AUGUST 2012 – Volume 1, ISSUE 1 WELCOME! नमसत வணகCAMPUS CENTRIC DIGITAL MAGAZINE – It’s YOURS Happy Independence day to you all In India, you have different languages and different cultures, but you can all be Indian – Switch 2 Change www.switch2change.in

SwitcH - Aug 2012

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AUGUST 2012 – Volume 1, ISSUE 1 WELCOME! नमस्तவணக்க


Happy Independence day to you all

In India, you have different languages and different cultures, but you canall be Indian – Switch 2 Change


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Thanks for coming to SwitcH 2 Change(S2C). S2C is campus Centric weekly digital magazine produced by Students and Faculties of MNM Jain Engineering College. The S2C is non-profit, ad-free magazine. Our focus is to ignite minds and make them stars. Our articles are completely curated by group of students. To join our mission please mail. We are launching S2C on Aug15 on Nation's Independence day. Proud to be Indian. Help us to grow its your magazine too.

First, we need acknowledge some simple truths. We are consuming more resources than we can produce. We’ve been looking at the same wind turbines and solar panels for years now, telling ourselves that it will all be fine. But at this rate of marginal change, it won’t. Though we’re currently resource poor, we’re still ingenuity rich. It’s time to buck convention and find solutions that people haven’t thought of yet, even if we have to rethink our beliefs about the environment, energy, technology, food, health, transportation and bureaucracy.

Editors’ Desk

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Those are the kinds of stories you’ll find here. Stories about world-changing innovations and inspiring generations that are going to alter the way we live for the better in the next year--and over the next 100 years--in ways you can’t yet imagine.

We’re going to fix things, no matter what it takes. But enough with being polite. It’s time to kick down the doors to find a solution. "Let's Lead the Change". Mail us at : [email protected]

Happy Reading, kindly check our all our sections! PDF version of S2C is available in Download Section

RegardsCurator, SwitcH 2 Change

Editors’ Desk

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India is full of talented, smart and innovative people, making the greatest democratic nation such a wonderful place. The uniqueness of our nation is ”Unity in diversity”. Even though, many politicians keen on dividing states for their personal growth. We join our hands to bring innovations, we join hands to watch to celebrate the achievements of our citizens, and we too join our hands together so many times in the name of “Indian”.

During our childhood, we were not aware of any caste & religions. So it made us to enjoy the school life with cute and little friends. But college life is somewhat different.

We will have people from different states with different life styles, Following different religions and speaking variety of languages, as our classmates. The fear of being inferior to other mates, our ego and some other factors will make us to act against other people. Since, the elders were taught with some disempowering beliefs, they may divide us. As the grown up youths, we should be very conscious while taking even a small decision. College is the place where we learn good values & cultivate our habits that will last forever.Also, it’s the place where we slip & misbehave easily.

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As we are brought up in different environment and culture, it’s really impossible for everyone to act in a similar way. You may get a situation where you will be benefited because of your religion, caste or something else. But, remember, it not only benefit’s you, but also it will divide the people even without our knowledge. Learn to respect other’s thoughts and beliefs. Treat everyone with care. Don’t have ego with your mates. Enjoy our country’s rich heritage and tradition with different languages, cultures, food and clothes. This should be the main reason for our pride in being an Indian .Unity is our greatest strength. Do you think that there is a greater tool than a love to win hearts? Let us spread love everywhere

Often, we love to say, “All Indian’s are brother’s and sisters “ . This should not be just words. Please, do mean it my dear’s.

“HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY “ Article by Ananya, 3rd year, MNM Jain Engineering College

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The art of Rising is very much needed for life. Everyone in this worldhas inborn talents, few discover and shine and many forget and lookFor the similar talents in others.

As a student, I have alwaysbeen competed by friends, inschool days I was taught to becompetitive, but college taught medifference in jealousy and competition.Talents are within in, I would openly accept the it takes time to discover it.But you will discover it. Don’t live otherslife. I find many doing. Remember youare the only person in this world withyour own characteristics. So discover yourTalents. Let the spirits Rise in you.

Thanks for readying, with love Nikola, Curator – Switch 2 Change

Quote : The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

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Stress is simply the body's non-specific response to any demand made on it. Stress is not by definition synonymous with nervous tension or anxiety. Stress provides the means to express talents and energies and pursue happiness; it can also cause exhaustion and illness, either physical or psychological; heart attacks and accidents. The important thing to remember about stress is that certain forms are normal and essential. As the body responds to various forms ofphysical or psychological stress, certain predictable changes occur. These include increased heart rate, blood pressure (systolic and diastolic), and secretionsof stimulatory hormones. These responses to stress will occur whether the stress ispositive or negative in nature. In lay terms, it is known as the "fight or flight" mechanism. Continual exposure lowers the body's ability to cope with additional forms ofpsychological or physiological stress. The results of continuing stress may cause disruption in one or more of the following areas of health: physical, emotional, spiritual and/or social. Stress is a process that builds. It is more effective to intervene early in the process rather than later. Try to become aware of the signs that suggest the process has begun.

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Conquer Your StressCollege students face a host of stressors. University-level homework may be more challenging (and plentiful!) than anything you've ever faced before, and final exams can bring a whole new meaning to the term 'crunch time.' The difficulties also don't typically end with academics. Romance and social lives can be as much a source of anxiety as they are of fun, and many students struggle to stay on top of the newfound freedoms of living away from home, from cooking to laundry to managing a budget. In response to these challenges, some students fall behind on homework, stop attending class or worse - they turn to dangerous coping mechanisms like drugs or alcohol. Don't let this happen to you! Here are some ideas for managing your college life and keeping your stress levels under control. Use as many senses as possible in affirmations and visualizations. Verbalize statements aloud after writing them down. Better yet, watch yourself and listen to yourself say these statements while standing in front of a mirror. When you visualize your performance, recreate as much of the scene as possible to create an accurate simulation. Imagine what it sounds like, what it feels like, smells like, etc....

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Organize your timeEverything will feel less overwhelming if you have a manageable plan for staying on track. Get a calendar and use it to track your classes and deadlines, as well as plan out study time and social time. Maintain healthy habitsEating well and getting enough rest is crucial for staying healthy and calm. Make sure you account for cooking balanced meals and getting 6-8 hours of rest most nights in your scheduling. Getting regular exercise is also important. Set realistic goalsMany students generate extra stress for themselves by taking on too many responsibilities or simply having unrealistic expectations for themselves. Set realistic, achievable goals and don't be too hard on yourself if you fail once in a while. Develop good coping mechanismsSome stress will be unavoidable, so it's important to develop healthy ways to deal with it. Popular options include athletic exercise, meditation or simply engaging in breathing exercises. Find something that works for you and incorporate it into your routines.

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Seek helpMost colleges and universities offer free counseling services through their health centers. Emergency counseling can be a great way to get through times of extreme stress, and many people find that regular counseling helps them deal with day to day challenges.Following are some suggestions for the use of positive affirmations. Use phrase affirmations using the first person singular and in the present tense when possible. Take ownership of the statement. For example, “I am...”, “I can...” Use phrase affirmations in the most positive way possible. Avoid the use of words like “no”, “don’t”, and “not” in your affirmations. This is very important because the brain is not capable of visualizing a negative action. If you are trying to visualize yourself “not” doing something, you must visualize yourself doing that action. Try visualizing “don’t eat the cookie.” The right side of your brain is predominately visual; the left side is logical and literal. In many ways, they do not communicate very well. If you are practicing self-hypnosis, all suggestions should be positive. To illustrate this, ask someone to do exactly as you say, then tell him or her to close their eyes and not think about what their hands are doing. If you ask them, they will tell you - when you asked them not to think of their hands, they thought of their hands.

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A FINAL WORD ON STRESS If you are experiencing, or someone you know seems to be experiencing, stress that markedly affects or impairs functioning on a daily basis, seek professional help. Talk with a counselor.Talk with a health care professional. Talk with a pastor or chaplain

Article by Manz, 3rd Year, MNM Jain Engineering College


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உங்க�க்ஒ�்ாமி(Origami)்ெத�ந்் இ�க்,்‘மண�்ாமி’்ெத��மா?்ஜப்ாான�்் ஆர்ஆ,்���்ி் ெெ்கா்(Yosuke Hasegawa) மண�்ாமிய�ல்்க�க்ிகா .்ஒ�்ாமி்ே்ாகேக்�்ாய்ேநாஆ்்கனல்ெெயக்்மண�்ாமி.்உக்்நா்்கனல்உஉக்�்ாய்ேநாஆ்்கனல்்நத்்நத நா்்கனல்்��ெிிதிெ்ெக்தைகக ்கன�்் ங்உ்்செர�்ப்ஆ்் இ�க்.்�்ாய்ேநாஆரல்்நதி்தைகக ்கன�்உஇக்் இ�க்்்கதி�க்கெக்கை்ய�ல்மரி்,்்க ்கன�்தைகய�ல்ெதாப்�் இப்ைதப்ே்ால்ெெய்்்ெி்்ிகா ்���்ி.்ந்ம்ேதெப்�தா்ம்ாிமா்்ாநதி�க்்்்்ாா்ெதாப்�ைய்்ண�க�ி்் இ�்ிகா .

வாங்க ெதரிஞ்சாக

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