Symmetry Class Summary Alex July 24, 2006 Here’s what we did in class: We learned about symmetrical scales. I started with the whole-tone and octatonic scales. I moved on to six- and nine-note scales of interlocking augmented chords, and the eight-note scale that’s a whole-tone scale plus another tritone. I ended with the six-, eight- and ten-note “barbell” scales of chro- matic clusters, and explored a relationship between minor seconds and perfect fifths (the “switcharoo”). We did a lot of ear-training exercises. We tuned symmetrical scales in the squash court. We sang canons. We sang a little bit of Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time (sixth movement). I had you listen to seventh chords in dierent inversions, and tried to pick out the root. We listened to a lot of late-nineteenth- and twentieth-century music: Debussy: selections from Pr´ eludes and Images Bart´ok: selectionsfrom Mikrokosmos, the fifth string quartet, and Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta 1

Symmetry Class Summary - nyumusic.pbworks.comnyumusic.pbworks.com/f/symmetryHandouts.pdf · Symmetry Class Summary Alex July 24, 2006 Here’s what we did in class: • We learned

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Page 1: Symmetry Class Summary - nyumusic.pbworks.comnyumusic.pbworks.com/f/symmetryHandouts.pdf · Symmetry Class Summary Alex July 24, 2006 Here’s what we did in class: • We learned

Symmetry Class Summary


July 24, 2006

Here’s what we did in class:

• We learned about symmetrical scales.

– I started with the whole-tone and octatonic scales.

– I moved on to six- and nine-note scales of interlocking augmentedchords, and the eight-note scale that’s a whole-tone scale plusanother tritone.

– I ended with the six-, eight- and ten-note “barbell” scales of chro-matic clusters, and explored a relationship between minor secondsand perfect fifths (the “switcharoo”).

• We did a lot of ear-training exercises.

– We tuned symmetrical scales in the squash court.

– We sang canons.

– We sang a little bit of Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time(sixth movement).

– I had you listen to seventh chords in di!erent inversions, and triedto pick out the root.

• We listened to a lot of late-nineteenth- and twentieth-century music:

– Debussy: selections from Preludes and Images

– Bartok: selections from Mikrokosmos, the fifth string quartet, andMusic for Strings, Percussion and Celesta


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– Ravel: a selection from Miroirs

– Messiaen: Quartet for the End of Time

– Dutilleux: Ainsi la nuit (string quartet)

– Ligeti: selections from the piano studies

– Wagner: prelude to Tristan and Isolde (on CD)

– Webern: first movement of the Symphonie

– Recordings of Hindustani ragas marwa, shree, and todi

• We analyzed many of the pieces we heard.

• We studied basic serial (twelve-tone row) techniques.

– I showed you how to make a twelve-tone row matrix.

– We looked for row-forms in Dallapiccola’s “Quartina”.

• In the fourth week, we talked a little about bitonality in Western andIndian music, and touched on symmetrical harmonies in quarter-tonetemperament.

All we have left is to prepare a demo!

• We’ll review some of the activities from the first two weeks of Walden,such as singing scales, chords, and canons.

• You’ll write some songs and melodies in di!erent symmetrical scales.

• We’ll try to find a way to make musical analysis exciting for an audienceto watch.


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& w w# w wb wn w w# w w# w wb wnC Cis D Es E F Fis G Gis A Bes B

Absolutes for singing symmetric harmoniesAlex

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& cVoice œ œ œ# œ# œb œ œD E Fis Gis Bes C D,

1. Whole-tone scaleA. Whole-tone scale #1 œ œ œb œ# œ# œ œ

D C Bes Gis Fis E D!

œ œ# œ# œb œ œ œetc.

Starting on different degrees


œ œ œ# œb œ œ œA B Cis Es F G A...

B. Whole-tone scale #2

œ œ# œb œ œ# œC. Different orderingsi. Augmented triads œ œb œ# œ œ# œ


œ œ œ# œ# œb œ œii. Zig-zag

œ œb œ œ# œ œ œb œiii. Tritones

œ œœ# œœœ# œœœœbD. Sustaining exercises

œœœœœ œœœœœœ ˙˙˙˙˙˙

Symmetry ExercisesAlexander Ness

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& 44 .. .. .. ..Voice

Lent e»ª™wœ. œ. œb . œ# . œ.

-œ# . œb . œ.^


doucement sonore

œ œ œ œb œ# œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

& .. ..3

œ œ .œ# œb ˙ œ œb œ# œ œ œ .œ œ œ .œ œ œ .œ œ .œ œ3 3

œ .œ œ .œb œn œ .œ œ .œ œ jœ"Cloches à travers les feuilles"

(Debussy's Images, Book 2, p. 43)

& 42

Modéré e»••(Dans un rhythme sans rigueur et caressant)

très doux


Œ œœ# -

pœœ œœ# œœ œœb . .. .œœ#

œœ# œœb# Œ œœ# -

pœœ œœ# œœ œœb œœ#

più pœœ œœb# œœb œœ ˙ œœ Œ


Œ ‰ œ#! très souple

œb œ œ# œ# œœ œœb#rœœ " œ!

œ œ œ œ# œœ œœb#rœœ " œ œ œ œ# œœ# œœ ..œœb œœ œœ# œœ œœ


jœœb# œœ#

"Voiles" (Debussy's Preludes, Book 1, p. 3)

& 4218

œAndante q»¡º•

p dolce

œ# œ œ# œ œ# œ œ œ# œ# œ œ# œ œ# œ œ# ˙


œ#Pœ# œb œ œb œ# œ# œ œ# œ# œb œ# œ œ œ œ# œ# œ œ# ˙#

"Whole-tone Scale"(Bartók's Mikrokosmos, Book 5, p. 32)

Singing the Whole-Tone ScaleAlexander Ness

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&(non legato, martelé)



Décidé, vigoureux, granitique, un peu vif (q»¡¶§ env.)

œ œb - œ œ# œ# œ œb œ# œ œb œn œb œ ˙# œ œb œ- œn œb œ œ# œ# œ


œ# œ œ# œ œb - .œ- ˙# - œ(octatonic)

œ œb œ œ œ# œ# œb œb œ œ œ


œ-œ œb œ. œ- œ-

œ œb œ œ œ# œ œb œ œ# œ œ .œb - -"Danse de la fureur, pour les sept trompettes"

(Messiaen, Quartour pour la Fin du Temps, 23)

2 Singing the Whole-Tone Scale

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& 23Voice œ œ œ œ œ# œb œn œ# ˙2. Octatonic scaleA. Octatonic scale #1, first mode (whole step on bottom)

large tetrachords(whole-half-whole)

œ œ œ œ œb œ œ# œ# ˙B. Octatonic scale #2

œ œ# œ œ œb œ œ# œb ˙nC. Octatonic scale #3

& c4

œ# œ œ œ œ œ# œb œn ˙#D. Octatonic scale #1, second mode (half step on bottom)

small tetrachords(half-whole-half)

˙˙˙# ˙˙#nbE. Other orderingsi. two diminished-seventh chords œœœœœn#b



ii. interlocking major triads/dominant-seventh chords/dominant-ninth chords

&7 œœœœœ

bb œœœœœbbbb œœœœœ

bbbbbœœœœœ#bthe same, spelled tonally

˙bb ˙˙˙n#

iii. two minor-seventh chords a tritone apart(see final cadence of "From the Island of Bali" in Mikrokosmos V) œœœœb œœœœ#n œœœœ#b# œœœœbb#

iv. interlocking minor triads/half-diminished seventh chords

˙˙˙˙b# ˙˙˙˙#n

v. two "Bartok chords" a minor third apart(see "From the Island..." or melodies from Ainsi la nuit)

Symmetry Exercises: OctatonicAlexander Ness

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œ œ œb œ# œ œ œ œ#


œ œ œ œ œ œ# œ# œbetc.


œœœœ# œœœœ#nb œœœœ#nn œœœœ#nbTry this with open voicings too.


œœœœ# œœœœ#bn œœœœnn# œœœœnb#




5 œœ#b œœ œœ œœ#

œœb œœb œœ#b œœ#b

œœb œœ#n œœ## œœnbetc.

œœ œœ œœb œœ

œœ œœ## œœb œœn œœb œœn œœb œœetc.

œœ œœbb œœ# œœn œœb œœ## œœnn œœbb

œœ- œœb - œœ- œœ-etc.œœ# - œœ# - œœ#b - œœ#n -

Octatonic SequencesAlex

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& wwb ww ww

&4 wwb wwb# ww#









Octatonic worksheetYour name: _________________

Write the octatonic scale with these notes:

Find two octatonic scales with these notes:

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& c 43 23 89 86Voice ˙# ˙#

3. Other symmetrical scalesA. Two scales made up of augmented triadsi. six-note scale made of two adjacent augmented triads

œ œ# œ œ œ# œ3 transpositions (starting on C, C#, D)2 modes (half step or minor third on bottom)

˙# ˙# ˙b#ii. nine-note scale made of three augmented triads

œ œ# œ œ œ œ# œ# œ œb3 transpositions (starting on C, C#, D)3 modes (h-h-w, h-w-h, w-h-h)

& 86 c5

œ œb œn œ# œ œbB. Several scales with 6 transpositionsi. six-note scale with three-note chromatic clusters

œ œ œ# œ œ# œb œ œ#ii. eight-note scale with two major tetrachords

& 8107

œ œ œ œ# œ# œb œn œiii. weird eight-note scale

œ œb œn œ œ# œ œb œniv. eight-note scale with four-note chromatic clusters

œ œb œn œ œ# œ# œ œb œn œv. ten-note scale with five-note chromatic clusters

Symmetry Exercises Con'd.Alexander Ness

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œœœ# œœœ## œœœbb œœœnn

Down by minor thirds:major triads

Triad progressions that fit in the octatonic scale

œ œ œb œ


œNotice that we cycle through the inversions of the triad, and end up in a different place than we start.

œœœb œœœn œœœ## œœœbbbDown by minor thirds:minor triads

œ œ œ# œb


œYou can also go up.








œœœbb œœœn œœœ#Up by major thirds:major triads

Triad progressions that fit in the six-note scale with alternating minor seconds and minor thirds ("oriental" scale)

œb œ œ


Here, the triad ends where it started.

œœœ œœœ## œœœnbUp by major thirds:minor triads

œ œ# œ







œœœœb œœœœ# œœœœ### œœœœbbbSeventh-chord progressions that fit into the octatonic scale

œ œ œ# œb



Symmetrical Relationships with Tonal ChordsAlex

Things to think about:1. Common tones2. Voice-leading patterns (expanding or contracting intervals?)3. Diminished triad relationships within seventh chords

Minor seventh,Half-diminished seventh,Major seventh,Dominant ninth

(to be continued)

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w w w# w# wb w


wb w


w wb wn w# w# w wb w





w# wb w w w w


w w# wb


w# w wb w w# w w wb wn





œœœœb œœœœn# œœœœbbb œœœœbnn

œ œ œb œ

œœœœb œœœœn# œœœœ### œœœœnnb

œ œ# œ# œ

œœœœbbbb œœœœn#n œœœœbnn œœœœbbbbœb œ œ œb

Whole-tone scales with bonus notes


Whole-tone scale plus a tritone (symmetrical at the tritone)

This has four different modes (inc. Ligeti ostinato)...try them all!

Whole-tone scale plus an augmented triad (symmetrical at the major third)

This has three different modes. If you cycle through dominant, minor, or half-diminished seventh chords by major thirds, you use the notes in this scale (see below).


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w w# w


w# w w#


w wb wn w


w# w wb wn


wb wn w w# w


wb wn w w# w





w w# w wn wb w w w w# wb w# w

w w# wn w wb w w# w w w w# wb




w w# w

w w w

w# w w#

w# w# w#

w wb wn w

w w w w

w# w wb wn

w# wb wb w

wb wn w w# w


w wb wn w w#

"Barbells" (chromatic cluster scales)Alex

Six-note scale (small barbells)

All these scales are symmetrical at the tritone.

Eight-note scale(medium barbells)

Ten-note scale(large barbells)

The minor-second/perfect-fifth switcharoo

The minor second and perfect fifth (inverted: major seventh and perfect fourth) are the only intervals that cycle through all twelve pitches (why?). A weird and interesting consequence is that a twelve-tone row turns into a different twelve-tone row if you substitute perfect fifths for minor seconds:

The same substitution with the barbells gives you the same scale, rearranged:

(What's kind of a scale do the missing notes make?)

(This is the chromatic scale with a missing tritone.)

(Exercise: fill in)

Notice that groups of notes stay the same. Why?Hint: visualize the circle of fifths.

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& w w w w w w wsa re ga ma pa dha ni

wb wb w# wb wbre ga ma dha ni


w w w w w w w# wb wb wb wb w#sa pa re dha ga ni ma re dha ga ni ma


œ œ w w w w w œ œ w w w w wœ œ w w w# w w œ œ w w wb w w#


œ œ w w# wb w wbœ œ w wb wb w# wb œ œ w# wb wb wb wb

œ œ wb wb w wb wb


œ œ wb wb w wb w œ œ wb w w wb w œ œ wb w w w w œ œ w w w w w

Bitonality in Hindustani ScalesAlex

"Shuddh" (natural) notes

Accidentals: "komal" (flat) and "tivra" (sharp)

(sa and pa are always natural)

The twelve notes arranged as a circle of fifths Aug. 3rd!

Scales with augmented 3rds:


Shree Todi (one more)

Diatonic scales

Diatonic scales

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Row for Webern Symphony Op. 21






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Music engraving by LilyPond 2.8.5 — www.lilypond.org

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Music engraving by LilyPond 2.8.5 — www.lilypond.org