Synopsis A girl Natalie (17) is a girl who is struggling; she feels the whole world is against her. The film starts with her in the shower washing the blood off of her arms, so right at the beginning it is apparent that there is something wrong with her. It then flashes back to the events in the day leading up to this, which starts with her leaving her house in anger, shouting to her parents that she hates them, and slamming the door. She then drops all of her books, so right from the beginning that it’s not going to be her day, and we also see alcohol in her bag, suggesting that she is not in a good place. Natalie then misses the bus as the bad luck continues, and we get her occasionally voicing to the viewers how she is feeling, she feels misunderstood and frustrated etc...After missing the bus she goes on her phone, to vent her frustration on how the day is going already, and then pulls out a cigarette. As Natalie struggles to light the cigarette she becomes increasingly agitated about how her day is going and this continues when she arrives at school. She is approached by a teacher, that complains at her consistently poor punctuality and she answers back aggressively and storms out of school. Her behaviour continued to deteriorate throughout the day and she gradually got more and more unstable, after leaving school she goes to an alleyway, and takes the alcohol out of her bag and starts drinking it, we also see the makeup running down her face showing that she’s distressed and she has been crying. She then drinks some of the alcohol, and again voices directly to the audience how frustrated she is about being judged. She then chucks the alcohol bottle away, and it smashes. Reads her phone, which is full of abuse following her tweet earlier which seemingly pushes her over the edge. When she gets home she goes in the shower clothed and then she gets a razor and points it towards her skin and then it fades out. Ben Bateman


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A girl Natalie (17) is a girl who is struggling; she feels the whole world is against her. The film starts with her in the shower washing the blood off of her arms, so right at the beginning it is apparent that there is something wrong with her. It then flashes back to the events in the day leading up to this, which starts with her leaving her house in anger, shouting to her parents that she hates them, and slamming the door. She then drops all of her books, so right from the beginning that its not going to be her day, and we also see alcohol in her bag, suggesting that she is not in a good place. Natalie then misses the bus as the bad luck continues, and we get her occasionally voicing to the viewers how she is feeling, she feels misunderstood and frustrated etc...After missing the bus she goes on her phone, to vent her frustration on how the day is going already, and then pulls out a cigarette. As Natalie struggles to light the cigarette she becomes increasingly agitated about how her day is going and this continues when she arrives at school. She is approached by a teacher, that complains at her consistently poor punctuality and she answers back aggressively and storms out of school. Her behaviour continued to deteriorate throughout the day and she gradually got more and more unstable, after leaving school she goes to an alleyway, and takes the alcohol out of her bag and starts drinking it, we also see the makeup running down her face showing that shes distressed and she has been crying. She then drinks some of the alcohol, and again voices directly to the audience how frustrated she is about being judged. She then chucks the alcohol bottle away, and it smashes. Reads her phone, which is full of abuse following her tweet earlier which seemingly pushes her over the edge. When she gets home she goes in the shower clothed and then she gets a razor and points it towards her skin and then it fades out. Ben Bateman