i 1lUNWSADR j J YDViICLY f IM JMrtAM IN ADVANCE 5 PINCFILD xv J > i fc DAVISON Jr x A i t tIL srb1sUItceE jO sO M PCt I OIi6iUUc1 matte ir im ao Ijat l low ratesbct cash anl t bSJdlM a filters of MOods At1et e tracts rade on ll ral- FfI i ifaM resolutions of resPect 3 I LxovcrkzNT Mv ft t 23- 0ers 500 rw tc I f TCW AT NOVEMBER 19 19 lUprrectnVative South Trimble lot XtotfcttcVy introducedln Con fW bill hicbj ir adopted Tfiif m i his opinion maTte grow jirj of toKvco independent of 1 tlM TcbJccd Tustrho bill 1 alt tho tobacqp planters the jright to rna ket ie > oflax their tofcico ill it pure state in anj IAtitiQf akage The Irus itig i cltiiBedhas sorediiced th prjb f of tobiftco that there f Itofe in it for the grower This bill Its i t claimed by its autbpr will give the fartntr adiciccd advantage Theintroduction rf fhejneasuro will doubJes mate Mv Trimble solid among ilie iarmers but that it will ever be V C man law is a ratter of very crave doubt j Thiegieat strike of the street Cir employees ot Chicngo whicl t its tied up tlreentiresstem o I ilfeAUMQKL lrp days will prob a ybesEtte11 f1o baNby n bit a two It took J 000 01 iCepen Tsetday t protect five tiars that Made trips over ire lines FOILING A HIGHWAYMAN iiiC IIJI srTl lKsr ta Do WItcn Intro deee4 te a Holdup J A man who carrleshis uioapy ant Obis watch in his left Imud vJiueve kee a enny nor u timepiece In hEii- p The lrettu lon which is q fe fetrpue Is so simple titat few peppi Uae thought ot It Yet It hts tlif auction pAihe police dud Us efileaci l hue Ijecn pr r dIn more tbia ay In stance a As soon as tim citizen In confronef by the holdup uian be will If he hn j i his won y and Lis watch In his hand Ihrow them ou the nearest htwn at Into the ditch No hlgliway rollier has time enough to stop to look for eitlier There Is na sense In carrying vriluablep la the right hand t because the fiist move qf every accomplished holdup man is to grab tiLl vt1in by the rlglM arm This moyemeut Is made to pre vent the victiui from reaching for n revolver The man who tries to draw n re volvcr while a lioldup man Is i In front of him tides his life in Tils hands It a CitiZen carries a revolver at nil he bdud carry It Itf his right 1h httvhil In n dangerous stroct lUg money and his wuteb should always be In his l left Then utter hi has thrown them sway and the robber tins departed Ulseouv fiLed the yictltii ron take his time about 2 iludlug his property t This simple plan discounts nil the re TQtvew vonl earns Rluirrshot and brass knuekles cor lurtnt Al mrJ has the nddodj beauty ttujt it llit be pin ployed fcyn wotnaa ns irell as by a BIUII To Hirow tho purse ox the watch away takes butu fnicllon of a seeonc and thatisnt 1oiigC1ikigi Tribune l Stilt WttlUipr of France Ta tire soutboriiit stilts are r necessity to the PEopl who are mostly ahapherds They must walk on ttUtRlo order to oversee their vast Cocks of hoop l its well cs to pass through tilt bogs TIese ElieDherds mcn women and children walk coalluron y ca tstiits Yronj itlx t to eight feet high These tilts are merely fastened to Ihe fVe JSetnetimes the stilts have itprlgh a reflelillig ItS far as the knees mid bouu flrjBulyto the logs < tencntlly thesjghcphprds a id pliep lenlesses carry iotlr whHi they jin use either a balafiolng poles or as ituyirorts very Ina eanes as It wore reiehhig to the ground iThoy beeome j j iffunt In stilt walking that It It an itnnrml JJJhfO see a shopherdow utrldlijg aiong on Ktllts that Kilso l1e Bix foot above tlip ground with rl bnlaiuInsr role stnjpped to her bari and hoy hands busily knitting socks for tbhand orbrqUier The ijcompleto miconeera with which theic country folk make their way ll nn stilts Is nstoniBliIng Onn niidit almost say that the thlldren 1JiaJtJJts1hrn to them Ins enc1 of crcdle5 Washlagtou Stir t tegciiI- A roc strine1 instrument iuspenIed h a farocablo position aear n ijlaaoforfe wIll Id whoa toaes correspoafllpr ip tUeopea Ktrnp ore produced ou UI o Jrart ortef JTie voluaia of th nuswu tug tone iell lepegd upon the ntajos plierle courtitteas flit quality nndcolw OJIJ1 Their a fAntllht anecdote told fanioiw tHt JKba by slnping the ornI that W lff 9eiaat with that wtiieIiinntl l wake the tlnss shiver so tt9t tttiy that It weukl fall to pieces It U jeeanne this teaal sympathy hat the 1f ff a harsh rittflnI tOIl thtt hiity foUdfmlf Appear la a jkiuioforte Ig df tr rtf l with dlfflcaltj > Tlniih li It nmy ItfIPPtrto be In tile vtruuiftif It ii oftMMrnt7ayjrirl coiu from n l rohi nl jiit1a- a dIll IHtllfr JIStu i Ir T T it ii rr L lriimin 3 iroW idrii iWro Un t5ii t- iI i t Mews Frpiti The County i Happenings Among the County pie i n 1as Reported by 4 jur Correspondents IfVtt ft non n fton n nftftnl1lnnl1Ift JI Co wt c FENWICK WF Log dan was R Texas SunlayMiss Minnie Barker anti Walter Adams were in<Lcbanon Ratur day and Sunday MIs Sarah Logsdon spent Sunday ttfctt i her son W F LogsdonV Mrs JR NfcAlisler attended church mi yonr to vn Sundny Messrsj Ed titsey and Lern BradahaW of exas wtTd here Saturday land Sunday Born to the wife of John Birkor ithp lObh a fineibqjt Miss LenaB rkerhasi return d hQraeaftc a vit it to Miss Moihe TayJQri JL Mr and Mrs John Harmon of ackvii1ejspntund iy with the famiy ot J N full Miss Ella Adams is visitjng at the hbmof ifrj W T >c Laugh1h 1r J Miss Ada McMillenhas re turned home after a ttsjt in Louisvtllej r Mesdames Gi ly TViilrtt ard Jie Sniithj viiifdd relatives Leru lat ceki o Miss Koke Kelley Iris retun ed born af eif awleks visit t to Miss AddieLogsdon at St Rose Miss Annie Kel ley spent last week with jljhc family of OT Logsdon Weare Igladto say that Mr James Janbsis convalescing Born to the w eof C M Tumey on the 9th agirI McINTHU Lots of people are greatly pleased ov r be e1eetionretirns- while sop e are npt so wtll pleased > All the farmers hi1 becu Vityby gatheen J B THJbCught a farm of Bjii fcimmii i Very recently Harrison Adams of Hardins Crejk sr ld his farm to Mr Leslie Rally i for 2500 und the former bought a arm fJis Band Ballards Beonard Mclnyre sold some nogs to Mr Bill ard- Mr Bil t Bniiili ± 1da nice filly to die last week 1 iss Etta Hill and John Simms SM apped hdrst s last week Yellwoliicjust up tp date oqw with the telgpone J 13Hiti sold anagcdcow to Tom tvellyat 25t Born to the wife of John Medley ort the irthn girl Boiu aiotlrcc and b tbi are do ng nicyl y Joe IJigdon and wife of Louis vileare ia i this sebtiontisiting friends and relatives and are also Jook ing for A farm MSs Alice Bhniford is vieitirig her sistvr Mrs Marion Wtr en of L aviess COjnty Misses Eta and Dissid Hill visited frionds at Mo rest ille 6aturJay and Sunday t Kobfc Yheatey i is building fr Mrs Tths Blanford adinijtig room and kitchen > t V Richafd Fields is very sick wi h pneumonia MisesGracie andBertnlcWai i ters of your towniassod through hero en route tii tlivir sisers tsJa WcCullums Miss Boll feint th arid Richard K2ene and Julia Eadjgette and foieph Medley w1lle married lit Ijhlf pastwolverpo ok Y di n1day th 18th Mis FJori Ktcne is at home th fiwVek to attend t the marriage ofL11 biote1iciitidhllsboro flu i lOt ouryoJTu friGnd- Uluybroufce i wlpJcd iit t tt tic et by a nico otC Ku j Hasant wa rcJs- ah1 winning Smiles mike himn ofJYtPQP1ur cari idatc We feet sutc no will rrakofji hood Representati etna the people of this county ill tak4 pleasure in lid ng litn to higUct office in b io futtir V IX rcL I t tJi Eld W Ezra Sutherland filled his regular appointment at Rdge Sunday A good LQveI idieoce was presenr Thy have begun painting theirhcue r Henry Settles and familr bave moved neat Brooksvtllo vlfere he will make a crop next ytar Add Blade has beoa in this community during the week and bought up several large droves of turkeys to be slaughtered fur Thatiksgiytng A very nicdsum of mpneyi4 i now ia the hands of tho women that will be doubtless used for the boneSt of the homa Small grain of all kinds is looking well especially te early sowTng and bids fair to make a large yield B H kIlvoy bought a col from Rbt Mcltvoy ffirr 10 JR Settles bought an ox ce1l lit work mule from Hon G A Dofioney for f75 He also bought some corn from him ftr 3 per barrel We are informed that tlie Sun day School tere has lien ut fcojiMno4 ioroing into o> that Was mar ihjbt in the wt r some gtiine i go had entirtJ been abated and the office thought best to discontinue tie school With no Sundgy Scho andno preaching there is n It much danger of aty one teii foundered on spiritual feed WI most certiti ly need all liB got that might be derived nom hull Sunday Scnool and pj acliij indcte think they should ha continued Thos ilLoY and wife Vjs ted the family of T 4 eicro Pohn last wet k Nirsi Grow will leavoWSflllindis in t fev i daft trutllJ J hoi Pryf Vi Horns of Harrods bu g was her1c last week se linj organs aj d while here was th guest of W a Sutherland and wife rjack largcs eirof horn that wo have see this season It has twenty rchvs of grains en tliecob and 51 grail in each row matting ovira thou- sand giains of corn TrTe err weighs nearlytwo pounds The fjraiers are getting alon well in cribbinjs their c rn ard lis tiutJIlis comIairitof rottjn corn Thr pried has fallen from J to 211 per barrel fyThei is aJot oJ corn for sale 1 r jughou t this community ndbuyersmed not go any Jurtherthan hce to be suppJ d t XiLAC PiiUfam Little Fjora Gordon a da1LI1i ter cf Mr and Miv Joluf Gijjdph was uiQ r Kockbridge Tuurs day Funeral services by EU J A Fim Mr i Tsiiuw i Inger sham a En1UfI day Funeral servIces field b ImdJ A Sims at WIIlihurg IRt II P flatchett pro lchcl tq alargaaudicncn Sunday ai t Pleasant Grove church Mr Prccter Crouch and Mit i GrnwililI Kuys ana M iss Lob lia Terrc were marrfe at the home of ifev Sun Wedne dny rE ml J N Gor ouwilbegill a r9Church Mr L W Jenkins was seen 01 every corner bef jrc ilie l election bu lie is vtvy qCUicfnow we doaf saLhirivatnyilore- Onlhc Hlsh Sean At the bovrof the steamer sit the two happy young people IIoxv sweet If secwa tonight sighs the gIrt How sweetly solemn Is the view spread before us Eveii the sea Kevins to be HleepIiiK us It lies so placid IJIj Kheu5of the bout mnniTth It Is a wake behlndrludge ffoililuK flora em rule Mrs t Catldle1 t ypureolng in for Roclfty Has Jot r ijaugUtor made hi t1ebutyet Mrs X ttiteiSVrhl should any iiot- gotnlJ tliim ililit made to order tu rarlalliJIcdIvfcfi Trnss VaracainPh 1 Sold clyJp 3ctgO 100 Bottles i At aU good Drug1- stzaleby CJHaydon y I J Vvf o AH OLD CHURCH BELL CAME FROM LISBON AND HANGS 111 IN A NANTUCKET CftURCH TUcStoryoMtii Pnrclinie ly Captain Clnn1 y niiil Itx Transportation toI InJJ i Keneath the outlook In a Xantucket church Is the belfry In which swings thieoltl Spanish hail Knowing that this I3uown Unitarian church tho vis itor will btr surprised to see a Catholic ClOSJ on the bell lt he could read Por tugucse anti lied not previously ac qualntod himself with the history of the bell he wouttl be still more sur prisgd nt ti3 iuscriptipn on it The translation r this inscription is as fol- lows To the Good Jesus of the Moun ala the devotees of Lisbon direct their prayers offering liim cup complete set of sis bells to call the people to adore him in his sanctuary Jose Domingos Dacosta has made it in Lisbon in the year IS 10 Of course the bell must have an Interesting history to account for hls i Inscription That history is briefly as follows A plague was7 raging in Lisbon nnd certain people in that c1tprnyed toi the Virgin Maiy for the cessation of the plague and vowed to place a set of six bolls In the Church of the Good Jesus of the Mountain If their prayers wure heard The Mountain is the name of a certain district in the city of Lisbon In which there a very ven crabIe church caled as above Shortly after tllistthe plague ceased and ac cepting this as the answer to their prayers these devotees of Lisbon pro ceeded 6 fulfill their vows The work of casting These six bells was Intrusted to Jose Domingos Dacosta the best boll founder in Lisbon The six bells hind bacn cast the ma- sters labors had been crowned with success when Captain Clasby of tho Xantuckct whaling fleet chanced to visit Lisbon He had long wished to buy n bell fqr use in his native town In company with Captain Cary be visited t the bcll jomvilfy of Jose D- ogoiJacostn nptnln Ciiry It seems was a connoisseur InjUlK Da costa applied tIm love to one bell urtpr mother as he struck each to ascertain its peculiar tone or tone quality but wh time Captain Gary said That Ivlll not do At lust Dacosta raised and struck he boIl whflse history we are dcscrib iig Captain Gary was delighted with lIe result uAh Clnsb3 he said you need look no further Thats the bell you want She is a beauty She abunds on B Well sir remarked Dacostn we consIder that to be the finest bell that ive have in our foundry At first Dacosta demurred and could lot see his way clear to selling the oftlU since it belonged to the sqt ot- c chimes designed for the Church of the Gociil JPSUS of the Mountain and was appropriately inscribed nnd nil but Cfcptaln Clasby would have no other Finally Ducosta decided since the bell had not yet been consecrated and since lie could east another to take its place that It would be all right to sell Ko Captain Clasby bought the bell nd It was brought to Nantucket by Japtain Cary whose vessel was going iomo first In Lisbon just before he etsaU Captain Cary heard of the dee aration of war with Great Britain or it WAS now the year 1S12 On the bay oer thoy were spoken by a Brit isji sloop of war Fortunately the Brit slier had bccii nt spa for some time inil hind not yet hoard of the dcclara don of war The eommaudcf asked aptuln cary the news but Captain iiry ssjys he took especIal pains not to tell all lyi knew If he laid told our jrerloufl liell would probably never ute sepij Nnntuckot It might now be ither nt 1he bdttdm of tlie sea or it tiilgljt bo swinging In the tower of English church The boll was landed In Nantuckot Hill placed In the store cellar of Sain lei Gary where it rfmalnctl until 1815 vhcn It was purchased and placed in the tower where it now 1unns About J500 was given for the ben thcsoclet paid about WiO arid Jthe test was raised by subscription l Hycn Sonic Friends jr Quakers subscribed After the bell hail been in use a little while the agents of the historic Old South church In Boston heard of it and thoy sant a letter to the ngents of the South church In Nnntuckot saying that thoy had a very good clock in their tower but no bell that they hind hoard thiit the bouth church In Nantuckot had a very flue bell nUll they would like to know for how much the bell could be bought IThe Nantucketers replied that they hall a very tIne boll In their tower but no clock that ticy had hoard that the Old South ciiurch hind nvery line tower clock and that they would like to know this price of the clock Tho agents oflforod to paytta pound for the bell Since the bell weighs IfiS pounds this would have made the price t lrj5 making a net profit ot 1075 above tile pric IbId for the bell and l22r above t the amount contrib uted by tIll 8odelrlt that lie old Xanucketirs nuwt have hail some sentiment af tor nil and were not purely mrcan1lo In thoir spirit It tlfo NanttioktUrs hntl agreed to sell as they might have done our bell would probably bo hanging In the his tone tower of Old South church in Boston today That might have been n jjrvat honor for the bell but It would have Urea h great deprivation for Nan tuckot Moreover It would now be spending Its time In vlogant leisure In stead of bping n very useful bell where It is Tho Istory of t tills bell Is like a veritable parable of human life TIll possibilities which occur In tile history ot tilt Inll remind us of the possibilities whlh abound In every life Cor Sprliiglkid Republican Tlpmdiur the ScalcH Confound It growled Closomnn I dropped a dime in that weighing ma chine instead of n penny Ila ha chuckled his buffoon tlPjpro Mn Rose This portrait doesnt look like my wife at nil II rtltI know It doesnt but It looks RS she thinks she looksJucief So strong is flank of Engand note appr f1mtn iilie e5oet will lift a rvsgh of lO <jontd3 Gonsurnption Salt pork is a famous old fashioned remedy for con- sumption Eat plentyof pork wasthe advice to the consumptive 50 andico years ago manI It IS t is food the consumptive i needs most ScottsEmulsionisthemod ern method of feeding fat to rtheconsumptive Pork4s top rough for sensitive stomachs Scotts Emulsion is the most refined of fats especially prepared for easy digestion Feeding him fat in j this vayj which j is often the only way is half the battle but Scotts Emulsion does more thdn that There is some ¬ thing about the combination of cod liver oil and l hypojos phities in Scotts Emulsion that puts new life into the weak1 parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs A sample will be sent free upon request- Be sure that this picture in the forin cf a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of liinuUion you bu- ySCOTT < BOWNE CHfcMISTS 409 Pearl St NY We and Si all druggists ILb Strangestilts are those used by Jar auesa and hJI4 uoya Instead ct having Hid lIocku like the Anioricun boy they have foot rests mortised Ut the stilt stick and projecting backward Thesestilts can only be uwd whuro tie Japanese boys foctnre bare fottho stilt flick must bo grasped between the first and second toe ofrxach foot Spanish boys are great stilt walkers and they Invariably use sticks that roach to the hips iuid are strongly bound there as well is jihe ankles In some of the Islands of the sout Pacific ocean very rough spoVt is gaged In by boys on stilts Porchoa jligh on their thin support and with their faces anti skins grotesquely paint ed those seniisavage lads sometimes ttsiuuliy as twenty at a thnC meet and try to trip each other up or knock each other1 djtwn Like most sports anti games sUit walking Is of very ancient origin Cut in the stone which forms oue of till oldest Pharaohs oath there Js n crude picture oron nina loading a procession and walking on stilts This ancient stiltiwalkor must have boon vory skill fuISfor 4tt Is holding no side sticks but Is using both hands In holding a great horn to Lila nrouth which he i Is apparently blowing Waslilnglon Star IIlURTN nnd llatttllcrnfin- Goorgo III when not engaged In per forming iliv operations Avhkh had so much to rto In gaining for hlu the popular hl iknanio of Farmer Jtorgo amusod himself nt one period of his long life with the makitij of buttons arid attained very respectable degree dificl George IV his and successor affected anothop sort of unklngly did tractlon for Idle hours and particularly prided himself on the perfection with which he could cut out a pair of breeches Outside the glorified ranks of the fashionable outfitters of the day thq Stult7es the Meyers the Schwcit zers aiM pandrons only Ucau Drum mel was thought to be his rival at the shears but for elegance rind accuracy and style the king considered himself tIm Bcqu3 undoubted superior The unfortunate Louls XI was an expert locksmith with a general turn for mechanics and spent whole days in his forgo as did one of his prodocosspre on tlieJhroneof France Louis XIII The Story of nAlnlen A Sooltlsh newspaper prints the fol- lowing remarkable nnd dreadful ox perlencc vlilch a correspondent Fays he hoard from tile lips of a follow p songcr a meinborof parliament TiN man hail left home early In t tho morn lug trnvoledntiout t a hundred mllqs by rail and put up at a village hotel Feel lug fatigued he retired to his boflrodm at an curly hour lie wits In tho act pf umlrosstng when then apponixd to him what Was evidently time ghost of Ins foiiryoarrold son arrayed In the vest- ments cf the tomb A convlclon tht t his sou whom ho had loft In thin moni Ing in perfect health was doad urge him tQ thrive to till nearest station Ii thito tt catch a train that nnsjpit at lUi nlaq Oh roachlnr homo oarly next inoVniiii ho found hat his boy hadi lied ah ntttto time til vision had api pearocl olri Qlr19rtItalhtny FIe first Amorlcan railway cot jbullt for stcasii1 caVs however was niadtS t to Imal Quhicy granite for the nakr lUll inoiuimcnt That was In 1S2C It was three miles long The first railway built for stoani srsvwas nil Charleston and Now Ilainbnrglln In South Car6hia This was for pome tlric the longofitt line In the world lo7 mllps The first locomotlvoa weighed three t to five tons An imported Rngltah l motIve wolghiug ten tons was tcY heavy Twentyfive enslws of thrt day would inakc one of today Fifty years go a twiln load of 200 tans was heavy Now loads of 2000 to 2500Hon3 are handled VTlist IJe Synlcp Abut Dean Hole In impresshig clergymen with the necessity of making thcju s leg undrrstod by their congrega tions often cited as a horrible n famous elasslcnl scholar xnmpleI addressed n handful of farm laborers l1n i codutrt mission rcoa In tills beautiful xouary my brethren yu hate the apotheosis of tuiture and an npcjdeikrieusla Of theropratic onlnlpo tcn e7 The dean was not surprised wJJI u he asked one of the flock what it Tvnii about to be answered uIt vaa aboiit an hour and a l1nltl a j i i t t 0oyte rwf P jp4w Mr 1 Sevo HWpMtla 1- 2 J 1 a HOMEI Jt Ii n entlal to Uapplaci 1m the Family Circle There Is no place whiiethere Is greater need x f true rcdued everyday courtesy or wiiere It will be more greatly appreciated tfhan In the home circle Yet in how many households do we see an entire Icl of it The husband ones In tired and sur ly huvrics down his meal gives the cat a kfck null departs wIth ut one kind word or gracious act to any one TILe children are noisy nod quarrel some The mother tired nod nervous has only sharp recriminating words for her husband the children and the servant Thewhol atmosphere ap pears surcharged with the very quint essence of jilisturblng and dishearten ing elements IiLct a visitor come In to t make a neighborly call however and how quickly everything Is changed Both hlmwlththe When the visitor departs Is bowed hc out with the mostchiiruilng grace and In silver tones Invited to call again This Is eminently right and proper but why shouhj not the same cpnsid oration jncvnll among +those who are bound to each other by ties of family relatlonshipionr own Whom we love l estr Why should not tim wife the child the sorvaptl whom you meet cv cry day in tIme rnbst intimate relations why should tl ey not I ask be vouchsafed courtesy as well as j hourI l are told and tliitik courtesy should too iO one 1l eIhe dinu or woman can stand weeks and years or contlndal t discourtesyI j meet her In the street and 1hewron kind or cordial word Why cctful to members of your own family Try it You will find you will qe happIer for it Your will become an Ideal one nod 1omeI ono crlll be iiifluenccd to good light Klilck will radiate from itnt6 burg PrCS3 THE JIMSON WEED Probably a Legacy YpCJi From Sontl jubrlc 0 Ada Once uppn atiiiiti tin name of James town mutt Ijave been very sharply shortened Wilhin the memory of many people now livIng James was pronotmcpil Jeeins Jofnct we b> here thai that inns tIn accepted pro I nunciation of our Virginian forefa thers But Jim must have been the diminutive of Jeems us well as of Jam at least ira judge so because wljat is fiippularljr known as the jim- son weed r t1I1Yls the Jamestown wcetlN Nor IsHherc any reason to suppose tlat tills contraction wtfs made jcer Ingly or J sneeringly More probably it grow into use jess so and we find Intelligent Americans to whom It has uecr occurred that there is any con fleet ion whatever betwien Jamestown and Jinispn > All tIn same the au4 thorities shy that tJinisoti is short for tlie na pioof time place where the English niado their first permanent set tlement In what Is now the ynited States ami where tin Old Dominions first capital was located The jiitipon tfeedi however is not a native plant but probably came to us from South AmerJca or Asia It Is n quesUon how It got Jamestown but we believe it Is concrdcd that 1tls not indigenous to Virginia HIt was dtf Hbcrately amid designinlly Imported It must have been because of its medic hail value certainly not for Its odor which is vile certainly not for its flow ers had leaves because they do i0t compare In beauty with tlloscot scoVcs of native plants And while this weed Is now recognized as having come me dicinal value it may not have hind that reputation then with Europeans The Chinese however Use it to some OS tent medicinally and may hftvd done so from time immemorial that country being little given Jo the ncceptanea of hew Id 3a or new remedies Ilichmond TiiEesDlspatch yuclinngenbe Id like to cxciiange this said a woman who the thcr day entered a retail bookstore The cleiilciiinwrappcd the bundle and glanced at its contents Im sorry madam he said but we cant do it Why not she crledfliouvenl ¬ ways exchanged books for me hereto fore I know replied the clerk polifcly hut ilrmljv but yc cant change this Its the Ieolards Spots trhUndel phia Press l aClutitiagh VrjJtllnz Blne The Clnddagh wwTdlng rIngs are ab solutely dllTcrcnt from the ordinary pInk goldflnger bund which a cynic once declared to Ill he sign manual of a mans ImpertinVApe and a worn ans folly Those used by that pic turesque colony the Claddagh fisher folk arc In the forin of two clasped hands holding a heart It Is a quaint prEtty and symboUcnl design and odd- ly enough t the very old specimens are thought to be tle most vaiuable Ami Then Not 0h Mnnyppcplf are on2nlyjtoo hasty A man Itixiii to thin1 two or three mlnuUS infore he epenis his mouth nt nil I It t nltogoJhor depends lie ought to think tiodr throq ycara before he opons his inouht to sing Philadel phia Lrdgor Scli4j ll oy DrflitltloiiN- TlioFo Tit two fschoAIboy definitions Jlluslrjtrd x wntfiitTs rranilc ioanRwild picked some franJlc lov rs AthSeir rous ijo vinegar was t tconthlcMc to iwo i Illtle Chronicle Caeti Inr vorrtstmi Iomt year wife moan C- Vtrythhiig hc t yi V Inisttr Vts niill jots tf things- slmit1ptnt l tIn Bilious Dizzy Headache PainI back of your eyes Its your liver Use Ayers Pills Gently laxative all vegetable Sold forooyears f Want your moustache or beardjs a beautiful brownor rich BUCKINGHJiMS JXEJ Remember that the < a < SPRINGFIELD LUMBER I O 9i l > i Handles everything in the way of BUILDING M ATEfBB E ugh and Dressed Liimfeqr hi s I atir quantities it < > 1YOtl have building to do get our prices > We can give you estimates oil buildings complete or can furnish you tM material at lowest prices tu Yards and office ueddepot f Telethon 39 SPRINGFlByD KY TRAMPS ARE WELL POSTED Aa General RILe They Are Carefvl aaa C> utaat Meaner Most trainps arc omnivorous readers and they are posted upon a wide range of topics In epeaklng of tramp read- ers u man who has had a chance to study these peripatetic students paid the other day You hardly over find a genuine hobo ihatJs an ignoramus You find lots of Inca who are trampIng who are doing so because they havent intelligence aq1sPfakIln i are pretty wIpe I can tell yon They can tell you more about what Is going on In Euroi hn polities than a coUeie lu tessqr cnn and they know almost everything that lt cowing oft In ear ovn country for the next six months U1aoltlle read track rending a frayed and soiled jiewspaper Ott s you Ha lUem picking up the loose pages lying In tlie streets and I do not believe I ever saw traces of a trump s camp fire around which there was not left ane or more old newspapers where taey had licen east aside after reading Then the tramps have a sort of traT cling library too that few people hive ever heard of 11Qne tramp Hadsj an old magazIne he wilt read It and t jen pass it to some other tramp It keeps going the rounds In thi way until It is worn out If one picks up a book somj place It does service in trampdom for months I uever saw a tramp with fresh paper In Ills hand hut have aejrer tun n ross one of the wanderers thai did not show he was a careful and constant readerChlcago Inter Oceaa AH Honored ChLnaMa Queen Victoria with pridce cjn the ort nUli her family attended In state the opcning of tlie great exhibition of 1851 While the choir was slaglag the Ilallclalah Chorus a Chlnamaa jiu perbly rohed suddenly emerged frba the Crowd and prostrated himself Be tore the throne No one knew who he wits lie might be time emperor of Chi- tin himself cqaie secretly to EuglaumlI to share la the great doings The lord chamberlain greatly perplexed applied to the queen and the prlace for advjee JIll Instructions He was laformjed that there fast ao mistake as to strangers rank add that It would be best to place him between the arch bishop of Canterbury and the Duke pf Wellington In this position of hoi or the Chlaaaiaa with raagiilficcat dg ally walked through the buildings to the delight and amazement of all w io dlscoerpIthl1t Junk which had justcast anchor la tie Thames anti which everybody was vltcd to visit on paVmeat of a shllll t ahead A J paaeae Cnatem In Japan the well to do banal t always hi theIr houses one yoom called the Jchamber of the Inspiring View Its essential Is a beautiful view btt taste Is catholic In Japan and tbe u lightful view may be a blosaoml jc cherry tree n glimpse of a river a miniature garden or only the scaly fallen snow la this delightful country they get up parties to visit the uiaile trees lu the glory cf aututna color ar the fresh untitxldca apow ag la U la couhtry one gives thcufer parties aitd diaaers Mushroom hunts are a fAW lonablc diversion nut Verse wrltlfig mind harp playIng are occupat1es which in the estImation or these etr tail children befit the gcaUewoai whea she Is within doors SAbout Flail e Fish are nearly the same weight hs the water In which tbey live so that they can move In It with great ease l Ilie majority of them also have an air jladder Inside of the body which en ablcs themtogoup or down In tile Water at will When n fish desires go down deep If coil press the air otit f this bladder by mcuas of ccrtala muscles and tlius increase the weight of its body und when It wishes to rie again It takes oft the pressure the bladder tills with air again and 4 a body becomes light enough to rise r t tJ p1cd Miss SMrah reads Ir Mr Mir gpld taken to thehospltaL a jvlctlui of locomotor utaxla How dreadful l I I wonder whether the poor inca was riOt over or whether the thIng blew ip wIth hlm Harper 3JoatbI1I DrleklaPr Drink to me only with thtar eye besting beneath her easement I wonder If I needl i 1r pondered the taakiev a e attkdbicl- eIf to to dowarnck u4el + I aai a little Wt afraid of Jw tM Wfc Cayeatfe- Me wMderfal tact1 uYHe laiMt kaow v eythtof thai ouM possibly aaner ot adMnrlHl he ccuWnt be so akiUtt la a aU dJallM ibjetLZe1S DcWiU t II- I Wiesh fsv lDew fe Met DeWJet de lii- ittk a TriAd f t Witch IzeI AMedMnm kthsa u ke- lites chp aM = = = DeWitt 15 31 nc 1JIe tot ft ttr SlIt MMM aM II SALVE it 1 wAa K LCisWktiCst1i 1W J1 JI II AatrallaR JatsI- n the part of Australia la which I live we get oysters as big as a saucer 7 said n resident of Adelaide tothe f Washington Post They an twice thet size of any I have seen la the UaitetV States but la Duality there is aothlp to recommend them for they karen nor and are so tough that It takes a pretty sharp knife to iake any iaipre stop oa them Still there are people wG manage to eat them after they haft beci stewe sufflcfeatly 16ngv la other artx ef out country weN l a bettefgrade utpproachinf aearly lo your American oyster bat hardly Ha equaL ia fact after my acqualnjance wWk tin Chesapeake bay products I aol firsaly of the opinion that to the matter of tea food the Ualfed States I leads all Batioag aa lertloa1k t will bebacktHbyanyniaaofwh4traveL Mvr a Birtl Preseeg Ai bird fart Ions do set ckaaffC twe suits a year are quite enough for moSt- birds bat they seed te take greet crs of theaj Each separate feather Mvyt be clenned sad ttaketl ever and the useless Once pul1e1lN1tT M featk era are act packed close together yea know but le loose aHJwn places is between tiled with air Wbeii a bird waats to get wan ke lifts kta f atk ers M that these sir spaces miy hef larger But if lila feather are talh gled or wet sad dirty be cxmld Ht raise fkeaa sad sooa be co M tot keep the bead In 1I1 I Ilttk bedy adl would t cdarae die Ii V 1 2 The Oy Par IMf Ire the cradle to the grave the cry of Btaiklad te for 1teJpWe are all In search ot a hyilclaa OOI wlra will help aa soo wba wilt In plre us give wa remedy pelat Mf the way Not the raad tklek akme but the rick and the atratif are crying out for bejp Sofuetimea it the doctor we want HOiuetlmee It Is tile baakerj aeeiieimms It ta the clergy Baa Aad yet the doctor the Maker ami the clergyman are bawaa kad tbey are cry lag for beki atoflg with 1 1J the rest of tw TLese wkoe i we thla4c r r tke Btnmffeat areweskhd tbeM f t wbosa we tbiak the Weab t are uitwtg i j We caaaotvtapd aloe c Se all a ed t J help We IueI kelp MM ajMtber ismatil d the ead Scb0eaa ter t TkrbyeleI t l A ppeer J latprtMlaa preralk that F the pbyatdaa by KMBO ef tltetKlvlat legea coHferred upe Mat bjr the state J 4 Is la the abaeace e< aa wJte iwte mi sea fee t M deti reqalred to re r pond te all calls to reaitr pr >< itaal- iMirtcea t Tkta k ctei 17errI If t cept wkere the ghyftfciaa baa already sedertake tW treatee et the cse i ores pt wberi he Is aa aWegr f geveraaieat cbaraM 11 ee Utej j t tk> whfcb be thereby rlitatN r st i Feetk Wrk Old Tb M i4eklBc are rJe1I1CMr QQ5d aldIt yi bad ieee e ye- eIiMaywbIietewysweld h a k baieMsd tbt y ilf i Jil INset r r IdUii4e w Ml Mt la wcieiu prayl foknria aa 4a t kkk tee 4f baaptai W t t4r tt 1fI r7o I pre4r t sraPa4 T4eI gj > esaiset reaM tM wL s 1 ei wk y e bHLytI wseat ct y MIyway fv a e ws mat kaew wit I aIs4l i J Nasal SATARIH k uIN dbsuu Tw 1IoaI e sgsi4kksi4uuIII- l asissdi 4 IsiII smeyt4S sM

T 1lUNWSADR j Mews t5ii 0oyte Sevo - athena.uky.eduathena.uky.edu/cache/n/e/w/new1903111901/0045.pdf · Mr and Mrs John Harmon of ... lat ceki o Miss Koke Kelley Iris retun ed

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Page 1: T 1lUNWSADR j Mews t5ii 0oyte Sevo - athena.uky.eduathena.uky.edu/cache/n/e/w/new1903111901/0045.pdf · Mr and Mrs John Harmon of ... lat ceki o Miss Koke Kelley Iris retun ed






i fc DAVISON Jrx

AittIL srb1sUItceE jO sO M PCt

I OIi6iUUc1 matte

irim ao Ijat llow ratesbct cash

anl t bSJdlM a filters of MOods

At1et e tracts rade on ll ral-

FfIiifaM resolutions of resPect 3


Mv ft t 23-

0ers 500rwtc I


lUprrectnVative South Trimble

lot XtotfcttcVy introducedln Con

fW bill hicbj ir adopted

Tfiif mi his opinion maTte grow

jirj of toKvco independent of1tlM TcbJccd Tustrho bill

1 alt tho tobacqp planters the

jright to rna ket ie > oflax their

tofcico ill it pure state in anjIAtitiQf akage The Irusitigi cltiiBedhas sorediiced th


of tobiftco that there f

Itofe in it for the grower This

bill Itsi t claimed by its autbprwill give the fartntr adiciccdadvantage Theintroduction rffhejneasuro will doubJes mate

Mv Trimble solid among ilieiarmers but that it will ever be

VC man law is a ratter of very

crave doubt

jThiegieat strike of the street

Cir employees ot Chicngo whiclt

its tied up tlreentiresstem oI

ilfeAUMQKL lrp days will proba ybesEtte11 f1o baNby n bit atwo It took J 000 01 iCepen

Tsetday t protect five tiarsthat Made trips over ire lines


iiiC IIJI srTl lKsr ta Do WItcn Introdeee4 te a Holdup

J A man who carrleshis uioapy antObis watch in his left Imud vJiueve

kee a enny nor u timepiece In hEii-

p The lrettu lon which is q fe

fetrpue Is so simple titat few peppiUae thought ot It Yet It hts tlif

auction pAihe police dud Us efileacilhue Ijecn pr r dIn more tbia ay In

stance aAs soon as tim citizen In confronef

by the holdup uian be will If he hn jihis won y and Lis watch In his handIhrow them ou the nearest htwn at

Into the ditch No hlgliway rollier hastime enough to stop to look for eitlierThere Is na sense In carrying vriluablepla the right handt because the fiistmove qf every accomplished holdupman is to grab tiLl vt1in by the rlglM

arm This moyemeut Is made to prevent the victiui from reaching for n

revolverThe man who tries to draw n re

volvcr while a lioldup man Is iIn frontof him tides his life in Tils hands Ita CitiZen carries a revolver at nil he

bdud carry It Itf his right 1h httvhilIn n dangerous stroct lUg money andhis wuteb should always be In his lleftThen utter hi has thrown them swayand the robber tins departed UlseouvfiLed the yictltii ron take his time about

2 iludlug his property tThis simple plan discounts nil the reTQtvew vonl earns Rluirrshot andbrass knuekles cor lurtntAl mrJ hasthe nddodj beauty ttujt it llit be pinployed fcyn wotnaa ns irell as by a

BIUII To Hirow tho purse ox the watchaway takes butu fnicllon of a seeoncand thatisnt 1oiigC1ikigi Tribune

lStilt WttlUipr of France

Ta tire soutboriiit stilts are rnecessity to the PEopl who are mostlyahapherds They must walk on ttUtRloorder to oversee their vast Cocks ofhoopl its well cs to pass through tilt

bogsTIese ElieDherds mcn women and

children walk coalluron y ca tstiitsYronj itlx tto eight feet high These

tilts are merely fastened to Ihe fVe

JSetnetimes the stilts have itprlgha reflelillig ItS far as the knees mid bouu

flrjBulyto the logs <

tencntlly thesjghcphprds a id pliep

lenlesses carry iotlr whHi theyjin use either a balafiolng poles or as

ituyirorts very Ina eanes as It worereiehhig to the ground iThoy beeomej j iffunt In stilt walking that It It anitnnrml JJJhfO see a shopherdowutrldlijg aiong on Ktllts that Kilso l1e

Bix foot above tlip ground with rlbnlaiuInsr role stnjpped to her bariand hoy hands busily knitting socks for

tbhand orbrqUierThe ijcompleto miconeera with which

theic country folk make their wayllnn stilts Is nstoniBliIng Onnniidit almost say that the thlldren1JiaJtJJts1hrn to them Ins enc1 ofcrcdle5 Washlagtou Stir



strine1 instrument iuspenIed ha farocablo position aear n ijlaaoforfewIllId whoa toaes correspoafllprip tUeopea Ktrnp ore produced ou UI o

Jrart ortef JTie voluaia of th nuswutug tone iell lepegd upon the ntajosplierle courtitteas flit quality nndcolwOJIJ1Their a fAntllht anecdote toldfanioiw tHt JKba by slnping the ornIthat W lff9eiaat with thatwtiieIiinntll wake the tlnss shiverso tt9t tttiy that It weukl fall to piecesIt U jjeeanne this teaal sympathyhat the 1f ff a harsh rittflnI

tOIl thtt hiity foUdfmlf Appear la ajkiuioforte Ig df tr rtf l with dlfflcaltj >Tlniihli It nmy ItfIPPtrto be In tilevtruuiftif It ii oftMMrnt7ayjrirlcoiu from n l rohi nl jiit1a-a dIll IHtllfr JIStu i Ir


it ii rr L lriimin 3 iroW idrii iWroUn t5ii t-

iIi t Mews Frpiti The Countyi Happenings Among the County pie

i n1as Reported by 4jur Correspondents

IfVtt ft non n fton n nftftnl1lnnl1IftJI Co wt c


WF Log dan was R Texas


Minnie Barker anti WalterAdams were in<Lcbanon Raturday and Sunday

MIs Sarah Logsdon spentSunday ttfctti her son W FLogsdonV

Mrs JR NfcAlisler attendedchurch mi yonr to vn Sundny

Messrsj Ed titsey and LernBradahaW of exas wtTd hereSaturday land Sunday

Born to the wife of JohnBirkor ithp lObh a fineibqjt

Miss LenaB rkerhasi return d

hQraeaftc a vit it to Miss Moihe

TayJQri JLMr and Mrs John Harmon ofackvii1ejspntund iy with the

famiy ot J N fullMiss Ella Adams is visitjng at

the hbmof ifrj W T > cLaugh1h 1r J

Miss Ada McMillenhas returned home after a ttsjt in

Louisvtllej r

Mesdames Gi ly TViilrtt ardJie Sniithj viiifdd relatives Leru

lat ceki oMiss Koke Kelley Iris retun ed

born af eif awleks visit tto MissAddieLogsdon at St Rose

Miss Annie Kel ley spent lastweek with jljhc family of OTLogsdon

Weare Igladto say that MrJames Janbsis convalescing

Born to the w eof C M

Tumey on the 9th agirI


Lots of people are greatlypleased ov r be e1eetionretirns-while sop e are npt so wtllpleased >

All the farmers hi1 becuVityby gatheen

J B THJbCught a farm ofBjii fcimmiii Very recently

Harrison Adams of HardinsCrejk sr ld his farm to Mr LeslieRally ifor 2500 und the formerbought a arm fJis BandBallards

Beonard Mclnyre sold somenogs to Mr Bill ard-

Mr Bilt Bniiili ±1da nice fillyto die last week

1 iss Etta Hill and John SimmsSM apped hdrst s last week

Yellwoliicjust up tp dateoqw with the telgpone

J 13Hiti sold anagcdcow toTom tvellyat 25t

Born to the wife of JohnMedley ort the irthn girl Boiuaiotlrcc and b tbi are do ng nicyl y

Joe IJigdon and wife of Louisvileare iai this sebtiontisitingfriends and relatives and arealso Jook ing for A farm

MSs Alice Bhniford is vieitirigher sistvr Mrs Marion Wtr enof L aviess COjnty

Misses Eta and Dissid Hillvisited frionds at Mo rest ille6aturJay and Sunday

t Kobfc Yheatey iis building frMrs Tths Blanford adinijtigroom and kitchen >

tV Richafd Fields is very sickwi h pneumonia

MisesGracie andBertnlcWaii

ters of your towniassod throughhero en route tii tlivir siserstsJa WcCullums

Miss Boll feint th arid RichardK2ene and Julia Eadjgette andfoieph Medley w1lle married

lit Ijhlf pastwolverpo ok Y din1day th 18th

Mis FJori Ktcne is at hometh fiwVek to attend tthe marriageofL11


flu i lOt ouryoJTu friGnd-Uluybroufce


wlpJcd iit ttttic et bya nico otC Ku j Hasant wa rcJs-

ah1 winning Smiles mike himnofJYtPQP1ur cari idatc We

feet sutc no will rrakofji hoodRepresentati etna the people ofthis county ill tak4 pleasure inlid ng litn to higUct office in

b io futtir

V IX rcL I ttJiEld W Ezra Sutherland filled

his regular appointment atRdge Sunday A good LQveI

idieoce was presenr Thy havebegun painting theirhcue

r Henry Settles and familr bavemoved neat Brooksvtllo vlfere hewill make a crop next ytar

Add Blade has beoa in thiscommunity during the week andbought up several large drovesof turkeys to be slaughtered furThatiksgiytng A very nicdsumof mpneyi4i now ia the hands oftho women that will be doubtlessused for the boneSt of the homa

Small grain of all kinds islooking well especially te early

sowTng and bids fair to make alarge yield

B H kIlvoy bought a col

from Rbt Mcltvoy ffirr 10

JR Settles bought an oxce1l lit work mule from Hon G

A Dofioney for f75 He alsobought some corn from him ftr

3 per barrelWe are informed that tlie Sun

day School tere has lien utfcojiMno4 ioroing into o>

that Was mar ihjbt in the wt rsome gtiine i go had entirtJbeen abated and the office

thought best to discontinue tieschool With no Sundgy Schoandno preaching there is nItmuch danger of aty one teiifoundered on spiritual feed WI

most certiti ly need all liB gotthat might be derived nom hullSunday Scnool and pj acliijindcte think they should hacontinued

Thos ilLoY and wife Vjs

ted the family of T4eicroPohn last wet k Nirsi

Grow will leavoWSflllindis in t


daft trutllJ Jhoi

Pryf Vi Horns of Harrodsbu g was her1c last week se linjorgans aj d while here was thguest of W a Sutherland andwiferjack largcseirof horn that wo have seethis season It has twenty rchvsof grains en tliecob and 51 grailin each row matting ovira thou-

sand giains of corn TrTe errweighs nearlytwo pounds

The fjraiers are getting alonwell in cribbinjs their c rn ard

listiutJIliscomIairitof rottjn corn Thrpried has fallen from J to 211

per barrel fyThei is aJot oJ

corn for sale 1 r jughou t thiscommunity ndbuyersmed notgo any Jurtherthan hce to besuppJ d t XiLAC


Little Fjora Gordon a da1LI1iter cf Mr and Miv Joluf Gijjdphwas uiQ r Kockbridge Tuursday Funeral services by EUJ A Fim

Mr iTsiiuwi Inger sham aEn1UfIday Funeral servIces field bImdJ A Sims at WIIlihurg

IRt II P flatchett pro lchcltq alargaaudicncn Sunday aitPleasant Grove church

Mr Prccter Crouch and Miti

GrnwililIKuys ana M iss Lob lia Terrcwere marrfe at the home of ifev

Sun Wedne dnyrE mlJ N Gor ouwilbegill a

r9ChurchMr L W Jenkins was seen 01

every corner bef jrc iliel electionbu lie is vtvy qCUicfnow wedoaf saLhirivatnyilore-

Onlhc Hlsh SeanAt the bovrof the steamer sit the two

happy young peopleIIoxv sweet If secwa tonight sighs

the gIrt How sweetly solemn Is theview spread before us Eveii the seaKevins to be HleepIiiK us It lies so placid

IJIj Kheu5of the bout

mnniTthIt Is a wake behlndrludge

ffoililuK flora em ruleMrst Catldle1 t ypureolng in

for Roclfty Has Jot r ijaugUtor madehi t1ebutyet

Mrs X ttiteiSVrhl should any iiot-gotnlJ tliim ililit made to order

tu rarlalliJIcdIvfcfi Trnss


Sold clyJp 3ctgO 100 Bottles i At aU good Drug1-

stzaleby CJHaydony I

J Vvf o




TUcStoryoMtii Pnrclinie ly CaptainClnn1 y niiil Itx Transportation toIInJJi

Keneath the outlook In a Xantucketchurch Is the belfry In which swingsthieoltl Spanish hail Knowing thatthis I3uown Unitarian church tho visitor will btr surprised to see a CatholicClOSJ on the bell lt he could read Portugucse anti lied not previously acqualntod himself with the history ofthe bell he wouttl be still more surprisgd nt ti3 iuscriptipn on it Thetranslation r this inscription is as fol-

lows To the Good Jesus of the Mounala the devotees of Lisbon direct theirprayers offering liim cup complete setof sis bells to call the people to adorehim in his sanctuary Jose DomingosDacosta has made it in Lisbon in theyear IS 10 Of course the bell musthave an Interesting history to accountfor hlsi Inscription That history isbriefly as follows

A plague was7 raging in Lisbon nndcertain people in that c1tprnyed toi

the Virgin Maiy for the cessation ofthe plague and vowed to place a set ofsix bolls In the Church of the GoodJesus of the Mountain If their prayerswure heard The Mountain is thename of a certain district in the cityof Lisbon In which there a very vencrabIe church caled as above Shortlyafter tllistthe plague ceased and accepting this as the answer to theirprayers these devotees of Lisbon proceeded 6 fulfill their vows The workof casting These six bells was Intrustedto Jose Domingos Dacosta the bestboll founder in Lisbon

The six bells hind bacn cast the ma-sters labors had been crowned withsuccess when Captain Clasby of thoXantuckct whaling fleet chanced tovisit Lisbon He had long wished tobuy n bell fqr use in his native townIn company with Captain Cary bevisitedt the bcll jomvilfy of Jose D-

ogoiJacostn nptnln Ciiry Itseems was a connoisseur InjUlK Dacosta applied tIm love to one bell urtprmother as he struck each to ascertainits peculiar tone or tone quality butwh time Captain Gary said ThatIvlll not do

At lust Dacosta raised and struckhe boIl whflse history we are dcscribiig Captain Gary was delighted withlIe result uAh Clnsb3 he saidyou need look no further Thats the

bell you want She is a beauty Sheabunds on B

Well sir remarked Dacostn weconsIder that to be the finest bell thative have in our foundry

At first Dacosta demurred and couldlot see his way clear to selling theoftlU since it belonged to the sqt ot-

c chimes designed for the Church of theGociil JPSUS of the Mountain and wasappropriately inscribed nnd nil butCfcptaln Clasby would have no otherFinally Ducosta decided since the bellhad not yet been consecrated and sincelie could east another to take its placethat It would be all right to sell

Ko Captain Clasby bought the bellnd It was brought to Nantucket by

Japtain Cary whose vessel was goingiomo first In Lisbon just before heetsaU Captain Cary heard of the deearation of war with Great Britainor it WAS now the year 1S12 On thebay oer thoy were spoken by a Brit

isji sloop of war Fortunately the Britslier had bccii nt spa for some timeinil hind not yet hoard of the dcclaradon of war The eommaudcf asked

aptuln cary the news but Captainiiry ssjys he took especIal pains not

tto tell all llyi knew If he laid told ourjrerloufl liell would probably neverute sepij Nnntuckot It might now beither nt 1he bdttdm of tlie sea or it

tiilgljt bo swinging In the tower ofEnglish church

The boll was landed In NantuckotHill placed In the store cellar of Sainlei Gary where it rfmalnctl until 1815

vhcn It was purchased and placed inthe tower where it now 1unns AboutJ500 was given for the ben thcsocletpaid about WiO arid Jthe test was raisedby subscription lHycn Sonic Friendsjr Quakers subscribed

After the bell hail been in use a littlewhile the agents of the historic OldSouth church In Boston heard of it andthoy sant a letter to the ngents of theSouth church In Nnntuckot saying thatthoy had a very good clock in theirtower but no bell that they hind hoardthiit the bouth church In Nantuckothad a very flue bell nUll they wouldlike to know for how much the bellcould be bought

IThe Nantucketers replied that theyhall a very tIne boll In their tower butno clock that ticy had hoard that theOld South ciiurch hind nvery line towerclock and that they would like toknow this price of the clock

Tho agents oflforod to paytta poundfor the bell Since the bell weighsIfiS pounds this would have madethe price tlrj5 making a net profit ot

1075 above tile pric IbId for the belland l22r above tthe amount contributed by tIll 8odelrlt that lie

old Xanucketirs nuwt have hail somesentiment af tor nil and were not purelymrcan1lo In thoir spirit

It tlfo NanttioktUrs hntl agreed tosell as they might have done our bellwould probably bo hanging In the histone tower of Old South church in

Boston today That might have beenn jjrvat honor for the bell but It wouldhave Urea h great deprivation for Nantuckot Moreover It would now bespending Its time In vlogant leisure In

stead of bping n very useful bell whereIt is Tho Istory oft tills bell Is like averitable parable of human life TIllpossibilities which occur In tile historyot tilt Inll remind us of the possibilitieswhlh abound In every life CorSprliiglkid Republican

Tlpmdiur the ScalcH

Confound It growled Closomnn Idropped a dime in that weighing machine instead of n penny

Ila ha chuckled his buffoon

tlPjproMn Rose This portrait doesnt look

like my wife at nil II

rtltI know It doesnt but It looksRS she thinks she looksJucief

So strong is flank of Engand noteappr f1mtn iilie e5oet will lift arvsgh of lO <jontd3


Salt pork is a famous oldfashioned remedy for con-

sumption Eat plentyofpork wasthe advice to theconsumptive 50 andicoyears ago

manIIt IS t isfood the consumptivei needsmost

ScottsEmulsionisthemodern method of feeding fat to

rtheconsumptive Pork4s toprough for sensitive stomachsScotts Emulsion is the mostrefined of fats especially

prepared for easy digestion

Feeding him fat inj thisvayj which jis often the onlyway is half the battle butScotts Emulsion does morethdn that There is some ¬

thing about the combinationof cod liver oil and lhypojosphities in Scotts Emulsionthat puts new life into theweak1 parts and has a specialaction on the diseased lungs

A sample will besent free upon request-

Be sure that this picture inthe forin cf a label is on thewrapper of every bottle ofliinuUion you bu-


CHfcMISTS409 Pearl St NYWe and Si all druggists

ILbStrangestilts are those used by Jar

auesa and hJI4 uoya Instead cthaving Hid lIocku like the Anioricunboy they have foot rests mortised Utthe stilt stick and projecting backwardThesestilts can only be uwd whuro tieJapanese boys foctnre bare fotthostilt flick must bo grasped between thefirst and second toe ofrxach foot

Spanish boys are great stilt walkersand they Invariably use sticks thatroach to the hips iuid are stronglybound there as well is jihe ankles

In some of the Islands of the soutPacific ocean very rough spoVt isgaged In by boys on stilts Porchoajligh on their thin support and withtheir faces anti skins grotesquely painted those seniisavage lads sometimesttsiuuliy as twenty at a thnC meet andtry to trip each other up or knock eachother1 djtwn

Like most sports anti games sUitwalking Is of very ancient origin Cutin the stone which forms oue of tilloldest Pharaohs oath there Js n crudepicture oron nina loading a processionand walking on stilts This ancientstiltiwalkor must have boon vory skillfuISfor 4tt Is holding no side sticksbut Is using both hands In holding agreat horn to Lila nrouth which he iIs

apparently blowing Waslilnglon Star

IIlURTN nnd llatttllcrnfin-Goorgo III when not engaged In per

forming iliv operations Avhkh had somuch to rto In gaining for hlu thepopular hl iknanio of Farmer Jtorgoamusod himself nt one period of hislong life with the makitij of buttonsarid attained very respectable degreedificlGeorge IV his and successoraffected anothop sort of unklngly did

tractlon for Idle hours and particularlyprided himself on the perfection withwhich he could cut out a pair ofbreeches Outside the glorified ranksof the fashionable outfitters of the daythq Stult7es the Meyers the Schwcitzers aiM pandrons only Ucau Drummel was thought to be his rival at theshears but for elegance rind accuracyand style the king considered himselftIm Bcqu3 undoubted superior Theunfortunate Louls XI was an expertlocksmith with a general turn formechanics and spent whole days in hisforgo as did one of his prodocosspreon tlieJhroneof France Louis XIII

The Story of nAlnlenA Sooltlsh newspaper prints the fol-

lowing remarkable nnd dreadful ox

perlencc vlilch a correspondent Fayshe hoard from tile lips of a follow psongcr a meinborof parliament TiNman hail left home early In ttho mornlug trnvoledntiout t a hundred mllqs byrail and put up at a village hotel Feellug fatigued he retired to his boflrodmat an curly hour lie wits In tho act pfumlrosstng when then apponixd to himwhat Was evidently time ghost of Ins

foiiryoarrold son arrayed In the vest-

ments cf the tomb A convlclon thtt

his sou whom ho had loft In thin moniIng in perfect health was doad urgehim tQ thrive to till nearest station Ii

thito ttt catch a train that nnsjpit atlUi nlaq Oh roachlnr homo oarly nextinoVniiii ho found hat his boy hadilied ah ntttto time til vision had apipearocl olri

Qlr19rtItalhtnyFIe first Amorlcan railway cot

jbullt for stcasii1 caVs however wasniadtS tto Imal Quhicy granite for the

nakr lUll inoiuimcnt That was In1S2C It was three miles long Thefirst railway built for stoani srsvwasnil Charleston and Now IlainbnrgllnIn South Car6hia This was for pometlric the longofitt line In the world lo7mllps

The first locomotlvoa weighed threetto five tons An imported Rngltah l

motIve wolghiug ten tons was tcY

heavy Twentyfive enslws of thrtday would inakc one of today Fiftyyears go a twiln load of 200 tans washeavy Now loads of 2000 to 2500Hon3are handled

VTlist IJe Synlcp AbutDean Hole In impresshig clergymen

with the necessity of making thcjus leg undrrstod by their congregations often cited as a horriblen famous elasslcnl scholar xnmpleI

addressed n handful of farm laborersl1n i codutrt mission rcoa In tillsbeautiful xouary my brethren yuhate the apotheosis of tuiture and annpcjdeikrieusla Of theropratic onlnlpotcn e7 The dean was not surprisedwJJI u he asked one of the flock what itTvnii about to be answered uIt vaaaboiit an hour and a l1nltl

a j i

itt0oyte rwfP

jp4w Mr 1

Sevo HWpMtla1-

2 J 1


HOMEIJt Ii n entlal to Uapplaci 1m theFamily Circle

There Is no place whiiethere Isgreater need x f true rcdued everydaycourtesy or wiiere It will be moregreatly appreciated tfhan In the homecircle Yet in how many households dowe see an entire Icl of it

The husband ones In tired and surly huvrics down his meal gives thecat a kfck null departs wIth ut onekind word or gracious act to any one

TILe children are noisy nod quarrelsome The mother tired nod nervoushas only sharp recriminating wordsfor her husband the children and theservant Thewhol atmosphere appears surcharged with the very quintessence of jilisturblng and disheartening elements

IiLct a visitor come In tot make aneighborly call however and howquickly everything Is changed Both

hlmwlththeWhen the visitor departs Is bowedhcout with the mostchiiruilng grace andIn silver tones Invited to call again

This Is eminently right and properbut why shouhj not the same cpnsidoration jncvnll among +those who arebound to each other by ties of familyrelatlonshipionr own Whom we lovelestr Why should not tim wife thechild the sorvaptl whom you meet cvcry day in tIme rnbst intimate relations

why should tl ey not I ask bevouchsafed courtesy as well as

jhourIl aretold and tliitik courtesy should too

iO one1leIhe dinu or woman canstand weeks and years or contlndal

tdiscourtesyIj meet her In the street and

1hewron kind or cordial word Whycctful to members of your

own family Try it You will findyou will qe happIer for it Yourwill become an Ideal one nod 1omeIono crlll b e iiifluenccd to goodlight Klilck will radiate from itnt6burg PrCS3


Probably a Legacy YpCJi From Sontljubrlc 0 Ada

Once uppn atiiiiti tin name of Jamestown mutt Ijave been very sharplyshortened Wilhin the memory ofmany people now livIng James waspronotmcpil Jeeins Jofnct we b>here thai that inns tIn accepted pro

I nunciation of our Virginian forefathers But Jim must have been thediminutive of Jeems us well as ofJam at least ira judge so becausewljat is fiippularljr known as the jim-

son weed r t1I1Yls the JamestownwcetlNNor IsHherc any reason to supposetlat tills contraction wtfs made jcerIngly or Jsneeringly More probably itgrow into use jess so and we findIntelligent Americans to whom It hasuecr occurred that there is any confleet ion whatever betwien Jamestownand Jinispn > All tIn same the au4

thorities shy that tJinisoti is shortfor tlie na pioof time place where theEnglish niado their first permanent settlement In what Is now the ynitedStates ami where tin Old Dominionsfirst capital was located

The jiitipon tfeedi however is not anative plant but probably came to usfrom South AmerJca or Asia It Is n

quesUon how It got Jamestown butwe believe it Is concrdcd that 1tls notindigenous to Virginia HIt was dtfHbcrately amid designinlly Imported Itmust have been because of its medichail value certainly not for Its odorwhich is vile certainly not for its flow

ers had leaves because they do i0tcompare In beauty with tlloscot scoVcs

of native plants And while this weedIs now recognized as having come medicinal value it may not have hind thatreputation then with Europeans TheChinese however Use it to some OS

tent medicinally and may hftvd doneso from time immemorial that countrybeing little given Jo the ncceptanea ofhew Id 3a or new remedies IlichmondTiiEesDlspatch

yuclinngenbeId like to cxciiange this said a

woman who the thcr day entered aretail bookstore

The cleiilciiinwrappcd the bundle andglanced at its contents

Im sorry madam he said butwe cant do it

Why not she crledfliouvenl ¬

ways exchanged books for me heretofore

I know replied the clerk polifclyhut ilrmljv but yc cant change thisIts the Ieolards Spots trhUndelphia Press l

aClutitiagh VrjJtllnz BlneThe Clnddagh wwTdlng rIngs are ab

solutely dllTcrcnt from the ordinarypInk goldflnger bund which a cyniconce declared to Ill he sign manualof a mans ImpertinVApe and a wornans folly Those used by that picturesque colony the Claddagh fisherfolk arc In the forin of two claspedhands holding a heart It Is a quaintprEtty and symboUcnl design and odd-

ly enough tthe very old specimens arethought to be tle most vaiuable

Ami Then Not 0hMnnyppcplf are on2nlyjtoo hasty

A man Itixiii to thin1 two or threemlnuUS infore he epenis his mouth ntnil I

Itt nltogoJhor depends lie ought tothink tiodr throq ycara before heopons his inouht to sing Philadelphia Lrdgor

Scli4j ll oy DrflitltloiiN-

TlioFo Tit two fschoAIboy definitionsJlluslrjtrd x wntfiitTs

rranilc ioanRwild picked somefranJlc lov rs

AthSeir rous ijo vinegar wasttconthlcMc to iwo i Illtle Chronicle

Caeti Inrvorrtstmi Iomt year wife moan C-

Vtrythhiig hc t yi V

Inisttr Vts niill jots tf things-

slmit1ptntl tInBilious

Dizzy Headache PainIback of your eyes Its yourliver Use Ayers PillsGently laxative all vegetableSold forooyears fWant your moustache or beardjsa beautiful brownor rich


Remember that the <a



O9i l>

i Handles everything in the way of

BUILDING M ATEfBBE ugh and Dressed Liimfeqr his I

atir quantitiesit<


1YOtl have building to do get ourprices > We can give you estimates oilbuildingscomplete or can furnish you tMmaterial at lowest prices

tuYards and office ueddepot f

Telethon 39 SPRINGFlByD KY

TRAMPS ARE WELL POSTEDAa General RILe They Are Carefvl

aaa C >utaat MeanerMost trainps arc omnivorous readers

and they are posted upon a wide rangeof topics In epeaklng of tramp read-ers u man who has had a chance tostudy these peripatetic students paidthe other day

You hardly over find a genuine hoboihatJs an ignoramus You find lots ofInca who are trampIng who are doingso because they havent intelligence


are pretty wIpe I can tell yon Theycan tell you more about what Is goingon In Euroi hn polities than a coUeielu tessqr cnn and they know almosteverything that lt cowing oft In earovn country for the next six months

U1aoltlleread track rending a frayed and soiledjiewspaper Ott s you Ha lUempicking up the loose pages lying Intlie streets and I do not believe I eversaw traces of a trump s camp firearound which there was not left ane

or more old newspapers where taeyhad licen east aside after readingThen the tramps have a sort of traTcling library too that few people hiveever heard of 11Qne tramp Hadsj anold magazIne he wilt read It and t jenpass it to some other tramp It keepsgoing the rounds In thi way until It isworn out If one picks up a booksomj place It does service in trampdomfor months

I uever saw a tramp with freshpaper In Ills hand hut have aejrertun n ross one of the wanderers thaidid not show he was a careful andconstant readerChlcago Inter Oceaa

AH Honored ChLnaMaQueen Victoria with pridce cjnthe

ort nUli her family attended In statethe opcning of tlie great exhibition of1851 While the choir was slaglag theIlallclalah Chorus a Chlnamaa jiu

perbly rohed suddenly emerged frbathe Crowd and prostrated himself Betore the throne No one knew who hewits lie might be time emperor of Chi-

tin himself cqaie secretly to EuglaumlI toshare la the great doings The lordchamberlain greatly perplexed appliedto the queen and the prlace for advjeeJIll Instructions He was laformjedthat there fast ao mistake as tostrangers rank add that It would bebest to place him between the archbishop of Canterbury and the Duke pfWellington In this position of hoi orthe Chlaaaiaa with raagiilficcat d gally walked through the buildings tothe delight and amazement of all w io

dlscoerpIthl1tJunk which had justcast anchor la tieThames anti which everybody wasvltcd to visit on paVmeat of a shllll tahead

A J paaeae CnatemIn Japan the well to do banal t

always hi theIr houses one yoom calledthe Jchamber of the Inspiring View

Its essential Is a beautiful view btttaste Is catholic In Japan and tbe u

lightful view may be a blosaoml jc

cherry tree n glimpse of a river aminiature garden or only the scalyfallen snow la this delightful countrythey get up parties to visit the uiailetrees lu the glory cf aututna color ar

the fresh untitxldca apow ag la U la

couhtry one gives thcufer parties aitddiaaers Mushroom hunts are a fAW

lonablc diversion nut Verse wrltlfigmind harp playIng are occupat1eswhich in the estImation or these etrtail children befit the gcaUewoaiwhea she Is within doors

SAbout Flail e

Fish are nearly the same weight hsthe water In which tbey live so thatthey can move In It with great easelIlie majority of them also have an airjladder Inside of the body which enablcs themtogoup or down In tileWater at will When n fish desiresgo down deep If coil press the air otitf this bladder by mcuas of ccrtala

muscles and tlius increase the weightof its body und when It wishes to rieagain It takes oft the pressure thebladder tills with air again and 4 a

body becomes light enough to riser

ttJ p1cdMiss SMrah reads Ir Mr Mir

gpld taken to thehospltaL a jvlctlui oflocomotor utaxla How dreadful lIIwonder whether the poor inca was riOt

over or whether the thIng blew ip wIthhlm Harper 3JoatbI1I

DrleklaPrDrink tto me only with thtar eye

besting beneath her easementI wonder If I needl i1rpondered the taakiev a e attkdbicl-

eIf to to dowarnck

u4el +

I aai a little Wt afraid of Jw tMWfc Cayeatfe-

Me wMderfal tact1uYHe laiMt kaow v eythtof thai

ouM possibly aaner ot adMnrlHlhe ccuWnt be so akiUtt la a

aU dJallM ibjetLZe1S

DcWiU tII-

I Wiesh fsvlDewfe MetDeWJet de lii-ittk a TriAd ft

Witch IzeIAMedMnm kthsa u ke-lites chp aM= = = DeWitt 15 31nc 1JIe tot

ft ttr SlIt MMM aM II

SALVE it 1wAa K


J1JIII AatrallaR JatsI-n the part of Australia la which Ilive we get oysters as big as a saucer 7said n resident of Adelaide tothefWashington Post They an twice thetsize of any I have seen la the UaitetVStates but la Duality there is aothlpto recommend them for they karennor and are so tough that It takes apretty sharp knife to iake any iaiprestop oa them Still there are peoplewG manage to eat them after theyhaft beci stewe sufflcfeatly 16ngv laother artx ef out country weNl abettefgrade utpproachinf aearly loyour American oyster bat hardly Ha

equaL ia fact after my acqualnjancewWk tin Chesapeake bay products Iaol firsaly of the opinion that to thematter of tea food the Ualfed States Ileads all Batioag aa lertloa1k t will


Mvr a Birtl PreseegAi bird fart Ions do set ckaaffC twe

suits a year are quite enough for moSt-

birds bat they seed te take greet crsof theaj Each separate feather Mvytbe clenned sad ttaketl ever and theuseless Once pul1e1lN1tT M featkera are act packed close together yeaknow but le loose aHJwn places is

between tiled with air Wbeii a birdwaats to get wan ke lifts kta f atkers M that these sir spaces miy heflarger But if lila feather are talhgled or wet sad dirty be cxmld Htraise fkeaa sad sooa be co M totkeep the bead In 1I1I Ilttk bedy adlwould t cdarae die Ii V 1

2The Oy Par IMfIre the cradle to the grave the cry

of Btaiklad te for 1teJpWe are allIn search ot a hyilclaa OOI wlrawill help aa soo wba wilt In

plre us give w a remedy pelat Mfthe way Not the raad tklekakme but the rick and the atratif arecrying out for bejp Sofuetimea itthe doctor we want HOiuetlmee It Istile baakerj aeeiieimms It ta the clergyBaa Aad yet the doctor the Makerami the clergyman are bawaa kadtbey are cry lag for beki atoflg with 11Jthe rest of tw TLese wkoe i we thla4c r rtke Btnmffeat areweskhd tbeM f twbosa we tbiak the Weab t are uitwtg i jWe caaaotvtapd aloe c Se all a ed t Jhelp We IueI kelp MM ajMtber ismatil dthe ead Scb0eaa ter t

TkrbyeleI t lA ppeer JlatprtMlaa preralk that F

the pbyatdaa by KMBO ef tltetKlvlatlegea coHferred upe Mat bjr the state J 4Is la the abaeace e< aa wJte iwte misea fee t M deti reqalred to re rpond te all calls to reaitr pr >< itaal-


Tkta k ctei 17errI If tcept wkere the ghyftfciaa baa already

sedertake tW treatee et the cse iores pt wberi he Is aa aWegr fgeveraaieat cbaraM 11 ee Utejj ttk> whfcb be thereby rlitatN r

st i FeetkWrk Old Tb M i4eklBc arerJe1I1CMrQQ5d aldIt yi bad ieee e ye-eIiMaywbIietewysweld ha k baieMsd tbt y ilf i JilINset r r

IdUii4e w Ml

Mt la wcieiu prayl foknria aa 4atkkk tee 4f baaptai W t t4r tt1fI r7oI pre4r tsraPa4T4eI gj >

esaiset reaM tM wL s

1 ei wk ye bHLytI wseat cty MIyway fv a e ws

mat kaew wit I aIs4li J

NasalSATARIHk uINdbsuu Tw1IoaIe

sgsi4kksi4uuIII-l asissdi4 IsiIIsmeyt4S
