SWG Agro-Foord Presentation of region and cluster-activities PPx Sofia, November 25th, 2010

SWG Agro-Foord Presentation of region and cluster-activities PPx Sofia, November 25th, 2010

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Page 1: SWG Agro-Foord Presentation of region and cluster-activities PPx Sofia, November 25th, 2010

SWG Agro-Foord

Presentation of region and cluster-activities


Sofia, November 25th, 2010

Page 2: SWG Agro-Foord Presentation of region and cluster-activities PPx Sofia, November 25th, 2010

Cluster mapping for Romania

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• Existing clusters:• Agro-Food Regional Cluster;

www.expoarad.eu – Arad

• Agro-Food Cluster Bucharest; www.inma.ro/pactmar - Bucharest

• Agro-food Cluster; www.icc.ro – Iasi

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Members included in Agro Food Clusters:- Vegetable and animal farms;

- Facilities for collecting, storing and conditioning of agricultural products;

- Manufacturers of chemicals and canning for agriculture and food industry;

- Primary processing units of agricultural products;

- Food manufacturers;

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Members included in Agro Food Clusters:- Facilities for testing and certification

(organic and traditional products);

- Marketing;

- Professional associations and employers;

- Central, Regional and local authorities;

- R&D entities;

- Universities, high schools, vocational training centers;

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Main activities of cluster:

- Marketing and lobby at ministerial level, Commerce Chambers, any other related target;

- Participation in joint stands at international fairs and exhibitions;

- Organizing meetings and seminars;

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Main activities of cluster:

- Regular meetings with members to exchange experience and information;

- Organizing tours and field trips to visiting farms;

- Consultation on EU access programs;

- Support for demo projects;

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Leader: Ownership of tractors and agricultural machinery manufacturers from Romania (PACTMAR), since 1995

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- National Institute for R&D for machinery and equipment for agriculture and food industry – (INMA – R&D I)

- 12 companies (5 from Bucharest, 3 surrounding towns, 4 other cities);

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BANAT CRISANACooperation agreement: 12 March 2010, within

the presentation of INOVCLUSTER project;

Objective: creating a cluster in the agro-food sector within western region as support for economic growth and competitiveness of the sector and companies involved

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Initiators: - Arad Chamber of Commerce, Industry and

Agriculture – RO4EUROPE

- CITEXPO Arad – Technology Information Centre

- Bucharest National Institute for Agricultural Machinery

- InPulse Partners SRL – Bucharest

- “Aurel Vlaicu” University – Arad

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Founding partners:

• Ministry of Education and Research, National Scientific Research Authority – Technology Transfer and Innovation Department

• INMA Technology and Business Incubator – ITA

• Timisoara Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine University of Banat

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• National Institute for Agricultural Machinery – Timisoara Subsidiary

• Cattle Growers’ Association – ASVAC Arad

• Pecica City Hall – Arad District

• Arad Environmental Protection Agency

• Western Regional Development Agency

• Austrian Agricultural Cluster

• SC Trading Fidesco SRL Timisoara

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Each member role in cluster:

• Arad Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, RO4EUROPE: services addressed to the business environment, to SMEs and Enterprise Europe Network partners

• Regional Development Agency: coordinator for elaborating policies in the field of durable regional development

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• CITEXPO: technology information centre, in the field of environment and agriculture protection; permanently inform the members about the news in the field of agro-food sector

• INMA: research at the request of the cluster members, supply of technology and innovative equipment, consultancy, innovative technology implementation, specialized professional training, testing and certification according to EU and INMA-CERT provisions

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• Universities: personnel training, especially in the sector of production, processing and selling of agro products, in the superior capitalization of the agro-food chain, especially based on the short path, from manufacturer to consumer

• partners in the agro-food sector activities: regional planning, R&D, technology transfer and services for the business environment, SMEs

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For the future:• identify economic units, priorities and

economic perspectives from the agro-food sector;

• unite their efforts for competitive growth;

• continue and improve the current services in the field of business, innovation and applied research, supplied by Enterprise Europe Network


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• expand synergies between regional partners by supplying adequate information services (simplification of administrative procedures);

• improving the absorption of Community Funds;

• know-how transfer and exchange of good practices

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Signed in Arad, at 01.08.2010, in three original copies, in English/Romanian.

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CLUSTER AGRO FOOD N-ELeader: County Council, Iasi



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• SME employers’ association Iasi:

- Association of SME – city of Iasi

- Association of SME – region of Iasi

- Association of SME – North-East Region

• Tourism employers’ association Iasi (agro tourism – as main client)

• Regional association of Entrepreneurs North-East Region

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The R&D is provided by:

- Town: Podu Iloaiei (r&d town in crops field)

- Town: Pomicola Iasi (r&d town fruit tree field)

- Town: Viticola Iasi (r&d town wine field)

- Town: Dancu (r&d town cattle field)

- University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “Ion Ionescu de la Brad”

- Agricultural high schools: Holboca, Mihail Kogalniceanu, Miroslava, Vasile Adamachi, etc.

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APEV ROMANIAWine Exporters and Produces Association of


• Groups the most important wine exporters of the country, who hold together 80% of the total Romanian wine export in value terms

• Was set up in 2001 as a non-profit legal entity

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• Main objective:

- act as generic promotional body for all Wines of Romania and for Romania as a top enotoursim destination in Europe;

- Provide wide range of professional business support services that add value to member activities and thus help them become most respected members of the international wine community

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• APEV Romania is also founder member of ONIV (www.oniv.ro), the National Interprofessional Vine&Wine Organization (a value-chain organization)

• To enhance action capacity. APEV Romania is also member of the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (www.ccir.ro)

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• Members:‒ Agricola Stirbey ‒ Carl Reh Winery ‒ Casa Panciu ‒ Crama Girboiu ‒ Cramele Halewood ‒ Cramele Recas ‒ Crama Ceptura ‒ Domeniul Coroanei Segarcea

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‒ Jidvei ‒ Murfatlar Romania ‒ Senator Wines ‒ S.E.R.V.E. Ceptura ‒ Vie-Vin Vanju Mare ‒ Vinarte ‒ Vincon Vrancea ‒ Wine Princess ‒ Domeniile Sahateni