-AM I'AIM'i karris*] thin in .. strictly I- eS BU*I »**« ^'v'** . m " ..' ""¦ »¦"" . ; ..aa,. N B r*»li 4fcowb.b*> r.t 'or n>. hey. tie iXIrjoin it man Concern- ~ i K9I0N CHIJECIT, '-th as.. pew No. 61. L r»«tr w,H^'B^ni k FABIBH. No 3" It...- , .t. ,(,r rREE K A NMA K!.N KW- YORK , A BjTAtV COLONY No S wilt rar- fmn Aihe-v JwM «t 74 c/elt-rk are.. e»* New York. <"«ntr»l ll»ilroi B * Detroit wte»tr'«i«t i thence to Jolie* or Chk-egi wret Alton JiT Louie by Mai toad »h*nce to Kiew.« Ottj I St. ¦> irmet, QSi t»*rd fron. St Loot*. Fare (or ferr'cla.s Tiraete, gj Soqöj ee> KtuM City, *.<*> Tb« Committee will require IlliBiBIkBjr evidence of um intention of Ute appiUent to be Am ide raaidet t of K ans*« aL-oo lr>AeC L. WILDE, Vo. ID Brosdwar. R^tn Nj m*\»-4 E* New ioiki tJo... JIHEPH BENEDICT, FtlcT RC*HRt 1- HEBBaRl). No 70 Itn»-.!., Ssraciaoi D m/aMTUOMY 16 Arcade Holl, RooloMter; WILLIAM kArb>'ll,r*orrt»rj,No t4: llr*l«m. ah»m * HHAPKoRIi R. WOOD, rresidout. «*'*t Beams. S^retar*._ IlfprnrrAyr information r. nt u. ifarrie. y .b A4 I'M*, wt'-n postage "'«mre, #to» iva«o-r. ^ A: j, fUüBjjptLL, New York. MaTOB'v Orru *, Nsw-Yobk May 23 NOTICE hereby uiven, that the Complaint BoO-V, opened et till office on the Ii' of January. IBM, It etiB out. tot mat reueofioB of c lOinlalnts of inuuiciaal abnr*a Mail ka-d« Br» fat aa tor* Mayor bot the l-ow-r, will continue te tw(o) m for the »beteiooait of any tueh st IIa when brought VaUta ottnDlM>D tL/ougu Ihn Ceanpaatul Itook or otnerwie*. Too Merer iwvtte« «11 person- t* lake lolt method of r I loholti: TtvlttttiB* of rh>ii«.r«tioii ordins'i ea. nuiainr M or daralir'lau of drty opon Uhi perr of rl,e otti. er- ..f tlie ( uri«.r%- tätfi, *'el Be will oi oereU'lore, nre «Jl lA« Uptl neuer a AH aommoai te eee the In») enfonrnl »nd 'he iut«reeU of Iba Baa* Lt ptOtetteC order of the Me»<>r, lapWIk» alkxandkr MINO, Chief Clerk. Tai CoitMluioM.ltV Diiici. I Ne«* dt> Hall. No 32 Chamber« et { BJOTICE TO taxpateb8.The ASSESS- I MP.nt ROLLS of the erteral warda of tho Ctv of New- lark hem* been returned by the Aeerwaore to this olBce. we betel; ej»euott<«. to ell i fere-ted Tupaaera that the aariie wil ne optJied for eutniualiori and review, from TUESDAY, tbeSlrtbeav td" blaT. nii'il WEDNESDAY, the 1Mb day of Jute», iLflaeir* Ail th. ee in'er.- ted who are deeirou» of ex- ami laaj or r orrectii.e the aau.e. are requeatad to mnke apoilea- tiO'i ' lb* nnder-if,' ed, betweei, the houra of 9 t.'&iock a. m. enl 4 o'c:oek p tn at their r.ffire. J W. ALLEN, ) W .1. pk* k. > Ts« Coiriraiiaioaera A J. WILLIAMSON,) f+ar fork. May 21, 1*56. _my?I tjegft THE atteutiou of Architrvte, ArtiHan*. Hnil«l- ara a-J all I teieete-l In invited to an inin-o¦ ed ays', ru of DRAUtlllT. VENTILATION u.d W'ARMlNO. which baa L*aa d*T<doievl after a loa* liaae of atody. labor aod provuig by Chi rMOaritaei. 71- iaaf*ev*Bieai>a eeoeia! of A^t»rf*s>t*ad VeaHUtbu CHIMNET-petfe, |kj ftra rrr.Sf. koifcloaiain*, aelf-pre*ertina. lo*efta| a puvrerful re.-u,,:«.! oyaBeJbb. orr*"* 20 par f em of fuel. It take* warmth IM !**> tttaiton io'o arid out of rooms. A VENTILATOR with three p«,wera of acHon. Secure* t iLBtaot ratitilatioo, wholly exoloCin| anew or rain, curea amakt rbiraraaja gisins them perfect drauihu A Ship and Cat SIPHON VENTILATOR.which supplies ft*wb air fdraw.tf otit 'he fottl to Railroad Cars and the hold* and cati'.->« of shipe.excluding snow or rain. A 11 H' Alt Pl'RNACE or MEATKR (poetsi.ie or fixe It .who h wewnlle* to moms wanned atmoapbe'ic air; but no red or amarwe« fieet No aa* or amoke can eacvp*. aimr4*. easdv a-iaaa***. niakes no dirt und «conomUee fuel, ro- quirtr* very illlta proper arte: Baa TsattntHiiaSs and rxodela can be aeen at the office of W>{. C. W'ARNKR, N* » Broadway, up atajra. to whom apply for ruht*._ TWO mrNDRFI) and FIFTY DOLLARS HEW ARD-Wül U raid tortha leeover* of t'ie. BODIES et" CHARLES W. MINTIJBN and LEV] 1'AWLINO (a |/'..prt-' >nal.. -.n.......I for either), two young meu aged a1-.at 19 aware. a''M*>erd to bare bee* Sroareed by Iba esarJaiai of a seil- faeat on tne «»I rung of iae 20th in»L, lielwein Ouwaaua and EuC Harnitiot. Apidy to SaMVEL WKvT. Ne. I4S MHlden-Une, BABCOCK A MILNOIl No. 4'. Hrotolwiy THE HAIR Plfi^ilTr'ED and RESTORED when Thin, PaJliiis Ott or Bei oming Oray-Miar SHcP- I'ABD iafotin* tb* Ladies ot New-York and vtc'n ty. tba' ah« sfU fi.aitiai.es to attend upon Lvliosnlo have oa' their ha'r, to whorr »he atre* nuivt-rtal aatiafa«l!oii, at No. tl'J West 19th at , 6ta-*».. New-Tort. wlflMH»NstlN..Men-hnritfi nod others wiHhini; BILLS COLLECTED or any n'her haabaiai Ira ¦ M Un taav State dnru.g the ni'in'b of lime, rau hear of an oppor- Bjatat] by nddi >*ei ig «YI8CON8IN. Trlbea* OMe*. önmmcr Uctrcoto- BOARDLNO on STATEN ISLAND.-Four .UKila Oent'emen (mernhera of the Biaebyleileu t hurch ["¦*f-or> H -in abteia Board kn tb* Samraei mi taa in h b* vat* I an. fly at Ctilton, ,s I wohm a »bort din«'ne o4 \ ainlerlol' Uo*i«ig. Bo other bom Oers taken. The hoove ccMnmo t'oua arid ¦ i'. a bgaakoM aad rettrtvl sittialt.. adilresa N. E. m Bsc No P O. T A T 0 D R F. T T E H t) USE, Id BBBOKN POItT W ill oa*.n Jt.n 1 Parues a ishiog can lie arcom noilal" 1 Ii for*. Boala lr*'a n'biteliall 10a in. and Land 1 ai.d Ii p. tu Bebanäiaa, », t ». 10 a. ui., uad 1 and It p. tik S~ UMWi.U HOARD at OYSTER HAY,"1IT. Karnil-ee arm o'herariiti ><e furruahed with good BHAIID Iti'heabi'Ti beautiful Tillage, situated on Long island Soa Ml, 36 aUlse ft jw New York, aiu easy of access by stoa'tiboat oi aoUroa-l The house is lara*. with cammiMltoaa grotm sa. ead .WutifiUv leated with salt w*t«r bathing couTenient. Kor aarjafoleiaeaajj t,, iir wkllimiton. No. 32 East 12-h at MalBreea V If A.. Box Ne It frit Toer frSkn* jüoarb anb (looms. ö BOARD.AtJvvDtloiiiBii nii'l Wife, or euiall F«m- Ur, ce* be arnenaineatBil w,ib tare er tare* rooms on tj***c.*d floor at Nu 12 Laninrtine place, 2Vtb*t., between *'ti) and 9th ava. House of the flra* as*, location unsurpassed a prisati park la troat. Boat refrn-acis giroa and re iolretL t-ro3* OHvlerato. It quire sa « » re BOARDING..A Parlor and BedrtMnn iidjoinin«;, on tat floor. Also a oloaaaat Room in 2d a'orv Loe-tiion -ia*r \eall al. aad South Ftrnea. AppN at No U I.ivinitaton- w., Brooklyn. B~ÖÄRD ou RROOKLYN MIGHTS- I'lraennt Apartoiaau with a priiatn fau.il>. hot waau Wall and Eul- tvM P-ii o*. Iaqmraal No M W ulow at. |NE ROOM..No oil,it lioHTdere; house itniill. frvmSy -at a- d small, and nelghborhoiel fir«t ra'e. Room beaatit-il.} Biniiahcd, with are of gat, privilege of nice p ol-ir, rHo,*e rnre weekfutone, *>I2 !i* two. Alir-aa o 9i Eaat 31«t it. ROOMS- With or without BREAKFAST and TPA, to LET in the new beaaa Ne. a7 West ;.i.s.:. B"v*rv<ik-« reo,'.iii .l TWO aepgatitl) furnialinl R( II >MS to RENT to Oeiill^me. with Brrakta t ami I>». la St. Murks plaeo. i n< aa tain Oes. Hot and Cold Wa*er. Clsest*, Be i t-r- ea.-e* cx;liaa*;.0. Dfateel to Mr KKI.LKR, Broadway I'oit DfJee 17, Hid 4i» Eaat liroadwa) for Families sod Si'tgis Oentlemri'; also Trai aieut Uiwrdera, by Ilia day i y ¦»K. '-..... *., i, e .' i¦<.. o*v 6onoco anb /armo tllantcb. W'ANI'ED.An OFFICE or DESK Rt>i»M. TT to New Tort Cuy, bt a Keal Kata'e Krtvkpr of Pk I- h \o.lre.u Box No \w i'o«t t»ti.(e ilaSalphia t)onoro to Cd. AV KLL-FI Iv'MsllED house, with niodirrn imp peaaaMla veB aktoataal. act in |>erf»et order la Lei jc tottt or rise too: the on favorable leime A*Vt**BRAO] kN Tr-.biaie C»toce._ OUsE t<> RENT..An okoollout thrtM' eUiry LKsll^E tu titd at., near t'th ae., thire ro^nu deep Ose, Bathe he Errat rale i, sh! o:l.-od Bel.t m derate-. It.aiiir* wt C A. DANA. W0 CIbbIbb place oi at The 'inhunc OU.c*. LOlLS 1 Fl'..Licht and well vi»,ul*t<\l LOVIB ciatabl* for light anaatV testea aarlfa *-a .at*r»,y »o BOMI R A kl It 'U M Nv* M and 66 John at comer V\ illianu. n Y. H N IN F H-> T..HOUSE No 111. bftwten Hn-sd w »>ai i (.. i - ish v p a. e for SALE l-j 11 aBICH r A P\RISII No 8t Braver St. Omer8 in wall-sr. t.. 1 bt,.coium.»- dioaa OBirea V Let ai Re, IK Wall st. Teriaa rrry nioua- lotc. yj|*je*lon aiveu Immeiiia elY- Inquire if jnu. REIi.Vt'Nfi v. kOR Me 'Vail at. 8 'HAM POWER to l.ET-A Brick ttvoatorr r^r Bl IkUINO 11«. fewtl.y.'ai at * ser-th,«»rt n I Ap . . A BAT/. 44B Broadway, or to J ft ROtBTQM. EUaahathperl ^iTiOIIT R01)I^'to~LET^uit*hUr^r S I isa s Ol W I>l RACK on the pietn'i T H RODMAN. JeMOtey court. No U a. at- STEAM POW ER ..Several *r^-1i7htöd RtKlblS to LET wiifc Staeiii Powat. No* Id and ti i7,.ll-*t, _R. HOE k Co. STEADY STEAM POWER and lig111 BOOBRat.Oa* Stare and Baerr; »t:' on Cans at.. h\ i OAl'Dl', No. 102 A aikerat. tJHIP YARD to LET.The Tan) with two seta >5 cf waja Shop, Ac. at TaBokbaa Can Rockland fv v BilVatlei a.t the baalnaea < Jaal « f 11.. F.rwr. P«Mea*4oii given liuu.adi.te.1.- For P"''i.»!*'. - . n the p»eo laas ( *I.v IN TOMKI>> x < I ^LET.IVt of a iw'ariy new brick house u cr>mp.<te order, toaauiai' famay. roaaiati-jg of thre* baBobaeaa Reoon on tne aecind Baof, the front a Pa::or . ttbM*«1.ie Ma-irlci one Ro-m on the third Sot. e.a-ieeid l,*.icl*>roj freut Baaement, Marble Mar tic. Balba. l»a». and ,% .{mreucavf Apply at No 70S West Slat at. nSÖI^T-Sfvpral fine STORE'S fiuil I>\\ 1.1.1.- I fNOS .* Brio J rt.. (tb* b*st b. s-aeas ,t-e- >.u Newark^ h ; B...* r»**.' *lea. Inquire of Mrs Ht LO K No ianavaa Vj* » * t< F. Bk RKT, No I C"? Ball pace. INr* Y .-a To I i. r.A thrw-.ton 1UCI« K IIOUSE, l*nt»rl mod pvttM (dkewauaattrt, artthiothree¦ia.arto*' ¦ nlk (f lour a* e*r n .u' p*. BfeeM let each FktOT 10 MB«! re- iiartsMi Ornl". No «.t*i. r* need app! o'i the preuina», No. ,i l>i Ui iioj n rum liäaw ** VT, A. RF.FN. No. in Ltan it. IM 1 .KT.A mite «.f Ol HClSt In the BtRtta fliiMi. Iieei .dan*. n..w earn lelbj :ho N..*»-V .. .. It] I. rar*, lotet lire Utt«f M*J '.¦*' Aiu-iy at »U Tr««*v *r.V* OH.re Rfld* llo.ie*, entrant* tiha».__ rix) Ü T.S It>KFS MitT ÖFFICI S in the Liiblo I ll«w. Aatnr ;lare. Ap,l> »'¦ the T'eaa .rar'a Office. B.Mt Hoeee, « n'ritic«' Hb ar_ 1\) LET.Two cP-twl COTTAGES at Ravene- wood wilfa Oruoiela «ud Rtahta* *tt»ch*rl, directly h fr :.t .f tbe eleaiuboat leudiii* *t Lowe* B ivwinwood. BU*e* pas* the dor* nny buui to Or.-«n Print, Wit..«ii..'.'.rth mi 1 Brook- _¦. Anr ly to II ARRIS a, Co.. No. -9 Pec* *lip, ortoJ.d. HARRI*, urtr ihe pr.-iniao*._ TO LET.Two email HOUSES in Rir-himmd ro*d. Stilen llland.'0 to 11 minute* wnlk fror.-j Sender- kilt** I.ai.d'.rg. Inquire at Wo. 71 BroaJw«y_ TO LET.A neat two-etorj ard attic H0IT8E, In Central Morrt»*iiia; ha* Barge ltd teorj V Hi.>. and ii well protected from lilbfning Led IP ly 1301 *.-*r ar bor Ac. Applt to J THOMAS, No. 59 A-.n-at. N r., or \\ M. ORAY, optceite Trernot.t Dt Centril Morrlitnit Can IktB looriiti* and tvenin* within 200 fe«t of tho bnuae. nr_BE_ Tfrj large and weLUiithted LOFTS, 1 voiiabl* for aimo*t a- » kinl of Mannfartunn* H.a to LET or LKABiC, in the Marble H mdin* No 121 Vu. -. «t. l'r«a»-»oim gi»e» immedi»tely. Apply to O W. LORD, Beek- oian-at under 'lie Nee.an Bark. r|1HKKK LOITS to LET fn.ro l*t .11."NE.At 1 Nl I* Oartf voort at., botWOOB Hodaon and Im are wall lithtrd fr« pt *:.rl rear; water on each floor, Btai o'hsrwiae well »daptfd for mat'ifarturri* pnrpoaea *».- at prearnt or. upied it a Straw Hl' Factory. Will be lei for aix BrOBtht, one year or a .'eaae Will b* glret! for . numbt-r ot vara nt a moderet* rent. The Hth *v car., the Rnlckoih-rker, i b^laea and lire-nwich- tt, Litre of aUtea MM convenient to the place. For farther Infoimation. applv on the precniai-a. IiniAKi"P ROJ 'E RT Y »t BROOKLYN, btv tt tween the Wall et and South Perrie*. Iff set front on the river, mod. rawim* l>ack 4V> feet to Ftirman-at,, with :W fe^t dwptbof wa'»-r, at preaent occupied he lli* Ilolaware and Had- a o ( -.: al ( ompany. Alao eeverai LOTS opjHiaite, u .n Farmaii ami Ccd^BB'Bkt *t* to V? or Leue Aprtly t.-> JOHN St Hh.NCK, No. 'jo Retnaen-at Brooklyn. or No. W Frotit at.. N. T. Heal eoiatc for Safe. ACOUNTRY RESIDENCE or BOARDING- HOVfl fV-r SAhF.orto LET, rtoated in the »illi«e of Oyiter Bit, Lei t laland, H mile* from New-York, and «»ay of ar''»a» by pteaint«>at n railrratd. The bona« ig ia/*" and well tmnited, »rd ready funilihe.1. The rroonda eOBteia nine v re», with aoltable Oef-Bnildtn««. ate Tne leeBttoa la h^aurafnl art! h**!r_y. For partimlara ipplir to Dr. WELLINGTON. N*. »ritt 12th St.. and t». C H. KAILKY, No tl irinlty boiidn.^a, oraddrenaW h. a.. Hot l~l, I'latt-Otbce. COUNTRY SEAT for SALE-Sittutot. on PLYMOUTH BILL, l)i.t;ha.a Cin.ty. aWerietaa-Bg Doter PUIna and »lont o:.e mile fiorn th« llailroaI Depot, 'i.n'ali .nt l*T at re a iaf lu.!. beantifnlU laid BBl and bavin* thereon a handai-ne DoWaltimbrrn**, Hams and O'i'hos*«*, nearly new. On the preniiaea are abo at J.ik 0 .ipplo. 'WO fear, aiid -li>0 othtr l iuit Tieea. of tho ohoicoat kino*. Koauty of ha ati.au. attd fti.litv of acca**, nnaurpaaaed. For farther par¬ ticular* »pi.W to H. H. HARROW SON. No*. 121 Frontet., New-York, ör u. LAWRENCF. It BARROW, Harf. VUla^e, Iloti h»** Courily. COTTAGE and 4 Lots of GROUND for SALE, center of the Uta at. aad (2d-»t.. with Sind* and Krait Tree*,GartJen,and eieetlent wat*r; the location ia beaatirn] and healthy, overloekio* the Hndao-i Riter and but a abort d'ate-ce 'ton. the.iiv. Pr ">,i« o; po*«ee*uin tiv-n iaune- diately. Apply to /. tl. CHAMBERS, No. 1 Tyron row, or on the piemiaer. _ FARM LANDS for~SALE..Tbe 1LIJNÖI8 CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY ia now prepared to eell over TWO MILLION OF ACRES of FARMING LANDS* U TfttLT:. Of Forty AXBKI ato Lrivato, ÜB LONO CREDITS Aed at LOW RATES OF INTEREST. Then Land* wire (tented by th* Government to aid la the .onatrortlon of (hi* Ilailroad. and include poms of the richrat and rne.t f.-rtiie Praitlea in tho State, interaperaed here *'.d therewith BtaBWlttteill Erovr-a of oak and other timber. Tft* Road eaUriids tioto Obicafe on the north eaut to C»iro at tha aomh, atid from thence to Galane and Dunleitii. in the north- weat ettrenie of ihe State and »a all the land* He within lif- tr.-n ii iiea oti earn »!de of ihia Ror.d, ready and rhe»p mean* are artori'od by it lor transporting the produrt*of the .aj.d* to any of tho»e point*, and fri^n tht nre to FaatefB and Souih^ra mirketr. Moreover, the rapid jrow th of tlontiahing town* arid villngei along tbe line, iti.1 the great Incrcit* in population bj lnircitriTioi). kc.. ittordt *uh*ta_t_»l and growings bome lomaua for tann (iroduce. Tht toil U a dark,rich mo'd, from on* to let Bead In depth, ia gently rollii *, and peculiarly Btted foTITt.ing Cattfa asd Sho«p or the cuRivetion of W heat, Indinn Corn, A F.conomy in cnltirating and great produrtiveneaa are th-i w»H- known characteriatica of llttnoia lai:da. Treea are not r'-quired to he cut down, atnrup* rrvibbed. or atone picked of), a* ia gener¬ ally the caae in cult'vatin* now land in the ...der State*. The firat crop of I.Corn, planted ar.n the newly broken aod, nan- ally repay* the toat of plowing and fencing. WLeekeowu on the newly turned aod . t'ire to yield very lar*e profile. A man with a plow and two yoke of oxan will bi.-ak one and a Ii.i katwa Betet per day. C intracta BBB he niade for breaking,, rt ady for com or wheat.at Iroto -r>2to a>2ö0 per a. re. By ju.riciou* maoageint-nt the land may be clowed turn ti-iiceil i/i* Krai. and ander a high a a to of caitivatioa tha econd ye«t.. t oni.l.raiu. Cattle, etc., will he forwarded »t rcianeiM* rate* to Cbn az<> f.ir th* EaaPeru market, aad la «'a.ro for ilia hoiithem. Th* l*r*n yield on tlie cliean Irn.la ot J.!.i on o'.*r tbe blab'prleed la»i» in Ibe Bwttara and Mid.Lie Si«*«« ia a own to le-n:in h more t.'nui anthi i. nt to pay bo oni-ran.o ol tra-a- portt'ion to tne i-.ro.iepi uiaiket. ll tunnnoii* Coal mined at acrcral polufa along the ftotd, and i* a cheap and dt-a rah'e fuel. It can be .!<-liTorr.l at «er- eral pou.ta along tha Load at +1 jo to *> I iwr tan. Wool can bo had at the aau e ratia i><-r cord Tho*c who think of acttlm* in Iowa or Minueaota »boul I bear In mind that landa there of any valne, tlo-.i* the water coarae* and lor many mlloe inland, have beta dxapo*.-d of; that for 'hoe* located in the interior there are no convei jem-ee for tranaport- Ii g the produce to market, railroa.l* not having been it tro.ln.-ed tht re i that lo (and tha produce of iheae land* one or two hund¬ red ailea Ly wagon to market Wotxld coat runrli more than tho eajei »o of rultiva'm* thorn, ai d hence Oover uueut landa th'Ja tilBated, Bt Bl tb per ACTe, are r* a. KiHal uireatueut* a* th* land of tili« Company it the plica 'i\ej. The aarne reioatV. hold «co<l in rrlatian to the larla'nKaa- .a* lad fcabra.¦ a tot al.rx.nali »acaut landa 01 N b on .1 BBBfaf Ibe water eeartee, the aaataae* to market ia 'ar greater, aod every hiu.dr-d mile* tbe I*odBP* al theae '*r:d* .Mrried . Itr nr In T»aj,..:,a, or bttatiuptad water rounnBiiicaiioii*, in- treaee* the expen*.-* of tranaportalom, which mnat h* le.rne hy .die atnl.-ra in the redm -I price* of-their pedncta; and lo lb»t BXtoat ptl Btael*. are the income* Iron, Iheir farm*, aatd ol court* on nt ir batielBIIBta, taaually and every year red-ice^. The treat fertility of the landa now offered for aaie by tht* Con tat ar tl 'I., ir tatUataBBI t tiald nt.-r thoio of the Baeteta *- >i Middle State», ii much BBM . t n «uStcent to pay the dlf- ferei i e in the roat of tratiiportittori, eapecially in view of the faciltliea fumifhed by thia Road, and otl.era with which it con- BecU. Die or«ratio..» of wbn h ar.- BOt iiitorru,-'«d by tha low water ot aVattaWetl or tho in at of W u trr. I'KICE AND TERMS PtYM^VP. The pre* will »»ry from R'> to t>Vi, according to loeat'en, anility. Ac. C ntracft for Deeda nur be made .turn t '.he year tafia, atf; uiatinc the purrl.aao ¦IBItt to be paid in hva an.ioal lx.atalln.ei.ta.'h» fr.t to become di e in two e^ar* from ih* date of contract, and the other* annually thereafter. The iaat payBM nt h ill beeataa duo at tha end of tn» aixth year from th* tele of the contract. in 111*1 will *t ctom in at only thri:e r: R CtXT FCB avm'm. A* a *ecorlty to tne perfoiii ar ce ( f the eontract, the flr«t two yaara' inters*! taiaat a* raxid inadt/araoe, ami it muat !¦» u- 'er al. nd that at ieeet otie WBAh oi the land purcba*ed aha.! yearly *.- Iiroiiaht under cultivation. Lorger ri.-drt*. tt aia per Cfnt per atinmn uiay le* negoliaiod by ay^Hraal Bppl'.'aJi.m. Twenty rr ceut from'he ere lit price will be dedue'ed tor caah. The m pant'* coi.»t.ctioi' bo- da will he received aa caah. Ready trained Kann RaitdiaSB, which can be »ei Bp in a f. w lm*. can be o> tallied ftein leaiK'nall le reiao'ia Ih.twil. l.'feet by Jo Act. divided into o; e lit'.,- | and three be*h_*Bna, ard wit, co*t romplate, art up oa *routid ch.H^ra aoywhsra ateai the road, at *i i La each. e\ ..- tt 4 traae. ra itatlen. I.ar»er buil,h-.*a mit b>- COOtTBCtad ^ .- at B|t*MrR e ate ratea. The Company will forward all lb* water.al* tor aaoa bu.ldmt* over their road promptlv. SpecialatrtngBBiaBtt »ah d._*r* r»n b* m»d» to »arrly dioae pure harm* th* Company'* laud* with fencing rua'eri da, BgrlrnltBral taarJa, andoutltof arw^Weaa la any ^uaiiuty.at the low rat wl-olawala piirea It ia believed that the or , e lost credit, md 1 >w rah* of Ister- eat charged in theae laui* anU m .o.» a aaaa a Ith a f.-w h-inj- rev' doiUr» ii e .ah and ord'nar > Badaatrj to BBlbe hj BBajlf Inahj pee.lent na-n.re »11 th* porcltaao-nioney bscoui-* doe. In Ida* mean tin e the rapid eetuemen! of the country will peoKahij b»»e mcrr»*ed thr.tr va ne f.eir at BT* fold When re.lnirivi, aa aapatieaeed peraoi « te aatwi > aptdicautaw gir* LTonua- Uon and aid In selecting bat '. Carcuiara. conrainuvr namrron* I-«tai«*e* of *errea«fLl \rm- tr.g. urtied wf reaTpecfable *ud well known fartn.-rr living ;u 'f*» nriabtvrtiood of the Reilraa 1 land* thrvirhont the Stats.also, Lhe coat of fencujg.r.ce of cartie.rxpe-.iae of hartoating, thre*h- Inc. etc. by caiarrtrt-or ant other miorrnation.will bo cheer- Rulv «iten. on application, »ithor peraonallt orkv letter, m tin,. glaah. Fren.-h or lisrn an. eJdn»*e.i to JOUR \\ H.sON, Laaiu lo_iu._ai... t: ,.t '.: .. Ill,, n* Central R.R. Co., No te M..:.l*au-Br . Chuato. IlliLOkt. FARM tor SALE.Within a few minutes' ride » f the Heja.t at re-otch PMIaa, ou ';>r Ceatral RaRrnad, N.J. twenly-fonr mile* f.oni New-York. It c ...taiu» ¦.(*] .ere* «ael*. >mI; enht »crr* ot wiaal. BBwhj or hard, eher i->*. ptaBaa, giaaae, tMwhenlei aad other wuail fraiai In aVaad- canre. It it plesaantly auuated in a valley, but letal by a 1 .To¬ la n uptain on ore am*, b«aitBy, an4 the nr|«hs .rtnw 1 i* e'leady tbe country hotre of a»re-ai reutleeae- «naaed la u.ff» in New toik. Tbe huit.t »g» are r. the laari' '.i-»e aad aleanBt, and baeatatal with tree*, flowannr *hruat ro»r tu»br>. Price R4Atei orr halt may remain t t ?. r»ral veara. Pcaeetrtor; ir.ae'.iatrlT. Leiiroof H J. CIl'PKR. LY.al D«M»cu. WiLuinahCo 'a. 14 CoarUand'. tt..Naw-York| I.MhM fop SALB.laCkvldwall Tptraskip, E*. 1 a. a fh IT. B ¦' » i»'»i ** ol eijhiecu BBV a from New- Yi-k and tour tri-m Bl '.> lie..! He(h>'. It .-on'ai is JC *»-re* of Land ha* en it * f<*nl Dwellm* Hoaar, Barn. St»b e. I'arriaga- aa*4,W*»d Shed. C..rn-H<'iiae Ar If theehaea a a** l*t.>r» Wr.li.r*.t»t, Jane tl it »ii liien and th- e be o.. r .- PbMic Ai rtm i at I. t.'ila*-k a ra. Term* of aal-^ one inird caah. balai ce on b.>ti* *ud rj it'iaj- '* .ie»ir» F>>r fr er pa^iralai* apt-lv J A v| RS Wl »ODS No. Peart «t., or to ort» \ MFhW IN. No. .'17 FuitoL-.t Bx'r ef BL B. Blahr, dtrrar. d. POB r5ALE.A draarRbtt eoojitrj RESIDENCE, A iiaattallBt sf II tcteeef *< >»! land, be.atit riy *h»dei w.ia t »*. and .l.iuhhcry. moatrd tbesiiat Sou'h Bay a* Long total .1 in tbe t wn ol Br..>kh*«en. a Jlageof Pate hoato. cjoaty I r«> k. *ba-al Mi luiiray from Nsw-Yoik. tht* al iB'ioti u re- Baathehlj lae*;Uiy, the bet m le.ied for i'» *ise r-*. T and pnvi >«.*, .. i ah- ..id* with" ti l 11 a k d* ol i «I. .'vate-.. Clau * m,* |>lea*ar**akll<« l«> lite*"* taeorh-Mll in'illL-g. AC. l»I. aakl ayen>.*e* >* a l*r**> eomaand.¦. Owelliag, well ra_ral»t*4 fcra pul. * or r> »'*ir g-b. n*a>, a aaatkat of out h.'ise*, i ra| all", on th» a'ivk (w ''cii balaWaBI ta Ike pla-ei. when* T».**ti* c ru< a- i : . tb* bet* I.« *i... Am . ra mtry Ira kB k'sa tatrta .- laratna* '. rT HoMKli MORGAN,Ne < Pia* i of B. W. FfiF oo t| . pr*n.jft I7ABM for BAI.dE.OaM" of the b*t\ (.razing FAB MS la Ne«-J-re.y. wi'hin 2S uule* ot NewYo-k. Glees r niM l ple*thaj * ill k- »Iii i cnp. Appi) at No. IBS rearl free! office, tipatehM. . FOB BALE.At Kiet'a Bride**, Yfmtemmmin ( "i"v, a Ootbie OOTTAOB, in.-don, hr.-eh, ewarhla man- t ea pa.i t..1 wain. «II in firs' rate. ¦<¦ 1*', rootuj: i > «irn iu i-h>.t n ri.« ax.11 .eilar Alee, a ever *ai o i w.,,1 of water, ?»itli 11 i or mor* a/ rat of fIron ml < l idmliv tn eh .n ding Ina he cbaTh-rst t'nde of fmit T):- above aa-tll ha an1.1 arith or wbboel tk* Btrnhare It at wltbto «an m I a u . e. araikefBavf* i Dat*el De;»t HwAaaa It.r»r Beilrwat, Inq-iir» »r So 62 Eaat31et-ei N Y a* of JAMr.s HOl'OH, i* toe teeaeana IfÖB BALE.An eier Ilent FARM ia Cooatxti- cut, |r. aafWl <-a»' rf V,»rHaven, aa the line of th« N-w- Have., and nv» LaaacVsa RaMrnad. Imamr* »I RANDOLPH L1NSJ.K N i S3 M,..iau lau«, FOB BALE.). LOTS, aouth-eaat corner of W.'.ion ev. nn i BtaaSJ at i Bfialltljpi. lata Wil.taaieborgb.a rood lorafi'it ai d ».«.-red ctevp 111 lose ar. estate. Apply to B. B. st BOLEB. B«*:r.,rd ai . inaar if Rosset. I/OK SALE a BARGAIN'.On 2d-ar.. w»»at aide, between |',.i anal ltd .'a .a LOT St frei t inches ha 8" feet, arkhtar«aami iKAMKt OTTAOKi iaadaaai rapadli laapret- n.a .' i,! i.orbia^i. A Let,aaaaa s>e. adjoining can fc« ha.', if required cheap. Applj to 11. II. BROWN, No. 71 (Vase«*., f.um 1 to o p m. FMk SALE.A bonutiful COUNTRY KI>T- 1I>K.*<( B. aituaud St rnilea aoutla of the City of I'ougb- teepala ard half a DSflofrrfa ttie Hodaon Riveraad VVdtoa ferry Depot. Uinint seventy scree.tl«- eoll a deep. rich, sand) am. rfectlv free f.oni atone. Da the place are four acr'-e of Antwerp lleepberriee three .inarter- of eaa-r»of Aa. persans, an acre of GlBBe* half an acre nt Tnornieea aad Lew- ton Btarklx rriea. beside a choice eariety of ether Vrni' Th*'* ia a la'ae eprine of Bate water, which a'ie; nee the nonae aud eelhellSTliaa. da* ievaitia in the linear Uane aiity aaiiout of Wetef a initiate, and whrb a >ald easily be roaverta>l uro orna¬ ment 0 pondl t in the premises is a eubeiaiitia; Fa"iinO'i.«, with ample Outbulldieat, new and fOltoniOOt. Five a. roe ror.la n superior Mohlira Sat d. F'nr further particulare, in¬ quire of J. B. BliKUsrV.lt, No. IN Bowery, Na» fork) or on the premises, of VAl.r'.N i S'K II. HALLOCK, Pough keej aie. F~OR SALE or EXCHANGE for CITY I'lfÖP- ERTY.A neat aaal well im.it COTTaOB, witheboat nee acre o' LAND, la tae aahM aad retired tiliige of lit--, lour minitea' wnlk ftom ih>- Depot. T?ie Beaaa two-el >rv wltli a aapertor Bast meat, and built It, in« most substantial manner, ¦aalefat eneellent ordet, Oardeu, Shm' ^rv. a...i abanAaace of Oiapea, with fir i- yoruic l>eariaa Frui' Treea aaeaeelteat lee !.o:j«e and connected with the e«n.e a lar;e S-or« rom a id Cellar; s new Ham with StaMes ano oiber toiildtuaa. Schools aad chnrelie« eeiiiiei ieiitlj re-ioeaibl-s. ilislan:e from New York 28 lailee. with facilities of eommui iea'ion ait tunes a das et:b way. Apl-y to J. T.ODKR So 7 Wall at. li^lK SÄLE or to LET.Tho first-cliaa f.mr- F »tory atr.nt front DWELUHO BOUfE 9m, 1 We«t 17th- st.. tiiat house west of'>th at Aj.pl» to BOalBB MOROAif, Pine st.. No. 3 Metrr lallten Uana Buildiaa. OR SALE at ASTOKlA-Elotrant K1>I- DENCC near tJa* o'ltitrt aerns of ttauolj-, Biker. Her¬ rn k. aad Pike jr., abeei ei ¦ ¦ y> Proaa ties tRlaca Tn» Heese ia latie a: d er.rly new. with ."-table, Carriase h..'i"». ah 1 eel bnildn aa, w ith two aerea ot aro'iiid, beatitifidiy lad ''it veitii * lara* variety of fr-.a and eniaoieatal trace, rerms easy. Amte CBARLEB YV. WARD No. Ill l*ieBl et or No. ?1 Wadirii/im tsrr ice, Hoboken. ILLINOIS. NORTH-WEST.-For SALE or 1 RXCBANOB foe Now York or Brooklyn Cite Proeerty,a TOW N PLOT of 11 acres, beautifully ii''U-»d for t'liiduu ru»- newea; 6B0 teet on Ruck River. BBI y^rde trou the Chk aio and Mi'soeiopi Kailroa.1, one mi e from the CKt of Diana aad II- litioi* Central Railroad. Inquire of J. ROBINSON, Na IX (.rand et., at IfiJ a. m. orlj p m._ SI'LENDLl) COUNTRY SEAT for HALE..On tt>. bei ka of the Hudson, near N.-wburih, ImiIoocIii* W lit .nee ol W'M. THAYRt, ilereaee.1, with ten, th-rry.er fifty fite scree ot LAND. Bones built of qaarrtedstooa,«rfth Wkata Choice Fni't Trees. Kieh Poad, and a Vineyard 'tt 2 nOO Orape V ines in full btuui. B'i :olnina the hoanuful Coankrj Keata.it vV >. Delano and K. J. Betta, e»qa Apply to A. J. IHKK K'lli Co No. 1 Broad at., New Yura, or by atail to JOHN s. TBaYEB,atNawbnrah._ fT^HE undtThiitufd offer tor SALE, ob reasoaa- M hie terms, several PLOTS of OROCND, beautifully equ¬ ated, at EllaaliaIiitown and Eliaahetbport, on the Ceairal Rail- road ol New-Jersey. The eJaoTI plots are aduiirably eituivd for imin-'iiatn improvements and adapted lor n.vmfai IBeia| puruoeee. Pot terms, ie., anji'y lo BAKKit t W'K>.K4. Aac'ioneara. No. C Pine-at. VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE.HOUSE aad LoT Nr. 161 Kaet 19th at , iepletM wirii all tiia niol- trn in.provemeiita, and iu the very bee' order and finish aloo, ot, Leairrtou av. and ö'd at., IMPROVED PH H»E 'tTY, psy Inf aoed tatonat YACANf LOTS tereal*. laqeire Na lea Knet Hrth-eL_ - V i) R S A L E A "bi'iiiitit'u! . COUNTRY «HAT in Cooaactlaeti with ,u acres of Lead, in a hiah state of cultivation, w. 11 si,-, a- 1 with eb. k Prall Tiees. laree llouae, heilt witli hau I- S"mi-stone, liuieoed i" the heal style ; lot sted in 000 of the moat public roa - In Iba e'iat.«, near rai r, ad Bara Cerria,*," Houee She.is. Oranarv and Store, all in ro d rrp»ir. B oMinea r.ist 9il.ien. Aleo, stjoiiiitif, a il.iiib!o-tr..ru« HoeOO, witliiS 8eree Lmid of the beet aualltv,with all i.«cea**rv outhn'Minas, *.Virt. Apply to P. J. THOMAS, No. SB vVlllkamal ; or ( LARK \: W 1LKS. Mer'hants' Kachanse, center -n'rai: ... 98.04HV 4L'W DIU I .COUNTRY SEAT for BALE.. »JjO,l^TlF. Offered mr S^ie a CODNTRY BRAT in Irvii aion, Wra'cheeO r C'utity, near the Hudson Riv*t and the Railioad Depot, one hour's li.le by Railroad Irin Slat St., onaistlua of a nica aid eomniooloue (lothie Cottage. BtjaBio- riMitn. kc. The grounds are aicriy 10.1 on'. Part of tha pur baae mot.ev may remain ou bond i-iil :i:.'. Korpartici lara. iaijt ne ot No 35 Broad at., (up stai.-*,) New Yetk. instruction. DK WY1NG inol PAINTING DIRECTLY PROM NATURE..Claaee EVERY WEDNESDAY H.ÖSATI RDAY when ; :-«t*nt. B. bt COE f P SCirELL, No 1 New York t'uivereity. miYSTir HALL SEMINARY~''för~YOI-.N« i IfI LADIES.WEST MEDRORD Mass. PI ii Boston. Ten TsacJatia of firet ability eoaaloyed ri ibo ScJaool | aflor.iiaa fa<rDbbaa fef * tboswath Entflsb I lacatiofl wi ii Leatia, Oreek, tea nx .lern anllio IlanaTa/rr*i Maab ,on Oaltar, I'iauo, Harn snd IhgaoI Drawi .g, Kmhroi-'ery, and eeieu kbade Oa PaJeSaagi Betaeaaaal el ajsaawera aad the erkrweeto ef ooawjes i. h ..: A Parkstaa la.iyresi.les in the laiully. Prinsaxa awarded kg ea^n I'.-..anmeiit. Ante to pnveical iilueatt .ti to be found in Calieth.m-a, Dan¬ cing. fJlllllMialaie. BawUng Allay, latrietly private.i Swimming in the My* le River (a-Jti iloraabaca Hiding, &e Well trailed Bad* le lit r-s* bsSona to the Seminary. For particulars aldreaa th.. Priivipai. MRS. THOMAS P. SMITH. RBPBBBBCiti. -The Hon. R..I-.-rt C W iu'hr»p. Boston t the Ihn F.|»»i i .eiett. B at ^ti; the l!ov. Co as. Brooke. Wer .Me.Hold, >be Bee . ohu l'ierpoai, 'Veat Mcdtord. P. Oardaer, A. M., Princtied Boston Latin School: th* Hoe Abbott Iraw- ret.ee. Beetaai BVa R«v. Hub'iard WtOasOW, N -w York tha Roe ITBIiaaa Haaw*,D. D.,Albany|tbe Ret RolllaH, Meek, D. D.. B. atoa -La Hen. Saui. Houstoa, Taaaa 0(' E A N INS T ITUT E ..A BOARDING SCHOOl I BOYB^al Oeeaa Port, New Jer.7, three .. « tn I. g Hp n--h Hilly Steatnlioa*eo-iriitirurttioa wRfe New-York, b-r circulars eoatohaiaa partteeJara, addreaa CHARLES COTHRKN. Principal. SI 5 DGWICK'* m ETKO PO LIT AN ACADE nTy and OYMNASIVM, Moo. ui aid M Stb at., near W iah t- Um -quarr. S. J. Se.D iWH R. A. M Pruiclpal. 1\\l.ItVi\»W\ IN^ml^E.-^C'irPuisra. wiTh eaeoeiaeee. thrW Ol tiie Institute, Ac .maybe obtaiot-1 st t". Six-par.1 J> in'1 Bo-Aa'ora. No ISv ruiton-et.| or t. H. Wilcox, Nc. -.".«J Broatwev, or by addressing _A. NEWMAN. Principal. nr/IJBEE raore PUPILS WANTED at J. B. Si X C. A. t ritl.KY'S BOAKDINl/ ,i"H*)OL. Wee ;>.,rt.Ct., M Bsllaa VT-in Mew-Yath CMy, bttbe Naw Tork and New- Haven Bajlioa-I Tem s, el l('o *|Vt per ve<r. Rafsrencas-. t«. Bicbii.«..a, eaq.. No. IS WarTeu-e'., New.York- I K. whit.ng, Roa 17.' aad it* Paltao-et.. Broohi,.n, N. S. W'lRat, *aa>, h'o. I-j et^-at., WOtiannburg'i.p&'rona of ttie School. AyRl'llNU, B-'uUoei-iiis;..Mr. I' VINE. re- t f BMread loBIRowerj N.V-, ... ie ire|>ared at q-alify Urn for the Co iotiag Kooai Lid 's. B Piono-forUQ anö lUnsic. 2I70LIAN8, GRANT) Bud SQUARE PIANOS, eCJUdwith~Paaeai s-iaiienaio.. Bniit." "laapretadPrencb Actio. ." C o ». -;' oil Kearuigs," aad other aaw iaiprovt n -a*s froo Hallet, Daria k Co.'e calebrated Manufactory, ia rt tagtet?-i »tat--, »uh i j to7j .s.tivia. iroai BSMto wlJBM,aaw aiaatlt on ba.. l so.l f..r sale at IVtorv pricoa, whol^ssLe a; d re-ad. by S T. OOKDON, succeeeoi to Berry k Oonio- No. iV' Bioad we) »-.e a*yaat ier Gbki cht, " .a . -a v a. aj.i wie..«>j that t)w P;».-.oa rcanufac- tured hy Ha::tt. Dav.a A t j. are ..nrr vie 1 in Auiaiica, 11 not aa the woild for briluat ej aad puritj of v.irie." ] _IB.aton Dai'v Tirrea. AN IMMENSE STOCK ..I PIANOS, Bade* by , 2\ T. ulLBKKT 1 Ce-.jael received a* tha War-reotna. kS «- (1' tad 18 Br. . it*ay -,.r-t-r afCaua! at_, wiu ba BESTED or BOLD ui«.n -ausuV.ly liberal terrae. BroosJvu Warcrooma, Ma III Pa » ;. at. N EXTEN8*\T. ASSORTMENT of PIANO- PORTRvS ar HIKK or f r SaLR.AI WALS. B'S Waren« rr«. No. t As»i;-.ac< aco ni. it it rii^-a. g from afto to Alan, a raifa atocb ^f new PI kNOS, «f aapeihw. qaali'v, by tha l-eat Sew \ rg and bcetoo laakert. exdwotal} for rale. CJOLD ME UAL PI VNiV FORTE S.M.nnufv M -a-- bt 8T1 sw.\ 1 R BORS,Nea HaadM Wsi) . .-¦ a- . at s » Y 1 -. .. THREE FIHST fRFMH'MS <ita.u tae '.act year inco an i tion with P ar oa ¦--» le t, the eaatl lialabialol aiak-rsoi 6 «- *oa, New-Y ork, Pb iadeiphia and BalUraore. Pricealow. aOREAT BAR »ALN8-190 PIANOFORTES.. VS fj k H. BARMORE, Ma 3IS Blervker at otter a lirta ai J varied ae»i .-r^»: t. f-osn ei-io to 0*00; mart l- til le B eac »Iterar. ¦ bieaoess. UKloduu aoraeot the graod UlAO- ONAL PIANOS, all aapenor aad got as ia the -met etv - aad .- -a. ' l-BEAT IMPBOVEMENTS ia PI ANO- 1 1 * " era Llti W if k BRADBi'RY-J. No 4"l Broon e ,... -eepee lolly rivtlei atteuti.-u to thir PIANO" pt'BTEB, strvastaal with the potet.i ARCH WR Si? PLANK, whxh ia aiidoaihls»!iy aha most subetaoUal improva- taeat aver iLtrodutad tats taie papalax -rrnimerit 41 EE AT EAE..AINS-TUIS WEEK ONLY.. \I SiTft r PlANO-BORTES. bv IS4 fifK m%le. iu h^. liM riseww.l. vsrastv of«,la-e. ail new. füllt warrant .1 IV. eil-.i +1 e i '. f-f ii j run ia w .rth a> *. e l"4'. to tluOa tie c t«reiB. Reowved to Ne> S Bereer ar. Lear t'auai.' W.OiBoRS aio 11 AZEI TON Blv'tnilEE'S, PIANO loirt M*m r \ P RERJ, N. >. Ceotr-sr.. New-York. .tof PIANOS iia't-j Where rrtf be f..uad a ni.a aseuifvx'.t of Pi ANod it platn aad arn«a taJ i ss- a. B niiin can aratato iti art tic rt ksafva rr or T na. KATEN, BACON A ('¦. ,(mttt *n»rt ta Mac- n A Rat-;,.. Ft*.., F Mir.'c' :rere, W arwrnon: No Grand-** , n*«r Brtijkar, w'.er* a fu e**t,rtn.et.t >f !..<' men!*, ticJ'ifiv«!' ot ' ova ma:. »t»c'ux*. may b- t .-.ad. W ar-*i :~ci it t "i ' ..- '- EMOVAL.. .IARDlNE A SON. OTijnn Build- er» »L".. *f*«r May 1. ratno-.e th,,,r Orraa Mmi'a. 1 »er th» New Y.wk Lhapwaaax-y, c raw) i,f W fajie t_,a Ce'.tre at* ST. NICHOLAS PLANO-FORTE estab¬ LISH S'LNT. Lately er,..r«ed. in:-rored *r,i ren ..teL- A W. UaafcCa'i M 'fatal Pr-im vi kNOS. . c -i- wlift thee* of our w. aiaae; Carbar Needhaal .\ t 1 MKI.- ODEOftS i..,o. m* tbeir Dot) :<. B- k. iuetee* New PI kN'oS from . 175 U. # 1 .V«. a**vi d h»nd t^orn *.'.)'o *'.W Mr^LO- dko.ns in<u *a. 10 aaaa ji dson a mi n v.: No BM Broad«r»y, St N'<rb vi il 01 SUPERIOR and Warranted T-OfDiva PIAN<> »ORT* s, tcr a.'*1 CalleeJei** .. am AMBLKR 4. fa. No BH Row-ry. ÄlachinfTTj, &*c. LINEN MA( HIN ERY..JOHN R. Mi NALLY. Chempleuj. N. V., Agent for th* ealsof Linau Ma-hiierj ef every d**cr:f>liou, BOW tad lecend ban.!, Ei.rii.eara' an 1 Me- fhirtMt» Tool». an Linen Tarn» of every timber »r.i iiallty. M ATTHEW8'1 m IDA WATER APPARATUS. Tlie auper-ority ot iheae e!e(»i t mtri.inee over »ii other* la now u:.n errant admitted. Letten Patent Laving been .-ramed IHM »ml lAVv Ttey »re manufkctored of Irnu aad Cupper, far holfltr* «1 d Hraw i «'1 -i th- ro'in'-r. an t odd with rill In- . trieH .a: I Kf*_**1 r n'e 1 ,> n¦". Bf their 0»*. by JOHN MATTH 1. V\ S, Noa 4J> and tot) *»., eomer JKrb «t Oa hard tlx lerrett oiortment 111 the world. E*t*hiith*d if> y»*ra SWIFT« PATENT MILLS.J. 0. LANE, el- clr'iT* M»rnftr"ir»r-f r ürv.d'n» Cofee, (ir«iu. he. Six it/o* tot family a*e, Grocer», Fanner*, Ac A rat] tut -nor artieie. Order* re«p*ctfnl,y annexed. _J. O LANK. Waah'-ixt.. N. Y. STEAM-BOILERS for SALE..Nine, VERTI¬ CAL T< 111 LAB BOlLFRS, w'.tb appnrtenin . -rvrv plete, from IReea mcLe* daimetar, baaing tbir'aau isar-ftat tul.ea. to thirty two bei d'.ame'er. harxg city 00« eight lentaahaa wall adaptedfa*b.tingbudding* eery tie in. CMA& vv COPE LAND, Coi.anl'ii * Hncu eer. No. iid brovlvr 17. S. Y. STEAM-BOILER f..r >.\f.K^L« inrhrs diaTJMr- ter fi*et ion*, with 2 l-n-iixh tl'ie*. witii all the IxtarWJ r«nntiefe, in ("od order. Will be mid cheep if *on ied tor rn- merliate.t. [n.'ein at No. ,i^3 We*t 4rlth belo » jltb>a« of A. SCifiA'ART/. QTEA1I ENGINES WANTED..Two etvond. k- hard Eagtna*, »btnt t herse power each, oa ae. A rVaaaa roan«4 ted at ri»ht aaulc. Aihlrea* V. O., Box No l,7H, i.e. diately. (Tntlcrrj, ^arbroare, anb iron. DIRONDAC COLD BLAST CHARCOAL k PlO iRON, by th* Corrpa-iy'a Air-;*, lOHM W. Ql lNl y, No. W:*!»a-i It C 0<1FER'8 TRUSS HOOPS..vIOH act* ass-rrtcd ¦taaa, COOI'ER'S EDfJE TOOLS. AlberUon, Cthger, nor'oal Batten, ard other maker*. COOl'r'R'S RIVETS A larie aa*.irtTo*nt. COOPER'S HaMJIERS, DBI\ ERR, BECR IRONS, A.-. p..r.*|e by _CHaS. S. LITTLE i, Co., No«. 31 ..id M Pnltonet UDSON ITO EBON it exoe>l!r>nt for Eonnder* and Korite p'irpoeea. The No. 1 Kx'ra ta warranted I > more atran and to I,..- au;ierior for all puxpo*e*to any Seateh I'.*. JOHN W. ULTNXY. No. Jg \\ _.uin et, Agent for tta Uudoua Iron Con.pany. T_| AMMEREI) SALISBURY 1 RON.From .-old X J blaat rharrnal Pi«, and wholly worted in rhaiTDal la of eitraorthnary atrenuLb and rjntdity. On hind . I ini-he* ein»re. Other ai/e, made to order. JOHN W UL lNCi'.No. 1*1 WUIiaa at.. Agent of ti.e Nar»in.<h Iron Co. IRON and STEhX ST«>RE, No. 17.*» Contr--»t. The ly .lore wh.-re yioi, an «et any qaantity of IRON and STEEL y u may -e-iuire. All a;.,'* and qualitlea on hand JAJIclS SCOTT. o AMES A SON'8 SHOVELS and BFADE8- . Kot aal» hy JOHM W. liUINCY. No. aVülramorL SALISBURY COLD BLAST CHARCOAL PIO IRON for Cer-VVheiJ* *ud work requiring verr (uperloi Iron, for a*ie by JOHN W. Ul'INCT. No. 93 WUlUui at PFLTER, ANTIMONY, BANC A TIN. CIT NAILS, tor ral* by JOHN W. QL'INCV, No. OT Wiilia-utt. S THOMAS PIO IRON-Soft, free, .truus, and a warrauted aoLatltnte for SVnteb Pi*, JOHN W, QUINCT, No. M WU'.iaai it. furniture. CHARLES V.. FOOG, No. f IS Pearl-it,. Betw*en M iduon and t hxthaui, la otierUij Uli E X TäE N B I \ F. I T O C I Of Mattieaaen, Bedati «.1» and Beda.'ing, »' (reatlj redu.'ed price*. bhlppera Hotel and Private Keeiiaa* will itadj liieir uteii-el by lookin* through my St, k. ÖTTAÜK »nd"KN.\MELED 1 T'RNI I TRr... A varie'y of «rvgant lad e.heip iljla* at th* Mtnuttcto'rv, No till biofclwat, I elow Bie. vaer at. Geoda (afrly picked to to to a oartarce. ENAMELED FURNITURE..H. F. FAR- RINOTON haa now rea.lt for aale an * 10*1*11* aa*nrtmant ot rah F.NAMKLF.D CH khfBER FDRNITUEB,*R patr«ni* ai.d colon, aud . lalmratelv de,-..rated in bualataaa, Rpata* and flower*, at the Manufactory Warerooui*, No*, tj and X8 Wooa- torot-, between Brooroe and Orainl-*ta RECLINING CHAIRS, W BEEL CHAIRS, CHAMBER CHklRS. LIBRAHN CHAPRS, OF EV FRY V ARU PY. Manufar'ured hy M vv. KINO SON. _No. kW Broa-lway and No. UB M - tt at,, New-fork, C H O O L F U R N I T UR K . R PA I ON, No. U Orot* .r.. New-T. rft N. B .Cirp.ilna torwa.-de.l on appli.-aiion a* abote. SHOW-CASES.-HOFFMAN A FER8H hav« opened tuen new W ar» rooma at N.i. 41 < ha'bam a'., near » City HaM, whera parthaaara aritl Rad a large a**or'.m*at cf all kmaa; aJao, at cbeir old a'and. No. VI Bowery. S Clothing. jSl*\ HATS $1 less than Broadway pn ...*».. ©ep For »Ugaaea aad aaiabMlij tftrrgaimn be ei Neat Hati, e? BROWN, Mo B1 anil iL niistk-ilancorw- A RTIH 'R H CELEBRATED PATENT BELF- J\ IEAL1B0CANS aad JABS, n*ad laet veer by tie. ieanA* of fatwiliee, bo»e| and t»i*rli « b*w*y*he*per« with bwotaei ....»> aiete aacceca Turn medal* um five diploma* were swarded rh*»* tIA.NS and JAR" la*t leavin. On all ha-nla 'hey are actnowi- e ljed to be the *af»at. BaiMatl and nuait reliable ta market, liierr i* CO »4dition«l enit ot wrenc e*. tu' ue'i or wtt--.» trotal ,e w ith acrawa. t.or iponi i* ol Brail hy contact with Ir:.ii* Harber, or other o_*n»iv* tuhauuc*. Th* CANS ai.d JARS are all prepared tat aealict. and the purabiaer ha* only to a**i tie cover alightiy wbeu the Cm or Jar la bilrd With :.-*ah irujtanil pn aaitJ wnir.to the channel OB th* cataele tilled with ren.ant. and th* work of hermaticaily aealtc* ia do..o. Tb« y au*t*i: no InjaX] m one;.in«-, and may be o*od year after tear. The lid Botet*IB* wL..'.* top. a.i Lie. » BBB . ihej can UeleaneadfTk* an; taei peataetal Tlie CANS ax* nada at*itoai tia, ai d aat JARS ,i It* atatyi yellowTl'r.* rM*t *nu*iy, tiiu* u ai.ring tie»f e. onouit m freitoU Tke aaata« Ol CANS are pint, qoan, half gallon ai.d pOoa Ja»».pint and T art. Fu.'....-. it., u* for puttui* up fre«L fruit. tiMnafcie*. At., .ccotnnany them. Get the beat, wb*h ARTHI R'S, ai.d 6a n't w*»te y. iu RwJ| aa .u. Lad -mi-.t, tt _ouaa~d* of ten.:.*** ^TLe traue luptiied hy EDWARD P. TOURK.Y. Mannfacturer'* A;ent, No. S Plitt-*'_, New Yjrk, B R A Z I L W O O D..830 quictoJa BRAZIL TVOOD, (in rvnd and duty paid.) for eai* bj SPUFFORD. TILES-fON V. Co.. No. £) Broadway. DE I AMANO* FREaSCO PAINTING E8- TAbLlsllMKN ."-No. ¦: Bradway » r. i F'e* c. Fc-aiattk. or Oil*. Scatery. Pacoramai. Bann. «. painted. Alao chow* *i» let I V\ tn aow Shad.* painted 'oord*.-. VREN't H DP! .SS-.M AK I N< i. inalliubr.t: r it Mat* DEMoREST*S EMPORIUM PAfHIOffS, No n.i BroadwiT. Wauit LiLiL**eat and haate-l at "7« eaBStai Raeijue V ifaa> Lxii ga c-.t and baited *t 30 cen'a U:*a* Mai -r »r proponon- at!y low prk. -a. IJIPOiTtANT to LAUNDRYMEN.- i OLXNTIELD PATENT STAB '¦¦ I. Al'NPRY SEN will find a vary ffaaal aavio* hy ¦.hag Ihi* e*>|ehr*teal SPARCH.wkicii i* uniiioaiierl Cir It* Met Igth, [ tt' tj of cadet, latakelh a. .1 e. »..«ni Rat .v oy KOhERf HOSIK.Nj a Pisee N. Y. MB Atej. for the tTaNad .....(".. LYOtV KATHAJBON. Is, bey.md .jueation. the mo.', popelv pre;*r»t!on Bt 'he Hair. e»er ma >. 1 hi* ia -toted by r* lmaien** **i*. wb* h a now Beattf 1,'*».- 1 4'.e* : ye« with the ieir.ABd v ata'.tlr iLTea-i'.t. It ¦ß w/agl y ah atae* '!,« hair from Daadr in. a- i all tathar Ba> ; u.".' c*. mvnora'e* tnd .'r»rg net a :'. and %¦'*» to it . beau*.- alee*. Sold ht ail r- apeCaTde dnelera. HEATH W YNKOOP A Co.. Pupil-ter*. No 83 Liierty *r.. New York. KINDLING W.»ol>._«i. HARRISON aft SON. S'eatn Pactort. Nu W W'»*r Mi. *(. Urtt aaalByW . ia Pkae, er a ai d Rtthery, *adlw»w*a at L»nt prico*. ..1 > A S 81 N G AWAY-PASSING AWAY." X Oft hat Rata, Bket » i Icaocta are paaaiig awiy LYO.n'S MaajaatK p. » .er a.' Piila -leacroy them JoM *[«..Jle it aha.«' it the do*..- cf the day. And aUitmtia wi.l tail.it kJla ihem. Paddler*' ¦aaaaaa^eat* bewara. D»put, No. Ut Broadwaiy. N .7 F aa'taati at., Brooklyn. PALM L~E A F F A~N S . . >ectee* ta". ft] axd atutid hand!* Pil.u P*:.a, jo*t rt> e*iv*c lor .*.» by Sil ITH A LAWRFNCK, No M Be*ret-«C SAVE YOUR FURNrn.'KE.Cai»t IX) RS A Y7* PI RN ITt'B E POLIbUERand BEACT1FIER remove. aU atain* sf pauar. cieaae or fliaa. makin* old aad faded Karol- laa* lo.k aajaal to now. Pur* *5t»aU a bottle. M. W HITE. N*. Ok Dia coaea.. N V.. or No. $t Main at.. BrotIra. AVCTJON HANTiKr.RCHll FS bliohtlt iMTKKIC/.ct. SnmX Ope red bf BJ .MAN t. ( i'MPavt. Nx #73 Br adwey. Mi an« .. n ihiiü Cel. C< tdfrtV. Lümi M ikw. *i » I 7 ido. 1 tail - Pta.n Linen II:. * 3 worth I »uJ 7 1'" I I.ae.ire' H-rr: M-tcOr-d Lit fr H1!*" .' wortn « As S ! c. N F F. ' - 8 A L E. . BOILED LINr'NS. . tamta i1 K.hsrdeo.'«. MenAeed*e, Peeatssa'e mmi otbei >!.».-. h e makes of SIliRTINU LINKNS. .LIOBTLT BOILED, e mei Jone luv pro« in order to incee an ertectiva wV*wT> um rbi» ..-i»rtinei t La- ><.« ehetiid cell eariy. as 'here »m lirn ne r this etnre r.reiy u-*-' wlh. Ae i ¦ . <«,. J. KRAN«.'!' 1 «.«.¦.. Bta k, N". M Kroaderay. ANKRI FT STOCK troin the LA TK AFC- NH .Of eh.Mce French Bit hoae. new erv .. al - l'rvee Trrr.miLge. e>.ert French F'low-re. Crei>*e. Silk« aai* Peril MilUnen Afticue. to be sold »t tmuiaal'.v treu' tecii fieri by M II. LICBTI!M> PEIN No. w Beteet j( gecaee oi bwwna* it BR U 0 8 e 1. B L A C E > MANTILLAS, VAILB, FLOUNCES a .'. « ii.Un.i iv« rieiy u.edinm wirf.« from I" ro *x Point etti gad Cew* let*, I B'Beete Sh rte *oaeoei Cepee Htodkei and seiij'i.' rrre red by MII.LP.h 4t ORAlsT, Broedway. C< »BsEIS . COR8ET8 . CORSEI'*'..In ad- ..¦..!. W gel larfeafoeh «re. OA» N"K ban v by .-.» «'e,: ». faf*wwetyheof COeSRTfoeBi w-ar. to wir. li ehe invitee the attention M hei Ceeto -isee eji.1 VhlllBBln TfioT Tint Priceeair 1% to So ea.. near Mb ... CLARK Ä SPOOL COTTON--The im* fop the feie of t!-!s Bpoel CettSB tat removed to No. li De- er., eS re i WS v>» rl t -'ock of the eeu'i r o article, tu as- eofted caeee and solid n-.n.fcere. ie always on head. OEOROE .v. CL UtK No. s: nay et. Do! rED 8wi8s muslin, from auction, Slightly Janiaaed by We'er, AT TWO BH1LLLNOB Pillt YARD. Be'i l one-halt "heir %alu..,1 by BEEKMIR a COMPANT, Be i't Biwaderay C- r v. a t s i i. k7 s a l~i:~^- i Comeaan bag oti MONDAY, May la, and coulii.nel throneho'it the week. 1? SH.Ks reSeree] to P and » per yard, tl SILKS redticed to eenta. I .MLKS redueed to I 1. CH ARl.l.Ti llfcARD V. (">., No. m Oranlv. india rubber 0love8 and mittevs Air i.arlenina, Boeaecloewlof. Urivina. and tiy work that acila the hane'a The>\ are n.ede al! length* to oroteit the wrufa and irna* Aren e\i»je.ito. a...l by woarti t make the hiade »oft and whtto. tor aal« at all Rubber Storte in the t'ui .u. aad at 0OO0YK IB'S OLOYI ('.>.. Ne. M febe et., NV*-York. Ma n 1 i ll a 8.m a n till a 8.. Several tboueet d new Metre A-.tique Maa'iüaa will I* op. i.e.! THIS MOnNINO. at *i V, +t, 44 '> aud to-ha bBBeBkVetM ia the city. J 0 New Stj'.e MantiUaa, at !H« ea b. 1«0 of the New Shnwl ehape, equally heap, rui.l many otliar Mai rf« e at hel'ore oflered. Lediee call and eee. Jl ST k Ce No. >7 I etberlneet. Koor J.Kire from Mounre. N K .No M enacbWia ?* ith any other houae. KE W SILK BOUS E.1-866.. WILLIAM WT. WKIOHT At Co. ILal Nieholaon k Wright,) No "i LIBBBT1 St NBW-YOBK, IbtBb toe atleciion cf the TBAOB to their caeici aeeoBTMRBT or hA-ellONABl.K DKK-S I'll IM M1NOS, BaIBROIHBBJKS, RIBBONS, Ol.t)\ F.S. MITTS, TURK AD LACES, UACK noons. WHITE OOODS, BLACK CRH D ITALIE aad URO DK RHINK SILK .. BN« I Dltr.ss SILKS, BHAVYL8, MANTILLAS, kc. cash aao iitoFT TiaiB yuvaaa ore i in' 1 to eiamhie our etouk. Silks, shawls, quilts and embroio- ERIE8 I-. m aUCTION. STELLA SHAWLS STILL CHEAPER THAU EVER BK- KORK OPFBRED. kaaS H h Stella Shewle from Anc loo will le opene 1 TH'S DAY, ana told from a>3 M no. S t^O eery lie.h pa'I em a and eolote at *l Viand BA. ') .10 wool t intimere, at I.", If, and very cheap. SH.KS SILKS: SILKS! CHEAP from AUCTION aS.n*J yartte very rich eilke. new etylee.will be opaued and ofleredtor Sale I HM MoKSINU. wi VVoaeea Dnawry.aaetbaa gooda-very floe, at I: und up. PARABOLR I A]| Pareeole.fine aooda-at I 30«' lota of ana Kn-broiderioa. very cheap. All af the above gooda are of the beet quality eu I neivett etjlea. and will be eold at vety area-, bareaina by aläwRJt W O. COLBY, No OS litend-eL, cormrr UArMaa N. II Fiva tirat cle.ee Sal- .men wniteiL HOUSE-KEEPERS..Volret. Rruseela and X Stiperflna Carpo'e and Chlaa Matting for aaio at padeated pric«e. Ca-nets anil Matttog laid down in ally oart of the city. DOIli-:Ml S ^ Nl <ON, No. .'1 P..rk (.'a.-e. I N I) O W HOLLA iV D. . Jner recived, all ca.vKa Botfand IV'bNa Holl tad. 31 *.) tueh.a wi.ia. For isle by OOKKML'S 1 NIXON, No. £ Park placa illillinerTj, ^c. FORbchoicewf fashionable MH.f.l- NEBY Bial elaei Hi etyle and mater al. ' ia la.lieegro ia nted to call at Mkeaai ROMANES*, No I71J Bowery, OMER & K E t'c'H u M 11 ¦Tl baBaa o .t their st<» k of STRAW OiiODv. PRBNCH FLOWERS I ii tie,; for Uie Bat bag a:»l Bawtweer trade, al redeeed (irn-ee, f.r caeh, at N'>a. til aid M Joint at., a " vV .1,.. SIRINO MILLINBR V GO ODa. B. T. VV1LDK, Noa -.Dead r.' John at, Importer. Mai.ufacturt'r aad Jobber of SILK MILLINERY OOODS, MHAtt OOODS, siLltaaJ FANCY BORBETS. DRESS CATS rRRBCB PLOWBRR, And ail ait tire lertaioine Or the Milliuery Trale. I'.i ee i. adeeate, aa.i t-a iiouda laeatawd daily. fl,HE Ehitit'8 art* r»'npfrtfiill) itivitr-il ta* fall amJ J. raaatna a eup<rb taeuitiiienl ot MILLMRNY OOODS, eaaaatlaiSg Baa lateite'yle ot Cr ire, Lace, Fancy, Noapilttia and Straw Boa..eta; rich French Fluwora, Itihbo a, Bon.irt Iraiaea. ic. M. I> KING,Me. MBCeaabek., near Yarick, Uto No. 71 C tuel-et. tUatcrjee, ireroflrn, tCc. W'ATlTIES..EINE (.OED aivi SILVER ii W ATCHBB..TbO lergee« end aieat aplendid eeeortmarM of W'atehee in the crry ia to ba tour.d at the enbecriber'e Ha hae beaa in bueiceae la Wall at. tor 'he laat eighteen yaart, and ia eel ling all deecrmw.-.e I OeM aad >drnt W'atehee, Jewelry aad Silver Ware, at who. e-aa aad retail, at c. - j laaa than ... aeueJ prvea. Beautiful (laid Lertna Watchea.fcnr bolaa fcweled.*M M Cicl.i Detached I.eveie, foR a-waled.RH <* F.i.r lived II nut Big Lapuia.foi.r belea )e waled.4>i.'> at Cold IIm i...g C aen BaaNab PaU-ot Levers..e)H Ot Fiwi Ovid Hulltiua Delathed Le.era. full jeiweled.A4C Ot . a o Paeieei wafaheofeo LeaSea.*\n ooto toon no ByasWaBdOeU Poabel CLronatneteea.RUSMte a>J<a) .a l.txwt Li.iei-naei'l Second W»u aea I'oc Inn- t-a hireea. ?" '¦> 'et (j-M BwatB g We'i hee, whb-h pin a dsye. ..R1JS M te RIM BS 6.-1-1 M.^t.e Wa'ebea, whrae change into three warrant VSarehes.b'W Wto fW* Ooac P.ngiiaa Pater.i Leveaa. tall ;ewaie.i.... * ti "J '.»< E":ver EagHab i'at«r:t Lever.*16 M :o . v '*. B'lvor Ue'aehed Levers, f-iil (eweled.BIjC«jw g)30 00 r baa Odd Lhraaag Case Railn ay Tune keap- *r.BIO« to to B17*> 00 M .e/ Lepr.ee. fonr holes vewiltd.. ilieju, B17 «0 kl. J. Tobias. Harrison, LiU. Beeaoley, T. P. Coopvc, aad atbei ealahealad niokaaa. for aal« very low. A i RTateBa - wacraatae to he. r. aaeaaet ttaae. RTaeebee a..d Jewaity en hae.aaeL Welche, a: d Ja Watty rayabaad in tie- heal a., it, aad at aaaeb leaa taea the aeeal aaieaa o.«ela sent to ail perls, t iha P'oted States aiad Canada rteer «f '-harte. OEOROB c ALLRN,Invnirtaref IVataaeawad leweiry, W --ea e ail Re n >'o II Wall a'.. it\ ..aar Broa.lwar. Proffoeionai Xoticce. I? l E C 1 B 0 CHEMICAL B\'U!>.No. 75 ^ Waet ljra-si Dear nth-av . Dr. II AMKUeROB enree per- Btaaaatly and epeeetly ail ' ervo'ia a. .! aptnaJ attcc'iooa, Raeum- a-.m, iroat Peralyeui, Coiifaetiotre of Limla, Swvr'liag of j .: te I>-e;-[eJ Her'.de. and all Frnpnons of the Sam. Also, iruaraaW/es to earrsr'all MicereJs trcra the »retain. !as:rue- ttoaa wad Bettaekaagl aa to »"atente. Pnre+.*e- ITNITED STATES PASSPORTS.By J. P, NON K S, Nc- iry. and Cotr.n;»sloaer Ut every Steve, No. '''*'' eg Rcmorars. A. JARTIS, UeiitUt. retaoeed bg .No. 380 Blrrnboa at CTEaRNS & MARVIN"» Wilder e Paf-nt Sal- kJ aiiju,i. r Befa l>i-.ts, No. ¦ Mersey aa aad No tgf Wei«. e'... New-i ra H_ ENRY UAVENPORl, ManQfarbu*-f.r and Dealer in Ooo-'yej*, f *i . Inden BaBbaS OWa, baa K.MOVFD troui Na. Jab to 1>0 SSI BROADWAY, 0»Voeite the Ta*er.-.; ... Jnenrugice tTompanir«- NEW-YORK EQUITABLE LN'Sl RANCh C<-. Ott:;, No. VI Wei: et., (Orp-jaite HaaoviraCf cash CAPITAL..7777...ilO.OtN*. Cuaarcaec AraiL, 1IU. Thie Company eonthaaee to laetue agai^att Loan eg Dsj&ara by P.-rc on ka.oiaola 'n.mi RICHARD J. THORNK, Pfaaekaat. lOtBI kllLI.KS. eV-ere aiy Oaire bn Tintiwn Hr**r r Lr.rn, 4. Co.. ^-i 'l'uini 4 "Vi ION NOTICE.. L\*)m rait- of m»*oir,. ri ..» KiWKwoog «-4 mam im: sr:f ui* TRMTt-H r. JMAfcO FORT» PKEMOtl l'LVTK »IM »».. iu..i-ui*i.» wi dotw a«0f.M .¦> iu*.» fMUa s*i.<-c . -.dir Mtii mo '*p «';> l larioaj* P. uab* ¦.*»¦.' Loi a XlVia Kid lb* lau-af Potiaiel f****** .',-,,i r.«*tw>.«l i'i*r ö aa »i. (. rte< raJblw, *f tba ate**. "««imhiuiIw«. ¦ laJa } tttrr : la-.-» ro.eeo.al Sea r. ,., ?'*..« TeW**, la' . id anil Beat!I WaWfttal ReajepOht 1 all* ¦<. aeuai Tvr*ta>h Kau Cakadro in iiMKju» ai.o ¦>¦..". u ' ¦¦' riet*Pierwad Neini. k.'tir. r. <<¦ ca'.-l.'e aii'l l-«ee Win.low i'.ir'aii.*. *e*aaae LwaVaafaj SiWIee. iichChiea and maiala VtaMij "a/ain-eejl raa**jr*a»l IaaB*»B Fiai>>-*>t>ft», ». .aee-l ail rv-irad. el-raid; i| »«! . i'B r*"*f. »elvet i'ar[*'a. hr- *r«*. Ii ark*, O.r.n 1 aw*, ¦.. h *¦«! ..iwiy I'aner; Orr aurenr*; Oil Painful**. ar>mpr(>aaa . greet < ¦» A a..h.wr» eminent for«*t,n artia'a. ameerae*- 'um Bird* tad ajeej H .1 *.» -iiricT"""» Karat- : in (diiab; Kateneion 1 able, 11 fnax; lh,n n* and »-.. |< ba-r»; aai e - .-, earn' and coeiiy t hin* Tea and Ihi.rer Sen, rrv.ta. and rub* ear Olaaawaro ; ma*rntBreot ed- rat T" Set Cake H"<kea i«'"i lp a I, r »rk*. Oord***. Mt fa l>afiwai in-rr ralei«. he-idle Cutlery; rwewaad and n U ."ia BadeUadl, Bure.ua a.4 w eata:..;: Is '.o mat. h, aa au.te. French rl.lt.» Toilet Set*, fire Hair Mtt'f a; at Pre leather R. ,1» II .at.-r.- M . PI II01 a, laatb'a Vital BIm bete I d fheinVr Suite In hairrhrtb. aiab. taut .' lak ktaad I'l-aira. Bo.ktra Soft*. \\ ai.lrole*. I oiuii.a, C >uwh Bod, tire, three taaaaeled Cotta** Badrueaa So. .a, I .rain Carpet** mtiBaWi HaU Btaad; talai I >li Cetaatt i attat" plated 0ia;r rtiala: Oili-loth* ke. AN.' all ie Maaeme.,! For til- art arba *Bibt*<. » a lance and l.-.u able tan**' of< taaaaei Dl * a r a KaaOaj ale hni. .a;.,! F.:ka\ Ril, ben I "'»o.Ua, k,. Tbeentfira Paral aroef (hethxita heaaa ta ¦.¦ e«-.ieat aaaa> ... ,i >uieel.,r aat^aaaatata, headatj l.n ia .>«. nal* a akea. Orre. tbea aftot'lir'r aa npp..run a h aa haantt »eld...n me with Save pereoijKory A. C Tl PTLS, Auc'wneor. ltd Ha. N One Ua*. ASsk;m:k" SAI.i: «>f KW'ntii.t KiaarjAooH ifjj Mahoaanj Harlor an.t I" a':itea Superior t.riamalad 'otteto r l HltlTl KK. 1 < tbi balavneeel ttoehat*0 >Uth.<ara, |lat* el 'Lo Oir ol Mtthttarik Sta. ,1 to he a .M ari'hi at leaerraUoa. A CTtTTLX wOl teUeu tt'Eu.aP.SDaT, Ma*S.m t*a oVUek, at No SN Bro» I way, pi. aite rat. Ni.bo!** Hotel J the balance ot tinlabad aut at tii.iehed »iia k tt 1» above i' n .uaku Hit of ahtaal aa aaJAtt fi'at. I.h < ,ma»e i L^uil».( Puruitarw, at ladtdaak, tatktattoa m.I tan. « .ieaian*. »l."il .SO araaiial, oak fn Ittttati Cattaft IfaaaTtaai.Tttiailia Taarlat. >i. Al.o.aavtral neewood Parloi rtui ... do ahe.1 a...I uiuiuiaS^d, V'ave.ea Miiebaevrda, Center Pahlea, He.l.iea l.. Ae. Alaai. one eleta: t oek Pu io* n«.in Si e. Alte, a qnai.ii.t ... iiialof env r urnn.<-.¦ AI«.. He .Si.h-b Hv'erea. Heaia, Ooch*, She-lea, oiiflalthed H.,a-»m*. p*,|.ie,,t,. Luaweae, Ac T be w hole K'irg o> It ,a. » b. ... j with iH t Hi.araii.by onler ot O. r Hel owa, e*a] , eaaig'iee ot Maibewa Tertni ca-h. A depveit of lf>p,'r eavi' will be re^Mrel from t.M i nrchftera nnki owr. Oata*efrtaaaa the ii.oimnx of tale. Air; LL Nl, ot iV. AucMon.-.m-. ALBERT H. NICOLA" irillaellon WKI.NKS- DAV, Mar at, Ik l.at U o'clock, at tne Mwcbvatf P.a chiire N. \ t io.o AvrMf-O'ie LOToti .'da\, adlAinint the a.uth »aei» aertttt td tajth *r., r>. «I Ii. be NM PA ha .lepih. Baraari rmtt. aiarrT-o.... LOT o-. i> ueirk aide ot dd at , IBS It eaat of Al av.. M by HC ft 2 ia. The abaive pnip. riy wi'.l teakkUaly he taht te the l..<h-ai bad der. wiihout tee. ite. Te.n a .-aa) a^.l tUt p.if>« t. ft* full i arüeulaia . to ALBRBT B. HTCOf.AT, K* I Breed**. A M. Mrtwtv, Auc*:.mi«jr. 1>Y HAN'C.S. BROTIIES A Co.-Tni.I-Snla' A-P Kocma. No It I'ark tow MONDAY, TUE8DA. and WEDNEBDAY ATEBNOORI, Jnne M, K and tu. tat I o'clock ea. '. day. LABOE LA» LIUKaRY Tbe Liblar] af an emiueiit law Ttr leiently c'eceved eouipr.alu* a full »et of Ku*l.ati and tiaatlcaa EoExitt*,both in Law and Eqaity, LNaaaaj. AJwidaa II Li Tatl It. aa. Ac. AAwtMthOBi tea all lae Near York Bepatta, u.cludn.a Bart our, 2n tola . CaaUaaha k 1 v.4a., l'o» *u, 9 tola, i Job. aati'a Law, .v- toia t J.du. aat m aaaef], 1 v.ala »e. II vola W, adallaSi v"la ; SaoUxd, '. v..I* | Sel.Un. 4 aal* Hi'.. Tr*>a,tHaU, ItwWikha Bay*wtee( New.J»r**y Neu-Hiur |i«biro, t'l iiUrclitnl an.1 Ma*a.. hi*, it; eeaalahteM ot t'intaj.1 Brate»dajiinate Caan r.,h.im ai«. PhiaaaaiahAt Law Lib} ***aiah i. ¦ v.. . ; Kiialiab C*t in Law l{«;or»a Wrait; EaatMtLew andBeaici Baeott* B "da AAaa, »al e tad t*.e ro|W** o'' n th*Otd Eb| ..» bt at K ;-.rta ; Black e, Bhaja, Ro-an^uateid Pti'l.-r'a. Croaei'a. ( ro.npten aud lanrkPe, i irjaaataya had Moe*»»«'*, Veaoy », llniwn'a i'vai'a, Dat .tout aid l.an'a and ither EoaBah H. v rtl H li'l »Ute Trial*, Bacon a Abti.'f unit. I it. d rj.a'e* |l-2.,.ta. iC . amounting in ul! to nttrty t,<.*» tataMA Cata! nue. In prep »rat Inn. A. J Ri r Ki K » a A u.'iteoeer. ITXEClTOR'ä isifl of Lor No. SO M..i,I,>a M2d Lmi*..ANTHONY J BLEECKEI A Ce wttl teB ha I I.II'A Y loi. ritb of Line,at l.'o'eoak, at the Mere.kanla' Ka thanfe, tbe r*la*bi* LOTknaara aa Ne. >. MaJeea-ltae, eoiior .1 Litlie Ore."ii it fwn. ... ¦-mj ed by Mean. t »ii i Brata*r balag la ante SLSstt.T Boat and rear, a* AAtt 7 ,; fe«i ,,e. p That ahore property la aabierl tea leaaehiatng aea.n jeara to run at a yearly re it *4 Bljbdaaad tb» tatea Th* owner, at the .ij4rn'ioii of atnl lea»e. to I ik* th" latat >»*. n...Mi wbicb ahall be »ppr»iaeJ at * .urn not *tx**d ug ttH.no* Termi e*»h, on deliaery <>l thedeed, inly 7. For turther partio ultra apply at the cilice ol the Baetioeoer. No 7 Broad at. By un-r (liaij ROBERT F MANLtY, Ftecutor. |?2KECtT0R'a SALI: of RIAL ESTATE of jLd the late JAMES CHFSTFR.M AN w II te«atttaa*dTfllS oav.at ia o/ctoek, at tb* Merchant.' Fachar.**, euibranu* Lola aa lit, .1, vh. tttb and tftth avt, *nl Araaa*A, ll'ub. 114th, 119th IBra, tatet, IBM, l£id tad l.'ttb tta Fveiy lot put up w III Lo peattitrtft aoi.l 'o tbe l.*b..at Md**t. ADRIAN II. MULLEB, A letionoer. U S M> i Loa, An. Hornier.Bi Hoii.nr.ia A Mri.i.n* Furniture sod M1RR0RB, to-morrow (Thotaday),*! It) n**lntik. al No. Ilil Naaawwa*.. tBeahafl .ell, to cloec fOMBjaiaaal and to ity advani ea, . larta taavrt- xanl >.f CaMiiet Fuiniture. Blnanaal r »¦ rottet Oil r.. na-, El aiaviuaa, Freu h China Vaae*, and Si'ver pla'ed .Varo. Tl.. Paraltaraeaaahyta m i*n,of r.a*BW.H».i Bedttaede, Burem* ii I tV»ah*taod* i aiahiia»*aj de.. EUaeree, Btt*a»A*a T*We*, I'ar'' Balte, two «.od three colored tatia and ball cloth; Hair Mat-ieaaea at d Palliaaaea, maho«any S >t» Cbit'ra, Roefcer*. Vol- tairea, Co-tier St*i da, Sldeboarda tad flalttaiait. Library Book a e tad secrttan»a. Alio, aix ruerwood 7 ccf«ve Pkaaa Poftee. warr. It L Alte,a l»r*e invoice of Oval, Pier aud Men'le **ll framel Rietcfa p!»tu Mi'tort, well worthy of attention. vVa rtvom- ruer.d this rrallr gnod laaortmei.t t > the trtde and th* public, a* prraentina an opportunity raiely mat with. Cataahfaai on th* Btatatkaj of aale. tVrrKa I Co. .J. S llli.urt An. tioneer. t 8 rio bee tvillee.lon xhurrdat, M«y 19 » .'. .i ii i pack ck, at Ba, tag Palate at, m.d Bo. jt auu at.. a*|doadtd aa. itii.. ni ,t Bcaatreed ai.J Ikaharaytai awkkt*at PaiLr Parnttaro aaa/atad la r.. h bio. atelle audbafr elo'h, uia- hoIatMoti with diu beat curled bail arid tini.hod in llie beat wort ii. bl] Al*e Toarklah Chair* and Pateal De.k., oak Dlmuat Unite* in irren mip* | fltahalialTllllal la otk, walnm and u v Bool raaet la ro*atraed,he.| Huieana, French PlatwMlirwjo, Oil Paratrrat. Ckiiia Vaaw*. Dtaaeraiid Tea ReMk I tt.re, F«n. j (io.al. kc oak SHeboa'd, marble i..p», aoajaaah Chain, tai e *e»i ( haira, ke i )rj|e« Furnil'ire, hair Ma'treaae«, l'ai lart»a, roaew a d an i mahogany Hedttead, < en tar, Pier and Bka* Tablat, Loonaat, La. * Canalea BtttWKt Oancon V Co., AH:tiooeori. \1 10NIFII ENI niol cosi ly furniture, .YI PBENI 'i PLATE MIRROBd, ROSE WOO Ü PIA IO» I ORTE, RICH oas ( IIa N DA LI F KS, a. SAM Kl. Oraooolik to., AociieaaatB, Store Be II Baaata at.. a III aal 'lO MORROVV ilburaaay.) at If' .;.:»!> iu.. at tl.e h nu» No. U Kaet dMh at.. i.«ar I'., av the w.. I> urni'ura ol' tj.e aboto huoe*. In tb* Parlora will be fou .d Rn k Velvet Tipeatjy Carpet. Iwoiuilea Itoaewoed Furnhnre la »*iin br e *. te.Ie, large Fn it* h 1*1*1« Mirror*, «evoral . llaahl* Od Paj..'iu.», ttrj tin* Riax-wiaid Planta Forte, RoO»arw<al Mar hi* top E»»- *ne, p. lewaad M»<M* uip Ceatat I'.i.i.., Ibra* rk hly gall Oa* Cl.ajetal.ei*,two atl* cuelly Satin Ilio..a'...!« Window OaartaAtJt, co.l, II in. nlha »*o, t,M> a wtn.li.vt l.a * Curtain* to . nl | In o a it.. n. Fate,..ion Table. Side lloai.l m ii f lima Iii.mea Bet. i ia'ed V% are O aa.ia.aje A, r That lle lroorna ar» f irniabed wi.I. Mai .o.ajjy rata Fi aoieiie<l Rarnilara, »U of which ba* l.eao ad* in order. The *aia will..¦ .n ie,* batetoeat witA Fitche'i Ir nriii'ure. 4 »rai igne* will ne r-aoy early morning .a *. Term* caab. F.. C. HxLLiruv, Aui'iiioeer. PEBEMPTOBT SALE, bi ordei of th« Su- W I r.n.* Court, of va.ual.ie Real Begatte aa tVael iiih-at.. I C. HALLlDAl » raetlal Auciloa ... w fdvf.sdaY, t |StS, at the Miehani*' Prraarar. u..d«i the .inaction ofPh lo T R .a..*«, Reteree. We.! Ktfa *i Ia.'* on tbo i. alb aid* .i Weal Mab. at. b»*daeiafl feet a.l»rl| ftwaa tu» IUI, at »arb Lot ball * i'. leet wide. Read and rear, and !*) |e.i u ii...... eep. Tbeae Lot* aie l.«-al«d iti a *ex rim of tb* city r»|idiy »mp.oanr » ran.".ana) «der a d»-.irabl» opportunity far pr..6i*l..e kwaattaaaat, Tl.* »*> will be p«»iiive arid witVaut re.er e >. tbe hiibeat uelder. Map* c*u be obtained at the Of bte the An. -inio-er, .No. 4 Wall *t, t«7| Ai.ai.a: H. NtcoLaY, Am tioneer. Supreme cul'rt.CoRBTtaal M. Kit.-, Truateo axd otnera. nil j' Jan ei A. M.ern.»n a d otto ra In pur- . .t ./*..'.. ittr thi**ctioa, Albart H. Rtaoltr will*bR <.. sa'k KiiAi Mn 11,at u j'tletk. a* Iba BTifiitair Ba rhaaae, indar ih» a^racaataal W n. c ban.', aag ¦ iWor»»., tie HOL'sF ana LOT ki^iwn a* No. la lourto-at Umg AI fewt ** r.t ~'i ti . I do. p. *> I* an reo.au. on H,,..| a.i Mori. . .e>. Fit lull paittaaaatB aee Le*al Notice in L.euiiig Po*<- To IIATIKI.'S and SELLERS ot STRAW flOODS-At'CTlON M»TI iK-hiri. Para aekarj d .I.K m >HMV. HATS.>WM TUPPIBUa C* A. ^n.Hm. -. r ....ia*). w... «i oa tVBDBBRBAY, Way 91, »' II eh lot« .THiO CAhSS MEBTaad ROYS' sra\w BATS ... .r-ry vanett of quality. .(,> material and ninah.all Nr.W OO »I>S - *.' up t tr tr.u a*aauB*a trade. *:.l b* »-Ad in oiwinai caae«, and r»,uiaj mortmeat* nt Baaa N. P. Th* par'ic.ar at'.;ntior. of all barer*of 9 raw Hate ;i 1 ad to 'h:i *aie. a* erert let on toe calatogw* will ba add parea ior:: , for taah. wttaout rwaerv» Lata J*a eaoty aj BaMtaB a « I iale. Um H. VaavKLIv. Aawtmai**' alua1 le lease «* 15 >' v,;sod ( hm>- T b-r. a .1 Uarrei v. ehre a LOI " .". -WH ii FBANKi.in A SON wiu *»il Maagtaeaea rnodS- LAY M*y SMh.at Mo-aksek »¦ ¦ J-«**f*w». N t . u»jr o' a' pi tat» aal*, Y Leaaaa, Iroan Wa-.'l ir-rt f ib-t»'eaUer>rer--"» N* Hi « h am itewa Md « Merr i. at. ru aheg thrtm,t wiih »frcn'of M f*et aa oath >.. 5 'h Al I Ml ffl ui * re t to* t*«IM I . rt"" vt,*¦:-.....-''. I. ? a.'be asath *Oe ot i7th-if-.bat ware 5 b mo: «th *..- lor fiutnor paitbiliar» a*> oyat hi taBkteof abalaittlaaaeiANo.SBra«***?. ÖBilbing illauriolB IENCAUSTIC TILES.Fst r«st»wwiaBk BUU J H-»»ab* D't ag iwua Cor-ar^tij-dor.kve. O ARNMRX. Clllü.tE-i T FS.Hb.tl> I IF>.a Ar. a^or.al, by M'l-Ll l 1 i >ATES. No. Pearl t N. T. BOOFS.ROOFS- attjOFS. TtW cLe^rarvat and he.' .ft.ee f. r cotertr.g »Aal.. U TAR H'l'lPlNfJ PAPER, wluti w- k..| c. La'ao'l) *n L^-d, *e.d w.11 Mil in targ« and .-^^. -'.rR^r'^i a C ,N. Hornau *L_ .LjiATF/ih. MA RR I. L MANTLES, got up is klibiirtt-tt,t)ii.»t SALF ch-tr.it l.leT Bcwadwt). att- *y't r».

SWIFT« BJOTICE ACOUNTRYchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1856-05-28/ed-1/seq-2.pdftbeSlrtbeav td" blaT. nii'il WEDNESDAY, the 1Mb day of Jute»,iLflaeir* Ail th. ee in'er.-

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-AM I'AIM'i karris*] thin in.. strictly I- eS BU*I

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4fcowb.b*> r.t 'or n>. hey.

tie iXIrjoin it man Concern-

~ i K9I0N CHIJECIT, '-th as.. pew No. 61.L r»«tr w,H^'B^ni k FABIBH. No 3" It...- , .t.

,(,r rREE K A NMA K!.N KW- YORK, A BjTAtV COLONY No S wilt rar- fmn Aihe-v JwM«t 74 c/elt-rk are.. e»* New York. <"«ntr»l ll»ilroi B *

Detroit *» wte»tr'«i«t i thence to Jolie* or Chk-egi wret AltonJiT Louie by Mai toad »h*nce to Kiew.« Ottj I St. ¦> irmet,

QSi t»*rd fron. St Loot*. Fare (or ferr'cla.s Tiraete,gj Soqöj ee> KtuM City, *.<*> Tb« Committee will requireIlliBiBIkBjr evidence of um intention of Ute appiUent to beAm ide raaidet t of K ans*«

aL-oo lr>AeC L. WILDE, Vo. ID Brosdwar. R^tn Nj2» m*\»-4 E* New ioiki tJo... JIHEPH BENEDICT,FtlcT RC*HRt 1- HEBBaRl). No 70 Itn»-.!., SsraciaoiD m/aMTUOMY n» 16 Arcade Holl, RooloMter; WILLIAMkArb>'ll,r*orrt»rj,No t4: llr*l«m. ah»m

* HHAPKoRIi R. WOOD, rresidout.«*'*t Beams. S^retar*._

IlfprnrrAyr information r. nt u. ifarrie.y .b A4I'M*, wt'-n postage "'«mre,#to» iva«o-r. ^ A: j, fUüBjjptLL, New York.

MaTOB'v Orru *, Nsw-Yobk May 23

NOTICE i« hereby uiven, that the ComplaintBoO-V, opened et till office on the Ii' of January. IBM, It

etiB out. tot mat reueofioB of c lOinlalnts of inuuiciaal abnr*aMail ka-d« Br» fat aa tor* Mayor bot the l-ow-r, b» will continue

te tw(o) m for the »beteiooait of any tueh st IIa when broughtVaUta ottnDlM>D tL/ougu Ihn Ceanpaatul Itook or otnerwie*.Too Merer iwvtte« «11 person- t* lake lolt method of r Iloholti: TtvlttttiB* of rh>ii«.r«tioii ordins'i ea. nuiainr M or

daralir'lau of drty opon Uhi perr of rl,e otti. er- ..f tlie ( uri«.r%-

tätfi, *'el Be will oi oereU'lore, nre «Jl lA« Uptl neuer a AH

aommoai te eee the In») enfonrnl »nd 'he iut«reeU of Iba Baa*

Lt ptOtetteC B» order of the Me»<>r,lapWIk» alkxandkr MINO, Chief Clerk.

Tai CoitMluioM.ltV Diiici. INe«* dt> Hall. No 32 Chamber« et {

BJOTICE TO taxpateb8.The ASSESS-I MP.nt ROLLS of the erteral warda of tho Ctv of New-

lark hem* been returned by the Aeerwaore to this olBce. webetel; ej»euott<«. to ell i fere-ted Tupaaera that the aariie

wil ne optJied for eutniualiori and review, from TUESDAY,tbeSlrtbeav td" blaT. nii'il WEDNESDAY, the 1Mb day ofJute», iLflaeir* Ail th. ee in'er.- ted who are deeirou» of ex-

ami laaj or r orrectii.e the aau.e. are requeatad to mnke apoilea-tiO'i ' lb* nnder-if,' ed, betweei, the houra of 9 t.'&iock a. m.

enl 4 o'c:oek p tn at their r.ffire.J W. ALLEN, )W .1. pk* k. > Ts« CoiriraiiaioaeraA J. WILLIAMSON,)

f+ar fork. May 21, 1*56. _my?I tjegft

THE atteutiou of Architrvte, ArtiHan*. Hnil«l-ara a-J all I teieete-l In invited to an inin-o¦ ed ays', ru of

DRAUtlllT. VENTILATION u.d W'ARMlNO. which baaL*aa d*T<doievl after a loa* liaae of atody. labor aod provuig byChi rMOaritaei. 71- iaaf*ev*Bieai>a eeoeia! ofA^t»rf*s>t*ad VeaHUtbu CHIMNET-petfe, |kj ftra rrr.Sf.

koifcloaiain*, aelf-pre*ertina. lo*efta| a puvrerful re.-u,,:«.!

oyaBeJbb. orr*"* 20 par fem of fuel. It take* warmth IM !**>tttaiton io'o arid out of rooms.

A VENTILATOR with three p«,wera of acHon. Secure*t iLBtaot ratitilatioo, wholly exoloCin| anew or rain, curea

amakt rbiraraaja gisins them perfect drauihuA Ship and Cat SIPHON VENTILATOR.which supplies

ft*wb air fdraw.tf otit 'he fottl to Railroad Cars and the hold*and cati'.->« of shipe.excluding snow or rain.A 11 H' Alt Pl'RNACE or MEATKR (poetsi.ie or fixe It

.who h wewnlle* to moms wanned atmoapbe'ic air; but no redor amarwe« fieet No aa* or amoke can eacvp*.aimr4*. easdv a-iaaa***. niakes no dirt und «conomUee fuel, ro-

quirtr* very illlta proper arte: BaaTsattntHiiaSs and rxodela can be aeen at the office of W>{. C.

W'ARNKR, N* » Broadway, up atajra. to whom apply for


HEW ARD-Wül U raid tortha leeover* of t'ie. BODIESet" CHARLES W. MINTIJBN and LEV] 1'AWLINO (a|/'..prt-' >nal.. -.n.......I for either), two young meu aged a1-.at 19aware. a''M*>erd to barebee* Sroareed by Iba esarJaiai of a seil-faeat on tne «»I rung of iae 20th in»L, lielwein Ouwaaua andEuC Harnitiot. Apidy to

SaMVEL WKvT. Ne. I4S MHlden-Une,BABCOCK A MILNOIl No. 4'. Hrotolwiy

THE HAIR Plfi^ilTr'ED and RESTOREDwhen Thin, PaJliiis Ott or Bei oming Oray-Miar SHcP-

I'ABD iafotin* tb* Ladies ot New-York and vtc'n ty. tba' ah«sfU fi.aitiai.es to attend upon Lvliosnlo have oa' their ha'r,to whorr »he atre* nuivt-rtal aatiafa«l!oii, at No. tl'J West 19th at ,

6ta-*».. New-Tort.

wlflMH»NstlN..Men-hnritfi nod others wiHhini;"» BILLS COLLECTED or any n'her haabaiai Ira ¦ MUn taav State dnru.g the ni'in'b of lime, rau hear of an oppor-Bjatat] by nddi >*ei ig «YI8CON8IN. Trlbea* OMe*.

önmmcr Uctrcoto-

BOARDLNO on STATEN ISLAND.-Four.UKila Oent'emen (mernhera of the Biaebyleileu t hurch

["¦*f-or> H -in abteia Board kn tb* Samraei mi taa in h b* vat*I an. fly at Ctilton, ,s I wohm a »bort din«'ne o4 \ ainlerlol'Uo*i«ig. Bo other bomOers taken. The hoove .« ccMnmo t'ouaarid ¦ i'. a bgaakoM aad rettrtvl sittialt.. adilresa N. E. mBsc No 7« P O.


W ill oa*.n Jt.n 1 Parues a ishiog can lie arcom noilal" 1 Iifor*. Boala lr*'a n'biteliall 10a in. and Land 1 ai.d Ii p. tu

Bebanäiaa, », t ». 10 a. ui., uad 1 and It p. tik

S~UMWi.U HOARD at OYSTER HAY,"1IT.Karnil-ee arm o'herariiti ><e furruahed with good BHAIID

Iti'heabi'Ti beautiful Tillage, situated on Long island Soa Ml,36 aUlse ft jw New York, aiu easy of access by stoa'tiboat oiaoUroa-l The house is lara*. with cammiMltoaa grotm sa. ead.WutifiUv leated with salt w*t«r bathing couTenient. Koraarjafoleiaeaajj t,, iir wkllimiton. No. 32 East 12-h atMalBreeaV If A.. Box Ne It frit Toer frSkn*

jüoarb anb (looms.


BOARD.AtJvvDtloiiiBii nii'l Wife, or euiall F«m-Ur, ce* be arnenaineatBil w,ib tare er tare* rooms on

tj***c.*d floor at Nu 12 Laninrtine place, 2Vtb*t., between*'ti) and 9th ava. House of the flra* as*, location unsurpasseda prisati park la troat. Boat refrn-acis giroa and re iolretLt-ro3* OHvlerato. It quire sa « » re

BOARDING..A Parlor and BedrtMnn iidjoinin«;,on tat floor. Also a oloaaaat Room in 2d a'orv Loe-tiion

-ia*r \eall al. aad South Ftrnea. AppN at No U I.ivinitaton-w., Brooklyn.

B~ÖÄRD ou RROOKLYN MIGHTS- I'lraenntApartoiaau with a priiatn fau.il>. hot waau Wall and Eul-

tvM P-ii o*. Iaqmraal No M W ulow at.

|NE ROOM..No oil,it lioHTdere; house itniill.frvmSy -at a- d small, and nelghborhoiel fir«t ra'e. Room

beaatit-il.} Biniiahcd, with are of gat, privilege of nice p ol-ir,rHo,*e rnre weekfutone, *>I2 !i* two. Alir-aao 9i Eaat 31«t it.

ROOMS- With or without BREAKFAST andTPA, to LET in the new beaaa Ne. a7 West ;.i.s.:.

B"v*rv<ik-« reo,'.iii .l

TWO aepgatitl) furnialinl R( II >MS to RENT toOeiill^me. with Brrakta t ami I>». la St. Murks plaeo.

i n< aa tain Oes. Hot and Cold Wa*er. Clsest*, Be i t-r-ea.-e* cx;liaa*;.0. Dfateel to Mr KKI.LKR, Broadway I'oitDfJee

17, Hid 4i» Eaat liroadwa) for Familiessod Si'tgis Oentlemri'; also Trai aieut Uiwrdera, by Ilia

day i y ¦»K. '-..... *., i, e .' i¦<.. o*v

6onoco anb /armo tllantcb.W'ANI'ED.An OFFICE or DESK Rt>i»M.TT to New Tort Cuy, bt a Keal Kata'e Krtvkpr of Pk

I- h \o.lre.u Box No \w i'o«t t»ti.(e ilaSalphia

t)onoro to Cd.

AV KLL-FI Iv'MsllED house, with niodirrnimp peaaaMla veB aktoataal. act in |>erf»et order la Lei

jc tottt or rise too: the on favorable leime A*Vt**BRAO] kNTr-.biaie C»toce._

OUsE t<> RENT..An okoollout thrtM' eUiryLKsll^E tu titd at., near t'th ae., thire ro^nu deep Ose,

Bathe he Errat rale i, sh! o:l.-od Bel.t m derate-. It.aiiir*wt C A. DANA. N« W0 CIbbIbb place oi at The 'inhunc OU.c*.

LOlLS tö 1 Fl'..Licht and well vi»,ul*t<\lLOVIB ciatabl* for light anaatV testea aarlfa *-a .at*r»,y

»oBOMI R A kl It 'U MNv* M and 66 John at comer V\ illianu. n Y.


N IN F H->T..HOUSE No 111. bftwten Hn-sdw »>ai i (.. i - ish v p a. e for SALE l-j

11 aBICH r A P\RISII No 8t Braver St.

Omer8 in wall-sr. t.. 1 bt,.coium.»-dioaa OBirea V Let ai Re, IK Wall st. Teriaa rrry nioua-

lotc. yj|*je*lon aiveu Immeiiia elY- Inquire ifjnu. REIi.Vt'Nfi v. kOR Me I» 'Vail at.

8'HAM POWER to l.ET-A Brick ttvoatorrr^r Bl IkUINO 11«. fewtl.y.'ai at * ser-th,«»rt n I Ap . .

A BAT/. 44B Broadway, or to J ft ROtBTQM. EUaahathperl

^iTiOIIT R01)I^'to~LET^uit*hUr^rSI isa s Ol W I>l RACK on the pietn'i

T H RODMAN. JeMOtey court. No U a. at-

STEAM POW E R ..Several *r^-1i7htödRtKlblS to LET wiifc Staeiii Powat. No* Id and ti i7,.ll-*t,

_R. HOE k Co.

STEADY STEAM POWER and lig111BOOBRat.Oa* Stare and Baerr; »t:' on Cans at.. h\

i OAl'Dl', No. 102 A aikerat.

tJHIP YARD to LET.The Tan) with two seta>5 cf waja Shop, Ac. at TaBokbaa Can Rocklandfv v BilVatlei a.t the baalnaea < Jaal « f 11..

F.rwr. P«Mea*4oii given liuu.adi.te.1.- For P"''i.»!*'. -

. n the p»eo laas ( *I.v IN TOMKI>> x < I

^LET.IVt of a iw'ariy new brick houseu cr>mp.<te order, toaauiai' famay. roaaiati-jg of thre*

baBobaeaa Reoon on tne aecind Baof, the front a Pa::or

. ttbM*«1.ie Ma-irlci one Ro-m on the third Sot. e.a-ieeidl,*.icl*>roj freut Baaement, Marble Mar tic. Balba. l»a». and

,% .{mreucavf Apply at No 70S West Slat at.

nSÖI^T-Sfvpral fine STORE'S fiuil I>\\ 1.1.1.-I fNOS .* BrioJ rt.. (tb* b*st b. s-aeas ,t-e- >.u Newark^h ; B...* r»**.' *lea. Inquire of Mrs Ht LO K No 1«

ianavaa Vj* » * t< F. Bk RKT, No I C"? Ball pace.INr* Y .-a

To I i. r.A thrw-.ton 1UCI« K IIOUSE,l*nt»rl mod pvttM (dkewauaattrt, artthiothree¦ia.arto*'

¦ nlk (f lour a* e*r n .u' p*. BfeeM let each FktOT 10 MB«! re-

iiartsMi Ornl". No «.t*i. r* need app! o'i the preuina», No.,i l>i Ui iioj n rum liäaw **

VT, A. RF.FN. No. in Ltan it.

IM 1 .KT.A mite «.f Ol HClSt In the BtRttafliiMi. Iieei .dan*. n..w earn lelbj :ho N..*»-V .. ..

It] I. rar*, lotet lire Utt«f M*J '.¦*' Aiu-iy at »U Tr««*v

*r.V* OH.re Rfld* llo.ie*, entrant* tiha».__rix) Ü T.S It>KFS MitTÖFFICI S in the LiibloI ll«w. Aatnr ;lare. Ap,l> »'¦ the T'eaa .rar'a Office. B.Mt

Hoeee, « n'ritic«' Hb ar_

1\) LET.Two cP-twl COTTAGES at Ravene-wood wilfa Oruoiela «ud Rtahta* *tt»ch*rl, directly h fr :.t

.f tbe eleaiuboat leudiii* *t Lowe* B ivwinwood. BU*e* pas*the dor* nny buui to Or.-«n Print, Wit..«ii..'.'.rth mi 1 Brook-

_¦. Anr ly to II ARRIS a, Co.. No. -9 Pec* *lip, ortoJ.d.HARRI*, urtr ihe pr.-iniao*._

TO LET.Two email HOUSES in Rir-himmdro*d. Stilen llland.'0 to 11 minute* wnlk fror.-j Sender-

kilt** I.ai.d'.rg. Inquire at Wo. 71 BroaJw«y_

TO LET.A neat two-etorj ard attic H0IT8E,In Central Morrt»*iiia; ha* Barge ltd teorj V Hi.>.

and ii well protected from lilbfning Led IP ly 1301 *.-*r ar

bor Ac. Applt to J THOMAS, No. 59 A-.n-at. N r., or

\\ M. ORAY, optceite Trernot.t Dt Centril MorrlitnitCan IktB looriiti* and tvenin* within 200 fe«t of tho bnuae.

nr_BE_ Tfrj large and weLUiithted LOFTS,1 voiiabl* for aimo*t a- » kinl of Mannfartunn* H.a to

LET or LKABiC, in the Marble H mdin* No 121 Vu. -. «t.

l'r«a»-»oim gi»e» immedi»tely. Apply to O W. LORD, Beek-oian-at under 'lie Nee.an Bark.

r|1HKKK LOITS to LET fn.ro l*t .11."NE.At1 Nl I* Oartf voort at., botWOOB Hodaon and Im are wall

lithtrd fr« pt *:.rl rear; water on each floor, Btai o'hsrwiae well»daptfd for mat'ifarturri* pnrpoaea *».- at prearnt or. upied it

a Straw Hl' Factory. Will be lei for aix BrOBtht, one year or

a .'eaae Will b* glret! for . numbt-r ot vara nt a moderet* rent.The Hth *v car., the Rnlckoih-rker, i b^laea and lire-nwich-tt, Litre of aUtea MM convenient to the place. For fartherInfoimation. applv on the precniai-a.

IiniAKi"PROJ 'ERT Y »t BROOKLYN, btvtt tween the Wall et and South Perrie*. Iff set front on

the river, mod. rawim* l>ack 4V> feet to Ftirman-at,, with :W fe^tdwptbof wa'»-r, at preaent occupied he lli* Ilolaware and Had-a o ( -.: al ( ompany. Alao eeverai LOTS opjHiaite, u .n

Farmaii ami Ccd^BB'Bkt *t* to V? or Leue Aprtly t.->

JOHN St Hh.NCK, No. 'jo Retnaen-at Brooklyn.or No. W Frotit at.. N. T.

Heal eoiatc for Safe.

ACOUNTRY RESIDENCE or BOARDING-HOVfl fV-r SAhF.orto LET, rtoated in the »illi«e of

Oyiter Bit, Lei t laland, H mile* from New-York, and «»ay ofar''»a» by pteaint«>at n railrratd. The bona« ig ia/*" and welltmnited, »rd ready funilihe.1. The rroonda eOBteia nine v re»,

with aoltable Oef-Bnildtn««. ate Tne leeBttoa la h^aurafnl art!h**!r_y. For partimlara ipplir to Dr. WELLINGTON. N*.»ritt 12th St.. and t». C H. KAILKY, No tl irinlty boiidn.^a,oraddrenaW h. a.. Hot l~l, I'latt-Otbce.

COUNTRY SEAT for SALE-Sittutot. onPLYMOUTH BILL, l)i.t;ha.a Cin.ty. aWerietaa-Bg

Doter PUIna and »lont o:.e mile fiorn th« llailroaI Depot,'i.n'ali .nt l*T at re a iaf lu.!. beantifnlU laid BBl and bavin*thereon a handai-ne DoWaltimbrrn**, Hams and O'i'hos*«*,nearly new. On the preniiaea are abo at J.ik 0 .ipplo. 'WO fear,aiid -li>0 othtr l iuit Tieea. of tho ohoicoat kino*. Koauty ofha ati.au. attd fti.litv of acca**, nnaurpaaaed. For farther par¬ticular* »pi.W to H. H. HARROW SON. No*. 121 Frontet.,New-York, ör u. LAWRENCF. It BARROW, Harf. VUla^e,Iloti h»** Courily.

COTTAGE and 4 Lots of GROUND for SALE,center of the Uta at. aad (2d-»t.. with Sind* and Krait

Tree*,GartJen,and eieetlent wat*r; the location ia beaatirn]and healthy, overloekio* the Hndao-i Riter and but a abortd'ate-ce 'ton. the.iiv. Pr r» +¦ ">,i« o; po*«ee*uin tiv-n iaune-diately. Apply to /. tl. CHAMBERS, No. 1 Tyron row, or

on the piemiaer. _



ofFARMING LANDS*U TfttLT:. Of Forty AXBKI ato Lrivato,



Then Land* wire (tented by th* Government to aid la the.onatrortlon of (hi* Ilailroad. and include poms of the richratand rne.t f.-rtiie Praitlea in tho State, interaperaed here *'.dtherewith BtaBWlttteill Erovr-a of oak and other timber. Tft*Road eaUriids tioto Obicafe on the north eaut to C»iro at thaaomh, atid from thence to Galane and Dunleitii. in the north-weat ettrenie of ihe State and »a all the land* He within lif-tr.-n ii iiea oti earn »!de of ihia Ror.d, ready and rhe»p mean*are artori'od by it lor transporting the produrt*of the .aj.d* toany of tho»e point*, and fri^n tht nre to FaatefB and Souih^ramirketr. Moreover, the rapid jrow th of tlontiahing town* aridvillngei along tbe line, iti.1 the great Incrcit* in population bjlnircitriTioi). kc.. ittordt *uh*ta_t_»l and growings bome lomauafor tann (iroduce.Tht toil U a dark,rich mo'd, from on* to let Bead In depth, iagently rollii *, and peculiarly Btted foTITt.ing Cattfa asd Sho«por the cuRivetion of W heat, Indinn Corn, AF.conomy in cnltirating and great produrtiveneaa are th-i w»H-

known characteriatica of llttnoia lai:da. Treea are not r'-quiredto he cut down, atnrup* rrvibbed. or atone picked of), a* ia gener¬ally the caae in cult'vatin* now land in the ...der State*. Thefirat crop of I.Corn, planted ar.n the newly broken aod, nan-

ally repay* the toat of plowing and fencing.WLeekeowu on the newly turned aod . t'ire to yield very

lar*e profile. A man with a plow and two yoke of oxan willbi.-ak one and a Ii.i katwa Betet per day. C intracta BBB heniade for breaking,, rt ady for com or wheat.at Iroto -r>2to a>2ö0per a. re. By ju.riciou* maoageint-nt the land may be clowedturn ti-iiceil i/i* Krai. and ander a high a a to of caitivatioa thaecond ye«t..

t oni.l.raiu. Cattle, etc., will he forwarded »t rcianeiM*rate* to Cbn az<> f.ir th* EaaPeru market, aad la «'a.ro for iliahoiithem. Th* l*r*n yield on tlie cliean Irn.la ot J.!.i on o'.*rtbe blab'prleed la»i» in Ibe Bwttara and Mid.Lie Si«*«« ia a ownto le-n:in h more t.'nui anthi i. nt to pay bo oni-ran.o ol tra-a-

portt'ion to tne i-.ro.iepi uiaiket.ll tunnnoii* Coal 1« mined at acrcral polufa along the ftotd,

and i* a cheap and dt-a rah'e fuel. It can be .!<-liTorr.l at «er-

eral pou.ta along tha Load at +1 jo to *> I iwr tan. Wool canbo had at the aau e ratia i><-r cordTho*c who think of acttlm* in Iowa or Minueaota »boul I bear

In mind that landa there of any valne, tlo-.i* the water coarae*and lor many mlloe inland, have beta dxapo*.-d of; that for 'hoe*located in the interior there are no convei jem-ee for tranaport-Ii g the produce to market, railroa.l* not having been it tro.ln.-edtht re i that lo (and tha produce of iheae land* one or two hund¬red ailea Ly wagon to market Wotxld coat runrli more than thoeajei »o of rultiva'm* thorn, ai d hence Oover uueut landa th'JatilBated, Bt Bl tb per ACTe, are r* a. KiHal uireatueut* a* th*land of tili« Company it the plica 'i\ej.The aarne reioatV. hold «co<l in rrlatian to the larla'nKaa-

.a* lad fcabra.¦ a tot al.rx.nali »acaut landa 01 N b on .1 BBBfafIbe water eeartee, the aaataae* to market ia 'ar greater, aodevery hiu.dr-d mile* tbe I*odBP* al theae '*r:d* .Mrried. Itr nr In T»aj,..:,a, or bttatiuptad water rounnBiiicaiioii*, in-treaee* the expen*.-* of tranaportalom, which mnat h* le.rne hy.die atnl.-ra in the redm -I price* of-their pedncta; and lo lb»tBXtoat ptl Btael*. are the income* Iron, Iheir farm*, aatd ol court*on nt ir batielBIIBta, taaually and every year red-ice^.The treat fertility of the landa now offered for aaie by tht*

Con tat ar tl 'I., ir tatUataBBI t tiald nt.-r thoio of the Baeteta*- >i Middle State», ii much BBM . t n «uStcent to pay the dlf-ferei i e in the roat of tratiiportittori, eapecially in view of thefaciltliea fumifhed by thia Road, and otl.era with which it con-

BecU. Die or«ratio..» of wbn h ar.- BOt iiitorru,-'«d by tha lowwater ot aVattaWetl or tho in at of W u trr.

I'KICE AND TERMS 0» PtYM^VP.The pre* will »»ry from R'> to t>Vi, according to loeat'en,

anility. Ac. C ntracft for Deeda nur be made .turn t '.he yeartafia, atf; uiatinc the purrl.aao ¦IBItt to be paid in hva an.ioallx.atalln.ei.ta.'h» fr.t to become di e in two e^ar* from ih*date of contract, and the other* annually thereafter. The iaatpayBM nt h ill beeataa duo at tha end of tn» aixth year from th*tele of the contract.in 111*1 will *t ctom in at only thri:e r: R CtXT FCB

avm'm.A* a *ecorlty to tne perfoiii ar ce ( f the eontract, the flr«t two

yaara' inters*! taiaat a* raxid inadt/araoe, ami it muat !¦» u- 'eral. nd that at ieeet otie WBAh oi the land purcba*ed aha.! yearly*.- Iiroiiaht under cultivation. Lorger ri.-drt*. tt aia per Cfntper atinmn uiay le* negoliaiod by ay^Hraal Bppl'.'aJi.m. Twentyrr ceut from'he ere lit price will be dedue'ed tor caah. Them pant'* coi.»t.ctioi' bo- da will he received aa caah.Ready trained Kann RaitdiaSB, which can be »ei Bp in a f. w

lm*. can be o> tallied ftein leaiK'nall le reiao'iaIh.twil. I« l.'feet by Jo Act. divided into o; e lit'.,- | and

three be*h_*Bna, ard wit, co*t romplate, art up oa *routid ch.H^raaoywhsra ateai the road, at *i i La each. e\ ..- tt 4 traae.ra itatlen. I.ar»er buil,h-.*a mit b>- COOtTBCtad ^ .- at B|t*MrR e

ate ratea. The Company will forward all lb* water.al* tor aaoabu.ldmt* over their road promptlv.SpecialatrtngBBiaBtt »ah d._*r* r»n b* m»d» to »arrly

dioae pureharm* th* Company'* laud* with fencing rua'eri da,BgrlrnltBral taarJa, andoutltof arw^Weaa la any ^uaiiuty.atthe low rat wl-olawala piirea

It ia believed that the or , e lost credit, md 1 >w rah* of Ister-eat charged in theae laui* anU m .o.» a aaaa a Ith a f.-w h-inj-rev' doiUr» ii e .ah and ord'nar > Badaatrj to BBlbe hj BBajlf Inahjpee.lent na-n.re »11 th* porcltaao-nioney bscoui-* doe. In Ida*mean tin e the rapid eetuemen! of the country will peoKahijb»»e mcrr»*ed thr.tr va ne f.eir at BT* fold When re.lnirivi, aaaapatieaeed peraoi « te aatwi > aptdicautaw gir* LTonua-Uon and aid In selecting bat '.Carcuiara. conrainuvr namrron* I-«tai«*e* of *errea«fLl \rm-

tr.g. urtied wf reaTpecfable *ud well known fartn.-rr living ;u 'f*»nriabtvrtiood of the Reilraa 1 land* thrvirhont the Stats.also,Lhe coat of fencujg.r.ce of cartie.rxpe-.iae of hartoating, thre*h-Inc. etc. by caiarrtrt-or ant other miorrnation.will bo cheer-Rulv «iten. on application, »ithor peraonallt orkv letter, m tin,.glaah. Fren.-h or lisrn an. eJdn»*e.i to JOUR \\ H.sON,

Laaiu lo_iu._ai... t: ,.t '.: .. Ill,, n* Central R.R. Co.,No te M..:.l*au-Br . Chuato. IlliLOkt.

FARM tor SALE.Within a few minutes' ride» f the Heja.t at re-otch PMIaa, ou ';>r Ceatral RaRrnad,

N.J. twenly-fonr mile* f.oni New-York. It c ...taiu» ¦.(*].ere* «ael*. >mI; enht »crr* ot wiaal. BBwhj or hard, eher i->*.ptaBaa, giaaae, tMwhenlei aad other wuail fraiai In aVaad-canre. It it plesaantly auuated in a valley, but letal by a 1 .To¬

la n uptain on ore am*, b«aitBy, an4 the nr|«hs .rtnw 1 i*

e'leady tbe country hotre of a»re-ai reutleeae- «naaed lau.ff» in New toik. Tbe huit.t »g» are f« r. the laari' '« '.i-»eaad aleanBt, and baeatatal with tree*, flowannr *hruatro»r tu»br>. Price R4Atei orr halt may remain t t ?. r»ralveara. Pcaeetrtor; ir.ae'.iatrlT. Leiiroof H J. CIl'PKR.LY.al D«M»cu. WiLuinahCo 'a. 14 CoarUand'. tt..Naw-York|I.MhM fop SALB.laCkvldwall Tptraskip, E*.1 a. a fh IT. B ¦' » i»'»i ** ol eijhiecu BBV a from New-Yi-k and tour tri-m Bl '.> lie..! He(h>'. It .-on'ai is JC *»-re* ofLand ha* en it * f<*nl Dwellm* Hoaar, Barn. St»b e. I'arriaga-aa*4,W*»d Shed. C..rn-H<'iiae Ar If theehaea a a**l*t.>r» Wr.li.r*.t»t, Jane tl it »ii liien and th- e be o.. r .-

PbMic Ai rtm i at I. t.'ila*-k a ra. Term* of aal-^ one inirdcaah. balai ce on b.>ti* *ud rj it'iaj- '* .ie»ir» F>>r fr er

pa^iralai* apt-lv J A v| RS Wl »ODS No. Peart «t., or to

ort» \ MFhW IN. No. .'17 FuitoL-.t Bx'r ef BL B. Blahr,dtrrar. d.

POB r5ALE.A draarRbtt eoojitrj RESIDENCE,A iiaattallBt sf II tcteeef *< >»! land, be.atit riy *h»dei w.iat »*. and .l.iuhhcry. moatrd tbesiiat Sou'h Bay a* Longtotal .1 in tbe t wn ol Br..>kh*«en. a Jlageof Pate hoato. cjoaty

I r«> k. *ba-al Mi luiiray from Nsw-Yoik. tht* al iB'ioti u re-

Baathehlj lae*;Uiy, the bet m le.ied for i'» *ise r-*. T and pnvi>«.*, .. i ah- ..id* with" ti l 11 a k d* ol B« i «I. .'vate-..

Clau * m,* |>lea*ar**akll<« l«> lite*"* taeorh-Mll in'illL-g. AC. l»I.aakl ayen>.*e* >* a l*r**> eomaand.¦. Owelliag, well ra_ral»t*4fcra pul. * or r> »'*ir g-b. n*a>, a aaatkat of out h.'ise*, i ra|all", on th» a'ivk (w ''cii balaWaBI ta Ike pla-ei. when* T».**ti*c ru< a- i : . tb* bet* I.« *i... Am . ra mtry Ira kB k'sa tatrta .-

laratna* '. rT HoMKli MORGAN,Ne < Pia* i of B. W.FfiF oo t| . pr*n.jft

I7ABM for BAI.dE.OaM" of the b*t\ (.razingFAB MS la Ne«-J-re.y. wi'hin 2S uule* ot NewYo-k.

Glees r niM l ple*thaj * ill k- »Iii i cnp. Appi) at No.IBS rearl free! office, tipatehM. .

FOB BALE.At Kiet'a Bride**, Yfmtemmmin( "i"v, a Ootbie OOTTAOB, in.-don, hr.-eh, ewarhla man-

t ea pa.i t..1 wain. «II in firs' rate. ¦<¦ 1*', rootuj: i > «irn iui-h>.t n ri.« ax.11 .eilar Alee, a ever *ai o i w.,,1 of water,?»itli 11 i or mor* a/ rat of fIron ml < l idmliv tn eh .n dingIna he cbaTh-rst t'nde of fmit T):- above aa-tll ha an1.1 arith orwbboel tk* Btrnhare It at wltbto «an m Iau .e. araikefBavf*t¦ i Dat*el De;»t HwAaaa It.r»r Beilrwat, Inq-iir» »r So 62Eaat31et-ei N Y a* of JAMr.s HOl'OH, i* toe teeaeana

IfÖB BALE.An eier Ilent FARM ia Cooatxti-cut, |r. aafWl <-a»' rf V,»rHaven, aa the line of th« N-w-

Have., and nv» LaaacVsa RaMrnad. Imamr* »I RANDOLPHL1NSJ.K N i S3 M,..iau lau«,

FOB BALE.). LOTS, aouth-eaat corner ofW.'.ion ev. nn i BtaaSJ at i Bfialltljpi. lata Wil.taaieborgb.a

rood lorafi'it ai d ».«.-red ctevp 111 lose ar. estate. Apply toB. B. st BOLEB. B«*:r.,rd ai . inaar if Rosset.

I/OK SALE a BARGAIN'.On 2d-ar.. w»»at aide,between |',.i anal ltd .'a .a LOT St frei t inches ha 8" feet,

arkhtar«aami iKAMKt OTTAOKi iaadaaai rapadli laapret-n.a .' i,! i.orbia^i. A Let,aaaaa s>e. adjoining can fc« ha.', ifrequired cheap. Applj to 11. II. BROWN, No. 71 (Vase«*.,f.um 1 to o p m.

FMk SALE.A bonutiful COUNTRY KI>T-1I>K.*<( B. aituaud St rnilea aoutla of the City of I'ougb-

teepala ard half a DSflofrrfa ttie Hodaon Riveraad VVdtoaferry Depot. .« Uinint seventy scree.tl«- eoll a deep. rich,sand) am. rfectlv free f.oni atone. Da the place are fouracr'-e of Antwerp lleepberriee three .inarter- of eaa-r»of Aa.persans, an acre of GlBBe* half an acre nt Tnornieea aad Lew-ton Btarklx rriea. beside a choice eariety of ether Vrni' Th*'*ia a la'ae eprine of Bate water, which a'ie; nee the nonae audeelhellSTliaa. da* ievaitia in the linear Uane aiity aaiiout ofWetef a initiate, and whrb a >ald easily be roaverta>l uro orna¬ment 0 pondl t in the premises is a eubeiaiitia; Fa"iinO'i.«,with ample Outbulldieat, new and fOltoniOOt. Five a. roe

ror.la n superior Mohlira Sat d. F'nr further particulare, in¬quire of J. B. BliKUsrV.lt, No. IN Bowery, Na» fork) oron the premises, of VAl.r'.N i S'K II. HALLOCK, Poughkeej aie.

F~OR SALE or EXCHANGE for CITY I'lfÖP-ERTY.A neat aaal well im.it COTTaOB, witheboat nee

acre o' LAND, la tae aahM aad retired tiliige of lit--, lourminitea' wnlk ftom ih>- Depot. T?ie Beaaa I« two-el >rv wltli aaapertor Bast meat, and built It, in« most substantial manner,¦aalefat eneellent ordet, Oardeu, Shm' ^rv. a...i abanAaaceof Oiapea, with fir i- yoruic l>eariaa Frui' Treea aaeaeelteatlee !.o:j«e and connected with the e«n.e a lar;e S-or« rom a idCellar; s new Ham with StaMes ano oiber toiildtuaa. Schoolsaad chnrelie« eeiiiiei ieiitlj re-ioeaibl-s. ilislan:e from New York28 lailee. with facilities of eommui iea'ion ait tunes a das et:bway. Apl-y to J. T.ODKR So 7 Wall at.

li^lK SÄLE or to LET.Tho first-cliaa f.mr-F »tory atr.nt front DWELUHO BOUfE 9m, 1 We«t 17th-st.. tiiat house west of'>th at Aj.pl» to BOalBB MOROAif,Pine st.. No. 3 Metrr lallten Uana Buildiaa.OR SALE at ASTOKlA-Elotrant K1>I-DENCC near tJa* o'ltitrt aerns of ttauolj-, Biker. Her¬

rn k. aad Pike jr., abeei ei ¦ ¦ y> Proaa ties tRlaca Tn» Heeseia latie a: d er.rly new. with ."-table, Carriase h..'i"». ah 1 eelbnildn aa, w ith two aerea ot aro'iiid, beatitifidiy lad ''it veitii* lara* variety of fr-.a and eniaoieatal trace, rerms easy.

Amte CBARLEB YV. WARDNo. Ill l*ieBl et or No. ?1 Wadirii/im tsrr ice, Hoboken.

ILLINOIS. NORTH-WEST.-For SALE or1 RXCBANOB foe Now York or Brooklyn Cite Proeerty,aTOW N PLOT of 11 acres, beautifully ii''U-»d for t'liiduu ru»-newea; 6B0 teet on Ruck River. BBI y^rde trou the Chk aio andMi'soeiopi Kailroa.1, one mi e from the CKt of Diana aad II-litioi* Central Railroad. Inquire of J. ROBINSON, Na IX(.rand et., at IfiJ a. m. orlj p m._

SI'LENDLl) COUNTRY SEAT for HALE..Ontt>. bei ka of the Hudson, near N.-wburih, ImiIoocIii* W

lit .nee ol W'M. THAYRt, ilereaee.1, with ten, th-rry.erfifty fite scree ot LAND. Bones built of qaarrtedstooa,«rfthWkata Choice Fni't Trees. Kieh Poad, and a Vineyard 'tt 2 nOOOrape V ines in full btuui. B'i :olnina the hoanuful CoankrjKeata.it vV >. Delano and K. J. Betta, e»qa Apply to A. J.IHKK K'lli Co No. 1 Broad at., New Yura, or by atail toJOHN s. TBaYEB,atNawbnrah._fT^HE undtThiitufd offer tor SALE, ob reasoaa-M hie terms, several PLOTS of OROCND, beautifully equ¬ated, at EllaaliaIiitown and Eliaahetbport, on the Ceairal Rail-road ol New-Jersey. The eJaoTI plots are aduiirably eituivdfor imin-'iiatn improvements and adapted lor n.vmfai IBeia|puruoeee. Pot terms, ie., anji'y lo

BAKKit t W'K>.K4. Aac'ioneara. No. C Pine-at.

VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE.HOUSEaad LoT Nr. 161 Kaet 19th at , iepletM wirii all tiia niol-

trn in.provemeiita, and iu the very bee' order and finish aloo,ot, Leairrtou av. and ö'd at., IMPROVED PH H»E 'tTY, psyInf aoed tatonat YACANf LOTS tereal*. laqeire Na leaKnet Hrth-eL_

- V i) R S A L E A "bi'iiiitit'u!. COUNTRY «HAT in Cooaactlaeti with

,u acres of Lead, in a hiah state of cultivation, w. 11si,-, a- 1 with eb. k Prall Tiees. laree llouae, heilt witli hau I-S"mi-stone, liuieoed i" the heal style ; lot sted in 000 of themoat public roa - In Iba e'iat.«, near rai r, ad Bara Cerria,*,"Houee She.is. Oranarv and Store, all in ro d rrp»ir. B oMinear.ist 9il.ien. Aleo, stjoiiiitif, a il.iiib!o-tr..ru« HoeOO, witliiS8eree Lmid of the beet aualltv,with all i.«cea**rv outhn'Minas,*.Virt. Apply to P. J. THOMAS, No. SB vVlllkamal ; or

( LARK \: W 1LKS. Mer'hants' Kachanse, center -n'rai: ...


4L'W DIU I .COUNTRY SEAT for BALE..»JjO,l^TlF. Offered mr S^ie a CODNTRY BRAT inIrvii aion, Wra'cheeO r C'utity, near the Hudson Riv*t andthe Railioad Depot, one hour's li.le by Railroad Irin Slat St.,onaistlua of a nica aid eomniooloue (lothie Cottage. BtjaBio-

riMitn. kc. The grounds are aicriy 10.1 on'. Part of tha purbaae mot.ev may remain ou bond i-iil :i:.'. Korpartici

lara. iaijt ne ot No 35 Broad at., (up stai.-*,) New Yetk.



H.ÖSATI RDAY when ; :-«t*nt.B. bt COE f P SCirELL,

No 1 New York t'uivereity.

miYSTir HALL SEMINARY~''för~YOI-.N« iIfI LADIES.WEST MEDRORD Mass. PI iiBoston. Ten TsacJatia of firet ability eoaaloyed ri ibo ScJaool |aflor.iiaa fa<rDbbaa fef * tboswath Entflsb I lacatiofl wi ii Leatia,Oreek, tea nx .lern anllio IlanaTa/rr*i Maab ,on Oaltar, I'iauo,Harn snd IhgaoI Drawi .g, Kmhroi-'ery, and eeieu kbade OaPaJeSaagi Betaeaaaal el ajsaawera aad the erkrweeto ef ooawjes

i. h ..: A Parkstaa la.iyresi.les in the laiully. Prinsaxaawarded kg ea^n I'.-..anmeiit.

Ante to pnveical iilueatt .ti to be found in Calieth.m-a, Dan¬cing. fJlllllMialaie. BawUng Allay, latrietly private.i Swimmingin the My* le River (a-Jti iloraabaca Hiding, &e Well trailedBad* le lit r-s* bsSona to the Seminary. For particulars aldreaath.. Priivipai. MRS. THOMAS P. SMITH.RBPBBBBCiti. -The Hon. R..I-.-rt C W iu'hr»p. Boston t the

Ihn F.|»»i i .eiett. B at ^ti; the l!ov. Co as. Brooke. Wer.Me.Hold, >be Bee . ohu l'ierpoai, 'Veat Mcdtord. P. Oardaer,A. M., Princtied Boston Latin School: th* Hoe Abbott Iraw-ret.ee. Beetaai BVa R«v. Hub'iard WtOasOW, N -w York thaRoe ITBIiaaa Haaw*,D. D.,Albany|tbe Ret RolllaH, Meek,D. D.. B. atoa -La Hen. Saui. Houstoa, Taaaa

0(' E A N INS T ITUT E ..A BOARDINGSCHOOl I BOYB^al Oeeaa Port, New Jer.7, three

.. « tn I. g Hp n--h Hilly Steatnlioa*eo-iriitirurttioa wRfeNew-York, b-r circulars eoatohaiaa partteeJara, addreaa


SI5DGWICK'* mETKOPOLITAN ACADE nTyand OYMNASIVM, Moo. ui aid M Stb at., near W iah t-

Um -quarr. S. J. Se.D iWH R. A. M Pruiclpal.

1\\l.ItVi\»W\ IN^ml^E.-^C'irPuisra. wiTheaeoeiaeee. thrW Ol tiie Institute, Ac .maybe obtaiot-1 st

t". Six-par.1 J> in'1 Bo-Aa'ora. No ISv ruiton-et.| or t. H.Wilcox, Nc. -.".«J Broatwev, or by addressing

_A. NEWMAN. Principal.nr/IJBEE raore PUPILS WANTED at J. B. SiX C. A. t ritl.KY'S BOAKDINl/ ,i"H*)OL. Wee ;>.,rt.Ct.,M Bsllaa VT-in Mew-Yath CMy, bttbe Naw Tork and New-Haven Bajlioa-I Tem s, el l('o *|Vt per ve<r. Rafsrencas-.t«. Bicbii.«..a, eaq.. No. IS WarTeu-e'., New.York- I K.whit.ng, Roa 17.' aad it* Paltao-et.. Broohi,.n, N. S.W'lRat, *aa>, h'o. I-j et^-at., WOtiannburg'i.p&'rona of ttieSchool.

AyRl'llNU, B-'uUoei-iiis;..Mr. I' VINE. re-t f BMread loBIRowerj N.V-, ...

ie ire|>ared at q-alify Urn for the Co iotiag Kooai Lid 's. B

Piono-forUQ anö lUnsic.2I70LIAN8, GRANT) Bud SQUARE PIANOS,eCJUdwith~Paaeai s-iaiienaio.. Bniit." "laapretadPrencb

Actio. ." C o ». -;' oil Kearuigs," aad other aaw iaiprovt n -a*sfroo Hallet, Daria k Co.'e calebrated Manufactory, ia rttagtet?-i »tat--, »uh i j to7j .s.tivia. iroai BSMto wlJBM,aawaiaatlt on ba.. l so.l f..r sale at IVtorv pricoa, whol^ssLe a; dre-ad. by S T. OOKDON, succeeeoi to Berry k Oonio- No.iV' Bioadwe) »-.e a*yaat ier Gbki cht,

" .a . -a v a. aj.i wie..«>j that t)w P;».-.oa rcanufac-tured hy Ha::tt. Dav.a A t j. are ..nrr vie 1 in Auiaiica, 11 not aathe woild for briluat ej aad puritj of v.irie."

] _IB.aton Dai'v Tirrea.AN IMMENSE STOCK ..I PIANOS, Bade* by ,2\ T. ulLBKKT 1 Ce-.jael received a* tha War-reotna. kS «-

(1' tad 18 Br. . it*ay -,.r-t-r afCaua! at_, wiu ba BESTED orBOLD ui«.n -ausuV.ly liberal terrae. BroosJvu Warcrooma,Ma III Pa » ;. at.


Waren« rr«. No. t As»i;-.ac< aco ni. it it rii^-a. gfrom afto toAlan, a raifa atocb ^f new PI kNOS, «f aapeihw. qaali'v, bytha l-eat Sew \ rg and bcetoo laakert. exdwotal} for rale.

CJOLD ME UAL PI VNiVFORTE S.M.nnufvM -a-- bt 8T1 sw.\ 1 R BORS,Nea HaadM Wsi)

. .-¦ a- . at s » Y 1 -. ..

THREE FIHST fRFMH'MS <ita.u tae '.act year inco an ition with P ar oa ¦--» le t, the eaatl lialabialol aiak-rsoi 6 «-*oa, New-Y ork, Pb iadeiphia and BalUraore. Pricealow.aOREAT BAR »ALN8-190 PIANOFORTES..VS fj k H. BARMORE, Ma 3IS Blervker at otter a lirtaai J varied ae»i .-r^»: t. f-osn ei-io to 0*00; mart l- til leB eac »Iterar. ¦ bieaoess. UKloduu aoraeot the graod UlAO-ONAL PIANOS, all aapenor aad got as ia the -met etv - aad

.- -a. '

l-BEAT IMPBOVEMENTS ia PIANO-1 1 * " era Llti W if k BRADBi'RY-J.No 4"l Broon e ,... -eepee lolly rivtlei atteuti.-u to thir PIANO"pt'BTEB, strvastaal with the potet.i ARCH WR Si?PLANK, whxh ia aiidoaihls»!iy aha most subetaoUal improva-taeat aver iLtrodutad tats taie papalax -rrnimerit

41 EEAT EAE..AINS-TUIS WEEK ONLY..\I SiTft r PlANO-BORTES. bv IS4 fifK m%le. iu h^.liM riseww.l. vsrastv of«,la-e. ail new. füllt warrant .1IV. eil-.i +1 e i '. f-f iij run .¦ ia w .rth a> *. e l"4'.to tluOa tie c t«reiB. Reowved to Ne> S Bereer ar. Lear t'auai.'

W.OiBoRS aio

11AZEI TON Blv'tnilEE'S,PIANO loirt M*m r \ P RERJ,

N. >. Ceotr-sr.. New-York..tof PIANOS iia't-jWhere rrtf be f..uad a ni.a aseuifvx'.t of Pi ANod it platn aad

arn«a taJ i ss- a.B niiin can aratato iti art tic rt ksafva rr or T na.

KATEN, BACON A ('¦. ,(mttt *n»rt ta Mac- nA Rat-;,.. Ft*.., F .« Mir.'c' :rere, W arwrnon: No

Grand-** , n*«r Brtijkar, w'.er* a fu e**t,rtn.et.t >f !..<'men!*, ticJ'ifiv«!' ot ' ova ma:. »t»c'ux*. may b- t .-.ad.W ar-*i :~ci it t "i ' ..- '-

EMOVAL...IARDlNE A SON. OTijnn Build-er» »L".. *f*«r May 1. ratno-.e th,,,r Orraa Mmi'a. 1

»er th» New Y.wk Lhapwaaax-y, c raw)i,f W fajie t_,a Ce'.tre at*

ST. NICHOLAS PLANO-FORTE estab¬LISHS'LNT. Lately er,..r«ed. in:-rored *r,i ren ..teL-

A W. UaafcCa'iM 'fatal Pr-im .¦ vi kNOS. . c -i-

wlift thee* of our w. aiaae; Carbar Needhaal .\ t 1 MKI.-ODEOftS i..,o. m* tbeir Dot) :<. B- k. iuetee* New PI kN'oSfrom . 175 U. # 1 .V«. a**vi d h»nd t^orn *.'.)'o *'.W Mr^LO-dko.ns in<u *a. 10 aaaa ji dson a mi n v.:

No BM Broad«r»y, St N'<rb vi il 01

SUPERIOR and Warranted T-OfDiva PIAN<>»ORT* s, tcr a.'*1 CalleeJei** .. am

AMBLKR 4. fa. No BH Row-ry.

ÄlachinfTTj, &*c.

LINEN MA( HIN ERY..JOHN R. Mi NALLY.Chempleuj. N. V., Agent for th* ealsof Linau Ma-hiierj

ef every d**cr:f>liou, BOW tad lecend ban.!, Ei.rii.eara' an 1 Me-fhirtMt» Tool». an Linen Tarn» of every timber »r.i iiallty.

M ATTHEW8'1 m IDA WATER APPARATUS.Tlie auper-ority ot iheae e!e(»i t mtri.inee over »ii other*

la now u:.n errant admitted. Letten Patent Laving been .-ramedIHM »ml lAVv Ttey »re manufkctored of Irnu aad Cupper, farholfltr* «1 d Hraw i «'1 -i th- ro'in'-r. an t odd with rill In-.trieH .a: I Kf*_**1 r n'e 1 ,> n¦". Bf their 0»*. by JOHNMATTH 1. V\ S, Noa 4J> and tot) 1« *»., eomer JKrb «t Oahard tlx lerrett oiortment 111 the world. E*t*hiith*d if> y»*ra

SWIFT« PATENT MILLS.J. 0. LANE, el-clr'iT* M»rnftr"ir»r-f r ürv.d'n» Cofee, (ir«iu.

he. Six it/o* tot family a*e, Grocer», Fanner*, Ac A rat]tut -nor artieie. Order* re«p*ctfnl,y annexed.

_J. O LANK. Waah'-ixt.. N. Y.

STEAM-BOILERS for SALE..Nine, VERTI¬CAL T< 111 LAB BOlLFRS, w'.tb appnrtenin. -rvrv

plete, from IReea mcLe* daimetar, baaing tbir'aau isar-ftattul.ea. to thirty two bei d'.ame'er. harxg city 00« eightlentaahaa wall adaptedfa*b.tingbudding* eery tie in.

CMA& vv COPELAND,Coi.anl'ii * Hncu eer. No. iid brovlvr 17. S. Y.

STEAM-BOILER f..r >.\f.K^L« inrhrs diaTJMr-ter fi*et ion*, with 2 l-n-iixh tl'ie*. witii all the IxtarWJ

r«nntiefe, in ("od order. Will be mid cheep if *on ied tor rn-

merliate.t. [n.'ein at No. ,i^3 We*t 4rlth belo » jltb>a« ofA. SCifiA'ART/.

QTEA1I ENGINES WANTED..Two etvond.k- hard Eagtna*, »btnt t herse power each, oa ae. A rVaaaaroan«4 ted at ri»ht aaulc. Aihlrea* V. O., Box No l,7H, i.e.


(Tntlcrrj, ^arbroare, anb iron.DIRONDAC COLD BLAST CHARCOAL

k PlO iRON, by th* Corrpa-iy'a Air-;*,lOHM W. Ql lNl y, No. 0» W:*!»a-i It

C0<1FER'8 TRUSS HOOPS..vIOH act* ass-rrtcd¦taaa,

COOI'ER'S EDfJE TOOLS. AlberUon, Cthger, nor'oalBatten, ard other maker*.COOl'r'R'S RIVETS A larie aa*.irtTo*nt.COOPER'S HaMJIERS, DBI\ ERR,BECR IRONS, A.-. p..r.*|e by_CHaS. S. LITTLE i, Co., No«. 31 ..id M Pnltonet

UDSON ITO EBON it exoe>l!r>nt for Eonnder*and Korite p'irpoeea. The No. 1 Kx'ra ta warranted I >

more atran and to I,..- au;ierior for all puxpo*e*to any Seateh I'.*.JOHN W. ULTNXY. No. Jg \\ _.uin et, Agent for tta UudouaIron Con.pany.

T_| AMMEREI) SALISBURY 1 RON.From .-oldXJ blaat rharrnal Pi«, and wholly worted in rhaiTDal la ofeitraorthnary atrenuLb and rjntdity. On hind . I ini-he*ein»re. Other ai/e, made to order. JOHN W UL lNCi'.No.1*1 WUIiaa at.. Agent of ti.e Nar»in.<h Iron Co.

IRON and STEhX ST«>RE, No. 17.*» Contr--»t.The ly .lore wh.-re yioi, an «et any qaantity of IRON

and STEEL y u may -e-iuire. All a;.,'* and qualitlea on handJAJIclS SCOTT.

o AMES A SON'8 SHOVELS and BFADE8-. Kot aal» hy JOHM W. liUINCY. No. 9» aVülramorL

SALISBURY COLD BLAST CHARCOAL PIOIRON for Cer-VVheiJ* *ud work requiring verr (uperloi

Iron, for a*ie by JOHN W. Ul'INCT. No. 93 WUlUui at


THOMAS PIO IRON-Soft, free, .truus, and awarrauted aoLatltnte for SVnteb Pi*,

JOHN W, QUINCT, No. M WU'.iaai it.


CHARLES V.. FOOG,No. f IS Pearl-it,.

Betw*en M iduon and t hxthaui,la otierUij Uli

E X TäE N B I \ F. I T O C IOf Mattieaaen, Bedati «.1» and Beda.'ing, »' (reatlj redu.'ed

price*.bhlppera Hotel and Private Keeiiaa* will itadj liieir

uteii-el by lookin* through my St, k.

ÖTTAÜK »nd"KN.\MELED 1 T'RNI I TRr...A varie'y of «rvgant lad e.heip iljla* at th* Mtnuttcto'rv,

No till biofclwat, I elow Bie. vaer at. Geoda (afrly picked toto to a oartarce.

ENAMELED FURNITURE..H. F. FAR-RINOTON haa now rea.lt for aale an * 10*1*11* aa*nrtmant

ot rah F.NAMKLF.D CH khfBER FDRNITUEB,*R patr«ni*ai.d colon, aud . lalmratelv de,-..rated in bualataaa, Rpata* andflower*, at the Manufactory Warerooui*, No*, tj and X8 Wooa-torot-, between Brooroe and Orainl-*ta



OF EV FRY V ARU PY.Manufar'ured hy M vv. KINO }» SON._No. kW Broa-lway and No. UB M - tt at,, New-fork,

C H O O L F U R N I T U R K .

R PA I ON, No. U Orot* .r.. New-T. rftN. B .Cirp.ilna torwa.-de.l on appli.-aiion a* abote.

SHOW-CASES.-HOFFMAN A FER8H hav«opened tuen new W ar» rooma at N.i. 41 < ha'bam a'., near

» City HaM, whera parthaaara aritl Rad a large a**or'.m*at cfall kmaa; aJao, at cbeir old a'and. No. VI Bowery.


Clothing.jSl*\ HATS $1 less than Broadway pn ...*»..©ep For »Ugaaea aad aaiabMlij tftrrgaimn be ei

Neat Hati, e? BROWN, Mo B1 anil iL


A RTIH 'R H CELEBRATED PATENT BELF-J\ IEAL1B0CANS aad JABS, n*ad laet veer by tie. ieanA*of fatwiliee, bo»e| and t»i*rli « b*w*y*he*per« with bwotaei ....»>

aiete aacceca Turn medal* um five diploma* were swarded rh*»*tIA.NS and JAR" la*t leavin. On all ha-nla 'hey are actnowi-e ljed to be the *af»at. BaiMatl and nuait reliable ta market,

liierr i* CO »4dition«l enit ot wrenc e*. tu' ue'i or wtt--.»

trotal ,e w ith acrawa. t.or iponi i* ol Brail hy contact with Ir:.ii*Harber, or other o_*n»iv* tuhauuc*. Th* CANS ai.d JARSare all prepared tat aealict. and the purabiaer ha* only to a**i

tie cover alightiy wbeu the Cm or Jar la bilrd With :.-*ahirujtanil pn aaitJ wnir.to the channel OB th* cataele tilledwith ren.ant. and th* work of hermaticaily aealtc* ia do..o.Tb« y au*t*i: no InjaX] m one;.in«-, and may be o*od year aftertear. The lid Botet*IB* wL..'.* top. a.i Lie. » BBB . ihej can

UeleaneadfTk* an; taei peataetal Tlie CANS ax* nadaat*itoai tia, ai d aat JARS ,i It* atatyi yellowTl'r.*rM*t *nu*iy, tiiu* u ai.ring tie»f e. onouit m freitoU Tke aaata«

Ol CANS are pint, qoan, half gallon ai.d pOoa Ja»».pint andT art. Fu.'....-. it., u* for puttui* up fre«L fruit. tiMnafcie*. At.,

.ccotnnany them. Get the beat, wb*h I» ARTHI R'S, ai.d6a n't w*»te y. iu RwJ| aa .u. Lad -mi-.t, tt _ouaa~d* of ten.:.***

^TLe traue luptiied hy EDWARD P. TOURK.Y.Mannfacturer'* A;ent, No. S Plitt-*'_, New Yjrk,

B R A Z I L W O O D..830 quictoJa BRAZILTVOOD, (in rvnd and duty paid.) for eai* bjSPUFFORD. TILES-fON V. Co.. No. £) Broadway.

DE I AMANO* FREaSCO PAINTING E8-TAbLlsllMKN ."-No. ¦: Bradway » r. i

F'e* c. Fc-aiattk. or Oil*. Scatery. Pacoramai. Bann. «.

painted. Alao chow* *i» let I V\ tn aow Shad.* painted 'oord*.-.

VREN'tH DP! .SS-.MAK I N< i. inalliubr.t:r it Mat* DEMoREST*S EMPORIUM PAfHIOffS,No n.i BroadwiT.Wauit LiLiL**eat and haate-l at "7« eaBStai Raeijue V ifaa>

Lxii ga c-.t and baited *t 30 cen'a U:*a* Mai -r »r proponon-at!y low prk. -a.


I. Al'NPRY SEN will find a vary ffaaal aavio* hy ¦.hag Ihi*e*>|ehr*teal SPARCH.wkicii i* uniiioaiierl Cir It* Met Igth, [ tt'tj of cadet, latakelh a. .1 e. »..«ni Rat .v oy

KOhERf HOSIK.Nj a Pisee N. Y.MB Atej. for the tTaNad .....("..

LYOtV KATHAJBON. Is, bey.md .jueation.the mo.', popelv pre;*r»t!on Bt 'he Hair. e»er ma >.

1 hi* ia -toted by r* lmaien** **i*. wb* h a now Beattf 1,'*».-.« 1 4'.e* ;« : ye« with the ieir.ABd v ata'.tlr iLTea-i'.t. It¦ß w/agl y ah atae* '!,« hair from Daadr in. a- i all tathar Ba>; u.".' c*. mvnora'e* tnd .'r»rg net a :'. and %¦'*» to it . beau*.-tü alee*. Sold ht ail r- apeCaTde dnelera.

HEATH W YNKOOP A Co.. Pupil-ter*.No 83 Liierty *r.. New York.

KINDLING W.»ol>._«i. HARRISON aft SON.S'eatn Pactort. Nu W W'»*r Mi. *(. Urtt aaalByW

. ia Pkae, er a ai d Rtthery, *adlw»w*a at L»nt prico*.

..1 > A S 81 N G AWAY-PASSING AWAY."X Oft hat Rata, Bket » i Icaocta are paaaiig awiy

LYO.n'S MaajaatK p. » .er a.' Piila -leacroy themJoM *[«..Jle it aha.«' it the do*..- cf the day.And aUitmtia wi.l tail.it kJla ihem.

Paddler*' ¦aaaaaa^eat* bewara. D»put, No. Ut Broadwaiy.N .7 F aa'taati at., Brooklyn.

PALM L~E A F F A~N S . .

>ectee* ta". ft] axd atutid hand!* Pil.u P*:.a, jo*t rt>e*iv*c lor .*.» by



aU atain* sf pauar. cieaae or fliaa. makin* old aad faded Karol-laa* lo.k aajaal to now. Pur* *5t»aU a bottle. M. W HITE.N*. Ok Dia coaea.. N V.. or No. $t Main at.. BrotIra.


SnmX Ope red bfBJ .MAN t. ( i'MPavt.

Nx #73 Br adwey.Mi an« .. n ihiiü Cel. C< tdfrtV. Lümi M ikw. *i

» I

7 ido. 1 tail - Pta.n Linen II:. * 3 worth I »uJ 71'" I I.ae.ire' H-rr: M-tcOr-d Lit fr H1!*" .' wortn «

As S ! c. N F F. ' - 8 A L E. .BOILED LINr'NS.

. tamta i1 K.hsrdeo.'«. MenAeed*e, Peeatssa'e mmi otbei >!.».-.h e makes of


e mei Jone luv pro« in order to incee an ertectiva wV*wT>um rbi» ..-i»rtinei t La- ><.« ehetiid cell eariy. as 'here »mlirn ne r this etnre r.reiy u-*-' wlh.

Ae i ¦ . <«,. J. KRAN«.'!' 1 «.«.¦.. Bta k,N". M Kroaderay.

ANKRI FT STOCK troin the LA TK AFC-NH .Of eh.Mce French Bit hoae. new erv .. al -

l'rvee Trrr.miLge. e>.ert French F'low-re. Crei>*e. Silk« aai*Peril MilUnen Afticue. to be sold »t tmuiaal'.v treu' teciifieri by M II. LICBTI!M> PEIN

No. w Beteetj( gecaee oi bwwna* it

BR U 0 8 e 1. B L A C E >

MANTILLAS, VAILB, FLOUNCES a .'. « ii.Un.i iv«rieiy o» u.edinm wirf.« from I" ro *x Point etti gad Cew*let*, I B'Beete Sh rte *oaeoei Cepee Htodkei .«

and seiij'i.' rrre red by MII.LP.h 4t ORAlsT, Broedway.

C< »BsEIS . COR8ET8 . CORSEI'*'..In ad-..¦..!. W gel larfeafoeh «re. OA» N"K ban v by

.-.» «'e,: ». faf*wwetyheof COeSRTfoeBiw-ar. to wir. li ehe invitee the attention M hei Ceeto -isee eji.1VhlllBBln TfioT Tint Priceeair 1% to So ea.. near Mb ...

CLARK Ä SPOOL COTTON--The im* fopthe feie of t!-!s Bpoel CettSB tat removed to No. li De-

er., eS re i WS v>» rl t -'ock of the eeu'i r o article, tu as-

eofted caeee and solid n-.n.fcere. ie always on head.OEOROE .v. CL UtK

No. s: nay et.

Do! rED 8wi8s muslin, from auction,Slightly Janiaaed by We'er,

AT TWO BH1LLLNOB Pillt YARD.Be'i l one-halt "heir %alu..,1 by

BEEKMIR a COMPANT,Be i't Biwaderay

C- r v. a t s i i. k7 s a l~i:~^-i Comeaan bag oti MONDAY, May la, and coulii.nel

throneho'it the week.1? SH.Ks reSeree] to P and » per yard,

tl SILKS redticed to 7» eenta.I .MLKS redueed to I 1.

CH ARl.l.Ti llfcARD V. (">., No. m Oranlv.

india rubber 0love8 and mittevsAir i.arlenina, Boeaecloewlof. Urivina. and tiy work thatacila the hane'a The>\ are n.ede al! length* to oroteit the wrufaand irna* Aren e\i»je.ito. a...l by woarti t make the hiade »oftand whtto. tor aal« at all Rubber Storte in the t'ui .u. aad at0OO0YK IB'S OLOYI ('.>.. Ne. M febe et., NV*-York.

Ma n 1 i ll a 8.m a n till a8..Several tboueet d new Metre A-.tique Maa'iüaa will I*

op. i.e.! THIS MOnNINO. at *i V, +t, 44 '> aud to-habBBeBkVetM ia the city.J 0 New Stj'.e MantiUaa, at !H« ea b.1«0 of the New Shnwl ehape, equally heap, rui.l many otliar

Mai rf« e at hel'ore oflered. Lediee call and eee.

Jl ST k Ce No. >7 I etberlneet.Koor J.Kire from Mounre.

N K .No M enacbWia ?* ith any other houae.


ILal Nieholaon k Wright,)No "i LIBBBT1 St NBW-YOBK,

IbtBb toe atleciion cf the TBAOB to theircaeici aeeoBTMRBT or



BN« I Dltr.ss SILKS, BHAVYL8, MANTILLAS, kc.cash aao iitoFT TiaiB yuvaaa

ore i in' 1 to eiamhie our etouk.

Silks, shawls, quilts and embroio-ERIE8 I-. m aUCTION.


kaaS H h Stella Shewle from Anc loo will le opene 1 TH'SDAY, ana told from a>3 M no.

S t^O eery lie.h pa'Iem a and eolote at *l Viand BA.') .10 wool t intimere, at I.", If, and 1« very cheap.SH.KS SILKS: SILKS! CHEAP from AUCTION

aS.n*J yartte very rich eilke. new etylee.will be opaued andofleredtor Sale I HM MoKSINU.

wi VVoaeea Dnawry.aaetbaa gooda-very floe, at I:und up. PARABOLR

I A]| Pareeole.fine aooda-at I30«' lota of ana Kn-broiderioa. very cheap.All af the above gooda are of the beet quality eu I neivett

etjlea. and will be eold at vety area-, bareaina by aläwRJtW O.COLBY, No OS litend-eL, cormrr UArMaaN. II Fiva tirat cle.ee Sal- .men wniteiL

HOUSE-KEEPERS..Volret. Rruseela andX Stiperflna Carpo'e and Chlaa Matting for aaio at padeatedpric«e. Ca-nets anil Matttog laid down in ally oart of the city.

DOIli-:Ml S ^ Nl <ON, No. .'1 P..rk (.'a.-e.I N I) O W HOLLA iV D. .

Jner recived, all ca.vKa Botfand IV'bNa Holl tad. 31 *.)7« tueh.a wi.ia. For isle by OOKKML'S 1 NIXON, No. £Park placa

illillinerTj, ^c.

FORbchoicewf fashionable MH.f.l-NEBY Bial elaei Hi etyle and mater al. ' ia la.lieegro ia

nted to call at Mkeaai ROMANES*, No I71J Bowery,OMER & K E t'c'H u M11 ¦Tl baBaa o .t their st<» k of


ii tie,; for Uie Bat bag a:»l Bawtweer trade, al redeeed (irn-ee,f.r caeh,at N'>a. til aid M Joint at., a " vV .1,..


Noa -.Dead r.' John at,Importer. Mai.ufacturt'r aad Jobber of



rRRBCB PLOWBRR,And ail ait tire lertaioine Or the Milliuery Trale. I'.i ee

i. adeeate, aa.i t-a iiouda laeatawd daily.fl,HE Ehitit'8 art* r»'npfrtfiill) itivitr-il ta* fall amJJ. raaatna a eup<rb taeuitiiienl ot MILLMRNY OOODS,

eaaaatlaiSg Baa lateite'yle ot Cr ire, Lace, Fancy, Noapilttiaand Straw Boa..eta; rich French Fluwora, Itihbo a, Bon.irtIraiaea. ic. M. I> KING,Me. MBCeaabek.,

near Yarick, Uto No. 71 C tuel-et.

tUatcrjee, ireroflrn, tCc.W'ATlTIES..EINE (.OED aivi SILVERii W ATCHBB..TbO lergee« end aieat aplendid eeeortmarM

of W'atehee in the crry ia to ba tour.d at the enbecriber'e Hahae beaa in bueiceae la Wall at. tor 'he laat eighteen yaart, andia eel ling all deecrmw.-.e I OeM aad >drnt W'atehee, Jewelryaad Silver Ware, at who. e-aa aad retail, at c. - j laaa than ...

aeueJ prvea.Beautiful (laid Lertna Watchea.fcnr bolaa fcweled.*M M

Cicl.i Detached I.eveie, foR a-waled.RH <*F.i.r lived II nut Big Lapuia.foi.r belea )ewaled.4>i.'> atCold IIm i...g C aen BaaNab PaU-ot Levers..e)H OtFiwi Ovid Hulltiua Delathed Le.era. full jeiweled.A4C Ot. a o Paeieei wafaheofeo LeaSea.*\n ooto toon no

ByasWaBdOeU Poabel CLronatneteea.RUSMte a>J<a) .al.txwt Li.iei-naei'l Second W»u aea I'oc Inn-

t-a hireea. ?" t« '¦> 'et(j-M BwatB g We'i hee, whb-h pin a dsye. ..R1JS M te RIM BS6.-1-1 M.^t.e Wa'ebea, whrae change intothree warrant VSarehes.b'W Wto fW*

Ooac P.ngiiaa Pater.i Leveaa. tall ;ewaie.i.... * ti "J '.»<E":ver EagHab i'at«r:t Lever.*16 M :o . v '*.B'lvor Ue'aehed Levers, f-iil (eweled.BIjC«jw g)30 00r baa Odd Lhraaag Case Railn ay Tune keap-

*r.BIO« to to B17*> 00M .e/ Lepr.ee. fonr holes vewiltd.. ilieju, B17 «0

kl. J. Tobias. Harrison, LiU. Beeaoley, T. P. Coopvc, aadatbei ealahealad niokaaa. for aal« very low.A i RTateBa - wacraatae to he. r. aaeaaet ttaae. RTaeebee a..d

Jewaity en hae.aaeL Welche, a: d JaWatty rayabaad in tie- heala., it, aad at aaaeb leaa taea the aeeal aaieaa o.«ela sent toail perls, t iha P'oted States aiad Canada rteer «f '-harte.OEOROB c ALLRN,Invnirtaref IVataaeawad leweiry,

W --ea e ail Re n >'o II Wall a'.. it\ ..aar Broa.lwar.

Proffoeionai Xoticce.

I? l E C 1 B 0 CHEMICAL B\'U!>.No. 75^ Waet ljra-si Dear nth-av . Dr. II AMKUeROB enree per-

Btaaaatly and epeeetly ail ' ervo'ia a. .! aptnaJ attcc'iooa, Raeum-a-.m, iroat Peralyeui, Coiifaetiotre of Limla, Swvr'liag ofj .: te I>-e;-[eJ Her'.de. and all Frnpnons of the Sam. Also,iruaraaW/es to earrsr'all MicereJs trcra the »retain. !as:rue-ttoaa wad Bettaekaagl aa to »"atente. Pnre+.*e-

ITNITED STATES PASSPORTS.By J. P,NON K S, Nc- iry. and Cotr.n;»sloaer Ut every Steve, No.'''*'' eg

Rcmorars.A. JARTIS, UeiitUt. retaoeed bg .No. 380Blrrnboa at

CTEaRNS & MARVIN"» Wilder e Paf-nt Sal-kJ aiiju,i. r Befa l>i-.ts, No. ¦ Mersey aa aad No tgf Wei«.e'... New-i ra

H_ENRY UAVENPORl, ManQfarbu*-f.r andDealer in Ooo-'yej*, f *i . Inden BaBbaS OWa, baa

K.MOVFD troui Na. Jab to 1>0 SSI BROADWAY, 0»Voeitethe Ta*er.-.; ...

Jnenrugice tTompanir«-NEW-YORK EQUITABLE LN'Sl RANCh C<-.

Ott:;, No. VI Wei: et.,(Orp-jaite HaaoviraCf

cash CAPITAL..7777...ilO.OtN*.Cuaarcaec AraiL, 1IU.

Thie Company eonthaaee to laetue agai^att Loan eg Dsj&araby P.-rc on ka.oiaola 'n.mi

RICHARD J. THORNK, Pfaaekaat.lOtBI kllLI.KS. eV-ere aiy

Oaire bn TintiwnHr**r r Lr.rn, 4. Co.. ^-i 'l'uini

4 "Vi ION NOTICE.. L\*)m rait- of m»*oir,.ri ..» KiWKwoog «-4 mam im: sr:f ui*TRMTt-H r. JMAfcO FORT» PKEMOtl l'LVTK »IM

»».. iu..i-ui*i.» wi dotw a«0f.M .¦> iu*.» fMUa s*i.<-c. -.dir Mtii mo '*p «';> l larioaj* P. uab* ¦.*»¦.'

Loi a XlVia Kid lb* lau-af Potiaiel f****** .',-,,i r.«*tw>.«li'i*r ö aa »i. (. rte< raJblw, *f tba ate**. "««imhiuiIw«.

¦ laJa } tttrr : la-.-» ro.eeo.al Sea r. ,., ?'*..« TeW**, la'. id anil Beat!I WaWfttal ReajepOht 1 all* ¦<. aeuai Tvr*ta>hKau Cakadro in iiMKju» ai.o ¦>¦..". u ' ¦¦' riet*PierwadNeini. k.'tir. r. <<¦ ca'.-l.'e aii'l l-«ee Win.low i'.ir'aii.*. *e*aaaeLwaVaafaj SiWIee. iichChiea and maiala VtaMij "a/ain-eejlraa**jr*a»l IaaB*»B Fiai>>-*>t>ft», ». .aee-l ail rv-irad. el-raid;i| »«! . i'B r*"*f. »elvet i'ar[*'a. hr- *r«*. Ii ark*, O.r.n 1 aw*,

¦.. h *¦«! ..iwiy I'aner; Orr aurenr*; Oil Painful**. ar>mpr(>aaa. greet < ¦» A a..h.wr» b» eminent for«*t,n artia'a. ameerae*-

'um Bird* tad ajeej H .1 *.» -iiricT"""» Karat-: in (diiab; Kateneion 1 able, 11 fnax; lh,n n* and

»-.. |< ba-r»; aai e - .-, earn' and coeiiy t hin* Tea andIhi.rer Sen, rrv.ta. and rub* ear Olaaawaro ; ma*rntBreot ed-rat T" Set Cake H"<kea i«'"i lp a I, r »rk*. Oord***.Mt fa l>afiwai in-rr ralei«. he-idle Cutlery; rwewaad andn U ."ia BadeUadl, Bure.ua a.4 w eata:..;: Is '.o mat. h, aaau.te. French rl.lt.» Toilet Set*, fire Hair Mtt'f a; at Pre

leather R. ,1» II .at.-r.- M . PI II01 a, laatb'a Vital BImbete I d fheinVr Suite In hairrhrtb. aiab. taut .' lakktaad I'l-aira. Bo.ktra Soft*. \\ ai.lrole*. I oiuii.a, C >uwh Bod,tire, three taaaaeled Cotta** Badrueaa So. .a, I .rain Carpet**mtiBaWi HaU Btaad; talai I >li Cetaatt i attat"plated 0ia;r rtiala: Oili-loth* ke. AN.' all ie Maaeme.,! For til-art arba *Bibt*<. » a lance and l.-.uable tan**' of< taaaaeiDl * a r a KaaOaj ale hni. .a;.,! F.:ka\ Ril, ben I "'»o.Ua, k,.Tbeentfira Paral aroef (hethxita heaaa ta ¦.¦ e«-.ieat aaaa>

... ,i >uieel.,r aat^aaaatata, headatj l.n ia .>«. nal* a akea.Orre. tbea aftot'lir'r aa npp..run a h aa haantt »eld...n mewith Save pereoijKory

A. C Tl PTLS, Auc'wneor.ltd o« Ha. N One Ua*.

ASsk;m:k" SAI.i: «>f KW'ntii.t KiaarjAooH ifjjMahoaanj Harlor an.t I" a':itea Superior t.riamalad 'otteto

r l HltlTl KK. 1 < i« tbi balavneeel ttoehat*0 >Uth.<ara, |lat*el 'Lo Oir ol Mtthttarik Sta. ,1 to he a .M ari'hi at leaerraUoa.A CTtTTLX wOl teUeu tt'Eu.aP.SDaT, Ma*S.m t*a

oVUek, at No SN Bro» I way, pi. aite rat. Ni.bo!** Hotel J thebalance ot tinlabad aut at tii.iehed »iia k tt 1» above i' n .uakuHit of ahtaal aa aaJAtt fi'at. I.h < ,ma»e i L^uil».( Puruitarw, atladtdaak, tatktattoa m.I tan. « .ieaian*. »l."il .SO araaiial, oakfn Ittttati Cattaft IfaaaTtaai.Tttiailia Taarlat. >i.Al.o.aavtral neewood Parloi rtui ... do ahe.1 a...I uiuiuiaS^d,

V'ave.ea Miiebaevrda, Center Pahlea, He.l.iea l.. Ae.Alaai. one eleta: t oek Pu io* n«.in Si e.

Alte, a qnai.ii.t ... iiialofenv r urnn.<-.¦AI«.. He .Si.h-b Hv'erea. Heaia, Ooch*, She-lea, oiiflalthed

H.,a-»m*. p*,|.ie,,t,. Luaweae, AcT be w hole K'irg o> It ,a. » b. ... j with

iH t Hi.araii.by onler ot O. r Hel owa, e*a] , eaaig'iee ot (»MaibewaTertni ca-h. A depveit of lf>p,'r eavi' will be re^Mrel from

t.M i nrchftera nnki owr. Oata*efrtaaaa the ii.oimnx of tale.

Air; LL Nl, ot iV. AucMon.-.m-.

ALBERT H. NICOLA" irillaellon WKI.NKS-DAV, Mar at, Ik l.at U o'clock, at tne Mwcbvatf P.a

chiire N. \ tio.o AvrMf-O'ie LOToti .'da\, adlAinint the a.uth

»aei» aertttt td tajth *r., 1» r>. «I Ii. be NM PA ha .lepih.Baraari rmtt. aiarrT-o.... LOT o-. i> ueirk aide ot

dd at , IBS It eaat of Al av.. M by HC ft 2 ia.The abaive pnip. riy wi'.l teakkUaly he taht te the l..<h-ai bad

der. wiihout tee. ite. Te.n a .-aa) a^.l tUt p.if>« t. ft* fulli arüeulaia . to

ALBRBT B. HTCOf.AT, K* I Breed**.A M. Mrtwtv, Auc*:.mi«jr.


Jnne M, K and tu. tat I o'clock ea. '. day.LABOE LA» LIUKaRY Tbe Liblar] af an emiueiit law

Ttr leiently c'eceved eouipr.alu* a full »et of Ku*l.ati andtiaatlcaa EoExitt*,both in Law and Eqaity, LNaaaaj. AJwidaa

II Li Tatl It. aa. Ac. AAwtMthOBi tea all lae Near YorkBepatta, u.cludn.a Bart our, 2n tola . CaaUaaha k 1 v.4a., l'o» *u,9 tola, i Job. aati'a Law, .v- toia t J.du. aat m aaaef], 1 v.alaP« »e. II vola W, adallaSi v"la ; SaoUxd, '. v..I* | Sel.Un. 4aal* Hi'.. Tr*>a,tHaU, ItwWikha Bay*wtee( New.J»r**yNeu-Hiur |i«biro, t'l iiUrclitnl an.1 Ma*a.. hi*, it; eeaalahteMot t'intaj.1 Brate»dajiinate Caan r.,h.im ai«. PhiaaaaiahAtLaw Lib} ***aiah i. ¦ v.. . ; Kiialiab C*t in Law l{«;or»aWrait; EaatMtLew andBeaici Baeott* B "da AAaa, »al

e tad t*.e ro|W** o'' n th*Otd Eb| ..» bt at K ;-.rta ; Blacke, Bhaja, Ro-an^uateid Pti'l.-r'a. Croaei'a. ( ro.npten aud

lanrkPe, i irjaaataya had Moe*»»«'*, Veaoy », llniwn'a i'vai'a,Dat .tout aid l.an'a and ither EoaBah H. v rtl H >» li'l »UteTrial*, Bacon a Abti.'f unit. I it. d rj.a'e* |l-2.,.ta. iC .amounting in ul! to nttrty t,<.*» tataMA Cata! nue. In prep»rat Inn.

A. J Ri r Ki K » a A u.'iteoeer.ITXEClTOR'ä isifl of Lor No. SO M..i,I,>aM2d Lmi*..ANTHONY J BLEECKEI A Ce wttl teB haI I.II'A Y loi. ritb of Line,at l.'o'eoak, at the Mere.kanla' Kathanfe, tbe r*la*bi* LOTknaara aa Ne. >. MaJeea-ltae,eoiior .1 Litlie Ore."ii it fwn. ... ¦-mj ed by Mean.t »ii i Brata*r balag la ante SLSstt.T Boatand rear, a* AAtt7 ,; fe«i ,,e. p That ahore property la aabierl tea leaaehiatngaea.n jeara to run at a yearly re it *4 Bljbdaaad tb» tateaTh* owner, at the .ij4rn'ioii of atnl lea»e. to I ik* th" latat >»*.n...Mi wbicb ahall be »ppr»iaeJ at * .urn not *tx**d ug ttH.no*Termi e*»h, on deliaery <>l thedeed, inly 7. For turther partioultra apply at the cilice ol the Baetioeoer. No 7 Broad at. Byun-r (liaij ROBERT F MANLtY, Ftecutor.

|?2KECtT0R'a SALI: of RIAL ESTATE ofjLd the late JAMES CHFSTFR.M AN w II te«atttaa*dTfllSoav.at ia o/ctoek, at tb* Merchant.' Fachar.**, euibranu*Lola aa lit, .1, vh. tttb and tftth avt, *nl Araaa*A, ll'ub.114th, 119th IBra, tatet, IBM, l£id tad l.'ttb tta Fveiy lotput up w III Lo peattitrtft aoi.l 'o tbe l.*b..at Md**t.

ADRIAN II. MULLEB, A letionoer.

U S M> i Loa, An. Hornier.Bi Hoii.nr.ia A Mri.i.n*

Furniture sod M1RR0RB, to-morrow(Thotaday),*! It) n**lntik. al No. Ilil Naaawwa*.. tBeahafl

.ell, to cloec fOMBjaiaaal and to ity advani ea, . larta taavrt-xanl >.f CaMiiet Fuiniture. Blnanaal r »¦ rottet Oil r.. *¦na-, El aiaviuaa, Freu h China Vaae*, and Si'ver pla'ed .Varo.Tl.. Paraltaraeaaahyta m i*n,of r.a*BW.H».i Bedttaede, Burem*ii I tV»ah*taod* i aiahiia»*aj de.. EUaeree, Btt*a»A*a T*We*,I'ar'' Balte, two «.od three colored tatia and ball cloth; HairMat-ieaaea at d Palliaaaea, maho«any S >t» Cbit'ra, Roefcer*. Vol-tairea, Co-tier St*i da, Sldeboarda tad flalttaiait. Library Booka e tad secrttan»a.Alio, aix ruerwood 7 ccf«ve Pkaaa Poftee. warr. It LAlte,a l»r*e invoice of Oval, Pier aud Men'le **ll framel

Rietcfa p!»tu Mi'tort, well worthy of attention. vVa rtvom-

ruer.d this rrallr gnod laaortmei.t t > the trtde and th* public, a*

prraentina an opportunity raiely mat with. Cataahfaai on th*Btatatkaj of aale.

tVrrKa I Co. .J. S llli.urt An. tioneer.t 8 riobee tvillee.lon xhurrdat, M«y19 » .'. .i ii i pack ck, at Ba, tag Palate at, m.d Bo. jt auu at..

a*|doadtd aa. itii.. ni ,t Bcaatreed ai.J Ikaharaytai awkkt*atPaiLr Parnttaro aaa/atad la r.. h bio. atelle audbafr elo'h, uia-

hoIatMoti with diu beat curled bail arid tini.hod in llie beat wortii. bl] Al*e Toarklah Chair* and Pateal De.k., oak DlmuatUnite* in irren mip* | fltahalialTllllal la otk, walnm and

u v Bool raaet la ro*atraed,he.| Huieana, FrenchPlatwMlirwjo, Oil Paratrrat. Ckiiia Vaaw*. Dtaaeraiid Tea ReMkI tt.re, F«n. j (io.al. kc oak SHeboa'd, marble i..p»,aoajaaah Chain, tai e *e»i ( haira, ke i )rj|e« Furnil'ire, hairMa'treaae«, l'ai lart»a, roaew a d an i mahogany Hedttead, < en

tar, Pier and Bka* Tablat, Loonaat, La. * Canalea

BtttWKt Oancon V Co., AH:tiooeori.

\1 10NIFII ENI niol cosi ly furniture,.YI PBENI 'i PLATE MIRROBd, ROSEWOOÜ PIA IO»I ORTE, RICH oas ( IIa N DA LI F KS, a. SAM Kl.Oraooolik to., AociieaaatB, Store Be II Baaata at.. a III aal'lO MORROVV ilburaaay.) at If' .;.:»!> iu.. at tl.e h nu»No. U Kaet dMh at.. i.«ar I'., av the w.. I> urni'ura ol'tj.e aboto huoe*. In tb* Parlora will be fou .d Rn k VelvetTipeatjy Carpet. Iwoiuilea Itoaewoed Furnhnre la »*iin br e *.te.Ie, large Fn it* h 1*1*1« Mirror*, «evoral . llaahl* Od Paj..'iu.»,ttrj tin* Riax-wiaid Planta Forte, RoO»arw<al Mar hi* top E»»-*ne, p. lewaad M»<M* uip Ceatat I'.i.i.., Ibra* rk hly gall Oa*Cl.ajetal.ei*,two atl* cuelly Satin Ilio..a'...!« Window OaartaAtJt,co.l, II in. nlha »*o, t,M> a wtn.li.vt l.a * Curtain* to . nl |In o a it.. n. Fate,..ion Table. Side lloai.l m ii f lima Iii.meaBet. i ia'ed V% are O aa.ia.aje A, r That lle lroorna ar» f irniabedwi.I. Mai .o.ajjy rata Fi aoieiie<l Rarnilara, »U of which ba* l.eaoad* in order. The *aia will..¦ .n ie,* batetoeat witA

Fitche'i Ir nriii'ure. 4 »rai igne* will ne r-aoy early morning.a *. Term* caab.

F.. C. HxLLiruv, Aui'iiioeer.

PEBEMPTOBT SALE, bi ordei of th« Su-W I r.n.* Court, of va.ual.ie Real Begatte aa tVael iiih-at..I C. HALLlDAl » raetlal Auciloa ... w fdvf.sdaY,

t |StS, at the Miehani*' Prraarar. u..d«i the .inactionofPh lo T R .a..*«, Reteree. We.! Ktfa *i Ia.'* on tboi. alb aid* .i Weal Mab. at. b»*daeiafl feet a.l»rl| ftwaa tu»IUI, at »arb Lot ball * i'. leet wide. Read and rear, and !*) |e.iu ii...... eep. Tbeae Lot* aie l.«-al«d iti a *ex rim of tb* cityr»|idiy »mp.oanr » ran.".ana) «der a d»-.irabl» opportunity farpr..6i*l..e kwaattaaaat, Tl.* »*> will be p«»iiive arid witVautre.er e >. tbe hiibeat uelder. Map* c*u be obtained at the Ofbte the An. -inio-er, .No. 4 Wall *t, t«7|

Ai.ai.a: H. NtcoLaY, Am tioneer.

Supreme cul'rt.CoRBTtaal M. Kit.-, Truateoaxd otnera. nil j' Jan ei A. M.ern.»n a d otto ra In pur-

. .t ./*..'.. ittr thi**ctioa, Albart H. Rtaoltr will*bR<.. sa'k KiiAi Mn 11,at u j'tletk. a* Iba BTifiitair Barhaaae, indar ih» a^racaataal W n. c ban.', aag ¦ iWor»».,tie HOL'sF ana LOT ki^iwn a* No. la lourto-at Umg AI fewt

** r.t ~'i ti . I do. p. *> I* an reo.au. on H,,..| a.i Mori.. .e>. Fit lull paittaaaatB aee Le*al Notice in L.euiiig Po*<-

To IIATIKI.'S and SELLERS ot STRAWflOODS-At'CTlON M»TI iK-hiri. Para aekarj d .I.K

m >HMV. HATS.>WM TUPPIBUa C* A. ^n.Hm.-. r ....ia*). w... «i oa tVBDBBRBAY, Way 91, »' IIeh lot«

.THiO CAhSS MEBTaad ROYS' sra\w BATS ... .r-ryvanett of quality. .(,> material and ninah.all Nr.W OO »I>S- *.' up t tr tr.u a*aauB*a trade.

*:.l b* »-Ad in oiwinai caae«, and r»,uiaj mortmeat* ntBaaa

N. P. Th* par'ic.ar at'.;ntior. of all barer*of 9 raw Hate;i 1 ad to 'h:i *aie. a* erert let on toe calatogw* will ba addparea ior:: , for taah. wttaout rwaerv» Lata o« J*a eaoty ajBaMtaB a « I iale.

Um H. VaavKLIv. Aawtmai**'alua1 le lease «* 15 >' v,;sod ( hm>-

T b-r. a .1 Uarrei v. ehrea LOI ".".

-WH ii FBANKi.in A SON wiu *»il Maagtaeaea rnodS-LAY M*y SMh.at Mo-aksek »¦ ¦ J-«**f*w». ND« t . u»jr o' a' pi tat» aal*, Y Leaaaa, Iroan

Wa-.'l ir-rt f ib-t»'eaUer>rer--"» N* Hi « h am itewa Md «Merr i. at. ru aheg thrtm,t wiih »frcn'of M f*et aa oath

>.. 5 'h Al I Ml ffl ui * re t to* t*«IMI .rt"" vt,*¦:-.....-''. I. ? a.'be asath *Oe

ot i7th-if-.bat ware 5 b mo: «th *..- lor fiutnor paitbiliar» a*>

oyat hi taBkteof abalaittlaaaeiANo.SBra«***?.

ÖBilbing illauriolB

IENCAUSTIC TILES.Fst r«st»wwiaBk BUUJ H-»»ab* D't ag iwua Cor-ar^tij-dor.kve. O ARNMRX.

Clllü.tE-i T FS.Hb.tl> I IF>.a Ar. a^or.al, byM'l-Ll l 1 i >ATES. No. Pearl t N. T.

BOOFS.ROOFS- attjOFS.TtW cLe^rarvat andhe.' .ft.ee f. r cotertr.g »Aal.. U TAR H'l'lPlNfJ PAPER,

wluti w- k..| c. La'ao'l) *n L^-d, *e.d w.11 Mil in targ« and

.-^^. -'.rR^r'^i a C ,N. Hornau *L_

.LjiATF/ih. MA RR I. L MANTLES, got up isklibiirtt-tt,t)ii.»t SALF ch-tr.it N» l.leT Bcwadwt).att- *y't r».