Biomaterials 26 (2005) 6343–6356 Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity of poly(ethylene glycol)- graft-trimethyl chitosan block copolymers Shirui Mao a,b , Xintao Shuai a , Florian Unger a , Matthias Wittmar a , Xiulan Xie c , Thomas Kissel a, a Department of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmacy, Philipps-University of Marburg, Ketzerbach 63, D-35032 Marburg, Germany b Department of Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Wenhua Road 103, 110016 Shenyang, China c Department of Chemistry, Hans-Meerwein-Street, Philipps-University of Marburg, D-35032 Marburg, Germany Received 8 December 2004; accepted 29 March 2005 Available online 23 May 2005 Abstract PEGylated trimethyl chitosan (TMC) copolymers were synthesized in an attempt to both increase the solubility of chitosan in water, and improve the biocompatibility of TMC. A series of copolymers with different degrees of substitution were obtained by grafting activated poly(ethylene glycol)s (PEG) of different MW onto TMC via primary amino groups. Structure of the copolymers was characterized using  1 H,  13 C NMR spectroscopy and GPC. Solubility experiments demonstrated that PEG-g-TMC copolymers were completely water-soluble over the entire pH range of 1–14 regardless of the PEG MW, even when the graft density was as low as 10%. Using the meth yl tetra zoli um (MTT) assay, the effect of TMC molecu lar weight, PEGyla tion ratio, PEG and TMC molecular weight in the copolymers, and complexation with insulin on the cytotoxicity of TMC was examined, and IC 50  values were calculated with L929 cell line. All polymers exhibited a time- and dose-dependent cytotoxic response that increased with molecular weight. PEGylation can decrease the cytotoxicity of TMC to a great extent in the case of low molecular weight TMCs. According to the cytotoxicity results, PEG 5 kDa is superior for PEGylatio n when compared to PEG 550 Da at similar graft ratios. Complexati on with insulin further increased cell viab ilit y. In addition, Lacta te dehydrogenase (LDH) assays were perfo rmed to quantify the membrane-damaging effects of the copolymers, which is in line with the conclusion drawn from MTT assay. Moreover, the safety of the copolymers was corroborated by observing the morphological change of the cells with inverted phase contrast microscopy. Based upon these results PEG-g-TMC merits further investigations as a drug delivery vehicle. r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords:  Trimethyl chitosan; PEGylation; Copolymer; In vitro cytotoxicity; MTT assay; LDH assay 1. Introd uctio n Chitosan (poly[b-(1-4)-2-amino-2-deoxy- D-glucopyra- nose]) is a relatively less toxi c and bi ocompatible cationic polysaccharide produced by partial deacetyla- tion of chitin derived from naturally occurring crusta- cean shells. Due to its specic structure and properties, chitosan has found a number of applic ations in dru g deli very includin g that of as an absorp tion enhancer for hydrop hilic macromole cular drugs , as promi sing poly - meric excipients for mucosal drug and vaccine delivery [1], and as a gene delivery system [2]. Applications of chitosan in the biomedical eld are limited, however, by its poo r sol ubi lit y in physio log ica l med ia. Mos t chi t- osans are only soluble in aqueous acidic solutions below pH 6.5, where pri mar y amino gro ups of chi tos an are proton ated. To impro ve water solubili ty of chitosan, several derivatives have been studied. For example, the modication of chitosan by quaternization of the amino groups  [3,4],  N -carboxymethylation [5]  and PEGylation [6,7]  have been reported. ARTICLE IN PRESS www.elsevier.com/locate/biomaterials 014 2-96 12/$- see front matte r r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016 /j.biomaterials.20 05.03.036 Correspo nding a uthor. Te l.: +49 6421 282 5881; fax: +496421 2827016. E-mail address :  [email protected] (T. Kissel).

Synthesis, Characterization and Cytotoxicity of Poly(Ethylene Glycol)-Graft-trimethyl Chitosan Block Copolymers

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  • 05) 6


    Shirui Maoa,b, Xintao Shuaia, Florian Ungera, Matthias Wittmara,

    the cytotoxicity results, PEG 5kDa is superior for PEGylation when compared to PEG 550Da at similar graft ratios. Complexation

    with insulin further increased cell viability. In addition, Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assays were performed to quantify the

    cationic polysaccharide produced by partial deacetyla-tion of chitin derived from naturally occurring crusta-

    its poor solubility in physiological media. Most chit-osans are only soluble in aqueous acidic solutions below

    ARTICLE IN PRESScean shells. Due to its specic structure and properties,chitosan has found a number of applications in drugdelivery including that of as an absorption enhancer for

    pH 6.5, where primary amino groups of chitosan areprotonated. To improve water solubility of chitosan,several derivatives have been studied. For example, themodication of chitosan by quaternization of the aminogroups [3,4], N-carboxymethylation [5] and PEGylation[6,7] have been reported.

    Corresponding author. Tel.: +496421 282 5881;fax: +496421 282 7016.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Kissel).0142-9612/$ - se

    doi:10.1016/j.bimembrane-damaging effects of the copolymers, which is in line with the conclusion drawn from MTT assay. Moreover, the safety of

    the copolymers was corroborated by observing the morphological change of the cells with inverted phase contrast microscopy.

    Based upon these results PEG-g-TMC merits further investigations as a drug delivery vehicle.

    r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Trimethyl chitosan; PEGylation; Copolymer; In vitro cytotoxicity; MTT assay; LDH assay

    1. Introduction

    Chitosan (poly[b-(1-4)-2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyra-nose]) is a relatively less toxic and biocompatible

    hydrophilic macromolecular drugs, as promising poly-meric excipients for mucosal drug and vaccine delivery[1], and as a gene delivery system [2]. Applications ofchitosan in the biomedical eld are limited, however, byXiulan Xie , Thomas KisselaDepartment of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmacy, Philipps-University of Marburg, Ketzerbach 63, D-35032 Marburg, Germany

    bDepartment of Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Wenhua Road 103, 110016 Shenyang, ChinacDepartment of Chemistry, Hans-Meerwein-Street, Philipps-University of Marburg, D-35032 Marburg, Germany

    Received 8 December 2004; accepted 29 March 2005

    Available online 23 May 2005


    PEGylated trimethyl chitosan (TMC) copolymers were synthesized in an attempt to both increase the solubility of chitosan in

    water, and improve the biocompatibility of TMC. A series of copolymers with different degrees of substitution were obtained by

    grafting activated poly(ethylene glycol)s (PEG) of different MW onto TMC via primary amino groups. Structure of the copolymers

    was characterized using 1H, 13C NMR spectroscopy and GPC. Solubility experiments demonstrated that PEG-g-TMC copolymers

    were completely water-soluble over the entire pH range of 114 regardless of the PEG MW, even when the graft density was as low

    as 10%. Using the methyl tetrazolium (MTT) assay, the effect of TMC molecular weight, PEGylation ratio, PEG and TMC

    molecular weight in the copolymers, and complexation with insulin on the cytotoxicity of TMC was examined, and IC50 values were

    calculated with L929 cell line. All polymers exhibited a time- and dose-dependent cytotoxic response that increased with molecular

    weight. PEGylation can decrease the cytotoxicity of TMC to a great extent in the case of low molecular weight TMCs. According toc a,Biomaterials 26 (20

    Synthesis, characterization and cygraft-trimethyl chitoe front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    toxicity of poly(ethylene glycol)-n block copolymers


  • 84.7%) was purchased from Fluka (Steinheim, Ger-many) and depolymerized according to the method

    INerialsHowever, these efforts were only partially successfulin the case of PEG(5k)-g-chitosan, which was preparedvia reacting chitosan (degree of deacetylation 70%, MW70kDa) with methoxy-PEG(5k)-g-nitrophenyl carbo-nate [7]. With a graft density of 78.5% (calculated as aweight ratio of PEG 5kDa in the graft copolymer, thesame below), PEG(5k)-g-chitosan copolymer solutionsbecame cloudy at pH 6.8, which is suggestive of polymerprecipitation. Even at graft densities as high as 92.7%,the copolymer solution became cloudy [6] and formedaggregates [7] when the pH was 47.0. It is noteworthythat phase separation appeared at pH 6.5 or higher forunmodied chitosan, depending on the molecularweight [8]. This indicates that PEGylation can onlymarginally improve the solubility of chitosan in a verylimited range (pH 6.57.0), even with high graftdensities. Accordingly, the objective of the present studywas to design chitosan derivatives with superiorsolubility and biocompatibility.Another possible approach involves trimethyl chit-

    osan (TMC). TMC is a permanently quaternizedchitosan derivative, which has been proven to be highlysoluble over a wide pH range (pH 19) up to 10% (w/v)concentration. Moreover, TMC is capable of openingtight junctions of intestinal epithelial cells at physiolo-gical pH values, thus increasing paracellular perme-ability of intestinal epithelia [9,10] whereas chitosanitself is insoluble and thus ineffective in this role. TMChas been demonstrated to be a promising excipient inthe development of solid dosage forms for the peroraldelivery and intestinal absorption of peptides and otherdrug substances [11]. The degree of quaternization ofTMC plays an important role on its absorptionenhancing properties and the effects of TMC onintestinal epithelia reached an optimum value atapproximately 40% degree of quaternization [12,13].Similar results were obtained on absorption enhance-ment across rabbit corneal epithelia [14] and nasalepithelia of rats [15]. It was also shown that the degreeof quaternization of the TMC had a pronounced effecton the mucoadhesive properties of this polymer [16].Moreover, TMC or modied TMC seems to be anefcient gene delivery system [17,18]. Using intestinalCaco-2 cell monolayers and ciliated chicken embryotrachea, the cytotoxicity and ciliotoxicity of TMCpolymers with different degree of quaternization werestudied. No substantial cell membrane damage could bedetected on the Caco-2 cells, while the effect on the CBFin vitro was found to be marginal at a concentration of1.0% (w/v) [19]. However, TMC was shown to becytotoxic in L929 mouse broblast cells as indicated by

    ARTICLES. Mao et al. / Biomat6344MTT assay in our laboratory (data shown below).Similarly, it was found that reversibility of transepithe-lial resistance at 0.5% concentrations of TMC withdifferent degree of quaternization could not be demon-strated at pH 6.2 and 7.4 in Caco-2 cells [20]. Therefore,described previously [8] to obtain chitosans of differentmolecular weights. Methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) (Mn550 and 5000Da), water free toluene (99.9%), dichlor-omethane (DCM) (99.9%), diethyl ether (99.9%),maleic anhydrides, N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) anddicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC) were obtained fromAldrich (Steinheim, Germany) and used as received.Human recombinant insulin powder (26.2 IU/mg) was agift from Aventis Pharma AG (Germany). Dulbeccosmodied Eagles medium (DMEM) was obtained fromPAA (Colbe, Germany). MTT (3-(4,5-dimethyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) was purchasedfrom Sigma (Deisenhofen, Germany). Lactate dehydro-genase (LDH) assay kit (Product No. LK 100) wasobtained from Sigma (Taufkirchen, Germany). All otherchemicals and solvents were of analytical grade.

    2.2. Synthesis of TMC with different MW

    Different MW TMCs were prepared according to atwo-step method described previously using depolymer-further improvement of the biocompatibility of TMC isdesirable.As water soluble, biocompatible, non-toxic and non-

    immunogenic material, not only can PEG enhancebiocompatibility but also favorably affect pharmacoki-netics and tissue distribution. Conjugation of PEG toproteins is well known to enhance the in vivo half-life ofthe conjugated drugs, assist penetration into the cellmembrane, alter pharmacological properties and in-crease biocompatibility [21,22]. Therefore, PEGylatedTMC copolymers could possibly provide further biolo-gical functionality, in addition to improving solubilityand decreasing cytotoxicity. Here we described thesynthesis and physicochemical characterization of PE-Gylated TMC copolymers in an effort to improve bothsolubility and biocompatibility. Additionally, the effectof TMC molecular weight, PEGylation ratio, PEG andTMC molecular weight in the copolymers and com-plexation with insulin on the cytotoxicity of TMC wasexamined, providing experimental support for thedevelopment of drug carriers from such materials.

    2. Materials and methods

    2.1. Materials

    Chitosan (MW 400 kDa, degree of deacetylation

    PRESS26 (2005) 63436356ized chitosans of appropriate MW as starting materialsand were subsequently characterized by 1H NMR [23].Throughout, we used the abbreviation TMC 400 kDa todenote the polymer prepared from chitosan 400 kDa,and the same for the other polymers. Since the degree of

  • INerialsquaternization of TMC plays an important role inopening the tight junctions and a higher degree ofsubstitution had improved permeation enhancement[13,14], TMCs with a 40% degree of substitution wereprepared.

    2.3. Activation of mPEG

    The monohydroxy-terminated PEG was converted toa carboxyl-terminated intermediate by estericationwith cyclic aliphatic anhydride according to the litera-ture report [24]. Briey, in a 50ml round-bottomed askequipped with a reux condenser and an oil bubbler, 5 g(0.0091mol) of pre-dried mPEG 550Da was dissolved in20ml of water free toluene, 4.457 g maleic anhydride(0.04545mol, 1:5molar ratio vs. PEG) was added underthe protection of argon. The reaction mixture wasstirred at 70 1C for 48 h under an argon atmosphere.After the esterication process, toluene and the excessmaleic anhydride were eliminated by distillation andsublimation at 40 1C under vacuum. Subsequently, theintermediate mentioned above (0.54mmol) togetherwith NHS (2.7mmol) (1:5 in molar ratio) were dissolvedin 20ml DCM in a ask equipped with a magneticstirring bar. The ask was then cooled in an ice-waterbath and DCC (0.54mmol) was added under argon. Thereaction mixture was sealed under argon and stirred for1 h at 0 1C, and further 24 h at room temperature. Theprecipitated 1,3-dicyclohexylurea (DCU) was removedby ltration. The ltrate was added to diethyl ether(50ml) and cooled at 4 1C for 2 h. The precipitatedproduct was then redissolved in DCM and reprecipi-tated with diethyl ether. This procedure was repeated atleast three times to completely remove excess NHS.Finally, the product was dried under vacuum and storedat room temperature under argon. mPEG 5kDa wasactivated in the same manner.

    2.4. Copolymers preparation

    A predetermined quantity of TMC was dissolved inpuried water at a concentration of 10mg/ml. NHS-mPEG was dissolved in water free DMSO (50mg/ml)solution. Subsequently, the TMC solution was added tothe NHS-mPEG solution and the mixture was stirred atroom temperature for 24 h. Weight ratios of TMC toNHS-mPEG were varied in order to achieve the optimalPEGylation level. After 24 h of stirring, the solution waspuried by ultra ltration with an Amicon systemequipped with a 10 000MW cutoff membrane. Theconcentrated solution was diluted and ultra ltrated

    ARTICLES. Mao et al. / Biomatagain. This procedure was repeated at least three timesand the dialyzed solution was nally freeze-dried. Thegraft ratio (wt%) of PEG was calculated from integralvalues of the characteristic peaks of PEG block at3.35 ppm (OCH3) and TMC blocks at 3.0 ppm(N (CH3)2) and 3.3 ppm (N+ (CH3)3) obtained inthe 1H NMR spectra, using the known molecular weightof mPEG. This method of comparing integration of 1HNMR peaks has been reported in the literature [25].PEGylated chitosans were prepared in the same

    manner for the purpose of comparison. However, dueto its higher viscosity, concentration of chitosan400 kDa was 0.2% instead of 1% for TMC 400 kDa.The following nomenclature for the copolymers was

    adopted: PEG(X)n-g-TMC/chitosan(Y), where X de-notes the MW of PEG in Da, Y denotes the MW ofTMC/chitosan in kDa, and the subscript n represents theaverage number of PEG chains per TMC/chitosanmacromolecule of Y kDa.

    2.5. Characterization of polymers

    Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR): 1HNMR and 13C NMR spectra were recorded on a JEOLGX 400 D spectrometer operating at 400MHz at roomtemperature. Samples were dissolved in D2O or CDCl3.

    Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) was carriedout using a Supremamax 3000 column (PolymerStandard Service, Mainz, Germany) with 0.3 M aceticacid and 0.2M sodium acetate as an eluent (1ml/min).Forty microliters samples were injected with a MerckHitachi autosampler AS-2000A. The samples wereanalyzed with a differential refractive index (RI)detector RI-71 from Merck.

    Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measure-ments were performed on a PerkinElmer DSC (DSC-7) at a heating rate of 20 1C/min. The sample(approximately 5mg) was rst heated from 100 1C to170 1C. It was then quenched to 120 1C with liquidnitrogen, and heated again to 170 1C. The meltingtemperature (Tm) was determined from the endothermicpeak of the DSC curve recorded in the rst heating scan.

    2.6. Water solubility testing

    Solubility of the various copolymers was measured atdifferent pH values at room temperature. Briey, thecopolymers were dissolved in a 0.25% acetic acidsolution (2mg/ml), the pH value of the solution wasadjusted using 1 N NaOH and transmittance of thesolution at 600 nm as a function of pH was recorded onan UV/Vis spectrophotometer (UV-160, Shimadzu,Japan). The copolymers were considered insoluble whenthe transmittance was less than 90%, compared to thatof distilled water.

    PRESS26 (2005) 63436356 63452.7. Preparation and characterization of insulin


    The complexes were prepared via self-assembly usingthe electrostatic interactions between polymers and

  • For data analysis, the viscosity (0.88mPa s) and the

    test, as recommended by USP 26. The experiment was

    provided by the supplier, are listed in Table 1. Theaverage number of free amino groups in the copolymer

    INerialscarried out according to the method described pre-viously [27,28]. The relative cell viability compared tocontrol cells containing cell culture medium withoutpolymer was calculated by [A]test/[A]control. Polyethylene600 (1mg/ml) and polyethylenimine (10mg/ml) wereused as positive and negative controls of the method,respectively.

    2.9. LDH assay

    A total of 50 000 L929 cells/well were seeded in 12-well cell culture plates. After 24 h incubation, cells werewashed with phosphate buffered solution (PBS) andwere then incubated with selected polymers (1mg/ml) in2ml PBS. One hundred microliters per well sampleswere collected at predetermined points. The LDHcontent in these samples was assayed utilizing acommercial kit according to the manufacturers proto-col, which spectrophotometrically determined theamount of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(NAD) at 492 nm in the presence of lactate and LDH.Control experiments were performed with 0.1% (w/v)refractive index (1.33) of distilled water at 25 1C wereused. Measurements were analyzed using the CONTINalgorithm. The zeta potential measurements of thecomplexes were carried out in the standard capillaryelectrophoresis cell of the Zetasizer 3000 HS fromMalvern Instruments at 25 1C in 0.01M Tris buffer pH7.4. Values given are mean7SD (n 10).

    2.8. MTT assay

    A mouse connective tissue broblast cell line, L929,was selected to evaluate cytotoxicity as a direct contactinsulin. The process parameters were optimised asdescribed elsewhere in detail [26]. Briey, appropriatequantity of copolymer and insulin (1mg/ml) weredissolved in 0.1 N Tris buffer pH 7.4, respectively.Complexes were prepared by mixing equal volume ofinsulin and polymer solution under gentle magneticstirring, and incubating for a further 20min at roomtemperature. The complexes were characterized bydynamic light scattering and laser Doppler anemometry(LDA) measurements. Complex size measurements werecarried out with a Zetasizer 3000 HS from MalvernInstruments, Herrenberg, Germany (10mW HeNe laser,633 nm). Scattering light was detected at 901 anglethrough a 400 mm pin hole at a temperature of 25 1C.

    ARTICLES. Mao et al. / Biomat6346Triton X-100 and set as 100% cytotoxicity. LDH releasewas calculated by the following equation:

    LDH% Asample AmediumA100% Amedium 100,was measured using uorescamine assay [29].Obviously, the graft ratios increased with feed ratio

    and a linear correlation between NHS-mPEG/polymerratio and graft density was found (Table 1). It isgenerally assumed that the activity of PEG is molecularweight-dependent, for example, mPEG 550Da shouldbe more reactive than mPEG 5kDa. This is the case forPEG-g-chitosan(400) copolymers, as shown in Table 1.However, the opposite is true for TMC 400 kDa, asindicated by the number of PEG chains per TMCmolecule. For instance, when the NHS-mPEG/TMC400 kDa feed ratio was 3:1, only 83 PEG 550Dawhere [A]sample, [A]medium, [A]100% denote the absor-bance of the sample, medium control and Triton X-100control, respectively. All experiments were run intriplicate.

    2.10. Calculations and statistics

    Results are depicted as mean7SD from at least threeseparate measurements. Signicance between the meanvalues was calculated using ANOVA one-way analysis(Origin 7.0 SRO, Northampton, MA, USA). Probabilityvalues Po0:05 were considered signicant.

    3. Results

    3.1. Copolymer preparation and characterization

    Hydroxyl-terminated PEGs were converted to car-boxyl-terminated intermediates by esterication withcyclic aliphatic anhydride. Maleic anhydride was chosenin the present study to activate PEG in preference tosuccinic anhydride because it has been demonstrated tobe more reactive to PEG hydroxyl group, and isstraightforward to eliminate via sublimation after theesterication process [24]. After activation, PEGs werecoupled to the amino groups of TMC, forming a graftcopolymer, i.e., PEG-g-TMC. The synthetic route isshown in Scheme 1.We investigated the inuence of polymer solution pH

    on the nal graft ratios, with no signicant differencebeing observed at polymer pH 5.0, 7.0, 8.5, respectively.Therefore all copolymers were prepared at a constantpolymer solution pH of 7.0. Taking TMC 400 kDa as anexample, the effect of feed ratios was investigated andthe graft ratios of the copolymers, calculated from 1HNMR spectra based on the MW of the polymer

    PRESS26 (2005) 63436356molecules were coupled to TMC molecule comparedto 298mPEG 5kDa molecules at the same feedratio and prepared under the same conditions. Theresults were reproducible with different batches ofactivated PEGs, as annotated in Table 1. Furthermore,

  • INerialsARTICLES. Mao et al. / Biomatcopolymers were prepared with TMC 100 kDa (with thesame substitution ratio as that of TMC 400 kDa) in thesame manner and were found that the graft ratios ofPEG(550)-g-TMC(100) copolymers were similar to thatof PEG(550)-g-chitosan in the same feed ratio (data notshown). Steric effects could not be a cause for the lowgraft ratio of PEG(550)-g-TMC(400), because at the



    Scheme 1. Synthetic route of PEG

    Table 1

    Properties of PEG-g-TMC(400) and PEG-g-chitosan(400) copolymers






    PEG(550)-g-TMC(400) PEG(5k)-g-TMC(400)

    Graft% PEG550a Free


    Graft% PEG5ka Free


    3:1 10.3e 83 553 75.4f 298 250

    4:1 16.1 139 524 88.9 641 233

    5:1 17.1 148 341 89.4 679 168

    aNumber of PEG chains per TMC 400 kDa molecule, calculation based obNumber of free amino groups per TMC 400kDa molecule, calculation bcCalculated as a weight ratio of PEG in the graft copolymer.dNumber of free amino groups per chitosan 400 kDa molecule, calculation

    PEG. Fluorescamine assay is not feasible due to the solubility limitation ofeCalculated as a weight ratio of PEG in the graft copolymer based on NM

    different batches of activated PEG 550Da were investigated, the values werfReproducibility of the copolymer preparation method with different batch

    77.72%, 75.44%, respectively, with SD of 1.73.PRESS26 (2005) 63436356 6347same feed ratio even higher graft ratio was obtainedwith PEG(5k)-g-TMC(400) (75.44%) compared toPEG(5k)-g-TMC(100) (68.25%) due to relative highamount of primary amino groups. Possible explanationsare competitive reactions of activated PEG 550Da withwater. PEG-NHS is moisture-sensitive and can lose itsreactivity by interacting with water. The shorter PEG

    ylated chitosan derivatives.

    PEG(550)-g-chitosan(400) PEG(5k)-g-chitosan(400)

    Graft%c PEG550a Free


    Graft%c PEG5ka Free


    43.7 564 1547 75.2 243 1868

    49.4 710 1401 82.8 386 1725

    55.1 892 1219 86.6 515 1596

    n 1H NMR data.

    ased on uorescamine assay.

    based on the substitution of chitosan 400 kDa and the graft density of

    the copolymers.

    R analysis. Reproducibility of the copolymer preparation method with

    e 8.93%, 12.6%, 10.3%, respectively, with SD of 1.85.

    es of activated PEG 5kDa were investigated, the values were 78.83%,

  • INerialsARTICLES. Mao et al. / Biomat6348chains were more sensitive. Although short PEG-NHSpossesses the highest reactivity to amino groups, theyalso show the highest reactivity to water. Principally,reactivity with NH2 is higher than with water.However, some substituted groups may shield part ofNH2 groups of TMC and thus grafting will becomeslow, requiring the PEG-NHS to maintain reactive overa longer period.

    1H NMR spectra of a graft copolymer and corre-sponding intermediate prepolymers are shown in Fig. 1.1H NMR resonance signals are assigned accordingly.NHS-terminated mPEG 550Da (Fig. 1A(b)) showed

    Fig. 1. 1H (A) and 13C NMR (B) spectra of HO-terminated mPEG 550Da

    TMC(400) copolymer in D2O (c).PRESS26 (2005) 63436356resonance signals at 4.3(CH2O C (QO)), 6.2 and6.6 ppm (doublet, C (QO) CHQCHC (QO) ),which are not present in the spectrum of HO-terminatedmPEG containing no maleic moiety (Fig. 1A(a)). Onlyone signal at 6.0 (CQC) was observed in the graftcopolymer (Fig. 1A(c)), implying the environment of thedouble bond has changed, and likely the protonshielding effect of local chemical environment to thetwo methine groups become closer. Additionally, thegraft copolymer showed strong absorption at 3.0 (N(CH3)2) and 3.3 (N+(CH3)3) ppm, which are from theTMC. The structure of the copolymers was further

    (a), NHS-terminated mPEG 550Da in CDCl3 (b), and PEG(5k)42-g-

  • between chitosan and PEG 550Da, leading to improvedmiscibility.

    3.3. Water solubility of copolymers

    The primary aim of our present study is to improvethe solubility of chitosan. As such, water solubility ofthe copolymers was evaluated under different pHconditions. Solutions of PEG-g-TMC copolymers re-mained transparent over the entire pH range irrespectiveof PEG MW even when the graft density was as low as10% and the concentration was as high as 50mg/ml.The PEG moieties presented on the TMC chainincreased the hydrophilicity of the copolymer, thusleading to improved solubility. In contrast, no clearsolutions were observed with PEG grafted chitosancopolymers at pH 7, despite of high graft densities. Thisis due to the strong interaction between chitosan andPEG, as demonstrated by the signicantly decreased Tmvalue in DSC experiments.

    3.4. Effect of TMC MW on cytotoxicity

    INerialsinvestigated with 13C NMR (Fig. 1B). These results areconsistent with the expected chemical structure of thecopolymers.GPC measurements were also carried out to verify the

    successful synthesis of the graft copolymers. Copoly-mers showed unimodal molecular weight distribution inthe GPC eluograms with increased molecular weight(data not shown), indicating that negligible PEGhomopolymer was present in the copolymer products.

    3.2. Thermal properties of the copolymers

    The thermal properties of PEG-g-TMC(400) copoly-mers were studied using DSC. DSC thermogramsshowed an endothermic peak at its melting temperaturefor PEG and a MW dependence was observed, Tm 14.6and 63 1C for PEG 550Da and PEG 5kDa, respectively.However, no glass transition temperature was detected,probably because PEG crystallized too rapidly. Addi-tionally, no Tg and Tm were observed for both chitosan400 kDa and TMC 400 kDa.The melting temperature of PEG 5kDa in the

    copolymers decreased with increasing TMC content(Table 2). For instance, Tm of homo-PEG 5kDa is65.9 1C, and only 55.5 1C in the copolymer with a graftratio of 75.44%, a decrease about 10 1C. This implies thecrystallization of PEG 5kDa was greatly affected byTMC 400 kDa.It is also noted that the decrease of Tm in PEG(5k)-g-

    chitosan(400) copolymers was larger than that inPEG(5k)-g-TMC(400) copolymers with similar PEG5kDa content (Table 2). The depression of Tm can beexplained with the following equation [30]:

    Tm T0m 12geDH fL


    where ge is the free energy of chain folding at the surfaceof the lamellae, DH f is the heat of fusion of the lamellae,L is the thickness of the lamellae, and T0m is the meltingpoint of a 100% perfect polymer crystal. As we can see,the reduction of the lamellar thickness can lead to amelting point depression. The interactions betweendifferent blocks are expected to have a dominant effecton reducing L in the diblock copolymer, leading to adecreased Tm. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume thatthe interaction between PEG and chitosan is strongerthan that of PEG and TMC. This result can be used toexplain the solubility difference of the copolymers. Onthe other hand, decreased Tm indicated that those twocomponents are miscible and compatible. As to thesmall MW mPEG 550Da, the Tm change was not so

    ARTICLES. Mao et al. / Biomatobvious, as summarized in Table 2. Tm of the puremPEG 550Da was observed at 14.63 1C and no Tm wasobserved in the PEG(550)-g-chitosan(400) copolymerswhen the content of mPEG 550Da was less than55.09%, implying that the crystallization of mPEG550Da was fully suppressed by chitosan 400 kDa, and adecreased Tm was identied only when PEG 550Dacontent was above 60%. In contrast, a Tm decrease in allmPEG(550)-g-TMC(400) copolymers was found. Thiscan probably be attributed to the stronger interaction


    Table 2

    Melting temperature of the copolymers

    Polymers Substitution

    (%)aGraft ratio


    mPEG 550Da 14.6

    mPEG 5000Da 65.9

    Chitosan 400kDa c

    TMC 400 kDa c

    mPEG(550)-g-Chitosan(400) 26.8 43.7 c

    33.7 49.4 c

    42.4 55.1 12.2

    mPEG(550)-g-TMC(400) 3.9 10.3 13.6

    6.6 16.1 12.1

    7.0 17.1 13.2

    mPEG(5k)-g-Chitosan (400) 11.6 75.2 54.1

    18.4 82.8 53.1

    24.5 86.6 54.2

    mPEG(5k)-g-TMC(400) 14.2 75.4 55.5

    30.5 88.9 60.0

    32.3 89.4 61.5

    aCalculated based on the primary amino group content in chitosan

    400 kDa, 84.7%.bCalculated as a weight ratio of PEG in the graft copolymer.cNot detected.

    26 (2005) 63436356 6349MTT assays were performed to test the effects ofpolymer structure on the metabolic activity of cells. Allthe polymers showed a dose and MW dependent effecton cytotoxicity. Cell viabilities of different MW TMCsvs. concentration were investigated, and the IC50 values,

  • which represent concentration of the copolymers result-ing in 50% inhibition of cell growth, were calculated.With similar charge ratios, the cytotoxicity of TMCs

    increased with increasing MW. TMC 400 kDa wasespecially toxic with an IC50 of 15 mg/ml. However,TMC 5kDa was shown to be completely non-toxic withan IC5041mg/ml. An exponential relationship betweenTMC MW and IC50 after 3 h incubation was estab-lished, as presented in Fig. 2, which can be used topredict the cytotoxicity of different MW TMC.

    3.5. Effect of PEGylation degree on the cytotoxicity of

    PEG(5k)-g-TMC(400) copolymers

    Taking the extremely toxic TMC 400 kDa as a model,effect of PEGylation degree on cytotoxicity of PEG(5k)-g-TMC(400) was assessed with MTT assay. Thetheoretical molecular weights and compositions werecalculated from the degree of substitution based on 1HNMR spectra and listed in Table 3. Compared to theunmodied TMC, PEGylation decreased cytotoxicitysignicantly (Po0:05) despite of the increased MW ofthe copolymers and was a function of PEG substitutiondegree. A linear correlation between substitution degreeand IC50 value after 3 h incubation was found (Fig. 3).When the substitution degree reached 25%, the resultingdecrease in toxicity was reduced.

    3.6. Effect of TMC MW in PEG(5k)-g-TMC


    As demonstrated, cytotoxicity of TMC was MW









    100 200 300 400


    IC50 = 2195.2M-0.7349

    TMC MW (KDa)

    R2 = 0.9225

    Fig. 2. Relationship between TMC MW and IC50 values.

    Table 3

    Properties and IC50 values of TMC and its derivatives (Mean7SD)

    Polymer (kDa) Degree of



    TMC content



    MW (g/mol)


    chargeb particle size (mv)

    TMC 400 100 400000 189.4

    TMC 100 100 100000 189.4

    TMC 50 100 50000 189.4

    TMC 25 100 25000 189.4

    S. Mao et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 634363566350TMC 5 100 5000 189.4



    12.0 22.771.7 1890000 1042



    25.7 11.172.1 3600000 2446



    27.4 10.672.5 3800000 2655



    6.44 32.871.0 300000 640



    6.13 34.270.9 145000 590



    36.7 41.571.5 225000 750PEG(550)116-


    37.4 40.873.4 120000 930

    Cell viability was quantied by MTT assay n 7.aCalculated by 1H NMR measurement.bDenoted as Dalton per charge.(nm)

    3 h 24 h

    30 15 256.670.8 19.672.370 22 273.374.6 22.772.590 37 236.671.3 21.771.9270 125

    41000 41000220 40 171.771.9 11.270.9

    370 4500 181.872.1 2.370.3

    380 4500 245.672.9 1.771.0

    4500 4500 233.377.2 18.870.3

    4500 4500 203.977.2 13.770.3

    4500 270 224.672.3 13.972.9dependent. However, whether PEGylation has the sameinuence with different MW TMCs remains unclear.Therefore, PEG(5k)-g-TMC copolymers were preparedwith similar graft ratio but different TMC MW (TMC400, 100 and 50 kDa, respectively), and the cytotoxicitywas evaluated. Copolymer properties are listed in Table3 and cytotoxicity results are shown in Fig. 4. The

    IC50 of pure polymers (mg/ml) Complexes Zeta potential4500 460 220.375.5 16.471.9

  • inuence of TMC MW on cytotoxicity was morepronounced in copolymers. The cytotoxicity of TMC100 kDa and TMC 50kDa was decreased more than 10-fold after PEGylation with a substitution degree ofapproximately 6%, with more than 80% of the cells stillviable after 24 h incubation with a 500 mg/ml polymersolution. In contrast, PEG(5k)298-g-TMC(400) wasmore toxic compared to PEG(5k)40-g-TMC(100) andPEG(5k)19-g-TMC(50) copolymers, despite its highersubstitution degree (12.0% vs. 6%) and lower TMCcontent. Additionally, for the copolymers PEG(5k)40-g-TMC(100) and PEG(5k)19-g-TMC(50), no apparenttime and dose dependent cytotoxicity was observed,implying that they were non-toxic in the concentrationrange used in this study.

    3.7. Effect of PEG MW in the copolymers

    It is believed that PEG MW in the copolymers willinuence the cytotoxicity to some extent. Therefore,taking TMC100 kDa as an example, PEG(5k)40-g-

    TMC(100) and PEG(550)228-g-TMC(100) copolymers,which have similar graft ratios, were synthesized and thecell viabilities were investigated with MTT assay.Results are shown in Fig. 5.After 3 h of incubation, no signicant difference in cell

    viability was observed between the two copolymersaccording to two sample-paired t-test P40:05. How-ever, the difference was signicant in the concentrationrange of 10500 mg/ml after 24 h of incubation(Po0:05). Higher cell viability, especially at a concen-

    decrease the cytotoxicity of the polymers, the relatively

    released upon cell lysis. This assay permits the investiga-


    R2 = 0.9889





    S. Mao et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 63436356 63510


    0 5 10 15 20 25 30Degree of Substitution (%)

    Fig. 3. Correlation between degree of substitution of PEG in

    PEG(5k)-g-TMC(400) copolymers and IC50 values after 3 h incubation

    with the L929 cells measured by MTT assay. Each point represents the

    mean7SD of seven experiments.(a) (b

    Fig. 4. Effect of TMC MW on the cytotoxicity of PEG(5k)-g-TMC copolym

    L929 cells. Each point represents the mean7SD of seven experiments.tion of chemicals that may induce alternations in cellintegrity. It was performed to measure the membrane-damaging effects of the copolymers via the quantity ofLDH in the culture media at different time points. Basedtoxic polymers TMC 400, 100, 50 kDa were used asexamples. Polymer concentration was kept constant at0.1mg/ml. Complexes were prepared at optimizedpolymer/insulin mass ratio 0.3:1. All of the complexesare comparable in size and carry positive charge (Table3). Effects of complexation on cell viability are shown inFig. 6. After 3 h of incubation, the effect of complexa-tion was only apparent with TMC 400 kDa. Nosignicant differences were found with TMC 100 and50 kDa P40:05. However, after 24 h incubation cellviabilities increased approximately two fold with thecomplexes for all TMCs investigated.

    3.9. LDH assay

    LDH is a stable enzyme present in the cytosol that istration of 500 mg/ml, was observed for PEG(5k)40-g-TMC(100) compared to that of PEG(550)228-g-TMC(100), despite the higher substitution degree ofPEG(550)228-g-TMC(100) (36.7% vs. 6.4%).

    3.8. Effect of complexation with insulin

    Based on the assumption that complexation may)

    ers measured by MTT assay after (a) 3 h and (b) 24 h incubation with

  • IN


    ers measured by MTT assay after (a) 3 h and (b) 24 h incubation with L929






    ll V




    polymer complex



    Fig. 5. Effect of PEG MW on the cytotoxicity of PEG-g-TMC copolym

    cells. Each point represents the mean7SD of seven experiments.









    y (%


    polymer complex

    S. Mao et al. / Biomat6352on MTT assay, PEG(5k)40-g-TMC(100), PEG(5k)19-g-TMC(50), and PEG(550)130-g-TMC(50) copolymerswere practically non-toxic, with IC504500 mg/ml after24 h of incubation. In order to elucidate any membrane-damaging effect caused by the copolymers, theirinuence on LDH release was investigated using TMC100 kDa as a positive control, as shown in Fig. 7. After3 h of incubation, the LDH released was less than 6%for the three copolymers investigated, compared to50.573.1% for TMC 100 kDa, which is in agreementwith the results of the MTT assay.

    3.10. Microscopic observations

    After performing the LDH assay, changes in cellmorphology were observed using a Nikon inverse phasecontrast microscope (Nikon TMS, Nikon, Japan)equipped with an objective (Plan 10/0.30Dl/Ph1, Nikon,Japan) of 100 magnication. Fig. 8 shows a selectionof phase contrast microscopy images obtained after 3 hof incubation with 1mg/ml polymer solutions, andcompared with medium control (PBS solution). Ingeneral, L929 mouse broblasts are large, spindle-shaped, adherent cells that grow as a conuent mono-layer (Fig. 8a). Complete cell death was observed using0.1% Triton X-100 in PBS as a positive control(Fig. 8b). The cells were grainy and lacked normal



    TMC400kDa TMC100kDa TMC50kDa(a) (b)

    Fig. 6. Effect of complexation with insulin on the cytotoxicity of TMC (100mL929 cells. Each point represents the mean7SD of seven experiments. ThePRESS26 (2005) 63436356cytoplasmatic space, the open area between cellsindicated cell lysis had occurred. In contrast, thebroblast L929 cells incubated with copolymersPEG(5k)40-g-TMC(100), PEG(5k)19-g-TMC(50) andPEG(550)130-g-TMC(50) maintained a polygonal shapewith stretched lapodia (Fig. 8df), no cell debris, no



    TMC400kDa TMC100kDa TMC50kDa

    g/ml) measured by MTT assay after (a) 3 h and (b) 24 h incubation with

    complexes were prepared at polymer/insulin mass ratio 0.3:1.

    -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200









    H R


    se (


    Time (min)

    Fig. 7. Cytotoxicity of the TMC and its derivatives by LDH assay.

    Each point represents the mean7SD of three experiments. ()TMC100 kDa, () PEG(5k)40-g-TMC(100), (m)PEG(550)228-g-TMC(100),(.)PEG(5k)19-g-TMC(50).

  • IN




    S. Mao et al. / Biomatdetachment from dish bottom was observed, which wascomparable to that of the medium control. As acontrast, the boundary of the cells became blurry afterincubation with TMC 100 kDa and spindle shape waslost (Fig. 8c). These morphological observations wereconsistent with the results obtained from both the MTTand LDH assays.

    4. Discussion

    TMC and PEGylated TMC copolymers were synthe-sized and their in vitro cytotoxicity were studied with theMTT and LDH assays in the current work. All thepolymers exhibited a time- and dose-dependent cyto-


    (e) (f

    Fig. 8. Phase contrast microscopy images of L929 cells after incubation wit

    cytotoxic control, the arrows showing the open area between cells indicated c

    boundary of the cells became blurry and spindle shape was lost, (d) PE

    TMC(100). All gures are of the same magnication (100 ).PRESS


    26 (2005) 63436356 6353toxic response that increased with MW. PEGylationdecreased the cytotoxicity and was substitution degreedependent. Complexation with insulin decreased thecytotoxicity after 24 h incubation.In our study, the degree of quaternization of different

    MW TMCs was similar (40%), implying that theactivity of primary amino groups was chitosan MWindependent. Our result is consistent with Florystheory, which suggests the intrinsic activity of allfunctional groups on a polymer remains the same [31].Generally, the determination of cell viability is an

    assay to evaluate the in vitro cytotoxicity of biomater-ials. The predictive value of in vitro cytotoxicity tests isbased on the concept that toxic chemicals affect thebasic functions of cells. Such functions are common to



    h different polymers (1mg/ml) for 3 h. (a) Medium control, (b) 100%

    ell lysis had occurred, (c) TMC 100 kDa, the arrows indicated that the

    G(5k)40-g-TMC(100), (e) PEG(5k)19-g-TMC(50), (f) PEG(550)228-g-

  • increasing PEG substitution degree. This was particularrelevant in the case of small MW TMC. At a similar

    INerialsall cells, and hence the toxicity can be measured byassessing cellular damage. MTT and LDH assays aretwo methods commonly used for this purpose. Normallyan early indication of cellular damage is a reduction inmetabolic activity and this is the principle of MTT assay[27]. By contrast, LDH reects the damage/leakage ofplasma membranes. It has been shown that changes inmetabolic activity are superior indicators of early cellinjury, and effects on membrane integrity are indicativeof more serious damage, leading to cell death [32].Therefore, in this study, MTT assay was employed rstto evaluate the correlation between polymer structureand toxicity, and LDH assay was used for corrobora-tion. As indicated, MTT and LDH assays gave similarresults. PEG(5k)40-g-TMC(100), PEG(5k)19-g-TMC(50), and PEG(550)130-g-TMC(50) copolymersdid not induce a signicant decrease in metabolicactivity after 3 h incubation. Additionally, no signicantLDH release was measured. In contrast, a remarkableLDH release was observed with TMC 100 kDa, a toxicpolymer indicated by MTT assay using L929 mousebroblast cells, a cell line recommended by USP 26 andseveral other pharmacopoeias as a standard method forcytotoxicity testing [28]. However, using trypan blueexclusion assay, a direct measurement of cell number,Kotze et al. suggested that TMC was almost non-toxic[20,33]. This discrepancy could probably be attributed tothe different methods employed. Generally, trypan blueexclusion assay is a direct measurement of cell number,since dead cells normally detach from a culture plate,and are washed away in the medium; therefore, it cannotdifferentiate between dead cells that may have beendamaged. In general, polycations are considered to becytotoxic [34]. TMC, like most cationic macromoleculessuch as protamine and polylysine, probably interactswith anionic components (sialic acid) of the glycopro-teins on the surface of epithelial cells, causing cytotoxiceffects. Changes in cell morphology have already beenobserved with 1.0 mg/ml polylysine [35].In general, biocompatibility is inuenced by different

    properties of the polymers such as MW, charge densityand type of the cationic functionalities, structure andsequence (block, linear, branched), and conformationalexibility [28]. TMC 400 kDa was found to display thehighest cytotoxicity, whilst TMC 25 kDa and TMC5kDa were almost non-toxic. An increase in cytotoxicityas a function of MW, which was observed for TMC inthis study, was also reported for other polycations, suchas DEAE-dextran [28] and PEI (polyethylenimine) [36].PEGylation decreased the cytotoxicity of TMC con-siderably, the extent of which was substitution degree,

    ARTICLES. Mao et al. / Biomat6354TMCMW and PEG MW dependent. The effect of PEGcan be explained by steric effects, which acts to shield aproportion of the positive charges present on TMC, asshown in Table 3, the zeta potential of PEG(5k)-g-TMC(400) copolymer insulin complex decreased withdegree of substitution (6%), the zeta potential ofPEG(5k)19-g-TMC(50) insulin complex was 13.770.3,compared to 18.870.3 for that of PEG(5k)40-g-TMC(100) insulin complex (Table 3). However, sinceparts of the primary amino groups in TMCs weresubstituted by PEG, positive charge density decreasedoverall. When considering the cytotoxicity, PEG 5kDais preferable to PEG 550Da for PEGylation as itscomparatively long chain structure probably shields thepositive charges of TMC more efciently. This pointwas supported by the data in Table 3. The zetapotentials of PEG(550)116-g-TMC(50) copolymer insu-lin complex did not decrease signicantly even thesubstitution degree of PEG was 6 times higher (Table 3)than that of PEG(5k)19-g-TMC(50).High cytotoxicity of the PEG(5k)298-g-TMC(400)

    copolymer was observed, despite the high degree ofsubstitution. This effect was probably related to thepolymers high MW. Hence, a higher substitution degreeis essential to decrease the cytotoxicity of TMC 400 kDaand 25% substitution was demonstrated to be sufcient.It should be noted here that a degree of substitution of440% is impossible to attain, since only primary aminofunction groups can participate in the reaction (40%).Complexation with insulin decreased the cytotoxicity

    of TMC after 24 h of incubation with cells. Thisphenomenon can be related to the electrostatic interac-tion between TMC and insulin, which decreased theinteraction of the positively charged amino groups ofTMC with the anionic components of the glycoproteinson the cell membrane, leading to higher cell viability.Similar results were reported with PEI and galactosy-lated PEI [37].Based on studies with modied PLL (poly-L-lysine), it

    was noted that macromolecules with tertiary aminegroups exhibit a lower toxicity than those with primaryand secondary residues [38]. Dekie et al. found that thepresence of primary amines had a signicant toxic effecton red blood cells with poly(L-glutamic acid) derivatives[39]. However, TMC is toxic despite of its high tertiaryamino group content (approximately 40%) and relativelow primary amine groups (approximately 40%) com-pared to chitosan (85%). In contrast, chitosan, despiteits high primary amine group content, was biocompa-tible (8). Therefore, it is clear that both the type of aminegroups and nature of the polymer inuence thecytotoxicity.PRESS26 (2005) 634363565. Conclusions

    PEGylated trimethyl chitosan copolymers with vary-ing PEG molecular weight and graft ratios weresuccessfully synthesized and characterized by 1H

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    ARTICLE IN PRESSS. Mao et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 634363566356

    Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity of poly(ethylene glycol)-graft-trimethyl chitosan block copolymersIntroductionMaterials and methodsMaterialsSynthesis of TMC with different MWActivation of mPEGCopolymers preparationCharacterization of polymersWater solubility testingPreparation and characterization of insulin complexesMTT assayLDH assayCalculations and statistics

    ResultsCopolymer preparation and characterizationThermal properties of the copolymersWater solubility of copolymersEffect of TMC MW on cytotoxicityEffect of PEGylation degree on the cytotoxicity of PEG(5k)-g-TMC(400) copolymersEffect of TMC MW in PEG(5k)-g-TMC copolymersEffect of PEG MW in the copolymersEffect of complexation with insulinLDH assayMicroscopic observations
