1 Symmetry & Relations In the proximal arteries of ischemic stroke patients Symmetrical or not? Bachelor thesis Physics and Astronomy, 12EC, From 27 june 2013 – 11 oktober 2013 Author: Hilmar van der Veen (5743257) Supervisor: MSc Emilie Santos (PhD student) Second supervisor: Dr. Henk Marquering Second examiner: Prof. Dr. Ton van Leeuwen

Symmetry & Relations - UvAStroke or cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is the sudden loss of oxygenated blood supply to the brain due to a blockage (Ischemic) or an haemorrhage. The blockage

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Symmetry & Relations

In the proximal arteries of ischemic stroke patients

Symmetrical or not?

Bachelor thesis Physics and Astronomy, 12EC,

From 27 june 2013 – 11 oktober 2013

Author: Hilmar van der Veen (5743257)

Supervisor: MSc Emilie Santos (PhD student)

Second supervisor: Dr. Henk Marquering

Second examiner: Prof. Dr. Ton van Leeuwen



Een beroerte is een plotselinge afname in de toevoer van zuurstofrijk bloed aan de hersen. Dit wordt

meestal veroorzaakt doordat een bloedprop of trombus een bloedvat in de hersenen afsluit. De

locatie van de trombus wordt bepaald middels een computed tomography angiography (CTA). Dit is

een methode waarbij met behulp van contrast vloeistof in combinatie met een CT-scan de

bloedvaten in de hersenen zichtbaar worden gemaakt.

Het bepalen van de locatie van de bloedprop alleen is niet voldoende om de patiënt direct de juiste

medicatie te geven. Hiertoe is ook de afmeting van de trombus van belang. Gedaan onderzoek wijst

uit dat de lengte van de trombus een grote rol speelt bij het succesvol kunnen rekanaliseren van het

bloedvat [9].

Nader onderzoek, aan het AMC en Erasmus MC, is gedaan naar het reconstrueren van een afgesloten

bloedvat. De toegepaste reconstructie methode is gebaseerd op de symmetrie van de bloedvaten in

de nabijheid van de cirkel van Willis.

Om gebruik te kunnen maken van symmetrie is het noodzakelijk dat de cirkel van Willis compleet is.

Slechts 29% van alle patiënten met een beroerte hebben een complete cirkel van Willis. Om ook in

gevallen van een niet complete cirkel van Willis de afmeting van de trombus te kunnen bepalen is het

raadzaam om meer inzicht te krijgen in de relaties van de bloedvaten onderling.

Binnen dit project wordt bepaald in welke mate de binnenste halsslagaders, de middelste en de

voorste hersenslagaders een significante correlatie vertonen; in hun lengte, mate van maximale

kromming, onderlinge hoeken, en onderlinge straal. Ook wordt er bepaald in hoe verre er sprake is

van symmetrie, waarbij de mate van symmetrie bepaald wordt in het geval van een volledige cirkel

van Willis.

Bij dit project zijn de sterk significante arteriële correlaties vooral gevonden in de onderlinge straal

van de bloedvaten en in de lengte van het bloedvat ten opzichte van zijn eigen maximale kromming.



Samenvatting ........................................................................................................................................... 2

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 5

1. Stroke .......................................................................................................................................... 5

2. Imaging ........................................................................................................................................ 5

2.1 CTA ....................................................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Baseline and Follow up CTA ................................................................................................ 5

3. Treatment ischemic stroke .......................................................................................................... 5

4. Current researches ...................................................................................................................... 6

5. Arteries ........................................................................................................................................ 7

5.1 Internal Carotid Artery ........................................................................................................ 7

5.2 The Middle Cerebral Artery ................................................................................................. 8

5.3 The anterior cerebral artery ................................................................................................ 8

5.4 The circle of Willis and its variants ...................................................................................... 8

Background and Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 9

Research questions: ............................................................................................................................ 9

Method .................................................................................................................................................... 9

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 9

1.1 Software .............................................................................................................................. 9

1.2 Networks ............................................................................................................................. 9

2. Data ........................................................................................................................................... 10

3. Exclusion criteria ....................................................................................................................... 10

4. Segmentation ............................................................................................................................ 10

a. Marking.................................................................................................................................. 10

b. Minimum Cost path. .............................................................................................................. 11

c. Robust shape regression for supervised vessel segmentation. ............................................ 12

Measurement and statistical method ................................................................................................... 13

1. The vessel length and curvature ............................................................................................... 13

2. The angle ................................................................................................................................... 13

3. The radius .................................................................................................................................. 14

4. Pearson correlation coefficient ................................................................................................. 14

5. Paired T-test .............................................................................................................................. 14

Results ................................................................................................................................................... 15

Correlation and significance .......................................................................................................... 15

Paired T-test .................................................................................................................................. 15


Discussion .............................................................................................................................................. 16

Relations between the arteries ..................................................................................................... 16

Symmetry in the proximal arteries ................................................................................................ 16

Limitations ..................................................................................................................................... 16

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 17

Epilogue ................................................................................................................................................. 17

References ............................................................................................................................................. 18

Appendix A ............................................................................................................................................ 19

Appendix B ............................................................................................................................................ 21

Appendix C............................................................................................................................................. 24

Appendix D ............................................................................................................................................ 25



Stroke Stroke or cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is the sudden loss of oxygenated blood supply to the brain

due to a blockage (Ischemic) or an haemorrhage. The blockage is mostly caused by a thrombus or an

embolus in a vessel. An haemorrhagic stroke occurs when a vessel fractures and blood locally

streams into the brain tissue. In both cases a rapid decline in brain function occurs due to tissue

necrosis. Ischemic stroke happens most frequently with 87%, while haemorrhagia only occurs in 13%

of all cases.

Figure 1: Illustration “A” shows two causes for ischemic stroke to happen. The first cause is due to a blood clot or an embolus blocking the vessel. The second cause is due to stenosis of the artery, also called atherosclerosis. Illustration “B” shows the two type of stroke: Ischemic and Hemorrhagic. [Illustration A: (http://www.drugs.com/health-guide/transient-ischemic-attack-tia.html)].

[Illisutration B:(http://www.drugs.com/health-guide/transient-ischemic-attack-tia.html)


2.1 CTA

Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) is an imaging technique, based on computed

tomography, that visualize the vessels and map them into a 3D image. The visualisation of the

arteries is done by administering the patient with a contrast agent short before the scan takes place.

If a CTA scan is made of the brain of a stroke patients, occluded segments parts (vessel without

contrast) will reveal the thrombus location in the arteries.

2.2 Baseline and Follow up CTA

A baseline CTA is a scan performed before an intervention. A radiologist diagnoses the baseline CTA

and decides what type of treatment is going to be applied. However, baseline CTA images may also

be useful for scientific purposes. The follow up CTA scan is done after a recanalization procedure to

observe if the treatment was successful.

Treatment ischemic stroke Treatment of acute ischemic stroke aims for the reperfusion of the cerebral arteries. Two methods

are used: chemical or mechanical. Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is given to the patients in order

to dissolve the thrombus. Alternatively, if the tPA fails, intravenous treatment using a catheter, stent

or MERCI device is then used to remove the thrombus manually.


Figure 2: Illustration “A” and “B” show how the tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) dissolves the blood clot (or fibrin) and restores the blood flow. Illustration “C” shows the manual removal of the thrombus or embolus with a mechanical device. [Illustration A: (http://www.askdoctork.com/can-you-explain-how-tpa-works-to-treat-a-stroke-201308055223) ] [Illustration B: (http://www.zina-


Numerous studies have demonstrated that thrombus characteristics (its size, location, and density)

are related with treatment success. Thrombus characteristics are by consequent a potential predictor

of patient outcome. It is then important to collect this information when the ischemic stroke patient

is admitted to the hospital.

Current researches

Figure 3: Example of final 3D rendering of the lumen (in blue) and thrombus segmentation (in red). [Symmetry based computer aided segmentation of occluded cerebral arteries on CT Angiography, Emilie SANTOS]

The AMC in collaboration with Erasmus MC (Rotterdam) aims to develop an automatic thrombus

segmentation and characterization pipeline on CT angiography for analyses and admission

diagnostics. But, this task is challenging since the lack of contrast between low density thrombus and

surrounding brain tissue in CT images makes manual delineation a difficult, time consuming and

often impossible task. One of the solutions developed was to exploits the absence of contrast at the

site of thrombus by using anatomical information from the contralateral side of the brain. The

method is based on a shape prior generation from the segmentation of the contralateral artery,

mirror symmetry and local image intensity.


Figure 4: The healthy side is mirrored onto the occluded side. [vessel disease map, AMC]


5.1 Internal Carotid Artery

The internal carotid artery (ICA) is one of the three main arteries supplying the brain of oxygenated

blood. This artery consists of seven segments, which are denoted by C1 - C7, and start in the middle

of the neck, where it branches from the common carotid artery. In Figure 3 a representation of the

internal carotid artery is shown.

Figure 2 This figure shows the regional segments of the ICA starting from C1 to C7. The left image is a coronal view of the internal carotid artery (ICA), middle cerebral artery (MCA) and anterior cerebral artery (ACA). The image at the right shows a sagittal view of these same arteries. [http://radiopaedia.org/images/25325]


5.2 The Middle Cerebral Artery

The middle cerebral artery (MCA) is divided into 4 segments and starts at the branching of the ICA.

The M1 segment, or horizontal segment, is the segmental part between the ICA and the bifurcation

at the Silvian fissure. The M2 segment is in 78% of the time bifurcated.

Figure 4: Five variations of the MCA are shown in illustrations A to E. However, 78% of all stroke patients have an M2 segment that is bifurcated. Only 12% of the patients have an M2 which is trifurcated and 10% have an M2 that is furcating into more trunks. The illustrations F and G give a full depiction of how the arteries the ICA, the ACA A1 and the MCA. [4]

5.3 The anterior cerebral artery

The anterior cerebral artery (ACA) supplies the middle part of the brain and is divided into 3

segments. The A1 segment is part of the Circle of Willis and connected to the ICA. The ACA is also

connected to the ACA of the other brain part by the anterior communicating artery (AcomA). In

Figure 4F both A1 and A2 segments are represented.

5.4 The circle of Willis and its variants

The circle of Willis is a system of connected arteries. This system is also responsible for the

distribution of oxygenated blood over the brain. However, its main purpose is to connect the internal

carotid and the vertebral artery. For the main reason, if one supplying artery fails the other is used as

collateral. It has been demonstrated in literature that the circle of Willis present normal variations as

shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Eleven variants of the Circle of Willis are shown. Only 29% of all stroke patients have a complete circle of Willis. The number in parenthesis quantify the occurrences. [6]


Background and Purpose

We saw that the circle of Willis have been reported not to be complete for 71% of the time. It is not

always possible to use mirror symmetry to reconstruct the occluded side by using vascular

information of the contralateral side, as hypothesized, by AMC researchers. Therefore, measuring

correlations between proximal arteries would allow researchers to determine linear models and

finally reconstruct the occluded vessel.

Moreover, to our knowledge there has never been any report of any study focused on the

measurements and the verifications of the partial or complete symmetry into full circle of wills.

Research questions: This study aims to answer the following questions:

In case of a complete artery tree, is perfect symmetry present?

Would it be possible to reconstruct missing segment of an artery using the local

vessel information?


1. Introduction A large amount of segmented CTA images needs to be processed in order to obtain useful

measurements. Processing these segmentation manually is a long and sturdy job to do. Regarding

the limited time dedicated to this research project, it is necessary to limit manual annotations as

much as possible.

1.1 Software

To automated the segmentation and perform our measurements, an image processing software was

required. The entire image processing pipeline was then implemented in MeVisLab®. MeVisLab is an

open source software, available at http://www.mevislab.de. It is based on a modular framework for

the development of image processing algorithms for visualization and interaction methods.

MeVisLab includes advanced medical imaging algorithms for segmentation, registration, and

quantitative morphological and functional image analysis.

Libraries have been developed by research groups and contain more than 1000 preprogramed

modules in C++, java or python. Each module can be linked between each other, creating functional

modular networks.

1.2 Networks

A Robust kernel segmentation network is available at the AMC. The network will give a fully

segmented vessel as output. We decided to use it since it has been proven to be equivalent to

manual segmentation but perform much faster. The network works with the following input:

a curve going through the complete vessel, not necessarily a centerline.

background values.

a good quality CTA image


The generation of the curve line will also be automated using a Minimum Cost Path method. The cost

image is calculated from Frangi’s Vesselness filter to highlight the tubular shapes in the images. The

Skull may also be interpreted as a tubular shape by the filter. Therefore we need to mask the skull in

the CTA image before applying the vesselness filter.

Data In order to answer the research questions, we will use the CTA scans of the MR Clean patient

population. MR Clean is an abbreviation for multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial. Its aim is

to investigate the therapeutics value of endovascular treatment for stroke patient. It was started in

December 2010. Approximately 17 medical centers in the Netherlands participated to the inclusion.

The number of patients included is now 365.

Exclusion criteria An exclusion criteria is used to separate between usable and unusable CTA scans. This criteria reads

as follows:

The CTA needs to be of High quality,

The slice thickness is not more than 1mm.

High quality means that the CTA scan does not contain much aliasing artifacts or too much noise. At

least not in the region where the relevant arteries are located.


a. Marking

To define the initial and final points of the artery we manually have to place these two marker points

at the right location, like in figure 5. For placing the marker points at the same position in every CTA

scan the following rules are needed to be followed:

The first marking point A is placed in the ICA at the same level of the peak of the dens axis.

The second marking point B is placed in the branching of the ICA into the proximal M1 and

the proximal A1.

The third marking point C is placed at the branching of the proximal M1 into the two

proximal M2 trunks.

The fourth marking point D is placed at the first branching spot of the anterior M2 trunk

encountered towards the side of the brain.

The fifth marking point E is placed at the first branching spot of the superior M2 trunk

encountered towards the side of the brain

The sixth marking point F is placed at the end of the A1 segment of the ACA, where the

artery branches into the A2 segment and the anterior communicating artery (AcomA).

These marker points will be used as an input for both the minimum cost path and the measurement

of the angles.


Figure 5: The letters A, B, C, D, E, F are manually placed marker points and define the initial and final position of an artery’s segment.

b. Minimum Cost path.

The minimum cost path [1] determines the shortest path between two predefined marker points in

any cost image. For our study the cost image is defined from a CTA image whereupon a skull mask

image and a Vesselness filter is applied.

This combined image needs to be added by a small value to remove all the values equal to zero

before getting inversed. Otherwise singularity problems will arise. The resulting Cost image will be

used by the minimum cost path to generate the curve going through the artery between the two

previously placed marking points.

Figure 6: The minimum cost path creates a guided centerline between two manually placed marker points, defining the initial and final point of the relevant segment.


c. Robust shape regression for supervised vessel segmentation.

The robust shape regression for supervised vessel segmentation (RSRSVS) is built around the

following modules:

the lumen segmentation intensity probability (LSIP),

the radial graph cut (RGC),

and the radial distance regression (RDR).

A point marked on the vessel, as a reference, together with an earlier defined frame around it are

used as the input for the LSIP. The frame’s spatial dimension is 4,00x4,00x15,73 mm. The LSIP

normalizes the intensity in the given frame between 0 and 1. With the 0 value defined as the value of

the surrounding background intensity of the vessel.

The RGC uses this frame work to define the vessel’s boundary and redefines the existing values into

binary values. Where the zero value defines the outside of the vessel whereas the value 1 defines the

inside. The output of the RGC is an uniform valued slab, shown in figure 7.

The RDR smoothens the contour to obtain a more circle like image. The RDR gives only the smoothed

contour as an output. This smoothed contour is also known as a contour segmented object (CSO)

Figure 7: The Output of the lumen segmentation intensity probability (LSIP) is shown by image A. The output of the radial graph cut is shown by image B.

When for example the centreline of the ICA is given as an input. This network gives a chain of CSOs as

output. Such as seen under the title output in figure 8. From these generated CSOs we are eventually

able to extract the radius and to create a new centerline.


Figure 8: A network of the robust shape for supervised vessel segmentation. As an input it needs a guided centerline and an average background value (around the arteries). The graph cut module uses the points set by the guided centerline to create a chain of contour segmented object (CSO). This chain of CSOs is shown as an output and represents the vessel segmentation.

Measurement and statistical method

1. The vessel length and curvature The existing centerline is the one created by the minimum cost path. Since this centerline follows the

shortest path between two points it follows the border of the vessel. in Figure 9. In order to create a

more reliable centerline a center of mass point of every CSO will be calculated. The length of the

relevant segment will then be calculated from these resulting points at the center of mass by

determining the length of the curve going through them. The vessel’s length is measured in units of


The center of mass points are also used for the calculation of the maximum curvature.

Figure 9: Creation of a new centerline by calculating the location of the points at the center of mass for every CSO. In this illustration the purple dotes represent the guided centerline created by the minimum cost path. The green dots represent the newly created points in the center of mass.

The angle We want to determine if the angles between the occluded and the contralateral sides deviates

significantly. For this we decided to measure them at the two internal branching. Since the arteries

are in three dimensional spaces, the sum of the three angles is not equal to 360 degree, therefore we

must measure all the angles.


Figure 8: Illustration A is an example of how the angles of a real artery would be measured. Illustration B defines the angles and the segments. Where; S1 is the ICA, S2 the proximal M1, S3 and S4 The proximal M2, and S5 the A1 segment of the ACA

The radius The radius is measured by using the CSOs obtain from the robust kernel segmentation. Since a vessel

consists of many such CSOs a large dataset of radii is obtained. From this dataset the minimum,

maximum and average value are extracted. Since they are independent to the variation in the vessel


Pearson correlation coefficient The Pearson correlation coefficient r gives a measure to what extent two variables1, X and Y, have a

linear correlation between each other. The correlation coefficient can take any value in the

interval [-1, +1]. The magnitude of the r value gives a measure to how strongly correlated the two

variables X and Y are.

A positive coefficient (r) tells us that when the variable X increases, the variable Y also increase. The

opposite happens when the correlation coefficient is negative, because if variable X increases the

variable Y decreases. A correlation coefficient of zero indicates that there is no correlation between

the variables X and Y.

The correlation coefficient alone is not sufficient to give any meaning to how the two variables are

related. Since the correlation can happen by chance. So to avoid collecting meaningless correlations

the measurements also contain a significance level 0 < p ≤ 0.05. If the probability value p for the

correlation is smaller than 0.05 then it is called significant.

Paired T-test A paired T-test is a hypothesis test between two dependent variables X and Y. The null hypothesis

needs to be rejected and the alternative hypothesis accepted if there is a significantly difference in

the average values between the two variables. Thus, for such an hypothesis test we calculate to what

probability value (or p-value) the average values ̅ and ̅ differ from each other. If the calculated

value is equal or smaller than 0.05, which correspond to a Confidence interval (CI) of 95%, then we

say that these variables X and Y are significantly different. 1 With variables it is meant all the angles, maximum curvatures, lengths, and radii.



For this project we received 104 MR Clean patients. Which contained 104 baseline CTAs and 75

follow up CTAs. Of all follow up CTAs Only 25 were fully recanalized. Since we want to restrict the

amount of CTAs with artifacts and noise in it. So the Exclusion criteria is being applied.

After the exclusion criteria only 65 baseline CTAs and 18 (fully recanalized) follow up CTAs remain.

Correlation and significance

For 108 pairs of variables a significant correlation was found. Of these 108 pairs of variables 62 pairs

have a moderate to high correlation coefficient and also contain an high2 level of significance, as seen

in Table 1.

Of the 61 sets of paired variables 50 pairs correspond to inter radial correlations. The lengths of the

proximal M1 and the two proximal M2 segments are moderate correlated with their own segmental

maximum curvature (with an high level of significance).

Table 1: This table shows the correlation coefficient (r) related to a classification. It also contains how many pairs of variables are related to a certain correlation coefficient and significance level. [8]

Further obtained data for the correlations is placed in appendix B. In appendix C a matrix containing

Paired T-test

The paired T-test shows us that of the 31 pairs 7 pairs of variables are significantly different. Of the

significantly different pairs three of them correspond to the radius of the internal carotid artery.

2 High significance means a significance level of p≤0.01.

Correlation coefficient r Classification Amount of pairs

0 ≤ 0.35 low/weak 35*

0 ≤ 0.35 low/weak 12**

0.36 - 0.67 moderate 55**

0.68 - 1.00 strong/high 6**

≥ 0.90 very high 0

**significance p ≤ 0.01 *significance 0.01< p ≤ 0.05


Table 2: This table contains the 7 pairs which are significantly different.


Relations between the arteries

The measurements of the correlations between the arteries have been completed with success.

Significant correlations were found in 107 pairs of variables. With an amount of 56 pairs of variables

containing a moderate correlation and 5 pairs of variables containing a strong correlation both with a

p-value of less than 1%.

Linear models can be created. But, the creation of the linear models was beyond the scope of this

project. Since, finding significant correlation between the artery’s properties and to measure

symmetry in the complete circle of Willis was the main point of research.

Symmetry in the proximal arteries

We have measured symmetry with the paired T-test and found 7 variable pairs which were

significant different. The remaining 24 variable pairs that are not significantly different can be

interpreted as to not being different to each other. However, since we didn’t measure the actual

equalness with the T-test between the 24 variables we don’t actually know to what significance level

these variables are equal.

The available set of 18 useful CTA scans is also relatively low to obtain a robust and meaningful

outcome. Nonetheless, it gives us


The minimum cost path failed to generated a few guided centerlines. Due to a skull mask which did

not cover the skull sufficiently. In which the Vesselness filter the uncovered parts of the skull used as

if it was an vessel. Because of this some guided centerlines needed to be annotated manually.

Lower Upper

Pair 4 Angle x 0 - Angle x 1 -20.15 32.79 7.95 -37.01 -3.29 -2.53 16 .022

Pair 5 Angle α 0 - Angle α 1 -12.94 14.66 4.64 -23.43 -2.46 -2.79 9 .021

Pair 7 Rmin1 0 - Rmin1 1 -.214 .416 .101 -.428 .000 -2.12 16 .050

Pair 8 Rmax1 0 - Rmax1 1 -.429 .384 .093 -.627 -.231 -4.60 16 .000

Pair 9 Raverage1 0 - Raverage1 1 -.346 .392 .095 -.548 -.145 -3.64 16 .002

Pair 14 length1 0 - length1 1 -6.08187 10.93633 2.82375 -12.13820 -.02553 -2.154 14 .049

Pair 25 Rmax2 0 - Rmax2 1 .22914 .40767 .10192 .01191 .44638 2.248 15 .040

Paired Differences

t df

Sig. (2-




Std. Error


95% Confidence

Interval of the

Paired Samples Test


Moreover, measurements of the internal carotid artery and the anterior cerebral artery failed in 18

MR Clean patients due to some internal failure of the Robust kernel segmentation.

The dimensions of the arteries in the fully recanalized follow up CTA could also be affected by the

intravenous treatment done during the surgery. Due to this it could be that the vessels are swollen

up and a little bit moved from its actual location at the time the patient gets its follow up CTA scan.


61 pairs of variables containing a moderate to high correlation with also a significance value p smaller

than 1%. For these pairs of variables determination of linear equation is possible.

Validation of the linear equations can be done by predicting the values on a test set of new patients.

We measured symmetry. But, from our results we can conclude that only 7 of the 31 paired

variables, as seen in the tables of Appendix A. Are significant different. The remaining 24 pairs could

be interpreted as not different, but there is no value of significance

Since the symmetry measurements relay on a small amount of data. It is advisable when further

study in symmetry is going to be done to at least use a larger data set of recanalized follow up CTAs.

Or rather to do the symmetry study with a large data set of healthy blood vessels of the Circle of


Epilogue I chose to do this bachelor thesis about “symmetry and relations in the proximal arteries of ischemic

stroke patients” at the AMC, because I wanted to extent my view in science. Since, in the first three

years of my physics program I only got in touch with astronomy and physics courses.

During my bachelor project I learnt many new terminology from the field of biomedical engineering.

Especially in the area of imaging and visualization of the brain. Where I needed to work with the

programming software MeVisLab. Which can be used to build networks consisting of modules for

measurements and visualization purposes. After struggling a lot in the previous month I eventually

managed to build my own networks.

I want to specially thank my supervisor Emillie M. Santos who helped me a lot during my project with

both the project itself as with my presentation.



[1] Emilie M.M., et al., “Symmetry based computer aided segmentation of occluded cerebral arteries

on CT Angiography”, IFBME proceedings, 2014, volume 41, 4 pages.

[2] Michiel Schaap, et al., “Robust Shape Regression for Supervised Vessel Segmentation and its

applications to coronary Segmentation in CTA”, IEEE Transactions on medical imaging, 2011, issue

11/ volume: 30, 13 pages.

[3] C.T. Metz, et al., ”Two Point Minimum Cost Approach for CTA Coronary Centerline Extraction”,

MIDAS Journal, 2008, 7 pages.

[4] Lawton, Michael T. MD, Seven Aneurysms: Tenets and Techniques for Clipping, Kay Conerly,

Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, 2011.

[5] By Leslie Ritter, PhD, RN, and Bruce Coull, MD, University of Arizona;


[6] A. W. J. Hoksbergen, “Collateral Variations in Circle of Willis in Atherosclerotic Population

Assessed by Means of Transcranial Color-Coded Duplex Ultrasonography”, Chris Bor, Febodruk BV

Enschede, Enschede, 2003.

[7] Christian H. Riedel, et al., “The Importance of Size: Succesful Recanalization by intravenous

Thrombolysis in acute Anterior Stroke Depends on thrombus Length”, Stroke, 2011, volume 42, 4.

[8] Richard Taylor, EDD, RDCS, “Interpretation of the Correlation Coefficient: A Basic Review”, JDSM,

1990, volume 1, 5 pages.


Appendix A This appendix contain all relevant data of the symmetry measurements.

Lower Upper

Pair 1 1.7 12.82 3.11 -4.89 8.29 0.55 16 0.592

Pair 2 -1.6 8.7 2.62 -7.45 4.25 -0.61 10 0.556

Pair 3 -17.09 34.56 8.38 -34.85 0.68 -2.04 16 0.058

Pair 4 -20.15 32.79 7.95 -37.01 -3.29 -2.53 16 0.022

Pair 5 -12.94 14.66 4.64 -23.43 -2.46 -2.79 9 0.021

Pair 6 -6.85 39.95 9.69 -27.39 13.69 -0.71 16 0.49

Pair 7 -0.21 0.42 0.1 -0.43 0 -2.12 16 0.05

Pair 8 -0.43 0.38 0.09 -0.63 -0.23 -4.6 16 0

Pair 9 -0.35 0.39 0.1 -0.55 -0.14 -3.64 16 0.002

Pair 10 0.17 0.42 0.1 -0.04 0.38 1.67 16 0.114

Pair 11 0.1 0.49 0.12 -0.15 0.35 0.86 16 0.4

Pair 12 -0.01 0.55 0.13 -0.29 0.28 -0.04 16 0.967

Pair 13 0.05 0.66 0.16 -0.29 0.39 0.32 16 0.756

Pair 14 -6.08 10.94 2.82 -12.14 -0.03 -2.15 14 0.049

Pair 15 0.03 0.12 0.03 -0.04 0.1 0.98 14 0.343

Pair 16 3.58 8.11 2.03 -0.74 7.91 1.77 15 0.098

Pair 17 0.09 0.16 0.06 -0.04 0.23 1.61 7 0.151

length2 0 - length2 1

maxCurv2 0 - maxCurv2 1

Paired Samples Test

Raverage3 0 - Raverage3 1

Raverage4 0 - Raverage4 1

Raverage5 - Raverage5 1

length1 0 - length1 1

maxCurv1 0 - maxCurv1 1

Angle g 0 - Angle g 1

Angle b 0 – Angle b 1

Angle d 0 – Angle d 1

Angle x 0 – Angle x 1

Angle a 0 – Angle a 1

Angle z 0 – Angle z 1

Rmin1 0 - Rmin1 1

Rmax1 0 - Rmax1 1

Raverage1 0 - Raverage1 1

Raverage2 0 - Raverage2 1

Paired Differences

t df Sig. (2- tailed)

Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

95% Confidence Interval of the



Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean

Std. Deviation

Std. Error Mean

95% Confidence

Interval of the Difference

Lower Upper

Pair 18 length3 0 - length3 1 -2.03 8.55 2.07 -6.42 2.37 -0.98 16 .343

Pair 19 maxCurv3 0 - maxCurv3 1 0.04 0.16 0.05 -0.08 0.15 0.76 9 .464

Pair 20 length4 0 - length4 1 -1.23 13.83 3.35 -8.34 5.88 -0.37 16 .719

Pair 21 maxCurv4 0 - maxCurv4 1 0.00 0.24 0.09 -0.20 0.21 0.06 7 .956

Pair 22 length5 0 - length5 1 -0.79 1.96 0.47 -1.80 0.21 -1.67 16 .114

Pair 23 maxCurv5 0 - maxCurv5 1 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.04 2.01 16 .062

Pair 24 Rmin2 0 - Rmin2 1 0.15 0.43 0.11 -0.08 0.38 1.40 15 .182

Pair 25 Rmax2 0 - Rmax2 1 0.23 0.41 0.10 0.01 0.45 2.25 15 .040

Pair 26 Rmin3 0 - Rmin3 1 0.09 0.46 0.12 -0.16 0.34 0.77 15 .452

Pair 27 Rmax3 0 - Rmax3 1 0.13 0.58 0.14 -0.17 0.44 0.94 15 .364

Pair 28 Rmin4 0 - Rmin4 1 0.02 0.55 0.14 -0.27 0.31 0.15 15 .884

Pair 29 Rmax4 0 - Rmax4 1 -0.03 0.62 0.15 -0.36 0.29 -0.22 15 .827

Pair 30 Rmin5 0 - Rmin5 1 0.07 0.60 0.15 -0.26 0.39 0.43 15 .672

Pair 31 Rmax5 0 - Rmax5 1 0.07 0.77 0.19 -0.33 0.48 0.39 15 .704


Appendix B This appendix contain all relevant data of the correlations between the studied vessel segments.


variable 1 variable 2 N p-value pearson correlation r

Angle g maxCurvature1 59 0.02 0.388

Angle g length5 59 0.013 -0.321

Angle g Rmin3 65 0.034 -0.264

Angle g Rmax3 65 0.043 -0.252

Angle g Rmean3 65 0.047 -0.247

Angle g Rmax5 65 0.015 -0.302

Angle g Rmean5 65 0.043 -0.251

Angle d Angle x 65 0.0003 0.435

Angle d Angle z 65 0.01 -0.316

Angle d length2 61 0.003 -0.376

Angle d length3 63 0.024 -0.284

Angle d Rmin1 65 0.004 0.357

Angle d Rmean1 65 0.018 0.293

Angle d Rmin2 65 0.021 0.288

Angle b length4 63 0.04 0.04

Angle b maxCurvature4 49 0.033 0.033

Angle b Rmax1 65 0.004 0.004

Angle b Rmax3 65 0.043 0.043

length3 maxCurvature3 53 0.001 0.465

length3 length4 63 0.026 0.282

length3 length5 59 0.28 0.291

length3 Rmax2 65 0.026 0.283

length3 Rmax3 65 0.031 0.273



variable 1 variable 2 N p-value pearson

correlation r

Angle x Angle z 65 0.000 -0.552

Angle x Rmin1 65 0.009 0.322

Angle x Rmean1 65 0.004 0.35

Angle z length4 63 0.002 -0.374

Angle z maxCurvature4 49 0.050 -0.282

Angle z Rmin1 65 0.016 -0.298

Angle z Rmax1 65 0.019 -0.29

Angle z Rmean1 65 0.004 -0.357

Angle z Rmin2 65 0.015 -0.303

Angle z Rmean2 65 0.031 -0.269

maxCurvature1 length3 63 0.010 -0.334

length2 maxCurvature2 57 0.000 0.543

length2 Rmax2 65 0.030 0.377

maxCurvature2 length3 63 0.043 0.272

maxCurvature2 Rmin1 65 0.037 -0.277

maxCurvature2 Rmax2 65 0.000 0.454

maxCurvature2 Rmean2 65 0.009 0.344

maxCurvature2 Rmax3 65 0.017 0.314

maxCurvature2 Rmean3 65 0.041 0.271

maxCurvature3 Rmax3 65 0.013 0.346

maxCurvature3 Rmean3 65 0.042 0.286



variable 1 variable 2 N p-value pearson

correlation r

length4 maxCurvature4 49 0.009 0.369

length4 Rmax1 65 0.031 0.271

length4 Rmean1 65 0.010 0.323

length4 Rmax2 65 0.016 0.305

length4 Rmean2 65 0.031 0.272

Rmin1 Rmax1 65 0.000 0.493

Rmin1 Rmean1 65 0.000 0.765

Rmax1 Rmean1 65 0.000 0.86

Rmax1 Rmax3 65 0.006 -0.335

Rmax1 Rmean3 65 0.014 -0.303

Rmean1 Rmax3 65 0.012 -0.309

Rmean1 Rmean3 65 0.026 -0.276

Rmin2 Rmax2 65 0.000 0.666

Rmin2 Rmean2 65 0.000 0.912

Rmin2 Rmin3 65 0.000 0.428

Rmin2 Rmax3 65 0.000 0.464

Rmin2 Rmean3 65 0.000 0.48

Rmin2 Rmin4 65 0.000 0.514

Rmin2 Rmax4 65 0.000 0.532

Rmin2 Rmean4 65 0.000 0.529

Rmin2 Rmin5 65 0.000 0.407

Rmin2 Rmax5 65 0.000 0.489

Rmin2 Rmean5 65 0.000 0.456

Rmax2 Rmean2 65 0.000 0.907

Rmax2 Rmin3 65 0.026 0.277

Rmax2 Rmax3 65 0.003 0.368

Rmax2 Rmean3 65 0.004 0.357

Rmax2 Rmin4 65 0.004 0.355

Rmax2 Rmax4 65 0.001 0.417

Rmax2 Rmean4 65 0.002 0.385

Rmax2 Rmin5 65 0.005 0.345

Rmax2 Rmax5 65 0.001 0.398

Rmax2 Rmean5 65 0.002 0.373


Appendix C The matrix below contains all correlations between the variables. The meaningful correlations are


Angle g Angle b Angle d Angle x Angle a Angle z length1


ure1 length2


ure2 length3


ure3 length4


ure4 length5


ure5 Rmin1 Rmax1 Rmean1 Rmin2 Rmax2 Rmean2 Rmin3 Rmax3 Rmean3 Rmin4 Rmax4 Rmean4 Rmin5 Rmax5 Rmean5



1 .017 .146 -.047 .045 .073 -.208 .388** -.030 -.143 -.075 .123 .088 -.224 -.321* -.058 .115 .099 .085 -.125 .007 -.078 -.264* -.252* -.247* -.107 -.147 -.121 -.205 -.302* -.251*

Sig. (2-


.891 .247 .712 .720 .565 .108 .002 .817 .287 .560 .388 .493 .121 .013 .665 .362 .432 .502 .324 .958 .539 .034 .043 .047 .396 .244 .338 .102 .015 .043



.017 1 .037 .011 .150 .027 -.159 -.063 -.022 -.024 -.144 -.085 -.260* -.305* -.192 -.095 .066 .352** .213 -.231 -.213 -.242 -.145 -.252* -.241 -.002 -.051 -.035 -.029 -.115 -.062

Sig. (2-


.891 .768 .929 .234 .831 .222 .635 .864 .858 .259 .555 .040 .033 .146 .474 .602 .004 .089 .066 .091 .052 .248 .043 .053 .985 .685 .782 .817 .361 .624



.146 .037 1 .435** -.068 -.316* .018 .021 -.376** -.254 -.284* -.084 .167 -.150 -.221 -.088 .357** .160 .293* .288* .036 .163 .162 -.062 .041 .106 .102 .093 .026 .036 .047

Sig. (2-


.247 .768 .000 .588 .010 .891 .873 .003 .056 .024 .558 .192 .303 .093 .507 .004 .202 .018 .021 .776 .193 .198 .626 .743 .398 .421 .460 .837 .775 .713



-.047 .011 .435** 1 -.162 -.552** .077 .108 -.200 -.145 -.059 .080 .205 -.006 .009 -.013 .322** .192 .350** .138 -.039 .066 .165 .061 .112 .049 .080 .064 -.027 .010 -.005

Sig. (2-


.712 .929 .000 .198 .000 .553 .417 .123 .281 .644 .577 .108 .966 .949 .923 .009 .125 .004 .276 .762 .599 .189 .629 .373 .701 .525 .614 .830 .936 .970



.045 .150 -.068 -.162 1 .056 -.154 -.111 .107 -.172 -.061 -.129 -.166 -.020 -.131 -.221 -.080 .008 -.020 -.220 -.104 -.181 -.196 -.104 -.139 -.153 -.082 -.112 .005 -.046 -.023

Sig. (2-


.720 .234 .588 .198 .656 .236 .404 .412 .201 .634 .368 .194 .893 .324 .092 .528 .949 .874 .081 .413 .150 .117 .410 .271 .225 .517 .373 .970 .719 .859



.073 .027 -.316* -.552** .056 1 -.065 .058 .170 -.083 -.185 -.126 -.374** -.282* -.113 .081 -.298* -.290* -.357** -.303* -.189 -.269* -.168 -.179 -.194 -.148 -.226 -.191 -.121 -.149 -.138

Sig. (2-


.565 .831 .010 .000 .656 .617 .661 .189 .538 .147 .378 .002 .050 .394 .543 .016 .019 .004 .015 .134 .031 .180 .153 .121 .238 .070 .128 .339 .235 .274



-.208 -.159 .018 .077 -.154 -.065 1 -.029 -.002 -.057 .177 .064 .181 .244 .098 -.070 .176 .033 .181 -.134 -.111 -.135 -.007 .060 .004 .000 .038 .016 .036 .044 .042

Sig. (2-


.108 .222 .891 .553 .236 .617 .827 .991 .686 .175 .667 .171 .102 .478 .610 .176 .799 .163 .306 .399 .298 .954 .645 .978 .999 .771 .901 .782 .734 .749


Correlation.388** -.063 .021 .108 -.111 .058 -.029 1 -.005 -.212 -.334* -.273 .014 -.089 -.013 .173 -.015 -.075 -.048 -.100 -.075 -.081 -.201 -.184 -.201 -.098 -.136 -.115 -.074 -.046 -.073

Sig. (2-


.002 .635 .873 .417 .404 .661 .827 .971 .135 .010 .064 .918 .566 .924 .215 .908 .574 .720 .455 .576 .542 .127 .163 .126 .459 .303 .384 .579 .731 .585



-.030 -.022 -.376** -.200 .107 .170 -.002 -.005 1 .543** .211 -.101 -.111 -.028 -.178 .044 -.114 .019 -.089 -.237 .377** .100 -.094 -.026 -.054 -.098 -.078 -.088 .078 .036 .052

Sig. (2-


.817 .864 .003 .123 .412 .189 .991 .971 .000 .106 .489 .397 .851 .193 .749 .380 .885 .494 .068 .003 .441 .472 .843 .679 .453 .551 .499 .549 .784 .690



-.143 -.024 -.254 -.145 -.172 -.083 -.057 -.212 .543** 1 .272* .073 .172 .076 .000 .045 -.277* .092 -.134 .133 .454** .344** .194 .314* .271* .155 .213 .179 .241 .217 .236

Sig. (2-


.287 .858 .056 .281 .201 .538 .686 .135 .000 .043 .635 .205 .633 .998 .756 .037 .495 .322 .329 .000 .009 .147 .017 .041 .249 .111 .183 .071 .105 .077



-.075 -.144 -.284* -.059 -.061 -.185 .177 -.334* .211 .272* 1 .465** .282* .205 .291* .045 .102 .092 .051 .109 .283* .214 .104 .273* .226 .135 .206 .182 .174 .163 .188

Sig. (2-


.560 .259 .024 .644 .634 .147 .175 .010 .106 .043 .001 .026 .163 .028 .741 .425 .473 .692 .399 .026 .092 .419 .031 .074 .291 .105 .155 .173 .202 .140



.123 -.085 -.084 .080 -.129 -.126 .064 -.273 -.101 .073 .465** 1 .043 -.077 -.021 -.129 .330

* .088 .149 .186 .090 .151 .173 .346*

.286* .131 .140 .148 .105 .024 .088

Sig. (2-


.388 .555 .558 .577 .368 .378 .667 .064 .489 .635 .001 .765 .646 .891 .398 .018 .538 .298 .196 .533 .289 .224 .013 .042 .361 .328 .299 .464 .868 .537



.088 -.260* .167 .205 -.166 -.374** .181 .014 -.111 .172 .282* .043 1 .369** -.005 .009 .151 .271* .323** .211 .305* .272* -.057 .028 .004 -.072 .097 .008 .000 -.009 -.006

Sig. (2-


.493 .040 .192 .108 .194 .002 .171 .918 .397 .205 .026 .765 .009 .968 .949 .237 .031 .010 .100 .016 .031 .656 .830 .974 .573 .447 .950 .999 .945 .965



-.224 -.305* -.150 -.006 -.020 -.282* .244 -.089 -.028 .076 .205 -.077 .369** 1 .140 .254 -.003 -.139 -.002 .071 .062 .078 .067 .212 .177 -.224 -.095 -.143 -.035 .095 .018

Sig. (2-


.121 .033 .303 .966 .893 .050 .102 .566 .851 .633 .163 .646 .009 .372 .100 .986 .341 .987 .632 .675 .595 .646 .144 .223 .121 .516 .326 .810 .516 .903


Correlation-.321* -.192 -.221 .009 -.131 -.113 .098 -.013 -.178 .000 .291* -.021 -.005 .140 1 .132 -.129 .015 -.079 .193 .052 .132 -.089 -.002 -.066 .068 .034 .047 -.043 .137 .045

Sig. (2-


.013 .146 .093 .949 .324 .394 .478 .924 .193 .998 .028 .891 .968 .372 .319 .330 .907 .553 .148 .697 .318 .504 .988 .617 .606 .796 .726 .748 .299 .734



-.058 -.095 -.088 -.013 -.221 .081 -.070 .173 .044 .045 .045 -.129 .009 .254 .132 1 -.054 -.196 -.185 -.007 -.065 -.031 -.091 .089 .000 -.052 -.047 -.050 .082 .177 .127

Sig. (2-


.665 .474 .507 .923 .092 .543 .610 .215 .749 .756 .741 .398 .949 .100 .319 .684 .136 .160 .959 .627 .817 .495 .503 .998 .698 .725 .709 .539 .180 .339



.115 .066 .357** .322** -.080 -.298* .176 -.015 -.114 -.277* .102 .330* .151 -.003 -.129 -.054 1 .493** .765** .009 -.132 -.062 -.139 -.135 -.122 -.167 -.122 -.135 -.114 -.154 -.127

Sig. (2-


.362 .602 .004 .009 .528 .016 .176 .908 .380 .037 .425 .018 .237 .986 .330 .684 .000 .000 .945 .297 .623 .271 .282 .334 .182 .332 .284 .367 .221 .312



.099 .352** .160 .192 .008 -.290* .033 -.075 .019 .092 .092 .088 .271* -.139 .015 -.196 .493** 1 .860** -.038 .028 -.005 -.243 -.335** -.303* -.153 -.107 -.135 -.155 -.225 -.176

Sig. (2-


.432 .004 .202 .125 .949 .019 .799 .574 .885 .495 .473 .538 .031 .341 .907 .136 .000 .000 .764 .825 .970 .051 .006 .014 .223 .395 .285 .218 .071 .161



.085 .213 .293* .350** -.020 -.357** .181 -.048 -.089 -.134 .051 .149 .323** -.002 -.079 -.185 .765** .860** 1 -.065 -.097 -.084 -.228 -.309* -.276* -.235 -.166 -.201 -.162 -.234 -.190

Sig. (2-


.502 .089 .018 .004 .874 .004 .163 .720 .494 .322 .692 .298 .010 .987 .553 .160 .000 .000 .608 .447 .508 .068 .012 .026 .059 .185 .109 .196 .061 .129



-.125 -.231 .288* .138 -.220 -.303* -.134 -.100 -.237 .133 .109 .186 .211 .071 .193 -.007 .009 -.038 -.065 1 .666** .912** .428** .464** .480** .514** .532** .529** .407** .489** .456**

Sig. (2-


.324 .066 .021 .276 .081 .015 .306 .455 .068 .329 .399 .196 .100 .632 .148 .959 .945 .764 .608 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .001 .000 .000



.007 -.213 .036 -.039 -.104 -.189 -.111 -.075 .377** .454** .283* .090 .305* .062 .052 -.065 -.132 .028 -.097 .666** 1 .907** .277* .368** .357** .355** .417** .385** .345** .398** .373**

Sig. (2-


.958 .091 .776 .762 .413 .134 .399 .576 .003 .000 .026 .533 .016 .675 .697 .627 .297 .825 .447 .000 .000 .026 .003 .004 .004 .001 .002 .005 .001 .002



-.078 -.242 .163 .066 -.181 -.269* -.135 -.081 .100 .344** .214 .151 .272* .078 .132 -.031 -.062 -.005 -.084 .912** .907** 1 .379** .454** .454** .473** .519** .499** .415** .484** .455**

Sig. (2-


.539 .052 .193 .599 .150 .031 .298 .542 .441 .009 .092 .289 .031 .595 .318 .817 .623 .970 .508 .000 .000 .002 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .001 .000 .000


Correlation-.264* -.145 .162 .165 -.196 -.168 -.007 -.201 -.094 .194 .104 .173 -.057 .067 -.089 -.091 -.139 -.243 -.228 .428** .277* .379** 1 .806** .933** .540** .508** .522** .486** .461** .499**

Sig. (2-


.034 .248 .198 .189 .117 .180 .954 .127 .472 .147 .419 .224 .656 .646 .504 .495 .271 .051 .068 .000 .026 .002 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000


Correlation-.252* -.252* -.062 .061 -.104 -.179 .060 -.184 -.026 .314* .273* .346* .028 .212 -.002 .089 -.135 -.335** -.309* .464** .368** .454** .806** 1 .954** .570** .608** .601** .530** .543** .558**

Sig. (2-


.043 .043 .626 .629 .410 .153 .645 .163 .843 .017 .031 .013 .830 .144 .988 .503 .282 .006 .012 .000 .003 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000


Correlation-.247* -.241 .041 .112 -.139 -.194 .004 -.201 -.054 .271* .226 .286* .004 .177 -.066 .000 -.122 -.303* -.276* .480** .357** .454** .933** .954** 1 .573** .592** .592** .521** .520** .545**

Sig. (2-


.047 .053 .743 .373 .271 .121 .978 .126 .679 .041 .074 .042 .974 .223 .617 .998 .334 .014 .026 .000 .004 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000



-.107 -.002 .106 .049 -.153 -.148 .000 -.098 -.098 .155 .135 .131 -.072 -.224 .068 -.052 -.167 -.153 -.235 .514** .355** .473** .540** .570** .573** 1 .958** .986** .682** .688** .714**

Sig. (2-


.396 .985 .398 .701 .225 .238 .999 .459 .453 .249 .291 .361 .573 .121 .606 .698 .182 .223 .059 .000 .004 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000



-.147 -.051 .102 .080 -.082 -.226 .038 -.136 -.078 .213 .206 .140 .097 -.095 .034 -.047 -.122 -.107 -.166 .532** .417** .519** .508** .608** .592** .958** 1 .990** .665** .676** .697**

Sig. (2-


.244 .685 .421 .525 .517 .070 .771 .303 .551 .111 .105 .328 .447 .516 .796 .725 .332 .395 .185 .000 .001 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000



-.121 -.035 .093 .064 -.112 -.191 .016 -.115 -.088 .179 .182 .148 .008 -.143 .047 -.050 -.135 -.135 -.201 .529** .385** .499** .522** .601** .592** .986** .990** 1 .676** .680** .706**

Sig. (2-


.338 .782 .460 .614 .373 .128 .901 .384 .499 .183 .155 .299 .950 .326 .726 .709 .284 .285 .109 .000 .002 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000



-.205 -.029 .026 -.027 .005 -.121 .036 -.074 .078 .241 .174 .105 .000 -.035 -.043 .082 -.114 -.155 -.162 .407** .345** .415** .486** .530** .521** .682** .665** .676** 1 .892** .976**

Sig. (2-


.102 .817 .837 .830 .970 .339 .782 .579 .549 .071 .173 .464 .999 .810 .748 .539 .367 .218 .196 .001 .005 .001 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000


Correlation-.302* -.115 .036 .010 -.046 -.149 .044 -.046 .036 .217 .163 .024 -.009 .095 .137 .177 -.154 -.225 -.234 .489** .398** .484** .461** .543** .520** .688** .676** .680** .892** 1 .964**

Sig. (2-


.015 .361 .775 .936 .719 .235 .734 .731 .784 .105 .202 .868 .945 .516 .299 .180 .221 .071 .061 .000 .001 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000


Correlation-.251* -.062 .047 -.005 -.023 -.138 .042 -.073 .052 .236 .188 .088 -.006 .018 .045 .127 -.127 -.176 -.190 .456** .373** .455** .499** .558** .545** .714** .697** .706** .976** .964** 1

Sig. (2-


.043 .624 .713 .970 .859 .274 .749 .585 .690 .077 .140 .537 .965 .903 .734 .339 .312 .161 .129 .000 .002 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

N 65 65 65 65 65 65 61 59 61 57 63 51 63 49 59 59 65 65 65 64 64 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65

Pearson Correlation Pearson Correlation Pearson Correlation Pearson Correlation

0 ≤ 0.35* 0** ≤ 0.35** 0.36** - 0.67** 0.68** - 1.00**



Angle g

Angle b

Angle d

Angle x

Angle a

Angle z




















*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).











**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


Appendix D The matrices below show all possible scatterplots. The scatterplots are drawn together with a

Confidens Ellips. (The confidence level for the Ellipse is 95%.) .The four Scatter Matrices correspond

to the Pearson correlation values in the table of Appendix C.