PHYSICAL REVIEW D VOLUME 3, NUMBER 11 1 JUNE 1971 Errata Nat~~re of SC'(3) X SCr(3) Sym~netry Breaking - Results from a Systematic Test of the Soft-Meson Theorems. Frank von Hippel and Jae Kwan Kim [ ~ h y s . Rev. D 1, 151 (1970)]. Eq. (1.3): The right-hand side should have its sign reversed. Eq. (3.7): The term on the right-hand side pro- portional to 'Jn, -'XB should have its sign reversed. Eqs. (4.4) and (4.6): A dot indicating a time derivative is missing over the A$(O) on the left- hand side. Eq. (4.17): This equation should read Eq. (All): The right-hand side should be multi- plied by 3. Table I: The experimental TN scattering lengths were quoted in pion Compton wavelengths rather than fermis. They should therefore be multiplied by ~ 1 . 4 . Table 11: In the column under "Experimental values" the nN entries become because of the error in Table I. Table 111: In the column under AReT, the nN en- tries become also because of the error in Table I. The values in the column under T, should be multiplied by a factor of 3 because of the error in Eq. (A.ll). Most of the sign errors occurred in the change of sign convention for 3K from our earlier Letter1 to the article. They, therefore, do not affect our numbers. The numerical errors are minor and do not affect our conclusions. We a r e indebted to Robert Cahn for bringing most of these errors to our attention. (;enera1 Local Interactions and Tests of I;-A Theory in Neutrino Scattering Processes, T. P. Cheng and Wu-Ki Tung [Phys. Rev. D 3, 733 (1971)l. Fac- tors of $ should be omittedin the expression for I, and I, in Eq. (38). In Eq. (49), J's should be re- placed by V's in expressions for a, and a,. In Eq. (Al), a term T(,, should be inserted after the factor \Ern, (1 +m ,2/qZ)112. In the last para- graph of Appendix C, the correct equation should read 3a, = b,. Possible Test of the AS = AQ Rule in K;, Decay in a Regeneration Experiment, Abdul Ebrahim [ ~ h y s . Rev. D 3, 109 (1971)]. The last expression follow- ing Eq. (4) should read Coincidence Measure~nents of Single-Pion Electropro- duction near the A ( 1236) Resonance, C. Mistretta, J. A. Appel, R. J. Budnitz, L. Carroll, J. Chen, J. R. Dunning, Jr., M. Goitein, K. Hanson, D. C. Imrie, and Richard Wilson, [Phys. Rev. 184, 1487 (1969)l. The overall sign of the (M,~M;)* interference term in the A coefficient on page 1500 should be positive instead of negative. The num- bers presented in Table VI are slightly altered and can be recalculated using Table IV and Eqs. (17). We wish to thank J. Gayler for bringing this to our attention. IF. von Hippel and J. K. Kim, Phys. Rev. Letters 22, 740 (1969).

Symmetry Breaking — Results from a Systematic Test of the Soft-Meson Theorems

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P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W D V O L U M E 3 , N U M B E R 1 1 1 J U N E 1 9 7 1


N a t ~ ~ r e of SC'(3) X SCr(3) Sym~netry Breaking - Results from a Systematic Test of the Soft-Meson Theorems. Frank von Hippel and Jae Kwan Kim [ ~ h y s . Rev. D 1, 151 (1970)].

Eq. (1.3): The right-hand side should have i t s sign reversed.

Eq. (3.7): The t e r m on the right-hand side pro- portional to 'Jn, -'XB should have its sign reversed.

Eqs. (4.4) and (4.6): A dot indicating a t ime derivative i s missing over the A$(O) on the left- hand side.

Eq. (4.17): This equation should read

Eq. (Al l ) : The right-hand side should be multi- plied by 3 .

Table I: The experimental TN scattering lengths were quoted in pion Compton wavelengths ra ther than fermis. They should therefore be multiplied by ~ 1 . 4 .

Table 11: In the column under "Experimental values" the nN entries become

because of the e r r o r in Table I. Table 111: In the column under AReT, the nN en-

t r i e s become

also because of the e r r o r in Table I. The values in the column under T , should be multiplied by a factor of 3 because of the e r r o r in Eq. (A.l l) .

Most of the sign e r r o r s occurred in the change of sign convention for 3K from our ear l ie r Letter1 to the art icle. They, therefore, do not affect our numbers. The numerical e r r o r s a r e minor and do not affect our conclusions. We a r e indebted to Robert Cahn for bringing most of these e r r o r s t o our attention.

(;enera1 Local Interactions and Tests of I;-A Theory in Neutrino Scattering Processes, T. P. Cheng and Wu-Ki Tung [Phys. Rev. D 3, 733 (1971)l. Fac- t o r s of $ should be omittedin the expression for I, and I, in Eq. (38). In Eq. (49), J's should be r e - placed by V's in expressions for a, and a,. In Eq. (Al), a t e rm T(,, should be inserted after the factor \Ern, (1 +m ,2 /qZ)112. In the las t para- graph of Appendix C, the correc t equation should read 3a, = b,.

Possible Test of the A S = AQ Rule in K ; , Decay in a Regeneration Experiment, Abdul Ebrahim [ ~ h y s . Rev. D 3, 109 (1971)]. The las t expression follow- ing Eq. (4) should read

Coincidence Measure~nents of Single-Pion Electropro- duction near the A ( 1236) Resonance, C. Mistretta, J. A. Appel, R. J. Budnitz, L. Carroll , J. Chen, J. R. Dunning, Jr., M. Goitein, K. Hanson, D. C. Imrie, and Richard Wilson, [Phys. Rev. 184, 1487 (1969)l. The overall sign of the ( M , ~ M ; ) * interference t e rm in the A coefficient on page 1500 should be positive instead of negative. The num- b e r s presented in Table VI a r e slightly al tered and can be recalculated using Table IV and Eqs. (17). We wish to thank J. Gayler for bringing th is t o our attention.

IF. von Hippel and J. K. Kim, Phys. Rev. Letters 22, 740 (1969).