Synopsis of security access system

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  • 8/12/2019 Synopsis of security access system





    Under the supervision of

    Ms Savita

    Assistant Professor

    Electronics and Commnication En!ineerin! De"artment

    Faclt# of En!ineerin! $ Tec%nolo!#

    Manav Rac%na International Universit#& Farida'ad

    S'mitted '#()

    Arnav Baner*i ++,FET,EC,+-++

    .ina#a/ S%arma ++,FET,EC,+-01

  • 8/12/2019 Synopsis of security access system



    The main aim of the project is to make a simple security access system using Radio

    Frequency Identification (RFID) and its concept is to allow the access only to authorizedpersons RFID card has to !e shown in front of the RFID reader" then that person is asked totype his # digit password through keypad interface" and then the access is allowed or deniedto the respecti$e person%RFID card

    The RFID tag is used as an identity for a particular user If the identity (serial num!er of thetag) of the user is matched with the one already stored in this system" he gets immediateaccess through it

    In !eginning" the user is prompted to scan his tag or ID The serial code of the tag isidentified !y the reader module and is sent to &T'*+ for checking If the ID is matched !ythe microcontroller" the user gets to type his or her # digit password through keypad interface

    to get them access to security door and a message (,&ccess granted-) is displayed on .Dscreen /n the contrary" if the tag is not identified" a message (01rong ID2) or (,&ccessDenied-) is displayed on .D screen

    1hen an RFID tag comes in this range" the reader detects it and sends a unique code of thetag serially This serial code" consisting of +3 !ytes" is recei$ed !y the microcontroller Thiscode is treated as an ID for the user and is stored as an array in the microcontroller If the IDis matched with this code" the user is granted access though the system

  • 8/12/2019 Synopsis of security access system



    Radio frequency identification (RFID) has !een used in a num!er of practical applications"such as impro$ing supply chain management" tracking household pets" accessing office

    !uildings" and speeding up toll collection on roadways

    RFID is used to automatically identify people" o!jects" and animals using short range radiotechnology to communicate digital information !etween a stationary location (reader) and amo$a!le o!ject (tag) RFID technology can !e used to track products in a manner similar tousing !ar codes for product identification" !ut RFID also carries additional !enefits

    RFID does not require line of sight to read the tag" has a longer read range than !ar codereader" and tags can store more data than !ar codes Readers can simultaneouslycommunicate with multiple tags This feature could allow customers to !reeze throughgrocery store checkout counters while a reader identifies all items in a shopping cart at the

    same time" instead of scanning each !ar code indi$idually

    RFID tags fall into two categories" acti$e tags" which contain an internal power source" andpassi$e tags" which o!tain power from the signal of an e4ternal reader 5ecause of their lowerprice and smaller size" passi$e tags are more commonly used then acti$e tags for retailpurposes & passi$e tag consists of a microchip surrounded !y a printed antenna and someform of encapsulation" plastic laminates with adhesi$e that can !e attached to a product or asmall glass $ial for implantation The tag reader powers and communicates with passi$e tagsThe tag2s antenna conducts the process of energy capture and ID transfer & tag2s chiptypically holds data to identify an indi$idual product" the product model and manufacturer

    .ow frequency RFID works on the principle of radio wa$es and at the frequency of +3* 67zThere is a coil inside the RFID tag and when it is influenced !y magnetic field" it sends anidentity code to a de$ice for further processing

  • 8/12/2019 Synopsis of security access system



  • 8/12/2019 Synopsis of security access system



    +8 Resister

    Resistoris a passi$e component used to control current in a circuit Its resistance is gi$en !ythe ratio of $oltage applied across its terminals to the current passing through it Thus a

    particular $alue of resistor" for fi4ed $oltage" limits the current through it They areomnipresent in electronic circuits The different $alue of resistances are used to limit thecurrents or get the desired $oltage drop according to the current8$oltage rating of the de$iceto !e connected in the circuit For e4ample" if an .9D of rating 3:; and #m& is to !econnected with a supply of *;" a $oltage drop of 3 connected in series with the.9D Resistorscan !e either fi4ed or $aria!le The low power resistors are comparati$elysmaller in size than high power resistors The resistance of a resistor can !e estimated !ytheir colour codes or can !e measured !y a multimeter There are some non linear resistorsalso whose resistance changes with temperature or light ?egati$e temperature coefficient(?T)" positi$e temperature coefficient (@T) and light dependent resistor (.DR) are some

    such resistors These special resistorsare commonly used as sensors

    98 Ca"acitor

    Ca"acitoris a passi$e component used to store charge The charge (q) stored in a ca"acitoris the product of its capacitance () $alue and the $oltage (;) applied to it apacitors offerinfinite reactance to zero frequency so they are used for !locking D components or

    !ypassing the & signals The ca"acitorundergoes through a recursi$e cycle of charging anddischarging in & circuits where the $oltage and current across it depends on the R timeconstant For this reason" ca"acitorsare used for smoothing power supply $ariations /theruses include" coupling the $arious stages of audio system" tuning in radio circuits etc These

    are used to store energy like in a camera flashCa"acitorsmay !e non8polarized%polarized and fi4ed%$aria!le 9lectrolytic capacitors are

    polarized while ceramic and paper ca"acitorsare e4amples of non polarized capacitorsAince capacitors store charge" they must !e carefully discharged !efore trou!leshooting thecircuits The ma4imum $oltage rating of the ca"acitorsused must always !e greater than thesupply $oltage

    18 2i!%t emittin! diodes : 2EDs ;

    2i!%t emittin! diodes(2EDs) are semiconductor light sources The light emitted

    from 2EDs $aries from $isi!le to infrared and ultra$iolet regions They operate on low$oltage and power .9Ds are one of the most common electronic components and are mostlyused as indicators in circuits They are also used for luminance and optoelectronicapplications 5ased on semiconductor diode" 2EDs emit photons when electrons recom!inewith holes on forward !iasing The two terminals of .9Ds are anode (B) and cathode (8) andcan !e identified !y their size The longer leg is the positi$e terminal or anode and shorterone is negati$e terminal The forward $oltage of 2ED(+

  • 8/12/2019 Synopsis of security access system


    and '>> Thema4imum D current gain is '>>

    The transistor terminals require a fi4ed D $oltage to operate in the desired region of itscharacteristic cur$es This is known as the !iasing For amplification applications" thetransistor is !iased such that it is partly on for all input conditions The input signal at !ase isamplified and taken at the emitter BC=is used in common emitter configuration foramplifiers The $oltage di$ider is the commonly used !iasing mode For switchingapplications" transistor is !iased so that it remains fully on if there is a signal at its !ase Inthe a!sence of !ase signal" it gets completely off

    =8 AT>0C=+ Microcontroller

    &T'*+ is an '8!itmicrocontrollerand !elongs to &tmelEs '>*+ familyATME2>0C=+has =65 of Flash programma!le and erasa!le read only memory (@9R/) and +3'

    !ytes of R& It can !e erased and program to a ma4imum of +>>> times In => pin&T'*+" there are four ports designated as @+" @3" @:and @> &ll these ports are '8!it !i8directional ports" i.e." they can !e used as !oth input and output ports 94cept @>which needse4ternal pull8ups" rest of the ports ha$e internal pull8ups 1hen +s are written to these port

    pins" they are pulled high !y the internal pull8ups and can !e used as inputs These ports arealso !it addressa!le and so their !its can also !e accessed indi$idually @ort @ >and @3are alsoused to pro$ide low !yte and high !yte addresses" respecti$ely" when connected to an e4ternalmemory @ort : has multiple4ed pins for special functions likeserial communication"hardware interrupts" timer inputs and read%write operation from e4ternal memory &T'*+has an in!uilt C&RT for serial communication It can !e programmed to operate at different

    !aud rates Including two timers hardware interrupts" it has a total of si4 interrupts

    ?8 MA@919

    &G3:3 is an I that operates on single *; supply and it is integrated with two dri$ers andtwo recei$ers &ll recei$ers can !e used to con$ert RA3:3 le$els to TT.%/A le$elsand all dri$ers can !e used to con$ert TT.%/A le$el inputs to RA3:3 le$els

    8 RFID Reader and RFID card,ta!s

    RFID stands for Radio8Frequency Identification The acronym refers to small electronicde$ices that consist of a small chip and an antenna The chip typically is capa!le ofcarrying 3">>> !ytes of data or less &n RFID system has two main componentsH the RF

    reader (known also as the !ase station or interrogator) and the RF tag (or transponder)1hen RFID tags are attached to physical o!jects they ena!le those o!jects to identifythemsel$es to RFID readers through the use of radio frequency communication Theradio frequency part of RFID is the communication medium !etween tags and readers1ith passi$e RFID tags" radio frequency is also used to deli$er power to the tag" as theydo not ha$e on8!oard power systems & Tag is a transponder which recei$es a radiosignal and in response to it sends out a radio signal Tag contains an antenna" and a smallchip that stores a small amount of data Tag can !e programmed at manufacture or oninstallation Tag is powered !y the high power electromagnetic field generated !y theantennas usually in doorways The field allows the chip%antenna to reflect !ack ane4tremely weak signal containing the data ollision Detection recognition of multipletags in the read range is employed to separately read the indi$idual tags &n RFID
  • 8/12/2019 Synopsis of security access system


    reader is a de$ice that is used to interrogate an RFID tag The reader has an antenna thatemits radio wa$esJ the tag responds !y sending !ack its data

    The reader has two !asic components

    & scanning antenna & transcei$er with a decoder to interpret the data

    >8 2CD

    1e ha$e used +#K3 alphanumeric .iquid rystal Display (.D) It can display alpha!etsalong with num!ers on 3 lines each containing +# characters

    08 Ber

    &!uzzeror!eeperis anaudiosignaling de$ice" which may !emechanical"electromechanical " orpiezoelectric Typical uses of !uzzers and !eepers includealarmde$ices"timersand confirmation of user input such as a mouse click or keystroke

    +-8 3e#"ad Interface

    L 6eypad is a widely used input de$ice with lots of application in our e$eryday lifeL From a simple telephone to key!oard of a computer" &T" electronic lock" etc"

    keypad is used to take input from the user for further processing

    L 6eypad is organized as a matri4 of switches in rows and column

    L Initially all the rows are set to zero !y the controller and the columns are scanned tocheck if any key is pressed In case no key is pressed the output of all the columnswill !e high

    ++8 Motor

    &n electric motoris an electric machine that con$erts electrical energy intomechanical energy In normal motoring mode" most electric motors operate through theinteraction !etween an electric motorEs magnetic field and winding currents to generate forcewithin the motor In certain applications" such as in the transportation industry with traction

    motors" electric motors can operate in !oth motoring and generating or !raking modes to alsoproduce electrical energy from mechanical energy Found in applications as di$erse asindustrial fans" !lowers and pumps" machine tools" household appliances" power tools" anddisk dri$es" electric motors can !e powered !y direct current (D) sources" such as from

    !atteries" motor $ehicles or rectifiers" or !y alternating current (&) sources" such as from thepower grid" in$erters or generators Amall motors may !e found in electric watches Meneral8purpose motors with highly standardized dimensions and characteristics pro$ide con$enientmechanical power for industrial use The largest of electric motors are used for ship

    propulsion" pipeline compression and pumped8storage applications with ratings reaching +>>megawatts 9lectric motors may !e classified !y electric power source type" internalconstruction" application" type of motion output" and so on De$ices such as magnetic

    solenoids and loudspeakers that con$ert electricity into motion !ut do not generate usa!le

  • 8/12/2019 Synopsis of security access system


    mechanical power are respecti$ely referred to as actuators and transducers 9lectric motorsare used to produce linear force or torque (rotary)

    For $alid card a motor is turned on to indicate the door latch opening


    +8 3eil vision(

    The N;ision ID9 from 6eil com!ines project management" make facilities" sourcecode editing" program de!ugging" and complete simulation in one powerfulen$ironment The N;ision de$elopment platform is easy8to8use and helping youquickly create em!edded programs that work The N;ision editor and de!ugger areintegrated in a single application that pro$ides a seamless em!edded projectde$elopment en$ironment

    98 Pro!ISP(

    It is a software that is used to transfer 7e4 files to microcontroller I @rogIA@supports a wide range of microcontrollers" one of which is a microcontroller from'>*+

  • 8/12/2019 Synopsis of security access system



    + The RFID tag can !e affi4ed to an o!ject and used to track and manage in$entory"assets" people" etc For e4ample" it can !e affi4ed to cars" computer equipment" !ooks"mo!ile phones" etc

    3 RFID is !eing adopted for item8le$el retail uses &side from efficiency and producta$aila!ility gains" the system offers a superior form of electronic article

    sur$eillance (9&A)" and a superior self checkout process for consumers

    : &n ad$anced automatic identification technology !ased on RFID technology hassignificant $alue for in$entory systems The system can pro$ide accurate knowledgeof the current in$entory In an academic study performed at 1al8art" RFID reduced/ut8of8Atocks !y :> percent for products selling !etween >+ and +* units a day TheRFID can also help the company to ensure the security of the in$entory

    = RFID tags are widely used in identification !adges" replacing earlier magneticstripe cards These !adges need only !e held within a certain distance of the reader toauthenticate the holder Tags can also !e placed on $ehicles" which can !e read at adistance" to allow entrance to controlled areas without ha$ing to stop the $ehicle and

    present a card or enter an access code

    * To pre$ent retailers di$erting products" manufacturers are e4ploring the use of RFIDtags on promoted merchandise so that they can track e4actly which product has soldthrough the supply chain at fully discounted prices

    # .ogistics and transportation are major areas of implementation for RFID technologyOard management" shipping and freight and distri!ution centers use RFID trackingtechnology In the railroad industry" RFID tags mounted on locomoti$es and rollingstock identify the owner" identification num!er and type of equipment and itscharacteristics

  • 8/12/2019 Synopsis of security access system



    +8 The $alue of the RFID market in 3>+3 will !e Q++ The RFID world market is estimated to surpass Q3> !illion(CAD) !y 3>+=

    98 De$elopments in RFID technology continue to yield larger memory capacities" widerreading ranges" and faster processing It is highly unlikely that the technology willultimately replace !arcode e$en with the ine$ita!le reduction in raw materialscoupled with economies of scale" the integrated circuit in an RF tag will ne$er !e ascost8effecti$e as a !arcode la!el 7owe$er" RFID will continue to grow in itsesta!lished niches where !arcode or other optical technologies are not effecti$e" suchas in the chemical container industry and li$e stock industry

    18 If some standards commonality is achie$ed allowing RFID equipment from differentmanufacturers to !e used interchangea!ly" the market will likely to growe4ponentially Cntil then" the full scope and potential of RFID technology has yet toemerge

  • 8/12/2019 Synopsis of security access system



    +8 %tt"(,,8en!ineers!ara!e8com,microcontroller,>-=+"ro*ects,rfid)


    98 %tt"(,,8"ro*ectsof>-=+8com,rfid)'ased)secrit#)s#stem,



  • 8/12/2019 Synopsis of security access system




    + ++=83=%:%3>+= F/R&TI/? /F MR/C@

    3 3#%:%3>+=8:+%:%3>+= @R/S9T 1&A D9ID9D

    : +%=%3>+=8+#%=%3>+= 1/R69D /? T79 AO?/@AIA

    = 3%=%3>+=8+#%=%3>+= /..9T9D I?F/R&TI/?R9M&RDI?M AO?/@AIA