Revision No: B Document Number: SFS-JHG-PLN-CEMP-006 When printed this document is an uncontrolled version and must be checked against the IMS electronic version for validity Issue Date:24/01/2020 Page 1 of 47 1 Sydney Football Stadium Redevelopment Stage 2 Biodiversity Management Sub Plan ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN SSD-9835

Sydney Football Stadium Redevelopment Stage 2€¦ · − hard and soft landscaping works; − publicly accessible event and operational areas; − public art; and − provision of

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Page 1: Sydney Football Stadium Redevelopment Stage 2€¦ · − hard and soft landscaping works; − publicly accessible event and operational areas; − public art; and − provision of

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Sydney Football Stadium Redevelopment Stage 2 Biodiversity Management Sub Plan ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN SSD-9835

Page 2: Sydney Football Stadium Redevelopment Stage 2€¦ · − hard and soft landscaping works; − publicly accessible event and operational areas; − public art; and − provision of

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Table of Contents 1 REVISIONS .................................................................................................................. 3

1.1 Revisions .......................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Distribution List ................................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Compliance Matrix ............................................................................................................ 4

2 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................ 5

2.1 Definitions and Abbreviations ........................................................................................... 5

3 SCOPE ......................................................................................................................... 6

4 OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................................. 8

5 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA ........................................................................................ 9

5.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 9 5.2 Listed Flora and Fauna ..................................................................................................... 9 5.3 Project Location and Sensitive Areas Map ........................................................................ 9

6 LEGISLATION AND GUIDANCE DOCUMENTATION .............................................. 11

7 MANAGEMENT OF FLORA & FAUNA ...................................................................... 12

7.1 Actions Table .................................................................................................................. 12

8 MONITORING ............................................................................................................. 17

9 REPORTING ............................................................................................................... 18

10 SUGGESTED CORRECTIVE ACTIONS .................................................................... 19

APPENDIX A: TREE LOCATIONS ................................................................................... 20

APPENDIX B: TREE ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE ........................................................... 21

APPENDIX C: TYPICAL TREE PROTECTION MEASURES ........................................... 41

APPENDIX D: FAUNA RESCUE PROCEDURE .............................................................. 43

APPENDIX E: CLEARING PERMIT.................................................................................. 45

APPENDIX F: ARBORIST TEAM ..................................................................................... 47

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1.1 Revisions Draft issues of this document shall be identified as Revision A, B, C etc. Upon initial issue (generally Contract Award) this shall be changed to a sequential number commencing at Revision 0. Revision numbers shall continue at Rev. 1, 2 etc.

Rev Date Prepared By [Name & Signature]

Reviewed By [Name & Signature] Approved By Remarks

A 19/12/19 Clementine Watson Mark Turner/Matt Stephenson First draft B 16/01/20 Clementine Watson Mark Turner/Steve Maclaren Final draft C 28/2/20 Clementine Watson Cameron Newling For inclusion


Copy Holder Details

Name Position Copy Number

Steve Maclaren HSEQ Manager

1.2 Distribution List

Client’s Representative Electronic copy via Aconex

Project Director Access to electronic copy in Aconex

Project Manager (Construction) Access to electronic copy in Aconex

Environmental/Sustainability Manager Access to electronic copy in Aconex

Project Planning Representative Access to electronic copy in Aconex

Project Personnel Access to electronic copy in Aconex The controlled master version of this document is available for distribution as appropriate and maintained on Aconex. All circulated hard copies of this document are deemed to be uncontrolled.

When printed this document is an uncontrolled version and must be checked against the Aconex electronic version for validity.

Page 4: Sydney Football Stadium Redevelopment Stage 2€¦ · − hard and soft landscaping works; − publicly accessible event and operational areas; − public art; and − provision of

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1.3 Compliance Matrix

Table 1 - Compliance Matrix

Biodiversity Management Plan requirements Reference B27 The Biodiversity Management Sub-Plan (CBMSP) must be prepared in consultation

with the Project Arborist nominated in condition B22 and a suitably qualified ecologist and address, but not be limited to, the following:

Refer to Appendix B for Arborist report Appendix F

(a) details of all trees (with tree nos.) within the site, Moore Park Road and the adjoining properties (if applicable) that are required to be protected during construction works;

Appendix B

(b) describe strategies and measures to protect trees and other vegetation that is proposed to be retained during construction in accordance with the recommendations in the Arboricultural Impact Assessment prepared by Tree IQ dated 30/05/2019 including (but not limited to) T125 and T231;

Section 7

(c) methods to avoid any impacts to street trees on both sides of Moore Park Road and vegetation in the centre median of Moore Park Road in the vicinity of the site wherever practical;

Section 7

(d) assessment of the degree of impact, if works are proposed within the nominated tree protection zones (TPZ) of trees that are proposed to be retained in condition B27(b);

Section 7 Appendix B Appendix C

(e) strategies and mitigation measures for minimising or mitigating the impacts identified in condition B27(d);

Section 7

(f) measures to check for and allow any fauna (mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians) found within the site to be dispersed to neighbouring habitats;

Section 7 Appendix D

(g) measures to communicate to the construction workforce the biodiversity values that are to be retained and protected; and

Section 7

(h) a Pruning Specification Report in accordance with Schedule 8 of City of Sydney DCP 2012 for any tree (including street trees) that may require pruning for site access, construction, hoarding / scaffolding or any other reason.

Section 7

C23 Tree Protection For the duration of the construction works: (a) all trees on the site that are not approved for removal must be protected throughout the

duration of construction works in accordance with the CBMSP; Section 7

(b) street trees must be retained unless it forms a part of this development consent or prior written approval from Council is obtained or is required in an emergency to avoid the loss of life or damage to property;

Section 7

(c) all street trees to be retained must be protected at all times during construction as per the relevant Australian Standard. Any tree on the footpath, which is damaged or removed during construction due to an emergency, must be replaced, to the satisfaction of Council;

Section 7

(d) all works within the specified tree protection zones or structural root zones of trees to be retained on the site, must be carried out under the supervision of the Project Arborist

Section 7

(e) during the course of works, alternative tree protection measures must be installed, as required, under the supervision of the Project Arborist nominated in the CEMP;

Section 7

(f) all trees that require to be pruned for site access but must be assessed by the Project Arborist and the pruning must be carried out in accordance with the CBMSP;

Section 7

(g) the removal of tree protection measures, following completion of the works, must be carried out under the supervision of the Project Arborist and must avoid both direct mechanical injury to the structure of the tree and soil compaction within the canopy or the limit of the former protective fencing, whichever is the greater;

Section 7

(h) additional Arboricultural impact statements must be completed by the Applicant, if any construction works require widening of paths, installation of lighting and other infrastructure within the tree protection zones of any trees within the land managed by the Centennial Parks and Moore Park Trust; and

Section 7

(i) all works (if any) within the land owned by Centennial Parks and Moore Park Trust must be carried out in accordance with the Botanic Gardens and Centennial Parklands Tree Protection Policy.

Section 7

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2.1 Definitions and Abbreviations Definitions and abbreviations to be applied to the Sydney Football Stadium Project are listed in Table 2 below. Table 2 - Definitions and Abbreviations

Term/abbreviation Definition

Client INSW

PM Project Manager

SM Site Manager / Superintendent

Fm Foreman / Supervisor

PER Project Environmental Representative

WRA Workplace Risk Assessment

AMS Activity Method Statement

SEP Site Environmental Plan

EMP Environmental Management Plan

ECP Environmental Control Plan

EES Department of Environment, Earth and Science

EPBC Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

GME Global Mandatory Requirement

JHET John Holland Event Tracker

HSEQ Health, Safety, Environment and Quality

TPZ Tree Protection Zone

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3 SCOPE The Sydney Football Stadium Redevelopment Stage 2 (The Project) is an Infrastructure NSW initiative to build a new rectangular stadium. The Project is part of the SCSGT Precinct, adjacent to the SCSGT and part of the wider Moore Park sports and entertainment precinct.

Stage 2 works include Detailed design, construction and operation of a new stadium comprising:

• construction of the stadium, including:

− 45,000 seats (additional 10,000 - person capacity in the playing field in concert mode) in four tiers including general admission areas, members seating and corporate I premium seating;

− roof cover over all permanent seats and a rectangular playing pitch;

− a mezzanine level with staff and operational areas;

− internal pedestrian circulation zones, media facilities and other administration areas on the seating levels;

− a basement level (at the level of the playing pitch) accommodating pedestrian and vehicular circulation zones, 50 car parking spaces, facilities for teams and officials, media and broadcasting areas, storage and internal loading areas;

− food and drink kiosks, corporate and media facilities; and

− four signage zones.

• construction and establishment of the public domain within the site, including:

− hard and soft landscaping works;

− publicly accessible event and operational areas;

− public art; and

− provision of pedestrian and cycling facilities.

• wayfinding signage and lighting design within the site;

• reinstatement of the existing Moore Park Carpark 1 (MP1) upon completion of construction works with 540 at-grade car parking spaces and vehicular connection to the new stadium basement level;

• operation and use of the new stadium and the public domain areas within the site for a range of sporting and entertainment events; and

• extension and augmentation of utilities and infrastructure.

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The works are proposed to be staged as shown below in Table 3 :

Table 3 - Construction Staging

CC No. Proposed works Duration Start Date

Finish Date

CC1 Bulk earthworks, retaining walls, enabling and temporary works (for example shoring) to facilitate future stages.

11 months March 2020

February 2021

CC2 Stadium sub-structure elements including piles, foundations, footing construction and in-ground services

7 months April 2020 October 2021

CC3 Structure - basement to concourse level construction. 9 months July 2020 March 2021

CC4 Above concourse level works (structure – Level 1 to Level 5) 7 months November 2020

May 2021

CC5 Roof, façade, fit-out and remaining elements. 18 months February 2021

July 2022

This Environmental Control Plan is applicable to all construction phase works associated with the Sydney Football Stadium Project (John Holland and subcontractors). As per Condition B22 the Project arborist is IQ Trees and Project Ecologist is WSP.

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4 OBJECTIVE To ensure appropriate measures are implemented to address the relevant Conditions of Consent (CoC) outlined in the State Significant Development Consent (SSD-9835) by:

− Minimum disturbance to fauna and flora; including habitation, reproductive cycles, and availability of selective food sources;

− Negative impacts on Commonwealth or State listed endangered species or endangered ecological communities outside of the project scope;

− Minimise the loss of flora and ecological communities within, and bordering on, the project area, during construction; and

− Flora and fauna management practices must meet all legislative and contractual requirements.

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5.1 General − No fauna fatalities resulting from construction activities.

− Minimise disturbance to onsite fauna by implementing recover and rescue to any injured or orphaned species during construction.

− No disturbance of native flora outside of the project scope.

− No disturbance to native flora within the project scope which is outside of project approval conditions.

− 100% Compliance with John Holland Global Mandatory Requirements

5.2 Listed Flora and Fauna Below is the listed Flora and Fauna as per Appendix EE of the EIS.

Table 4 - Listed Flora and Fauna

Flora / Fauna Commonwealth Listing

State Listing Other Notes

Grey Headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus)

Yes, vulnerable Yes, vulnerable

No roost camps are present in the development site but the bats from the Centennial Park camp forage in the development site

Eastern Bentwing-bat (Miniopterus schreibersii oceanensis)

Not applicable Yes, vulnerable

This species is likely to forage on insects attracted to the lights of the SFS and surrounding buildings and car parks however is considered to have a low likelihood of using the SFS as a roosting site

No listed flora species in project area

Not applicable Not applicable Vegetation in the project area has been planted and comprises a mix of native and exotic trees.

No threatened ecological communities in project area

Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

Ficus macrophylla Moreton Bay Fig (Tree 125)

Not applicable Not applicable Tree 125 is listed on the City of Sydney Register of Significant Trees (2013) and is the only tree within the SFS site which is of very high Landscape Significance.

5.3 Project Location and Sensitive Areas Map The site is located at 40-44 Driver Avenue, Moore Park within the Sydney Cricket Sports Ground Trust (SCSGT) Precinct bounded by Moore Park Road to the north, Paddington Lane to the east, the existing SCSGT stadium to the south, Driver Avenue to the west, and is located within the City of Sydney local government area.

The site is legally described as Part Lots 1528 and 1530 in Deposited Plan 752011 and Lot 1 in Deposited Plan 205794 and is Crown Land, with the SCSGT designated as the sole trustee under the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Act 1978.

The site is largely surrounded by Centennial and Moore Parks, the Fox Studios and Entertainment Quarter precincts and the residential suburb of Paddington.

The site is approximately 3km from the Sydney CBD and approximately 2km from Central Station, is connected to Sydney’s transport network through existing bus routes and will benefit from a dedicated stop on the soon to be completed Sydney CBD and South East Light Rail.

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Figure 1: Site boundaries and former structures prior to demolition works: 1: Allianz Stadium, 2: Sheridan Centre, 3: Sydney Roosters, 4: Cricket NSW, 5: MP1 Carpark

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6 LEGISLATION AND GUIDANCE DOCUMENTATION Table 5 - Legislation and Guidance Documentation

Federal Legislation

State legislation Local Government Laws

Standards / Codes

Other Documentation (Contract, Approvals, Client Specifications,

EMP) Environmental Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

1. Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (NSW)

2. Biodiversity Conservation Act (NSW 2016)

3. National parks and Wildlife Act (NSW, 1974)

4. Forestry Act (NSW, 1916)

5. Biosecurity Act (NSW, 2015)

Schedule 8 of City of Sydney DCP 2012

AS4970 -2009 Protection of trees on development sites AS4373-2007 Pruning of amenity trees

1. Reference project specific documentation and include any additional requirements in Section 5

2. Project Environmental Management Plan

3. Soil and Water ECP 4. Site Environment Plan

(SEP) 5. Managing SQE risks

JH-MPR-SQE-006 6. Environment Planning

JH-MPR-ENV-001 7. John Holland GMRs

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7.1 Actions Table

No Pre-Construction Staff Responsible When

1. Develop SEP highlighting sensitive areas and clearly identifying the project footprint, including boundaries of construction.

PER Prior to construction

2. Define work boundaries and install physical barriers to prevent accidental damage to sensitive habitats, including no-go zones and tree protection measures (GMR 9.2).

SM / PER Prior to construction

3. Communicate to all construction workers during site induction of; • Nominated trees for retention (on a diagram); • Construction exclusion zones; and • Project identified sensitive flora and fauna locations and

responsibilities in relation to these; and Fauna interaction rules.

Fm / PER At Site Induction

4. Identify appropriate local vet or rescue organisation/wildlife carers/facilities. Contact details for this person/company must be available in the relevant Site Environmental Plan (SEP)

PER Prior to construction

5. Ensure all key actions of this ECP (eg demarcation of protected areas, erosion control measures and clearing permit requirements) are incorporated in relevant project HSEQ risk management documentation (AMS, ITPs and SEPs)

PER Prior to construction

6. A Project Arborist shall be engaged prior the commencement of work on-site and monitor compliance with the protection measures. The Project Arborist shall inspect the tree protection measures and Compliance Certification shall be prepared by the Project Arborist for review by the Principal Certifying Authority prior to the release of the Compliance Certificate. The Project Arborist shall have a minimum qualification equivalent (using the Australian Qualifications Framework) of NSW TAFE Certificate Level 5 or above in Arboriculture.

PER Prior to construction See Appendix F for Arborist details

Plant Access and Movement Staff Responsible When

7. Demarcate construction areas and transport routes as per GMR 9.9.

SM At site establishment

8. Limit movement of vehicles and personnel to designated working areas and access routes.

Fm At all times

9. Implement tree protection zones (TPZ) as outlined within AS4970 -2009 Protection of trees on development sites and follow the advice provided in the standard if any minor or major encroachment of the zone is required. Encroachments on a

Fm / PER Before plant movements occur in proximity of a protected tree

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Plant Access and Movement Staff Responsible When TPZ must first be discussed and planned with the project arborist. TPZ = DBH X 12. DBH = Trunk diameter measured at 1.4m above ground.

10. TPZ must be demarcated by: • Parrawebbing – foot traffic • Demarcation / Fencing – vehicle traffic

Padding/physical protection measures installed near excavators and other construction works

FM / PER Prior to works occurring

11. Tree protection details (in a diagram) would be placed on-site in a prominent position such as notice boards.

SM At site establishment

Disturbance and Clearing of Vegetation Staff Responsible When

12. No disturbance to any vegetation (native and non-native) shall occur outside of the clearing zones or the project boundary Additional Arboricultural impact statements must be if any construction works require widening of paths, installation of lighting and other infrastructure within the tree protection zones of any trees within the land managed by the Centennial Parks and Moore Park Trust Any works within the land owned by Centennial Parks and Moore Park Trust must be carried out in accordance with the Botanic Gardens and Centennial Parklands Tree Protection Policy.

All staff At all times

13. A clearing permit will be completed prior the removal or pruning of any vegetation (JH-FRM-ENV-001-02) (Appendix E).

Fm / PER Prior to clearing

14. The limits of clearing will be identified on site prior to clearing as per GMR 10.1. Supervisors shall confirm permit boundaries and conditions with the relevant PER prior to commencing clearing work.

Fm / PER

15. GMR 9.1 and 10.1 specifies vegetation clearing activities must:

• Physically demarcate areas of vegetation to be trimmed or removed

• Mark areas of vegetation to remain and ‘no go’ zones.

Fm / PER At all times

16. Minimise impacts on native flora and fauna by implementing the following;

• Trees to be removed to be identified and clearly marked prior to removal. If not clearly marked, do not remove.

• Ecologist / fauna spotter/catcher (or similar) to be present onside during clearing of hollow bearing trees to handle any displaced fauna or active nests.

• Following clearing of trees, the project ecologist will complete post clearing inspections of hollow

Fm / PER At all times

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Disturbance and Clearing of Vegetation Staff Responsible When bearing trees to relocate/treat any injured or remaining animals.

• If fauna is not injured and able to be relocated, PER or ecologist (in consultation with WIRES) to identify suitable relocation site for any rescued fauna

• In the event of injury to fauna, WIRES Rescue (1300 094 737) or Local veterinary surgeries to be contacted and suitable arrangements made.

Injury to any native fauna must be reported to WIRES

17. Transport any injured animal to a licensed wildlife carer or wildlife facility as directed by onsite Ecologist / fauna spotter/catcher (if onsite) or as directed by WIRES Rescue – details available in relevant SEP

Fm / PER At all times

18. Minimise areas of exposed earth by only stripping/clearing areas immediately prior to works and rehabilitating the area as soon as possible (GMR 10.3).

Fm / PER At all times

19. Removal of flora not previously identified requires client approval and/or changes to permit conditions prior to clearing.

PM / Fm / PER At all times

20. Damage to flora not pre-approved for clearing should be immediately reported to PER and treated as an incident.

All Staff At all times

21. Minimise vegetation removal by trimming limbs rather than removing entire trees or bushes Ensure any pruning complies with AS4373-2007: Pruning of amenity trees as stated in Schedule 8 of the City of Sydney DCP 2012.

Fm / PER At all times

22. No burning of cleared vegetation All Staff At all times

General Staff Responsible When

23. No construction employee on the project shall intentionally damage or injure native flora or fauna.

All staff At all times

24. No feeding of native fauna by project personnel. No domestic animals are to be brought to site.

All Staff At all times

25. Cover, protect or ensure escape measures are installed in excavations to prevent fauna from becoming trapped

Fm / PER At all times

26. No plant/equipment/materials to be stored within the TPZ. Fm / PER At all times

27. Orientate temporary construction lighting to prevent light overspill into fauna habitat areas (including marine habitat)

Fm / PER At all times

28. Re-use of uncontaminated topsoil (including any stored seed bank) in revegetation/landscaping activities.

Fm / PER At all times

29. Undertake revegetation during the appropriate planting season for the species being planted.

Fm / PER At all times

30. No dumping of soil or vegetative material on top of vegetation to be retained.

Fm / PER At all times

31. Impacts to street trees shall be limited to that identified in APPENDIX B – TREE DETAILS

All staff At all times

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General Staff Responsible When

32. Concrete blocks supporting hoardings shall not be located on surface roots. Concrete blocks within a TPZ shall be placed on 150mm thick layer of mulch

Fm Prior to works near TPZ of nominated tree

33. As a minimum, the Tree Protection Fence (where employed) shall consist of 1.8m high wire mesh panels supported by concrete feet.

Fm At all times

34. Tree protection shall be agreed upon on a case by case basis with the project arborist prior to commencing works and advised by email or field notes. Example of trunk and root protection can be found in Appendix C: - Typical Tree Protection Measures

Branch protection shall be installed as deemed necessary by the Project Arborist. The removal of tree protection measures, following completion of the works, must be carried out under the supervision of the Project Arborist

Fm/PER At all times

35. Scaffolding and hoarding shall not be located within a TPZ where possible. Branches may be temporarily pushed or tied back. Scaffolding and hoarding shall be modified and constructed around branches (with appropriate branch protection installed as required) where branches cannot be pushed or tied back without damage.

Fm/PER At all times

36. Signs identifying the TPZ should be placed around the edge of the TPZ and be visible when facing the tree from within the site. The lettering on the sign should comply with Australian Standard - 1319 (1994) Safety signs for the occupational environment. The signage shall be installed prior to the commencement of works on-site and shall be maintained in good condition for the duration of the development period.

Fm/PER At all times

37. The area within the Tree Protection Zone shall exclude the following activities, unless otherwise authorised by the Project Arborist:

• Modification of soil levels, excavations and trenching

• Removal of vegetation/ natural rock • Preparation of building materials, refuelling or

disposal of waste materials and chemicals • Movement of pedestrians or vehicular traffic • Temporary/permanent location of services or

works required for installation • Lighting fires or other activities which could

reasonably impact/cause damage to the tree

Fm/PER At all times

38. Materials, waste storage, and temporary services shall not be located within the TPZ.

Fm/PER At all times

39. Impacts to Street Trees (including median vegetation) on Moore Park Road shall be minimised where possible.

Fm/PER At all times

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Unsafe tree /poor condition Staff Responsible When

40. Where a tree is noted to be of poor condition/considered unsafe and is not identified for removal under the consent, an assessment by the Project Ecologist and Arborist must be undertaken and report provided to INSW and the Department prior to its removal justifying why it is unsafe.

PER As required

Fauna protection

41. Where unexpected fauna has been identified, the procedure in Appendix D: - Fauna Rescue Procedure Shall be implemented.

PER Where required

42. Where possible, trenches shall be protected overnight to avoid fauna egress.

Fm End of shift

43. Trenches and open excavations shall be inspected as part of pre-start activities to confirm whether fauna is present

Fm Prior to work commencing in area

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8 MONITORING No Monitoring Required Staff

Responsible When

1. Daily observations to be recorded in site diaries in project pack web.

Fm/PER As required

2. All exclusion barriers, no-go zones, excavations which could contain trapped fauna shall be regularly inspected and maintained as required. Any resulting actions arising shall be raised in JHET (John Holland Event Tracker) through weekly inspections.

PER Weekly

3. Inspection of exclusion/buffer zones to occur during weekly inspections and any actions arising recorded in JHET.

PER Weekly and proceeding any works in buffer zone

4. General monitoring of construction areas for evidence of adverse impact which may result from construction activities. Any actions arising shall be raised in JHET through weekly inspections

PER Weekly

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9 REPORTING No Reporting Required Staff

Responsible When

1. Details of field observations shall be reported in JHET via the weekly environmental inspection checklist, and communicated to all staff during pre-starts, toolbox and team meetings.

PER All times

2. Record all fauna relocations that occur in a fauna relocation register.

PER At all times

3. All incidents regarding flora and fauna shall be reported immediately to the PER and recorded in JHET. Incidents will be notified to INSW as per contractual requirements.

All Staff Following incident

4. Incident Reports shall be completed in JHET and forwarded to the HSEQ Manager and INSW as per contractual requirements.

PER Following incident

5. Regional HSE team is to be immediately informed of any incident that has caused or has potential to cause material harm to the environment and will advise on the notification of relevant regulators and stakeholders.

PM / PER Following incident

6. Summary of environmental flora and fauna incident management to be provided in the project monthly report.

PER Monthly

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10 SUGGESTED CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Risk / Problem Suggested Corrective Action Removal/Impact to tree not approved for removal

Stop work Notify the relevant parties, including the John Holland Regional HSE Team Investigate possibility of rehabilitating the area Review construction methods, control effectiveness and device design Re-train staff/operator(s) with regards to keeping within site boundaries and not

clearing flora without permission Enter incident into JHET Toolbox Talk

Animal injured or killed

Stop work Attempt to prevent further harm to animal and/or other animals in vicinity - establish

a 10m radius no-go zone around injured animal (keeping all people and pets away) Do not approach the injured animal unless directed to by Ecologist / fauna

spotter/catcher, or WIRES Rescue (1800 094 737). Do NOT approach snakes, monitor lizards (goannas), bats (flying-foxes or

microbats), large macropods (kangaroos or wallabies) or raptors (eagles, falcons or hawks). These animals require specialist handling and MUST be rescued by trained wildlife rescuers.

Take injured fauna to a wildlife hospital/veterinary surgery as directed by ecologist or by WIRES Rescue

Contact numbers; → WIRES Rescue (1800 094 737). → Bondi Junction Veterinary Hospital (02) 9389 8411

Notify the relevant parties, including John Holland Regional HSEQ Team Investigate incident and implement controls to prevent reoccurrence Enter incident into JHET Toolbox Talk

Fauna trapped in active work areas

Remove potential risks to fauna, including temporary stop to works Contact Project Environment Representative or Supervisor Determine an escape route for fauna out of the construction area and move all

personnel and equipment clear of the route If fauna does not leave on its own accord, Project Environment Representative to

organise a registered carer or spotter/catcher to arrange capture and release Once fauna is removed, inspect and secure fauna exclusion fencing layout or other

entry points to prevent fauna entry. Inappropriate methods of conducting works to remove flora or handle fauna

Review Site Environmental Plan and implement the appropriate controls and methods.

Evaluate controls and procedures to minimise impact to flora and fauna and implement the correct methods appropriately.

Insufficient maintenance of controls (eg no go zones)

Repair/reinstate controls Review maintenance schedule, staff responsible and resources.

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Figure 2: Tree Protection Fencing

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Figure 3 Examples of Branch, Trunk and Ground Protection

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This procedure is applicable to all native and introduced fauna species that are found in the Project site.


This procedure outlines the correct process to follow for the interaction with any fauna on site during construction activities. In particular, the clearing operations. This procedure will cover instances where fauna is shocked, trapped, injured, or if eggs or juvenile fauna are discovered.


This procedure will be communicated during the site induction, during toolboxes and during development of the Activity Method Statements (AMS).


The Principal Environmental Representative for John Holland (PER) in conjunction with the consultant ecologist will have the responsibility of ensuring this procedure is followed. INSW will be notified in the event of any incidents that occur.


Stop work if encountering any Fauna within work area If fauna is not injured allow it to move out of work area. If fauna will not move out of work area due to injury or other reasons, contact the PER. The PER is to contact the ecologist or WIRES Rescue (1300 094 737) as necessary. Contacts are;

WIRES (Rescue Hotline) 1300 094 737

Bondi Junction Veterinary Hospital (02) 9389 8411 12 Ebley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022

Alexandria Vet Hospital (02) 9698 4120 1/138-142 Botany Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015

Project Ecologist – WSP (Clementine Watson) (02) 9272 5228

Injured Fauna • Be handled by a person licensed to handle fauna only. • Do not approach the injured animal unless directed to by ecologist, or WIRES Rescue (1800 094 737). • Do NOT approach snakes, monitor lizards (goannas), bats (flying-foxes or microbats), large

macropods (kangaroos or wallabies) or raptors (eagles, falcons or hawks). These animals require specialist handling and MUST be rescued by trained wildlife rescuers.

• Minimise stress to fauna – cover fauna with large blanket or towel and place in a cotton bag and contain the animal inside a pet carrier.

• Retain the animal in a quiet, warm location that is well ventilated • The PER will contact the relevant fauna rescue service and /or local veterinary surgery Once the

rescue agency arrives at the site, they are responsible for the animal. Any decisions regarding the care of the animal will be made by the rescue agency.

• In the event the rescue service and/or local veterinary service cannot be contacted, the PER and/or the Ecologist will deliver the injured/captured animal to the rescue agency within 24hrs.

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For Threatened Fauna Species

• Advise the Project Manager and cease all work that may affect the threatened species. • Notify the EES (threatened species unit) and consult with EES on proposed Management strategies

for the species. DPIE must be also notified if EPBC Act listed threatened species that were not previously identified are found.

• Do not recommence work likely to affect the threatened species until the EES have given advice to do so.

• Relocation of fauna species of conservation significance will be undertaken by WIRES or a suitably aboristed fauna specialist in consultation with EES.

• PER to record the location, number, species, relocation of the threatened species.

For Venomous reptiles, or raptors, etc.

• Only to be handled by an appropriately trained and registered handler. • If the animal cannot be handled (i.e. venomous reptiles), the exact location of the animal is to be

recorded and provided to the appropriate rescue agency and all workers to be excluded from the vicinity.

Release Process

If the animal is not injured or stressed it may be released in an appropriate area in consultation with WIRES, in accordance with the following:

• If fauna is not injured and able to be relocated, PER or ecologist (in consultation with WIRES) to identify suitable relocation site for any rescued fauna

• If the species is nocturnal, release will be carried out at dusk. • The release area will be as close to the original habitat as possible in an area that is not to be

disturbed by the construction. • No release would take place during periods of heavy rainfall, unless WIRES or the ecologist

determines that the animal is too stressed to be held any longer.

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Section 1: Permit Details Permit Number:

External Permit Required? Yes / No If yes, specify External Permit Number:

Clearing Location (Chainage / Surveyed location / GPS Coordinates):

Site Environmental Plan (SEP) number:

Proposed Start Date / Time: Proposed Completion Date / Time:

Description of Work:

Section 2: Pre-Clearing Requirements Y/N Comments

Have the clearing limits been physically delineated?

Have the necessary sediment controls been established (clean water diversion bunds, etc.)?

Have all habitat trees been identified and flagged off with an adequate buffer zone?

Are any habitat trees planned for clearing? If yes, a hold point is required.

Have high value or threatened flora species been fenced off with NO GO ZONE bunting clear of the canopy line to prevent clearing, parking, stockpiling, excavation near the tree root zone?

Do seeds need to be collected for reuse in rehabilitation?

Will habitat elements i.e. log, or branches be stockpiled for later use in rehabilitation?

Are there weed infested topsoil areas that need to be managed?

If the timber is being mulched, is it to be stored onsite in stockpiles?

Has the approved SEP, showing ecologically sensitive areas, been provided to and understood by the plant operator and supervisor

Has a physical walk around of the clearing boundary been conducted with each plant operator (and spotter if required)?

Section 3: Permit Conditions / Approval

Mandatory Permit Conditions:

• The clearing limits must be physically delineated, and clearing must not occur outside these limits

• No go zones must not be entered or damaged at any time

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• If fauna or protected flora are discovered during clearing works, contact the PER

• If any habitat trees are to be cleared, these must be left for a minimum of 24 hours after the first stage of clearing (refer to Hold Point – see Section 4).

• Risks associated with clearing must be included in the TRA (e.g. over clearing, clearing outside the clearing limits, encountering fauna, rare flora, cultural heritage items etc.)

(Hand write any additional conditions / instructions below)

I understand and accept the permit conditions detailed above.

Plant Operator Name: ................................................. Signature: ..............................................

Supervisor / Engineer / Subcontractor Name: ................................................. Signature: ..............................................

Permit Issuer / Project Environment Representative: Name: .................................................

Signature: ..............................................

Issue Date: ___/___/___

Expiry Date: ___/___/___

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