2011/1432 Syllabus for Class 7B Teacher should ensure the following is covered for this year: Qur’an 30 th Sipara o Surah Fatiha Zilzaal & Qadr by heart Urdu Noorani Taleem P4 Complete Fully Explained

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Syllabus for Class 7B Teacher should ensure the following is covered for this



30th Sipara

o Surah Fatiha – Zilzaal & Qadr by heart


Noorani Taleem P4 Complete – Fully Explained



The first Kalimah ‘Tayyibah’ (Purity)

ا ہ ل لہ ل م وم را ا ر ہ محم لہ لہ للا There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allahs

The second Kalimah ‘Shahaadah’ (Witness)

ا حم لنا ہ موح ہلشریکہ ولشھ م لہ لہ للا ا لنلا م لشھ م لہ ہوروم لعب م I testify that there is no God but Allah and He has no partner and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and


The third Kalimah ‘Tamjeed’ (Exaltation)

ہ م لہ لہ للا ا ہ ول ہ م ہ ولل بحانلہ لہعظیموم ہ لہعلا باہ ةللا ولحل ولقملا ہ ملکبم ولہ Glorified is Allah and all praise is for Allah. There is no God but Allah and Allah is the Greatest. There is no might or

strength except through Allah, Who is the most Supreme, High

The fourth Kalimah ‘Tawheed’ (Oneness)

بی ہللیم یتم ویم ی یم م وہ ملل کم ہ موح ہلشریکہ ہ للم لہ لہ للا ا ل لعلکم ا م و ق یر

There is no God but Allah, He is One, He has no partner. Everything belongs to Him and all praise is due to Him. He

gives life and death and in His power lays all goodness. And He has power over everything possible

The fifth Kalimah ‘Radd-e-Kufr’ (Refuting Infidelity)

ما ہھم ب تمبلہ اللعمم کل ب ولوتغفرم لنالعمم مشرکبکشیئاوا بکمنلنل لعملذم عن مولنا تما ھا کم عاص رکولہکذبولہغیبةولہبمھتانولل فرولہشا منلہکم أتم تبا تم ولو ولمنتم

ہ لہ ل م وم را ا ر ہ محم لہ لہ للا ا ل لقمل مO Allah! I seek refuge in You, from associating anything with You which I know of and I seek repentance from that

which I have no knowledge of. I have repented from and renounced Kufr, Shirk, lying, backbiting, slandering and every

type of sin. I have embraced Islam completely and I have brought complete faith. And I declare that there is no God but

Allah and Muhammads is the Messenger of Allah


یعلحکم ولرکن لقرلر ج ائ وصفات وقبتم لباس م ا ہ ک باہ اا سانوتص یقہباللمنتم باہقب


I believe in Allah just as He exists with all His Names and Attributes. I have accepted all His commands and His

obligations and I endorse this with my tongue and by the truth in my heart


وم ب ورم تم ئکت وکم ہ وم باہ لمنتم ہ تعالولہ ہمنلہ ہوشرا بعث ولہیلمللخرولہق رخیلت بع لل

I believe in Allah, and all His Angels, and His Books, and all His Messengers, the Final Day, and in Destiny, the good

and bad of which is from Allah Ta’ala and I believe in the resurrection after death



Before eating

ہ وعلبرک ہ ةبسملہ لہ Allah in the name of and with the blessings of Allah

Forgetting to say Bismillah

ہ ولخرہ لوا ہ ف بسملہAllah in the name of at the start and end

After eating

ہ لہا ذ ہ م یلل س ناووقاناوجعنامنللم یلطع All praise is for Allah who has fed us, gave us drink and made us Muslims

Eating at guest’s house

ناولوقمنوقانا لطعممنلطع ما ہھم لہO Allah! Feed those who have fed us and quench those who have quenched us

Before sleeping

ولح لتم کلمم باس ما ہھم لہO Allah! In your name if die and live

After sleeping

لر ہ لہا ذیلحیانابع مالماتناولہی لہنا مشم ہ م للAll praise is for Allah who has given us life after death and to Him we shall return


مورح عیکم لمم ہ ةملہسا لہ Salaam be upon you and the mercy of Allah

Reply to Salaam

ممو عیکم لمم ہ ةمورحلہسا وبرکتم لہ And Salaam be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings

Before entering the toilet


بکمنللمبمثوللبائث لعملذم لنا ما ہھم لہO Allah! I seek refuge in You from filth and impurity

After leaving the toilet

ہ لہا ذیل ہ م ذیوعافانغمفرلنکلل للا بعنا ذ I seek Your forgiveness. All praise is for Allah who has removed this impurity from me and gave me relief

When entering the Masjid

تک لبللبرح لفتحل ما ہھم لہO Allah! Open for me the doors of Your mercy

When leaving the Masjid

تک مکمنفضکورح لوئ لنا ما ہھم لہO Allah! Verily I seek Your bounty and Your mercy

Travelling on land

ولنا قرنی نا اہ ممم ذلوماکم بحانلہا ذیوخا رہنا ہ وم ہ م نقبملنلل اللربا نالم All praise is for Allah. Glory be to Him who has caused this vehicle to be under our control though we were unable to

control it. Surely we will return to our Lord.

When looking into the mirror

ن لنتحسا ما ہھم قلہ م نخم فحسا ق تخ O Allah! You have made my body beautiful so beauty my character as well

Wearing clothes

ب فحیات مولریب علرتولتا م مال ہ لہا ذیکسان ہ م للAll praise is for Allah who clothed me with that by which I cover my shame and by which I beautify myself in my life.

Leaving the house

ہ ولحل ولقملا عللہ تم ہ تلکا ہ ةبسملہ باہ للا Allah in the name of, I have put my trust in Allah and there is no power nor might except Allah


نا وم ہ تعالةنلیتم للعتکفہ I have made the intention of Sunnah I’tikaaf for the pleasure of Allah

Dua when keeping a fast


ومال متم ماق ا غ لہکفاغفرل لمم لصم ما ہھم لہ رتم خا O Allah! I will fast tomorrow for Your sake, hence forgive my past and future sins

Dua when breaking a fast

فتقبا منا وعلرزقکلفطرتم تم وعیکتلکا وبکلمنتم تم ہکصم ما ہھم لہO Allah! I fasted for Your sake, I have belief in You, I have trust in You and I dine with the sustenance provided by

you therefore accept this fast from me.

Dua for parents

ل صغی اربا یان اک ھم لرح ربا ما ہھم لہO Allah! Shower Your mercy upon them in the same may they nourished me when I was small

Seeing a person suffering

نخقتفضیل ا ما علکثی ن البتلکب وفضا ما ہ لہا ذیعافان ہ م للAll praise belongs to Allah who has saved me from such a condition which is afflicted on you and favoured me over

many creations

Dua when entering cemetery

ہ م ولنا النشا لہ متبعر ہکم وننم مہناوفر لنتم ی س لرمنللم بم لہقم میال عیکم لمم لہسا ہ مہنا لہ لہعافیةیغفرم مم ہ ہناوہکم لہ ریننسأ م تأخا منا اوللم می تق ا ہ مللم لہ لنیرحمم ملحقم بکم

م اکم ہ مولیا نالہ مویرحم وہکمPeace be upon you O Muslims of the grave! You are our predecessors and we are your progeny, and we shall, Allah

willing, meet you. Allah showers His mercy upon those who have past and those that will come. We ask Allah that He

forgives us all and showers His mercy upon us.




لذم ہرفعلل ثلعم م أ ہ لہعظیملتلضا حیمبسملہ نلہرا ح ہ لہرا جیمبسملہ یطنلہرا ہ منلہشا باہعلدینللولم م ولل

I am performing Wudu to remove this (spiritual)l impurity. I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed devil. Allah in the

name of the most affectionate, the most merciful. Allah in the name of the most high and I thank Allah for keeping me

steadfast upon the religion of Islam


ہ ملکبم لہ ہ ملکبم ،لہ ہ ملکبم لہ ہ ملکبم لہ لنلا ہ م،لشھ م لہ ہ ملہ للا لہ لہ للا لنلا لشھ م

ہ لہ ل م وم را ا حم لنا ہ ،لشھ م لہ ل م وم را ا حم لنا لشھ مل عللہصا لةحا عللہصا ة،حا

عللہفلح عللہفلح،حا حا ہ ملکبمل لہ ہ ملکبم ہ

ہ م لہ للہ للا Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest

Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest

I bear witness that there is non worthy of worship besides Allah

I bear witness that there is non worthy of worship besides Allah

I bear witness that Muhammed is the messenger of Allah

I bear witness that Muhammed is the messenger of Allah

Come towards Salaah, Come towards Salaah

Come towards success, Come towards success

Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest

There is no Lord besides Allah

Dua after Azaan


ا ا علةلہتا ذہلہ ا ربا ما ہھم ةلہ اما لةلہقا اہللتویا ئةولہصا ا رہفضیةولویةناحم جةولہ ا لدفیعةلہرا م قناشفاعت یلمنلولبعث ممقاماحا ہقیةللہا ذیوع تا ولرزم فم لنا کلتم

یعاد لل “O Allah! Lord of this complete invitation and the Lord of this everlasting Salaah until the Day of Judgement.

Grant our master Muhammad (the rank of) Waseela and give him the highest rank and the most exalted status

above Your entire creation. Elevate him to the Maqaam-e-Mehmood as You have vowed and include us in his

intercession on the Day of Judgement. Indeed You do not go against Your promise.”


کوتبارکل وب ما ہھم بحانکلہ کوم لہ غیم ا کول کوتعالج ا م سم Glorified are You, O Allah! I am praising You and Your name is blessed. Your Magnificence is great and there is

no God besides You


ہبذملعمل نم اہ میجلہرا نطیلہشا I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed devil.


ہمسب میحلہرا نحلہرا لہ Allah in the name of the most affectionate, the most merciful.

Tasbeeh for Ruku

رانحبوم با میظعلہ Glorified is my Lord who is the greatest


ہعس ہ حنل ملہ Allah listens to those who praise Him


وانبا ر للکہ مOur Lord for you all are praises

Tasbeeh for Sajdah

رانحبوم با لعلل


Glorified is my Lord who is the most high


ل ہ ولہصا ہ حیا اتم ورلہتا ھالہنا با م عیکلیا م لمم لہسا یا باتم ولہطا عیناوحةملتم لمم ہ وبرکتم لہسا لہ الی ہ لہصا علعبادلہ ہوروم لعب م ا حم لنا ہ مولشھ م لہ لہ للا ا لنل م لشھ م لہ

All forms of worship, Salaah and purity are for the sake of Allah. O Beloved Prophet! Peace be upon you and may

the mercy and blessings of Allah descend upon you. Peace be upon us and upon the pious servants of Allah. I testify

that there is no god except Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the servant and Messenger of Allah


ی اصا یتعلویا نالبرل ک ا ل ویا ناحم علا وا ا علویا ناحم ص ا ما ہھم ل ویا نالہ موعلالب ی ر ما ی ر یملنا کح ابارکتعلرل ک ا وعلل ویا ناحم ا بارکعلویا ناحم ما ہھم لہ

ی ر ما ی ر یملنا کح ل ویا نالبرل یموعلا ویا نالبرلO Allah! Shower mercy upon our master, Muhammad and upon his family in the same way You sent mercy upon

our master Ibrahim and upon his family. Indeed You are of the highest esteem. O Allah! Send blessings upon our

master, Muhammad and upon his family in the same way You sent blessings upon our master Ibrahim and upon

his family. Indeed You are of the highest esteem


و ی س ؤمناتوللم وللم ؤمنی یعللم نتللہ ول ول وہللہ یا لغفرل ما ہھم اتلہ س ا للم للحیای لح لرحملہرا ا تکیا عللتبرح لہ ا یبم موللمللتلنا کمم منھم

O Allah! Forgive me, my parents and those who have been born, all the believing men and women, and the

Muslims, those who are alive and those who have passed away. Indeed You are the acceptor of all supplications with

Your mercy, O the One Who shows mercy more than everyone else

5 Daily Prayers



Fajr Zohar Asr Magrib Isha

Sunnat-e-Mu'akkadah 2 4 - - -

Sunnat-e-Gair Mu'akkadah - - 4 - 4

Farz 2 4 4 3 4

Sunnat-e-Mu'akkadah - 2 - 2 2

Nafl - 2 - 2 2

Wajib - - - - 3

Nafl - - - - 2

Total 4 12 8 7 17



عی عیکونمثن بکونتلکا م کونمؤمنم لنا انستعینمکونستغفرم ما ہھم کلہ رم ونشکم کللیول ونسجم م وہکنمصلا اکنعبم م لیا ما ہھم کلہ رم فجم منیا کم ونتم کونعم رم ہیکنسعولنکفم

ارمم فا عذلبکباہکم تکونشعذلبکلنا للرح ونرجم ونف م حقر O Allah! We seek help from You and seek forgiveness from You. We bring faith upon You and we rely upon You.

We praise You after every virtue and we are grateful to You, we are not ungrateful. We distance ourselves from

those who commit sin. O Allah! Only You we worship and for You we pray Salaah, perform Sajdah and we are

dependent on Your mercy. We are fearful of Your punishment. Indeed Your punishment is for the disbelievers


ہ تعال بالللہ تقرا م مم لتیا I am performing Tayammum to become closer to Allah

Namaaz Intentions

End Type Namaaz No. of Rakaats Beginning

ھا تلجا ممةللجھةلہکعب

ریف لہشا

ہ ملکبم لہ


لن نلیتمہ تعال ہ مصلا ل

نا ہ تةوم ل لہ عالروم ھرةصل لہظا م رکعتی

ذللہلقت لہعصرةصل فرضلہا فرض ثثرکعات لہنا ف ةصل غربةصل لل لربعرکعات

لہعشا ةصل

Intention for the three Witr Wajib of Isha

ل صلنلیتم ہ تعالثثرکعات ہ مصلا ھاللجھةنل تلجا ذللہا ی مم ریفةلہکعبةلہلتر لہشا

ہ ملکبم لہI have made the intention to recite, for the sake of Allah, three Witr Wajib of this night facing towards the blessed Ka’ba,

Allahu akbar.

Intention for the two Farz of Jumu’ah


صل موقطم بأدا صلةل ت ھرعنذما ذللہظا م عةفرض م بھذلللمامةللم ہ تعاللقت یتم ہھاللجھ تلجا ریةلہکعبةمم ہ ملکبملہشا فلہ

Today’s Zohar has been exempt from me by performing Jumu’ah for the sake of Allah behind this Imam facing towards

the blessed Ka’ba, Allahu akbar.

Intention for Taraweeh

صل مصلا لنل ہ تعالةنلیتم لویحہ ھاللجھلہتا تلجا ہ ملکبمةلہکعبةمم ریفلہ لہشا I have made the intention to recite Taraweeh, for the sake of Allah, facing towards the blessed Ka’ba, Allahu akbar

Intention for Eid-ul-Fitr Namaz

بھذلللمام صلةعی لہفطرلقت یتم لت معوتا ةتکبی ہ تعالرکعتی ہ مصلا لنل نلیتم

ہ ملکبم ریفلہ ھاللجھةلہکعبةلہشا تلجا ممI have made the intention to recite, for the sake of Allah, two Rakaats of Eid-ul-Fitr with 6 Takbeers behind this Imam,

facing towards the blessed Ka’ba, Allahu akbar.

Intention for Eid-ul-Adhaa Namaz

بھذلللمام حلقت یتم صلةعی للض لت معوتا ةتکبی ہ تعالرکعتی ہ مصلا لنل نلیتم

ہ ملکبم ریفلہ ھاللجھةلہکعبةلہشا تلجا ممI have made the intention to recite, for the sake of Allah, two Rakaats of Eid-ul-Fitr with 6 Takbeers behind this Imam,

facing towards the blessed Ka’ba, Allahu akbar.

Intention for Janazah Namaz

بھذلللمام یا تلقت یتم ذللل ہ تعالولدعمللل ہ مصلا لI pray to Allah and supplicate for this deceased behind this Imam

Thanaa for Janazah

ک لہ غیم ا ثنائمکول کوج ا کوتعالج ا م کوتبارکلسم وب ما ہھم بحانکلہ ومGlorified are You, O Allah! I am praising You and Your name is blessed. Your Magnificence is great and Your

praise is most high and there is no God besides You

Dua for deceased man & woman

منلحییت ما ہھم منثنالہ ناوذکرناول ناوکبی ناوغائبناوصغی لغفرلیا ناومیا تناوشا ما ہھم لہ علللیان یت منا افتلفا منا افاحی علللولمومنتلفا


O Allah! Forgive the living and the dead, the present and the absent, the young and old, every man and woman. O

Allah! Whoever You keep alive, guide them to live according to the teachings of Islam and whoever You cause to die,

let them die in the state of Imaan

Dua for deceased boy [girl]

لجع م]لجعھا[ہناشافعا خرلوا ذم لجع م]لجعھا[ہنالجرلوا لجع م]لجعھا[ہنافرطاوا ما ہھم لہعة[ شفا عا]مم شفا مم ]شافعة[وا

O Allah! Let him [her] forerun us to make arrangement for us in the Hereafter and make him [her] an intercessor and

the one whose intercession is sure to be accepted.


5 pillars of Islam:

1. Shahaadah

2. Salaah/Namaaz 5 times a day

3. Zakaat/Alms giving

4. Fasting in Ramadan

5. Hajj

Islamic Months:

1. Muharram

2. Safar

3. Rabi-ul-Awwal

4. Rabi-ul-Aakhir

5. Jumadil-Ula

6. Jumadil-Ukhra

7. Rajab

8. Sha’baan

9. Ramadan

10. Shawwaal

11. Dhul Qa’dah

12. Dhul Hijjah

Names of daily Namaaz:

1. Fajr

2. Zohar

3. Asr

4. Magrib

5. Isha