= rUlcr F 11 r AWI 32- T < 1 KNG DIRECTS WORK OF 1 r RESCUE N MISSINAlvhtIlhlt- Itnit pal f1I1E5uL1S 1- j tiinlulilt llinrMtiiT fnlr u DITION J t QIREEK m01l f l f FINAL arb t oo uci orlO lr > h- r r RESULTS EDITION rn Circulation Books Open to All I j n Circulation Books Open to AlL 1 = = PRICE ONE CENT NEW YORK WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 30 1908 PRICE ONE CENT c h u LAYERS ILLNESS i CAUSES A HALT IN J H JL OF I J HAINS I Prisoners Chief Counsel Stricken Dur- ing Morning Session Brother of t Prisoners on Stand to Prove J Captains Alleged Insanity 1 Will Could Have Done No Wrong the Widow of Annis Declares I nice Annl th nftrinoon guy out the following statement Iy ronflilPiii In Will u nut shaken In tin least dcjilti the tory of his onKdonm tint 1 heard related by tin Mains servants and Major Mains on J the vMtno stand today 1 believe hu was Iruu to me no one can make me believe any diflcruu 1 do not want to say too mm b now beraue I do not hunt to appear In the light of dttfnpilriK to rtjudliu the Jurylay be the stories are true jut I niiuot and will not believe them About Mic cliudla Halni I hue nothing tn say Mow can I when I am i positive that Vtlla relations with her were entirely propor old that there was nothing wrung between them Mj attlL li toward her U clearly defined when 1 Uedne that 1 ilwuvi had Implicit conildence In m > hunband and his absolute Ildill amt no one can breathe n word against Isla memor that 1 can be made to bclc < 11111 WUN at ill times a good husband and a kind father and one so good as he could nut have been guilty of the thing they dlllfge- I have given my word to Ml Darrln nut to discuss the case but I think I that It is n right tine that I defend the menior of my husband and the tauter of my children to this exten- t111rsillianl J E Annis widow of murdered William E Annis sat t like a figure carved from black marble in the old Town Hall at Flushing today listening while witnesses for the defense in the trial of Thornton Jenkins Ham bedaubed the name of her dead husband with vile scandals- It was a strange portion sitting an attentive slightly contemptuous listener while t ti ne re I a coilblick one and a lightyellow one told the grimy details of Annies alleged intrigue with Claudia Lirbie Mains i at Fort Hamilton an intrigue according to the claims of the defense which drove Capt Peter Mains crazy and led him to shoot Annis to death last August at the Bay ide Yacht Club Mrs Annis was smiling unconcernedly w hen she left the courthouse- To t a reporter who asked her for an expression of opinion regarding the testimony she gave a womans answerit wasnt true because she didnt believe it Major John Ilrilui win on the xtand telling of his brutI ers soiullcd liianlu whin Jawvd lulus I MclntvinH Mid ¬ den Unif iiiustd an adjoin nmciit of proceedings until lomoiiow lie lute father oil ien IliliiH ind his ugl1 mother will be lomoiiow drier WIt IICHIU Hun will ciimi a tCHN over Xm 1rnrs nil Niturdux Thiiinton HulnH the prisoner at the bu vvliu his ben rather lost Milit of the last two t dnvM In a weight tiC UxlliiHMi dealing With 1eli Hal is will take tin chill In- v explain uri > If he inn his hhm In the ll shod 1I0 of lnuls Minim Itoh H the black cook win Lrrvtd Capt Pr limns fanill > vvhll- aJit was In thu Ptdlipplrtes and who on lilH return told him the ptnrv that helped to drive him to allied Insiinlt land tom that to murder sat In the wli Iness ehnirr IK biu > tleuro In her juluck gluves hoi black furs her black ilut ad hur Hack Hkln whun the morn ling session opened Justice liana anunuiutd nn soon as he inouiittd tho bench tilt hu would no lunge exclude lincasca fur the titutu who hud ulri ul > tcslllUd thus letting In a lot 01 munbuy uf thu nay awn 1nehl Llub- Finds Shes Mistaken- The Justice who uppnreltIiy dldn CAre deeply for thu clut of ivhlcnco- Wlllcll Ihu dllt llhu W1K now uffcllllK- oalil ho uuuld not permit Chluf Coun eel Juli Fr McliiiMu lo GO Over uuy points r iiidy leached on In the pre tllinliiai cxammatioii uf thu MCKIC- BV i or lo lUll any lending JuiHtUiliB flume what lutllod b > lids air Mcliit > m f alerted In by caiumt Miiintu tlm cook to say that situ hud IKIII nils- la lan lust evening wllI sin wore that It woe on lrridtty uluht airy J that tutu Iliat i mi uli d tn upt llalns what situ tiMs hull beau KOIIIK mi In his hounehold In Ills ubbdiiu The Uktlllioux uf jistuiiu wub probably Coiillinicd on Ihlid Page w ROUSING NEW YEARS SALE i Judi mill I iiiuiirriiti lien Hun f f und Mcrmii lilt ulnr At KliiK i IJ IIHiaqu app city t Hall Illtll Illlir HIIIU alit Illlfll aver 1 chute and Tuxilo W ul KI fill bar Kaliu flu bum ini i id lljik Thlbot Nnull and rt < fur MO1 all wool our Kottt v> orth flU Tuxedo aulu al lit 0 I lid Iilrgaut wurin ti nulls and lar1 Mllirii ut JT 71 value 111 1 jvtrcoatB fur men p5 milk lined otlmr barnaliu at Klntt U 1 J app City T llalL V J MRS TELLS DOiNGS O- NERBMAID NGHT I F KllllNGII Captains Wife Mrs Beisel and Servant Had Drinks Be ¬ fore the Shooting l1PDr Ps Dec V1Nearly tho en ¬ tire session today of the trill of Mrn t M lorcnce Urb md her slMei Mrs Cnlhirlnu Helsel for the minder of tapi J Clayton rrb was taken up with the examination of Hcatrlco Ma sul a fen nut In the Krb home nt the time of the tragedy MUs Mathiil declined that tilt Kib JUKI uqiunll quarrel I t1 ind- rdaiel the scenes nho witnessed un the nlsht of th murder llrtdl inmat red nhe Bald Mr Krli Mrs lieUd and herself hid spent the oveiiliirf ut the Iiy vvhcrc tlio > had aevurnldrinks noir Jlo liiinlni lo Uiu JIUUBU with 111b lire aura Xiuibiil heard jimmjlliiir coil Liir H cimli of gluon Ilien there teas nil 1nlurvid of a rely ruluutea during Inur Mrs Jtb leluplmned foi sister lu onto to Ihu house runt the hulol Shortly ul1 aha rivrd lhu hunting welllr1 UIII ahntit llfie n iilir Mrs Krli laid the wltniss lint rapt iib hud burl Hhot und sent im a ph > 8lilaii- Ininiih the jiuirrH and thn sbootlnu II in w tiitkH vvun In her un iom UII thu third llnor and iiiiuinud there until minimiined b > nice irbI- liri inlenlinn of Ihr DlstrlitAttoi ltg that Mm IJrb may duce tun khootlni was not mmiulnul bj the IM timonj of the vUtmns leHIIlhllll In ddilllH uLscoiidit III tin will ss slid Mrs lllnl um found In- a mutt fill the Moor near the dead man and whin itnlvnl lied What will They du with uu fur this Later 8h t asked I In rIm iiuintlon- df itr linter inl Miii Krb ic prd I dun KIIIIW what thfjll du will > oii Nrll have It lu liml Cud triKi hi 111m Flue Yeiv rurklak linthea- uw lICit et the urw 1wlilur liwlldtagr only lintcteu 4ewnlera tbllrauiaei Jiuluu la tvrry d till Eluvtilo nut furktUi- t etas ell bows i 4 1- it NEW SHOCKS TERRIFY = ITALYS RUINED CITIES Queen Who Aids Earthquake Sufferers Cathedral in the City of Catania PT GATNL DRAt IN GATANIq DOLLY BUTTMAN WNS AT SAVAAFI Rain Aflecls Attendance but More Horses Are Arriv- ing Every Day fPpenlil In The rvciilnir World HAVAXNMI Un Dei 81Thn weather viii cloudy and thnatiiilm and Iad a dampunliiK Ctrl mi the ill lendaiKe In thu matter of iiialtv nod iiuantl1 the entrls inn ImpmvliiK and tills prdiutud Hod sport Thu bin Held uf the duv was the third event 11111 belli caided to K- OIlllST HjHlx fililoniri for two veiioldK puriiu Iollv lluitman IIM iS Dunlipi I to L 3 lo a and I Id 5 won HlHMn 110 is alydtel J lo 4 In 1 null- to ii bwnml Helle of the Hill inn LI Iie n In 1 S to 8 tutu I ti 0 third TIIlItII JD OIllIali HoiuiMiir lul- Itlpple ani I VIHB Mrdlztn iiUn nn hltfAl ItAil Iurbo Klllntf for thrre Miiinldx and iipwanl one mlle lueptrlutus ll > i i ICillllip 1 lo 5 Haul out IUM Cldncldint lift Mdilllli 4 III 1 and uut wound Vlrpll T lin ivlinl- iniMiki in ti I even and uut Ihlll- IIIIWl1G J uI thin liornih uiii ilUUU jtIFln and a half fuil- ulitfH fur lhctjeaiild and iipu in- mlllllK Hlsk IT Irnwlev iivin 1 III r und nut Hist Istila In iJiulMU li lu I l KI 1 and 3 to km und llaiiouio no- iDimliip 11o I Ii 10 ind 4 ID llilid- llmo lUri Ulniiliiiiiil Iuxj liiiind tutu Ianlqiu lcver and Miss J JIIHII urn ran- lulKIH HA lfilx nul onelialf furl tds to n tit yrin olds pllTM prlimflK pet lUunhip ven and Oil Ilihl iSt lm OIIIIIIKI evin ind out MTiiuil hiini Its i > l Iaribsi III lu to f 1 und nut third I inn I i P5 rilTII It 1ti IIIIMP fir Iliiiejear olds and npuwd U and a half till liuikH Risk II HiullliNi t li ten 1 In 2 UriH Millno 117 iluben K lo L > Ih III n N i1 Hell Ml III 12 A ifs I lii III i third TI tth3GY5 LroncsI Ju Iluytnuttl JI jrr blu ruin I wk far for nsmr ICHHUKXfOA tie ask- oft goer Dutton II rOil nl Ft- mn IIN f Ywa a 6 J CUEEN HELENS I fIRE NURSES BOLT INTO A MEAT SHOP e Dash Through a Plate Glass Window and Arc Cut by Broken Glass- A team of hit roans drawing tine lender of HiiKlii ompiinj No Ira on tin ny to u Hinall lire on Linden ave niic riUBhlni this ifioinoon shb d ill lUll unloinobllii sic tint ornu of Main- land llinoln xtintH and bolted luail- lont Into the buulur Klmp of Mould liras Jim dilvrr inuiuiKnl to throw hlmsilf- f I din tin jail null ihuipo Injiiij as HID horses sprung HIOKH thu Hlddunlli Hurl bin tt throiiKh a hilt tu glnsa window Ixith iiuiiialw win badly rill h > broken Klaiis wad HIII runt of tho Inililui 110- 1aieelttI va I i Now if the timlcTH rtnv wan hurt and tin pmplc In Hiii butdui hull gut out of tin wit In Him to have Hum MVPH Tin IOIIIH wee Ind inuk to- he Hull IIDIUI and ono of ihun inn havi to all > DR BULLS CONDITION pi imln II Vv uup tutu Is II- IIIr lending UllllaniT Hull n i he Hold flax leportid IhlH inoiiiiiij that tip plDnUIin hui PUKIIII u vii > iiiiiifort ublu nltfhl ind wan lotlnu ear ii > Last Two Days of Bird Sale 10 Mens Winter Ocoats 495 Hull lulblil >7 > UJU Ilrindnit- Inr > llnrllll ph Oip IlivltMlllr L i riu 11 x of i iu b umr it Ili up- I u1 I vi n wntr Mu mill tivi toitt II HA blur hlnclTu > uiiil- bi uii all stare J4 to 41 kmiilH or iluubln brtwittil UJt n Tluuxljy unnI- nu > 1111 10 IU were III tint Itub Cloth I Hi Corner 1 toad way Line ilarcUy it BOILER BLOWS UP IN APARTMENT I HOUSE 3 PERSONS BADLY HURT t Big Shaft Travels Through Hall and Bursts Into Room Where Janitor and Two Children Are Slting Panic Among Tenants in Brooklyn Home Predcilck Mimthr Janitor rf the fnsh- lumililc ipirtnunt house at No 101 Qnlncv street HrooKln annul lulu two llttlo RlrlF iilznln th five yen old and label foUl years old were danKeiousl nit this afteinoon IIr the explosion of- t bullet In the ellar of the building A two hundred pound fragment of ron was blown Into the Janitors apart nent wrecking It and pllInK Muntlip tad Ills ihllilKii under a heap of debris llxnheths hliull uan fractured and vLihPl was Internnlly Injured The janitor wits nho Intcrnall Injured The children were taken to HIP Cumbrrland Street Hospital and their father to thu- SwedlBh Hospital Thn holler tint exploded fed the heat lug appnattiH of thu building Tin IP wills Komo trouble with It two weeks ugh mil It had Just been tepiliid A plumb- er was woikliiK In the rliir at the unto of tin iploslon lint tin was at soot dlstaniii from HIP boiler and RiiffeiPd no Inlurv further than a xllKht scalding Munthc waH Hlttlrit In tho roots of his biiNeim iiinutPifl talking to his chil- dren ¬ wJion the bollrr blew up A nar- row ¬ hallway xipaiaUB the Janitor apirtliKlUH truth that part of the cellar where the heating plant Is located The I big shaft of metal tint crashed In upon the Miiiitlus tnuellul tlrxt throtiRh 11 hall making a brtuch two feet wide I and then struck the dour of the little t of Mr Atnta Tattler used of No J33 Vat al rent WHH murdered this uftrrnoon In her sun Arthur who then jumped from n window Ills fall waH Kilten Ito a shed and hefnifl tin lonld- imiipii hi wan plaivil imdii urusl b > I tIertlire Viilicu lliidinc and John iilllvan of the vAittl Iwentlilh Hirni polllll r in biliiMi to III liixaiii IhI1lhn u > Airs II Shortly ute i THE HUB JJT 1SI > ast nun umii Cur Unrein j 11 ttpp alrns U > rno t Mule 13- 0llWllllnl Mn l trcuutp today 0111 13 1a OIfCQII Brjau 41 tint Taking the door with It and tear IIIK out HIP mho section of boiler tiavpllPd the entire length of the tint The two llitlo girls WPIP directly In fionl of the door ns It was bnmt In they were xtriu k down and rhtir father was Mrurk a glancing blow by a heavy pier of tlinbfi and WitH vhilled bark ton feet nBHlnst the oppohlld wall lip fell hell srlcss mull HIP wreckage SialdltiB tram poured In un the Injured Janitor and his hllilipii The shock of the eipliiHlon rocked the bulldhiK until raiiMd a panic lint Hathouse Mis Muntlin VVIH up Htalix and whOll Hhe tried to get down to liu liiifhand and children she found tin wav blocked lor strain Steam pouiPd up throiiRh the entire house and added lo tin pink of the t nantt The report hud cpn nl thioiiKh the inlKhborhood tint a dawn persons hail been killed and a huu ring thin rumor suit rue front three lioapltalH lie also sent In n call for the reserves At the SiriPt Ilonpltal It was said tint time elder of the two llttln girls would piobnbl die and that an operation will June to bo performed to BIIVO the younger iliildb life The I father Injuries are nut DO ncrloiiH STABS AGED MOTHER TO DEATH THEN TRIES TO END OWN LIFE Arthur Trotter Believed to Be Insane Caught as He Leaps Second Story 1lome and- s Taken to Bellevue KlBhttontl npiondDlorv Nllltlo- nlidtti CLOTHING CORNER Ilxlllillifl- lalflrlin iiormad wnliiKcntlnR nndpred- unioiikclous pollinniin ambulances CumbPiland From Vindow seventy- yertra tbtouKhont I tIIIfJI Ililn Hftiinoon hu attackid Ids iiidiluT with a kiilfi and utter stibbhiKI- IPI ID di ith he cut oil IKII brad with 11 1X1- 1HP wan taki n lu lldlevuu Ilosplt here hu Is in dii ubsrrvntiun sJ1T1 JR11RT 111YJ slllis A M K m CA xsS- IIIMildN v Ile y Si tiling Is kin wu HI UK 1Vt itparlntrnl runiern- mi tin irpiii that 51 ijui in inn il- i hlu lit D Ililll id til I HA was nn lit In andlru IK ill the time i I riu UltbiUUki dl ahtrl- Iill net l4ri men tie nlve at the Stale lifiwrluunl to da > fur l > r and Mrs llerlMll Nimbi Alin Illltulil und alls hlndlmiaii nil uf Ihtladelphlu who I ul kuupuivd to have bean ut Tuuriulim at tlm llnw of the cltMitcr + g t Added Panic in Messina Palermo and 1 PizzoSyracuse and Island of Us I tica Also Shaken While Fears Are Felt for Aeolian Group 115000 DEAD OFFICIAL COUNT IKING AND QUEEN SEE HORRORS i I Messina and Reggio Like Pompeii and 35 Other Cities and Towns Wiped OutNatio- nali i Begins Work of Relieving i Thousands of Sufferers s livery tour add to the number killed In the earthquake In Italy The total la now itlmnUd all the way from 3COOOO to 300000 There have been new aback at Palermo Flixo Meedna Syracuse and the Iiland of ITitloa and It U fund the Aeolian Island a popnloui group north of Blolly have alio met dliaiter- ThtrtyflTe oltlee and tows have been wiped out and deiolatlon preach t over an area of 4400 e uan mile Only meagre detail hay teen received from Begglo which hai bUD dr xtroyed Fir li itlll raginf in Meiilna In addition to great lufferlnf there- In lack of food In that olty The fate of thoueaudi of outlying town and Tillage la not known It being Impoialble to reach tho place Plfty tboniand Injured are being taken to XTaplei Alone Other thousand will be cared for In varlon olds s Many of th eurrlvor are half demented by the horron thy have ex- perienced ¬ The Ring and Queen of Italy are at Kenlna dolngR heroic work reicnlnf victim from the ruin and aiding till infferere A national board of relief has been formed In Some and all natloni are tending generou help the Americal Sao Crou Society blinK prominent Pope Plus luau begun the dlitrlbutlon of church fund for the lufferer the blihops and clergy In the atrlcken zone acting au agents cloy Hughe hat appealed for contribution as hays the Governors of j several other State Waluington luau received word that American Consul Cheney and hli wife were killed in Medina It In feared many other American shared the UlnA fate Belief worh has been stArted on a comprehensive scale but the lack of transit facilities U a serious bar Bobbers it Ii feared have carried oft million in treasure at Messina The property loss will run Into the hundreds of thousands Ten thousand troop have been detailed to bury the dead as a i tHenc now menace the country y M ROME Dec 30New earthquake shocks at Messina Palermo j Syracuse and Pizzo and violent quakes on the Island of Ustica forty miles oil the north coast of Sicily have created further panic at those J places The rumblings of the Volcanoes Stromboli and Mount Etna J give added terror- In addition cable communication with the Aeolian Islands twenty five miles north of Sicily is interrupted It is evident that the line is brok- en ¬ and it is feared that the islands also have been devastated The largest of the group is the Island of Lipari and the capital town has a population of 1200- 0CALAMITY STILL GROWING The details of one cf the most appalling disasters recorded in the history of the world are being unfolded in the despatches coming in to- day from Calabria and Sicily It is a story of indescribable horror and if calamity The earthquake of Monday morning wrought havoc and de- struction 4 that cannot be estimated Italy is crushed by a visitation de- scribed as the greatest disaster in the memory of man yet the lull meas- ure 1 of the catastrophe has not yet been taken J The calamity grows with the receipt of every fresh despatch troll the n south Calabria is uoMeJ with small towns anti village and new locali- ties are reporting almost hourly casualty lists that run from the hundreds- into 1 the thousands It is still impossible to reach any accurate estimate of the dead but the total number is placed anywhere between looXX and 150000 In some quarter it is declared that the tinal numbers hill be as high as 2Ucxx persons Onehalf of the population of Calabria and Western Sicily apparently has perished- The Minister of Marine estimates the victims at llSorx- DKMliXTIjD SURVIVORS WAXMtR NAhJ1 Thousands of wounded persons men women and children are dying toda in the ruins It is utterly impossible to succor them all They cannot be reached before death puts an end to their misery Num- berless wounded of the survivors who have made their way to othu Y

T 11 1 KNG DIRECTS WORK OF RESCUE N MISSINAlvhtIlhlt-chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1908-12-30/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · T =rUlcr F 11 r AWI 32- < 1 KNG DIRECTS WORK OF 1 r RESCUE

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Page 1: T 11 1 KNG DIRECTS WORK OF RESCUE N MISSINAlvhtIlhlt-chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1908-12-30/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · T =rUlcr F 11 r AWI 32- < 1 KNG DIRECTS WORK OF 1 r RESCUE

= rUlcr F 11 r AWI 32-T < 1


r RESCUE N MISSINAlvhtIlhlt-Itnit

pal f1I1E5uL1S 1-

j tiinlulilt llinrMtiiT fnlru DITION Jt QIREEK m01l f lfFINAL arbt oo uci

orlO lr>



RESULTS EDITION r n Circulation Books Open to All I j n Circulation Books Open to AlL 1

= =







Prisoners Chief Counsel Stricken Dur-ing Morning Session Brother of

t Prisoners on Stand to Prove


Captains Alleged Insanity1

Will Could Have Done No Wrongthe Widow of Annis Declares

Inice Annl th nftrinoon guy out the following statement

Iy ronflilPiii In Will u nut shaken In tin least dcjilti the tory of hisonKdonm tint 1 heard related by tin Mains servants and Major Mains on

J the vMtno stand today 1 believe hu was Iruu to me no one can make mebelieve any diflcruu

1 do not want to say too mm b now beraue I do not hunt to appear Inthe light of dttfnpilriK to rtjudliu the Jurylay be the stories are truejut I niiuot and will not believe them

About Mic cliudla Halni I hue nothing tn say Mow can I when I ami positive that Vtlla relations with her were entirely propor old that there

was nothing wrung between them Mj attlL li toward her U clearly definedwhen 1 Uedne that 1 ilwuvi had Implicit conildence In m > hunband and hisabsolute Ildill amt no one can breathe n word against Isla memor that 1

can be made to bclc < 11111 WUN at ill times a good husband and a kindfather and one so good as he could nut have been guilty of the thing theydlllfge-

I have given my word to Ml Darrln nut to discuss the case but I thinkI that It is n right tine that I defend the menior of my husband and thetauter of my children to this exten-


E Annis widow of murdered William E Annis satt like a figure carved from black marble in the old Town Hall at Flushing

today listening while witnesses for the defense in the trial of ThorntonJenkins Ham bedaubed the name of her dead husband with vile scandals-

It was a strange portion sitting an attentive slightly contemptuouslistener while t ti ne re I a coilblick one and a lightyellow one told

the grimy details of Annies alleged intrigue with Claudia Lirbie Mainsi at Fort Hamilton an intrigue according to the claims of the defense

which drove Capt Peter Mains crazy and led him to shoot Annis to deathlast August at the Bay ide Yacht Club

Mrs Annis was smiling unconcernedly w hen she left the courthouse-Tot a reporter who asked her for an expression of opinion regarding thetestimony she gave a womans answerit wasnt true because she didntbelieve it

Major John Ilrilui win on the xtandtelling of his brutI ers soiullcd liianluwhin Jawvd lulus I MclntvinH Mid ¬

den Unif iiiustd an adjoin nmciit ofproceedings until lomoiiow lie lute

father oil ien IliliiH ind his ugl1mother will be lomoiiow drier WIt

IICHIU Hun will ciimi a tCHN overXm 1rnrs nil Niturdux ThiiintonHulnH the prisoner at the bu vvliu hisben rather lost Milit of the last two

t dnvM In a weight tiC UxlliiHMi dealingWith 1eli Hal is will take tin chill In-

v explain uri > If he inn his hhm In thell shod 1I0 of lnuls

Minim Itoh H the black cook winLrrvtd Capt Pr limns fanill > vvhll-

aJit was In thu Ptdlipplrtes and who onlilH return told him the ptnrv thathelped to drive him to allied Insiinlt

land tom that to murder sat In the wliIness ehnirr IK biu > tleuro In herjuluck gluves hoi black furs her blackilut ad hur Hack Hkln whun the mornling session opened

Justice liana anunuiutd nn soon ashe inouiittd tho bench tilt hu wouldno lunge exclude lincasca fur thetitutu who hud ulri ul > tcslllUd thusletting In a lot 01 munbuy uf thu nayawn 1nehl Llub-

Finds Shes Mistaken-

The Justice who uppnreltIiy dldnCAre deeply for thu clut of ivhlcnco-Wlllcll Ihu dllt llhu W1K now uffcllllK-oalil ho uuuld not permit Chluf Couneel Juli Fr McliiiMu lo GO Over uuypoints r iiidy leached on In the pre

tllinliiai cxammatioii uf thu MCKIC-BV i or lo lUll any lending JuiHtUiliB flume

what lutllod b > lids air Mcliit > mf alerted In by caiumt Miiintu tlmcook to say that situ hud IKIII nils-la lan lust evening wllI sin worethat It woe on lrridtty uluht airy Jthat tutu Iliat i mi uli d tn upt llalnswhat situ tiMs hull beau KOIIIK mi Inhis hounehold In Ills ubbdiiu TheUktlllioux uf jistuiiu wub probably

Coiillinicd on Ihlid Pagew

ROUSING NEW YEARS SALEi Judi mill I iiiuiirriiti lien Hunf f und Mcrmii lilt ulnrAt KliiK i IJ IIHiaqu app cityt Hall Illtll Illlir HIIIU alit Illlfll aver1 chute and Tuxilo W ul KI fill bar

Kaliu flu bum ini i id lljik ThlbotNnull and rt< fur MO1 all wool ourKottt v > orth flU Tuxedo aulu al lit0 I lid Iilrgaut wurin ti nulls andlar1 Mllirii ut JT 71 value 111 1

jvtrcoatB fur men p5 milk linedotlmr barnaliu at Klntt U1 J

app City


llalL V






Captains Wife Mrs Beisel andServant Had Drinks Be ¬

fore the Shooting

l1PDr Ps Dec V1Nearly tho en ¬

tire session today of the trill of Mrn t

M lorcnce Urb md her slMei MrsCnlhirlnu Helsel for the minder oftapi J Clayton rrb was taken up withthe examination of Hcatrlco Ma sul afen nut In the Krb home nt the time ofthe tragedy MUs Mathiil declined thattilt Kib JUKI uqiunll quarrel I t1 ind-rdaiel the scenes nho witnessed un thenlsht of th murder

llrtdl inmat red nhe Bald Mr KrliMrs lieUd and herself hid spent theoveiiliirf ut theIiy vvhcrc tlio > had aevurnldrinks noir

Jloliiinlni lo Uiu JIUUBU with 111b lireaura Xiuibiil heard jimmjlliiir coil LiirH cimli of gluon Ilien there teas nil1nlurvid of a rely ruluutea during InurMrs Jtb leluplmned foi sister luonto to Ihu house runt the hulolShortly ul1 aha rivrd lhu huntingwelllr1 UIII ahntit llfie niilir Mrs Krli laid the wltniss lintrapt iib hud burl Hhot und sent ima ph > 8lilaii-Ininiih the jiuirrH and thn sbootlnuII in w tiitkH vvun In her un iom UIIthu third llnor and iiiiuinud there untilminimiined b> nice irbI-liri inlenlinn of Ihr DlstrlitAttoiltg that Mm IJrb may duce tunkhootlni was not mmiulnul bj the IMtimonj of the vUtmns leHIIlhllll InddilllH uLscoiidit III tinwill ss slid Mrs lllnl um found In-

a mutt fill the Moor near the dead manand whin itnlvnl lied What willThey du with uu fur thisLater 8h t asked I In rIm iiuintlon-

df itr linter inl Miii Krb ic prd I

dun KIIIIW what thfjll du will > oiiNrll have It lu liml Cud triKi hi111m

Flue Yeiv rurklak linthea-uw lICit et the urw 1wlilur liwlldtagr onlylintcteu 4ewnlera tbllrauiaei Jiuluula tvrry d till Eluvtilo nut furktUi-


ell bows

i 4 1-



ITALYS RUINED CITIESQueen Who Aids Earthquake Sufferers

Cathedral in the City of Catania




Rain Aflecls Attendance but

More Horses Are Arriv-

ing Every Day

fPpenlil In The rvciilnir WorldHAVAXNMI Un Dei 81Thn

weather viii cloudy and thnatiiilmand Iad a dampunliiK Ctrl mi the illlendaiKe In thu matter of iiialtv nodiiuantl1 the entrls inn ImpmvliiK andtills prdiutud Hod sport Thu bin Helduf the duv was the third event 11111

belli caided to K-OIlllST HjHlx fililoniri for two

veiioldK puriiu Iollv lluitman IIM iSDunlipi I to L 3 lo a and I Id 5 wonHlHMn 110 is alydtel J lo 4 In 1 null-

to ii bwnml Helle of the Hill inn LIIie n In 1 S to 8 tutu I ti 0 thirdTIIlItII JD OIllIali HoiuiMiir lul-Itlpple ani I VIHB Mrdlztn iiUn nnhltfAl ItAil Iurbo Klllntf for

thrre Miiinldx and iipwanl one mllelueptrlutus ll> i i ICillllip 1 lo 5 Haulout IUM Cldncldint lift Mdilllli 4 III1 and uut wound Vlrpll T lin ivlinl-

iniMiki in ti I even and uut Ihlll-IIIIWl1G J uI thin liornih uiii

ilUUU jtIFln and a half fuil-

ulitfH fur lhctjeaiild and iipu in-mlllllK Hlsk IT Irnwlev iivin 1 III rund nut Hist Istila In iJiulMU li lu I

l KI 1 and 3 to km und llaiiouio no-iDimliip 11o I Ii 10 ind 4 ID llilid-llmo lUri Ulniiliiiiiil Iuxj liiiind

tutu Ianlqiu lcver and Miss J JIIHIIurn ran-lulKIH HA lfilx nul onelialf

furl tds to n tit yrin olds pllTMprlimflK pet lUunhip ven and Oil

Ilihl iSt lm OIIIIIIKI evin ind outMTiiuil hiini Its i > l Iaribsi III lu

tof 1 und nut third I inn I i P5rilTII It 1ti IIIIMP fir Iliiiejear

olds and npuwd U and a half tillliuikH Risk II HiullliNi t li ten1 In 2 UriH Millno 117 iluben K lo L> Ih III n N i1 Hell Ml III12 A ifs I lii III i thirdTI tth3GY5 LroncsI Ju IluytnuttlJI jrr blu ruin

I wk far for nsmr ICHHUKXfOA tie ask-oft goer Dutton II rOil nl Ft-


fYwa a 6 J






Dash Through a Plate Glass

Window and Arc Cut

by Broken Glass-

A team of hit roans drawing tinelender of HiiKlii ompiinj No Ira on

tin ny to u Hinall lire on Linden aveniic riUBhlni this ifioinoon shb d ill

lUll unloinobllii sic tint ornu of Main-

land llinoln xtintH and bolted luail-lont Into the buulur Klmp of Mouldliras

Jim dilvrr inuiuiKnl to throw hlmsilf-f I din tin jail null ihuipo Injiiij as HID

horses sprung HIOKH thu Hlddunlli Hurlbin tt throiiKh a hilt tu glnsa windowIxith iiuiiialw win badly rill h > brokenKlaiis wad HIII runt of tho Inililui 110-

1aieelttIva I

i Now if the timlcTH rtnv wan hurtand tin pmplc In Hiii butdui hull gutout of tin wit In Him to have HumMVPH Tin IOIIIH wee Ind inuk to-

heHull IIDIUI and ono of ihun innhavi to all >

DR BULLS CONDITIONpi imln II Vv uup tutu Is II-

IIIrlending UllllaniT Hull n i he Holdflax leportid IhlH inoiiiiiij that tipplDnUIin hui PUKIIII u vii > iiiiiifortublu nltfhl ind wan lotlnu ear ii >

Last Two Days of Bird Sale10 Mens Winter Ocoats 495

Hull lulblil > 7 > UJU Ilrindnit-Inr


llnrllll ph Oip IlivltMlllrL i riu 11 x of i iu b umr it Ili up-

I u1 I vi n wntr Mu milltivi toitt II HA blur hlnclTu > uiiil-bi uii all stare J4 to 41 kmiilH oriluubln brtwittil UJt n Tluuxljy unnI-nu


1111 10 IU were III tint Itub ClothI Hi Corner 1 toad way Line ilarcUy it




Big Shaft Travels Through Hall and Bursts Into Room Where

Janitor and Two Children Are Slting Panic

Among Tenants in Brooklyn Home

Predcilck Mimthr Janitor rf the fnsh-lumililc ipirtnunt house at No 101

Qnlncv street HrooKln annul lulu twollttlo RlrlF iilznln th five yen old andlabel foUl years old were danKeiouslnit this afteinoon IIr the explosion of-

t bullet In the ellar of the buildingA two hundred pound fragment of

ron was blown Into the Janitors apartnent wrecking It and pllInK Muntliptad Ills ihllilKii under a heap of debrisllxnheths hliull uan fractured and

vLihPl was Internnlly Injured Thejanitor wits nho Intcrnall Injured Thechildren were taken to HIP CumbrrlandStreet Hospital and their father to thu-

SwedlBh HospitalThn holler tint exploded fed the heat

lug appnattiH of thu building Tin IPwills Komo trouble with It two weeks ughmil It had Just been tepiliid A plumb-er was woikliiK In the rliir at the untoof tin iploslon lint tin was at sootdlstaniii from HIP boiler and RiiffeiPd noInlurv further than a xllKht scalding

Munthc waH Hlttlrit In tho roots of hisbiiNeim iiinutPifl talking to his chil-


wJion the bollrr blew up A nar-row


hallway xipaiaUB the JanitorapirtliKlUH truth that part of the cellarwhere the heating plant Is located The

I big shaft of metal tint crashed In uponthe Miiiitlus tnuellul tlrxt throtiRh 11

hall making a brtuch two feet wideI and then struck the dour of the little



Mr Atnta Tattler usedof No J33 Vat

al rent WHH murdered this uftrrnoon In

her sun Arthur who then jumped fromn window Ills fall waH

Kilten Ito a shed and hefnifl tin lonld-imiipii hi wan plaivil imdii urusl b >

I tIertlire Viilicu lliidinc and Johniilllvan of the vAittl Iwentlilh Hirnipolllll

r in biliiMi to III liixaiiiIhI1lhn u > Airs II Shortly ute i

THE HUBJJT 1SI > ast nun umiiCur Unrein j 11 ttpp

alrns U > rno t Mule 13-0llWllllnl Mn l trcuutp today 0111

13 1a OIfCQII Brjau41

tint Taking the door with It and tearIIIK out HIP mho section ofboiler tiavpllPd the entire length of thetint

The two llitlo girls WPIP directly Infionl of the door ns It was bnmt Inthey were xtriu k down and

rhtir father was Mrurka glancing blow by a heavy pier oftlinbfi and WitH vhilled bark ton feetnBHlnst the oppohlld wall lip fellhell srlcss mull HIP wreckage SialdltiBtram poured In un the Injured Janitorand his hllilipii

The shock of the eipliiHlon rocked thebulldhiK until raiiMd a paniclint Hathouse Mis Muntlin VVIH upHtalix and whOll Hhe tried to get downto liu liiifhand and children she foundtin wav blocked lor strain

Steam pouiPd up throiiRh the entirehouse and added lo tin pink of thet nantt

The report hud cpn nl thioiiKh theinlKhborhood tint a dawn persons hailbeen killed and a huu ringthin rumor suit rue frontthree lioapltalH lie also sent In n callfor the reserves

At the SiriPt Ilonpltal Itwas said tint time elder of the two llttlngirls would piobnbl die and that anoperation will June to bo performed toBIIVO the younger iliildb life The I

father Injuries are nut DO ncrloiiH



Arthur Trotter Believed to Be Insane Caught as He Leaps

Second Story 1lome and-

s Taken to Bellevue










From Vindow





tIIIfJI Ililn Hftiinoon hu attackid IdsiiidiluT with a kiilfi and utter stibbhiKI-IPI ID di ith he cut oil IKII brad with

11 1X1-

1HP wan taki n lu lldlevuu Ilosplthere hu Is in dii ubsrrvntiun

sJ1T1 JR11RT 111YJslllis A M K m CA xsS-

IIIMildNv Ile y Si tiling Iskin wu HI UK 1Vt itparlntrnl runiern-mi tin irpiii that 51 ijui in inn il-

i hlu lit D Ililll id til I HA wasnn lit In andlru IK ill the time

i I riu UltbiUUki dl ahtrl-Iill net l4ri men tie nlve at the

Stale lifiwrluunl to da > fur l > r andMrs llerlMll Nimbi Alin Illltulil undalls hlndlmiaii nil uf Ihtladelphlu who I

ul kuupuivd to have bean ut Tuuriulimat tlm llnw of the cltMitcr

+ gt

Added Panic in Messina Palermo and 1

PizzoSyracuse and Island of UsI

tica Also Shaken While FearsAre Felt for Aeolian Group


I Messina and Reggio Like Pompeii and 35 OtherCities and Towns Wiped OutNatio-

nalii Begins Work of Relievingi

Thousands of Suffererss

livery tour add to the number killed In the earthquake In Italy Thetotal la now itlmnUd all the way from 3COOOO to 300000

There have been new aback at Palermo Flixo Meedna Syracuse and theIiland of ITitloa and It U fund the Aeolian Island a popnloui group northof Blolly have alio met dliaiter-

ThtrtyflTe oltlee and tows have been wiped out and deiolatlon preach tover an area of 4400 e uan mile

Only meagre detail hay teen received from Begglo which hai bUD drxtroyed Fir li itlll raginf in Meiilna In addition to great lufferlnf there-In lack of food In that olty

The fate of thoueaudi of outlying town and Tillage la not known Itbeing Impoialble to reach tho place

Plfty tboniand Injured are being taken to XTaplei Alone Other thousandwill be cared for In varlon olds s

Many of th eurrlvor are half demented by the horron thy have ex-


The Ring and Queen of Italy are at Kenlna dolngR heroic work reicnlnfvictim from the ruin and aiding till infferere

A national board of relief has been formed In Some and all natloni aretending generou help the Americal Sao Crou Society blinK prominent

Pope Plus luau begun the dlitrlbutlon of church fund for the luffererthe blihops and clergy In the atrlcken zone acting au agents

cloy Hughe hat appealed for contribution as hays the Governors of j

several other StateWaluington luau received word that American Consul Cheney and hli wife

were killed in Medina It In feared many other American shared the UlnAfate

Belief worh has been stArted on a comprehensive scale but the lack oftransit facilities U a serious bar

Bobbers it Ii feared have carried oft million in treasure at Messina

The property loss will run Into the hundreds of thousandsTen thousand troop have been detailed to bury the dead as a i tHenc

now menace the country y


ROME Dec 30New earthquake shocks at Messina Palermo j

Syracuse and Pizzo and violent quakes on the Island of Ustica forty

miles oil the north coast of Sicily have created further panic at those Jplaces The rumblings of the Volcanoes Stromboli and Mount Etna

Jgive added terror-

In addition cable communication with the Aeolian Islands twenty

five miles north of Sicily is interrupted It is evident that the line is brok-



and it is feared that the islands also have been devastated The

largest of the group is the Island of Lipari and the capital town has a

population of 1200-

0CALAMITY STILL GROWINGThe details of one cf the most appalling disasters recorded in the

history of the world are being unfolded in the despatches coming in to-

day from Calabria and Sicily It is a story of indescribable horror andif

calamity The earthquake of Monday morning wrought havoc and de-


that cannot be estimated Italy is crushed by a visitation de-

scribed as the greatest disaster in the memory of man yet the lull meas-



of the catastrophe has not yet been taken JThe calamity grows with the receipt of every fresh despatch troll the n

south Calabria is uoMeJ with small towns anti village and new locali-

ties are reporting almost hourly casualty lists that run from the hundreds-



the thousands

It is still impossible to reach any accurate estimate of the dead but

the total number is placed anywhere between looXX and 150000 In

some quarter it is declared that the tinal numbers hill be as high as

2Ucxx persons Onehalf of the population of Calabria and Western

Sicily apparently has perished-

The Minister of Marine estimates the victims at llSorx-

DKMliXTIjD SURVIVORS WAXMtR NAhJ1Thousands of wounded persons men women and children are

dying toda in the ruins It is utterly impossible to succor them all

They cannot be reached before death puts an end to their misery Num-

berless wounded of the survivors who have made their way to othu