Synopsis- Prakhar Jain

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  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis- Prakhar Jain



    Submitted By- Guided By-

    Prakhar Jain Ar. Pranita Pranjale

    4thYear Architecture

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis- Prakhar Jain



    Introduction Different types of airports

    Importance of airports

    Airports in India International airports in India.

    Aim and Objective




  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis- Prakhar Jain


    What is an Airport..?

    An airportis a location where aircraft such as fixed-wing

    aircraft, helicopters, and blimps take off and land. Aircraft may be

    stored or maintained at an airport. An airport consists of at least one

    surface such as a runway for a plane to take off and land, a helipad,

    or water for takeoffs and landings, and often includes buildings suchas control towers, hangars and terminal buildings.

    In other words a complex of runways and buildings for the takeoff,

    landing, and maintenance of civil aircraft, with facilities for


    Sample Layout

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis- Prakhar Jain


    Different Types of Airports

    Altiport- An altiportis an aerodrome for small airplanes and helicopters,situated on a high mountain. It is characterized by having an extremelysloping runway, where all landings are uphill and all takeoffs are downhill.

    Airport of Entry-An airport of entry(AOE) is an airport that providescustoms and immigration services for incoming flights. These services

    allow the airport to serve as an initial port of entry for foreign visitorsarriving in a country.

    Civil Enclave- A civil enclaveis an area allotted at an airport belonging tothe armed forces, for the usage of civil aircraft and civil aviation relatedservices.

    Diversion Airport- Diversion airportsare suitable airports capable ofhandling a particular ETOPS (Extended range Twin Operations )ratedaircraft during an emergency landing and whose flying distance at thepoint of emergency shall not exceed the ETOPS diversion period of thatparticular aircraft.

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis- Prakhar Jain


    Domestic Airport- A domestic airportis an airport which handles only

    domestic flights or flights within the same country. Domestic airports do not

    have customs and immigration facilities and are therefore incapable of

    handling flights to or from a foreign airport.

    Floating Airport- A floating airportis an airport built and situated on a verylarge floating structure (VLFS) located many miles out at sea utilizing a

    flotation type of device or devices such as Pneumatic Stabilized Platform

    (PSP) technology. As the population increases and land becomes more

    expensive and scarce, very large floating structures (VLFS) such as floating

    airports could help solve land use, pollution and aircraft noise issues. Heliport- A heliportis a small airport suitable only for use by helicopters.

    Heliports typically contain one or more helipads and may have limited

    facilities such as fuel, lighting, a windsock, or even hangars. In larger towns

    and cities, customs facilities may be available at a heliport

    International Airport- An international airportis an airport that canaccommodate international flights. They are typically equipped

    with customs and immigration facilities. Such airports are usually larger, and

    often feature longer runways and facilities to accommodate the large aircraft

    commonly used for international or intercontinental travel. International

    airports often also host domestic flights (flights which occur within thecountry), to serve travelers to and from these regions of the country.

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis- Prakhar Jain


    Military Base- An airbase(sometimes referred to as a military airfield, militaryairport, air force stationor air force base) is an airport used by a military force for theoperation of military aircraft.

    Naval Outlying Landing Field- An Outlying Landing Field, or Naval Outlying LandingField, is an auxiliary airfield, associated with a Naval Air Station, used by the United

    States Navy. Having no based units or aircraft and minimal facilities, an outlying landingfield is used as a low-traffic location for flight training, without the risks and distractionsof other traffic at a naval air station or other airport.

    Relief Airport- A relief airportis an airport that is built or designated to provide relief oradditional capacity to an area when the primary commercial airport(s) reach capacity. Insome cases a relief airport is an existing one that is designated to handle a specific class

    of aircraft such as general aviation. STOL Airport- A STOL portor STOLPORTis an airport designed with STOL (Short Take-

    Off and Landing) operations in mind, normally having a short single runway; shorterthan 5,000 feet (1,524 m). STOL ports can only accept certain types of aircraft, oftenonly smaller propeller aircraft, often with limits on the amount of fuel that can betaken.

    Wayports- Wayportsare major airports, built on the outskirts of or awayfrom urban locations, having the primary purpose of serving connecting and origindestination flights, cargo, express mail and general aviation as part of the nationalairport network. Wayports have been proposed as a potential solution to deal withincreasing congestion and delays at major urban airports. No wayports have been built,but the idea is being considered as it reviews future needs of the air transportation


  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis- Prakhar Jain


    Importance of Airport Airports not only provide a way to connect with different cities in and

    around the country but also plays a crucial role in economic growth of an

    area, region or nation.

    An airport is a gateway to a city. If the airport works, it becomes easy and

    pleasurable to visit the area or city for business or pleasure. And when it

    doesnt.some may not come back.

    A citysairport is a first impression and a last impression. It facilitates

    face-to-face communication, strikingly important to generating innovation.

    During a disaster airports/heliports provides easy and fast rescue




  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis- Prakhar Jain


    Airports in India

    Indian Cities are

    very well

    connected witheach other with

    airways as there

    are airports at

    proper intervals

    and at every corner

    of the country.

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis- Prakhar Jain


    International Airports In India

    Number ofinternational airportsin India is very less andnot every state hasinternational airports.

    State of Karnataka andTamil Nadu havevarious internationalairports but states likeMadhya Pradesh, Uttar

    Pradesh, Bihar,Jharkhand, etc.,doesnt have even asingle internationalairport.

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis- Prakhar Jain



    - To propose an international airport in city of Indore, M.P.,and to connect the people of M.P. to the world


    - To hold the highest professional Standards.

    - To optimize existing facilities.

    - To plan for major developments for long-term growth.

    - To grow commercial services.

    - To optimize revenue and improve efficiency.

    - To create an energy efficient airport.

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis- Prakhar Jain



    The state has no

    international airports and as

    Indore airport is one of the

    most busiest airport in India

    ( Acc. To AAI Report), thispoints provide a solid base

    to propose an international

    airport in Indore.

    The City is commercialcapitol of the state and

    providing an international

    airport will support the

    growth of the city.

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis- Prakhar Jain



    Airport comprises of runway, terminal, air

    bridges, radio tower, helipad, fire safety

    department, hangers, etc., but my design is

    limited to terminal block(i.e. arrival and

    departure block), runways and air bridges


  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis- Prakhar Jain



    References-Airport Authority of India (AAI)

