PROPERTY & TAX MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Version T ABLE OF C ONTENTS DELIVERING S PECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY, SOFTWARE & SUPPORT TO YOUR ORGANIZATION This publication is provided for the exclusive use of Computer Arts Inc. customers with a current contract and license to use CAI Property, without warranty or assumption of liability resulting from its use, misuse or any other event. License holders may reproduce this publication for their own use as specified in the terms of their contract and license. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means by without a current contract and license to CAI Property, except with the prior written permission of Computer Arts, Inc. Any registered trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective trademark holders. 1. OVERVIEW ...................................................................... 1-1 1A. Service-Connected Disability ............................................ 1-1 1B. Occupancy Tax Reduction ................................................. 1-1 2. POTENTIAL NEW CLAIMANTS ..................................... 2-1 3. APPLICATIONS............................................................... 3-1 3A. Prior-Year Applicants .......................................................... 3-1 3B. Potential New Claimants ................................................... 3-2 3C. Blank Applications............................................................... 3-4 4. REMINDER LABELS ........................................................ 4-1 5. APPLICATION PROCESSING ......................................... 5-1 6. DATA FILES..................................................................... 6-1 6A. Setup Requirements ............................................................ 6-1 6B. Extract Data Files .................................................................. 6-1 6C. Import Data........................................................................... 6-2 6D. Manually-Created Applications ....................................... 6-4 6D1. Manage Applications ............................................. 6-4 6D2. Create / Edit Applications ..................................... 6-5 7. PRELIMINARY ROLL ...................................................... 7-1 7A. Preparation ............................................................................ 7-1 7A1. Review Parcels........................................................... 7-1 7A2. Review Applicants ................................................... 7-3 7A3. Review Acreage ....................................................... 7-3 7B. Print Roll ................................................................................ 7-4 8. POST-AUDIT CHANGES ................................................ 8-1 9. FINAL ROLL .................................................................... 9-1 10. FINALIZE ROLL ............................................................. 10-1

T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S - CAI User Documentation Site Breaker.pdf · 2019-05-16 · CAI PROPERTY CIRCUIT BREAKER Revised 05/16/2019 Overview 1-1 1. OVERVIEW The Circuit Breaker

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This publication is provided for the exclusive use of Computer Arts Inc. customers with a current contract and license to use CAI Property, without warranty or assumption of liability resulting from its use, misuse or any other event. License holders may reproduce this publication for their own use as specified in the terms of their contract and license. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means by without a current contract and license to CAI Property, except with the prior written permission of Computer Arts, Inc.

Any registered trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective trademark holders.

1. OVERVIEW ...................................................................... 1-1 1A. Service-Connected Disability ............................................ 1-1 1B. Occupancy Tax Reduction ................................................. 1-1

2. POTENTIAL NEW CLAIMANTS ..................................... 2-1 3. APPLICATIONS ............................................................... 3-1

3A. Prior-Year Applicants .......................................................... 3-1 3B. Potential New Claimants ................................................... 3-2 3C. Blank Applications ............................................................... 3-4

4. REMINDER LABELS ........................................................ 4-1 5. APPLICATION PROCESSING ......................................... 5-1 6. DATA FILES ..................................................................... 6-1

6A. Setup Requirements ............................................................ 6-1 6B. Extract Data Files .................................................................. 6-1

6C. Import Data........................................................................... 6-2 6D. Manually-Created Applications ....................................... 6-4

6D1. Manage Applications ............................................. 6-4 6D2. Create / Edit Applications ..................................... 6-5

7. PRELIMINARY ROLL ...................................................... 7-1 7A. Preparation ............................................................................ 7-1

7A1. Review Parcels ........................................................... 7-1 7A2. Review Applicants ................................................... 7-3 7A3. Review Acreage ....................................................... 7-3

7B. Print Roll ................................................................................ 7-4 8. POST-AUDIT CHANGES ................................................ 8-1 9. FINAL ROLL .................................................................... 9-1 10. FINALIZE ROLL ............................................................. 10-1

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Revised 05/16/2019 Overview 1-1

1. OVERVIEW The Circuit Breaker program, officially known as Property Tax Reduction (PTR), benefits qualifying taxpayers by paying some or all of their property tax bill for them. It does not reduce a parcel’s total tax charge like exemptions do. Instead, payments on those charges are made by the Idaho State Tax Commission (STC) using state funds. The taxpayer is responsible for charges in excess of the state payments.

Processing Circuit Breaker (CB) claims is a lengthy process that stretches over several months and involves several different offices. Coordination among them is key to completing the process in a timely manner.


Veterans with a 100% service-connected disability (SCD) may qualify for a tax reduction, regardless of whether or not they qualify for the regular Circuit Breaker reduction. Applications receiving this reduction will be flagged in the SCD field (lower-right portion of the main CB panel) and the Schedule Benefit amount will include the SCD reduction.

No special processing is required within the Property application.


Legislation passed in 2019 allowing both the regular Circuit Breaker reduction and the veterans' SCD reduction to apply to both property (non-occupancy) and occupancy taxes in certain circumstances. Existing processes in the Property application should handle both tax types when they are assessed on the primary property roll.

Subsequent roll occupancy reduction applications will be handled on a case-by-case basis for the time being. Contact the CAI Help Desk for assistance when this situation occurs.

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Revised 05/16/2019 Potential New Claimants 2-1


April 16 - Late December

Users can flag parcels for new applications and/or mailing labels throughout the year as they become aware of taxpayers who might benefit from the Circuit Breaker program. There is no need to manually keep track of these people all year - just flag them and let CAI Property create an application or label for them at the end of the year.

Complete the following steps from the Property Master screen of the taxpayer's parcel. If they have more than one parcel that might qualify for benefits, use the primary parcel - typically the one where the residence is located.

This process does not cause anything to print immediately. It simply adds the parcel to a queue for later printing (similar to summary sheet printing).


1. Property Master ............................ Click the Label/Summary button to open the Label Request panel

2. Selection ........................................ Click one of the radio buttons in the CB New Label/Application section

● Label Only ...................... Select Circuit Breaker Label

● Application Only ............ Select Circuit Breaker Application

● Label and Application .... Select CB App and Label

3. Add to Queue ................................ Click OK button to add the item(s) requested above to the print queue for later printing (similar to summary sheet printing process)

● Click Cancel to exit without requesting any items

4. Printing .......................................... Refer to Applications | Potential New Claimants section below when you are ready to print applications and labels flagged in this process

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Revised 05/16/2019 Applications 3-1


Late December

The State Tax Commission will notify CAI of any changes each year. Counties will be notified as soon as the changes are completed and applications are ready to print.

Applications should be printed and ready for claimants to begin applying on the first workday after January 1st.

NOTE Applications are changed almost every year. Do not print applications until notified to do so. Contact the CAI Help Desk if needed to make sure it is okay to print.

3A. PRIOR-YEAR APPLICANTS This process will create an application for each claimant in the previous year, based on the approval status selected. The application will pre-print the following information (if it existed in the prior year):

● Header........................................... County name, code area, parcel number

● Section A ....................................... Applicant name, parcel owner name and mailing address, property address, social security numbers (claimant and spouse, masked to indicate that they exist), birthdate (claimant and spouse, masked to indicate that they exist)

● Section B ....................................... Eligibility status


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers | Print Menu

1. Report Name ................................. Select CB Application

2. Print Blank Application .................. Select No to print applications with information from existing claimants

3. CB Year .......................................... Enter the Circuit Breaker year to get existing claimants FROM

● Applications will be created for the year selected plus one (example: CB Year = 2016, new applications will be for 2017)

4. Approve ......................................... Select an option to determine which existing claimants will be included

● All................................... Include all claimants regardless of approval status

● Approved ....................... Include only claimants that were approved in the CB Year selected

● Disapproved................... Include only claimants that were disapproved in the CB Year selected

5. Sort Order ..................................... Select an option to determine the order in which new applications will be printed

6. Buttons .......................................... Click Print or View to continue, Cancel to exit without printing

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Revised 05/16/2019 Applications 3-2


This section applies only when CB New Application or CB New Labels is selected for the Report Name

Parcels are typically placed into the print queues throughout the year, as explained in the Potential New Claimants section above. The user who does so has the option to request an application, a mailing label, or both. The Report Name selected in the following steps will determine which of the print queues to work with - applications or labels.

As they are printed, parcels are removed from each queue. Users can also remove individual parcels from the selected queue prior to printing if they no longer need to be included. This typically happens when a parcel that was flagged for Circuit Breaker has an ownership change that eliminates the need for an application.


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers | Print Menu

1. Report Name ................................. Select CB New Application or CB New Labels

2. List Parcels..................................... Click the List Parcels button

3. Year ............................................... Select All or enter a specific year to see the parcels that will be printed

4. Buttons .......................................... Click OK button to continue, Cancel to return to the previous panel

5. Remove Parcels ............................. If needed, remove parcels prior to printing as follows:

● A Select Parcels .............. Highlight one or more parcels to remove

● B Remove ....................... Click Delete icon and verify intent to continue

Note: This will only remove the parcel from the selected queue (application or label). If the parcel is in both queues, it must be removed from each one separately)

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Revised 05/16/2019 Applications 3-3


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers | Print Menu

The steps are the same for both applications and mailing labels except where specified below.

The application will pre-print the following information (if it existed in the prior year):

● Header........................................... County name, code area, parcel number

● Section A ....................................... Parcel owner name and mailing address

1. Report Name ................................. Select CB New Application or CB New Labels

2. Years .............................................. Enter the year(s) to work with as follows:

● Property Year ................. Enter the year to use for selecting parcels from the print queue. This will also determine the owner names and addresses that will be printed.

● CB Year ......................... Applications Only Applications will be created for the year selected plus one (example: CB Year = 2016, new applications will be for 2017)

3. Sort Order ..................................... Select an option to determine the order in which new applications will be printed

4. Buttons .......................................... Click List Parcels button to view parcels in queue Click Print or View to continue, Cancel to exit without printing


Make sure printing is successful before continuing with the next step

Parcels MUST be removed from queue after printing; otherwise, they will be reprinted the next time this process is repeated

5. Clear Print Queue .......................... Click Delete New CB button, then verify intention to continue

● This will remove all parcels in the current queue for the Property Year entered in step 2 above

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Revised 05/16/2019 Applications 3-4

3C. BLANK APPLICATIONS This process will create blank applications.


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers | Print Menu

1. Report Name ................................. Select CB Application

2. Print Blank Application .................. Select Yes to print blank applications

3. CB Year .......................................... Enter the Circuit Breaker year used to determine printed year

● Applications will be created for the year selected plus one (example: CB Year = 2016, new applications will be for 2017)

4. Number of Copies ......................... Enter the number of copies to print

5. Buttons .......................................... Click Print or View to continue, Cancel to exit without printing

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Revised 05/16/2019 Reminder Labels 4-1


Late December - Early January

This is an optional step that allows you to print mailing labels for prior-year applicants to send them an application or notice (letter or postcard) reminding them that it is time to reapply. Users choosing to send a notice rather than an application will need to create that outside of the Property application.

Skip this step if labels for applications or reminder notices are not needed


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers | Click Print Menu button

1. Report Name ................................. Select CB Reminder Labels

2. Selection Criteria ........................... Enter the criteria to be used to create labels

● CB Year .......................... Select the year of the most recently completed CB roll (to print labels for the 2017 applications, select 2016 as the latest CB year to get applicant information from)

● Approve ......................... Select the application status from the past year (all, approved or disapproved)

● Sort Order ...................... Select the order to use when printing labels (application ID, code area, name or parcel)

3. Create Labels ................................. Click Print or View button to create labels, Cancel to close

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Revised 05/16/2019 Application Processing 5-1


January - April

As part of the application process, users will enter information for each claimant using the State Tax Commission's PTR website process. The data entered will then be sent back to the county to be imported into CAI Property. Importing files from STC is the only way to get applications into Property so it is important that all claims are entered and correct before getting files from STC.

NOTE For assistance with the PTR website, including adding, changing or deleting claims, contact the State Tax Commission

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Revised 05/16/2019 Data Files 6-1


Mid to Late April

The State Tax Commission will provide each county with a password-protected compressed file containing Circuit Breaker data that was entered using their PTR website. It contains two data files, one containing information about applicants, parcels and owners and the other having claim-related data. The data files must be extracted from the compressed file and saved prior to importing them into Property.

6A. SETUP REQUIREMENTS The import process will look for the extracted data files in a specific folder on the same file server where the Property application resides. The user running the import process must have authority to read and write to that folder, and the UNC path to that folder must be entered in a file transfer table by a CAI support representative.

NOTE This is a one-time setup requirement (unless the server name and/or file location change). SQL Server client tools are no longer needed on the user's workstation.


1. File Folder ...................................... Determine the location where files will be saved for importing


● This folder must be located on the same file server where the Property application resides

● The user must have read and write permission to that folder

2. File Path ........................................ Work with a CAI support representative to have the UNC path to that folder entered in the file transfer table


File transfer table (PATPFTC) has a record with description (FTDESC) of CB Import. Enter the full UNC path to the desired folder in the path field (FTDTS). Do not change anything else on that record other than the path.


NOTES A password is required to open the compressed file. Contact the State Tax Commission for the password or for help extracting the data files. Data files may contain sensitive information. After extracting them, they should be safeguarded to prevent unauthorized access to them.

We recommend saving the protected file in a permanent location and using a temporary folder to hold the extracted files for importing.


Save the compressed file provided by the State Tax Commission, then extract its contents to the import folder. Replace existing files if prompted to do so.

To see the path to the import folder, click the CB Menu button. The path is shown to the right of the Import button.

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Revised 05/16/2019 Data Files 6-2


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers | Click CB Menu button to open the Circuit Breaker Menu panel

NOTE This process will clear any existing data for the year selected, then import both the county and application data files located in the import directory. Do not run this until you have saved the most current data files into that directory in the Extract Data Files step above.


1. CB Year .......................................... Enter the property year you are working with

2. Import ........................................... Click the Import button

● Read confirmation message and press Yes button to transfer data from the extracted application and county CB files saved to the import folder in the previous step; No or Cancel button to return to previous panel without processing

● Confirmation message will display when import is completed

3. Done .............................................. Click Cancel button to exit

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Revised 05/16/2019 Data Files 6-3


Users should attempt to resolve any issues that might require corrections to be entered on the STC website. If any changes are made there, new data files will be imported and all previously-imported data for the current year will be replaced.

Verify that all valid applications received by your office have been successfully imported into Property.

NOTE This is the final opportunity to reimport data files, if needed, without losing any editing changes made in the next sections. Do not continue without completing this step.

1. Property Data ................................ Get the application count from the upper-left corner of the Circuit Breaker panel

Select | Process | Circuit Breakers

2. Compare Counts............................ Compare this number to the valid (signed) applications received and to the number of applications entered on the State Tax Commission's PTR website


If the count of applications in Property is correct, continue to the next section.


If there is a difference, corrective action must be taken and new data files must be created and imported into Property. Work with the State Tax Commission to get everything entered on their PTR website and have them create new data files.

Repeat all steps in this section to reimport data using the new files. This will clear all previously-imported Circuit Breaker data for the property year being imported, including any manual changes made to that data.

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Revised 05/16/2019 Data Files 6-4


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers | Click CB Menu button to open the Circuit Breaker Menu panel

As a general rule, all applications and their associated data are imported from the State Tax Commission files as explained in the previous section. However, there are occasionally times when it may be necessary to add an application without going through the import process.

This can be helpful when an application was missed and the user has begun editing other applications - those changes would be lost if new files were imported. Instead, the missed application can be entered manually. This process will also be used to add applications for subsequent roll occupancy tax applicants.

6D1. Manage Applications


1. CB Year .......................................... Enter the property year you are working with

2. Create/Edit Panel .......................... Click the Create/Edit Manual Application button to work with manually-created applications

● Read confirmation message and click Yes button to continue; No or Cancel button to return to previous panel without processing

● Refer to Create / Edit Applications section below for instructions on working with manually-created applications

3. Done .............................................. Click Cancel button to exit

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Revised 05/16/2019 Data Files 6-5

6D2. Create / Edit Applications


1. CB Year .......................................... Displays the year being worked on

2. Buttons .......................................... Use the buttons as follows

● Refresh .......................... Resets panel

● Apply.............................. Used to save new or updated application

● New ............................... Used to create new application

● Delete ............................ Used to delete an existing application

3. Applications................................... Displays all manually-created applications for the year show at top

4. Application Detail .......................... Detailed information for the application selected in the grid above


1. New ............................................... Click the New button

2. Attributes ...................................... Enter all relevant information for the application

3. Save ............................................... Click Apply button to create application


1. Select ............................................. Highlight the application to be updated

2. Attributes ...................................... Update information for the application as needed

3. Save ............................................... Click Apply button to update application


1. Select ............................................. Highlight the application to be deleted

2. Delete ............................................ Click Delete button

● There is no confirmation or undo so make certain the correct application is highlighted before clicking the Delete button

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Revised 05/16/2019 Preliminary Roll 7-1

7. PRELIMINARY ROLL After importing data into Property, users need to review and edit applications to prepare for the preliminary Circuit Breaker roll. This roll is used by the State Tax Commission to audit applications.

The primary focus at this point is on applicants, parcels, owners and values. Among other things, this roll includes:

○ Name of taxpayer, applicant and/or owner

○ Description of the property for which a reduction is claimed

○ Best estimate of current total market value

○ Net taxable value of the eligible portion of the current market value

○ Maximum amount of tax reduction the taxpayer qualifies for


April - May

7A1. Review Parcels

This section allows users to review parcels associated with Circuit Breaker applications and update them as needed before any further editing takes place. All parcels must be valid and must have a homeowner's exemption (HOE) in the property year being worked on.


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers

1. Error Status ................................... Click the heading of the first grid column labeled Error Status to sort errors to the top of the list (you may have to click the heading a couple times depending on what the errors are)


If all applications have an error status of None, skip the remainder of this step and continue with Import Parcel Values step below


If any applications have an error status other than None, they must be resolved before continuing

2. Application .................................... In the grid, select the application to work on

A. Parcel Invalid ......................... All parcel numbers must be uppercase and must match to an existing parcel with a status of Active or Active-Remove in the property year being worked on; error message will refer to the invalid number (#,A,B,C)

● Lower Case Letter(s) ...... If the parcel has any lowercase letters, replace them with

uppercase and click the Apply button at lower-right

● Invalid Number .............. If the parcel has all uppercase letters, it is an invalid number; find the correct number and enter it in the appropriate field, then click the Apply button at lower-right

B. No Hoe .................................. Parcels qualifying for Circuit Breaker must also qualify for homeowner's exemption

● Edit HOE......................... Update the homeowner's exemption as needed to make sure all qualifying parcels are included. If any parcel should not be on the Circuit Breaker application, remove it and click Apply button at lower-right


If assessment notices have been created, a corrected notice may be required after making HOE changes. If the primary roll is closed, special authority will be required to update HOE.

Do not batch update homeowner's exemptions - update individual exemptions as needed from a parcel's Property Master panel

3. Additional Errors ........................... Repeat the steps above for each application with an error

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Revised 05/16/2019 Preliminary Roll 7-2


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers | Click CB Menu button

NOTE This step should be completed after the majority of reappraisal value changes for the year have been completed and homeowner's exemption has been batch calculated. If possible, wait until the Assessment Roll Closeout process has reached the point where the primary roll is ready to be closed (Assessment Roll Closeout documentation, Step 1D).

However, make sure to leave enough time to finish the preliminary Circuit Break roll that is due by June 1st.

1. CB Year .......................................... Enter the property year you are working on

2. Update Values ............................... Click Update CB Master Values button

● Read confirmation message and verify intent to continue by clicking Yes button or click No or Cancel button to cancel without processing

3. Done .............................................. Click Cancel button to exit

NOTE Once this step is completed, Circuit Breaker values must be reimported only on applications where any parcel's value gets changed and/or a parcel's homeowner's exemption changes. This is done by clicking the Get Values button on the CB Values panel for an individual application.

To avoid losing all changes made in the following sections, do not repeat this step to batch import values unless new files have been received from the State Tax Commission.

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Revised 05/16/2019 Preliminary Roll 7-3

7A2. Review Applicants

This section allows users to review applicants with special circumstances and update the Circuit Breaker taxable and homeowner's exemption values as needed.

NOTE Changes made to Circuit Breaker values do not affect actual (master) parcel values - they are for CB purposes only.

Any changes made from this point forward will be lost if new files have to be imported from the State Tax Commission. Make sure all previous steps have been completed before continuing.


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers

Repeat the following steps for each of the following special circumstances where some portion of parcels may not qualify for Circuit Breaker

○ Multi Dwelling ....................... Application has parcel(s) with one or more multi-family dwellings

○ Multi Use ............................... Application has parcel(s) with one or more uses (residential, commercial, etc.)

○ Partial Ownership .................. Applicant has less than 100% ownership of one or more parcels

● Partial ownership issues are the single biggest problem the State Tax Commission finds during their audit of the preliminary roll. Please pay special attention to these applications.

1. Filter By ......................................... Click the radio button at upper-right for the special circumstance to work with

2. Application .................................... In the grid, select the application to work on

A. Circuit Breaker Values ........... Click CB Values button at center-left to view and/or update Circuit Breaker value

1. Characteristic ................ In the grid, select the characteristic to work on

a. CB Value ................ Update as needed

b. CB HOE Value ........ Update as needed

c. Save Changes ......... Click Apply button at lower-left to save changes; click X in upper-right corner to close panel

2. Repeat ........................... Repeat the steps above for each characteristic shown in the grid

B. Repeat ................................... Repeat the steps above for each application shown in the grid

7A3. Review Acreage

This section allows users to review applications having more acreage than what is eligible for Circuit Breaker and update taxable and homeowner's exemption values as needed.


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers

1. > Max Acres ................................... Click the heading of the third grid column labeled > Max Acres to sort checked applications to the top of the list (you may have to click the heading a couple times)


If no applications have a checked box, skip the remainder of this step and continue with Print Roll step below


If any applications have a checked box, they must be reviewed before continuing

2. Application .................................... In the grid, select the application to work on

A. Circuit Breaker Values ........... Click CB Values button at center-left to view and/or update Circuit Breaker value

1. Characteristic ................ In the grid, select the land characteristic to work on

a. CB Value ................ Update as needed

b. CB HOE Value ........ Update as needed

c. Save Changes ......... Click Apply button at lower-left to save changes; click X in upper-right corner to close panel

2. Repeat ........................... Repeat the steps above for each land characteristic shown in the grid

B. Repeat ................................... Repeat the steps above for each application shown in the grid

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Revised 05/16/2019 Preliminary Roll 7-4


By June 1st

Preliminary reports should be reviewed by county staff for accuracy and completeness prior to submitting the report to the State Tax Commission. The Assessor must certify the preliminary reduction roll to STC by June 1st. It must be printed in alphabetical order using the primary applicant's name.


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers | Click Print Menu button at bottom-left

1. Report Name ................................. Select CB Reduction Roll

2. Report Type ................................... Select Preliminary

3. CB Year .......................................... Select the property year being worked on

4. Sort Order ..................................... Select Name

5. Create Report ................................ Click Print or View button to create report, Cancel to return to previous panel

6. Certification................................... Assessor must sign certification of roll on last page

7. Submission .................................... Submit report as instructed by State Tax Commission

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Revised 05/16/2019 Circuit Breaker Post-Audit Changes 8-1



From June to the second Monday in October, the State Tax Commission audits each claim before sending a post-audit report including changes or denials that must be made before submitting the final reduction roll.


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers

1. Schedule Amount Changes ........... Update the maximum allowed benefit as needed

A. Application ............................ In the grid, select the application to work on

1. Schedule Benefit ........... Update the Schedule Benefit field as needed

2. Save Changes ................. Click Apply button at lower-right to save changes; click X in upper-right corner to close panel

3. Repeat ........................... Repeat the steps above for each schedule change

2. Other Changes............................... Refer to Preliminary Roll | Preparation section starting on page 7-1 to update applications as needed for any other changes

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Revised 05/16/2019 Final Roll 9-1


By Fourth Monday of October

The final property tax reduction roll incorporates the changes requested on the post-audit report and extends the preliminary report to include the following additional information:

○ The current year’s levy for the code area in which the property is situated

○ The amount of property tax reduction claimed based on the prorated net taxable value of the eligible portion of the property’s current and the maximum scheduled benefit amount

Final reports should be reviewed by county staff for accuracy and completeness prior to submitting the report to the Tax Commission. The county auditor must certify the completed property tax reduction roll to the Tax Commission by the fourth Monday of October.


The State Tax Commission must notify counties of all approved levies by the fourth Monday of October. The Auditor and/or Treasurer enters the new levies into Property and verifies them as part of the Tax Charge Preparation process. They should then notify the Assessor that the levies are complete so Circuit Breaker taxes can be calculated.

Every effort should be made to complete the remainder of all remaining steps as soon as possible. The Treasurer cannot complete the primary roll tax charge until Circuit Breaker has been finalized.

NOTE Do not continue until notified that new levies have been entered and verified.


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers

This process batch calculates taxes within the Circuit Breaker environment so they can be included on the final reduction roll. It does not create actual tax charges on parcels. It also calculates the actual tax reduction based on the tax charge and schedule amounts.

1. CB Year .......................................... Enter the property year you are working on

2. Calculate Taxes .............................. Click Calculate Taxes button

● Read confirmation message and verify intent to continue by clicking Yes button or click No or Cancel button to cancel without processing

3. Done .............................................. Click Cancel button to exit

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Revised 05/16/2019 Final Roll 9-2


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers | Click Print Menu button at bottom-left

1. Report Name ................................. Select CB Reduction Roll

2. Report Type ................................... Select Final

3. CB Year .......................................... Select the property year being worked on

4. Sort Order ..................................... Select Name

5. Create Report ................................ Click Print or View button to create report, Cancel to return to previous panel

6. Certification................................... Clerk must sign certification of roll on last page

7. Submission .................................... Submit report as instructed by State Tax Commission


The State Tax Commission will review the final roll prior to certifying it. If any issues are found, the roll will be returned to the county for additional changes. If that happens, complete the following steps.

1. Changes ......................................... Refer to Preliminary Roll | Preparation section starting on page 7-1 to update applications as needed for any other changes

2. Circuit Breaker Taxes ..................... Recalculate Circuit Breaker taxes as instructed above

3. Final Reduction Roll....................... Resubmit a final reduction roll as instructed above

Page 22: T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S - CAI User Documentation Site Breaker.pdf · 2019-05-16 · CAI PROPERTY CIRCUIT BREAKER Revised 05/16/2019 Overview 1-1 1. OVERVIEW The Circuit Breaker


Revised 05/16/2019 Finalize Roll 10-1


By Third Monday of November

The STC reviews the final report submitted by the county for accuracy and completeness and determines the total number of claims to be allowed in the county, the dollar amount of each claim allowed, and the total dollar amount for all claims allowed in the county. This amount is certified to the county auditor and tax collector by the STC no later than the third Monday in November.

NOTE Do not continue until final reduction roll has been certified.


Select | Process | Circuit Breakers

1. CB Year .......................................... Enter the property year you are working on

2. Calculate Taxes .............................. Click Finalize CB button

● Read confirmation message and verify intent to continue by clicking Yes button or click No or Cancel button to cancel without processing

3. Done .............................................. Click Cancel button to exit

4. Treasurer ....................................... Notify Treasurer that Circuit Breaker processing is finalized