Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016 Instructor: Daniel Ray Norris Contact: [email protected] tel. 910 362-7099, mailbox N-203C (department copy room) Office hours: Mon 1p, Tue 11a, 1:15p, Wed 1p, Thu 11a, (see door) Locations: Lecture: N 202, Lab: N404 Office: Science Building N 203-F Credits/Hrs: 4 Credits Text: Biology - Life on Earth Audesirk, Audesirk & Byers, 11th Edition published by Pearson - Benjamin Cummings ISBN: 978014562384 Lab Manual: Biology 111 Custom Lab Manual ISBN: 9781308321271 Course Description: This course introduces the principles and concepts of biology. Emphasis is placed on basic biological chemistry, cell structure and function, metabolism and energy transformation, genetics, evolution, classification, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate understanding of life at the molecular and cellular levels. This is a Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) course. [SBCC/BOG 02/21/14] This is a Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) course. PREREQUISITES: Completion of one of the following: Grade of “C” or better in RED-090, Grade of “C” or better in ENG-095, Grade of “C” or better in DRE-098, Required Placement Test Score(s), COREQUISITES: None. Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Syllabus BIO 111 Fall 2016 - Cape Fear Community Collegecfcc.edu/science/files/2016/10/BIO-111-FA2016-Norris.pdf · Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016 Grading:

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Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

Instructor: Daniel Ray Norris

Contact: [email protected] tel. 910 362-7099, mailbox N-203C (department copy room)

Office hours: Mon 1p, Tue 11a, 1:15p, Wed 1p, Thu 11a, (see door) Locations: Lecture: N 202, Lab: N404 Office: Science Building N 203-F

Credits/Hrs: 4 Credits

Text: Biology - Life on Earth Audesirk, Audesirk & Byers, 11th Edition published by Pearson - Benjamin Cummings ISBN: 978014562384

Lab Manual:Biology 111 Custom Lab Manual ISBN: 9781308321271

Course Description: This course introduces the principles and concepts of biology. Emphasis is placed on basic biological chemistry, cell structure and function, metabolism and energy transformation, genetics, evolution, classification, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate understanding of life at the molecular and cellular levels. This is a Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) course. [SBCC/BOG 02/21/14]This is a Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) course.

PREREQUISITES: Completion of one of the following: Grade of “C” or better in RED-090, Grade of “C” or better in ENG-095, Grade of “C” or better in DRE-098, Required Placement Test Score(s), COREQUISITES: None.

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

Course outline available upon request.

Objectives: Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an in depth understanding of life at the molecular and cellular levels including the following topics: basic biological chemistry, cell structure and function, metabolism and energy transformation, gene expression, cellular reproduction, genetics, biotechnology, evolution. This course emphasizes the following general education competency: Scientific Reasoning: Students engage in scientific reasoning when they use fundamental scientific concepts and theories to analyze problems, observations, and/or experiments in the life and physical sciences. Students demonstrate scientific reasoning when they: • Apply appropriate scientific concepts, theories, and language to problems, observations, or experiments • Utilize scientific data to analyze problems, observations, or experiments • Apply scientific observations, calculations, and/or measurements to problems or experiments • Articulate conclusions about problems, observations, or experiments using appropriate scientific concepts and data This course emphasizes the following general education competency: Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is the deliberate process of questioning, evaluating, and responding to problems, scenarios, and arguments in order to reach sound solutions, decisions, and positions. Students demonstrate critical thinking when they: • Ask pertinent questions that clarify and focus a problem, scenario, or argument • Evaluate the quantity, quality, and usefulness of information • Articulate a sound solution, decision, or position based on appropriate standards of reasoning • Monitor and reflect upon the quality and fairness of their reasoning

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

Grading: Your grade will be calculated on a point system. Your point total at the end of the semester will determine your grade on the following scale. 92-100=A, 84-91=B, 76-83=C, 68-75=D, 0-67=F. Bonus: up to 5 points on final grade (see participation below). Tests = 70 percent. 3 F Projects + 1 Lab Practical = 30 percent. Total = 100%

Tests: We will have 5 exams. 100 points each. Exams are usually multiple choice and must be taken on the scheduled exam day. No exceptions. But you may be in luck - There is a drop grade! If you miss an exam for any reason, you must use your drop grade. No makeups. IMPORTANT (New Policy): You may now take a test if you come in late (after I have placed the test question sheets on the desk) on test day. If, after the last test is given out and the tests are down, you arrive - you must sign the “I am late” sheet. You may proceed to take the test but 10 points will be deducted. You will only have the remainder of that class to finish the exam. 5 tests, your lowest grade drops automatically. 4 exams = 400 points. Exams = 70% of final grade

There will be approximately 10 semi-relevant pop quizzes as well. Keep track of these scores yourself on your friendly reminder sheet. Your final quiz scores will be considered towards your participation points. Keep this sheet for participation acknowledgement at the end of the semester. I will take this up.

Labs etc.: Lab reports are to be kept in your own lab notebook. Our lab periods offer plenty of time to complete the lab and prepare written work. Most of our labs will involve following the lab manual and answering questions or making notes and recording observations directly in your lab notebook. There are no makeup labs. If you miss a lab, you should discuss the lab data with your lab partners and summarize the missed lab in your portfolio. There is 1 lab test/practical. Open notes near end of semester! More details to follow in lab. In addition - 3 small projects (fruit, fungus & fish or whatever I decide) = 25 points each. These will be assigned in lab. There may also be a scientific method assignment in 1 lab.Lab practical (25) + Fruit (25) + Fungi (25) + Fish (25) = 100 points.Lab = 30% of final grade.

Lab is not “optional”. You cannot drop your lab grade. Pay attention in lab - stuff just pops out of my mouth and you might need to hear it. Please be considerate of others during videos - no talking, please. You may not change

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

labs. You must attend the lab you are enrolled in. If you cannot regularly attend your lab time, please do not sign up for that lab.

Attendance & Tardiness School policy requires you to attend at least 80% of scheduled class hours to receive credit for the course. Missing more than 20% of the classes will result in an administrative drop from the course. You are responsible for being in class on time. Tardiness can be disruptive. Please do not disrupt the class if you are late. If you are consistently late or very late, you will be marked absent for that day. We take attendance at the beginning of class by signing a roll. I will mark you absent if you leave before half the class is complete. Students are also expected to conduct themselves in a responsible and academic manner. IMPORTANT (New Policy on Lab attendance): If you miss 4 Labs (for any reason) - Your final grade is dropped 1 letter grade. This includes the very first lab or any lab. We will be having lab during the first week of school!

General PoliciesPlease, feel free to ask questions if you do not understand something. Or, if you have a comment - speak up. Relevant class participation enriches the learning experience for everyone. And remember: I am here for you. I reserve the right to add up to 5 points on your final grade for participation, interaction and attendance in class. Your participation should be relevant and earnest. Leaving early from class will reduce your chances of getting any of these points. These points are at the discretion of the instructor and based on overall participation. There should be no phones used in the classroom. If your phone rings - please do not answer it - silence it and just take it out into the hall. Personal computers are allowed but not for entertainment purposes during class. No food or drink in class or lab. Children or other people (ie. people - not enrolled in the class) are not allowed into our classroom, lab or on field trips. You, however, should stay the entire length of the class to be counted present. Any behavior indicating dishonest or unethical intent or action as specified by CFCC Handbook will result in an “F” (score = 0) for the course.

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

Field Trip Policy The department will be requiring all students to sign a waiver for attending field trips. This should be addressed during the first lab of the semester. In addition, if you have special requirements for lab, please indicate during lab and on the field trip form I will be presenting in lab.

Sickness If you are ill, sick or injured - try to come to class as soon as you are safely able. DO NOT SHOW UP TO MY OFFICE SICK WHEN YOU ARE COMMUNICABLE! You can spread the illness to others. It is best to communicate with one of your classmates regarding missed material. If your illness is prolonged and you think you may or have missed an exceptional amount of class, contact CFCC Student Support Services. http://cfcc.edu/studentsupport.html

Makeup Policy There are no make-ups.  No test, for whatever reason, may be "made-up".  However, a comprehensive exam on all lecture material will be given on or near the last day of class to replace one missed or lowest test.  Any additional missed exams will be treated as a grade of 0%. There are also no make-ups for labs or lab practicals. You must rely on you lab group for missed information. Missing the lab practical or F-projects will be treated as a grade of 0%.

Lab Rules You must wear closed toe shoes to lab and no eating or drinking in lab.

Other No emailing assignments for partial credit. I will not take ANYTHING after the due date. Do not bring acquaintances, family members or children to class. Keep your test question sheets (not scantron sheets - I keep those in case the internet becomes sentient and starts to plot against humanity). I do not provide attendance info. You must keep track of your attendance. Any email correspondence must have your Course number and section number in the subject line or I might accidentally delete it without looking at it. Do not rely on email for critical correspondence. See me face to face if something is important.

I usually have grades posted to Blackboard by the day after the exam, but it can take longer if there are “circumstances”. I’ll do my best.


THIS IS IMPORTANT - AND THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONSScience Department • Cape Fear Community College

411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016


1. An Introduction to Life on Earth

2. Atoms Molecules and Life

3. Biological Molecules

4. Cell Structure and Function 5. Cell Membrane Structure and Function*


6. Energy Flow in the Life of a Cell

7. Capturing Solar Energy: Photosynthesis *

8. Harvesting Energy: Glycolysis and Cellular Respiration *


9. Cellular Reproduction

10. Meiosis: The Basis of Sexual Reproduction

11. Patterns of Inheritance

12. DNA: The Molecule of Heredity *

13. Gene Expression and Regulation

14. Biotechnology


15. Principles of Evolution *

16. How Populations Evolve *

17. The Origin of Species *

18. The History of Life



This is a tentative schedule that may change at the instructor’s discretion. * denotes chapters that we cover in greater depth. Exam dates will be confirmed during class and will be determined based on our progress through the material. See syllabus for tentative schedule.

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

Miscellaneous CFCC Information

Academic Honesty: Any behavior indicating dishonesty, unethical intent or action as specified by CFCC will result in an "F" for the course. Plagiarism is using as your own the words or ideas of another, whether written or oral. When you use material from a source, you must quote or paraphrase accurately and properly cite the information. Failure to do so is considered plagiarism. Examples of plagiarism include word-for-word copying without correctly indicating that you are quoting, inaccurate quoting and paraphrasing, and incomplete or missing documentation. Purchasing a paper or copying someone else's work and submitting it as your own are also plagiarism. Any misrepresentation of the source in your writing or speaking would constitute a form of plagiarism. Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism is not acceptable and will result in the student being assigned a grade of zero for the assignment and/or the course, at the instructor's discretion.

Student Accounts:Your myCFCC account is a single username and password for all of your CFCC network accounts: email, WebAdvisor, Blackboard, campus computer a c c e s s , a n d m o r e . T h e e m a i l a c c o u n t p r o v i d e d t o y o u ([email protected]) is used for all official communication with CFCC instructors and staff. Some information will ONLY be sent by email and not by postal mail, so it is very important that you check this account. This account may also be used for personal mail, but is subject to the CFCC Acceptable Use Policy. Be sure to logout of your account in each service you may have opened (email, Blackboard, etc) when you leave a shared computer, otherwise it is possible for the next user of the computer to access your information.

Student Help Desk - Location: L114 (Lobby area near the stairwell close to Student Activities)Hours: 8:00am to 8:00pm, Phone: 362-7778, email: [email protected]

Contingency Plan: If there is an emergency and the instructor or an appropriate substitute does not meet with the class, wait fifteen minutes. Then, everyone in the class should sign a roll sheet and designate someone to take it to the Department Chair or Secretary.

Religious Observances: Students will be allowed two days of excused absence each academic year for religious observances required by the faith of the student. These excused absences will be included in the twenty (20%) percent of allowable clock hour absences. Students are required to provide written notice of the request for

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

an excused absence by completing the Religious Observance Absence f o r m a v a i l a b l e i n S t u d e n t Development. The completed form must be submitted to the Vice President of Student Development or his/her designee a minimum of ten (10) school days prior to the religious observance. The Vice President of Student Development or his/her designee will notify the instructor within three (3) school days of receiving the request. Students will be given the opportunity to make up any tests or other work missed due to the excused absence and should work with their instructors in advance of the excused absence to delineate how to make up the missed coursework (N.C.G.S. 115D-5).

Tobacco use is prohibited on all CFCC property. The first offense is a warning and the second offense may result in disciplinary action. Cape Fear Community College:

• is committed to providing its employees and students with a safe and healthful environment. • recognizes the use of tobacco products on campus grounds is detrimental to the health and safety of students, staff, faculty and visitors. • recognizes that it has the legal authority to prohibit tobacco use pursuant to G.S. 143-599. Therefore, Cape Fear Community College has set the following 100% tobacco free campus policy, to be implemented on August 1, 2009.Use of tobacco is prohibited by students, staff, faculty or visitors:•in all campus buildings, facilities or property owned or leased by Cape Fear Community College and outside areas of the campus;• on campus grounds, facilities, or in vehicles that are the property of the college;• at lectures, conferences, meetings, athletic, social and cultural events held on college property;• for the purposes of this policy, tobacco is defined as any type of tobacco product including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, bidis, hookahs, smokeless or spit tobacco or snuff, e-cigarettes or any product simulating smoking instruments;• except at a specific location(s) on the North Campus as approved by the College President due to unsafe conditions going off-campus.

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

Academic Services and Student Support Accommodation of Special Needs Based on Disability: Any student requesting classroom accommodations because of disability must present documentation to verify his/her disability. Documentation must be presented to the Disabilities Service Coordinator, prior to requesting accommodation by an instructor.  On a confidential basis, the student, disabilities services and the instructor will determine the appropriate accommodations which will be provided in a manner that is consistent with the objectives, outcomes, and academic standards of the course.  Absences may not exceed any class attendance policy. The Office of Disability Services is located at the Downtown Campus, U218  (362-7012 / 7158).

*** The instructor reserves the right, acting within the policies and procedures of Cape Fear Community College, to make changes, adjustments, additions and deletions in course content, first day handout, or instructional technique, without notice or obligations.

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

How to calculate your grade

Tests (drop lowest of 5, and no makeups)

Test 1 100 ( ) Test 2 100 ( ) Test 3 100 ( ) Test 4 100 ( ) Test 5 100 ( ) ____________________________

total (70%) total / 4 = y y • 0.7 = z

Assignments(No drop or makeups.) F1 25 ( ) F2 25 ( ) F3 25 ( ) Lab Practical 25 ( ) _____________________________

total (30%) total • 0.3 = r Final grade = z + r (CFCC Grading Policy)


Or you can calculate From 100 In other words using 100 as the max (obviously) overall total - you can take your score for each of your 4 Tests and multiply by 0.175 and that number is that 1 tests value out of 100. With your 4 Lab Assignments, multiply by 0.075. Same deal. Add all 8 calculated values up and that is your grade out of 100. If I am wrong with these calculations - you should default to the Tests = 70% & Lab grades = 30%. Use formula at your own risk!

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401


I hereby authorize Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) to use, reproduce, and/or publish photographs of me for the purposes of promoting the college. In addition, I authorize CFCC to publish and or reproduce my written works and/or artwork for the purpose of promoting the college, program, event, activity or college-related organization.

I understand that this material may be used in various publications, news media releases, recruitment materials, or for other related endeavors. This material may also appear on CFCC's Internet web page, social media sites or electronic newsletters.

Consequently, CFCC may publish materials, use my name, and/or make reference to me in any manner that CFCC deems appropriate in order to promote/publicize the college.

This authorization is continuous and may only be withdrawn by my specific rescission of this authorization.

Student Printed Name Student Signature

__________________________________________ _____________________________________________

__________________________________________ _____________________________________________

__________________________________________ _____________________________________________

__________________________________________ _____________________________________________

__________________________________________ _____________________________________________

__________________________________________ _____________________________________________

__________________________________________ _____________________________________________

__________________________________________ _____________________________________________

__________________________________________ _____________________________________________

__________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Authorized College Representative:_______________________________________________ Date: ___________

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Cape Fear Community College Biology Laboratory Safety Sheet

The following is a list of practices required for safety purposes in the all Science laboratory and in outdoor activities. Follow all instructions from your instructor.

1. Only “closed-toed” shoes will be allowed in all laboratory settings. Students with improper footwear will not be allowed into the laboratory and will receive an absence for that laboratory period.

2. To prevent possible hazards to eyes or contact lenses, wear safety glasses or goggles during exercises in which flame, heat, chemicals and possible projectiles are being utilized or as directed by the instructor.

3. Laboratory coats must be worn in Microbiology and General Chemistry I and II labs. 4. DO NOT

a. Eat or drink in the laboratory b. Ingest any reagents (chemicals) or pipette anything by mouth c. Clean-up any broken glass (instructor will handle) d. Handle live organisms unsupervised

5. DO a. Follow explicitly the instructions given by the instructor and ask questions, if uncertain, before

proceeding. b. Notify the instructor of any medical conditions or allergies. c. Note the location of emergency equipment such as first aid kit, eyewash station, ceiling shower

station, fire blanket, fire extinguisher and emergency evacuation route. d. Keep your work area neat, clean and organized. Before beginning, remove everything from your

work area except the lab manual and equipment used for the experiment. Follow the clean-up procedures from you instructor.

e. Handle hot glassware with a test tube clamp, hot mitts or tongs. Use caution when using heat and do not leave a flame unattended. Do not move a lit Bunsen burner; tie back long hair and keep loose clothing well away from the flame. Use proper ventilation and hoods when instructed.

f. Use extra care and wear disposable gloves when working with glass tubing and when using dissecting equipment (scalpels, knives, or razor blades), whether cutting or assisting.

g. Report all accidents/injuries or unsafe/hazardous conditions to the instructor immediately. h. Make sure cuts/scrapes are covered when coming to lab. i. Use caution during any outdoor activities. Instructor will indicate proper attire for all outside

activities. Watch for snakes, poisonous insects or spiders, stinging insects, poison plants, etc. Be careful near water.

6. If the classroom must be evacuated, leave the classroom in an organized fashion, exit the building using the designated stairways and meet at the designated area outside of the classroom.

7. I have read and understand the above safety regulations for Course _________ Sec#_____ and will follow these regulations to ensure my safety and those of my colleagues. I will inform my instructor and seek the advice of my physician concerning any medical condition that may pose a health risk to me as a result of any chemical/pathogen exposure in the lab.

Student/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Print Student Name: ___________________________________________________________Student ID #: ________________________

Students under the age of 18 years who are classified as dependents must have parent/guardian signature.

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016


Course Assignments and Tests Lecture

Tests (T1 etc.)100 pts. each

Time - As we proceed through the material, I will decide when the test will be given. We will discuss in class and set a date.

Assessment - 50 question test. Questions are typically from what we do in

lecture. Can be ANYTHING that is related to the topic of biology. This is not

open notes and please bring a number 2 pencil as you will be using a

scantron. No make ups and we drop the lowest of 5 test grades.

Lab Practical25 pts. x 1

Time - during lab at approx. the 15th week.Assessment - Multiple choice test. Questions are from what we do in class. Can be ANYTHING that is lab or lecture related. You are allowed to use your notes from lab.

Presentations* (F Projects = fruit, fish and fungus or ???!)25 pts. x 3

Time - usually about 4th, 8th and 12th week of course.Assessment - 8 minute presentation on the two fruits, fish and fungi you will be assigned in first few weeks of lab. Very casual. Use presentation application of your choice. 4 minutes per “f”. Tell me anything and everything you can about your “f”. Do not display a HUGE page of long text and then read it. I want to see photos, maps and charts that help convey the “f” you are describing. Must be Rated G. Can bring “props”.

*These might be “B” projects this semester - as I am growing tired of the letter F. But I will still call them F-Projects in all likelihood. Enjoy!

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

Extra Credit - Term Paper (with video or poster)Up to 15 points added to Test #3 (cannot go over 100)No questions! This is up to you to figure out.Do your best. Don’t let it stink - wasting my time… and yours.

There are no exceptions to the details described herein. Extra credit is totally up to me and at my discretion. If you think you may need to do this after test #2, start working on it, but you will not qualify if these instructions are not followed EXACTLY as I have stated. NO EXCEPTIONS.

In order to do this extra credit, you must have a 75 or lower after the third test. Just add your 3 lecture tests up and divide by 3.

In order to qualify you must follow these instructions EXACTLY: Up to the end of the lecture that comes after your third test - you must have presented me with a printout of your grades (from your online grade book). In addition, you must have hand written your 3 lecture grades on it, drawn a line - put the total and divide by 3. Then in red pen - have written this average. If this is 70 or lower, I will accept your request for a term paper.

Term paper is to be 15 pages long. Single spaced. No more than 5 pages of images. Bound with 9 binder clips on left side - no staples or covers. Format it as you like but a good use of space is expected. I want a works cited page as well. If it looks like it was plagiarized, I will immediately toss it in the trash and you will receive no points.

Topic will be determined when you request the extra credit. I will write your topic on your grade sheet. You must include this sheet as the last page of your term paper.

+ Poster Definitely not a project for the graphically challenged. If you print and paste - keep it neat and clean. No wrinkles and no glue oozing everywhere. Consider having it printed as one piece. Use your layout application of choice. Photoshop is your friend. I will not accept “craft” posters unless they are neat and well executed.Size = 24 x 36 inches. Exactly. I will measure it.

Topic: _______________________________________________________________________.

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

Friendly Reminders Name: _________________________ Class & Section: _____________

Write your F1 topics here.

___________________ & ______________________

Write your F2 topics here.

___________________ & ______________________

Write your F3 topics here.

___________________ & ______________________

Keep tabs on your grades here. Tests = 100 pts. 1 test drop grade.

Test 1 _______ Test 2 _______ Test 3 _______ Test 4 _______ Final Test (5) _______

F1 (25) _____ F2 (25) _____ F3 (25) _____ Lab Practical (25) _____

Lecture Tests are usually 50 questions multiple choice. But it can change! Read the chapters! The practical is open notes. Anything from lab (or class) is fair game. No make-ups in lab or lecture tests. You get 1 drop grade for lecture only. Lecture = 70% grade • Lab = 30%

Quiz grades: These are not mandatory but may help your final grade.

a. _______ b. _______ c. _______ d. _______ e. _______

f. _______ g. _______ h. _______ i. _______ j. ________


Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

Name: _____________________________________________ Sec.#: _______

All About You! [ ] Optional. Complete and submit during Lab 1. [ ] None of your &%$#*^ business!

Using the Map TO THE LEFT. Place a star on your hometown. And write out the name, please.


Age ___________


Occupation / where do you work?



Favorite book or television show

Favorite Foods

Favorite Restaurants

Favorite place(s) you have visited

Tell me more about yourself:

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

Activity Waiver Form(Release, Waiver and Covenant Not To Sue)I, the undersigned Participant, agree to be bound by this Release, Waiver and Covenant Not To Sue (“Release”) in consideration for Cape Fear Community College’s ("College") permission to participate in the activity described as follows:

Field TripsIncluding all related or associated activities, events and related travel, whether or not transportation is provided or arranged by the College, (the “Activity").1. Acceptance of Terms. I understand that I must agree to this Release if I am to participate in the Activity. Participation in theActivity is a privilege granted to me by the College.2. Express Assumption of Risks. I acknowledge that the Activity involves certain inherent risks and dangers of accident, injury, loss or harm, including but not limited to bodily injury, death, emotional distress, and economic damage (collectively, "Risks"), and I knowingly, willfully and voluntarily assume all such Risks, whether known or unknown, economic or noneconomic, direct or indirect, in any way associated or connected with the Activity.If the Activity is an athletic activity or event, or involves physical movement or proximity to other individuals, I understand andacknowledge that injuries and sickness may result from, or be worsened or complicated by, the Activity, and that the Risks cannot be completely eliminated.3. Release of Liability. I FOREVER RELEASE, ACQUIT, AND DISCHARGE THE COLLEGE, AND ITS REPRESENTATIVES, OFFICERS, TRUSTEES, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, AND INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS, AND THE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS THEREOF (COLLECTIVELY, "THE COLLEGE AFFILIATES”), OF AND FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, CLAIMS, DAMAGES, DEMANDS, ACTIONS, INJURIES, CAUSES OF ACTION, SUITS, LOSSES, COSTS, AND EXPENSES, INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES, OF WHATSOEVER KIND OR NATURE, ARISING FROM, RELATED TO, OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE ACTIVITY, WHETHER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN, ECONOMIC OR NONECONOMIC, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE RESULTING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE COLLEGE AND THE COLLEGE AFFILIATES.4. Indemnification. I AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE COLLEGE AND THE COLLEGE AFFILIATES OF AND FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, CLAIMS, DAMAGES, DEMANDS, ACTIONS, INJURIES, CAUSES OF ACTION, SUITS, LOSSES, COSTS, AND EXPENSES, INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES, OF WHATSOEVER KIND OR NATURE INCURRED BY OR THREATENED AGAINST THE COLLEGE ARISING FROM, RELATED TO, OR IN ANY WAY ASSOCIATED OR CONNECTED WITH MY PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITY.5. Voluntary Participation. I acknowledge that I am not required to participate in any way in the Activity, but have willfully andvoluntarily decided to participate in the Activity of my own accord. If I am an employee or independent contractor of the College, I understand that my decision whether or not to participate in the Activity will have no effect on my employment or other economic relationship with the College.6. College Drug and Alcohol Policy. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE COLLEGE HAS ZERO TOLERANCEFOR THE ILLEGAL USE, POSSESSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF DRUGS AND ALCOHOL ON COLLEGE PROPERTY OR WHILE PARTICIPATING IN COLLEGE ACTIVITIES WHEREVER LOCATED. I AGREE THAT I WILL NOT POSSESS, USE, SELL, DISTRIBUTE OR BE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL WHILE PARTICIPATING IN ANY COLLEGE ACTIVITY AND THAT I WILL ADHERE TO THE DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY AS STATED IN THE COLLEGE CATALOG.7. Severability. If any word, phrase, term or provision of this Release is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to beunenforceable, void, or voidable, it is the intent of the parties that the remainder of this Release shall remain in full force and effect.8. Governing Law. The parties hereto agree that, without regard to conflicts of law principles, the laws of the State of North Carolinashall govern and control the validity, interpretation, performance, and enforcement of this Release.9. Full Understanding of Terms. I hereby acknowledge and agree that I have been given an opportunity to read this Release in full and fully understand the terms and provisions set forth in this Release. I further acknowledge and agree that I am giving up substantial rights.10. Signature and Binding Effect. I execute this Release on behalf of myself and my personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, intending to be bound by the terms of this Release.

Execution by Parent or Guardian. If the Participant is under the age of 18, this Release must be signed by the parent or legal guardian of the Participant on behalf of the Participant. I, the undersigned parent or guardian, hereby acknowledge and agree that this Release shall be executed on behalf of the Participant and his or her personal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns, with the result that all such parties are bound by the terms of this Release. I agree to be bound to the terms of this Release to the same extent as the Participant. I agree and promise not to sue or bring any claim against the College arising out of the Participant's participation in the Activity, either on behalf of Participant or in my own individual capacity.

PARTICIPANT:Participant Signature(if 18 or older)

Printed Name(and Student ID#, if a CFCC student)

Parent/GuardianSignature and Printed Name(if Participant is under 18)


ND: 4836-3321-5752, v. 2, Rev. 9/2011

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

tl;dr version 1. Write down your “F Project” topics. There are 6. You will present these in

lab on 3 separate days. 2 each day. Days are TBD. Do not lose these. Asking me what they are erodes my warm and fuzzy feelings.

2. Your final exam is optional. I drop one of five test grades. If you are good with your test grades - why take it? FWIW: Don’t trust your Blackboard overall grade. It is hardly ever accurate. Use the grading sheet in the syllabus. It’s fun.

3. I will not provide a list of your absences. You weren’t here…you can keep track. or perhaps not….

4. Lab and lecture grading are combined. See grading section in this syllabus.

5. Test dates will be announced as we proceed.

6. There are NEVER any makeups for ANY reason. Take the final.

7. Extra credit is discussed in lab. 10 points for the 10 gonads. 5 points for the pluteus (or foram, my call dude) and up to 3 pts. for fruit at fruit lab. These points are added to you practical grade at the end of the semester. If you have 6 stamps from my self-inking stamp (that I’m aching to use) - I will sprinkle them onto your F Project grade.

8. Oh. And that brand new self-inking stamp I so badly want to use… If you are lucky enough to get 3 of these on your “friendly reminder” sheet, you are sort of guaranteed* to have something awesome happen to your lab grade. or overall grade. or maybe nothing will happen at all. Oh look, a butterfly.

9. F Projects will be graded much more stricter than you might think. Full points are going to be difficult to achieve. Entertain me. Dazzle me. Make me drool.

10. I’m not a big stickler on attendance but if you miss a lot of lab (> 3 labs) I will surely dock your final grade by 1 letter grade. And all my warm fuzzy feelings for you will be gone. I follow school policy on all attendance. :(

* not really a guarantee. No points or grade enhancement is implied.

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401

Daniel Norris • Biology 111 • Syllabus • Fall 2016

F Project Suggestions Less than 20 words per slide

At least 1 map relevant to topic

What is your F related to? or similar to?


Variations or cultivars (plants)


Mention an adaptation or evolved trait


Recipe or medicinal use(briefly mention only a few “health benefits” if relevant or interesting) Pictures • Pictures • Pictures! but rated G please.

Hints: Save as >1 format. PDF is a good backup.8 minutes total Practice at home Time yourself Make decent attempt at pronouncing scientific names. Be ready on your day - it will hurt your grade if you are not.

Science Department • Cape Fear Community College 411 N. Front Street • Wilmington, NC 28401