“A Woman’s Life Blog Magazine” December Christmas Issue 2012

SYDgiRl December 2012

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A Womans life Magazine

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“A Woman’s Life Blog Magazine”

December Christmas Issue 2012

Table Of Content

Gather Around the Christmas Tree

By Melissa Newell

The Big Shift…. Tara Missman


Kari Woods

The Birth


Finding Christmas Every Day


Gather Around the Christmas Tree

By Melissa Newell

Well, we are knee deep in the holiday season. Our days are filled with decorating, cooking, shopping,

company parties, family parties, wrapping gifts and enjoying family and friends. It can be a little

overwhelming at times but I think we need to keep in mind what this time of year really means to us

personally. This can be the most enjoyable time of year and the most stressful.

Through life’s challenges, I try to keep in mind that I can only control what is within my abilities to do so.

The rest is part of the journey. Part of that journey tests us during the holidays with delicious food and

beverages that take us off track with our original health goals. Keep your goals and your personal

happiness in the forefront of your daily activities and this holiday season will be one to cherish. Make

this end of year a spring board rather than a pitfall to dig out from. It really is a joyous time of year filled

with love and generosity.

I love this time of year, the huge hearts and thoughtful acts. We should try to make this next year one

that involves constant caring and thoughtful days, rather than just during the holiday season. We all

have incredible potential, we just need to open our hearts and allow the love and joy to spill over and

make for a generous loving 2013. I personally wish you all a very merry holiday season and a prosperous

new year.

A great healthy holiday treat…..Sugared Cranberries

2 cups granulated sugar 2 cups water 2 cups fresh cranberries ¾ cup superfine sugar

Combine sugar and water in a small sauce pan over low heat. Stir mixture until sugar dissolves. Bring to a simmer (do not boil of the cranberries will pop); remove from heat. Stir in cranberries; pour mixture into bowl. Cover and refrigerate 8 hours to overnight.

Drain cranberries. Place superfine sugar in a shallow dish. Add the cranberries, rolling to coat with sugar. Spread sugared cranberries in a single layer on a baking sheet; let stand at room temperature 1 hour or until dry.

Makes 9 servings (serving size: about 1/3 cup)

December 2012

The Big Shift

Since my last blog I have had the honor to join the elite group of the Odyssey House graduates.

The most important people were there to share my experience and welcome me into the real world.

The experience was surreal and validates my ability to complete anything that I set out to do. This was

the hardest thing I have ever done. This was the biggest test I have been faced with, and I passed. They

say; this is now the true test. They say; these are the moments that will define who I am now and

forever more.

This is a big shift and it is equally scary and exciting all at the same time. It is time to spread my

wings and fly. I get to really be my word. I embark on my journey to fulfill the goals that I have sent into

place. A major goal that I have had is to create art, through my words, through dance, and through


I feel creatively stifled given the majority of the last two years I needed permission to be able to

write anything in journal style. It hasn’t exactly been the place for me to connect with that part of my

brain. What if I lost the talent? What if I no longer have the inspiration of misery to drive the ability to

create art? I have often related art to misery. The greatest pain, has created the greatest art. I freeze

the moment I put pen to pad. I freeze when the music hits and my body says “move”.

In my recent history there was a serious consequence for grooving to the music. Do I still have

it? My taste in music has expanded and I find myself drawn to contemporary pieces. I have never had a

taste for modern or contemporary dancing. Here I am rediscovering the artist within.

So what do I do with this new found freedom? Well my choice is to read and watch. I am looking

forward to something simple to start to get my body and brain back into creative shape. I have done

some research as to the latest choreography styles, the newest mainstream dance shows and the who’s

who of the top choreographers. Now comes the fun part, educating myself in the current industries that

I aspire to be in.

This month I am committed to create an outlet artistically speaking. This is my journey to

rediscover the artist within. This month I will take committed action in research and education. I am

committed to see in color and let the artist within explore and expand. I am an artist.

Tara Missman


Christmas, what a wonderful time of year!

I grew up in Utah so when I think if Christmas I think of freezing cold,

snow covering everything and hot chocolate. Those are a few of my

favorite things this time of year. But living in California the last couple years

I have had to really think about what Christmas really means to me.

I have been fortunate enough to be blessed with the gift of great gifts.

However that has become my least favorite thing. I use to get wrapped up

in all that. Although I do love giving gifts and seeing the joy on their face as

they open my gift. This brings me to my family. I love being with my family,

they are the very most important thing in my life. But that still isn't my

favorite part about Christmas. What it is, you ask.

First I have to tell you a small tale. This is a tale of a single mother of 4. It

was a few days before Christmas and she still needed to buy her boys a

gift. She knew she had a little money to do so. But she thought something

is better than nothing. She picked out a few items for them and headed to

the checkout stand. When the cashier rang her up she seemed to be a bit

short. With a tear in her eye she said to the man working that she only had

$20 and would need to take something out. The man felt the spirit of

Christmas, reached in his pocket and handed her another $20 bill and said

to go pick out a couple more things. The woman was so over- joyed she

started to cry. She said to the man that she would never be able to thank

him enough. The man said all I ask is that if one day you have the

opportunity to pay it forward, please do so.

To me, Christmas is all about the Christmas spirit of serving and helping

those who need it. If you have a little extra this year, think of those who

have nothing, and give to them instead of getting a bigger T.V. Think of

how it might feel to be on the other end and pay if forward!

Kari Woods

The Birth

Hello SYDgiRl readers. How’s everything going with you guys? I'm hoping

that you are all doing well. After all, it is the happiest time of the year right?

Right, I'm going to get off my normal subject and I thought I would share

with you what Christmas means to me. Ok, so here we go. Christmas, it’s a

special time of the year in which our all mighty Jesus Christ was born. The

man who managed to changed this world for ever. What Christmas means

to me is to be surrounded by friends and family, a time to perhaps forgive

and forget, and to enjoy each other’s company. To reminisce about those

special times and moments that had taken place in our lives. To remember

your loved ones that aren't here with us today. A time for a possible

positive change in your life. A resolution if you will. It is a time to be able to

see the smile on the kids faces when they open up their gifts. A new year is

also coming up right around the corner. Perhaps time for a fresh start if you

are in a situation you feel that you shouldn't be in. Whatever it is that you

decide to do the time is here. It should be for the better of you and your

family (if applicable). Always remember to stay positive and don't give up

on any of your goals. Yes I know another year went by and you probably

thinking to yourself "damn another year" But why not look at it as yes, one

less year of waiting before I reach my goal. I really hope that everybody

has a safe and happy holiday season. If you drink please drink responsible

or catch a cab. I’m Pretty sure a cab would be a lot cheaper than a DUI.

Also fyi AAA tow trucks will be offering to take you and your car home on

Christmas if you've been drinking too much. Let’s start off the year the right

way by making it home. May you all have a blessed one and be blessed

with joy and happiness in 2013.


Finding Christmas Every Day

I want to tell you a beautiful story about my 2 daughter’s Skyllar

10 and Jordyn 7. Stories that have touched my life redirected my

beliefs and helped me to truly remember what Christmas and

everyday life is really about.

One day Sky went to school as she does every day. Sky loves

school; she’s very intelligent, fun loving, hard working, gifted in

many things and a true friend to others. She wakes up looking

forward to seeing her teacher and friends. This particular day

she had decided to take a little extra money with her to school,

something I am always asking her not to do so that she doesn’t

lose her money. Nevertheless she had made this decision this day

on her own because she wanted to show her friends how much

she had earned herself for some One Direction items or a soccer

jersey. She hadn’t decided at that point what she was going to use

her money for, but had worked very hard to earn the money and

was very excited to spend her money as most children are. As the

day went on lunch time came along. At lunch time at their

elementary school , the children are taken to the lunch room by

their teachers and are then left to find a table to sit at if the teach

allows them to choose their own spots. Sky is left to stand in line

for her hot lunch she gets each day. As she passes through the

line she notices there is a little girl sitting alone at a table with

no food. Sky takes time once she had gotten her lunch to look

around to see where her friends were sitting. She notices as she

begins to walk towards her friends table that the little girl is still

sitting alone and still doesn’t have a lunch. At that moment she

had this feeling to do the right and kind thing, she decides to go

and sit with the little girl and of all things, she decides to use the

money she had worked so long and hard for to buy the little girl


She said to me later that day that she was happier using her

money to help this little girl, than she would have been if she

would have spent it on the other things she wanted to buy.

Still to this day this story touches my heart and soul every time I

think of it. Skyllar’s act of true and unconditional love for this

other little girl is one of the most Christ like gifts I can think of.

I am as a mother so very proud of Sky and her ability to do the

right and kind thing when no one else was going to.

Now on to my little Jordy’s story. So one day I get this phone call

last year from her teacher. Jordyn is also a hard worker, follows

instructions, is always kind to everyone and is a very funny little

girl. She has been given the gift of humor and timing on her

delivery that is brilliant at times. Her teach Mrs. Wolf had taken

the time to call which wasn’t that common. All teachers are so

busy, it is just something you don’t really plan for unless of

course the child has gotten in trouble or needs help. When I

received the call I immediately began to wonder what this could

be about. Mrs. Wolf proceeds to tell me about Jordyn’s day. She

said that in her class that year there is a little boy who was from

outside the country and struggled with the language. She said

that he was new to the school and didn’t have friends. She went

on to describe a truly beautiful moment I replay in my mind

regularly because of the simplicity of what kindness can truly do

for someone else. She went on to tell me that the kids had recess

that day and the little boy was once again playing in the corner

sand box with his trucks alone. She said she noticed that Jordyn

will send him a little smile here and there throughout her days in

the class room and will also just show kindness to this little boy

just in passing. But this day was extra special. Jordyn was at

recess with all the other kids playing on the monkey bars. Mrs.

Wolf was watching the kids as she does every recess. She said she

noticed Jordyn Watching the little boy in the corner alone with

his trucks. As she continued to watch Jordyn watch the little boy,

it was as if someone said silently to her, go play with him. Mrs.

Wolf said tears filled her eyes as she watched Jordyn quietly

leave her friends to go and play trucks with the little boy in the

corner sand box. She said Jordyn and the little boy didn’t speak

one word but it was the first time she had ever seen the little boy


Jordyn told me a couple days after that recess that she had been

thinking. She said “mom I would be really scared if I were in a

new school and couldn’t talk to anyone, so I decided that even

though I didn’t like trucks, that it would be the kind thing to do

to just play with the trucks with the little boy anyway”.

Jordyn is one of those special spirits that just knows how to

touch someone’s heart simply by her loving kindness she so

willingly gives to others each and every day.

My heart and soul are filled with such gratitude for my loving

children and for all they do for those around them.

As many in this country we in my family have had some life

changing events that have given us the opportunity to make

different choices in life, look at life from a whole new view and

have pushed us to live very different lives than what we have

done in our past. It has also given me the opportunity to help my

children to see the gifts in our struggles, so that our struggles

become simply just a new way of living. Struggles are only

struggles if you believe you are struggling. If you choose to find

the struggle as just a stepping stone through your unique and

very brilliant journey, struggle is no longer “struggle” it is your

gift into the life you are meant to live.

Four of my most important life lessons I hope to leave with my

children are:

Show Kindness

Have Gratitude

Decide what you want in life and NEVER EVER give up until you

end up with what you set out for

And a Simple Please and Thank You to someone can Change a

Persons Day

Each morning without fail, our last conversation in the car with

my girls when dropped off for school is “please find someone to

be kind to”…The first conversation in the car each day I pick

them up is “Who did you find in your day to be kind to?” Jordyn

my youngest won’t let me forget that conversation must happen

first before we can discuss anything else. She says she plans all

day to tell me something amazing about her day of kindness, as

she calls it.

I have found this simple practice with my children has helped

them to make kind choices without my help or guidance during

their days away from me. It has also prompted my girls to be

actively looking for opportunities to help and serve others.

My prayer is that I can become more like my children each and

every day, and that we all can find true love and kindness

towards others throughout the year.