Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces Functions For Real-World Surfaces Xinguo Liu Yizhou Yu Heung-Yeung Shum Microsoft Research China University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University

Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

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Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces. Xinguo Liu Yizhou Yu Heung-Yeung Shum Microsoft Research China University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University. Real-World Surfaces. CUReT Database [ Dana et. al. 97 ]. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World SurfacesFor Real-World Surfaces

Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World SurfacesFor Real-World Surfaces

Xinguo Liu Yizhou Yu Heung-Yeung Shum

Microsoft Research China

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University

Xinguo Liu Yizhou Yu Heung-Yeung Shum

Microsoft Research China

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University

Page 2: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Real-World SurfacesReal-World SurfacesReal-World SurfacesReal-World Surfaces

CUReT Database [ Dana et. al. 97 ]

Page 3: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Under Different Lighting/Viewing DirectionsUnder Different Lighting/Viewing DirectionsUnder Different Lighting/Viewing DirectionsUnder Different Lighting/Viewing Directions

Page 4: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Appearance ModelsAppearance ModelsAppearance ModelsAppearance Models

• BRDFs– Surface microstructure

• Reflectance Maps– Heterogeneous surface microstructure

• Bump/Displacement Maps– Heterogeneous surface mesostructure

• Bidirectional Texture Functions– Both microstructure and mesostructure

• BRDFs– Surface microstructure

• Reflectance Maps– Heterogeneous surface microstructure

• Bump/Displacement Maps– Heterogeneous surface mesostructure

• Bidirectional Texture Functions– Both microstructure and mesostructure

Page 5: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Bidirectional Texture Functions (BTF)Bidirectional Texture Functions (BTF)Bidirectional Texture Functions (BTF)Bidirectional Texture Functions (BTF)

• A collection of images of the same surface under different lighting and viewing directions – [ Dana, Ginneken, Nayar & Koenderink 97 ]

• A collection of images of the same surface under different lighting and viewing directions – [ Dana, Ginneken, Nayar & Koenderink 97 ]

Parametric Domain for the Images

Actual Material Surface

L V1V2

The same point in the parametric domain may correspond to different points on the material surface from different viewpoints.


Page 6: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Why BTF?Why BTF?Why BTF?Why BTF?

• Visual Effects from Small-Scale Geometric Details (3D Textures) – Shadowing – Occlusion and foreshortening – Spatially varying normal orientations– Inter-reflection

• Spatially Varying Reflectance Properties

• Visual Effects from Small-Scale Geometric Details (3D Textures) – Shadowing – Occlusion and foreshortening – Spatially varying normal orientations– Inter-reflection

• Spatially Varying Reflectance Properties

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The ProblemThe ProblemThe ProblemThe Problem

• Acquiring a dense set of images in a 4D space is extremely expensive.

• Our Approach: BTF Synthesis– To generate a continuous BTF

– From a sparse set of images

– Under any lighting/viewing setting

• Acquiring a dense set of images in a 4D space is extremely expensive.

• Our Approach: BTF Synthesis– To generate a continuous BTF

– From a sparse set of images

– Under any lighting/viewing setting

Page 8: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Related Work IRelated Work IRelated Work IRelated Work I

• CUReT Database– Sparse sampling: 205

images in 4 dimensions

– Unevenly covering the lighting/viewing space

– http://www.cs.columbia.edu/cave/curet/

Page 9: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Related Work IIRelated Work IIRelated Work IIRelated Work II

• BTFs and 3D Textures– [ Dana et. al. 97, 99 ], [ Leung & Malik 99 ]

• 2D Texture Synthesis– [ Heeger & Bergen 95 ], [ De Bonet 97 ], [ Simoncelli & Portilla

98 ], [ Zhu, Wu & Mumford 98 ], [ Efros & Leung 99 ], [ Wei & Levoy 00 ] ….

– Patch-base texture synthesis [ Xu, Guo & Shum 00 ]

• Recovering Normal Maps– [ Rushmeier et. al. 97 ]

• BTFs and 3D Textures– [ Dana et. al. 97, 99 ], [ Leung & Malik 99 ]

• 2D Texture Synthesis– [ Heeger & Bergen 95 ], [ De Bonet 97 ], [ Simoncelli & Portilla

98 ], [ Zhu, Wu & Mumford 98 ], [ Efros & Leung 99 ], [ Wei & Levoy 00 ] ….

– Patch-base texture synthesis [ Xu, Guo & Shum 00 ]

• Recovering Normal Maps– [ Rushmeier et. al. 97 ]

Page 10: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Sample Images

Registered Images

Recovered Geometry




Given lighting/Viewing


A Novel Image

Overview of BTF SynthesisOverview of BTF SynthesisOverview of BTF SynthesisOverview of BTF Synthesis

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Geometry Recovery and SynthesisGeometry Recovery and SynthesisGeometry Recovery and SynthesisGeometry Recovery and Synthesis

Input: registered images withvarying lighting directions

Synthesized geometry

Recovered geometry

Page 12: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Shape from ShadingShape from ShadingShape from ShadingShape from Shading

• Shape from Shading through Normals– E.g., [ Horn & Brooks 86 ]

• Direct Height from Shading for Lambertian Surfaces [ Leclerc & Bobick 91 ]

• Shape from Shading through Normals– E.g., [ Horn & Brooks 86 ]

• Direct Height from Shading for Lambertian Surfaces [ Leclerc & Bobick 91 ]


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Knowns Unknowns

Page 13: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Modified Height from ShadingModified Height from ShadingModified Height from ShadingModified Height from Shading

• Modifications– Pixel-wise albedo function

– Shadow pixel classification

– Adaptive geometry smoothness

– Using multiple input images

• Modifications– Pixel-wise albedo function

– Shadow pixel classification

– Adaptive geometry smoothness

– Using multiple input images

Page 14: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

A Comparison of Recovered GeometryA Comparison of Recovered GeometryA Comparison of Recovered GeometryA Comparison of Recovered Geometry

Modified Leclerc & Bobick

These images are gray-scale coded

Page 15: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Geometry SynthesisGeometry SynthesisGeometry SynthesisGeometry Synthesis


Synthesized– Patch-based sampling

Page 16: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Sample Images

Registered Images

Recovered Geometry




Given lighting/Viewing


A Novel Image

Overview of BTF SynthesisOverview of BTF SynthesisOverview of BTF SynthesisOverview of BTF Synthesis

Appearance preserving texture synthesis

Page 17: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Appearance Preserving Texture Synthesis Appearance Preserving Texture Synthesis Appearance Preserving Texture Synthesis Appearance Preserving Texture Synthesis

Template Image ( Rendered Gray-Scale)

Reference Image

Synthesized Color Image





Page 18: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Template Image and Reference ImageTemplate Image and Reference ImageTemplate Image and Reference ImageTemplate Image and Reference Image

Template Image– Rendered from synthesized geometry given lighting/viewing– Correct occlusion, fore-shortening, and shadows– Approximate shading

Reference Image– Taken from the database with same lighting/viewing setting– Correct color and shading variations– Inconsistent geometry with the template image

Template Image– Rendered from synthesized geometry given lighting/viewing– Correct occlusion, fore-shortening, and shadows– Approximate shading

Reference Image– Taken from the database with same lighting/viewing setting– Correct color and shading variations– Inconsistent geometry with the template image

Page 19: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Reference Image GenerationReference Image GenerationReference Image GenerationReference Image Generation

• Pick one of the “nearest” sample images– Closest viewing and lighting directions

– Isotropic materials: “closest” under rotation

• Warp it to the current viewing/lighting setting– Fore-shortening

• Tilting angle of the viewing direction

– Lighting effects

• Azimuth angle of the lighting direction

• Pick one of the “nearest” sample images– Closest viewing and lighting directions

– Isotropic materials: “closest” under rotation

• Warp it to the current viewing/lighting setting– Fore-shortening

• Tilting angle of the viewing direction

– Lighting effects

• Azimuth angle of the lighting direction

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Three-step Warping MethodThree-step Warping MethodThree-step Warping MethodThree-step Warping Method

• Back-project onto the material surface plane

• Align light azimuth by rotation in the material surface

• Re-project onto the desired viewing plane

• Back-project onto the material surface plane

• Align light azimuth by rotation in the material surface

• Re-project onto the desired viewing plane

Page 21: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Synthesizing Novel ImageSynthesizing Novel ImageSynthesizing Novel ImageSynthesizing Novel Image

• Block Copying– Select a block from

the template image – Find its best match

in the reference– Copy the patch onto

the synthesized image

• Block Copying– Select a block from

the template image – Find its best match

in the reference– Copy the patch onto

the synthesized image

Page 22: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Block CopyingBlock CopyingBlock CopyingBlock Copying

• Details – Feature ordering

• Best features fill first

– Feature matching

• Multiple block sizes

– Matching criteria

• Optimal block with normalized correlation

• Details – Feature ordering

• Best features fill first

– Feature matching

• Multiple block sizes

– Matching criteria

• Optimal block with normalized correlation

Page 23: Synthesizing Bidirectional Texture Functions For Real-World Surfaces

Reference Images vs. Synthesized Reference Images vs. Synthesized TexturesTexturesReference Images vs. Synthesized Reference Images vs. Synthesized TexturesTextures

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Two Synthetic Images with BTF MappingTwo Synthetic Images with BTF MappingTwo Synthetic Images with BTF MappingTwo Synthetic Images with BTF Mapping

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Two Synthetic Images with BTF MappingTwo Synthetic Images with BTF MappingTwo Synthetic Images with BTF MappingTwo Synthetic Images with BTF Mapping

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Video IVideo IVideo IVideo I

• Surface appearance with a moving point light source

• Surface appearance with a moving point light source

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Video IIVideo IIVideo IIVideo II

• A comparison between BTF mapping and bump maping

• A comparison between BTF mapping and bump maping

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• A novel hybrid approach for studying appearance models

• An algorithm synthesizing complete BTFs– From a sparse set of sample images.

• A method for recovering displacement maps from photographs of real world materials – Modified shape-from-shading algorithm.

• A novel hybrid approach for studying appearance models

• An algorithm synthesizing complete BTFs– From a sparse set of sample images.

• A method for recovering displacement maps from photographs of real world materials – Modified shape-from-shading algorithm.

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• Kristin Dana (CUReT)

• Johnny Chang

• Yingqing Xu

• Kristin Dana (CUReT)

• Johnny Chang

• Yingqing Xu

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