Sweet Tartlet Shells.docx

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  • 8/10/2019 Sweet Tartlet Shells.docx


    Sweet Tartlet Shells


    2 1/4 sticks (1 cup plus 2 tablespoons) cold unsalted butter

    3 cups all-purpose flour

    3/4 cup confectioners' sugar

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    3 large egg yolks

    3 tablespoons ice water

    1 teaspoon vanilla


    Cut butter into bits. In a bowl with a pastry blender or in a food processor blend or pulse flour,

    confectioners' sugar, and salt until combined well and add butter, blending or pulsing until mixture

    resembles coarse meal. In a small bowl whisk together yolks, ice water, and vanilla until combined

    well and add to flour mixture, tossing with a fork or pulsing until incorporated. Form dough into a ball

    and divide into 2 pieces. Form each piece into a ball and flatten to form disks. Chill disks, wrapped

    separately in plastic wrap, at least 1 hour and up to 1 week.

    Preheat oven to 400F.

    Form 1 dough disk into twenty-four 1-inch balls, keeping remaining disk wrapped and chilled. Press

    dough balls into bottoms and up sides of twenty-four 1/8-cup mini-muffin cups (about 1 3/4 inches

    across top and 1 inch deep). Trim any overhang with a knife and prick bottoms of shells with a

    wooden pick. Chill shells 15 minutes, or until firm. Bake shells in middle of oven 12 minutes, or until

    golden, and cool in cups on racks. Gently loosen shells with a knife and remove from cups, reserving

    shells forChocolate Raspberry Bites.

    Make more shells (forLemon Meringue Bites) in same manner but after loosening shells do not

    remove them from cups. Tartlet shells may be made 2 days ahead and kept in an airtight container at

    room temperature.



  • 8/10/2019 Sweet Tartlet Shells.docx


    1-1/2 cups sugar, divided 6 eggs 3 cups milk

    2 teaspoons vanilla extractDirections

    In a large heavy saucepan, cook and stir 3/4 cup sugar over low heat until sugar is melted and golden. Pourinto eight 6-oz. custard cups, tilting to coat bottom of cup; let stand for 10 minutes.

    In a large bowl, beat the eggs, milk, vanilla and remaining sugar until combined but not foamy. Pour overcaramelized sugar.

    Place the cups in two 8-in. square baking pans. Pour boiling water in pans to a depth of 1 in. Bake at 350for 40-45 minutes or until a knife inserted near center comes out clean. Remove from pans to cool on wireracks.

    To unmold, run a knife around rim of cup and invert onto dessert place. Serve warm or chilled. Yield 8servings.

    Originally published as Caramel Custard in Country October/November 1993, p47Read more:http://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/caramel-custard#ixzz3LMIjX0Gv


    BAHAN A - GULA HANGUS:2 sudu besar gula - tabur gula dalam loyang dan masak atas api perlahan

  • 8/10/2019 Sweet Tartlet Shells.docx



    1 cawan susu cair

    1 cawan susu pekat manis

    1 sudu teh esen vanila

    3 bj kuning telur

    2 biji telur (putih & kuning)


    140 gm tepung gandum - Ayak bersama baking powder70 gm gula kastor3 bj kuning telur135 ml air biasa

    1 sudu teh baking powder45 ml minyak masak

    2 sudu besar susu pekat manisBAHAN D - MERINQUE

    6 biji putih telur70 gm gula kastor

    1 sudu teh krim tartar


    Sediakan bahan (A) dahulu, ketepikan1. Kacau semua bahan (B) perlahan-lahan, jangan bagi berbuih2. Tapis bahan (B) dalam loyang gula hangus (A) kemudian ketepikan3. Pukul bahan (C), campurkan semua dan pukul dengan senduk. Kemudian ketepikan4. Pukul bahan (D) sampai jadi kembang5. Campurkan adunan (C) + (D) dan gaul hingga sebati6. Bahagikan kepada beberapa bahagian & letak pewarna7. Masukkan dalam loyang yang ada gula hangus dan keremel tadi (A + B). Selang seli warna, letak ditengah-tengah

    loyang, adunan kek akan terapung8. Bakar cara double boiling/waterbath (Loyang kek berada di dalam loyang berisi air panas) - selama 1 jam 10 minit

    dengan suhu 175'C, menggunakan api bawah dahulu selama 40 minit, kemudian api atas bawah sehingga masak*Boleh juga menggunakan api atas bawah tetapi guna suhu 160'C / 170'C sahaja