Xlcctrfo BUton

seTcn box** « ^ncldon'i Arnica Balve,bis !=£ a sound and ;1L John Bpealiar,

Catawba, O., bod flco Inrgv Fever sorce onj , doctors add be -naa luv-ornblo. One

rattle Electric Bltton and ODD U « Bocklen'*Arnica SOITD cured 1dm ontlroly. Bold by

jbert tCillsore'i Dnij Btora, Dorer, H. F,-am & Go's Drug Store, Fort Oram, and F., Jenkins' Drug Stole, Cheater,

a m i i mcm Lmils i.p Mi.ldeti

n!Uir,kn of Cohh, F,'Vfi'». mill IiiMaiiiiiui-tioiiB, with tliftu. Tlii'v'll Kive v«u n ;«'r-mtment euro for Imlii:.'-,(io]i, Loi tsii|«ilioa,fciour fitoiiiiu-b, HiLk fli-iiilin-lu-, diul [tUti-aes.i. Thi-J'"''" tlio MimlUM, tliu i)lfiininilut>t1<> t ike , mid tlio muiL tLuruuglilj imturuirui iaJyL_ i

a bo

nt nml lnii(

I til np nl ii (it the rual-tliu Hui(i. ivitll IHJJ-ruiiw. 'J'iit-v nm'tfemnrt It-dilvo its. For <i (hoiiiiigbCiiUirrli, i/iiw hi:


; Jtn«i. . . mlssntl i"

down u NurwoBlfiu burl: iiour Cup. 111 IJMtly Miiriiii, n JiotorlniiMtidu nnd oulliiw, ivnsnaiituriKliiL'tir.Hprliig-wntor, >'. Y. Dlroctnm nml Ariou, tinfumoiis trotting GIILIIIOJIS linvo bcoi

*7,iHHI TruopHEtrilcom nro cjul(•hot mid kllletl n ilow, N. J . ThK k l i-liurclt,

t 1'hoiiimi J)olt>rl(lnonuliitto woman at Wins-

mis UoU, jimitnrof niiotlilu wifiiiind the

it loll cf tlio h-lu tbo H,:IIU<.

district, StulL'ii

lior tlintitt In n ilt of inHanity[Lt cliuroli nnd KDVOMII other buildingsIijunt t'lmiiiuil, PH., wt'ru liuriicil

J thn WoCuriJy n*iis foil nil atubbed Udontli nunr Ciiiiiilun, N. J.. nnd thno incr.linvo liron iirr.'Mtctl tlmrgod witli tbo mur:l,,r Kipht |l(,rBons JUIVD attempted «ul-Mv In taftH tlmn llvo wnikti in HloKcnti:«unty, i'a. l-'nitik H. Sblbloy, prln-iipiil of n pruintiinr EelifMjl i» htnuiisler,I'IL, wns fatally Hliut !>>» drnnkoii nolgh-, u r Tiiu itiiiKliiiniKHi (X. Y.) bnsutmll

club la to lit' flii|i|)liiiitcd In tliu Eos!Jotigiio by 11 tinuii from Toronto. -Ttw

bulTora in Kt. 1'11 neras elation, Lotitlun,injuring 111 passonmTH Tliu report forthe wrok filiuwcil 101 <lt-nths ti-nm oliulomand Kill iit'iv inHoa In tit Petersluir(t.

iworw roportcil )n ]iuarloinuf tho iK'graantiun uf Ll

Hung ClJimg by tlio Cliliio^e oinperor ivoawu rx-I •••oanrwod -Advkos from Honolulu tn-w York dlaitcil oumphiUi eoiilldmiwi in tho atnbll-;liib llcot ityof thorupubUo Tlio Iloliokon (N. J.)

HTIH LOVC to Xow Jyomlon pclluu nro rulilinff tniil!]is vlio linvo beentrlnl ui I'ollctt Cniitivlii supported Itit inoutlia by tlw sialoiaoik wcii' Indollultoly post- ° r Ht- JI»ry'H liospltnl, In necordanoo wltliis imvIiiK Mrtlllcil that tbolr oiiKtoni tu food tlio hungry who op-^iiTurinttfruiii aullvo con-' ]»'y "t tliulr doors Dumocnits of tli

iu n fi">v iiiiiiii|)oi'taiit billsy uiiiiiiliuoim cmisi ' i i t—-In-viTul bills ap]iroiirliititis Sovoiinowliilo btilldlnira warn pjiucd. ' '"'" "

• • l M t h l l l w l i i

v Vurk Vn

o 111 tu apjii1 tion in tliuCriHtlttuiill, tlio A. I1. A. am-mil tbu Cntlitillc o;i)i

diilotu (iloctrd Tlio f-'untt Kliimp nutinnpnny of New York, linrlng bit)]

robbed, of fiiim JJr>,HOU t»i iff '" 11 utmnpH, illsL-oYoi-i'd mid »i

thlaTi* In tbu Now York cou^tl-\\mw\ CDIIVDIUUHI thi) unicmlinuiit |iroIIIK tiuiiio rulo fur ultlea IVIIH dclmtoC-gcimlur Murpliywlll nut \int\Aa utiiicctliift of tho Now York UcniDorutU

lo tuiiittiEttiii) In HnrMoRH Trolley

. On lliL-se tha mntl wilt tiotUstrlbutedIts In tlio ruKUlnr rallwuj- mail sorvloo—(V mob of eirikcrd virtunlt; look possoa-ihin nf Onmlm, nud tho stale troops mayJD Cllllcd Ollt J"'fV(l pl'ffil.tlfl (ltlg OUt Ofho county Jnil nt MJIJVIIIO, N, Y., butlin-B wuru capturud l''rud Kuno, o

minltsrcd I'J his wifu ond thoWill ./pnktm, In a ilt ol

!nnri|[>n><l Mr«. KH/11 Murphy 11mjilitctfl mid tlmti killed litnifolf atOt-iwi., la. Viurfj Utinlnor, ciiHlilcr ofo Bt'coml Knt'oniil \>itnk ut Allotinn,a., eloped with n iiiarrlcil woninn mid

look ¥£0,0110 of ttio lmnk fimilH with Jilinfintlunnl convunllun uf tbo Col-ts1 Icnicuo MM.>IIII>IOII in Nawcas-

Uo, Pn, Muny llvufi vuro lof>t nnd 11jinit uf property was destroyed

by nn [>nrili<[imku in SiHly I t Is soldMint tlie ciroila of Ktifislunnil KIIJIIIHKI tobring nlitiut |)uaco bohvccii Chln» and Ja-pan hivvD failed. Aimthur >Iniiancso vic-tory !B li'iinricd from Yulioliainii, hu t ofll-ilnlH nt tliu London locution ol Jajmnthink tlml tlio Imttlo on July 20 IB r t far•oil to Tho trlnl of UO antirctiists wmH>nt!nucd In l'arln.

.Frlilay, AUR. 10.Nottilng (lullnito 1

IT confori'L-B, b u t UniOlinturs weTo Kmdiurii)' IOE

Ilotli bnmclios of cuiifircHaiion. In thexmiuto no biiHlmitauco wm tmnsnctoO. Tti tli

of i In livelllltlU)

iiBrcolnn to nil tbu wniito uniondiiionts tittlio tariff bill Tho ntato do|mrltnnntliivs Issued a warrant for tliu arrost of Gon-

H oral Antonio Kzeta us tiuuii ns Iiu Inmlst » f o r - | from tlioUuiiniiiEton in extradition pro-

• cucillngs b(<i;uii by tho govonmitintof .Sal-vaUor 'Juntos Gunntin UlvtiU from a•wlmrl nt l'rovlflonco nnil was klllud byst r ik ing his licad on a utom

d by thn tnrl^ns ttmtthBhig groundB woto In sea-

HISH c l Impor-o hcuso Mr.

callutlillitioii oil I In will ITtli a punKQiit ilobalo on tlio ml mini

tlon's cuurfio Tlio Nuw Yutk l)iAtlu st^to CDiivcntlon ^vJl cnllcd to ;Kiiratoga un Sept. 3G Tbu Now York

bstltutiininl oonvonlloi) dlsc-ininciHlin^nls to tho city nr t lc la—

it of tbo Kow York Ynclit club orfrom Now London toNowjiort. Tbo Con-etollatlun uiul tho Ntivaliou wcro first inliolr elm Dedication

rvlros of tliu JIQW iiiiillturluin nt Uccnnw r lii),riin~—Antliuii/ Cumstock

dollvorc-d nn addtoss at iJlmutnuqmi]ilglilj--elgi)tinoinl)oroof Coxoy'scunmioti-wuri iwmy tit HyiiUfivllIo, Mi\., wrno or-Mated nnrt sonloiiL-cil to jull •Tho ltov.Qonrso Noedlmm sp!il;o on tlio '*H<>cindC l C J l 1 1 t N l l l l d l '

so NoinlnKof CJirlat1

ty-flvo paolt Pa

orllilloldlnjitrctl n

l i i f t

—l'wi n-Ha-llfolton, Pa., by tlio collision of two trolley

cars—^Ku 11 Iwii I1'. Kulb,do[uutcd 1'ouulUtiDinulldnW furgovurnor of Alnlmnm, lma

ami] n*proclaiiintlun threatening violent1 ensures - Judge John U. Tully uf. tliIn tli juiliclal olrotilt of Alabr n t o

l>y tlio siiiiroiii u r t of HintBtftta for liuliiu nn ncwMaory to tlio murder

ft inrni wlio was killml by Ids brothcrx-lnw Now York Itupuhllciui Htnto

ooiiinilttu) doclnroil tlio Brnakilold fnct'onregular, with iiixlructltins tontlmlC theAlllhollnnd fnutluu. Tlie jMUliollundltoarofiiicd to accept tbo verdlot nnd acouactlI ' l t t ot ftollinn tliuui out Mrs. Wnry

ingn, In Nownrl;. N, J., shot and prob-itbly fnt^lly mmndod P(.»(iunlo Jullnno,who tried t«i wrong bor o/tor urging lmrto poison he" ''.".isbniid A Hock Islnntltrain vrtxn wrockcJ on u liigli tirl'lgo nonrLincoln, Nob., anil olght pcoplo lost tholrllvo.* l'lvo wcro hunwd to ilontli In thorrcok, wliloli Wok flrc Both Chinand Jnpun tin) suit! to ba hurrying troups) Korea. Tlio Chinese cmjioror has lorlcdwar tribute upon tha viceroys of tbo dlf-rent prcvlntL-a Tho llrlttinnln dofont-

cd tlio Vlulliintln tlio yacht raco at Co won.gftturdar. Aim. " •

Senator Hill brouKlit about a shnrp tar-Id BldrmlKh by offering a resolution cull-ing on tlio conforcoe to report thontatusif thu bill. AunilDlHtmtlon

ight for tlmo, rrwl t l i ou t iiliouso tiuir

lntorsI tlio rcRoIutlon

I t wiw doolUwl by4 to aocopb RU thon fore

U> the Wllnoii bill andto nsk tbo hotiso to puna sapnrato bills forfn<o mignr, punl anil Iron oro——Effortsiro bolng liinilu to I m n thu Now York:onfltltutlonnl convoutlui) nil opt an omend-nout mnklng a CPIIBUH of t<cliool ohildron

compulsory. Tho contention decided tohold sessions lio rent! or aa Satunlnys andMondays Twenty-four l |vcsworo lost

tvrouk un tho Hock Island railroad.1 ill sun tor wan tlio work of wreckersTbo raco for tbo Godot c'JpB wna

id by ynolits of tho Now York d u bfleet over tlio Block Island course. ThoKincrnld won Mio cup for schoonera ant);lio Karalioo tlmt for el oops President

c h a r t of tlio AUhlaon, Topcka nndiinntft Fo railroad company roslsnodTlio long drought ID IOWU was broken

Mrs. CavcmllMh 1'nj-lor dlod a t Bartlorbor Tho l ]ullinan company (locldodlo ovlot tbo etrlkorx from tiielr tonomentsnt Pul lman Lovl P . Morton, in nn in-terview in Geneva, denim tha t ho haswritten a letter expressing Ms willlnnnoBdlo accept tho Itopublloan nomination foritovoriior of Now York Tho pulaco ofVerdi, tlio composer, a t Genoa, was b u rElarlzod A big (ly wheel burs t la n miltit Knriiim, S . I I . , terribly Injuring two

tmployocs A ,Tn [inn ceo fleet nt tucked aCbliiuso port and was repulsed by Chinese

aralilps I t la cutlmntcil tha t China111 Imvo no,000 troops In Koran boforo

Iho ond or Sontombor. Knglantl wil l holdJapan rcsQMi&lbAa tor tUo l ink ing ot t k sKow-Sliun« Ib Is thought t ha t thoraatchos botwoon tho Vigi lant nnd Brltnn-

tro off, Mr. Gould and thu 1'rluca ofWales huvltitt dlsagrood as to tho condi-tions. Tho Bri tannia won Kmporor W i l 'l lam'icballonga shield without opposition

Grand Dticboai Xoiila, dnughtor oftho ozar, a n d hor hualmnd vera Injured bybeing thrown from tholr carrlngo wlillwdriving from tholr woddlns dinner onAug. 0,

jlondJij, A up. 13.The ilrougbt In tho coin V*H lias keen

irokon by K"™1 rnlns Tho roloj- bloy-la rhloiB roaohed Donvor, having mads

tha distanco from Washington nanrly twoiioys ahoad dt tlino Kvlotions of Rtrlk-e n anil tbolr fomtlloa have boon ordorod

BucKlea'a Axnlca SalThe beat salvo la the world for Cute, Sores,

Bruise*, TJlceiB, Bait IUieuai, Paver Sores,Tetter, Cbnppwl Bands, Chilblains, Cornand oil 8klu Eruptions, and poiltlve y enrwFilce, or no pay roqulml. I t Ii

give perfect satisfaction, or money re-funded, Price twenty-fire cento per box.For sale by Robert Killgoro, Dover, Onun,H u e s ft Co. , .Fort Onun, P. N. Jenkin

Dr. Httla'« H o m o bold Oin tment .I i tbe flnott wmtdy ID tha world. J t ob*o

lately cums Mtairb. I t euros neuralgia andrheumatism. Curea plica Hko magic Cure*'Kit rhonm In ths most KM thing manner.Cures Innamud and granulated eyelids. Cura#

iehi end wild*. Can ba t u t en InternnllyA pmltive spcclfla for pnpnmonla. Cut*bruises, burns, chilblains, M T M of ITBR stand-

" " i s and " . . . . .. com.__ 1 urn cured qufebly;iront from nil olae; un peri or to all elm ; It

laa no equal. 25c, and M e boxes, hargt~i ca«ApF«t. tia\A tA Rohert Kill gore's COT-

Drug Store-

2£ra. B . a . Eh on,of Hilford, Neb., wys she BOffored greaUyrmm n complication or dbeBKti of fera altwcobnm* and liver abd kldnej troables. Dorhealth was fully restored by mlng Dr. D&le'fHousehold Tea, tbo moat fti-iuaat nod mo»t

nnslicine known. 25c and Wo. pera t H. Klllgoni'a drojf itore, DOTW.

Tue»JB J i AiiB. 14.Tlio Duinocmtlo liiciubora of tlio'hauso

pafiaodarosolntlon In ontmus tonccopt thosonnto nmomlmonU to tliu tarl i l bill nndto pasR tcimriito tariff liills pu t l lng supi»T,conl, Irun oro nnd bnrlicd wlro on tho frtolist. Thu liouiio then wont Into KM si onand after two hours ' dolmto passod tlioBonalo turiir hill by n vutu of m to 105.Tlio otlior bills wrro ndoptcd ns follow*:Furfrco imt'iir, ^70 to I I ; fruo conl, 100 to104; for frca Iron oro, 101) tu lo j ; for freoburbcd wlro, 187 to 81. Tha nmato cun-HidorvA tho sundry oivll npiiritprlntim) bill

Tho Chlncxu t.it>iity wim nitlflodI'rnfiwKcir vmt Ilolat locturud n t Cliuutiiu-(|Uu 011 tho LI n I tod States cnnstUutlonTlio lluL't of tlio S u w York Yuoht du l lHalkd from Vlnpynrd Havon to Now Jlctl-ford Tho trot t ing races nt Torro l luute,Ind., find KoclifHtur bogan GavornnrFIUWLT addris->ud tlm uuiiniiirclal Iruvrluraat Utlca, N. Y. FlmiRor Rd I'lirdrldnowiw forollilj' ejvetcil from tlio ll«njr of tliu

board of tratio forduot— inlttudfiuicldo by throwing hlinsulf into tlio riverot NhiKnni falls The rour t jnartlnl ofJUDjor Worth was concilium! nt Omaha,b a t tho decision watt nut announcedEx-rri ' iuiur Mci-clor of Cimatln Is dying nthis homo in Montreal Two womenwero drowned In tliu nur( nt ATOIUH, Ji.J . A CnlncBo flrat IB roported ta ImvoBalled to Intorrujit JnpimuBo IraiiEportacnrrj'Jni! trnnp« to KiTt'ii Tlio stcain

uclnn Mny and lloim. tlio form or ownedi K D

uclnnby ComYk Y

nd l l i m) K. D. of tho New

York Ynoht club, wore dumiuml In a col-lision Sownd rondlntr of tho evictedtenants bill wns niovwl lu tho houtio uflortlfi Tlio Fronch coniinUtuo of pardons

toiico uf t-nsorio, tlio convlotdd niurtlorcrof I'rcKltlont Cnrtiot Unltort ytntiiaoruUfr CIIIRIIRO nrrlvad nt Southamptonfrom Cowes Over a hundred [innplo amreported killutl or lnjuroil In n tornadoivliidi Hwupt over Mmlrld anil CludndBrail Loiiiitli'p, Spain A boilj-, appar-ently of a wouiiin, wns fiuon in tho wlilrl-pool ut Niagara fullB Tho drafted IDoilof 1BII3 Imvo huld aAlbany, ''i'lmj- v int tho county to return

tlioy ])fild t o cRcapo tlio

Only thol

j , Aug. In .In fcosslon.

l* t l l lTin

four supplementary tarlu* lillls passed bytho IIOUBO on Monday evening ware roadboforo the Boimto and hild ovor until to-any The Now Vockconstitutional COM-von tion dlsKUBscd tho amondinont to tlioolty nrtloio. Tho ronmitttcj on Judiciarywill ronort Iu favor of coiiBblldntliiK thn

of the stnlo Tlio Now YorkYacht elnb ci

oi oniled, and thoo l e d , d tho equail

_. was dlxbunilod at Nou'port Non-York fital* biinkcr'a convention opiDicdat Sanitof-'ft Tho tuiiiunl niootlug oftho Stato Chrfla assoclntlun Iwgun ntBuffalo Tho BU von tli onnuul iiiirotlngof tho StaU) Hotel Kcpjiurs' nssoclotionwas hold nt Bnrntoga aeoi-gu JI. pull-jrnm Issued n etalouiont tlofcmllng hisoompouy'a uhnmotor A putty of mivnlwsorvos In n wliniohoat Iimttholr benrlnssIn Long Island sound nnd wero 21 hourswithout food \Ybilopraolioo was ffolngon at tlio Snmly Hoak proving ground aBlidl fell oud cxnlodud CIOKO to tlia Fish-ing UnnksfiloutuiTJ. B. Sohuyler Twolittlo girls from Urldgoport, Conn., start-lugwost oil ii-romoiitio hunt forfmno andfortuno woro armBtod In Kow York andreturned to tholr pnronta PlungerPnnlriilgo of tho Ohicnjo Ixmnl of trudowas taken lo nti lnobrhito usyhim, whorobo was so vlolotit Unit ho wis Btmppod toa bed Tho cmlHor Cliarlcston hns boononlorod to prcnaro to snil for tho Astaticstation -Bidhop O'linrn of bemnton,P a , Is very 111 at Cnpo Wny ChnrlcB A.11111B, velman city chamberlain of Albany,is dead An elaborate reception wnstendered to Mgr. Sntolli at Uutlor, N. J.

Tho housoof lords wjootrd tlioovlotcdtfinnntsblil byavotoofSiO to 30. In tliohouso of common a tlio itiinors1 dght hourbill WDB withdrawn Tho Sotanlta do-featcd tho Britannia In tho reco for thoCommodoro'B oup nt llydo Several nn-arohlsts woro directed uy tho pollco ofKoino. Bymlis und in uteri nl a for makingthem irero found in tholr lodgings Ernost Cornot, eon of tho murdored presi-dent ot Franco, wna married in Tarls toMile. Mnrtmoilta ChirlB A dispatchfrom Yokohama eays that tho Japanosowere victorious In tho naval buttle wlllitho Chlnoso fleet on last Snturdny ThoBniGsoIa polico raided somo lodglnshoiiGesftud anofiloA \1 alleged dynuiulusrn Thuuteaniehlp Kniprcss of Chlno, from Y»n-oonver, reported atihore nt Slianghnl, Ii'viIxwn ilootoJ Klghtocn persons lu a vil-lage near NlodKwcdr.on, Pnifisbi, pnlnnnrdby eating dlsonsod linrrhiff, ftru dand-BlnoIloldB has boon rotakon by tlio Niun-rngunnH, and Chief Cluronco of tho Mos-qulco trlbafBar&fuffooon tlioDiitish wa^ship Mahftwk.

olbavocrcriounatbiitwouiadomad.1* X rbo K)oM._floId by DruggbtB.

SHILOH'S CURE.Tmfl GREAT Oouon Ctms pi-oapLIycut^*

"whoronllotlioWfalL ForCoommniionltliOSaor.val; bus cured lhOTl«*o(l^ end will c m t sTOD,UtatrnIntlawj. PifesBrti,, C0ett,,|1.00>

Sold by Robert KUlgore, Dover H, J .

S. E.(SUCCESSOR TO A. Wionrgs,)




FUR^AOES,Tin, Copper and Shoot Iron

Hoofing, Zinc, bacot Lead,

load Pipe, Pomps, &o.




sllow Depleted Blood, poornour i shment o v o r v L l i i n gbad. Tboy a re signs ofAnaemia.


tho Cream of God-ilvor Oil,with hypophosphites, CE-riclies the blood, purifies theskin, cures Aiuumla, buildsup Iho system. Physicians, theworld over, endorse It.

Don't tie deceit by Substitutes!U Lj EODU A Bo.ro.. H, T. Alt Dmicirta

Look through my poem

you may possibly con-

clude its the way to ob-

tain value when wanting

anything in the form of a

good d n o e T l O ^ o t o n e

l od at variance with the

first causo of selecting

reliable goods at a price

rightly Bung to their

bonafldo quality.

May 18th, 1894.



A CAUTION 1When you tutk fur Ballnotlno'n Export, bre you wet It. Do nut nrcept any otbe.

fteep, bpcatiHO smne oueBnyn lt l» just tu go.m*A uniall glftsa of tho genuine IB better than AKallon of cheap imitation. Par M,IO ia fillfirut-clnaB placf« and debvtin>d anywhere Inthe Northern port of the State hy


DOVER, N. 3.B O I J B ^.O-EJKTrrs.




Soda and Mineral Waters

OF XVKUT D t s c n i m o s .


COLLEGE. N e w a r k . 79,




LeutecpenBlveintlmeandmnnby. Pleaa-uitait location. Inilorwd by thousands ofKrftdOAtes and hntdreoa of the leading bust-neat men of the State and nation. Write forCttalogtiS and nc^MiuYloctt?,

M r " H COVSH*.'? Principal.




Affections of flic Stomach and BowelsLS Dla r rhoa i , F a i n i n t h a S t o m a c h oiBowe l i , Gram tilt Cholera U o r b u t , D y s -

entory , Sick H e a d a c h e , I n a i g o i t i o aF la tu l ence or W i n d Oolio a n d

It k a voluahla FniriMv* Medicine, ixirtlcutarlr ivr-'Icisblo to children ami delWalo ftitioles, n*liuvliig3)«I^I»)u( Kfrvuus HcuUaelio, GUia],,,.^ Bu\yiretwed Si<n>llon«. i c

at tin) Eton-8 la Twenty Hvo Cunt Bcttli

- it iinlniiiiil I>J Hit; Mow>r, lit

1rKl1i111ui11tillfarn.nl one <|iuirt to lltoplloiiM»• Uiwll of llirtt-r, n))»ll I* troiihf.-iTvd frtmi

nt'lHT 1')' orilttiuiittJ or itiMilutiim I" l« jwutsi-d orflilu|jtLiJ for iliat i;iir|fom'. unlcw IHKI until 1 IIU i»:r-

iLtloii in ivrlthj^' tht'ri'ror. io \Uu jumi^'r pru-j;ril«.-(l In MiH imllimiw*', uiul w.'ilcli «[i|ill>utii)ti,l,nll U. avu>ni|wu!tcl hy tltu XIIKI »f IIvu (BJlollant tu Biter UH- w>»t «if iTr^iitlnn mlth HIIIISILT,

1;. B. Ami !«• it Curilicr cirdAiticd. Tluit ull opjil.nHfortraiiKfirourik.-vuitt.'sivfcrivd t o l a tw<

UommotiftliU onltun»ce -sliull lw Bfeuwl^y^tli

"Virgilv"tlii(rKaiiiiM^lil"u^l(iNsTli"pi'ri>r, a»'lii n--tiufivd m tin-oiiKltmiam.'lii.'iiti'jii for tb'1 pmntliiB

H lIMMt nimlu. itiinlM»"|i«iljH'itl«Si, Uy auSi t lwot l i )liisiTtioim, in at lf«Hi. tn-o (-') ii(!irsjwii«ulw, |>rlnatlIn llov^r, nml iirc^r of KUoh iiiLbHuiUon furuliihiHl.umHl"-ori1;In[ilui>i>1ii'stl»iiH)inllnlNiil>.' lllud and• 'ft witlt U10 Town tiltTk nl Iwwt Icti (10} UBJ-H 1«-


Depot in NBIT York, toot or Barclay Bt andfoot tif CnrUtopber Bt.

COHUBKCINO U A Y s n b , mt




OjwtHo aiproio* U:10Dover exprens *>:50Hopalcorn Kip* 1:15

oju. 7:28*pl * 8:0!)

KULliaiin hy tin-lWifJ no

iihiitlliii (.i.nnlilcnMl or mil .!n (.'ounull; proi-iiltil, tlwt wlch

nl licit LiinUUti U;c> wuuw of Uiui l li a]>|illi^vllan fur a

l"!'('ikoil(l(ESi[oOItACKEN,1J<IH. V. liAmtn, Chrk.

ANMiOnlltiiiotfto ncula to t!ic Polleo Dtiwrtmci

of Dover.l'AKIIIit>At-«|-HTi3th.1t»i

Use. i. ll« It ontalntNlliy tliu Mayor, Ri-cor.'"r, Alleniii'ii mil Cdiiuimutttiu'tHlineilof I)uVi>r,tlintlbi!i,w-n MiintiuilorChh<ror I'olkT.aiid nil AMIHUIIatHliulx or Poll,*., w l l o n on duly, al.nll wear Ii

[iluin vli'w IITI otllc[/il luiilut'. iiu fifrelnnfiiT |iru-urlliwl. nml Hint i h . - y p i l i J i l l d u l d ti— - 1 *•• - ' oth b l

if ['oil™ nlml! Iiu of infLol, nnd of tliu f'nll'i<v[MK Ju-MICII. \ii|,i An i-aiile U>nrini( ID UP U-alc a strwitnorand in IU L-\UWK a BIIH'1 . tliu ulildil buarliii: U|M>II It

' ' ' ' ' ''Uiwt o( Anna'

Ivoly. That t

..™. Ui«n.. tnl "Chii-f,' . _ . .

nciilli the Cont of Al-._v<>r"niul "I'lilliHi" encli rwpeet-Idnl IIU'IRU to Iwwom by llie''I'uikunllalllu tdlillldf t>> Ut

*cci>t tliottLo iiictul of 111

I till) Htm.lid III

. — , fc- .......Anil IJO tt Millnot IK- lawrui for any in-rsoii. ercept 'niornl

the INDUW IOIVB o t tint Mwn ot Duvt-r, to volliclal UHIKI!aUavo deM;rllN'il nmt wlmii o;

IMI, TtJttt It nlinll' iimlH-ni at

vear tliu. ._ _ nn duly;

1 for nny | T»UIM in ivtnror dl«|ilny cSoflolj1 rtwin-Inc wild oiliL'iul Unljfttt or eillifr or tluttn, or anyifiKo U'nriiiR IIJJUU tut laiw tlio wonta l> Uuverill(.i."or"l'o1imi.1'(.r.-illitriif tlioiu. Rltliln thevihir^Ui uinUr< ol I'lu'io^iuol i>ovtTi auu t.*vtry

" • 1 uf a violation of thin wcllon »'^ nlmlt t Uattli

ii or thin tuxtU> In r. tarn uf !'IV B

!)t)NIJAltS for each olf>*iic<', IM-SMOK COHW (if oou-i"tlon. (JKOltOE UoUHACKEN,

J O H . V , UAIEU, Ck'rh. H*Svr

AN ORDINANCETa »dojit ttie «ur«ry IDII mip ot lliit ponlna •:

S,U'C>'\u •trane.ttlilcli rum I mm UcFarlan i l r »D[>tll"-rlr ID Hert) tVtvi, md to provide far tbiUN US »tJd iccordliig Ut raid lurro;.

SVfiKBK ", Tint ]IOT1[OEI of L*nuDtu ivmus 9 tile Irune tn>m ibe itiiiTicclluuol uld Llarulu iiouuivIlL McPitrliQ ttici't notlhcrlj ta In lUlcrttctioL•Itli Bert" «lrert ban been opened br Ilia onooriof tbe lurid on wlilcli e»ld avrnun run*, mil tit-becD Jrdlci'oil In llie public bj imcli onnct# blornilitiiiR tifl iml.llo to mo the uni t j ind

Vi'HKHti", Itin (J[>nini(iu Council, by retolntlo

t i " ^ uf ulii *K>rllni, cf PilJ mv«nu" •iblcb'ttlrnImbien iSMilciuil It thova on • n i p miiln bIr* J. Cns, vtolun vlcn (own luncjoi ol l)i»™JnlfJ Jill) 51L, I HOI- ilietvfure,me. 1. Uf It ordtiued t>j tlio Mtjor, Rrcorilci

Aijorwcn tnJ cooiuinu Oounci'mea, of Duiur. iCi.

1>> iitrpled mi'I i|ipruvrd,REO 3. Atiil tw 11 hirllior orilalafd ttiit * aid m»p,

Kilt) • *rrl«t>'n dcrcriptlDii of t«li1 tutvey, be (lleil lilUe offl.'e at llio O[crk of tlir CountT ol rfortln, am.recorded lu ilio book uf roailn inil blKlimj* (or

Ibo flittenlii ferllon nf an ict eniidad ' 'Anictlo incorpni»'e Jlnvur," tl>proved Atiril let. IWifl,• nil lb>liOii|illr»Uiru|ij uf i>ld uiii|i to Olod lu tboonireorlbBTnwDp'—••

Bco.il And to (1llTTf) Hi

titilicrordiinrdtbit"UlilTO bfrD Dttil Itl

or 1,1 ticirniti it

innlliVIBUf, lllUV

Iteet DOittitrlj UUUD Hllb JIvFjrl.n ilteelliun with Jlcrrj airtet. ••n . . i |jiilill,tiit*Hur M«lr.._,,mlntnlucn •• tltrrilcil • • antli In all T"i-|iecta,

ClKiimF. WoOIUCKEN. ""t-jQfl.V l l i s t t , lontiuitik,


Hi-tnUd loOu Watrcu

lroi ino t1). Vandcrb

u Itio TownI i d A

>rur of » l i * _to keep 1 liloou

of DuvorIiMod AtiRint I3tb, ISl'i

a t 1S-J It OV\UUIIK1 UJ tbe H»jor, SUtmnltr,rmcn and CIIIUOIDH Oouitoilintn ol Dover,t ft llccme untried lo Will Inn II Vandirbfltil Ibc flror tlij ut June, A U 1801. to keepioou may \n- mid llio ums I* tisrrbj tr im.d to Mlebitl lt>dirvrfnr th«nonpir«J lerni

bcreol to thellcHl of


tl lt- s ; I ••,uno, A


pom llio ilMe bcreol to theItW, talJ llceoio ind thei t I d i h l f



One week to Slauglilei me LoiFaat Color Prenoli Challiea

at 2 1-2 ota.

31 inch Percales at 51-2 ota.

Dotted Swiss. Light Colors,at 3 3-4 cis.


Respootfully submitted tothe cash trade only.

Frank-H. Tippett,




DOVER, -:. Now Jersey


THE sum mm cot AH,3 Brick Block, Blackwell St., Dover, N. J.


.adies' and Children's Capes, Jackets and Ready-made Dresses.

Also the largest stock of


in Ihe Suite. CALL AND SEE US.




Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c.BRACKET'AND SCROLL SAWING DOME TO ORDER,

w*ji on band. n»Tiiij l»telj erected »luce Co»l Traatla with COVKBJBD P O O K I I«aa % u p w i j of out huOrM c«i, v> eui npply oar eaitomm 'with ~ ~ "


iMiHet dwlriiig to handlo their own o«U can bun It tcnmaA «a4 l(*drd wltbont thoT*"tlf

BiogU'toa mall* B:UHMSUQ nwtt 0mBulTalo eipreas* 10:T7Rover r-xpresa 10:63H'lietUt'B «pl.» 11KKJ

Elmtraeiprena* 2:25D om 3:52

•EJmirp ipreae* 1:30il 'MEeeton mail *M

Oflvcgo eipreM1"Dover uoroiniHdCkctUl'n spl.]jQV«r ncnotn Q 00BuCTalucxpreu* 0:18Dave «•*«

Dover aocom. 10:05Vl&. Boonlou

E M pdenmton e«p.»t l t u j l Exp*

^ pHIMUID exiirees*Dover nccoui.Buffalo «xpre»*T b t train

xp C:48n ti:3fitpl. 6^7esp 7:18?, Hrf3a»a* 8:S>ees* V-M



Dover. UorrlstowD.

ti-AO »11:30 "13:45 p. U2:U ••i-M5 "

6:87 "10;03 "

10:10 "11;58 "

1:15 P . M8:18 "

6:87 "

0:& "10:83 • '


1. Dover,

6:34 A. H.

BI7 '8:53

10:80 "11:53 "l:S8r.v.8:as "*;« "6:M0:507jH39.40 •1:05*

«:«)8:53 "5:«« "fl:'J3 "7:1H "8:02 "

10:10 "1:33A.. M.

LKA.VE HEW YORK FOR DOVER.At 4:20,0:05, 7:30*, 7^0, 9:00*, DsOO, B^O*,

10:10, A U i 12:00 It. lrf»*, 0:00, U:SOt 4:00«>4:30*, 4^30, 6:10*, 6:20,0:00, t-Jdtj*% S f i U j l l O ^»:00», 11:80. '" "

Via. Boonton Branoh.


Eastward.A.it. P.M. p.u.7:50 13:00 4:10 Cheater


Westward,A U, l> U, P. II.10:82 8:03 6:&10:23 2:57 6:10lO.ia 2^3 0:1310:03 3:47 G:0H0:59 3:43 6:050rf3 2}W HQQ

___ _•SA\ 12:'B 4:19

BiUO 13-IB 4:2&8.0-1 13:18 -Ijlli SUCCOSUQ8:0T 18:Sa HO Ktnvtt8:12 V£:Z1 4:55 J<inP*!o8:ll> 12:80 5:00 Port Oi aH;'Ji 12:115 5:IK Dover

Ttao Hacketletomi Eipresi stop* at PortOram Roiog east At 7:^1 A. H ; going wait a t7:23 P. U,




For New York, Newark and Eliz-abeth, at 6 61, A. M.; 12:09, 8:31,5:64 P. M.

For Philadelphia at 6:61, A, M;1 2 0 9 , 8 : 3 1 , 5 : 5 4 P .M.

Long Branch, OOBOU Grove,y P4rk and poinia on New

York and Long Branch Bailroad,at 6:61, A. H.; 3:31 r. M.

For all stations to High Bridgeat G 61, A. Jr.; 12:09, 3:31, 0:u4 F, n .

For Lake Hopafcoonc at 6:518:53 A. *.; 12:09, 3:31, 5:54, 6:40P. M.

For all ntntkma to EdiBonat C:5l;8:53 A. M. 3:31 F. M.

ForBookawavat8:l5,9:15.11:40A. M.4:16,6:19,7:18P.M.

For Hiberaia at 9:16 A. M., 4:10P.M.

For Easton, AUentown andMauohChunk at 6:61, A. K.; 3;31, 6:54,p . M.

Leave Now York at 6:00, 9:10A. M.-1:10,1:30,4KW 4:30 p. M.

Leave Bockaway at 6,42,8.44 A.M.; 12:00,3:22, 6:45 6:40 P. H P x.

Leave Port Oram at 8:10, 9:10,11:35 A. M.J 4:10, 6:14, 7:14 P .K.

Leave High Bridge a t 8.10,10:87A. K; 3:07,6:15 P. M.

J. O. OLHAVBBR,Oenl.bupt

- a P. BALDWIN,Oen. Fa«. Ait.


J . J . V H E E L A K D ,


ANCEJ)^ m Cored WIUODI Us Kills I m

E. MATHER, M. D.,Skin, Cincer and Malignant Diseases





(Dr. Knappi).

DAII.Y, aact M O M , , m a W d w ;

BumUji, 1 lo S:sc ONLT. - .-