SYNERGY TRAINING DOCUMENT WELCOME TO SYNERGY ………………………………………..1 WHAT IS MLM? …………………………………………………....1 HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT COMPANY……………………..2 PREPARATION PHASE …………………………………………....6 THE ORGANIZATION AND DUPLICATION …………………...12 THE POWER OF DUPLICATION…………………………………14 PITCH: THE FIRST CONTACT…………………………………....15 TO CREATE AN OPPORTUNITY ………………………………...16 CREATE A NICE POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT …………………..17 PRESENTATION: …………………………………………………..18 FULL PRESENTATION, 2 PRODUCTS: ………………………….18 FULL PRESENTATION, 3 PRODUCTS: ………………………….18 3 WAYS TO REGISTER NEW MEMBERS ……………………….19 HOW TO PLACE PEOPLE IN THE DOWNLINE…………………22 FOLLOW UP ………………………………………………………..23 BUILD TEAMS ……………………………………………………..24 HOW MANY SHOULD WE SPONSOR? ………………………….25 HOME MEETINGS …………………………………………………26 HOTEL MEETINGS ………………………………………………...26 CREATE AN EXPERT………………………………………………27 LEADER TRAININGS/GATHERINGS ……………………………27 EVENTS …………………………………………………………….28 WALK THE WALK ………………………………………………...28

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WELCOME TO SYNERGY ………………………………………..1

WHAT IS MLM? …………………………………………………....1


PREPARATION PHASE …………………………………………....6



PITCH: THE FIRST CONTACT…………………………………....15

TO CREATE AN OPPORTUNITY ………………………………...16


PRESENTATION: …………………………………………………..18





FOLLOW UP ………………………………………………………..23

BUILD TEAMS ……………………………………………………..24


HOME MEETINGS …………………………………………………26

HOTEL MEETINGS ………………………………………………...26

CREATE AN EXPERT………………………………………………27


EVENTS …………………………………………………………….28

WALK THE WALK ………………………………………………...28

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WELCOME TO SYNERGY Firstly I would like to congratulate you on your choice of becoming a member of SynergyWorldWide. This manual is meant to be a tool and an encyclopedia for you who wish to build your own business in Synergy WW. You will find advice and guidance for how you may best build your own business based on these fantastic products. If you have become a member in order to use the products for yourself, I would still recommend that you read this business manual to see which opportunities are present. WHAT IS MLM? Multi-Level Marketing or MLM - many have probably heard about this, but what is it? MLM is different than the traditional way to market a product. MLM is a system where pleased customers recommend products to new customers. MLM is a business with an annual revenue of 858 billion Euros. MLM should not be confused with pyramid schemes, which are illegal. Personal recommendations are already a part of our every-day lives. For example, when we find a product we are pleased with, we tell our friends and family about it, who in turn may tell their friends and family, and so on, thus spreading the product information out to a network of people. This is the principle used in MLM, and the reason why big and serious companies can offer products and services to a satisfactory degree and cheaper than other products and services of the same quality. Before a product reaches the store-shelves, it passes through many hands; from the producer to import/export, then to a wholesaler, from there to a retailer, and lastly to the consumer. In the MLM business products goes directly from producer to consumer, which often result in cheaper products compared to other products of the same quality. Obviously the step-by-step process may vary from company to company. You may have to invest in a license in order to use a company’s concept, and with this you also receive a position in the company network. You get a sales commission from the products you sell your costumers, and the interesting part in MLM is that you also get a sales commission for the products these costumers convey to their customers. You receive a commission for both direct and indirect sales. Here you don’t get paid for what you DO, but for what you START. What you do as a distributor in an MLM company can be summarized thus: 1) Present the company’s products for friends and acquaintances 2) Present the company concept 3) Teach new distributors to do 1 and 2. A network can be organized in several different ways. SynergyWorldWide has chosen what is referred to as a binary structure, where you have two “legs” in which to place people. Although this looks like a pyramid, it has nothing to do with pyramid schemes, wherein people pay for the position in the company, and it is in selling positions one earns a commission. Most countries have banned pyramid schemes, or chain letters as they are sometimes called. The definition of an illegal pyramid scheme states that if more than 50% of the revenue comes from selling a position, then it is an illegal pyramid scheme. This is true in Norway, USA and in the EU. 1

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In Synergy, the cost of becoming a distributor is a one-time fee of $40.33 (£30) incl.vat. Everything else is product sales and direct sales commissions. You are paid in an unlimited amount of steps, following a specific commission plan. We’ll get back to this later. What we do to make money is building up an organization of sellers and buyers, and we’re paid from the revenue in OUR organization. To earn money in the MLM business one must have a good system that everyone will be able to follow. If you see that you can do this bigger, better, bolder - restrain yourself. The more you complicate it, the more difficult it will be for others to duplicate what you’re doing. HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT COMPANY When working with MLM, the choice of company is the first step towards success. It doesn’t matter how talented you are at building networks, if the company you’re in is a sinking ship. Since MLM is a fine opportunity for anyone to make large amounts of money in the form of residual income, it attracts a lot of speculators, both as owners and members – people who are interested in quick cash. That you can sign up and immediately make tons of money doing absolutely nothing is a myth based on pyramid scheme strategies. It doesn’t work that way. Hard work and dedication to your network, however, can pay off one hundredfold. We know that out of every 300 companies starting out, only one will make it. Choosing wisely will determine your long-term success. The four cornerstones 1. Company:: How old is the company? A new company will face many challenges in the beginning, as it is impossible to foresee every possible thing that can happen during the startup. These obstacles will have to be overcome, and unfortunately most companies will not succeed in this. For each new challenge one has to reinvent, restart and then continue doing this until the system is stable. By choosing a company that has gone through the major trials of starting up, you can save both time and energy. Another pitfall is greed. History has shown that owners/CEOs upon seeing how much money certain distributors make, either find a way to get rid of these people, or change the compensation plan. Many a great MLM company has been forced to throw in the towel due to this. What about Synergy? Synergy started up in February 1999, and their mother company, Nature’s Sunshine, founded in 1972 is a giant within health and well-being, as well as being listed on the NASDAQ. Neither Synergy nor Nature’s Sunshine have, during their history made any major changes to their compensation plan, or withdrawn from a market once entered in.


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It is fair to say Synergy has been through all the startup challenges. This is not to say there may not be any challenges in the future, one should always be prepared and ready to deal with things in a sensible manner. Does the company have a solid financial balance sheet? This is important when it comes to handling any difficulties which may arise. It is also important with regards to their credibility, and paying their members and staff. We often see companies starting out lacking the necessary finances to really do anything, basically waiting for their members to earn them the money they need to pay their members. The companies then manage to keep the people and their loyalty due to the money they have “stuck” in the company. These companies usually never make it for long, and their unfortunate members never get reimbursed for their work. What about Synergy? Synergy is debt-free and has large amounts of funds and reserves. The same goes for Nature’s Sunshine, with a credit rating at Dun & Bradstreet of 5A2. This is one of the highest scores a company can achieve; the highest rating given to a European company is 4A1 ( StatOil). This speaks volumes of the company’s solidity. The company also has a reputation for punctuality in paying their members. The rule is to pay one to several days before the date of payment - never later. We are safe in the knowledge that we will always get paid for the job we do, which isn’t always a guarantee in this line of work. Is there room for growth? At startup, most companies have systems to handle some ten thousand members, maybe even a hundred thousand, before they get into any kind of trouble. Here we’re talking about computer systems and servers, production capacity, how the company is organized and set up when it comes to expansion and handling new growth. It is normally time-consuming to increase capacity and production, and in the meantime the network is at risk of stopping up completely. What about Synergy in relation to this? Synergy's products are manufactured by Nature's Sunshine. They can handle 1.5 million autoships in addition to what is already being produced without having to change the production or make any major changes. When this limit is reached, they can easily double the production capacity by starting up new facilities that hasn’t been put to use yet. Due to their favorable position in the market Synergy has great access to raw materials, and widespread planting of Acai-palms in the Amazon ensures it will stay this way. The computer systems can now handle 4,000 new registrations per minute. It will probably take some time before this capacity is exhausted…... As previously mentioned, there may be areas that nobody has thought of yet where we will experience challenges in the future, but the worst skeletons seem to be cleared out of the closet. 2 Timing. All companies are growing in phases, as well as the individual markets they enter into. The perfect time to go into a company is when a well-established company enters a new 3

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market, or at the beginning of the big growth phase, after all the typical startup problems are eliminated. Those who work through these phases have the opportunity to generate a huge income in MLM. One must also look at how the timing is in relation to trends. As an example, it would have been foolish to not look at a telephone deal 40 years ago, as the timing would have been perfect. The timing is less favorable today, due to the competition and pressure on prices; the margins for profit are quite small. The telephone is not a growing trend. What about Synergy in relation to this? Synergy was established in Japan and has had its focus on the Asian market. They have just started up their operations in some European countries and some countries on the American continent. Today there are less than 10,000 autoships in the U.S and about the same in Europe - the rest is in Asia. Harvard Business School teaches MLM, and they have said that if one is among the first 10,000 into a new market with the right company and right product and you have a "once in the lifetime opportunity. Somewhat bigger numbers for the major countries, but we've only just reached the figures for one country in Europe and America combined. If this does not meet the criteria for being a "once in the lifetime opportunity" I do not know what is. Supplements are also an increasing trend and the timing of dietary supplements is perfect. The food we eat contains less and less nutrition due to depletion of soil in agriculture, due to heat treatment in food production and artificial ripening methods. The Department of Agriculture in the United States announced in 2008 a survey on the nutritional content in food in 2008 compared to 1975 and the results were frightening. Many of the vegetables and fruits contained approximately 50% less vitamins during this period, and for minerals, the results were even worse. The Magnesium content of Broccoli, for example, was reduced by 88% during this period. To get the same amounts of magnesium by eating broccoli today we would have to eat about 10 times as much! Obviously this is impossible; our digestive systems wouldn’t be able to handle it. If we do not get what we need of vital nutrients it goes without saying that we can become ill. We therefore need supplements of these vital nutrients to keep us healthy. This is not medicine that is designed to cure disease, but food that is designed to restore health. When you have recovered your health, your body can handle almost anything. The timing for these products is perfect. 3. Compensation Plan No matter how idealistic you are in regard to helping others, you need an income to live. To make money while helping others only means we have the ability to help even more people. Many are also attracted to the opportunity of building their own business without large deposits and investments and high risk. For this we need a compensation plan which inspires us to do the job. Not only does it need to be attractive to us, the company must also make enough money so that they can keep going, allowing us to maintain a residual income. Most people are accustomed to trading time for money, if they work one hour they get paid for one hour. Most are therefore used to comparing the work they do today with the rates for regular work. 4

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The beauty of this business is that we can get paid month after month, year after year for the job we did yesterday. For this to be possible the compensation plan must be good; too high payments and the company risks bankruptcy, too low and its members cannot make a decent income for themselves. In the MLM industry it is not unusual for companies to start out with a compensation plan that does not hold in the long run, thus having to change it when their members increase in numbers. This is very detrimental to our industry. To change the compensation plan is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a network. What about Synergy? The compensation plan pays 55% of all product sales in the form of commissions on a monthly basis, which is very high for a binary structure. We hear about companies claiming to pay out 80-90% in the form of commissions, though usually this turns out to be calculated points that never go towards the payment due to balance requirements, etc. It does not matter then how many points the company has calculated, if this does not result in any payment. Normally binary systems have an effective payout of 20-35% in the form of commissions to the network. This 55% rule is the reason why it is called “up to” when it comes to those percentages used in the compensation plan. To illustrate further how this works: If using the stated percentages by calculating commissions at month's end concludes that the network's total commission is 100 million, then using the 55% rule gives 80 million, and the basic commission for the period is not 10%, but 8%. What other practical consequences does this have for us? How the revenue is distributed among the members is not important to the company. In fact, it is advantageous for the company to have some members earning huge amounts because of its high marketing value, so these members are not at risk of getting kicked out. Another advantage is that the company is assured that they will always turn a profit, as they are always assured to get 45% of the turnover. Many may think that these high commissions are why prices are not lower than they are. If you look at the products sold in regular stores, health food stores, etc; which of the manufacturers of those products do you think get 45% of the price to the end user? This is our guarantee that the company will continue to produce goods for our customers for many years to come. What is the disadvantage with this firm 55% rule? The only drawback is that we cannot say exactly how high the commission percentage is from month to month, but it is very stable and we can still say that with very high accuracy. The way we see it, the benefits far exceed the drawback. This compensation plan has no maximum limit to the amount one can earn from a Tracking Center. If you have built up a small organization, you may expect small amounts, if you have built up a large organization; you may expect a large amount. This compensation plan can compete against any other available on the market today. 4. Products This is perhaps the most important of all the points in this evaluation. If the company does not have a product that the end user will continue to buy month after month regardless of how it is distributed, we will not be able to build a lasting business. Since you are reading this manual, you already know the products and their impact on 5

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people. None of us have ever experienced such products, nor have we heard of such products. Those of us who knows the products probably all agree that these are the clearly the best products in this genre. Note: Be careful with how you refer to these products. You can never promise people medical effects with the products, you are not allowed to advertise these products in the media or on the Internet, you must be very careful when talking about the products and specific diseases. Remember again: This is food that is designed to restore our health. The human body is so constructed that it is able to take care of virtually everything as long as we are in good health. If we manage to restore our health, our body is able to repair / restore almost anything itself. That’s why we see the effects that we see in these products. We simply help our body to heal itself. Summary: Measuring the company against the four cornerstones, we are left with: 1. The best possible company in the world in this industry 2. Perfect timing 3. A compensation plan that is matched against all other compensation plans 4. Products which are demonstrably superior in their genre. We have previously analyzed a number of companies using the same criteria. This has always ended in something lacking, preventing the “O.K‟ on all points. Here we could say the best in the world on all counts. When do you think a new company shows up where you can say that? This does not mean that the company was born as a giant. It started out with just a few people. It takes time because people are naturally skeptic. "This sounds too good to be true" is a common reaction from people when members tell their stories. People are used to hearing about "fantastic" products which never deliver what they promise, and their skepticism is healthy. It takes time to build trust in market by market. The question is: How do you think this company will be about 10 years? Where will you be in 10 years...? Since you are now reading this, you have probably already made the choice of wanting to work with Synergy. I would like to just highlight how fortunate you have been with your decision. For in most cases it's about luck when choosing the right company. Most people who start up with MLM never do such an evaluation even with the odds of 300 / 1 that the company will be gone in a relatively short time. PREPARATION PHASE For great success you must always: 1. Set goals 2. Making a plan for how to achieve the goals 3. Implement the plan 4. Continuously evaluate the results of the work you do 6

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1. Setting goals. Harvard Business School did a survey a few years ago among their graduates to see how many people had great success later in life. This was evaluated 15 years after graduation. They found that 5% had succeeded greatly, and when they examined what these people had in common they found one thing: When they left school, they all had written down goals for what they intended to achieve. They were no better in school, no better finances, but they had a defined goal. This was all the difference. Therefore, we will also do this. When talking to people who succeed in all areas of life, you will find that they follow the easy steps above. Shortly after Tora Berger became the Olympic champion in biathlon at the Olympics in Vancouver she was asked by a reporter when she had decided to go for gold. She said that when she went to school she wrote her goal list in middle school. The top goal on the list was to be Olympic champion in biathlon in Vancouver in 2010. Do you think it was luck that she won the gold medal? She had programmed herself to complete this task since middle school, and I'm reasonably sure that in her thoughts the medal was already hers, all she had to do was to follow the plan. With such long-term goals it is of course also necessary to adjust the plan underway. There are new and more effective training methods, you learn more about the body and training, diets, etc. This means that the plan must be changed, but the goal remains the same. After you have implemented the plan, you may find better solutions along the way, or that the plan does not provide the desired outcomes. You then have to evaluate what you have done, make changes or add new things. This ongoing process will always lead to success sooner or later no matter what you do. The most common mistake people make when they are struggling to achieve their goals is to change the goals, while the problem has always been the plan or implementation. Many are also beginning to look for external factors to blame. When you are struggling to reach your goals the fault is usually to be found in the mirror............. Make a list of the goals you wish to achieve, both short-term and long-term goals. Why not define your first goal right now…? Think about how you want your life to be in the different stages of life. You must create a holistic picture of different situations throughout life. The list should include: What do you want to buy? Where do you want to travel? Who do you want to help? What do you want to learn? Where do you want to be? Who do you want to live with? Who will you meet? What activities will you engage in? When? Put a price on each of the goals, and compare this to the compensation plan. You will see how long it is going to take you to achieve this, if you work at the rate you have decided. Be realistic. How? Here you decide the strategy for how you want to work, who you want to work with, which markets to work in, systems for how to do the necessary follow ups, and so on. Remember to evaluate. Announce your goals to your sponsor, as well as your personally sponsored members. By working openly with your goals they become more real, more binding, and it is harder to get lazy about them. The most important factor in this target list is that it helps to build up faith. 7

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If you really believe that with 3 years of serious work you will be financially independent and have a high residual income regardless of whether you work anymore or not, how many hours per day would you be willing to work to achieve this goal? I think most people will get there if they really believed they could do it. They would then be willing to do the work necessary even if it would mean to work around the clock, only interrupted by the necessity to eat and rest. It is important that you know you can reach the first goals on your target list. These should be within your comfort zone, within what you have allowed yourself to believe you can handle. When one goal is achieved, you should always know you can achieve the next on the list - creating a positive circle of achievements where one success leads to the next. When you have had enough episodes of “I could do this, so I can surely do that” and “I did that, so I can surely do this as well” you will start to realize that you can reach the top, if you just keep on like that. It will no longer be hard to find time to work, but rather to limit yourself so you won’t burn out. Many of us have unfortunately been the subject of what is called "shrinking thinking", an increasingly limiting mindset. We all have the amazing ability that we learn from what we do. For instance, when you experience a failure in life, most people learn to avoid that situation in the future. The more situations you experience, the more it narrows your comfort zone. The longer we live, the more we learn, and our ability to cope with different situations increase, unless our own limits prevents us from doing so. When we are focused and work to achieve targets by sub-goals, we reverse this process. Rather than decreasing our comfort zone, we now begin to expand it, and ever-new possibilities open up for us. How we respond to the challenges we face is always about choices and how we think. This is something we can actively do something about if we are aware of and actively take control of our own thoughts, actions and emotions. Negative people vs. positive people - who would you, prefer to work with? Which would you prefer to be? Consider the kind of people you associate with and what sort of information you allow to have an effect on you. If you associate with negative people and their negative mindsets, eventually you will begin to think and talk the same way, too. Hearing over and over that something is crazy, impossible, too difficult, too this and not enough that - in time you may start to believe it. If you are working alone and not working hard, maybe they are right so say that you will not succeed. Then it is so because you have let these people affect you so that you too have started to think in negative circles and you stop doing what you should have done to succeed. Associating with positive people and listening to positive information has the power to positively affect you in just the same way. If you can create a positive environment, this environment alone will begin to attract people. Another important factor with this list of goals is that it helps prepare you for the life to come. For those who do a serious job, your life can be very different from the life you live today, provided that you dare to carry out the plan. This may seem daunting, as change is stressful to most and many dare not actually implement major changes in their lives. It is then much easier to be passive, let life “happen to you”, to stay among those who complain about their situation without doing anything to change or improve it, to 8

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complain in unison with like-minded people. Remember that this complaining is really nothing more than self-criticism, for you are the master of your situation and it is only you who can do something to change it. Here you have the opportunity; the only question is, if you dare to take advantage of it. In order to achieve something never before achieved, you always have to do something never before done: YOU have to change. Planning celebrations on the way. Decide in advance which targets will be a reward for a job well done. When you achieve these goals, go through with the celebrations. If you've always dreamed about going on a cruise in the Caribbean or to swim the Great Barrier Reef, add this to your list of goals. When the money is earned - do it. You need not be anxious that others around you will stop working just because you are going away on a cruise. This will be a direct inspiration to them, increasing their motivation and dedication: “If s/he can do it, so can I!” 2. Make a plan for how you are going to reach your goals. This plan should describe: -Who you want to work with (list of names) -How many you want to work with, and how to do the duplication? -How the job will be carried out? -How much you will work and when? Name list. This list should include: -Names -Phone numbers -Date you were in contact -Results -Follow-up Here are some key-words that may help you come up with names for your list: - Family, (yours and your spouse’s, exes) - School, education, military service - Sports, hobbies - Places you have lived - Work, (every job you ever had) - Friends and acquaintances - Travel and vacations, people you have met around the world. You will never finish writing your list of names, and you will get far more names than you need, so this list should be prioritized. After you have written down all the names you can come up with, write a “C” for customer beside the names of people that you see as customers, and you write a “B” beside the names of people that you would like to work the business with. Those people who don’t fit into any of those categories you leave unmarked. The next you do is set up a top list for both customers and distributors; make a top 10 or top 20 list for both categories. Don’t start to call your top people immediately, since you then might burn your best contacts. Use the people you haven’t prioritized to train on in order to become good and confident about what you are doing. When you feel that the pitch is good and you know how to connect a three-way call, you can start to contact your best prospects. When you write your name list you should take the following into account: A coach of a football club in Norway once said there are 3 kinds of people: Those who don’t succeed; Typical for them is that they see problems rather than opportunities. Then we have those who do succeed, they see the opportunities rather than problems. And finally we have the winners, those who’ve made it really big. Typical for them is that they see the opportunities in the problems. What kind of people have you on your list, your prospects? Are they the type that always comes with negative feedback as soon as you suggest something, have to plan everything 9

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down to the smallest detail that there won’t be any room for surprises? Then the business part may not be for them, but they can still be satisfied customers ... Are they the type who constantly seek challenges and "live life to the fullest" and perhaps also like to take some risks? Then it is very likely that they will be all fire and flames about the business section, if this is presented in such a way that they see the possibilities. What do they already know, and how much training is needed? It is your job as sponsors to teach them what is necessary for them to be sure they will be able to do their part of the job. Your level of success is determined by how well you train your people; your team. Do they know computers? If not, you teach them what they need. Do they know business? If not, you teach them enough so that they could build up their own. It requires a different approach to build up their own business than to be a paid employee. Are they interested in health and wellness? Are the products of interest to them? This is of great importance with regard to how they later present the products to others and how much opportunity they have to succeed. What kind of social circles do they move in? Remember that the people you sponsor will sponsor people they associate with, people from their social circle, and you will have to deal with these people as well. If you like a person, but you do not want to be associated with anyone in their social circle, take this into consideration. Here we have the opportunity to choose who we want to work with, and so there is no reason to choose people who we do not feel comfortable with. Statistically we get along with about 70% of the people we encounter in life; there is no reason why we should choose to work with the remaining 30%, no matter how large networks they have. These 30% is best avoided; it is a waste of time and energy trying to get it to work with these people, particularly when we are not in a situation where we need them. There are still more than enough people on your list. The Norwegian Bureau of Statistics did a survey of how many people a 25 year old knew, and they came to an average of 850 people. The older one gets the more people you will be familiar with, though no one can remember or relate to more than approximately 3000 people. Let's say that you know 1000 people. Let's say you sponsor 10 of these to the business section and that each of these knows as many as yourself. You will then have access to 10,000 people, most of whom you do not know. If you can help your personally sponsored to pick out the top 10 people from their network of friends and acquaintances, then you are well on your way to building a large network of very skilled people. As it spreads down the generations you can just imagine what happens. It is not who you sponsor who are the most important to you, but the people they know. If you do things right, you get access to these people and get them into your team. What’s important is what you do within your circle. Most are probably familiar with the term “Six degrees of separation,” but did you know this is actually based on an experiment carried out in the 60‟s? American psychologist Stanley Milgram sent letters to just under 300 people selected at random, asking them to help ensure that a letter made its way to a "target person" - a named stockbroker in Boston. Participants were not allowed to send the letters directly to this person, but had to send them to people with whom they were on first-name terms, people they thought might know the target person. 29% reached the stockbroker. On average it took six people linking the initial volunteer 10

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and the target person! This was redone in 2003 in England, by Professor Richard Wiseman, (called “The Small World Experiment). 10% of the parcels reached the target person, but the most interesting part of the experiment showed that there tended to be just 4 people linking the initial volunteers with the target person - 2 fewer than in Milgram's experiment! This illustrates how important it is that you do things right in your own circle of acquaintances, and have this duplicated beyond. When you consider your prospects, do not look for anyone who "has time". There is normally a reason why some people have lots of spare time. Some people are so ingrained in a situation of unemployment benefits or disability benefits that they have no desire to get out of that situation. They often feel that they have a good enough residual income already. At the same time it feels very comfortable for a number of people to be provided for, and never have to take responsibility for their own situation. This may mean that the leap for them to recover would be too large for them to dare to do it. How many will you work with and how to do the duplication? This again depends on how much time you can devote to work and how often you work. It’s in the beginning that you set the standard for yourself, and for those you choose to work with. If you rarely do any work, it is likely your team will do the same. If you work with it daily, it is also much easier to get the others to do the same. To create momentum and rapid growth we need action and movement. For each day that passes by without anything happening, motivation is lost, as much as 10-20% per DAY. If you work with your newly sponsored and have weekly meetings, these will usually be spent re-igniting the motivation rather than anything that is actually productive. They will rarely bring prospects either, because their motivation is not high enough. One should also consider how to relate to people who want to "wait and see" and to people who do not follow up and do their part of the job. Should you allow them to slow yourself down or should you just leave them and find someone else to work with in the meantime? If you are new to the industry you should start with sponsoring 2 people on the business part and see how much time this takes. You might have to sponsor 10 people to find these two who wants to build a business, or it might be the first two you sponsor. If there is time to follow up on more, you sponsor more, but never so many that you cannot do the follow ups or that you risk duplication. Remember that your own success is in direct proportion to the success of your team, and this again is dependent on how you train them to work. The most prominent networkers rarely work with more than a handful of people at a time, because they want people up and running, and for them to understand and do the duplication right. How will the job be done? This is about thinking through where you want to work, how to form a team, should you start with home-meetings or focus mostly on working across distance and use Skype? Think about WHAT you will do and think through the job phase. Do you have a clear picture of what to do? HOW MUCH DO YOU WORK AND WHEN? In the beginning we often experience that people have trouble finding the time. This is because they are uncertain about what to do, and they may not yet have the belief that they can actually succeed. Later you will find that those who work steadily for a while get to a point where their organization begin to grow quickly and they have trouble "turning off" to rest, because they have realized 11

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that this actually works for them, too. To get to this point you have to be structured over a period of time. When one is used to traditional work, you trade time for money - you work an hour and get paid for an hour. When people start to compare what they have earned in a month and how much time they have used, they are not impressed. It’s in the beginning that you have to work the hardest, but you earn the least. However, if you do things right the effort will go down as your income goes up. Think you can find that anywhere in the traditional job market? They say that normally it takes 3-5 years to achieve a normal income by working with MLM and MLM income after this time will exceed normal revenue. We have seen here that it does not need to take 3-5 years to achieve a normal income. How long this will take is of course related to how much and how smart you work. You are now in the process of building up your own business. If you treat this possibility as a hobby, you can expect to get a hobby income. If you treat it as a serious business, you can also expect to get serious income. You should not only decide to work with Synergy for a specific period of time per day, but rather take advantage of opportunities throughout the day to talk to other people about this, and use the opportunities in a natural way when it presents itself during a normal conversation. 3. Implement the plan This is where most fail. This will be thoroughly discussed in the coming chapters. 4. Continuously evaluate the performance of the job you are doing. For you to learn to become better at what you do, you should always evaluate the results of the work you do. If the job does not give the desired / expected result, it may be time to evaluate what you have done, often by others who have accomplished this, to find out what you are doing wrong. Usually, only small adjustments are required, but these can be very important for the end result. Plan, Action, Check, Correct. You start with making a plan, then you follow the plan and take action, then check if the result meets your expectations and then finally you make the necessary corrections which in turn leads to that the process starting over again with making a new plan. This should be a continuous process. Evaluate the results with those you work closest with, so everyone has the opportunity to learn from each other. This is also very good for motivating people. THE ORGANIZATION AND DUPLICATION Let me illustrate this with an example: Let's say you want Peter to join Synergy. You think this might be something for him, either because he needs the products, or because you think he might be interested in the business. He is now your prospect and you are the sponsor. Your job now is to make Peter curious enough to want to know more. Once he starts asking questions you tell him you have an acquaintance that is good at answering 12

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this and then call him up using your mobile phone or a speakerphone. The person you call should normally be your sponsor who now is the presenter in this concept. If there is something that your sponsor needs help with, he can use his sponsor again to get help to answer questions or do explanations. He is the mentor in this concept. Mentor Presenter Sponsor Prospect The mentor is the sponsor of the presenter. The mentor's task is to Push on, guide, direct and correct, to make sure that the duplication doesn’t stop. In practice, this means being available when people in your team are working, then contact the ones you do not hear from to see what is happening. Your team in this regard is the 4 levels of people in the sponsor-chain mentioned above. The presenter will make presentations and trainings. Even though you as a sponsor may feel that you can do this better than the presenter, it is wise to show a system which provides assistance. This is far more important than getting a perfect presentation. It is important that the prospect can see and understand from the way we work that they can manage to do the same thing as you. (Duplication.) The sponsor is the one who makes the first contact (pitch), thus making the prospect curious enough to want to hear a presentation. The sponsor will not even answer questions or do trainings; it is the presenter's task. The presenter is the sponsor's sponsor. The prospect is the person you want to get with you in Synergy, either as customer or distributor. Let me illustrate this using an example. You want to present these products to Paul, either because you think that he needs the products, or because you think that he would be interested in the business part. He is now your prospect and you are the sponsor in this concept. Your job now is to make Paul curious enough to start asking questions and wanting to know more. When he has asked a question, you tell him that you have a friend who knows a lot about this and who can answer the questions. You now call your sponsor and ask him/her the same question while you have the phone on “speakerphone” so your prospect can hear everything that is being said. Your sponsor will now give a short presentation and answer all the questions while you are present to learn. Your sponsor is now the presenter in this concept. You shall not answer these questions yourself, but if there are questions that you would like your prospect to hear the answers of, you ask these questions to your sponsor. The presenter still has his/her sponsor to call if there are questions that they can’t answer. Also remember that it is allowed to answer: “I can’t answer that question, but if it is important for you in order to be able to make a decision that is right for you, I can get the answer for you”. We follow the same pattern when it comes to the training. The presenter goes through the manual together with the new members, shows them what is important to read first and tells them what to do next. The sponsor is now present to listen and learn until it is his/her turn to be presenter. When you do it in this way you can build a network while you are learning, instead of spending a lot of time to learn about the products, the presentation, how to do the business etc. before you can start working. The presenters sponsor is available all the time, either over Skype or over telephone, ready to assist when needed. He is called the Mentor in this concept. First you do the job a few times for your personal sponsored members while they are present to learn. Then they do it themselves a few times while you are present to give them feedback on the job they have done so they can improve and become good at what they are doing. 13

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THE POWER OF DUPLICATION No one can build huge networks themselves. To achieve this there must be duplication. This means that you teach your team to do the same as you do yourself. This is a slightly different way of thinking than what is common in the industry. Most have been trained to sponsor as many people as possible, though here we limit how many you can work with at a time. Let me illustrate this with an example: Peter and Tom are both about to build networks. Peter will be using the traditional method by sponsoring as many as he can, while Tom will be working with duplication. Let's say that Peter is so good at sponsoring that he is able to sponsor 100 people each week. I do not think anyone can do it in the long run, but we assume that Peter can do this. Tom on the other hand, will instead sponsor 2 people who both want to build a business, within a month. He might have to sponsor 10 people to find these 2 who wants to build business, but it can also be the first 2 that he sponsors. During the same month he shall also ensure that his own 2 sponsored has received the necessary training to enable them to do their job. Tom will not do this himself, but with the help of his sponsor who is then the presenter of the concept. The presenter also has their sponsor in reserve and may seek advice and help from him/her when necessary. The presenter’s sponsor is the mentor in this concept. There are manuscripts and accurate descriptions of all that is done, so anyone can do it, as long as they can read. Anyone can do this much in a month, if they decide to. Next month Peter continues to run around and sponsor 100 people a week. Tom’s job this month is to help the 2 people he sponsored last month to do the same as he did then. His first 2 personally sponsored members are now sponsors of their own 2 people, 2 people who want to work. Tom has become the presenter. Tom, of course, still has his own sponsor to help and guide him throughout, if he needs the support. The third month Peter is still running around, sponsoring 100 people each week. This month it is time for Tom to be the mentor. What he does is being available, by computer, email, telephone, etc., while his team is working. He’s in and out of conversations, answering questions from the people who are out working. If he hasn’t heard from someone in a while, he calls them up to see how things are going, to make sure the wheels are still turning. His job this month is to be a guide to those who work to ensure that the job is done and that it is done correctly. When we get to the fourth month, Tom’s job is done. His personally sponsored are now mentors while Peter must continue to run around and sponsor 100 people each week because he won’t have the time to follow up nor train his people sponsoring that many…. Now Tom is free to choose whether he wants to stop sponsoring or if he wants to sponsor two or more new and do the same job again to increase his income further. After 3 months of work, Peter has 1290 people in his team, while Tom has 14. Let us suppose that this duplication continues for 2 years with the same pace and that Tom has done nothing more than to sponsor these 2 and followed up as described, and that Peter is able to sponsor 100 people each week for 2 years. Peter now has 10,400 people in his network while Tom will have 16.7 million people in his. This is the power of duplication. After a year, where all the members in your business team purchase the minimum of 120 14

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CV a month, you will have a monthly salary of over €50.000. If you can get the duplication going with 2 people every 2 weeks, it will take 6 months to achieve such an income. And the income does not stop at €50.000 per. month, it is only be the beginning, and this happens by working in a way that most people think they can manage. So you see, the most important thing is not to sponsor as many people as possible, but to focus on the duplication. You may find that you must sponsor 10 people to find the 2 who will work the business, and it may be that these are the first 2 you sponsor. You should never try to force someone to do the business part. It's much better to have a satisfied customer than a disgruntled distributor. The satisfied customer will build the network anyway without realizing it, while the disgruntled distributor will have “his lips sealed." Some want to work, others don’t, and we should never force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do. Remember the positive environment we want to create. It's about talking with enough people to find the ones you are looking for. If someone is not doing the job they have undertaken to do, give them one more chance before you leave them alone. Find somebody else who is willing to do the job so that you can get where you want to be. If someone says they are interested and want to work with this, that they will be part of it but they must wait another month before they can start working, then, treat them as a customer until they start to work. You should not wait for them; find another person to work with this month instead. You have a plan and a schedule to follow. You cannot wait for others to decide. This does not mean you cannot work with this person later, only that you are working with other people until that person has made a decision. PITCH: THE FIRST CONTACT. What prevents most people from making contact with others with regards to Synergy is fear and uncertainty. Uncertainty in relation to their own abilities and knowledge, fear that others will not get the same effects that they have had or that they have heard that others have had. Fear that the people they sponsor will not succeed, and then they will get the blame later. Let us turn it around. What's the worst that can happen to your friends if you tell them about our products? The fact that they come back afterwards and say they have not had any effect, or that you say nothing and something happens to them when you know that our products could have helped? There is more to fear in the latter than them coming back to say they didn’t feel any effects. We know that they have had the effect of the products, even if the user did not notice this. Most people don’t notice when they are about to have their first heart attack, either... If you are going to build a business and concentrate fully on this to succeed big, you must consider the following: Let's say that after 2-3 years you have had great success with this, and it’s now your only source of income - a large residual income. One by one your friends start to ask what’s happened, how come you can live this life now - did you win the lottery? How do you think their reactions will be if this is the first time you ever tell 15

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them about it? Your friends will surely ask you why you never told them, why you never gave them the chance. You will then have taken this opportunity away from them because you did not tell them about it. THIS will be far worse than them not making any money. If you gave them the opportunity and explained what needed to be done to succeed, it's their own fault if they did not act upon it. Let us imagine that you joined but choose not to do anything about it. Let's say that you are talking with some friends sometime in the future, and they begin to talk about Synergy and say, “What if we had been so fortunate that we had been among those who came into Synergy in the beginning, imagine….” They may not appreciate knowing you had the opportunity but chose not to do anything with it, knowing that you made a decision on behalf of your friends and acquaintances. It is always easy to be wise in hindsight. Easy to say that you should have, would have joined. If you have talked with your friends and some of them choose not to join or do anything about this, then you have certainly given them the POSSIBILITY. You may proceed and succeed without them, and nobody can hold a grudge because you did not share it with them. Even if you don’t think a person could be right for it, tell them anyway. If they start to object, let them know it’s O.K, they do not have to join, you simply wanted to give them the chance. After all, the only thing you can do is to let people know it is there. We must also be careful not to judge your friends and acquaintances. The next person who will "take off" is the next person who sees the opportunity and believes that s/he can do it. The pitch is one simple line that you can use to create interest and that leads to a question from your prospect. If you find a sentence that is right for the person you talk to, they will always be interested. TO CREATE AN OPPORTUNITY There’s something on your mind and you want to tell your friend right now. You keep looking for the right moment, but you depart without ever getting to say what you wanted to. I’m sure we’ve all been there... What one must do is to CREATE this opportunity. How many times during the course of a day don’t we talk to people? These conversations usually start with: “Hi, how are you?” “How are you doing?” and so on….. Usually people will respond that they are doing fine. This is normal and expected. If you have been using the products and start to feel the effects, instead say something like, “Well, thank you, I am so much better now”, but then say nothing more. You have given an unexpected answer and they will start to ask. The most common mistake people make in this situation is to talk like a waterfall without the other person having asked for this information. They will just wait politely until you are finished so they can start talking about something that interests them. They will probably not even take in what you said. Wait until they ask you what’s been going on, "Have you been ill?" "What happened?" and that’s when you tell them. When they start asking more questions about the products, you now know what to do: Call your sponsor. When s/he answers, put him/her on speaker so that your prospect can hear what is being said. You then tell your sponsor that you are standing there with a person who wants some more information about the products and ask if s/he can tell a bit more about them. You now show your prospect how easily it can 16

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be done and that you actually get help. Even if you can answer any or all the questions, it is far more efficient to use the sponsor because you show them how easy it is. They can actually start building their own network even if they don’t have all the answers, because it is so easy to get the answers. The answers are never more than a phone call away … Another scenario where you can create an opportunity: We often hear friends and acquaintances talk about a person who has got sick or that they have become sick themselves. Here is your golden opportunity to tell them that you know of someone who was in the same situation, but then they took some products called ProArgi9plus and Mistify, and after a short time s/he was much better again. Always make sure you do not tell too much in these situations, let them ask the questions. If they are interested, they will. “What did you call these products again? I've never heard of them, what is it? “Now you can take out your phone and offer to call a friend who knows more about this. This friend is of course your sponsor, and when s/he answers you put your phone on speaker, and so on… This works just as well with a landline, provided the telephone has a speaker function. If you have a similar conversation with a friend over the phone, you may start a three-way conversation, where you add your sponsor to the call…. To learn how to do this… Check your phone manual for exact instructions. The opportunity to create a situation pops up many times each day. It's all about taking advantage of them when and where they arise, and to keep this in mind during the period where you are sponsoring people yourself. In these examples I have been using what we call the power of the third. If you are a leader type yourself, you won’t have any problem to get people to listen to what you have to say. If you are not, then whatever you say is likely to be picked on. We have an invisible pecking order all around us. Those who are at the bottom of this pecking order will always experience that whatever they suggest or come up with will be questioned by the others, when what the leaders say will normally be accepted without much questions. When you bring in another person that isn’t a part of this pecking order, you will take that situation out of the equation. Remember that people will copy what you are doing. If you are a leader type that everybody will follow, you still have to do it in a way that can work for everybody else as well. CREATE A NICE POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT Everyone wants to be part of a positive social environment, where people meet and have fun. It has become increasingly rare for people to go visit each other, although most sit at home and hope for a visit. If you take the initiative and invite some friends over, they are very likely to come. If you also invite some positive members for a cup of coffee, a barbecue, etc., you can just imagine what will happen during the evening. In these situations, the members can share some stories with each other while the others listen. Chances are high that those who are not members would like to try the products themselves afterwards. In these situations you are not supposed to “sell" anything to them, in fact, it is far more effective if they do not feel that the information is for them at all, but that you all are just sharing information amongst each other. Do not let these stories be the main point of the evening, but give them some "drips" and see how they react. This can also be used if a few of you meet at a cafe for a cup of coffee. When a group is talking and laughing, and obviously having a good time, it looks 17

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attractive to people around you. Share stories with each other when you meet this way. You can always count on the people sitting nearby trying to follow what is going on at your table if it looks like you're having fun........... Arrange Synergy evenings where members meet and discuss Synergy and the products and where you share stories and experiences. If any of you bring some guests to such an event, again you have a situation. Just use your imagination - it is about actively taking control of a situation rather than to sit passively and wait for it to fall into your lap. If you are going to wait passively for a chance you may have to wait a long time and it could be that you do not see the situation were it to fall into your lap, simply because of your attitude. PRESENTATION: During the presentation, you should always remember that once your prospect has made a decision that s/he wants the products, they should be registered immediately. Do not continue to speak after they have made a decision. Let your sponsor do the presentation as described below. After the presentation of the products, you may tell them that there is a business opportunity here as well, where they can make money on these products if they are interested. If they want to hear more about how to do it, they can get more information about this, too. If they say they do not care about it, you should not say anything more about this. Do not push it. A customer who is satisfied with the products and the follow-up can, and most likely will, talk to others about this. When they later come back and say that they have some friends who also want these products because they have told their friends about them and the effects they have had, then you can bring the business section on track again. This can be done in the following way: "You remember I told you there is a business part, too, where you could make money on these products? You see, there’s a commission to be made from each recommendation you have given on these products. What shall we do with this money? Do you want it, or shall we give it to someone else?” Normally, people get excited when they hear what they can earn on these recommendations and how easy it was to earn this money. Now it is possible that you have created a motivated distributor and that they understand what it takes to make money with this. If this person had been pressured by you to join and work as a distributor, perhaps he had felt uncomfortable. If he had felt uncomfortable in the situation he would most likely never have told anybody. So the rule is this: It is always better to create a satisfied customer than a disgruntled distributor. FULL PRESENTATION, 2 PRODUCTS My name is… I have been using these products for … with a very good result. One of the main reasons for lots of the health issues today is related to problems with blood circulation. The reason could be plaque that has built up after many years of poor eating habits, stress and an unhealthy lifestyle. Thanks to the products from Synergy WorldWide we can now offer people a solution that is so effective it can give us energy and our health back again. 18

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Synergy WorldWide was founded in February 1999 and is located in Provo close to Salt Lake City in Utah. They offer the V3 products. V stands for vitality and 3 for the essential ingredients your body needs for vitality, health and energy; oxygen, nutrition and the ability to get rid of waste products. The first product in the V3 is ProArg9+. This is a revolutionary product that is based on science that was rewarded with the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1998. We talk about an amino acid named Arginine that our body needs to produce Nitrogen oxide (NO). NO is so efficient that it’s also called the miracle molecule among scientists. Our blood vessels have the ability to clean themselves. Some smart scientists found that we have some cells on the inside of our blood vessels that produces a gas NO which melts away the plaque to maintain blood flow and keep the blood vessels smooth and elastic, even in the smallest vessels in the brain, kidney- and lung tissue. I’m sure you know that it’s through the blood flow that the vessels and the cells get nutrition to stay healthy and to do their job. Before you take any kind of food supplements, vitamins or health care supplements, you should make sure that your blood vessels are open so the nutrition gets to where it is needed. The next product in the series V3 is Mystify. Mystify is the most potent antioxidant drink ever tested. The main ingredient is no 1 within super foods: Brazilian Acai. An independent company, Brunswick Laboratories tested Mystify against the other most famous antioxidant juices on the market, and Mystify was shown to be the superior product. We need antioxidants to neutralize toxins that have built up in and around the cells. They are called free radicals and are the main reason for premature aging and reduced lifespan. Dr. Norm Shealy, USA’s most famous expert on antioxidants, concluded, after clinical testing, that Mystify can reduce damage caused by free radicals with an average of 43 %, which according to him, means 20-25 years increased lifespan. At last I want to point out that these products don’t cure anything. They provide the necessary nutrition to enable the body to heal itself. Our body is designed to do exactly that; to cure itself. I have already explained how the blood vessels are self-cleansing when they get sufficient amounts of arginine and NO. If you provide enough oxygen and the building blocks that you are lacking, and have some patience, there’s no limit to what your body can cure. There are lots of people who can testify to that… FULL PRESENTATION, 3 PRODUCTS My name is… I have been using these products for … with a very good result. One of the main reasons for lots of the health issues today is related to problems with blood circulation. The reason could be plaque that has built up after many years of poor eating habits, stress and an unhealthy lifestyle. Thanks to the products from Synergy WorldWide we can now offer people a solution that is so effective that it can give us energy and our health back again. Synergy WorldWide was founded in February 1999 and is located in Provo close to Salt Lake City in Utah. They offer the V3 products. V stands for vitality and 3 for the essential ingredients your body needs for vitality, health and energy; oxygen, nutrition and the ability to get rid of waste products. 19

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The first product in the V3 is ProArg9+. This is a revolutionary product that is based on science that was rewarded with the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1998. We talk about an amino acid named Arginine that our body needs to produce Nitrogen oxide (NO). NO is so efficient that it’s also called the miracle molecule among scientists. Our blood vessels have the ability to clean themselves. Some smart scientists found that we have some cells on the inside of our blood vessels that produces a gas NO which melts away the plaque to maintain blood flow and keep the blood vessels smooth and elastic, even in the smallest vessels in the brain, kidney- and lung tissue. I’m sure you know that it’s through the blood flow that the vessels and the cells get nutrition to stay healthy and to do their job. Before you take any kind of food supplements, vitamins or health care supplements, you should make sure that your blood vessels are open so the nutrition gets to where it is needed. The next product in the series V3 is Mystify. Mystify is the most potent antioxidant drink ever tested. The main ingredient is no 1 within super foods, Brazilian Acai. An independent company, Brunswick Laboratories tested Mystify against the other most famous antioxidant juices on the marked, and Mystify was shown to be the superior product. We need antioxidants to neutralize toxins that have built up in and around the cells. They are called free radicals and are the main reason for premature aging and reduced lifespan. Dr Norm Shealy, USA’s most famous expert on antioxidants, concluded, after clinical testing, that Mystify can reduce damage caused by free radicals with an average of 43 %, which according to him means 20-25 years increased lifespan. And lastly, after you have cleaned away the garbage and the transport system is functioning, you have to provide the necessary building blocks to rebuild new healthy cells. This product is called Phytolife and is the building product from Synergy WorldWide. These ingredients are taken from greens. Today’s greens contains far less nutrition than they did in the past because of soil depletion, food processing techniques etc., which makes it necessary for us to take these extra supplements. One table spoon of Phytolife provides you a value of greens equivalent to 1 kg. of greens that you buy in the store. One of the main ingredients is Chlorophyll which is a strong alkaline substance, which is important to regulate the PH in your body. Most of what we eat today is acidic, and if we become too acidic, we become vulnerable to diseases. At last I want to point out that these products don’t cure anything. They provide the necessary nutrition for the body to be able to heal itself. Our body is designed to do exactly that; to cure itself. I have already explained how the blood vessels are self-cleansing when they get sufficient amounts of arginine and NO. If you provide enough oxygen and the building blocks that you are lacking, and have some patience, there’s no limit to what your body can cure. There are lots of people who can testify to that… In addition to the ability to use these wonderful products, you also have the opportunity to build up your own business. The company pays out 55%, or more than half of all product sales in the form of commissions to those who help to get these products on the market. Anyone who wants to do this will receive training and supervision so that they can do this in a way that can give them a good residual income for the future. HOW good this will be is largely up to you. 20

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When the prospect starts to ask questions, these questions should be answered by the presenter and not by the sponsor. If the sponsor sees that there are questions that haven’t been asked, but you as a sponsor want your prospect to hear the answer to them, you ask these questions to the presenter so your prospect can hear the answer. Remember that the training of your new team member has already started, since s/he will always try to sponsor others in the same way as s/he has been sponsored him/herself. Once your prospect has had their questions answered and made the decision to be registered, let them do the registration. Many have gone into the trap where they have gathered all the information and registered their prospects, without them present. It takes a little more time to guide them through the registration process, but afterwards they know how to do this so they can later help their own people do it. If you do the registration for them, then all your personally sponsored people will need to come to you again with their personally sponsored in order to get help with the registration. After a short time you will have more than enough to do just to register people, because this had not been duplicated. 3 WAYS TO REGISTER NEW MEMBERS 1. From the website. Go to www.synergyworldwide.com. Click on: “signup/login”. On the next page click on “join now” and fill in the form. Using this method the prospect can do the registration on his/her own while you guide them over the phone. They must have their credit card available when they start the process, and you need to have your id number plus the id number of the person they should be placed below in the binary ready. 2. From the business site. You use this method when you have collected all the info you need to complete the registration and you are going to do this yourself. Go to http://pulse.synergyworldwide.com, log in and click on signup and fill in the form from there. You can also open your downline and click on the spot where you want the new member to be positioned and then fill in the forms. 3. Using forms. If you are going to sponsor people who don’t have access to a computer and you don’t have a computer available at the moment yourself, you can print out the forms; startup form and activation and autoship form. After all the details have been filled in you either scan and email them to support, or you fax them to the phone number on top of the forms. If they just want to be a customer, they need product training. You also go through the points in this training with them so they know what's in it and which answers they may find here. If they want to participate in the business section, you give them the manual for that as well. You'll go through it with them so they know what's there and how to use it. You show how the homepage is built up and give them a guided tour of that site as well. If they are not a Skype user, help them register and set it up, and share applicable contact information. Make sure they have you as a contact on Skype. Now you go to their email account and create a group for their personally sponsored. All new members should be put into this group, as they are registered. This will allow you to be confident that all their personally sponsored get all the information you send out and 21

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you forward from your upline. Do the same on Skype where you put all the personally sponsored members in a group conversation, so they are easy to find and it’s easy to keep in touch. When the new member is registered and the products are ordered, they need to be informed that we do not have permission to use any mainstream media for ANYTHING. If they want to share the effects the products has had on them, they must do it orally. They may not go to the media, answer questions from reporters or use TV, radio, newspapers or the Internet to market the products. Violation of these rules will get you expelled. Please note that if you are registering someone from your own household, these have to have the same sponsor as yourself. This rule is to prevent anyone from “cheating” by registering a spouse/partner and working their position in order to keep the Mega Match in the household instead of their sponsor getting it. HOW TO PLACE PEOPLE IN THE DOWNLINE You choose where your personally sponsored will be placed in your downline. There are two ways to do this: Log in and click on "My Account", "Auto Placement" and select either “Left leg” or “Right leg” and then "Save settings". Alternatively, log in and click “Download Viewer”, find the location where you want to register a new member, hold the mouse pointer on this position, and then click on "Sign up a new Distributor here ". You'll then be taken straight to registration-form step 1. When you put people in your downline these should always be placed on the outer edge of their structure, in straight lines. Everyone has two legs to build, and no one should act as if they are going to get help from members above. Both your legs are your responsibility, even if others may also build in your Power leg. Power leg means that you have one leg in common with several others. Since it IS possible that people will build in this leg, you should make sure you get YOUR personally sponsored in this leg as close to yourself as possible. This may affect how quickly you can earn mega match commission on them, as well as the commission size. If you start out with 2 personally sponsored in the business section, you place 1 person in your power leg, and 1 person in your inner leg. If you are starting out with 4 people, you place 2 in your power leg, and 2 in your inner leg. It pays off to keep it balanced, (approximately equal revenue in both legs) until you reach Executive level. Here it is no longer so important to keep the balance, in fact, it may be beneficial to be up to 6 times out of balance when you reach over 300,000 CV in your weak leg, because you can still take full advantage of the strong leg for leadership commission. When you build in straight lines there are only 2 legs to deal with. For each person you put in an inner leg, you create a new leg which will need follow-up. Most people are more than busy enough creating growth and momentum in 2 legs, so there is no point in creating more. All the work you do at the bottom of these legs will help your personally sponsored in a straight line. You are not helping your personally sponsored members by sponsoring people and then placing them in their inner legs. There is a risk that if you do too much for your members, they will sit and do nothing while they wait for more members to come from you. 22

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If you are in a situation where you have long legs but little to no activity, focus on the bottom and create growth there. If they have received several offers of training and follow-up without responding, let them be until you have created growth in the bottom of their organization. When you then find the one person who’s putting in some work, keep your focus there until this growth is properly secured and you have gone through the levels for duplication with them. You can then go back to those in the straight line above and make one more attempt to get them reactivated. Call them and say, “Sorry you had to wait so long but now it's your turn. Now it is your center we will build. Are you still interested?” Some may say things like they "Have given up on this,” whereupon you encourage them to take a look first, show them what has happened and tell them what they have done to achieve these results. Hopefully this will spur their interest, and many will now ask you if they can earn anything from this, and you tell them how. It is now possible that you have restarted many of these folks. Conclusion: First you build down in a straight line until you have created growth in the bottom of the structure, then you build upwards again to activate/reactivate those who stand between you and the growth that has been created. FOLLOW UP There is a difference between how we follow up our customers (those who only want to use the products) and those who want to build a business with Synergy WorldWide. The customers: When we have signed up a person who wants to be a customer, we tell the person to call us when s/he has received the products so we can show them how to take them to get the best possible effect. When they call we tell them to open up the ProArgi9+ can and to find the scoop that is in it. Otherwise a lot of people will measure the quantity to take using different kinds of spoons and measurements. We tell them to fill up the spoon until it’s full/leveled, and that that is one serving. Most people should start taking 4 servings per day for at least the first 3 months. If elderly and/or in a bad shape, they should continue for longer. The amount will also vary depending on their body weight. If we calculate 4 servings per day for a 60 kg person, a 120 kg person would need twice as much. 1 serving per day is a maintenance dose. If they only want to maintain their current situation they don’t have to start using 4 servings per day. We also tell them to start up with double doses of Mystify per day, which is 60 ml. 2 times per day. It is very important that they take the Mystify together with the ProArgi9+, since they will have lots of free radicals being released in and around the cells when they get an increased blood flow. These free radicals need to be neutralized and transported out of the body. If they don’t have anything to measure 60ml., it is approximately 2 egg cups full. Tell them that some people experience head ache when they start taking the products, caused by increased blood flow and oxygen to the head. If they should get a loose bowel, drink it slower and keep more time between the meals and the ProArgi9+. Share one story with them every time you call them, and tell them that you will call them 23

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back again in 2 days to hear how they are doing. Ask them about their current situation and ask them to write it down in details. Lot of people forget about the complaints they used to have as they fade away. After two days you call them back again and ask them how they are doing. Ask them if they have noticed any changes, if they’ve got a head ache, loose stool or any other changes. Share one story and hang up. Call back again after one week and ask them how they are doing. Go back to their original complaints and get a feedback on those, share one story and hang up. From here on you should continue to follow up on your customers once a week. Each call should take maximum 5 min. Use a stop-watch. When your 5 min. are up, you end the call. In this way you will force yourself to be more efficient on the phone and you will be more interesting to listen to. If you tell them everything you know about the products every time you call them, they will stop picking up the phone when you call them. With some training you will become so efficient with the follow up, that you will spend less than 5 min. per call. You can now follow up on 20 customers per week spending less than 2 hours per week. Continue in this way until they have got such effects that they never will stop taking these products. How many customers you can sponsor, depends on how many you can follow up on and how much time you have available. Doing it in this way you can easily follow up on 10 customers per hour. The business builder: You should work every day with the people who want to build a business, using the methods as described above. Don’t sponsor more people than you can follow up on, but don’t spend too much time on people who don’t do their part of the job either. Make sure that you work with people who have a positive focus. Doing that it will be more fun to work, and you will get energy instead of being drained of it every time you do something. BUILD TEAMS Always work as a team. Who’s a part of your team? Anyone you want, anyone you sponsor. When you have sponsored your first person who wants to build a business, you should work with this person so that the both of you have the greatest chance of success. As you sponsor more people who want to build businesses, they become part of the same team. One should strive to have daily contact with their personally sponsored until they are self-going. In addition to the daily contact, there should be weekly conferences. The purpose of these conferences is to help and motivate each other. The agenda of these conferences should be: - Give an account of last week and the results - Any news is shared and discussed - Sharing of stories from their team - Sharing of goals and target lists, evaluation in relation to goal achievement - To advise and talk about upcoming meetings /activities. When you work in this manner you give each member of the team a greater experience base, compared to what they would have working alone. If you get questions regarding the effects of the products, you can consult with the team to hear about some of their experiences in these areas. If someone is struggling to move on in their work, they may 24

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tell the others what s/he is doing and then get feedback on this. When others have done something which gives good results, this will also inspire the rest of the team to try similar things. A common mistake is to spend the most time and focus on those who do not follow up or do what they are supposed to, leaving those who really work hard to work alone. Do it the other way around. Always focus on those who WANT to work, who follow up and do it properly. This is to ensure that they do not lose focus and that they continue to work well. It is also from these people you want to get inspiration and experience yourself. It is in this part of the downline that the good stories come from, and what will continue to inspire others. Good news travels downline, bad news travels upline, or as we use to say; ‘When you are up call down, when you are down call up.’ Any negativity should be kept out of the team so as not to ruin the mood and morale of the others. You give those who don’t follow up one chance, and then you move on and put your focus on those who really wish to achieve something. Remember that you also have a "schedule" to follow and goals to reach. You cannot allow others to impede you in your efforts to achieve your own goals. People “fall off” due to a lack of faith and confidence, in themselves, their ability, the program, and so on, and the best thing you can do to help them is to succeed yourself. Show them that it is indeed possible. Be an inspiration, set a standard. Many of these will come back to you later when they see what happens with you and the others who follow the concept. HOW MANY SHOULD WE SPONSOR? This depends on how much time you have. All the people you sponsor must be offered a fair amount of your time, with training and follow-up immediately after they have been registered. No one should have to wait several months before they receive help to get started. Normally there isn’t time to follow up with more than a handful of people who want to build the business at a time. As they have worked their way through three generations of personally sponsored, we can start to bring in new people. You continue to sponsor new people whom you work with, until there is solid growth in both legs, regardless of what you do yourself. Eventually you will start getting calls from groups of people who want help to hold larger home and/or hotel meetings. This will eventually absorb more and more of your time, and you should then give priority to this work and stop sponsoring new members. You will have far better outcomes by working with these groups of people to help motivate them. Imagine that you spend 4 days to sponsor one person and get them started. How many great home meetings or hotel meetings would you be able to do in the same time-frame? How many people could you meet? If by holding these meetings you can increase their efforts by even 50%, very few meetings are required before the effects of this far exceeds the effects you may have of sponsoring new people yourself. When you see that you have reached this stage it's time to change your way of working and move on to do meetings. 25

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HOME MEETINGS If you want to gather some people in your own home for a presentation, ask your sponsor to come and hold it for them. If your sponsor lives too far away for him or her to be able to, get them on Skype or speakerphone. This works great for people to get their questions answered, at the same time as it demonstrates for your prospects a way they can get help at a later date. Do have enough products available to offer everyone a taste, and if someone is bothered by pain, stiff joints, etc., give them a double dose of the product before the meeting starts. Many will feel a good effect during the course of the meeting, and can thus confirm that the products work, even after a short time. It can be wise to team up with somebody if you wish to build quickly by doing home-meetings, and then rotate holding the meetings. One way to do this is that a few people make arrangements to meet, and then the person hosting the meeting also invites a few people. Bringing some people who have had positive effects by using the products will only increase your credibility as well as the interest of those invited. The next person in line to host a meeting invites a few new people, and you do the same thing over again. The newcomers fall into the rotation. It can go very quickly if you do it this way, while it's fun and social. This is also an excellent way to build a business for those who do not want to or have the capacity to learn how to use the Internet. They can get help with printing out activation and auto-ship forms, and faxing this to Synergy WorldWide. The fax number is on the form. If you wish to build this way, “Default setting” on the homepage ads personally sponsored to the position where they are the most needed (at the time.) HOTEL MEETINGS When we rent a hotel or conference hall to host larger gatherings, we call these hotel meetings. These meetings are for members only, and are not used for building networks, on the basis that it is very difficult to duplicate. It is of utmost importance to control who comes to these meetings, and to make sure only members are present, so that one can speak freely without the risk of anything said here being quoted in the press later. An easy way to make sure of this is to have everyone sign in at the entrance. If you are holding a meeting with prospects, decide in advance who will bring, and how many they are bringing. The members then accompany their prospects to the meetings, and these should be registered as well, names and who they came with. These meetings are not to be announced on websites, etc. Also announce the meetings to other members not in your team. Bringing in outside people will only add to the meetings, you’ll have more stories and more experiences. This will in turn enable the members of your team to go to other meetings as well, and this serves everyone. If you only host meetings for your team you set a standard, which will be copied, and you may experience a lack of cooperation in your down line. If you want your team to work and cooperate with other members, you need to lead by example. A quick and effective agenda for these meetings: -The host/hostess welcomes everyone and gives a quick orientation -A pre-decided person gives a product presentation, approximately 10 min -Allow those who have tried the products to give a testimonial of 26

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their own experiences. This is far more effective than a person standing in front of a gathering telling stories. Another side of this is that everybody is allowed to tell their own story, but retelling others might be seen as medical claims about the products. -15 min break where refreshments are offered; ProArgi9plus is always a popular substitute for coffee…. Though the most important effect of a break is for the members to mingle, to make contacts, talk about what they have just heard and to share experiences and to get cross line connections. -Business training -Topic free of choice according to group needs/wants. If you are renting the venue it is quite natural to take a small fee to cover the costs. The fee should be so that it pays the rent, but it really shouldn’t give much of a profit. Do not let the same person occupy the stage for the entire evening. Whoever’s up there on the stage will get a very different relationship to the whole experience after they have spoken to a group of people. It makes it harder for people to give up along the way if they have shared their thoughts and hopes of what to achieve, and it is great for boosting self-confidence. It is also far more entertaining for those present to have lots of different people talking during the meeting. CREATE AN EXPERT. Is there anyone who is especially interested in a certain subject? Ask the person to do a presentation at the meeting, about 15 minutes will do. Let them know in advance so they have time for the proper preparations. You can count on this person being sought out later on by other members, since they are now the expert on that topic. If they encounter questions to which they have no answers, you can be sure they will find them. Once a person has reached “expert status” they are rarely willing to let it go. By actively using the stage in this manner you can create experts within your team. This is absolutely fantastic for the development of confidence and motivation, in both the expert and the other members of the team. Not only will you have a group of experts, but everyone who has worked in this way gets to experience personal development on a higher level. LEADER TRAININGS/GATHERINGS Once people get to the point where they can live comfortably on the money they make in Synergy it is time to bring them in for leadership training. These are held on at least a yearly basis so we can pick up those who’ve come so far that their lives are about to change due to the effects of more time and money. The day you make it big is a day of change, and so many things happen which most people would never have thought of, much less prepared for, and we want to make sure people are ready for this. You will also receive training in various management tools and management techniques that will help you achieve the results you want. Being a leader is not just sponsoring a few people- it’s being a role model. A leader is a person who inspires, who can make people go the extra mile and achieve specific results. A leader is someone who can hold people accountable for their actions. A leader is someone whom people want to follow. A leader will pick you up if you stumble. There 27

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are a number of activities and gatherings waiting for those reaching the higher leadership levels (Executive levels) and the idea here is to keep in contact and maintain relationships. Bringing these people together is always productive, and it should be made fun. EVENTS Events are supposed to be festive and fun, it is here most of the motivation and inspiration comes from. Once the date has been announced you should all work towards getting as many as possible to join in. The best speakers are used, the company will be represented, and it should be both informative and entertaining. Events are costly so it is expected that members pay to participate. Summary of the work it takes to build a large organization -Preparation stage -Sponsoring and follow-up/training -Home and hotel meetings -Leadership development –Events. Always evaluate the development of you team. If too many people drop off the autoship or stop taking the products:

The follow up in your team isn’t good enough. You don’t have a good enough growth in your team The duplication isn’t good enough.

Arrange trainings for your people in small groups, where they practice the presentation and to answer questions and objections. Practice good pitches and to connect 3-way calls etc. When your people feel confident about what they should do, they will do it; it’s only a matter of training. If you get an unstable team due to groups of people leaving your team, unhealthy sub-cultures popping up, leaders jump over to other companies: This happens because the organization of yours isn’t good enough. Organize your team so nobody is working alone, and you have a good communication line through your team. WALK THE WALK When working with MLM there’s a lot of talk about residual income and reaching your goals. Nobody dreams about working their fingers to the bone, even if they make lots of money from it. People dream about freedom. It’s important, then, that we do not only speak of this dream but actually LIVE IT. Presidential Executives are expected to show others what you can do once the job is done. They participate in events and leader gatherings/trainings and give others some insights into their lives. This, of course, does not mean you should live like a rock star and act as if you own the place, but rather to make the dream come alive for people.



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