SYED ALI Handout for Residents

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  • 8/19/2019 SYED ALI Handout for Residents


    Challenging CasesFrom

    Johns Hopkins

    Syed Z. Ali, MD, FRCPath, FIACProfessor of Pathology and Radiology

    The Johns Hopkins HospitalBaltimore, Maryland


    Case One

    A 23 year-old Hispanic woman with epigastric abdominal painthat started during her 2nd month of gestation and steadilyworsened. Radiologic scans showed a 12.0 cm mass off theinferior aspect of her stomach. The mass was aspirated viatransabdominal U/S guidance one week after she delivered.

  • 8/19/2019 SYED ALI Handout for Residents


  • 8/19/2019 SYED ALI Handout for Residents


    Open Discussion

    Case Two

    A 48 year-old man with an incidental 6 cm distal esophagealmass. Past history was significant for a hiatal hernia as wellas esophageal varices found on endoscopy three years ago(for repeated hematemesis). EUS-guided FNA of esophagus.

  • 8/19/2019 SYED ALI Handout for Residents


  • 8/19/2019 SYED ALI Handout for Residents


    Open Discussion

  • 8/19/2019 SYED ALI Handout for Residents


    Case Three

    A 58 year-old man with bilateral lung transplant three yearsago for severe COPD presents with pleural effusion and

    pleural-based lung nodules. A whole body pan scan (including brain) showed no masses or other lesions. An FNA of a lungmass was worked up with a battery of immunostains andshowed GFAP reactivity.

  • 8/19/2019 SYED ALI Handout for Residents


  • 8/19/2019 SYED ALI Handout for Residents


    Open Discussion

    Case Four

    An otherwise healthy 76 year-old man with h/o prostate cancerand renal cell carcinoma (s/p TURP and nephrectomy) wasseen as part of his routine follow-up. Catheterized urine.

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  • 8/19/2019 SYED ALI Handout for Residents

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    Open Discussion

    Case Five

    A 65 year-old man presented with worsening headaches,dizziness and gait disturbance. Past medical history wassignificant for implanted defribrillator (for ventriculartachycardia) and a lower extremity surgery two years ago.Cerebrospinal fluid was obtained by lumbar puncture.

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  • 8/19/2019 SYED ALI Handout for Residents


    Open Discussion