IMPORTANT SYNONYMS S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 1 Acupuncture Medical treatment using needles; skin puncture. 2 Aberration Deviation; departure from the norm; divergence; abnormality; irregularity; variation; freak; oddity. 3 Abnegate Refuse; reject; renunciation; abandon; abdicate; surrender; relinquish; repudiate; deny; abjuration. 4 Aboriginal Indigenous; native; original; earliest; first; ancient; primitive; primeval; primordial; rare; autochthonous. 5 Absolution Forgiveness; pardon; exoneration; remission; dispensation; indulgence; clemency; discharge; acquittal. 6 Abstruse Obscure; arcane; esoteric; little known; recherché; recondite; difficult; hard; puzzling; perplexing; cryptic. 7 Acclimate Adjust; adapt; accommodate; habituate; acculturation; familiar; naturalization. 8 Accolade Honor; privilege; award; gift; title; prize; laurels; bays; palm; tribute; compliment; salutes; congratulation. 9 Accrue Arise; ensue; addition; accumulate; collect; build up; mount; grow; rise. 10 Acquiesce Accept; consent to; agree to; allow; concede; assent to; concur with; comply with; cooperate with; give in 11 Actuary A registrar; a clerk; a scribe. 12 Acumen Astuteness; shrewdness; acuity; sharpness; cleverness; smartness; judgment; understanding; awareness. 13 Adage General truth; maxim; saying; axiom; proverb; aphorism; apophthegm; dictum; precept; motto; truism. 14 Adamantine Immovable; unshakeable; inflexible; rigid; unwavering; uncompromising; resolute; resolved; determined. 15 Addled Muddled; confused; muzzy; fuddled; dazed; disoriented; fuzzy; woozy. 16 Admonition Reprimand; rebuke; scold; upbraid; chastise; reprove; reproach; chide; berate; criticize; take to task. 17 Adonis Beautiful; pretty; handsome. 18 Adroit Skillful; adept; dexterous; deft; nimble; able; capable; expert; master; polished; slick; proficient; talented. 19 Aerobic-exercise Exercise to cause marked temporary increase in respiration and heart rate; energetic movements. 20 Aerodynamic Pertaining to the force of air in motion; the science which treats of the air and other gaseous bodies under the action of force and of their mechanical effects 21 Affect Influence; act on; work on; impact; change; alter; modify; transform; shape; impression; disturb; agitate; infect; hit; strike. 22 Affinity Empathy; rapport; sympathy; accord; harmony; relationship; bond; like- mindedness; closeness; understanding; fondness; similarity; resemblance; likeness; kinship; association; link; analogy; similitude; correspondence. 23 Afflatus A breath; blast of wind; inspiration. 24 Akimbo With a crook or bend; with the bend on the hip and elbow turned outward. 25 Alacrity Eagerness; willingness; readiness; enthusiasm; ardour; fervor; keenness; promptness; haste; swiftness; dispatch; speed. 26 Allay To make less; diminish; reduce; lessen; assuage; alleviate; ease; relieve; soothe; soften; calm. 27 Altruistic Unselfish; selfless; comparison; public-spirited; charity; benevolent; beneficent; philanthrope; bounteous. 28 Amazon A female warrior; tall and strong woman; a river in South America. 29 Ambulatory Relating to move; walking; movable; mobile; an aisle in a church. 30 Ameliorate Improve; make better; better; to enhance; help; benefit; boost; amend; relieve; ease; mitigate; tweak; patch up. 31 Amenities Facility; services; resources; appliance; aid; comfort; benefits; advantage. 32 Amorphous Shapeless; formless; structure less; indeterminate. 33 Ampere Current unit; coulomb per second. 34 Analogue Correspondence; likeness; resemblance; correlation; relation; equivalence; similitude. 35 Anaphylactic Causing allergy; hypersensitivity. 36 Aneurysm Localized swelling of wall of an artery; dilation. 37 Angina Severe pain in chest; disorder of lungs; strangling.


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These are 872 important synonyms compiled with a view to help students prepare for entry test of Medical colleges in Punjab, Pakistan.

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Page 1: Synonyms


S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 1 Acupuncture Medical treatment using needles; skin puncture.

2 Aberration Deviation; departure from the norm; divergence; abnormality; irregularity; variation; freak; oddity.

3 Abnegate Refuse; reject; renunciation; abandon; abdicate; surrender; relinquish; repudiate; deny; abjuration.

4 Aboriginal Indigenous; native; original; earliest; first; ancient; primitive; primeval; primordial; rare; autochthonous.

5 Absolution Forgiveness; pardon; exoneration; remission; dispensation; indulgence; clemency; discharge; acquittal.

6 Abstruse Obscure; arcane; esoteric; little known; recherché; recondite; difficult; hard; puzzling; perplexing; cryptic.

7 Acclimate Adjust; adapt; accommodate; habituate; acculturation; familiar; naturalization.

8 Accolade Honor; privilege; award; gift; title; prize; laurels; bays; palm; tribute; compliment; salutes; congratulation.

9 Accrue Arise; ensue; addition; accumulate; collect; build up; mount; grow; rise.

10 Acquiesce Accept; consent to; agree to; allow; concede; assent to; concur with; comply with; cooperate with; give in

11 Actuary A registrar; a clerk; a scribe.

12 Acumen Astuteness; shrewdness; acuity; sharpness; cleverness; smartness; judgment; understanding; awareness.

13 Adage General truth; maxim; saying; axiom; proverb; aphorism; apophthegm; dictum; precept; motto; truism.

14 Adamantine Immovable; unshakeable; inflexible; rigid; unwavering; uncompromising; resolute; resolved; determined.

15 Addled Muddled; confused; muzzy; fuddled; dazed; disoriented; fuzzy; woozy.

16 Admonition Reprimand; rebuke; scold; upbraid; chastise; reprove; reproach; chide; berate; criticize; take to task.

17 Adonis Beautiful; pretty; handsome.

18 Adroit Skillful; adept; dexterous; deft; nimble; able; capable; expert; master; polished; slick; proficient; talented.

19 Aerobic-exercise Exercise to cause marked temporary increase in respiration and heart rate; energetic movements.

20 Aerodynamic Pertaining to the force of air in motion; the science which treats of the air and other gaseous bodies under the action of force and of their mechanical effects

21 Affect Influence; act on; work on; impact; change; alter; modify; transform; shape; impression; disturb; agitate; infect; hit; strike.

22 Affinity Empathy; rapport; sympathy; accord; harmony; relationship; bond; like-mindedness; closeness; understanding; fondness; similarity; resemblance; likeness; kinship; association; link; analogy; similitude; correspondence.

23 Afflatus A breath; blast of wind; inspiration. 24 Akimbo With a crook or bend; with the bend on the hip and elbow turned outward.

25 Alacrity Eagerness; willingness; readiness; enthusiasm; ardour; fervor; keenness; promptness; haste; swiftness; dispatch; speed.

26 Allay To make less; diminish; reduce; lessen; assuage; alleviate; ease; relieve; soothe; soften; calm.

27 Altruistic Unselfish; selfless; comparison; public-spirited; charity; benevolent; beneficent; philanthrope; bounteous.

28 Amazon A female warrior; tall and strong woman; a river in South America. 29 Ambulatory Relating to move; walking; movable; mobile; an aisle in a church.

30 Ameliorate Improve; make better; better; to enhance; help; benefit; boost; amend; relieve; ease; mitigate; tweak; patch up.

31 Amenities Facility; services; resources; appliance; aid; comfort; benefits; advantage. 32 Amorphous Shapeless; formless; structure less; indeterminate. 33 Ampere Current unit; coulomb per second.

34 Analogue Correspondence; likeness; resemblance; correlation; relation; equivalence; similitude.

35 Anaphylactic Causing allergy; hypersensitivity. 36 Aneurysm Localized swelling of wall of an artery; dilation. 37 Angina Severe pain in chest; disorder of lungs; strangling.

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38 Anomaly Oddity; peculiarity; abnormality; irregularity; inconsistency; incongruity; aberration; quirk.

39 Anomie Lack of usual social or ethical standard; lawlessness. 40 Antagonist Opponent; enemy; rival; opposition; competition. 41 Antibody Counteracting an antigen.

42 Apocryphal Fictitious; made-up; untrue; fabricated; false; unverified; unauthenticated; unsubstantiated.

43 Apprehension Anxiety; worry; unease; nervousness; misgivings; disquiet; concern; tension; trepidation; perturbation; consternation; angst; dread; fear; foreboding.

44 Aquaplane A board for riding on water; slide uncontrollably on a wet surface. 45 Aquifer A body of permeable rock; water bearing. 46 Arbiter Judge; controller; director; master; expert; pundit; authority; specialist. 47 Arboreal Relating to or living in trees.

48 Arcane Mysterious; secret; covert; clandestine; enigmatic; esoteric; obscure; recondite; opaque.

49 Archives Historical record; old documents; a complete record of the data in computer system; public records.

50 Argosy A large merchant ship. 51 Aria A long accompanied song for a solo voice in an opera. 52 Armada Flotilla; squadron; navy; a fleet of warships; a fleet of boats. 53 Articulated Hinged; jointed; segmented.

54 Artifice Trickery; deceit; deception; duplicity; guile; cunning; artfulness; wiliness; craftiness; slyness; chicanery; fraud; fraudulence.

55 Ascetic Austere; self-denying; abstinent; self-disciplined; self-abnegating; simple; puritanical; monastic; reclusive; eremitic; hermitic; celibate; chaste.; abstainer; recluse; hermit; solitary; fakir; sadhu; dervish; anchorite.

56 Asgard Heavenly dwelling of Norse gods; paradise; heaven.

57 Askance Suspiciously; skeptically; cynically; mistrustfully; distrustfully; doubtfully; dubiously; disapprovingly; contemptuously; scornfully; disdainfully.

58 Aspersions Vilification; disparagement; denigration; defamation; condemnation; criticism; denunciation; slander; libel; calumny; slurs; smears; insults; slights; castigation; malign; denounce; impugn.

59 Assimilate Absorb; take in; acquire; pick up; grasp; comprehend; understand; learn; master; digest; ingest.

60 Assume Presume; suppose; take for granted; take as read; conjecture; surmise; conclude; deduce; infer; reckon; reason; think; fancy; believe; understand; gather; figure out; ween; seize; hijack; usurp.

61 Atrophy Waste away; emaciated; shrivel; shrink; decay; decline; wither; deteriorate; degenerate; weaken; debilitation.

62 Attire Clothing; clothes; garments; dress; wear; outfits; garb; costume; get-up; apparel.

63 Audacious Bold; daring; fearless; intrepid; brave; courageous; valiant; heroic; plucky; daredevil; reckless; venturesome; mettlesome.

64 August Distinguished; respected; eminent; venerable; hallowed; illustrious; prestigious; renowned; celebrated; honored; acclaimed; esteemed; exalted; great; important; lofty; noble; imposing; impressive; awesome; inspiring; stately; grand; dignified.

65 Auspicious Favourable; propitious; promising; timely; lucky; fortunate; providential; felicitous; advantageous.

66 Avatar A manifestation of a deity; released soul in bodily form on earth; incarnation; embodiment of a person or idea; descent; computing a movable icon representing a person in cyber space.

67 Avid Keen; eager; enthusiastic; ardent; passionate; zealous; devoted; dedicated; whole-hearted; earnest.

68 Avoirdupois System of weights; goods of weight.

69 Bacchanal An occasion of wild and drunken revelry; a priest or worshipper of Bacchus; extreme pleasure.

70 Baedeker A travel guide book.

71 Balk/Baulk Be unwilling to; jib at; reluctant to; resist; eschew; shrink from; recoil from; obstruct; curb; halt.

72 Bamboozle Trick; dodge; device; contrivance; subterfuge. 73 Bantom Chicken of a small breed. 74 Barbaric Savagely cruel; primitive; unsophisticated.

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S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 75 Basilica Royal Hall; church building. 76 Batik Textile designing by wax.

77 Batter To beat with blow after blow; a mixture of flour, eggs and milk or water; pound; hit; thrash; beat up.

78 Battery Power energy source; accumulator; artillery unit; ordnance. 79 Bauble Trinket; knick-knack; ornament; a decorative hollow ball hung on Christmas tree. 80 Bayou A marshy outlet of a lake or river. 81 Beguile Charm; attract; enchant; entrance; win over; woo; captive; bewitch; dazzle; seduce. 82 Behest Instruction; requirement; demand; request; wish; desire; order; decree. 83 Belated Late; overdue; behind hand; behind time; delayed; tardy. 84 Benediction Blessedness; bliss; grace; prayer. 85 Beneficence Charity; altruism; humanity; philanthropy; generosity; bounty.

86 Benign Kindly; kind; warm hearted; affectionate; agreeable; genial; cordial; gentle; caring; non-cancerous.

87 Bequeath Leave will; pass on; hand on; entrust; confer on; donate; give; bestow on. 88 Berate Scold; rebuke; reprimand; reproach; criticize; upbraid. 89 Berm Embankment; a narrow ledge. 90 Beset Bedevil; assail; afflict; torment; oppress; trouble. 91 Bifurcated Two pronged; forked. 92 Bistro A small inexpensive restaurant. 93 Blandish Cajole; flatter; coax; persuade; sweet talk; buttering up. 94 Blasphemous Sacrilegious; profane; irreligious; irreverent; impious. 95 Blathering Chatter; rattle on; go on; ramble; burble; drivel; maunder. 96 Blaze Glare; streak; radiance; fire; out-burst; explosion; out-break. 97 Bloom Prime; perfection; peak; freshness; blush; rosiness; flourish; progress. 98 Bonk Reverberating sound; sexual intercourse. 99 Bonsai Art of growing artificially dwarfed plants; tray planting.

100 Botanicals Relating to plant science. 101 Bouquet Bunch of flowers; nosegay; spray; compliment; accolade; congratulations; perfume. 102 Bowdlerize Expurgate; censor; cut; edit; emasculate. 103 Braille Written language for the blind; pattern of raised dots. 104 Brambles Black-berry; rough prickly shrub. 105 Brassy Brazen; forward; bold; shameless; immodest; loud; vulgar; ostentatious. 106 Bravura Skill; brilliance; virtuosity; expertise; artistry; talent; outstanding; excellent; superb. 107 Bray Neigh; whinny; roar; bellow; trumpet. 108 Brio Vigour; vivacity; zest; enthusiasm; dynamism; spirit; energy. 109 Broach Bring up; raise; introduce; talk about; mention; crack open; puncture. 110 Broadside Salvo; volley; cannonade; barrage; blast; censure; criticism; attack. 111 Buckle Clasp; clip; catch; hasp; fastener. 112 Buoyant Able to float; floating; bright; merry; joyful; perky; optimistic; confident; positive. 113 Burgeoning Flourish; thrive; prosper; growing. 114 Cachet Prestige; status; snob value; stature; preeminence. 115 Caesarean Connected with Julius Caesar; surgical operation for delivering a baby. 116 Caliph A Muslim religious ruler; deputy of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). 117 Calisthenics Gymnastic exercises for fitness. 118 Camber An arched shape of a road or other surface; extent of curvature.

119 Cameo A piece of jewelry consisting of a portrait in profile; a small distinctive role of an actor in a film.

120 Candelabra A candle holder; a tree resembling a candle holder.

121 Capital The most important city of a country; the first city; the seat of Govt.; resources; wealth; assets.

122 Capsule A pill; tablet; lozenge; drop; space module or craft. 123 Carapace The thick shell of a turtle or crab. 124 Cardigan A knitted jumper fastened by buttons. 125 Career Profession; occupation; vocation. 126 Caricature Cartoon; parody; satirize; make fun of. 127 Cartographer A drawer of maps.

128 Cast Throw; spread; open out; register; record; enter; emit; give off; shed; discard; lose; sort.

129 Catacomb Underground cemetery; crypt; vault; tomb. 130 Catalyst A substance that increases the rate of a reaction but not takes part in it; initiator.

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S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 131 Catharsis Purging; purgation; cleansing; purification; emotional relief. 132 Caulk/ calk A water proof filler and sealant; to make water tight. 133 Cause Ce’le’bre Famous case; a controversial issue that attracts a great deal of public attention. 134 Cay A low bank or a reef of coral. 135 Centennial Relating to a hundredth anniversary; a hundred. 136 Cerberus A monster in shape of three headed dog; a vigilant custodian; guardian. 137 Chassis Framework; frame; structure; body; casing. 138 Chastise Scold; upbraid; berate; reprimand; reprove; rebuke. 139 Chiaroscuro The treatment of light and shade in painting. 140 Chicane A sharp double bend of obstacle on a motor racing track; avoid; trickery.

141 Chimerical A fire breathing female monster; something impossible to achieve; an organism with genetically different tissues.

142 Chivalry Gallantry; gentlemanliness; courtesy; courteousness; politeness; good manners; boldness; heroism.

143 Chromosome A thread like structure of nucleic acid and protein. 144 Churn Stir; agitate; beat; toss; produce; turn out. 145 Chutzpah Extreme self-confidence; audacity. 146 Clamorous Loud; noisy; up roaring; tumultuous; shouting; yelling. 147 Claret A red wine from Bordeaux; deep purplish red colour.

148 Classic First class; first rate; best; finest; superior; typical; archetypal; vintage; model; Hellenic.

149 Classical Ancient; Hellenic; ancient Roman; traditional. 150 Clement Mild; merciful; lenient; kind; gentle. 151 Close Near; adjacent; adjoining; dense; compact; tight; packed; fast; firm; precise. 152 Cloud nine A state of extreme happiness; elation; ecstasy; exaltation; joy. 153 Coast Sea-shore; slope; shore; beach; exterior border. 154 Cobble Repair; fix; mend; prepare hastily; improvise. 155 Coccyx Tail bone; caudal bone. 156 Coercive Forceful; compelling; powerful. 157 Coif Close fitting hat; a cap worn by nuns; groom; brushing; combing; bonnet; crown. 158 Collage Collection; aggregation; accumulation; assemblage; paste up; montage.

159 Comatose In coma; unconscious; tired; lacking energy; lethargic; insensible; stupid; slack; sleepy.

160 Comely Attractive; pretty; beautiful; handsome; decent; fair. 161 Commiserate Sympathize; feel pity for; feel sorry for; condole with. 162 Commute Travel to and from work; exchange; change; trade; swap. 163 Compact Close; dense; thick; tight; firm; small; miniature; concise; compress. 164 Compatible Well suited; well matched; like-minded; congruous. 165 Complacent Smug; self-satisfied; self-regarding; pleased; satisfied; contented. 166 Concerted Strenuous; vigorous; intensive; concentrated; united; collective. 167 Condone Disregard; accept; allow; let pass; forget; forgive; excuse. 168 Conciliatory Propitiatory; placatory; appeasing; pacifying. 169 Confiscatory Seizing; Taking away by authority.

170 Confound Amaze; stun; confuse; bewilder; mix up; surprise; startle; baffle; mystify; mess up; up set.

171 Congeal Solidify; freeze; agglomerate; gelatinize; glaciate; thicken. 172 Congruent Identical; corresponding; harmonious; accordant; coinciding. 173 Contemporary Modern; current; of same age; coexisting; coeval. 174 Contiguous Successive; adjacent; bordering; touching; close; juxtaposed. 175 Contradow ------- 176 Contravention Violation; transgression; infringement; infraction; trespass. 177 Contrive Devise; invent; design; plan; project; concoct. 178 Contumely Rudeness; contemptuous; arrogance; abuse; insult; vilify. 179 Contusion Bruise; injury; swelling. 180 Copacetic Good; cool; OK; all right. 181 Coquetry Flirtation; dalliance; toying; amorous look; coyness; ogle. 182 Cordial Warm; friendly; sweet alcoholic drink. 183 Cordiality Friendliness; geniality; affability; affection; amity; favour; mutuality. 184 Corked Closed; capped; sealed; plugged; secure; spoiled wine. 185 Corollary Consequence; end; result; upshot; effect; repercussion; product. 186 Corpuscle A minute body or cell; red and white blood cells.

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S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 187 Corroborating Confirming; verifying; endorsing; ratifying; authenticating; validating; certifying. 188 Cosset Pamper; indulge; coddle; baby; pet; nursemaid; wrap in cotton wool. 189 Coterie Clique; set; circle; crowd; band. 190 Covert Secret; furtive; clandestine; stealthy; hidden; private; underground. 191 Coveted Grasped; greed; desired; wished. 192 Crass Stupid; insensitive; mindless; thoughtless; witless; coarse; tasteless; clumpsy. 193 Craven Cowardly; faint-hearted; spineless; timid; timorous; fearful; weak. 194 Crenellate Build with structure of battlements. 195 Crescendo A gradual increase in loudness in music; loudest point; climax.

196 Crescent The curved shape of the waning moon; terrace forming an arc; growing; increasing; developing.

197 Criterion Specification; measure; gauge; test; scale; benchmark; touchstone; rule; law; principle.

198 Cue Sign; indication; prompt; reminder; gesture. 199 Cul-de-sac No through road; blind alley; dead end. 200 Cut and run Make a speedy and sudden departure; running in emergency. 201 Cuvee Wine tank; wine labels; type of wine; bulk wine; vatful. 202 Cygnet Young swan; baby swan. 203 Cynical Sarcastic; pessimistic; misanthrope; nihilistic; sardonic; satiric. 204 Dacha Country house in Russia; White house; cliff dwelling; house boat; lodge; manor. 205 Dale Valley; vale; glen; dene. 206 Dam Barrier; wall; boom; weir; barrage; obstruction. 207 Dappled Speckled; spotted; mottled; stippled; flecked; variegated. 208 Dark Horse Unexpectedly successful candidate; reticent. 209 Dead-ender Fanatical diehard; hard to accept defeat. 210 Dead head Somebody incompetent; vehicle with no passenger. 211 Debility Weakness; incapacity; frailty; encumbrance; ineffectiveness. 212 Debunk Show up; deflate; demystify; discredit; set straight; throw light on. 213 Debut Entrance; introduction; presentation; inauguration; coming out. 214 Decant Pour out; transfer; empty out; draw off. 215 Decathlon Court games; badminton; squash; combat sports; karate; ten tracks field event. 216 Decelerate Slow down; reduce speed; lose pace; brake.

217 Decorum Dignity; good behavior; propriety; modesty; sedateness; correctness; appropriateness; politeness.

218 Decry Criticize; complain; belittle; disparage; deprecate; run down. 219 Defenestration Throw out of the window. 220 Deferential Showing deference; respectful; admiring; reverent; polite; submissive; courteous. 221 Deferment Suspension; postponement; stay; deferral; delay. 222 Delegate Representative; agent; envoy; ambassador; deputy; emissary. 223 Delta Estuary; outlet; mouth; channel. 224 Demographic Of human population; statistics regarding birth, marriage, disease and death. 225 Demure Looking shyly modest; seriousness. 226 Denomination Religious grouping; monetary value; name or designation. 227 Deracinate To remove from natural environment; dig up; rip up; displace; evacuate; relocate. 228 Desiccate Dry up; wither; dehydrate; dry; shrivel; shrink. 229 Deuce Tie; draw; even-steven; level pegging. 230 Devious Deceitful; tricky; scheming; designing; sneaky; cunning; crafty. 231 Dexter Deft; adroit; skilled; agile; nimble; sharp; ingenuous; quick. 232 Diaspora Dispersion; movement; displacement; migration; spread; scattering. 233 Diffidence Shyness; hesitancy; reserve; timidity; reticence; quietness. 234 Diffident Shy; hesitant; insecure; reticent; timid; quiet.

235 Diligence Assiduousness; industry; meticulousness; conscientiousness; attentiveness; carefulness.

236 Diligent Assiduous; industrious; meticulous; conscientious; attentive. 237 Diocese Churches under a bishop; district under a bishop. 238 Diorama Three dimensional representation of a scene; miniature replica. 239 Diptych A pair of painting on two hinged panels. 240 Discombobulate Humorous; disconcert or confuse. 241 Discourse Dissertation; treatise; homily; sermon; address; speech; conversation; discussion. 242 Discrepancy Inconsistency; difference; incongruity; divergence; disagreement. 243 Discretion Freedom of choice; will; pleasure; option; choice; decision; prudence; caution.

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S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 244 Disdain Scorn; contempt; derision; condescension; disparagement; disregard. 245 Disingenuous Dishonest; insincere; untruthful; deceitful; hypocritical; misleading. 246 Dissension Opposition; disagreement; dissent; discord; conflict. 247 Dissent Opposition; disagreement; discord; difference. 248 Dissenter Rebel; dissident; nonconformist; insurgent; revolutionist. 249 Dissonance Discord; disagreement; conflict. 250 Diva Prima donna; singer; soprano. 251 Divagate Digress; to wander off the subject. 252 Divulge Reveal; tell; make known; disclose; let drop; give away. 253 Docent University lecturer or teacher; tourist guide. 254 Dote To be very fond of; love. 255 Downy Silky; soft; velvet; furry; feathery; fluffy. 256 Droll Amusing; funny; comic; witty; humorous; entertaining; absurd. 257 Dryad Woody nymph; fairy; elf; naiad; pixie; sprite. 258 Dulcet Melodic; melodious; honeyed; soothing; pleasant; soft. 259 Dunce Unintelligent person; stupid; slow learner. 260 Duplicitous Double-dealing; two faced; tricky; deceitful; disloyal; dishonest. 261 Edda 13th century collection of Norse poems. 262 Effect End result; outcome; consequence; end product; conclusion. 263 Effervescent Gassy; bubbly; fizzy; bubbling; aerated. 264 El Dorado A legendary place of fabulous wealth. 265 Electrolytes Ionic constituents of cells or blood; ionizable liquid. 266 Elicit Provoke; cause; produce; bring about; prompt; stimulate. 267 Elucidate Explain; clarify; explicate; expound; illuminate; spell out; interpret. 268 Elusive Indefinable; subtle; intangible; vague; abstract; mysterious. 269 Embed Implant; set in; insert; drive in; push in; entrench. 270 Embedded ---DO--- 271 Emblazon Decorate; adorn; embellish; ornament; inscribe. 272 Emblematic Symbolic; representative; characteristic; illustrative; exemplary. 273 Emboss Stamp; chase; tool; engrave; mark; decorate. 274 Emit Produce; release; give off; give out; send out; discharge. 275 Empathy Understanding; sympathy; compassion. 276 Emulate Compete with; vie with; contend with; rival; imitate; copy;mimic. 277 Encomium High praise. 278 Encumber Burden; hinder; impede; weigh down; load; tax. 279 Encyclical A formal statement issued by the Pope. 280 Enhance Improve; augment; increase; boost. 281 Ennui Boredom; languor; tedium; weariness. 282 Epicenter Focal point; earthquake focus. 283 Equipoise Balanced state; something causing balance. 284 Equivocate Prevaricate; beat around the bush; vacillate; quibble; evasive. 285 Ergometer Instrument measuring muscle power. 286 Eschew Avoid; shun; abjure; disdain; abstain from. 287 Espalier Tree growing against wall. 288 Ethic Moral belief; ethos; idea; code; tenet; principle. 289 Etude Technical exercise; a short musical composition for a solo instrument. 290 Euphonious Harmonious; tuneful; musical; melodic; mellow. 291 Evanescent Short-lived; transient; fleeting; momentary; brief. 292 Evasive Elusive; slippery; shifty; indirect; oblique; equivocal; vague; misleading. 293 Evocative Reminiscent; suggestive; redolent; haunting. 294 Excavate Dig; mine; dig up; unearth; scoop out. 295 Execrable Terrible; awful; appalling; disgusting; repulsive; deplorable; revolting. 296 Exhortation Appeal; urging; encouragement; call; advice; counsel. 297 Exonerate Absolve; acquit; vindicate; forgive; pardon; clear; free. 298 Exploitation Misuse; abuse; mistreatment; manipulation; corruption. 299 Extemporaneous Unrehearsed; spontaneous. 300 Extrapolate Infer; induce; generalize; reason; deduce; conclude. 301 Extricate Get out; extract; remove; disentangle; detach; disengage; disconnect; free; rescue. 302 Extrinsic Inessential; from outside. 303 Fabricate Construct; produce; formulate; assemble; devise; build; form; concoct; contrive. 304 Facile Superficial; simplistic; glib; shallow; flippant; casual; cursory.

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S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 305 Facilitate Make easy; ease; make possible; enable; smooth; help; aid; assist; expedite. 306 Fait accompli Something already done. 307 Fakir A religious Muslim; a Sufi; ascetic. 308 Fartlek Interval training; speed play. 309 Fascia Flat surface on a building; connective tissue. 310 Fateful Momentous; significant; critical; crucial; important. 311 Faux Fake; artificial; unreal; false. 312 Fawning Flattering; obsequious; sycophantic; servile. 313 Feasible Possible; practicable; viable; achievable; reasonable; realistic; likely. 314 Feckless Incompetent; useless; hopeless; feeble; weak; worthless. 315 Felicitous Appropriate; apt; suitable; apposite; fitting; relevant. 316 Felicity Happiness; contentment; joy; pleasure; luck; blessedness. 317 Feral Wild; untamed; undomesticated; savage; uncontrollable. 318 Fermentation Brew; chemical breakdown of substance by yeast. Process of alcohol formation. 319 Fiesta Feast; holiday; carnival; celebration; gala; fete; event. 320 Figment Fabrication; creation; invention; illusion; fantasy. 321 Filigree Tracery; lacy pattern; latticework; lace; ornamentation. 322 Finagle Wangle; cheat; trick; coax. 323 Fistmele The breadth of a fist with thumb stuck out. 324 Flaunt Show off; exhibit; display; boast. 325 Flibbertigibbet Silly; irresponsible; scatterbrained. 326 Florid Ornate; elaborate; flowery; flamboyant; ostentatious; extravagant. 327 Flotsam and jetsam Wreckage; remains; fragments; rubble; trash. 328 Flux Fluidity; mutability; fluctuation; change; instability; unrest. 329 Fop Dandy; popinjay; narcissus; poser. 330 Forswear Reject; renounce; abjure; give up; deny. 331 Frowsy Blowsy; dowdy; sloppy; wretched condition. 332 Funicular Relating to a rope in tension. 333 Gable Attic; loft; upper floor; penthouse. 334 Galoot Awkward person; clumsy. 335 Galvanize Spur; rouse; stimulate; electrify; hardened; reinforced. 336 Gambit Ploy; maneuver; scheme; stratagem; ruse. 337 Garnish Enhancer; sauce; relish; side dish; gravy; decoration; adornment. 338 Gaudy Garish; flashy; loud; showy; colorful. 339 Genocide Killing; slaughter; massacre; extermination. 340 Geodesic Relating to geometry of curves. 341 Gesticulate Gesture; wave; signal; motion; sign; indicate; point. 342 Gesundheit Word said after sneeze. 343 Gild Decorate; embellish; ornament; beautify; enhance; garnish. 344 Glaucoma Eye disorder of high pressure within the eyeball. 345 Glaze Coating; cover; finish; varnish; seal; paint. 346 Glib Persuasive; fluent; smooth; convincing; slick; casual; simplistic. 347 Glucose Sugar energy source; six carbon mono saccharide. 348 Gradient Slope; ramp; incline; rise; pitch; ascent. 349 Grapevine Rumor mill; gossip; scuttlebutt; a climbing plant that bears grapes. 350 Green Verdant; lush; luxuriant; fertile; leafy; grassy. 351 Gridlock Traffic jam; congestion; holdup. 352 Guileless Frank; naïve; candid; ingenuous; straightforward; open; honest; truthful. 353 Guise Appearance; semblance; show; pretext; excuse; shape; dress; getup. 354 Gull Common seabird; deceive; trick. 355 Guru Spiritual leader; sage; counselor; expert. 356 Habiliments Clothes; clothing. 357 Hackles The neck plumage of a male bird. 358 Hail Barrage; storm; volley; burst; flood; shower; rain. 359 Halcyon Untroubled; calm; peaceful; quiet; tranquil. 360 Hallux First digit on a foot; the big toe. 361 Hammer and tongs With great Vigour; vehemence; determination. 362 Harangue Tirade; diatribe; criticism; scolding; lecture; rant; address. 363 Hawk Warmonger; belligerent; jingoist; aggressor. 364 Hector Bully; intimidate; harass; push around; hassle. 365 Heinous Monstrous; atrocious; odious; terrible; dreadful.

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S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 366 Hem and haw Waver; dither; hesitate; vacillate; hang back; falter. 367 Herbicide Chemical for killing unwanted plants. 368 Herculean Superhuman; colossal; enormous; huge; titanic. 369 Hermetic Air tight; closed; enclosed. 370 Heterogeneous Varied; mixed; assorted; diverse; various; dissimilar. 371 Hiatus Pause; break; interruption; gap; space; interval. 372 Holistic All-inclusive; rounded; full; complete; general; universal. 373 Homeopathy Complementary disease treatment system. 374 Hone Improve; refine; enhance; polish; sharpen; perfect. 375 Horse latitudes Calm areas at sea. 376 Hue and cry Uproar; commotion. 377 Humane Compassionate; caring; kind; gentle; charitable.

378 Hydra Fresh water organism with polyp shape and tentacles; a sea monster; largest constellation

379 Hypertension High blood pressure. 380 Hypothermia Unusually low body temperature. 381 Ichor Discharge from sore; Greek gods’ blood. 382 Idealist Romantic; optimist; dreamer; perfectionist. 383 Ilk Type; like; kind; class; manner; sort; variety. 384 Illicit Illegal; unlawful; illegitimate; dishonest; criminal. 385 Imam Leader of mosque prayer; Islamic community leader. 386 Immobilize Bring to halt; stop; halt; restrain. 387 Immolate Sacrifice; offer up; slaughter; protest; give up; forgo; relinquish. 388 Impediment Impairment; disablement; weakness; disorder; obstacle; hurdle. 389 Impending Imminent; looming; awaiting; approaching. 390 Impetuous Impulsive; rash; hasty; sudden; spontaneous. 391 Impetus Momentum; impulsion; thrust; force. 392 Impinge Impose; intrude; interrupt; encroach; invade. 393 Implacable Pitiless; merciless; relentless; ruthless; cruel; callous. 394 Importune Pester; bother; plague; badger; annoy. 395 Imprecation Execration; oath; swearword. 396 Impregnable Unassailable; invincible; unconquerable; invulnerable. 397 Improvise Contrive; make up; create; invent; devise. 398 Impugn Question; dispute; call into question; doubt; challenge. 399 Impute Credit; chalk up; attribute; assign; accredit; complain; charge; implicate. 400 Inanity Meaninglessness; absurdity; senselessness; stupidity; silliness; foolishness. 401 Incarnate Personified; alive; embodied; come to life. 402 Incentive Inducement; enticement; motivation; encouragement; spur; reason. 403 Incisive Keen; perceptive; insightful; sharp. 404 Inculcate Impress upon; teach; instruct; hammer into; train. 405 Indigent Poor; needy; impoverished; poverty stricken; penniless; destitute. 406 Ineradicable Indelible; enduring; ineffaceable; lasting; permanent. 407 Inertia Apathy; inactivity; lethargy; disinterest; inaction. 408 Infallible Dependable; unfailing; foolproof; reliable; perfect; trustworthy. 409 Infidel Unfaithful; faithless; disloyal. 410 Infraction Breach; violation; infringement; contravention; law-breaking. 411 Infusion Brew; distillation; fermentation; mixture; potion. 412 Inherent Characteristic; intrinsic; essential; integral; innate; inborn. 413 Iniquity Immorality; evil; injustice; crime; sin; vice. 414 Innocuous Inoffensive; harmless; innocent; safe; mild. 415 Innovate Revolutionize; invent; modernize; originate; transform; update; renovate; renew. 416 Inoculate Immunize; vaccinate; inject; protect. 417 Inordinate Excessive; undue; extravagant; unreasonable. 418 Inquisition Inquiry; inquest; investigation; examination; interrogation. 419 Inscrutable Enigmatic; unfathomable; mysterious; incomprehensible. 420 Inter Bury; entomb; lay to rest. 421 Intransigent Inflexible; stubborn; obdurate; obstinate; unbending. 422 Intrinsic Inherent; basic; essential; fundamental; central; core. 423 Irrefutable Indisputable; certain; convincing; proven. 424 Isotropic Having direction-independent properties. 425 Itinerant Traveling; roving; wandering; roaming; nomadic.

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S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 426 Jackknife Turn; skid; swerve; twist; pocket knife. 427 Jaded Bored; tired; fed up; cynical; weary. 428 Jargon Terminology; slang; argot; language. 429 Jejune Boring; undemanding; uninteresting; childish; immature. 430 Jell Set; congeal; harden; thicken; gel; crystallize. 431 Jeopardy Danger; risk; threat; hazard; trouble. 432 Jeremiad A prolonged lamentation or complaint; diatribe; rant; harangue 433 Jettison Throw away; get rid of; abandon; discard. 434 Jig Dance; jerk; skip; hop; leap. 435 Jihad Islamic campaign against nonbelievers. 436 Jingoism Chauvinism; patriotism; nationalism; xenophobia; hostility; racism. 437 Jitney Inexpensive small bus on a regular schedule. 438 Jocular Funny; humorous; joking; jovial; witty. 439 Jocund Cheerful; joyful; happy. 440 Joist Beam; truss; support. 441 Journeyman Qualified artisan; somebody with ordinary competence. 442 Joust Battle; compete; contest; fight; dispute. 443 Jubilee Anniversary; celebration; commemoration; festivity. 444 Judicial Legal; court; justice. 445 Judicious Sensible; wise; careful; shrewd; astute; prudent; cautious. 446 Juggernaut Crushing force; heavy truck; carrier; Lord Krishna’s chariot. 447 Juncture Point in time; stage; interval; moment; join; connection; junction. 448 Junket Trip; excursion; visit; outing; spree. 449 Junta Military government; regime; martial law; assembly; forum; cabinet; council. 450 Justify Defend; validate; explain; rationalize.

Compiled By:

Prof. A. R. Somroo

M.A. English, M.A. Education

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S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 451 Juxtapose Put side by side, put together, put beside, put adjacent to, contrast, place alongside,

compare, set against. 452 Kahuna Hawaiian word: Priest, sorcerer, magician, wizard, minister, expert in any profession

453 Ken knowledge, acquaintance, cognizance (formal), understanding, awareness, comprehension, wit

454 kerfuffle Commotion, disturbance, disruption, commotion, stir, flutter, hurly burly, to-do, hoo-ha, hoo-hah

455 Kibitz Meddle, give unasked for advice, interfere; talk, chat.

456 Kiln Oven or furnace in which various substances are baked or dried (i.e. bricks, ceramic tiles, etc.)

457 Kismet Fate, destiny, foreordination, lot, chance, fortune, fatality, inning, innings, portion, predestination, shot

458 Lacerating Slash, tear, score, scratch, shred, rip, hack, slit, slice, cut, gash. 459 Laconic Terse, brief, concise, curt, to the point, short, economical. 460 Lacunae Gap, space, empty space, void, hole, omission.

461 Laity Laypeople, congregation, worshipers, nonprofessional, outsiders, amateurs, uninitiated.

462 Lampoon Satire, parody, skit, sketch, send up (informal), caricature.

463 Lapidary of or pertaining to the art of cutting and engraving precious stones; precise and exact; of or pertaining to the inscriptions engraved in stone monuments, carver, cerographer, chalcographer, engraver.

464 Largess Generous giving of gifts; grant, endowment, contribution, donation, gift, bonus, boon, bounteousness, bountifulness.

465 Latent Concealed, hidden; present but not visibly active or developed; dormant, existing in an inactive state (of a disease, etc.)

466 Lathe Tool which is used to cut and shape (wood, metal, etc.), The movable swing frame of a loom.

467 Laud Praise, commendation; hymn of praise, song of praise, extol, exalt, glorify, proclaim.

468 Lee shelter; side protected from the wind, side opposite the wind

469 Leitmotif Central motif, main theme.

470 Lemming Mouse like rodents that live in arctic or northern regions. 471 Liement Fencing art 472 Ligament Flexible tissue which connects bones and cartilage and supports organs.

473 Ligature Act of binding or tying; cord used for tying or binding; slurs arched line that connects notes; printed or written character consisting of two or more letters or characters joined together.

474 Lineage Direct descent from an ancestor; ancestry, family, genealogy, line, line of descent, descent, bloodline, blood, pedigree, origin, parentage, stemma, stock.

475 Lion’s share Biggest part, best part, the largest portion.

476 Lipid Any of a number of fats or fat-like compounds those are insoluble in water.

477 Lissome Flexible, limber, supple; agile, nimble.

478 Litter Toss or dump garbage in an unauthorized place; scatter objects in disorder; give birth to young (of animals); line with straw or hay.

479 Liturgy form of public worship; collection of prayers that are used in a church service, ritual, holy communion

480 Lodestar Guiding star; Polaris; something which serves as a guide, guiding principle, pole star.

481 Lucidity Intelligibility; sanity; transparency; radiance, brightness, clarity, pellucidity, clearness, limpidity.

482 Lulu A very attractive or seductive looking woman, smasher, stunner, knockout, beauty, ravisher, sweetheart, peach, looker, mantrap.

483 Macramé Decorative creation made by twisting and knotting cords; art of making macramé. a coarse lace; made by weaving and knotting cords.

484 Magnanimous Having a noble nature, unselfishly forgiving, greathearted.

485 Magnum Large wine bottle; type of gun; bone in the palm of the hand.

486 Malevolence Maliciousness, quality of wishing evil or harm to another, spitefulness, malignity.

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A picture of a circle around a square that represents the universe in the Hindu and Buddhist religions, geometric designs, symbolizing the universe.

488 Maneuver Perform a military exercise; move, change position; control with skill and dexterity; use strategy to gain an objective; move which involves skill and dexterity; strategy.

489 Manicured Shape and polish the fingernails, professional care for the hands and fingernails, trim carefully.

490 Manifestation Demonstration or indication or something; materialization of a spirit; public rally or demonstration.

491 Mansard Type of roof having two slopes on either side; room or story beneath a mansard roof.

492 Matriculation Graduation certificate from high school; degree for acceptance to advanced studies, matric.

493 Mausoleum Large and imposing tomb; tomb of Mausolus (ancient Greek king of Caria), a large burial chamber, usually above ground.

494 Maverick Independent, nonconformist; having no owner; running free, wandering, unbranded calf; motherless calf; independent thinker, nonconformist, one who takes a stand apart from his associates.

495 Mean Average; middle; nasty, unkind; despicable, base; miserable, wretched; miserly; inferior.

496 Medley Mixed, blended, jumbled, potpourri, pastiche.

497 Mélange mixture, blend; medley

498 Memento Souvenir; object which serves as a reminder of a place or past event. keepsake, memorial, relic, remembrancer, reminder, token, trophy

499 Menial Pertaining to or appropriate for domestic servants; servile, subservient; abasing, demeaning.

500 Mentor Guide and teach another person, spiritual instructor, adviser, counselor, wise man; one who guides and teaches.

501 Meritorious Deserving praise, excellent, outstanding, worthy, merit able, admirable, ascribable, attributable, beyond all praise, commendable, creditable.

502 Mesa Land formation with a flat top and steep rock walls (commonly found in the southwest USA and Mexico); flat-topped hill, small plateau.

503 Mesmerise Hypnotize, induce a trance-like state; fascinate, rivet, spellbind, bewitch.

504 Metabolism Process in which food is converted to provide energy and to produce and maintain cells and tissues.

505 Microcosm Small world; small individual community; miniature of the world or universe. 506 Militate Work for or against something, serve in the army, be effective, To be in action. 507 Minatory Threatening, menacing, baleful, forbidding, minacious, ominous, sinister, ugly. 508 Mirth Happiness, jolliness, merriness, gaiety, hilarity, mirthfulness, glee, gleefulness. 509 Misanthropy Hatred of other human beings, hatred of all other creatures, hatred of mankind. 510 Misapprehension Failed understanding, improper understanding.

511 Mitigation Appeasement, relaxation; softening in force or severity; lessening the impact or intensity of; condition of becoming less severe; condition of being assuaged, extenuation, palliation.

512 Modish Stylish, fashionable.

513 Monolithic Massive, monumental, consisting of a single stone.

514 Monotheism Belief in a single God.

515 Montage Technique of creating a composite picture; juxtaposition of separate parts to create a whole (picture, film, music, etc.), collage.

516 Moot Subject to argument or discussion; hypothetical, speculative; a hypothetical case that law students argue as an exercise.

517 Morass Marsh; complicated situation, mire, quagmire, quag, Swamp.

518 Moratorium Legally authorized delay in the payment of money due; abandonment of debts; temporary cessation of an activity, delay, hold, time lag, postponement, wait.

519 Mordant coloring agent; acid, corrosive liquid used in etching; adhesive agent, harshly ironic, sinister

520 Mosaic Pertaining to the law of Moses, Decorated pattern, Patterned, tessellated.

521 Mosey Go away, leave; saunter, stroll, amble.

522 Mote Dust particle; speck; atom, molecule, particle, corpuscle.

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S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 523 Motif Main idea, predominant subject, recurring theme; unique design.

524 Motley Mixed; varied in color; made of different colored patches of cloth, assortment, mixture, mixed bag, miscellany, miscellanea, variety, salmagundi, smorgasbord, potpourri.

525 Mountebank Charlatan, impostor; Quack, Fraud, Deceiver.

526 Mulct Fine or punish; cheat, blackmail, defraud, amercement, Penalty.

527 Mumbo Jumbo Nonsense, silliness; silly religious ritual, language that is unnecessarily difficult to understand, Hugger mugger.

528 Murky Dark; foggy; gloomy, cloudy, muddy, mirky, turbid.

529 Muse

Poet’s source of inspiration; (Greek Mythology) any of nine goddesses who are associated with inspiration and creativity for the arts (poetry, music, fine art, etc.), ponder on reflectively, meditate on something in silent wonder, think about pensively.

530 Must Necessity, obligation, highly recommended, need; new wine, grape juice that has not yet fermented, stum.

531 Myriad A large indefinite number, ten thousand, countless, infinite, innumerable, innumerous, multitudinous, numberless, uncounted, innumerable.

532 Nadir Point opposite the zenith and directly below the observer; lowest point, base point, an extreme state of adversity.

533 Nary not; never; no.

534 Nee Born with the name of, used to say what a married woman's family name was when she was born. 'Née' is put after her married name and before her old name, formerly, previously.

535 Neologism New expression; new word; modern usage of words or expressions, coinage.

536 Nexus Means of connection, link, joint; connected group.

537 Nibelung (German mythology) any of the race of dwarfs who possessed a treasure hoard that was stolen by Siegfried.

538 Niche Small alcove, nook, recess; good position, place that is suitable for someone or something; function or role of an organism within an ecosystem.

539 Nike Ancient Greek goddess of victory; type of antiaircraft missile; USA sporting goods company.

540 Nip and Tuck Neck and neck, head-to-head, inconclusive.

541 Non Sequitur Inconsistent statement, not related to what previously had said.

542 Nuance Slight difference, subtle distinction,

543 Nuclear Family Conjugal family, family unit (consisting of a father, a mother and their children); five nations that are known to possess nuclear weapons (United States, Russia, Britain, France, and China)

544 Obeisance Gesture of respect and deep reverence; reverent behavior, bow, bowing.

545 Obi Sash, belt (Japanese); type of African witchcraft; charm, talisman, obeah.

546 Obliterate Erase; destroy, kill, wipe out.

547 Obsequious Overly attentive; fawning; servile.

548 Obstreperous Noisy; loud; undisciplined; wild.

549 Obtuse Slow, foolish, stupid; blunt; of an angle between 90 and 180 degrees (Geometry); having blunt-tipped leaves.

550 Odometer Device for measuring distance traversed (as by an automobile).

551 Onerous Burdensome, laborious; oppressive; heavy.

552 Onslaught Assault, mighty attack, onset, onrush.

553 Onyx Semi-precious stone with alternating layers of color; milky quartz with bands of color.

554 Opaque Cloudy, muddy, mirky, murky, turbid, unintelligible.

555 Opportune Appropriate, fitting; well-timed, timely; proper, expedient.

556 Optimum Maximum, best, most efficient.

557 Orb Circle, sphere, globe; heavenly sphere (i.e. sun, moon, etc.); any circular body; eye ball.

558 Origami Japanese art of folding paper to form shapes.

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S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 559 Orthodox Observant; conservative; religious.

560 Orthotic Orthosis brace or orthopedic apparatus used to support or correct weak muscles or joints or improving function of movable body parts.

561 Otiose Lazy; useless; futile, pointless, superfluous, wasted.

562 Overdraft Overdrawing of a Bank Account, Limit to which money may be drawn from the bank on credit.

563 Oxymoron Expression composed of combined contrasts, a deliberate combination of two words that seem to mean the opposite of each other, such as 'cruel kindness', conjoining contradictory terms.

564 Pad Piece of soft material which cushions; block of pages stacked together and connected on one side; sanitary napkin; soft padded sections on the bottom of an animal's paw; sound of footsteps.

565 Paddy Rice in a husk; rice field, person of Ireland descent.

566 Palatable Tasty, savory; agreeable to the senses, appetizing.

567 Palaver Flatter; confer, negotiate, chatter, piffle, prate, tittle-tattle, twaddle, clack, maunder, prattle, blab, gibber, tattle, blabber, gabble.

568 Palazzo Palace, mansion, hall, building; apartment house, (British) block of flats.

569 Palpitation Beating or pounding of the heart; trembling, quivering; shivering, quaking.

570 Pampas Grassy plains located in southern South America.

571 Pan All, total, complete (i.e. Pan-American), flat shallow pan for frying food; pot for cooking food; toilet; basin, bowl, Greek mythology) god of fields and woods and shepherds and flocks; represented as a man with goat's legs and horns and ears.

572 Pandemic Extensive, comprehensive, sweeping; widespread, universal, general; widely epidemic.

573 Paper tiger Threatening person or thing that in the end turns out to be weak and ineffective.

574 Papier-mâché sculpture made from using dried paper and glue to form decorations or statues; something that can be easily broken or canceled, A hard and strong substance made of a pulp from paper

575 Par Equal status or level; face value of a currency compared to a foreign currency as measured by its worth in precious metals (Finance); standard score set for each hole on a golf course (Golf).

576 Paradox Statement that seems to be self-contradictory; false statement, untrue statement, (logic) a self-contradiction; "`I always lie' is a paradox because if it is true it must be false".

577 Paragon Model, ideal; perfect person; acme of perfection, stone for testing gold.

578 Paramedic Person trained to provide emergency medical treatment, paramedical.

579 Parameter Variable which determines the form of a function; value which is transferred to a function or program and affects its operation, a measurable or quantifiable characteristic of a system.

580 Parcel Pack, bundle; divide, partition; wrap, cover.

581 Pare Cut off, chop off; cut away, trim away, peel; reduce, diminish.

582 Parlous Dangerous, risky, perilous, Venturesome; bold; mischievous; keen, alarming.

583 Paroxysm Spasm, convulsion; sudden attack, fit.

584 Pathos Pity, compassion; enthusiasm; emotion, poignancy.

585 Patisserie Confectionery, pastry shop.

586 Peccadillo Minor sin, minor transgression, indiscretion, a petty misdeed.

587 Pedestrian A person who travels by foot, walker, footer.

588 Peerless Having no equal, unrivaled, incomparable, matchless, nonpareil.

589 Pending Imminent, impending; awaiting decision, undecided; incomplete, unfinished.

590 Pendulous Swinging; hanging loosely, cernuous, drooping, nodding.

591 Peninsula Area of land that is surrounded by water on three sides,

592 Penultimate Next to last, second to last.

593 Perfidious Adulterous, unfaithful; deceitful, treacherous, Machiavellian, corrupt.

594 Perfidy Adulterousness, unfaithfulness; treachery, deceitfulness.

595 Perfunctory Superficial, cursory; rushed, hurried; careless, negligent, reckless, casual, cursory.

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Outer boundary of a figure or area; total length of the outer boundary, margin, border.

597 Peripheral Circumferential; marginal; external, outer, exterior.

598 Periphery Perimeter, circumference; outer border, outer edge.

599 Permeate Enter, penetrate; infiltrate, pervade; suffuse.

600 Permutation Combination, act of reordering elements within a given set (Mathematics), substitution, transposition, replacement, switch.

601 Peroration Conclusion of a speech in which a speaker reviews the major points of his discussion.

602 Perpetuate Eternalize, make perpetual, make everlasting; preserve from extinction.

603 Perseverance Diligence; industriousness; stubbornness.

604 Persnickety Meticulous, fussy, overly concerned with small details, bigheaded, snooty, snot-nosed, snotty, stuck-up, too big for one's breeches, uppish.

605 Perspicacious Perceptive, discerning; sharp, acute; understanding, sagacious, sapient. 606 Phalanx Bone of a finger or toe, line of battle, infantry line; group; platoon, bones. 607 Phlegmatic Slow, sluggish; passive, indifferent, apathetic.

608 Picayune Worthless; cheap, low in value; trivial.

609 Piety Devoutness, orthodoxy; religiousness, piousness.

610 Pilaster Square or rectangular projection that is designed to resemble a column.

611 Placate Appease, satisfy; conciliate, reconcile; calm, pacify, comfort.

612 Placebo Tablet that contains no medication but has medical effects due to purely psychological reasons, inert medication.

613 Plague Epidemic, widespread disease, pestilence; nuisance, annoyance, pest.

614 Platonic Not sensual; spiritual; not dependent on anything.

615 Plethora State of being too full, excess; disease caused by an excess of blood cells in the blood.

616 Pollex Thumb, innermost finger on the hand.

617 Polyunsaturated Containing two or more double bonds in each molecule.

618 Pomp Luxury, magnificence; splendor, majesty.

619 Porcinely Like Pigs, Relating to pigs, Grossness or gluttony.

620 Portmanteau Suitcase, chest, trunk; word or morpheme formed from two other separate units (e.g. smog, formed from 'smoke' and 'fog').

621 Portray Describe, depict; paint, draw; personify, act as.

622 Postulate Presume, suppose; assume, take for granted; claim, stipulate; demand, require, assumption, premise; requirement, prerequisite; basic principle, fundamental tenet; axiom, fact that requires no proof.

623 Potable Suitable for drinking, fit for drinking, drinkable.

624 Potpourri Collection of dried and perfumed flower petals; mixture of various objects that are unrelated to each other; musical medley; literary collection of miscellaneous writings.

625 Precipitate Urge, hasten; cast down, toss down; throw down quickly; condense, material that has been separated from a solution.

626 Précis Summarize, shorten, outline, express in a short and concise manner.

627 Preclude Eliminate, exclude, remove; prevent, make impossible.

628 Precursor Precedent, antecedent; predecessor (in a job or position); herald or harbinger; announcer, crier.

629 Predatory Hunting other creatures for food; exploiting, taking advantage of others; robbing, pillaging, marauding, raiding.

630 Pre-emptive a pre-emptive action is done to prevent something from happening, especially something that will harm you, Preventive measure

631 Premise Proposition, basic assumption, presupposition, fundamental presumption.

632 Premonition Advance feeling, presentiment; forewarning; intuitive flash.

633 Pre plate Generated earlier, Developed formerly.

634 Prevail Win, succeed; overcome, surpass, prove superior; predominate, rule, reign.

635 Prevalent Common, widespread, predominant, current, prevailing, rife.

636 Prig Meticulous or strict person; pedant, one who concerns himself with trivial details; arrogant person; prissy person.

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S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 637 Primal Primeval, ancient; initial, first; main, central; extremely important; essential,


638 Privation Lack of necessities, absence of items needed for livelihood; poverty, indigence, destitution; denial, deprivation, withholding, want.

639 Pro forma For the sake of form, for proper order, perfunctory. 640 Procrastinate Postpone, put off until a later time; delay, hold back, defer. 641 Procure Obtain, acquire, get; buy, purchase; pimp.

642 Prodigious Great, big, huge; enormous; wonderful, excellent, marvelous; amazing, astonishing, awesome.

643 Prolific Fruitful, productive; abundant, plentiful; reproducing, multiplying; producing fruit. 644 Proponent Supporter, advocate, one who favors a particular idea; one who makes a proposal.

645 Proscription Act of forbidding, prohibition; banishment, excommunication, ostracism; denouncement, condemnation.

646 Provender Fodder, hay or grain used as animal feed; food rations. 647 Provident Careful, cautious; concerned with the future; thrifty, frugal, prudent. 648 Provocative Arousing, stimulating; instigative, inciting; inflammatory, annoying, irritating.

649 Prowess Valor, might, heroism; courage, bravery; superior combat skills, great combat ability; superior ability, excellent skill.

650 Prune Cut, chop off; trim tree branches; reduce, lessen; remove, take away, rid, foolish person.

651 Purchase Buy, acquire in exchange for money; procure, obtain. 652 Putrid Decomposed, decayed; giving off a foul rotten odor. 653 Quadriceps Large four-part extensor muscle of the front of the thigh.

654 Quagmire Soft wet ground that gives way underfoot; mud, wet soft earth; swamp, bog; difficult problem or situation.

655 Quarter Divide into 4 equal parts; divide into parts; house, accommodate; lodge, stay, one fourth; neighborhood; coin worth 25 cents, period of three months.

656 Queasy Nauseating, sickening; feeling regretful; finicky, picky, choosy; meticulous, strict. 657 Querulous Complaining regularly, peevish, discontented; whining. 658 Queue Stand in line; make a row, form a line. 659 Quintessential Purest, most refined; most vital, most important.

660 Quintile Each of five equal groups into which a population can be divided according to the distribution of values of a variable, an aspect of 72° (one fifth of a circle).

661 Quorum Minimum number of persons required to be present in order to conduct business legally.

662 Radiant Brilliant, glowing; emitting radiation; emitted by radiation; emitting rays of light; expressing happiness.

663 Rakish dapper, dashing, jaunty, natty, raffish, smart, spiffy, snappy, spruce 664 Rambunctious Unruly, rowdy, boisterous, uncontrollable; active and noisy, causing a ruckus. 665 Rapacious Greedy, covetous, selfish; predatory, ravening, vulturine. 666 Rapport Understanding, close relationship, camaraderie, resonance.

667 Raze Tear down, demolish; scrape off, shave away with a knife, level, dismantle, tear down, take down, pull down.

668 Reactionary Resistant to progress, strongly opposed to any social or political change, an extreme conservative; an opponent of liberalism.

669 Recapitulate Summarize, conclude, sum up. 670 Reciprocal Mutual, joint, common, shared; performed or given in return.

671 Reclamation Act of demanding the return of property; repossession, renewal, rehabilitation, restoration.

672 Reclusive Living in seclusion, living apart from society; living in isolation for religious reasons.

673 Reconnoiter Exploration, reconnaissance, look, lookout, watch, patrol, investigation, survey, search, inspection.

674 Rectify Fix, repair, correct; calibrate, adjust. 675 Red Herring Decoy, trick, ploy, lure, diversion, deviation, device.

676 Redolent Suggestive, evocative, reminiscent, indicative, recalling, odorous (literary), aromatic, fragrant, sweet-smelling, perfumed, smelling.

677 Regatta Boat race competition, race, gala, competition, contest, competitive event, meet.

678 Regime Government, command, rule, administration, management, organization, system, establishment, routine, system, regimen, treatment, course of therapy, schedule, scheme, procedure, method.

679 Regnant Reigning, ruling, governing, dominant, prevailing.

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S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 680 Relegate Refer, assign to another person; demote, assign to an inferior position.

681 Relief Easement, alleviation; liberation, release; support provided to the needy; embossment, sculpture in which the forms project outward from the surface; aid, assistance; person who fills the role of another.

682 Remedial Serving to fix, corrective; designed to improve one's skills, curative, healing, alterative, sanative, therapeutic.

683 Renege Go back on a promise, fail to fulfill a pledge; fail to follow suit when it is possible to do so, revoke.

684 Renovate Repair, renew, restore to good condition, recondition, restitute. 685 Repute Reputation, regards; esteem, renowned, regard as, view as, believe to be.

686 Resonance Act of producing an echo, reverberation, plangency, ringing, sonorousness, sonority, vibrancy.

687 Resound Echo, reverberate, resonate, ring out.

688 Restitution Reparation, compensation, reimbursement, remuneration; restoration to a previous condition.

689 Resuscitate Revive, restore to life; restore to consciousness. 690 Retrench Save, economize; reduce, cut back, curtail; to lessen; to abridge, to tighten one’s belt. 691 Riff A Berber living in northern Morocco, short repeated musical phrase. 692 Robust Strong, healthy. 693 Roil Make turbid, make muddy; annoy, irritate. 694 Rope-a-dope A boxing tactic, winning strategy.

695 Roster List, register; list of soldiers or employees including the time that each is scheduled for duty.

696 Ruddy Reddish, blushing, having a red coloring. 697 Rue Regret, sorrow, remorse. 698 Ruminant Cud-chewing, regurgitation, meditative, contemplative. 699 Sagacity Wisdom, shrewdness, judiciousness, cleverness. 700 Sampan Small row boat commonly found in China and the Far East, Skiff.

701 Sampler One who takes specimens; one who gathers representative samples; small piece of decorative embroidery.

702 Sanatorium Rehabilitation center, hospital for the treatment of chronic diseases, convalescent center, sanitarium.

703 Sanctity Holiness, saintliness; holy item, something sacred.

704 Sandbagger One who fortifies with sandbags; coercer, intimidator, someone who deceives you about his true nature.

705 Sanguine Optimistic, hopeful; confident, certain; having a reddish complexion, ruddy; red.

706 Sarong Skirt made from a piece of fabric wrapped around the body and fastened at the waist (worn by men and women in Malaysia and other Pacific islands).

707 Satiate Fully satisfy a desire or appetite; gorge, overfill, glut, sate.

708 Satire Literary work designed to demonstrate the negative aspects of human folly through the use of mockery and derision.

709 Scam Fraudulent act, deception, swindle.

710 Sceptic Doubtful, hesitant, skeptical.

711 Sciatica Condition characterized by shooting pain in the lower back hips and thighs, neuralgia along the sciatic nerve.

712 Score Gain, obtain; earn a point (in a game, etc.); record points, tally; grade a test; cut, make a notch.

713 Scorned Ridicule, mock, deride; reject with contempt; treat with derision, treat with contempt.

714 Scruple qualm, compunction; moral; misgiving, hesitation; iota, tiny amount; unit of weight equal to 1/3 of a dram (1.295 grams).

715 Scrutinize Examine, investigate, check closely, inspect.

716 Scut work trivial unrewarding tedious dirty and disagreeable chores; "the hospital hired him to do scut work", shitwork

717 Scuttle Run or move quickly, scamper, scurry; to cause a ship to sink by opening or creating holes in its hull.

718 Sear Parched, dry, withered, scar, burn, brand; scorch, harden, become callous or unfeeling.

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S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 719 Sec Dry, not sweet, Securities and Exchange Commission.

720 Sedate Calm, quiet; administer a sedative drug.

721 Seder Festive religious ceremony and dinner celebrated by Jews during the holiday of Passover (in commemoration of the Exodus from Egypt).

722 Sediment Solid matter which settles at the bottom of a liquid; material deposited by ice or wind or water.

723 Segment Fragment; section; part, portion; slice, piece.

724 Seminary a private place of education for the young, Bible institute, Gymnasium, Hebrew school, Latin school.

725 Senescent Aging, growing older, aging.

726 Sensibility Ability to perceive, ability to sense; perceptiveness, keenness of perception; sensitivity, capacity for emotional response; appreciation, capacity of refined distinction.

727 Septic Infected with bacteria or microorganisms; infective, likely to cause infection.

728 serendipity Ability to make valuable discoveries by accident.

729 Seriatim One after the other, in succession.

730 Shaman Tribal priest who uses supernatural forces to heal illness or predict the future, priest-doctor.

731 Shrapnel Small metal fragments dispersed by the explosion of a bomb or missile.

732 Sidle Move sideways, move diagonally; creep sideways, move stealthily to the side.

733 Sierra Mountain range with rugged peaks; a large fish from the mackerel family.

734 Siesta Afternoon rest or nap (Spanish).

735 Silhouette Dark image outlined against a lighter background, an outline of a solid object.

736 Simony Act of buying or selling ecclesiastical services.

737 Sinecure Profitable and easy job, plum job, easy ride.

738 Singe Burn lightly, scorch, char, sear.

739 Sisyphean Pertaining to Sisyphus; requiring endless hard labor, incessantly recurring.

740 Skeptical Doubtful, questioning the validity of claims.

741 Skew Swerve; turn aside; slope, slant; view at an angle, look with a sideways glance.

742 Skittish Nervous, high-strung, tense; fickle, changeable; mischievous, frisky, lively; shy.

743 Smithereens Fragments, small pieces.

744 Smorgasbord buffet containing many different kinds of foods; restaurant that serves buffet; large variety.

745 Snide Mean, derogatory, counterfeit, fake.

746 Sojourn Temporary stay, visit.

747 Solvent Able to pay all debts, capable of dissolving.

748 Somatic Of the body, physical; of or pertaining to the wall of the body cavity, bodily, corporeal.

749 Sophistry Fallacy, error in reasoning, misconception; deceptive argument.

750 Spa mineral spring; resort area with mineral springs; luxurious resort; health spa, establishment that provides facilities for improving one's physical fitness , watering place, watering hole.

751 Specious Having the appearance of truth while in actuality being false; deceptively appealing, superficially attractive.

752 Specter Spirit, ghost, phantom.

753 Splotch Mark with spots or stain, spotted, stained.

754 Spurious False, phony, artificial, fake, unauthentic.

755 Squander Waste money, fritter away, misuse.

756 Stagflation Increase of inflation rate, slow economic growth.

757 Stalwart Sturdy, robust, strong, steadfast, uncompromising, hardy, stout.

758 Stanch Loyal, steadfast; strong, solid, sturdy, staunch, stop the flow of a liquid; cause a wound to stop bleeding.

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759 Staples bind together by means of a staple or staples , metal clip for binding papers; basic food item; essential element; main crop or product of a region; trade item that is constantly in demand; fiber (of wool, cotton, etc.)

760 Static motionless, stationary; unchanging; of or pertaining to static electricity; acting by weight alone

761 Stay

visit, spend time in a place; remain temporarily; lodge; remain in a specific state; stop, halt; wait; postpone, delay; restrain; appease , act of halting; visit, temporary residence; suspension of a legal proceeding; brace; small piece of bone or plastic used to stiffen part of a garment; heavy rope.

762 Stentorian Very loud, powerful sound, booming.

763 Steppe Broad grassy plain.

764 Sticky wicket Tricky situation, awkward situation, difficult situation, difficult problem, embarrassing problem, embarrassing situation, predicament, plight, fix, hole.

765 Stilted Stiff and awkward, labored, forced, artificial.

766 Stimuli Things which incite to action; things which quicken a physical or mental process.

767 Stipulate Require that certain conditions be met before the signing of a contract; specify, require; promise, guarantee (regarding a contract), specify, lay down, instruct, order, require, demand, insist on.

768 Stoicism Impassiveness, endurance, patience, indifference, fortitude, resignation.

769 Stratagem Trick, ruse, ploy, wile, subterfuge, feint, device, scheme, plot, tactic, maneuver, dodge.

770 Subdivision Sector, portion, slice, unit, part, section, division, tract, development division, sectioning, segmenting, separation, splitting up, partitioning.

771 Succumb Give way, yield, give in, submit, surrender, capitulate, accede, die, pass away, expire, perish, depart.

772 Sui generis Unique, of its own class, peculiar, individual. 773 Sunder Separate, divide, split, sever, cut, break, cleave. 774 Superficial Surface, shallow, skin-deep, external, exterior, on the surface, outward, outer. 775 Superfluous Extra, surplus, redundant, unnecessary, unessential, excessive, unneeded, needless. ̀

776 Supposition Belief, guess, idea, theory, possibility, hypothesis, assumption, deduction, conclusion, presumption, opinion, surmise, thesis.

777 Surplice Vestment, chasuble, cope, vesture, Sleeveless robe. 778 Surrealism Abstract expressionism, art deco, conceptual art, constructivism, cubism, fauvism. 779 Surrealistic Adjective of Surrealism, Expressionistic. 780 Sward Turf, grass, grassland, green, lawn, meadow. 781 Swivel Spin, rotate, revolve, pivot, turn around, twist, twirl, wheel. 782 Sycophantic Ingratiating, flattering, obsequious. 783 Syllogism Logical argument, deductive reasoning. 784 Symbiosis Cooperation, interdependence, relationship, association, synergy, interaction.

785 Table d’hôte "Table of the host" meal option that offers full meal with limited choice of food for a fixed price.

786 Taboo offensive, unmentionable, unthinkable, distasteful, off-limits, out of bounds ,forbidden, banned, prohibited, barred, proscribed, outlawed

787 Tactile Tangible, palpable, perceptible, physical, concrete, solid, demonstrative, touchy-feely, physical.

788 Tai Chi Chinese System of Exercise. 789 Tailgate Dog, hound, be hard on the heels of, follow, pursue tail.

790 Talk Turkey Open up, put your cards on the table, get down to brass tacks, get down to business, get to the point, get to the nitty-gritty, tell the truth, not beat around the bush, not pull your punches.

791 Tank Cistern, boiler, reservoir, container, chamber, vat.

792 Tariff Tax duty, due, excise, levy, toll, import tax, export tax , price, price list, rate, charge, cost, fare, bill.

793 Taxidermy Stuffing dead animals so that they look life-like. 794 tchotchkes Small trinket or decorative object, knickknack, a pretty girl or woman. 795 Telepathy Thought transference, extrasensory perception, mind-reading, sixth sense, intuition.

796 Temperance Abstinence sobriety, teetotalism, abstemiousness, soberness, restraint, self-restraint, self-control, moderation, self-denial, self-discipline.

797 Tenacious Stubborn, obstinate, resolute, firm, persistent, insistent, dogged, determined.

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S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 798 Tessellate Decorated, veneered, enameled, ornamented, mosaic, tessellated, tiled, inset.

799 Therapeutic Healing, beneficial, relaxing, calming, satisfying, salutary, helpful, tonic, curative, remedial, corrective, restorative, medicinal, beneficial.

800 Tinge Hint, touch, dash, drop, trace, bit, shade, suggestion, tint, nuance, element.

801 Tipping Point Critical Juncture, a stage during an epidemic when the agent begins to increase very rapidly.

802 Titan Giant, superman, superwoman, monster, genius, pre-Olympian god, largest moon of Saturn.

803 Torpid Sluggish, lazy, languorous, listless, apathetic, sleepy, dreamy, slow, unhurried, indolent, stagnant.

804 Totem Ritual object, sacred symbol, icon, charm, talisman, amulet. 805 Totemic Symbolic, emblematic, iconic, representative. 806 Traction Adhesive friction, grip, purchase, adhesion. 807 Tranquil Calm, serene, peaceful, still, relaxing, quiet, restful, soothing. 808 Transcend rise above, go beyond, exceed, go above, excel, surpass, outdo

809 Transient Fleeting, passing, brief, temporary, momentary, transitory, short-lived, ephemeral, evanescent.

810 Transmute Transfigure, transmogrify, transform, alter, change, turn, convert, metamorphose.

811 Trash Talk Disparaging, taunting, comments especially between opponents trying to intimidate each other.

812 Treacly Sticky, glutinous, gooey, gluey, syrupy, gummy, cloying, tacky, glue-like.

813 Trepidation Fear, anxiety, unease, nervousness, apprehension, consternation, foreboding, concern, misgivings.

814 Triage Prioritization of patients for medical treatment, prioritizing of needed actions during crisis conditions.

815 Trifle Nothing, frippery, triviality. 816 Trilogy Series, sequence, set, cycle, trio. 817 Trundle Roll, roll along, rattle, labor, wheel, push, drive, lumber. 818 Tussle Tug of war, power struggle, struggle, battle, wrangle, scrimmage. 819 Uber Denoting an outstanding or supreme example of a particular kind of person or thing. 820 Uncanny Eerie, weird, strange, mysterious, creepy, supernatural. 821 Undergird Strengthen from below, strengthen, to blind below; to gird round the bottom.

822 Under steer Under steer is the condition in which the vehicle does not follow the trajectory the driver is trying to impose while taking the corner, instead following a less curved trajectory. tendency to turn too wide.

823 Undulate Roll, ripple, rise and fall, swell, heave, surge. 824 Undulating Rolling, rising and falling, swelling, surging, heaving, rippling. 825 Unmitigated Sheer, pure, absolute, unadulterated, total, utter, complete, unalloyed. 826 Unregenerate Not repentant, sinful, not reformed, not converted.

827 Urbane Suave, polished, courteous, refined, cultured, stylish, smooth, genteel, elegant, sophisticated.

828 Vale Valley, dale, gorge, dell. 829 Valedictory Parting, farewell, goodbye, final, last. 830 Vanquish Conquer, subjugate, defeat, crush, annihilate , subdue, overcome, rout, overpower 831 Vascular Fluid carrying vessels, having vessels. 832 Vaud Minor division in west Switzerland. 833 Vegetate veg out, sit around, stagnate, loaf, twiddle your thumbs, kill time. 834 Velodrome Stadium for bicycle races. 835 Venality dishonesty, exploitation, sleaze, bribery, fraud. 836 Vendetta blood feud (especially between two families); outstanding feud, enmity 837 Veneer Covering, facing, finish, surface, layer, coating. 838 Venerable Respected, august (formal), esteemed, honored, revered, admired. 839 Venomous Poisonous, deadly, toxic, noxious, lethal. 840 Ventricle Heart Chamber, A hollow. 841 Veracity Truth, accuracy, reliability, genuineness, authenticity, legitimacy, exactness, validity. 842 Vertex Apex, summit, height, pinnacle, apogee, acme, zenith, peak, top.

843 Verve Vitality, energy, dynamism, vigor, vim, dash, spirit, life, animation, get-up-and-go, enthusiasm.

844 Viability Feasibility, practicality, practicability, capability, possibility, sustainability. 845 Vintage Classic typical, traditional, essential, prime, pure, first-rate, first-class, archetypal. 846 Vintner A wine dealer, a merchant of wine.

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S.NO WORDS SYNONYMS 847 Virago Offensive term, courageous woman. 848 Virulent Infectious, contagious, poisonous, lethal, strong, dangerous, active, powerful, potent. 849 Vista View, panorama, outlook, scene, landscape, seascape. 850 Viticulture Grape growing, wine making. 851 Vituperative Insulting, abusive, offensive, malicious, slanderous, scathing, critical, censorious. 852 Vociferous Clamorous, vocal, loud, voluble, enthusiastic, raucous, strident, noisy. 853 Voguism Fashionable, modish, trendy, stylish. 854 Voracious Insatiable, avid, hungry, ravenous, gluttonous, greedy, rapacious. 855 Voraciousness Greed, greediness, gluttony, hunger, rapaciousness, avidity. 856 Vortex Whirlpool, whirlwind, twister , waterspout, tornado, cyclone, maelstrom. 857 Vulcanize To harden something with chemicals, to strengthen. 858 Wadi A dry water course, oasis, dry river valley, streambed that is dry most of the year.

859 wan ashen, ashy, drawn, washed-out, white, gray, waxen, pale, pale, colorless; sickly; weak, forceless; feeble, exhausted, tired; gloomy, sad.

860 Wheedle Coax, cajole, inveigle, charm, persuade, talk. 861 Whiplash Blow, stroke, lash, hit, impact. 862 Woof Bark, yap, yelp. 863 Wry Ironic, cynical, sardonic, dry, droll 864 wunderkind Extremely successful young person; wonder child, child prodigy. 865 Xanadu Exotic and wonderful place, wonderland. 866 Xanthic Yellow, yellowish in color. 867 Xanthippe Shrewish woman, quarrelsome woman, wife of Socrates. 868 Xenophobic Chauvinistic, intolerant, racist, nationalistic, prejudiced, fear of strange people. 869 Xeric Relating to dry habit, waterless. 870 Xyloid Relating to wood, resembling wood. 871 Yarmulke Head covering worn by religious Jews.

872 Yin and Yang Existence of a universal balance of opposite and complementary principles (Chinese Philosophy).

Compiled By:

Prof. A. R. Somroo

M.A. English, M.A. Education